#feeling stupid and stuff... im working on it
ferigrieving · 2 days
⊹ ࣪ in which touya todoroki finds himself again
a.n can you tell i dont know how buying a house works please. please give me tips on how to make this more realistic im so serious please old people out there. also canon divergent shoto already knows that dabi is touya i think theres no way that hes stupid enough.. not to know. i guess.
⤷ masterlist ; one ; three ; requests open
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endeavour, number one hero, and his father, would be his mark.
when you were out the door, dabi leapt into action. he immediately began getting ready for his heist. pulling on different clothes, grabbing the necessary supplies, his heart was thrumming with excitement and nerves. he hadn’t done anything like this since he was a teenager, stealing from random civilians to buy cigarettes and snacks. but now, he was going after the big fish.
dabi wasn’t bothered by the risk of being caught. he’d been on the run for years, living a life filled with crime and danger. being a villain was his identity, and he embraced it fully. even if he got caught, even if this plan failed, it didn’t matter. 
he would risk everything, burn everything to ash, to make you happy. he didn’t care if he went down in flames. 
he’d take his father with him.
he grinned to himself as he finished gearing up. he looked almost like himself again as he looked in the mirror; dark clothes, face-mask, heavy boots, and a scowl that dared anyone who looked at him. he might look like a villain ready for business, but his mind was filled with thoughts of you. the sweet, domestic life he envisioned was at the forefront of his brain as he thought of you sitting on the porch of that house, the warm sun on your face. it would be worth everything.
dabi considered different ways to get the money. stealing from endeavor’s agency was one way, but it was risky and they had plenty of security. he couldn’t just walk up and take it. that left only one option. 
he had a feeling his old man would have his cash somewhere in his own home. he was a hero, after all. all that cash would be useless if it wasn’t kept safe in a bank somewhere. even he knew better than that.
dabi thought back to when he lived with his father. the layout of his big home was forever burned in his brain. it wouldn’t be hard to infiltrate. there were plenty of places to hide, plenty of access points, and plenty of windows to jump out of. he’d have to sneak past endeavor’s security, but with his knowledge of the house, it was possible.
he always wondered what the safe that he had seen once in the wall was for. the painting was wide open, hanging on its hinges. he’d always assumed it was full of boring adult stuff- tax papers, old photos, things like that. now, however, he knew better. there was probably thousands, if not millions, of yen hiding in that safe, all for the taking.
that would be his target. dabi would sneak in, find the safe, grab the cash, and sneak back out. it would be easy. and if anyone tried to stop him, well… he’d burn them to ash.
dabi crouched behind a tree on the edge of the todoroki estate, his eyes fixed on the building. he surveyed the house, seeing if anyone was home. endeavor would probably be at his agency, so now would be the best time to strike. he could take his time, rifle through that house, and not even leave a single trace of himself behind. no one would suspect a thing. 
he had to remind himself that this was all for you. for your happiness, and for his dreams to come true. with that thought in mind, he stepped through the gate and began scouting the area for a way in.
silently, he crept around the edge of the property, staying low and out of sight. he'd memorized the blind spots in the security as a kid, so he stuck to them. sneaking past the guards and through the gate was easy. he just had to get in and out before anyone even knew he was there.
he was careful as he moved silently through the bushes and shadows of the estate. he could vaguely remember a few old childhood antics that might work, like how his younger brother natsuo used to sneak out through the window to go see his friends.  
now came the harder part. sneaking through the house without drawing any attention to himself. he crept silently through the darkened rooms, the layout of the house still fresh in his memory. he could still hear the yelling from those long ago days. the anger, the beatings, the constant training. it all ran through his mind as he crept through the rooms he'd once called home.
it was suffocating.
as he thought of his past, his breath became labored and his hands began to tremble. he could still hear the screams of the past. it felt like the house was closing in on him. squeezing any breath out of him. he shut his eyes tightly, clenching his fists as he focused on making it to the bedroom. it was just a house, it couldn’t hurt him anymore. 
he kept repeating the mantra until he made it to the bedroom door. taking a last deep breath, he pushed open the door.
dabi stared at the painting. the tacky, golden leaves were just as he remembered them. his eyes flickered over them to the blank safe behind it. he had to laugh at that, shaking his head as he approached the safe. he already knew the combination, the same one endeavor used for everything. 
