#feel free to steal this tho and do it for your characters! there was another that said 'what they taste like' but i didn't want to do that
lrdvyke · 6 months
things your muse will notice about mine !
what they look like. one word may come to mind when looking upon him: pale—skin is pallid in tone, barely a hint of color to it as if he came from the very stars themselves that glow silver in the night sky. yet when color does come to his features, it is almost of a purplish hue. the iris of his eyes are rather pale as well, almost milky in their appearance. they are of a soft, pastel blue that often blends in with the white sclera around it. his hair, cut short to the nape of his neck ( often flattened by the helmet that rests atop it more often than not ), fits the scheme with its notable silver shine, pulling into his ancestry of the nightfolk. darker at the roots, lightened towards the ends, it is pushed away from bright features that find it easier to smile with a wide mouth. regardless, he comes at an average height; he does not loom, nor does he need much give in order to reach, he simply comes off as less threatening than he really is. a point he tries to make well and often.
yet the fingers came, taking hold of him and burnt their frenzy into him. his eyes no longer pale, but a sickly mixture of yellow and orange, reminiscent of flames fed on corpses, victims of a corrupted plague. they rot and fester, burning from the flame that sits inside of him. there is a burn on the side of his face, over his left eye where one of fingers pressed down upon his helmet, burning steel and flesh both. the other wrapped around his chest, the last around his legs and burnt him deep until he could smell nothing but his own cooked flesh as it absorbs the frenzy. in the shape of three fingers, he holds burns that never heal. his left eye has been ripped forth by his own hand, a deep flame can be seen within the abyss of the socket.
what they smell like. steel and leather that covers his body from head to toe. on a more unpleasant side: blood, sweat, gore, the burn of lightning, and whatever else kind of muck he had found himself in or around throughout the day. such scents are not far from him before a bath to take away the grime and dust. but should he find himself on a calmer day, one with less gore and less action, he smells of mint. a trick he had learned from his kinsmen long before the lands between ever called him back; the mothers gave him a recipe for a poultice of mint and other fainter herbs to be dabbed upon the skin behind the ears. it is to keep away biting insects to lessen any sickness from them, but it also can be a nice perfume.
yet upon his change, no longer did he smell of such. only now does he smell of the smouldering of fire and smoke and burnt flesh.
what they sound like. a smooth timber, almost sonorous in its sound. his voice is rich and warm, something that sticks out the most coming through his helm when he speaks. a notion of care sets his tone. a voice meant for quiet moments to ask how you are fairing, if you need any help; but also a voice meant for louder calls, to warn others, to get the attention of an attacker—he uses it to his advantage like another weapon, throwing his voice when need be. his accent is a flowing one, where one word melds into the next, where one sentence fits neatly with the other. it piques in its curiosity, and rumbles in its amusement.
but that too wears down from the frenzy that has nestled inside of him. he barely speaks after, thinking that should he open his mouth, a scream would rip out of his throat instead. due to that, his voice is roughened by months, even years, of disuse, even of screaming each time the flame burns him from the inside out, and the madness builds further and further.
what they feel like. cold. his touch often comes with a freezing press of his fingers that could make anyone retract from it in surprise, as if blood does not run through his veins. yet his flesh is not as smooth. there are marks upon it, scars from his journeys and mishaps. his own fingers are given to callouses. they are rough to the touch, but he attempts gentleness with each press that is allowed.
another change, but smaller this time. his touch is still oddly cold, yet his torso feels as if it is on fire. his skin less and less smooth, the fingers left their marks upon him in way of burnt flesh that never heals. thus it is rough, scar-like in nature, that almost looks molten, as if one touch could crumble it all to dust.
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alevolpe · 7 months
Answering your ask about not giving up a ship on Twitter (what is my i will hang on, teeth and claws). And ive really gotten into multi shipping lately. That all the scouts (the age appropriate ones) are in love with each other. The outers and the inners live separately, but only cuz its hard to find a house that big where they are. (But true to my big fat greek wedding style, thier houses are in a row and they can always see each other)🤣🥰
I have nothing against senshi poly-cule, I think it's fun!
It's not my go-to, but I'm not against it. I like to think some senshi having differing levels of friendship, attraction and respect toward each other.
I'll actually give my opinion on each individual ship. If I think they work, why they do or don't work and why I like them if they do. (p.s. Mamo is not included here, but I do tend to default ship UsaMamo, even if it's pretty poorly written most of the time)
Long post ahead! Hope you appreciate this, it took me a ton of time and I suck at writing.
BEFORE YOU READ THIS, THESE ARE MY OPINIONS, BASED ON MY HEADCANONS/CHARACTER INTERPRETATIONS WITH A BIT OF CANON SPRINKLED HERE AND THERE ( I do not want to see you typing " ..but x character is straight.." , I will come to your house and steal al the toilet paper!!!)
Let's start with Usagi:
(I'll mostly focus on the other side of the party, cause I honestly believe Usagi would be happy with anyone, being able to work though personal preferences more than most people)
🌙💧UsagixAmi: I can see it! They are actually a guilty pleasure ship of mine, they are super cute, and I think they would both respect and love each other enough to work through some stability issues in the relationship. Mostly stemming from not being able to spend enough time with each other. I see Usagi as very clingy and needing to interact physically and emotionally with her partner on a regular basis. While Ami would have the patience to deal with the more emotional moments from Usagi, aka immaturity. This ship works for me, though it needs work from both parties to keep a healthy balance.
🌙🔥UsagixRei: I... don't really see it.. srry. Ik people love it and ik it's an amazing friendship, but I just can't see them interacting healthly on a daily basis. Rei is incredibly independent, while Usagi really isn't. Which is totally fine if matched with the right partner, but Rei would just end up being too frustrated and her love for Usagi would just turn into spite. She needs her space and tbh, she really needs someone who could drop her like a hot potato if the case need be. Overall, an AMAZING friendship, wouldn't work in a relationship. Rei as a friend is just too different from Rei as a lover, and that Rei is not made to be with Usagi.
🌙⚡️UsagixMakoto: I can kind of see it, like AmixUsagi. My only real issue would stem from the fact that Ami has a lot more patience than Mako. Mako is a caretaker, she loves and thrives taking care of others, but she does get frustrated by Usagi's occasional lack of emotional control. Leading me to think Mako would prefer someone with more emotional maturity, tho she would never admit it, or even consciously relate to it as a preference she's looking for in a partner. Tho them cuddling, eating and chilling out would actually work really well, cause I do already see them being very affectionate platonically too. Ship's cute, but quite flawed, would need a LOT of work from both parties do last any significant amount of time and pressure.
🌙💛UsagixMinako: this one's complicated. On one side, yes! I can see it working quite well, on another.. it's a complete disaster. Let me explain. If you were to ask me if I think that Mina and Usagi could work as a couple, I would say yes. They are both very fun, loving, care free gals, who are both emotionally intelligent (Usagi is emotionally intelligent, not mature) and who are very aware of each other's feelings. On the other hand you're asking me if Mina, the leader of a superhero team, the one who's hands would be stained with blood if anything were to ever happen to any of her subordinates, if she would be willing to completely set aside her relationship when it comes to a fundamental rift in ideologies between her and her princess. I don't think Mina would be strong enough to put herself through that, to hurt Usagi when she knows it would be the inevitable, over and over. You cannot save everyone and while she can say that has her leader, I think she could not muster to say it as a lover. Overall cute, if extremely dramatic given the senshi angle, but I don't think it would work.
🌙🗡UsagixHaruka: no. Just no. They are both immature emotional wrecks ready to pass by the McDonald's drive through for a happy meal. They are quite similar in a lot of ways and while I see their friendship as something very precious, they would not work as lovers.
🌙🌊UsagixMichiru: I think I said it quite well once, so I'll reuse it in this situation. "If Michiru had met Usagi instead of Haruka back in S, I think Michiru would've walked into traffic by sunset". Ok, all seriousness, no. I personally find it really hard to see Michiru with anyone that isn't Haruka, let alone someone that isn't a butch lesbian. So, nah, sorry.
🌙🕒UsagixSetsuna: my hc Setsuna is very different from canon Setsuna. I don't see her with anyone. She's just Pluto.
💧🔥AmixRei: the only way I can see this ship working is in a first fling type of way. Like 2 inexperienced teens wanting to give love a chance with another pretty girl, while being awkward af mfs. If we're talking about them dating after being friends for a long time, I don't see it being stable. Ami is incredibly intelligent, but more like booksmart, not really people smart, while Rei is the literal incarnation of a jigsaw puzzle covered in spikes. There would be little to no direct and clear communication between the two, Rei would feel frustrated like no other cause her 'signs' are CLEARLY SO OBVIOUS MIZUNO! Meanwhile Ami just can't deal with brain games in a romantic relationship (mostly stemming from my autistic Ami hc), with the person she would share a house with.. uh.. l think not, sorry. In the end, I see it working for a bit as a first relationship that ends in them staying close friends, but not anything long-term.
💧⚡️AmixMakoto: AAAHHh, ok I get a chance to talk about them. I'LL KEEP IT BRIEF! I love them, you know this already. They are very simple, direct and loving partners. They have the most boring, loving, drama free, cuddle and love filled relationship in the universe. It's boring, but idc, it's just pure fluff and I love them. The only argument I could see them getting into, on rare occasions, is Ami being Ami and being way too busy for her own good. Mako is a caretaker, yes, but she also wants to be taken care of and spend quality time with her lover. I can see Mako getting silent angry when Ami picks up one too many shifts, while also feeling a bit guilty about it, cause she knows how much her job means to Ami. They would talk and work through it slowly, day by day. Ok, anyhow, love them, NO NOTES!
