#i actually hate this but i have no idea what else to write
auricgold0 · 2 days
Random ideas I doubt I’ll ever write but I want someone else too #1
-Wilbur finds a dog/ wolf and tames it, rushing around for the day trying to keep the dog in check. The dog's name is Ozi (short for ozymandias) could include Quackity but includes Tommy for help with pets and shit.
-Randomly Wilbur creates and drinks a potion which practically gives him powers. He uses it to his advantage, an inconvenience to Las Navadas ending in a burst of flames or really cute idk.
-Dsmp au or just like au in general where Quackity and Wilbur are like life and death, put together as systematic partners to keep each other in check.
-Quackity and Wilbur (Dsmp) accidently become parents. Wilbur jokingly applies for an adoption paper just to piss Quackity off but when a little girl shows up to Quackitys place havoc reeks. Quackity and Wilbur decide to take care of this kid but stay rivals, the girl going back and forth between them. Romance happens, they both ease up more but they still hate each other cause yk it's them.
-Wilbur puts on eye makeup and is forced around Quackity by like Tommy or something and Quackity is just a mess for him like that so his demeanour is more distracted
-Wilbur sneaks into the library in Las nevadas late at night and Quackity ends up bumping into him while foolish is Discussing renovations to the design, it being too out of place or sum. Wilbur tries to hide from Q but Quackity finds him and asks what Wilbur is doing here. Wilbur goes on about books and Quackity blurts out that he used to have one before remembering it was ghostbur. Angsty shit, Wilbur goes on about Ghostbur and how people preferred him and Q reassures him. Then Q offers to suggest Wilbur some books, asking his opinion on the design.
-Quackity taps into his more nightmare guy and freaks Wilbur out while gambling blah blah idk - inspired by Alastors game
A fic where Wilbur forces himself into Quackitys home and convinces Quackity to let him crash for a few days. Cue arguments and overly clingy Wilbur who tries to hide that fact. Maybe have it lead up to his ending where he says goodbye or they fall in love so like a cute ending. Have them learn more about each other either accidentally or on purpose. A way to know your rival through living with them.
-Book of life au. Wilbur is a journalist travelling to Mexico after years of not being there. Last time he was he met The chief(Schlatt) and the researcher from the place (Quackity or change what he is) he comes back and his love blossoms
-Character them somehow finds fan fiction of themselves and read it (idk)
-They end up in the real world having to adapt to society and try to act normal. Having to buy houses, gambling addiction, laws etc. Wilbur ends up staying or they both go back and have a sweet ending. In the London area. Quackity realising Las Vegas is real, they have to work together.
-People are always claiming how they are the sun and moon . NOPEEE. Quackity is the moon, Wilbur the stars both equally as light and dark as each other. Stuck together because they're both in the dark 24/7. Do something symbolic with that
-Wilbur is like idk questioning his sexuality and stuff so he tries to be stubble and ask Quackity but it turns into a argument idk. I’ll probably actually figure out a plot but I want there to be dancing with Quackity in the lead, teasing Wilbur almost.
-The ‘there’s only one bed trope’ but them. Plot twist they don’t fuck but instead share sleepy secrets or admirations about the other and Wilbur falls asleep for the first time in a while. Why? Because he’s next to Quackity😍
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akazzzaa · 2 months
Unrequited love - The deception of desire
Log 0- Kibitsuji Muzan
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This is a series of one shots I plan on writing, the link to the master list is here. Please let me know if there is a character you would like me to write and I will add it to my list!
Summary- Muzan Kibutsuji isnt a very lovely husband.
Genre- ANGST- These will all have angst in them.
Warnings- Manipulation/ dark themes/ mentions of physical abuse/ slight gore
The entertainment district. Busy streets, colourful lanterns, plenty of people, plenty of food. As he strolled through the vibrant city, Muzan's crimson eyes flickered with curiosity, observing the humans as they reviled in their pleasures. The scent of sake and the sound of laughter filled the air, but beneath it all, he could smell the fear and desperation. Despite the vibrant atmosphere around him, he remained detached.
As he moved through the crowds, his sharp senses heightened. He couldn't help but notice the fragile humans around him. Their fleeting lives seemed insignificant in comparison to his immortal existence. He relished in the fear that emanated from them.
