#gideon (idk his first name)
guitarra08 · 11 months
I have been binge watching criminal minds (im on season nine(9) almost done with season nine(9) and.......I AM INLOVE WITH SPENCER YOU CAN NOT BLAME ME HE IS A BEAN THAT SHOULD NOT BE MESSED WITH. And im SOOOO exsited to get to the episode when.....someone gets arrested and something that i relised is that.....KILLERS ARE FUCKING STUPID like yall cant were gloves and dispose of the wepon/take it with you and if you dont want to get cought....DONT.LEAVE.EV A DENCE.AT.THE.CRIME.SCEEN. like yall are stupid as fUck but enought of that. If you have watched/are watching criminal minds who is your fav charecter and what episode is your fav so far mine are spencer reid(ofc) and my fav episode is the one with the autistic kid who saw his parents get kiddnapped and they figure it out by music (im trying not to give spoilers)
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apostleofgreed · 13 days
Friends thoughts on Harrow the Ninth (she still really wasn't sold on the series at this point.
Oh god what the fuck no I hate second person
Idk it just seems fake that the emperor is nice?? Like that never happens he's gotta be secretly evil or have done something awful and be repenting for his many sins
I mean okay sure he's got these monsters hunting him down bc he brought everyone back from the dead but I feel like that's not enough there's gotta be something more
(She requested to know if Harrow will remember Gideon as she wasn't vibing which I did tell her)
I've persisted only so far because I know I like Harrow and Ianthe, if this was the first book I would have stopped within like half an hour
The sarcasm dripping off Ianthe though is thoroughly enjoyable
This man is called JOHN?! (I accidently called him John thinking his name had been revealed)
Ortus is such a fanny
Oop harrow's trying to do a murder
"I sectioned my tibia to the soup" Yes girl thats so psychotic I fucking love it
God's having a threesome Ianthe's trying to snog Harrow hElp I cannot
Idk maybe they should have a snog 🤷 I can ship it
Gideons just rude calling Ianthe a skank tbh
Just be pals ladies
Also I Love real dulcinea pronouncing that she is horny for revenge
'Commander wake me up inside' I'm gonna kill someone fuck sake
"Hi, not fucking dead, I'm Dad" is peak
Ianthe is out battling tongues for dominance with God
She has finished Nona and The Unwanted Guest so I'll get those up soon enough.
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theriverbeyond · 4 months
For the teasing/WIP ask game: 🌤️☔
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
im NGL i am sooooooooo not a dialogue person... writing it is hard and i think I avoid it a lot and idk what my favorite is.... but a line that exists in a WIP is " "The Nonagesimus estate is no small prize, and you're not exactly shy about your interests."
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
The Hunger Games AU where Harrow and Gideon are reaped together, and Harrow ends up killing and eating Gideon to stay alive. Gideon did ask her to do it, but that doesn't help Harrow's guilt. Harrow ends up winning her Games and is then pulled into the somehow even more dangerous and traumatic experience of being a Victor in the Capitol.
The fic portrays her deteriorating mental state as she tries to do her best to stay afloat and alive (because she CAN'T die if Gideon gave her life to save her!!) and the relationships she forms with the other victors, which include Ianthe (killed Babs in a cold blooded double cross, won her games in record time, losing the IDGAF war and fell head over heels for Harrow as soon as she saw her reaped on TV), Mercymorn and Augustine (from different districts, married or divorced, both wildly damaged but also very popular in the Capitol), G1deon (Harrow had a breakdown first hearing his name, he keeps trying to mercykill her), and John (the President who very terribly takes a liking to Harrow)
Everyone is miserable and unhappy and even though I will probably never write it, I want to read this fic very bad. It is up for adoption :D
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oh-shtars · 23 days
@signed-sapphire had me thinking about something lately and noticed a minor plot hole. I do wonder how Sueño is fluent in sign language but doesn’t really know other languages such as Spanish.
(Since you know, he doesn’t know what his new name, Sueño, even means. Saving that for a wholesome reveal. ☺️)
And I’ve been thinking. The reason I made him mute in the first place is a reference to all the pantomime characters Disney used to have back then. (Characters like Dopey from Snow White, Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, and Gideon from Pinocchio). And plus, because it sounded like fun representation for people who are nonverbal. So I wanted to keep it that way.
Many thanks for Saph for helping me realise this plot hole! 💖 It was unintentional, sure, but it’s really helpful for me to see things in another perspective and think it through again.
So here’s what I’m thinking:
Stars above know how to speak spoken human languages such as English and others because they listen to wishes anyway. And they learn how to verbally speak like a child would. Slowly learning the meaning of each sound.
Is Sueño the only mute star? No.
Like humans, I did say that the stars are born all differently. Some are mute, blind, or deaf. These stars can still tend to wishes and communicate with their kind because they have their own language anyways. They can communicate telepathically to other stars in a language that are indecipherable to the human ear. (And ear-damaging loud if spoken out loud on earth. lol.)
Wishes that they receive in their plane of reality also can be heard within their head telepathically. (I got this idea since sound can’t really travel in space.)
When Sueño is on Earth in the story, he’s very familiar with English since he used to listen often to the humans wishing below. But not exactly fluent with other languages since he was captured at a young age.
(Side note: I also have this idea that stars can’t see the way humans live their lives in clear detail. It’s just blurry silhouettes or something. Just like how humans can’t clearly see stars in massive detail. So sign language isn’t a familiar thing to Sueño’s kind. And also they can’t see through clouds if the weather isn’t clear.)
Anyways, what I’m thinking is still have Sueño be a pantomime character. Communicating with movements and facial expressions while also utilising his shapeshifting magic and stardust. Like Sandy from RoTG.
Tumblr media
But would it be sweet if he learns sign through Asha? She’s still rusty with it but it’s still helpful. Plus, Dario is fluent with it too because of his hard of hearing.
I think this would be a really nice example for Sueño to discover how considerate humans are to each other that they found ways to communicate with those of a disability. Discovering and realising that not all of them are jerks are after all.
Idk, what do you guys think of this idea? If you give any suggestions in how to tweak it, I might consider them.
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spacehero-23 · 1 year
Since chain of thorns is less than 3 weeks away, here are some of my theories.
warning! Some of the things I mention happen in the first 4 chapters!
Charles is the one getting blackmailed. I think this is quite obvious. He’s the only one with an actual secret and there are multiple scenes in chain of iron where it’s mentioned that Charles and Bridgestock are “talking”. Matthew and Alastair yell at Charles at the same time and it would make sense that they’re yelling at him for not telling them about the blackmail. Especially if it affects them too. 
It seems Cassie is going into full happy ending mode with this book, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Charles gets a redemption arc…and dies. 💀
I think Christopher will be the big death. He has a younger brother and I think it was even mentioned that Alec is named after his great-great grandfather or smth.
Jem once said that he witnessed someone’s marks being stripped and that it was awful.👀 After reading that one scene between him and Grace I think she will be the one who gets her marks stripped. It’s either her or Matthew for killing his sister. Anyway, Cassie teased us with the stripping of the marks for so long, if it doesn't happen I will be genuinely upset. 
Alastair will get Thomas’ fire message and will ask him to meet in the carriage and this is where they officially get together. 💗
The Herondales will lose the Institute for at least a couple of chapters OR there will be a trial of the Herondlaes and whether they even deserve to be in the Enclave.
If Grace doesn’t lose her marks she will probably try to sacrifice herself to atone for what she did. Idk if this will kill her, but she will try. 
Belial will kill Tatiana. 
I have a bad feeling Gideon will die. Idk why, I just do. 
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originalsoulduck · 2 years
Okay, I've been so excited to post this. It's various facts and inferences about Hotch and the last section is more relating to Hotch and the team. This is just seasons 1-3. There will be three more sets (4-6,7-9,10-12) in the future.
I may have to re-watch 1x1 and 1x2 because I didn't really start this until 1x3 (maybe 1x4) when I spoke with @unionjackpillow.
This is long and wordy and my thoughts are mixed in the last section. Please enjoy.
