#for not mentioning the creators other social media user lol
sunspotinyourarea · 20 days
Tumblr Brainrot
rottmnt AUs be like:
Tumblr media
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aurosoulart · 1 year
hey, for the record ive seen a few posts now about lives privacy policy/tracking being pretty sketchy, just for the record. idk how true that is since i haven't touched live at all but i just wanted to mention it in case there IS something sketchy going on that could potentially be bad for you/other potential live streamers
oh yeah I read through the ToS and I think I know exactly where peoples' concerns are coming from
in many social media ToS's, there is a section saying that by agreeing you consent to have all your content reproduced freely and without pay by the platform.
the purpose of this term is so that the platform can take your content and do different things with it - like DeviantArt's or INPRNT's Twitter accounts promoting artists by posting people's artwork, or basically anything involving a platform taking user content and featuring and/or changing it in any way. these use cases include things like automatic thumbnail crops of images, automatic watermarks, and content being categorized and featured in any way - but the list goes on and examples are many.
here's a specific example: I signed a similar ToS contract when I submitted my work to be featured on Intel's Office Hours. giving Intel permission to 'reproduce and transform my content without pay' allowed them to take my art and reproduce it (via screenshots) on their Twitter feed in order to promote the Office Hours session, and it gave them permission to actually show and record my work on the livestream in the first place.
these terms are broad in their wording and many people are not comfortable consenting to them because the language sounds predatory, but this is how social media currently functions in the internet ecosystem we know today.
we create and share content for free, and while social medias may give us tools to make money using them - these platforms are not obligated to pay creators when, say, crossposting their work somewhere else or featuring it on the Tumblr Radar.
the ToS DOESN'T mean these platforms get to take and sell your content directly - like they can't take my art and start selling merch with it - which is the only thing I personally care about regarding my own work.
it's definitely a tradeoff though, regarding privacy and personal data. like with late stage capitalism, there is no real 'non-sketchy' way to produce content for social media these days because we are all treated as products ourselves.
as a content creator, I have to weigh the pros and cons of what a platform provides for me vs. what it takes - but ultimately if I want total, %100 control of my work, I would have to stop using social media entirely, which unfortunately isn't feasible for me because it would directly harm my income. (my feelings on that warrant a whole post of their own but I think I'll stop typing here LOL, this is a novel already)
TLDR; the ToS sounds predatory but it's not as bad as it's worded to be... but it is still kinda iffy because that's just the state of social media. you can take it or leave it depending on your own preferences
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quaranmine · 1 year
reddit is a much more toxic place for fandom because it centers discussion instead of creation. and there's only so many things to discuss before you start spreading unnecessary negativity.
there was an actual popular post on the hermitcraft subreddit encouraging to voice your unpopular opinions which ccs read and it was, uhh. what you'd expect. at this point tumblr might actually be better for creators
Oh anon. You don't have to tell me about the infamous unpopular opinions post. I think I was the one who basically brought that one to hermitblr and my blog was pretty much entirely posts and asks about it for a few days--I was basically the center of discussion for that awful incident for tumblr users. I have NOT forgiven the subreddit for that. Some of the stuff there was practically libel and the moderators had to approve every comment individually before posting, and just....approved blatant character defamation. And I'm not using "character" in the narrative sense. That was so bad that it upset some hermits and one of the hermits reached out and asked for the post to be deleted (again, the post contained more than just unpopular opinions, and even had comments making baseless accusations.) The post was taken down, but then reddit does what it does best and cried about freedom of speech and censorship, so the hermits let the mods put the post back up and Xisuma (iirc) made an apology to the fandom for "censoring their opinions." When it is, in my perfectly honest opinion, extremely valid to to be upset about the things that were being said....like if you said that to me irl about a friend, i'd want to slap you, but they're on the internet so they're just expected to accept everything happily i guess....
Fortunately, the moderator who allowed and approved a lot of the worst comments has been removed. I think. I am pretty sure they're the same person that was involved in another incident but I'm not gonna mention it because I can't (dont feel like) confirming it and the last thing I'd want to do is make the same mistakes as in the thread by making random accusations.
I think you're right about about some of the discussion versus creation aspect. Even when you post a creative product, it just sits and accumulates comments where everyone can give their opinion on it. You can comment on art on tumblr too, but the emphasis is way more on sharing it with others. And you tend to see art only as a result of following people you like, so you're already vetting the list of what you see. Reddit is like...going to the town hall and just hanging a picture on a board. I guess? It's like the only thing you could do was browse the main tags on tumblr and everyone was mad all the time lol
I don't think having negative opinions on media is a bad thing, nor do i think being critical of it is. I think that a lot of discussion and analysis has to be critical in order to dig into issues in media (either via social issues or just regular narrative issues.) But it's the sheer concentration of it that is so exhausting. It's just not a fun place to hang out because you can't really vet what posts you see so the people who only want to discuss negative things will always be hanging at your periphery. Whereas, on tumblr, i can intentionally follow analysis centered people. I was big into the dsmp analysis community and it wasn't all positive posts. But if i wanted out I could just unfollow them and follow some more chill people instead. On reddit you don't really get that choice.
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abeautifulblog · 2 years
What’s a controversial opinion that you have?
lol, mate that sounds like a trap, but sure, I'll step on that grenade.
I think the proshipping/antishipping discourse lacks nuance on both sides.
The bullying and the targeted harassment that antis have committed against creators they've deemed insufficiently morally-pure is no way to treat another human being, full stop. No matter what you think they're guilty of, that's mob justice, and like, remember how we generally consider mob justice to be a BAD thing...?
It's also a very simplistic mode of thinking, that both misunderstands the link between performativity and actual behavior, and is ultimately futile, because what they want is just not feasible in the real world.
Seriously, people, give me your actionable plan for how you intend to impose the kind of censorship you want on AO3, that wouldn't just turn into a blunt weapon to be leveraged selectively by anyone with a grudge. You can't. There is no place to draw a line in the sand, re: what kind of content is acceptable and what’s not (because everyone is insufficiently morally-pure for SOMEONE), and even if there were, there is no practical way to implement it on a website that is run by volunteers. Attempting to do so would be the beginning of the end for AO3, because once people start banning things, they don’t stop. The list of banned content is only ever going to get longer, its boundaries more nebulously-defined, until AO3 becomes just as stifling as every other social media platform has, in the name of respectability.
It’s oppressive to live under that kind of censorship -- where part of your mind is always keeping track of what’ll get you kicked, or shadowbanned, or quietly delisted. And the upshot of it all is that in the end, they don’t even need to censor us anymore -- we have been conditioned into censoring ourselves.
(Not to mention that all it does is drive problematic content underground. A platform that formally bans, say, rape content isn’t actually going to be free of rape content, it just means that creators aren’t going to properly tag for it anymore, because that would get it insta-deleted/banned. And now users who would like to avoid it can’t.)
Honestly, AO3 is a breath of fresh air in the current internet landscape, and so when I see people say that they "don't like AO3--" that is a red fuckin’ flag to me. How, pray tell, is AO3 insufficiently woke for you?
....BUT, on the other hand, the phrase "live and let ship" often gets wielded to demand that problematic content not just be free from harassment and censorship, but also free from criticism, and -- hoo buddy, I think not. 🙃 No, actually, I am not going to shut up about how I think your fav is shitty and toxic. You don't have to come onto my blog and see it -- and I would not dream of going onto someone else’s blog and starting shit, srsly, just stay in your own lane -- but this is my space, to do with as I want, and I am going to stand on my soapbox and nail the list of their sins to the church door.
Because the antis’ position (as I understand it), is 1) the fear that fiction about fucked-up content will either encourage/enable more people to do those fucked-up things IRL, and 2) the belief that anyone who writes about fucked-up content is endorsing that behavior. But the response that gets trotted out to that is "lol what idiots, they think people can't tell the difference between fiction and reality!" and arguing that there's no harm in people writing whatever weird and fucked-up stuff they like, because it's just a story.
My dudes -- I cannot convey to you how disingenuous "it's just a story" is.
We, humans, are so massively influenced by the stories around us. No, fiction isn’t reality -- no actual humans were harmed by the whumping of blorbos -- but we often look to it as if it were, and, consciously or not, often model ourselves after the patterns we see in stories. Fiction tells us what kind of behavior is acceptable or unacceptable; what men/women are “supposed” to be like; what ~those people~ are like. We internalize so much of what we see in media, without necessarily recognizing that these are someone else’s opinions being implanted into our heads, nor recognizing when we reenact those behaviors ourselves. As the kids say: You are not immune to propaganda.
When toxic and abusive relationships are being held up as the height of romance, that has real world consequences.
(That said, Hollywood’s rancid takes on race/sex/relationship dynamics have done infinitely more damage than even the most Problematique fanfic in existence. That is where the influence and impact is, so maybe let's point our guns at the real enemy instead of at each other, yeah?)
And proshippers will say "don't like, don't read," but it's not quite as simple as that. Indeed, I personally do not like [redacted ship], and therefore I don’t read it -- but we also need to be free to talk about the things we don't like, and why. When we see something that makes us go "hey wow that's kinda fucked up,” we need to be able to have that conversation without being told "then just don't read it! you’re being an asshole and a killjoy by spoiling it for the people who DO like it!"
Friends, I am not interested in spoiling anyone’s enjoyment of anything.
You can write and consume problematic content without being a problematic person. Fiction is not reality; you are hurting no one by hurting blorbo, or by enjoying watching blorbo being hurt, or by imagining your blorbos in a relationship that is, strictly speaking, somewhat less than healthy.
But you do need to be aware of what it is you're consuming -- and therefore unconsciously internalizing -- and honestly, AO3 is far better about this than mainstream media.
Part of the beauty of AO3′s tagging system is that it allows the creator to give a meta framing for the story, that may not be visible within the text itself. Take, for instance, how many, many people over the decades have somehow misread Lolita as ~a story of forbidden love~, but if Nabokov had been posting it on AO3, I guarantee you he would have tagged it with rape/noncon elements, pedophilia, child sexual abuse, grooming. He’s on record saying that Lolita is a horror story told from the point of view of the monster.
There is a world of difference between a story that knows it’s fucked up, and a story that doesn’t. The latter is What We Need To Talk About; the former, assuming it’s been properly tagged, is honestly a lot less harmful.
Depiction isn’t necessarily glorification. Oftentimes when people are writing about something fucked up, it’s to shine a light on that and go, HEY WOW, SO THIS IS PRETTY FUCKED UP, HUH? Whenever you see a fic with the tag “Dark [Blorbo]”, for instance, that is an explicit acknowledgment that Blorbo’s actions in this story are not alright. It is, once again, fiction telling us what kind of behavior is socially acceptable, and the message in darkfic is “...and this is NOT!”
So yeah.
I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know that trying to suppress criticism and/or problematic content isn’t it. Nor is turning criticism into personal attacks. If you have an issue with a particular character, or a particular ship, by all means, get on your soapbox and start preaching. That’s what meta is. But take aim at the subject matter, not the individual fan creators who get a kick out of it.
And also just -- don't be a dick. Nothing in fandom is worth harming actual other people for.
Anyway, now that I’ve pissed off everyone on both sides, time to kick back with a nice relaxing glass of 4Loko. Cheers y’all. ✌
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vixvaporub · 9 months
wait based on that post you reblogged does that mean that I might get blocked if I like but don't reblog your posts? genuinely asking, not trying to be underhandedly rude or anything like that
The point of that post was a) if you look like this:
Tumblr media
you will most likely get blocked cause you'll be assumed to be a bot by majority of tumblr users. I don't really block these users and try to give them time to personalize their accounts but I know people would block someone like this or if the blog is kinda personalize but there are no reblogged or posts in general.
b) the post was making a point that liking posts don't mean much to most tumblr users and especially content creators. Likes don't do anything but just bookmark the post and it goes into your likes. In order for a post to go around people need to reblog the post or else the post won't gain any traction. And also if people keep up with mostly liking posts and not reblogging it to go around, tumblr will most likely try to become an algorithm based social media platform... which most long term tumblr user are not a fan of. When I go on my dashboard I want to see the content of the people I follow reblog not something the algorithm picked out for me.
I also want to note as a content creator I honest don't look at likes and most reblogs. The only thing I really look at are interactions with me. So like reblogs with tags (because people talk in tags), reblogs with comments, and replies. Because... I like interaction and want to interact with people. That's the most enjoyable part of tumblr to me and why I made my blog into a manga blog. I also most likely won't notice if someone just likes my stuff only cause I filter my notifications so I don't see likes. Therefore I wouldn't know if someone is only liking my content lol. I'm also not that self centered that I would block someone for not reblogging my stuff.
My tags were just mentioning that it'll be very unlikely that I would follow you if you have a empty blog/barely post cause to me you wont add anything to my dash so why bother. I only really block people if they are rude or steal posts from other people.
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sixthwater · 2 years
Few General Social Media Readings Because I Can’t Sleep!
I couldn’t sleep so I decided to read up on the current energy of the community on here, it’s engagement, TikTok, and a couple of other things. I usually like to do readings on like actual corporations (I did a few readings on my past jobs and they were fuuunnnn they were all very bad) so I decided to do this
*Completed July 7th at like 2AM or smth idk
This is for entertainment purposes only, I have a disclaimer. Every and anything I mention here is how I perceive the cards and not to be seen as facts/truth. If you believe it to be, well that’s your choice free life, but also I have paid readings open so treat yourself why don’t ya 🌟
Tumblr’s Astro/Tarot community & their current energy
Page of Swords Rx, The Sun Rx, The Hierophant Rx & Five of Wands Rx (Back of the deck: Queen of Wands Rx)
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Hm. Okay so that sort of doesn’t surprise me but it gives me a sort of solemn energy, like “I miss what we used to be”. It’s pretty obvious there’s a lot of impulsivity and brashness thrown around here, and words thrown around without fully thinking about the weight of them. The whole “hiding behind an icon” internet phenomena is very heavy here. There’s also a strong energy of…it’s not necessarily insecurity or wounded pride really but it’s like when people hit a sore spot, you strike lower without really thinking because you’re hurt, so then this pool festers of feeling like you have to always be ready to attack. Usually I take The Hierophant as rebellion and going against tradition but this just feels like broken community, especially with the five of wands. Heavy energy of people feeling like they have to meet others halfway when they’ve been wronged. Problems are solved but there’s cracks in the glass house. It ends with people sticking to their favorite creator and not really venturing out anymore. So while they’re still interested and involved, it still holds sour memories.
Engagement on Tumblr
Ten of Pentacles, The High Priestess Rx, Ten of Cups Rx (Back of the deck: King of Swords)
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So I usually don’t pay attention to the eyes on this deck (they flip every other card), but the only eye open in this is on the high priestess but that’s reversed. Meanwhile, the cards where I’m seeing the engagement happening, are closed (this makes sense in a second trust me lol). So it’s a little—it’s simple but also kinda not. This follows up on ‘keeping to your own little bubble’, the one found from before. However there’s a feeling of just taking things at face value. I’m going to be very clear when I say I’m not diminishing anyone’s work. What I am saying though is that how people practice things and translate them can vary a good bit, and depending on what content people take in, well, that’s the content that’ll be their go to source. No follow up. That person/those people are their King of Swords, and the community (other followers) is their Ten of Pentacles. Like how users will give anons those cute nicknames, building bonds. However there’s no strong sense of picking apart information being thrown at you and questioning anything (because for some this Is just a hobby so—) and it can start to distort their perception of self—or seeking clarification through various accounts because that is advised so then Everything is scrutinized, etc. There is a heavy sadness though when those accounts are less active because like…that was the community for them lmao. It was like the one good bag of fruit at the grocery store that wasn’t browning and then you get home and find out it has mold, that big disappointment when it’s been some time and the account hasn’t posted for a bit, so when there’s new content I can definitely like. Feel the joy bursting lmao. But this leads to my next curious question
The Effect TikTok has on other Social Media
Nine of Swords Rx, Knight of Swords Rx, The Magician (Back of the deck: Eight of Swords Rx)
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Lmao so we’re going to pretend I’m wrong? Great. Also I usually blame a funky shuffling on me but the other shuffles were fine and suddenly cards Kept bursting for this question. Uuhh this got me confused at first but then it hit me like a truck that a large chunk of this was very much “yes zaddy make all those innovative ideas for us” and I’m so mad I had to type that! It has a lot of botched up mangled messages but the loudest one is like, someone who Isn’t using all of their weapons to be on top again even though they definitely can. They have this energy of like, “yeah we Could fight them and beat them at their own game, but wouldn’t it just be easier to incorporate their stuff to get users interested in our platform again”. There’s a slight laziness here, but they feel like a weight has been lifted off of their shoulders a bit in terms of constantly having to come up with stuff to excite people, but it’s definitely kinda cocky. Cause I mean, it’s just recycling lmao. Which I think is the point because I’m sure if these companies had a problem they would’ve dealt with it by now. I think it also bleeds into other content creators a bit, because as I said there’s an essence of recycling—just move some of your TikTok’s over to shorts, boom—and it’s like “okay I don’t have to worry about a 30 minute video now I can schedule it for later” so there’s less stress but then there’s less push to use all of the talent and arsenal at your disposal, like less motivation is found to push yourself because you can just ctrl+v (which, again, not attacking any content creators, making content ain’t easy).
The Future of TikTok
Wheel of Fortune Rx, Page of Swords Rx, Ace of Pentacles & Two of Wands (Back of the deck: Seven of Swords)
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. Listen I’m in a bad financial spot and I’m not about to get in trouble over some damn cards but if some funky money play happens to hit the news over some people happening to have some fun with some investments they shouldn’t have that wasn’t theirs, or funding something for personal gain, then well. Crazy how I didn’t say that. Also the Second pull that the deck wanted to go crazy.
Well that was fun :) hope you enjoyed the reading and uh, let me know your thoughts? I guess? As I mentioned, I have readings that are open right now, you can check my pinned for details. You can also sign up for a newsletter that will let you know about any upcoming events or changes in services, etcetc, I am Very Tired Now.
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neontrender · 2 years
FANDOM LGBTA Wiki & Ezgender/Microlabel Wiki Archives
This is not an exhaustive list. Many other things from the LGBTA and other wikis were archived as well. This is just the list of things that I personally archived. I also archived the history of some images and flags, but due to the way site archivers work, those had to be in the form of screenshots, and those screenshots only exist in the MOGAI.miraheze discord server. Please do not hound the MOGAI moderators or users for access to these, they have a lot of work on their plates right now.
For any of these terms that are clearly linked to an active social media of the creator, please get their permission before posting the term somewhere else.
I wish I could have organized these better, but I just don’t have it in me anymore. I’m sorry. Best of luck to anyone who wishes to put in that work. After this posts, I will edit in links to web archives of the full post, just in case my blog ever goes down for good. Please wait to reblog it until those have been added.
Archive Links for this post:
You will need to copy+paste most of the links. I do not have it in me to go through to turn them all into hyperlinks.
If there are brackets (<>) around a link, ignore those, they are not part of the link. I originally formatted this to send the links into discord, and putting brackets around links <like this> prevents the link from giving a preview, which would have flooded the channel and made it hard to navigate.
If you are using this as reference for term archival, whether for a wiki or some other kind of archive, please keep in mind: These may not be initial coinings. Sometimes terms are re-coined by people who weren't aware of other earlier coinings. Make sure to search for other possible mentions of these terms elsewhere as well.
There will be errors in this list. I may have put erroneous bullet points where they’re not needed, or missed some. There may be irrelevant notes alongside some of the links. I may have mislabeled some things (though I really hope I didn’t). I originally planned to transfer all of these, and the links other archived, into a large and organized google doc. I can’t bring myself to do that anymore. If anybody ever does something like that, feel free to send me the info. Maybe someday I’ll log back in and be able to add a link to that to this post.
There may be triggering topics that are not warned for. I tried to include warnings next to ones relating to the more egregeous topics or common triggers, but I almost definitely missed some. Please use caution when checking links for terms you aren’t already familliar with.