💧💛AmixMinako: sorry, I think people who follow me are sick of hearing this, but one more time for the people in the back. I do not see Ami and Minako as being good friends. They eventually come to being able to interact one on one without wanting to blow the other's brains off, but I do not ever think they would come to any mutual attraction. It's a bit of a hot take on my part, but I have no issue seeing Mina as a bit of a bully. She loves attention, she knows Ami is an easy target, she bothers Ami, Ami gets mad. Most often silent mad. She eventually does start to snide back, even quite smartly! But they would rarely have that one to one moment I see almost every single one of the girls coming to throughout their friendship. So.... I don't see it, but it's mostly due to my unique perspective of each character.
💧🗡AmixHaruka: AHAHAHAHAHA. ur funny.
💧🌊AmixMichiru: you can refer to my reasoning on UsagixMichiru, srry Ami, you just ain't her type (not butch enough). Though, I do see them becoming really good friends as adults, once Michiru decided to chill tf out and act like a human being and Ami learns a bit more about 'how-to-human 101'. No, no's the answer. I don't see it.
💧🕒AmixSestuna: refer to UsagixSestuna.
🔥⚡️ReixMakoto: I can see y people like them.. but I can't help but see them driving each other crazy. Rei does not need a caretaker, why would she want a home-made lunch every day, if ramen cups were on sale 10 for 10$, like.. hello!? Ok for real, I can't see it. (Srry Ik I'm breaking so many hearts rn). They are too independent and honestly, they are also two real dumb hardheads when they want to be. Their problems would mostly stem from caretaking and activity coordination, they would fight over everything unless they write down a plan and schedule to stick to it. Also small side note, Rei is really not the cuddly person, while Mako is quite the opposite so that would feel pretty hard to make work without making one feel uncomfortable or the other feel unloved. So, overall, great friendship, but they cannot be living together without a peace maker to ensure they don't eat each other alive.
🔥💛ReixMinako: YES! they got it all! Fluff, check. Drama, check. Interesting and layered dynamics, check. Complex yet comprehensible human to senshi spectrum, check! Funny, CHECK! Even tho Makoami is my personal fav ship, these two (along with Harumichi) are my must ship. Like I NEED to see this, why is no1 making this in canon?! I love how layered their dynamics are, from being the leader and second in command, yet being emotionally mature enough to separate their human counter-parts from their duties, while still truly caring for each other in their own unique way. Getting on each other's nerves, giving off the vibes that they could either be 2 seconds away from kicking each others' asses to taking it to the bedroom (it's impossible to tell the difference). They are just supremely interesting, both alone, but especially together. I could go on and on, but I seriously have no notes, it is just ENDLESS possibilities and endless entertainment.
🔥🗡ReixHaruka: they're two dumb gays. I do not see either of them finding any attractive traits about the other. It's just really that simple and I don't have much to comment on it.
🔥🌊ReixMichiru: again it goes to the attraction factor mostly, though I can see Rei finding Michiru attractive, if a bit psychotic (lol, it's part of the charm). I would love to explore a relationship between the two, and I prob will in the future, but it will just default to platonic. This is really kind of it tho, the major factor for me not shipping a lot of stuff is that I tend to default to friendship instead of romance, cause they both act and feel very differently from each other.
🔥🕒ReixSestuna: r.r.r.r.... refeeeeerrrrr to UsagixSetsuna. Thank you for listening to Meioh102.5 back to you Bill.
⚡️💛MakotoXMinako: I love their friendship!... thas about it tho. My major issue is Makoto not being able to keep up with Mina, she would need someone more mellow and low key. Unlike Mako, Rei is not afraid to tell Minako NO, while Mako easily guilts herself from denying attention or needs from her partner to give herself some space. I usually default them as being best friends basically (childhood friends in hc), but thinking about anything long term for them would just make me feel for Mako. Mina needs constant attention and distraction, which is honestly a bit out of her control also, but still draining for anyone who is not 100% willing to put their foot down or have enough energy to match hers. So, great great great friendship, I love how they play off of each other, but being in a relationship, living in the same house... would turn into chaotic exhaustion and desperation.
⚡️🗡MakotoxHaruka: I don't see it. I'm happy to see Mako having Haruka as possibly her first gay awakening, but I tend to think that's as far as it goes (while I see Mako as BI, I do think she looks for different attributes she finds attractive for each gender, mostly looking for more masculine attributes in guys and more feminine attributes in women). I also tend to imagine they have an almost irrational hate-on for each other for a while, 'til they chill out and become sparring buddies, so I find it hard to factor in a relationship on top of that. Kind of a pass for me.
⚡️🌊MakotoxMichiru: i feel like I'll be repeating myself a lot here, so I'll skip to it. TLDR; you ain't Michiru's type. I can see an underrated friendship that could spur after year of reconciliation, but it would stop at a platonic boundary.
⚡️🕒MakotoxSetsuna: I'm def repeating myself. Though, I'd actually love to see them sewing together, that'd be adorable.
💛🗡MinakoxHaruka: no, I don't see it at all, sorry. They are buddies. Haruka's Mina emotional wreck puppy, she loves her and must protect her at all cost, but would prob hate to have to deal with in a romantic relationship. Haruka can match Mina's energy and spirit, but in a much more charming and almost naïve package. I see the two hanging out on a Friday night enjoying some cheap beer lovingly complaining/gushing about their partner to each other.
💛🌊MinakoxMichiru: ahah, this one's quite funny too. You're lucky if they aren't trying to kill the other. They are just too smart for their own good and they are really the only senshi who refuse to see each other for anything less than Minako as Sailor Venus and Michiru as Sailor Neptune. Like when I say Mina and Ami don't get along, they are still considering each other as basically 4 different individuals (human and senshi), in order to prioritize the mission and in a way as a coping mechanism. But Michiru and Minako, even when they do manage to be in the same room not sniping at each other, they still refer to each other as their senshi selves, even if the name they are calling is their human name. ... srry that was a tangent, yeah, I don't see it at all. Sorry, I don't really have much interesting left to say.
💛🕒MinakoxSetsuna: this one's sort of popular weirdly enough.. I don't really get it, but yeah, refer to UsagixSetsuna.
The Outers
🗡🌊HarukaxMichiru: I mean, what can I even say about this one that hasn't been said already a million times. I consider them the true miracle romance of the show (yes, I like Usamamo, but Harumichi is much better written). I adore how they play off the stereotypical femme and butch roles, while saying yes, but actually no and just doing their own unique thing instead. I find Michiru's fascination with Haruka uniquely intriguing, with Michi being such a complicated character onto herself and Haruka being deceivingly simple-minded. They don't seem like characters that were made just for being with each other; their motivations, experiences and morals are quite different, yet they collide so beautifully and seamlessly. I love everything about them, such a good blend of fluff, drama, tragedy and romance. NO. NOTES.
🌊🗡🕒🎇Outers family (SetsHaruMichi) (with kid Hotaru): ok, extremely hot take incoming, get ready cause I don't think ur gonna like it... I'm not a big fan of the happy outers family. Sorry, I don't hate it (in fact I find it pretty cute), but it's just not what I default to. Let me put aside Setsuna for a second and just explain it plain and simple that I just simply see her as an omniscient being not interested in an corporeal relationship that could interfere with her mission. She's just not human like the others are. Now, let me talk about Hotaru real quick. I've got some problems with her character in general, but that doesn't really matter. I just can't deal with having a character that powerful at a ready for plot convenience, it just kills all the tension and bloats the cast. The only way I'm ok with Michiru and Haruka caring for Hotaru is having them come to the decision themselves. No pushing from the other senshi, no guilt-tripping and no senshi duty related bs. Hotaru is a regular child now with a dead father, the decision is on them to adopt this child or to let her move on to another loving family, otherwise I just can't see it as anything else but 2 almost child murderers redeeming themselves by caring for the child they tried to kill and that just isn't healthy for nobody. Anyhow, not really a ship, but sort of counts, I could like it, but rewrite Hotaru. Give the kid some justice, damn it!
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seeminglydark · 1 year
Writing up a little FAQ, cuz, i see a lot of OP directed questions in the notes so figured I'd put this here.
First things first, almost all my art is original character art unless stated otherwise!
That being said, I'm actually fine with people projecting and tagging blorbos and ships on them, especially the 'Detention' piece.
Yes you may use my art as phone or pc bg, or icons and avatars (it would be cool if you credit me tho, either SeeminglyDark here on tumblr or Raptorjules on any other platform)
You can read about my characters if you want too, I have two comics, Seemingly Dark and Mil-Liminal, both can be found on Webtoon and Tapas!
I do have an INPRNT shop and a ko-fi shop, just search raptorjules, feel free to let me know if theres a print you'd like me to add.
Yes, the detention piece is Queer, you are welcome to decide in what way works best for you! canonically it is (left) he/him ace gnc character and (right) they/them closeted trans masc/enby character (and for those of you who went to look, you are right, it IS John and Caro's high school days)
i LOVE asks, please come say hi and tell me you read my comic or whatever you want. interaction is the best
tag me if you make something inspired by my art!! fan art, cosplay, fanfic based around my stuff (even if its just that my art inspired your fic of your otp from another fandom) i just think its neat, show me. i AM ok with you making ocs for my worlds, and sonas like caro and johns soul-sonas. i'm not ok with copying my ocs or concepts without my consent, tracing my work or outright stealing my work. credit to the original creator goes a long way when youre inspired by something.