Facts about Hotch:
Did not want to name his child after serial killers (1x1)
Worked for 2 years in the Seattle, WA field office (1x1)
Collected coins as a child (1x3)
Was a self proclaimed nerd as a child (1x3)
Left handed. (1x3)
Haley was 34 weeks pregnant during 1x5
Good marksman (1x6)
Carries two guns, one on his side, one on his ankle (1x6)
Jack was born by 1x7, which I'm guessing is equal to March of their timeline? Idk. This is based on 1x19.
Downplays injuries (1x8): beaten and choked with a wire. "I'm fine."
Deadpan humor (1x9) (1x16)(2x3)(3x2 - he had a slight grin telling Derek maybe his next unit chief wouldn't be a drill sargeant}
Reid: can at least one of you look like you're going to see me again?
Hotch: 😐 see you when you get back
Hotch, after Morgan beat up an unsub who attacked him: what you couldn't wait?
Will reach out to others to offer help - 1x10 (Reid & nightmares)(the way Reid responded to help for his nightmares is probably why Hotch didn't reach out with the drug addiction, but also the fact that he probably knew that they couldn't help Reid with it until Reid was ready to quit)
Pushes his team in areas he thinks they need to grow in or are hesitant about, but also has the confidence that they will succeed (Elle in 1x9 (after JJ seems surprised Hotch let her do the interview))
His mother is from Manassas, VA and went to Mary Baldwin University in Staunton, VA. 1x11
Cares for his team members. Made sure that Garcia was okay after being stuck with Gideon for a case (cleaned up, got her flowers, made her feel appreciated) 1x11. encouraged Gideon to reconnect with his son 1x11. Expressed concern over Elle when she'd be shot (2x1) comforted JJ during a case when she was doubting herself (3x11)
Has a easy going friendship with Garcia (1x11) (1x16)(1x20)
Always drives
Knows how to keep a cool head until it affects his family. He can keep his voice at a neutral level and tone.
His hair went from incredibly floppy/long to medium length during season one. Shorter on the sides with a few longer pieces on top including the piece that always falls on his forehead.
He drinks tea (1x13) (this is actually seen several different times over the seasons)
He chose the BAU because he wanted to stop criminals before the cases reached his desk as a prosecutor. But he's still uncertain (1x13)
Hotch worked with Max Ryan at some point (1x15)
His compassion for victims! 1x15, 2x7,
Has a younger brother, Sean. 8-12 years younger. Sean was 25 in 2005. Hotch has taken a fatherly role towards him since their father died, but is met with resentment. (Adding this in that Hotch must have told Derek and Sean about the other because of familiarity, despite Sean not actually knowing Derek). They see each other at holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas). Hotch wants the best for Sean but can be blinded by logic and general head-in-ass-ness. 1x16
His father was a lawyer. 1x16
Father died at 47 via a heart attack. 1x16
Fluent in staring/glaring 1x16 (but shown other episodes too)
Not trustful of practices he doesn't understand. Almost hostile.(John Blackwolf studying the ground, etc) 1x16
He's, appropriately so, uptight on cases. 1x16
He knows how to fight. 👀 1x16
Beer drinker. 1x16, 2x14,
He can use chopsticks 1x17
One of the first cases Hotch worked with Gideon was in Iowa where 2 boys were murdered. They went to interview the unsub and had a weapon. He turned the gun on Hotch, Hotch talked him down and into surrendering. The wife gave the unsub an alibi. Unsub killed one more. Probably around 1998? (1x17)
His birthday is around November 1st/2nd (Dia de los Muertos). Which makes absolutely no sense as Jack looks like he's 6 months old. JJ makes mention of "birthday weekend". DdlM was on a Tuesday and Wednesday. My guess is his birthday is first week of November somewhere. (1x19)
He gets on quite well with his sister-in-law, Jessica. They are close enough that he can comfortably sass her. He took off work for her visit. (1x19)
The man looks mighty fine in jeans, a t-shirt with an undone button up on top. (1x19)
Chooses not to see when Haley gets pissed off about his job. Tries to justify it "she said it was all right." Gideon pushes this wedge that Hotch doesn't really put to a stop. ESH. (1x19)
Gideon is his work wife. (1x19)
When he's deep in thought/nervous he brings his hand to his chin and rubs his thumb and forefinger together. He does the thumb/forefinger thing out of habit when it's down by his side as well. A visible thinking indicator? (1x20)
Enjoys spending time with his family, including doing chores around the house (based on tone in 1x22). Probably has more to do with just being at home.
Was Pirate 4 in The Pirates of Penzance. (1x22)
Was a junior in high school spring '87, which makes him a graduate of 1988. This would put his birth year around 1969 (to graduate in 1988, he started Kindergarten late in 1975). (2x1)
Joined theater club to meet a girl. (1x22)
The only vulgarity Hotch has used is "son of a bitch". (1x22)
Is chivalrous, he gave his suit jacket to Elle (1x22). He went to her home and cleaned her wall after she was shot. (2x1) He stands when women stand and leave the room (2x5).
Bears guilt for something he had no real control over; Gideon wanted the press. (2x1)
Can be a straight-shooter, almost cold in his delivery when he has a concern(2x2)
Was absent-minded in regards to Jack and his "condition". He didn't remember some tests at a hospital. His priorities started getting out of order (2x4)
He became emotional at the thought of the unsub making children act out his rage. Especially after one of the children were killed because of it. He does the fist to mouth to express his distress along with teary eyes. (2x4)
He's especially ragey when it comes to crimes against kids (2x4)
He travels with a photo of Jack and Haley (2x5)
Hotch's badge changed from happy and smiley to somber (2x6) this was just for one episode and then it goes back to the happy badge
He didn't trust what Elle said about the William Lee shooting. He knew something was up but yet again didn't act on it. Or else he couldn't prove something was up and didn't want to confront without evidence. (2x6)
Was a federal prosecutor (2x6)(3x18)
Was a lawyer at least 2 years before joining the FBI.
Start to see the friendship of him and JJ 2x7
Season 1 hair was longer and floppier; season 2 was significantly shorter with no hair really across his forehead
He can be playful - will play cards on jet home despite knowing Reid can/will cheat (2x8)
Did security clearances for Ambassador Prentiss during his early days in the FBI. (2x9)
Sleeps in undershirt and boxers (2x10)
Was more trusting of Emily than Gideon was, despite Emily's later claims. (2x10)
Has a bicycle hanging on his wall as of 2x11.
Won some sort of baseball award (seen on shelf in office, 2x11)
Marksmanship awards (2x11)
Golf award (2x11)
Baseball in case on desk (2x11)
Does not like getting involved with messy politics (2x11)
Not surprising, but he has a JD from George Washington University (2x11)
He was initially trusting of Emily to some degree, if only for the case, however personally he didn't like being asked about a private conversation publically especially not knowing where Emily was in the mess of politics. (2x11)
While he doesn't approve of Reid's physics magic on the job, he can appreciate it for what it is and gets amused by it. (2x12)
Doesn't mind dancing and will show off (2x14)
Regularly called Gideon by his first name, Jason.
His quite a biblical knowledge, at least knowing scripture (2x14)
Despite his actions, Hotch doesn't think of himself as emotionally mature (this may not be put right). He comes across cold to internalize his emotions, even though he does allow himself to express them in certain situations (namely, his compassion) (2x15)
"I always take advantage of Reid for his brain, but I never actually teach him how to deal with things emotionally."
"Lead by example" (Gideon)
"What kind of example is that?"
Is not a narcissist (2x15)
He doesn't think he has a sense of humor(2x15)
Knows how his team views him to some degree (and...quite accurate for someone in a supervisory position) (2x15)
A bully (JJ)
A drill sargeant (Morgan)
Doesn't trust women as much as men (Emily)
He doesn't put himself above the team (actually does what he can to alleviate things from others). (2x15)
He's feeling more pressure from Haley (2x19)
He saves lives but he feels that doesn't mean anything when he gets home because he's never there - he's an absent father and husband (2x19)
He worries about when the job will call him when he's home with his family. He tries to do what he can while he's there with them. (2x19)
I can't put into words the emotional reaction Hotch had at the end of 2x19. He saw himself in the guy. He wanted to help but couldn't do anything. It's one of the rawest reactions he had in 12 seasons.
