#i HATE bones
gildeddlily · 1 year
this episode is perfect but at the same time horrible (another infinite post ab bsd ik)
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this is tachihara being a silly little guy with his silly little friends (they kill and torture ppl)
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so they're ok with animating scenes with Yosano in only a bra (that dont even exist) but a guy without his shirt on is too much? THEY DIDN'T EVEN ANIMATE HIS FACE at least they left the "you're the perfect weight" (featuring a non impressed jouno)
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this scene made me so sad cause yeah. I love Fukuzawa and the way hes so sure ab kunikida's safety ("the lone wolf changed" yeah ofc he has a decent family now stfu fukuchi) (he should be my dad)
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jouno: so this is why I'm the strongest hunting dog tecchou: (I love him hes so silly hes so beautiful his voice actor is so good know I have thirty low quality screenshots of his face)
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THEY'RE SO BEAUTIFUL SO PERFECT SO CUTE THEY DESERVE A HAPPY ENDING (...) a silly guy who tortures ppl but deep down is kind, a silly guy who just stabbed his toe and a not so silly guy who's ab to take dazai's advice ab suicide
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he so beautiful but the turtle smile is... (he has such a smaller face in the manga, like more delicate but ig is enough that they left the eyelashes)
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HOW DARE YOU CUT OUT THE PANEL? THE BEST INTRODUCTIVE PANEL IN THE HISTORY OF INTRODUCTIVE PANELS HOW HOW it's not fair. he deserves more than this, more than a bunch of pervs who don't know how to animate shit for their life (how the hell are they able to fuck up everything in that manga?) (I hate them) (maybe Im overreacting but I don't care) (sigma we're here and we love you you're the best looking guy in this whole thing)
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when he can do this
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and then pull out this
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he deserves everything this world can offer him. everything beautiful in this planet has his name written on. he should never suffer. he should be cherished, he should be treated like a king. he should have everything he wishes for. he is the supreme bbg, the best character cause I say so. he should be the mc (jk I love atsushi he so adorable(could kill you)), he should find a family and a place to call home. he should have an happy ending (asagiri, im watching you) (please I'm crying)
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valenitscrying · 10 months
Stop this please
I never believed that a series was gonna make me so fucked up and angry… But here we are, with Bones ruining what matters the most to me (Shin Soukoku) and removing the pain and angst caused by the death of Akutagawa within the manga… Like, What the fuck is this? What is this shit I'm looking at? For me, this is not Bungou Stray Dogs, and I'm in totally denial. For real, what a shit of season
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notnormalme · 1 year
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Little me would never think that I'll fixing some anime studio works
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fangirlneverlie · 2 years
Lets just say this bones hates bkdk
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cookiekat-blogz · 22 days
On a scale of 0-10, how dirty did Bones do Fyodor— in your opinion?
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appearance wise of course.
0 meaning not at all and 100 meaning absolutely positively (somehow) more horridly hideously repulsively putrid than before.
imo it gotta be a 4/10 cause he look 40% worse (but he was okay in dead apple so that gets a 2/10)
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someforgottenmemory · 8 months
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Song: Meteor Shower by Cavetown - Papyrus' lyrics (the mainly red ones) are the actual lyrics
instead of Paps being orange I chose red, as it is the "correcter" color
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cliipsa · 9 months
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conlacaritaempapada · 11 months
Últimamente me he vuelto muy manga only, u only manga: comoquiera que se escriba.
Y es horrorífico porque con cada ep qué salga, estaré sufriendo por ver lo horrible que hacen las cosas. En serio, ¿qué les cuesta?
Perdónme, Animadores, Asagiri y Producción, pero está feo xd
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silly-centipede · 2 years
Were any of the forensics people on bones wearing the proper equipment? Because I’m fairly sure the dry remains could still have biohazardous materials on them and they shouldn’t be handling remains with their bare hands. And like even if they weren’t hazardous material the bones could have prints or other vital info on them that would be sullied if the scientists fingerprints were on them.
