#goofy silly tragic little guys
south-sea · 10 months
amnesiac mephiles and mobian black doom are the same. to me
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sysig · 10 months
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@vernors tags are so incredibly correct (Patreon)
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I Am Rattling The Stans Around In My Brain Aggressively Like A Maraca
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doubleedgemode · 23 days
There's a post that explains it way better than I do but. I'm currently thimking about A.B.As frankenstein influence
Aside from the obvious "concept art refs frankenstein by name, so one could assume the head key worked as her electrodes/bolts" I don't see many people mention how her strive boots are black platforms a la creature's movie depiction's (roadworker if I'm not mistaken?? I probably am) boots. Also yknow they have lil bolts
#one of my funny unserious theories: while we only see a little bit of frasco I assume it's quite big. idk it's a mansion lab.#so there were a lot of keys#for its many rooms#WHICH think abt it seems to be kinda implief since aba had a key collection even before meeting para#one could argue she took em in her lil escapades but we don't know how long they could be (cause she couldn't go too far n frasco was prob#isolated since it was in the mountains imo. maybe there couldve been a nearby mountain village but still imo it was prob kinda hidden)#SO my goofy theory is that the creator was. wait. we can be pragmatic. we have some big keys here. those could work as electrodes yup#though it'd be interesting if they also had a key obsession fsr mirroring hers#'if it was already a normal key why did it have a skull design“ this is gg so I choose to believe frascos interior design even before getti#thrashed by the military already had a creepy monstery vibe. the creator played into thst I think cause come on.#frascos caged monsters were either made by the creator or.. aba herself#guh I'm procrastinating#worth noticing that while all of abas franken-refs are based off the movie version (which makes sense. it's the more iconic afterall!)#did u know book creatures skin was transparent. That's right. I can tie that into my 'slightly transparent skin aba“ n not look absurd lmao#look I don't even feel that strongly abt that hc I just think it's cool and adds to her vibes hence I tend to discuss it. sorry#a.b.a#text tag2b named#I rly need to read the frankenstein novel sometime...#I feel it'd be up my alley of empathizing with 'seen as offputting and shunned artificial mimicries of humans that can be oh so tragic“#edit: fuuuck I forgot ggworld confirms it's a key-shaped screw not a straight up key. but still my silly theory can work 'okay guys we need#a big chunk of metal to make a screw for my homunculus OH WE CAN RECYCLE OUR BIG KEY“
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bootlegspiders · 2 months
Hey, so for Watcher fans who may not wanna pay for another subscription or just wanna watch something new here are some other youtubers you should take a look at if you want to get a spook or learn some history
(* = potentially triggering topics covered usually associated with crimes, so be careful)
Ghost Hunting and general spooky vibes:
AmysCrypt - Your typical ghost hunting show with two Australians traveling the world, though I will say they do go to places I've never heard of before and they do very good research. And there are some goofs along with the spooks.
The Ouija Brothers - Two British dudes finding ghosts in England. The vibes are generally pretty chill and it's a good time
The Paranormal Scholar - A mixed bag of all paranormal happenings from ghosts to demons to cryptids and aliens. Sort of an overview to deepdives on various paranormal occurrences. The research is immaculate and their voice is very soothing in my opinion.
Paranormal Quest - Ghost hunting in the US, sometimes goofy sometimes serious, but they do go to some interesting places and some familiar ones too
Weird History:
ObsoleteOddity* - This guy is great, like 80% of the things he covers I've never heard of before. Very atmospheric, fun little visuals, and a large variety of weird events and people for topics.
Georgia Marie* - A little bit of everything, but she focuses on strange things that have happened, lgbt history, true crime, and historical disasters. She covers enough of everything that I'm sure you'll find something
Stefanie Valentine* - I'm not sure if she even posts anymore, but I thought what she was doing was great. Think Vampira or Elvira but for older true crime and ghost stories, I think the latest covered would have been like early 1900s. Idk I just thought it was like a cute spooky lil storytime
Caitlin Doughty or Ask A Mortician* - Pretty sure y'all would know who she is but just in case, she's a mortician who covers topics relating to death! From odd ways people have died, or odd things that have happened to people after they've died. And just odd or tragic things that have happened through history. It's silly, but done with levity and care and respect the topics deserve.