Genderleaf: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121090950/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000239588
Regaliac: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121090948/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238817
Panfaepronominal, Panfaunpronominal, Panflorpronominal draft flags: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121092649/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238590
Panflorpronominal flag: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121092946/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238635
 Findemonic: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121093351/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238244 / https://web.archive.org/web/20220121093456/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238289
Emotupronounfluid / emotupronominal: <https://archive.md/C8z6Z>
Catmochigender: <https://archive.md/2LUwl>
Ladgender: <https://archive.md/R2zk3>
Nullpronomial Spectrum flag creation discussion: <https://archive.md/5TTyq>
Vestigender: <https://archive.md/xsiIr
Emojipronoun flags 🍡self, 🐝self, 🍰self, 🍡/🍰self, Pansexual 🍡self combination flag & Thundic flag: <https://archive.md/yuXI8>
Emojipronoun flags 🫐self, ✏️/📄self, 🐴self, 🎵self: <https://archive.md/eEC2R>
Emojipronoun flags 🐈‍⬛/🐈self, ❤️self, ⛓️self, 🩸self, 👼self: <https://archive.md/pyduS>
Alt. Pan flag: <https://archive.md/22R7B>
Vaguelabel: <https://archive.md/7X9cq>
owlgender, harpygender (not a proper coining, but may be useful for documentation): <https://archive.md/80Oc7>
Paraxenogender: <https://archive.md/Yhs1P>
Ladgender flag: <https://archive.md/MvsPQ>
Findemonic Flag: https://web.archive.org/save/https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Message_Wall:SoraFromSmash
Florpronominal, Panflorpronominal, Omniflorpronominal, Panflorpronominalflux/panomniflorpronominal/omnipanflorpronominal, Sylphpronominal, Pansylphpronominal, Omnisylphpronominal, Pansylphpronominalflux/panomnisylphpronominal/omnipansylphpronominal, Selkiepronominal, Panselkiepronominal, Omniselkiepronominal, Panselkiepronominalflux/panomniselkiepronominal/omnipanselkiepronominal, Satyrpronominal, Pansatyrpronominal, Omnisatyrpronominal, Pansatyrpronominalflux/panomnisatyrpronominal/omnipansatyrpronominal: https://web.archive.org/save/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238573
 Faepronominal and faunpronominal: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121094709/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000181683
Panfaepronominal, Panfaunpronominal, Omnifaepronominal, Omnifaunpronominal, Panfaepronominalflux/Omnipanfaepronominal/Panomnifaepronominal, 
Panfaunpronominalflux/Omnipanfaunpronominal/Panomnifaunpronominal: https://web.archive.org/web/20220121094617/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000231563
 ragdollcalicogender: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100336/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238385>
findemonic also: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100448/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238246>
chaosfluid: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100541/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237611> / <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100551/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237618>
chaosfluid flag: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100625/https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Chaosfluid?commentId=4400000000000237832>
gaygirl flag: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100614/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000238108>
lapis/lazuliself flag: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100623/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237986>
fauxgender with flag: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100654/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237129>
spacefuneralgender flag: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121100734/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237787> 
Mobpsychogender, Mobgender, Reigengender: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121102919/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237551>
TNIGMA / TNIGMAP / TENIGMA: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121102926/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237118>
Pansyic: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121102941/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237482> / <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121103049/https://pansyic.carrd.co/> / <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121103141/https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Pansyic?type=revision&diff=170160&oldid=170159>
fauxgender / neurofauxgender: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121104230/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237184>
webcomicgender / webtoongender: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121104332/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000237331>
Phingagender: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121104338/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000236551>
Serilfluid / Liresfluid: <https://web.archive.org/web/20220121104424/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000236933> 
Occugender, Gendersatire, Sweetener gender system, Holegender, Genderyeet, Voidyeet, Genderoff, Melatoningender, Genderfragmentspike: <https://archive.md/musuH>
non-gametes-based reproduction, gametes-based reproduction, traits related to gametes-based reproduction system, hormones related to gbrs, secondary traits related to gbrs, group of traits related to gbrs, change of traits related to gbrs (unclear to me if any of this is actually coining, or if this is just a collection of terms someone put together, i'm really kind of just skimming stuff to try and get to as much as i can): <https://archive.md/ozMv5> / <https://archive.md/39Lac>
animatigender / animationgender,  animemegender / animationmemgender: <https://archive.md/tM5zy>
xenogenderfluid/xenofluid recoin and alt flag: https://archive.md/LNimB
Libraneogirl neogirl libragender combination flag, Libraneoboy flag neoboyeogirl libragender combination flag, Paraneogirl neogirl paragender combination flag, Paraneoboy neoboy paragender combination flag: https://archive.md/MPXni
Genderqueer Lesbian, Genderqueer gay: https://archive.md/NSCnZ
Captagender: https://archive.md/rng0I
enagender recoining: <https://archive.md/TxPo9> / <https://archive.md/kdOPc> / <https://archive.md/KTOff>
axigender modality: <https://archive.md/MY8gD>
Songofachillesgender / Historygender / Rainbowloombic: <https://archive.md/0Qst0>
Toastbreadgender: <https://archive.md/f77DR>
humish: <https://archive.md/haMEy>
Interesnominal / interespronominal: <https://archive.md/5oMsz>
Gacha World / The Lunime Universe Genders Flags, Djunitgender, Shadowunitgender, Corruptionunitgender, Darkunitgender, Lightunitgender, Windunitgender, Waterunitgender, Fireunitgender, Neutralunitgender, Unknownunitgender, Gachaunitgender: <https://archive.md/AAhKw> / <https://archive.md/e81jb> / <https://archive.md/t20xf> / <https://archive.md/v8kyD> / <https://archive.md/JZEL0> / <https://archive.md/R2dNc> / <https://archive.md/GgdBd> / <https://archive.md/vwSpV> / <https://archive.md/LtwEG> / <https://archive.md/Nw5cY> / <https://archive.md/OzKdF> / <https://archive.md/QE4e3>
Myrifluid / myriaroacefluid, myriarofluid, myriacefluid, alt strayt flags, alt neogirl flag: <https://archive.md/LozNf>
Feelgender: <https://archive.md/a1UcB>
Palettegender: <https://archive.md/RM1E2> / <https://archive.md/BHTCE>
Sentigender: <https://archive.md/qYyrm>
Lovelygender: <https://archive.md/xb3WI>
Digitgender: <https://archive.md/WPol4>
Genderhybrid: <https://archive.md/YUIns>
Pronoset, Nomiset, Genderset, Attraset: <https://archive.md/BmHZu>
Plumcian: <https://archive.md/RAjPv>
Paradox Aro: <https://archive.md/4oY2b>
Beebissgender: <https://archive.md/5rD2S>
Gay-Polysexual / Poly-Gay / Gay Polysexual combination flag: <https://archive.md/TFDQT>
Duflesexual / Dufleromantic: <https://archive.md/nv4RP> / <https://archive.md/M9phb> / <https://archive.md/ZX4tR> / <https://archive.md/pBoTd> / <https://archive.md/qD3TU> Flip pronominal: <https://archive.md/sThEa>
Basketballgender / Hoopgender: <https://archive.md/Tzg4d>
Comfortgender / Comfygender: <https://archive.md/jcBtz>
Gemgender: <https://archive.md/IPVSV>
Samarasian: <https://archive.md/E2Cd5>
Obscurusgendercollecter: <https://archive.md/kCASc>
KeldeoGender / KeldeoPokémonGender: <https://archive.md/KfVhy>
Alt. Trans flag (possible troll?): <https://archive.md/aVUHB>
Duckgender / Piggygender / Caterpillargender / Bandaidgender / Juiceboxgender: <https://archive.md/HHCU5>
Fictifluid: <https://archive.md/i6Xwq>
/pflu / /nflu pronounfluid / nomifluid tone indicators (meaning the user is pronounfluid or nomifluid): <https://archive.md/6JvbJ>
/pa / parental attraction/affection tone indicators (meaning feeling parental affection towards someone/something): <https://archive.md/8nCk8>
Levigender, Leviboy, Levigirl: <https://archive.md/6Qdwg>
Aegosensual, Aegoplatonic, AKA Tertiary use of Aego-: <https://archive.md/XAKdE>
Emptyfluid: <https://archive.md/z2JPG>
Inuyashagender: <https://archive.md/ZF4e2>
Germgender: <https://archive.md/caeUg>
Penguingender: <https://archive.md/dcTUX>
Contraromantic, Contraromanticflux, Contrasexual, Contrasexualflux: <https://archive.md/CQekj>
Alt. Loveless Aromantic Flag: <https://archive.md/fidWl>
Contraromantic, Contraromanticflux, Contrasexual, Contrasexualflux flags: <https://archive.md/QcOJv>
Gendermuck: <https://archive.md/338WS>
Trinary / Third sex terminology, Treyasexuality, Treya-. Finforma, Minforma, trey-sex, Trey-bodied: <https://archive.md/hVtaf>
Cisdefaultgender / Possibly unnamed: <https://archive.md/xR7o0> / <https://archive.md/IBsAi>
Shine/spark/glint/lights/flickself pronouns and flag: https://archive.md/S8M1L
Aphileflexible: <https://archive.md/Ubr2s>
Gendershadow: <https://archive.md/72MfP>
/matu / mad at the universe), /naa / not asking anyone tone indicators: <https://archive.md/xF6Fb>
Alterhuman page mirror (my main reason for adding this here is to have a place to refer to or cite that defines the term "folkel" as i'm noticing that term in several of these posts i'm archiving): <https://archive.md/02F4z#selection-6067.0-6077.355>
Nullushomois, Nullafeminais, and flags: <https://archive.md/0fpmN> / <https://archive.md/X95lp>
Quoipreference / WTFpreference / Whatpreference: <https://archive.md/4uSWO>
Quoipreference / WTFpreference / Whatpreference flag:  <https://archive.md/xP0n3> / <https://archive.md/LHkBq>
AdIN / Adorable-In-Nature: <https://archive.md/QyJcc>
Cute Neopronouns, Starself, Pastelself, Flowerself, Floofself, Faenself, Sunflowerself, Sunself, Moonself, Neptuneself, Fluffyself, Kitself, Kaeself, Dollself, Ribbbonself, Buttonself: <https://archive.md/ZyEON>
Genderfluid Boy: <https://archive.md/0BjPu>
Homesexual: <https://archive.md/uYYXe>
Agnostosgender: <https://archive.md/3STso>
Agnostosgender flag: <https://archive.md/qWOH5> / <https://archive.md/3oOj7>
Caelum gender and flag: <https://archive.md/JSYbi#selection-5853.0-5857.58>
Fogvibic: <https://archive.md/BRq2U>
Uingenderflux: <https://archive.md/Xhj3A>
Jumpergender: <https://archive.md/cbjhE>
Genderfluid boy again: <https://archive.md/PFXUn>
Half Straight (Related to the term "Super Straight"): <https://archive.md/FZhJM>
Poptropica Gender System, Poptropigender, Popislandian, Mythoislandian, Earlypoptian, Sharktoothian, Monstercarnivalian, Timetanglian, Nightwatchian, Mocktropian, Nabootian, Nabootian, Bignateislandian, Astroknightsian, Counterfeitian, RealityTVislandian, Skullduggerian, Steamworksian, Greatpumpkinian, Cryptislandian, Wildwestian, Wimpywonderlandian, Reddragonian, Shrinkraysian, Mysterytrainian, Gameshowislandian, Ghoststorian, SOSislandian, Vampirecursian, Twistedthicketislean, Poptropolisian, Wimpyboardwalkian, Lunarcolonian, Atlantisian, Superpowian, Supervillainean, Charliechocofactorian, Zomberrian, Backlotian, Virushunterian, Poptropiconian, Arabnightsian, Galactichotdogsian, Mysterymapian, Timmyfailurian, Pelicanrockian, Monkeywrenchian, Crisiscavernsian, Seaodyssean, Snagglemastian, Spyislandian, Poptropicangender, Mordredian, Drharean, Directorian, Vanburian, Banditian, Blackwidowsian, CJgender (Many of these terms appear to have been coined on the same wiki page. I have grabbed archives of both the first and latest edits to the page.): <https://archive.md/fGkDs> / <https://archive.md/3Ukrt> / <https://archive.md/4WZsa>
Eraprox / Eraproximal / Roseprox: <https://archive.md/74Yuf> / <https://archive.md/kTDGV> / <https://archive.md/lWiHC>
Gxnderfluid, gxrlflux, bxyflux: <https://archive.md/aaivD> /  <https://archive.md/QMe4J>
Gxnderfluix: <https://archive.md/dxtFS> / <https://archive.md/hH7IE> / <https://archive.md/VcMln>
Politigenders: <https://archive.md/ugTHs>
Parajuxera, Paraproxvir, Librajuxera, Libraproxvir: <https://archive.md/ROT5q>
Omorimusicagender, Spacefuneralgender: <https://archive.md/iuTvt>
Describeresexual / describereorientation / descrisexual: <https://archive.md/ilIB8>
Rainsexual: <https://archive.md/UNIea>
Caedqueer: <https://archive.md/I1H2b> / <https://archive.md/xfHQc>
Lightningandrogy, Lightningxeno: <https://archive.md/9HHse>
Meterofluid: <https://archive.md/BZ2yA>
Androgxne, Non-bxnary, Apxrine: <https://archive.md/C2Hzh> / <https://archive.md/fuHbj> / <https://archive.md/yzkr9> / <https://archive.md/nPZgR> / <https://archive.md/3pXUY> / <https://archive.md/TJhKn> / <https://archive.md/VOBLL> / <https://archive.md/ygBnN>
Pluiedouceamère / Bittersweetrain: <https://archive.md/YaTop>
SEGA Gender System, SG-1000gender, SEGAmastersystemgender, SEGAgenesisgender, SEGAgamegeargender, SEGAcdgender, SEGAsaturngender, SEGAdreamcastgender: <https://archive.md/nOdNL>
Lightninggender: <https://archive.md/c4SCt> / <https://archive.md/PwSev>
Metaphorgender: <https://archive.md/Qzxfc>
Disfemic / Dismascic: <https://archive.md/xg7Lr>
Chaoticsexual: <https://archive.md/nArAQ>
Assorted Contie partial/WIP coins (most do not have names yet), Griefgender, Greyfem, Ambifem, Ambigufem, Queerfem, Disconnect Gender, Aegogender, Aegoera: <https://archive.md/cQ6py>
Politigenders, Socialisgender, Capitalisgender, Anarchigender, Communigender: <https://archive.md/qIqCV>
Androgynous / Linspec GLG / Juvelic terms workshopping: <https://archive.md/Rop2Y>
Follajgender:  <https://archive.md/wYoG5> / <https://archive.md/x03HM>
  Orchidsexual: <https://archive.md/Uo1oD> / <https://archive.md/IC1cE> / <https://archive.md/8glB0> / <https://archive.md/KIld2>
Orchidromantic: <https://archive.md/s5OmM> / <https://archive.md/b6u7k> / <https://archive.md/CMuxn> / <https://archive.md/3stXq>
Thiswikigender: <https://archive.md/alFDo>
Misty-Tranquilic: <https://archive.md/3MYuS> / <https://archive.md/gBDHy> / <https://archive.md/5Siwg>
Abinary / AB / aphorian: <https://archive.md/SfOTc> / <https://archive.md/uHOve> / <https://archive.md/vKtvV> <https://archive.md/Iy8IB> / <https://archive.md/8cs7X> / <https://archive.md/9e78E> / <https://archive.md/SfOTc> / <https://archive.md/YvMXm> / <https://archive.md/nKcgE> / <https://archive.md/zwcsD> / <https://archive.md/pbMnp> / <https://archive.md/I4xSF>
HHBbarngender, HHBfarmgender: <https://archive.md/2HQVn>
Nullushomois, Nullafeminais: <https://archive.md/0fpmN>
Dopaminegender: <https://archive.md/tnQlq>
Femalicurious, Malicurious: <https://archive.md/7U9YQ>
Aliusaromantic: <https://archive.md/saV30> / <https://archive.md/ugf5o> / <https://archive.md/6IfHq>
Sysbor / Sysborgender: <https://archive.md/Jafjs>
Whispgender: <https://archive.md/lCeVu>
+ Community / Plus Community: <https://archive.md/zty8R> / <https://archive.md/Z9yyU>
Cenrellfluid, Faesari: <https://archive.md/pCtXx>
Transgenderless: <https://archive.md/vSBLH>
Pastelgothcoric: <https://archive.md/j6BzI>
Xenogendercringic, Xenogendercringegender, Xenogendercringian: https://archive.md/xXVM5
Attrachange: <https://archive.md/ew2vH> / <https://archive.md/3NHkp>
Circlegender: <https://archive.md/tq1JL>
Bubbleliquidgender: <https://archive.md/GfGWr>
Nuetronstaric: <https://archive.md/5S1lN>
Codekin (not really an LGBT+ term but it was coined on the LGBTA wiki forums so it goes here): <https://archive.md/faGSP>
Hypermasculine / Hyperfeminine / Hyperandrogynous (Subsets of
Hypergender, Hyperboy, Hypergirl, Hypernonbinary / Hypernon-binary): <https://archive.md/gdlTw>
Cupioplatonicflux, Cupioqueerplatonicflux: <https://archive.md/iiFUU>
Foggygender flag and symbol: <https://archive.md/jlkVB> / <https://archive.md/60Nz5>
Spookymonthgender, Spookykidsgender (Skid and Pump), Hatzgender (Hatzgang), TEOTUgender (The Eyes of the Universe): <https://archive.md/Ek2W6> / <https://archive.md/3Ynms> / <https://archive.md/gM2y8>
Suspicious Stew Gender / Suspiciousstewgender (Minecraft): <https://archive.md/hPHzP>
Pixelategender, 8-bitgender, 16-bitgender: <https://archive.md/uEmMv>
PS1horrorgender / GHIN flag: <https://archive.md/QcIP3>
Domesticat Gender System / Domesticatsystem (Some links mention the Felinus System / Felinus Gender System, with the context that some tried to claim one term was a subsystem of the other, but it is not): <https://archive.md/3323q> / <https://archive.md/TkHR8> / <https://archive.md/UnmSP> / <https://archive.md/IBmGQ> / <https://archive.md/JD1Hx> / <https://archive.md/xR1vy>
Demigenderflux flag and symbol: <https://archive.md/5KZ3j>
Unnamed term for atlerhuman / otherkin with exomemories: <https://archive.md/TYZRk>
Antesexual / Anteromantic: <https://archive.md/JfEF2>
Pomomasculine / Pomofeminine / Pomoneutral: <https://archive.md/KijGJ>
Aguasuaves: <https://archive.md/cWl1b> / <https://archive.md/g2gq7>
Subjective Attraction: <https://archive.md/4dBer>
Bothyr: <https://archive.md/GFAQt>
Rapidnominal: <https://archive.md/UwU3Q> / <https://archive.md/6NmU1> / <https://archive.md/xUzc3>
Agender X:  <https://archive.md/31AuC> / <https://archive.md/hSUHZ> / <https://archive.md/UkUj1> / <https://archive.md/n8SL9>  
Influence to Spectrum:  <https://archive.md/5ObrE>  
Revogender:  <https://archive.md/T2bfF>
Quoi- Flag: <https://archive.md/wFuvO>
Floofgender, Dark Academia Coric / Darkacademiacoric, Pinkfluffgender: <https://archive.md/74O69> / <https://archive.md/KwOJb> / <https://archive.md/yKOxc>