As Muzan continued his stroll, his attention was unexpectedly drawn to a vibrant flower stand nestled in the crowds. Intrigued, he approached, his curiosity piqued by the array of blooms from all corners of the world, their intoxicating scents mingling with the scent of the humans around.
At the stand, he found himself face to face with a young woman whose beauty was as captivating as the flowers she tended. Her eyes sparkled with warmth and innocence, a stark contrast to him. Yet, beneath her cheerful demeanour, he sensed a hint of something else.
"Welcome, sir," she greeted him with a sweet smile "Is there something specific you're looking for today?"
He could sense the faint pulse of fear that quickened her heartbeat in his presence. It was a reaction he had grown accustomed to.
"Surprisingly, I find myself drawn to your flowers," he replied, his voice smooth and velvety. "I was not aware such beauty existed in this world."
The woman's smile widened, and she gestured toward the colourful blooms that surrounded them. "Each of these flowers has its own story, its own unique beauty," she explained. "They come from all around the world." Muzan's gaze lingered on the delicate petal. For a fleeting moment, he felt a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty that surrounded him. But the moment passed quickly. With a faint smirk, he reached out to pluck a single flower from its stem, his fingers brushing against the soft petals with a touch as gentle as a whisper
"Perhaps I shall take this as a reminder of the fleeting beauty of this world," he mused, "Thank you, my dear."
Several nights passed, and Muzan found himself inexplicably drawn back to the flower stand in the entertainment district. You had every flower there, except the one he needed.
"Welcome back," she greeted him warmly, her smile lighting up her face. "It's good to see you again."
Muzan inclined his head in acknowledgment, a rare gesture from someone so accustomed to command. "I could not resist the lure of your flowers," he admitted. The woman laughed softly, "I'm glad to hear that," she replied. "Is there something in particular you're looking for today?"
Muzan hesitated for a moment, "I... I wished to see you again," The woman's smile widened, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, here I am," she said, a hint of mischief in her voice. "What can I do for you?"
Muzan took a step closer, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that made her heart flutter. "I find myself... intrigued by you," he confessed, his voice low and husky. "I wish to know more about the woman behind the flowers."
The woman's laughter faded, replaced by a look of curiosity and uncertainty. "I'm just a simple florist," she said softly. "There's not much to know."
But Muzan needed to get close. He reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch as tender.
"You are anything but simple," he murmured, his voice filled with a fake warmth. "And I would very much like to get to know you better."
For a moment, the woman seemed to hesitate, her gaze flickering between Muzan's intense stare and the darkness that surrounded them. But then, with a smile that lit up the night, she nodded her head in agreement.
"I would like that," she said softly. "I would like that very much."
"Tell me, woman," Muzan snapped impatiently, his voice dripping with disdain. "Have you heard of the blue spider lily?" His hand, tangled inti her hair, pulling her up to meet his sharp gaze, red eyes burning into hers.
The woman's brow furrowed in confusion "I-I'm sorry, sir," she stammered, her voice trembling. "I'm not familiar with that flower."
Muzan's eyes narrowed dangerously as he pulled her hair tighter, his towering figure casting a shadow over the woman. "You ignorant fool!" he spat, his voice laced with venom. "How dare you not know of such a crucial flower? Its your fucking job to know these things! You are nothing but a useless, pathetic human!"
The woman recoiled at his words, her teary eyes wide with fear as she struggled to comprehend the sudden change in Muzan's demeanour. She had never seen him like this before—so full of rage.
"I-I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice barely above a whimper. "I didn't mean to—"
But before she could finish her sentence, Muzan lashed out with a cruel laugh, he let go of her hair and kicked her to the ground, breaking bones and rapturing organs, causing her to bleed out. "Pathetic," he sneered. "You are nothing but a worthless insect, unworthy of my attention."
With that, Muzan turned on his heel and stormed away, leaving the woman trembling in his wake. As she watched him disappear into the night.
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shootingsun · 7 months
AU where everything stays the same but Near comes to Wammy's House as a baby (like, 8/9 months old) and Roger hates kids so he decides the best thing to do is hand the baby off to A and B because "they're geniuses they'll know what to do with it"
Shenanigans ensue
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atissi · 5 months
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this is a joke. i hated business school.