he turned the dial, his heartbeat thrumming in his chest. 01. 11. 75.
he carefully pulled open the safe, his eyes immediately lighting up at the sight of all that cash. he’d never seen that much money in his life, and here it was, in his hands. he didn’t bother counting it, knowing it would be more than enough for the house. he began shoving it into his bags, his smile returning. this was almost too easy.
dabi whipped around, his blood running cold. he stared at his prodigy brother, mind going blank. h ow long had he been there? how much had he seen? how’d he even know to come? it didn’t matter, he’d get out of this.
he forced a smirk to his face, hiding the panic in his eyes. “well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” he drawled, his hands twitching at his sides.
“what the hell are you doing?”
dabi stared at shoto for another second, his mind racing. but finally, he decided to play it off. he grinned, raising his arms as if in surrender. “what does it look like?” he drawled, “i’m stealing some cash from the old man. for someone so smart, you’re awfully stupid.”
he shrugged, answering the questions he knew shoto had before he could even think to speak, “he’s got plenty of it, shoto. what’s some extra cash to him? he’s the number one hero, he can always get more.” he took a step closer to his brother, letting his eyes rake up his form. shoto hadn’t changed much, had he? he was still that same little boy he’d run away from years ago.
dabi grinned, leaning closer and patting shoto on the cheek. “come on, little shoto! you gonna tell on me?” he jeered, his eyes flickering to shoto’s scar. “you gonna go snitch on mommy and daddy for me?” he was riling him up on purpose, wanting a rise out of the little brat.
“i couldn't care less what you’re doing. its dad’s money, anyway. take all of it.” he frowned, smacking dabi’s hand away and taking a step back. “i dont care.”
dabi paused, his eyes widening. he hadn’t seen that coming. he’d thought shoto still idolized endeavor, but here he was, completely against him. dabi grinned widely, suddenly happy to have a comrade. 
“well that makes two of us,” he said with a chuckle. shoto really had changed in the years he’d been gone. he’d grown up, and not into the golden child their father had wanted.
shoto blinked once, turned on his heel, and left.
dabi chuckled watching him go. what a little brat. but it seemed he wasn’t going to stop him, so he turned back to the safe. he gathered the rest of the cash, stuffing it into his bags. his heart was beating wildly in his chest. 
now, he just had to get out.
dabi left the room swiftly, bags in hand. he crept softly down the hallway to the entrance of the house, sticking by the shadows as he went. 
he didn’t see shoto anywhere, so the brat must have gone somewhere else. good, less trouble for him. he approached the door silently, peering out of the windows. all clear.
dabi left the premises without any trouble. the guards were still focused on patrolling the front, not a single one had thought to check the back of the house. he slipped through the gate, leaving the estate far behind him. 
he allowed himself a moment to catch his breath, leaning on a nearby tree. he’d done it. he’d gotten everything he needed, and now he’d be able to buy that beautiful house for you.
ring ring.
dabi’s head jerked up as he heard his phone ring. who was calling him at a time like this? it was probably shigaraki, ready to whine at him for taking so long with the plan. 
he answered it quickly, bringing the phone to his ear. “this better be good, crusty,” he snapped.
dabi’s eyes softened instantly, and his heart leapt at the sound of your voice. “oh, hey doll,” he sighed, his voice suddenly soft. “what’s up?”
dabi paused for a moment, thinking. bakery, huh. “hmm, surprise me,” he finally said. “i bet you’ll pick something good.” he wasn’t really paying attention. his mind was elsewhere at the moment. namely, on his successful heist.
dabi grinned, his mind already on the sugary treat. “you know you love me,” he laughed, his heart racing at the thought of you. “now, can you get me one? please, sweetcheeks?”
“yeah, yeah, whatever. ill be back in ten, dont be dead by then.” click.
dabi had to hold himself back from jumping with joy like some sort of cartoon character. he had the money from endeavor. he’d escaped the estate without being caught. and you were on your way back with a treat. 
now all he had to do was get to the realtor and seal the deal.
dabi was still riding his high from the success of his heist, but he wasn’t stupid. he could easily get caught if he tried buying the house himself. someone had to do it for him. he was so obviously a villain. he had to get one of his more normal looking gus to do it. maybe giran? or toga?
he quickly dialled a number. if anyone could fake it as a civilian, it was her.
toga picked up on the first ring. “dabi!” she greeted cheerfully. “where have you been for the past two weeks? i’ve missed you…” she sang, a light giggle in her voice.
