#garnet first fuse
salamander-crimes · 9 months
just found out there's apparently a decently popular misconception that peridot can't fuse because she's an era 2 gem? correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think that's said anywhere in the show. she can't shapeshift because she's an era 2, but i don't think there's anything to indicate she's incapable of fusing, she just doesn't want to
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vignetted · 7 months
going back to my roots (watching steven universe again)
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love-takes-work · 1 month
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[Image ID: GIFs of Ruby and Sapphire from Steven Universe sitting in a fire-lit cave. Ruby says "I've never had a third eye before." Sapphire replies "I've never had more than one! It was nice." /.End ID]
A change of vision
This scene is more complicated than it looks at first glance.
Ruby and Sapphire have just fused for the first time and are awkwardly talking about their experience. Ruby says "I've never had a third eye before." On the surface, that's just a statement of fact, as is Sapphire's "I've never had more than one!" Ruby's only ever fused with other Rubies, and we saw that the Giant Ruby still had only two eyes. Sapphire's never fused at all, so of course she's only had one eye her whole life.
But we know from both the show's subtext and from Crewniverse statements that Sapphire's future vision is quite different from Garnet's. Sapphire sees one future, inevitable, unrelenting, separate from her involvement. She does not interfere; she describes what is. Ruby is the opposite; she is a Gem of action and emotion, impulsive, without much consideration. When they are combined as Garnet, Sapphire's future vision transmutes into something more dynamic. Garnet can see multiple futures, and she can get involved to choose the one she wants.
When Ruby states that she's "never had a third eye before," she's subtly making reference to the experience of seeing in a way that's new to her--not just a simplistic statement of physically having a different number of eyes than she's used to. Through being part of Garnet, she had a new experience of perception. She saw outside of the right now. She saw beyond a life of taking orders and carrying them out without any thought of what's next, any shred of judgment, any expectation of consideration. Even though it was just for a moment, her world opened up in a tantalizing way.
And when Sapphire said she's "never had more than one," she was describing a transformative experience as well. There was always one way before. One future. Vision, but no complexity. No consideration for emotion, for desire, for passion. With Ruby's impulsivity, her chaos, her ability to make destiny change, Sapphire's future vision became multifaceted when she was part of Garnet. She, too, saw beyond in a way she never had before. Suddenly, futures could involve choices SHE could make, and though that was scary enough to freeze her temporarily, she knew she wanted to have an opportunity to take leave of her tunnel vision and see in three dimensions (and beyond). "It was nice."
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[Image ID: GIF of Garnet from Steven Universe in her early pink and blue form, looking at the camera with three wide eyes. /.End ID]
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gracefireheart · 25 days
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Once again, did some fanart of @lenny-link TF2 x SU AU, but tried making more fusions! :]
First one is Andalusite [Heavy + Medic] (who I've drawn before already), second one is Iolite [Cheavy + Medic], and the third one is Ametrine [Demoman + Soldier].
[Below the keep reading line, I'll show off the fourth fusion I drew as well, but ended up just-- disliking to hell and back o(-( Also, some notes and such about each fusion]
First off, here's the fourth fusion I did, which was Cat's Eye Tourmaline [Scout + Sniper]. (Side note: I picked out Tiger's Eye as Sniper's gem)
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After looking at Steven's fusions with other gems (since Scout's a half-human half-gem in this AU fusing with Sniper who's a full gem), I did notice that basically all of them (besides Obsidian) had some kind of oddity to them. Like Smokey Quartz has three arms instead of four or just two, Rainbow 2.0 is the first gem with male pronouns and has a tad bit strange legs, and Sunstone isn't as humanoid as the other (non-corrupted) gems and fusions.
So I wanted to show that off here, but uh, I just ended up giving up on it in the end o(-( Mostly 'cause I had no clue how I wanted to color them based on the Cat's Eye Tourmaline gem, but also 'cause the overall design ended up leaned a bit more towards Sniper's design than I intended it to do.
Anyways, onto the notes for the other fusions.
Andalusite [Heavy + Medic]:
The duo that imo would probably fuse the most out of the TF2 crew, whether for battle or to just relax together (like reading a book or whatever). So with that, Heavy and Medic would have had plenty of time to refine how their fusion would look like, and making sure both of them like how they look together.
For their fusion weapon, I was thinking about them either having something like Garnet's upgraded gauntlets (the ones with spikes jutting out of it's knuckles), or letting the gauntlets have claws or something.
