#for my subscriptions and health insurance payments
dragontatoes · 3 days
I realized some people pay for a lot of services and now I'm very curious
what counts: any nonessential service/goods with time based recurring payments (gym/club memberships, apps, streaming services, gamepasses, meal delivery, lootcrate/mystery bundles)
what doesn't: nonrecurring purchases or bills for necessities (insurance, loan payments, tuition, rental of home/vehicle, health and safety equipment, any work expenses, prescription delivery)
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thedisablednaturalist · 7 months
My parents found out about the present I bought myself for my birthday. I worked my max hours to afford it. I had it shipped to my bfs house so they wouldn't see it. Apparently I missed a receipt that was hidden in the box. Idk how they got it anyway cause I put the box out with the trash/recycling. My mom was being so cruel about it and how I keep buying myself "lavish" gifts (most stuff I buy for fun is like $10-$50 max). I always plan my purchases and have never missed a credit card payment. Most of my money goes towards doctors visits, medication, car maintenance and gas, accessibility items/ergonomic stuff, cat food and litter, and hygiene. Recently I stopped most of my subscriptions save for a cheap minecraft server. The bulk of my pay goes into savings which have really grown since I got my raise. I also give my parents $400 in rent each month. I'm trying to save up for a recliner to replace my bed but I don't want to use the money I've already put away.
Like ok, maybe I'm not mr.frugal. maybe i sometimes buy more expensive things because they're more convenient (like already cut vegetables/fruit or preprepared meals) but like my hands fucking hurt and sometimes I don't have the spoons to feed myself. Maybe I fall prey to impulse purchases once in a while. Im learning and I'm trying to learn how to budget bc now I have to also pay for insurance until I can get on medicaid.
My mom acts like I don't care. She sees amazon packages come for me and think theyre all toys or expensive skincare or junk when its actually body wipes for when I cant shower/so i dont come back from the field to the office all stinky. Its a trash can I can keep on my bedshelf so I dont throw trash onto the floor instead. Its knee braces because my knees fucking suck. Once in a while Ill see something on sale that ive been wanting for a while and will grab it. And the most expensive skincare I use is $20 for a jar that lasts me 3 months. I have to keep my skin clear or ill pick and have scabs and blood all over my face again. I spend money on drag because it MAKES me money. Last time I got paid $100 from the venue and $50 in tips. One time I got paid $300 from the venue (i dont remember how much in tips).
Im trying my best. Im working with 3 government agencies rn to get a job and get health coverage. Im working my ass off at my job when i probably shouldnt be working (my mom laughed when I mentioned this). I'm constantly doing things to earn me money or to make life a bit less painful. Even streaming is a desperate attempt to make a career/side gig out of something I enjoy and doesn't make me flare up. I only watch shows when im with my bf or when im doing chores or working. I rarely play video games. When I flare I lay in bed and scroll Tumblr or play a mindless dress up game where I only have to move my thumb. I cry almost everyday. I cry on the way to work. I cry holding my cat in so much pain i cant move.
The only big frivilous purchases I've made is the present and a new graphics card (I haven't replaced my old one in a decade). The present cost $230 and the graphics card cost $800. Both of these I saved for. I might buy a nice skirt once in a while but thats pretty much it. I also spread out big purchases over time when I can.
Am I spoiled? Maybe. Maybe my parents are right and I'm a lazy spoiled kid who just makes excuses. But my pain is real, constant, and severe.
I have friends who's birthday presents consist of trips to fucking italy or the bahamas. Who complain when their parents drag them on yet another international vacation. Some are amazing people who are grateful and work their asses off. And some of them are a bit entitled. My mom said most 26 year olds are living on their own with jobs and I fucking laughed. The only 26 year olds with their own apartments especially in my area either have 5 roommates in a 2 bedroom shithole, got lucky and have a high paying tech job, their parents pulled strings to get them hired, or their parents are paying partly or fully for their apartment.
And when i tried to find an apartment? She discouraged me and told me id never be able to afford one (correct) but now im suddenly able to when it suits her argument? Ive been heavily job hunting for over a year and got ONE interview who ghosted me after two interviews. I make $2k MAX. Rent in my area is $1700-2500 for a freaking studio. The $1700 one doesn't let you see the apartment and gets snapped up immediately. And these are all apartments within a 2 hour radius. All the "affordable housing" is for people 55 and older.
Like I literally have no options. I can't move until I get a job in that area. I can't leave the country cause Im disabled and also thats fucking expensive. My bf makes less than me and even combined we couldn't afford a place.
Literally, I've never been suicidal before. Ive never struggled with that due to my fear of death. But all of this? Ive recently had suicidal thoughts and its fucking scary. Thoughts that killing myself would make it easier for everyone else. That it would be easier to just end it, that life will always be a living hell and i should just give up. And thats fucking scary! I shouldn't have those thoughts! But that's how bad it is.
