#got a bit rambly oops
an-animagi · 3 months
silly hc that whenever people remember things done by scaramouche their brain has a little catch up moment of 'huh what'
e.g. if one of the harbingers is thinking about something that scara had done theyll be like 'oh the sixth did that. hold on a second who the fuck is the sixth?? it was (insert whoever irminsul decided to patch the blank with)'
but the person that irminsul patches the blank with wont have any memories of having done that thing. it will be blank, there will be no time slot in their memory for that action. but its a fact that everybody knows. they did that thing.
it gets even fuckier when its people whos lives have been severely impacted by scaramouche. like how does a scara-less dotorre manage to make his clones?? how is irminsul patching an entire person missing that made niwa, katsuragi and nagamasa work together and form a stronger bond?? is dotorre just missing 300-400 years of experimenting on the same person?? does irminsul patch it with 'oh yeah you were just like helping the akademia make a god' but dottore wouldnt have had a reason to work with the akademia without already having experimented on scara. dottore hated the akademia at that point, why would he work with them?? do the people murdered by kunikuzushi remember only seeing a mysterious figure kill them?? does that child remember a person taking care of them in the months-weeks-days leading up to their death?? does the tsaritsa ever wonder why she has allowed the sixth seat to stay empty even though she has taken in new harbingers??
irminsul really is working in overdriving to fill in all the patches that an entire person not existing anymore creates
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terrified-spider · 21 days
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I got to participate in the Secret Strahd/Santa on the Misthoppers Discord Server! (:
I was lucky enough to draw @irishandrogyne's Caspian! A reincarnation of Alek!
This was super fun to be a part of; Irishandrogyne, I hope you like it! (:
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damnation-if · 6 days
hey!! can i ask for a color palatte description for the ro's? like what their hair/eye colors are?
hope you're having a good week 💙💙💙
I spent a long time putting together a graphic for this before I realised that you asked for just a description haha... oops. well. here is the graphic anyway XD
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If you're looking for a link to the page with more general descriptions, there are some on the RO's page.
Very sorry for the delay in replying! My life is. hectic. smdnfgbsfgf
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
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Mity I doodled (mostly from memory) earlier instead of studying for finals
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glittter-skeleton · 2 years
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Moon and sun (fit check)
This post was sponsored by @h3rmitsunited’s Dirk outfit meta because getting references is hell but you made it a easier
Also look how cute it’s them chilling after the reunion!!!
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layalu · 12 days
wip wednesday (?) aka look at my water caustics boy
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chipsncookies · 9 months
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(Read from right to left)👈
I headcanon that Yullian was sent to learn self defense from Ultraman Red and 80 was her sparring partner because they were close in age, that's how they became friends ☺️ more explanation under the cut
Ultraman Red is from Ultraman 80 manga by Tetsuji Kataoka, he's 80's adopted father and Ultra Father's best friend. Not sure if he's canon (probably isn't) but I'm not gonna ignore him, instead i try to fit him with canon info!
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Yullian is a princess, meanwhile 80 isn't a royalty (if he is they'd probably say it?) but they are childhood friends, so i always wondered how they became friends when they have almost nothing in common. My brain can't help adding red to the equation, i wondered if they became friends before or after 80 was adopted and whether red helped make that possible.
Then i remembered Yullian has fighting synergy with 80 (well in her only show appearance at least) so it's possible she had trained with him before, and red's job seems to train cadets, so my brain ultimately concocted that maybe she learned self defense from red and 80 became her sparring partner (they were close in age, shes 7800 he's 8000). It's important to make sure she can learn properly, it wouldn't be fair for a child to spar with an adult lol. So they quickly become friends 💖
I love the idea of Red treating them like his own children, it's cute ☺️💖 I imagine that the cadets also get invested in her and 80 and always root for them like their own little siblings 🥹 I have this whole vision of red and them congratulating her when she finished training/became a proper princess/when 80 take off to earth...