You can find me on other platforms too, twitter, bluesky, and Instagram under Raptorjules 💞
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the-vibes-are-off · 1 year
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 5-8
Tumblr media
link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
Right, well, you know how I said in my previous post that my COVID test was negative? Yeah so I was swiftly clowned and I am now SICK right on essay season. I have dug out crusty dusty old HP Pavilion to do work but I’m essentially only using it for Tumblr so. My partner is officially in another country now (I know you’re going to read this so pls come back I am dying) so I cant even be babied 24/7 due to the time difference. On season 4 of Criminal Minds already tho so ....
In terms of reading, I am officially back and LOVING it. I am limiting myself to 4 chapters in one setting because that’s how much I want my review sections to cover and writing this takes longer than I thought it would tbh. Lets get to it! 
Spoiler Free Zone:
The split narrative is like definitely managing my problems with maintaining my attention. I will say that since Kaladin’s story line, although definitely interesting don’t get me wrong, would probably get boring if it was all I was reading. I’m more a magic and lore and pretty women fantasy enjoyer than a grr fight fantasy enjoyer since my like gritty lit enjoyment comes from different genres.
Loving the direction that Shallan’s plot line is going in, I’m glad Brandon doesn’t just give the characters what they want straight away and there is at least the illusion that they’re working for something even though its obvious they’ll achieve it eventually.
Mostly, I’m just loving the characters they’re introducing in Shallan’s story, maybe not so much SOME people (a certain person specifically I dislike is beginning, BEGINNING to grow on me) as they’re just so lovely and cute and nice and ugh we love to see it.
Spoiler Zone:
I’m saying it now, I did initially think Jasnah was just a bitch tbh like I get she’s all important and up her own ass or whatever but she doesn’t appreciate art??? I get Shallan like couldnt just get what she wanted but like .... come on. I was so mad when she just started shouting n shit when Shallan was waiting in the alcove like get a grip pls. However.... turning a boulder to smoke? I had to tab that as cool, like that was just a smart idea to clear it and a cool fckn power to have 
Shallan wanting to steal tho? I love her, a true icon as she should steal from the bitch. I literally just tabbed it love this bc ? Slay like what else could I do. I’d steal it too 
aaaaaaaaand then were back to Kaladin actually just getting fucking shit on at every turn yet again. mf has to carry a bridge?? and then get shot at with arrows?? my goodness give this man a break 
The spren getting a name tho like Syl is acc like carrying Kaladin’s arc for me I want to know what is going on there I am trying so hard not to spoil it for myself
From an arts and humanities student standpoint, I did tab Shallan describing how she views her art and the process of creation as like fleshy and human. Like in both studying and writing poetry I relate to capturing a person or a place or a moment on paper 
And then 2 cuties that I simply had to draw attention to in Brother Kabsal and Yalb. They are iconic and I adore them the end :*
Tab Count:
Cute: 2
Fights: 1
Sad: 1 
Death: 0
Cool: 0 
Wtf wow: 1
Wtf why: 0 
Slay Quotes: 0 
Love this: 2
Hate this: 0
Tab Total:
Cute: 3
Fights: 4
Sad: 1
Death: 2
Cool: 4
Wtf wow: 2
Wtf why: 1
Slay Quotes: 3
Love this: 5
Hate this: 1
PS: If anyone actually reads this far down comment (or post me if you’re feeling generous) your fave tea to drink when you’re sick because I’m going through maybe 10 cups a day and I am swiftly running out....
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takadanobaba · 11 months
If you don't mind me making another long post, I'll talk about the current view I had for a part 2 and the what I thought of the characters first thought of the twins. Feel free to correct anything I miss interpretate, we currently don't have too much about the town's folks individual options on the twins and their Pokémon.
I sorted the town's folks into categories based on their opinion on Pokémon instead of the twins themselves but quite a few probably would be cut from the actual chapter unless I made a part 3
Likes Pokémon:
Jas, Vincent, Evelyn, George, Wizard
(George likes Pokémon but doesn't appear to, kinda like the dog owner who insults their dog but still gives it a treat. He might like their Pokémon but he doesn't like the twins because he doesn't want them to mess up the train station.)
Lukewarm about Pokémon:
Alex, Elliott, Harvey, Emily, Leah, Maru, Penny, Caroline, Clint, Gil, Gunther, Linus, Marlon, Marnie, Robin, Willy
(Alex, Elliott, Emily, Maru and Penny are all scared of Pokémon but think they're interest/cool but will observe from a safe distance. Penny is the most scared but also most intrigued)
(Harvey, Leah, Caroline, Linus, Marnie and Willy are scared of Pokémon but have more a neutral option of them and see they more like unprodicatable animals. Harvey favours Klinklang since its the least dangerous looking (and I like to think the Klink line is associated with anything with mechanics like the air force). Linus has mixed feelings about Garbodor, he feels a kinship since they're outcast but has a dislike since she might steal his dinner.)
(Clint, Gil, Gunther, Marlon and Robin are scared of Pokémon but aware that they can be tamed and are often used in their jobs outside of Stardew. Clint would like Boldore. Robin would like Gurdurr. Gunther is aware of fossil Pokémon.)
Plain fear of Pokémon:
Sam, Sebastian, Abigail, Hailey, Gus, Jodi, Lewis
(Sam, Sebastian and Lewis try not to show their fear but would run away if a Pokémon got too close.)
Hostility towards Pokémon:
Shane, Demetrius, Kent, Pam, Pierre
(All hostility mainly stems from parental overprotectiveness but witha small. Since Pam was the original bus driver, she possibly had seen some Pokémon battles outside of Stardew and seen how strong they could get. Kent is probably the only one to never fully like Pokémon.)
HI! Doctorsparkle here! Takadanobaba showed me your ask and well ... he is letting me take the stage on this main replay! I got to say tho Kraken! You are on the right tracks! I have to say you are amazing for paying attention to so many details and nuggets we have placed throughout various posts!
Your fanfic based on the mod is amazing as well and we are glad for all the ideas you have thrown at us. It really helps us when we are stumped.
Few things about some characters.
George - George’s relationship with Submas Twins is - Tolerating their presence.
Ingo and Emmet have a good relation with their wife, Evelyn, and they know that Evelyn adores Pokémon. (He knew she had one, as did he... when they where in their younger years before Stardew got rid of them. Evelyn had a Bellosom. While George problem had a a Crab-Related Pokemon. Like Krabby or Dwebble, really family Pokémon. They weren't trainers, just average folk.)
And since they have a good relation with the wife, well, you know the saying, happy wife. Happy life. As for his views on the train station.. he really doesn’t care… simply due to his age, him being wheelchair bound... and there has been dialogue related to him how he isn’t religious but since he is up there in age he preys to Yoba. (To which I can relate to, George and Evelyn as characters based on my own personal experiences with older family members.)
So really he doesn’t like the twins but as long as his wife is happy and the Pokémon are nice. He doesn’t care what they do… He's probably glad to have some form of company.
Harvey - Harvey is most definitely going to like Klinklang, however, he still views it as dangerous. Every Pokémon the Submas twins has is dangerous in their own way…. For Klinklang tho… well... giant spinning gears. And moving parts. If anyone who has worked with heavy equipment or machinery. Gears and sharp can be dangerous. Get your clothing stuck in there and well— RIP your arm or leg. Or your favorite outfit. He will still be wary and cautious about all moving parts on a Pokémon. Organic or Mechanical. Hence why he harps on the twins about their health more than anything. It's a hate-love relationship. Think of a nagging parent. He doesn’t outright dislike Pokémon but he just can’t turn off his doctor brain. Ya know?
Views on Job Related Pokemon
(Robin, Clint, etc) - LOVE THIS TO BITS! However, do keep in mind that Stardew Valley is isolated… it is a separate region. So, unless you're someone like Pam who travel across Stardew Valley. You're not going to see a Pokemon. Or a Pokemon Battle. I bet you no one even knows what a Pokemon Battle is.
I think they would learn about how Pokemon can help them with their own professions through casual talks with the Submas Twins when they have to say ask Robin for a commission or head down to Clint's to get some metal work done. The knowledge of Pokémon is lacking…. Which feeds into the fear and stigmatization of them. Knowledge is power. The government will most likely be censoring Pokémon related media... except for a few things that fall through the cracks like fashion magazines.
Which we’ll segway into… Hailey and Emily - They will most definitely fear Pokémon, however, we have some plans for the two with Elesa! They will know a little bit about Pokémon but only through fashion magazines. So think cute Pokémon like Happiny or Pachirisu. Anything bigger then a cat… forget it. They will be terrified of all of Submas Pokémon but over time it’ll dull down… they’ll still be jumpy but its not an outright dislike. Just... they prefer to see them from afar or in fashionable clothing in a book or magazine.
Gus - Definitely a fear of Pokemon... however! There are some exceptions. Joltik. And Garbador. Joltik I won’t go into details just yet, but one shows up in an event where Gus is. Garbador tho, think of Linus. Gus will most likely think of Garbador like Linus… so he isn’t scared of them. Plus. They keep the trash clean… so no raccoons or rats near the establishment. Lol. He'd be happy that no food/trash would go to waste and they make less of a mess than the other scavengers, so it's better to have it go to them.