I try to do what my therapist told me. I try to set boundaries. But setting a boundary means not eating dinner bc I leave when my parents yell at me. I try to think positively and ignore the pain. I probably walk an average of 1-2 miles a day. I try and try and try and it hurts so much. They can't be proud of me? For even big victories? Guilting me about graduation cause I took too long. Keeping a job for more than a year (its not a REAL job cause its hourly and doesnt have benefits).
Like what's the point? I've been fighting and fighting and most of the world wants to see me dead and gone anyway. I'm trying to work in a field that doesn't even consider people like me. If I cant work Ill just bring my boyfriend and my family down. Every step forward I manage to take I get dragged back 10.
Im so tired and ashamed and stressed and my fucking body hurts worse now because of the stress and i just dont want to wake up tomorrow.
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fagboysupreme · 10 months
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Hey all! I'm finally opening commissions. I'm transmasc, autistic and having really serious trouble getting employed. I want to move out but if I move anywhere my mom doesn't approve of she's basically gonna cut off my health insurance, phone plan and subscriptions to various programs that I need to pursue my ideal jobs. Also like I just wanna be able to buy food and shit without having to wait a week and a half to get my allowance.
Currently I'm doing half-price commissions. Even if you can't buy, RB and maybe drop a dollor or two in my ko-fi -- every bit helps, and I'll give you a little sketch or something since I don't like working for free. Thank you very much!
I also have a teepublic with three designs on it and more coming soon. The designs are on sale ATM! If you don't use any of the payment methods I have for art comms I'm gonna start a CashApp soon as well.
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ticketmastersince2k4 · 6 months
TBT 2023 Catch-Up Again: Columbus Circle, A Little Bit Of Heaven, & Thin Ice
I am definitely feeling the winter/end of year blues mentally, professionally, and physically right now, what with all of the subscription renewal bills and the ambulance bill payment and health insurance applications and other residual financial burdens hitting at once during a season where reduced hours and manpower and increased workload are a necessity to keep businesses profitable. Add on that I am procrastinating academically because I both don't want to start new coursework and don't want to finish it too quickly, and that I'm out of rhythm from not posting as regularly as I had been throughout this year, and yeah, I missed my TBT 2023 posts for a few weeks. So, here they are:
Columbus Circle is a low-budget take on a Hitchcock classic with a small-star cast and a few extra twists.
A Little Bit Of Heaven was once my second-most viral review (behind Slither, and it dropped to third-most viewed when I got burned out and let the Chucky Season One finale stew for over a year) thanks to Google liking the dirty egg joke at the end. The movie is clichéd trash that can't decide if colon cancer is funny because colon or sad because cancer, and if not for the analytics (heh...anal), I regret having reviewed it.
Thin Ice is another low-budget lookalike, this time riffing on Coen Brothers movies and confidence scam titles. It's good but predictable.
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online-thoughts · 6 months
I suck at journaling
It's almost been a full year since I wrote the last entry. SO much has happened since then that I think my hands would cramp up before I could finish typing it all. Short overview: I graduated college :3, passed my NCLEX 1st try, started my first official nursing job in Philly, and made my first big adult purchase and bought a car. Now I don't really know how to journal, for me I feel like I just kinda word vomit until I'm satisfied with it and then I forget about it for months on end. I don't know if i'm supposed to be following a promt or just freeballing it but yk what its my journal so i'm just going to do whatever I want.
Let's start with the job. I know imposter syndrome is normal and hearing everyone in residency talk about how they're also feeling lsot gives me a sense of community but I still can't get out of my own head. Obviously i'm just starting this job and I'm surrounded by people who have been through the training and have been perfecting their skills for a while but I still feel so beneath them. Every time i have to ask for help with a skill, or clarification i just feel so stupid like I should know it already. I'm sure that most of it is in my head and that there is little judgment from them, but I still can't help but telling myself that they also think I am dumb and get annoyed when I go to them for help. I tried some AI journaling thing called rosebud and it was nice but i am not paying for a subscription. But it helped me to verbalize that I can't treat this job as a race but rather I need to be seeing it as a learning process. Nobody is expected to know everything about everything when you start your first job. Heaven knows college doesn't prepare you for the real world, and orientation is so hit or miss with what you can see that some things truly just come with time and practice. I need to remember to just take it one shift at a time, and that everyone was once where I was. Even if I ask a thousand questions, I shouldn't feel badly because in the end I am doing it for both mine and the patients' benefits. Anxiety is normal but I cannot let it take over my life.