"stayin' at the hideout. could you do me a favour? " dabi spoke, opening the door to the hideout with one foot and shutting it behind him.
toga made a sound of disbelief, her voice turning a little teasing. “a favour? what could you, mr. big bad villain, possibly want from me, a young innocent girl?”
“fuck off. i need to buy me a house.”
toga gasped excitedly at his words. “a house?” she squealed, “like, a.. home? you want a home, just for the two of you? you and your little boyfriend”” a manic laugh left her lips. “wow! things are getting serious, huh? i can’t believe you’d trust a poor little girl like me with this. this is a very big favour. maybe i should just tell all the others how serious you’re getting, i’m sure they’d love that—”
“toga, shut the fuck up and get your ass over here.”
toga cut off her giggling and squealing, letting out a breathy sigh. “okie dookie. i’m on my way. gimme like ten minutes.” she hung up, leaving dabi to himself. he poured himself some whiskey from the many bottles of alcohol that lined the shelves, and waited.
he spent the next few minutes checking the news to make sure there was no word about endeavor’s money going missing. after a few minutes, toga finally arrived. she skipped over to him, her signature smile on her face.
"so!" toga sang, clasping her hands in front of her. "what's this about a house, hmm?" 
dabi rolled his eyes, giving her the most unamused look he could muster. he'd have to pay her back for the mocking later. "it's exactly what i said. i need you to buy a house for me and my love."
toga gasped excitedly, hopping on her feet as if she could explode. "oh my god , you're buying a home for the love of your life? dabi, you're getting so soft!" she cooed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "you're gonna settle down! what's next, a minivan and two point five kids?"
dabi gritted his teeth, his patience wearing thin. "just shut up and listen, dammit. i just need you to do the simple task of buying a house for me. i'm the one paying for it to begin with, it's just that i can't go do it myself."
toga pouted at his harsh tone, but reluctantly agreed. "fine, fine. but you're so lucky to have little old me as your personal shopper! what do you want? a cute little suburban home? a cozy cottage in the woods? ooh, maybe a castle or something!"
“we already found a house. just– just go pay for it. go steal someones blood and do whatever it is you do.”
toga snatched the information from his hand, giggling as she glanced over the description. “ooh, so domestic,” she teased, “and in a good area, too! you’re getting really serious about these house-buying shenanigans. does you secret partner know just how much of a romantic you’re becoming?”
“toga himiko if you do not get out of this place right now and buy that house i will fucking turn you into ashes.”
toga’s smile widened, “aww, is someone mad?” she grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. she had been enjoying riling up dabi a little too much in the last few minutes. he was just so cute when he was annoyed with her.
but she decided to have mercy on him. for now, at least. she saluted him mockingly. “well then, i’m off to go fulfil my duties as your personal shopper! i’ll have you living in your dream cottage by the end of the night!”
as soon as toga left, you walked in, glowing as always. dabi doesnt think he’ll ever get used to how good you look.
dabi's irritation melted away instantly as he saw you enter. it was as if your presence was an immediate cure for all his stress. when you were around, nothing else seemed to matter.
he gave you a crooked grin as he stood to greet you, his eyes softening. "there you are, doll," he purred, pulling you into his arms.
you could feel the tension leaving your body the moment he pressed you against his chest, his warmth instantly soothing you. you wrapped your arms around his neck, breathing him in. "hey, you," you greeted softly, burying your face against his shoulder. “i brought your cupcake.”
dabi's heart fluttered at the pet name, and a smile spread across his face. he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, pressing feather-light kisses along your skin. "you're perfect, baby," he purred, his voice low and gentle.
as he pulled back, his eyes landed on the little pink treat in your hands, and he grinned. "oh, you really are perfect," he laughed, taking it from you. immediately, he took a big bite.
he hummed in contentment as he chewed, the sweetness melting in his mouth. he hadn't planned on getting all domestic with you, but now he couldn't imagine anything more perfect. to have a home of his own with you, to come back to you every day and see your smiling face, it was a dream he never thought he'd get to have.
he described the house to you excitedly, his eyes lighting up with passion as he described the features. he told you about the cozy kitchen where he could prepare meals for you, the comfy living room where the two of you could curl up together on the couch, and the big bedroom that was just begging to be spent in.
he talked and talked, envisioning the domestic life the two of you were about to start.