General History:
Part-Time Explorer - Mostly history on ships and ghost towns with the occasional train. Lots of research and interviews, very well done and worth checking out even if it may not be your thing.
History's Forgotten People - Talks about sometimes obscure, or sometimes not, historical individuals. Even if you've heard of the person in the topic, they'll talk on something obscure about that person.
History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday - A heavy focus on royalty around the world, a generally upbeat dive into historic individuals.
(Or you could always go watch time team, that's an option and it's my guilty pleasure love me some archeology)
True Crime:
There are so many out there, so I'll just recommend two of my favorites
Gabulosis* - She focuses on vintage cases 20 years or older (literally in her opener) and is well researched and respectful. Another one that talks on cases I've never heard of that deserve to be heard.
Mysterious WV* - True crime and missing persons based in the West Virginia area and neighboring states. Idk how to even explain the vibes. This guy is just great please watch him trust me you won't be disappointed.
That's all for now, feel free to add your own recs out there!
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plag-doktor · 2 years
Currently rotating my Skyrim characters in my brain
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healer-pop · 1 month
going on the tragic Hero origin stories blizzard has been releasing lately, imagine just how devastating it would be if venture accidentally caused another catastrophic Omnic uprising.
some spoilers for ow under the cut!
their story is so cute and they’re so quirky, funny and goofy and that’s wonderful that we have heroes like that because honestly they are my favorite types; but come on now. You guys honestly can’t believe that blizzard is just releasing them without some thing they’re not telling us. that they’re just there for comic relief. A big part of overwatch is tragedy and misfortune. How different things would be if only something small changed. And yes, there are aspects of hope and light and persistence in the face of hopelessness. But think about Widow’s backstory. Think about Illari’s backstory. A big part of overwatch is the tragedy all the heroes have faced at one time or another — whether self-inflicted or by some random misfortune.
By hinting how venture unearthed Anubis? It would really play against their positivity and optimistic personality and bring a nice balance to their origin story. venture talks about Aurora all the time, how they admire her. Which in itself would be innocuous, but considering they have currently been one of the only heroes to do so while also being shown to find Anubis????? makes me extremely suspicious. Anubis was a god program that was supposed to be quarantined at the end of the first Omnic uprising by overwatch, it was never killed, and this is shown in Ram‘s voice line with Pharah. it’s still there, it’s just inactive. and overwatch hasn’t been around in a LONG time.
this would also make sense, lore wise, to why some of the characters can be on the same team. having talon and overwatch team up to fight against another uprising from a god program makes a lot of sense. Especially factoring in Ram’s motivations. There’s not really a character I see that wouldn’t fight against the Anubis. Maybe Mauga? they don’t have to like each other, but being committed to stop a greater evil is a very good way to pull a party together. dnd rules —
imagine how horrible it would be for Venture to realize they reactivated anubis. they were the ones who undid all aurora sacrificed. their hero, the reason for their passion, and here they are, absolutely destroying everything Aurora built. with one fell dig swoop.
Yes, venture is my favorite character so far and yes, I do enjoy putting my silly little favorite in absolutely horrible situations.
anyways rant over. let me cook while I can.
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mcyt-trios · 8 months
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The Bad Boys:
They were so entertaining to watch. All of them share one singular braincell and they keep losing it. They couldn’t even keep Jimmy alive.
They’re goofy little guys! Who doesn’t love them! Have you seen any clips?! Plus, ladder talk podcast. Iconic. One of a kind. Never been done before. The hijinks! The tragic ending! They’re very much the best bad boys on the internet
They’re each a lil dumb but put them together and they get so much stupider, it’s wild. We love irl pals who work together and are terrible influences on one another. They actively build a brand of mutual bullying, true friendship <3
they are everything, they are sunshine and love and nonsense and digging straight down, they stay loyal the whole time and are messes without each other!
“Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do, watch’s gonna do when they come for you”.
theee relationship of all time: roier is husbands with cellbit and jaiden is his qpp, they are all so caring for each other and they have had their tension and their bad moments but there's a genuine want to communicate and grow better all the time :( <3
Cellbit and Roier are romantic married, Roier and Jaiden were platonic partners raising a child together, and all 3 are chaos together! But get along so so well! They support each other so much and care about each other so deeply and they are all Sillies
this is jaiden, and this is jaiden's partner/ the father of her child roier, and this is roier's cannibal husband cellbit
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sillygh0st · 5 days
Qtazercraft being so goofy silly little guys but also very tragic characthers is funny to me god I love them
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Did you get a request for fluffy Baron? Cause if not... May I request something just really cute and fluffy? Like maybe reader and Baron all cosy on his couch (like we see him in the movie) and they are eating ice cream, and drinking soda and just giggling about silly things, and he keeps stealing kisses from you?
hi hi! I did not and i’m so happy you did 🥹 ugh i love baron so much bye.
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Cooldown Kisses
“I done watched all of these before, there’s a guy with a funny hat and he takes the kids up the mountain. I don’t know what he does with ‘em up there but -“
He rambled on, ice cream coating the entire lower half of his face as he looked at the tv screen. As he spoke, the cartoon played a rickety old man in a cowboy hat taking a mining cart of wailing children up to the top of a canyon. I’d tuned out a while ago, more fascinated by the man cross-legged on the couch next to me. The curtains were drawn, but there was still a hazy orange glow around the room from the sunset outside, paired with a dim glow of the table lamp.
It had been a long day, I’d been doing voluntary work around town; crocheting with some of the old ladies on the street and keeping them company. On my way to the next residents home, I felt somebody poke my shoulder. Spinning round to see who it was, I saw Baron smiling widely on his bicycle as he held out a small package. “It’s for 5175, know you’re going there next.”
I took the package from him, his hand gripping my wrist and pulling me towards the handlebars. He’d leant over them to kiss me, almost falling off as he put one leg out to balance himself. “That’s better, I can work harder now.” He’d said with a grin as he pedalled away.
It was boiling hot, sweat forming on my brow as the crochet hook kept slipping from everyone’s clammy palms. But I’d made some kind of small crocheted coaster regardless, little lady Pat complimenting me on the needlework. I’d given her a sticky hug before telling her I’d see her tomorrow, desperate to get home to the goofy postal boy I’d only seen for a minute.
Here we were, a junky metal fan doing reverse psychology on the two of us as it blew hot air around the room, sitting on either end of the couch to try and get cool as the sun set. Ice cream was the only suggestion left as we gathered scoops and scoops into bowls, but mine had melted.
“You just wasted a good four dollars o’ strawberry swirl, hon.” Baron said suddenly, drawing me out of the trance I’d had on him. I looked down at the pink soup I’d unintentionally made in my bowl before looking up at him with a smile.
“Could say the same for you, darlin’, you’re wearing about two dollars of vanilla around your face.” His tongue darted out around his mouth, searching for any leftovers. But he was missing tragically. I shuffled over on my knees, sitting back on them next to him on the couch as he looked up at me with his silly big brown eyes.
“Want me to help you save money?” I giggled down at him, stroking his hair away behind his ears. He nodded, his mouth dropping open in that cute, dumbfounded way. Eda coughed a little, drawing both of our attention until she sighed and stopped. Turning back to each other, Baron’s hands gripped my hips, pulling me onto his lap before very quickly pecking my lips and taking me by surprise.
“You done got a pink nose now. Like ice-cream Rudolph.” He mumbled, looking over my face and then back up to my eyes. I giggled at his comment, my thumbs running over his sticky cheeks gently. I pulled his face closer to mine, but just as his eyes fluttered closed I stuck my tongue out, messily licking ice cream from across his chin and nose. He fought me off, chuckling and trying to hide his face from the attack.