I'm proud of myself so far for continuing to try and maintain a healthy work-life balance. It's not always easy, especially considering I am not always a social person and night shift absolutely drains me and take up 2 days with its scheduling. But Eliyah I am proud of you for making efforts to hang out with friends and family. For reconnecting with old friends, and trying to make the most of your 20s instead of making work your whole entire life. It's not always going to be easy but try to make that and your mental, emotional, and physical well being a priority.
Financials. Just thinking about having to start paying my loans, insurance, car, and other payments freaks me out. Factor in the part where I don't even have an apartment yet. I know I cannot keep doing the drive forever and need to move closer eventually but i don't know how to swing it. I know everything will all work itself out, and by budgeting and actually sitting down with soemone to tell me how to manage my financials i can do it but MAN is it scary being an adult.
Okay now all the anxiety ridden word vomit is done. I actually am happy with life right now (at least while I'm not thinking about all of that ^) I have a great support system, good friends, i'm happy and sufficient being single, I'm in good health, i have a car that I dont have to worry will break down on me every second, and I have hopes of a good future for myself. I think I just need to try and tell myself how proud I am of me more instead of tearing me down for perfectly normal human experiences. But then again, rome wasn't built in a day. My mental health will get to where I need it to be eventually, but for now I am proud of myself and she deserves to be happy and prosper in life.
I genuinely do think verbalizing my emotions will be good for me and I want to try and do it more, so until next time.
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marcholasmoth · 6 months
OSRR: 3402
a few things and then a rant.
i went to the eye doctor today, to see (ha) them about my retina and my recovery from eye surgery. it's going well, and i'm glad that it's going. i thought it more or less stopped, but the doctor says that you just gotta trust the process, and if there's anything i've learned from watching videos of artists and artisans doing their thing, it's to trust the process. so i am.
they dilated my eyes - both of them - so i couldn't drive immediately after. which was fine, so i took a break for a while in my car and left just before my therapist called, who i talked to on my way home. we talked about the week i've had and things i've noticed this year around the season as it's the first time i haven't been in school or preparing for school at the holidays and how that's making a difference in how i feel.
the timing worked out perfectly for that conversation; i hung up about a minute out from home. and then mom and i went to look for fabric and then my back started hurting and the rest of the afternoon was kind of miserable.
we stopped at the farm shop and picked up some eclairs because i'd been craving them, which was really nice. and then we went home and i was still in pain, so i grabbed the heating pad and went upstairs to lie down and use the heat on my back. i ended up napping after using it for a while. i did shut it off before i fell asleep, though.
i woke up to the smell of onions and a call for dinner. i helped get the table ready for us and got things out and put things down and all sorts of stuff. dinner was good. and after dinner, i helped bring up the boxes of christmas stuff and then take out the leaves from the table. my back was still hurting. eventually i had to stop and i laid down on the floor to try to get it to stop hurting, which worked for a bit.
i really hope my back doesn't hurt tomorrow like it did today. today was pretty miserable because of it.
and now for the rant.
tl;dr: i'm grumpy about money.
i'm really tired of working at the school. i really want to quit. it's frustrating that i can't, though, because i have too many bills to pay and i don't make enough from one job so i have to work three to make ends kind of meet as well as be able to eat and afford gas. it sucks. why does this have to be so fucking hard.
i hate being broke. because i was sick for a bit, it kinda fucked my finances for a long time. so my goal is to not get sick. and to not be out of work. like i could use an injection of two thousand dollars and that might help me recover - the buffer i used to have is completely gone. and so is the money i was given to fix my car. i used it to catch up after being sick.
but then i also have doctors appointments to pay for, and come next year i have to pay for my health insurance as WELL as my doctors appointments, and on top of that and gas and food and my credit cards that have been maxed out because i had to live a few years back without pay for a few months, AND my student loans, im fucked. i don't even spend that much on things that i "don't need." like i have netflix and i have prime and i have a few news subscriptions, but all of that totals less than $50 a month. that's my smallest credit card payment.
but i have to get gas and i have to eat and even though im bad at eating regularly i still try my best. it's frustrating because most of my priorities are fucked in the first place, because i know i need to have such a significant amount set aside for my loans every month.
this is why i think university should be free.
there is absolutely no reason for me - and so many others, for that matter - to be shackled with debt to get a good education simply because we are poor. debt is punishment for being poor. high interest rates are punishment for being poor. lack of access to healthful food is punishment for being poor. and it doesn't help that it gets compounded onto by poor health, bad sleeping habits, and an increased affection of the wealth effect - which is that when money comes in, it gets spent quickly, but it's even worse for poor people because it's not even there in the first place since it goes immediately to paying debts - among many other things.
society and culture in the united states punish people for being poor from the get-go. i'm pretty sure that that's what made me as much of a leftist as i am.
i hate this place. fuck it.
i'm just glad that joel has enough money for what he needs. he also helps support me when i need it and i couldn't be more grateful. he's got good ideas to help me help myself and he's got a level head on his shoulders and i am so so grateful he's in my life because this shit would be fucking miserable without him.