Hotch flew back to San Francisco to hand deliver a letter from a victim to the victim's son. (2x19)
Enjoys watching old films on reel. (2x22)
One of the first times JJ has used influence (for lack of better word) over Hotch to take a case. First time was 2x8, both were about missing people who weren't officially missing and/or weren't being looked for(2x22)
He "greatly respects" JJ. (2x22)
He doesn't like anyone thinking that higher-risk people aren't worth missing or aren't important at all. (2x22)
He's close enough to Gideon that Gideon would tell Hotch if he's going on a date. (2x23)
While he's questioned himself, he doesn't question his role on the team or his job skills. (2x23)
like a good leader, he takes responsibility for group decisions that end badly. He also ends up taking the punishment too (3x1)
Suspended for 2 weeks for Gideon's decision, really. (3x1)
Thought about leaving the BAU but was not 100% sold on the idea. (3x2)
His trust of Emily changes greatly at the beginning of season 3. Once he knows where her loyalties are, he 100% trusts her. (3x2)
Just as Haley's mind was made up in 3x2, so was Hotch's.
He knows he fucked up, but still doesn't change. The handwriting was on the wall. (3x2)
Was considered more "intense" after Gideon's leaving. (3x3)
Was told by an unsub that his greatest fear was that he can't save everyone. (3x3)
He and Morgan made a deal not to profile each other (3x3)
Despite being left handed, he wears his watch on his left wrist. (3x4)
Says he's done crisis negotiation for 12 years and he "co-wrote the textbook". That would out him starting that particular role in roughly 1995. (3x4)
He also teaches crisis negotiation (3x4)
He can do CPR (3x5)
Rossi says Hotch used to call Haley 10 times a day (3x6)
Hotch is the emergency work contact for Penelope. Probably because he's her boss.
JJ tells Hotch he's never lost it about a case (3x11), but he has, only she wasn't there (2x19)
He was served with divorce papers in front of his entire team, at work. (3x11)
3x12 the first episode Hotch doesn't wear his wedding ring.
JJ can reach Hotch anywhere, apparently, even when other cell phones can't. (3x14)
Under great stress, he will give into the antognizing of an inmate/unsub. (3x14)
Haley wanted him to sign divorce papers uncontested but he says no matter what, he won't get what he wants: his family back and the ability to stay at the BAU. (3x14)
Hotch and Haley married in 2000 in Langley, VA. They were married around 8 years when they divorced, April 2008. (3x14)
While he knew Haley was done, he resolved to remain constant in Jack's life. Hotch opted to try and explain what was happening with the divorce. Jack is supposed to be all of 2.5 years old. It makes me sense when Jack tells him "everything will be alright." (3x15)
He's fair, even when he shouldn't. (3x16)
He knew Reid was at an NA meeting (3x16)
Derek referred to Hotch and Rossi as mom and dad. Seeing as how Gideon was Hotch's work wife, it's safe to say he's dad 😂 (3x18)
Hotch got defensive when talking to Rossi about his past marriages. Rossi said he would have tried harder if kids had been involved. Hotch is defensive saying he tried. Something had to give between his family and his job and unspoken, he chose his job despite him saying he tries hard and is no less committed to Jack. (3x18)
Rossi claims he's the reason Hotch testifies well. (3x19)
Hotch knows when horse race results are posted (3x19)
His puppy dog eyes are effective.
He knew agent Joyner when they liased while she was at Scotland Yard (before she joined the FBI) (3x20)
Inferences about Hotch:
Could very easily be a bully/massive asshole and tear people down (1x6)
Based on that, he's a great actor at changing who he is if necessary for his job (not sure if this is a Thomas Gibson thing or a character thing) (1x6)
Reid says he kicks like a 9 year old girl. (1x6)
1x8, the episode that launched 1,000 whumpfics about abused Hotch. "He was probably abused by one or both of his parents. He learned to take the pain."
Unsub:"You said some people grow up to killers."
Hotch: "And some people grow up to catch them."
He can be nostalgic (1x22)
He doesn't mind sex on a couch (1x22)
Outside of the job, he is a very gentle man. He expresses concerns for people, his mannerisms show that he cares.
1x19 showed where Haley started getting irritated with his job. It wasn't a problem when she visited in 1x7. Her mind was made up by 3x2.
Wasn't from a small town (2x7)
May live in McLean, VA. Haley took Jack to have his picture done. Seems extra to go so far for it, but it was a new mall. I can't see him living so far from work tbh. (2x10)
His compassion may have something to do with penance.
His father may have had affairs. The wording could have been wrong assumption on Hotch's part (2x19)
While he was in high school, his father had lung cancer. (2x19) i think this and the one above was for the case only.
Is either the only Unit Chief for the BAU or actually the only one Gideon knows. Section Chief could be over more than the BAU but the Unit Chief over the BAU itself, so he supervises several teams. (2x23)
Thought Strauss was a bitch (3x1)
I think he had suspicions about Haley, but not necessarily that she was cheating. He knew she hated his job and the hours and that she probably did speak with either a counselor or even a divorce attorney. She probably mentioned him switching departments after his suspension. (3x2)
The things the team said in 2x15 are all things someone would say of someone in a supervisor position who didn't always have that role. Hotch went from an equal to their superior and it would be hard to separate the person they may know outside of work or before to after.
As private as he is, being served so publicly is probably one of the worst things he could experience.
Low-key likes to heckle Rossi about his fame "Ah. A fan. Your world is a crowded place." 3x13
Reid saved Hotch's ass in the interview with Hardwick and Hotch knows it. He probably would have been fired for fighting an inmate, among other things. 3x14
Morgan says Hotch wouldn't have taken the case in 3x15. Evidence would contradict that as Hotch would have given it thought and trusted JJ's judgment on it as well. He had done it a few times before.
There's a certain confidence Hotch had when talking about Charlie Luvet to Will. I guess it was the fact that he's most definitely considered a "man's man" and was squirming at the fact that the victims were gay like so many other shows have troped.
Will: How did I not know Charlie was gay?
Hotch: He didn't want you to know
Will: He flew 700 miles to be someone else
Hotch: No, he flew 700 miles to be himself
Seemed a bit sad that JJ didn't tell him about her pregnancy. He probably felt she didn't trust him. (3x20)
Things worth noting:
Could be intentional lot, but Hotch says Reid has made his life miserable for 3 years in 1x6, but we later find out by this episode, he's only been around a year or so.
1x8, agent from Baltimore's organized crimes unit bursts into Hotch's office and the first thing Hotch says is "first, don't shout at me". Not angry, just firm in speaking.
1x8 when Perotta asks "didn't everyone's?" in response to Hotch asking if his father hit him, Hotch answers no.
1x11, I'm going to note the pruning of roses in winter thing here. Maybe Haley liked flowers and was into gardening and be picked up stuff by proxy. Another flower discussion: 2x23, could be common knowledge stuff.
In describing Max Ryan, Hotch said he's 'intense, brusque, not much of a bedside manner.' to which Elle piped up "sound like anyone else we know' and Hotch side eyes her. 1x15
Hotch talked about keeping priorities in line. When he's with his family he's 100% there, and at work he's 100% there. Where was the giving up of priorities. Hotch himself says divorce is high at the BAU 1x15
I love the whole "that's Hotch's brother"/"now I see it" dialogue from JJ. I've always been unsure if that was directed at the stubborn/hot-headed attitude/temper shown when Sean left or the fact she was staring at his ass as he was leaving and thinks Aaron and Sean both have a similar walking style. 1x16
Corrects Reid in 1x16, this seems more of a subtle humor attempt than an actual correction.
He said his dad knew "what you feel is as important as what you think". 1x16
Regrets having to do his job in regards to having to shoot unsubs. 1x17
About Jessica: she didn't always live close by 1x19. It was an occasion to have her visit, so much so that Hotch took off for her visit.
His wife Haley was one grade behind him, which puts her birth year around September 1970-July 1971. She would have started Kindergarten the 1976 school year. 1x22
Hotch's instructions in 1x22 were not clear because he was stressed and tired. He told Anderson to take Elle home, but told Gideon he sent Anderson with Elle. The instructions to Anderson were not the meaning he told Gideon. It's still not possible for the Fisher King to know which agent's home to go to. He had no idea Elle would be the one sent home.
Haley's mom was alive in 2x4.
I wonder if Haley thought Aaron would quit when Jack was born.
