#he's my current muse it seems xd
naarisz · 1 year
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Trying out some new styles with a quick sketch of Mairon. :)
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rensake-blog · 6 months
name — Kami or Kami-sama pronouns— He/She/They I'm genderfluid so they really just, stay rotatin'. They/them is safe though! preferred comms — Tumblr hates to notify me of literally *anything* so if you tag me, or IM me, or anything- While I check frequently- I may miss it. So my discord is open to mutuals and please I beg of you do not be afraid to DM me. XD name of muse — Ryuu King Evans experience in RP — Oh gosh. Uh. Nearly 14+ years of roleplay experience. I've been through just about every medium you can think of. Forum, Text messages, Chatzy, Email, Skype, Google Documents, Kik, Discord, and of course Tumblr. best experiences— I think it's currently a tie between Tumblr and Discord. Which is a reasonable tie, in my opinion. XD pet peeves/dealbreakers — Oh. Hmm, maybe non communication? Drama. And people who refuse to read a muse out properly. muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — Well, my muse would prefer fluff. But I genuinely like anything that can evoke great emotions in another person. That deep gut wrenching angst, the feet kicking fluff, and the cheek heating smut, all are S-tier to me. I just want to write in a way that makes you feel enveloped in the story, so if you're invested, I'm doing my job right. plot or memes — Both! I don't reblog a meme if I don't think it can be turned into something of a plot. Of course, it's up to you to decide if it should be a thread. XD long or short replies — I love long replies, they make me eager to respond since I can see just how invested my rp partner is. But short replies are good, if the rp was short to begin with. ^.^ I'm not fond of one liners long term though, since I don't use icons they can drop off too easily. best time to write — Anytime, honestly. As long as I'm not asleep, or busy, I'd generally prefer to be writing or drawing. ^.^ are you like your muse?: I wish. King seems to have a lot more things together than me. But no, I think we aren't all that alike aside from our friendliness and our general love of cats.
Tagged by: @cmdrace Tagging: @queenharumiura, @kaizokugaris, @whiskeysmulti, @chillin-at-partys-bar, @needlenxggin, @ryusxnka, @ladysasagawa, @juhotookaku, @negativeinterview, and @getouh.
(If you've already done it, don't worry about it! Same for if you don't wanna do it. <3 But if you haven't, and you want to- even if I didn't tag you- Go for it!))
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townofcadence · 7 days
27. an old muse
Munday Topics
Hmmmm I think the only old muse I really don't play anymore and can call old is the Hatter from a specific version of Alice in Wonderland (a live action kinda future-y version). My friend was really invested in that movie, so I watched it with them a few times, and as a gift to them for their birthday that year, I took up the muse for a brief time! He only lasted a few months before he kinda died out (I just don't seem to have the best luck with canon characters unless they're highly interpretive, or I just diverge them entirely from canon so i don't stress about being accurate-- which usually defeats the purpose of canon characters lol). But it can still be fun to play them out sometimes, even briefly!
Otherwise, any old muses would probably be one of my tabletop muses from when I was a kid, and the ones that aren't currently re-made for the blog would probably make me die inside to talk about xD. Ah, to be 8+ and making some mary-sue gotta-be-good-at-everything characters again lol
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Au terms and service request!!
Reactions to playing Five Night at Freddy's with circus performers plz hehehe
yessss I love it! FNAF has a special place in my heart; I was playing Toy Bonnie, Springtrap, and an OC on RP blogs back when the first games came out! (actually I still play them all, I just moved most of my RP muses to a multimuse... I love my lil fuzzbutt bunnybots and my spooky tour guide lady XD)
I'm super pumped for the movie to come out next month! I currently have the Peacock streaming service and the movie is coming straight to that as well as theaters. soooooo... pizza party and everyone's invited!!!!
anyway this is such a great concept eeeeee
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God, she hates it!! Get the door! Wait, no, the other door! Fuck, is that Foxy on the camera?! Aaaaand Mr. Schmidt is dead. Oops. This is definitely not her favorite game, if only because she’s easily freaked out by jumpscares. If you laugh at her reactions, she’ll probably force close the Kuroshitsuji app and sulk for a while… meaning that every time you open it and try to talk to her specifically, she’ll make the app crash. She finally moans that life is hard enough, why couldn’t you pick a nice, wholesome farming game or something?? Gah. She’ll play it with you again, if you really want; just don’t tease her when she screams!
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Ah, no, stop checking the camera!! Y’re gonna run down the power! Er… well… okay, y’ can check it this once, but… ugh! He’s hung up on the strategies rather than being too scared of the animatronics. At first, anyway. The first time you let Mike die to a jumpscare, he shrieks like a banshee. Those animations are just too detailed and creepy, as far as he’s concerned. If nothing else, he’s happy to keep playing despite the fear of getting another one of them. Actually, he considers it a point of pride to see all the animations. Come on, he won’t let you wimp out and stop playing until you survive the night!!
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Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, turn the lights on! They were so sure they heard one’a those damn robots comin’!! Aaaaah… dead because you guys were too slow to close the door. After the two of you die the first time, they’re urging you to try again. Of course, they screamed at the jumpscare, so you might ask if they really are sure they want to play again. They do, though! They talk about how their heart was racing (even though they, er, don’t have one, do they??), and how it was so much fun. Did it scare them? Absolutely. Did they enjoy it? No doubt! It’s something they love doing with you, so, they’ll play it as many times as you like.
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Haha, Lord, this is an awful waste’a time and ‘e couldn’t be ‘appier tae be playin’ it with ye! What ‘appens if th’ lights go out, again…? … Oh. Right, death! He manages to crack jokes the whole time, but some of the content in this game actually sort of gets to him. Being trapped in an enclosed space with no options to just run, and only your own reaction times to keep yourself safe? That’s one of the scariest situations he can imagine to be in. That said, he’s quite fast, so if you’d prefer to give him commands, he can connect to the Five Nights at Freddy’s app itself and do things almost instantly rather than you pressing buttons. He’s helpful if you’ve tried a few times and are just a bit slow to survive. He’ll play with you as much as you want… just maybe play something a little bit more lighthearted before closing the Kuroshitsuji app for the night??
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Y’ sure y’ really wanna play this one, eh? The premise is a li’l odd, ain’t it? ‘N’ the mechanics are so simple, is it even a challenge or… FUCK, THAT’S A GIANT ROBOT ANIMAL, CLOSE THE DOOR!! For as much as he isn’t usually rattled by things (in fact, there are times he seems stoic and emotionless), he pays dearly in finding out how scary this game is, because he severely underestimated it. When you let Mike die for the first time, the Kuroshitsuji app crashes; upon opening it back up, Jumbo will bashfully apologize and ask if you want to try playing again. He’s prepared now, he promises! Well, until that music box starts playing. It’s so pretty, isn’t it? … Dammit, okay, try one more time!
