#gave her druid as a secondary class
0ccuria · 4 months
Thinking Qi'zyr'ra's favorite animal would be hummingbirds. Their colors, fleeting nature, precise flying and just overall cuteness.
She had never seen a real one until ending up on Toril. After getting together with Halsin, he teaches her how to wildshape into one. It's a bit rough at first, but she eventually gets the hang of it.
And when things are calm at camp, they'd both go out for walks in wildshape together. Eventually, they'd just go to sleep that way as well.
Just picturing this giant brown bear with a tiny little bird nesting on his head is killing me 😭❤️
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artharakka · 2 years
Hey there---I have been hunting for your blog forever! A classmate of mine brought thumbnails of your work to a drawing session, and we have been obsessing over your people. I find the way you illustrate long noses and sort of androgynous-looking faces and big hands really refreshing, and your werewolf druid Vaara is super charming! They really make me want to know more about your campaign world.
I hope you don't mind sharing, but I was curious what software(s) you used for the comic you made, A Dream with Rain. Do you have any general tips for people trying to draw better? Sorry for bamboozling you with questions. Delighted again to have found your blog!
OOof thank you! ❤❤❤ This was a delightful message to get! So cool to know my art exists outside my own little circle (it's sometimes difficult to realize that there are actually so many people behind all the notes my art gets). And also an encouraging ask because I've been struggling with my art style a bit lately (feeling like finally slowly getting there and out of art block now tho). But one of my goals has been to use bolder shapes and lines (like larger features and other than snub noses), glad that you like them as well! And if you read my tags I do have many non-binary characters & I like to play around with masculine and feminine features anyway so ough it's cool that it shows through the art as well ❤ (And oh check out my sis/sibling's art blog @artist-rat as well, they also have a very funky style and draw so expressive faces!!)
This is getting long, so here's a quick doodle of Vaara for you and rest of the answers under the cut!
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The campaign Vaara is in is still in the beginning, so I don't know yet either what's to come! My friend @iijadraws (who is the DM) knows more about the lore if you want to know (and if she will spill). So far Vaara's archdruid Aalis noticed something bad was happening to their forest in the north and south. Vaara's dear friend Kiilo gave Vaara a precious key/amulet for luck and went north, Vaara gave Kiilo their stone knife for protection and went south. After a day's travel, she found forest stripped of life, and an old empty stone hut/house. Then strange things started happening, like giant unrecognizable beast coming out of the forest and Vaara's own empty eyed doppelganger staring at them from the empty forest. Vaara freaked out, hid into the stone hut, was cornered, and used her now faintly glowing key to open a door within it. The door became portal, and led them to a mysterious house where they are now stranded with Knell (artist-rat's character). Vaara is still mostly freaking out and attempting to run back home (not happening).
Mmm I want to illustrate more scenes and ramble more about both of the DnDs I'm currently playing (Rhiam's and Vaara's). I have one Rhiam background info & illustration coming up and will hopefully get it posted tomorrow, and I'd like to do more of those for both of them!
THEN What software I used: I've been using Krita for years now and I really like it! It's free and constantly developing (there have been a couple of hiccups in the past, but I haven't had any issues with the latest versions). If you want to know more about some specific feature I used (like brushes, effects, settings in general) feel free to send me another ask/message!
And general art tips: "Practice" is kind of a old and empty answer, so, here's some bit more specific stuff I learned from my art teachers (keep in mind that my art education isn't university level, but I went to a really great upper secondary school (high school?) that had special emphasis on visual arts so it's something).
Try to avoid using eraser or blurring. Especially the latter. One of the first lessons our class learned was not to blur pencil lines with our fingers/paper when shading our works. It was forbidden and it caused outrage, but was really helpful in the end. Airbrush tools have their place, but learn to shade and mix colours without it first (add or lessen pressure, select in-between color manually, cross-hatching). Personally I’ve been really digging using really sharp edged brush to colour my works lately (for paintings I use softer tools, but sharp coloring works really well with my softer line art I think!)
Studies are a great way to improve whether it’s anatomy or colours. I had weekly classes with model for a couple of months back in school but now I’m mostly using images from Unsplash (they are free to use) for color and painting practice. If you want to improve fast, try to do many sketches as fast as you can: we started with 3 minute sketch and then lessened the time so that in the end we were doing 10 second sketches of the model. I think there are sites specifically for this purpose where images/models change with timer? Here big paper & pen/brush might also help (no time to dwell in details, get the overall shape).
