willaeru · 5 months
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Clover fan art color variant
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alfos001 · 5 months
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Gunning for justice in Undertale Yellow! Pretty good way to start 2024 While Yellow might not be quite as enthralling as its predecesseor, astetically the character designs are more excitingly vibrant than anythign I've seen from a Fangame so far. Plus the Hat & Necktie just work so well together I love it! ^_^
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chaoticsorceressztc · 2 months
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raybluesock · 4 months
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bree-sae · 1 month
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serv0z · 1 month
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Clover gunhat you are so mecore. I'll get back to my bsd wips soon.. im planning a few animations so :) But i had brainrot and had to get him out. Enjoy !! REBLOGS >>> LIKES
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lemon-3ds · 5 months
what if you were a tablet
What if YOU were?
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urbodymytemple · 3 months
alright that's it [hits all four of them with the f/o beam]
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snoocola · 5 months
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I love gunhat from undertale game 😁
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karmaspidr · 2 months
Welcome to the Gunhat Family, Chara
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raincandyyy-u · 2 months
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i finished undertale yellow recently and had to draw the silly gunhat with their suspicious best friend
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Undertale Yellow AU idea: SequenceShift
Since my boyfriend @cent-the-proto and I still have severe Undertale Yellow brainrot, we decided to make an AU together. The main concept is UTY characters taking the places of OG Undertale ones, and mashing plot beats from both stories together with some new locations (which are a hybrid of Japanese and Western inspiration).
While this is a 'shift' AU, I'm keeping the personalities of the characters intact rather than swapping both character placements AND personalities. It's what I found frustrating about most Shift AUs: changing the personalities just defeats the point of the AU in the first place imo. I'll be honest, I haven't looked into many other AUs, so if our concept is too similar to someone else's, please let me know. Also, we only figured out the characters and setting, so any suggestions are welcome! (comments or ask box) . Also, should go without warning, this has spoilers for both Undertale and Undertale Yellow, so read at your own risk. Again, not an artist, so I don't have any drawings yet.
Also, quick shoutout to @s0ckh3adstudios and their Undertale Gold AU for inspiring me to make my own.
With that out of the way, let's get into the core characters of SequenceShift! (title is a placeholder, unless I can't think of anything else)
Clover, The Fallen Human
Gunhat Clover is largely unchanged from their cannon standpoint. Cowboy-themed human, fall down to the Underground intentionally to search for the six fallen humans (yes, six, they're taking Frisk's place), embodiment of justice and all that. Not much else to say, so let's move onto the big changes.
Kanako Ketsukane, The Crown Princess
Kanako takes the place of Asriel/Flowey. Daughter of Empress Ceroba and Prince-Consort Chujin, before having passed away years ago in what has only been publicly stated as 'natural causes'. She's also reincarnated as Flowey (who might or might not get a name change), but she takes the form of a Japanese Water Iris this time around. She also acts as the SAVE function like Flowey in OG UTY, keeps up the friendly facade all the way through, and insists on calling Clover Gunhat despite knowing their actual name.
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Ceroba Ketsukane, Empress of the Underground
Ceroba is the Asgore of the AU (originally it was going to be Toriel, but I thought it'd be more interesting). She is the Empress of the Underground, generally seen as a level-headed, yet passionate monarch. However, following her daughter's demise, she has grown a bit of a more bitter streak, and like Asgore is focusing on collecting the souls of fallen humans. Unlike Asgore, she doesn't hold malice for mankind as a whole nor is she interested on waging war on the surface. Instead, she merely collects the souls of humans in the hopes of resurrecting Kanako. Also, both she and Chujin are boss monsters in this AU.
Chujin Ketsukane, the Prince-in-Exile
Chujin takes the place of both Toriel (with a bit of Gaster) in SequenceShift. Originally, he was the Royal Scientist, who's kind nature and ingenuity caught the attention of then-Princess Ceroba, who he eventually married. They lived happily at first, but things took a turn for the worst after Kanako's death. Ceroba's obsessiveness with collecting human souls displeased him and he refused to take part in the experiments. He's since gone into self-exile within the Remnants (aka the Ruins but with a more Japanese architectural influence) and has settled within Ceroba's childhood home. Here, he keeps a watchful eye for any humans who fall to the Underground, hoping to keep them away from the Empress's grasp.
Dalv, the Introvert
Dalv takes the place of Nabstablook. As much of a socially awkward looser (affectionate) as ever, and corn obsessed. Like the OG, he was friends with Kanako before her death, tho I'm not sure if I'm keeping him being a victim of Integrity's bs. Unlike the OG, he's not restricted entirely to the Remnants and actually has a place within the Dunes. He also has a bit of a secret crush on the leader of the Royal Ranger Starlo, just to satisfy you Corn Yaoi lovers.
Moray and Mooch, Ranger Sentries
Moray and Mooch take the place of Sans and Papyrus, respectively. They act as sentries of the Royal Rangers (the Feisty Five taking the place of the Royal Guard), who are responsible for apprehending humans and bringing them to Ceroba. Mooch is as mischievous as ever, still trying to get her hands on every shiny object she sees, much to her partner's dismay. Nevertheless, they remain vigilant at watching over any humans that emerge from the Remnants. In this AU, they're responsible for surveying the region of Lakeside, which is modeled off of the rural Japanese countryside, and takes Snowdin's place.