Demetrius - Now he is a complicated one. I would say yes to hating Pokémon HOWEVER, there is definitely some character growth and development with him simply due to how Maru interacts with Pokémon and how much Stardew Valley is changing.
There is dialogue about Demetrius saying it's better that Stardew Valley- or this case the Ferngill Republic- is isolated. He could hate the Pokémon and dislike the twins at first because they are breaking the norm.
Maru, on the other hand, is absolutely fascinated about the changes. Scared and wary, but in awe of the Pokémon. The scientist in her is wanting to challenge the norm, while Demetrius is conservative and stuck in his ways… we’re also not a 100% concrete on this concept yet due to needing to double check dialogue and how his personality is in game but for Demetrius definitely a character development kinda guy.
As for how Stardew Valley relates globally with the Pokémon world stuff, I have been going off of the Setting article on this Wiki here
It shows a very pixel crude map of Ferngill Republic and Gotoro Empire. They are both continents or in this case regions.
You can’t drive to Ferngill Republic through Unova or any other Pokémon region. Only way to get there is by flight and then travel by bus. However when the train-station is up and running there will be Surfliner Routes, theoretical underwater train lines, or a giant bridge.
In Black and White and Black and White 2 there are the Wifi-Lines. I believe these to be international lines that connect to other regions. So, say for example, a train from Kalos deciding to go to Unova via this Wifi-Line or the Cyan Line. etc. etc. since Stardew Valley and Ferngill Republic has been isolated, banned on Pokémon etc. Passenger lines cannot travel on these train lines… also with the state of the station in Stardew, it probably isn't the best either.
The Ferngill Republic, however, conducts Agricultural and Economic trade with the other regions. Tomatos, meat, etc. due to possibly how taboo it is in some regions to kill and to eat Pokémon. Even though Magikarp and Slowpoke Tails might be a delicacy... the culture surrounding Pokémon as being our friends, family, partners in life... well you wouldn't want to murder Mr. Mittens now would you. That wouldn't sit right with some people.
So with the train station being rebuilt, expect a lot more economical benefits etc. and trade.
Hope this least clears up some things but also.. I just info-dumped like Ingo LOLOL. Aaaaaah…. Theres definitely a lot more I can write. Guess you can say… i’m like Lore Keeper Dani from Criticalrole. Anyway! Hope you enjoy this long reply to chew on!
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adeyc · 1 year
Ciel (O!Ciel) quotes
No one asked me, but I don't care. I got back into my obsession with Black Butler so I decided to rate some quotes (spoiler: many of them are my favorites even if I sometimes I don’t say so, this show/manga is brilliant).
1. "After all, justice in this world is just a bunch of principles, made by those with power to suit themselves."
-kinda true, unfortunately, even nowadays
-shows how Ciel sees the whole system, especially the legal one and his vision of society
-reminds us of the huge differences between people
- great, one of my favorite quotes
2. "I have long forgotten how to laugh as if I were having fun."
-so sad
- shows the distress and sadness he went through and is still going through and how much what he went through affected him
-feel sorry for him (he would probably beat me if he knew that, but it doesn't matter lol)
3. "So what? You're another person, so of course you look different. What do you need to be ashamed for? Besides, I'm free to be with whoever I want. No one has the right to say anything about it."
- 9/10
- we love someone who doesn't discriminate
- he hates everyone equally <3
- I think it is one of the few times when he encourages someone and I love it
- I like that he knows he can do whatever he wants
4. "If you stick to a "lie", it'll eventually become the "truth.""
- 9/10
- it shows his character and the more human side, in the sense that every man lies and he is not above that
- shows how gullible some people can be
5. "I was born to end up alone."
- so sad yet so true
-he accepts his fate
6. "Moping around with sadness and sorrow... what will come of it? Even dead people can do that. However, I'll live and stand on my own two legs. If we are going to die one day, wouldn't t it be better to have no regrets?"
- a powerful quote that shows his strength of character and his desire to achieve revenge
-tough love kinda deal
- it can be seen that it is said by someone with determination and who has been through a lot
7. "Unfortunately, in reality there is no situation where one can win merely by following the rules. There will be knights that break the rules, and even chess pieces that betray him."
- once again a spoken truth
- shows how aware he is of the world around him
8. "Only two kinds of people exist in this world, those who steal and those who are stolen from. So then, today, I just stole your future. That's all."
-one of my favorites
-unfortunately, he knows what it's like to be in both positions
9. "Pain tends to heal as time passes, but personally, I don't want time to heal my wounds. You may think you've escaped the pain and forgotten it, but that's nothing more than stagnation. You can't move forward without the pain."
- shows the pain he still carries and that, no matter how hard he tries, the past will always follow him
- the last sentence, in particular, is devastating. Only pain keeps him alive and helps him move forward
10. "I am not so noble that I would stake my life for someone else. Nor am I so forgiving that I would sit by and allow someone to trample me. I am selfish... and self righteous human being! That's why! I... to clear my own shame... I used your power. Not for anyone else! But for myself!"
-we love a self-aware king
- something that many of us would not recognize
11. "We mock their desperate wishes, and trample them like insects! Cowardly, base - we're more demonic than demons are! I'm just like them. I'm full of the same ugliness they were. This is how humans it's how we are, Sebastian!"
- downright heartbreaking
- the situation in which he said it makes it even more tragic
12. "Words are cheap. There's no guarantee she won't tell anyone. Humans lie without a second thought. Including me, of course."
- shows how well he knows human nature
- we love him for it tho
13. "To hate something that you used to love is such a painful feeling."
- shows the tragedy of the character
- relatable
14. "Is there truly any human who is not arrogant?"
- simple and yet sophisticated and true
-once again self aware king
- something that many will not admit
15. "I'm afraid when something is truly lost, one can never get it back again."
- one of my favs
- so sad considering that he lost everything and knows that he will never get it back
- and yet he has the proud strength to go forward regardless of the situation and not look back
- out of loss our Earl was born
I'm stopping here because if I keep going I'll be here for hours lol. I got this off my chest now....for a moment at least. Anyway, Black Butler is my number 1 and will always occupy a special place in my heart.
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Hello you wonderful human you!~
I hope you've been well and that 2023 has been treating you nicely ❤️
May I request some more headcanons?
How would your UF, US and SF skellie bros react to a hostile alien invasion after humans attacked them first? Who would fight back? Who would run? Who would join forces with the aliens?? Would any of them have a major role in the conflict?
Feel free to change up the characters if you think another's reaction would be more interesting or if there are too many of them! Thanks in advance~ 🛸
Thank you! I hope 2023 has been good to you as well hueheueh
And you always can send in whenever you like, wherever you like! Whether that'd be on a Tuesday morning, a Saturday evening, when you're venting during a game of amogus, the ask box is always open.
Woah That's An Alien... Wait There's More Aw Shit They're Mad
Red: "didn't you fuckers learn what happened the first time you tried to fight a different species what the fuck they're gonna steal all my crops now-" he is Not Pleased but also, will barely be an active participant unless they come near his brother or you (provided you didn't start shit). If it ain't his fault, he didn't see it, but also he cares, ya know? Shits complicated.
Edge: When it comes to Edge, he's... More inclined to do his own thing. He's not Bad™ or Good™, he's just there, doing his own thing. (You can absolutely see Reds influence on him here lmfao) He doesn't believe he should be fighting for the fault of others (that being on the side of the humans) but he also likely wouldn't be helping the aliens if they can handle themselves well (so help them if they come within 100 metres of his things tho-)
Blue: "..... Who Did What Now? " He's so lost, the poor man. He's like, trying to wrap his mind around why humans would want to start a war with a species they know next to nothing now. While Blue's moral compass isn't as flimsy as old scarf he has on constantly, he, uh, wouldn't really want to be picking sides but maybe try to prevent any casualties if he could. Or if he's unable to do that, at least keep his family safe.
Stretch: " Man,,,,, you, uh, you think they like weed? " followed by a smack up the side of his head but do not think this is on purpose, oh no, this man is absolutely shitting himself as every scenario runs through his mind of how this could get so much worse. He's just really good at covering it up with his goofy demeanour, but he also sucks ass at keeping a facade so you can easily catch when he looks worried. He's honestly more likely to have his family hide as well as himself.
Black: It's.... Complicated. He's not happy with the fact that humans have, once again, started a war with an entire species but he cannot say he's exactly surprised. Milord is probably one of the few ones that are actually like, having to take charge of the situation because as much as he's upset there are people that he cares about here, and that will be his priority first and foremost.
Rus: On the other hand... Is more akin to hide away. It's not that he's scared, this man has seen death in the face too many times, it's just.... He doesn't really enjoy being involved in conflict. He doesn't like having to fight or hurt others for something someone else has done so he resorts to staying in his own lane, watching from the sidelines until he's quite literally forced to do something about because all other options have been exhausted.
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zalrb · 1 year
Ahhhh that fic 😰😰😰😢😢😢😢
Stelena angst hit me right in the feels and this affected my whole week
Stefan trying to do right by erasing it all and Elena being upset is so true to character. I’m with Stefan tho like no matter how in love you are knowing that your partner is beholden to you takes away their will in a way so I know why Stefan can’t continue being with Elena like this.