Iolite [Cheavy + Medic]:
I mostly did this one 'cause of one of the drawings in Lenny-Link's original piece, which made me thinking of Lapis and Jasper fusing into Malachite and all that, which lead me to this. I wanted the design to 1. Make it look chaotic due to the two people that are fused here, but also 2. Make it lean a tad more towards Cheavy's looks to make said guy think that he's the one mostly in control of the fusion, only to have Medic take over take over and do something to trap the fusion and/or get them the hell away from the TF2 crew. Something something angst idk lol
Decided to make Cheavy a [blue] Topaz. Since Heavy's a Topaz as well. I don't have any other reason than that :') Also, I placed his gem on the side of his right shoulder.
The eye goggles change color depending on who is in control. If the two weren't fighting for it, it would be one eye blue and one eye magenta. But since they are, whenever Cheavy's in control, the eyes are blue. And whenever Medic's in control, the eyes are magenta.
Ametrine [Demoman + Soldier]:
Originally, I was going to have them be a Morganite, but decided on Ametrine instead as it fit their color scheme more. Also originally, I was going to give them a knight helmet, but I wanted to draw their hair, so I instead gave them a bandana covering their possibly one eye. Possibly.
Assuming Soldier's helmet (with or without the horns) is Soldier's gem weapon like Jasper's helmet, I thought it would be neat if their fusion weapon [(horned) helmet + sword] would be something like a Morningstar, which they would be able to duel-wield without much trouble.
I've got other lil' ideas as well for this AU, like how Jeremy/Scout was the one that gave these gems their nicknames (Spy, Sniper, Engineer, etc.), how Medic grew a fascination for the organic lifeforms of Earth and how exactly they healed/was able to treat their wounds, and how- instead of Spy being all dead and gone Rose Quartz style when Jeremy was born- Spy is a lot weaker than he should be due Jeremy getting half of his gem. But uh-- I don't wanna go too overboard when this ain't even my AU :')
Either way, I'll probably go and relax a bit before drawing some regular TF2 stuff. But I might do some more fanart for this AU whenever I feel up for it. 'Cause genuinely, I love this AU sm <3
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It feels like something with Amethyst was supposed to happen in the cannon show, since she was overcooked and when she fused, most of the time it seemed like she gave a huge boost in power. The Garnet fusion made them huge and strong and her fusion with Steven seemed to tap into power his body hadn't developed enough for. It's like there was supposed to be some buried power reveal from her. There's also the thing with how she can shape shift all the time with no issue even though it's supposed to be draining and have negative effects. Was that ever addressed?
Hmm. While the idea is fascinating, and I understand how it might be tempting (weak(er*) character has been SECRETLY SUPER POWERFUL ALL ALONG woo, underdog!) I don't necessarily think there's much to back up such a theory.
First of all, Amethyst IS a bit weaker than Jasper, and this was proven multiple times. She's not necessarily weaker than the average quartz, though. She just uses her power differently.
And her shapeshifting absolutely does have a normal limit! We see this proven when she shapeshifts into Jasper to fool the Rubies, and ends up struggling to hold it for longer than an hour.
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Shapeshifting doesn't have tons of negative side effects. It's just tiring to hold the shape for too long. It's also considered 'inefficient' but as far as the show tells us, there's nothing strange, physically, about how Amethyst does it.
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voidlesscreator · 18 days
Core Fusion AU
The people that live in the Infinite Realms are able to fuse like gems in Steven Universe. Why you may ask? It's because their body is made up of ectoplasm that comes from their core, which is very similar to how a gem's form is made up of light and comes from their gem itself.
Fusions occur when two or more ghosts share a similar strong emotion or obsession, such as protection, love or hate. The fusion is a state where the occupants share thoughts and work together to operate a single body, so a lot of trust needs to be present or a singular goal in both minds.
Core Fusions also merge unique powers together to strengthen or link them together more.
Due to this, core fusions are typically seen as a way to show trust in any form or bond between ghosts, and as a way to strengthen forces and power.
Danny is probably able to fuse with ghosts and humans but was never told that it was possible for him bc he's half-human.
Now, this could work for both Dp x Dc and Dp x BNHA.
Dp x Dc
Danny can fuse with people who have been touched by death or have been dead and came back (like Jason).
The fusion would be a physical form that mixes both or more appearances while their cores (pseudo or not) appear as jewellery they wear as the fusion, which changes depending on the fusion.
Since I'm fixated on the dead on main ship right now, let's say that Jason is the one to core fuse with Danny first, and there can be an in depth backstory on how they meet and leads up to the core fusion, and it helps with the pit rage. Danny takes them to either Frostbite or Clockwork to figure out what is going on and they learn about core fusion and how it works.
-possible plot idea ahead-
In Gotham, Red Hood has been MIA for several months from both being a vigilante and a crime boas, and the rest of the batfam are freaking out about it; especially since a new crime boss has come into play going by "The Monarch" or "JD Fent" (The Monarch plays into Danny being either Ghost King or an adjacent role in the Infinite realms, and the JD Fent is a mix of their names bc I think it's cool :D).
