#hi rin 🌻
sector1 · 2 years
tag game ✨️
i was tagged by @wouyoung, thank you sweetheart 💗 sending you a big hug as usual 🫂
name: Natalia
sign: 🌞 Sagittarius,🌙 Taurus, ⬆️ Virgo
height: 169 cm/ 5'6'' (used a converter so don't quote me on the second one though!!)
time: 23:05
birthday: 11th December
favourite band/artist: idk how to even make this relatively succinct………. ok so for kpop it’s ateez, bangtan, stray kids, gidle, taemin…… otherwise i also love chelsea wolfe a lot…. dream theater the metal band of my life? royal blood, white lies, muse but also nothing but thieves and des rocs a lot lately…… romantic feelings for meg myers’, emma ruth rundle’s and agnes obel’s music?? but also banks and florence + the machine and aurora and hey i also love men. post malone, hozier, hurts and even crazy stuff like hatari?? and i also have been to 7 riverside concerts and FFSSSSSSSS 
last movie: pls don't laugh at me but i literally just watched 'the next 365 days' with my friends and yes it was about as bad as expected.....
when i created this blog: uhm like *checks* 3 weeks ago
what i post: this is my ateez spot though occassionally i might also speak
other blogs: my main is @jiminsproof and my lit/art/personal diary blog is @liquidsun-sets
do i get asks: i am just a babie so not a lot, more frequently on my main
followers: 26
average hours of sleep: ???? i love sleep so my body wants 10+ hours but unfortunately i'm an adult so usually 6-7 but also sometimes much less when things to do. oh and my sleep record was 15 hours. no i didn't feel bad. it was great.
instruments: in polish we say you can play on sb's nerves and that's all i got
what am i wearing: black sweatpants and black t-shirt
dream job: ???????????? uhm happy?
dream trip: florence, italy, also all of the uk
favourite song: you know what i'll consult spotify stats or we'll be here all day. ok last 4 weeks top 3 is: 1. guerrilla by atz, 2. sector 1 by atz, 3. hwaa by gidle. last 6 months it's 1. advice by taemin, 2. maniac by skz, 3. guerrilla by atz (i am normal about this song WAWAWAIT LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING).
0 pressure tagging some of my lovely moots, hi besties!!! sending everyone a big hug, hope everyone is well 🫂: @twinklytwinkles, @sinatserendipity, @ateezbiased, @blackawsum, @kpopcrossworlds, @undetectorist, @applejongho. 💗
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iwashie · 1 year
𝘜𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘣𝘭𝘭𝘬 𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦
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📌 isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, itoshi rin, yukimiya kenyu, chigiri hyoma
💎ISAGI YOICHI= He loves it when you stroke his hair.
He's paying attention to the TV or his notes when you arrive and pat his head, scaring him at first, but soon he closes his eyes, enjoying the affection, "just a little more" he pouts, pulling your hand back into his hair, and so you spent the rest of the day petting his hair.
🌙BACHIRA MEGURU= He has a habit of randomly dancing with you around the house and he loves it when you do it with him.
No need to ask if he is busy, just take his hand and start dancing muttering some melody, he will accompany you without a second thought, "one more! I heard a music when I was out and wanted to dance with you," he says, pulling you into his arms, starting to sing and spin with you around the room as you laugh.
🌿ITOSHI RIN=He loves it when you hug him, pulling him into your lap.
he's sitting on the couch watching the game, analyzing the opponents as you sit next to him, hugging him with your legs around his waist and pulling him to lie with you, "Hey! I'm-" "Silence, just enjoy" you say, running your hands through his hair, sometimes behind his back, and kissing the top of his head. The man would stand for a few minutes, with his face closed, but then he would hug you, enjoying the affection and during the game you would make some comments.
🌻YUKIMIYA KENYU= He loves it when you kiss him.
He's distracted by football stuff when you turn his face, lift his glasses and kiss him long, just walking out of the room, "Wh-What was that for?" he asks from the door, cheeks red and glasses falling into place, you look at him "I just love you" and leave him standing in the doorway, totally lost and in love, touching his mouth with his fingers.
💖CHIGIRI HYOMA= He loves it when you take care of him, usually he massages his injured leg, but he loves it when you do it.
He was ready to start the massage when you took the things out of his hand, "I can-" "I want to do" you said, cutting him off and starting to massage slowly, with the utmost care not to hurt him. He comes in every day tired from training and always does his own care, doing it for him wouldn't hurt you and he'd be more in love, thinking about how lucky he is to have you.
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aria-ashryver · 30 days
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Welcome to the Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #3
We are starting strong once again: Anitha and Rin got a case of the plague, Evie got malaria, and hot damn do we need an actual doctor out here! (Hello, foreshadowing 👀)
In good news, however, the panther problem is no more! (For now)
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The MCs have been settled at Cedar Station for a couple of seasons now: purpose-specific rooms are being built; crappy barracks are being upgraded to little, individual houses, and we are getting more artsy with our crafting!
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Luca *gasping softly*: cauliflowers, of course! Omg I'm a genius.
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Anitha has taken non-cauliflower approaches to boosting settlement morale! Namely;
planting yellow, sunshiney flowers outside the rec room
singing songs to capybaras in the hopes they will come live with us (which... worked?! Go Anitha!! 💛)
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Our MCs have collectively decided capybaras are the perfect symbol of hard work, perseverance, and being extremely friend-shaped, so they are now our ✨ venerated animal ✨ (Sprites now get a mood boost when they spend time near a capybara lol)
!!A wild Oliver appears!!
Good news: We have found a doctor! Bad news: Said doctor has been wandering alone in the jungle for weeks on end and is clearly Going Through Some Stuff
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Dorian tried to calm Oliver down and talk him through The Horrors TM (and just managed to make things worse 😆)
(Dorian "Silvertongue" more like Dorian "Can I Offer You a Nice Berry In This Trying Time- ow why are you hitting me ow")
Anitha's got this, don't worry 🌻
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Here's Oliver, all cleaned up with fresh haircut and change of clothes, and feeling much calmer!
Welcome to the colony, Oliver! ✨✨✨ Great to have you aboard
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Having a real doctor in the group means we can safely go on caravan journeys! Today, half of the MCs split off to:
Attend peace talks with a hostile faction
Fulfill a trade agreement with a nearby settlement
Loot an ancient ruin to get Dorian a cool new sword
Get... uh, wait- get mugged by a random imp raider who wanted to steal Oliver's extremely cool t-shirt?