Try different mediums and methods: before my art school, I mostly drew with a pencil on A4 or smaller paper, and my art was kind of faint, careful, full of little details, stiff. Then in school I was forced to use watercolours, and acrylic and oil paints, try digital art, use big canvases, sclupt things out of clay and whatnot. It gave me a better sense of how shapes and colours work, but also helped me get bolder with my art (that is still a process, but I developed a LOT). I had drawn my entire life before that but I was shy to change my art and methods. And I know materials can be expensive, but work with what you have. My teacher once made a still life composition out of cleaning cart and other random stuff and made us draw it on a really big paper with big chunky chalks that were taped on long sturdy sticks found from forest. Relatively cheap but forced to draw big shapes and use your entire body rather than just wrist. It looked kinda like this and it’s still one of my favourite classes:
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Again, feel free to send ask about specific art (or other) things you'd like to know if any come to mind! And thanks again for the message! Have a great day/evening/whatever time you have there!
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I call it... D&Ducktales!!! :D
I thought that name was funny, anways! As per usual I have explanations for everyone under the cut! 
These took me 30 hours this past week to make can you believe???
Anyways explanations here we go!!!
Big red hat is the most important thing about this
Thought about making him a ranger but the idea of the JWD being his spell book is far too good
Let Huey wear more pink cowards!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay but seriously I needed a secondary color and my orange has been finicky recently
Finicky orange still makes an appearance though because heck it
Pink magic because it would blend in with his clothes if I did red and thats no fun
Scarf is based off of his hat in Sky Pirates… In the Sky!
That whole episode is 90% of the reason he’s a bard
Bards can learn healing spells but he probably didn’t for more attack based spells
While I’m here let me explain how much I hate armor
Thats actually kinda it I hate drawing armor 
So I don’t and pretend one shoulder pad is the same thing
Moving on… he kinda gives me Sokka vibes for some reason
Light blue magic because I didn’t use the light blue I use for his undershirt normally for anything else
Was kinda opposed to this at first until I read in the quick build that a rogue can choose either Intelligence or Charisma for their second highest
At the beginning with their quick descriptions they only say intelligence so I was like hmmn..
But charisma!! That’s his highest stat for sure!!
Needed the hood, decided instead of a lining I would go for a very weird gradient
Undershirt dark green because we gotta keep as many greens as possible
Khopesh Khopesh Khopesh!!!!!!!!!
Almost made her a paladin because lets be honest… Webby deserves to be a tank
But Dexterity needed to be more importiant so monk!!
Plus she’s sometimes the Airbender in those Avatar AUs and they’re monks so it works… obviously
Gave her spats for no reason
If I’m not going to draw Scrooge in this au (which I won’t) she has to have some sort of tie to him anyways
That one seems pretty obvious
Amulet is her arcane focus
Got the same sort of weird quilt-y overcoat as Violet cause they’re siblings so it makes since
I hadn’t given ANYONE any adventuring boots yet and she has shoes in the show so…
Drawing her without the pink in her hair is weird by the way
I wasn’t sure whether to put her under ranger or druid 
So I asked my friend and they said Druid so I did that!!
This group is a mess for their lack of healing spells
I made her under dress look like violet petals!! 
Get it?? Because her name is Violet?????
Wooden staff arcane focus because there wern’t enough people with staffs yet
Light purple lilac looking magic because yeah!!
Okay I realized I hadn’t been drawing Violet with her freckles which is a crime so EXTRA FRECKLES
Another stupid big hat because I like big hats
All these guys have steampunk vibes so I tired to go for that look 
More adventuring boots!!
Alchemist subtype
He just makes so much sense as a Paladin
Tried giving him Gizmoduck’s colors instead of his regular 
Armor is a little darker than I would have liked but what can you do?
His sheath is his regular colors though!!!
Give this man a BIG SWORD
The only other person in this whole gosh darn party to have any healing spells
That’s all I have!!! I would love to draw Boyd and some other people but I’m having trouble placing them in classes so if you have any ideas help me out!!!