“Problem solved, no more wasting that strawberry swirl.” I said proudly, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Those twinkling eyes looked at me with awe, though I didn’t know what was so entrancing about the blob of strawberry ice cream sitting on the tip of my nose.
With gentle hands, he pulled my face down closer to his before kissing the strawberry ice cream off softly. “See. Don’t have to be so goddamn violent about it.” He grinned, pressing his lips to mine.
“I was not violent. I’m just trying to get cool and save dollars, Baron.” I chuckled against his mouth, as his arms wrapped around my waist. The humidity of the room suddenly didn’t exist, just the taste of strawberry and the feeling of him. Minutes of kisses passed by, before he pulled away and looked me in the eyes.
“Yeah so, now the funny old man pushes the cart back down the mountain but the kids ain’t in there no more. Somethin’ ‘bout the silence used to give me the jeebies.” He spoke out of nowhere. I looked over my shoulder to see exactly what he was describing on the TV, rolling my eyes as I pulled his attention back to the cooldown kisses again.
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evelynpr · 5 months
do you have a favorite fontaine character? 👀
Ok so like, multiple reasons I do not have a clear cut answer for this:
The thing about Fontaine is that they genuinely have such an incredible cast I legitimately cannot pick a favorite character. Like seriously this is such a hard question because so many of them are just AWESOME!!! Many are just well written, beautiful, so interesting, tragic, all of it
I am waiting for Clorinde's story quest...I have been waiting for more Clorinde content since Fontaine P1. Since her cutscenes with Navia and Wrio. I HAVE BEEN WAITING!!! I WANT MORE OF HER SO BADDDDDD BECAUSE!!! OMG!!! So far, she's had both such a serious and dutiful persona, but also she's so sweet and kinda awkward??? she also may or may not have family baggage because of her family heritage... If they do her character justice (haha) she might be one of my favorites
Ok currently the actual contenders for favorite are, like, Neuvillette and Furina. My stance on neuvifuri as a ship tho is a whole other mixed bag, but both of them individually are just so!!! YO!!! THEYRE JUST SO CHARACTER!!! Neuvillette, this beautiful, gentle, and truly dutiful dragon who learned to love humanity. Furina who's madness and goodness are what allowed her to fulfill her own duty. Man. They're both just so interesting and SILLY EVEN. Just wonderful little bbgs to mess around with.
Not to say I don't love Fontaine's other characters either. Far from it. I have not liked a character this fast ever (?) like I liked Chevreuse in just one event. Chevy is so goofy and passionate and genuine I like her a lot!!! Wrios is just. Such a cool fucking guy idk what to tell u man. He's both so chill but also godDAMN you do not mess with him. Navia!!! Such a lovely lady who's so strong, after all that she has gone through and all the responsibility she now carries!!! Truly girlidol girlslay girlboss she's incredible!!! AND OF COURSE THE TWINS AND FREMINET!!! Lyney and Lynette are such an amazing duo in their magic tricks, their agent duties, their siblinghood. Freminet is such a precious boy, please protect him he just wants to swim with the ocean creatures :<<<
Not to shade on the rest of the cast of course. Arlecchino (aside from being sexy as fuck) I'm also just waiting to see what else she actually has under her sleeve. Sigewinne and Charlotte are both nice and cute! By no means are they boring or uninteresting, just not my type, Chiori as well.
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poltergeistsoup · 6 months
Who's your favorite member of Gorillaz and why? :°
Girl (gender neutral) this is the Murdoc Enjoyer blog. He’s my favorite for the same reasons as everyone else: because I have a normal and uncomplicated relationship to my dad he’s a silly little guy :)
Fine here’s an actual answer:
Him being goofy is such a core element of his character that is frustrating when people don’t include it in their characterization. It’s what makes him so enjoyable rather than just being an asshole. It makes him more non-threatening— whether it’s because he’s full of shit, playing the fool on purpose, or him just naturally being a little goober. He’s a clown first and a musician second. In phase 1 Noodle says she likes that he makes her laugh and it could partially be her not taking him seriously, but also we see him trying to make people laugh all the time (you especially see it when Phil Cornwell is just improving and doesn’t have a strict script).