Meanwhile, Jason and Danny have been chilling together using core fusion to keep away from the batfam and have been improving Crime Alley with Danny's inherited chaotic mad scientist gene being used to harness ectoplasm as a renewable energy since Gotham has a large quantity of it (bonus points if the ectoplasm can be re-filtered to be safely used again for power).
The GIW or another ghost could show up in Gotham to hunt down JD and the batfam accidentally get captured since a lot of them have died (I think??).
Cue a garnet-style reunion and a "stronger than you" scene before escaping and telling the rest of the batfam the truth.
Similar to the other one, but quirks count as mini-cores and that's how people gain their powers. Quirkless people don't have cores and therefore don't have powers.
Danny could be able to fuse with the previous OFA users and just pull them out of Izuku or they could just fuse by Danny grabbing onto Izuku when using his quirk in a fight.
And I'm just imagining during one of the fights Danny grabs onto Izuku and a flash of light shoots out and once the light clears, Danny is gone and a person with three sets of arms with an appearance similar to Danny's and the other OFA users mixed into one before battling it out with the LOV.
Please let me know if anything doesn't seem like it works! And this prompt is free to use by anyone if they want to! :]
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doctorsiren · 6 months
post 7-year gap and after fusing together again, can phoenix still unfuse into nick and feenie? also i love your art and i hope you have a lovely day! :D
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He’s having a Stevonnie moment
So after getting their names cleared, they were able to find that unity with each other and become whole again
However, they had been split apart and had been 2 people for 7 years. At first, he was super happy about feeling complete finally, but then he began to miss himself
The two of them never fit together perfectly before the split, but it seems that even more so now that they’ve had to develop as their own people for 7 years that they don’t fit together perfectly all the time
And when they had become one again, they saw each other’s memories and thoughts and feelings about those 7 years as separate people, which is why Nick is finally able to cry and hug Feenie
Because now they both feel each other’s emotions in a way that they couldn’t before when they had been split for 7 years.
There is a unity and understanding between them, but both of them were so used to having another person with them that it feels lonely
Nick especially is having a hard time, as now all these emotions from Feenie are a part of him and he doesn’t know how to handle it and he just wishes that they either never split apart in the first place or that they never became whole again
They work through it, and eventually get to a point where they feel comfortable and whole being Phoenix for most of the time, but there will be times where they split for whatever reason (so they’ve basically become Garnet-)
I’m so incredibly normal about this I swear :)))
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Did Luffy meet Sodalite before he met Ace and Sabo? (Like Steven knew Garnet before Ruby and Sapphire) It’s very funny to imagine Luffy becoming friends with Sodalite and then meeting Ace and Sabo and being like ????
Okay so i already laid out a luffy timeline in this ask:
And ill continue it here. So luffy gets dropped off on dadan’s doorstep and meets Ace there, but just like in the OP universe; Luffy wants to connect with Ace, but ace will not give him the time of day.
Luffy keeps trying to follow him around but he keeps getting lost, until one day luffy finally follows ace the entire way and he sees sabo, too. He tries to say hi to them, but the people who come down from that high up tree branch isnt 2 people, its 1 person. One.. Giant. Man.
They have a “do you know where Ace and that other guy went?” Conversation and Sodalite is very apprehensive to trusting this goofy little goober.
Basically their original storyline from the OPU, but instead of ace and sabo, it’s Sodalite for the first couple story beats.
After the whole Save-Luffy-From-BlueJam schtick happens, Sodalite finally sits down and has a conversation with Luffy. This conversation is the most heart melting thing for Sodie and he opens up to luffy for the first time.
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Luffy just thought ace fucking disappeared when he met sodalite for the first time so this is quite a shock for him. Luffy’s freaked out for a couple mins but he gets the hang of it before long.
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@tsuku-yomi-yomi suggested this, and you hit the nail right on the head with it. They usually like to keep fused to be stronger when its just the two of them.
Thanks for the asks!
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the-stolen-century · 4 months
Raine and Eda's gem fusion (TOH / Steven Universe crossover)
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Their fusion dance is just the scene in Eda's Requiem where they play their instruments back-to-back, but then they glow and fuse - but continue playing, because now they have 4 arms, Raine's arms on top playing the violin and Eda's arms on the bottom playing the cittern.
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Their combined gem is sphene/titanite - base colour gold (eda) with green (raine) and red (both of them) sparkles. More designs and AU description under the cut:
Separate designs for them (Eda is big and shaped like Garnet because she's a fusion between Eda and the corrupted Owlbeast. Her harpy form is the harmonious fusion that happens after the Owlbeast's corruption is healed):
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Alt design for the fusion, with merged/faceted eyes instead of separate ones - I just love how perfectly Eda's pointy eyes fit under Raine's round ones!