More inconsistencies with the Jack timeline. 2x4, Hotch is watching a video of Jack's first steps he says was filmed 5 months ago. The child in the video was about a year or so old. This would currently put Jack about a year and a half old, maybe a little more. This would almost track with the fact that Haley said Jack was scared at the doctor and wondering where Hotch was.
Jack looks to be 18 months or so in 2x10. His timeline is a hot mess for sure.
Derek is 30 in 2x12. Even though he was 10 in 1985 when his father died ("Derek") and should have been 30 in 2005, he's 30 in 2006. Derek was 15 in 1991. Goddamn, later in the episode they say his age is 33.
My opinion is there is more than one team on the BAU. Will address this in the future.
In The Evilution of Frank, they say Jane was 22 when Frank anducted her. She was 19. She states that in No Way Out.
Jack finally looks of a right age? Maybe? His fine motor skills seem pretty good for being not even 2. He can feed himself fairly well. (3x1)
My guess is that he contemplated the job switch to placate Haley and try to work on their marriage. It's not who he is though. I think Haley realized it wouldn't have solved their problems either, despite her talking it up. She knew he wouldn't be happy.
I'm not in the firm camp that Haley had an affair. There's evidence that they loved each other a lot but wanted different things. Haley wanted him home and wanted the stability. Hotch wanted the job and his family and couldn't do both. An affair would ruin Haley's attempt at reconciliation.
Another opinion of mine that I've stated before is that Jack shouldn't have happened. I don't think they planned to have him. Hotch had been with the BAU for years and Haley knew the drill. He could also be a band-aid baby. Having a baby will fix things. Maybe then Hotch would change jobs. I'm not a big fan of Haley by any means but I think she ended up with a shitty hand, too. They weren't fair to each other. Life and marriage isn't fair but this was all-in-all horrible. If this was an AITA on Reddit, ESH would be the answer.
If he was born in 1969, that would put him at 25 for majority of 1995. If he completed his JD at the average pace, he would have only received it that year, and depending on the time of year, would have just sat the bar (he would have received the pass/fail in October). He wouldn't have met the minimal requirements of three years work experience the FBI wants. Exceptions can be made of course, but it seems highly unlikely a first time agent would be that strong in crisis negotiation. (3x4)
Despite the separation, Haley never denies Hotch the chance to see or talk to Jack when he wants/needs. (3x4) (3x5)
Between 1x19 and 3x5, Jessica moved closer to where Hotch lives as that's where Haley stays.
Hotch is almost protective of JJ when Rossi first comes. Rossi makes an almost untoward comment ("wow we didn't have that 10 years ago") and when Hotch asks for clarity, he says "communications coordinator" with an incredulous look on his. Hotch responds fairly deadpan with 'right" as if he doesn't quite believe his friend. (3x6) This happens again but with Garcia in 3x9. Rossi makes a comment about how she dresses and lives and Hotch gets ruffled and asks if Rossi thinks thats why she was attacked.
In 3x6 when they're driving, behind Morgan is pasture with no buildings but behind Rossi and Hotch there are buildings.
Rossi is 52 in 2007. Roughly puts his birth year at 1954/5 (3x7)
Penelope is 30 in 2007. (3x9) birth year around 1976/7
Reid was 24 in 2005. Birth year 1981. October or September.
Foreshadowing! 3x10 Prentiss and Rossi talking.
Prentiss: he [unsub] went from successful writer and artist to a brutal killer in 6 months
Rossi: he suffered an unbelievable tragedy
Prentiss: I know. I get it.
Rossi: So what's bugging you?
Prentiss: it just makes me wonder... Are we all capable of becoming something like that?
Rossi: life is a hell of a thing to happen to a person.
The camera then slowly zooms in on Hotch, who's staring off into nothing.
Rossi supposedly started at the BAU in 1986. One of his "first cases" was 21 years prior.
The "Reid...be careful" in 3x12 just makes me chuckle. Hotch has read the damn room with him
Haley has JJ's phone number so she can reach Hotch. JJ still refers to her as Mrs. Hotchner even after he was served divorce papers. Even though they had team get togethers, they weren't close enough on a first name basis.
Hotch's witness for the divorce papers when signed was an Andy Swan, a name used for an FBI agent in season 6, except the agent was female, Andi. (3x14)
In 3x16, Reid refers to an unsub from 3x12 as a kid, when in reality, the unsub was older than him. Unsub was 28 but Reid is 27.
3x16 is filmed in Piru, CA with a Texas highway sign 67, between Odessa and San Angelo. Please don't ask how long that took or why I looked.
In 3x18, a phone number is used that will later be used as a phone number in Hotch's address book.
Prentiss graduated in 1989, putting her birth year between September 1970-August 1971. Either Prentiss had lots of gap years in university or she has multiple degrees because when Hotch first worked for her mother, she was at a university and there's only a year or so age differences. (High school mention 3x19) (University mention 2x10)
Reid joined the team in 2004, Garcia joined shortly after Reid. (3x19)
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smolandweirdwriter · 2 months
Serafina and The Black Cloak Reread Thoughts: Chapter Three
Babe wake up new slang just dropped: “gnawin’ on leather” 
Her pa doesn’t like mr poe gives “my dad won’t let us watch horror movies so you have to sneak them over in a different dvd cover if we’re gonna watch a horror movie when you sleep over later tonight” omg rowena & serafina girltime au?? (Lol sorry)
Oooooh the dynamo’s busted I wonder what thaaat meeeaannnssss (hehehe)
Biltmore being one of the few homes to have electricity is a nice reminder of the time period
“she’d been trying to follow [her pa’s] rules at least some of the time” lol
“Spotting an upholstered chair she felt an overwhelming desire to run her fingernails over the plush fabric” REAL
Her being shocked at flower vases & the idea of flowers INSIDE the house is so funny
Awwww poor sera, looking for her momma and siblings everywhere…
Serafina is super smart. just putting that out there. She’s brilliant and I love her
Oop the first description of Edith Vanderbilt kinda gives chatgpt-generated ngl (obviously it wasn’t bc it predates chatgpt & shitty ai writing generators, & this book is SO MUCH BETTER than anything an AI could generate regardless) 
“A refined and attractive woman, Mrs. Vanderbilt had a pale complexion and a full head of dark hair, and she seemed at ease in her role of hostess as she moved through the room.” Idk what about this makes me think “AI generated” but it just DOES
“Serafina loved to climb the tapestries at night and run her fingernails down through the soft fabric” AGAIN SHES SO REAL FOR THIS
“I’m sure that most of you already know Mr. Montgomery Thorne,”… Mrs. Vanderbilt said with a gentle sweep of her arm toward a gentleman. “He has graciously offered to play [the violin] for us today.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Vanderbilt,” Mr. Thorne said with a smile as he stepped forward. ... To Serafina, who’d been listening to Biltmore’s visitors her entire life, he didn’t sound like he came from the mountains of North Carolina, or from New York like the Vanderbilts. He spoke with the accent of a southern gentleman, maybe from Georgia or South Carolina.”
Serafina having an eye for fashion was NOT what I was expecting from this reread lol (she describes mr t’s outfit then says “all of which she thought went nicely with his silvery-black hair and perfectly trimmed sideburns”)
Hmmm interesting she actually sympathizes with/likes mr Thorne at first?? I did nOT recall that
Lol serafina liking to watch mr Thorne’s fingers move as he plays and wanting to pounce on them is so Cat of her
Apparently he looks “sickly, a little frail even” which I do not recall, but hes also got “watchful, sensitive brown eyes” and “a rather fetching tussle of wavy brown hair”
“Are you lost?” WE GOT IT WE GOT THE LINE but more importantly we got the NEXT LINE which is “May I help you find your way?” And hes described as not timid or shy but also not overly confident which I LOVE (fun fact this line is very similar to one of the characters of my other favorite kid’s book series, Keefe Sencen’s “you must be lost” line)
Lol Braeden always sharing his food with Gideon annoys the chefs i LOVE him
Name drop at last, missing girl’s name is Clara Brahms. Honestly I’m a little sad Clara isnt a recurring character later on. Braeden, Serafina, and Clara could’ve been a good trio 
OOOOHH “She had heard the servants in the kitchen joke that their master must have secretly found the Fountain of Youth” what a NICE SET UP for how the black cloak keeps people young & serafina’s suspicion of mr Vanderbilt
Mr Vanderbilt: *wears dress shoes to go riding*
serafina: criminal activity right there. Lock him up
This was my favorite chapter so far, probably because it introduces us to so many different characters and moving parts. I like Mr. Vanderbilt a lot more than I remember (as a historical figure now that I know more about him & also as a character) and Braeden is, of course, perfect in every way.