"and now it's ours," he said proudly, a smile spreading across his face. "we have our own home, doll. our place. think about it! we'll get to wake up together every day, we'll have our own space to hang up our favorite pictures, we'll have a real kitchen where we can cook together."
he looked at you with a fond smile, his eyes tender. "it's like a dream, isn't it, doll? our own little slice of paradise, just for the two of us."
“you– you bought it already?”
dabi chuckled, giving you a firm squeeze. "not yet," he admitted, "i need toga to do that for me. but once she does, we'll be living there in no time. we're really doing this."
he spun you around to face him, pulling you as close as possible. "this is really happening, doll," he whispered, his voice filled with excitement and hope. "we're gonna have that normal life together that we always talked about."
you wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his chest. god, you couldn't believe it. this was all so surreal. you never thought you would be able to have a normal life with him, and yet here you were. 
your heart fluttered at his words, and a smile broke out across your face. "yes, we are," you whispered back, pulling him down for a kiss. the future suddenly seemed so much brighter, and the two of you finally had something to look forward to.
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flyingspicerack · 9 months
*peeks out from the rock i was hiding under* ... hi
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clownsuu · 11 months
Ay. An offer; one doodle of lovelie for the price of answering my question 🦅
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Eh? Eh?— Anyways my question is; what’s an art tip you can give that really helped you? Anything special when drawing or do you just have a hand of god?
(Btw your one of my favorite artists and I love seeing your work homie, number 1 inspo fr. Keep on cookin 🦅💞)
WAHHH THEY LOOK SO SCRUNGLYYYY (despite his many, m a n y crimes)
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buncha stuff i forgot 2 post =P
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dr3amofagame · 11 months
forgive me my demons but i see this take so much and it drives me a little crazy . c!Sam is stupid, obviously. He has no self-awareness, he somehow completely misses on the fact that his actions have social ramifications, he has a sense of entitlement a mile high and thinks that everyone automatically should fall in line and agree with his authority just because he decides that he has it. he navigates conversations with the grace of a wrecking ball because he assumes that everyone will agree with him being In The Right and therefore doesn't actually go for much more convincing half the time than "do what i say or you'll end up locked up in an inescapable prison." his moral compass is a roulette wheel and his justifications incomprehensible.
but at the same time, c!Sam is far from unintelligent. like, not just anyone was going to CREATE and then RUN pandora's fucking vault. he made a world eater ?? if there's like anyone on the server that could reasonably create shit to cause mass destruction across the server other than like the literal fucking nukes, then yeah it'd be him, see the world eater again. sure, he makes the craziest fucking assumptions off the fact that he's Right And Justified And The Ultimate Authority And Everyone Should Agree With That, but he's also able to lie and manipulate and gaslight and coerce and threaten pretty much without breaking a sweat if he ever deems doing so necessary for his own goals, and it's not like the methods by which he does so are like, all that clumsy either. like people absolutely bought his whole deal early on in the prison arc, believing him to be a well-meaning, burdened Warden doing Whatever It Takes for the good of the server, which did in large part have to do with how his character talked about the prison to others and such, etc. just because c!sam is crazy bonkers and expects his ex to forgive him chopping their arm off doesn't mean that he's completely incapable of being pretty damn convincing at some points.