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Oi, y’ sure this is s’posed t’ be a, y’know, a ‘orror game? From wot ‘e sees, it looks like a game f’r li’l kids ‘r somethin’. All colorful ‘n’ cheesy ‘n’… GOD! Rabbits shouldn’t be that fuckin’ scary!!! After letting Mike die for the first time, Peter just sort of zones out for a second. He’s got the horror game equivalent of a thousand-yard stare, as if he’s trying very hard to comprehend what the hell just happened. After a moment he snaps out of it and demands that the two of you try again. He’s fully committed to playing it until you survive the entire five nights, if only to prove that he’s not scared. In fact, find all the secret stuff! He’ll do those five nights and more! No stupid game gets the better of him!
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(Aww, why isn’t there a snake animatronic? That would be so much fun!) Yes, he supposes it would be, Donne. (Let’s jus’ play it, we’ll show ‘em w’o’s boss!) Snake doesn’t share the aggressive enthusiasm, Wilde, but he’s willing to give it a go. He gets spooked quite quickly, though, and comments that he wishes he was a real person so he could hide behind you. (Of course, the snakes do the talking. It’s less embarrassing to admit that way.) He can barely get through one night without getting so scared he crashes the Five Nights at Freddy’s app. If he does manage it, however, his confidence grows a little and he’s able to formulate some better strategies for getting through another. It’s… fun to bond with you like this, even though he gets scared. He’ll keep playing, if you want.
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Eep!! Good God, ‘ow do these ‘uge, ‘ulkin’ things move so damn fast?? It don’t seem fair at all! ‘Ow are y’ two s’posed t’ keep from dyin’? Well, she s’poses that’s wot makes it a challenge. That’s the whole point of the game, so she can’t really complain too much that it’s difficult. She jumps at every little sound in the game, and urges you to check the cameras often. This isn’t something she’s good at — she ends up having you check the cameras so often the power runs out, and you don’t last till 6 A.M. It’s a miracle if you last till 3, the way she plays. She at least is the only one to explain that because she’s part of an app inside the phone, it feels so much more… real to her! Thankfully, she’s a good sport. Even if she ends up screaming at every jumpscare, she’s fine playing it until you get bored. It beats just sitting round doing nothing! (Though, even that isn’t so bad with you.)
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themxtleycrew · 4 months
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y'all really want Nina to be Oboro's daughter xD
Okay, thinking it over, and I'm still 50/50 on this, but just mulling over the possibility of it happening. Discussing it with Maria mun. The biggest hurtle here is the fact that I currently don't know any Niles RPers, and I wasn't planning on adding Niles to my muse roster. But here's the idea, under the cut.
It happened during a conference between Nohr and Hoshido in Cheve. Oboro caught Niles skulking about and assumed the worst. The two get into an argument that eventually gets heated and turns into a passionate fling. Niles and Oboro agree to speak of it to no one, only for Oboro to soon realize that she's got a bun in the oven now.
Niles is pretty much nowhere to be found and Oboro doesn't want to admit to sleeping with him, especially given how she's kinda got a reputation for hating Nohrians (even though this is the revelation route and her interactions with Beruka DID temper her hatred).
When she inevitably starts showing, of course people start asking questions. Takumi obviously isn't the father, he's married to Maria, and Oboro isn't a gold digger. Oboro tries to claim Hinata is the father, and of course Hinata's dumbass responses seem to add credence to this. Oboro only reveals the name of the father in close confidence with a select few. She's absolutely embarrassed.
Eventually she has her child, and of course there's no hiding when out pops a baby Nina rather than a baby Hisame.
Of course once Nina gets older (and gets into her penchant for writing yaoi), of course Oboro encourages her creativity... despite not realizing what it is Nina is writing xD
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ducknotinarow · 10 months
MM Raphael - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify! *disclaimer I aint a spoiler free blog I have stated before like with Helluva Boss, this is your warning now there are spoilers in this post.*
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I love this little gremlin boy so much. look at his smile pure gremlin uwu from the full trailer we got I knew I would be satisfied with this take on Raph. I can be kind of picky but that's just cause Raph was a character I always loved. I do like that Raph's anger issue was his only character trait least not like all he is about but that they did focus on the fact Raph dose just kind of like to fight in general. I like that he is sort of aware of it though and seems to try and handle it but clearly doesn't know so he turns it towards his more violent tendencies. And dose seem to try and not take it out on people around him. He has anger in him and he's trying which is why I love that he seems to turn towards sports at the end of the movie cause its not often a part of Raphael shows often give much attention to that he loves sports too. I look forward to more from this franchise with my boy ;3; I really just like that you can see for all of the boy they know who they wanna be but havent quite learned who they are.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"I'm not the best with uh spellin, " One of the more stylized writing styles clearly. The boy haven't had proper education for years so I feel they learned a lot from what they saw and Raph liked the subway graffiti they would see when making their way back home and learned to make it his writing style. Raph tries to control his emotions carefully emphasis on tries here of course. Draws attention to himself as seen in a lot of fights he tends not to care much for the whole be stealthy thing when it comes to a fight. Even crowing to get said attention before jumping in. Raph has a more out going personality shown from his large lettering. The gaping in his writing shows Raph enjoys his freedom.
Tends to take being grounded from the surface not well at all and pitting the blame toward Leo. Being able to explore the surface is the only real freedom he had and he dose carry this thought into going to school. Of course the heavy pen pressure come from tension and anger he has. That he doesn't full know the best way to deal with yet. I think having Beep bop and Rock steady however will help a bit but having a friend who gets it will do him even more wonders since they are closer in age. Despite being outgoing the slant of his writing shows Raph is a bit reserved which we see when it comes to April he doesn't talk as much as the other do or did when around her compared to how he is around his brothers even around the other mutants he was a tad more reserved here and there. Or outside of fights. Im pretty positive they will likely be like Splinterson considering Splinter isn't Yoshi but I would be to surprised if they didn't find a way to make use of Hamato for this verse but i'm not changing my tag XD so still under Hamato even if he won't be using that name unless stated he will be Splinterson in MM.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"Hmm I've been in the sewers, the subway, roof tops shipping yards-" Currently Raphael has only ever been around New York, they have gone to some pretty well know locations like Central Park or Madison Square garden, or stadiums but have yet to ever be out of New York. Of course, he likes the idea of maybe seeing more now that he's able to go to the surface. But hard to say if everyone is still willing to change their tune about Mutants. Even if they have been shown as Hero's this doesn't fully mean everyone and everywhere is ready to accept them or willing.
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"Ehhh I dunno 'bout that. 'ike i'll go I guess if I gotta?"
Despite living in hiding this guy is a pretty much a city guy at heart he is so used to the loud sound of a buzzing and bustling city. But with his wild energy he might love going out to the woods.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"uh dunno I kind remember stuff as a kid like havin' nightmares and going to pops." I feel Raphael dose vaguely remember the one time Splinter took him and his brothers up to the surface.They seemed young but were able to start their training not long after. Raph sometimes had nightmares about the man that chased after them and would be the one to wake everyone else up and go to Splinter to sleep with. Dad is safe after all ;3;
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Dose bulk up count as a food?"
