nr-studies · 3 years
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@studywitharmy's #TwoWeekStudyChallenge 3/14
day 3: have you experienced burnout from studying? how did you handle it?
I have definitely experienced this! music students are pushed so much. I take 14 classes and I have to practice and do homework and work on auditions. something that helps me is moving things around and doing things differently like changing how I practice, where I practice, where I study, etc. there isn't much time for us to take breaks so sadly I have to do whatever I can to keep going!
📖- malorie (bird box #2)- josh malerman
if you want to see what I'm reading check out my goodreads!
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bamboo-study · 2 years
What is Habitica?
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My username is: Bamboo-study
Read below for the transcript
ALL ABOUT HABITICA: Learn how to use the website/app
Habitica 101
Habitica is an app and website dedicated to tracking "Habits," "Dailies," and "To Do's." Habitia will "Gamify your life" as you create an avatar, level up by completing tasks, and go on quests to level up your character.
Start here
Create an avatar. When you begin, you will have a default character. As you complete tasks and quests, you can customize your character more with armor and accessories.
Mark it off
Choose some tasks for each section (Habits, Dailies, and To-Do) that are attainable but challenging. This allows you to get the feel of the app and build Habits and Dailies. I tend to add distracting things or fun hobbies to the Rewards section.
Party up
Join a party to hold yourself accountable for accomplishing tasks! You can also go on quests with your party to gain more XP, pets, and gold.
Extra Info
XP helps you level up, once you level up you gain health and gold.
You lose health if you fail to complete a task or complete a bad habit.
Gold can be used to purchase rewards, items, and health potions (to restore lost health).
Pets are from eggs which can be found by completing tasks or quests with your party.
Habitica is on the web, android, and iOS
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duckmoss · 3 years
Comfort Movie Tag
I was tagged by the @fishystudies (thanks!!!)
(rules: list seven comfort movies and tag seven people)
1. Hamlet (but literally only the David Tennant one don’t even look at me with the weird Oedipus complex ones I’m out)
2. Cloud Atlas
3. The Mummy
4. Amelie
5. Les Intouchables
6. Coraline
7. Scream (I really like horror movies ok)
I tag: literally anyone who wants to do this- I haven’t been super active on tumblr recently tbh and I don’t really interact with many people who do these oops
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Have you ever done a cym before?? Cym as your favorite characters! 💕💕
I have not done one before but I am STOKED to start! Thanks for the ask!! 💕
@daydreaming-optimist as Cress Darnel (Tangled)
@c-avenged as Rayla (The Dragon Prince)
@the---hermit as Lazlo Strange (Strange the Dreamer)
@oh-toasty as Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn nine-nine)
@contre-qui as Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
@fishystudies as Dr. Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
@kakooii as Jane Porter (Tarzan)
@courageisneverforgotten as Beesly (The Office)
@cantankerouscanuck as Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park)
@silhouette-of-sarah Anne Shirley Cuthbert (Anne with an E)
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cancerbiophd · 3 years
end of year positivity
tagged by the amazing wonderful beautiful hard-working and kind @jeonchemstudy and @docresa to list out some positive things that made me happy in 2020. they were two separate and slightly different posts so i’m going to do a mishmash of them. thank you both for the tag! this was a great dose of much-needed positive reflection. 
good things that happened to me this year:
finished my phd after nearly 6 long years! 🎉 
got an amazing job doing what i love, with a bunch of fellow alumni from my program so every day is super fun. 
moved back to my hometown for said job, and it’s great to be back among family and friends and familiar places
my parents got a new puppy :) scroll down for a picture of mocha. she’s a shiba inu, and is the softest cutest (most spoiled) pupper ever. she’s really affectionate and loves crawling into your lap. 
after not being to find the time while finishing my dissertation, i’ve finally been able to read again for fun! binge-reading for hours during the weekend is pure joy for me. 
and lastly: trump has been DUMPED!! BYEEE!