and like, even more importantly, his being dumb really didn't make him ANY less intimidating. i'd argue that it made him A LOT WORSE, honestly! just because his moral bullshit is twisted up in knots doesn't mean that he's any less dangerous for it. c!sam is, honestly, from the top of my head, one of the most casual about being violent on the server, purely because he believes he has a Right to it. he believes that people owe him obedience by virtue of who he is. he threw several people into pandora's vault WITHOUT LIKE, ANYONE KNOWING just because he decided that they deserved to be put in prison. he kidnaps a toddler??? c!Sam really doesn't bend himself in half trying to justify things according to someone else's moral system; as he literally does in that one scene with c!Bad during the stream where they investigated Sam Bucket, he literally just. is the epitome of the guy that lets himself do shit because he has a self-written permit that says i do what i want. the only thing getting in the way of c!sam's bullshit is c!sam, and i think that people honestly chronically overestimate how much he holds himself back from horrific violence. he stabbed a teenager to Make A Point about his authority? he repeatedly threatens hannah, one of his own employees, because of things she did while being mind controlled--and then like, uses this to excuse himself of? workplace harassment? in the stream after techno escapes with dream, he literally MAKES UP A REASON to be really fucking angry at dream and then threatens TO TORTURE HIM over it. when new people joined the server he would threaten them with a sword for asking questions about the prison in a way that seemed too 'dream sympathetic.' and he regularly tells people that he would commit all the atrocities again, including ponk, because he's entirely 100% convinced that everything he does is justified?
and a lot of the stuff people hold against him, like. sure, his plan to contain technoblade didnt work, but it SURE DID WORK BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE THAT TRIED, DIDNT IT? like techno would've been decently screwed if he didn't have a statis chamber set up. and well, the situation with dream speaks for itself--he was stuck in there for ten months. a lot of what people attribute to c!Sam's stupidity really does very little if anything to make him less scary--less effective, maybe, but for every time his moral bullshit gets in the way of him getting something that he wants there's probably a few other times you can find where his ability to justify himself out of anything makes him do something fucking ridiculous . anyway i dont even have a point to all of this except c!sam is scary as fuck bro
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om0000 · 2 days
imagine if westley rlly betrayed wander n sylvia n stayed in the hater empire jk jk unless
#hmmm how do i make him suffer more#hed live such a miserable life#idk i just like that “character gets all they wanted n then realizes it doesnt fulfill them” thing sm#imagine how getting special treatment n then being instantly demoted back to just private again after wander n sylvia escape would feel#im saying like cartoonishly instantly back#its like everyone forgot abt his stupid medal of evil n stuff its just all back to status quo except westley being less enthusiastic n#more n more hyperaware of all the brainwashing#which is actually funny asf cuz peepers n haters brainwasing n propaganda is so bad it only works on westley n maybe like 3 more watchdogs💀#if the watchdogs still have a home planet i like to think they have the craziest propaganda going on down there actually to the point#enrolling in the hater empire is a lot of watchpuppies' dream#its like our thing w every kid wanting to be an astronaut except its every watchpuppy wanting to serve the hater empire#which was def westley at some point#except bro somehow kept that enthusiasm going for 3 years of witnessing hater fuck up n peepers violate workers rights all day every day#wait nvm the propaganda might actually work rlly well considering the eye on the skullship n andys whole thing abt being absolutely#engrossed w haters whatabouts n shit despite never seeing him up close before#damnn imagine that#imagine their war machine evil empire being actually bad n not just silly cartoon aliens (its still just silly cartoon aliens)#this got long asf idk i just lkke#i wanted to say “i just like propaganda” idk how to phrase it right n not sound fucked up in the head#its all propaganda pro propaganda i have a feeling im not alone 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#pbj
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masterfuldoodler · 4 months
If half alive has 1000 fans I am one of them. If half alive has 1 fan, I am that fan
#text#august rambles#this is brought to you by seeing someone's review for them. and saying they didn't like the ep because it was standard#and that now not yet was better but had a bunch of poor songs. some of them bad#they even said still feel wasn't good because it was appealing too much to 'teen angst'#anyway i couldn't read the rest i had to leave#it was too painful i like the music too much we viewed it from different standpoints ack#i see a lot of people saying half alive is knock off twenty one pilots and like i see what they're saying. they are similar but#why does that mean its a knock off. what if they are just similar. half alive is clearly doing they're own thing. they're not copying them#maybe. that is just what that band is good at doing! the same as twenty one pilots. just cuz twenty one pilots came first doesn't mean#they own the scene. (you can argue they're better at they're music but if you're gonna do that make sure you're comparing the early stuff)#anyway rant about this because. i really like half alive and just dsbkncjnvb you don't need to be a fan#you don't need to think they're awesome. you can have an opinion outside of mine#but please be nice. and remember. it's Your opinion it's not Truth. if you don't like the song. you don't like it#if you think the repetition is boring. its not for you. if the 'angst' is stupid. its not for you. if the song doesn't hold weight.#it's not for you. the artist wrote this. and worked with other people to publish it#clearly they cared and other people saw worth in it. and like!! the fact that they're not big name also means they Can't get away with like#stupid filler stuff. they don't have enough of a name they gotta impress#idk i care too much. i see things like this and im just. ugh. it feels pretentious#half alive
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burinazar · 3 months
:( patheticposting
nearly literally reduced to tears rn by how overwhelmingly it feels like nobody cares what I make or like or think about and how meaningless any of my creativity and love and effort is
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tenrose · 5 days
I hate living in this world.