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North Star/Starlo, Sheriff of the Royal Rangers
Starlo is obviously the Undyne of the AU, being the leader of the Royal Rangers. A lot of his backstory is the same, him crushing on Ceroba and sadly not getting her, but still remaining good friends, even after she was made Empress. He and the Feisty Five started in the Sand Dunes (aka just the Dunes from UTY with a bit of Waterfall inspiration) similar to how they were in the original, before Ceroba elevated them to being her personal enforcers. He's still pretty self-centered and idealizes Western culture (hence why he still refers to himself as Sheriff), but he does have a more serious and dedicated side to him. He knows what he's doing is wrong and while he hides it, he's fairly reluctant to bring more humans to Ceroba. Nevertheless, he still carries out his orders in the hopes of making his childhood friend happy. One fun fact, we had the idea for his pacifist encounter taking you to Frostpeak (a MT. Fuji inspired area taking the place of Hotland), where the chase there leads to him freezing, kinda like how Undyne overheats. Bro is not built for the cold.
Martlet, the Royal Scientist
Martlet, surprisingly enough, takes the place of Alphys. Like in UTY, she started as the protégé of Chujin, helping him out with the Steamworks and in building Axis. However, after Chujin fled, Ceroba made her the next Royal Scientist. She works at the Steamworks, which take the place of the Core and instead located in Frostpeak, where it harvests Geothermal energy to power the Underground. While Martlet actually is pretty competent at her job, she's as scatterbrained as ever, leading to a few hiccups in her work and leading some to wonder why she's the head scientist. This is actually due to the fact that she has been tasked by Ceroba to continue Chujin's work on humans. She's complied so far, for now, but she might reach a breaking point soon enough...
And that's the main cast so far! Axis and Dalv still being worked around with and I gotta think up ideas for the side characters along with whatever the OG cast of Undertale is up to, but we got a good thing going on. Again, my comments and ask box are always open, so if you're wanna know more or have a suggestion to bring forth, we'd love to hear. And if my AU is too similar to a concept that's already been done, you're more than welcome to yell at me.
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kogetaikid · 3 months
💛🍀🤠My Clover UTY Headcanons!🤠🍀💛
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(Wrote these down last night in a cold sweat and revised them today. Feel free to agree or disagree, but PLEASE REMAIN CIVIL)
-They were 12 years old initially when they fell into the underground
-They’re a demiboy and goes by they/he (The devs said Clover’s gender was up for interpretation. This is what I interpret him as)
-Probably Texan
-Owns every single Nerf gun
-Can’t dance under pressure/on command (but other than that is a decent dancer) (The was based off of the El Bailador fight)
-Binge watches Western Films
-Favorite Disney/Pixer character is Woody from Toy Story
-Probably knew one of the other fallen humans/Initial plan was to find them either dead or alive and bring justice ;) to the monster who hurt them.
-Calculated his first fall into the underground so he wouldn’t get hurt, but when they fell from the RUINS, they got a head injury and forgor what they were doing.
-Either an orphan, or parents are neglectful af (Especially to the point where you let your kid climb a whole ass mountain by themselves. Same applies to Frisk)
-Isn’t all that trustful of Flowey (This one was based off the fact you can lie to Flowey about your name by calling yourself GunHat, but you can’t do that to anyone else. Let that sink in…)
That is all. Now have a GIF of Clover not dancing on command.
(P.S. There’s a slight sequel to this now)
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unreasonablemess · 3 months
Just had an idea for some Neutral Run Flowey Dialogue for Undertale Yellow.
Basis: Go through Neutral again and Flowey will explain that he has been noticing that even though Clover doesn't remember - they are still improving. They are solving puzzles faster, dodging better, progressing faster.
Also, it seems weird to me that Flowey just gave up trying to bruteforce Clover through the normal route and decided to change and get them to go through a different route if Clover has been improving.
In flawed pacifist, Asgore beats Clover easily. Why not just load the save and have the lil' gunhat go for it again a couple times?
Well, maybe Flowey did. Maybe there were a lot of battles with Asgore... Maybe there is a point of no return. Even if the mind can't remember, the soul can, to some extend.
Flowey: ...You always died...
Flowey: I tried to force you try again and again but eventually you just stopped.
Flowey: You started crying, and didn't even understand why! HAHAHA!
Flowey: I encouraged you. You kept going. This worked. For a while...
Flowey: Eventually you stopped doing ANYTHING at all, though.
Flowey: Even if I attacked you!
Flowey: Sometimes you just decided to destroy yourself over and over and over again instead!
Flowey: I realized, your soul... [was gone? It broke? Was cracked? Your choice, viewer]
Flowey: I had to reset and be more careful about how I treated you.
Flowey: I had to put up quite an act to keep you going. And to get better results. I had to condition you, so you would stop giving up.
I got this idea watching a player give up the sans fight. Where they game over a lot, get frustrated, close the game and maybe the human in control loses their determination? What happens after that?
Sidenote: Do you think the humans fought [Insert Monster of your choice], repeatedly died and gave up? Or do you think those never had save files to begin with?
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nyat-a-cat · 4 months
Nyat needs a better name
(edit: someone gave the idea of mina so if you prefer that choose other and put it in the comments)
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paramasqueradeva · 1 month
Voice Acting Undertale Yellow but Deputy Gunhat's On the Job 🤠 [5] (Pacifist Route)
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