(conversation with @thesweetestclementine)
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bookshelf-in-progress · 2 months
Daughter of the House of Dreams: A Fragment
Author's Note: This is the opening to a long-abandoned "Sleeping Beauty" retelling that I no longer plan to write, but I still like it as a piece of prose, and it sparked my enduring interest in second-person narration, so it feels relevant, and why should long-dead authors be the only ones who get to have their unfinished fragments published?
If you ever travel to Monetta City, be sure to visit Faraway Lane. Walk past the glittering new shops, and the shoppers in their bright silk dresses and top hats, and you'll find a cozy stone shop at the end of the street. This shop isn't grand and mighty like the other shops. It won't sniff and turn you away if your clothes aren't the latest fashion. It's a grandmotherly old shop that shakes its head at the prancing and preening of the younger shops, and invites you in instead. It holds no wares in its windows; it hardly has windows at all. But it has a warm and wide wooden door, with a shingle hanging above—Alessia Day, maker of dreams.
Don't ponder the sign's message too long—it means exactly what it says. Just slip inside, shut the door behind you, and look. Don't breathe too deeply, unless you want a week of crazy dreams, but allow yourself one gasp of astonishment. You won't be able to stop yourself. No living person has failed to feel awe toward the rows and rows of shelves, longer than streets and taller than palaces, filled to bursting with glass bottles in such bright colors that the dresses in the other shops' windows would weep in envy. Some bottles are the size of thumbnails. Most fit comfortably in the palm. Some are as large as breadboxes or steamer trunks or carriage horses, but the shelves manage to fit them all. And each bottle is filled to the brim with dreams.
If you don't understand, ask Alessia Day. You'll find her at a counter half a mile from the door, polishing bottles and humming a song you've heard but can't remember. She's an old woman now, and proud of it, but squint your eyes and start to daydream, and you'll see her as I remember her—a willow-wand girl with shining brown hair and eyes that sparkle with half-formed jokes.
Tell this girl how pretty she is (she'll laugh and call you crazy) and ask about her dreams. She'll tell you of her stock and sell you any dream you ask for—daydreams and pipe dreams, dreams of love, dreams of adventure, dreams of loved ones lost and loved ones found and people you've never met but wish you had. She'll show you dreams of lush and perfect islands, dreams where fishes fly through the air, and dreams where people swim the seas with fishes' tails. She'll pull down dreams that last a second but linger a lifetime, dreams that fill a month of stormy nights, dreams that fade on waking and dreams that drown out memories. If you let her, she'll talk of dreams until you drift off, and she'll bottle up your dream while you doze.
But if you're smart (I know you are) you'll step to the counter with a clear glass bottle, empty of everything but air, and ask for her story instead. She'd distill it in a dream for you, and be glad to do it—I once saw her whip it up in half a minute, and I'll bet she's even faster now. Buy the dream, but don't drink it right away. You won't be ready for it. Linger in the shop a while. Hear the story first from Alessia Day's lips, in that voice of hers that's sweeter than singing.
You won't believe half of it, but when you stagger from the shop and wander the empty, starlit streets, you'll ponder over passages until you stumble into bed at sunrise. And when you wake, the world will be different—you'll see tiny footprints on the windowsills, know things about the shadows on the walls, tip your hat to creatures in the corner of your eye, and realize there is another color no one else can see. You'll laugh and call it your imagination, but every second Tuesday, you'll start to wonder if the old woman was right, if the things she told you were true.
If you drink the dream she made, you'll know. I'll understand if you don't—some things are easier not to know. But if you do, and dream through her story, come to my house and ring the bell. My man will let you in—he'll know you by the wonder on your face. He'll bring you to my study, set you in my oldest, softest chair, and get us both settled with a steaming pot of tea. Then, once you've finished babbling, I'll close my eyes and tell you my part in the tale.