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um. Dorian's new sword got a test run and Oliver kept his shirt.
We did unfortunately run out of food on the way home, though, so our MCs have arrived back hungry, tired, and desperately in need of something fun to do.
Things were tense, folks. Rin might have snapped at Evie a little bit 😬
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aaahhhh the blorbos are brawling aaahhh this is our first social fight
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Things calmed down pretty quick when Evie went for the suckerpunch and cracked Rin's jaw. Rin got lots of quick jabs in too, so Evie has a ton of bruises to her torso, but I think since Evie went beast mode on this one, she wins 😆
Fortunately, Oliver knows just how to help 💗
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We are all friends again in time for the Skylantern Festival though!! Awww look at them go 🌈✨ (Marianna is helping Evie with hers, that's so sweet 🥺)
Anitha: we require more morale Anitha: *brainstorming so hard* Anitha: I've got it. TWO Capybaras!!!
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So, on top of our OG Labrador, Ricky, we now have Sunny and Sugar-Plum, our resident Guinea Bigs. We have also recently acquired an (actual) guinea pig and a cat!
I'm letting the smaller pets pick their owners on a "first nuzzled, first served" basis, so congrats to Evie and Oliver, who now have their very own pets!
@cadybear420 - what does Evie name the guinea pig?
@dr-colossal-pita what does Oliver name the cat?
(If it makes a difference, the guinea pig is male, the cat is female, both are 3 years old)
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Raids are getting tougher! This one was weird, because some visiting traders rushed to our defense with... with their pet bull? Guys, we have it. Its... its fine, you don't need to-- okay, sure. Fine. Send in the bull. Also misfire your bow and arrow and shoot Dorian in the leg, that's great too.
It was a tough scrape, this one! A bunch of tough adventurers, pushed to their limits, trying to survive in this harsh, unforgiving jungle, came to steal our supplies. A few of their people died, some of ours were injured, and we hauled the enemy survivors inside to tend to their injuries (because what is the jungle without a little humanity, right?)
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In what is perhaps the most metal move I have ever seen, here is Oliver talking Marianna through what to do when someone* has been stabbed in the kidney and is bleeding out
*"someone" in this instance is Oliver 🤘
OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED MARIANNA USED THE REALLY GOOD MEDICINE I WAS SAVING THAT klsjgksfjglkdf dammit 😂 thats fine, I'd rather Oliver be okay, but omg that stuff is expensive and I only had 1 ahh 😭😭😭
Curiously... the enemy adventurers are rather taken by our empathy. These are good people, they say. This is a small settlement, but it looks homely. These people are tough, but fair. Hmmm...
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"Do you really think we can trust them? We attacked their home." "We didn't have a choice! But these people seem... honest? They could have left us to die, but they didn't. Maybe... this could be a home for us, too." "Daenarya, that's madness. You can't just try to steal from someone, only to turn around and ask if you can join them!" "...Its worth a shot, right?"
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(uhh I forgot to take a "New recruit: Daenarya" screenshot, just pretend I did lol)
Welcome aboard to our newest pair of adventurers, Brienne and Daenarya!! 💖💖 (Brienne's lil horns are everything to me hehe)
And just in time, too -- our colony have received a tip-off about a lone, freelance detective in need of rescue not far from our base -- @stars-are-within-me 's Carina Rose! Maybe Brienne and Daenarya can help us pull off a daring rescue in the next episode 😎
as ever, thank you to @choicesmc @cadybear420 @rosesnink @storyofmychoices @dr-colossal-pita and @lover-also-fighter-also for letting me steal your darlings!
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cringeandproudx3 · 11 days
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Hi!! We're the Chrysalis System, and we reblog!! A lot!! Sometimes we post though! We don't make anything, we're just here!! yes we're on mobile dont remind us please /j
The following is just a copy of our desc. If you want more about our system, see this Reddit post bc we're lazy :/ https://www.reddit.com/r/plural/comments/1chaypl/introductions/ there are more, but they don't front online.
Basic info:
Collectively we identify as xenic, transneumasc, and omnigay, aroace, and gray platonic
Some of our sysmates use diff labels, but we just go by the host's identity!
basic criteria, xenicphobes, kinphobes and anti alterhumans, antifurs, exclus, transmed, radqueer, under 12, sysmeds/fdc people, pro/neutral/complex contact for harmful paras,
Interact: Lgbtqia2mx+, xenic/neopronoun users, aspec, mspec, alterhumans, furries, rad inclus, anti radqueer, systems, neurodivergent ppl (especially autism or ADHD!), angelkin
Tags for specific headmates posting (This post and simple rbs are not tagged)
Some tags might not have posts yet :)
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sea-moon-star · 1 year
Bangtan Village: Pregnancy Series || Maknae Line: 1
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1: Deciding to have a baby
Pairing: BTS maknae line x f!reader, jimin x dancer!oc, taehyung x psychologist!oc, jungkook x idol!oc
Genre: Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, husband!BTS, dad!BTS
WC: 3.5k words (1k ish each)
Summary: The part of Bangtan’s life where they’re all living next to each other in a privately owned township that’s just outside Seoul, it’s close enough for them to get to their social & work lives but far enough to provide them with privacy as they’ve become global legends after the end of their most successful re-union, comeback and world tour in 2025-26. While they continue working simultaneously on solo and group endeavors, they take it slow to focus on their personal life, especially with their growing families taking precedence. As of now, all 7 members are married, with Hoseok & Jimin already having kids of their own. But they’re nowhere close to done, the number of tiny humans in this village is yet to increase!
A/N: The one where all my ocs are named after flowers hence the header! Hyung line to follow soon, more parts too. Spot the cameo by Astro's Eunwoo & 97 liners. Ready, set & begin 🌷🌺🌹🌻🌼💐🌸
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Jeon Jungkook x Lee Hae-rin🌷:
Jungkook and his wife had already had a baby conversation before they were married, one where they’d both decided they were more than happy being pet parents- Jungkookie with his dog named Bam and Hae-rin with her cat named Haru. Although they were opposites called Night & Day, the Doberman had learnt to get along with house cat since they had been introduced back when she was a kitten. And this gave them the chance to have company at home while the other was busy with their career, their schedules often clashing as two idols at the peak of their stardom. Though Jungkook had the security of having a group and hence, could take more time off, unlike Hae-rin for whom being a solo artist meant she had no stand by to rely on. And yet by some miracle, today they had both taken time off work to attend a dear friend’s baby shower.