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I imagine their combined personality might be like a rock star, because Eda's brashness and showmanship overpower Raine's stage fright, so they can finally be a star musician together. I love to think about how elated they would be after their first performance!
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Plot (?):
So titans can travel through space, just because they're so magical. Several hundred years ago a titan arrived on earth to hide from the Archivists, carrying with it a lot of refugees from its original planet. The titan died, exhausted by the stress of the trip, but the refugees whom he protected survived and started a new life. They are protected by shielding magic from curious humans. They are a little different from the witches and demons of the boiling isles - they're gem-based lifeforms who form visible bodies around their gems, and they have very long lifespans.
One summer, Luz the human (obsessed with gems and magic) accidentally goes through a portal that Eda has made, ends up on the island and decides to live there instead of summer camp.  She meets Eda, whose gem has become fused with the corrupted gem of the Owlbeast, so sometimes the Owlbeast takes control of their shared body.
Luz becomes best friends with King (King is basically Steven and doesn't know he's actually a titan/diamond), who didn't have any friends before her because nobody has seen his type of gem before so everyone thinks he's weird. (The gem society in Steven Universe is kind of obsessed with roles, ranks and hierarchies, so seeing an unknown gem is unsettling). She basically becomes Connie to King's Steven (non-romantic, lol).
Luz has some adventures learning about the island. She gets to know Willow, who is an "overcooked" jasper and insecure about it just like Amethyst, but v. powerful once Luz helps her overcome the insecurity. And Gus and Amity.
Meanwhile, on the titan’s home planet, Belos (not a human in this AU) has formed a deal with the Archivists to be allowed to rule the planet in a way that the Archivists approve of in exchange for trying to find the escaped titan. And now they have found earth somehow. Raine, who leads an underground rebellion against Belos, manages to be the one sent to earth. Unfortunately for them, Belos sends Hunter (Belos’s pearl - Hunter has big pearl energy, right?) along with them.
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Once they arrive on earth Raine keeps trying to secretly sabotage Hunter’s attempts to find the island so they can find it first themselves and warn everyone.Don't know how that goes, but eventually they find Eda - maybe even in the human world and not on the island? So they finally meet again after a long time. Back then she was too afraid to tell them she's a fusion but now she doesn't give a fuck, which leads to them rekindling their relationship!
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toxic relationships: intentional vs romanticized
i want to talk about what makes a toxic ship intentional and what makes it romanticized, since a lot of spop fans claim that “of course Adora and Catra's relationship is toxic, they were enemies and they had a rough childhood”. however, it's clear that the writers of spop themselves don't consider this relationship toxic, or if they do, they think that the toxicity is sexy or romantic.
for comparison, let's take Jasper and Lapis from Steven Universe. this was a ship that was clearly written to be unhealthy. these were two characters who did not like each other in the slightest, who both had their own share of trauma that they never worked through and decided to form a fusion instead.
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Jasper tries to coerce Lapis into forming a fusion with her, in order to help her defeat the Crystal Gems. Lapis is unwilling at first but later, she relents. whether she did this out of fear or because of her own anger towards the Crystal Gems is unclear at first.
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Fusions in SU are a good way of visualising the nature of a relationship. if a relationship is healthy and stable, the fusion is stronger and can stay fused for longer periods of time. if the relationship is unhealthy, toxic or unstable, the fusion might break apart easily or have trouble functioning as one body.
fusions aren't strictly a romantic thing either, there had been a couple of platonic fusions in the series too, like Smoky Quartz or Steg. suffice to say, it was just a creative way to explore different dynamics between different people.
as expected, Lapis's and Jasper's fusion was not stable or healthy in the slightest. Malachite was the biggest fusion we had seen at that point in the series, and she looked more monstrous and unhinged than any of the other fusions we had seen prior.
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it is at this point that Lapis reveals that she was just trying to keep Steven safe by fusing with Jasper and forcing the fusion to stay underwater with her.
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even right after this scene, it's clear that the writers wrote Malachite as an intentional toxic ship because Garnet immediately remarks that those two gems were “not good for each other”.
after an undetermined period of time where Malachite stayed fused, and while Jasper got more and more angry and vengeful, Lapis got more and more exhausted of holding the fusion together; the Crystal Gems finally succeed in making the two unfuse.
there is some nuance to this ship too, because there wasn't just one person at fault. while Jasper was physically stronger than Lapis and she was the one who initially coerced Lapis into fusing with her, Lapis herself admits that she used their relationship to take out all of her anger and frustration. she admits to hurting Jasper in the process.
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Lapis also admits that she misses Jasper, a sentiment that Jasper also seems to share as she tracks down Lapis to ask her to fuse with her again, promising that it would be better this time.