Please help me I love Boyd too much to leave him out I just don’t know what class he should be please-
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coolcattime · 4 years
Character Dossier: Katherine Delaney
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Name: Katherine Delaney
Age: 24
Race: Half-elf (Eladrin/Human)
Class: College of Glamour Bard
Sexuality/Pronouns: Bisexual Polyamorous, She/Her
Short Bio:
Katherine is an anxious young adult half-elf with a love for performing, particularly dancing, but with a lack of confidence in her abilities. Though captivating on stage, with a great amount of talent and the ability to charm those who watch her, off-stage she is usually nervous and stressed. She carries an extreme amount of guilt, and could almost be mistaken for a completely different person if it weren’t for the eye-catching clothing she usually wears and the natural charisma she still holds.
When fully in her element, she makes large expressive movements that are expected of a performer. Most of the time, however, she attempts to make herself look small. Despite this, her movements still have a dance-like quality to them even at her least confident. Even movements that should seem hard to someone of her stature often look elegant due to her training in acrobatics having taught her how to make such tasks look fluid and impressive as long as she doesn’t overthink too much.
Physical Description:
Katherine is about the same height as the average human woman her age (a couple of inches taller than the average half-elf) and below-average weight, her thinness being especially clear due to her lack of muscle mass. Though most people write off her lighter weight as a side effect of her elven heritage, despite the idea of elves being extremely slender being a stereotype. In fact, the only true, easy to spot sign of her elven blood is her long, pointed ears.
Her bronzed skin is covered in freckles and she has a tattoo on the right side of her stomach, a large outline of a moth done in purple ink.
She has long brown hair that goes to halfway down her stomach, thick and wavy in texture. She usually wears it loose, making sure to take care of it but usually not styling it. However, when she performs, she will normally tie it back at least into a ponytail to keep it out of her face, putting it in more elaborate hairstyles for larger performances.
Her eyes are brown, and when she uses the magic contained in her necklace, they appear this way. However normally (without the necklace’s powers), they discoloured and pale, with glowing golden crack-like scars over them.
Katherine usually wears a dancer’s outfit made up of a crop top and shorts as a base layer, along with a secondary layer made up of see-through fabrics. The secondary layer has a skirt and material that she clips onto her top and ties around her wrists, being simply for fashion and effect while performing rather than to keep warm as sleeves would. Most of the outfit is different shades of yellow, though the skirt is purple. The material isn’t as expensive as an outfit she may wear to a social event, but it is made to be performed in, sparklingly when light is shined on it. Despite it’s intended usage, it is still suitable for travelling in. It is not her fanciest performance outfit, nor her outfit most suited for travelling, but it is one that she feels comfortable in.
She has a few accessories she will wear on a day to day basis. The first is a pair of golden earrings, shaped vaguely like moths. They are large and dangle, though they certainly aren’t the showiest pair of earrings Katherine owns or that she could afford. However, they are her favourite pair.
The second is a silver brooch with a hummingbird design etched into it. It was a gift from her brother, and she keeps it close despite the guilt she has associated with him. She will usually find somewhere to wear it, typically on her skirt though she will move it around to a position where it feels comfortable.
The last is a golden two-tier necklace, with the upper tier having a crescent moon charm and the lower having a hollow crystal filled with a blue liquid. The liquid within the crystal is magic, being a combination of water from an enchanted lake and her own blood. In this form, the liquid offers her the temporary ability to cover scars and restore her eyesight, with Katherine being blind without its aid.
Katherine loves dancing, as well as playing instruments and singing, but her main focus for performing is dancing. She started performing quite young, long before she associated it magic or making money, though now she uses it as a means for both. She finds it brilliant and freeing, with it being one of the few things she feels confident doing. Though she has always loved dancing, she knows some of the other nobles (though luckily only those outside of her family) don’t approve and think she should focus on her instruments and singing, using her love for dancing as just another reason to see her as not belonging.
She also has an interest in learning about fae lore, though much of the information she finds is speculation at best and complete myth more often than not. This hasn’t stopped her from making some real progress, managing to learn Sylvan (the traditional language of the fae) and even some old fae songs, songs that she will sometimes perform, though only to the rare audiences she believes will actually listen. Such an interest has recently become even greater, as when her magic started linking to her performances, it also started linking to her feywild at the same time, granting her the abilities to enthral audiences and while making herself appear to have an otherworldly beauty.
Important Relationships:
Lord Robert Delaney. (He/Him)
A middle-aged human man, Robert is the current Lord of the Delaney Estate and Katherine’s adoptive father. He usually wears an old sailor’s coat that he earned back in his adventurer days, one of the few things he earned that he can show off on a day to day basis. He is a smart man who now spends much of his time on his noble duties and taking care of his family.