Fellow 97’ liner, Eun-woo, the host of the event had taken a moment away to greet Jungkook while Hae-rin congratulated his wife. “Are you sure, you can’t stay for longer? It’s so rare that we get to see the both of you together and spend time. Once the baby comes, it’ll be much harder, why don’t you stay, Jungkook-ah?” Eunwoo tried to persuade Jungkook but he just shrugged his shoulders with a defeated sigh & replied back, “You know I’m really happy for the both of you, right? I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t have to… I just need to go…” “But why, Jungkook-ah? You’re always the most excited one at all our baby showers, be it for Mingyu, Jaehyun, Bambam, so what’s wrong today? I can see it on your face that something is really bothering you. Tell me, friend. You know I’m here for you…” Eunwoo reassured Jungkook, a hand on his shoulder as his friend broke down at his touch & replied, I won’t lie to you, it just hurts too much to be here. And that’s why I need to go… I can’t see any more of these baby showers, knowing that I’ll never host one of them myself. And it’s worse today because she’s here and I’m scared she’ll see through me, that I’ll ruin this for both of us because I’m the selfish one that wants kids when we decided we wouldn’t have any.”
“You made that decision years ago, why don’t you speak to her once again? She’s so good with the kids, whether the 97’ liners or Bangtans, maybe she’s changed her mind?” Eunwoo offered hopefully but Jungkook pursed his lips as he said, “It’s not that she doesn’t like kids, we both do. But it’s one thing for us to enjoy with our nieces and nephews, it’s another to actually have children. And for all the women around us, it was easier for them to have children, it’s different for her. They aren’t celebrities in their own right, they have ordinary lives and jobs that allow them to do both side by side. And your wife, even though she’s from the industry- she’s an actress who’s allowed to take a maternity break and get back. The roles might be different but the fame remains untouched, the success does too. But it’s not the same for an idol, our careers are short spanned as it is and this is akin to self-sabotage. Stamina, reputation, fan following, everything takes a hit and I couldn’t do that to her, not while BTS continues to thrive. I can’t pull the plug on her career, that’s the most self-serving and sexist thing I’ll ever do and I refuse to be that man.”
“And what about husbands that hide things from their partner and mislead them? That doesn’t make you a misogynist, Nampyeon?” A voice said from behind and Jungkook almost dropped the glass he was holding in his hand, as he saw his wife standing there, having heard their conversation. Eunwoo slipped away, after a quick pat on Jungkook’s back, wishing him luck as he gave the couple privacy to discuss what had just gone down.
“Who were you to decide what I should do? Whether I choose my career or my family life, it’s my choice to make. Not yours! Why have you never once told me this? I thought you genuinely didn’t want kids, so I never brought it up. Sure, I’m indifferent about being a mom, I wouldn’t mind either ways. But I’m not indifferent to you! If this is part of your dream, then why would you just let it go? You’ve let me put my dreams first, since day one. You welcomed me into Hybe as my sunbae, you recommended my debut song to armys and catapulted me to success, you stood by and watched as I ranked #1, won awards and went on world tours, you even pushed our marriage so it wouldn’t affect my prime. And you think I wouldn’t want to do the same for you? Give me the chance to do for you, what you did for me, love. Please?” She implored him to listen as he asked, “Are you sure? I don’t want you to regret it, it’s not just your career, it’s your body, things won’t be the same again… you’re doing the heavy lifting, it’s not me…” “You think I’d ever regret creating something that’s a sign of our love? To bring a child that’s part you into the world, that’s the easiest idea to get on board with. How could I ever not love someone who is a mini you?” She said with a wide smile on her face as she gazed into his eyes, and he broke into a grin, “You make a good point but truth be told, I’ll be rooting for our child to be a reflection of you.”🌷
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Kim Taehyung x Ahn Nari🌺:
There was no deciding about when to have a kid, with Taehyung and his wife. She’d been writing a baby diary filled with poetry, letters, life lessons & more since she was 18, he’d been craving wanting to be a dad ever since he’d grown up raising his younger siblings. With them, they’d just left it up to faith, they just wanted to be pregnant, they’d be preparing all their lives and the when didn’t matter. Everything had been blissful after their marriage, until the day when Taehyung came home to find his wife curled up on the sofa, crying her eyes out. He rushed to her side, his heart constricting in his chest as he felt her heaving sobs and tried to contain her grief in his arms. He wasn’t sure of what to do to help her feel better, being a therapist- comforting others & helping them through their emotions was more her department than his. In fact he couldn’t remember the number of times, she’d motivated, validated & held space for him.
Still, he knew what words couldn’t say, his actions would so he hugged her tighter as he whispered, “Yeobo, what’s wrong? I’m here, whatever it is. It’s okay, we’ll figure it out. Just please, look at me…”. Despite his pleas, she couldn’t meet his eyes, her gaze trained at the piece of paper on the coffee table of him. It was stained with her tears but he picked it up, he saw it was a medical report from a local fertility clinic. It had been barely a year into their marriage but they knew something was amiss when they still couldn’t get a positive test. Though his way of coping had been to deny it all along and bury himself into work, clearly she’d had enough and decided to go looking for answers.
“They… they said… I would never… be.. a mot…” She tried to whisper but he cut her off, “No, don’t say that. They’re lying, they’re just being insensitive and stupid. You will be a mother, I promise. They don’t know shit, they’re just a small suburban clinic, I’ll take you to the best doctors, to the biggest super specialty clinics, adoption centers, we can go abroad, whatever it takes okay? We can do whatever we want, the options are endless.” She shook her head and stepped back from his embrace, the fury and hurt painting her expression as she cried out, “It’s hard enough to adopt ONE child, you always wanted our kids to have siblings, you wanted 5 children!? And we wanted a child before we were even married, how long are we going to wait? Do you know how long medical procedures take? It could be YEARS because we even have a child, are you really going to be able to wait that long? Can I? I wanted to be young, I’ve seen what happens when there’s a huge generational gap between kids and their parents, I never wanted this… it’s the one thing we’ve always pined for… and I’m going to break that dream for both of us.”
