#how am I not supposed to ship them?
beauty-4-thebeast · 22 days
To Ghoul or not to Ghoul?
We have yet to see in Fallout Season 2 whether Lucy develops feelings for the Ghoul or her first-love crush on Max evolves into true love. But there’s one thing we know for sure: by the end of Season 1 Lucy is already EVERYTHING to the Ghoul. 
Hear me out.
First, what she did to him when she saved him at the Super Duper Mart. Obviously, she proved that she stood her moral ground much more firmly than he ever thought she could, reviving his faith in all things good and kind. But there's a second layer to what she did. Her exact words were:
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She gave him hope. For him her words had the implication that no matter how ugly, damaged and rotting you look, you still can be a good person. There were hints throughout the story that Cooper had come to think of his appearance as inseparable from his moral character. When he said, "Ain't much stays clean here" he was talking about how people inevitably become wretched crooks there just as much as he was talking about the physical damage the Wasteland causes.
Second, when the Ghoul saw Lucy pointing a gun at her father, I'll bet you anything he instantly grasped the situation – that Lucy had been betrayed so horribly that she was now at the point of snapping. The Ghoul shot at Hank himself, not giving Lucy enough time to decide on anything (but most likely he knew she was going to lower her gun, you can see her about to do that).
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When a few minutes later he turns his back at her and hears her cock her gun, he assumes there's no one else in the room who Lucy might want to kill. She didn't have the gut to kill her father, the most important person in her life, but the Ghoul is a different story. He's been treating her with nothing but unfairness and cruelty (as she sees it), and to her he represents everything she’s grown to hate about the Wastelands.
And instead of turning around and shooting the gun off her hand (we know he can, he has just wiped off a dozen of soldiers who were keeping him at gunpoint) he just holds his breath and waits for her decision. He wants to know whether her heart, the heart he's grown to admire, is shattered beyond repair. He puts his own existence at stake (he would have died had she shot off his head, there's no doubt about that). Let me say it outloud: at that moment Lucy is more important to him than finding his family! 
It's like nothing is worth anything to him if Lucy breaks down and loses herself to hatred. 
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pyr0frnzy · 5 months
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“I’ll do whatever you can’t do, and you do whatever I can’t do!!!” -🚬🏴‍☠️
close-ups + ver without the filter:
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shihoerusu · 2 months
“you rise with the moon. I rise with the sun”
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Eternally grateful for my best gal @oceanview15 for all her amazing ideas and support
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veinsfullofstars · 2 months
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👑 Sworn Partners ⚔️ 
(ID: Kirby series fanart of King Dedede and Meta Knight being cute and in love. Top panel - bust shot of DDD scooping MK up into his arms, smooshing the flustered knight against him in a great big hug as a little flurry of hearts bursts from them. Middle panel - bust shot of DDD holding MK in his arms, gazing down at him with an easy grin as the knight pushes his mask to the top of his head, a fond smile on his face as he gazes back. Bottom panel - bust shot of DDD and MK leaning in together to meet in a kiss, eyes closed and faces flushed, the king holding his knight tighter, the knight gently cupping his king’s cheek. More little hearts hover around them, the biggest just above their heads. In all panels, DDD's crown and MK's armor are - as usual - touched with white highlights and dusted with sparkles. END ID.)
Sketch started some time early 2024, render started 03/18/24, finished 04/15/24.
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rowanwithaz · 10 months
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There is too much DKBK\BKDK cannon material. Like,this isn't even half of it. It's just some random sketches from Twitter and manga moments\covers.
Also,have these.
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stopthatfool · 7 months
"And here we are in heaven. For you are mine... at last!"
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Nick and Carole on their wedding day! Based on the headcanon I made in this post where their first dance song is: At Last! By Etta James! (Mav took this photo)
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miliamin1 · 2 months
I'm still thinking about that damn crypt date
Wednesday only said yes cause solitude was hurting her after Enid left
the location? Enid's idea
movie? about a cheery blonde
Thornhill? aware that Wednesday was missing Enid
how am i not supposed to have a take away that their manipulation plan had clause "misplace and exploit her feelings for Enid"
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captcassette · 4 months
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davesprite my good friend davesprite
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komaneko-kun · 7 months
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even after all this time...he's so careful and gentle with him i- please that's love right there you can't convince me otherwise
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scruncheduppaper · 1 month
friendship ended with labru now kikimari is my friend 🤝 apologies but the leg pouch comic got to me and now its all i can think about
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pholiabanna · 1 year
HELPP MEE I'd forgotten she also tagged strangerwriters to warn them about the glue trap drawings 😭
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deadbeatescape · 1 year
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you guys should draw your ot3 in either of these poses methinks
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Russian Roulette update: Yassen's conversation with John towards the end of Командир (The Commander) genuinely made me tear up a bit. Y'all if I hadn't started shipping them at the start of Eagle Strike the first time I saw them interact this scene would've 100% convinced me because the way Yassen was so hesitant about working for Scopia at the start and had considered his other options, but now that John is tutoring him he desperately wants to prove his loyalty and competency. In the jungle John tells him he could leave if he wanted to, Scorpia had taught him enough about disguise - all this he had considered before himself, yet when John brings it up Yassen immediately shoots it down, becomes agitated. Why? Because he feels like John is questioning his competency. Remember what he said? "I can do this." John wants Yassen to not have to walk down the same path that he did, but ironically he is the reason Yassen even cares so much about succeeding in Scorpia in the first place. His cover worked a bit too well and now Yassen has a very fixed idea of who John is, and he will do anything to prove himself to his version of John.
You get it, right? The way they want completely different things out for each other, completely incompatible things, because they do not understand each other. These types of dynamics really just eat me up from the inside
#chaotic ramblings#alex rider#russian roulette#yassen gregorovich#john rider#man they really need a ship name i need SOMETHING to tag these posts with#the fact that yassen's relationship with john is very much personal to him even though he would never admit it#and it just so happens that to him john is basically an embodiment of scorpia#and he wants to impress john so by proxy he decides the best way to do that is to prove himself to scorpia#do you get it. do you get the dynamic#the tension in that scene was phenomenal i felt like i was reading fanfiction#which i suppose means that every fic author in this fandom does a wonderful job of capturing their relationship#just. the way yassen is so on edge whenever john says something about how he could still leave if he wanted to. before it's too late#the way he is so confused as to why john would bring this up because it doesnt fit with the very fixed idea he has in his mind about#who john is. the way he says “i killed some of them” as if to say see? i am like you. i can be like you. please give me a chance#his admiration for and attachment to john is so incredibly unhealthy which is unsurprising given that he has not had a normal#relationship of any sort since he was 14 and everyone he knew died#he wants so badly to be who he thinks john wants him to be. and that means that he will never be who he wants to be or who john wants him t#be or who he thinks john wants him to be. he is pursuing something that just doesn't exist#god i am so normal about these two
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chibi-scone · 7 months
The way they expected me to focus or care about anything that was happening on screen after Izzy died like bitch give me time to process
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sistersofsilver · 3 days
i really need to go back and find more shadow spindle content. or at least trawl through my run recordings and find them. i miss arachne. ik theres not a lot here because arachnophobia and shes not like humanoid but i love her.
i also want to do this for doomed beckoning because i Love Moros So Fucking Much but man. is it fucking Difficult to find shit. not because the content doesn't exist, but because its all scattered to the winds. melmor, melimor, melmoros, mormel, melinoë/moros, moros/melinoë, doomwitch, headshoulderskneesandtoes EYYYY MACARENA
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partiallypearl · 23 days
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"You're gonna be okay." "Thanks friendly deer lady." "Hands off my antlers."
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