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jay-starss · 4 months
So i iust finished watching scott pilgrim takes off and HOLY SHIT ITS SO GOOD???!!! Like man the fucking soundtrack is a BANGER to listen to I would play the entire ost for MONTHS oh yeah and heres some thoughts I had for this show/anime(?)
I love wallace. He is just. Oh my god. WALLACE FOR THE WIN
Stephen is me when my anxiety shows up unannounced
ALSO I really adore the way young neil talks hes absolutely me FR like bro me too I would not know if I wrote my 927473737th screenplay draft two nights ago too
LUCAS LEE. I love that man why he so cool like that its bothering me WHY HE SO COOL
Todd ingram and Wallace wells lets goooo
Okay but I feel bad for Todd though like the whole binge eating when hes sad and lonely? I felt that
I dont know about Roxie but i think shes cool too!!
Oh yeah that impulsive manipulative abusive crazy gazilionaire man whats his name again i think he was fire too
And the others ladies!! Ramona! Kim! STACY
My god stacy when she gossips BAIDHJSJS fr tho
I literally JUST FINISHED THIS SHOW im tryna remember all their names..WHY IS THIS SO HARD
Oh yeah of course theres the scott pilgrim and his other older selves that he met and confronted and FOUGHT??
Serisouly im tryna remember all these names from the top of my head
Anyway I love ramona I think shes very hot and amazing I love the parts where she dyes her hair its so SATISFYING
Ermm oh yeah the twins and their silly lil funny robot fiend i love him
ENVY. Yeah idk about her lol but slay I guess
Man the only reason I forget this stupid name is because it wasnt even his real name what the fuck g-man
Anyway I love scott pilgrim takes off I think you should go watch it PLEASE DO ITS SO GOOD OKAY BYE LOVE YALL
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azurish · 2 years
Pyrrha Dve and Pyrrha of Thessaly: Survivors of the Flood
“If I’m God, I can start over. The flood, you know? You can wash things clean. That’s all the end of Earth was … making things clean.” --Nona the Ninth, p. 435
“You want Gideon the First, and Gideon the First is dead. He’s not coming back. Oh, God, Gideon,” said Pyrrha, suddenly. “Gideon … G—, you died for nothing.” --Nona the Ninth, p. 390
tl;dr: Pyrrha Dve shares a name with Pyrrha of Thessaly, one of the only two survivors of Zeus’s great deluge in Greek myth, which might connect to why Pyrrha alone seems to remember G1deon’s real name from before Jod’s “flood.” Unpacking this allusion brings to light other suggestive parallels between the two Pyrrhas’ stories, including:
Zeus and Jod’s destruction of the Earth with the intent to replace flawed humanity with a new, pious version of humankind who would worship them as gods
how the Greek Pyrrha survives without Zeus’s knowledge by hiding in her husband’s “chest” (sound like someone we know?)
Pyrrha of Thessaly’s role in repopulating Earth by disturbing her “mother” Gaia’s grave and casting her bones (aka stones) to the ground, from which arose the new human beings (who else disturbs “Earth’s” Tomb?)
and some other more out-there parallels, including a connection to the tower in the River; some thoughts on Zeus, Jod, and cannibalism; a verrrry tangential connection between Pyrrha and Gideon Nav; and thoughts on other survivors
So, following the release of Nona the Ninth, we’re now all familiar with Jod’s conception of the end of the Earth as a literalization of the flood myth with him as God.  Afterwards, he claims he brought back all his friends without their memories – and, based on his discussion of renaming Ulysses and Titania and the fact that the Lyctors’ old names are all dashed out, many of us have assumed with new names.  But somehow, Pyrrha Dve seems to remember her necromancer’s original name.  What’s going on with that?
I don’t have an explanation, but I do have a very interesting parallel, which is almost entirely not the same thing while still justifying writing meta! :P  (I mean, if you’re looking for an explanation, my best guess is that Jod talks about altering memory through changing the brain’s biological structures, suggesting that the soul still remains a blind spot of his.  Pyrrha no longer has her physical corporation/brain and is solely existing in Gideon’s body, so maybe there’s something there?  Soul memories, idk lol.)
Lots of past meta I’ve seen about Pyrrha Dve’s name has focused on Pyrrhus of Epirus, who gave his name to the term “Pyrrhic victory”: a victory whose losses were so severe as to call into question whether such a “victory” was really worth it at all.  On that reading, Pyrrha’s name is a nod to how attaining Lyctorhood was a Pyrrhic victory for Gideon and the other Lyctors, because they had to sacrifice their most beloved companions (brother, wife, best friend, etc.) to achieve this “lesser”/imperfect Lyctorhood.  I’ve also definitely seen people point out how the name Pyrrha itself comes from the Greek adjective “πυρρός”, which can mean flame-colored or redheaded: clearly apt for our girl/my wife Pyrrha.  I think all of that is right, and also I think tazmuir was drawing on yet another mythological parallel for Pyrrha’s name: that of Pyrrha of Thessaly, survivor of the Flood.
Pyrrha of Thessaly and Pyrrha Dve
In Greek myth (well, more or less, depending on the version – I’m quoting Dryden’s Ovid here, so Roman reception, but I’ll stick with Zeus to make things easier), Zeus decides to wipe the Earth clean after judging humanity irredeemable.  When he shares this plan, the other gods immediately complain that, should he destroy humankind, “Neglected altars must no longer smoke,/If none were left to worship, and invoke.”  Interestingly, he immediately reassures them: “Lay that unnecessary fear aside:/Mine be the care, new people to provide./I will from wondrous principles ordain/A race unlike the first, and try my skill again.”  In other words, after the cleansing flood, he’s going to create a new crop humanity to worship him and his pantheon at those neglected altars … sound like anyone we know yet?
However!  Two humans survive Zeus’s deluge: Deucalion, ruler of Phthia in Thessaly, and his wife Pyrrha.  Here’s where it gets especially intriguing, because depending on the version you read, this Greek Noah and his wife survive for different reasons!  Ovid’s Metamorphoses has them surviving because they’re the two best people around – the most holy, upright, worthy, etc.  But in other accounts, such as that in the Bibliotheca of Pseudo-Apollodorus, they actually sort of sneak past Zeus.  Deucalion’s father is the Titan Prometheus (whom you may remember from other Zeus-defying escapades like “giving humanity fire”), and Prometheus instructs Deucalion on how to build and provision a chest that will survive the flood.  Thus, when Zeus goes to destroy humanity, Pyrrha survives inside Deucalion’s chest until the flood ends and the two reach dry land and propitiate Zeus.  (OK, so it’s an actual physical wooden trunk, BUT ALSO Pyrrha survives by hiding in her husband’s chest I’m just saying.)
After surviving, the two ask the gods (usually Zeus through an intermediary) how to repopulate the planet.  They are told to “throw … your mighty mother’s bones” to the ground – a suggestion that horrifies Pyrrha, who refuses to defile her mother’s grave, crying out, “Forbid it Heav’n, said she, that I shou’d tear/Those holy reliques from the sepulcher” (we’re back to quoting Ovid here btw).  But after carefully pondering their instructions, they find a different meaning: perhaps, Deucalion suggests, “This Earth our mighty mother is, the stones/In her capacious body, are her bones.”  So they gather up “Gaia’s bones”, i.e. rocks from the ground, and when they cast those stones behind them, new human beings spring up from where they fall.
Pyrrha’s calling Gaia her mother, her disturbing Gaia’s remains from their “sepulcher,” and Gaia’s “bones” repopulating the Earth are all very interesting!  It probably goes without saying that there’s a Gaia-Alecto connection here (in fact, I think you could even say John makes that connection fully textual when he calls himself John Gaius, if you read it as a Lyctoral name).  I read the Greek Pyrrha’s identifying Gaia as her mother as a neat inversion of the parental relationship between Pyrrha and Nona (note that in the myth, Gaia isn’t Pyrrha’s actual mother – that’s Pandora, while her dad is Prometheus’s brother, Epimetheus (which technically makes Gaia her paternal great-grandmother)).  Our Pyrrha is, obviously, involved in unearthing (heh) Alecto’s body from the Tomb, just as the Greek Pyrrha felt she was being called to disturb her mother/Gaia’s resting place.