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
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my favorite edits - 2023 edition 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
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13eyond13 · 1 month
one of the lesser talked about fun things about intentionally reading more books is finding new stuff to be a bit of a hater about tbh
#and i know sometimes im probably just not properly picking up whatever the writer is putting down but whatever it's still fun#to actually know what you think about stuff like the highly regarded classics and extremely popular hyped up things#here are a few writers im a bit of a hater about w my opinions now btw#neil gaiman: does not do it for me at alllll#have read the graveyard book and american gods and hated almost every minute of both#in american gods i just found the aesthetic ideas and characters completely unappealing and in the graveyard book#i thought it was dreary and not well described enough... kept feeling like it was too bare bones in some way to picture things properly#i was like 'hmm i wish this was one of his graphic novels instead bc i'd like to be able to see what's going on here a bit better...'#also his humour just never lands for me and i do not often get his references either#ray bradbury annoys me in a similar way to neil gaiman but also somewhat oppositely like where#the way they write characters and plots and ideas and the stuff they care about gets on my nerves in an almost identical way#that i don't know how to define except to say i had a bit of a 'same energy' experience reading Something Wicked This Way Comes#and some of neil gaiman's stuff#but unlike neil gaiman i think that ray bradbury attempts to describe things unusually so much and TOO much#to the point that it takes me out of the story in a different yet similar way#to how the lack of description in neil gaiman's stuff does#what else have i become a bit of a hater about or did not get the appeal of lately? hmmm#oh hp lovecraft hahahaha#least scary stories ever god everything he's scared of is so dumb#like even aside from his extremely racist takes and fear of the 'exotic other' his fears about being cosmically insignificant are just like#yeah and? whats so scary about that hahaha i literally just dont get it#also the amount he writes dialogue in heavy accents annoys the shit out of me#p
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gregoftom · 1 year
where do i even start
#tomgreg#stay tuned for a special thing at the end#FIRST OFF CAN I JUST SAY. thinking about my own various skills and abilities tom says as he MOVES CROTCH FIRST TOWARDS GREG.#and he's just told greg his skills. he's got a big dick and fucks fast and hard. so like. there's that.#i'm either to assume he's already showed said skills off to greg and referring to it or he's literally being suggestive#either unconsciously or consciously.#also he wiggles his crotch a little. like. we get it you wanna fuck greg so bad it makes you look stupid.#ok so we've got the tom not tiptoeing around this like he did with shiv and straight up saying i'm not fucking happy#with you going off with somebody else. i don't like it. why are you happy and i'm not that's not fair.#you're mine. i'm not jealous tho haha#we've got them going through what looks like a wedding arch.#we've got them full on acting like a married couple with greg making excuses for tom and holding him back a little. acting like his wife.#we've got tom switching chiding greg for saying something and the ''don't say that!!'' and then greg agreeing#and saying that actually no tom is a lovely man. oh don't mind my husband he's just grouchy!#and then the WAY tom says you've ruined it like he's about to throw up or cry. or both.#and then greg being like ?? how i have ruined it?? and tom ''idk you just HAVE'' all petulant like#and you know what i'm gonna say. a schoolboy.#he's like thanks i hate it#it really is so much this episode. so much.#i have an idea from it of what fic i could write so there's something at least. a
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musical-chick-13 · 5 months
"This show is SO good, you should watch it!!"
I gotta be honest. If I look at a character list on Wikipedia and get five characters down without seeing a single woman, it's probably not for me.
#I have no patience for 'there is exactly one woman in the main/supporting cast' anymore#unless the writing is INCREDIBLE and the themes are explored with a type of depth and nuance I can't get anywhere else (like shiki)#(daily media plug for shiki)#then I just. probably will not vibe with it. if there are no women. (also shiki DOES have interesting female characters in it)#and this isn't to say that like. things involving men or talking about men or that have a male protagonist are Not Worth#My Time that is NOT what I'm saying at all. I just want like. several women. who show up and affect the story. like LITERALLY that is all I#am asking for. I feel like that's just. the bare minimum. but alas.#mel screams about fictional ladies again#there are plenty of things that are male-character-focused that I enjoy and even genuinely think are good! but I do want people to#ask themselves why they aren't willing to go to bat for media that DOES have more women in the cast than men.