Bonnie and Caroline are cute and I like their mentions but I was lowkey hoping Bonnie might magic a new way out of this ? I trust in her tho and it won’t be long before she tries to find something or before the mikealsons catch up to SE
Damon is the same childish creep he always was. Seriously Elena was totally right when she was like this is just an obsession that came from his Katherine era. And him watching SE suffer just made me wanna smash his head in …. Honestly Damon never was as selfless as caring with Elena as Stefan was. He just wants her to be happy only with him and if she’s not or if she’s not with him then he just wants her unhappy like him. What a baby …….
Him being smug that Stefan has to free Elena made me so mad and I repeated that gif of him punching Damon 10000 times. Really wanna see him get another real beat down either from Stefan or maybe Bonnie and Caroline ??
Will you continue this fic? I can totally think of at least a couple future updates that could work but one I’m thinking about rn is where Elena’s Stefan memories are compelled away and Damon weasels his way in her life like the spineless creep that he is and Stefan finds out and feels so jealous and conflicted because he knows he can’t stop it but still ….. his love being with his loser childish brother who’s tried to steal her every step of the way …..
Insert Bonnie melting his brain or maybe Rebekah comes in?
Stelena angst hit me right in the feels and this affected my whole week
Ha! That's the intention. In terms of a continuation, it really depends on how I feel and how people engage. The SK fic had a few parts because it was fun to write but also people actually liked/reblogged and interacted with the fic.
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[Image description: Anonymous asker asking: Wait, I'm confused. Would it be so bad to have one of the gods or goddesses be black or a little dark skinned? Aren't there black people in Greece? I'm not saying the whole pantheon needs to be black or is historically black, but still. I do get where you come from tho with how people think they can rewrite the myths to their liking as though it doesn't belong to a culture. alatismeni-theitsa responds: Short answer for this question, “please follow the ancient texts and depictions of the culture as the natives of the culture have done for millennia, because ancient deities from another culture aren’t your coloring book”.
Long answer: Dark-skinned in the Mediterranean sense, it’s fine, because that’s also in the ancient depictions and it reflects the appearance of the local people. But I sense you are seeing this matter as some type of “white supremacy” of some sort and that’s why you are focusing on the Black “race”. In reality, the iconography excludes even the most light-skinned Russian.
“Aren’t there black people in Greece?” Yes there are (even though very few compared to the country’s population. Greece is among the least diverse countries on the planet). But also consider: Aren’t Black people in China? Aren’t Black people in Mexico? Aren’t Black people in Mongolia? Aren’t East Asian people in Congo? Aren’t White (e.g. Slavic) people in the Arabian Peninsula? Do you think each country should change the depictions of their gods to suit the minorities in the country each century? Countries worldwide never did that. They keep the ancient depictions of their deities and the deities reflect the appearance of the local people.
Greek people also do that and have done so for millennia. The sudden decision for “diversity” after 2,000 years later came not from the Greeks who preserved the culture, but from the US Americans who started the trend so the Greek pantheon can reflect their own society. This shows a type of ownership by the US over the Greek pantheon.
Since these people have grown too familiar with Greek antiquity (a superficial image of it, mostly) they have adopted an imperialist stance towards our deities. If the Americans (people on the other side of the Atlantic) judge our pantheon as quote, too White, then that’s the global standard, all of a sudden.
This doesn’t happen with mythologies the US people (I would also put Northwest Europeans) are not interested in. For example, would you go to a Mongolian person and ask “sorry but why can’t we make your gods Black? Why can’t we make them look Cherokee? Why can’t we make them look Korean?”
Well, technically you can (and gods can transform), but I hope you can understand why you as one person and as an outsider changing Mongolian deities wouldn’t be the politest thing to do. Such changes aren’t for a few people outside a culture to decide. This isn’t for a few people inside the culture to decide. The shift must come from the culture itself in a way that reflects the opinions of the majority.
(A.K.A. not your one to two young Greek mutuals on Tumblr and TikTok, but even my yaya on the mountain and my theia on the shore should be okay with it. Also, most Greeks as of now feel very uncomfortable with the appearance changes in our gods. If you go on the streets and ask Greeks about the matter, the majority will say WTF my dude? Why would you even do that? And yes, that includes dark-skinned people.)
For many people on the Western side of the internet to extend the same courtesy of the Mongolians - in our hypothetical scenario - to Greeks is very difficult. The reason is they don’t see the Greek pantheon as our heritage. The Americans think they have broken free of the colonization mindset of the antiquity stealing Europeans but they are wrong. They still see the Greek pantheon as something theirs, with the younger often perceiving it as characters from a very cool fandom. (No, the Greek gods aren’t just cool deities I learned about in school for Americans and that’s it. There’s millions of Greeks who still consider them extremely important for our tradition, and part of our national identity). In some cases, US Americans feel they are the continuation of the quote unquote western civilization so the gods belong to them now and can change them as they see fit (or quote unquote appropriate). Meanwhile, they don’t know how the average Greek even looks/-ed like. Or whatever they know is mostly based on 40’s racist propaganda - that’s why they often tell Greeks they don’t, quote, look Greek. (see my tag Greek speaks) I don’t need to spell out how absurd the whole thing is. Take a look at my F.A.Q. in the section “What’s this “don’t change the depiction of the gods” all about?” There the mindset of the most privileged nations for the Greek pantheon is best described and it covers different scenarios and also Greek history. It’s long but a serious disentanglement must be done because this is deep-rooted imperialist thought that must be undone. There are also the tags race bending or/and racebending for more. /endID]"
Setting aside the fact that Greece is the West, I find it concerning when pagans who position themselves as resources reblog this racist person. Including sag-dab-sar, an Orientalist who joked about dropping nuclear bombs in a Japanese religious context.
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moku-youbi · 2 years
Wangningxian Dream Bunny
I keep having these elaborate dreams lately that make me wanna write fics, but I AM TOO BUSY. So feel free to steal this idea, anyone out there, although there are plenty of ridiculous ~Dream Details that make NO SENSE for these characters, but whatever, enjoy it for what it is! Immortal cultivators au where Nie Huaisang, Jiang Cheng, Wei Ying, Wen Ning, and Lan Zhan have lived at least a few hundred years by now. It is decidedly AU because Wangxian are not a thing, and WWX and JC have a decent enough relationship with one another at this point. JC has stayed basically in Lotus Pier but the rest travel around the world. LZ ended up in the Americas at some point being worshipped as a dream God??
Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are constantly longing from afar. LZ thinks WY loves WN (and, I mean, he does, but neither of them have ever said it or acted on it, because WY can still be oblivious and WN knows WY loves LZ, plus being a corpse and all figures he can't have what he wants). WY and WN travel together and they run into LZ pretty frequently, sorta book-Aziraphale/Crowley-esque. Mostly LZ is polite to WN, but also just kinda ignores him at first, and tries not to think about him because they both love WY, and he thinks he's chosen WN and wants to respect that but also is sad about it. But over the centuries grows to care for WN without really realising how much.
WY and WN come across LZ when he's in the Americas somehow and WY is sorta in lustful disbelief over how much skin his dream God get up shows. And LZ is mostly past his hangups about his body, because that's just how you dress among these ppl. But having WY see him like that??? So he scurries off to cover up and for some reason WN was there (like even tho LZ was the one hanging out with these ppl, they were at WY's place...? Actually, I'm wondering if WY was the sleep god in a different city and the two were brought together for some ceremony or something?? Idk.) And at first, intellectually, LZ is like it's no big deal if WN sees me like this because I barely even notice his existence, right? Except he's getting all ear blushing and hot and uncomfortable and has to lock himself away to get dressed and has this 'oh no I'm into WN' moment.
I forget what happened exactly, except I think at some point the two of them talked about how they both loved WY, but he never responded to their overtures/only wanted them as friends, but they're stupidly devoted to him. And LZ gave him a very small smile, and they hugged? And LZ thought about how good WN felt in his arms.
WY meanwhile has been over the years working on trying to fix WN so that he has more mobility and sensation, can enjoy food and drink, etc. That's why they travel so extensively, seeking out other forms of magic.
Later, LZ ends up back in China to find that WN is in trouble. I don't know why WY wasn't with him, but even though it's been a few hundred years (I wanna say 250-350), because some cultivators lived longer lives, ppl still remember the YP and his Ghost General, and want revenge. JC was actually decent in my dreams, hilarious given how much I hate him, but he kept trying to reason with the ppl. He's respected and wealthy and powerful, but every time he tries to explain about what WY and the Wens went through, all the rich lords were always like omg, we are so sick of hearing your war stories, boomer. 
They're going to put WN on trial and LZ hears about this and starts panicking and JC is unwilling to actually go so far as to fight for WN's life. And LZ can't just hurt all these ppl, plus he thinks anyhow this is still plaguing WN this far down the line and they need to do something to make him safe permanently.
So LZ starts coming up with a plan to like humanise WN in their eyes during the trial. Because all the old stories are about his cold, white, unfeeling and stiff skin, his inhuman black eyes, his scary expressionless face as he tore ppl apart, that he was a weapon in humanoid form. And WY has made a lot of strides, plus LZ came back to China with his own ideas to share with them. He has a medicine or lotion or something that makes WN able to move his facial features more. He visits WN to talk about his plans and walk him through it. They agree not to try to reach WY because he'll go all YP on everyone and reinforce their beliefs and make everything worse. WN tries to tell him if things go wrong, he should just leave, but LZ promises he'll save him no matter what. It gets pretty close to a confession of love tbh, face touching and shuddering breaths, etc.