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slenderfirebolt · 8 months
Since im up too late i may as well make a too-long post about my thoughts on meat consumption in its present form. So, while im not completely against eating animals on an ethical level (animals eat eachother in nature, we evolved from animals that ate animals, pretty normal stuff) most of my issues come from our means of meat production and the insane amount of food waste, which while especially bad in the US, i imagine definetly exists everywhere else. the main reason why i was fine with eating meat before is because it feels so wasteful to *not* get the benefits after everything the animal went through. i imagine myself from the perspective of the animal; i am born to be a product, i am fed and watered only so that my flesh may be harvested for consumption by a being beyond my understanding. i may live without ever seeing the sun or feeling the wind... that fucking sucks, obviously evil. So when i consider that the life of so many animals, i feel terrible thinking about how after that, so much of the meat is wasted, left to rot and be thrown away. while it would still be an ethical dillemna even if we *did* consume 100% of the meat produced by factory farms, the fact that we basically make animal grinders to mass-produce living, feeling things and then *chuck most of it in the trash* is utterly unacceptable to me. Factory farming is likely to continue forever, even though we have many alternitaves to meat, plenty of people still eat meat *because* it is from an animal, so that demand will always exist. worse than that, a sudden decrease in demand would lead to *further* food waste, and some meat alternitaves are too expensive for everyone to afford. also, theres a cultural aspect as well, many cultures are very meat-centric or have the raising of animals for meat as a core practice, what right would anyone have to decide that a tradition or practice should end? so if i have so many reasons why its ok to eat meat, why am i deciding to cut back now? it seems like, at least from my perspective, my reasoning is fairly ethically sound. well firstly, its expensive if its anything other than chicken and im a college student, and given the fact ill probably need a *doctorate* and at minimum a master's in my field, any savings is good. Holy fucking shit i hate having to use my teeth to scrape bones free of their meat, also eating tendons is annoying. overally, eating tofu and beans tends to provide me more enjoyment (an important part of good food) than eating most meats. they are more consistent, can have plenty a variety of flavors, and while certainly far from *cheap* depending on brand, the cost/enjoyment/calorie balance, at least for me, is better than meats. easier to cook alternitaves. wont poison you if you cook em wrong. also since its so consistent its fairly predictable, and you dont have to navigate all the bones. to be completely honest, im unsure if ill end up totally ommitting meat products from my diet, since i dont want to waste food thats given to me, and i still want to enjoy the foods i do eat that involve meat, but i think from now on im not going to buy meat as part of groceries, and instead consume the alternitaves. i have already been on track to do this for months, the chicken that inspired this is the first 'meaty' thing i have eaten in ages. If anyone has any particular favorite vegetarian dishes, especially on the cheaper end, lemme know, since im more than open to try them out.
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dramaism · 1 year
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#wesper being wholesome in the background
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ghostfrog81 · 3 months
The Sun, the Moon, and the Star
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valenitscrying · 10 months
I never believed that a serie gonna make me so fucked up and angry... But here we are, with Bones ruining what matters the most to me (SSKK) and taking off the angst and pain that provoked me the death of Akutagawa in the manga... Is just, ¿What the fuck is this? ¿What is this shit that I'm see? For me, this is not Bungou Stray Dogs, and I'm in totally denial. For real, what a shit of season
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hahahalfwit · 2 months
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thechaoticrow · 1 year
for people who haven’t read the shadow and bone/ six of crows books, but have seen the show:
- inej ghafa is a survivor of childhood sex trafficking. she has ptsd and reacts in a panic attack at even walking past the menagerie
- kaz’s trauma isn’t just pekka rollins being responsible for jordie’s death, and waking up on the barge. he had to swim to shore, age nine and barely alive, using jordie’s body as a float
- the darkling has done far worse things than are shown on screen. he is not a ‘lost man’ and alina is not his ‘balance’
- alina was seventeen upon the darkling being nsfw/ romantic with her
- matthias helvar did not lead drüskelle, that was jarl brum- matthias is only just barely an adult himself
- the crows are not their own separate gang, they are part of the dregs, who per haskell leads and kaz takes over from haskell after haskell sold out his lieutenant (kaz) to pekka rollins
- zoya, genya, and alina have personalities outside of either being traumatised or hating each other
- alina never wanted any of the power and fame and idolatry, and in the end of the books is stripped of it all. she is very happy about this
- jesper is a gambling addict and somebody who watched the death of his mother
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gotsnoonetotalkto · 1 year
My hand hurts cause I’m too good at crochet
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