#(I mean. the answer is misogyny. but I want people to be. aware of that. and evaluate accordingly)#(evaluate meaning 'acknowledge I have some biases I need to continue deconstructing' not 'drop interest in everything tumblr#user musical-chick-13 personally doesn't like')#I feel like so many times we get trapped in this space between overcorrection via 'don't like ANYTHING that's pRoBLeMaTiC in ANY way'#and people taking the 'it's fiction it's not that deep' to the conclusion of 'because I cannot actually hurt fictional characters because#they're not real that means I am incapable of hurting irl people when they talk about those characters'#like there is. nuance here. there is a middle ground. and most people have NO interest in finding it lmao#and like...if you carry your biases from irl (which EVERYONE HAS. INCLUDING ME. COURTESY OF LIVING IN A PREJUDICED SOCIETY.) into a#direct and one-to-one evaluation of stories or characters that allow you to exercise those biased ideas. then that reinforces those biases#like. no hating...for example every anime lady isn't the same as structural misogyny like the pay gap or anti-women violence#but if you automatically associate the idea of 'female character' with 'lesser-than' it strengthens the already-present societal idea that#women are not as important or dynamic or worthy of support and attention as their male peers. if you are willing to see every (white)#fictional man as having interiority and depth but struggle to see that in any fictional woman then it adds to the things society is already#telling us about women. it creates an association of 'women' with 'inferiority' and uh. that's what misogyny is.#it is not the same as misogynistic crimes against irl women but it IS a reflection of the rhetoric and societal impulses that lead to them#and even if it's a reflection and not the actual thing. it's still important to break down and examine and reevaluate because#if we don't examine our OWN biases. then even if we tear down the greater oppressive structure we'll just end up building it back up again#no your thousands of words of m/m fanfiction or liking late 2000s shonen anime isn't responsible for misogyny nor are these things#inherently misogynistic. I just want like. some acknowledgement that something being 'for fun' doesn't automatically mean that bias/#prejudice is nowhere to be found
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vivi-selfships · 5 months
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Me knowing the only way to improve is practice
Me wanting to give up because I'm afraid that my writing sucks and nobody will like it
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please someone teach me how to describe someone laughing without just saying "he laughed" every couple sentences, this is painful oh my god
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windfighter · 1 year
Breathe for me
Prompt: Painkillers
Takuya looked into the fridge, held the phone between his shoulder and cheek as he looked around for something easy for Kouji to eat. He could hear Kouichi look for breakfast on the other side as well.
”Kouji’s having a bad week”, Takuya said.
He wasn’t sure how much Kouji wanted him to say, but he couldn’t tell the others they didn’t want to meet them. He needed to explain why they couldn't. Kouichi hmmed.
”How bad?” he asked.
Takuya was pretty sure Kouichi had never seen Kouji during a bad episode. When the pain got so bad he couldn’t get out of bed. When he needed the strong painkillers that made him so out of it he could barely remember his name. Takuya grabbed a can of miso-soup from the back of the fridge.
”He’s still asleep, if that tells you anything”, he said.
Kouichi pulled a sharp breath on the other side of the line. Takuya shared the sentiment.
”At nine?” Kouichi asked. ”Yikes, that’s bad.”
”Told you”, Takuya put the can on the counter and closed the fridge. ”Panther’s been sleeping on top of him the whole night.”
Panther mraowed in the bedroom. Takuya frowned. Panther never made a sound.
”So I guess we’re cancelling lunch today?” Kouichi asked.
”Yeah”, Takuya started walking towards the bedroom. ”Unless you wanna come over.”
Panther’s voice cut through the whole house. Takuya walked faster.
”Was that Panther?” Kouichi asked. ”Cat’s got some lungs.”
”He usually doesn’t”, Takuya said.
He put a hand against the door, swung it open. Kouji was still in the bed, pale as death, and Panther was standing on his chest. Yellow eyes locked onto Takuya.
”Maybe he’s hungry”, Kouichi suggested.
Takuya swallowed. His heart skipped a beat as he walked up to the bed. He put a hand on Kouji’s shoulder, shook it.
Kouji didn’t move. His chest was still. Takuya’s hand trembled as he pressed his fingers against Kouji’s throat. He could feel a pulse. Weak, but there. He held his hand over Kouji’s mouth. Nothing. Takuya’s heart skipped another beat.
”Kouichi?” he asked.
His voice trembled. He removed the pillow from under Kouji’s head, put a hand under Kouji’s neck to open his airways. Kouji’s chest still wasn’t moving.
”I need you to call an ambulance. Kouji’s not breathing.”
Kouichi let out a string of cursewords. Takuya agreed.
”I’ll meet you at the hospital”, Kouichi said.