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i tag: @skinny-little-nobody, @fragileanimal​, @queenofthebench​, @phdstudyblr​, @tinted-neuro​, @orangeteastudying​, @astudyinphd​, @fishystudies​, and anyone who would like a moment to reflect upon the positive things that happened this year!
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radsenmot · 3 years
2020 review
@tolle-lege thank you for tagging me!
Top 5 movies you saw this year
Enola Holmes
The man from U.N.C.L.E
Cool World
Space Jam
Top 5 shows of the year
       Didn’t get into any this year.
Top 5 songs of the year
 Spotify says these were my top 5
Stormtide-Wrath of an Empire
The Anix-Renegade
Andrew Hulshult-Departure to Destruction
Top 5 books you read
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
The Devil Soldier by Caleb Carr
The Decameron by Boccaccio
Decipher by Stel Pavlou
The Prince by Machiavelli
Top 5 things to happen to you in 2020
Managed to read more
Passed all my exams
Didn’t catch the ‘rona
Managed to draw fairly frequently
Exercised regularly
Tagging @fishystudies, @himmelstudies, @soobinstudies, @academilktea and @aulia-study and of course anyone interested.
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laegless · 3 years
17 Q 17 People
Hi guys! I was tagged by @soaked-in-starlight - and this is actually the first ever question thingy I’ve been tagged in so thanks! (people know I exist??) Although by reading your post I learned that you use bing so maybe this is the last time we will ever communicate #googlegang
Nickname: my boyfriend calls me Hailstorm but my family calls me Cole
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5’3” although I do teeter on the edge of 5’4” not to brag
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Last thing I googled: “baroque”
Song stuck in my head: Heads Will Roll (A Trak Remix)
Number of followers: 71
Amount of sleep: 8 hours
Lucky number: 4
Dream job: well I have two avenues I’m pursuing so, academia: something bioinformatics/data science or wearable tech, other: music video composer/animator
Wearing: jeans, black tee, grey high school sweatshirt, faux leather jacket (it’s cold here lol)
Favorite song: I don’t have a *favorite* song, so I’ll just name what I happen to be listening to right now: Baby Blue-Tigers in the Sky
Favorite instrument: Hmm I think trumpet sounds lovely but piano is probably my favorite - once I’m done learning guitar I will be learning that one
Aesthetic: Tattoos meets cottage meets academia meets fashion meets sexy local singles in your area
Favorite author: George Orwell
Favorite animal noise: baby deer noises are up there for sure
Random: me and my boyfriend have been working on an online coffee business and we are hopefully going to be launching in late January/February!
Tag 17 people: I don’t know 17 people on tumblr so I’ll tag 17 tumblrs that I think are really cool (I think pothoswitch is the only one non-studyblr but I love their blog so)(also not in any order)
@spine-lizard-studies @ar-ithmancy @quantizedqubit @caeruleuz @latenightsvshi @gabrilearnelle @alexistudies @pothoswitch @studiousliz @grazieblue @ravenswoodacademia @stu-dna @captainofstudies @godzilla-studies @cassinotes @fishystudies @arctic-anna
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thatsleepymermaid · 3 years
17 Questions for 17 People
Thanks to @fishystudies for tagging me 
nicknames: Lizard or Peach
height : 5′5
hogwarts house : Ravenclaw
last thing i googled : “Urbosa Costume” (never too early to think about Halloween!)
song stuck in my head : Buddy Holly by Wheezer 
number of followers : 4 (pls follow)
amount of sleep : Around 6 hours.
lucky number : 12
dream job : Veterinarian!
wearing : Jeans, blouse and a sweat shirt
favorite song : Light In Your Eyes by Blessed Union of Souls
favorite instrument : Violin or cello
aesthetic : Mermaid/Fairy/Pirate
favorite author : Tomi Adeymi
favorite animal sounds : Whale song, dolphin squeaks and cat meows
random : I swam with multiple different species of shark 
17 people next up!