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myloanbazar · 6 months
How to Comparing Payday Loan Apps
Loan apps can give you fast cash, but the fees can add up quickly. These fees are often less expensive than bank overdraft fees, but they can still be a big deal if you use them regularly.
Some loan apps may charge a monthly subscription or fast-funding fee, while others require direct deposit. Additionally, some may require a credit check.
Payday loans
Payday loans are a popular way to get cash when you need it most. However, they can be expensive. This is why it’s important to compare payday loan apps and find the best one for your needs. Some apps also charge fees, such as a monthly membership fee or an instant withdrawal fee. You should check the fine print to make sure that you understand all the fees.
A payday advance app is a convenient solution for many people living paycheck to paycheck. These apps let you take out money in advance of your next paycheck and usually withdraw the funds automatically from your bank account on payday. But be careful: these loans are not designed to be long-term solutions, and the high fees can trap you in a cycle of debt.
The best payday loan apps have simple, transparent fees. Some apps may even allow you to save for a future payday advance. However, if you’re not on a budget, it’s easy to overspend and end up with a payday loan you can’t afford to repay. To avoid this, you should try to create a budget and stick to it.
Whether you receive your salary via direct deposit, a mobile paycheck app, or the old-fashioned paper check, it’s essential to have a budget in place. A budget helps you manage your spending habits so that you can keep up with your expenses and plan for the future. It’s also a great way to make your hard-earned dollars work for you.
A good budget should include an emergency savings fund. This should contain three to six months of your basic living expenses, plus any necessary health insurance premiums and 401(k) contributions. It should also be updated regularly. If you’re struggling to come up with an emergency savings budget, consider seeking financial counselling. This service is available from many community agencies and churches. In addition, you can use a credit union or other financial institution to help you get back on track with your finances. You should also tell your bank right away if you notice an unauthorized payment on your account. Federal law gives you the right to dispute unauthorized transactions, and you may be able to get your money back if you do so in time.
Salary loan
Salary loans are one of the most popular forms of personal finance. They are designed to provide a cash advance during times of financial emergency. These loans are offered through various banks and credit unions. They are usually easy to obtain and can help you avoid a costly payday loan.
To apply for a salary loan, you will need to upload some details and documents on the Quick Loan app. You will then be notified of your approval status within 3 minutes of submitting your application. Once you sign the agreement, your loan amount will be transferred to your bank account in 10 minutes.
My Loan Bazar is a loan provider in Delhi & Noida that offers personal loans at low-interest rates. Its online application process is fast and easy, and it does not require a guarantor or collateral.
Personal loan
A personal loan is a form of credit that allows you to borrow money for a specific purpose. It can be used for debt consolidation, home improvement projects and more. The lender will evaluate your credit score, debt and income to determine how much you can borrow. The loan will then be deposited into your bank account after approval. Some lenders also offer online application processing and loan repayment options.
Some people need to borrow money for unexpected expenses. These expenses may include car repairs, medical bills or tuition. Many of these expenses are not covered by emergency savings or checking accounts. These expenses can lead to financial strain and even more debt if not addressed quickly. Apps that lend money can help people in a financial bind, but they often charge high fees. These fees can add up quickly, so it’s important to carefully review the terms and conditions of these apps.
If you need short-term financing, consider borrowing from a friend or family member. This option is more affordable than a payday loan and doesn’t require you to give up your paychecks or assets. In addition, you can work out a payment plan with your loved one to avoid the risk of defaulting on the loan.
Using a personal loan to pay off your credit cards can save you money and make it easier to manage your monthly payments. It can also help you get out of the debt cycle if you’re struggling to pay your bills. Some lenders offer direct payments, which can reduce your overall cost of the loan by eliminating late fees and interest charges.
Personal loans are typically easier to qualify for than payday loans, and they can be offered by banks, credit unions, and online lenders. These lenders often report your payments to the credit bureaus, which can improve your credit history over time. Some of these loans have fixed rates and terms, so you know exactly how much you will pay each month. They’re also unsecured, meaning you won’t need to put up any collateral to receive the loan.
Mini loan
A mini loan is an online payday alternative that provides you with short-term cash to cover expenses. You can apply for a mini loan by providing proof of income and a checking account. The lenders in this category typically approve loans quickly and offer low APRs. These options are ideal for people who need quick access to money to cover unexpected expenses. However, they may not be the best solution for everyone.