The phonecall ended. Takuya dropped the phone to the floor, tilted Kouji’s head further back. His lungs still didn’t pull air in. Takuya leaned down, pinched Kouji’s nose shut and breathed air into his mouth. Again. Again. Again. Panther’s yellow eyes were watching him, Panther walked back and forth on the bed. Takuya worked for a couple minutes to keep Kouji alive, keep him getting oxygen into his system. Then, a shaky breath. Kouji took a weak breath, released it just as quickly. He took another. Takuya let go, stood up again. Kouji’s eyes opened.
”Stay still”, Takuya said. ”Ambulance is on the way.”
Kouji didn’t protest, just closed his eyes again. Panther laid down next to him, purred loudly. Takuya stood next to the bed, watched them. Watched Kouji’s chest rising and falling in quick successions. Then it stopped again. Takuya’s shoulders fell. He swallowed, leaned down and restarted the process. His stomach ached. He knew they were living on borrowed time, that Kouji should have been dead several times over, but it couldn’t end like this. At home, with Takuya right next to him. When they were supposed to have a nice lunch together with Kouichi.
Tears gathered in Takuya’s eyes. Breathing got harder. He took a deep breath to calm down, couldn’t let Kouji down. He filled Kouji’s lungs again. Kouji had survived worse, he could survive whatever was going on.
Kouji took a weak breath on his own. Takuya’s body relaxed a bit. He pulled a hand across his eyes, dried them off.
”Please keep breathing”, he whispered.
Kouji took another weak breath. The doorbell rang. Takuya squeezed Kouji’s shoulder and left to open. The ambulance. Takuya let them in, led them to the bedroom. Kouji had stopped breathing again and Takuya hoped it wasn’t too late.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#the thing about me is i hate making decisions#im literally worrying myself up and down over things i literally cant even make decisions abt now bc i dont know that ill actually be#accepted into the programs. like im just stressing bc for the program in the uk i have to try for scholarships#bc i dont wanna have to pay to go to school over there when i have equally enticing oppertunity here that will pay me for like 5yrs#so i have to get a full ride scholarship and to do that i have to collaborate with the guy and im gonna feel so bad it it flops#and im gonna feel even worse if i get the scholarship and then get sniped by another school#bc right now my heart kinda wants to go to this school in [redacted] bc i could get a 4-5yr phd in ecology and Evolution#the lab is set up with a bunch of other evolutionary genetics ppl. its near a rad national park. and the reasearch is sick as hell.#like it sounds so good. my heart wants to go there. if theyll have me which i wont kno for literally months. but the uk thing is like#if i get the scholarship i cant say no. like i mean i cant. it would look insanely good on a resume. id get to do directed evolution and#photosynthesis stuff with a guy who has controversial photosynthesis ideas lmao. but idk hes just starting out so it feel more like a leap#of faith. and ive done uk courses they r not as soul crushing as american courses and i want them to crush my soul#and its like a wanky good school. so like i cant say no to that. ugh but the [redacted] school also has nasa and astrobiology connections#and then theres the Canadian guy who's reasearch also sounds sick as hell. and again this is all stupid bc i havent even applied to any of#them yet and idk who will even take me but ugh i dread the decision making#ugh i just need to shut up and work on my applications. but i dont wanna think abt the present bc im not happy doing what i do now#id rather think abt the future where im somewhere else#but i guess ive got time to write this weekend bc our sampling plans were busted by the rain rip#so idk we have to go back at some point. sigh..#i wish everything could just be easy haha#unrelated#also ive possibly been exposed to covid thru my boss who got an alert that she was in close contact with someone who test positive rip
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myname-isnia · 2 months
Just remembered I stayed up until 5 a.m writing 2.6k of the filthiest smut I have ever written
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burntoutdaydreamer · 6 months
Things That May Be Causing Your Writer's Block- and How to Beat Them
I don't like the term 'Writer's Block' - not because it isn't real, but because the term is so vague that it's useless. Hundreds of issues all get lumped together under this one umbrella, making writer's block seem like this all-powerful boogeyman that's impossible to beat. Worse yet, it leaves people giving and receiving advice that is completely ineffective because people often don't realize they're talking about entirely different issues.
In my experience, the key to beating writer's block is figuring out what the block even is, so I put together a list of Actual Reasons why you may be struggling to write:
(note that any case of writer's block is usually a mix of two or more)
Perfectionism (most common)
What it looks like:
You write one sentence and spend the next hour googling "synonyms for ___"
Write. Erase. Write. Rewrite. Erase.