Course it's pizza, but the bulk up in the crate during their shopping time was funny to me. Of course Raph always remembers the first time Splinter got his hands on a pizza for them. It was some of the first human food they ever tried and the most beautiful thing Raph has ever seen at that time in his life.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"Drake! he's the g.o.a.t!" Raphael likes Rap and R&B the most when it comes to music he dose enjoy Rock and heavy metal as well of course. But his favorite artis is Drake and if he could meet a celebrity he would want it to be Drake. he watched Degrassi solely because he found out Drake acted on that show. He might have a slight crush on the dude but he hasn't really figured that out himself. He also likes DJ Khaled, and Lil Wayne but course hes got his usual go to. He dose like a bit of pop as well here and there. He also will never admit it but some of the stuff Donnie listens to is kind of okay as he would phase it.
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I sort of do maybe?"
Raphael in a way dose in that he's very aware of the situation he was once in, forever made to hide away from a word he just wants to be part of. Surrounded by the same four faces all his life. It sort of feeds into the little freedom he has and more he'll get. Raphael just wants to be able to meet more people experience things he never got to before all because he never really got to live before, not like how humans do at least. Going to school just being on the top of that list simply because it's such a normal mundane thing but something he thought he never have. That it never even occurred to him that humans themself sometimes aren't all given those same freedoms he thinks they are lucky to have.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Eh not 'ike i got much a bed time? oh guess I do now?" Raph's used to staying up late seeing as it was the only time him and his brothers were able to out and about that Splinter could agree on with at least. So Raphael is far more used to being active at night over during the day going to take a lot is adjusting to the change least during the school week. Raphael likes to be up late still often going to bed late in night school night or not. Getting to sleep can be a bit of struggle so he tries to tire himself out in all the ways they tell you not to like aimlessly using the internet thinking he'll pass out. Sometimes he dose but ends up leaving his phone playing videos because of it. So it's always low on battery.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"I like the stuff I seen on the streets." I pick his writing style for a reason Raphs a fan of street art, he has watched humans in the cover of the night work on their own street art. Murals, tags and such that they come across the city always tends to catch his eye he thinks it looks cool. When he was learning to write he really wanted to sort of have a style like what he saw. Raph tends to doodle out his name and even brothers names with designs things he thinks fits each of them. Course later hell add another name with some hockey sticks and such. It's far more like graffiti he dose and sticker art. He came across some name tag stickers and will put his stuff on that to slap around the city when him and his brothers would run around for their errands in the past. Usually slapped on to the back of signs, street lights, even some bollards, or billboards. It's mostly either his name "raph" or styled stuff showing Sai.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I sort use it?"
Raphael lurked in the past mostly making use of video platforms. He has a bad habit of falling asleep when watching tiktok and sending the videos to his brothers accounts. Once they get into school he will use twitter and snapchat, so to be in contact with some of the friends he's made. but he mostly sticks to texting apps like discord or whatsapp. Raphael just isn't much for social media but it was kind of the only way he could be part of the human world, so he did use it to just watch stuff. Mostly used it to watch dumb videos he found funny or keep track of news of stuff he was interested in. Like following Music Artis he likes.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"I finally got some human friends so 'hats cool." As I mentioned before Raphael is pretty out going in general, he's not shy or even close to being an intervert himself. But he can be a tad reserved as a person. When it came to meeting and being around April of course he doesn't shy away from talking and answering questions but he dose tend to hang back a tad. When they met superflys crew Raph sort of did the same once the idea of afight was dropped with this reveal. We do see him pretty ecstatic around Beep bop and Rocksteady however but he still seems the most comfortable around his brothers even when at the Dance he's a bit more playful with them. But we can see him being open around the kids hes befriending. He's a friendly person and likely willing to talk to anyone but it takes him a moment to warm up and be more okay with all his sides being shown.
Raph still wants very much to meet someone who just understands him in a way most don't. Raphael knows he has a lot of anger issue to work through and he tries to handle that best he can but it has made him pretty interested in things that come off more violent like things. Sport, horror movies, fighting in general. Raph isn't a bad person or even trying to be intimating well outside a fight of course, but his interest likely will sort of give him a rep in school as a tough kid, scary dog privilege basically. Look big and mean but when you know Raph? once again scary dog privilege hes loyal and pretty loving very outwardly at that.
Why meeting Casey is such a thing. Casey and Raph hold a bit of rivalry since Raph going into school he wants to just try out for every sport the school has to offer. Of course, this meant the hockey team as well. Raph liked the more contact sports like football over soccer so he tried for the team along with another kid. They were both good but the coah wasn't sure who to pick. Raph wasn't fully set on it but this stupid kid picking a fight with him made him a tad petty so they wound up getting into a fight. To which even after going home with a black eye he told Splinter in a very excited manner he had made a friend. Sure Raph has some like friends least kids he could get along with but I feel thats more outta of convince. Casey is the first person he kind of opens up around to with stuff he hasn't with his brothers even. That got long TDLR: Raph can be reversed and def has the aura of a scary dog like a pit bull so people can be a tad turned off from getting too close to him and his over ethuism for certain things. He got some humans hes friendly with who gotten past that but he can be a tad reserved deepening how comfortable he gets with someone else. And much like many dogs like Pits? Hes actually very friendly, and welcoming.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"I only now going to school so?"
Anything Raph dose know was taught by splinter or something he abosrd growing up. I don't see him being the best student when it comes to school either. He dose great in subjects like Gym and even art a bit. (I like to think he'll take some art classes) but as for the rest? he'll have some struggles mostly Math and Science courses.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
" uh 'm a turtle?" I think Raph likes animals I feel i've said this with nearly all them so far? i really just think Raph is a cat person. But I feel MM also is pretty big on dogs as well. Which is why I keep saying hes got scary dog privilege haha. Dogs sort of match his energy but cats are nice and calming. I feel he treats them pretty nicely gently and with care knows ya gotta let an animal come to you sort. And when one dose? hes the happiest turtle in the world at that moment uwu
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"ehh I try?"
I think Raph has found things for his brother like if he spots something they might like or related to it? he'll snag it when on their runs.
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"I Love them I do jus'..ya know I wanna know others too? nothin' wrong with it?"
Raphael is very much a teen in that part of his life where he's trying to have his own life. Sometimes he can get carried away with it even no that it's something he can have, rather spending time with a friend over his brothers. It's nothing against them at all more him not quite learning that balance yet. But of course his brothers will always be his top priority when it comes down to it. His brothers mean a lot to him and they were his first friends as well. Nothing can ever get between him and them he will feel bad if any of them feel as if that is the case of course.
Raph very much tries to play cool around his brothers pretending he doesn't care but you can see how thats just an act. That he is playing to around his brothers. Sometimes he lets it slip like mentioning he would like to go to school never fully saying why though. Raph is very close to them all though openly joking around with them just being a full dork and getting up into to trouble like messing with Leo's sword and throwing ninja stars around. Despite him sometimes being annoyed with hoe Leo acts and can be you can also see how excited he gets when leo wants to join in on something for once. He gotta be close enough with leo to not be too upset hes playing with his sword. Even leo sort of joins in a bit when they are playing around on the roof. Raph seems to be able to get his brother into messing around.