A loan from a payday loan app can help you get out of a financial bind, but it’s important to understand the terms and conditions before borrowing money from one. Many payday loan apps charge high-interest rates, which can be a big drain on your budget. Some also charge monthly membership fees or other charges that you might not be aware of.
Another option for getting a small loan is to borrow money from a friend or family member. However, be aware that this can lead to a debt cycle and might damage your relationship. If you do choose this option, be sure to set a repayment schedule and negotiate a fair deal.
You can also try to save up some money before you need to borrow money. This way, you won’t be forced to borrow money and will have more options if you run into financial trouble in the future. You can also try to work with your creditors to reduce or even waive any late charges.
If you need an urgent loan, it is best to go to the lender directly instead of using an app or website. This will give you a clearer idea of what you will have to pay back. A reputable lender will show you the interest rate and all costs upfront before you agree to a loan. In addition, you can also read reviews of the lender to see what other customers have said about them.
There are a variety of options for getting a cash advance, including payday loan apps, pawnshops, and credit cards. While these options can be helpful in an emergency, they are not a long-term solution. Whether you need to use an app, borrow from a friend or family member, or work with your credit card company, be sure to create a budget and stick to it.
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terriblehottakes · 11 months
This may be a terrible take but hear me out for a second:
Depression numbers have increased since the pandemic right? And now that there is more awareness for mental health we are learning that depression can actually interfere with your physical health. Now let's look at the climbing obesity numbers too, obesity increased by 3% nationwide. So If depression can cause weight gain, ans weight gain and depression both can cause physical unwellness, why not join a gym right? Well lets look. Planet Fitness alone has raised its black card membership to $25 and the annual payment is $40. Not everyone has the extra money for that. Personally, I had to cut off my gym membership along with my media subscription because its too damn costly anymore. Well okay, lets work out at home... but not everyone has exercise equipment in their home or a safe place to go for a run where they live. So this is where you hear me out. What if insurance companies paid or at least offered a discount worthwhile. Because the thing is, some companies will offer a membership to people over 65, which is cool but what about the people who don't have disposable income? Too many people are living paycheck to paycheck or working multiple jobs and can barely afford to buy groceries let alone groceries containing healthy food. Can you imagine if your insurance had a plan that also covered being able to go to the gym without paying a fortune? How much healthier people would be mentally and physically? Because when I was going to the gym everyday I can tell you it gave me a feeling of accomplishment, but now they made the membership out of my reach financially. Exercise is literally a proven outlet for people, and they've been it nearly unobtainable. idk
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payrupp · 1 year
Sanwariya Gas Limited Bill Payment Online
Established in 1985, piped gas believes in providing safe and quality service to its users. With time, today, homes are able to receive piped gas services across India. And for you to ease pressure of payments, look no further for the best ways to make piped gas bill payment online is through the Payrup website. Considered to be one of the quickest and safest methods. Understand how to pay gas bills online and how simple it is. 
Gone are the days where consumers had to queue up in long queues to make their piped gas bill payments at counters to have uninterrupted cooking gas service to be available at their homes.
Now with digitization in every process of our routine activities, the new phase of India – the digital India has made considerable advancements by letting our users pay their gas bills from the convenience of their smartphones sitting anywhere at any given point of time. From piped gas structures to timely payments of the same, cities in India have finally bid goodbye to cooking-gas woes and on-time payments for the service.
Here are the steps to check gas bill amount online and make the gas pipeline bill payment:
Select your piped gas provider from the list of service providers
Key in your customer number / customer ID
Fetch the bill details to fetch the bill amount accordingly for your respective customer details
In a few quick steps your gas pipeline bill check is completed. Remember if wrong details are entered, then an error message will pop, where you have to verify your details such as customer details or the gas provider details
Continuing further, you can click on ‘Proceed to Pay’ for the piped gas bill payment
 At this point, make sure to choose your preferred payment option from internet banking, credit or debit card options, MyRupee wallet or other wallets
Select the most appropriate discount coupon, fill it in the field and complete the payment
That is it! Your online piped gas bill payment is finished in a minute and your Cashback is going to come in your wallet
The entire bill payment process takes only a few minutes and is backed by Payrup’s secure transactions. Your transaction bill is in your ‘My transactions’ in your account’s list of bills if you wish to  download gas bill online, print or save a copy of the transaction.
Final Thoughts…
Be it paying for a routine gas pipeline bill payment on Payrup to gas connection bill download is all listed in a very user-friendly manner on the platform.
Popular bill payment facilities available on Payrup!
Payrup has a host of facilities that can all be paid online using our platform.