Demisocial: <https://archive.md/Yn8Wy>
WillWoodgender: <https://archive.md/AWQS7>
Gungender: <https://archive.md/OOa6u>
Genderbag, Attractionbag / Sexualitybag: <https://archive.md/C2aUv>
Explosivegender: <https://archive.md/rgaIw> / <https://archive.md/bKJlK> / <https://archive.md/h0HpU> / <https://archive.md/HD1Pg>
Ophanian Gender System:  <https://archive.md/ae5ZY> / <https://archive.md/MG5B0> / <https://archive.md/AU5p1>
Azurosenby: <https://archive.md/dm413> / <https://archive.md/l9zZA> / <https://archive.md/bqeOi> / <https://archive.md/NSeqk> / <https://archive.md/fASQ4>
Arospike Xenodemiboy Flag: <https://archive.md/2DJQL>
Apori Fluogynous Flag: <https://archive.md/3GoRs>
Animegacha Gender System, Futurian, Elementyan, Chroniclian, Kingnyan, Nightmarian, Festivallyan, Popstallian, Hautellyan, Oceanyan, Sunllightian, Halloweenian, Winterian, Valenticorian, Vinyllyan, Neonyan, Gachaian, Hopeyian, Lunimeian, Gachianfluid, Pananimegacha: <https://archive.md/RuBIJ> / <https://archive.md/rfPaF> / <https://archive.md/vRF5q> / <https://archive.md/F9OoJ> / <https://archive.md/vqtdr>
Aegosexual (saved for the 10th citation, specifically): <https://archive.md/g1ajU>
Onespronouns: <https://archive.md/AczoV>
Aguaboy, aguagirl: <https://archive.md/og9lb>
Therian System / Therian Gender System, Freegender, Natugender,
Suitgender: <https://archive.md/cEy0X>
Demi- / Demiattraction, Demisexual Demisensual Demiromantic Demiplatonic Demialterious flag: <https://archive.md/1h0dR>
A very large thread with several coinings, including but not limited to Coffeesexual, Coffee Bean System / CB system, Celestesexual Spec / Celeste Spec / Celestesexual Spectrum, Sunrisexual, Sunsetsexual, Dusksexual, Twilightsexual, Dawnsexual, Celestesexual, Lunarsexual, Owosexual, Allogender (or at least a flag for it): <https://archive.md/BlWJ9> / <https://web.archive.org/web/20211123051542/https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000046316>
Coffeesexual: <https://archive.md/FPjRh> / <https://archive.md/5sEgD> / <https://archive.md/v8DGG> / <https://archive.md/kmDuH> /
Coffee Bean System / CB system / Coffee Bean Gender System, Brewgender, Cappucinogender, Decafgender, Espressogender, Hoffeegender, Iffeegender, Javagender, Lattegender, Machiattogender, Mochagender, Ristrettogender, Warffeegender, Coffeeflux, Feefluid, Javaflux, Demibrew, Demicap, Demicoffeeflux, Demidecaf, Demiespress, Demifeefluid, Demijava, Demijavaflux, Demilatte, Demimachi, Demimocha, Demiristro, Demitempfee: <https://archive.md/zMMsb> / <https://archive.md/yx6HF> / <https://archive.md/Zd57I> / <https://archive.md/Nr5VJ> / <https://archive.md/pT5xL> / <https://archive.md/2l49N> / <https://archive.md/FZdz9>
Allogender Flag: <https://archive.md/MSpf7>
CB System / Coffee Bean System / Coffee Bean Gender System, Lattegender, Machiattogender, Mochagender, Ristrettogender, Warffeegender, Coffeeflux, Feefluid, Javaflux: <https://archive.md/rLL3l> / <https://archive.md/DxMfk> / <https://archive.md/4dLFn> / <https://archive.md/glGj3> / <https://archive.md/4zF74> / <https://archive.md/G1FJ6> / <https://archive.md/kdBit> / <https://archive.md/JQVHP> / <https://archive.md/KTAIw> / <https://archive.md/9ifnm> / <https://archive.md/j1AyE> / <https://archive.md/JEUX0> / <https://archive.md/xAbHF> / https://archive.md/LrvU2 / <https://archive.md/a4Qko> / <https://archive.md/nqxbZ> / <https://archive.md/bEwZ0> / <https://archive.md/otccG> / <https://archive.md/cHb0H> / <https://archive.md/8dOTz> / <https://archive.md/WrOHA> / <https://archive.md/LItwi> / <https://archive.md/Jaa9P> / <https://archive.md/lCaLR> / <https://archive.md/ztuZe>
CB System / Coffee Bean System / Coffee Bean Gender System, Iffeegender, Javagender: <https://archive.md/2oGpI> / <https://archive.md/2oGpI> / <https://archive.md/QCGdJ> / <https://archive.md/EQF1K> / <https://archive.md/bMDvX> / <https://archive.md/NbX7i> / <https://archive.md/OeC7Z>
CB System / Coffee Bean System / Coffee Bean Gender System, Brewgender, Cappucinogender, Decafgender, Espressogender, Hoffeegender: <https://archive.md/IWIKW> / <https://archive.md/7xn9B> / <https://archive.md/JZnLD> / <https://archive.md/ydnzE> / <https://archive.md/ZUgxi> / <https://archive.md/0WVxZ> / <https://archive.md/1ZAyG> / <https://archive.md/DoU91> / <https://archive.md/34Uz4> / <https://archive.md/valo0> / <https://archive.md/7Ck02> / <https://archive.md/I1FCn> / <https://archive.md/vUhll> / <https://archive.md/VxBKH> / <https://archive.md/A7AoO> / <https://archive.md/OYUCb> / <https://archive.md/6OR8v> / <https://archive.md/U2RWw> / <https://archive.md/wscxR>
Alloy System / Alloy Gender System, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Zinc, Titanium, Iron, Copper, Aluminum, Cobalt, Chromium, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Tin, Palladium, Antimony, Magnesium, Manganese: <https://archive.md/7RyS1>
Burrgender: <https://archive.md/lIS6o>
They/She, She/They, They/He, He/She, She/He, He/They Pronoun Flags: <https://archive.md/YaSIq> / <https://archive.md/eyJPa>
Concept of Influence to Spectrum / Gender Spectrum / Orientation Spectrum / Other Spectrums: <https://archive.md/5ObrE>
Femflux, Mascflux alt. coinings: <https://archive.md/dlPxK>
(general TW) Tavaline System / Tavaline Gender System, Tegemanic, Kartic, Muntic, Kirinic, Kavandinic, Deibonic, Nepblomic, Perenic, Veintassic, Kearsic, Kellklokic, Antykic, Bistloomic: <https://archive.md/BtwBk> / <https://archive.md/ePHqq> / <https://archive.md/36me8> / <https://archive.md/tJGEu> / <https://archive.md/Tm03Q> / <https://archive.md/Kdu8y> / <https://archive.md/DoBlZ> / <https://archive.md/ErgmG> / <https://archive.md/fQAX1> / <https://archive.md/FtVnn> / <https://archive.md/lDAG6> / <https://archive.md/mGfHN> / <https://archive.md/aUfvO> / <https://archive.md/sawmw> / <https://archive.md/gowax> / <https://archive.md/SQvMz> / <https://archive.md/Iyntg> / <https://archive.md/xO2hY>
(general TW) Tavaline System / Tavaline Gender System, Tegemanic, Kartic, Muntic, Kirinic, Kavandinic, Deibonic, Nepblomic, Perenic, Veintassic, Kearsic, Kellklokic, Antykic, Bistloomic: <https://archive.md/9mQGW> / <https://archive.md/XAQuX> / <https://archive.md/LOQiY> / <https://archive.md/G2J7u> / <https://archive.md/ir4IP> / <https://archive.md/vgJVv> / <https://archive.md/PNtBV> / <https://archive.md/gts1Y> / <https://archive.md/XxjyL> / <https://archive.md/LLjmM> / <https://archive.md/ylb1o> / <https://archive.md/XYwqK> / <https://archive.md/R9Lez> / <https://archive.md/ty5PU> / <https://archive.md/NnE25> / <https://archive.md/c0Zsr>
(general TW) Tavaline System / Tavaline Gender System, Tegemanic, Kartic, Muntic, Kirinic, Kavandinic, Deibonic, Nepblomic, Perenic, Veintassic, Kearsic, Kellklokic, Antykic, Bistloomic: <https://archive.md/SJrUb> / <https://archive.md/t8Mvw> / <https://archive.md/cfh20> / <https://archive.md/BSCsm>
Genderpeace: <https://archive.md/xdeBp> / <https://archive.md/mtTp7> / <https://archive.md/nwyqO> / <https://archive.md/ozdrv> / <http://web.archive.org/web/20211121151257/https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000209262>
Deminebularomantic: <https://archive.md/01c3x>
Sunstone Collector: <https://archive.md/eSxgU> / <https://archive.md/sJRuh>
Aphileflexible: <https://archive.fo/GBbHE>
Finmawomasexual: <https://archive.md/TZxzW> / <https://archive.md/jCRZi> / <https://archive.md/V4RBk> / <https://archive.md/lIb0G>
Girlfluid: <https://archive.md/YabCI> / <https://archive.md/ZcQDp> / <https://archive.md/oQa2L> / <https://archive.md/BEQfr>
-Theory- / -Theory / Theory- / Theory Prefix / Theory Suffix: <https://archive.md/Otvr7>
Alt. Dreamsexual Flag: <https://archive.md/bafGY>
Aaron's Putty System / Aaron's Putty Gender System: <https://archive.md/p4eU2> / <https://archive.md/2kNxO> / <https://archive.md/inAmx> / <https://archive.md/weUzU> / <https://archive.md/WUTZX> / <https://archive.md/ApyCG>
Autogender Alt. Flag: <https://archive.md/qkrWW> /
Pandrogyneutral: <https://archive.md/LDjN7> / <https://archive.md/n5jp9>
Paramivkyi Gender System: <https://archive.md/CdBeM> / <https://archive.md/89yIZ> / <https://archive.md/acdJG>
Mussaender: <https://archive.md/L9txx> / <https://archive.md/Nb8ye> / <https://archive.md/uNUhx> /
Kaochisagender: <https://archive.md/rJsbE> / <https://archive.md/laK28> / <https://archive.md/vQzie>
Aqueerplatonic: <https://archive.md/wrFS5> / <https://archive.md/Jgk5L>
Aqueerplatonic spectrum: <https://archive.md/R2P3i> / <https://archive.md/4RvfY>
Aqueerplatonicflux / Aqpflux: <https://archive.md/onloN> / <https://archive.md/Bb0Bt>
An-aesthetic / Nonaesthetic / A-aesthetic / Ansthetic / Anaesthetic /
Acethetic: <https://archive.md/qTSia> / <https://archive.md/QxcHw>
An-aesthetic Spectrum / Nonaesthetic Spectrum / A-aesthetic Spectrum / Ansthetic Spectrum / Anaesthetic Spectrum / Acethetic Spectrum: <https://archive.md/YOXQS> / <https://archive.md/CjCtB>
Anaestheticflux / Anaeflux / Anstheticflux / Nonstheticflux /
Nonaestheticflux: <https://archive.md/uGYIp> / <https://archive.md/Y5Vr8> / <https://archive.md/fOg6k> / <https://archive.md/hTA7I> / <https://archive.md/7afWq>
Anaevague: <https://archive.md/k1z9N> / <https://archive.md/9fzXO>
Laimoaesthetic: <https://archive.md/XtzLP> / <https://archive.md/LHzzQ>
  Aplatonic Spectrum / Aplatonic Umbrella / Apl-Spec: <https://archive.md/Q8B2z> / <https://archive.md/AKsbD> / <https://archive.md/CPMc1> / <https://archive.md/rWbK0> / <https://archive.md/gkqPK>
Aplatonic / Apl: <https://archive.md/deonG> / <https://archive.md/v44kG> / <https://archive.md/WK3KJ> / <https://archive.md/KY3yK> / <https://archive.md/qoMV8>
Aplflux / Aplatonicflux: <https://archive.md/0Bdf3> / <https://archive.md/OPc34> / <https://archive.md/PRR4L>
Aplspike / Aplatonispike: <https://archive.md/nnweA> / <https://archive.md/P8PF1> / <https://archive.md/Sd9Hp>
Demiplatonic: <https://archive.md/x45WM> / <https://archive.md/XIql8> / <https://archive.md/YK5mP>
Frayplatonic: <https://archive.md/aFzmr> / <https://archive.md/M7yYt>
Forum post addressing Aqueerplatonic, Aqueerplatonic spectrum, Aqpflux, An-aesthetic, Anaesthetic spectrum, Analterous spectrum, Analtflux, Ansensual, Asenflux, Anplatonic, Anqueerplatonic, Aqpvague, An-alterous, Analtvague, Apothialterous, Apothiaesthetic, Apothiqueerplatonic, Apresalterous, Apresaesthetic, Apresplatonic, Apresqueerplatonic, Myrsensual, Myraesthetic, Myralterous, Myrqueerplatonic, Cupioalterous (There really is not much to this post other than mentioning the terms and claiming to have coined many or all of them through page creation): <https://archive.md/RiT6X>
Laimoplatonic: <https://archive.md/yuxlF> / <https://archive.md/Ljcyl> / <https://archive.md/nLcan> / <https://archive.md/OrbAq> Apothiplatonic: <https://archive.md/PECwC>
Myrplatonic: <https://archive.md/75vwS> / <https://archive.md/kUaJy>
Cupioplatonic (Note that the first flag listed for this identity is a misidentified
Cupioromantic flag. There is a comment on the archive of the main page that can be seen pointing out the issue): <https://archive.md/WrY8w> / <https://archive.md/GvkTL> / <https://archive.md/UmE68> / <https://archive.md/XuD9d> / <https://archive.md/MLiXV>
Preaplatonic: <https://archive.md/K3ESk> / <https://archive.md/msZtF> / <https://archive.md/bJEin>
Laimosexual: <https://archive.md/jyq6E> / <https://archive.md/kA57l> / <https://archive.md/9RKV3>Laimoromantic: <https://archive.md/nI49q> / <https://archive.md/oLJ97> / <https://archive.md/CC4nu>
Aro-jump: <https://archive.md/MAH9l> / <https://archive.md/cd2yH> / <https://archive.md/OF2aJ>
Ace-jump: <https://archive.md/DleQJ> / <https://archive.md/Rcy36> / <https://archive.md/GtdSO>
Myrsexual: <https://archive.md/Msm2P> / <https://archive.md/Nu13w> / <https://archive.md/c8msS> / <https://archive.md/OxG4d> / <https://archive.md/qZGGf> Asensual Spectrum / Asensual Umbrella: <https://archive.md/vbKEg> / <https://archive.md/UO43C> / <https://archive.md/J5JSk> / <https://archive.md/WUo40>
Asensual: <https://archive.md/6zjMv> / <https://archive.md/jnYZb>
Acosensual: <https://archive.md/r0eFZ> / <https://archive.md/RDy5l>
Cupiosensual: <https://archive.md/dQbog> / <https://archive.md/EwaOj> / <https://archive.md/FyPO0> / <https://archive.md/gYaql>
Demisensual: <https://archive.md/ogrXl> / <https://archive.md/0Irzn>
Greysensual / Grayasensual / Greyasensual: <https://archive.md/roqZq> / <https://archive.md/3QqBs> / <https://archive.md/S65qa> / <https://archive.md/kPJQU>
Sensualarian: <https://archive.md/lSoRB> / <https://archive.md/yG34h>
Apothisensual: <https://archive.md/kpWUa> / <https://archive.md/L8BkU>
Platoniromantic: <https://archive.md/oAAWW> / <https://archive.md/OdVmi>
Idemromantic: <https://archive.md/02AyY> / <https://archive.md/15fzF>
Platoniflux: <https://archive.md/QjfnG> / <https://archive.md/RlUon> / <https://archive.md/GCzc5> / <https://archive.md/6fTCr>
Touch-Repulsed: <https://archive.md/0A188> / <https://archive.md/1DG9P>
Touch-Indifferent: <https://archive.md/rg1zb> / <https://archive.md/QUlYx>Touch-Favorable: <https://archive.md/V7E10> / <https://archive.md/LojQI>
Touch-Ambivalent: <https://archive.md/0ii4M>
Touch-Repulsed, Touch-Indifferent, Touch-Favorable, Touch-Ambivalent: <https://archive.md/QBCUb>
Romance-Repulsed: <https://archive.md/SGWVz> / <https://archive.md/TJBWg>
Romance-Positive: <https://archive.md/xegyZ> / <https://archive.md/9Gga1>
Romance-Indifferent (cw homophobic page vandalism visible on first link with mention of a common trigger): <https://archive.md/AmfA4> / <https://archive.md/OdzOr> / <https://archive.md/dQUdN> / <https://archive.md/rIera>
Romance-Ambivalent: <https://archive.md/gYTfS> / <https://archive.md/UtxSB>
Romance-Favorable: <https://archive.md/VwcTi> / <https://archive.md/k9xiE> / <https://archive.md/YEbVn>
Apothiromantic: <https://archive.md/W6yvW> / <https://archive.md/LkyjX> / <https://archive.md/MndkE> / <https://archive.md/0exx1>
Apothisexual: <https://archive.md/pRRXn> / <https://archive.md/PvcmJ> / <https://archive.md/3mwz6> / <https://archive.md/RAwn7> / <https://archive.md/FOwb8>
Apothi Aroace: <https://archive.md/SDboO> / <https://archive.md/GRbcP> / <https://archive.md/6uvCb> / <https://archive.md/IWved> / <https://archive.md/VLaqT>
Lithosexual / Akoisexual: <https://archive.md/3T6eL> / <https://archive.md/4WLfs> / <https://archive.md/uz5EO> / <https://archive.md/vCKFv>
Lithromantic / Akoiromantic:   <https://archive.md/jQKtw> / <https://archive.md/Jt4SS> / <https://archive.md/Xlo6f> / <https://archive.md/mYJvB> / <https://archive.md/bcJjC>
Inactsexual / Inactosexual / Initiasexual: <https://archive.md/ZqI7D> / <https://archive.md/p6IxG>
Inactromantic / Inactoromantic / Initiaromantic: <https://archive.md/PJ2W2> / <https://archive.md/sb2y4> / <https://archive.md/RPmYq>
Bellusromantic: <https://archive.md/0vCoH> / <https://archive.md/81Lk5> / <https://archive.md/yE5Kr> / <https://archive.md/b9Kna> / <https://archive.md/oYpzQ>
Bellussexual,  Biromantic Bellussexual combination flag: <https://archive.md/d8jgm> / <https://archive.md/YW3GQ> / <https://archive.md/r6oBV> / <https://archive.md/gkopW>
Sex-Repulsed: <https://archive.md/CQOaB> / <https://archive.md/QH8nY> / <https://archive.md/SNspm>
Sex-Indifferent: <https://archive.md/iqMOI> / <https://archive.md/vfr1o> / <https://archive.md/jtrPp> / <https://archive.md/7HrDq>
Sex-Ambivalent: <https://archive.md/lyLQN> / <https://archive.md/MeLgQ>
Sex-Favorable: <https://archive.md/Y3qtw> / <https://archive.md/oGKSS> / <https://archive.md/Oj5ie> / <https://archive.md/dXpHA>
Sex-Averse: <https://archive.md/lveUB> / <https://archive.md/K8zjX>
Sensual Attraction: <https://archive.md/gwMrr> / <https://archive.md/4ASwA> / <https://archive.md/iscJX> / <https://archive.md/H5w9j> / <https://archive.md/yoQYI> / <https://archive.md/9Obz3> / <https://archive.md/aQQAK> / <https://archive.md/Y4QoL> / <https://archive.md/cWaB8>
Bisensual: <https://archive.md/Foprm> / <https://archive.md/hQo3o> / <https://archive.md/iS335> / <https://archive.md/KBIuP> / <https://archive.md/LEnvw> Ceterosensual: <https://archive.md/zSnjx> / <https://archive.md/ckmVz> / <https://archive.md/o818f> / <https://archive.md/BXHkV>Heterosensual: <https://archive.md/IsRxf> / <https://archive.md/OIPBp> / <https://archive.md/PLuB6> / <https://archive.md/4FtQa>Lesbisensual: <https://archive.md/G7tsc> / <https://archive.md/6KNRy> / <https://archive.md/7NsSf> / <https://archive.md/lEM5C>
Pansensual: <https://archive.md/zR1LG> / <https://archive.md/AUGMn> / <https://archive.md/rd0BM> / <https://archive.md/QRk08>
Polarsensual: <https://archive.md/RTZ1P> / <https://archive.md/hxkrb>
Queersensual: <https://archive.md/TZj3d> / <https://archive.md/V4D4B>Vincisensual: <https://archive.md/9VYhY> / <https://archive.md/zziHk> /  <https://archive.md/ABXH1> / <https://archive.md/0fh7n>
Tertiary Attraction: <https://archive.md/qaJIQ> / <https://archive.md/CZoVw> / <https://archive.md/2CJkS>
Aesthetic Attraction, (In comments on page: possible multiaesthetic coining, Biaesthetic flag, A-aesthetic / Anaesthetic / Acethetic / Nonaesthetic flag, Panaesthetic flag [hopefully picked up by archive]): <https://archive.md/H32iJ> / <https://archive.md/hwIyW> / <https://archive.md/b0Gq7> / <https://archive.md/DJkRR> / <https://archive.md/ELZSy> / <https://archive.md/RAE5e> / <https://archive.md/t2EHg> / <https://archive.md/TFY6C> / <https://archive.md/IWDVk>
Alterous Attraction: <https://archive.md/n5dOP> / <https://archive.md/VYJM4> / <https://archive.md/lB4cq> / <https://archive.md/nHodO> / <https://archive.md/cX22w> / <https://archive.md/Pp2Ey> / <https://archive.md/DD2sz> / <https://archive.md/rR2gA> / <https://archive.md/EGHtg> / <https://archive.md/RvmFW> / <https://archive.md/tXmhY> / <https://archive.md/ibl5Z>
Multiaesthetic: <https://archive.md/RZpop> / <https://archive.md/Gdpcq>
Nominsexual: <https://archive.md/qpeLi> / <https://archive.md/0LUlW> / <https://archive.md/ZJflf>
Panaesthetic: <https://archive.md/jFfIu> / <https://archive.md/xwzVR> / <https://archive.md/yzeWy> / <https://archive.md/YczlU>
Fraysexual / Ignotasexual: <https://archive.md/AEyXW> / <https://archive.md/pVdME> / <https://archive.md/Pyyb0> / <https://archive.md/fbSBm>Frayromantic /
 Ignotaromantic: <https://archive.md/s3cOJ> / <https://archive.md/ijRDr> / <https://archive.md/VOwga>
Fraysexual /  Ignotasexual, Frayromantic / Ignotaromantic: <https://archive.md/r0xN2> / <https://archive.md/ULRft>