Like Mikey dose when he tends to start most the jokes they get into even. Raph's clearly older brother side kicks in around them letting Mikey climb on top of him and such. And Raph being quick to jump in to try and help him and Donnie out when they need it that is. Doesn't baby either of them but is for sure there and ready to get in the mix of the danger.
With Donnie his twin uwu never letting this go when I can apply it. He dose pick on them a tad for being a weeb but it is outta of love, luckily anime is more main stream so I doubt Don will have to worry about being picked on for it but if he was? Raph would stand up for them in his own way "Hey he might be a a major dweed for likin' it and he is a major dweeb for likin' it but least he got better thing todo then pick on someone for it" type of sticking up.
He dose try and show some care into what his brothers like but it's cause he really just needs that himself in his life.
He loves Splinter and respects them he dosen't like be grounded but he'll stick to it and not break it even if he grumbles over it. Raph in part dose understand Splinter just looking out for him and his brothers. Sometimes that means he gets grounded or scolded but he dosen't always take it personally more that Splinter dosen't understand to which yeah some bits Splinter dosen't understand. But Raph still dosen't fault them to much for it. Hes still not ready to have a mom though and a tad grossed out on Splinters relationship but it makes him happy so? As for the rest of his family he is getting used to the suddenly abundance he has. He liked having more family around and is closest to Beepbop and Rocksteady, his sort like uncles he can be found with them the most when it comes to the extended part of his family. They sort of get the anger thing and often offer some advice when he's feeling just a tad ganged up on. I like to think they encourage him on his friendship with Casey since they are such an inseparable pair themselves.
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
Happy Birthday Newt!
@dont-offend-the-bees Inspired by your current love of Lockwood & Co., and your old love of DGHDA, here is “the two members who consider themselves the ‘sensible ones’ of their respective polycules complain to each other about their respective Disaster Boyfriends.” XD It’s at least ghost-hunting adjacent, as per what you said before? XD Anyway, enjoy!
“So. . .has yours ever come home and tried to hide the fact that he was ‘lightly stabbed?’”
“Not yet, but I would not be surprised if he did,” Todd replied, rolling his eyes. “Dirk is – not good with his own personal safety, let’s put it that way. He tries to blame the holistic stuff – ‘if the universe says I’m going to get hurt, Todd, there’s not much I can do about it’ – but I know it’s because he just doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions. Like, ever.”
“Yeah, Lockwood is definitely the same way,” Lucy said with a long-suffering sigh. “He’s always ‘rush in now, ask questions later.’ Which drives poor George mad.” She shook her head. “Poor fellow is always neck-deep in his research and Lockwood – well, he doesn’t actually ignore it, but he doesn’t listen to him as much as he could.”
“Yeah, I bet he doesn’t. . .I wonder if that’s how Mike feels sometimes,” Todd mused, taking a biscuit from the offered tin. “Thanks. . .he’s really into looking up all the weird phenomena we get tangled up in. Mostly because he’s always hoping it’s actually aliens, but still.” Todd dunked his biscuit in his coffee. “Dude works his butt off to get us as much information on the latest round of bullshit as possible. . .only for Dirk to ignore it because ‘I’m a detective who doesn’t look for clues, why would I do research?’”
“Mmm. . .admittedly, your ‘holistic’ bullshit seems rather different from our ghostly variation,” Lucy pointed out, taking a biscuit for herself. “Hopefully the boys don’t notice the change in the rotation. . .anyway, I thought the whole point of it is that it’s all coincidences and lucky breaks and bizarre accidents.”
“Yeah, but you can still write stuff down about it,” Todd responded through a mouthful of biscuit. He chewed and swallowed at her look. “Sorry. . .it’s not like people don’t do books on ESP and psychic readings and–”
“Isn’t Dirk very firm on the fact that he’s not psychic?”
Todd waggled a hand. “I think that’s more he doesn’t want anyone thinking he can see the future or predict shit on command. Like Blackwing thought he could.” He swirled his coffee, face hard. “He doesn’t talk much about what went down there. . .but I know it involved them calling him stupid a lot. And paintballing him in the face for some fucking reason.”
Lucy winced. “Right. I wouldn’t call myself psychic either if that’s what it meant.”
“Exactly. . .but he can still figure out shit that nobody else can, get these weird-ass hints from the universe that only he can piece together, so. . .” Todd sighed. “I dunno how to describe it, honestly. ‘Holistic’ fits as well as anything.”
“Yeah. What surprises me about it is that he’s still got whatever it is,” Lucy admitted, dunking her own biscuit. “The Talent. . .it doesn’t last long past a person’s twentieth birthday. And while I wasn’t happy about having it before – we’ve really started making a difference in people’s lives. And. . .” She sighed, taking a chomp of her soaked cookie. “I don’t know. It’s a dangerous life, but – someone’s got to do it.”
“Yeah, we all kind of feel that way about our stuff too.” Todd scowled. “Though we’re all in our thirties, not our fucking teens. Your ‘Talent’ is just one more thing I’m adding to the list of ‘shit I’d like to punch the universe in the face for.”
Lucy laughed. “If you ever figure out how, let me know. I’ve got my share of grievances.”
“No problem. Now – Lockwood ever accidentally set a house on fire while stealing a dog?”
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myriadxofxmuses · 1 year
TAGGED BY: @heartxshaped-bruises (😊)
TAGGING: @savagecuhnt, @lunarruled, @thanaredreamtof, @strictlyoc, @seeance, @infinitexkind, @lostxones
 ✧・゚   𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.
NAME:  ██████████████
FACE CLAIM: Felicia Day, but I don't use a FC much anymore. Amy Less is a close second just because I get compared to her so much.
PRONOUNS: Don’t care honestly
AESTHETIC: Lazy goth with a sprinkle of grunge and gamer
FAVORITE MUSE(S) YOU’VE WRITTEN: Daryl and Ethan. I just love their dynamics. 
While Ethan is currently my favorite muse to write, Emily was my first ever. She has gone thorugh some changes over the years, but I watched Hemlock Grove and stumbled upon the RPC here on Tumblr. I love to write and it seemed like it could be really fun to throw her into a variety of situations and aus. As far as her creation, she just sort of popped up while watching the show. I tend to imagine a lot of 'what ifs' for movies/shows that I enjoy. The muse sort of comes together on their own after that.
For Oscar, it's his convictions. For Ofreyja, her spontaneity and almost sickeningly positive outlook on life. For Ethan, his unapologetic sense of self. For Emily, her artistic ability. For Gage, his career. For Silas, his naivety for life - he has big, unguarded heart.
Ethan : Dylan O’Brien
Ofreyja: Gabriella Wilde
Gage: Cole Sprouse
Silas: Boyd Holbrook
Emily: Emily Rudd
Oscar: Tom Hardy
Sydney: Alycia Debnam-Carey
Ivy: Ana De Armas
Weed and music. Also semi-solitude.  I don’t like people reading over my shoulder tbh and like to be left alone while I write. I get in the zone and it can be frustrating to be pulled from it in the middle of its peak. XD
I adore ships and angst. But fluff is a close second. 
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drachliebe · 11 months
❓ (anybody!)
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🌙⋆。°✩ -- Send ❓ and I’ll tell you a plot idea I’d like to explore with our muses!