Choose to make payments for mobile prepaid, mobile postpaid, dth, electricity, landline bills, piped gas, broadband bills, water bills, e-gift cards purchases, cable tv bills, credit card bills, health insurance purchase, housing society payments, life insurance premium purchases, loan repayments, hospital payments, subscriptions, education fees, fastag payments, LPG gas bills, municipal services and municipal taxes’ payments Payrup has it all covered for our users under one roof. visit us : https://payrup.com/gas-bill-payment-online/gail-india-limited-bill-payment
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dereksmcgrath · 1 year
Ko-fi, Patreon, Substack: Which platforms should I use?
I wish I had better financial news.
The last year and a half has been rough. Thanks to this ongoing COVID pandemic, I am limited to remote work options. But one job contract ended, and with it a remote work opportunity that I was depending on. Then you have unexpected costs, such as my computer giving out months ago and requiring that I pay for a replacement. (And soon I will have to pay for new eyeglasses to replace the ones I have on.) Finally, moving into 2023, my health insurance cost is going up, along with the price for my Viz subscription that I use for this weekly Sunday livestream. 
Each week on my livestream, I mention my resume, qualifications, and work interests. I don’t do these livestreams only to entertain myself–I do consider this work as part of my job. And while I appreciate all the contributions I receive from viewers and listeners, I am looking for more predictable and consistent payment options. I am applying for more jobs and trying to line up more interviews–but I also need some predictability in income. 
This is where you come in–to offer me some feedback. What would you recommend as options for increasing payments and making them more consistent? 
I already have my Ko-fi account–but would you all also be interested if I added Cash App? 
I do livestreams on YouTube and Twitch for Sunday Morning Manga, and I will be bringing back my online American Literature I lessons–but would you prefer additional content, or different ways to package it? For example, I could do the American Literature I lectures as recordings rather than livestreams–and share them as early access to Patreon contributors. 
And I could do video game playthroughs on Twitch. Would you be interested? 
I write and post on Tumblr, WordPress, and Medium–but would you be interested in subscribing to a Substack? And perhaps sharing these livestreams as podcasts on Substack and elsewhere? 
I welcome your feedback, as this is really important for me to find opportunities to support myself, when reliable and safe remote work opportunities have been limited. Please let me know in the comments which options I should explore to increase earnings from my livestream, podcasting, and writing. And please consider contributions at ko-fi.com/dereksmcgrath to help pay down costs–and making sure I can afford health care the next year. Thank you in advance.
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answerping3 · 2 years
About How to Sell an Engagement Ring
Sell Engagement Rings For The Best Price As specialist interaction ring customers, we fully comprehend that marketing an interaction ring can be mentally hard; specifically after a divorce or split up. Once an engagement ring producer completes the procedure for making one of these rings, we will certainly send an involvement ring by mail mail. We likewise offer many services for new or existing consumers who are likewise looking for the proper band, and in standard for brand-new or existing consumers intrigued in selling it. All rings need to be professionally stuffed. As such, we be proud ourselves on giving a specialist, subtle, fast and highly safe and secure solution. For this explanation, we use a selection of insurance policy services, consisting of life insurance; insurance policy options including life-time protection and up-front costs. All of these companies deliver a 100% financial savings on your deductible, deductibles and passion (up to 1% down-payment due for all of these expenses). We also offer all styles of protection, featuring coverage for lifestyle, impairment and health care expenses. Sell involvement bands for the best cost, swiftly and conveniently with WP Diamonds. No need to always keep your band in the store! Obtain these straightforward, quick and easy to use involvement rings for yourself and buddies. https://abercrombie-gems-precious-metals.business.site/ are going ton't have to worry regarding possessing to re-apply them or reapply them when you desire a perfect band. No worries regarding spending half the expense of acquiring one.
