#facist pigs
galactic-space · 2 months
Everything’s “just a fight” til it affects you.
Murders murder dumbass. The second you let your political viewpoint make it “ok” then suddenly its “not murder”
No matter how he died. He got hurt. He got hurt because of your kid. Because your kids wanna burn anything that they find “lesser than”
This isn’t a fucking joke. You’re a fucking clown if you think this is one.
How long are these right-wing self obsessed narcissistic bitches are gonna cry that they are the “oppressed” ones til they realize that no one is falling for their pity party?
Nex Benedict was 14. Nex Benedict was a teenager. He was gang up by three girls. 3 v 1
There is no way you can spin this without making it look bad.
Fuck Oklahoma politicians. So far up your own ass you can’t see the bigger picture of how; if this is allowed, then more murder will occur. More and more til it ends up being one of your own kids.
Edit: also thoughts and prayers to the family and of the choctaw tribe. The tribe has found this very disheartening. Apparently the boy wasn’t registered under the tribe legally but his mom was, and the tribe took her family as apart of the tribe. It’s heartbreaking that they had to go though this and I wish nothing but good faith to them.
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toothpulpart · 1 month
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This is a wip for now, but I’m pretty happy about what I have produced in the time I did. The quality of my pictures are kinda garbage but I can’t figure out why. I have been on a fallout kick recently and wanted to draw Nick Valentine, one of my favorites and someone who despite his brain coming from a cop has a decent character build. Which obviously all cops are bastards, even the original Nick Valentine. They uphold the interests of the capital owners with violence against the workers and lower class. And we are starting to see the late stages of it already with cop cities being built so they can better use war tactics on citizens. This is what late stage capitalism has wet dreams about. I don’t know what options we have left some days and the further things progress the more worried I get.
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maybeamiles · 7 days
Rewatched Porco Rosso and realized just how quiet that movie is. There's not a lot of music, not even Foley. The guns are quiet enough that a child won't scream even when she's right next to them. Porcos footsteps are nearly silent. And there's comparatively long stretches of just the plane, flying over the sea. In a lonely, beautiful sky.
Honestly it's really pretty.
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potentially-a-poser · 4 months
Considering making a joke about how Zootopia is copoganda 👀
I’m not totally sure it is, cause I’m assuming the part where she gives an unfair amount of parking tickets was a critique of the police force, plus it also criticizes racism, but also it glorifies them a lot. I know it doesn’t matter but I’m recovering from surgery and extremely bored
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"Projectiles strike windows" is a funny way of saying "someone shot a gun at trimet buses" katu.
Image description: suggested news article from KATU reads "People take cover as projectiles strike windows of trimet buses, cracking them."
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 11 months
Spider-Punk x Black Cat: Punk!Cat Headcanons
Yes, I'm doing this. Every Spider-Man needs his Cat.
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First of all, they'll be the first to tell you they are not dating.
If you ask, they'll both say 'We hate labels'. It's their thing.
If Hobie is the king of all things anti-facist then Felicia is the monarch of rage fueled feminism and anti-capitalism
Hates all things classist, racist and sexist and has a 'k!ll your local rap*st' patch on her battle vest
And her weapon of choice is spiked-out brass knuckle claws
Hobie towers over her (like he does everyone), but Felicia's ten times louder and twice as confrontational. Felicia in any universe talks bold with no filter, and Punk!Cat is that turned up to eleven
Which is probably why she's on vocals in the band
She has a mouth like a sailor and an accent as thick as Hobie's, so mixed with his slang, their conversation are literally British-dipped jibberish
Her style sits on the border of old-school punk and trad goth. She's usually in all black and white, compared to Hobie's red and blue, and sometime her domino mask is swapped out for trad goth style eyeliner
The motives align more than any other Spider-Man, at that makes things a lot easier.
Hobie loves a girl who can do a little direct action, and his anarchist beliefs align more with hers than any other Spider-man.
Though they did have to get over the fact he's an anarchist and she's a communist (she constantly says to him 'i dont believe in private property')
Of course she likes to steal, and she's real good at it
To most Spider-men this would be annoying, but Hobie actually finds it fairly impressive.