He adopted Katherine when she was four years old, her birth parents being some of his old adventuring companions. There have always been rumours this wasn’t true, that Katherine was actually his bastard child since the two look quite alike. Though there isn’t any truth to these rumours, he doesn’t have much of a way to disprove them so he simply does his best to assure Katherine that he wouldn’t lie to her and ignore those who believe he would.
He was the one who gave Katherine her necklace, having gone out of his way to research magic to help her. He was partially driven due to his and his wife’s belief that she wasn’t born blind. Though he hasn’t managed too much research into what may have happened to her, both due to not having a real starting point and guilt over what people he once called friends may have done to a child, to his daughter. He does his best to ignore the worse of these thoughts, hoping that whatever happened (if anything happened at all) was an accident.
Lady Anja Delaney. (She/Her)
A middle-aged human woman, Anja is the current Lady of the Delaney Estate, having married Robert shortly after the two stopped adventuring. She met him when the two were young adults, after he helped her family with a blight infestation. She ended up adventuring with him for a short while during which time, the two grew extremely close. She is a very compassionate woman, who wears glasses and has a nose to ear chain piercing.
She has always loved Katherine, even before they adopted her, having seen her any time Robert’s old adventuring companions had visited him. She would usually look after the young girl while her husband caught up with his old friends, letting her play with her and Robert’s son. It always sat wrong with her that Katherine was suddenly blind when they adopted her, but she also had little way to prove whatever had happened had been intentional or even recent.
She introduced Katherine to quite a few fae myths, which she found fascinating and started studying in her free time. She also encourages her daughter’s other hobbies, despite how she knew some of the other nobles looked down on her dancing (as they looked down on her in general for being adopted and therefore not of noble blood). But Anja does her best to encourage her, as performance seems to be the only time her daughter is happy and confident and seeing her riddled with anxieties hurts her, especially with how much worse her anxieties seem to have gotten over time.
Rupert Delaney. (He/Him)
A human three years older than Katherine, Rupert is her older brother and heir to the Delaney Estate. He is trained as a druid and has an affinity for hummingbirds. While he isn’t the most intelligent man, he cares a lot about his family and knows how to read people. He is particularly protective of his sister. He is quite attractive, being muscular, having the same bronzed skin tone as Katherine, with relatively long red hair. He has the habit of wearing shirts that show off his abs, though he seems slightly obvious to the fact that he does this. After the recent events (usually referred to as ‘the Dragon incident’ to avoid having to relive the details), he now has scarring across the right side of his face and is missing his right eye.
He has always been protective of his sister, wanting to help her through her anxieties in whatever way he can. While his ways of doing so aren’t always effective, he can usually tell when his sister is upset to at least try to help her. Even when she won’t tell him exactly what’s wrong, he does his best. When he started adventuring, he didn’t want to leave her behind but he did his best to visit often, to tell her about his travels and encourage her about her magic when she started showing the ability to cast. When she started getting ready to leave for her own adventures, he did his best to build her confidence.
He never expected her own adventuring to go so wrong, to have no idea of how to make her feel safe. “The Dragon incident.” It broke her confidence so quickly, and while she few physical wounds, she still hasn’t recovered mentally. Staying at home made her just feel worst, so she made plans to leave to do anything so long as it wasn’t staying still, though the idea of adventuring still turned her stomach. When he realised, she was on the verge of leaving, he gifted her the hummingbird brooch that he had made himself, hoping to reassure her that she isn’t to blame for what happened, and especially that he doesn’t see her at fault for his injuries. It didn’t stop her from leaving, but she keeps the brooch with her.
He has been dating another man his age, Andrew Ainsworth, for a short while now. Unlike Rupert, he isn’t an adventurer or a noble, being a cook in the city they both live in. He generally prefers keeping his head down however seeing his boyfriend’s excitement when he retells adventuring stories brings joy to his heart. Though, after recent events, he can’t help but feel some fears as he hears the murmurs of disapproval towards Rupert’s family as the public knows little about what happened other than the noble family suddenly starting to excuse themselves from public view.