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this is not uncommon in toxic relationships where the individuals get so used to the toxicity that they feel empty without each other. they would rather be in an unhealthy but familiar relationship than be alone. and this is the first time i've seen this sentiment be portrayed so realistically in a show. the fact that you can get away from someone who hurt you and still miss them and want them back is something that needs to be talked about.
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Lapis does eventually reject Jasper's offer, saying that their relationship wasn't healthy. while i do have problems with how they suddenly made Lapis the victim afterwards (and her whole arc as a whole), i still think SU handled this ship really well.
it was an introspect into a toxic relationship, without romanticizing or sexualizing it, and without justifying Lapis's or Jasper's actions, even though they were both sympathetic characters on their own. they do kind of gloss over Lapis's role in this relationship later on, which i wasn't fond of but in the end, they made the right decision to not let this ship be canon.
this is how toxic relationships should be explored in media. without bias, without excusing or justifying a person's actions. whether the ship separates in the end or not is the writer's wish, but the framing is important.
whereas c//a is framed in a way that expects us to sympathize with Catra, to excuse her actions and to root for her to get with Adora. like Malachite, c//a was not healthy for Catra or Adora (although the conflict there was definitely more one-sided) but the writers of spop seems to think that a vague apology is enough for them to get into a stable relationship.
if you frame toxic behaviour as cute or romantic, your audience is going to accept that. fiction does greatly impact reality. and considering that spop is quote-unquote “a kid's show”, they have a responsibility to not send the wrong message to thousands of impressionable children.
this turned into more of an SU analysis than an SPOP critique post lol but since y'all already know why c//a is not like malachite, i trust i don't have to write more about that.
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bobamilkk · 2 months
Silly lil swap au!!! Steven’s mom is white diamond and the og 3 homeworld gems are the crystal gems!! Greg’s still his dad and most of early season one would be pretty much the same but with a more dysfunctional found family cuz they’re silly like that. The og crystal gems are now villains to be redeemed but in like. Slightly different ways idk man- With the diamonds it’s Pink in White’s place and then blue plays a bit more of an aggressive role than yellow does
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-Jasper is the first time he sees a gem poof. It’s similar to the pearl episode but it’s a robot Peridot made instead of a pearl hologram- She gets frustrated with Steven not taking his battle training seriously and gets punched straight in the face because of it. She doesn’t stay in her gem nearly as long as pearl does and Peridot actually helps him when this weird lil robot keeps trying to fight him- The only reason Jasper doesn’t come back in a few hours is cuz she’s embarrassed she got poofed me thinks
-Sapphire comes to earth to use her future vision to see the status of the cluster and properly check on it- She has her group of 3 rubys with her and they manage to poof Jasper in the same manner of Garnet getting poofed by Jasper in canon. Ship chaos happens and Jasper manages to poof 2 of 3 rubies while the last one escapes in the escape pod with Sapphire. Steven bubbles the rubies cuz he’s silly like that and wants to make sure they’re going to be ok
-cue a couple fights later and Jasper gets frustrated that she’s lost a few battles to a lone ruby and a sapphire of all gems and starts pushing the other gems away and preventing them from fighting with her- She goes to attack Sapphire while Ruby’s catching her breath since she’s seemingly defenseless but Ruby jumps in and they fuse and sit there having a panic attack. Jasper stands there in shock for a moment cuz she’s not entirely used to fusion either before going to attack again-Only for Steven to jump in the way and save them
-Ruby’s getting stressed over the cluster and pacing in the barn so Lapis recommends Steven goes to show them what it’s like on earth-Cue Sapphire and Ruby slowly realizing they love each other. Also the frog. Steven shows them what a frog is and Ruby excitedly shows it to Sapphire. Gay people-They don’t fuse as often but like. By future they’re permanently fused?? But for the majority of the main series they only fuse when needed
-Amethyst comes to earth to collect Sapphire!! She has her limb enhancers to make up for her height n stuff- Idk how the baseball episode parallels will work but. They’re there. Somehow!! Garnet also gets to fuse to hide Sapphire since Amethyst wouldn’t expect a fusion idk anymore
-garnet somehow manages to poof Amethyst in her panic and Steven unbubbles her because he’s curious about her limb enhancers and peridot won’t tell her because she’s scared of him knowing too much about homeworld. She traps herself in the bathroom peridot style until Steven manages to make her realize she’s safe here and the cluster is bubbled and she’s allowed to be herself and doesn’t have to be afraid of being shattered for being defective if she messes up even slightly. She gets her peridot arc or smthn
-Greg gets taken to the human zoo like in canon but Pearls there with Holly Blue Agate to watch over the humans and their growth. She was sent there after white was shattered as punishment for failing her diamond and it’s seriously messed her up- She does see them being free tho and helps them escape with Greg without thinking- Steven offers for her to tag along and she hesitates until Holly Agate comes along and she immediately jumps in the ship