@saltwaterstudies @darling-dearest-detective @oceanstudies @messy-but-trying @hyperchemblr @studytodoctor @academilktea @alexistudies @studydiaryofamedstudent @sarcasm-in-a-trashcan @studyblr @pianoandstudy @sneaky-sea-slug @marinebiologyshitposts @thelegendofstudy @studyingela @mycatrunsthisvetblr
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studytogether · 3 years
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Hello friends! After all these years on tumblr, I’m finally starting my own studyblr, after years and years in post-secondary, here we are! You’ve all kept me going over the years, and now that most everything has moved online, I figured I might, too!
my name is escher
i was born before bop-it was invented (selena_gomez_cry_smile.gif)
transplant big city-er to small-town northern canada (if you’re also a cdn studyblr pls send me a msg, it makes me so happy!)
8 countries so far (ca, us, fr, it, gr, ie, cn, kr)
main blog: thecherryvegas
i am currently finishing my naturalist degree
i have a degree in acting (film/tv)
korean/italian language learner - lucky enough to have studied at a SKY university in south korea (idk anything about kpop, sorry friends)
i am eternally learning, and it’s one of the greatest joys in my life - curiosity!
being outdoors. all the time. in all weather.
playing indie (video or board) games - you can find me over on twitch
traveling, whether it be van-lifing, train trips, or flying, i love to be on the move
reading - preferably non-fiction, but you can still find poetry, classics, and lit. fic. on my shelf!
museums, galleries, the paranormal, cafes, creating half-finished mind maps, mental health research and learning
maintain my enjoyment of learning above all else - i never want to stop, so i strive to always find new ways to love it
keep up with my bujo and find more ways to streamline it as an educational tool of mine
get my level up in korean and italian
finally get my TEFL (i don’t want to be a teacher though??)
finish this dang degree
find a career that reflects my values
move to a new place!
working on this list! there are so many! (so many are followed by my other acct but i’m on a new one so i have to find everyone again~)
@philology-studies @arctic-anna @katieblooming @whoreticulturals @astrid-studies @fishystudies @stu-dna @studylustre @marie-curie @nienque @notebookist 
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nr-studies · 3 years
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Working hard on auditions... it's so stressful! I have about a month until my first audition of the semester so wish me luck!
📖-the life-changing magic of tidying up by marie kondō
if u want to see what I'm reading check out my goodreads!
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seastudent · 3 years
End of Year Positivity
Hey, y’all! I was tagged by the lovely @fishystudies to think back on some of the positive things that happened this year. Given how 2020 has been I think that’s a great thing to do!
(Original tag by @docresa: " [...] I challenge you to name 3 things that happened this year that made you happy, or that went well, or somehow had a positive impact, and tag at least 3 other people to do the same!”)
1. I had a breakthrough in the way I thought about things. I always operated under the mindset of “If I’m not naturally talented at it then it isn’t for me.” I realized that just because I’m not good at something right off the bat doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try. I know it seems cliché but it’s been a big shift for me and has encouraged me to try new things.
2. This mindset also lead directly to me going back to school after roughly a decade to get the marine science degree I always wanted but was too scared to try for. I feel more fulfilled than I have in a really long time.
3. I finished my first semester with a 3.79 GPA! I dropped out during my libarts degree and had probably around a 2.0 at the time, if that. Combined with the fact I’ve always struggled heavily with math and chem in the past and have never had a GPA hit 3.0 that I can recall, I am feeling REALLY good about this.
I know this year has been really hard for a lot of us, in so many ways, but I feel like I’ve grown so incredibly much this year. This wasn’t necessarily how I imagined this part of my journey coming about but I’m happy and proud of how I’ve adapted.
I am really looking forward to the future now and I’m very thankful to have found some of the communities I’ve joined this year. The support and positivity is incredible!
