#ged senki
moonlightsdream · 2 years
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FILMS IN 2022: Tales from Earthsea (2006) — dir. miyazaki gorou
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Anime Review: Tales from Earthsea
**spoiler free!**
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Over the past few years, I’ve made it my goal to watch every single Studio Ghibli movie, and I’m nearing my way to the end. One of the last ones I had yet to watch was Tales from Earthsea, or Ged Senki. This film is the directing debut of Gorou Miyazaki, Hayao Miyazaki’s son, and is based off of Ursula Le Guin’s Earthsea book series.
The plot centers around Arren, a young prince who is extremely troubled and restless. He travels around the land of Earthsea trying to rid himself of his dark visions and comes across friendly archmage Sparrowhawk. The two start traveling together and meet farmers Tenar and Therru. Eventually, the group ends up having to face powerful wizard Lord Cob, who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of eternal life.
I was shocked to discover that Earthsea is actually a really heavy film centering on discussions of death and mortality. I don’t see this being appropriate for young children because it’s quite possibly the most violent and terrifying Ghibli film out there. Yes, Princess Mononoke and Grave of the Fireflies have their fair share of violence and scary scenes, but this stuff was just creepy and eerie in a way that those other two are not.
There were also a ton of loose ends and plot points that made no sense, that I’m assuming would make sense if you’ve read the Earthsea books? I have not read the books, but I don’t think I should have to to be able to enjoy this movie. Howl’s Moving Castle is also based on a book series, but it is still able to stand alone and became one of the most popular Ghibli movies ever.
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Something I will give the film credit for is that it was not boring; some of the other less popular Ghibli films I was struggling to get through because they just couldn’t keep my attention, but I was pretty invested in this one just because so much stuff was happening at once. The animation was of course great the majority of the time, but Ghibli is rarely ever lacking in visuals.
This is my hot take about some of the less popular Studio Ghibli films. There are definitely a few hidden gems (I’m looking at you, Only Yesterday) but if a movie has the privilege of being released by a big name studio like Ghibli and doesn’t end up being popular or at the very least respected, then it is probably unpopular for a reason. I can see niche audiences really liking Ocean Waves, When Marnie was There, or The Cat Returns, but I understand why they haven’t blown up like Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, or Totoro.
Tbh, this kind of turned into a rant about Studio Ghibli movies but I should probably expand on that in another post. Overall, Tales from Earthsea was just not for me, but it was also certainly not boring and I can definitely see how fans of the book series would enjoy it because they actually have context as to what’s going on. If you’ve actually seen Earthsea, does this movie have a cult following or something? Does everyone besides me like it? I’m very curious about your thoughts.
Thanks again for reading!
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Tales from Earthsea (ゲド戦記, Gedo Senki, literally "Ged's War Chronicles")
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aftereverystory · 9 months
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Ged Senki / Tales from Earthsea
directed by Miyazaki Gorou
Type: Movie
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Duration: 115 minutes
Aired: Jul 29, 2006
Season: Summer 2006
Producers: Toho
Licensors: Disney Platform Distribution
Studio: Studio Ghibli
Source: Novel (Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea series)
I think this is one underrated Ghibli movie. To be honest, I don't even understand how and why MAL reviews criticise it badly. I think it's wonderful. My favourite thing is the character design of everyone. First, one of the main characters Arren who showed the most physical emotion among all of other Ghibli characters I believe second to Taeko from "Only Yesterday". I loved his face everytime. You'll know when and you know if you've seen it. Though I have to say Cob was my favourite 😭 Not to be biased to babygirls—but really, he was such a babygirl. You'll know. I can't believe no one knows about him. I want to make a hundred fanarts of him. Overall, another yet magical film. Somehow, I'm proud of Director Gorou. He did well.
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ginesincastillos · 7 months
BSO Cuentos de Terramar
OST Tales from Earthsea (ゲド戦記, Gedo Senki, lit. Las crónicas de guerra de Ged) Compositor: Tamiya TerashimaFormato: Mp3Calidad: 320 KbpsPeso: 172 MbENLACE A BSO (Absténgase de escucharla antes de ver la película)Contraseña: h4caRAdQkATMakHyE18nfpFIZIkuA2YZTlPOZSSRyVY Piezas que deberías escuchar: 01 – Ihen ~ Ryuu 03 – Haitaka ~ Toubou Sha (Recomendada) 04 – Tabiji (Recomendada) (FAVORITA) 05 –…
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lecv140291 · 7 months
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Ged Senki (Película)
Discord: https://discord.gg/j8h6hqKA
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kokushibe · 2 years
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anime-of-the-day · 2 years
Anime of the day: Tales from Earthsea
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Alt Title: Ged Senki
Released: 2006
The land of Earthsea is plagued with problems. Dragons fighting in the sky, pestilence and drought in the land. The archmage Sparrowhawk treks across the land in search of answers; along the way he finds the fugitive prince Arren. Together these two uncover an evil wizard in Hort Town. But will Sparrowhawk and Arren be able to overcome the obstacles to set things right?
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beneaththetangles · 5 years
Tales from Earthsea and Ordinary Dragons
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Goro Miyazaki’s Tales from Earthsea begins with regicide and a boy on the run. Prince Arren, overtaken by a malicious spirit, kills his father the king, and then flees from home holding a magical sword; he not only runs from justice and the deed he’s done (even if out of his control), but from expectation. As he later relates to the girl, Therru, he is not his father. Arren is physically weak, prone to depression, overly sensitive. He later explains, “I’m not worthy of my father’s sword.”