Désirée Échemont. (She/Her)
A tiefling woman around Katherine’s age, Désirée is quiet tall and has purple ram horns. Her hair is shaved on one side and shoulder-length on the other, usually styled in such a way to compliment and work with her horns. She usually wears a tailcoat, one that is black and elegant. She lost one of her legs in the Dragon incident, and she now has a prosthetic leg modelled after a goat’s leg.
She is an assertive person, usually being ready to make plans or argue, whichever suits the situation more. Despite her sometimes abrasive personality, she is very calm with Katherine (and her friends in general) and knows good ways to calm her down. She knows when abrasiveness is needed and when she needs to be calm. That combined with her rogue training can make her a formidable opponent, though, she still has some time getting used to her prosthetic before adventuring is on the table again.
She regrets not managing to catch Katherine before she left as she did so quite suddenly. She understands her friend’s guilt and anxieties and just wishes she could’ve helped her. She hopes that once she feels comfortable leaving, she’ll be able to find her friend and give her the help she needs.
Jas’sino Valkalar. (He/Him)
A young adult high elf, Jas’sino was a cleric of Milil, a god of poetry and song. He had been adventuring with Katherine and Désirée before the Dragon incident led to his untimely death. He had blue skin and long hair that even when part of it was tied back, as it usually was, still dipped below his shoulders. He often wore loose purple clothing and multiple golden earrings, as well as his holy symbol of Milil.
He had often been loud, playing music, singing praises to Milil, or paying compliments to his adventuring companions. Whenever he could, he encouraged Katherine to play instruments more often, believing she should have confidence in her talent especially due to his belief (and Milil’s philosophy) that music should never be silence. He truly cared about his companions, staying loyal to them until the end.
Katherine still has festering guilt over his death, believing she could’ve stopped it if she had only made different choices. Since his passing, she had delved deep into performing as a way to remember him, as well as a way to cope with her guilt and anxieties. It became enough of a coping mechanism for her that her magic started linking to her music and performances, and Katherine became a glamour bard.
The Delaney Noble Family is well known for having made their fortune through adventuring. Due to this, one of their family traditions is to go adventuring once a child becomes an adult as a rite of passage. Katherine always felt quite anxious about the idea of doing so but decided against sharing her fears, believing she would disappoint her family if she didn’t follow tradition, especially as she already felt at times that she didn’t belong.
Katherine suffers from anxiety and an eating disorder. Very few people know about her troubles with eating due to it being so heavily linked with her anxieties.
Despite having her necklace, Katherine isn’t completely lost without it. She can read Braille, as well as find her way around her home, play some instruments, and do some dances without needing to see.
Before the Dragon incident (and Jas’sino’s death), Katherine was more of a general magic user without specialization. Since becoming a bard, she can no longer cast in the way she used to, now needing to use performance in order to cast.
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purplefairywriter · 4 years
Hyung Line BTS as RPG Classes
This idea has been wandering around in my head for a while so I finally decided to release it into the wild world. This is based on D&D for the most part but I opted not to go into details about their races, so this is just going to be a run down of their classes and alignments. If you don’t know what classes are alignments are, I’ll explain it as I go through the members of BTS. Alignments are only meant to be kind of a guide to your characters and not a blanket statement for how characters will act. SPOILER ALERT: most of them are on the good spectrum alignment wise. Here’s the maknae line one for you guys!
Blurb Jin walked into the dimly lit tavern. There were a variety of fair and buxom maidens there, all of whom turned to stare at him as he strutted in. Carrying his lucky red rose and his special lute, he went to the first maid who caught his eye. He gave her the rose before taking his lute and playing a single, beautiful chord. Then he leaned in and said "Hello, beautiful. I'm Mr. Worldwide Handsome. Are you gonna tell me your name or are you gonna let me just call you beautiful?" Class “The bard is a master of song, speech, and the magic they contain... Only rarely do bards settle in one place for long... Bards thrive on stories, whether those stories are true or not.” BARD. He’s a bard, 110% a bard. I mean... His personality screams it. There’s a reason I call this man the “good guy version of Gaston”. He has a charm to go along with his “Worldwide Handsome” title. That and the fact he was literally studying to be an actor before he go recruited by BigHit makes me believe he’d be a great addition to any party who is trying to do undercover/spy missions. Need a cocky nobleman? Jin’s got you covered. Need a down on his luck pig farmer? Jin’s got you covered. In my opinion, he’d have one of the higher charismas of a BTS party, which would help with the bard life. Alignment Probably chaotic good, so a rebel. He values personal freedom while at the same time upholding what is good. He probably comes off as an asshole/playboy when in reality he cares a lot about his friends/loved ones.