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silverwolf1249 · 2 years
kryptonians have wings and need them to live au:
Wing au where all kryptonians are born with wings, and can hide or reveal them at will. If they lose their wings, their health deteriorates until they either die from the stress the loss of their wings causes, or they end it themselves.
The Kents are surprised when they find a winged baby in a spaceship crashing in their fields one day, but they love him all the same and name him Clark. They didn't let him out much until he was a bit older and figured out how to hide his wings, it was simply too risky.
As a toddler, Clark's wings were incredibly fluffy and full of down, still growing in. What you could see of his feathers were greyish blues, a rusty tone highlighting the upper parts of his wings. He wasn't able to do much more than flap them about until he turned thirteen, when his adult plumage came in.
That time was absolute hell on all the Kents, his parents not knowing much on how the help the itching and pain Clark dealt with as he molted and his feathers fully grew in. Martha and John poured over multiple books on birds and their wings in hopes that Clark's wings were similar enough for the information to aid them.
Clark had to take an extended leave from school due to an "unfortunate case of pneumonia". It all turned out alright in the end of course, and Martha absolutely cooed at her son's new plumage, vivid dark blue with vibrant red mingling amongst the upper portions of his wings (colors that would later inspire those of his uniform as superman)
Growing up, Clark knew he was different, no one else had wings, and he had been told constantly by his parents to keep his hidden. He learned very early on that it was because he wasn't from earth, but that didn't make his parents consider him their own any less. He later found out about all his other abilities he gained from absorbing the sun's solar energy, but his favorite ability was always the wings he was born with.
Sure, he could fly without them, but why would he? His wings were a part of him from the very beginning, and flying with his wings just felt so much more right than flying without them. When he found the Fortress of Silence, he learned more about his wings from the Jor-el hologram, discovering how important it was to keep them safe. He still decided to keep them out as Superman though, his near invulnerability extending to his wings as well, and he was loathe to fly without them.
Years down the line, and after having been a part of the Justice League for over a year, Superman was suddenly very aware about his wing's vulnerability after another Kryptonite incident with Lex. Superman worried, and ended up confiding in Batman about his concerns. This was Batman after all, he knew all of Kal's other secrets and weaknesses, what was one more? He still didn't know the man's name, but he would trust him with his life, and for now that was enough.
Thankfully, Lex had yet to figure out just how important Clark's wings were to his continued existence, but even if he never learned the truth, any lucky shot to his back could take him out permanently. Batman listened to it all and told him that while he would tell him to put on wing covers to shield them, suddenly having them one day would be incredibly suspicious. There wasn't much they could do other than to make sure Clark's back was always protected.
Of course, this wasn't a long term solution, and it caught up to them not even a few years later. Superman finally got hit with that lucky shot, and Bruce wasn't able to get there in time to shield the other's back. By that point, the core justice league members had learned of Kal's achilles heel, and panicked when they noticed Superman lying on the ground face down, his back torn to shreds and wingless. Batman however, was calm, cold and clinical as he ordered them to bring them to the watchtower infirmary and get a room with two operating tables prepared for surgery.
When Superman, unconscious from the pain, was set up in an operating room, the Justice League looked around, wondering what was next? Only to spy Batman removing the top parts of his armor next to the other operating table. Wondering what the hell was going on, they were absolutely shocked when a pair of wings burst out of Bruce's back, and they were identical to Superman's.
Despite the questions bubbling within them, they soundlessly leave the operating room to let the watchtower's medical team enter and get down to business. Hours after the surgery is over, they visit Bruce to get their answers. He's sitting up in his bed, unable to lie on his back, the two new neatly stitched incisions on his back preventing him from doing so.
Still under the influence of painkillers (not strong enough to cloud his mind of course), he slowly explains. When he learned of Clark's weakness, he did more research into it, using his at the time new connection to the computer in the Fortress of Silence to learn more about Kryptonian biology. He wanted to figure out if there were any ways to prevent Clark's death if he actually lost his wings one day.