He cupped her face in her palms, forcing her to make eye contact with him, “Y/N! Stop. I won’t allow this. As long as you and I are together, the dream is alive. We’ve made the impossible come true before, we can do it again. You were a preemie kid who wasn’t going to survive but you did! Bangtan defied the odds with our success. We’re fighters, we don’t give up, okay? We’ll find a way, we always do, love. Why wait? I’ll make an appointment tomorrow and this time, no doing it alone, I’m coming with you. I’ll take the tests, I’ll be there for your follow ups, whatever it takes, we’re in this together. What do I always say, huh?” “Teamwork… makes the dream work.” She replied gingerly, her voice getting stronger with every syllable as he gave her a kiss on the forehead and felt the tension exit her body with his gesture. 🌺
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Park Jimin x Song Jang-mi🌹:
Park Jimin was the only Bangtan member to already have 2 kids, his childhood sweetheart turned wife from his dance school had given him two daughters. It was obvious to anyone that he loved them more than life itself- that’s why their names were Ae-Cha, which meant loving daughter and Mi-Cha, which meant beautiful daughter. He had the biggest smile on his face when he came home from work to watch both his daughters, aged 5 & 3- sit together at the dining table playing, having a fake tea party with their dolls. They were so engrossed with the pretend play that they didn’t even notice that their dad had come back home. But even though part of him wanted to swoop them up into his arms, he held himself back, watching in admiration while leaning against the door frame of the living room.
He was joined by his wife who slipped her hand, across his waist and leaned closer & whispered, “Can you believe we actually made it past the terrible twos & threes? I can’t believe they’re our girls? That the same kids who once turned the house upside down are now both sitting quietly, the house is clean, I actually had time to have a cuppa without being interrupted, it’s surreal!” “Yes, that’s why I dare not disturb them. I thought my eyes were deceiving me, they’re really grown up, huh? Where did the time go? It feels like yesterday that we got married & here we are already… At this rate, they’ll be in college soon & I’ll have to walk them down the aisle!?” He said incredulously, while she responded, “You’re forgetting the hormone crazy teenage phase, where they’ll hate everything we say & do, rebel & go out at night, you’re gonna have to give them a talk about safe sex, & not murder any boy they decide to bring home. I’d pay good money to see that!” She chuckled as he glared at her, as she relunctantly stifled her laughter.
“Stop it, you mean woman! I’m not even slightly ready to go there, not even in my mind. And you might hit me for saying this but… I actually miss the chaos? I miss tripping over legos, wearing mis-matched shoes, having spit-up on my clothes, knowing that they’re tiny enough to be safe in their cribs or even better, inside you.” He sighed & told her as she agreed, “Yeah, you’re right, I actually miss the time, it felt like everything was slower when they’re not born yet, almost like you can control how fast they grow up. 9 months of time, where it’s just us & nothing & no one can get in the way of that.” “If you didn’t hit me then, you’re definitely going to hit me now but I’ll take my chances… would you, consider doing it all again? Having one more kid? I don’t think I’m ready to let go of them being babies just yet.” He softly muttered as her eyes widened in surprise at the proposition. “I’m not going to hit you, trust me. In fact, I think you’re right. That must be why I haven’t been able to part with any of their baby supplies, I’ve held onto them- they’re still in the attic, you know? Even though I was supposed to give it away to charity ages ago. As much as I want to jump right into this, are you certain we can do it? 3 kids is a lot. What if we bite off more than we can chew?” She asked, a hint of anxiety in her tone as he pulled her closer to him & said firmly, “We’re a power couple, we’ve always been. With you, nothing is too much trouble. I have full faith in us, jagiya.” 🌹
To Be Continued... 🌊🌙⭐️
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choicesmc · 29 days
Hi hi my love!! For the Pride Themed OC asks:
1 for Rin and Fiona - What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
6 for Jiahao and Rams - How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
21 bc I cannot resist a free ramble card!
(And 17 for you if you want to! - Do you share identity with any of your ocs? Which ones?)
i tried to stay coherent ono the ramble but I lost it a little by the end, hope it's still understandable 😭 thank you for dropping by o/
questions from [this] ask game
1. What’s your OC’s gender identity? What’s their relationship to their gender?
I made a post [here] <- forever ago on this topic!! So I am very glad to revisit it <3 
Rin and Fiona are both cis. 
Neither of them conform to their general societal roles. 
On Rin’s side, she grew into masculinity. As a child, she’d never really preferred tomboy over girly-girl. If anything, she was a typical girl’s girl through and through: dresses, pinks, skirts etc. But as she grew older, Rin drifted away from all of that and found more comfort in masculine attire. Importantly, it was not part of her femininity. When she wears her binder and packer, it is explicitly to dress masculine and be seen as masc. Still, for Rin, none of this makes her any less of a woman. As masculine as she present, she still sees herself as a woman through and through. <- It’s really never occurred to her Not be a woman –she just is. 
Fiona, on the other side, has always felt constrained by what he was ‘allowed’ to do. His childhood is a lot of suffering under these expectations to be stoic, purely logical, and aggressive. And he wanted to wear the skirts and dresses and heels without being seen as less of a man. As a result, when Fiona wears typically feminine things, it’s not an expression of femininity for him. Wearing makeup and a cute skirt, for Fiona, feels no more feminine than wearing a bespoke three piece suit. It’s just another avenue for him to express his masculinity as a man. He's played around with different genders, testing them out before ultimately realizing he's cis.
6. How does your OC feel about labels? Theirs, or in general? 
Oh!! Love this one for Jiahao + Rams! 
Surprisingly, Jiahao is less concerned about labels than Rams is. The difference comes down to their experience finding one. 
When Jiahao started digging into her gender identity (<- i’m focusing on gender here cuz I’m still a little fuzzy on his sexual/romantic orientation rn), it took her forever to stumble on ‘bigender’. He went through so many labels that all kinda fit but weren’t right. Like, for a while, he called himself genderfluid which explained the feeling of multiple genders but not that he felt like a girl and boy simultaneously. <- At the time, it was just the best she knew. 
Because of that, her best experiences with her gender came from when she wasn’t trying to fit into a label –you know, just being herself without untangling all the complexities of anything. Being unlabeled was very much a source of joy while Jia was still figuring himself out and that extends till now! Right now, she’s very content with using bigender and very much loves it but she doesn’t have to. It’s given her a pretty broad view of labels which is helpful for explaining things but may not cover the entirety of a person’s understanding of their themselves. 