Blurb J-Hope sat in the open field, admiring the sun. It was the sun that brought life to everything and everyone he knew. His best friend sat next to him, reading their favorite book. When a gruff voice shouted a slur towards his friend, J-Hope jumped up. "Hey! Try that on someone your own size, buddy!" He proclaimed without even sizing his enemy up. It turned out to be one of the local members of the warrior's guild, one of the toughest fighters out of the bunch. J-Hope held his ground, though. Their words escalated until a duel was unavoidable. J-Hope's friend tried to dissuade him from fighting. "I'll never let some idiot hurt my friends, physically or no! I'll teach this bully a lesson!" After the duel was over and the bully was simpering in defeat, J-Hope reminded his friend that he, like the sun, would never fail his friend. Class I’m feeling warrior type. You could go with either fighter or paladin with him. Either way, he wouldn’t be able to stay in the back and watch his friends get hurt without raising a ruckus. He wouldn’t be quiet or sneaky enough for a rogue and being a spell caster might not be up his alley. He’d want to have a hands-on approach in helping his friends, he would want to be in the front lines kicking butt. Why don’t you just pick one class? aka Why are you lumping paladin in there? Well, because J-Hope, as well all know, has a high charisma. Paladins need a high charisma as well as strength versus just strength alone. Paladins are basically more determined warriors and/or defenders/protectors of others, as they have a religious cause to be fighting for rather than just fighting because why not. Plus I have to admit, I think it would be funny to have J-Hope as a paladin because he’d be a bad paladin. As in he wouldn’t be screaming from the mountaintops about his god, he’d save someone and then go “oh yeah by the way I gotta tell you about my god real quick”. I’d imagine if he was in a paladin group everyone would make fun of him for helping people without preaching to them. He would stick to his guns (or should I say swords, this is a D&D post after all) about things, though. It’d be hard to sway him against doing a thing, which probably makes for a great paladin in some ways. If he was a paladin, he’d choose a sun or a mischievous god that fell under good. (In my world if he was a paladin, he’d be one for a crow/raven god that is mostly good but mischievous at times.) Alignment Chaotic Good, so the same as Jin. Although if you go the paladin route, he may end up being Lawful Good, which means he would have a strict sense of honor while at the same time putting down the freedom of others (even though I personally don’t see J-Hope being that way, but I can see him acting that way if he felt like he had no other option, really.)
TW: slight verbal abuse (Not Suga giving it), violence Blurb Suga sat in the alleyway. He watched some pickpockets go by, just enjoying the sparse quietness that the night brought him. The sound of a knife unsheathing some distance away made him leap unto his feet. He looked over to see a grown man aiming the knife at a cowering child. "I'll pay you back, I promise!" The child cried. "You lousy brat, you haven't been able to steal anything for two weeks now! What did I ever hire you for?" The man asked, his words slurring. Suga walked over to the pair and tapped the man on the shoulder. The man turned around with a growl. "What are you doing talking to my son like that?" Suga asked, his hand on his knife's handle. The man looked at the kid then back at Suga. “Then why are you lettin’ him roam the streets and work for me? Some moron idiot father you are.” The man asked. The boy looked up at Suga, visibly frightened. Suga had never seen the boy before in his life. But Suga knew what it was like to deal with angry, cutthroat criminal scum like the man standing in front of him as a child. “Leave the boy alone. How much does he owe you?” Suga asked. He kept his hand on his knife, ready to draw in case the criminal lashed out. “50 gold.” The man grumbled. Suga pulled out his coin purse and nearly handed it to the man. “It’s between me and the brat. I don’t want your blood money.” The man said. The man turned back to the boy, his anger growing. “I could’ve made twice as much profit this week if I didn’t have to feed you. I should’ve let you rot!” The man raised one hand, tightly gripping a knife over his head as the child screamed. Suga stabbed the man in the shoulder, which reduced the man to a crumpled heap of pain on the alleyway path. Suga grabbed the child’s arm and dragged him out of the alleyway and towards safety. [The boy isn’t Suga’s child, obviously. Suga is probably going to feed the kid and find him a safe place to stay at least.] Class
“Rogues devote as much effort to mastering the use of a variety of skills as they do to perfecting their combat abilities, giving them a broad expertise that few other characters can match. When it comes to combat, rogues prioritize cunning over brute strength. A rogue would rather make one precise strike... As adventurers, rogues fall on both sides of the law.” I know some of you guys may be like “no wait Suga can’t be a rogue, he isn’t evil!”. I feel like Suga would make a good rogue, I do, I just have that feeling. He seems like the type of guy who devotes time to developing his skills, as well as a guy who speaks only  when something needs to be said. He comes off as a big tough guy when in reality he cares. “Why isn’t he a bard?” I feel like for Suga, music in an RPG setting would be secondary. Given that in real life he grew up with a family who was didn’t support his ideas of his music career, I could see him having to resort to rogue-ry things in order to support himself and survive (he would never break laws for fun, he’d do it in order to survive) with the idea of becoming a musician someday. If he dual-classed, bard would be his second class. Alignment Chaotic Good. But like I said earlier, he may come off as more neutral at first. He may put his own needs first before readily accepting that he does care for other people in a way.