It makes it fully believable people would like him. Funny guys win. It makes people let their guard down, and it makes it easy to control how people see you.
He’s also motivated by a desperate need for control— keeping 2D close, spinning lie after lie to maintain attention and keep his true self nebulous, his fear of his bandmates leaving him behind. And it drives him whether he wants to be loved or feared. His ego crumbles any time that control is threatened and it makes him willing to change tactics to maintain it— so he’ll start yelling and throwing things *or* cry at your feet if one of those will get him what he wants.
What also sets him apart from other “asshole man” characters is that he’s not really behooved to prove his masculinity. Like obviously him wearing thongs and wanting to be strung up by a dominatrix and doing drag (him doing queer shit, essentially) is meant to be funny but also. I just like that he’s not ashamed of those things. He’s not in the closet, not out of the closet, but a secret third thing: “what’s it to ya.”
TLDR he’s everything to me. He’s a short king, he’s bisexual, he’s a clown, he’s utterly tragic, it’s entirely his fault, he’s a butch lesbian, he’s wet and pathetic, he’s babygirl, he’s a beast, he’s a catboy, he’s a deadbeat dad, he’s Mommie Dearest, he’s a drag king, he’s a whore, he’s the worst, he’s so deep, his story is mostly stupid, he’s mediocre, he’s exceptional, etc.
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play-on-skinners-box · 8 months
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I wanted to do more Raincode furries cause they're honestly so fun and are really good practice because I'm kinda rusty in general. I only did Yuma and Makoto this time just cause it's a more manageable workload and they are some of the last ones I'm especially passionate about.
OKAY SO, at some point scrolling on tumblr I saw this post by Nadox showcasing a piece of Yuma's concept art, and in the art he was depicted with long hair. They theorized that this was what Number One originally looked like and he sheared his hair into that wimpy fresh almost bowl cut so he could pass as a trainee, AND I L O V E THAT. I herby declare it as correct on the grounds of I said so.
Going along with this idea, Yuma is a young wolf that has a lame haircut so everyone THINKS he's just a dog. I know a wolf in real life would be a lot harder to reasonably pass as a dog, so this requires a bit of anime logic tomfuckery, but I'm fine with that because Raincode already deals in its fair share of logic jank. I am simply being true to game in that regard! The way I drew him already isn't super wolf-like cause I made him all squishy looking like human Yuma, and made the veerrryyyy tips of the ears flop over because the pointy ones just didn't feel quite right. I know real wolf ears are only ever depicted as pointy but it was for the VIBE. Yeaahhh in hindsight I might have taken a few too many liberties. I suppose to make it a little more sensible you could say he's a wolfdog and not full wolf or something. Other than the logic I really like this choice because everyone would naturally assume Yuma's just a pathetic little puppy dog when his real identity is hiding in plain sight!
I went back and forth on alot of the fur aspects. How smooth is too smooth? How much of it should just look like blunt cuts? Should I even give him his human hair? Usually I don't like giving my furries human hair in general because I want them looking a lot more like animals rather than people, but for Yuma his hair is such an important part of his design that I ultimately decided to keep it on both him and Makoto.
MAKOTO IS A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING AND THAT IS SO FUN, SO SILLY, SO GOOFY, HOOOORAY(Specifically a dall sheep cause they have those big curly horns). In theory, the hardest part of choosing an animal for Yuma is that whatever his animal is needs to tie into Makoto, and also be able to be implemented in a way where their connection isn't obvious. Makoto having a mask helps of course, but if you pick a really distinctive animal for Yuma you'll have to come up with better ways to hide it. Others have gotten a lot more creative with how Makoto hides his species, but I didn't do that and went in the full direction of just giving him a disguise. Its a littlllleeeeee lazy but I'm too smitten with the idea to care. I was a little confused on what to do with the tail. I considered just chopping off the majority of it to make it look like a short little sheep tail and put the justification for it in his suuuuppper tragic past(Though I honestly don't know if homunculi can regenerate like lizards). Luckily, the pose makes it so you can't see it anyway so I don't have to grapple with the responsibly of weather or not I need to brutally amputate one of Makoto's body parts. I consider this a win.