For Rams, xe found xeir label pretty quickly. Part of that is: xe jumped into research very deeply so xe was actively looking for information rather than Jia who was learning as she goes. Other part is: Rams is really sex averse. It really makes xim cringe, imagining ximself with someone else/having sex in general. <- It was easier for Rams to realize co was asexual because it’s so prominent for xim
On the other hand, Rams’ agenderness was a lot more subtle. Xe felt generally awkward with gendered terms but mistook it as social awkwardness rather than a symptom of, you know, not having a gender. So when co found out about agender, so many things just like clicked into place. Reframed in a way that really made sense, you know? 
Because of those two experiences, Rams really likes having labels for different experiences. Labels help cos personally contextualize all co’s experiences. Labels give everything a name and lets co know that, no, co ain’t alone –there are other people who go through the same thing co is! <- It’s comforting. 
17. Do you share identity with any of your ocs? Which ones?
Yep! Jiahao! We’re both boy-girl bigender babes <3 I have a different gender expression from her but same identity :D 
21 [Free Ramble Card] 
I will take this chance to ramble about: Gabe Ricci. <- my Gabe Ricci. Because I have Thoughts and I don’t talk about my MC’s LI’s very often 😭 
So, not sure if y’all know but my Gabe is trans. (<- im half-sure ive mentioned it before maybe) My dude’s a panda bear. I headcannon that he started on testosterone a little after getting his law degree, specifically around the time he became a public defender. Which was not The Best time for him. It wasn’t easy and probably contributed to his burnout.  
But hot damn, if his confidence didn’t drastically improve after a couple months on T! And it didn’t stop. The more Gabe’s body started to out look like his body the more his confidence grew. 
Timeskip after joining McGraw Byrne, Gabe picks up gym as a stress hobby. He’s so freaking strong for no good reason. The man’s a lawyer so why could he absolutely bench three times Fiona’s weight with ease??? (<- yes, Fiona does get princess carried from time to time) 
Best part? The man’s got fat! Look, my Gabe’s is forty. He is 40. His hair’s greying (<- though he dies it x:) And works a mostly desk job. He’s got the stomach rolls to prove it. And when he picks up gym??? You know what happens?? <- he gains some muscle!! He’s chub and muscle, it’s literally amazing?? And very much transition goals for Gabe. (<- know that he flexes in the mirror). It’s literally so great and– 
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simspaghetti · 3 months
hi rin! whenever i see you on my feed, i always get excited for your lepacy! can’t wait to see what’s next 🌻
omg thank you so much!! likewise with your lepacy i love your gameplay style 😭😭💕💕
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pixleslutz · 4 months
How are you doing? Hope your day is going well! If reqs are open can I request something? Bllk boys ( sae, rin and possibly Kaiser, if you don't do multi characters then just rin) with a blind s/o? Fluffy angst kind of where reader is insecure abt them being a burden to the character and the character has to reassure them that they're not? Any gender is fine but I do have a preference for fem! Reader.
there's no need to accept this if you're not comfortable and just ignore this request if reqs are closed
Anyway, have a good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night and byee :)
Hello hello anon 💜🌻I’m doing awesome thanks for asking! Yes request are open! It’s my first time writing something like this so it probably won’t be that good but I’ll give it a whirl 😅 ..and I hope you have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night :3333.
Summary:request above ^^^^
You and Sae have been dating for 2 years now and Sae was at a interview and you were at y’all’s shared home so you turned on the tv to listen to his interview and the reporters asked Sae a question “ Sae I’ve heard that you have a girlfriend who is blind correct ?” ..”yes i do why do you ask ?” ..”well don’t you think she’s a burden to you because of her blindness?and that she’s holding you back from progressing 100%?” …you turned pale at that question because why would someone ever say that about you so you switched the tv off not even wanting to know sae’s answer and you went to your shared room and cried … Sae couldn’t believe what the reporter asked he was so pissed he got up and yelled at the reporter and told his answer truthfully “no she’s not a burden or is she stopping me from progressing I love y/n and to be honest if I have to quit soccer for good just for her I would because that’s how much I love her screw this interview and screw you all too “ so he walked out and got in his car and drove home …as Sae walked in the door he didn’t see you in your usual spot waiting on him “y/n where are you my love ?” Then that’s when he heard your sniffles from the bedroom so he walked that way and knocked on the door “y/n can I come In please?” You walked to the door and opened it sniffling ..”Baby what’s wrong?” ..”Sae I think it’s time we break up “..”why my love I love you and you love me right?”
“Yes but I feel like I’m a burden to you with my blindness and am holding you back just like the reporter said today “..”baby no your not you’ve never held me back or were you ever a burden that reporter was being an asshole the only thing that matters is our love for each other if I have to give soccer up for you I will no hesitation ..I swear on my brother rin that you aren’t a burden nor are you holding me back “..you started crying even more as Sae held you in his arms while he reassured you ..you believed him and from that day on you never questioned if you were a burden!
You and rin were at a team dinner with all of his teammates and you were setting at a table with rin as you overheard a conversation behind you “hey man don’t you think y/n is burdening rin with her blindness ? “..”yeah he needs to dump her and focus more on soccer “and rin heard that aswell and had a death grip on his fork
“Hey rin I’m going to step out for a moment “ ..”y/n I think it’s time to go home it’s getting late here take the keys and I’ll be out in a minute I have a bone to pick with someone “..so he gave you the keys and as you were walking out with your service dog pico you heard rin “ok man that wasn’t cool to talk about my amazing girlfriend behind my back thinking I wouldn’t hear your sorry ass ..Y/n is just as normal as the rest of us it doesn’t matter if she’s blind or able to see she will never be a burden to me ever so you should shut your ass up and be respectful to others around you “and with that he walked out and he seen you setting down on the bench by the door with pico “I’m sorry about my teammates y/n they need to learn how to be respectful to others “ ..”but it makes sense rin just dump me and you’ll probably be better off “you couldn’t control the tears that fell “y/n we have been together for 4 years I’m not going to let you go just because someone said that the only thing that matters is my love for you you’ve never been a burden to me and never will be trust me y/n you are the most precious and wonderful woman I’ve ever met and that will never change no matter what “
“Let’s go home and enjoy ourselves there “ and with that you smiled and you both went home
You and Kaiser we setting at home enjoying each other’s company while listening to a ghibli movie play in the background as you and Kaiser were cuddling up on the couch ..you had been wondering for week now if you were a burden to Kaiser so you finally mustered up the courage to ask but you couldn’t help the sobs that escaped your lips as you asked “Kaiser am I a burden to you ? If I am please break up with me I’ll be ok if you say yes “ …”mein Schatz why would you ever think that you were a burden to me or did someone say something ..because whoever it is I’ll make sure to beat them up for you “ Kaiser proclaimed “well it was myself because I really do think I’m being a burden and you need to let me go where you can progress with your career “..he pulled you away from his chest and looked at you ..y/n you’ll never be a burden I swear on mine and ness’s life that you will never be a burden ever “he then say up and pulled you into his lap and captured your lips into a kiss of passion and reassurance and when you pulled away for a breath he kissed your forehead “trust me mein schatz i love you and you aren’t a burden” ..” i love you too Kaiser I believe you and I won’t think those things ever again “ and with that Kaiser switched the tv off and carried you to your shared room to take a nap
I hope you enjoyed xoxo Rebekah ✨🌻💜
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haleigh-sloth · 2 months
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For anime/manga : Fullmetal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, Black Butler, and BNHA.