Blurb RM stood in a secluded glade. Crickets chirped nearby, the only sound keeping the world around him from silence. His companion was frightened, desperately trying to start a fire in the dark of the forest. "Are you sure this'll work? It seems strange, being out here so late at night..." The companion’s voice was deeply concerned. RM sighed as he stared up at the stars for a moment. "It's alright. If there's one thing I know about magic, it's that you have to trust yourself in order for it to work. Don't be afraid, I've got your back. Okay?" The companion nodded, his words bringing some comfort to them. They finally got the fire lit. The companion sighed in relief at the light the fire offered. RM spent the next few minutes casting protection spells before he sat down. "I know that darkness is scary, and the thing that dwell in it are even more frightening. One day you'll be able to face the darkness without any fear." RM said as he got comfortable. "How do you do it? How do you not be afraid?" His companion's question made him chuckle. "It took me many years to get to this point. Like there was this one time..." RM told his companion stories until they fell asleep. He'd do this until the companion felt safe, until his companion was as strong as he was when it came to facing the dark. Class I’m thinking either druid or wizard for RM. Wizards require high intelligence (which RM has!) while druids require high wisdom (which RM also has!). I can imagine him as either the wizard who’s spent much of his life reading every magic book and trying every magic spell he can or as the druid who enjoys spending time being at one with nature. For a staff, I’d be inclined to give him one that looks like a thyrsus totally not because I’ve watched Dionysus too many times or anything crazy like that because it’d be a cool reference to BTS. Alignment I could see RM being Chaotic Good or Lawful Good. It just depends on the situation, really. He’d probably want to be a good example for other people and look after them in a way. That’s it for now! I may do some actual character sheets (as in a full-on character build with races, stats, the whole 9 yards maybe) or even write the whole situation regarding the blurbs (kinda gave Suga’s away though, I knew I couldn’t leave you guys hanging like that) eventually so... Thanks for reading! Here’s the maknae line with Jimin, V, and Jungkook!
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xserpx · 4 years
DnD asks! :D 5, 13, 19, and 33!
5. Favourite NPC
Roosevelt Vendetta, a distinguished gentleman who smokes cigars, drinks whisky, sells guns, and talks in the best attempt at a Texan drawl that our English DM could come up with in the 0.3 seconds he had to improv this character. Yes, screw all the complex OCs you drew pictures of and created whole backstories for DM the best NPCs are the ones you never plan for. Tragic but true. He is so over the top and ridiculous it is wonderful.
13. Introduce your current party
There are a whole 8 players in our current campaign. I’m not sure exactly what subclasses/secondary classes people have chosen, since some of our players like to keep that information to themselves. Also in this campaign, magic is supposed to be very rare, which is why we have no wizards or sorcerers (as far as I know ;P).
Esmerelda Wexford, Human Berserker Barbarian/Champion Fighter. A once rich society lady whose husband swindled her for all she was worth and left her destitute. Now she carries a very big cleaver, and an even bigger grudge.
Felix “One Eye” von Meer, Human Battlemaster Fighter/Light Cleric. An ex-Lieutenant of the good ship HMS Dread Knight. The actual MVP of the party, Felix once one-shot-killed a man the DM repeatedly warned us we shouldn’t bother trying to kill. Sacrificed an eye to come back from the dead. Oh, and he’s definitely queer no matter what his player says. I stg Felix and Roosevelt have the most palpable UST.