Ideaesthetic: <https://archive.md/DPnQv> / <https://archive.md/QD23b> / <https://archive.md/r3nEw>
Idesexual: <https://archive.md/HZ1Th> / <https://archive.md/wd1Hi> / <https://archive.md/yjlIG>
Ideromantic: <https://archive.md/ER2Rc> / <https://archive.md/t8HFU>
Reciprosexual: <https://archive.md/Dmpvq> / <https://archive.md/Qa4H6>
Recipromantic: <https://archive.md/rApjr> / <https://archive.md/gQ379>
Reciproflexible: <https://archive.md/tFJkP> / <https://archive.md/uIolw> / <https://archive.md/vK3md> / <https://archive.md/VonLz>
Reciproflux: <https://archive.md/Wq2Mg> / <https://archive.md/xQnnB> / <https://archive.md/aimZD>
Cupioromantic: <https://archive.md/92PjC> / <https://archive.md/nT9wZ> / <https://archive.md/daOlH> / <https://archive.md/edtmo> / <https://archive.md/ff8m5> / <https://archive.md/ETsMr> / <https://archive.md/5zscu> / <https://archive.md/7EMdS> / <https://archive.md/lv6rf>Cupiohex: <https://archive.md/K9qQB> / <https://archive.md/znqEC>
Cupiosexual: <https://archive.md/DpATL> / <https://archive.md/RgU68> / <https://archive.md/48fkv> / <https://archive.md/iZzxS> / <https://archive.md/8gemA>
Cupiogex: <https://archive.md/XwTbi> / <https://archive.md/NQc0H>
Cupioplatonicflux: <https://archive.md/C6RPp> / <https://archive.md/R0Q3t> /<https://archive.md/vvvGc>
Igcecidimus: <https://archive.md/hI8kg> / <https://archive.md/vAsxD> / <https://archive.md/Io7Kj>
Pantaromantic: <https://archive.md/0JO4O> / <https://archive.md/DbOGQ> / <https://archive.md/Fg8Ie>
Neptunic, Uranic, Saturnic, Stellaric, and other unidentified flags: <https://archive.md/koeeJ>
Neptunic Lesbian Flags: <https://archive.md/J1yD5>
Nebulous Attraction: <https://archive.md/bftgE> / <https://archive.md/n38tk>
Celestial System Expansion by system-lgbt: https://archive.md/xGvBQExteramo Attraction: <https://archive.md/E1GfG> / <https://archive.md/tfF3H>
Amari / Amari Attraction: <https://archive.md/uik4o> / <https://archive.md/TVFtK> / <https://archive.md/UYkur>
Forms of Attraction Masterlist (Contains information on Platonic, Social, Amical, Qplatonic / Queerplatonic / Quasiplatonic / Quirkyplatonic, Ecstatic / Emotional, Mental, Doraric, Aesthetic, Sexual, Sensual, Presential, Fluitic, Romantic, Amorous, Gamous, Alterous, Exteramo, Tutelary / Protective, Cedural / Submissive, Grace, Xenial, and Familial / Parental Attraction): <https://archive.md/iuzpj>
Aesthetic Attraction and the Visual-Aural Gender Split (Contains information on Aesthetic, Aural, and Sensual Attraction): <https://archive.md/xoyDn>
Amical Attraction Flag: <https://archive.md/F2zNh>
Aural attraction Flag: <https://archive.md/7Led1>Cute Attraction: <https://archive.md/lCyro> / <https://archive.md/LfSQK> / <https://archive.md/Y7c37>
Ductuaffectian Attraction: <https://archive.md/fKgi1> / <https://archive.md/3Yf62> / <https://archive.md/tBAwo>
Emotional Attraction: <https://archive.md/GqfI4> / <https://archive.md/uEfw5> / <https://archive.md/53z8q>Aphysical, Aemotional, Atertiary: <https://archive.md/QOZkQ>
Diauamoric attraction: <https://archive.md/1aLCp> / <https://archive.md/Cz6dK> / <https://archive.md/rQK2s> / <https://archive.md/f4KQt> / <https://archive.md/sTp29>
Domestic Attraction: <https://archive.md/tV43Q> / <https://archive.md/Tzptc>
Xenial Attraction: <https://archive.md/4GqAh>
Explanation of several forms of Attraction by system-lgbt (In this case Sexual, Romantic, Sensual, Erotic, Amorous, Platonic, Queerplatonic / Quaziplatonic / Quirkyplatonic / Qplatonic, Social, Familial, Noetic, Polyamorous / Poly-amorous, Doraric,  Fluitic ,  Spirituic / Spiritual, Guardian, Grace, Xenia / Xenial, and Idealistic) Possible coining for Xenial Attraction: <https://archive.md/5I5AY>
Dependplatonic / Deplatonic: <https://archive.md/G8qcj> / <https://archive.md/Ia5c0>
Templatonic: <https://archive.md/7OpCm> / <https://archive.md/JdKdH>
Sysplatonic: <https://archive.md/8Q4C3> / <https://archive.md/W44q4> / <https://archive.md/Li4e5>
*(NOTE: many of these next chunk of terms were coined off-wiki. I have not archived those coins. The purpose of these archives is to preserve the on-wiki coinings of flags for these terms, and to archive anything that did not have external citations.)*
ARCsexual: <https://archive.md/akn68> / <https://archive.md/MMnJa> / <https://archive.md/cpH8w>
ARCflux: <https://archive.md/penlc> / <https://archive.md/ORHKy>
Acarnal: <https://archive.md/C5Hyz>
Anticarnal: <https://archive.md/FXdwu> / <https://archive.md/gAmbi> / <https://archive.md/Ii0B2>
Procarnal: <https://archive.md/JlFCJ> / <https://archive.md/KokDq>
Discarnal: <https://archive.md/XcZP6> / <https://archive.md/yCkrr> / <https://archive.md/LqZD7>
Eriscarnal: <https://archive.md/YfEQN> / <https://archive.md/AHEsP>
Familial Attraction: <https://archive.md/bRrn9> / <https://archive.md/BuLNv> / <https://archive.md/CxqOc> / <https://archive.md/eZqqe>
Queerplatonic / Quaziplatonic / Quirkyplatonic / Qplatonic Relationship,
 Marshmallow/ Mallowfriend: <https://archive.md/rN5CU> / <https://archive.md/f15qV> / <https://archive.md/FFpQh> / <https://archive.md/TwJ3E> / <https://archive.md/uV4EZ> 
Pararomantic flags: <https://archive.md/ekOC0> / <https://archive.md/2yOq1> / <https://archive.md/sb8Qn> / <https://archive.md/RPtfJ>
Demibisexual: <https://archive.md/uhsRL> / <https://archive.md/6JstN> / <https://archive.md/oBbtd> / <https://archive.md/lDrHR>
Dellosexual: <https://archive.md/X5rjT> / <https://archive.md/bWLxg>
Delloromantic: <https://archive.md/0aLlh> / <https://archive.md/pN5KD> / <https://archive.md/qQKLk>
Polyromantic / Plyromantic / Poliromantic:   <https://archive.md/rTpL1> / <https://archive.md/sV4MI> / <https://archive.md/FKJZo> / <https://archive.md/GNoZ5> / <https://archive.md/TB4cL>
Parental Attraction Flags (This term was coined off-site. I have not archived those links. These archives are to preserve flag history): <https://archive.md/K1erc> / <https://archive.md/YSyEz> / <https://archive.md/bHdRf>
Flectic Attraction, Demiflectic attraction: <https://archive.md/ZVdFg> / <https://archive.md/Mgul2>
Idyllic Attraction: <https://archive.md/tURjm> / <https://archive.md/TybII>
Impersonal Attraction: <https://archive.md/UAQJp> / <https://archive.md/kea8L> / <https://archive.md/lgP9s> / <https://archive.md/KUayO>
Ludic Attraction: <https://archive.md/mju99> / <https://archive.md/LWPzv> / <https://archive.md/nmaaQ>
Mental Attraction / Intellectual Attraction / Psychological Attraction: <https://archive.md/rTBQ3> / <https://archive.md/gUbmR> / <https://archive.md/iZvof> / <https://archive.md/wQPBC>
Noetic Attraction: <https://archive.md/xTuCj> / <https://archive.md/KH9OZ> / <https://archive.md/aluel>
Mirous Attraction: <https://archive.md/zYODH> / <https://archive.md/ZB823>
Potential Attraction / Bonding Attraction: <https://archive.md/Pz52E> / <https://archive.md/VoNuW>
Flags for Potential Attraction / Bonding Attraction, Spiritual Attraction, Virtudinal / Intangible Attraction: <https://archive.md/dttgq>
Cedural / Submissive Attraction: <https://archive.md/Nb2WU> / <https://archive.md/snsuu> / <https://archive.md/VoNuW> / <https://archive.md/Ij6Jf>
Flags for Tutelary / Dominant / Protective Attraction, and Cedural / Submissive Attraction: <https://archive.md/Xd5Xj>
English Translation of <https://archive.md/VoNuW>  (The links seem to be different, but the topic and dates mentioned seem to line up. I do not speak Spanish well enough to comment on the accuracy of this translation), which is cited on the pages for Cedural / Submissive, and Potential Attraction / Bonding Attraction. It also covers terms equivalent or similar to Sexual, Sensual, Amorous / Romantic, Alterous / Qplatonic /
Queerplatonic / Quaziplatonic / Quirkyplatonic, Platonic / Amical,  Ecstatic / Emotional, Social, Intellectual / Spiritual, Aesthetic, Protective, and Submissive Attraction: <https://archive.md/F1PVN>
Tutelary Attraction / Protective Attraction / Dominant Attraction: <https://archive.md/i2GMA> / <https://archive.md/j5lNh> / <https://archive.md/aoFCG> / <https://archive.md/brkDn> / <https://archive.md/0HZr5>
Wechselnd Attraction / Shifting Attraction / Switch Attraction: <https://archive.md/SxPN0> / <https://archive.md/2Njtt> / <https://archive.md/R3Yib> / <https://archive.md/S6DiS>
Platonic Attraction: <https://archive.md/iJXIe> / <https://archive.md/Inh7A> / <https://archive.md/70CwW> / <https://archive.md/83hxD> / <https://archive.md/YjWml> / <https://archive.md/MxWam>
A comic depicting forms of attraction that was cited on the page for Platonic Attraction, also mentions Sexual Attraction, Romantic Attraction, Crushes, Squishes, Sensual Attraction, and Aesthetic Attraction: <https://archive.md/cjjLm>
Quartsexual: <https://archive.md/2gOcc> / <https://archive.md/EINOe> / <https://archive.md/FLsOV> / <https://archive.md/idsqX>
Encephalosexual: <https://archive.md/TCM2i> / <https://archive.md/8wMgm>
Apresromantic: <https://archive.md/WKL4n> / <https://archive.md/mn6tJ> / <https://archive.md/cHqi8>
Apressexual (Archived this one a little differently to avoid having to archive a page vandalism with a slur. The history page is archived, showing when the page was created, and I archived the rollback to its original state and the edit after it): <https://archive.md/dJ5jP> / <https://archive.md/Qb4VR> / <https://archive.md/sD4xT>
Apres- (could be cited for any orientation beginning with this prefix, but specifically mentions Apresromantic and Apressexual): <https://archive.md/Tj3XW>
This one is an archive of a list attempting to document all romantic orientations in use. It's quite long. Even I am not strong enough to try and list them all out here to make them searchable, sorry: <https://archive.md/AfqG6>
Cross-archived this chunk to archive.md to make sure images are preserved (wayback is hit-or-miss with images)
Acespike and xenodemiboy, BI NB she/they, Bi catgender "night" flag: <https://archive.md/AaAMX>
He/him Omni, Ace / Asexual Grayaro / Greyaro, Any pronouns Aromantic, GNC transmasc "lipstick" flags: <https://archive.md/7dB9y>
Omni all pronouns , Ficto Toric, She/Her Omni: <https://archive.md/j2hme>
Berry Pride Flags [Strawberry Flags]: <https://archive.md/88GUd> / <https://archive.md/ablUU>
PS1horrorgender and GHIN variation: <https://archive.md/MDlwW>
🦇/🦇self, 🕊️/🕊️self pronouns flags: <https://archive.md/h3FFn>
🦅self pronouns flag: <https://archive.md/UvFhp>
ParfaitCookiegender: <https://archive.md/Vykh6>
Christiangirlautumnic / Xgirlautumnic: <https://archive.md/wLD9C>
Hallmarkxmasic / Hallmarkic:  <https://archive.md/xOjaj>
Blueplushpuppygender: <https://archive.md/KCYmZ>
Sysourcandy: <https://archive.md/MIion>
Fingender male: <https://archive.md/clCNJ>
Redtulipsexual: <https://archive.md/I5zx7>
Latinegénero: <https://archive.md/s8Vjm>
VampireCookiesexual: <https://archive.md/SMfII>
Demidreamgender: <https://archive.md/vefkK>
Melatoningender: <https://archive.md/wgUlr>
Doctor Who System / Doctor Who Gender System: <https://archive.md/HQTNB> / <https://archive.md/l5umF> / <https://archive.md/LIOL1> / <https://archive.md/zWOz2>Tardisac: <https://archive.md/7uecX> / <https://archive.md/w7yCj> / <https://archive.md/9zyel>Whogender: <https://archive.md/L1xQn> / <https://archive.md/BicE5> / <https://archive.md/dKcg7>Regenive: <https://archive.md/rBwuu> / <https://archive.md/ReQTQ> / <https://archive.md/tGQvS>
Doctive: <https://archive.md/uJvwz> / <https://archive.md/vMaxg> / <https://archive.md/8d99i>
Applecorecoric: <https://archive.md/GDDYk>
Masterlist of Digicoinz terms & categories, Sanitroic, Demonidessertian, Harmonaen, Thalassplatter,[Voracanidaen/Voracicanidaen] (Note said this term's name would likely be changing), Ipsevague / Numeipsevague, Stillhereanthemic, Monsterlexic: <https://archive.md/wWXNJ>
He/She/They, Ze/hir, Ve/ver Pronoun Flags: <https://archive.md/9oXpL> Ghostburgender: <https://archive.md/XCXdM>
Interxeno (link to post is broken, so I'm archiving this in case nothing else can be found): <https://archive.md/LQW1N>
Characters That Canonically Use Neopronouns post: <https://archive.md/uRDMl>
Unnamed Xenogender Terms post: <https://archive.md/UuYbH>
Heartlocketgender, Biaesthetic, Copiasexual, Relacheremotic / Relachergender, Semsexual, Demisexual umbrella terms, Beigegender, Oceanusgender, Weredoggender, Bearpoptic, Dinochainpoptic, Angelcandyic, Oppinmanfluid, Oppositusfluid, Reinunggender, Pitchfork Polys / Plys / Polis, Angelorcatgender, Numerpronouns, Bogartgender, Wolforsongic, Icircussongic, Catgoddessgodic, Bluecowic, Fracottagegender, Oppinwomanfluid, Singmistsceneic, Pinkpastric, Deamothic, Gothbunnic, Chocoguygender, Superleafic / Superleafgender / Superleafmariogender, Salemcharacteric, Pumpkinggender, Murkywateric, Comhorroric, Ghosticdaemongender / Ghosticdæmon(gender), Pokecostumeic / Pokécostumeic, Algamesonic, Catcandyic, Cracklemusic, Circumpatic, Rainbowpastric, Bluepastric, Scaryadoric, Fullmooncharic, Jestimppinkic, Angelofdeathic / Angelsofdeathgender, Oppmanfluid, Oppwomanfluid, Hotbatic, Vampspookic, Olesnowic, Vitumngender, Froyalmnseaic, Bonewebbic, Pinkpuric, Undertalesweateric, Snowgraverunic, Cauldronpastric, Pumphauntcoinic, Indigopastric, Demasquecharcic, Softpotionic, Boypastelic, Hallowpastric, Tuxcatgender, Edmascharctic, Hoghousegender, Yokesexual, Gryhousegender, Autleavfluid, [Unidentified], Crunchleafic, Raincowleafic, Lightbreezic, Housevoidgender, Genpineconegender, Blemoncowgothic, Monorwhalplushic, Halloweentreeic, Littleredhuffic, Dustfingerfirstbookic, Inviscatgender, Mothmoonic, Hoyaleafic, Warmthsunnic, Chickricesoupgender, Chocoleafic, Aego homo, Aego homosexual, Autleafean, Cinnaconegender, Hammerheadsongic, Winsawbuckean / Winsawbuckkinnic, Sumsawsbuckean / Sumsawsbuckkinnic, Sawbuckean / Sawbuckkinnic, Autflowerfluid, Reciproaesthetic, Emojiself collector, Diaravencharic, Rotmushic, Gobblic, Garnetfaithic, Papabearlexic, Goldenfeldsparfaithic, Pyritefaithic, Antlerdecoric, Sphereflux, Jesterghostic, Wreathallergic (The original posts linked are not available, so I'm archiving this just in case): <https://archive.md/HlOrz>
Mothyflags He/xe/ve/bee/star, Nur/nuris/nuriself, Shi/hyr, Autistic it/its, 💾/💾s, Blob/blobs, They/them only, He/ey/soft, 😭/😭s, 🌇/🌇s, Sir/sirs, Snubbull/snubbulls, Pillow/Pillows, 🌆/🌆s, 🏡/🏡s, π/πs, ?/?? pronoun flags (The original posts linked are not available, so I'm archiving this just in case): <https://archive.md/eAuZ8> Mothyflags Omniflux Pan, Nonbinary rosboy saturnian, Agender gendervermis insectumgender, Aromantic asexual agender gendervoid alterous, Demiromantic apresromantic, Aromantic aplatonic asexual agender, Girlflux lesbian pronoun hoarder, Grayro(mantic) Catgender, 333albumic thefoolalbumic lesbian combination flags (The original posts linked are not available, so I'm archiving this just in case): <https://archive.md/EdPpu>
Some (more) of Kris's forum posts I thought would be useful to save:
Masterlist of Pronoun Resources post: <https://archive.md/Iotsg>
Acceptable Sources for Citing post: <https://archive.md/Jq8sX>
MOGAI Sources post: <https://archive.md/xE8gY>
Cool Carrds post: <https://archive.md/pYtIt>
Miscellaneous Flags post: <https://archive.md/ectwu>
MOGAI-Relevant Suffixes & Prefixes post: <https://archive.md/DPNVQ>
Demian-spike: <https://archive.ph/CdzcP> Post from the coiner of Myrifluid explaining that they think it should be deleted or combined with Centrispec, along with notes about other aspec identities with potentially inaccurate definitions: <https://archive.ph/P4Tqc>
Lilyvallgender: <https://archive.ph/jZKVV>
Posts about a poisonous plant Floragender which will potentially be named Poisonfloragender / Poifloragender / Venefloragender / Venenufloragender: <https://archive.ph/uCc3C> / <https://archive.ph/hNxQW> / <https://archive.ph/tzx2V> / <https://archive.ph/gKSQf>
Bedtime System / Bedtime Gender System: <https://archive.ph/WFEn9> / <https://archive.ph/BcX1z> Anachronigender: <https://archive.ph/OMlbD> Greyfaun: <https://archive.ph/1A0oj> / <https://archive.ph/PO0ck> Paradoxpunk: <https://archive.ph/2DFo0>
Physigender: <https://archive.ph/Qo5Tr> / <https://archive.ph/rOquM>
Stylusgender: <https://archive.ph/sQ5vt>
Lavenderflowergender: <https://archive.ph/RrKT8>
Genderdelta, Genderflower: <https://archive.ph/4gp6O> / <https://archive.ph/SupUP>
PWHP / PWHV / PWHN: <https://archive.ph/F5b62>
Unnamed Anemoiran + Librali Combination Gender, Tabaxigender, Tabaxicoric, Kiringender: <https://archive.ph/huwIn>
Fialomian, Fialofian, Fialolian, Fialoaian, Fialonian, Fialoagian, Fialoxian, Mialomian, Mialofian, Mialolian, Mialoaian, Mialonian, Mialoagian, Mialoxian, Lialomian, Lialofian, Lialolian, Lialoaian, Lialonian, Lialoagian, Lialoxian, Aialomian, Aialofian, Aialolian, Aialoaian, Aialonian, Aialoagian, Aialoxian, Nialomian, Nialofian, Nialolian, Nialoaian, Nialonian, Nialoagian, Nialoxian, Agialomian, Agialofian, Agialolian, Agialoaian, Agialonian, Agialoagian, Agialoxian, Xialomian, Xialofian, Xialolian, Xialoaian, Xialonian, Xialoagian, Xialoxian: <https://archive.ph/ujbU3> / <https://archive.ph/SHQzT>
Pomoamorous: <https://archive.ph/G7Q7J>
Flidfluff System / Flidfluff Gender System: <https://archive.ph/zdNDZ>
Ghostburgender: <https://archive.ph/aC8fk>
Kaeifluidcollecter: <https://archive.ph/N7MR3>
Kaeicollector: <https://archive.ph/AgsEG> / <https://archive.ph/oussH> / <https://archive.ph/cIsgI>
Sea Life System /  Sea Life Gender System, Coralreefgender, Seaturtlegender, Fishgender, Shellgender: <https://archive.ph/0Wr4J>
Mascfluid: <https://archive.ph/qQJ5l>
Andygender: <https://archive.ph/DFph1> / <https://archive.ph/NB6BT>
Cavetowngender: <https://archive.ph/TB3wM>
Outheric: <https://archive.ph/f7oT3>
Sexualygender: <https://archive.ph/rTCP7> / <https://archive.ph/UEIxt>
Rolypolygender / Pillbuggender: <https://archive.ph/ISIlu> / <https://archive.ph/8v2KQ> / <https://archive.ph/FRrDW> / <https://archive.ph/u76sE> / <https://archive.ph/M94IN>
Binaryspike: <https://archive.ph/c0PNd>
Unknowing / A? (unsure if this was meant as an alt name or just a placeholder for potential alt names), Questian, Expeditian, Journian,
Wanderian: <https://archive.ph/pPuZT>
Bluestargender (secondary def): <https://archive.ph/1ePBe>
Romaro (possibly a recoin): <https://archive.ph/PsPpf>
Multiplesexual -> Differsexual: <https://archive.ph/QvupW>
Unknown flag by Metanøiia, probably related to the Tavaline System /
Tavaline Gender System: <https://archive.ph/EJudX> / <https://archive.ph/f8OPi>
Link to external sources from some neopronoun flags (I'm not sure if these flags lost sources at any point, but i figure it's better to cover our bases lol): <https://archive.ph/Rx9qD>