#misc#negativity tw#first off i had an argument with a colleague at work#we had to move places for the millionth time in this stupid open space#which already annoyed me#but this guy came at bargained like he always do while i said nothing because it's not like we chooae#and he always does that for actual work because and idk at first i made a snarky comment about now that he got what he wanted he better be#ready to work instead of hiding when somebody ask him to do his job#and he told me he didn't understand the remark#and my hot temper that makes me snap every five years took over#i bet he has by now complaining aboutme like he does about everything#anyway i take hours to calm down (not calm after 4 hours)#I'm also pissed at me cause i can't get emotional without shaking stupidly which makes me look like an hysterical person (i mean sadly i am)#also if there has to have an explanation once my anger is gone tomorrow i will be back on social anxiety mode which is gonna make it worse#all of this reminded me that i need to find a new job for ten thousand reasons#but unfortunately all employers are shit and actually i don't even know what i want to do#and as usual i have no energy for anything because i am still a major piece of shit#then i wanted to relax#made the mistake to open Instagram because I'm also stupid#and i know i don't often talk about politics and stuff#but it's really draining me#i barely or read news just enough to be aware#and honestly its exhausting but I dont want to complain cause Im in a privileged position where i have the chance to be able to 'shut off'#and yes my country and especially this government is sickening me#and like its people too#and also insta is full of pride posts#and i am stupid to read the homophobic and transphobic comments#and genuinely these people alongside racist and islamophobic people really scare the hell out of me#hopefully i don't engage but i shouldn't read anything at all tbh#speaking of pride im spiralling because even tho i kinda identify as aro i feel like a freak and i have nobody to tell me im not
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bunnihearted · 16 days
goddess the body feels sooo good after a workout 🫠
#it feels so warm and heavy and so comfortable omg#have y'all heard about exercise and stretching it is amazing owo#my thighs are super gooey tho like can barely sit and stand#luv it!!!#it feels extra good bc i woke up today super depressed (bc yesterday was rough)#and i just wanted to keep my earplugs in and cry and stay in bed all day#but somehow i managed to get up and walk all the way to the gym#and i worked out for almost 2hrs lol like when i get started i dont wanna leave#i did more on the crosstrainer (my bby i love the crosstrainer) and i dared to use the leg machine i wanted#i could adjust the seat this time phew. and i tried just one bump heaver weight for everything too#owoowowow and for some reason i didnt totally wanna throw up when i had to observe myself in the mirror skskk#so yeah it was a good session today ^-^#as always tho i do feel stupid and inadequate... bc almost everyone who is there is in great shape#and they know what they're doing and they're doing complicated exercises with very heavy weight and im there#with my 2kg dumbells getting strains in my wrists (im careful tho dw!!!!!)#im definitely doing it at a very low level but last time i worked out was before my knee got fucked and before all of these weird pains#😃😃😃 so im not even as strong as i was when i was overweight.. i never felt weak when i was#but i go to the gym because i enjoy it since it's fun and even the low intensity stuff i do makes my body feel nice#and if i keep going regularly for years maybe i'll also get in good shape and do more and more stuff#i wanna be a gym bunny!!!!!!#i used to actually love the gym so much i wanted to work at one skksks
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dysfunctionaldogdude · 2 months
I feel like actually shit like the entirety of last week getting to me. I wish I could have a moment of actual relaxation and not just me forgetting I have shit to do.
