#fox my sweet
anadorablekiwi · 8 months
KIWI KIWI (its fox hi i deleted my blog again 💀) I PULLED C2 CHILDE !!!!!!!
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perrybearwaks · 4 months
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ladylylla · 8 months
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Happy two year anniversary to Deltarune Chapter 2 !!!
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eldstunga · 3 months
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Run, she flipped!
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bat-luun · 4 months
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hes trying his best i swear!! hes just a little fucked up!!! :((
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pinkravat-art · 2 months
was watching x files and then remembered i have free will
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babyjackdaniels · 3 months
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flimsy-spine · 4 months
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my favorite madney scenes: [14/?] ⇢ Broken, 2.14
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whiskygoldwings · 14 days
Anecdotes of a Guard Life: Oh honey, honey
Senate Galas were one of the... Less interesting parts of Fox’s job. Stand around, look imposing yet approachable and pretend he’s not sneering behind his helmet at all the drunken Senators. Other then the approachable part, it’s a cakewalk.
That isn’t to say they don’t have their perks. One being that he’s not doing datawork. The other... Well...
The internal comms crackle to life. “The Prune’s approaching the soapbox, operation Flavour’s a go.”
Fox calmly turns and walks towards the podium, placing himself in full view to the left. He tucks his arms neatly behind him, grasping wrists and sets his feet perfectly apart in parade rest. The Chancellor passes him with a “Commander! How lovely to see you!” and Fox salutes crisply, before returning to position.
“Decoy in place,” he reports, and gets a “Received!” in return.
The rest of his role in the operation is simple. Stand there and be obvious. It’s not hard. He’s well aware of what he looks like. White painted chest armour a beacon against all the red. Helmet sticking out amongst all the uncovered faces. There’s always a few Senators who dismiss the Guard along with the rest of the serving staff, but if one is looking for them, he draws their attention.
He’s also strategically placed himself under the slightly brighter light near the podium. Carefully orchestrated by their best engineers.
He’s pretty sure this is not what the Kaminoans intended when they flash-trained them in Infiltration methods. But fuck ‘em. They also debated engineering out their tastebuds so they would eat basically anything. Instead they just fed them that anything and expected them to like it anyway.
This is their own fault, really.
Thorn casually walks around the crowd, helmet facing out, checking for any signs of trouble. The hand facing away from the crowd twitches in a series of handsigns and Fox sighs.
“Thorn, comms work just fine.”
Thorn’s sigh is heavier. “Fox, have a little fun once in a while.”
Several different snickers come over the internal comms and a noise that is very clearly Thorn blowing him a raspberry.
Fox rolls his eyes, safe in the knowledge that no one around him can tell.
“You did get that we’re halfway done though, right?”
Fox groans, just managing to keep from tipping his head back in exasperation. “No, I forgot how to read hand signals.”
“It’s all that caf, rots the brain.”
Fox doesn’t even dignify that one with an answer. Not all of them can be all flowers and sunshine first thing in the morning.
Actually, he has absolutely no idea how any of them can be like that. Thorn is a freak of bioengineering. Somehow they got away with their blonde hair, but Fox isn’t sure how the Kaminoans missed the disgusting morning cheerfulness.
Clearly something had critically failed in their tube before decanting.
He nods absentmindedly at a Senator who’s approached and is drunkenly thanking him for his “fine service”. A click of the tongue sets his helmet to circulating internal air, but it’s not quite quick enough to prevent the stench of expensive red wine from getting through the filters. Great. He’ll have to sit with that for a while.
The man is just slurringly getting to the point where he’ll ramble about how his planet’s taxes are funding the Coruscant Guard’s efforts when Thorn speaks again.
“Fox, Taa on route to point Alpha.”
“Apologies, Senator,” he has no idea what the absolutely kark-faced Senator’s name is, but the title always works. “I am required for an internal matter.”
He doesn’t wait for the man’s wide-eyed enquiries, simply turns away and walks towards the buffet table at the other end of the hall. He can already see Senator Taa weaving his way towards the buffet table, taking advantage of the other guests being distracted.