They're making WN wear these weird robes that I think are meant to be demeaning because they only come just below his knee and they have short sleeves and a scooped neck which show off a lot of skin. But LZ points out that it shows that his flesh has become more naturally colored over the years and looks more supple now especially with the lotion. They've also broken his feet and as much as LZ wants to heal him, he also wants the crowd to see that WN is actually experiencing pain over having to walk like that.
The day of the trial comes and WY has somehow found out and comes rushing into try to do something about it. He comes up short at the door where JC stops him and tells him to just watch and wait. WY is in a panic especially when he notices LZ is at the head of the room like he is somehow part of the trial. Of course WY trusts him at this point but he doesn't realize how close LZ and WN have become over recent years and still thinks that LZ has some sort of weird antagonism towards WN.
Then WN comes in and WY feels sick to see him like this, and at first there are a couple pointed jeers about what he is wearing. However as he starts to make his way across the room and up the stairs on his broken feet, they are starting to hear more and more sympathetic comments about how he looks in pain and how they hadn't expected him to look so normal and so human.
WY notices that LZ looks almost proud of the way WN carries himself, and how WN keeps darting looks at LZ that are sorta sweetly hopeful. And at one point he stumbled and bites his lip but still cries in pain as he's reaching the top of the stairs and the magistrate puts a hand out to stop LZ from going to him. But LZ just gives him one of his murderous glares and goes over to sweep WN up in his arms with his hands around his waist and kind of swings him around and smiles down before settling him carefully in his own seat, and WN smiles up at him showing off the mobility of his face.
And like the people of the town know enough to know who LZ is and that he is one of the most highly venerated Immortal cultivators ever, and they've also seen all of this artwork of him where he never shows any facial expressions, so now they're seeing him smiling and embracing WN, who has now shown pain and emotion, and who is smiling back. And they are thinking if someone like the Great HGJ is looking at the GG like that, then there is no way that all the horrible things they have heard about him can be true. And WY is having his own crisis where it feels like his heart is atrophying in his chest watching them, and seeing they clearly love one another (while WY, my dear oblivious boy, does absolutely not put together the fact that both of them have been looking at him like that for literally hundreds of years.)
The trial got dismissed pretty quickly after that, even though the magistrate was not happy about it. I think there still might have been a few cultivators kicking around at the time even though that practice had mostly fallen out and the emperor was hoping to show that cultivation was clearly a thing of the past and getting rid of WN would be a very loud symbol of that. However between the threat of having four immortals present and not wanting this to happen, and the pressure of the townspeople who were now against this trial, there was no way it could go forward.
WN and LZ see WY trying to sneak out unnoticed and go after him. WY is trying not to look at them, especially with LZ carrying WN around bridal style because of his feet. But he's telling them how happy he is for them and how thankful he is to LZ for taking care of WN when he wasn't around. And also how happy he is to tell them that the reason he wasn't around was because he was researching this thing that would basically allow WN to be able to function mostly like a regular Immortal cultivator even though his body would remain that of a corpse. Meaning he would be able to feel sensation just like they did and taste things just like they did and move around more easily with greater flexibility like an immortal cultivator. And that maybe this can be a wedding gift for them.
And WN reaches out to touch WY's face make him look at them. And he sees how close WN and LZ have gotten to him. They both have these adoring if exasperated expressions on their faces. And WN says that it is an excellent gift for a wedding, and he can't wait to try it out with them both. And WY's eyes get gigantic looking back and forth between LZ's indulgent smile and WN's warm one.
And then there were all these bits with them travelling the world together for thousands of years and never parting again and it was super sweet, and also hot with this one scene using LZ's dream magic, but also just them all being disgusting in love, and always so gently affectionate and ugh.
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xhxnne · 1 year
TAGGED BY: @pillowxtalk (thank you!)
TAGGING: @fallingleavesx (I think everyone got tagged already so feel free to steal it from me)
★  ⸻   WHAT'S YOUR PHONE WALLPAPER?: This one is my wallpaper because it looks like Inazuma (genshin impact).
★  ⸻   LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?:  Blood - Breaking Benjamin and currently WINNER - LOVE ME LOVE ME
★  ⸻   CURRENTLY READING?: Virgin River when I remember it exists LOL and a BL webtoon “Love is an Illusion”.
★  ⸻   LAST MOVIE?: The Super Mario Bros movie.
★  ⸻   LAST SHOW?: Nothing.
★  ⸻   WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW?: PJs but will have to get ready soon.
★  ⸻   HOW TALL ARE YOU? Smol.
★  ⸻   GLASSES / CONTACTS?: Glasses.
★  ⸻   LAST THING YOU ATE?: Breakfast (scrambled eggs, bread and coffee)
★  ⸻   FAVORITE COLOR(S)?: Red !!
★  ⸻   CURRENT OBSESSION?: Baking muffins, another muse idea that I’m not sure it’d be worth adding lol and homemade frappuccino.
★  ⸻   DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH RIGHT NOW?: what is even that tho
★  ⸻   LAST PLACE YOU VISITED?: The doctors (and will visit again today)
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depressedtransguy · 2 years
okay so marley is a certified genius, sherlock level. she has a photographic memory and a mind palace, thought it's small so she jokes that its a mind apartment. she only speaks if she has too, preferring to keep quiet in her books and her notes. she lives with her father in a run down two bedroom house. marley was homeschooled until she was 14, because she was accelerating at a pace faster than preschool teachers knew how to accommodate, so she mostly taught herself and her father helped anyway he could. at 14 tho, he wanted her to develop social skills. (she doesnt really talk to anyone in highschool so it doesnt really help her social skills)
next up is amara. amara has run away from almost every foster home that has housed her. she lived on the streets for a bit before finding her way to the town where marley lives (theres no name for it yet sorry) and she breaks into the school and 'enrolls' herself and just stays there overnight. she steals clothes from the lost and found and the locker rooms and takes full advantage of the free lunches and breakfasts. shes resourceful and street smart, but really clumsy, which isnt helpful when youre illegally staying in a school that you dont actually go to
emily is nates twin sister. shes on the cheer team with her three friends. shes snarky, protective of her loved ones, and competitive. both she and nate live alone, for the most part. their parents are never home, always away on business, so they have a big house all to themselves. emily loves going out to fancy places (using her parents money ofc, shes living that rich kid life) with her friends and just generally being chaotic. shes the only person that has managed to beat nate at mariokart
nate, twin sister of emily, is a geek. he loves video games, movies, comics, and is not a fan of other people. hes not doing well in school, finds it hard to focus (no im not projecting my school life onto nate why do you ask) anyways he gets a tutor, jamie who ill get to in a sec. eventually, nates grade goes up and he and jamie get food to celebrate and anyways they start dating and theyre gonna go to prom together, but nate and emily get into a really bad car accident and nate dies
jamie is a theater kid. he loves doing musicals especially. him and his two friends always try out together and hope to get leads. jamies one of those theater kids thats like super outgoing in theater but super quiet anywhere else. jamie came out as trans in eighth grade and since its a small town and everyone knows everyone, it was a big deal. his parents are super supportive and got him a binder and everything and got the school to change his name. he started tutoring nate in math and develops a crush which he doesnt do anything about bc respect and so when nate asks him out he gay panics tm and when nate dies hes devastated but they were only out to emily, emilys friends, and jamies friends so hes like sad but he cant tell why and anyways its heartbreaking
max is a jock. hes the top basketball player in the team. hes basically troy in hsm but like jockier. hes brash and tends to not think about consequences. he has a sort of god complex and is pretty selfish. post character development he starts using he/they pronouns and is more respectful of other people. flash from spiderman homecoming vibes
anyways that was a lot sorry i just have a lot of thoughts about them
akwjsjjrjrjrjjr I love them all so much🥺🥺
especially Nate AND THEN YOU KILLED HIM WTF /nm but >:((((
please feel free to talk about your feelings all the time I would love to hear everything /gen :DDDDDDDD
(also just to confirm so this is like in your own world and not in like another fandoms universe, right?)
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slowips · 1 year
I saw your post about your planned works for 2023! Ngl I may end up stealing that idea (if it's alright with you). Maybe putting the word out that I'm working on things will give me the motivation to finish HAHA. I'm excited for your Gorou one! o3o
Your answer got the darkest themes was really interesting though! With the push for everything to be like... idk. Moral? A lot of more sensitive topics get pushed to the side bc we don't want to seem like we condone those things even though we find them interesting to explore and write about. It kinda sucks at times. That being said. That first one is one I'd never be able to write. LOL Not because of my personal feelings on the matter, but because I'd be writing it like, "If they just COMMUNICATED, this WOULDN'T have HAPPENED." Miscommunication/lack of communication is my pet peeve. LOL Granted, it's not always that simple, alas, I oversimplify things uwu
((Also the funny thing abt the third one. I actually have a non dark fic abt something similar. For shock factor, something sorta similar ends up happening in the fic, but you find out that the person/reader has been consenting to it for literal years. It's an Albedo fic lol. Idk how I'm gonna post it tho bc I'll probably have to make a cw, but idk how I'm gonna do that while also conveying the message that it's a completely PG story))
I write my stories the same way though. Like I have a general idea of what I want to happen, but I need to write everything chronologically. When I can't write the next part, the story ends up stuck in the shelf for months... Or sometimes I don't know what to write next so I write multiple routes and then everything gets mixed up lol
You're very diligent with getting into character's heads though! I kinda do the same with my research, but I don't have a written psychoanalysis of them. I mentally compare them with my experiences irl with ppl, etc, and then use that to make assumptions. As for voice, when I'm thinking of making them say something, I try to imagine the VA saying it. If I can't hear it, I change the wording. LOL
I'm looking much forward to Kaveh's release though!!! I want to see what he's like away from Alhaitham. Seeing him in Alhaitham's story quest just made me... sad. But take your time playing it! Also no worries on replying to my long replies too! LOL I can only reply when I'm mentally ready which sometimes takes weeks haha... Or like you, after I've done the appropriate research. Like I still need to reply to that ask you sent a while back. Still trying to figure out how to word myself at one part.....