Alecto the Ninth Speculation: Gaia’s Bones and the Resurrection
All of the above I think is reasonably textually supported, but with the last “parallel” – the repopulation of the planet from Gaia’s bones – I’m going to step off the deep end, lol, and move away from literary analysis of existing parts of TLT to pure speculation about the future.  First off, the key caveat is that, obviously, I don’t think Tamsyn Muir is trying to write a literal beat for beat version of the Greek flood myth with Pyrrha Dve, so I think the actual likeliest explanation here is that the actual limit of Pyrrha Dve’s connection to Pyrrha of Thessaly is just that both (sort of) survived their respective divine “floods.”  But I do have a couple thoughts about directions that “Gaia’s bones” and the resurrection could point at, which I’ll list roughly from most to least likely; and I’m also interested in hearing others’ ideas.
I think this parallel could pay off in one of two directions: either the Resurrection in the past or something in the future, in Alecto, involving a collaboration between Nona/Alecto and Pyrrha.  In the past, we obviously don’t know yet how the Resurrection actually went – John’s confession in Harrow’s Alecto-dreams didn’t extend that far – but it’s easier to speculate (and to pick out speculative parallels).  It certainly seems apparent that Jod’s going to be majorly drawing on Alecto’s power to do it – just as Zeus claimed he was creating a whole new crop of humanity to worship him, but was actually digging up Gaia’s bones to make the magic happen.  Making bodies from earth and stones is a classic mythic motif, so I don’t think the Pyrrha flood myth is necessarily being referenced here, but there sure is something neat about John’s making Alecto’s body “from the dirt, my blood, my vomit, my bone.”  Beyond that, some versions of the Greek flood myth suggest that humanity’s nature was changed by being reborn from stones, with Ovid writing, “Hence we derive our nature; born to bear/Laborious life; and harden’d into care” (the Greeks were generally huge fans of the pun possibilities between λαός (people) and λᾶας (stone)). You could maybe connect that to the suggestion that there seems to be something slightly off in Jod’s new version of people – the sickliness that affects necromancers?  (I don’t think that’s quite right, though, because you’d expect stones to be harder, not brittler and easier to break.)
But the myth isn’t just about how Zeus uses Gaia’s bones to resurrect humanity – it’s also about how Pyrrha and her partner (Deucalion/G1deon) bring back humanity.  Maybe the importance of Deucalion in revitalizing humanity via Gaia could pay off if it turns out G1deon has a key role in the Resurrection (Jod keeps talking about how he has “big plans” for Gideon’s arm, and he even says that “G—’ll be easiest” to bring back, although in context I think he just means that he won’t have to wipe as much of his memory because he wasn’t even at the compound)?  I think that’s a reach, though, and that the arm is just important so he has biomaterial on hand (lol).  But the reachiest possible connection here is to say that maybe Pyrrha’s going to play a role in some future Resurrection: something in Alecto the Ninth that resolves Jod’s “missing math” (the people he didn’t bring back, possibly the souls clogging up the river?) and brings more people back, or brings back people “correctly.”  Certainly, in terms of any role Pyrrha could play in collaborating with Alecto/Gaia in something like a resurrection or rebirth of humanity in the next novel, it’s worth noting that she is now strongest remaining link from Alecto back to Nona, with all of Nona’s compassion and love.
Remaining Errata
OK, that’s all for immediate parallels from the meat of the Greek flood myth! But there are some remaining pieces of the myth that caught my attention, so those get to go at the end of this piece of meta.
The Tower
Whatever’s going on with the massive new Tower in the River is obviously going to be important!  I have a LOT of thoughts about this, but that is for another meta.  What I’ll say here is that, while I think the clearest reference there is to the Tower of Babel (what with Nona being the only person who can still understand all languages), another famous mytho-religious tower-y structure often identified with the Tower of Babel is the towering pile of mountains that the Greek Giants built to reach the gods when they tried to challenge Zeus et al.  Per Ovid, observing the Giants’ building this tower was one of the things that made Zeus despair at the current state of the world and decide to set off the flood that Pyrrha survived in the first place.
Other reasons Zeus was angry enough to flood the earth: eating human flesh! One of the impieties that drove Zeus to damn the first version of humanity was King Lycaon daring to test whether Zeus was truly omnipotent by serving him human flesh.  Go on, dive in, I know y’all are thinking of that bit in Harrow where Jod says, “Ten thousand years since I’ve eaten human being, Harrow, and I didn’t really want an encore.”
Gideon Nav as Pyrrha Dve’s Achilles?
Finally, Phthia, which Deucalion and Pyrrha ruled, was later Achilles’s home. You could possibly say something here about our Pyrrha and G1deon as not-parents to Gideon, who ~invaded~ the planet of Priamhark Noniusvianus, just as Achilles invaded the city of Priam in the Trojan War.  I think that’s probably squinting too hard, buttttt you could still make the case.  Also, that takes us full circle back to the other Pyrrhus that Pyrrha could be named for, because Plutarch seems to suggest that Pyrrhus (he of the Pyrrhic victory) got his name from family tradition because Deucalion and Pyrrha were the first rulers after the flood in Epirus.
Other Flood survivors?
OK, I have no idea what to do with this piece, but obviously Pyrrha isn’t the only potential “survivor” of Jod’s “flood” – the fleeing trillionaires (or potentially other human outposts?), etc.  Similarly, some versions of the Greek flood myth suggest that in addition to Pyrrha and Deucalion, a few other humans slip through, such as Cerambus, grandson of Poseidon.  This seems kind of tangential, but hey, if someone named “Cerambus” shows up in AtN and seems to know a lot about Earth without Jod’s blessing, we should probably listen to him! ;)
Ovid’s Metamorphoses The Pseudo-Apollodorus Other Greek and Roman flood accounts overview Pyrrha and Deucalion in Greek and Roman writing On Pyrrha, Deucalion, stones, and puns
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stephgingrich · 2 years
anyone else notice that in chapter 27 pyrrha straight up calls gideon the first G- just like john does in his chapters where the names are censored? idk if that Means anything but uh. seemed like a weird coincidence idk
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zoyalannister · 4 months
yes exactly, she used that space to gain representation points, even if it makes no sense the way and that obviusly is going to be awkward for flora to be with anna and ari in their first travel together because if cc sees anna as grief-free and happier than ever, then she would be affectionate with ari. maybe they even have to share suites even with different rooms, or share even rooms as women in that time wouldnt take a room to themselves in certain places, so it would be awkward.
also i noticed the end also has family scenes in one way or another of everyone except gabriel and cecily, which i don't get if it is to say they get excluded from the group , as in the last scene everyone was talking to someone not from the direct family except them that were alone with their youngest.
in the end there is also a scene where thomas and alastair are mentioning domestic stuff related to zachary like getting him a dog, they have been together so little, and zachary has a mother, why do they talk like they are the parents? there is not this approach with james and cordelia with him who are more solid in that moment
In my opinion giving more space to Gabrily would have made CC gain representation points, since they’re the ones who canonically accepted their daughter’s homosexuality and, unlike all the other characters that accepted their non straight children without beating an eye in 1903, for them it actually make sense.
Or, another representation, could have been revealing that Thomas is so scared of letting anyone know he is gay despite literally no one has problems wirh Anna being out and proud, is that he overheard Gideon tell Gabriel something like "are you sure you’re actually okay with Anna liking women?" and in ChoT Thomas and Gideon could have had an emotional talk about Gideon accepting him. It would have made more sense both for Thomas’s character and because we know Gideon since TID and the readers care about him.
But Flora popped out from literally nowhere, I don’t even remember if we knew her name before ChoT and now she is suddenly one of the best mothers.
Anon, don’t let me start about how shit Gabrily were treated in this book. Gabriel sees his batshit crazy sister holding a knife against his toddler's throat and says nothing?! Are you fucking kidding me?!
