hsuits · 1 year
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A short break today from my creature book. I was working on some assets to make a fabric pattern and also used them to make a print! Love little 'Soka!
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tatekane · 8 months
I love how Tango is such a Bdubs fan but is one of his biggest trash talker (close second to Etho).
Bdubs nailed the crits tho 👌
Someone asked Tango in a stream who he watches most among the Hermits he said "Bdubs" he begrudgingly admits lol
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meltamorphosis · 1 year
Niki slides toward the end of the wiper, is thrown off, but he grabs the AERIAL and hangs on for dear life. Niki looks across and sees a CRICKET on another vehicle in the exact same predicament. They look at each other and SCREAM in unison. NIKI AND CRICKET Aaaaaaaaaah! ANOTHER BUG grabs onto the aerial, and screams as well. INT. TRUCK CAB - SAME TIME DRIVER You hear something? TRUCKER PASSENGER Like what? DRIVER Like tiny screaming. TRUCKER PASSENGER Turn off the radio. The driver reaches down and PRESSES a button, lowering the aerial. EXT. TRUCK WINDSHIELD - SAME TIME Niki and the other bug do a “choose up” to the bottom, Niki wins. NIKI Aha! Then he finally has to let go and gets thrown into the truck horn atop cab. Tetora is inside. TETORA Hey, what’s up bee boy? NIKI Hey, Tetora! DISSOLVE TO: "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 58. INT. TRUCK HORN - LATER NIKI ...and it was just an endless row of honey jars as far as the eye could see. TETORA Wow. NIKI So I’m just assuming wherever this honey truck goes, that’s where they’re getting it. I mean, that honey’s ours! TETORA Bees hang tight. NIKI Well, we’re all jammed in there. It’s a close community. TETORA Not us, man. We’re on our own. Every mosquito is on his own. NIKI But what if you get in trouble? TETORA Trouble? You're a mosquito. You're in trouble! Nobody likes us. They’re just all smacking. People see a mosquito, smack, smack! NIKI At least you’re out in the world. You must meet a lot of girls. TETORA Mosquito girls try to trade up; get with a moth, dragonfly...mosquito girl don’t want no mosquito. A BLOOD MOBILE pulls up alongside. TETORA (CONT'D) Whoa, you have got to be kidding me. Mooseblood’s about to leave the building. So long bee. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 59. Tetora EXITS the horn, and jumps onto the blood mobile. TETORA (CONT'D) Hey guys. I knew I’d catch you all down here. Did you bring your crazy straws? CUT TO: SEQ. 1900 - “THE APIARY” EXT. APIARY - LATER Niki sees a SIGN, “Honey Farms” The truck comes to a stop. SFX: The Honey farms truck blares its horn. Niki flies out, lands on the hood. ANGLE ON: Two BEEKEEPERS, SENA and LEO, walking around to the back of the gift shop. Niki follows them, and lands in a nearby tree LEO ...then we throw it in some jars, slap a label on it, and it’s pretty much pure profit. NIKI What is this place? SENA Bees got a brain the size of a pinhead. LEO They are pinheads. The both LAUGH. ANGLE ON: Niki REACTING. They arrive at the back of the shop where one of them opens a SMOKER BOX. SENA (CONT’D) Hey, check out the new smoker. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 60.
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cryptonomytech · 4 months
HSUITE: Zero Slippage DEX, Lo revoluciona Todo!!
HSUITE: Zero #Slippage #DEX , Lo revoluciona Todo!! https://youtu.be/aQS5AH-Ad5E?si=6rEWE2Vrsyu9Y0_b via @hgraph_io @hedera @hashgraph @HashportNetwork @HashSuite @HashPackApp @SaucerSwapLabs 
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pipius · 4 years
Help me Baby Yoda, You are my only hope! by HSuits
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mezitli33 · 5 years
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Name: huawei hisuite Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 22.9 MBytes
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Die HiSuite installiert oder löscht Apps oder aktualisiert sie blitzschnell. Dateimanager mit Dual-Fenster Schnittstelle und einigen wirkungsvollen Funktionen, die komplett in Swift erstellt. Das Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Speicherkapazitätsinformationen nicht korrekt auf der Homepage angezeigt werden.
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The post HUAWEI HISUITE KOSTENLOS DOWNLOADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/huawei-hisuite-26/
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hsuitsproductions · 9 years
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© HSuits Productions Koro-Sensei
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braincloud9 · 10 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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hsuits · 7 months
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I have a new pattern up on redbubble! I am also going through the process of making this available to purchase on spoonflower on fabric.
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hsuits · 3 months
Creatura Grimoire : Aloja
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Aloja are a shapeshifting species that can switch between human form and most types of fresh-water foul. Their human shapes tend to be lithe and graceful, many of their number taking up some form of dance or art. They retain some features from their fowl forms, which can be the biggest giveaway to their nature. While not immortal, Aloja can live for thousands of years and retain their youthful appearance. It is thought they may be one of the sources of the swan maiden story, along with the unrelated but similar Alvitae. This makes it more than a little amusing that they are, more often than not, drawn to the art of ballet.
If you are enjoying Creatura Grimoire, Please check out my Patreon to support the project! You can also order a copy of Vol A on Grumroad or Ko-fi
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hsuits · 4 months
Creatura Grimoire: Al-mi'raj
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While appearing to be a rabbit, these creatures also have a horn protruding from their forehead. They can be aggressive when provoked, but are easily tamed and frequently kept as pets. Al-mi'raj are, otherwise, not much different from their mundane bunny counterparts. They have similar diets, and live in burrows with large families. Since they are closely related, Al-mi'raj can also be interbred with standard rabbits to produce new varieties with different coat colors, lengths, and ear styles. Al-mi'raj take meticulous care of their horns and seek out rough surfaces on which to sharpen them. Their horns have very weak magical properties but the live animals have been known to bring good luck to their owners. Their abundance and popularity as pets has, fortunately, meant it is not worth hunting Al-mi'raj to remove their horns for illegal trade.