Should I even start writing this scene when I haven't figured out this one specific detail yet?
I hate everything I write
Cringing while writing
My first draft must be perfect, or else I'm a terrible writer
Things that can help:
Give yourself permission to suck
Keep in mind that nothing you write is going to be perfect, especially your first draft
Think of writing your first/early drafts not as writing, but sketching out a loose foundation to build upon later
People write multiple drafts for a reason: write now, edit later
Stop googling synonyms and save that for editing
Write with a pen to reduce temptation to erase
Embrace leaving blank spaces in your writing when you can't think of the right word, name, or detail
It's okay if your writing sucks. We all suck at some point. Embrace the growth mindset, and focus on getting words on a page
Lack of inspiration (easiest to fix)
What it looks like:
Head empty, no ideas
What do I even write about???
I don't have a plot, I just have an image
Want to write but no story to write
Things that can help:
Google writing prompts
If writing prompts aren't your thing, instead try thinking about what kind of tropes/genres/story elements you would like to try out
Instead of thinking about the story you would like to write, think about the story you would like to read, and write that
It's okay if you don't have a fully fleshed out story idea. Even if it's just an image or a line of dialogue, it's okay to write that. A story may or may not come out of it, but at least you got the creative juices flowing
Stop writing. Step away from your desk and let yourself naturally get inspired. Go for a walk, read a book, travel, play video games, research history, etc. Don't force ideas, but do open up your mind to them
If you're like me, world-building may come more naturally than plotting. Design the world first and let the story come later
Boredom/Understimulation (lost the flow)
What it looks like:
I know I should be writing but uugggghhhh I just can'tttttt
Writing words feels like pulling teeth
I started writing, but then I got bored/distracted
I enjoy the idea of writing, but the actual process makes me want to throw my laptop out the window
Things that can help:
Introduce stimulation: snacks, beverages, gum, music such as lo-fi, blankets, decorate your writing space, get a clickity-clackity keyboard, etc.
Add variety: write in a new location, try a new idea/different story for a day or so, switch up how you write (pen and paper vs. computer) or try voice recording or speech-to-text
Gamify writing: create an arbitrary challenge, such as trying to see how many words you can write in a set time and try to beat your high score
Find a writing buddy or join a writer's group
Give yourself a reward for every writing milestone, even if it's just writing a paragraph
Ask yourself whether this project you're working on is something you really want to be doing, and be honest with your answer
Intimidation/Procrastination (often related to perfectionism, but not always)
What it looks like:
I was feeling really motivated to write, but then I opened my laptop
I don't even know where to start
I love writing, but I can never seem to get started
I'll write tomorrow. I mean next week. Next month? Next month, I swear (doesn't write next month)
Can't find the time or energy
Unreasonable expectations (I should be able to write 10,000 words a day, right????)
Feeling discouraged and wondering why I'm even trying
Things that can help:
Follow the 2 min rule (or the 1 paragraph rule, which works better for me): whenever you sit down to write, tell yourself that you are only going to write for 2 minutes. If you feel like continuing once the 2 mins are up, go for it! Otherwise, stop. Force yourself to start but DO NOT force yourself to continue unless you feel like it. The more often you do this, the easier it will be to get started
Make getting started as easy as possible (i.e. minimize barriers: if getting up to get a notebook is stopping you from getting started, then write in the notes app of your phone)
Commit to a routine that will work for you. Baby steps are important here. Go with something that feels reasonable: every day, every other day, once a week, twice a week, and use cues to help you remember to start. If you chose a set time to write, just make sure that it's a time that feels natural to you- i.e. don't force yourself to writing at 9am every morning if you're not a morning person
Find a friend or a writing buddy you can trust and talk it out or share a piece of work you're proud of. Sometimes we just get a bit bogged down by criticism- either internal or external- and need a few words of encouragement
The Problem's Not You, It's Your Story (or Outline (or Process))
What it looks like:
I have no problems writing other scenes, it's just this scene
I started writing, but now I have no idea where I'm going
I don't think I'm doing this right
What's an outline?