There’s a saying. One about smart minds thinking alike or something. Fox is a little less then impressed to find Senator Taa thinking along the same lines as them. He would not bet on Senator Taa against a Kowakian monkey-lizard.
“Senator, may I have a moment?” He slides infront of him, standing like a barricade in the path of the man’s assault. Senator Taa actually jumps a good inch off the floor.
Fox probably shouldn’t be amused at that. He is though. He was also recording it. That’ll make for good viewing on a rough Senate duty.
“Ah, Commander, must it be now?” Senator Taa looks anxiously over his shoulder, and Fox calmly sidesteps to block his view of the buffet table.
“I apologise sir, this won’t take a minute.” Fox clicks his tongue at the end of that, switching the outward going comms off.
A crackle of internal comms then “Understood, troops, one minute.” from Thorn.
They could be efficient and professional, when the need was high.
What followed for Fox, was an excrutiating minute of going over security plans he was already very certain of, and manouvering himself to prevent Senator Taa from slipping round him. The Twi’lek Senator was... Persistent, would be a good way to put it. Fox was the taller of the two of them, which was fortunate, as the Senator kept rising onto tiptoes to try and look longingly over his shoulder. He’s never tilted his head so much in conversation and frankly, his neck hurts. He actually resorted to raising up on his own toes at one point.
The things he does for his troops. Force damn the little fuckers.
He can see them in his peripherals though. Casually moving towards the long table set with food, as if on a floating patrol. He’s pretty sure he spots Thire carrying away a whole roast bird of some sort, and if that’s actually the case he might have to promote the cheeky little shit...
Finally, FINALLY, Thorn walks up behind Senator Taa with a “Sir!”. The Senator jumps again, and sadly, Fox wasn’t recording that time. He’s not entirely sure how a man can be so completely oblivious to everything going on around him, but it works for their purposes.
“Commander?” Fox enquires, and as the Senator turns to face Thorn, flashes a slightly-more-emphatic than he intended THANK YOU hand signal.
“The Chancellor has requested a further perimeter sweep.” Thorn intones, voice carefully modulated to project bored professionalism.
“Understood,” Fox looks back to the Senator and nods at him. “Apologies Senator Taa, we can discuss this matter further later.”
“Yes yes, mustn’t keep you from your fine work, good job Commander,” the Senator waves dismissively at him, then heads over to the buffet table with an air of victory.
Fox watches him go, then turns back to Thorn.
“Do you think he realises you’re the one who stopped him?” Thorn asks, a thoughtful tilt to their helmet.
Fox just sighs, and walks away to the sound of Thorn’s snickers in his ear.
He’s only able to review their proceeds after the Gala is completely done and over, made sure everyone has left for their own homes, and checked Senator Deechi isn’t, once again, comatose drunk under a table somewhere. He marches back to the barracks (alone, because he isn’t making any of his troopers stay at one of these stupid events any longer than necessary) and makes his way straight to the second rec room.
The sound of laughter and joy hits him as soon as he rounds the corner to the hallway, and he lets go of the tension with a grateful breath. Pulling off his helmet, he strides into the room, where troopers in various mismatches of bodysuits and armour are sprawled around a lumpy pile covered in a white sheet with CG stamped in red in the corner.
“Took your time!” Thorn waves at him, grin wide and delighted. “Deechi wasn’t passed out again, was he?”
“Thank the Maker, no,” Fox rolls his eyes to chuckles from the others. “You waited for me?”
Thorn rolls their eyes right back. “Duh, get your shebs over here.”
Fox goes and sits next to them, then promptly gets back up when Thorn tries to side-arm him into a hug and goes to sit next to Comm who snickers at the pair of them. Thorn pouts. It’s a good pout, full and wide-eyed, but Fox has developed immunity to their banthashit and graces the attempt with a middle finger.
Thire sighs loudly and exasperatedly. “If the two children would kindly settle down, the adults would like to check out the spoils of battle now please?” He glowers at the pair of them, and Fox glowers back, showing him how it’s done.
Thorn reaches forward and grabs the edges of the blanket. “My friends, my family, my wonderful idiots! Enjoy!” They whip off the sheet with a flourish, and there’s gasps and noises of joy as even Fox feels his eyes widen.