She steals things for him constantly, and he keeps every single thing she gives him. Lots of times they turn out to be useful, especially in his builds
Punk!Cat steals shit from museums to return objects back to their native countries and defaces pieces from racist, sexist artists
Steals from banks to handover the money to grass-roots resistance movements
And since Hobie is one of the only Spider-men to hate cops (blue laces people) he's always there to happily protect her from the pigs
She's still herself, but a bit different than most Felicias
Every Felicia is a little 'not normal' about Spider-Man, and Punk!Cat is the same, but approaches it from a different angle
She'll call Hobie a hero only because she know it bugs the day lights out of him
But unlike a LOT of Felicias, Punk!Cat outright hates Spider-Man merch and imagery
She thinks it's incredibly exploitative of Hobie and everything he stands for.
And she hates their totalitarian J.Jonah more than anything because if theres one thing she hates, it's misinformation and propaganda
Although most Fe's love their jewlery like no other, Punk!Cat takes another slight deviation -
Punk!Cat knows that things like diamonds, pearls, and gold has been used as items of oppression for literal centuries. Instead of a taste for items of bougeois lust, Felicia is much more into punk jewlery
She loves everything pinned, spiked, and covered in soda tabs. Her hero uniform is covered in chains, and even her canon 3-claw grappling hook is replaced with a heavy chain and hook she fashioned herself. Scavanged, of course.
She's really close with Gwen and Pavi
Community outreach is everything to a punk, ya'll
Her and Gwen get along immediately. Felicia is never one to be quick to jealousy and she accepts Gwen with open arms.
Gwen turns up to Hobie's universe distraught and homeless.
She teaches her about squatters rights and how her and Hobie keep a roof over their heads, always made sure she had toiletries and someone to talk to, because she knows what it's like to have a strained relationship with your dad
Pavi takes to everyone quickly, but when he and Felicia are together, it gets LOUD
The Spider-Society hates her
And Felicia and Hobie love it
Hobie had no idea how controversial dating Felicia would be. Not for band fans, but for all the other Spider-people
Turns out, Felicias aren't very popular with the Society
The both of them thinks it hilarious
They tell him Spider-people are suppose to be with their MJ's. That's how it's meant to be.
Dating a Felicia or saving a Gwen is an anonmaly waiting to happen.
But neither of them care, and if anything, that only eggs them on. If everyone thinks they're 'bound' to breakup eventually then thats even more reason for them to stick together.
Hobie has absolutely made Felicia her own watch
One which she uses to crash the Spider-Society every now and again
Because of this, Miguel hates her and Jess is just so done with the both of them
Even if Hobie and Peter.B are in no way close, Peter seems to be the only adult in their corner. As a Spider-man that didn't have the most conventional story with his MJ, he's more than supportive of Hobie and his unconventional story with Felicia. He figures if he and MJ can make it work, so can they.
Her and Gwen bond over the awkwardness of being variants of the dead or ex-girlfriend of most of the Spider-society, and how Spider-men see them because of it
And when it's time to take the Society down, she's the first in line (after Hobie, Gwen, and Pavi of course)
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rhetorical-rhetoric · 7 months
Your coworker just said something that could be perceived as racist
You have to tell him he's the biggest of idiots for thinking that, tell him that racist pigs like him is why our society won't improve and that you want people like him to be send reduction camps
If you don't do that you're a racist yourself, no your even worse, youre the biggest fascist to have ever lived
So do you want to be a facist or do you want to yell at your coworker
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lilovandort · 6 months
Only for zionists
hope yall can't sleep for the rest of your life knowing you killed thousands of inocent people
I'm cursing you to live but in the worst way possible the same way you caught palestinians from all thier basic human rights
Hope yall go through everything they went through
I won't sympathize with u when this happens cause you never tried to cease fire you ofc participated in this genocide, you facist racist pigs
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gsirvitor · 1 year
Just saying man. If Covid was a plot to instill a facist regime across the world, why go with an accelerationist plan? The movement was going very well from 2016 to 2018; slow and steady. The pandemic brought on social unrest and a resistance movement. Sounds more like they were sabotaging themselves (whoever "they" are) by attempting to bring societal collapse.
No, I didn't say it was planned or a plot by the elite to subjugate the people, the release of the virus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was completely accidental, the CCP's mismanagement of containing the spread most likely wasn't deliberate either.