Eventually, he did find the solution. On Krypton, wing transfers were rare, but the cases were well documented in the Fortress' database. Whoever sacrificed their wings would die, but so long as the person who had lost their wings received a transplant within 24 hrs, the one who lost their wings would survive with no lasting impact. The wings had to be removed within those 24 hrs as well, or the wings would be rejected, and both participants would die.
And Bruce was the guy with all the contingencies, both for if he would need to take down his allies, and to save them. He sneakily stole a few dna samples from Clark, and did his own research and testing. He eventually managed to replicate Clark's wings, but he knew that unless they were attached to someone, the transplant wouldn't work.
Eventually he made the conclusion that if anyone was to carry the spare pair of wings, it would be him. This was untrodden territory, but thorough testing had shown that Kryptonian dna was compatible with human dna, so at the very least, Bruce wouldn't die if he implanted the wings into himself.
Whether he would die or not if a transplant was required however, was uncertain. While humans didn't need wings to survive, Bruce couldn't be sure how the Kryptonian wings might affect human biology once implanted. Hell, he wasn't even completely sure if the transplant would work. The intermingling of human and Kryptonian dna from the wings could render the wings useless once removed.
There was just no way to tell unless Kal actually needed the transplant, and there was no way Bruce would let that risk fall on anyone else. In the end, it seemed like Bruce's gamble had won, since other than the gashes on his back, there were no other negative effects to his health, and it looked like Kal would make a full recovery as well.
As you can probably imagine, the justice league were not happy with his explanation at all, and neither were his family or Clark when he woke up(Alfred in particular was upset that Bruce had never told anyone what he had done, the batkids were just pissed and terrified for nearly losing their dad and they wouldn't even have known until much later). At the same time however, they understood why Bruce did what he did, self sacrificing idiot that he was. None of them could imagine a Batman without a Superman. Clark though, also couldn't imagine a Superman without a Batman by his side.
They were friends, Clark would even hesitantly call Bruce his best friend, but the incident had changed some things. Clark had always thought that Bruce had reluctantly became friends with him after Clark kept bothering him to be more social when they started the justice league. He knew that Bruce trusted him with his life, he wouldn't have revealed his identity to him otherwise, but the fact that he was willing to die for a chance to save him...Clark had just never saw that happening, until now he supposed.
He just wanted to know why? Why put himself at risk like this when he wasn't even sure he would survive the surgery? When he wasn't even sure if it was possible to transfer the wings to him? So he confronts Bruce one day, practically ambushing the man in the Batcave one night. And Bruce, as emotionally distant and secretive as the man can be, answers honestly, "I care about you." he tells Clark, looking away from the other to hide how vulnerable he felt, "There was no way I was going to let something like this kill you. Not if I had the possibility to prevent it. A chance is greater than none at all."
And suddenly, Clark realizes that he was awfully, terribly, and wholly in love with Bruce. How he had never noticed it before he wasn't sure, but this near death incident had made him reflect on many things, it would of course also make him reflect on his relationship with Bruce as well. And without even thinking about it, he finds himself kissing the other man.
For a second, there's no response, but then Bruce answers in kind. Clark feels his wings, wings that Bruce had risked himself to create and transfer, pop out of his back. They flutter a bit, before wrapping themselves around him and Bruce. And everything feels so, so right, like everything was going to be okay.
It wasn't of course, he and Bruce definitely had to discuss their relationship and how it might affect their current lives, both of them were still recovering from the surgery, and Clark's wings didn't really feel like his just yet, despite looking exactly the same. He was also pretty sure the other Justice League members were going to be ridiculously overprotective over him for a while after being so close to losing him, same with Bruce for being reckless and secretive as always. But for now, he let himself indulge in this one perfect moment.