They’ve outdone themselves. There’s little squares of delicate crisp bread with curls of meat pate. Glistening honey-coated carrots roasted to perfection. Candied nuts and fruit sitting powdery in a bowl. The roast bird he’s going to have to make Thire a commander over. And even...
“Is that sugar?” Fox breaths, picking up the beautiful ceramic bowl filled almost to the brim with beautiful, wonderful, white crystals of perfection...
Someone passes a steaming hot cup of caf over his shoulder and holds it out for him. “Commander,” Stone murmurs, a warm smile on his face as Fox turns to him. Comm holds out a small spoon, and Fox is not an emotional man, but he kind of wants to kiss the whole kriffing room at this point.
“Thank you,” he sniffles, taking the proferred mug (and decidedly doesn’t care that it’s the pink one with a Fox-head that Stone got him as a joke) and places it in front of him. With gentle fingers, he takes the spoon from Comm, gets himself a hearty heaped spoonful of sugar, and stirs it into the inky-dark liquid in his mug.
Reverently, he lifts the mug to his lips, tilts it gently and... Oh...
“Mesh’la,” he whispers, eyes closed and lips curving into a smile in the wake of the sweetened nectar of the little Gods.
There’s laughter all around him, and he opens his eyes to the sight of his family, all taking carefully selected pieces of food and trying them out with noises of glee and excitement.
Fox sits, sipping his delicious cup of caf, and thinks life doesn’t get much better than this.
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Sweet Sunday - Election Night Support
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The way that Henry sees Alex, and feels everything going on within him in just a split second. He is immediately moving toward him, seeing what nobody else in that room does. And maybe also hoping that nobody else sees it because he knows that Alex is trying so hard not to let anyone know how fragile he is. Alex is about to break, to fall apart, and he's losing hope. Henry knows how much Alex has given to the campaign and that the election and the actual fate of America rests on his shoulders.
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My heart aches at the pure comfort Henry offers Alex with his free hand on his arm and how he looks behind them with an intensely protective expression. He wants to make sure that nobody is following them because he knows that Alex needs privacy, and well, if anyone thought they were going to follow them or ask for anything more from Alex than all he has already given, that expression would stop them.
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RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE (2023) dir. Matthew Lopez
Henry checks in on Alex, reads his expression, and probably feels his anxiety from their contact. His closeness and support while he guides Alex along to a place where they can be alone, away from all eyes, it was so important that we saw this.
I love this scene. We get this sweet side of Henry and see how truly strong he is and how well he knows Alex. And add to that, we see them walking together in Austin, holding hands, and Henry is so attuned to Alex's needs here. It's a breathtaking moment where we get to see how the dynamic of their relationship has shifted. Henry is out and proudly with Alex, and his biggest concern is making sure that Alex is okay and getting him to a safe space so that he will be, so that he can be a part of making him feel that way.
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anadorablekiwi · 7 months
I swear Diluc comes home to everyone except those who want him most 😭😭😭
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 7 months
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Lúo Yúnxi 羅雲熙
LYX Studio Wb update 2023.10.15
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orangehalfpeeled · 7 months
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the silliest duo ever
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mossdogs · 26 days
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turned the fbi agents emo
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So like...
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I know that Sonic assuming that Nine would just do what he wants is bad, specially since part of his reasoning came from thinking he would be and act just like Tails would...but.
You can still see that Sonic was actually pretty excited to have Nine in Green Hill, at the point in time of those screenshots Sonic thought that Nine was fine going to live in Green Hill, there was no reason (from his pov) to convince him that living in GH would be great. To me at least it reads as Sonic being really excited about not just getting his world and friends back (which obviously he would be happy about) but also about Nine being there with them specifically.
He talks about meeting Tails, having fun together in green hill...like, dude really just adopted the kid. They were family now, no questions asked.
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000marie198 · 1 year
Is it a bad thing that I have to pause and take a deep happy sigh every time Nine opens up or shows a hint of joy or just, acts pleased?
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"High... Five?"
Yes, sweetie, high five. You deserve all the high fives.
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