I totally believe that if Gabrily's personality hadn’t been devastated in this shit series, they would have probably sorted out the entire plot, resolved the miscommunication between Anna and Ari and saved Grace from Tatiana all in 40 pages.
But they had to be treated like shit and put aside even in their important moments. They were literally brought their son’s body but we are told that Tessa and Will cry because the idiots they have for children are alive in London and Gabrily aren’t even mentioned. Are you fucking kidding me?? Why should I care about Wessa??
And the fact that they are isolated in the end it makes sense to me, idk where you live, but unfortunately in my country is quite common that people leave alone a grieving family and since no one of the others cared about Kit, except for Henry Fairchild, in my head it makes sense that they all left Gabrily alone in their grief.
I will tell you a hot take, anon: if Wessa was done dirty one tenth of how much Gabrily was done dirty in this shit book (and series), the general consensus would be our opinion.
About Thomastair you’re 100% right: no one in their right mind thinks about family, a dog, adopting children with the person they've been dating just six months. Also Thomas and Alastair are so emotionally immature that they couldn’t even talk to each other about their own feelings until after they have sex, but somehow I have to believe they have this strong and pure love just because they're a MM couple.
They're barely able to take care of themselves, they shouldn’t have dogs or, god forbid, children at least for 5 or 10 years, when they'll maybe be mature people.
I think that Cassandra tried to recreate Malec 2.0, with the difference that Malec are more mature than Thomastair and they adopt Max after two years of relationship, since at that point both Magnus and Alex are mature enough to take care of a child.
Thomastair instead are too immature to have a conversation, why should I believe they are ready to adopt a child?
This book is just nonsense garbage.
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charliesinfern0 · 4 months
🛌, 🎵, 💭, and 🪶 for matthew :3!
F/O ask game
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Thoughts 💭 - What do you think your f/o thinks about you when you're not around?
this is mainly in the scott pilgrim takes off universe, when Juniper isn't around and Matthew is just left alone in this huge office, he thinks about how grateful he is for all of her help. he realized being a ceo kind of sucks when youve never been one before, but Juniper makes it suck a lot less. but he does wonder if he should even be thinking about her like that, since she works for him (he said it was ok for her to call him Matthew instead of Mr. Patel, she said it was ok for him to call her June, but they both end up stumbling over their words when trying to call eachother their actual names lol). he tries to keep an air of professionalism about him, so hes a little bit nervous and embarrassed about asking for her help, even though she really doesnt mind (bc its him and not gideon asking lol)
Bed 🛏️ - Where does your f/o like to sleep? Are they conventional with a good schedule, or do they find damp corners to call their bed?
I like to think that normally he has a very good sleep schedule (the black circles around his eyes are very much just eyeliner lol), but specifically during scott pilgrim takes off, he kind of stops having the time to even sleep bc of his responsibilities as the new ceo of g-man media. in the takes off universe matthew and juniper are very much in the same boat in that they cannot get a good nights sleep lol ^_^;; but... staying up late doing paperwork with your crush is better that doing it all alone isnt it?
Song 🎵 - What's a song your f/o knows by heart, and a song you know by heart?
ummm idk about individual songs.... but i will say that Juniper loves the album SIZE by the band of the same name, and Matthew likes them too because its one of the albums she recommended to him when they first met ^_^ OH but Juniper does know all the words to Ana Ng by TMBG, its one of her favorite songs :)
Feather 🪶 - If you and your f/o were animals, which animals would you be and why?
I think Juniper would be a bat and Matthew would be a black cat with like red eyes and a cool spiky collar lol
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mykingdomforasong · 2 months
Writing patterns tag game !
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thansk to @theydjarin
I hate writing oepningn lines, so this should be a fun one
"The hot sun of Dorne wasn’t dissimilar to the climates in the East." (Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken)
"Tatooine sandstorms were deadly once they picked up." (The Sandstorm)
"Han thought the Rebellion might be a good chance to get closer to the young man he'd turned his entire life around for, physically and emotionally. In his experience, military downtime was the perfect opportunity for some … bonding." (Kiss Me Quick)
"Bo-Katan frowned at her broken and bruised fingers. All four fingers on her right hand were splinted and wrapped, a harsh reminder of Moff Gideon’s near-victory and the destruction of the Darksaber." (The Forge)
""The gravity has been on the fritz," Han warned as they walked onto the Falcon." (Interesting Men)
"When Luke had dumped him to pursue a Jedi lifestyle, Han promised he "wouldn't get in the way."" (Attachment Issues)
"There weren't a lot of perks to being the Mand’alor. It was a position Din had stumbled into and continued to stumble his way through." (Familiar Faces)
"Left Bank Books was named for Old Ben’s favorite spot in Paris. Or so he always said." (Left Bank Books)
"Luke had learned what the different controls on the Falcon's dashboard did a long time ago. Some were consistent with his X-Wing, and others he'd seen Han handle enough times to figure out on his own." (Flight Training)
"Lando was giving him grief for smoking in bed, which Han thought was a rich hypocrisy, since he’d picked up the habit years ago from Lando." (Up Among The Clouds) (RIP to this WIP)
I do love to start with a short sentence,e and then go to a long one. I also tend to start with a setting description or some kind of action, rather than starting with an emotion. idk let me know if you see anything.
If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged! I'll also tag @time-and-space-penguin @sadiebwrites @leorizanzel
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Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco
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Genre: gothic fantasy romance
If you like: polyam romance, vampire hunter x vampire(s), enemies to lovers, angst, Castlevania(idk what this is but apparently they are similar), Gideon the Ninth's sense of humour
Content warnings: blood, violence, (past) statutory rape, sexual coercion, body horror, semi-explicit sexual content(they get it on a lot, but there's no description of genitals and its mostly skimmed over)
Overall rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫/5
Remy Pendergast is many things: the only son of the Duke of Valenbonne, an elite bounty hunter of rogue vampires, and an outcast among his fellow Reapers. Though the kingdom of Aluria barely tolerates him, Remy’s father has been shaping him into a weapon to fight for the kingdom at any cost.
When a terrifying new breed of vampire is sighted outside of the city, Remy prepares to investigate alone. But then he encounters the shockingly warmhearted vampire heiress Xiaodan Song and her infuriatingly arrogant fiancé, vampire lord Zidan Malekh, who may hold the key to defeating the creatures. When he’s offered a spot alongside them to find the truth about the mutating virus Rot that’s plaguing the kingdom, Remy faces a choice—one he’s certain he’ll regret.
But as the three face dangerous hardships during their journey, Remy develops fond and complicated feelings for the couple. He begins to question what he holds true about vampires, as well as the story behind his own family legacy. As the Rot continues to spread across the kingdom, Remy must decide where his loyalties lie: with his father and the kingdom he’s been trained all his life to defend or the vampires who might just be the death of him.
I genuinely can't remember the last time I had this much fun reading!
This book starts off with a whole fight scene, which was so brilliantly executed. Not just because it was cool as hell, but also because it introduces Remy in such a way that readers can get a sense of who his character is and his place in the story right off the bat. His ostracization from most of his fellow humans, his position and reputation as a Reaper; as well as his character: his determination to do what's right, his kindness, his stubbornness and impulsivity.
And I love how Remy's first meetings with each of his love interests perfectly sets up the dynamic for their relationship. Like, Remy and Malekh fighting from the very first time they meet, with Malekh goading him and Remy refusing to back down + Remy's immediate acceptance of Xiaodan and their easy banter, establishes the tone of their relationship from the jump, which is maintained throughout the book, while still allowing them to grow closer as they learn more about each other.
Remy also serves as an excellent narrator. Although he's slower on the uptake than Xiaodan and Malekh, he's still observant and intelligent, and has a snarky sense of humour, never failing to snark at the worst possible moments.
The action scenes were all so fun, and I think the way Remy holds his own against the stronger and faster vampires makes sense. Also the sex scenes ate (sometimes literally lmao).
I have a few nitpicks that keeps this book from being perfect for me, which aren't a problems, its just my personal tastes. I couldn't completely get behind Malekh, because I don't really enjoy brood-y, super-serious, edgy type characters. Which, he has good reasons for being so, given his backstory, but some of his lines which were probably meant to come off as cool and sexy, made me scoff a little and take him less seriously. Other people would probably find him appealing, this is really just a case of "its not you, its me".