Disregarding his actual animal, I think the sheep is also weirdly fitting because of some of their associations. When I met Makoto I wasn't sure what to make of him besides being cautiously optimistic about him not letting Yuma die(What a fool I was), and sheep/lambs/rams and animals in that ballpark can vary wildly in their depictions from literaly the devil to good little fluffy guys!
For his actual look I wanted the sheep parts to look costumey sort of. I was going for a similar effect as the blood in chapter 0, where it's very noticeable but you write off the weird things about it because it's not immediately relevant. So, the mask has fake horns attached. The hand hooves are just little caps over the paw fingers, and there are two gold and silver caps to mimic his rings and point to their artificiality. The feet are also fake and are suppose to look a little clunky like Makoto's actual shoes. His hair is also much more full looking, a little less limp; because his actual ears need some place to get tucked away. I think the main problem with this design is it'd make for a really awkward reveal, cause when he dramatically gets the mask taken off then he'd just be a canine with hooves.
For both of them I think wolf works very well in terms of their characters and their shared forte. Yuma spends most of the game struggling with needing to rely on others, and Makoto has been carrying the weight of Kanai Wards secret on his shoulders alone for like three years. They also both have the Coalescence forte, which by it's very nature requires the help of other people, and at the end of the day being with others and working together is what brings them farther then they could do alone(even if some of the themes get muddled at the end and arn't really as clear as I'd personally like I find that Kodaka's games can have some not so rock solid theming with shakey conclusions but this is what I chose to take away from it)
These aspects of their characters fit perfectly with the stereotypical idea of a strong and stoic lone wolf in contrast to real wolves being pack animals that work together to survive!
I thought I'd like Yuma's design more by a landside cause I've grown really fond of his human design, but I actually really love this version of Makoto. I guess any designs with horns or hooves just appeals to me in a way that paws don't. Still really happy with these two. They could most certainly be worse! I think they're both cute little guys though and I learned a lot about how to like, render from this so that's a bonus!
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stem-sister-scuffle · 5 months
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job) vs Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
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Reagan Ridley is a Roboticist!
Futaba Sakura is a Computer Scientist and Hacker/Programmer!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Reagan Ridley:
"She is my blorbo <333 my specialest little girl <3333 she is going to take over the world with the power of daddy issues, superiority complexes and SCIENCE <333"
"Mommy and daddy issues. In her 30s. A REALISTIC woman witn features that a normal (?) freaking human could have. She's so girlboss and girlfailure at the same time. Just a fucking loser. Nice non-romantic relationship with (male) her BFF (business friend/family forever)."
"guhh shes so cool. emotionally neglected autism lady (also implied bisexual). she made a robot replica of a guy on a dating app to practice date him so she didnt fuck it up. also she works for the deep state. "Who's the weirdo now? Not the girl who invented robot arms to hug strangers! Oh my god I sound insane""
"I don’t think she’s in a specific field other than conspiracy theories. Maybe robotics. She built a robot boyfriend and robot president both of which developed sentient AI, and she built herself a set of robot arms. But she also created a giant sentient frog, like a real frog not a robot, when she was in fifth grade. Autism swag. She goes to the moon and hears that there are moon nazis and goes “have you tried shooting them? It works for earth nazis”"
"she skrunkly, never sleep, tragic backstory babygirl"
"neurodivergent girlboss"
"She is girlboss and she’s cringefail. She made an AI robot president. She made a robot replica of her date. She was uhhh “tweaked” in the womb to be more like her dad (who is also a scientist.) She would prefer to engineer literally anything over dealing with her problems directly. She is everything. Justice for inside job getting cancelled"
"She is absolutely insane, and also relatable. She is severely undervalued in her corporate deep state work environment, deals with the worst situations imaginable on a regular basis, and also cares deeply for the people around her. She is easily the smartest person in any given room and yet she is still very insecure."