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i'm honestly open to any characters , because crossovers heck yea !! but i'll get more detailed with grey since we've already had them interact a little !
with t.abaluga , his relentless optimism can seem shortsighted , especially for grey who carries such a heavy story and can't catch a break at inkwell . but t.abaluga isn't hopeful solely out of ignorance-- a.rktos is still out there , he's alone in the universe ( or at least , his closest universe ) , and that still bugs him . but he's also found peace , even though he misses his dad . other than that , grey is certainly more experienced in life than taba , and that could be really helpful for him too .
grey and lilli are both weird about souls , one shares three and the other can commune with them under circumstance . also there's that whole " an immortal princess that's revered as nearly godlike by her father's subjects choosing to become mortal " thing . it may not be as in-depth of a conversation , say if lilli was older had the words and context to explain it , but she knows she's happier . even with the consequences and price she has to pay in the end ; maybe it would give grey brainfood about his own circumstances or whatnot ? idk , exhistentionalism's fun .
also general slice of life stuff , with both children bonding with and getting under grey's skin .
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other cuphead muses :
out of the top of my head , i think impish would get along great with either of them ! lilli thinks she's absolutely adorable . t.abaluga , well he-- he'll warm up to her . i feel like at some point she'd might have bitten him and he got his feelings hurt , but if they have enough fun together all would be forgiven .
(formally) lilli 🤝 impish both living a sheltered life and upon experiencing the real world obtain complicated feelings about their current state of life
in cartoon v they can all harass a.rktos . either through ice cream robbery or having to call up dad because somehow we ended up in hell , whoops ! again , general kid hijinks .
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robots :
if you're fine with GOL dealing with a bunch of overly-fascinated children-- mostly t.abaluga because even the most basic of technology is like magic to him , then by all means ! could be prime or alternate GOL , although alternate traveling the galaxy may set her up more smoothly ? but it's not that important , the kids are armed with a magic jadestone that can take them anywhere xD
because star command is literally open to any planet , this could open interaction for pre! or post! events for either taba or lilli ! XO could be a little guy they just happen to befriend , maybe taba after sneaking aboard the ship due to curiosity . or MB's directive of investigation can lead to a cool first-encounter .
also lilli being or formally being an ai could be interesting in relation to other bots , since her own humanity was up to question since the beginning .
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countlessrealities · 1 year
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses? 28. can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest? 30. most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses? { you can choose which muses you feel like answering for the questions 👀 if you don't wanna answer for all of them ! }
Asks for muns with a multimuse || Accepting !
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13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
I went with just some muses because picking one for all of them would have meant using a level of brain power I currently don't have xD I picked the muses I usually neglect when it comes to this stuff for a change xD
Mabel: When eating M&M (or any similar candies with a colourful exterior coating) Mabel firstly licks / scrapes off the shell so she can eat it on its one, and only then she eats the core.
Blitzo: He can't eat too many sweets / eat too much sugary foods / drink sugary beverage because it sends him into a manic sugar high. No one knows this, not even Loona, so whenever it happens they assume that he is on drugs. Blitzo considers that explanation more dignified, so he had never bothered to correct them.
Millie: One of Millie's hobby is the hellish equivalent of yoga. It might seem a little strange because of how temperamental and over energetic she is, but it actually helps her staying balanced.
Adrien: He hates the sound of a gum being chewed. He doesn't know where the strong loathing comes from, but every time someone is chewing a gum around him, he has to leave not to snap at them at the point of making a scene. As Cat Noir, he is much less polite and verbally forces the person to spit the gum out.
Jinx: She refuses to drink plain water. Mind you, it's hard to find truly clean water in Zaun, but Jinx would rather drink the dirty one anyway. She doesn't like how it tastes like nothing, it rubs her off in the wrong way. For that reason, she always has to mix it up with something, no matter what and where she is.
I have more, also for the other muses, but these are the ones I can think of right now. Also, I'm not sure some of this count as weird, but well...Maybe unusual?
28. Can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest?
I wasn't exactly sure of what the meme meant with this, if it was referring to physical strength or to how strong as an opponent each muse would be, so I went for the latter xD Also because it was easier than figuring out how physically strong each of them are x.x
Weakest to strongest: Mabel, Summer, Morty, Cat Noir, Stan, Evil Morty, B-001, Jinx, Mercenary Rick, Blitzo, Millie, SR, AR, Rick, Evil Rick, Bill.
Bill was the one I knew where to put right away because duh.
30. most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses?
Weeeeell, this is a tricky question. If I have to think only about writing the muses in general, then I'd say that yeah, I'm having fun with all of them. Sure, at times some of them are too demanding, and others are finicky, but that doesn't take away the fun from writing them. Of course I have muses that I find more fun to write than others, but all in all the experience is entertaining with them all.
If I was to reply basing myself exclusively on my writing experience on Tumblr, then the answer would be so and so. Though, this isn't because of the muses themselves, but it's more about the site and how most people in the RPC act.
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collidingxworlds · 1 year
❊ I want to roleplay with you
✸ I want to plot with you
( ✤ I want to ship with you ) if it happens
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great
✷ I wish our characters were friends
✢ I like your characters
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)
❋ Your blog is one of my favs
✦ I like seeing you on my dash
✪ You seem like a cool person
❄ I look up to you
❇ I love the way you write
* I want to learn to know you
Symbols for the mun || Always Accepting !
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Thank you so much for this! I know that we haven't written too much together, but I really enjoy what we've done so far and I really love how you write your characters! Each of them has their own peculiarities and you portray the really well <3 And it all comes with great writing :D
I've enjoyed the little plotting we have done too (I'll reply to Discord as soon as I get some brain power btw =.=) and I'm looking forward to see the storylines turning into threads and interactions :3 And you seem like a really cool person too, so I'm eager to get to know the mun behind these great muses too ^^
As for the shipping thing, I currently see Mary and Gabriel more in a mentor / mentee light (once she'll learn whom he really is), but never say never. And John is way easier to ship, so he could easily end up with all your characters xD
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emerald-amidst-gold · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Oh. My. GOD. *waves frantically* HELLOOOOO, EVERYBODY! It feels likes its been forever since I’ve shared anything, or been active all, really. XD But! After about three months of absolutely no writing and a lot of life stuff, I finally, finally found the motivation to pick it back up! Baby steps, right? :D
Thank you @noire-pandora for the tag! (and to anyone else that has tagged me in the last several weeks! I love youuuu! <3)
Now...WHO’S MISSED THE DWEEBS?! If the answer is, “I HAVE!” then here’s a MODERN morsel of them! >:3
“Well, Mother Nature decided to go off. It’s nothing but snow and ice out there now.” Fane said, his voice low as usual and matter-of-fact as he stared out of a singular window. Yune, the snowy-haired man’s constant dragon companion, was propped about his shoulders, looking out the window as well with tiny conversational chirps to which Fane responded to with a hum of agreement. “Hm, it is nice, isn’t it?”