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Along with an A+ BBB measured organization, we give free of cost suggestions and answer any type of concerns you may possess regarding offering precious stone bands to us. In enhancement, we offer an private, on-line gemstone company. 1. How Do You Sell Diamond Rings To Me? Your request for an deal features making certain you may discover out if we give rubies helped make coming from your label label ruby. Our staff will certainly be listed here for you for a instant, so be certain to get in touch with if you're intrigued in getting involved. How To Offer Engagement Rings For The Best Price? That's a whole lot of concerns regarding what you should be looking for when you hit out to potential customers. For what it's worth, however, you ought to think about the types of things you desire in an engagement band. For example, are your ring dimension huge good enough to incorporate some dimension, while still remaining well-maintained, and therefore are your fashion jewelry style the best dimension. Hit on a inquiry under to observe additional information: How to offer involvements sound online? Q : How to go into a partnership with a promoter? A : The details of your acquisition are going to not be submitted online until you have spent $4.00 or additional through PayPal or any kind of other direct or indirect networks of repayment. Your partner will definitely possess the right to select your partner in their home country on an specific manner. Q : How will the affiliate links be accessible? How much is my involvement ring worth? I are going to take these values in to factor to consider and what cost they would be allowed through a tiny number of their clients just before being approved as a settlement or credit card when the brand new year starts. What if I got a band directly from a company provider? This can easily typically be a substantial cost to deal with, and is commonly made use of to cover an added subscription for the same main reason. Where to market interaction bands for the ideal cost? We sell our best interaction rings for you at a terrific cost. Merely phone today to make your acquisitions. We also market personalized handmade ring sizes, to be supplied to you within 7 times. We likewise sell bands coming from the authentic creators. We are listed below for you. We have the best selection of rings imaginable made coming from our personal products. What you acquire coming from us is what you'll acquire from your friends, household, and enjoyed ones. How to find the appropriate involvement ring purchaser? Ask your supplier for a collection of possibilities as properly as a short break down of your possible connection needs. The interaction band purchaser you fulfill may deliver you tips on opting for the ideal ring with the ideal people for their specific needs. Your involvement band purchaser can additionally supply you along with the absolute best options for jewelry in the ring space, coming from the same style and the exact same producer. You may even discover new ring partners at the online providers. What types of involvement band can easily you offer? When chatting regarding what engagement bands are worth, a lot is most likely going to be reliant on two traits – how hard they go with on the ring and whether or not they are practical. A band may be actually large but it's also rather straightforward to assemble (and it isn't just for laid-back use; that's just an additional technique to placed the ring). As an instance, it's easiest if you acquire two rings.
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payrupofficial · 2 years
Make Loan Repayment At Payrup
Just in case you have missed your loan payment, we have just the right payment facilities to help you out with the same.
You can either pay through your bank account using Payrup’s fast payment gateway or you can utilize digital payment options like UPI, net banking, Razorpay, Bharat Billpay, etc. to clear your dues. When the world is thinking digital, so are you because it is just so much more convenient to do so.
The digital mission for digital payments
Payrup is a very popular online digital partner for bill payments, recharges, ticketing, and much more. It is a brand for customers who prefer to get work done on the go!
We at Payrup, believe India is a market that requires facilities and facilities as these help digital India grow ahead day by day.
Why is it so easy to make loan repayment at Payrup? Making payments is now easier using various payment channels mentioned on our platform. Select the most suitable channel to clear your overdue payment and within seconds it is done.
How is the payment done? Find out below in the next section
Just follow these simple steps to process your repayment:
Step - 1:
Login to your account on Payrup
Step - 2:
Click on loan repayment from the various modules listed on the website
Step - 3:
Select your loan repayment operator to proceed to pay the loan/overdue loan online
Step - 4:
Once you select the operator, a user must enter all the details needed, then hit the fetch bill button to get the actual loan amounts payable.
Step - 5:
“Proceed to Pay” the loan repayment once all the amounts are correct and verified
Pro hint! Always check the displayed details carefully to be sure that the payment is all correct before you proceed to the next step.
Step - 6:
Enter the amount and click on "Proceed to Pay" & Choose the desired payment option from the many available.
Step - 7:
Choose from the desired payment option, proceed to finish the payment
Step - 8:
Receive the payment confirmation on your registered mobile and email id once you finish doing the payment. You can even download the invoice from the “My transactions” tab in your account.
Successful payment will reflect in your EMI loan account within 24 hours of successfully completing the payment.
So, this is how a loan/overdue payment is successfully completed in a few easy steps on Payrup. For many such simple payment facilities, we are always there for you 24*7.
Final Thoughts…
Popular bill payment facilities are available on Payrup!
Payrup has a host of facilities that can all be paid online using our platform.
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drake-the-incubus · 2 years
Imagine losing your wallet with all of your identification, including your Social Insurance Number, and having 90% of the process ask you about it.
If I knew I wouldn’t have it in my wallet, now would I?
“Please recite from memory a number you look at once a year, maximum.”
God, this process sucks.
I also have to replace my Health Care Card and ID.
And my wallet!
So that’s $100 I don’t have!
Then I need to replace my access pass, redo ALL the subscriptions and bill payments.
Oh! And I might not get my debit until AFTER I need to pay my bills.
I’m going to lose my mind.
I’m actually going to lose my mind. If I meet the bastard that took our wallet I’m liable to commit murder.