Thanks 🌻
Hi! Yes I’ll answer 🙂
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Favorite character:
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: I think In the Belly of the Beast is my favorite arc (Ed and Ling are trapped in Gluttony’s stomach), my favorite scene is Envy’s death bc of how the characters are involved in it
Character I Think is Underrated: Envy heehee (he’s my favorite so biased, but I also think ppl don’t appreciate how he gave us one of the greatest scenes in existence with Roy deciding not to kill him despite wanting to more than anything)
Character I Think is Overrated: Uhhhh none? I think all the characters in Fullmetal Alchemist deserve every hype they get
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Roy/Riza
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: Happy ending, EVERY character gets what they want, ends up with the people they love (both romantic and otherwise), Arakawa wasn’t afraid to be unapologetically forgiving
Ouran High School Host Club:
Favorite Character: Tamaki Suoh
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The last arc is my favorite, my favorite scene is when he and Haruhi finally tell each other that they’re in love with each other—good shit
Character I Think is Underrated: Hmmmm idk if any of them are underrated, I love the twins and they’re plenty popular, Tamaki and Haruhi are plenty popular so idk
Character I Think is Overrated: None tbh lol
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Tamaki and Haruhi ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: I love the satire, I love the romance, I love how head over heels Tamaki is for Haruhi—from day ONE
Black Butler:
Favorite Character: Sebastian ❤️
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: I think so far I’ve enjoyed the Book of the Atlantic arc the most in its entirety, I am however enjoying the current arc I’m on (twin reveal and dismantling of the blood collection arc? but I’m not done with it (I’m on break)
Character I Think is Underrated: Mei Rin, she’s so fucking badass and gets shit done
Character I Think is Overrated: Eh none really, everyone who gets hype deserves it imo
Favorite Ship/Pairing: idk if any ship here interests me rly, I’m here to just see what happens
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: I love the mystery aspect, how each arc is solving a mystery. I love Sebastian and I love the Phantomfam with the house staff and Ciel and Sebastian, ahhhh all of them
Favorite Character: Tomura Shigaraki
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Current arc, favorite scene is…probably going to be whatever is in 418 or 419, but existing I’d say chapter 305 still
Character I Think is Underrated: None
Character I Think is Overrated: Idk I don’t get the hype behind literally any of the side characters like like the Big 3; I also think outside of aesthetics, Mirko is overrated, I think because Touya is often seen as something he isn’t (someone fighting for everyone to live how they want—he’s not) I think he’s gotten to be a little overrated. He’s still one of my top favorites but I tend to disagree with how a lot of people view him
Favorite Ship/Pairing: IzuOcha is good, BakuCami makes me laugh, TogaChacko is also good
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The feel good narrative behind it all, I love how much the author cares about his characters, I love how forgiving the story is
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dadonbabysworld · 1 year
My mutuals and I as skz dynamics
No one asked for this but idc 😭😭 and I got bored during work so here we go!
— Angel 🍯
Jeongin (Me) and Seungmin (Rin 🐶 @lino-jagiyaa) —
It’s giving besties, siblings, trouble-makers. I love you so much and probably spend the most time talking to you out of all my mutuals. My Aquarius twin 🤧🥹 you make me feel normal even though I’m weird. Just like Seungmin is for Jeongin.
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Jeongin (Me) and Minho (Jas 🎐 @crispy-chan) —
Older sibling and younger sibling vibes are strong with this one. You have taken me under your wing, and I am greatful. You are really caring and it makes me comfortable as well.
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Changbin (me) and Hyunjin (Bunny @virgoracha) —
My fiancée 🤧😍 I love you Bunny. We don’t talk that much but your personality and writing>>>>. We’re giving understanding. Hyunjin and Changbin support each other when they’re down or scared. That is us. I will support you forever.
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Hyunjin (me) and Jeongin (Soul @l-luvr) —
Soull 😫 I wanna talk to you so much more. I feel like I’m Hyunjin trying to love on Jeongin with you. I just wanna be there and have good times together. Idk if this is weird, but I just know you have good energy from our like one conversation together.
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Minho (Me) and Changbin (Moon 🤍 @moonmukamiamajiki) —
Moon ✨ I appreciate you and your daily check ups. A calm and chill dynamic we have going on. We have a virtual hug type of thing going on. I love it. I really want the best for you.
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Minho (me) & Chan (Joo @lino-nyangi) —
The ‘Lee Know and his only hyung’ vibes are strong with this one. I feel very accepted and grateful to talk to you. Your page is really popping and mine isn’t so I’m glad you even talked to me. I really feel like I’ve been accepted by you.
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Jisung (me) and Felix (Cielle 🍙 @starseungs) —
Twin energy. Good, positive vibes. Never a dull moment. Not often talking but the actions speak a lot louder. I love your work, and you have a good sense of humor. The love you have for your mutuals>>>. I appreciate you greatly. I can’t wait to have more interactions and conversations.
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Jisung (me) and Seungmin (🌻 @chvnssecret) —
We haven’t talked in a while. You are very blunt yet nice. I chose Seungsung because they are an underrated duo. Also, not one many people talk about. That is us.
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Last but not leasttt…
Seungmin (me) and Minho (Tan @j-0ne25) —
My newest mutual 🥹🤍 much love for you. We haven’t had much time for me to feel out our dynamic. BUT I chose the most chaotic one because we are bound to destruction. We vowed to commit crimes together. Crimes will insue!