"its because shes just like me fr. one small caveat is that i think she's straight in canon. oh well cant have everything"
Futaba Sakura:
"shes a 15yo autist who can take down the in-universe equivalent of anonymous in an afternoon. she has mommy issues"
"she is a silly goofy girl who can also pull insane feats of programming. she can hack into anything. she set up her own giant computer rig. she can remotely tap into people's phones."
"She is so blorbo! She’s very smart and funny, could use her powers for evil (and occasionally causes mischief) but uses them for good, cool character arc, just a silly little guy :)"
"she's silly i like her tetris shirt and she speaks in dorky references"
"technology (shes a hacker??) with a side of science (she has an interest in her mothers work in the field of cognitive "psience" as its referred to in-game!!) uhhh cant really explain stuff well but shes really epic and truly the hackergirl ever. shes cool enough that i partially based a character i recently made off of her tbh"
"Futaba is a traumatized shut-in that hates getting out of her room and interacting with people. She first contacts the heroes by hacking their group chat, asking for them to consider changing the heart of ""Futaba Sakura"".
Once they do, Futaba manages to confront her feelings and trauma and heal. She makes peace with the survivor's guilt she feels after the unfair death of her mother, who was a researcher/programmer before her.
Futaba does a lot of hacking for the sake of her friends, the Phantom Thieves. This also reflects in her Persona Necronomicon. She's the navigator/mission control of the group, not having combat abilities but being able to scan enemies to show their weaknesses.
Futaba's hacking also helps save the protagonist's life at one point. Like that's literally a huge plot point in the True Ending of Persona 5 and 5R. She's amazing."
"She is very good with computers and she helped the Phantom thieves with her hacking abilities"
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octoooo · 9 months
I want more information about Sabito :(
Silly little bunny coded Fox coded guy
Like, what was he like before the demon attack? We only ever see him through someone else’s eyes. Tanjiro at first and he’s brash and harsh, then Giyuu & he’s portrayed similarly but caring as well. Is this just his default? Is it a result of losing his loved ones? Did he even have loved ones?
(I let my thoughts flow free & wrote a lot again 🫠)
Who did he live with? Does he have a goofy story behind his hair color like Rengoku & Mitsuri?
I mean he had to have gotten it from somewhere, maybe an ancestor ate a million peaches and suddenly their kids had peachy hair.
Also what was his family like? Nice? Cruel? Cold and distant? I mean Sabito seems to operate with tough love so was that learned or did he just pick it up after the Demon incident?
Personal 🐙 headcanon time; I like to think he had a nice family; parents, 2 older brothers, himself and a younger brother and sister.
I’ve seen hc’s where Sabito is an older sibling (either the oldest or the middle child) and he’s a sweet older brother. I’ve seen hc’s where Sabito suffers from some sort of amnesia. Which explains why we never learn about his family name or birthday or anything—because he can’t tell us.
Where did his toxic masculinity come from? Was it taught to him by an older family member? Did he craft that idea after being too “weak” to save his family from the demon?
(I like to think Giyuu eventually steers him away from those toxic thoughts. Starting with bribes like “a real man would take charge & wash the dishes,” to “real men let themselves feel” and “real men are able to cry.” Without giyuu as his buffer though Sabito reverts to his old toxic self. That’s what it’s so important for them both to live, they support each other & make the other better (or worse))
Didn’t mean to go in Sabigiyuu rant XD anyway,
Where did his scar come from? Of course we can assume it was from the demon attack but what if it wasn’t? What if Sabito was just being a goofy kid and he sliced his cheek open sliding down Mt Sagiri? Or what if it was from a family member?