Nyan-Binary Flag / Non-Binary Flag with Catgender Symbol: <https://archive.ph/qAUk7>
Pawlapinic, 🌌gender, Drizzlegender / Drizzlix, Cuddlegender, Enderpearlgender Flag: <https://archive.ph/10eWs>
The Bigender System / The Bigender Gender System: <https://archive.ph/e7hFD> / <https://archive.ph/QwCgY> / <https://archive.ph/sYBS0>
Unnamed term and flag in the Genderfluid Fragment System / Genderfluid Fragment Gender System: <https://archive.ph/FNg5G>
Demisexualjump, Demiromanticjump, Doubtsexual, Doubtromantic,
Bigenderswap: <https://archive.ph/SBWim>
Miramusigender: <https://archive.ph/5qBu2> / <https://archive.ph/GPV6n>
Multiplesexual (was later renamed to Differsexual): <https://archive.ph/u3VUo>
Pronoun collector flux: <https://archive.ph/BKM2v> / <https://archive.ph/eKHQ3> / <https://archive.ph/rzm3J>
Lavendergender: <https://archive.ph/c97DQ>
Voidslimegender: <https://archive.ph/1n7rR>
Rabbit Gender System: <https://archive.ph/2TpP2>
Bannygender: <https://archive.ph/2hSbJ>
Children of the Light Gender System: <https://archive.ph/r36RU> / <https://archive.ph/MeChB>
Exxenofluid: <https://archive.ph/ESL4A> / <https://archive.ph/fq8A1>
Casiapuergender: <https://archive.ph/UhbiN>
SEGAgender: <https://archive.ph/101fD>
Ubiquidem / Ubiquides: <https://archive.ph/auM8O>
Neurosexual: <https://archive.ph/RRmJX>
Thundergender: <https://archive.ph/vl1mG>
Ommiflux: <https://archive.ph/zwFps>
Albatroian: <https://archive.ph/Ff8cl>
CheetahGender: <https://archive.ph/UnTDk>
Juxtapagender: <https://archive.ph/MCido> / <https://archive.ph/ZqXp4>
Several Unnamed Flags by Reign of the breadsticcs: <https://archive.ph/Drqem>
Pan-ish: <https://archive.ph/Qf5q2>
Cosplaygender: <https://archive.ph/RiKrJ> / <https://archive.ph/sH424>
Abriromantic: <https://archive.ph/37pEp>
Grammarlygender: <https://archive.ph/nIcEF>
Daft Punk Gender / Daftpunkgender: <https://archive.ph/bWcsG>
Unnamed Subset of Finsexual: <https://archive.ph/Nlw31>
Towergender: <https://archive.ph/cYRtn>
Plutarsensual: <https://archive.ph/pNwF3>
Windgender Flag: <https://archive.ph/qQbGK>
Cosplaygender (again): <https://archive.ph/DEQTq>
Softiegender: <https://archive.ph/rSQHr>
Cupioqueerplatonic: <https://archive.ph/3ibiM>
Capricornasexual, Solarmullasexual, Solaretmullasexual: <https://archive.ph/OEsAg>
Lumromantic, Lumsexual: <https://archive.ph/p3NbB>
Aceish, Aroish: <https://archive.ph/ehMZC>
Transandromasc, Transandrofem, Transotherinemasc, Transotherinefem, Transgenderless Flags: <https://archive.ph/q6sci>
Draigender: <https://archive.ph/QJMBE>
Deminonbinary Flags: <https://archive.ph/6HRlU> / <https://archive.ph/r87cZ>
Aliusian: <https://archive.ph/EXMpF>
Focusgender: <https://archive.ph/hpL1H>
Minimascromantic, Minifemromantic: <https://archive.ph/G26q3> / <https://archive.ph/isq2o>
Halfsexual: <https://archive.ph/vg6e4> / <https://archive.ph/HaVvU>
Xennl: <https://archive.ph/6GqQp>
Halfsexual / Halfromantic: <https://archive.ph/TdyR0>
Ace Omni Flag: <https://archive.ph/52d4G> / <https://archive.ph/OXCpW>
Alt Nosexsexual Flag: <https://archive.ph/vFyt2> / <https://archive.ph/64S5n>
Alt Bi Flag: <https://archive.ph/jTyh3>
Dysphorifluid, Dysphoriflux: <https://archive.ph/ViSTo> / <https://archive.ph/77x54> / <https://archive.ph/JwSHp> / <https://archive.ph/kWdiK>
Unnamed term where your gender feels fictional or fake: <https://archive.ph/xKSvq>
Quoifemflux Flags: <https://archive.ph/9ac6L>
Durationflux: <https://archive.ph/lYSjr> / <https://archive.ph/yNxv7>
Sunrisegender: <https://archive.ph/LCcIN>
Pastrygender: <https://archive.ph/YqRVt>
Finbiromantic / Finbisexual, Minbiromantic / Minbisexual, Ninbiromantic / Ninbisexual: <https://archive.ph/i58Ta>
Dawnset: <https://archive.ph/vUN5Q>
Stolengender, Stolengender subsets like Stolenfeminine,  Stolenmasculine, Stolenneutral, Stolenquoi, Stolenxenine, stolenfluid, and Flags/WIP Flags: <https://archive.ph/Vx8vc> / <https://archive.ph/wXs6x> / <https://archive.ph/KONjU> / <https://archive.ph/y2M7V> / <https://archive.ph/ar7Jg> / <https://archive.ph/YF7xh> / <https://archive.ph/dZyae> / <https://archive.ph/PoSLz> / <https://archive.ph/QrxMg> / <https://archive.ph/z5r8C> / <https://archive.ph/ojrWD>
Disakoiromantic: <https://archive.ph/8mNHS> / <https://archive.ph/JL8jd>
Etheria, Etherio: <https://archive.ph/xZ77e>
Date Dealer, Friends with Additions, Lone Relation: <https://archive.ph/rWLY9>
Blanketgender / Genderblanket alt coining: <https://archive.ph/3l6Au>
Biaesthetic (Attracted) Flags: <https://archive.ph/hdqNR>
Birocurious: <https://archive.ph/t150x>
Trixicflux, Toricflux: <https://archive.ph/if5Oy> / <https://archive.ph/oExGl>
Vianonbinary: <https://archive.ph/TFqpT>
spork/sporkself pronoun Flag: <https://archive.ph/u4K1e>
Pitchfork Polys / Plys / Polis: <https://archive.ph/HTqdU>
Watered Down / Pastel / Low Contrast Rainbow Gay, Pan, Ace / Asexual,
Nonbinary, Lipstick Lesbian, Bi Flags: <https://archive.ph/UH5qA>
Lazykxtie Flag-Making Thread: <https://archive.ph/Tcr4O> 
(Reclaimed Slur) Maricagender (At least I think it's an A, the original post says M*ricagender): <https://archive.ph/94HrS>
Magicfoxgender: <https://archive.ph/Nzl4B>
Mekangender: <https://archive.ph/BNlSC>
3 x 3 Gender Alignment (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, Fem, Neutral, Masc): <https://archive.ph/dcGtX>
Quoitrans / Quoitransgender: <https://archive.ph/OB05i>
Gaybakon, Lesbianegg, Non-binaryketchup: <https://archive.ph/CP0Tj>
Blue mushroom gender / Bluemushroomgender: <https://archive.ph/PEF5Z>
Demi-romantic and aroflux Combination Identity and Flag: <https://archive.ph/fh0vl>
Crushflux-Lovergender: <https://archive.ph/EVkUH>
pronoun collector flux: <https://archive.ph/gkFv2>
Gender Presentation System Idea: <https://archive.ph/RJZ7n>
Pronounfluidflux / Pronoun fluid flux: <https://archive.ph/6FpgG> intersex ally flag: <https://archive.ph/vf4Fl>
Acro-s (on the aroace spectrum, the asensual, and the aplatonic spectrum): <https://archive.ph/H4JR1>
Not sure quite how to label these. It's discussion about terms relating to azurgirl and rosboy, focused on non-binary identities: <https://archive.ph/UTo4H>
Tame Nutrogender: <https://archive.ph/wiJF2>
Cabbageratgender: <https://archive.ph/I7oSI>
Nutrosexual, Nutroromatic: <https://archive.ph/kwJt3>
ottegender / lutrigender: <https://archive.ph/J93Tp>
Omnichaos: <https://archive.ph/WYI55>
Nutrosexual & an unidentified flag: <https://archive.ph/zqIH7> / <https://archive.ph/nEIv8>
Breakup-Buddies /  Breakup Buddies: <https://archive.ph/p5Bsm> / <https://archive.ph/TVL3b>
Toricflux: <https://archive.ph/DWVFJ> / <https://archive.ph/fmgg4>
Quoiby, Quoigirl, Quoiboy: <https://archive.ph/saVtK> / <https://archive.ph/XiwxP> / <https://archive.ph/LwwlQ> / <https://archive.ph/mVQXb>
Peniliaic (I think this may be more of an otherkin/alterhuman term than a MOGAI/LGBT+ term, but here it is anyways): <https://archive.ph/EZAGq>
Voyeursexual: <https://archive.ph/4CU5M> / <https://archive.ph/9OsF9>
Faepronominal, faunpronominal: <https://archive.ph/Q8J3H>
pandemicromantic: <https://archive.ph/hrAis>
cassfemale: <https://archive.ph/ugfu8> / <https://archive.ph/5Fz6t>
N't: <https://archive.ph/iufi9>
orchidsexual, orchidromantic Flags: <https://archive.ph/TTzUu>
Tomahawk Transgender -> Torpedo Transgender: <https://archive.ph/6Ie7a>
panamorous: <https://archive.ph/6qXHS> / <https://archive.ph/HQijd>
waterflux flags: <https://archive.ph/7tCIz>
unigenderfluid (only a possible name, may be under something else),
Unnamed Genders related to Genderflir and Genderfloy, Quoiby, Lunarquoi, Solquoi, Stellarquoi, Meridiquoi, Umbraquoi, Auroraquoi, Fluxquoi, Multiquoi: <https://archive.ph/SimAH>
Gender Tower (doesn't seem like an intentional coining, but it's possible it could catch on for a term): <https://archive.ph/w6W7V>
Lamb, Unnamed Term, Craftsexual: <https://archive.ph/8whJg> / <https://archive.ph/lkWVW>
This flag is either Neptunic or Bambi Lesbian. It's a link to a twitter post I can't see because the account is privated: <https://archive.ph/x9B8C>
Coins related to Celestial System; Soporine; and/or Kenochoric (It's a link to a tumblr post I can't see because the blog moved or was deleted): <https://archive.ph/mnBWD>
Tomahawk Transgender / Torpedo Transgender renaming poll, a post asking for a flag for the old version of the term, and other stuff regarding it: <https://archive.ph/aBBKE> / <https://archive.ph/L0WlZ> / <https://archive.ph/M3BmG> / <https://archive.ph/ZSgzm>
Scene System / Scene Gender System, Panscenian flags: <https://archive.ph/J6VYI>
(Reclaimed Slur) Maricón Flag: <https://archive.ph/lwgz3>
List of Attraction Types (I do not think this has any coinings, but glancing at it it does seem to be a useful list, so I wanted to save it): <https://archive.ph/WVBbo>
Aliumromantisch / Aliumsexuell: <https://archive.ph/QNP17>
Aliromantisch / Alisexuell Flags: <https://archive.ph/Z3Adt>
tanglegender flag: <https://archive.ph/pGUCP>
Foxgirlgender: <https://archive.ph/CvzPv>
Tomahawk / Torpedo Transgender: <https://archive.ph/Pke2b>
Aroace; Long Dragon Aspecs; Otherfix; Panplatonic Combination Flag, Lesbian; Lykoi Lesbian; Nonbinary; Neopronoun User Combination Flag: <https://archive.ph/qJzDw>
Embryan: <https://archive.ph/DyeQc>
Body non-conforming: <https://archive.ph/QmT2S>
Gendercycle: <https://archive.ph/qX9Tr> / <https://archive.ph/PyPh6> / <https://archive.ph/QBuiN>
Polycortar Flags: <https://archive.ph/geOH9> / <https://archive.ph/hhtIQ>
biromantic asexual, lesbian asexual flags: <https://archive.ph/s3tUP>
Unidentified Flags by Reign of the breadsticcs: <https://archive.ph/4sOwa>
Bleegender, Pauciace Flags: <https://archive.ph/t58Vw>
Label disconnect / Fraylabel: <https://archive.ph/GUN8c>
Several Unidentified Flags (The post links to tweets from a now protected account), One is archived and is a Saturnic flag: <https://archive.ph/6x8xy> / <https://archive.ph/w6qiE>
Limnosexual: <https://archive.ph/UL8lz> / <https://archive.ph/ENm5R> / <https://archive.ph/XR0mH> / <https://archive.ph/RB2ix>
Pansexual Flag Art: <https://archive.ph/wbsWU>
Amalgakin / Amalgamationkin (Otherkin/Alterhuman Term): <https://archive.ph/kpsKV>
genderqueer sapphic flags: <https://archive.ph/mhnQ4>
Sex Non-Conforming: <https://archive.ph/y523K> / <https://archive.ph/YJns6>
Cherryan Flag: <https://archive.ph/z8H4r>
Keyboardgender: <https://archive.ph/MXng7> / <https://archive.ph/ZL2tN>
Metelyk-sex: <https://archive.ph/cAHGt>
Crish: <https://archive.ph/NZ2hO>
Noungender flag: <https://archive.ph/Cd15P>
Fluid dysphoria, Dysphoriflux: <https://archive.ph/dDmHa>
Desequilic / Inaequelic / Pan-agender: <https://archive.ph/O2Hiv>
Alexigender, Ace-Spec, Variant, Lemongender, Juvelic Orientations Flags: <https://archive.ph/hZFVU> / <https://archive.ph/mzLnz>
Pangenderfaun, Pangenderfae alt. flags: <https://archive.ph/To0xf>
long dragon a-specs: <https://archive.ph/uOk8A>
Dongender (only a possible name, unsure if it ever got finalized): <https://archive.ph/6dFJV>
Genderbumblebee Alt. flag: <https://archive.ph/i2kWB>
Unnamed term with suggested names of Abroflux / Identityflux / Gabunganflux (It may have been named one of these later): <https://archive.ph/UrFxW>
faemasc, faimasc: <https://archive.ph/vQZ9h>
Dilophogender, Centigender: <https://archive.ph/JIkmE> / <https://archive.ph/IFFlX> / <https://archive.ph/2lKFM> / <https://archive.ph/5qcRo>
mymelodygender flag: <https://archive.ph/k7EXZ>
Mewniac: <https://archive.ph/8iZLj>
Mirrorgenic, Mirrorlets (Plurality / System term[s]): <https://archive.ph/GkNEy> / <https://archive.ph/S9sRe>
Unidentified Flag by Reign of the breadsticcs: <https://archive.ph/uyNsz>
Bliskosexual Flag: <https://archive.ph/HnsFf>
Assorted Non-Label Flags by AbacusBats (these aren't for any labels and are just practice for flag making from what I can tell, but I just think they're neat and wanted to save them anyways): <https://archive.ph/Ip7FW> / <https://archive.ph/jPshh>
(Potentially Scrapped) Alt Dazecoric Flag: <https://archive.ph/VeMSC>
(Potentially Scrapped) Trashcoric Flags: <https://archive.ph/wD7tX>
monoattraction Flag: <https://archive.ph/73r5i>
Apparently Unnamed Gender Term, Related to Genderfluid and Genderflux and Potentially some kind of mutogender:  <https://archive.ph/JsMGD> / <https://archive.ph/8565Z>
Lesbian, Vincian Alt. Flags (WARNING: flag discourse): <https://archive.ph/KvrHk>
Frithensexual: <https://archive.ph/Xj6T0>
Praeferre: <https://archive.ph/98L6G>
Stylethetic: <https://archive.ph/tK5Zt> / <https://archive.ph/sv2Xh>
Uranic Gay Flags: <https://archive.ph/R9nmD>
Swingsgender: <https://archive.ph/Tb2nk>
Holian: <https://archive.ph/uBmYF>
Dolphingender: <https://archive.ph/50Hz0> / <https://archive.ph/Hp2bl>
Noroigender: <https://archive.ph/iPmMG> / <https://archive.ph/vD1Zm>
Cupiof*ck / Cupiofuck / Cupiopunk: <https://archive.ph/N8Cz6> / <https://archive.ph/bnTTI>
Abri lesbian Neptunic lesbian Combo Flag: <https://archive.ph/wGGZ3>
Neptunic Lesbian Flags: <https://archive.ph/J1yD5>
Winterbungender: <https://archive.ph/751Bo> / <https://archive.ph/ZARwN>
Troxic, which got combined into Jaspian: <https://archive.ph/8XqrC> / <https://archive.ph/lL5Ei> / <https://archive.ph/nRpFG>
py/pyro/pyr/pyrs/pyroself flags: <https://archive.ph/oT4Gn>
Label Non-Conforming: <https://archive.ph/Oxo5J> / <https://archive.ph/Pz36q>
alt caedsexual flag: <https://archive.ph/2oJi6>
Virtuamorous: <https://archive.ph/fdovM> / <https://archive.ph/QCI67>
Pluviparian Flag: <https://archive.ph/3rojN>
Lovecoric flag: <https://archive.ph/gf3wt>
Pluviaferoic Flag: <https://archive.ph/s4II9>
Celebraromantic, Celebrasexual, Pluviparian, Pluviaferoic, Flapazian,
Fuemontic, Eeveelutiofluid, Virtuamorous: <https://archive.ph/5wIlb> / <https://archive.ph/Al8DM> / <https://archive.ph/ilnxR> / <https://archive.ph/0173P> / <https://archive.ph/wcHLe> / <https://archive.ph/VP2aA> / <https://archive.ph/xfmLV> / <https://archive.ph/8EHng> / <https://archive.ph/WSHbh> / <https://archive.ph/QCI67> / <https://archive.ph/XVmbY> / <https://archive.ph/aJ1oE>
Alternate nb / Nonbinary flag: <https://archive.ph/0Nr0b>
Noroigender: <https://archive.ph/CcMBw>
Smoggender: <https://archive.ph/Hp5EZ> / <https://archive.ph/iPqgk>
Spacecoric, Omnisexual, Aroace flags: <https://archive.ph/vD5s0>
Unicorn Horn Uranics: <https://archive.ph/IsKFG> / <https://archive.ph/jR5g1>
dramagender (Total Drama Series): <https://archive.ph/VhpSm>
willahian, nyesolsenubic, piristidinic, forapauringic, soliniesylic, galintemic: <https://archive.ph/wGKtH> / <https://archive.ph/zdPUf>
Adaptkin, Mirroran, Forwardsoul (Otherkin/Alterhuman Terms): <https://archive.ph/JvpGn>
More Unidentified Flags by Reign of the breadsticcs: <https://archive.ph/Kx4G4>
abri / Abrisexual flag: <https://archive.ph/lXpip>
Alt inclusive LGBT+ flag: <https://archive.ph/XmJTK>
MALICEGENDER: <https://archive.ph/S4GqJ> / <https://archive.ph/ut014> / <https://archive.ph/HiGeK>
Questioning Ally flag: <https://archive.ph/6V0D6>
Lacusian Flag: <https://archive.ph/wzk3s>
aro/ace furry flag: <https://archive.ph/7YFEN>
Trans Abro / Abrosexual Flag: <https://archive.ph/Jn0f8>
Aroace flag: <https://archive.ph/WcFsO>
Quoiattraction / Whatattraction / WTFattraction / panquoi: <https://archive.ph/81kFu>
Cisn't Transmission: <https://archive.ph/lPZSa>
vincian flag (This is not the original, but the original seems to be gone): <https://archive.ph/Xfktv>
Cicigender (Related To Neil Cicierega): <https://archive.ph/yEE4Q>
Malumgender: <https://archive.ph/mSESR> / <https://archive.ph/98WxC>
A-Specs / Aspecs Of The Axe: <https://archive.ph/MvZid>
Genderseraph (The page linked was deleted upon request of the creator, but this post is still up. It felt like I should probably include it just in case it's still up somewhere else?): <https://archive.ph/AJY6e> / <https://archive.ph/FqMSq>
StariiArts Pronoun Flags. Includes Flags for One/oneself, Xi/Xem, Ey/Em, Ve/Ver/Vis, She/They, Rev/Rever/Rie/Reverself, Somn/Somno/Somnos/Somnoself, Jolarian (Jolt/Flare), Sleep/Sleepy/Sleepys/Sleepyself, dei/dei/deis/deis/deiself, eth/eth/eths/eths/ethself, Faun/Fauns, Fae/Faers, He/They, Pup/pups, Sil/Silver, It/Its, Wit/witch/witch's/witch's/witchself, Star/Stars/Starself, Dae/Daem, They/It, Sky/skies/skyself: <https://archive.ph/solsP>
abri / abrisexual lesbian flag: <https://archive.ph/R1FSb>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/tq0tw>
Scene System, Pintorevillean Flag: <https://archive.ph/4Qk4R>
Realoraen, Noireian Flags: <https://archive.ph/GfFGc>
Alt. Neptunic Flag, and Other Unidentified Flags: <https://archive.ph/S4kSS>
Plutaric, Eclipsic Flags: <https://archive.ph/T6ZTz>
Neptunic, Uranic, Saturnic, Stellaric, and Other Unidentified Flags (I think I may have already archived this one at some point but I'm not sure lol): <https://archive.ph/koeeJ>
dinoplushgender, cupheadgender, fatalgender: <https://archive.ph/WcjUX> / <https://archive.ph/KqjIY> / <https://archive.ph/XeYVE> / <https://archive.ph/93D8k>
Non-Term / Termless Flags (The person said they were "free" so this may be the source for some term's flag out there. Who knows?): https://archive.ph/LsYJF>
RoseWatera Flag Remake. Includes Flags For Taisexual, Rejsexual,
Finwomasexual, Minmasexual: <https://archive.ph/a6i81> / <https://archive.ph/MvDKm>
hemi-biromantic: <https://archive.ph/xnwLw>
Joygender: <https://archive.ph/x9joq> / <https://archive.ph/zbYo7>
Biaesthetic: <https://archive.ph/L0DBN> / <https://archive.ph/q7Yi7>
One of many ideas for re-coining the term semi-bisexual: <https://archive.ph/npYc8>
Voidrelationship /  Voidship: <https://archive.ph/YPiOt>
flexisexual: <https://archive.ph/AeDpO>
Paradoxigender Flag: <https://archive.ph/bDX09>
demipronounfluid, heteropronounfluid, and the request to remake the Paradoxigender Flag: <https://archive.ph/osDdP> / <https://archive.ph/TYRQc> / <https://archive.ph/wF3Ao> 
Paradoxigender Alt Flags: <https://archive.ph/C6Jd1>
Lingerromantic Alt flag: <https://archive.ph/YzpAB>
Orchaic (Scene Gender System): <https://archive.ph/cqJNY>
genderfluid fragment system flag: <https://archive.ph/0EJBZ> / <https://archive.ph/NP4pj>
SPIN / Sleepy-In-Nature: <https://archive.ph/ocJZX> / <https://archive.ph/pfo0E>
Aroace Trans Combination Flags: <https://archive.ph/dtoOF>
Alt. aroaceflux flag: <https://archive.ph/1HoCG>
Alt Dawngender Flag: <https://archive.ph/rkI12>
Wepromiseweretrying Flag-Making Thread. Includes flags for Sol/Solar/Solare/Solars/Solself, lesbian demigirl, non-binary lesbian: <https://archive.ph/2J3Dn>