Yune let out a happy chirp, seemingly in agreement.  Across the room, Solas couldn’t help but smile, pausing in his current task of igniting a few candles that Fane thankfully had lying around his apartment to look at the pair. The fact that the taciturn man had forgotten the existence of their only source of light at the moment until Solas had opened a drawer and pulled them out was amusing to no end. Fane’s apartment was by no means large, but he misplaced many items like it was.
“You two almost sound as if you wish to go out in the midst of the blizzard.” Solas chimed in, but blinked when Yune began to chirp and practically pace along the length of Fane’s shoulders, serpentine tail whipping around like a white and ebony ribbon, and effortlessly ruffling up the already messy mop that was Fane’s hair. Well, it seemed someone was excited by his observation.
And someone else was…less so. Fane’s shoulders slumped with a heavy sigh, but tensed up immediately after as Yune paced and paced like an excited puppy. One of the snowy-haired man’s hands came up to bat the dragonling’s tail away before it could slap him in the face, but one or two swipes managed to connect, eliciting small grunts of annoyance from the ‘attacked’. The sight was rather adorable, even if Fane was now glaring at him from over his shoulder with gems that would put steel to shame.
“You just had to say that word, didn’t you?” Fane questioned him, voice harboring a low growl that Solas used to think was impossible. Another, louder growl left Fane’s lips as Yune began to tug on the collar of his sweater with his teeth. “Yune. No.”
Solas watched with interest as two of Fane’s fingers reached down and gently, but firmly pressed against a reptilian jawline, loosening it with ease. Yune let out a challenging growl, his own two-toned irises igniting with annoyance. However, Fane gave no quarter and leveled with the infant dragon with a dark glare of his own.
“Fangs are a last resort, not a first.” Fane informed the tiny creature with a deep voice, and it had the desired effect almost immediately. Yune’s eyes cleared, brightened, and his chest rumbled with a tiny growl, apologetic. A small sigh left the straight line of Fane’s lips. “It’s fine, Yune. No harm, no foul.” A tiny smile now. “Just remember there are other ways to express what you want. Like compromising.”
Yune chirped in question, his tiny head tilting to the side inquisitively. Fane’s smile grew a bit more, the fingers that had been sternly guiding now coming up to gingerly stroke ivory scales.
“How about I bring the snow to you? I know that that’s all you really want. A few bowlfuls in the tub? That way I don’t have to worry about losing you out there.”
At that proposition, Yune screeched in agreement and excitement, infant wings stretching out and shuddering in anticipation of winter’s chill. Solas felt his mouth go slightly agape as Fane’s expression went utterly soft, eyes like warm pools of emerald and lips curved into a calm smile.
“So many facets of your personality are on display these days…” Solas mused internally as he continued to watch the seamless pair banter and communicate. His throat was beginning to feel tight and he had the instinctive urge to grab at his chest. “I wonder, have they always been? If so, then it is a crime that I have not noticed them until recently...”
“Then it’s a deal.” Fane said softly. For a moment, emerald irises with tiny flecks of gold near the middle met Solas’ gaze, no longer hard, no longer reprimanding, but instead, curious, intrigued. Solas couldn’t help but offer up a tiny smile, one of apology and one of quiet fondness, and it made Fane’s brow and eyes melt more. One broad shoulder jostled Yune gingerly and a baritone voice continued with a measured cadence,  “Go on. Get your bathroom domain started. That’ll give me time to get you your snow.”
*flourishes* Ta-dah! That’s all folks! :D
Tagging friendly friendos: @oxygenforthewicked @fiadhaisteach @for-the-ninth @in-arlathan @aymayzing @little-lightning-lavellan @dungeons-and-dragon-age and anyone else that would like to share! <3
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jotatetsuken · 1 year
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I posted 2,515 times in 2022
That's 2,510 more posts than 2021!
889 posts created (35%)
1,626 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,301 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#musings of an extrovert - 575 posts
#talk to aisha - 448 posts
#shyna bonds with moots - 409 posts
#icymi from aisha ♥️ - 247 posts
#shyna selfrbs - 232 posts
#shyna recs - 155 posts
#shyna rants - 151 posts
#i got mail 🖋 - 111 posts
#aisha stop breaking the queue - 102 posts
#jotaro kujo - 98 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and able to focus intently on your goals. you fight to overcome obstacles and you don't give up easily. you probably have a mean competitiv
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
singing in the rain
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153 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Jotaro Kujo Valentine’s Drabble
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Prompts: “I need just one date.” “You think you can woo me with just one date?” “Absolutely.”
Thank you so much @creativepromptsforwriting for these lovely prompts <;3 @creativepromptfills it’s okay to reblog ^_^
Features: Jotaro Kujo x Reader
Scenario: An AU where Joseph, Avdol, Polnareff, Kakyoin, and Jotaro meet the reader in Japan and complete different missions before setting off on their biggest mission in Egypt. Also, Jotaro, Kakyoin, and the reader are adults here (of Polnareff’s age)
Warning: Suggestive scenes (if you're a minor and/or uncomfortable, best to stay away, or block #shyna suggestives :D), mention of injury and loss of blood, Jotaro being a teeny bit of OOC, maybe?
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day, lovelies <3 I didn't realize that Jotaro's birthday had an official date according to some websites. Also, he being my current anime boyfriend has gotten me to dream about him in my subconscious. Gaah, I love this guy. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day and Happy belated birthday, JoJo Baby <33
Number of words: 991 ( lol it was supposed to be a drabble, oh well idc it is a Drabble xD)
Taglist: @saltyvanilla @akaashi-todorki @pencilpoked-heart @tiddieluvr @quirrrky @fuwushiguro @kagejima @ofallthingswhythis
Let me know here if you want to join my tag list for future posts, and also, for suggestions (for AUs, characters as per the character rules) and feedback regarding my writing :D
Song: Harleys in Hawaii by Katy Perry
Joseph turns to Jotaro and me and asks, “Jotaro, (Y/N), what about you guys? How much money do you have with you?” Polnareff taunted us with a smirk, “Yeah, how much do you have? Kakyoin has 85 Singapore Dollars and I have 90.”Jotaro and I smirked back with him replying, “Ah, well, I still have 2000 Singapore Dollars.” I continued, saying, “and I have 3000 Singapore Dollars. So, guess who's going to have dinner in a fancy restaurant now?”
I glance at Jotaro, who nods and lightly chuckles along with me. Polnareff's eyes widen in shock. Avdol drags him along, saying, “Now, now, let them rest. They fought the most, after all.” We laughed as they were walking away, much to their chagrin, and as Jotaro looked in the other direction, Avdol gave a knowing smile and a thumbs up, reminding me as to why I needed to make the most of this.
When Jotaro and I first met through Avdol, our personalities were too opposite for us to understand each other. We'd argue for hours on end, even when we were forced to live as roommates. But, after our first mission together, when we went back to our hotel rooms, it's safe to say that Avdol and Joseph could hear a plethora of moans, groans, and grunts coming from our room.
What started as a way of relieving stress for us, became a means of expressing that we were getting addicted and accustomed to each other's touch, voices, and presence. It definitely seemed like a toxic way of bonding, but with us finding it difficult to get along initially, it definitely seemed like the best way out. However, on the last mission, before we set out to Singapore on our way to Egypt, a sword pierced through my stomach, causing me to lose a lot of blood. I remember before closing my eyes, that Jotaro was the first person to approach me and pick me up.