feel free to share with ur your wips! i'm not the first to do it, and i LOVE reading people's wips. something about seeing it grow to its final form... (emotional). can't wait to see what you'll be giving us for 2023, hehe.
i think another reason why writing of such themes is not prevalent is because (1) it's mentally draining to write, (2) it's hard to gauge a stranger's threshold for such things, and most importantly (3) people who write fanfiction are just here to see their favourite characters in scenarios they like—for tooth-rooting fluff or gut-destroyer angst.
but, yeah, it sucks that people assume you support such things just because you write them. personal take is that writing is powerful because, if an author plays their cards right, it makes you think. it's a great way to explore the grey areas of life. can be very dangerous if consumed thoughtlessly though.
i scream at miscommunication when the thing that happens as a result of it doesn't do anything to move or develop a character. just. drama. i believe that's what ruined the love triangle trope for many? correct me if i'm wrong, lol. but as much as i find the trope annoying too, i have my own fair share of miscommunication. (at least it gives me character growth, LOL.)
a rating tag will definitely help. marking it as teens and up or mature with cw is already a warning that the fic heavily deals with the themes, but if it was pg i would assume it's just a brief mention. (can't wait to read it... even if i know about the shock factor so it's not shocking anymore, haha)
LOL the alternate endings... so true. right now my cyno fic has 3 routes. thankfully, i've narrowed it to 1... the problem is the scenes needs to be re-arranged with the scene i've not written being the introductory scene. if that's the case, i might as well rewrite the whole thing, right? (my brain doesn't work normally, help). on the bright side, i can say i wrote a lot this year, lmao.
i like the idea of comparing characters with your personal experiences! i saw you compare kaveh and alhaitham's relationship with your own, and that was so mind-boggling. it gives a unique spin to each character. (adopting your headcanon, sdfds)
thank you for your compliment, though i can't say i've been diligently jotting down notes. i only have cyno's for the longfic i plan to write for him. you gave a nice tip for writing dialogue. will think about it for my next fic except... sometimes i think about their dialogue in chinese-ish sounds, and then i don't really know how to translate it, HAHA.
if kaveh is a 4* star i'll cry because my luck with them is horrible. (i only got gorou last patch. unforgivable.) i hope he gets a hangout. i want to know what he does in his spare time, on his understanding of kindness, etc. you're right we should get more kaveh development outside of alhaitham. so far, he's just been That Character that sells alhaitham.
haha, i prefer thoughtful replies so i don't mind the wait :3c thank YOU for sharing with me your views. it means a lot to me, hehe.
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darlingpwease · 1 year
naughtiest one!!!
they make a mess
If I'm making one, is it at least a lovely mess? /j
I was talking about you
Then maybe I will lure you in? Hm? /t /pos
I thought I could seduce you,
Ahh, Dove, so lovely so lovely <33 keep doing it tho, I'll do it back also <333
But listen, I do love bites, but I'm also just a big kisser kinda person, yknow?? I'd like to be close to them so I can just give em a peck whenever, but obviously, biting is still a must hAHA AAA
I'm waiting
Dove wait no longer, I'm writing something up now and will send it soon <33
I'm so glad I took a break from studying lmao, slime!reader?! Dove I'd kiss u rn omgomg-- I've literally been thinking of that or a tentacle kinda vibe too, but I wasn't sure how you'd feel about it, but now my brain is rolling <3333
you mean there's too much of me?
Bubba, there can never be enough :))
-panna cotta
you!!! look at you — shamelessly teasing and mocking this poor person and also threaten to spoil the beloved star of this person; person who is unable to resist you in any way!!! naughty, naughty panna cotta </333 meanie meanie bully </3333 this is some kind of villain era sgsgshgd /j /pos
honey, then it will be a mess caused by the cutest fox. the quality of the mess won't change, but it will be preferable knowing that at least you caused it </3 at least I'll know who to grab /hj
I thought it was obvious, but instead you beat me with your innocently oblivious behavior </3333 /j /pos I honestly didn't think to tell you about it at first, but then I realized that you should know it — because you continue to behave like this!!! I believe that you could be the spirit that lures travelers — or rather you would be a good role model for them sjsghdgdhd /pos /j
hhhh flirter </333 /affectionate
... I would have been lured, I do not hide that even knowing that it is dangerous I would have agreed — but at that moment I have a choice!!! </333
... I'm for bites, strictly for bites, a fan of bites and an admirer of bites, but short kisses / peck and stolen kisses are another good thing.
maybe, maybe I love these cheesy works where they steal each other's kisses secretly or fleetingly kiss, or where it's a monster x character and the monster can only imitate kissing since their body is not suitable for normal kissing </3333 the only exception
I love kissing — not from personal experience — but it sounds either like good things for routine, or like firewood for angst, where the only thing left is a kiss, because bites subjectively don't sound like something sad enough. which sounds more sensual: "your kiss was the only warm memory from their last spring" or "your bite on their thigh is the only thing that reminds of you"? this gives a strange context to the amatonormative perception of the world </3333 something like "one/only sex and that's it"
maybe they are so cool and nice, I honestly don't know — unlike bites. bites are my love language. bites can express a range of my emotions — for example, that you sound so cute explaining your attitude to bites that I want to bite you — but kisses just don't seem enough.
not a kink shaming; I'll be happy to hear what you think if you want to write something, kiss-lover panna cotta<333 /hj /pos
ajsgshdhhd wow food!!! thank you for your care about this person <3333
I had an unfinished drabble about witch!toge & slime!reader and I want to invite you to read it if you're interested,,,, I don't think I'll finish it, but I could give it to you in the next post if you're interested — it's not bad or something like that, I just don't know how continue </33333
don't insist and you are free to ignore, you just reminded me of it, dear <3 /srs /pos
I hope you studied well and are happy with yourself, because you're doing great <3333 don't forget to drink water and praise yourself, you deserve positive reinforcement <3
tentacle is always good,,,,,, and slimes,,,,,,,, hhhhhhhh
I really can't imagine that I saw some kind of kink, which does not imply a lack of pleasure for everyone, and thought "oh no" (I mean, there are such, but there are very few of them)
good panettone, good <333
(sometimes) /t /affectionate
wait, but recently you told me that enough...
which of you is the real panna cotta, admit it!!! I'm not sure — you, you tease me the same way, but give me back my prettyfull panettone!!! thief!!!
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tanizakigf · 2 years
jjk characters wearing your clothes
multiple jjk characters x gn!reader
characters: itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, gojo satoru, inumaki toge, zenin maki and okkotsu yuta !!
warnings: a few cursing words (sorry), grammar mistakes probably, it's a huge ass one (sorry again), i repeated the word "clothes" way too much in this i'm actually considering never using it again /j, i mentioned in almost all of them that reader wears skirts, but it's still a gender neutral!reader! fluffy fluffy fluffy !!, a bit agnsty on maki's part but nothing too big!
masterlist !!
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~ ♡ ~
yuuji itadori ♡~
he doesn't do it very often tho
not because he doesn't like wearing your clothes, he actually loves wearing them to sleep when he misses you !!
it's more because he just likes it better when you wear his clothes
he loves seeing you wearing them !!!
you're just so adorable and you look like a human sized banana when you wear his yellow hoodie
👆 his words, not mine
he literally told you that. and you just stared at him.      like wtf yuji.
(hes cute so shhh accept the compliment you human sized banana !!!!!)
ok but when he DOES wear your clothes
it's probably an oversized shirt because it's comfy and he likes to sleep with it
and if you have skirts, he wears them a lot when you're alone
usually just to fool around
or just because he likes the feeling of his legs being free and the air hitting his butt
he said it's very nice and refreshing
~ ♡ ~
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megumi fushiguro ♡~
megumi doesn't wear them. at all. never.
he thinks it's stupid
(no he doesn't, he just doesn't want you to see the blush on his face if he wears your clothes)
he prefers you to wear his clothes because he feels like he's protecting you in some way
he would never admit he likes it, but you can see the red on his cheeks and his soft smile whenever you wear his clothes
he's so cute i wanna kiss him 😭😭😭
to be honest, he only wore your clothes once. only once.
it was when you were hanging out together at your dorm
and you left for a few minutes to just get some food for the two of you, leaving him alone
he noticed your uniform skirt was laying on your bed
megumi always thought you looked cute whenever you wore them
and he got curious to see what it would look like on him
so he just stared at it, trying to decide if he should do it or just leave it alone
it's been a little while since you left, and he knew it'd take at least a few more minutes for you to come back
the curiosity spoke louder as he got up and headed straight to your skirt
feeling his cheeks on fire, he mumbled a "can't believe i'm actually doing it" before taking off his pants and putting the skirt on
he looked at himself at the mirror, admiring the way it looked on him
he looked so nice
megumi was just making silly faces at the mirror when he heard the door opening
his eyes went wide and a yelp left his lips when he saw you entering the room, which made you drop the food in surprise
after that day you teased him all day and begged him to wear your clothes more often
~ ♡ ~
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nobara kugisaki ♡~
another one that wears them all the time
she always complains about your bad taste in clothes and tells you she needs to take you shopping
all of this while opening your wardrobe to get a hoodie
and wearing it
she doesn't really mean it mate, she just wants an excuse to go shopping with you
(speaking of shopping, the owners of the clothing stores have already memorized both your faces because she goes there so often omg)
she always buys you new clothes because she's an amazing girlfriend and just wants to spoil her amazing partner !!