Another Wepromiseweretrying Flag Thread. Includes repost of flags for Vae/vaer, She/they lesbian, Fae/faer, Pangender. Includes flags for Lune/Lunar, Xe/Xem: <https://archive.ph/xb0gF>
Another Wepromiseweretrying Flag Thread. Only has one flag, for girlflux: <https://archive.ph/VMFFk>
Another Wepromiseweretrying Flag Thread: <https://archive.ph/knk3Z>
Femme twink: <https://archive.ph/sV3OB>
Alt Biprominal Flags: <https://archive.ph/GSGrg>
Terms Relating to Feminaesexual and Muscusexual. Femirietiriisexual / latafabisexual / nebuliriasexual, Viretiriisexual / latamasabisexual / novariasexual: <https://archive.ph/ih02B> / <https://archive.ph/7yFRj>
Alt Fae/Faer Flags by Wepromiseweretrying and DeltaMakesArt: <https://archive.ph/XRZGI>
DeltaMakesArt Flag Making Thread. Includes flags for Spectoflux, genderqueer: <https://archive.ph/9DZSH>
alt genderfluid flags: <https://archive.ph/msE5n>
cupioquoisexual: <https://archive.ph/aGETo>
Another Wepromiseweretrying Flag Making Thread. Includes Flags for xe/xaem: <https://archive.ph/L5ZuJ>
spectaflux / specaflux / spectoflux: <https://archive.ph/70W6G>
demiromantic gay man flag: <https://archive.ph/wBCvl>
Alt. gay flag: <https://archive.ph/JqhH1>
Alt. Cetero flag: <https://archive.ph/WeWUH>
Alt. Ally Flag: <https://archive.ph/xEhv2>
Nuclear Bomb Neptunics: <https://archive.ph/KsWII> / <https://archive.ph/lShj3>
genderwack: <https://archive.ph/96g74>
cupidgender / cherugender flag: <https://archive.ph/LvBJp>
Unnamed M-spec Term: <https://archive.ph/YkgV5>
cerealic flag: <https://archive.ph/a8V8L>
alt. androgynous flag: <https://archive.ph/MygJ6>
various aromagenders. Artiaromic, Tiendaromic, Mintaromic, Casiaromic, Feieraromic, Chrisausaromic, Naturaromic, Tearomic, Cresolaromic, Cartaromic, Floraromic, Rosearomic: <https://archive.ph/ZmVWM>
Petfluid (Otherkin / Alterhuman Term): <https://archive.ph/AMgx7>
Alt. Polyamory Flag: <https://archive.ph/NAVKN>
panamorous flag: <https://archive.ph/BOVyO>
Wood System / Wood Gender System Flags: <https://archive.ph/YQUUt> / <https://archive.ph/nrAi8> / <https://archive.ph/oufjP> / <https://archive.ph/cIe7Q> / <https://archive.ph/pwUkw>
pearlian flag: <https://archive.ph/0WeVR> / <https://archive.ph/Clzxc>
Pan-oriented Aroace / Asexual, Aromantic, Pansexual Combination Flag: <https://archive.ph/1YTWy>
Newgrounds system /  Newgrounds Gender system: <https://archive.ph/DoexT>
Solvoidian (Scene System?): <https://archive.ph/eNy9e>
alt. kenochoric flag: <https://archive.ph/QcTKz>
Pawlapinic, 🌌gender, .Drizzlegender / drizzlix, Cuddlegender, Enderpearlgender: <https://archive.ph/10eWs>
Demigamous: <https://archive.ph/21yXf>
Confusigender: <https://archive.ph/EqTyA>
Alt. Panplatonic Flag: <https://archive.ph/RfyLg>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/XAtGR>
Omnipan, Omnibi, Omnomi, Omnipoly, Omnimspec, Cyphrian, Nyxian, Myranian, Mavrixian, Reycian, Nindivian, Ninderian, Ninangyan, Faesrian, Cenrian, Censirian, Xenbian, Xeminian, Xephryan, Faegrian, Cengrian, Agenripan, Eiraltean: <https://archive.ph/yZOic>
simulship / propeship: <https://archive.ph/ndN6d> / <https://archive.ph/MQ8vz> / <https://archive.ph/ogs6U>
Genderstory: <https://archive.ph/ZFNIf> / <https://archive.ph/A48jA>
Songgender: <https://archive.ph/cusUV>
gracegender: <https://archive.ph/NTNwg> / <https://archive.ph/0IsIW>
Genderhole: <https://archive.ph/4xzSP>
Luogender: <https://archive.ph/dw7VC>
Feagender: <https://archive.ph/OWswX> / <https://archive.ph/qlM8i>
alt panro lesbian flag: <https://archive.ph/DaskY>
indifferentgender, Gendermirror, Mirrorsexual, Artsexual / Craftsexual: <https://archive.ph/bSFem>
Unlabelled Flag (Creator Said it is free to use): <https://archive.ph/NhZPH>
Fluid-fluid-fluid: <https://archive.ph/Z6E2n> / <https://archive.ph/BvZDI>
alt. cassexual flag: <https://archive.ph/NRtWH>
Sugargender: <https://archive.ph/pJZrJ>
Libraplatonic: <https://archive.ph/seVA4>
Beygender: <https://archive.ph/dXZfK>
Coloric / Coloric System: <https://archive.ph/qMEsq> / <https://archive.ph/EDYFN>
sunflower sapphic (term for omniaspec sapphics): <https://archive.ph/RsDSt>
mid fight masses gender system (fnf / friday night funkin): <https://archive.ph/g5YhP>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/GJiHb>
sonorumamplexic flag: <https://archive.ph/TxXTR>
Ruvgender: <https://archive.ph/6mC6x> / <https://archive.ph/UACUy>
Shadowelfengender Flag: <https://archive.ph/BeGuB>
Unlabelled Flag (Possibly dachfengenderflux): <https://archive.ph/ZPlTg>
My Hero Academia gender: <https://archive.ph/dGF6D>
Encregender: <https://archive.ph/0R0TX> / <https://archive.ph/rx0j0> / <https://archive.ph/2XkVl>
she/raven/sunflower/sol Pronoun Flag: <https://archive.ph/Dj0vZ>
Staubergender: <https://archive.ph/3ZZV2> / <https://archive.ph/tTyDx>
Caedsexualflux: <https://archive.ph/Fpkxn>
Aestheticgender: <https://archive.ph/SdZJ3> / <https://archive.ph/RlZ8h>
soft-littegender: <https://archive.ph/tDklo>
protlasromantic: <https://archive.ph/G8oyd> / <https://archive.ph/9THZE> / <https://archive.ph/mInck>
Staubergender, HiLogender, PopFoodgender, Micropopgender: <https://archive.ph/ixI9y>
Caedsexualflux: <https://archive.ph/6LIXz> / <https://archive.ph/4LlNC>
indiegender: <https://archive.ph/Ia3yU>
Roundgender: <https://archive.ph/UZILA> / <https://archive.ph/wo3mV>
Enagender Flag: <https://archive.ph/JdIzB>
Polyspike: <https://archive.ph/xrInC> / <https://archive.ph/KgnAi> / <https://archive.ph/W42MY> / <https://archive.ph/yunoj>
Sonorumamplexic: <https://archive.ph/X7HNF> / <https://archive.ph/MlHBG>
Linksexual: <https://archive.ph/UNQIS> / <https://archive.ph/7CvVy> / <https://archive.ph/ltP8V>
Term Coining Guide by Reign of the breadsticcs: <https://archive.ph/mwu9C>
Incomplete Coin for a gender relating to DDLC (Doki Doki Literature Club): <https://archive.ph/mwu9C>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/aKuXD>
Nequent (potentially exclusionary. not sure, i only skimmed it): <https://archive.ph/YYuLE>
Incomplete Coin for a gender, potentially a kind of scenegender: <https://archive.ph/AnPmZ>
Melarvorean Flags (in comments): <https://archive.ph/bM9Yk>
Miscegender Flags (in comments): <https://archive.ph/oBPa0>
Gecgender Flag (in comments): <https://archive.ph/Z09Ml>
Atmospherigender Flag: <https://archive.ph/BqunG>
shrewgender flag: <https://archive.ph/Oe9Am>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/rQaZL>
passerinian: <https://archive.ph/4iaBN>
Astrology Gender System Rework Idea: <https://archive.ph/g6POt>
againgender: <https://archive.ph/tVu09> / <https://archive.ph/h9uPa> / <https://archive.ph/uX91Q>
pronounfluix, aesthetipronounfluix: <https://archive.ph/6nuDb>
aesthetipronounflux, aesthetipronounfluid: <https://archive.ph/keOQy>
Deafloric flag: <https://archive.ph/HMPew>
Synthesigender: <https://archive.ph/UBurc>
fairesolean: <https://archive.ph/v0O2x>
Otorivean: <https://archive.ph/w3t3e> / <https://archive.ph/8sOEz>
Unidentified Flags (OP Says that "most" of these aren't for specific identities): <https://archive.ph/JR9fU>
Opacigender: <https://archive.ph/ESgRv> / <https://archive.ph/segfb>
Syngender: <https://archive.ph/s6gFw>
squirrelgender: <https://archive.ph/FUVSc>
Astrology system (deleted): <https://archive.ph/hkgtx> / <https://archive.ph/SJA4S> / <https://archive.ph/5yghy>
Pusheengender: <https://archive.ph/imVue>
Spacnautean Flag Cleanup: <https://archive.ph/vbAGU>
Fictiverden, Fictikoblet: <https://archive.ph/6AVif> / <https://archive.ph/H0fTA> / <https://archive.ph/UOU6g>
duesmarian, réuamirian, douxiquean, (Scene Gender System): <https://archive.ph/7DAiW>
User MovingAccountsSoon -> HandMeMyShovel: <https://archive.ph/vsyia>
Plynestraean: <https://archive.ph/I2UUh>
a post describing loinmusicgender before it was coined: <https://archive.ph/VRz6X>
Alt. Pan Flag: <https://archive.ph/POKDE>
Fictiverden, Fictikoblet: <https://archive.ph/rd5eZ>
Atmospherigender: <https://archive.ph/ul4g4>
neosynthic, otorivean, camisolian: <https://archive.ph/5LoSp>
Plynestraean: <https://archive.ph/TZoGq>
Astranoirian: <https://archive.ph/voJhL> / <https://archive.ph/CVEKJ>
Melmursylvian, Shadowelfengender: <https://archive.ph/Idour>
starlittle (stargender + littlefluid), starcloud (stargender + cloudgender / fluffy / fluffygender?). Unclear if these are coining, or somebody trying to figure out their identity based on existing terms: <https://archive.ph/U13G7>
Jellyfigender: <https://archive.ph/wrois>
Astraitelian: <https://archive.ph/kFn6t> / <https://archive.ph/1O3dK>
neopronoun flag: <https://archive.ph/8TnUu>
Modgender: <https://archive.ph/KiIvP> / <https://archive.ph/W7nIv>
intersex flags: <https://archive.ph/ywIjQ>
(Warning: Some of these terms read to me as NSFW.) Omdace, Dentroace, Fuoriace, Inferiace, Sumitace, Geniace, Breace, Bottoace, Pauciace, Peculiace, Orgasace: <https://archive.ph/MY874>
Xenic Woman: <https://archive.ph/lguHk>
Bambi straight flag: <https://archive.ph/JQ95Z>
Unidentified Gender System: <https://archive.ph/WFPiF>
NBLNB flag: <https://archive.ph/KTO6G>
(Aesthetic) Sunset Lesbian, Moon Gay, Comet Pan, Star Bi Flags: <https://archive.ph/YK9j3>
Unidentified Gender System. I think this is related to the Astrology Gender System that I archived earlier that was deleted: <https://archive.ph/ZNOkK>
Unidentified Flags: <https://archive.ph/Bc8V5>
Archaeogender, Arcaneagender, Arkhaigender: <https://archive.ph/N1N8L> / <https://archive.ph/abmc2> / <https://archive.ph/Hp2LB> / <https://archive.ph/QcxI8>
Unidentified Flags: <https://archive.ph/DisXt>
Fluousexual: <https://archive.ph/P6799> / <https://archive.ph/rwsLu>
Pomoromantic: <https://archive.ph/8TluG> / <https://archive.ph/KiF51>
Alt. lesbian flag: <https://archive.ph/9V0vn>
Inenagender: <https://archive.ph/X90jo>
genderplaylist flag: <https://archive.ph/aYFv4>
pronounflux: <https://archive.ph/MnZ7p>
Seamerosian: <https://archive.ph/nNkIK> / <https://archive.ph/0fkkM>
atmosgender: <https://archive.ph/c3Zxs> / <https://archive.ph/Otj8N> / <https://archive.ph/viw8q>
Piracyic: <https://archive.ph/CHjWO> / <https://archive.ph/qVjKP>
Unlabelled Flag: <https://archive.ph/DJYXv>
protlas / lassit / Lassitromantic / Protlasromantic: <https://archive.ph/e9jyQ>
protlas / lassit / Lassitromantic / Protlasromantic: <https://archive.ph/YehOW> / <https://archive.ph/yAXpA> / <https://archive.ph/zDCqh>
The Autre System (Intersex Terms): <https://archive.ph/MshCX> / <https://archive.ph/ZgWPD>
minesunigender (minecraftgender), hearticongender, yelhearticongender, Barbzgender, Lettergender: <https://archive.ph/AGhqY>
Scenesytinic: <https://archive.ph/b5B2j> / <https://archive.ph/VNMao> / <https://archive.ph/xc6LJ>
Magicae (Gender) System, Petal (Gender) System, Paint (Gender) System, Sunlight (Gender) System, Moonlight (Gender) System: <https://archive.ph/NuWDE>
Disiungender: <https://archive.ph/oUheZ> / <https://archive.ph/c8g20> / <https://archive.ph/pWWfG>
lunamedisian, Eirireinean, Pintavesian, Solseceanian, Keacielean, Nuvidirian, Faronottean Flags: <https://archive.ph/CLBsm>
Kpopgender: <https://archive.ph/xxfLk> / <https://archive.ph/KlUX0>
Magisexual: <https://archive.ph/BHTN6> / <https://archive.ph/c7epr>
Caygender: <https://archive.ph/pVTB7>
crushgender: <https://archive.ph/CKyON>
disiungender: <https://archive.ph/Pzd1t> / <https://archive.ph/pWWfG>
campogender: <https://archive.ph/qYyCO> / <https://archive.ph/3FIPA>
Alt. ectosexual flag: <https://archive.ph/fcyqP>
Unidentified Term: <https://archive.ph/QBS2a>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/3qyeQ>
neptunicflux: <https://archive.ph/gfdrw>
Caygender: <https://archive.ph/cPhEg>
Aquoigender: <https://archive.ph/OeCfB> / <https://archive.ph/TDDqk>
Extra Context for some scene system Flags: <https://archive.ph/dRWEX>
Unidentified / Unnamed Term: <https://archive.ph/qGBRD>
disiungender: <https://archive.ph/15WsY>
Lessexual: <https://archive.ph/eUBFE> / <https://archive.ph/QjWgZ>
Feresexual (Deleted): <https://archive.ph/fXgGl> / <https://archive.ph/RmBhG> / <https://archive.ph/4bgum> / <https://archive.ph/GDf6o> / <https://archive.ph/TrVi4> (? This one may honestly be for something else, I'm just making a guess here)
Xenofluid, Xenoflux Recoining: <https://archive.ph/gZVG2>
Unidentified / Unnamed Term: <https://archive.ph/tOATI>
Affectipupian: <https://archive.ph/sQe8o> / <https://archive.ph/4fzJJ>
disiungender Flag Discussion (Some users no longer have live accounts): <https://archive.ph/5ieKq>
(cw: drowning) Drowneagender: <https://archive.ph/6kTK7> / <https://archive.ph/r44z8>
Loralisian, Paraicean, Lunamedisian, Savahian (Scene (Gender) System): <https://archive.ph/4kuRl> / <https://archive.ph/vYeat> / <https://archive.ph/kcdYu> / <https://archive.ph/VByzP> / <https://archive.ph/JPynQ>
Galafleurian, Sanguifleurian, Lightacifleurian, Femstellian, Lokanian, Erupitian: <https://archive.ph/O505P>
heterofluid (potential sub-term of or similar term to abrosexual): <https://archive.ph/LX13K>
Lingerromantic: <https://archive.ph/5m9R2>
Unidentified Flag: <https://archive.ph/cD1tN>
Zeronian: <https://archive.ph/uFZJW>
Candylifemme, candylimasc, nindylic, and xendylic (Candylic Sub-terms): <https://archive.ph/Xrjbn> / <https://archive.ph/o6DI4>
Scene System: <https://archive.ph/1jd9N> / <https://archive.ph/jmClb>
nebulous attraction: <https://archive.ph/MpeVJ> / <https://archive.ph/N6d9Y>
greypansexual: <https://archive.ph/T0A4W> / <https://archive.ph/FxQsG>
Silvadian: <https://archive.ph/tLQgH> / <https://archive.ph/GAvtn>
Vellutugender, Sedagender, Laineamagian, Infideifegender, Infideimagender: <https://archive.ph/FQxNd> / <https://archive.ph/6dPSJ> / <https://archive.ph/7guTq> / <https://archive.ph/IFPuL> / <https://archive.ph/KP6zZ> / <https://archive.ph/JIuvs>
Pseudogender: <https://archive.ph/pW6GC>
Unidentified / Incomplete Arospec Term: <https://archive.ph/EQ5UG>
Unidentified Attraction Term: <https://archive.ph/Qkm2j>
Unidentified Gender or Gender System, Potentially Darkacademiacoric: <https://archive.ph/XqDPu>
Genderstrike: <https://archive.ph/ENdqD> / <https://archive.ph/u6xf2>
Anti-sexual / Anti-Romantic (this post was mentioned in the coining post): <https://archive.ph/mTIX7>
iniveraean: <https://archive.ph/CQncS>
Unidentified / Incomplete Gender Hoarding / Collection Term: <https://archive.ph/MWuMm>
coelacanthgender: <https://archive.ph/hM8fb>
Unidentified Flags: <https://archive.ph/vEssy>
oceanic gender system (potentially unnamed / named something else and this is just the theme): <https://archive.ph/yMruD>
Unnamed Gender (Ancomgender): <https://archive.ph/n26jl>
Scene System, Paint System, Architect System, Marine System, Deus System, Sunlight System: <https://archive.ph/sdKl7>
Demiance-jump, Demianro-jump, Dressgender, Equitrois, Flousoi, Flouesoi, Flouxsoi, Nocturnalromantic, Qualisexual, Springsgender, Alt. achillean, Alt. vincian: <https://archive.ph/woooT>
Termfluid / labelflux: <https://archive.ph/sVUPm>
Lochen Flag (in comments): <https://archive.ph/f7fCG>
Scene System, Paint System, Architect System, Marine System, Deus System, Sunlight System: <https://archive.ph/5nUro>
Multigender Flag: <https://archive.ph/lkyF9>
Aggelos Flag: <https://archive.ph/osxIe> / <https://archive.ph/7cCTU>
genderpunk/genderfuck alt flag: <https://archive.ph/7avoq>
seasonrosegenders flags: <https://archive.ph/yS9Pa>
(Ancomgender) Unnamed Gender: <https://archive.ph/PSs4C>
Unidentified Flags (I believe these are related to the show Descendants): <https://archive.ph/X1Kql>
alt sapphic flag: <https://archive.ph/e03FN>
synamorous: <https://archive.ph/FG25Q>
transpec flag: <https://archive.ph/w21VW> / <https://archive.ph/lg1JX>
The Eerian (Gender) System; Eerihotelian, Eeriforestian, Eeriwastelian, Eerioceanian, Eerimansian, Eerivoidian: <https://archive.ph/bAlzm>
dayflux flag: <https://archive.ph/GqY2b> / <https://archive.ph/gjXsd>
Envigorsexual: <https://archive.ph/SqpTe> / <https://archive.ph/GEpHf> / <https://archive.ph/6hJ6B>
Clear.Skyes Flag Thread: <https://archive.ph/asn9n>
Alt. Otherkin / Therian Flag: <https://archive.ph/EP3g7>
Unidentified / Uncoined Aspec Term (?): <https://archive.ph/kp1Ve> / <https://archive.ph/VPmwz>
Ambiamorous Flags: <https://archive.ph/eTZNp>
SAGAs of the Scythe / Saints of the Rainbow: <https://archive.ph/UCse9>
Noctilgender / Noctilian / Noctil-:  <https://archive.ph/VE7fQ>
LGB-Tridents / LGBT+ of the Cannon / LGBuTterfly Knife or The Butterfly Knife of LGBT+: <https://archive.ph/y9LSz>
coisaillean: <https://archive.ph/2XKkH>
Wandergender / Libergender / Lostesgender / satisabic / adsephyrric (unsure which name(s) were decided on, if any): <https://archive.ph/30plo>
Rivean: <https://archive.ph/Hu3X7>
Multimasculine, Multifeminine, Multineutural: <https://archive.ph/2E1gl> / <https://archive.ph/qc1Ej>
Abrosexual / Abroromantic Flag Art / Meme: <https://archive.ph/SYk5K>
Cliffgender (Scenegender): <https://archive.ph/V6j7P> / <https://archive.ph/8UZkv>
ralsei (Deltarune) with Abrosexual, Abroromantic Flag BG: <https://archive.ph/mMjxS>
Impostorgender (Name may have been a work in progress): <https://archive.ph/QAhZ0>
fairy (gender) system: <https://archive.ph/iiWqK>
altgender flag: <https://archive.ph/TpxXJ>
Arretasexual, Arretaroace, Omniaxenic Flags: <https://archive.ph/ezvfX>
synamorous: <https://archive.ph/Jp8IM>
Aivotsex page: <https://archive.ph/0prYe>
Laimosexual Page: <https://archive.ph/3MC8t>
Laidirifluid Page: <https://archive.ph/KvY7O>
Chronosasexual Page: <https://archive.ph/ibSym>
Unlabelled Links: https://archive.ph/3Yikr https://archive.ph/QO8Aj https://archive.ph/s6SVC https://archive.ph/wnlLk https://archive.ph/aBWko https://archive.ph/WRkry https://archive.ph/14Du1 https://archive.ph/tNhVL https://archive.ph/1tbmj
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thisdayinwwi · 3 years
The Shell-Shocked Soldier
Amazing analysis by CarlaJeanStokes 
I’d like to start this thread by stating that the proper title of this photograph is: Dressing Wounded in Trench During the Battle of Courcelette. It was taken in September 1916 by Canadian official First World War photographer Ivor Castle. It belongs to LAC, and is PA 00909.
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Item no. (creator):O-736 Item ID number:3395804