-Pearl watches Steven sleep like in canon but it’s. Creepier. It’s habit from the human zoo but she starts to investigate his gem in the process and realizes it’s her diamond aka white. She goes to remove the gem to free her diamond back-Maybe get her status back by having white back-Desperation type beat- only to wake Steven who panics and pushes her away- She panics massively and starts sobbing and calling him her diamond
-Instead of the loud distraction yell of “She’s Gone” from pink Steven- Steven accidentally mind controls pink for a split second and it makes them both tumble back- I don’t know fully how this scene would work tbh I gotta brainstorm more but. Ik white diamond Steven has a different set of powers than canon Steven- He’s got whites mind control powers n shit
-Bismuth takes the role of Spinel in the movie!! Not in the same abandoned sense but in a “you ruined our perfect plan” and wants to kill him for it whether her diamond wants her to or not- she’s silly like that!! She resets the gems like Spinel does and Jasper signs her life to Greg like pearl does- She carries him around n is super protective of him. Ma’am’s ready to kill someone on sight for Greg-
-Post-Corrupted Steven gets silly lil corrupted traits still. 1) his gem is flipped so it’s like a horn now 2) he’s got silly lil underbite fangs 3) spikes on his shoulders so his jacket is tied around his waist so it doesn’t get ripped 4) he’s like. Extra extra tired all the time someone save him
You should send me asks about the au it’d be so sexy of you /j
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Simple question- which couple is your favorite?
Propaganda for Rupphire: "They're one of the first actual canon and not-ignorable lesbian couples in an animated series. They're perfection and so super important."
" These two care each other so much and they can literally use The Power Of Love to change destiny. Plus they fuse into Garnet who also kicks ass, and is one of the best characters in the show (square mom best mom). They're married and had what I believe was the first F/F wedding on a kid's show?"
No propaganda submitted for Madohomu.
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limaliamandthebigbean · 6 months
Whenever I think of Steven Universe I think a theme it explored often, and explored well, was that sometimes the people close to you do things that really hurt you. Sometimes out of weakness, anger, ignorance, or even out of good intentions. And that sucks! And maybe the best exploration of the theme is the Steven Bomb, Week of Sardonyx. Anyone who happens to read this will know it, so no need for a recap (but there will be pretty screenshots. don't worry).
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Now this whole "people you love hurt you" thing on the surface permeates basically all fiction. Otherwise there'd be no conflict, right? But what separates SU is that often their actions aren't justified or noble. Garnet is right, what Pearl does is terrible, it's at best a time waster! But that's what makes it such a good arc and exploration of the characters! Because in real life people are just like that. They DO do things that are horrible, even if they really love you. It's such a human and grounded concept executed very well using fantastical elements (like any good fiction).
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The Week of Sardonyx stands tall above even other episodes/arcs of the show because the fact that it was a bomb (not like a financial bomb). They didn't have to wrap it up in a neat 11 minute bow, they could stretch it out and reeeeally make you feel the consequences. You really get some juicy insight into the cast; how they feel, how they interact with each other, etc. It was a big shake up for the time too, there had never been such a falling out (even temporary) between the core Crystal Gems. Hey, isn't it interesting how both "gems fuse with Garnet" episodes explore dark sides of Fusion?
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Alright, I'm gonna throw some shade at the SU fandom real quick, so I may step on some toes. But when these, and many other episodes, were coming out there were people who reacted very vitriolically. Is Pearl the worst now? Is she evil?? Are these episodes terrible because they ruined Pearl? And the answer is no you idiot! People who are "the good guys" can do bad things! That's what makes them complex! That's what makes them interesting! But does it make them bad people? Definitely not. Come on guys. have a BIT of media literacy (like me, the smartest guy in the world of course).
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Now while the Week of Sardonyx is, at least at that point in the series, the best execution of this theme, there are some episodes I should give credit to as well. Island Adventure is the very first, and it doesn't even feature the gems! Sadie trapping them on an island to try help Lars is just great, very emotionally muddy episode. Maximum Capacity is the first one where anger is a theme, with Amethyst intentionally trying to upset Greg. And again, not cool, not justified, and that's what's so good about it! And lastly one of my favorites, Rose's Scabbard, because of the simple scene of Pearl not helping Steven up. Not very safe, excellently showing how upset and entrenched in grief Pearl is in this scene.
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Wow I like really REALLY rambled.
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lazygelly · 3 months
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The best fusion!! <3
I loved the way garnet looked when ruby and sapphire first fused so I drew it
(Don't steal, trace, or post my art)
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universellie · 1 year
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Platonic Rose Quartz x G/N Reader
[[Request by the lovely @insertuserhere88 !!