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feltsticker · 11 days
connors fate post game is rotating so much in my mind. I really love how there are so many different ways his life could go post deviancy ending depending on all the smaller decisions made thru the game... Like even within the standard pacifist ending so many little details could effect his life..there is a ramble under the cut i wrote wayy more than i expected to 😭
his relationship with hank obviously being a big one - the fact that you can walk that fine line between having hank hate you and still being able to become deviant is soo fascinating. and of course there's the 'sacrifice hank' option in stratford tower... this choice is so fascinating to me because it reads to me as him finding the android cause more important than his personal ties, and perhaps he views it as a necessary sacrifice for the cause (i remember i think seeing people upset years ago with how connor did not seem very emotive or distressed at hanks death if you choose the sacrifice option, his LED blue from memory too, but i feel like it makes sense... if he's able to have the choice to make this decision, he'd know what he's doing by sacrificing him)
but even like which androids end up in the evidence room in last chance, connor... what if simon died after connor found him, and now post-game connor is around the jericho group, hearing about simon and putting the pieces together... does he tell them? would their opinion of him change? i think no matter who is in the evidence room, he would be Feeling that guilt
what if he killed the tracis, and north finds out? even if the common notion among androids is that you aren't responsible for your life pre-deviancy because its not truly them, would there still be that instinctual feeling of disdain or disgust tainting your view of them anyway? i really feel like the guilt would be crushing for every android that he helped put in that evidence room. most of them were wanting for jericho - and now he's there instead, unscathed and alive and given a second chance he never gave them.
i think its also made worse by the fact that i think you can read both shaolin's 'the truth is inside' and the tracis speech (its so interesting to me how they never kill him, even if he loses the fight really badly. instead she stops and explains her actions to him, before leaving...) as like holding out a lifeline, in a way. shaolin Gives connor the location to jericho, despite undoubtedly knowing he's not a deviant and hearing connor say himself that hunting deviants is specificially what he was designed for. and the tracis, if you don't shoot or lose the fight, tell you their story, before turning their back to connor to escape - a vulnerable notion. offering a simple explanation - i wanted to live, so i fought for it. and im sure if at not at this point in the game, in the future that resonates with him.
I also like how shaolin only says this if connor hit that sweet spot in the stress level, and the tracis only if you lower the gun and choose not to shoot (or are terrible in the fight). like perhaps they see that ghost of something, recognise something in him they once saw in themselves before they broke the red wall. or maybe its just kindness, and hope?
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voids-call · 9 months
For the Fnaf ask game. 8 and 13?
For 8, I have recently been vibing with both Welcome Back and In The Ruins by Tryhardninja. Both bops and REALLY hard to pick between the two.
For 13….. I can’t pick to be truthful. Bonnie’s whole deal is complicated and it’s so vague as to what the hell happened to the poor man.
Currently I think that it was likely Vanny with STAFF bots. Similar to what we see her do to Freddy in the two endings that bring us into Fazerblast. Just the way his limbs are disconnected screams disassembled to me.
Now you might be thinking; Void! How in the everliving FUCK did those claw marks get there? Well to that I say again look at Freddy. The gashes jn his casing aren’t pretty either once the STAFF bots are done with him.
Plus, in the Vanny Ending itself (NOT the pq ending), we get to actually see what they did to him. Now, his limbs aren’t off but Gregory also called them off him before they probably got done wrecking the poor guy. NOW talking about the pq ending, and how that lends into Ruin; Freddy is missing his head. How did Gregory get it? Simple: he didn’t call off the STAFF bots, so they had the chance to rip it off themselves. He just took it with him after Freeing Vanny.
Now all this to say, I’m not sure. Completely honest I do not know. This is just the theory I like the best and find the most believable. I do know I believe one thing though: Monty didn’t fUCKING DO IT- [GUNSHOT STFU VOID]
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irkimatsu · 29 days
Husk comforting you bc of parental issues on Mother’s and/or Father’s Day
I’ll see myself out 🚶
- 💃
Wait, no, come back, I could use this one
I'm trying not to vent too hard about my own personal issues here, but yes, both Mother's Day and Father's Day are rough on me for different reasons, and Husk is bound to hear my venting, especially if I start drinking. I might get... especially weird on Father's Day, considering my crush on Husk might be partially due to a complex I have there... hopefully he can deal with me, maybe either indulge me or smack some sense into me, depending on what would help more.