I’ve been researching Castle’s life and career for about four years (although he didn’t leave much behind for us). Learn more about Castle (and importantly, how and why he and other official photographers were hired) here: This photograph is the subject of several Reddit threads, has been colourized, is frequently shared over social media, and is featured on a few blogs. In all of these venues, it is claimed that the subject has “gone insane” and is “obviously” displaying signs of shell shock.
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Here’s a dodgy one for you to enjoy:The Story of the Shell Shocked Soldier (1916)The shell-shocked soldier's eyes express the madness of the war. The soldier looks like he has gone insane from what he has seen.https://www.atchuup.com/shell-shocked-soldier/
And another (lol apparently this is a rare historical photograph? No, it’s readily available online from LAC and has been for YEARS):Shell shocked soldier, 1916A shell shocked soldier in a trench during the Battle of Flers-Courcelette during the Somme Offensive in September 1916. His eyes express the madness of the war. The soldier looks like he has gone …https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/shell-shocked-soldier-1916/
This photograph appears to have been the inspiration for “SCP-106”, a fictional character named Corporal Lawrence. You can watch his YouTube video here:
The photograph is often cropped closely around the one subject, though the original is a wider view of eight soldiers in a trench, grouped in twos. Castle also took this alternative view, entitled: First Aid being rendered to wounded at Courcelette, September 1916, LAC PA 00627.
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Item no. (creator):O-756 Item ID number:3395787
It’s actually not weird that Castle took a wide view of a scene and people have zeroed in on one aspect of it – it’s something he did often, and the press cropped his photographs before publishing. How often? I talk about it re: photos of Vimy Ridge in my upcoming book. Castle’s photographs were also sometimes given false background stories. Don’t have time to watch the video above? Check out my thread here: Interestingly, one Reddit user claims that the photog knew the man had shellshock and took an empathic photographic of him rather than reducing the scene to something more propagandist – this is pretty out of character for Castle, who was Canada’s most propagandist photographer. Which brings me to a crucial point: we cannot ascribe meaning to photographs - usually ever, but especially when we haven’t taken the time to understand who the photographer was AND the system of information that hired them. I didn’t find a single instance of this image being shared with a proper credit to the photographer or the institution that commissioned his work. But would the Canadian official photographer take photographs portraying shell shock and would the Canadian War Records Office label them as such and send them to newspapers around the world? Hmmm. Probably not. That’s a story for another day! Now, this photograph is alleged to show Robert Lindsay Rogers. How did this connection happen? Well, dear reader, I haven’t a damn clue.
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(Snagged this image from veterans.gc.ca)There is no mention of Rogers in the LAC photograph listing (based on original caption lists from the war). If we go directly to those caption lists (I have 2 copies of the bound ledgers photographed on my computer). No mention of Rogers in either. There is no mention of Rogers being the subject of this photograph in any reputable online soldier-memory website. For example, you can read about Rogers here:
The photograph is labeled as Courcelette, and Rogers was there. That’s where he received (holy crap) a gunshot wound to the neck that turned out not to be fatal. If we look back at both views of the photo, this soldier is not having his neck attended to. In Rogers’ own description, he was shot, had to wait until nightfall to crawl out of a trench with 2 others, get to a dressing station, and was put on a stretcher and then to hospital.There is no mention of him being cleaned up in a trench, or being photographed during that time. You can read his account here, and note that there IS the alternative view on this webpage, but Rogers is not ID'd as being the soldier being patched up.
Furthermore, even if this WAS Rogers (there doesn’t seem to be any reputable proof that it is, if you know more, please hit me up!) we would still need to establish that Rogers suffered from what was then colloquially known as shell shock. There is no evidence of shell shock or neurasthenia in Rogers’ service file. It does, of course, make extensive mention of his gunshot wound, as well an infected toe. He reports to a medical board to review his combat fitness after his wound had healed, and returns to the front. Rogers was unfortunately killed in action in 1917. His name is written on the Vimy Memorial.Interestingly, his late mother is pointed out as “mentally deficient.” But my albeit quick reading of 100+ year old handwriting doesn’t convince me that he was. Download his service file here:
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bransles · 2 years
thoughts on the whole paying tumblr to be ad free thing. sending myself the unpopular opinion flame
on one hand i understand that this site makes like no money, and it will need money in order to continue to survive; it is still my preferred social media site so in the end it would benefit me if it made money to continue to run
HOWEVER. this site also sold out sex workers and erotica artists to appease advertisers, with the secondary goal of fitting within the apple store's regulations (which, they failed to do, which is why the whole Tagocalypse happened. not to mention they failed to actually fix the problems of porn bots and CP, and implemented a failed nsfw-catching algorithm that either doesn't work or wrongfully flags innocuous posts or blogs — and with that getting rid of the way people had to effectively AVOID nsfw content, not to mention the harm it does to lgbt+ content creators who make up a very large portion of this site) now you want me to pay for the Privilege of using your censored ass website with no option or future consideration where you roll back the censorship, are you fucking for real?? not to mention some other issues of deactivating leftist black bloggers in particular while also doing nothing about the literal neo-nazis on this site. i think it's reasonable for long-time users of this site to feel a bit indignant about this feature
like. let the sex workers come back and do smth about the nazi problem and then we'll talk lol
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august-anon · 3 years
AO3 is cool, but...what about fanfictionnet Does everyone ignore that cite now? What did I miss?😭😭
Oof, man, ffnet is what i grew up on, it’s what i read fic on back in my early days of fandom when I first started reading fic (luckily, i never had a wattpad phase lol), but I rarely hear anyone talk about it anymore either. Ffnet may finally be dying out, and honestly I am way okay with that fact (as long as there’s not another purge of all the fanworks). Let it become part of fandom history.
ffnet’s site is ugly and clunky and obnoxious to use, from my memory (though I haven’t touched it in years so maybe they’ve actually finally improved it, though i doubt it). There are obnoxious ads everywhere that are impossible to escape. The tagging system is laughably abysmal, and honestly, it’s not a fun site to use.
Not to mention the purges. Ffnet is not your friendly fandom space. I think the purges mostly entailed NS//FW fics, but I’d have to read back up on it to remember, I haven’t reminded myself of the situation in a while. And even between the huge purges (which I think there have only been two, but that’s still unacceptable), there are still works being reported or taken down every day, and even accounts suspended. I’m not sure if it’s ONLY ns//fw works, or if there are other criteria to getting your work removed, but there’s a lot of rules on ffnet that could lead to you getting your account banned pretty easily.
I’m pretty sure most fansites have had a purge of some sort, at least fanwork sites for sure, for some reason or another. Likely because of dark content or ns//fw content, or other things along that vein.
Archive of our own, however, has not had a purge once. Granted, it’s only been like 8-9 years, but the entire point of ao3 is that there will ideally NEVER be a purge. It’s called an archive for a reason. Ao3 is run by the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW), and the OTW is huge in advocacy, both socially and legally, for fanworks and things of the sort. 
Because ao3 is noncommercial and nonprofit, it relies entirely off of donations from it’s users, much like sites like wikipedia, which helps further shelter it under the OTW’s advocacy so they don’t have to bow to the whims of the corporate entities running the site. This also means no ugly obnoxious ads plaguing your reading experience like on ffnet lol.
Back to the OTW’s advocacy on the legal and social fronts, there have also been horrible fanwork purges because of the creators of the source material. The one that immediately comes to mind is Anne Rice or whoever that evil chick was, and I’m not even gonna get into that one rn lol. 
But the OTW was created “to work toward a future in which all fannish works are recognized as legal and transformative, and accepted as legitimate creative activity” (a quote directly off their FAQ). Their goal is to protect all fanworks, no matter if they’re ns//fw, or if they’re a “problematic” ship, or if they fit into the “dead dove: do not eat” category, or any other myriad of things.
Ao3 and the OTW are run by fans, for fans, and they aim to protect us and our fanworks, no matter what they look like. Sites like ffnet are just there to profit off you and the absolute last thing they aim to do is protect you and your creative liberties. I fell safe on ao3, and I feel comfortable on ao3. I never felt that way with ffnet.
Ffnet doesn’t care about you. Ao3 is there to fight for you. 
Also, archive of our own is still in beta. Imagine all the things it can bring us, the way’s it’ll change fandom, when it’s fully up and running someday
I could literally go on and write an entire book about this, but I’ll spare you all for now lol. Just know that I am EXTREMELY passionate about ao3 and what it does for fandom communities, and I will defend ao3 and the OTW until my dying breath lol. Here’s some links for you, too:
OTW’s “What We Believe”
Ao3′s “About Us”
Ao3′s FAQ
Also, the archive is not a social media site, it is an archive, if everyone could please stop making “looking for a fic” posts or “come join my discord” posts, that would be great, lol. Save those posts for tumblr or twitter or something lol
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anthrotographer · 4 years
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The Social Dilemma (2020)
Directed by: Jeff Orlowski
I get addicted to social media and so does everyone else I know. The first thing to start a rehabilitation process is to acknowledge that you have a problem. Then you have to decide to make a change. The Social Dilemma is a documentary that teaches us why social apps are so hooking and the dangerous effects of them. This knowledge makes it easier to unplug. Most people know (at least I hope they do) that your phone can be damaging to ourselves in some way, but watching The Social Dilemma you realize the specifics.
For instance; the way these tech companies use our psychology against us to create these infinite scroll pleasure loops. These quick dopamine hits keep us on the platforms longer than we need to be, allowing the advertisers more of our attention, eventually more of our money. Not to mention the data collection we grant these companies just by downloading. So much of our information is collected and used to select the most applicable ads, but what else can that data be used for. The tech companies are incredibly unregulated allowing them too much freedom with our data. Unregulated partly because they’ve popped up recently, and also because the tech industry has a lot of power when it comes to lobbying lawmakers.
This idea is one thing I wanted expanded on more in the doc. They chalk a lot of it up to our politicians being too old to properly understand and thus legislate around the social media platforms. Yet, I’m inclined to see it as willful ignorance because of how many other powerful industries have a stranglehold on our politicians.
And aside from the potential invasion of privacy, the lack of regulations on the Facebooks and IGs of the world lead to massive spreading of misinformation on their platforms. The argument that Facebook uses to defend itself against criticism about this is that they are just providing a platform for people who do whatever they choose to do with it; they are not the content creators. This argument is incredibly flimsy when you realize that a company like Facebook effectively has a huge monopoly on news (and any spreading of information) in the U.S. and around the world. Facebook has so many users that it definitely is a monopoly. The government has an obligation to protect the society against the harmful effects of a monopoly and so in this case should mean both breaking Facebook up and demanding accountability on fact checking and all of that. Now this is getting too deep into whether the government even has the authority to decide what  the “truth” is, or whether capitalism is effective in providing a healthy society for people to live in. The documentary doesn’t really dive into this stuff, and so even though I wish it did (it would have to be a mini series at least lol) I’ll focus on the positive things it did shine a light on.
Another enlightening thing it points out are the harmful emotional side effects social media can have on people, especially young people. The draw of these apps are that you can be constantly interacting with others. The thing is these apps breed too much of a desire to be accepted because of the over abundance of stimulus like ‘likes’ and ‘retweets’. The feeds are filled with people only showing the best of themselves, with picture enhancing filters on everything. So when someone like a teenager scrolls through this it’s like walking through a minefield for their self esteem. The doc shows that depression and suicide rates shot up for teenagers ever since the release of the first smartphones.
I think that information like this doc provides needs to be given to kids growing up now. Actually everyone needs this info to be honest because adults can be as addicted to tech as kids can. The Social Dilemma is a great movie that consolidates all of these warning signs into a compelling package. My only grievance, and it’s small, has to do with the fictionalized story with the doc. They have an actor play this kid who is sucked into following this radical political group from watching too many Alex Jones type videos on his phone. What was funny to me is that the “radical” political group is called the “Extreme Center.” I know the film is trying to be apolitical and not point any fingers at the right or the left, but “Extreme Center” is an oxymoron.
Rating: 9/10
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bobaghoul · 3 years
what's your favorite social media app? do you follow the trends like vine (before it died), snapchat, or tiktok?
My favorite app rn is tiktok because it takes your interests and gives you content based on that! I didn’t think I’d like tiktok ever and I actually stayed off it for years but started using it during quarantine out of boredom. It’s so cool, like rn I’m super into AOT and the content it’s been giving me for a few months has just been AOT (was previously on HxH tiktok but it gives me less videos of it now that my interests shifted). I like how many content creators are there for your very specific interests too. Rn I’m on Bertholdt and AOT tiktok and it just makes me super happy to see that there are so many other people that like him too. Sometimes it does give me Bert slander videos just bc it mentions his name, but I don’t mind LOL. I'm gonna put a read more bc I type a lot ;-; I'm sorry
I did actually follow some “trends”, but I don’t post videos at all (I would but eh). Like, I saw a lot of the AOT themed cafe on my fyp, and it turned out to be three hours away from me so I went! It was really fun, a long ass wait (virtual line, but waited 7 hours! Pretty wack) but I got to get boba with my sister and got some cool AOT themed desserts! It was so cool in there, I would go again if it wasn’t so crowded (and during a pancreas too, like damn). But yeah, the content there is super funny and creative if you’re on the right side. If you’re ever gonna use it, immediately save hashtags you like and block users/press down on videos you don’t like until you see “not interested”. It’ll definitely get the algorithm you like after a while. As for other apps, I use almost every platform but it did get dull after a while. My second favorite has to be tumblr :) It just has a more down to earth feel, like there's no verified accounts or anything. Just people blogging about their lives and interests. I don't think you can get that same feel from another platform
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bbq-hawks-wings · 4 years
Art reposting etiquette
I see art theft happen a lot, and whether or not it's true or has just been happening more frequently in the circles I follow I can't help but at least feel like it's becoming more and more of a problem.
To be clear, "reposting" is downloading art from a website that you did not make or own, and uploading it as a separate post, regardless of where and how it's presented - with notable exception of header and profile pictures assuming they are not trying to imitate the artist. Not all art theft is reposting, but all improper reposting is art theft.
As cut and dry as "stop art theft it's bad, don't repost art" posts make it sound, there are several benevolent reasons people may want to repost such as:
Believing they are spreading the artist's influence around the internet
Adding intrigue or a visual aid to a fanfiction
Sharing some neat art they thought was really cool
Just to name a few
Assuming the best in people, these are not necessarily bad reasons and DON'T MAKE PEOPLE BAD, but many often don't understand there's a dark side to the reposting issue.