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If you made it to the end of this and you’re not my mutual, message me and we can be mutuals. I am always looking for more. I like so much more than kpop ranging from hip-hop, anime, cooking, video games, and more. I just like to talk to people 🥹
— Angel
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resonance-updates · 10 months
(08/06) Resonance SMP posted a lore recap thread!
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🎉SPECIAL EVENT: The Festival of Harmony!
< Sat. August 5th - Sun. August 6th >
Here is a thread of everything that happened today!👇
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Erebus receives a relic: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐞.
He hosts the Festival of Harmony and the events that follow.
He has a meeting with Aegis and learns of Abel's actions.
Aegis is sent to 'deal with it' and Erebus creates his next plan.
Atlas built the AAA outlet with Aegis and Abel.
Lied to Abel about her journey.
Joined Aegis on the relic heist and secured the First Tree for Erebus.
Had a talk with Aegis about Abel and Atlas threatened to kill her if necessary.
Abel was told to stay back by Atlas.
She follows Aegis and Atlas on the heist, seeing the relic stolen.
Abel was offended by Atlas lying to her and headed off by herself.
She won 2nd place in the archery competition.
Aegis merges his shop with Atlas and Abel.
Stole the First Tree sapling and handed it to Erebus.
Had a meeting with Erebus, explaining that he and Atlas were followed. He was then tasked to threaten Abel and Atlas.
Took 2nd place in parkour and the arena.
Hired by Erebus for contract work, decorating the Maw and building the colosseum.
Overheard Atlas and Aegis' possession of the relic.
Introduced himself to Aegis and was given an off-shelf potion that made him invisible.
Attended the festival but kept to herself due to Duffle's absence.
She won 1st place in archery.
She sought out Erebus for her prize but gave up.
Enokzi returned home, realizing that she left no note for her family, and got upset at herself for doing so.
Showed up late with Aran.
Participates in the games, although doing poorly.
Speaks with Rin and accepts them as a friend.
Participates in standup comedy but is kicked out.
Meets up with friends to show around his house!
Aran and Duffle move in.
Placed 2nd in the parkour race and won the arena duel on day 1!
Viki had a duel with Duffle, coming out on top!
Helped Abel with 'her book' since she seemed troubled.
Talked with Atlas and found out that Abel was actually looking for life advice.
Participated in all the tournaments and lost all three.
Valeria entered the casino during the comedy routine and told some jokes!
She meets with Porto, Duffle, Aran, and Rin to see each others houses.
She senses something wrong in the forest.
In the archery competition, she won 2nd place on Sat. and first place on Sunday!
Heard something 'un-nice' said to Abel.
Got to see the AAA shop.
Nimhsy is worried, but got more power today!
Notes down that lightning is effective against Aran.
Rin shows up to the festival, excited to make some new friends.
Came 2nd in the arena and 3rd in archery.
She was shown around the casino.
She successfully befriends Porto, Duffle, Aran, and Valeria. She visits their homes.
Edmund continues to prepare for the seal on the portal to wear off.
Mina visits again, creating a tent beside his house and following him around.
Edmund asked Mina for books and bookshelves, but didn't say why.
Mina went to the festival, taking part in archery and parkour games.
She was adamant on not wanting to fight in the arena.
Visited Edmund and followed him around for a bit.
Mina promises to bring back books and maybe even more people to say hi to!
Aran joined the festival with Porto.
He won 1st place in parkour and 3rd place in the arena!
Met new friends and visited their homes!
Thesuru arrived very late to the festival.
Participates in the 2nd day's arena event but loses to Grimsley.
Heads around the Maw and talks to others.
Grimsley takes part in the 2nd day's festivities.
He fights in the arena, defeating Thesuru.
Defeats a warden single handed.
Wins against Aegis but gives him the first place reward instead.
Returns to the casino and meeting between Erebus and Aegis.
Gawain called Mina to make drinks at the casino.
He went to the town for the festival and participated in the three events.
Lost against Aran in the arena and got 5th place in archery.
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owlallthumbs · 1 year
Magical March! [1.3] ₊˚ʚ 💙 ₊˚✧ ゚.
“Even in difficult times, there could be good moments.” ―  J. Aleong, A Most Important Year
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Yes, those good moments seemed to have happened to me last week!
˗ˏˋ Monday, March 13 – My otouto's birthday! I felt bad for him as he bawled about something on his special day but I prayed that this should be the start of his journey toward a more difficult adolescent life. I love you, T! I will always do my best to be the best sister and friend to you 🥰.
˗ˏˋ Tuesday, March 14 – Our EsP class was absolutely fun as we talk about our experiences from the promenade while doing a performance task—an ideal weekly schedule that I sure won't follow 😋.
˗ˏˋ Wednesday, March 15 – Finally done discussing the Romantic Period in our Music class, and playing the piano with our teacher was such a hasty yet amazing experience! We are currently practicing sir Frédéric Chopin's Nocturne in E-flat major, Op. 9, No. 2 for the upcoming group performance but since I'm part of our class' chorale, I was exempted in this output and the 3rd Quarter summative test—one of the biggest reasons I should definitely work hard and win the contest! 🏋🏼‍♀️
˗ˏˋ Thursday, March 16 – New economics-related song done! It is a cover of that of sir Rick Astley's song as we plan to rickroll the whole class 😎, and yes, we all did an amazing job! The instrumental we used is from Caitlyn Myers et al. to make the atmosphere of our class youthful when we present it. Check it out here!
˗ˏˋ Friday, March 17 – My mother's-fellow-teacher-in-a-Chinese-school-and-friend-who-is-my-now-favorite-teacher-in-Filipino's birthday! I've known him since I was in elementary and the fact that he's now my teacher in high school makes me realize that life really moves faster if you don't cherish each moment. I pray that he'll always have a healthy and happy life as he becomes better every day. We love you, sir Su! 🥰 I apologize for passing my output late though it won't be in Google Classroom as I have passed a Canva link—the file is editable and new edits will be seen if one just clicks on it 😭.
Speaking of which, though I have the option to use the remaining 40 minutes before the output's due—used most of the nighttime to create a fugly owl clay sculpture for an Arts worksheet 😩—, I chose to use my weekdays to write an original adaptation of an angst legend about the mulberry tree (Pyramus and Thisbe); heavily inspired by Greek Mythology and the "middle child syndrome", "childhood friends", and "star-crossed lovers" trope with a hint of a Biblical theme because I plan to publish most of my written stories someday after the school year 😩✊🏼.