Governments will use any crisis to gain power, and once they have this power they will never relinquish said power, we have seen this time and time again, from the 1980's when Pierre Trudeau created a crisis to enact emergency powers and install his previously rejected Charter of Rights and Freedoms, (which overwrote the Canadian constitution by adding a line which basically reads as "you have all the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, unless the government says so") to 9/11.
Hell, both Canada and the US have had to suffer under 100 years of paying a "temporary" wartime tax, known as income tax, and before anyone cites leftist articles supporting the taxation let us go over history, in Canada at least, the original tax act of 1917 was to finance the war effort, all eleven pages of it. Finance Minister White said it would be a temporary tax and so insisted it be called a "war tax" so that once the war ended, it would be. Instead, in 1921 the government added a sales tax, and even more over the years since.
Governments do not relinquish power, unless they are made to.
We have no evidence that the Governments of the world had ever planned for the Coof outbreak, well, other than
Event 201 is a damning thing for those who remember it, it was held in 2019, it simulated an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually became efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it caused were modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.
The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic begins to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic continues at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90% of the global population had been exposed.
The Governments of the world reacted the way they did because they trained themselves to do so, this isn't even the first event of its kind, they run scenarios like this every year at Davos, from Nuclear engagements to viral epidemics.
But the truly terrifying thing aren't the world leaders, but those who have openly admitted to infiltrating governments around the world.
Lead by a man who decried the Great Reset as a conspiracy despite his own website having this and he himself having authored a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset.
A man, and an organization that wants you to own nothing and be happy by 2030, fucking German economists.
They're still moving forward with the WEF's plans for digital IDs, which work the same as China's social credit system.
Listen, my point is, they do want you under their thumb, they aren't the most competent or smartest people, but they are persistent, they will whittle away at your rights until you're not when sure you had them in the first place, hell, most Canadians don't even know that prior to Pierre we had a right to self defense with a weapon at that, now you can't even use pepper spray.
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kuniving · 1 year
Porco Rosso, a 1992 studio ghibli movie which I think is tragically underrated. I was reminded today about the movie following an argument with someone who really demonstrates the media illiteracy unfortunately typical of so many on the right. Set in 1929 Italy, it's eponymous hero struggles against pirates and the ascendant fascist government from which he is on the run. Indeed his nickname "Red Pig" was an actual denigrating title given to communist and socialist Italians that were later murdered by Mussolini's blackshirts. He also utters the immortal line "Better a pig than a facist". Anyway this self described fascist I was arguing with had chosen an image of this character as his profile picture. This is why I will always defend analysis heavy English classes in schools.
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kentrix11 · 11 months
Miles: Wow Hobie I heard that you killed the US president in your dimension, but he was like a bad guy fused with a symbiote right?
Hobie (Spider-Punk): The US goverment is a facist one that abuses it’s people and engages in imperialism, I killed that facist pig because of that, not because he was possesed by a symbiote.
Miles: Oh like...in your dimension it’s like that?
Hobie looking directly into the camera: In most dimensions it’s like that my man.
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robinh00d · 1 year
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I’d rather be a pig than a facist
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its a fun twist of irony that when real pigs (🐷) are left in the wild they regress to violent, wild boars. in the same way when people pigs (👮🏻‍♂️) arent kept in line they turn into facists and monstrous killing machines.
i think they need to either be put back into their pens, or we need to cull their numbers substantially
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quicksillver · 2 years
can't wait for that one trump supporting motionless in white review guy on youtube to hear mr motionless himself say "you fucking facist die you fucking pig" in slaughterhouse and be like "wow wonder what he's talking about there"
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ghoststriver · 3 months
Godphone/Radiobrain Challenge 1: Open the Goddamned door. List of those knocking:
Baba Yaga
Black Rabbit, the
Death, the personification
Dragons, several
Horned Goddess, the
Hound, self-aspect
Laika, egregore
Mothman, an egregore
Stolas (goetia)
Santa Muerte
Snakes? (goddess related to?)
Wodan, as an aspect of Odin, whilst explicitly avoiding facist pigs
Whale (blue, humpback, orcas)
Wyld Hunt, ideally all iterations, but I'll settle for norse
Xipe Totec
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