People who may want more art may be unable to find the original creator
People may not realize that the artist makes rent with the very artwork you're enjoying and they may be looking at stolen premium content meant to put food on the table
People take art and further edit it so that it becomes even harder to trace back to the original
Malicious websites and bots find popular fanart and illegally use it to produce bootleg merch. This has a double-whammy effect when someone sees the merch IRL when out and about and wants it because it's cool art of their favorite character but don't realize the artist is actively being robbed.
Reposting art makes it harder for the artist to track down the thief and take legal action as well as actively funnels traffic away from their business. By and large it should always be assumed that reposting for any reason is damaging to the artist's wellbeing; and frankly, if you don't care you're actively hurting someone, it makes you the asshole, not me for calling you out.
But, that isn't to say reposting is NEVER allowed, but ONLY UNDER EXTREMELY SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES. That's the point of this post.
Before you can decide if you should even attempt to repost art, check these things first:
If it says directly on the art "do not repost" don't waste your time. They are not going to make an exception for you.
Check to see if the art is already on the platform you're planning to upload to (especially here on Tumblr). Often, artists make it a point to put their work in very specific locations for their own reasons. They may not want their work on your website at all and you need to respect that.
Gain the artist's explicit permission after explaining where you want to repost their work, which work you want to repost, and why with how you plan to credit them. If you gain permission, keep a copy of the conversation for your own protection. If you do not gain permission, don't repost at all.
If you gain permission to repost art, these things are an absolute necessity:
Mention of the artist's name
THEIR main platform of choice
link to the original piece used
It would likely look something like this:
Artwork uploaded with express permission by @[artist] on [website], found here - (hyperlinked to original piece)
Bonus information to include:
Additional social media handles of the artist
Link to the artist's Patreon and/or Ko-Fi if available
Link to artist's store if available
Hyperlinking the image itself so other users can just click it to find the work/artist
Remember reposting should be about the artist, NOT YOU. You didn't create the work, and even if you supported them via Patreon it still doesn't belong to you, nor are you entitled to it. A commission you personally paid for is the only piece of work of that artist's creation you are ever entitled to unless otherwise stated in a contract when you bought it.
To continue to cover my bases I'm going to address some stances that may pop up about the issue:
"I didn't know reposting was that bad!"
It's okay. That's why I made this post. In general, as a supportive fan and consumer you should try to learn how artists are rewarded for their work on different platforms. YouTube is different from Instagram is different from Facebook is different from Tumblr. Learn which best ways to support your favorite artists in the ways that are most beneficial to them, even if all they ask for is respect and a little appreciation. And do take down any art you may have reposted. It can continue to do damage by remaining up, but removing it almost always mitigates any future harm and genuinely helps. Now you know better and can be better moving forward!
"I can't get ahold of the artist for permission."
Don't repost it then. Remember, at the end of the day reposting is only good for the reposter in fake internet points or actual money/intellectual property stolen but always tangibly hurts the artist. It sucks, but they have a right to determine where and how their hard work is displayed.
"Whatever, I'll do what I want. Lol"
Enjoy your takedown. Hey, artists, did you know you can find each website's terms of service and figure out how to submit a report with the offending post and user, and they're usually good about getting it down within days?! Look for "misappropriation" that's your ticket! 😊
But seriously, repeat offenders can get permanently banned from sites and even sued for actual real-world money and damages over your precious fake internet points. It actually pays to not be an ass!
"But I just want to support the artist and reposting is so easy!"
You know what's even easier?
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It's literally only one or two clicks to support the artist or tell them how much you love their work! Most other platforms make supporting content creators just as easy, and some platforms even PAY the creators based on them or enable them to grasp opportunities to be paid!
"But I don't want to bog down my followers with a huge reblog dump of one person's stuff."
Put it in queue to space it out, then.
"I don't have money to support the artist so I repost instead to give them exposure."
Time and time again it's been proven that reposting actively funnels money AWAY from them. You don't have to monetarily support them with much. Buy one thing from their store or give them $1 on Ko-Fi. If you can't even do that, tell them you love their stuff and shout to the rooftops where someone else can pay them; but don't make it harder for them to get paid. Too many artists "die of exposure."
"Why do you even care?"
I AM an artist. I currently support artists with real money monthly because I love their work. I only ever make money off my own art on commissions, and that relies on people being able to find me. I'm not even the one supporting my two children, husband, pet, and medical expenses with only this option to pay for it, and you bet your butt I still would be pissed if I ever found out my art had been misappropriated. Some people do this to SURVIVE and I want to see that those who do have as little unnecessary struggle with it as possible.
"It's fanart/fan content put on the internet for free I can do whatever I want with it!"
At least in North America the law says you can't. Did you know that the way laws are currently written, if someone takes a picture of you and finds a way to make money off that photo they don't owe you a dime? They hold the copyright to it. When art is displayed publicly, that copyright is not surrendered and is automatically afforded to the artist by virtue of it being their specific expression and work. By being their work, they can actually sue you for stealing their property.
Ask Disney, they're really good at it.
And to close this out I want to say one more thing: the internet has changed a LOT in the time I started browsing from the early 2000's. Rules are different, cultures are different, and for younger people especially you may not understand how some have had to (and still do) fight tooth and nail over this internet space and still make it.
If you didn't know all this, THAT'S OKAY! You're learning, and the internet is more or less a wild west right now. That means it's equal opportunity to be a killing field or a place we can lift up and support each other. Reposting is just one corner of the bad things that can come of it, but now you know how to help and even start reversing the damage.
Learn about how people who upload free content make money. When you find misappropriated work, report them to the site and try to inform the artist - don't even acknowledge the thief, just slap a ticket on them and move on. Teach others how and why reposting is bad and what they can do to help.
If you love free content, show respect and protect it. Otherwise, artists will have to put it behind a paywall and that content you loved will disappear over time. Respect will get you a much greater return than entitlement.
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monstruomuses · 4 years
Omg, if you are ever inclined to type it out, I would love to read the story about Chuck Austen on the forum!
Of course… Under the cut cause this will be long *cracks knuckles*
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Before telling the whole story, I must say I have nothing against the guy. He is actually a cool guy, I didn´t have the chance to meet him in person but some of my friends from the forum did and they had a great impression of him however I chatted with him often ( most of us did ) in the chat room we had for the message board and he was always positive and friendly. 
However, most of my reasons of being canon divergent is because of the damage control his run did but hey, he wasn´t alone doing what he did, Marvel and a whole team of people allowed that to happen. 
And I´m not blaming it to everyone, it was a corporate decision in the end and being a business man I can tell you, sometimes we take wrong decisions and odd turns to keep a business fresh and alive and in the late 90´s and early 2000´s a lot of things were going on and comics sales were dropping, more indie labels like Top Cow and Image were getting more readers, Dark Horse became bigger etc, so, hey.. It´s entertainment for us the readers but for them it´s business and everything translates into money. In the end, it´s like that. 
Anyway..  Now that I made my ´little disclaimer´ ( lol ), here is the story: 
Years ago ( more than one decade to be more precise) I used to be part of this message board that was relatively large and Nightcrawler-centered ( I won´t give names, only creator names ). Oh and I also must mention I mostly witnessed things and I made very good friends that are still important to me now a days, I also helped to kick out trolls as part of the staff. I did nothing but memorizing it lol cause it was good gossip in the end.
The maintainers invited several creators to join, some of them did: Chris Yost, Chuck Austen, Grant Morrison -but he was never there- and Dave Cockrum was the star of the forum, he even had his whole room, his wife Paty was also there. We used to chat with them often and they were so nice, I remember that whenever one of them logged in we were all giddy and eager to chat with them. 
This was before the boom of the social media, in fact this was even before my space so we didn´t have any other ways to get spoilers and tid bits and such. 
And when Chuck told us about the Draco cause it was a Nightcrawler-centric arc and it would explain a lot of his origins we were of course the most excited, he teased us often with art concepts and bits of things he had proposed, he told us about Azazel and his army… 
When the first issue came out, we had divided opinions. I was on the fence of everything and trying to give the whole run a chance but a small group of people was tired that many of the message board users kept praising Chuck cause he was there but because the story wasn´t great, neither the art and it was somehow offensive and biased, they were scared we would start drama and run Chuck away. The maintainers had personal reasons to do so, very selfish personal reasons I won´t mention in public but they were getting in the way of people to have a neutral discourse cause they started to protect Chuck. 
I mean Chuck even named a minor supportive character as one of the maintainers because of idk *shrug* that was awkward and I have nothing to say about that but many were rolling their eyes at that. 
Then the whole thing with the CAH and the Priesthood run came and things blew up, in fact many of us ended leaving -me included, I left a couple of years later- because of the obvious glorification they had for Chuck. It didn´t work for them in the end, I mean, Chuck is only a creator, he has no power or decisions of what to do in the comics world. Maybe connections but, hey that´s it. 
And many of us didn´t like Azazel anyway, didn´t like what it did to Kurt´s character and I have friends that haven´t read X-Men comics again because of that. Azazel has potential, A LOT. He is the most powerful teleporter that has ever existed but the way he was developed made no sense and he sounded better than the way he was written anyway. 
We also got Stacy-X and eh, whoever knows about her can tell you how bad her development was, her whole purpose was offensive. Obviously, MANY of us didn´t like that. 
That´s basically it, or well.. What I can remember, I have a great memory but my Fibro plays tricks on me often, if I get to remember something else, I´ll edit and tag you :) 
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hopevalley · 5 years
I just want to thank you for keeping this public. I have promoted you on Twitter and will continue to do so. I want to help in any way I can.
I debated all morning on how to reply to this. I know this is reference to Melinda making her blog private for Tumblr users only, and I think it’s important for me to express my opinion on that situation.
But first: thank you for the Twitter promotion! I have a Twitter account, but I admit I rarely use it (because I find it confusing to use lol). It’s @july_skies !
Regarding Melinda’s decision to privatize her blog: I support it. She works hard on her content and deserves to feel that people who like it will be capable of supporting it in a direct way (reblogs specifically). Nothing sucks more than making stuff and seeing that nobody’s looking at it or enjoying it, and whether or not that’s what it seems like to (general) you, that’s how it comes across when people don’t reblog her stuff. It’s depressing. It’s like she’s throwing her hard work right into the void.
While I’m on the subject, I’d like to talk about content creation a little more, to help give you guys a better idea of fandom and your place as a consumer of fanworks; I know a lot of you might be new to the concept, and you can’t know if nobody thinks to tell you.
For my “credentials,” let’s just say I’ve been a content creator for more than half my life and there’s something we lifers call fandom participation or fandom engagement. They are more or less the same thing, and the terminology boils down to us answering this question: “How is the fandom at large engaging with our content?”
In the last handful of years, participation is down across the board. When I first got into writing fanfiction I’d get at least 40 comments on anything I wrote. Many of my works ended up with 60+ comments on them! 
Now I’m lucky if anyone comments at all, especially in this fandom. Again, it’s a problem everywhere, but I still get comments on fanfic I posted five years ago in other fandoms; meanwhile, this one remains relatively silent. 
I post on AO3 for two big reasons. 1) ACCESSIBILITY. AO3′s site layout is easy to read! It’s easy to format! It’s friendly to people with issues seeing small print! And then we have 2) I do it to give people the option of commenting anonymously (in case they’re shy or nervous).
Having an account there isn’t required at all. People just choose not to engage with me when I post fanfiction.
It feels bad to spend hours of your time on something only to see 0 notes/comments/likes/reblogs/whatever on it later. Four ‘likes’ doesn’t feel that good either. Did people actually like it? Are they pity-likes? Do they even care? People mindlessly ‘like’ a lot of things; maybe they did that with your content, too. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy seeing ‘likes’ but a ‘like’ is more or less an acknowledgement that they’ve seen the content, not that they enjoyed it or want more of it.
Also, likes/kudos don’t draw in more readers: comments do. When a reader’s scrolling down the front page of their favorite AO3 fandom, they click on the ‘fics that look like they might be ‘good’ and even though it’s not always TRUE that the ‘best’ stories have the most comments, a lot of readers filter by the number of comments! 
Comments tell other readers: this is worth checking out!
Let’s look at a quick example of one of my ‘fics:
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This is from my AO3 account, a random WCtH fanfic. It’s not a long one, but it’s not short either. It’s a reasonable read in terms of time spent to read it, and as you can see 185 people clicked on it, 14 people ‘liked’ it (kudos are “likes”), and I have two comments: one of those comments is @trash-god and the other is me replying to her comment.
Her comment isn’t ‘less than’ because she’s a close friend, but she and I spoke at length about this story on Discord and her comment was just a nice little ‘addition’ to that conversation. Sure, the story’s about characters not many people care about, but look at that: 185 hits on the story. 14 likes. And only one person who read it took five seconds to leave a comment? Really? What about the 13 other people who ‘liked’ it?
What this says to me as a creator is that the ONLY person who is going to comment is the one person who might feel obligated to, and if that’s the case, why don’t I just save my stories to show her privately? Why bother posting them out into the void to hear nothing but silence from everyone else?
This is the direction that @whencallstheheart is coming from. What’s the point of spending hours creating these things when nobody interacts with you? Posting to silence feels bad. And look, to put it into perspective, editing gifs to post, writing fanfic, doing write-ups, maintenance of a blog, site, or social media presence: it’s super time-consuming. 
Melinda and I both work full-time jobs as it is. My job hit full busy season and I’m even getting overtime now. I’m in training to take over the department next year and I’m tired at the end of the day. When I get home I have eight cats, a house to take care of, and a spouse, not to mention my in-laws live right next door and need help sometimes. We also have a property we just planted 1500 trees on by hand that we have to monitor, and my husband owns a house we rent to someone that needs work done on it, too. Sometimes, life is busy.
And don’t get me wrong! I enjoy creating, just like I’m sure Melinda does. I feel awful if I can’t “create.”
But if my choices are:
work for five hours on a fanfic or episode write-up only to get 4 likes on it, OR
play a video game or watch a movie or read a book or sit on the deck watchin’ the sun go down while I work on a crocheting project…
The latter definitely appeals to me more knowing I have to get up in the morning to go back to work again. My time is worth something. Neither Melinda nor I are getting paid to create this content. We put it together for free, in what spare time we have, in the midst of our own chaotic lives. My website costs me a chunk of money every year to keep up and running ad-free, and I could get all 1500 trees weeded in the amount of time it takes me to put together an episode write-up or decent fanfic.
All content creators ask for in exchange for their free labor is a sense of community, and that can be anything from:
comments on fanfics you enjoyed, even if they are just to say, “I read this and enjoyed it.” 
messages that say, “I really like how [this edit you did] turned out.”
reblogs on Tumblr, retweets on Twitter, emails to website owners
you can even create your own blog and use it to begin conversations with those creators!
You guys have been pretty good about engaging with the show itself through us, but don’t forget to engage with the content you enjoy seeing that comes about because of the show. 
Fandom content keeps the show alive even when it’s not currently airing, and supporting content creators keeps them creating. Everyone wins, then!
To talk specifically about written content...
Readers are the ones who ensure more material is created. Hands down.
And again: I love writing!! I DO. I’ve been writing seriously for more years of my life than I haven’t been writing seriously! But it’s disheartening to post a fanfic and get my one obligation comment.
Now, it’s fine if you don’t read fanfiction or even enjoy it. It’s also fine if the things I’ve posted aren’t to your specific tastes. Trust me, I get it; nobody is obligated to comment on my fanfiction, and I don’t want anyone to feel that they should be.
But please know this: if you do enjoy something, whether it’s fanfic or edits or something else, you NEED to engage with it, or it WILL disappear. People don’t like talking to walls. It’s frustrating and it isn’t a good use of their time.
(This is one of the reasons I haven’t bothered doing a novelization of the series. It could be fun, but for 0 comments it’s not worth spending the time on.)
Again, you guys have been great when it comes to engaging with the show material, particularly while the show is airing. It’s been fun speculating with you and hearing all of your different thoughts. I know sometimes Tumblr doesn’t make it easy to communicate, either, and you’ve all done a great job of getting around that.
But in between seasons things get slow on this blog and it’s hard for me (or anyone running a blog) to feel motivated to provide content of any sort if you’re not going to take the time to engage in it.
I’ll never mark this blog as private, but if I get to the point where I can’t get any engagement from the fans, I’ll shut it down. The point of having a “fandom blog” is to interact with other fans.
I enjoy providing content to you guys, but if participation drops off to nothing, I’ll be taking that as my signal that the audience is gone and my time would be better spent elsewhere. 
So if you’re here and you’re enjoying things, don’t forget to take a little time out of your day to let your content creators know! Not just me and Melinda, of course, but your favorite people on Instagram, Twitter, and other sites as well. ♥ You might be surprised how happy they’ll be to receive interaction from other fans.
And another plug for fanfiction, because 1) they always get the short end of things considering how hard it is to amass the creative energy necessary to tell a good story, and 2) I noticed it’s the #2 page on my website getting visited: if you’ve enjoyed anything you’ve read for When Calls the Heart, tell the author! Here’s the section for WCtH on AO3! Is English not your native language/you’re not confident in your ability to write English? No worries! I’ve gotten many thoughtful comments in other languages and from people who spoke limited English, and trust me: I treasured every one. If you’re just not sure how to comment on fanfic, send me a message and I’ll give you some tips!
I don’t intend this as a slight against my anonymous friend up there AT ALL; I think it can be hard to be in fandom, especially if you’re newer to the scene. There’s a lot of history that’s long gone by now and missing out on it means it’s harder to step into fandom without also accidentally stepping on toes.
Sometimes we take for granted that we have an almost unlimited supply of fanfiction, gifs, memes, blogs, and so on at our disposal. But none of that comes from thin air and it never did. It’s the cumulative hard work of millions of people throwing their hearts and souls into something they’re passionate about in an effort to engage with other fans.
I hope this helped put things into perspective a bit!! Sending love at all of you that stuck around this far; I know it was quite a bit of a ramble LOL!
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pettigrwe · 5 years
my advice for crediting
i’ve run a fan account on instagram for just over two years now and in that time i’ve learned a LOT about giving credit where credit is due.
if you have/are thinking about starting an instagram fan account, here’s some advice on how to give credit & reposting work from tumblr:
reposting content straight from tumblr:
if you are getting original content from tumblr, always always always check the user’s bio + top posts to see if they mention any other social media accounts. if they do have an instagram, make sure to tag them (on their profile picture in the post, not the corner) and say “via @__________’s tumblr” in your caption.
also, before you even screenshot, make sure that they’re okay with you reposting to instagram. either look to see if they mention anything in their bio or their tags or shoot them a message politely saying “hey, i really like this post of yours, can i repost it on instagram?” if they don’t respond do not assume you can. we all have lives outside of social media and they may be too busy to respond to your message. i recommend creating a side blog to reblog posts that you aren’t sure you can repost so that you can always come back to them later if you’re given permission to repost. the harry potter tumblr community is wonderful and welcoming, you just have to respect and understand content creator’s wishes when it comes to reposting.
reposting content from instagram:
say you follow a fanpage on instagram. i don’t want to name names so let’s just make one up. let’s call it @firewhisktea ;). and user @firewhisktea reposts content by tumblr user @pettigrwe. and you happen to love that post, so much that you say “hey, why don’t i just screenshot and repost this.”
been there, done that. when you’re screenshotting another instagram user’s repost, it’s always polite to mention them in your caption. they may not have written the post but you don’t know how long they scrolled through the padma patil tag to find you a good post!! (my record is two hours under the remus lupin tag lol) also, if the tumblr user who originally created the post has an instagram that the user didn’t tag, make sure to let them know!!! i personally go for the “hey, this is from @______’s tumblr, please tag them for credit!” if the account owner decides to be a dick and ignore you, just send the post to the tumblr user’s instagram. same thing goes if you know that the original writer doesn’t like reposts. you don’t have to be rude about it, just say “hey, this tumblr user has said before that they don’t want people reposting their work. please take this down.” if they don’t listen then once again, be sure to let the original creator know.
another thing: just because someone else is reposting from a tumblr user who has said they don’t want people reposting doesn’t mean you should! chances are the instagram user doesn’t know that. make sure to let them know or ask if they got permission from the original creator to repost. and just because they got permission doesn’t mean you also have permission. always check with the original writer.
one last thing: if you are reposting one person’s tumblr content from another person’s instagram, here’s how i would credit:
tag the ORIGINAL writer in your post and say “by @ their instagram user” in addition to that, also put “screenshotted from @ reposter’s instagram.” the last part isn’t necessary but it is polite.
that’s all that i have, feel free to add on or correct things. just always remember that real people with real feelings create these posts and it’s up to them to decide whether or not it stays on tumblr. always respect other people’s wishes. the hp community is a beautiful place when we all respect and appreciate not only each other but also all of our hard work to contribute to the community.
if you have any questions or need clarification on anything please let me know, i know i’m shitty at explaining things.
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