Tbh, every output I've passed in my Filipino subject is a tragedy, my best friend—and my adventurous life—is the main culprit for this 😭. Lav likes to read angsty fanfiction (DSMP-centric as such) and rant about her thoughts in our Discord server 🤕. As a friend, we tend to be influenced by them and so I delved into the realm of AO3 and here I am, traumatized on the first week of usage after reading a Rin Itoshi fanfiction that literally made a deep cut in my heart and made me think of my life for a whole damn week 😞. Check it out here! (prepare your 🫀 and a bunch of 🧻)
Having said that, there are still a lot of things I need to catch up on so let's keep fighting and slaying! Have a great life! 🌻
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gabriellaleen · 1 year
Valentines Day Special
(I didn't even finish the video yet😭😭😭😭)
Warkinles ocs:
Gabriella: I still love them, Unyla & Zimal, I still miss them, I wish I would've see them again. I won't forget them.....
Attera(Attern x Tera): Valentines Day was great for two of them, they'll be together till death
Attern: It's perfect for us in the forest
Tera: Forests can be peaceful, It's just I want to see birds chirping and animals🐒🦊🐇🐿🦫🦔🐨🦥🐦🐤🦜🦋🌸🌺🌻🌼🌷⚘️🌲🌳🌴
Sarenna(Sarah x Kenna): Usually two of them hang out with love, though Sarah can friend-zone Kenna a little bit but she still loves her a little
Sarah: Not now that we're going to kiss
Kenna: Why do you friend-zone me almost everyday..!? It's Valentines Day you know..
Sarah: I still love you. *Inserts kiss*
Kenna: That's better😊🥰
Goo Jit Zu's Siblings:
Bripari: Like brothers like sisters(Yes I ship Blazagon x Pantaro), their relationships are still love like love strings never getting a cut
Paricia: Do you promise we'll be together?
Briandae: Of course, I will always cross my heart and just only me and you together😊
Paricia: Glad to hear that during Valentins Day😇🥰
Tarla(Tarker x Marla): These two are keeping their holyness as loves to reach their love goals
Tarker: Marla
Marla: What is it?
Tarker: I was wondering if you and me can go on a Valentines Date together
Marla: Awww that's so sweet, of course I would🥰
Tarker: 'My god I almost stutter-'
Grimia?(Grim x Miaki?): Grim does like Miaki while Miaki doesn't like him but still cares about him as a best friend. Grim always try his best to make Miaki accept his love but she likes to friend-zone him a lot
Grim: Hey Miaki
Miaki: Hey Grim, sorry I can't talk with you right now
Grim: But I have something to say..
Miaki: Alright, hurry up
Grim: Is it okay if you and me could hang out while it's...you know, I-I mean anytime-
Miaki: Sorry Grim, I can't I've got some plans with Florine and remember we're still best friends..😑😓
Grim: ............yeah, best friends🙂
Savorin(Savoliae x Rin): Both of them act like best friends, but the inside they are lovers, apparently Savoliae rejected Tyser, she serectly loved Rin first
Savoliae: Rin
Rin: Hmm?
Savoliae: Can we go together during Valentines Day?💓
Rin: Savoliae, you know I love you, you know you love me. We'll go together always as a relationship☺️
Savoliae: Y-yeah, always as a relationships😊
Happy Valentines Day❤💘💌💝
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kkeomchiz · 2 years
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☝🏻 me & you
beloved, bestie, my love how have you been?? 💖 have you been listening to any new music or watching any new shows?? 👀 also, are you dressing up for halloween? 🎃🦇 i'm giving you some candy regardless 🍫🍬🍭🍪
first of all, we're the cutest 🫶🏻
i've been trying to get out of a slump, to be honest djhdjd i'm getting my spanish passport done tomorrow so that's something i've been looking forward to for a while 🤸 and i've also been looking for a job but it's hard 😬
i've been watching the kdrama flower of evil!! it's really good, crime/detective drama and i'm on ep13 👁️👁️ i recommend it a lot. for music i've been listening to soundtracks? yesterday i listened to amélie's soundtrack while cleaning my room 🌻
i'm not dressing up since it's not really a holiday that we celebrate in my country! but i accept the candy and i'm sharing it with you 🍫🍰🍬💖
i hope you're having a nice day beloved 🫶🏻
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subskz · 2 years
i've become mid next to all of these 6'4 giants 😭 /j also hi i just came back from vacation and i missed the zodiac discussion 2.0 but don't think my aquarius moon missed that you said you find them offputting 😿 lmao i'm kidding ILY and MWAH x1000 (and yes i am still amazed that you remembered how tall i am and happy that you mentioned me again but that goes without saying at this point ig difjejf typical sunflower anon aka biggest rin fan behavior) -🌻
hello beloved <33 never thought i’d see the day where someone else would be able to hold the umbrella for us but you are still the tallest in my heart!! uh oh it looks like i’ve been caught…maybe now’s a good time to mention that geminis are my fave air signs? hehe 🥰
please ur so sweet if anything i am ur biggest fan!! i’ve got your official height and everything step aside lino i’m now sunflower anon biased 😽 ily right back i hope you had a fun and relaxing vacation my dear!
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suashii · 21 days
sua bb!! i am dropping by to wish you a happy may!! it’s been a while 🥺 how are you?? i’m bringing in some tea and coffee 🥹 ☕️🍵 and of course!! some more pretty flowers 🌼🌸 i also have a curious sel question!!! what do you think the rins would smell like? what are their go-to cafe orders? 🥺 
hi sel + happy may!! hope the month has been treating u kindly bc u deserve it ◝(ᵔᗜᵔ)◜ i accept ur tea and coffee but only if u promise to enjoy it with me! and of course i must return the favor with some flowers for U 🌻🌻
sunarin would smell like fresh linen! he doesn’t bother with colognes lol so he just smells like whatever he washes his clothes in :3 hmm his cafe order would probably be something with vanilla or caramel, maybe a caramel frappe!
rinnie has more of a woody/outdoory scent! mmm but i could also see him wearing warmer fragrances like cinnamon! his cafe order is a simple green tea
rindou leans toward smoky scents but will occasionally wear vanilla bc it’s one of my favorites hehe~ he doesn’t strike me as much of a coffee or tea drinker but he will steal bites of a bakery item if i order one for myself lol
matsuoka smells like the ocean + citrus! if summer on the beach was a scent, that’s what he would smell like! this rin doesn’t much enjoy sweets so as much as i hate to say it, he’s probably a black coffee drinker > <
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