If there’s anything our fav demon slayers have it’s tragic backstories & I think Sabito deserves at least A backstory. Doesn’t have to be tragic like,,a few crumbs Gotouge please 🙏🏾 I love head canons just as much as the next person, but they’re only temporary scratches to this burning itch, a scratch that only canon info can soothe and THEN I can choose to patch over it with headcanons or not.
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limerental · 8 months
limerental's themed self-rec lists
read my old fics, you cowards! these are majority witcher fics, because i have an illness.
silly goofy modern au
how long we were fool'd - jaskier/yennefer(&geralt)
married neighbors yennskier, suburban dad!geralt, modern witchers, little kid ciri, aroace geralt, relationship misunderstandings, borzoi roach, supernatural mystery, some canon-typical violence, found family nonsense, and my own clairvoyance in writing yennskier husband-wife but it was spring 2020
(don't) poke the sleeping dragon - jaskier/yennefer/geralt
a retelling of bottled appetites but it's a nerdy fantasy music festival, copious drug use, yennefer's sick wizard van, unicorn edibles, golden dragon dildos, outdoor sex, geralt getting pegged and double penetrated, a dialogue only threesome, accidental yearning old friend geraskier tenderness, and someone once told me they wouldn't read this fic because yen had her tits out in the summary and i will always remember that criticism for the rest of my life
as if you were a mythical thing - yennefer/geralt
old married couple, dom/sub dynamics, sex unicorn mention, geralt is very vanilla but loves his kinky wife, and he's too autistic about horses not to ruin ponyplay with horse facts
this one might hurt
long on the road & how light carries on - geralt/jaskier (eventual geralt/regis in the sequel, plus many platonic relationships)
the 80s trucker/hitchhiker au that got away from me, vietnam vet trucker geralt, aging hippie musician jaskier, AIDS crisis, terminal illnesses, dealing with mortality, falling in love, road tripping, copious american geography, period-typical queer community issues, and then... life after loss, aging, grief and mourning, queer and traumatized family dynamics both found and otherwise, finding love again, and watching the sun set on a life well lived
in dark and twisted braids - fringilla &/ yennefer
aretuza school days slumber parties, girlhood crushes, pining, unrequited love, i shook a sorceress and intergenerational trauma fell out, the inherent adolescent horror of making lasting decisions about your future when you are barely 18 but even worse because there's war and violence and permanent alterations to your body and forced sterilization and your little schoolgirl crush on someone you thought was a friend ends in betrayal and bloodshed and you end up on opposite sides of the war and she never even looked your way or thought about you and--
then send down the storm - aiden/lambert, lambert/geralt(/yennefer)
witcher roadtripping, just guys being dudes, horse stuff, winter at kaer morhen polyamory but different, ~trauma~, the mortifying ordeal of accepting you deserve more from life and also of being known, but it's too late (or is it?), grief and mourning and loss and love that was worth its loss, and also, the character death(s) are largely temporary.
aw that just ain't right :/
the witch in her tower - eskel/yennefer(/geralt)
dark fic, fairytale elements, hurt no comfort (mind the tags), morally dubious heartbroken yennefer, pining and years of yearning for geralt eskel, unrequited love, non-consensual mind control during sex, flashbacks to messed up witcher child abuse and violence and cruelty, the inherent horror of mutated and manipulated little boys becoming men who think they can't or shouldn't love paralleled with the inherent horror of enchanted and manipulated little girls becoming women who-- you get it.
the flesh calmly going cold - geralt/jaskier
this one's gross for real, a hunt gone wrong, hurt NO comfort, major character death and it's gross and tragic, gore, necrophilia, organs lovingly described (and jizzed on), basically it's just like that scene in twn where filavandrel exploded but if francesca humped his goo after. sorry.
blood of the covenant (water of the womb) - geralt/&renfri, geralt/stregobor
supernatural pregnancy body horror as revenge, ......pregobor, black sun princess trauma and curses, apocalyptic monster fetus imagery, it's about women and violence against women and evil men suffering for inflicting that violence mostly, and also the evils of standing by and watching evil happen. also, yes stregobor is magical yucky bella swan pregnant and then bad stuff happens to everybody.
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