^^ another shitty excuse just so she could steal your clothes <3
"bara, why do you buy me clothes if you keep stealing them anyways?"
you questioned the ginger who was wearing your white shirt again
"because they smell like you, idiot"
she answers, trying to hide her red cheeks
~ ♡ ~
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satoru gojo ♡~
this cheeky mf i swear to fucking god.
another one that wears them all the time
he wears your uniform and styles his hair just the way you do to yours (if you don't have hair just pretend he does something else <3)
and then he just fucking shows up and get all like like
"hi guys, i'm y/nnnnnn" with the most high pitched voice ever
you don't even talk like this, he just does it to annoy you 😭😭😭
he started wearing them just as a joke and to piss you off
but turns out he enjoys it a little too much
he says that it's because they're comfortable and he likes your style
which is true, he absolutely loves your style and always buys you new clothes because he thought you'd look so good in them
(even if you tell him not to do it and that you didn't want him to spend his money on you, that only makes him buys more and more istg that man is so-)
but in reality, it's because your smell on the clothes give him comfort
they make him realize that he has a home and someone who cares about him
and they make him feel like a normal human being, even if just for a few moments
but he's satoru gojo, the world's strongest sorcerer
he would never ever admit it
so he just says he likes them because it makes his ass look good <3
~ ♡ ~
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yuuta okkotsu ♡~
baby baby baby !!!!
he always saw you wearing his clothes
and he thought you looked soooo cute 🥺🥺
so he got a brilliant idea
what if he surprised you by wearing your clothes, just like you wear his ??
so he did it
he got one of your oversized shirts you always wore to sleep and put it on
he then nervously made his way to where you were, playing on your phone
yuta walked towards you, anxiously fiddling with the hem of your shirt
he was too shy to meet your eyes :(
all his courage left his body at the moment you looked at him
your silence made him even more anxious as he waited for your reaction
"is that my shirt?"
he shyly nodded as he started apologizing, saying it was a stupid idea to do it and already starting to take off the shirt
"no, no, baby! you don't have to take it off, you look amazing on it!"
he asked, eyes shining brightly and cheeks burning at the compliment
you nodded happily, hugging him tightly
"it's just that... you were so quiet, i thought you were mad at me for wearing your clothes.." he admitted shyly
"i was just surprised, that's all. you should wear my shirts more often if you want to!" you replied, seeing the worry leave his pretty face and him giving you a small nod
after that day, he started wearing your shirts whenever he could :)
he's so precious wtf please i just want to protect him <//3
~ ♡ ~
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toge inumaki ♡~
wears them all the time
no jokes, he wears them so often that when you actually wear them, your friends are like
owwwn you're wearing inumaki's clothes how cute 🥺🥺
and you just stare at them like   ????? they're mine ????
he looks so cute wearing them you just don't mind having no clothes at all to wear anymore because all of them are in his room <33
he looks like a tiny kitty when he wears your shirts or your skirts
and all your wardrobe just started to smell like him
and you're all JSDKABSKSNSKSNDLS whenever you wear them
because they smell like home and you love it <3
after he started wearing your clothes it's very rare to see him wearing his own clothes
but don't worry, you can wear them for him !! :D
~ ♡ ~
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maki zenin ♡~
just like megumi, she doesn't wear them at all
she grew up in a very strict family who never showed her any affection or cared about her
so she wasn't used at all to the regular relationship stuff
or just any forms of affection in general
tbh it took her over a month to actually hold your hand
so you made sure to always take things slow so she could take her time
i wish i could give her all the love she deserves <//3 i love you maki pls be my gf
the first time she ever wore your clothes was when you went out with your friends at night
it started to rained and the night started to get cold
you were just happily chatting with maki when you noticed she started to shiver a bit
she brushed it off as if it was nothing and continued talking
but you took off your jacket and placed it on her shoulders, ignoring about her complains that you'd get cold too and that you needed it more than her
but you weren't having any of this bullshit, so you just wrapped it tighter around her
once the soft fabric touched her cold shoulder and your smell hit her nose, she relaxed, smiling softly at you
after a few minutes internally debating whether she should give it back to you or not
she just kept the jacket carefully wrapped around her shoulders, knowing you wouldn't let her give you the jacket
so she just wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer while trying to hide the blush on her face
you could hear a soft "idiot" falling from her lips and that only made you smile and press a soft kiss to her red cheeks
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SAGAU but the reader is just random sassy 10 y/o that knows when to stfu and is a Geo traveller main because they made the traveller way too strong.
Extra details that i like to put in (feel free to ignore this part, or exclude some parts of this deatail)
Reader can draw at least better than artist their age
When they first got to the genshin world they were like "Oh. Wow. This couldn't get any worst" and when it did..yeah
When the archons do dumb shit, the reader stares at them with disgust and shock. Like a mix of them. Reader is like "This is the characters I pulled for!?"
But then they just accept it and just cry
Theyre horrifying when they're pissed. Like they're not the type to throw tantrums. Even if they're 10y/o, they are a 10 y/o with class.
They just stare at you. With a smiling face with veins popping on their fists and face.
And the just sigh and gives up on being angry
Quietly cries because of shitty parents guys omg 😃
It took them a while, but when seeing mondstadt characters with the exact voice,clothes, and name, they just went "Am I in genshin impact???"
Denies it at first. After a few hours, they just accept it
Fortunately does not get accused as impostor because like thats a wholeass kid
Their guardian is the Traveller, but sometimes its Zhongli because kid reader finds comfort in both of their presence.
Or maybe consider ANOTHER VERSION SAGAU ;
Reader has a charm magic, but doesn't know it because lack of self worth #cool
Is the creator, but they just somehow got the charm magic
Reader did not get accused as the impostor (because of charm magic)
The charm magic works on both gender (DOES NOT WORK WITH CHILDREN)
As a former sassy child I hope I did your first idea justice <3
Im just seeing this slightly grumpy, 110% done with everyone lil kid hanging around Traveler. Like all the other acolytes were maybe trying to sneak up adoption papers, but you just had other plans as you cling onto the Traveler for dear life as yall run around Teyvat.
Honestly you're just emotionally and physically attached to the Traveler at the hip once you find them. Wherever they go you're right with them.
Due to being with Traveler all the time, you may or may not clash with Paimon. Though if y'all can agree that someone is being stupid then they'll have to deal with two people coming up with ugly nicknames (with yours possibly making them break down crying bc "oh no the creator hates me--")
The characters tripping over their feet and calling you "your grace" and other variations was cool for like 10 minutes before you started laying into them for it
"Your grace this, your grace that, do you want me to call you Barbatos in the church and see how you like it?!"
"Call me your eminence one more time and I'm taking away your artifacts."
"You were already on thin ice for stealing my 50/50 three times Diluc, I have a name. Use it."
Okokok so, Imagine seeing Ei, the Electro archon, the woman with the most badsss introduction that you've ever seen in your life.
And she's just kneeling, nearly sobbing at your feet. And it just ruins it for you.
"You were such a pain to fight and for what?!"
Definitely gives off the vibe of being a kid that will throw hands if bothered but you use your words instead of your fists.
Would use your fists to fight anyone who hurts Traveler tho. Scaramouche is lucky he disappeared bcuz you had the time.
When the Traveler ends up going on adventures that they didn't think were safe for you to accompany them on (which were most of them but you were really good at using the creator title to your advantage) they dropped you off with Zhongli given that he was probably the only responsible person they knew that wasn't also swamped with like 50 other things at the same time.
At first you'd probably be a menace n call him Peepaw for a laugh but it would quickly become a term of endearment as he becomes the only positive parental figure in your life and oh no you slipped and called him dad he's malfunctioning--
He'd probably remove you from the pedestal he had you on before you landed in Teyvat. You're just a kid. He's not crazy. Even if the elements do react to you while you're upset, you're still a kid.
And now you're his kid. So the closest thing he has to a fridge is just gonna be littered with your drawings (much to your embarrassment when someone comes over and gushes even harder than he does bc they're still not over the whole creator thing)
Venti and Ei are hella jealous. And Zhongli is a lil smug but doesn't simmer on it for too long.
And on a similar note of haphazardly adopting characters, if you saw Traveler moping about their sibling, you'd immediately stand up, give them a hug, and declare yourself their new sibling no take backs. 
...And if you saw the Abyss twin? Ohhh you let then have it.
"They've been sad this entire time looking for you but you've been watching this entire time?! Do you even care?!?"
You look calm but that glare… lightning nearly strikes them. You leave the Abyss twin sobbing while going to comfort Traveler with a hug.
I forgot to mention but also I think that Traveler, from being both your main and your first vessel before the whole Isekai thing, would probably treat you like a child first Instead of a literal God.
They're more in tune with you from you keeping them around and building them for so long, so they kinda unknowingly treat you how you want to be treated from the get-go. 
Aaaaa I hope you like it! Sorry I didn't get to the charm stuff this time ;v;
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