— There was no specific requests so I’ll employ some creative liberty in what I’m about to write :) It’s set before Greg’s gig on the beach, the night he met Rose.
((A/N: Y/N only used a few times xoxo Sorry for any typos, it’s late when I wrote this and I’m too tired to edit. I’ll do it tomorrow, maybe. :,)
>>𝘔𝘺 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 ♥︎
It was 1990, Mr. Universe had a gig on the beach tonight and you were most certainly going to attend. You were ecstatic to get to see him live, you’d been a fan for a while now to say the least. You knew Rose would love his music too, but you had to find her first to see if she’d attend the concert.
You walked along the beach, kicking pebbles out of your way. You could see the cave and warp pad from where you were, already dreading the dastardly climb up to the cliff face. You always loved the carving of Obsidian in the cliff, a symbol of the Crystal Gems unity and their friendship. A quite literal representation, not only as a sculpture but when they fused. You had had the privilege of seeing and meeting her once, a gigantic gem with flaming eyes. Unnerving and most likely terrifying to anyone, yet you knew she was a culmination of your dearest friends. And your best friend, Rose Quartz.
You stepped up in front of the warp pad, looking at the door that led to each of the gems respective rooms. “Rose!” You called out, looking at the ground and idly kicking a rock. It flew to the wall directly beside the door as it opened, bouncing and flying directly across Rose’s face. “Woah!” she exclaimed, taking a step back. You grimaced, raising your hands in surrender. “Sorry Rose-“ She waved a hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry about it Y/N, these things happen.” Her dress whispered along the ground as her bare feet padded towards you. “What brings you here?” She peered down at you, her giant mass of pink curls surrounding her. “I wanted to see if you’d like to join me at the concert tonight. It’s the musician I like, Mr. Universe?” You put your hands in your pockets, your head almost completely laid back to look up at her. “Of course! Id love to! In the meantime, want to do something else? The gems and I have nothing to do for the rest of the day so Garnet has gone to explore the deeper parts of the temple, Amethyst is in her room and Pearl is in the training grounds. I’m on my own I’m afraid.”
“Rose you don’t have to ask to hang out with me. C’mon, let’s go to the beach. Maybe we can watch them set up for the concert tonight.” She clapped her hands in joy, hurrying to the open cliff exit. She held out a hand to you, you took it, holding tightly as she catapulted the pair of you into the sky and floated gently to the centre of the beach. You landed gracefully, thanks to her expert floating knowledge. She sat on the sand, her feet and ends of her dress in reach of tiny waves. They lapped lazily while you settled in beside her, the pair of you gazing out at the horizon.
“Rose, if you don’t mind me asking. Why did you start the rebellion?” She had never fully explained how it had begun, only that one day they were fighting for their very freedom. She sighed, looking up at you quickly and back towards the sea. “They wouldn’t listen to me.”
“The Diamonds?”
“Mhm.” Her eyes were hidden behind the shadows of her curly bangs, you could see her lips pressed in a thing line as she rested on one elbow, idly drawing gem shapes in the sand. “I tried to explain the beauty of Earth. How their mission for galactic domination was destroying worlds and life.” You noticed her swipe at the sand after she drew what seemed to be a diamond shape. “They ignored me, threw me out and told me to get back to carving the kindergartens.” She sighed, avoiding eye contact. “I chose to ignore them. I reformed into this dress, I chose to make a stand. I refuse to allow the Diamond Authority to destroy this beautiful planet.” You looked at her, admiration and pity in your gaze. How one gem could defeat an entire world, you had no idea. But if there was anyone who could do it, it would be Rose.
“What do you think Pink is doing right now?” You picked up a seashell, pulling your feet back into you. You twirled the shell around in your hands, investigating its colours and ridges. Rose let loose a dark chuckle. “Probably sitting on her Pink throne on her royal behind doing nothing except destruction. Except following orders.” She seemed so lost in thought, continuing to watch the waves. “She’s useless you know. Heartless, even. She couldn’t make a stand to her sisters, she didn’t even try to change the direction of this mass destruction.” Rose sat up, curling her legs towards her and wrapping her arms around her knees. “She’s weak, Y/N. Pink Diamond is so disgustingly weak.” You sighed, reaching a hand up and patting Rose on her arm through her curls.
“Can she help it? She’s been raised in a castle surrounded by Diamonds who know nothing but conquest. She’s the youngest and the smallest. Of course she’s weaker! She’s the bullied little sister, from what I can see.” Rose sniffled, rubbing a hand over her face and hiding behind her curls. Was she crying?