Another thing that took me out of the story was some of the names. I mentioned it here, and I do think its fun, but it removed me from the narrative a bit. Singing Waters is a cool-sounding name in english, but Changge Shui in mandarin sounds kind of dumb, and being named Yingyue would get you made fun of by Chinese people.
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toughtink · 2 years
some post-nona thoughts and questions in no particular order:
and this will be long and full of spoilers, sorry
so is silas coming back next time? because i have questions about wtf took over his cav especially seeing as those tongue eye things showed up on the ninth house. biblically, silas traveled with paul, so maybe paul will be related to his comeback? idk
what’s with the tower? “kironia” and ianthe are referred to as “tower princes,” the RB was yelling about a tower to nona via judith, and we got a big tower coming out of the river now?? and the whole “the tower has reactivated” cipher or whatever it said, too. the only tower that’s been story relevant thus far is canaan house + the facility beneath it. harrow estimated they only saw ~30% of that tower with the rest going deep under the ocean, which i always took to mean that it was originally a sky scraper that they built a temple/church/palace on top of. OH YEAh! and a tower is in the jod chapters maybe??? it was confusing. (gasp! what! confusing??? in this series?!)
so is nona translating a ton of people’s names when she hears them, and that’s why she calls corona “crown” and has that exchange with hot sauce where she gets corrected on born in the morning’s name? and this is a separate thing from the multi-sentence long names that seem to be BoE tradition?
speaking of weird name stuff, the jod chapters have him using intials to refer to his friends! that was annoying but implies that they didn’t all used to have their fancy mouthful names which makes some sense, especially since jod specifically mentions changing U— and T— to ulysseys and titania. however, i’ve seen a lot of folks under the assumption that he wiped his friend’s memories after rezzing them, but is there evidence for that? i gotta reread htn, but i know that mercy didn’t seem to realize that gideon’s gold eye color was jod’s before it was alecto’s and only put it together near the end—point in memory loss’s favor (tho i don’t think we can officially say it’s purposeful on jod’s part yet.) HOWEVER!! when nona & the gang are approaching the tomb near the end of ntn, pyrrha mentions gideon (the first) and after saying his name a couple times says “G—” like jod does in his chapters!! implying that pyrrha might just know gideon’s pre-resurrection name! so either jod’s friends did retain their pre-res memories OR that memory loss thing happened later, probably post lyctorhood if it could affect the lyctors but not the cav secretly residing inside still??? idk. EDIT: my frand ginny pointed out that on pg 433 jod talks about how his friends “won’t have to remember anything,” because he knows where remembrance lives in the brain, and this sort of mirrors harrow own attempt to alter her memories. i think with pyrrha remembering g1deon’s name, we can say these are likely altered memories rather than a complete clean slate.
i need people to realize that when nona describes “teeth” coming out of gideon’s speed holes, it’s most likely ribs and not literal teeth. also—the speed holes joke is maybe one of my favorites in this book and incontrovertible proof that kironia is indeed our gideon.
i want to know more about anastasiaaaaa! was she another married/romantically involved pair with her cav? did pyrrha mention something about painting a nursery on the ninth?? what if anastasia was pregnant when her lyctorhood went wrong????
what’s this with cassiopeia and the sixth house in communication? that was her house, right? also, cass is the C— mentioned in jod chapters that marries the artist N— (nigella) and has teeth flowers at their wedding. also, she had the tooth trial at canaan house. and the tooth secret message in the corresponding study. what’s with all the teeth? lol
that tooth secret message was about doing soul melanges to power the canaan house staff, including teacher! 6th house theorm was soul melange related, so paul makes sense!!! ;v; (it should be noted that everything with cam, pal, and paul had me in tears and i’m never getting over their recorded conversation.)
gideon is clearly missing pieces figuratively and literally (her heart!! 🥺). TM said that if gideon’s soul was a happy meal, harrow ate the cheeseburger, but that leaves the fries, sauce packets, and toy. so where’s the cheeseburger now? attached to harrow’s soul? or attached to her body? completely absorbed and essentially gone? something has to be powering nona’s lyctoral regeneration powers so i’m kinda team body. that and the fact that she’s wearing the cheeseburger shirt and that feels like TM trying to give us a giant neon sign of a hint?
as for harrow…i saw the icy tomb she climbed into at the end of htn as a metaphorical tomb in her mind, between the lobotomy slits i guess where she was keeping gideon’s soul, thus the nonexistent sexy magazine. ntn makes me think she was also in the actual tomb, aka fully swapped places with alecto? but i suppose either could be true. the jod chapters feel like she’s tapping into alecto’s memories and subbing in herself maybe? that doesn’t really say much about the literal placement of harrow’s soul, tho, just that she has a connection with alecto.
anyways, it looks like she woke up long enough for the epilogue and then promptly passed out again (woo go girl! give us nothing!). and we know that she’s going to be harrowing hell at the start of atn?? good luck have fun i guess???
oh yeah is part of the reason nona’s not all there because not only is she in the wrong body, but she’s dealing with harrow’s lobotomy brain???
gonna come back and add more laterrr—edit: i’ve come back SEVERAL times to add more. maybe i should just reblog or make a new post for more. 🙈 i’m at the end of my gtn reread so htn will be next. oof that one will take a while methinks! and then i can reread nona…which will be my first Proper read through for the final version since i’ve only read the ARC months ago and some random passages since it came out.
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snailfen · 2 years
Silver - ⚧ 🧠💛
YES its italian time baby
⚧ - Pronoun headcanon
he/they because everytime i think about this image i think about lyra and silver. this is their dynamic post game in my heart
Tumblr media
🧠 - MBTI headcanon
ok bad news bestie i . I dont know anything about mbti..... i've heard of it but never looked into it
💛 - Brotp
read my paragraphs boy
OBVIOUSLY the johto protags theyre all like a group of loitering teenagers to me but in a funny way. I'd explain everything for those three also but like theyre the fucking johto quartet so im gonna give the spotlight to the others lol
ok beyond that, N obviously. N keeps ending up with new younger siblings like this isnt new so after father-or-foe N quickly gets used to Silver's presence. He does talk to his Sneasel at some point and learn about how Silver used to act, at first he's obviously a little ticked but he does realize that hes had a similar turn-around (having to learn the dynamic between a trainer and pokemon at some point, just from 2 different ways). Still, Sneasel talks about Silver in such high regard that N is astounded.
When the two arent part of a battle on Pasio or something they like to talk a LOT. Mainly Silver complains about other people (like idk. Clair being Clair or Blue not shutting up about Red) and N chuckles and tells him about his travels to other regions or rambles about various other things he knows a lot about.
Silver is just wondering when this tall motherfucker is gonna stop talking about ferris wheels leave him alone (like he's said about every other person he's enjoyed hanging out with)
Blue is like the begrudging (<- lie) older brother friend to all the johto quartet and that especially includes Silver.
Blue sees a bit of himself in the kid when he first hears about him from Ethan, he knows what it feels like wanting to be strong but always being just out of reach so when he finally meets Silver he actually manages to not piss him off within the first five minutes or so of talking. He tells Silver that if he wants, he can come to the Viridian City Gym every so often and Blue can give him some pointers and teach him some things he learned on his journey. Silver thinks it's stupid and laughs it off like HEH why would i do that (he takes blue up on the offer like a week later LOL)
Red has barely had one-on-one moments with Silver but when they meet for the first time in his mind hes kinda like "OH SHIT THAT SCIENTIST WASNT LYING. THAT GIOVANNIS KID CAN RED HAIR. I THOUGHT THAT WAS ALL A JOKE..." (im referring to a scientist you see in FRLG a few times, i thiiiink his name is gideon? He tells the player that Giovanni's kid has red hair)
But anyways. Silver has challenged Red a few times (AND OBVIOUSLY LOST) and Red actually thinks of Silver as highly as he does the other johto kids. He's curious to see Silver come to his full potential as a trainer cus he is pretty strong the first time they battle, even though Silver is still learning to trust and care for his pokemon at the time.
Silver would never admit it but he looks up to Red and Blue. Obviously, because they are some of the strongest trainers on the fucking earth. That being said if Silver has to listen to Blue talk about Red one more time hes pushing him off of a bridge
OK i think thats it why did it take an hour to write this
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