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calamitouscynic · 2 years
a bitch is broke tonight
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sleepbby · 5 years
I'M SO BROKEEEEEEE (next week next week next week)
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togglesbloggle · 3 years
Less of a suggestion, more of a why-wouldn’t-this-work-and-what-does-that-teach-me-about-the-system:
Suppose you banned hospitals from offering patients line-item bills; medical care at a hospital is covered by a yearly membership, by law.  This is not adjustable for individuals- hospitals just post a price in public, and people can compare the reputation of the hospital against other local facilities and pick the one they want.  However, hospitals can defer acceptance of new members by a few (6?) months to hedge against some of the more obvious exploits.  Non-emergency procedures have to be done at ‘your’ hospital or its contractors, but in emergencies hospitals would be obligated to honor one another’s commitments until the patient stabilized and could return to the paid facility- possibly with a reciprocal obligation to compensate the emergency hospital for any costs incurred, since hospitals would not be forbidden from charging one another line items.  Similarly, specialists would be free to contract out their work to one hospital or many, charging for their services however they’d like, though at a bare minimum the hospital would need to keep enough GP’s on staff to know who to refer out.  We’ll put this in the United States, provisionally.
Fiddly effects:
The first-order consequence is that traditional private health insurance disappears overnight, with some of the functionality being folded in to the hospitals themselves.  If patients have no surprise costs, there’s no role for insurance.  A key difference is that service is homogenized within (though not between) hospitals and clinics, so cost-benefit calculations are generally limited to doctors and administrative staff.  Hospitals could still buy private insurance to hedge against black-swan medical care needs, but they’d be diffusing those risks against a larger pool of patients in the first place, so the role of insurance-qua-insurance would be much reduced, particularly in larger facilities.  (Bonus economies of scale for cities!)
This strongly incentivizes hospitals to keep costs low; I’m not sure how strong those incentives already are, or how this would compare.  One sort of imagines that real life insurance companies get real mad at hospitals that over-spend, somehow?  And that patients skip out on the bill more often?  But in this hypothetical, the balance of cost-to-hospital is mostly against the strength of existing liabilities- just as for-profit colleges could trade tuition for a worthless degree, a predatory hospital could trade the yearly medical fee for useless care and the occasional asprin.  This is a place where you’d be tempted to institute state/federal minimum standards of care, or for the more libertarian-minded, transparency laws about medical outcomes and life expectancy to go with the open subscription market. 
Because of the way the law works, you couldn’t easily buy private insurance to get ‘better-than-hospital’ care for rare/weird problems.  Specialists would be prevented from selling you their services on a non-subscription model.
Medicare, etc. can be effectively replaced with simple cash payments to low-income folks, without involving hospitals at all and without state dictates about service costs.  Incentives between hospitals and patients are aligned to the extent that both would prefer greater federal health subsidies of that sort; my vague understanding is that a lot of doctors really hate medicare right now.
Current healthcare consumption in the US’s rather busted system is at about $11K per person, per year.  (In other systems, it’s less; Germany has it down to $6.5K USD, Spain is at $3K USD, etc.)  This number includes a wide grab-bag of services, including stuff like nursing homes and such, but figure that 50-75% of that demand would be rolled in to this system, so conservatively about $7-8K if costs don’t fall.  (But see fiddly effect #2).  So naively a hospital would cost something like $600 a month, with no aid or subsidies in the equation.  The US’s healthcare spending is currently at $1.2 trillion per year, including CHIP, Medicare, Medicaid, etc., which could become ~$3.5K in direct subsidies per year if reallocated.  That gets you to ~$300 per month, minus the X-factor of how much slack and market inefficiency would get eliminated by this system, plus a Y-factor of however much slack and market inefficiency this system would introduce.  The optimistic version is that US per-capita healthcare costs fall to about where Germany’s are (or better) and healthcare becomes effectively public; I have no opinion about whether that’s a realistic outcome.
The average cost of employer-provided health insurance is just under $7200 per year for a single person, or a bit over $20K for a family plan (in premiums).  So, if employer-provided health insurance were retooled as employer-provided hospital subscriptions without a change in cost, the average employed person could probably subscribe to the average hospital with no additional cost to themselves and no state subsidy.  If this pushed hospital costs down, they (might) just get a raise instead, I suppose?
$600 is surprisingly high, although on reflection that’s definitionally what we’re paying already, on average.  I’m using existing costs, so an American person reading this should expect to spend $600/mo on healthcare over their whole lives (less employer benefits and public assistance).  For most of us, that would be concentrated at end-of-life care, when we’re more likely to have a lot of investment returns; spreading end-of-life care costs over our entire lives is quite expensive in an abstract sense, because it denies us savings and the returns on those savings.  But the complete end of medical bankruptcy risk is a nice balance against that.
Just some thoughts. As usual, emergency care feels like a weird problem in market frameworks, and the force inducing hospitals to actually heal people is rather diffuse and hand-wavy.  And I’m working a lot with averages, and kind of assuming that hospitals can cobble together enough insurance on the backend to not detonate.  You might say that the whole point of this is just to transfer health care volatility away from individual patients and on to large institutions equipped to handle it better.  Still, it’s an interesting system.  
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