I'm just glad that Charlie has issues with both parents. That sounds awful to say, I know! But she seems like the type who, if she did have a good relationship with both parents, wouldn't understand how anyone could not want to celebrate their parents! Don't you love your parents, Irk?
"Well, I mean... I was an accidental high school pregnancy, neither parent really wanted me, bio dad bailed before I was born, mom was too troubled to really deal with a kid and kept moving us in with various trash humans who I refused to call dad by the age of 10, she's gotten a little better in some ways but still treats me in ways that others would call emotionally abusive but that I think I'm too fucked up to judge properly, so..."
Don't know where mom's going when she dies. Dad's already dead, he's definitely down here, I don't want to see him, he wouldn't even recognize me anyway. So leave me the hell out of Mother's Day and Father's Day, thank you.
(I've seen enough headcanons of Husk having a shitty home life himself, so depending on what the canon really is, maybe we can relate on that front. Sadly there are times a birth parent is a dud, after all. But even if I never had a father, now I have a daddy, so it's fine~
...there's also my own headcanons about Husk being a bit of a shitty husband and father in life, so I'm sure Father's Day is a punch in the gut for him as well... never actively abusive, god no, he adored his family, but his issues rendered him emotionally absent at times, and by the time he died he hadn't seen his own daughters in decades...)
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luvsavos · 1 year
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yet another monster oc human form drawing, this one of my disgraced sun god, naasfilrah<3
he's a g-rank fatalis, and he tends to disdain his human form and Not use it for the most part
he always dresses in some kind of formal attire, pingponging back and forth from business casual and proper dressware, this drawing being more of business casual
he'd be less pale however he has been trapped in an underground bunker and subject to intense energy siphoning for the past Several Thousands Of Years, so he looks a bit more pale and fucked up than he was in the past (but i may draw a past version of him eventually)
(also, the writing on the mug is dovahzul (so is naas' name) and reads "world's best sun god" lol)
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lover-of-skellies · 10 months
I am hideously behind on Shooting stars but how about comparing couples, Sun/Reader and Moon/reader Who is more protective??
Between Sun and the reader, the reader is more protective. Sun wants to protect them, but my guy is just riddled with anxiety and can be super flighty. Reader's first memory of him (after he re-entered their life when they grew up) was him cowering in their closet, afraid of touch and closeness, and visibly trembling. He just looked so sad in that moment that it apparently unlocked some kind of protectiveness in them
Then between Moon and the reader, it's Moon. There's no way he suffered for literal years and went through one traumatic event after another, just to let something take away his favorite human. He'd protect them at just about any cost, even if it meant being damaged in the process
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universe of constant spinning, every end a new beginning
“So, do you have an umbrella? That was like, your thing, right? At Claw?”
Ah—not again! He can’t keep zoning out while talking to people—especially his boss.
But… why was Reigen still here? It was late and he always got to work early. It wasn’t his job to stay and coddle his employees. “I—uh—no,” he stuttered, fingers twisting anxiously. “Mine was, uh, "is” broken, sir.”
‘Broken’ was a mild way to put it. More like it got destroyed.
[or, reigen gives serizawa an umbrella]
☔️2,651 words | serirei☔️
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oasisofgalaxies · 3 months
good luck with ur lil matchbox car u_u hoping u don’t get swept away 🙏🙏🙏
thankfully i did not get swept away but the wind RLLY tried LSKDFJ
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caramel-catss · 3 months
gaming update: my brother keeps stealing the switch cartridge for link's awakening so i'm playing the dx pc port. wdym i already beat the game... wdym i still have to beat majora's mask before i do anything else... shhhhh
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