“I just wish they could see the world like me.” Rose whispered, the words seemed so heavy, like they meant something entirely different. You stood, patting her on the head, her curls bouncing like cotton candy. “They will, someday.” You reassured her, stretching your arms above your head as you did. You looked behind you to see the stage being set up, the sun was setting, almost completely below the horizon.
“Come on Rose, for tonight, let’s just enjoy some good music.” She looked up at you, smiling. “You are what I love most about humans Y/N. Always so kind and understanding.” She stood, grabbing you by the shoulders and crushing you in a hug. “Thank you.” She whispered gently. You rubbed her back, returning a ‘you’re welcome’ before breaking away.
“On the bright side Rose, maybe Mr. Universe will like you just as much as I do.”
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gartenofbanny · 9 months
Let's talk about something different today. Jasper from Steven Universe is my favorite antagonist and I'm just going to casually explain why. So starting off with why I love her as an antagonist is that, Jasper is a huge threat, while she wasn't really much of an active threat she was still a huge threat ngl.
In her debut episode, Jasper managed to solo the Crystal Gems, poofing the strongest gem (at the time) Garnet and imprisoning the two other gems, Pearl and Amethyst while knocking out Steven in the process. When I first saw that when I was a kid, I was REALLY surprised because the crystal gems are extremely powerful in their own right but realizing that one gem took down the crystal gems with minimal effort shows how threatening Jasper is and how more threatening Homeworld as a whole is.
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While Jasper was later on defeated by Garnet, it's still impressive because no other gem in Season 1 was really able to hold off Garnet, who was the strongest crystal gem at that time. So it takes a fusion between two gems to defeat Jasper which was shown consistently throughout Steven Universe. Not to mention the iconic battle in Steven Universe that somehow has fewer views on YouTube than the Undertale parody lmao. 💀
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But then we move on to Steven Universe Future. After training a teenage Pink Steven for a while, Jasper with no hesitation fights him after Pink Steven challenges her. Let it be known that Pink Steven was gaining powers from his mom's gem who is Pink Diamond and despite the fact that Jasper was shattered in the end, she was still able to hold her own against a Diamond essentially.
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Jasper is definitely the strongest lone gem I've seen since she's able to mop the floor with other ordinary gems and only loses against Fusions or Diamonds. But it would be really interesting to see her fight against Spinel or Bismuth.
Another reason why I like Jasper is that to me, she's a foil to the three main characters Steven, Garnet, and Amethyst.
Jasper is big, tough, and strong while Amethyst is small, not as durable as Jasper, and definitely not as strong as her. Jasper is the perfect version of Amethyst, physically even Jasper points out multiple times in "Crack the Whip" and "Earthlings".
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She constantly looks down on and berates Amethyst for being physically inferior to her, but Jasper doesn't have the meaningful relationships that Amethyst has. So Jasper has power, but no friends, and due to her lack of teammates she always loses against others who have teammates.
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In Garnet's case, Jasper forces gems to fuse with her in order to become more powerful which can hurt the gem she's fusing with in the process and even herself. Garnet is a fusion out of the love of two gems and she's able to handle that form for a long amount of time as opposed to Jasper who was able to withstand a fusion with a corrupted gem for like a few minutes at most.
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Jasper does not know that fusion requires consent or love, when she fuses with another gem she's essentially using them to gain power which led to gems not wanting to fuse with her or forcing themselves out of the fusion with her.
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Steven's case, she's a foil to his belief that everyone can change. Jasper in Steven Universe Future was the only character who for the most part did not change, she still remained a gem who worshipped their diamond regardless of the other gems aren't doing so anymore, she still remained violent and alone because she trained nonstop in a forest in isolation, and she still viewed power over everything.
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She's also the opposite of Steven in one way because she tells Amethyst "Fighting is my life!" And Steven Universe isn't much of a fighter more like a pacifist.
So yeah that's really why I love Jasper and why she's my favorite antagonist in Steven Universe as a whole...but there is one thing I will say that I don't really like.
I don't like the fact that Jasper was brought back from being shattered just to do nothing after she was shattered. It immediately removed the tension that Gems can be erased due to the fact that Steven was able to repair and revive Jasper hours after he shattered her.
It would've really been disturbing if they just kept Jasper shattered because not only is the danger of shattering still..dangerous, but it will also somewhat work thematically with Jasper's character. Jasper is the only gem who didn't change their violent tendencies from the start and because of that, Jasper's fate couldn't be changed after she was shattered. But then again SU Future also showed that Yellow Diamond was able to repair shattered gems so it's possible that Steven doesn't even need the essence of all the diamonds to repair a shattered gem.
Would I be sad if Jasper stayed dead? Definitely, but it was pretty underwhelming to see her again just not do anything after she was repaired but then again what could she have done when she was repaired? Y'know?
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Anyway, that's all for today. Thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a nice day! ❤️
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