Drowning in documents
This. Doesn't. Make. Sense. How do I get from this plot point to this one?!?!?! (this ColeyDoesThings quote lives in my head rent free cause BOY have I been there)
Things That Can Help:
Go back to the drawing board. Really try to get at the root of why a scene or story isn't working
A part of growing as a writer is learning when to kill your darlings. Sometimes you're trying to force an idea or scene that just doesn't work and you need to let it go
If you don't have an outline, write one
If you have an outline and it isn't working, rewrite it, or look up different ways to structure it
You may be trying to write as a pantser when you're really a plotter or vice versa. Experiment with different writing processes and see what feels most natural
Study story structures, starting with the three act structure. Even if you don't use them, you should know them
Check out Ellen Brock on YouTube. She's a professional novel editor who has a lot of advice on writing strategies for different types of writers
Also check out Savage Books on YouTube (another professional story editor) for advice on story structure and dialogue. Seriously, I cannot recommend this guy enough
Executive Dysfunction, Usually From ADHD/Autism
What it looks like:
Everything in boredom/understimulation
Everything in intimidation/procrastination
You have been diagnosed with and/or have symptoms of ADHD/Autism
Things that can help:
If you haven't already, seek a diagnosis or professional treatment
Hire an ADHD coach or other specialist that can help you work with your brain (I use Shimmer; feel free to DM me for a referral)
Seek out neurodiverse communities for advice and support
Try body doubling! There's lot's of free online body doubling websites out there for you to try. If social anxiety is a barrier, start out with writing streams such as katecavanaughwrites on Twitch
Be aware of any sensory barriers that may be getting in the way of you writing (such as an uncomfortable desk chair, harsh lighting, bad sounds)
And Lastly, Burnout, Depression, or Other Mental Illness
What it looks like:
You have symptoms of burnout or depression
Struggling with all things, not just writing
It's more than a lack of inspiration- the spark is just dead
Things that can help:
Forget writing for now. Focus on healing first.
Seek professional help
If you feel like it, use writing as a way to explore your feelings. It can take the form of journaling, poetry, an abstract reflection of your thoughts, narrative essays, or exploring what you're feeling through your fictional characters. The last two helped me rediscover my love of writing after I thought years of depression had killed it for good. Just don't force yourself to do so, and stop if it takes you to a darker place instead of feeling cathartic
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violentdevotion · 7 months
i love your actimel fridge posting keep it up
:D thank you !!!! Its more full than usual right now because the other day i went shop and got some and today my brother went to get groceries and my mum told him to get me some actimel while he was there so for at least the next 2 weeks i should be good on actimel !!!!
#laetitia tag#ameeras.got.mail#whats worrying me a little thought is i have work tomorrow (i only work on sundays. during the weekday i do this taci passanger assistant#thing but i hate it sooo bad it makes me sooooo car sick so while one day a week was okay while i was in uni and lived at home and only rly#needed money to buy myself treats. its not working now that im free the entire week and want to get out of this house and also dont get#student finance moneg every 3 months)#anyway yeah i am looking for a weekday job now too. BACK to the point. on sundays when i buy lunch i buy a sandwich OR wedges / a pastry f#from greggs#2 packets of crisps and nomadic oat chocolate and honeycomb yoghurt#i eat the main and one crisp packet during my lunch and then keep the other packet and the yoghurt in my bag#(which is probablg a bad idea since yoghurt shouldnt be out of a fridge for longer than 2 hrs but ive been doing this for weeks and have#survived so idk) and when i get home un sundays i usually eat the other crisp packet and yoghurt in my room and go to sleep#(< tradition that started from the time i did an all nighter before work to write an essay due that day and told myself at work i can go#home and sleep and i liked it so much i continued the napping thing minus the all nighter)#BUT my driving instructor cancelled on me yesterday and offered to do tomorrow at 5pm instead to make up for it since he usuallg doesnt do#weekends. and i get off work st 4:20 and get home before 5pm usually. and i agreed since i havent had a lesson in a few weeks now#BUT that means i need to refridgerate mg yoghurt or else itll be out of the drige for THREE/FOUR hours#and right now theres no soace in my mini fridge bc of the actimel#so im a little worried about that#having my problems is really fun actually i cant wait for god to throw some real curveballs at me like a broken loghtbulb ir smth#edit: posted this and looked at how long the tags are... girl......
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