I’m not sure I’ll tag anyone since it seems a lot of people I follow have already filled this out, but if you’re reading this and you haven’t then consider yourself tagged! Even if you don’t make a post I encourage you to think about the positive things that you’ve experienced this year, big or small. It’s important to remember that we are always moving forward and the appreciate the good things that brings us. <3
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nr-studies · 3 years
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@studywitharmy's #TwoWeekStudyChallenge 1/14
day 1: what self care did you practice today?
I meditated for ten minutes and I washed my face! it was nice :)
today I finally started a new bullet journal! I won't be putting much in it in august but I'm still really excited about it :) rn I have set up this front page and my trackers. I prefer to have all my habit trackers in one place for the entire time I have the journal so I put august-december on the pages and I will just add the other months when I get there!
also I practiced for 1 hr 24 min :)
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nr-studies · 3 years
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I showed you my practice journal, but I also have a bullet journal! I don't really have much to do in august so I'm working on setting up a new journal since this one doesn't have many pages left. this spread is based on @studyquill's video on 101 things to do over the summer instead of mindlessly scrolling ☀
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nr-studies · 3 years
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@studywitharmy's #TwoWeekStudyChallenge 4/14
day 4: how can you improve on taking care of your mental health?
I think I just need to make more time for it! usually when I find a time where I'm not going anything I think "yay, 20 more minutes I can practice!" and then I end up missing my lunch or forgetting to brush my teeth or something 😂 so I need to make time for self care and also take breaks! basic hygiene should not be this difficult ahdkflf ✋
also this is a little spread I made bc after reading Marie Kondo's book I had a lot of ideas I wanted to write down! when I have more to add from other things I'll complete the page!
and I've practiced for an hour so far!!
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nr-studies · 3 years
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@studywitharmy's #TwoWeekStudyChallenge 2/14
day 2: what did you do that made you feel proud today?
I listened to my body! a lot of the time it feels like listening to your body is the wrong thing to do, but it is really the best way to go about things! I also did some cleaning bc I've been obsessed with Marie Kondo lately agdjfdkfl
I practiced for 35 min (a little bit of a rest day)
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cancerbiophd · 3 years
//seventeen questions
thanks @fishystudies and @tinted-neuro for tagging me! i haven’t done these in a while, so this was fun
nicknames: i have so many. ju, juju, julz, hoolia, hoolio, the list goes on and on
height: 5′7″ (170 cm)
hogwarts house: how about the trans lives matter house
last thing i googled: dog shrimping (look it up on images, you will not be disappointed)
song stuck in my head: none at the moment since i’m currently listening to music. and let’s keep it that way
number of followers: more than i ever thought, and i love each and every one of you
amount of sleep: 7-8 hours on weekdays, 8-9 hrs on weekends bc sleeping in is my greatest joy in life
lucky number: it used to be 7 when i was a kid (how original, i know) but now I don’t have one
dream job: my current job is pretty awesome and checks all my boxes: WFH (probably permanently even after covid), low stress, fun coworkers, has a consulting-vibe, super awesome cool meaningful work (I pretty much google things and read scientific research all day in order to directly and quickly help cancer patients). 
wearing: joggers, t-shirt, hoodie, and fuzzy socks--the ultimate WFH outfit
favorite song: Home by Vexento
favorite instrument: violin. more than just the instrument itself--playing it and being in high school orchestra brought me so many friendships and happy memories. 2 of my bridesmaids were friends i had met through orchestra ❤️ 
aesthetic: who knows. some sort of mish-mash of traditional/dark academia/cottage-cabin-core idk (according to my gen z sister’s equally gen z boyfriend: “your decor is soooo millennial!” whatever that means lol)
favorite author: leigh bardugo (Six of Crows owns my soul)
favorite animal sounds: bird chirps and dog boofs
random: I got a C in 2nd semester Ochem in college, retook it and got an F lmao. but you know what, that didn’t stop me from getting my PhD so 🤘 
i tag (not 17, but close enough?): @marbleousmego, @premedmotivator, @gliagirlphd, @astoryofej, @myrtleandberry, @immuno-studies, @arctic-anna, @docresa, @lavendermedusa
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