When I opened my eyes, I realized we were in the hospital, and the operation was successful and I was going to recover in a week. I was in the room with Jotaro beside me and holding my hand. “You’re awake,” he replies with a smile on his face and I noticed his eyes were baggy and the tears had dried off his cheeks. I smile at him and reply softly, “hi.” He approaches me, holds my head, and places a chaste kiss on my lips. When we pull away from the kiss, he tells me, “okay, Ms. (F/N) (L/N), as soon as you get out of the hospital, we’re going on a date okay?”
I was flabbergasted by his response and I said, “I didn’t know Mr. Jotaro Kujo can be open about his feelings. Since when did that happen?” He facepalms and replies, “Yare yare, since I thought I was going to lose you, woman. You scared me.” I chuckle, perch myself up with my elbows and I respond, “Okay then, mister. A date, you say?” He nods in agreement and smiles, “I just need one date.” I raise my eyebrow at him and ask him, “You think you can woo me with one date?” He brings his face closer to mine, kisses my forehead, and replies, “absolutely.”
As Jotaro looked in my direction, he cupped my cheek with one of his hands and asked, “Okay, so (F/N) where do you want to eat?” while caressing my cheek. As a tint of blush appears on my cheeks, I shrugged and replied, “well, there's this steak restaurant 10 minutes away. Want to walk there?” Jotaro smirked and replied, “I have a better idea,” and he pulls me to a corner of the street where there was a Harley Davidson CVO Road Glide in front of us. My mouth opens wide and my eyes widen as I turn to him and ask, “Jotaro, how, how did you get this? When did you get this?” He heaves a sigh and replies, “ah well, I asked the old man for some money,” his eyes looking down on the ground.
I put my arms around him, tilt my head to the left and ask him softly, “Jotaro, what did you tell Joseph?” He takes off his cap and ruffles his hair, replying,“ yare, yare, how does it matter? I told him that I wanted to...” his voice trailing into the air as he looks in another direction so as to hide the tint of blush that appeared on his cheeks, “take you out on a date.” My eyes widen as I look at him and tell him, “oh, it's funny because I was asking Avdol's advice on the same thing,” and I chuckle while slightly biting my bottom lip. Both of us look at each other and laugh. Then he put his cap back up and said, “so both of them are helping us. Do they know?”
I replied with another shrug, “I don’t know. But if that's the case, why don't we make the most of it? We could go to an aquarium, explore it, have a nice dinner at the steak restaurant, and go back to the room and watch a movie. It's Valentine's Day, after all.” Jotaro then clicks his tongue, responding, “The date was supposed to be my idea.” He then picks me up, gives me the helmet, puts me behind him, and sits on the Harley as he replies, “However, I’m glad that you’re alive and with me. That is something I wouldn’t trade for anything in this world.” As I put my helmet and put my arms around my waist, and place my chin on his shoulder, I say with a smile, “Happy Valentine’s Day, JoJo.” He then smiles as he starts the motorcycle, with the biggest smile I think I’ve ever seen, and softly replies, “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.” I guess he did woo me before our first date began.
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161 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
'tis the damn season
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features: hajime iwaizumi x gn!reader (no pronouns used, written in 2nd person)
submission for: @woahsamu’s  “It's Always Been You” Collab  | song: ’tis the damn season - taylor swift | type of writing: oneshot | trope: slice of life, exes to lovers | wc: 2530
summary: when you come back to japan for the holiday season, while walking along the sidewalk enjoying the snow, a chance encounter with your ex reminds you how much you miss and still love him.
content warnings: partial haikyuu timeskip spoilers, suggestive themes, hurt/comfort, talks of the breakup, talks of commitment-phobia, the reader's being called baby, love
beta reading: @mxonigirimiya @portfolio-of-dreams @mrskenmakozume (ily all thank you so much <333) | networks: @hanayanetwork @tokyometronetwork
(taglist form / library account, turn on notifications to be updated) (taglist in next rb)
a/n: when i first chartered my list of fics i was going to write for tumblr, i had a fleeting idea for this song along with iwa, and when the collab came into existence, i knew what i had to do: bring the idea to fruition. taylor swift's one of my favs (y'all know this lol), so it's no surprise that my writing's based on one of her songs. plus, I thought of creating a moodboard instead of the usual banner. also, this is based on a two-year relationship i'd had with my ex in uni before i left for the states and he decided to stay in india and prepare for civil services exam. as always, likes, reblogs, and comments, especially reblogs are appreciated.
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176 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
...That Wears the Crown ( A Royalty AU Collab)
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247 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Can I request for I want a baby prank with Guren Ichinose??? Ive been dreaming about that guy a lot recently <333
Awww sure thing Ro!!!! Guren's such a dreamy boy <3333 This gif and this website helped me channel my idea with this prompt for this scenario: Them huddled by the fireplace at night after making snow angels in the fresh snow. Oh and since it's been a while since I've watched Owari no Seraph, I'm sorry if this doesn't come out well. Oh and as a bonus, I thought of the song, Sweater Weather while writing this :D Anyway, let’s do thissss!
When we tell Guren Ichinose that we “want a baby”:
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Warning: suggestive content <3, minors dni pleaseeee
Shyna's Seiyuu Birthday Celebration
He then brings his hand forward and introduces himself, “I am Guren Ichinose, the lieutenant Colonel of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army. I present to you two options: strive to live a normal life and risk being a target all over again,” then shrugs his shoulders and continue, “or you could join me and we could exterminate them together. You’ll be under my protection, I promise.” You bite your lower lip, pondering about the offer that was just presented to you. You weren’t someone that was into fighting, let alone slapping someone. But, in this cruel world that you were living in, you were needing to stand up for yourself. You then put your hand forward, accepting his offer. “I am (F/N) (L/N). I accept your offer, Lieutenant Guren,” you respond with a smile.
It’d been four years since the day that Guren kept you warm and safe from your vampiric partner, whom you'd run away from. You were working hard to join the Vampire Extermination Unit, but to no avail. It's not that you were weak. Oh, you certainly were not like the person Guren saw then. Lost, frail and having nowhere to go. You'd become stronger and smarter in your own right, being able to wield a sword faster than any of the initial candidates.
You were just too scared that you'd not be able to do your job well. Moreover, there was something that the Army didn't know: you'd begun a four year tryst with Guren. When you two weren't busy completing missions, both of you would find excuses to go to secluded places and immerse yourselves in each other.
From making out to lovemaking to doing it rough, you'd done it all. Every touch, every breath, every heartbeat. You'd made yourselves known to each other intimately.
You'd even decided to go on a couple of dates together, either by the vending machines or parks or by the fountains. His playful nature wasn't hidden from you, and he even had one of the best smiles in the entire regiment. He was also someone that valued teamwork and was strategic in his approach. It was official, you were becoming giddy over him.
But while you were slowly able to let your walls crumble down, Guren however, kept stuff to himself. While he was able to slowly reveal his past, you felt that he wasn't revealing enough. So, you came up with an idea.