Though much derided—and it surely is a clunky film (I ranked it worst among Ghibli’s complete filmography)—Tales from Earthsea is full of thematically challenging material, not the least of which is presented by the weakness perceived in many of its characters. Therru, too, is flawed in the eyes of the world. When she first makes her entrance, it’s as a captor of the villain Cob; the evil mage’s captain calls her an ugly witch, making that judgment based on a burn mark running across much of her face. Like Arren, Therru is not the picture of the hero; she is ordinary, if not something less.
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I wonder how these characters must have felt to grow up with the burden of being “an ugly witch” or a weak prince. We don’t know much about Arren’s life, but we do know his mother is overbearing, and it would not be a stretch to assume she continually made Arren feel less than for his shortcomings. We do know that Therru was abused and abandoned, scarred by the very ones who should have loved her most.
Sometimes I feel ordinary, too. Sometimes, like Arren and Therru, I feel even less than that. The world has a way of pressing us down, of showing us all that is magnificent and grand, and when compared to our little lives, it’s easy to feel that we aren’t the same. Social media only compounds the feeling, making me often wonder, “Why aren’t I living the life extraordinary?”
I could go on some adventure to avoid this feeling. A former supervisor once took a trip to Antarctica which was relatively dangerous. I remember thinking to myself, “That’s something I could do!” A trip there or to Mount Everest, or building up some business could make me feel exceptional. In fact, I’m sure it would, but only for a while.
And there’s the problem—the things I do don’t last. At the end of the day, I’m left with myself and this feeling: I’m nothing special.
But what if someone else considered me extraordinary?
In Earthsea, the wise Sparrowhawk sees something in Arren. To him, he’s not a whiny, murderous coward. Sparrowhawk lets Arren accompany him and teaches him. He also did something similar with Tenar, who in turn did the same for Therru.
When others see us as individuals with real value, there’s power there, and it doesn’t just have to be given by a great counselor or mentor-warrior. The power to bestow greatness upon someone belongs to us all, and it is not just the strength to help someone up; it can also help them reach their potential. Our love doesn’t just explain to another that they’re extraordinary—it encourages them to find that truth out themselves.
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In Earthsea, the greatest surprise is not that Arren rises to the challenge and overcomes his own obstacles—it’s that another does the same. In one scene, Therru explain, “Tenar gave me my life. That’s why I have to live, so that I can give my life to someone else.” But although the Therru we initially meet understands that, she doesn’t act as if she really believes it, as if it’s true. She’s difficult and angry and bitter. But as he loves others around her and empathizes with Arren, and comes to sacrifice for him and for others, she changes, in more ways than one. She becomes a loving and heroic young woman, and tranforms, in the final scenes of Tales from Earthsea, into a dragon.
In a sense, you and I can do the same. Unfortunately, we don’t have an epic tale in a fantasy kingdom unfolding before us, nor do we always comes across a person who challenges us to change our entire notions of the world. What we do have, though, is our own epic tale of good and evil, and one far greater than Sparrowhawk and more consistent than our loves ones, one who is always with us to teach us about our worth. People come and go, but God’s eternal word tells us that now and into eternity, we hold extraordinary value: We are children and heirs to the king.
We’re more than just average. We are princesses and princesses. We are warriors and fire. We are dragons.
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lia-de-mars · 4 years
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ofallingstar · 4 years
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Tales from Earthsea (2006)
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dardac · 3 years
Yuuyami semaru kumo no ue
Itsumo ichiwa de tonde iru
Taka wa kitto kanashi karou
Oto mo todaeta kaze no naka
Sora wo tsukanda sono tsubasa
Yasumeru koto wa deki nakute
"Ged o Senki"
Chapter 1
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Art's to be continued...
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ertednyilt-viragok · 5 years
Látni szeretnélek.
Hallani szeretném a hangod.
Megakarlak érinteni.
Érezni szeretnélek.
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awfulboi-blog · 5 years
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vincentovo · 4 years
Nic nestíhám
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Jáchacha. Dnes jsem odpřednášela ten svůj report. Málem mi přitom seschl a vyschl krk, než jsem to celé dočetla.
Milá paní Jamazaki měla zase plno pitomých keců, ale aspoň Číňanka Ókóki mi druhý den řekla, že prý byl můj přednes fajn.
Večer jsem zase trochu nezvykle ale přece volala s Martinem a babičkou.
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Můj oblíbený Číňan už prý na další hodinu slohu nepřijde, ale do chatu mi hodil odkaz na svůj Line. Upřímně nevím, co si o tom myslet.
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Jsem úplně mrtvá. Bolí mě hlava. Nic nestíhám.
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Zbytek dne jsem projížděla gramatiku, kterou jsem měla mít už dávno hotovou. Bylo mi pořád docela blbě, tak mi nic nešlo od ruky.
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Konečně jsem se pořádně vyspala a udělala pár věcí do školy. Pak volal táta. Následně jsem vypracovávala úkoly do četby texty.
Pořád samé úkoly, úkoly a úkoly. To je taková zábava... Hahaha.
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aeylis · 7 years
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Young Ged before leaving Gont.
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