(Tag warning-> depressing talk, dark topics)
Might delete this idk..
#vent post#tag rambles#I have over 60 different things to fill out that I need to do by tomorrow and I forgot to do them. I feel so stupid#I actually hate having adhd#people try to make it out to be just a quirky thing that its not that big of a deal or anything#but it's not#it impairs on relationships#I struggle to remember important things that I need to do and even WANT to do. I struggle so bad#I even have fights with people about me being a “liar” even though I'm not#I just have a shit ass memory I feel useless 90% of the time and shit#gods and I doubt it's just me having adhd. Im pretty sure its my possibility of having bpd and autism#i show all symptoms of bpd and I relate far too much with autism videos#like this is stuff active in my daily life#people don't see it often due to have carefully Ive crafted.. this is going to sound a bit fannibal of me but literally a person suit#i swear a person suit#it's not even funny#gods i just wish I could function without getting all up and arms about how much of a pos I feel#if I don't get attention from.. basically.. my fp I get all sad and melancholy. i spiral#I'm pretty sure I have at least three fps#if I even have bpd#but gods#just so stupid how I can barely fucking function without all of these crutches#I'm not in a certian program anymore for a thing and now I can't fuction and work how I use to since it was a slower environment#I'm failing#like I won't be able to make it I feel like#not suicide or anything#just in things I wanted to do#feels like my future is doomed cause life keeps throwing curve balls at me#someone with at least two mental disabilities#i definitely have more
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crippling anxiety hours let's go
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soldier-poet-king · 6 months
U know when u reach that point of mentally unwell that it's like, u realize it's stupid and dumb and your (mal)adaptive coping mechanisms and inbuilt trauma responses aren't helpful and aren't logical and you're complete aware of this and yet can't eradicate it and it's so frustrating and in some way you're more upset about not being able to force ur brain into being normal and stop being Like That, than you are upset about whatever thing happened in the first place
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 11 months
inspired by this:
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also, here's the fake thumbnails seen very briefly at the end if anyone wants to see wtf moke's up to on his nonexistent yt channel:
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puppyeared · 11 months
footnotes arent enough I need you to talk to me like im fucking Amelia Bedelia
#this isn’t about anything in particular btw. I just have to add a lot of memos when I’m doing things because some things are done a certain#way and it isn’t explained well in the instructions. like my mom has instructions on her baking recipes right#but when it says stuff like add dry ingredients to wet ingredients it also means you don’t dump it in one go you add it slowly by portion#this is probably why I find videos and demonstrations the most helpful when I learn something. like I almost always ask someone to show me#how they do it because there could be something they do that’s already second nature and wouldn’t really be considered in an explanation yk#I don’t think I’m an exception either. when the rice is done cooking I divide it into 4 quarters to bless it#but there are a million ways to divide rice and it makes me think that one persons way of doing it or not doing it all is just as valid#theres also technically no wrong way to divide rice afaik. this means either all ways of dividing rice is safe or valid until we find some#universally terrible way of dividing rice. until that happens nobody really thinks about specifying HOW you divide the rice#source: I have anxiety starting and doing things for the first time because I got way too many people yell at me NONONO WHAT ARE YOU DOING#THATS WRONG while I’m in the middle of doing the thing. I would rather have people think I’m either very stupid or overly specific#than go thru the panic inducing fear of ‘YOURE DOING THIS WRONG OMG WHY DIDNT YOU ASK AHEAD OF TIME THIS WILL BE FUCKED UP FOREVER’ 🧍#nothing wrong if you don’t give something a second thought because you’re so used to it. but I can and will ask about it and I don’t think I#really should feel bad about it if I don’t know enough to dispute it. idk#the other way around I try to be as specific as possible and word things in a way that people who might not get where I’m coming from will#understand. but the problem with that is my explanations tend to be lengthy and I lose them either way 🗿#Im. trying to work on that using examples and stuff because they seem to work the best#but if I could write everything down on a word doc and beam it into your melon that would save both of us time and embarassment#im rambling the short version is I have adhd#yapping
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gayspock · 4 months
i havent been to the gym since i moved out & i wanna get active again but fr -_- i feel like everything is too much faff, too expensive or something that will bore me to tearssssss
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