If you are enjoying Creatura Grimoire, Please check out my Patreon to support the project! You can also order a copy of Vol A on Grumroad or Ko-fi
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hsuits · 9 days
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Ankou are cloaked, skeletal wraiths with bat-like wings, and sharp claws. While rarely seen by the general public, it has been noted by those unfortunate enough to have stumbled upon them that there appears to be a glow emanating from the folds of the creature's cloak where their heart would be. Their faces, although humanoid in nature, are a frightening sight to behold and leaves any surviving witnesses with trauma from the experience of viewing it.
Ankou are also sentient beings, and many offer assassination services on the black market, charging high sums for the most cruel and tortuous of deaths. While those with any sense would leave them to their chosen solitude, some (probably suicidal) individuals have hunted down an Ankou to claim their cloak which on the living will turn the wearer invisible.
If you happen to be looking for an Ankou, the most likely environments to check would be abandoned buildings, unmaintained cemetaries, and the most dark, desolate corners of our world.
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hsuits · 5 months
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The wolves of the sea, Akhlut evolved closely alongside the Orca but developed amphibious traits that have allowed it to hunt both on land and sea. Although smaller, they are as dangerous as their ocean dwelling cousins and should be avoided if at all possible. Akhlut are quadripeds, with a thick hide that protects them from cold ocean waters, and long tails and dorsal fins that aid in swimming. They can submerge for long periods of time, but still need to surface regularly to replenish their oxygen
               Akhlut have been known to pack hunt much larger creatures than themselves, and are not afraid of humans or most humanoid creatures. Even when compared to larger or more powerful predators, Akhlut are considered to be more dangerous because of their intentful aggression and intelligence.
               While you could theoretically raise an abandoned Akhlut pup similarly to wolves, it is not a common practice as they need alot of specialized care and can be dangerous to handle. A rare exception, they seem to be non-aggressive to merfolk that share home waters with them.
                    Akhlut are partial to eating seals over most other options, but will not hesitate to predate other living creatures if their usual food sources are scarce.
If you are enjoying Creatura Grimoire, Please check out my Patreon to support the project! You can also order a copy of Vol A on Grumroad or Ko-fi
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hsuits · 8 months
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The Achiyalabopa, also called a Tlanuwa , is one of a variety of Rainbow Birds known throughout the world. This particular bird is incredibly large, with razor sharp plumage that appears to refract the light in a rainbow of colors. Because of their durability and naturally sharp edges, their feathers are often used in the production of local weapons including spear tips and arrowheads. They are also used for cooking knives, razors, and many other tools that need a blade. Harvesting the feathers themselves is relatively simple, as the Achiyalabopa sheds regularly and will carefully remove any stray feathers from their nests. They must be extra cautious as they could accidentally cut their chicks before their own mature feathers come in. They choose extra soft materials to keep their chicks safe, and have taken to pilfering textiles left outside in nearby towns and cities to compensate for their lack of soft down. They may also use moss, cotton plucked from the plant, as well as the shed feathers and fur of other creatures to line their nests.
If you are enjoying Creatura Grimoire, Please check out my Patreon to support the project! You can also order a copy of Vol A on Grumroad or Ko-fi
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hsuits · 5 months
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The Akamata have strong serpentine genes. Their faces are more flat, with slitted nostrils and pupils, and sharp fangs. Their skin can come in a variety of colors that matches the scales covering their serpentine lower bodies, and is thicker than human skin making it more difficult to cut or pierce.
               Akamatae are extremely long-lived, intelligent, and keep a meticulously documented history of their people. Their written texts span thousands of years, and are made up of a highly developed Akamatan language with ten regional dialects. These documents have been able to confirm data gathered about other societies that live within close proximity to the Akamatae and have been incredibly useful in education of early history.
                                             Akamata venom can be developed into a powerful anti-toxin that will work for most venomous snake bites, and their shed skins are frequently used in place of skin grafts to aid with healing burn victims. Thankfully, most Akamata are more than willing to donate these items, or even go into the medical vocation themselves since many of their kind are capable of moderate healing and are adept at apothecary duties. Their ability to identify herbs and minerals by scent is particularly useful to this field.
If you are enjoying Creatura Grimoire, Please check out my Patreon to support the project! You can also order a copy of Vol A on Grumroad or Ko-fi
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hsuits · 6 months
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Ajatars are the dragon keepers of the woods. They live with or near many varieties of dragon, but most commonly the Lichen dragons that dwell deep within their forest homes. The Ajatar appear mostly human, but have antler protrusions and  dragon-like tails with spines going up their back. Many Ajatar decorate their antlers with trinkets, and some may have intricate designs carved into the ivory. Clothing varies between the individuals, some prefering to forego it altogether in order to separate themselves from society.
                     Ajatar are capable of practicing magic, and take on practices that assist with their care of the dragons they live with. Because of this, they lean heavily towards environmental magics, as well as fire and medicinal practices. It is not often that you hear of Ajatars practicing anything dark, unless they grieve for a lost dragon due to unnatural circumstances. Those that hunt dragons risk the wrath of these powerful beings and should be wary of their surroundings in the forest.
If you are enjoying Creatura Grimoire, Please check out my Patreon to support the project! You can also order a copy of Vol A on Grumroad or Ko-fi
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