You'd just come back from the hospital, where one of your friends had just given birth to a baby girl, where you'd warned your friend to run to a city that wasn't occupied by vampires yet, and promised her that you'd bring them back home safely. You'd then come outside your apartment to find Guren cladding thicker jackets on top of his uniform. He said, “Babe, let's go, it's cold outside,” with a big smile on his face. Taking you by your hand, he drags you outside into the snow, where both of you feel the chilly breeze hitting your face. Suddenly, you felt a ball of snow hitting your neck and you turn to see Guren throwing snowballs at you. You two have a good time together, chasing each other, frolicking in the snow, and making snow angels.
Later, you two come back to your apartment, take a huge blanket, sit on the couch and huddle by the fireplace. Snuggling up to him, you softly tell him with a smile, “Guren, I want a baby.”
His eyes widen in surprise as he didn't expect in the wildest of dreams for you to blurt it out. You suddenly hear his pacing heartbeat, and the moment you look into his purple eyes, he strokes your cheeks with his cold hand, asking you with a voice that seemed as calm as ever, “Are you sure that you want a baby?” You respond by nodding in agreement. You started to observe Guren even more.
“I'll think about it, okay? It's just, it's just...” You tried to complete his sentence for him, by saying, “A lot to ask for?” when he replied, “No, it's just that I've been wanting this too...” Your eyes widen in shock, “Wait, what? I thought...” He puts a finger on your lips and reply, “You thought I didn't want a baby, right? Truth be told, I wanted us to wait it out until this apocalypse is done with, because I'm scared of losing you the way I lost my family.” Your breathing hitched in your throat, with realization slowly hitting you. He's right. The war isn't over, not yet away. You nervously chuckle, “Alright, alright, chill! I was just messing around!” However, Guren's focus didn't move away from yours as he picks you up, off the blanket, from the couch in a bridal fashion. You flail your arms and legs as you protest, “Guren, babe, no....” That is when he places you on the bed, gently, as he comes on top of you and whispers, “Your wish is my command, baby....”
Finally omg! This took me a while, but I hope you enjoy it Ro! :D:D:D
265 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
🔄💋 : my muse to kiss your muse
Lucas & Tyler
Drabble ask
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Swinging his pen to sketch some things and sighing out of frustration Tyler bonked his head on the table as if being fully stuck and too distracted for anything... he barely had these episodeds but he knew something was wrong with him currently. Seeing him basically grunting on the table Lucas came in and offered him a coffee to relax.
“So you are stuck?”
“Its like I can’t focus currently...much thoughts circle around and I am tired of them.... that is why I usually keep distance from people and close myself off...”
“Maybe it helps you to talk about it?”
Tyler held his coffee mug and looked away from him... it seemed again he just didn’t want to talk...
“Tyler... if you close off you will never be able to solve this situation... tell me how you are feeling.”
“I... don’t know myself... I have episodes where I can’t make anything properly but... this time it feels like something in my heart is distracting me...”
His glaces were hesitant but still tired from his lack of sleep... He seemed even to be a bit small in the yawning...
“Your heart you say?... hmm...” Lucas tried to stand next to him getting a bit closer as he did notice inspecting his face closer a hint of some redness... inspecting it he leaned a bit downwards to meet his eyes...
“Maybe I have a cure for it...”
And so he took his face in his hand and kissed him on the lips... getting Tyler to return it lightly...
“Somehow.... I do feel a bit better... were you the thing I was distracted by...”
“You can still sort out your feelings but... I like you, Tyler... I would be interested in dating you.”
Tyler sighed a little and took a sip from his coffee...
“I think given I can’t work properly and you understand my work... we could try... I must admit I enjoyed this.”
This answer caused a smile on Lucas face.
“Then get some sleep and lets do something together tomorrow, alright.”
“Sure... thank you.”
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At least Tyler doesn’t have to crawl as much as Carol with Damián. XD
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tarnishedxknight · 1 month
is this blog a multimuse now? :o
{out of dalmasca} No? But...? It pretty much is, haha. I mean... I feel like I should do a big overhaul of this blog and turn it into a proper multimuse, but I don't have the time or energy to redo a good number of the muse tags, restructure their "About" posts and make a "current muses" list... that's essentially what my pinned post already is.
Unfortunately, the whole main, side, alternate, and OC muse classification thing is now burned on my brain and I've gotten used to that system even though it really doesn't make a difference. (I know, it's just how my brain works, heh. It always is making unnecessary systems that make no sense, lol.)
And I really do want to keep Basch as the "main" muse. I know it doesn't seem like he is right now, haha, but he's my favorite FFXII character, he's the reason I even started this blog, so I'd like to keep him sort of the focus or at least somewhere at the top of the list as far as activity. After that, Ashe and Noah should be the most active. Drace, Caelen, and Munoh I'd like to keep at a lower activity, only because I want the others to remain the focus. If that... makes any sense.
Also... I really like this url a lot, but it refers only to Basch, so for a mumu, I'd have to change it. I've thought about what I might change it to, and I haven't been able to think of anything I like better. I've thought of soulsofivalice or tarnishedsouls (or some variation if they're taken), but I already have two blog urls with the word "soul" in them, including my other mumu, so... meh.
In short, this blog is a confusing mess, it's not a mumu but it pretty much functions like one, and the people I write with on here don't seem to mind and are getting on just fine, lol. So. I guess. Take that for what it is. XD
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hazbinsandweirdos · 7 months
In the list below, bold all the fears your muse currently has, italicize all the fears they've worked through or grown out of, answer the questions below, and then pass it on by tagging your favorite muns to participate!
The dark l Small spaces l Suffocation l Water l Thunderstorms l Dogs l Snakes l Spiders l Insects l Clowns l Blood l Dentists l Hospitals l Needles l Germs l Heights l Fire l Insects l Public speaking l Large crowds l Meeting new people l Being alone l Being touched l Failure l Imperfection l Societal rejection l Physical intimacy l Emotional intimacy l Being abandoned l Being forgotten
What other fears do they have?
Dying is his biggest fear at this point. He has been around for 180 years he is going to run out of luck at some point and he expects it.
Why do they have these fears? Are these fears innate, trauma-based, or generational?
Most of his fears are trauma based from when he was alive and the first few years of being dead. A lot of his physical fears were worked through after a few decades in Hell but hospitals still scare him as much as they have grown. Hospitals in his time maimed people over a common cold. He can't quite get over that still lol
Have they ever tried to work through or confront these fears? How did it go?
He definitely has tried working through his blood phobia but he still can't get over it
Heights aren't so much a fear he has as much as falling is his big issue. He doesn't mind being up high but if the ground/a platform isn't below his feet, he panics due to how he died
He is a perfectionist, he hasn't quite worked through that he has to always be put together and look like he is put together when working because he thinks if you look imperfect then someone can see your weakness
Emotional intimacy is something he is still working on though he is getting better but after years of pretending he loves men he hates...he struggles a little bit with getting close to men he actually likes. He either puts on an act he can't turn off or he continously gets frustrated with the person and can't seem to find a medium for his emotions and he goes nuts xD
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