(Me) Henrietta Sparks, Human Battlemaster Fighter/Arcane Trickster Rogue/Cinnamon Roll/Ice Cream Coinnosseur. A young, optimistic sailor looking for new adventures in the big city. Henrietta doesn’t like killing, she just wants what’s best for everyone, which is usually ice cream.
Cyril, Human Druid/Monk. A homeless guy with a strange affinity for plants. Always asking “would you like some guidance?” but rarely has much advice to give, and you can never quite tell what his motives are. Esme won a teddy bear from a fair and gave it to Cyril, who called the bear Cyril 2.
Equinox Ransom. Tiefling College of Lore Bard/Rogue. The face of the group when Esmerelda isn’t intimidating people into submission. Nox favours the diplomatic approach, which would probably work better if our party could actually follow a plan for more than 5 seconds. Nox also tends to be the mediator in big group discussions.
Nym. Half-Elf Paladin/???. The newest member of the party, reasonable and stalwart, but I stg this guy is carrying some serious Secrets™. I like him, he’s a reliable man to have in a fight, but still... Not entirely trustworthy.
Jack. Changeling Rogue/???. The worst best thief in the world. He’s a shapeshifter, though he recently sacrificed an arm to save Marie which makes that a little complicated. He has a penchant for trying to have polite chats with bad guys, resulting in excellent roleplay and the rest of the party almost dying while they clean up his messes.
Marie. Human Cleric/???. A plague doctor who uses strange potions and powders to heal people, and sometimes brings them back from the dead for funzies. She speaks with an outrageous French accent. Like Cyril, she tends to be pretty secretive and mysterious. What’s going on behind that mask, I wonder...
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
Jack is infamous for rolling nat 1s. And if one of my d20s has had a few bad rolls I always switch it out.
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
I hate writing backstories. I prefer my characters to develop naturally over the course of the campaign. Our DM doesn’t tend to delve too deeply into character’s backstories in the campaign storyline either, so you tend to have to work it into conversations during down time, which isn’t always easy to do.
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auredosa · 3 years
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New original character time! This is a mood board for Megan Pearlhove, a witch of mine I came up with a few days ago.
TW/CW: alcoholism, bullying
Name: Megan Pearlhove
Schools: Ice (Primary), Life (Secondary), Moon (Teritary, not started yet).
Profession: Third year student at Ravenwood, within the same class as Ophisa Dominique.
World of Origin: Wizard City
Parentage: Her mom, a fairy from Unicorn Way named Trinity, fell in love with a human man named Richard who worked as an engineer in Marleybone. When she married him, she gave up her fairy wings and immortality and gave birth to Megan, a half-fae, half human child.
Eventually, the father found a mistress working abroad, and Trinity was heartbroken. The Pearlhoves divorced, and Trinity opened a tavern on Unicorn Way. She spends most of her time drinking herself to death, wishing she could go back to being a member of the fair folk. She didn’t care much when Megan presented magical abilities, and signed the paperwork for her to attend and live on-campus at Ravenwood.
Current Occupation:
Megan attends Ravenwood and lives in the girls’ dormitory. She has an estranged relationship with her mother and father, which her professors encourage her to amend. She possesses inate healing abilities which she inherited from Trinity, hence why she took up the school of Life as her secondary. She‘s one of the few regular volunteers at Ravenwood’s clinic.
Due to her sheepish nature, Megan‘s often the target of bullying and teasing. During their first two years at Ravenwood, she was particulary harassed by Ophisa Dominique.
Megan is soft spoken, empathetic, compassinate, and reserved. She dislikes confrontations, and does better in the classroom than in the arena. She cries easily, and plans on becoming a Druid under Lady Oriel’s mentorship on Unicorn Way.
Hobbies and Interests:
In her spare time, she enjoys collecting things like rocks and leaves, drawing, perusing the trinket and jewelry stores in the Shopping District, and training her pet; a small Snow Beast she found on Colossus Boulevard during her first year at Ravenwood.
She‘s interested in animals and their preservation, including the ancient dinosaurs of Azteca and the legendary winged beasts of Dragonspyre. Unfotunately, this causes her to cross paths with Ophisa at their Monstrology class under Glinda Burke.
Please ask me anything about her! I need a distraction from finals.
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