#i am indeed autistic
xxbattiepupxx · 1 month
More golden wind band au things. Btw I am incredibly high, so please excuse any spelling or pacing mistakes.
I wanted to clarify, I think I did in a prev post, but this band au is more of a subgenre??? I think??? And is actually a Guitar Hero 3 au >:) Kinda... It has it's own spin on it for sure, like I'm not trying to completely rip GH3... just take lil ideas from it. BUT i think what sets it apart is that I would like this to be more of a "Battle of the Bands" situation. This will also include the other groups on stage going against each other in awesome music battles. I'm still trying to think some parts out, especially with Doppio and Diavolo, because I kind of want to make it where Team Bucci has to go into a rock battle with Diavolo in order to save their souls or whatever... But idk how to actually Get There?
ANYWAYS!!! There's ofc lil super cute moments between the bandmates ofc. Gotta have that. Also band drama. You cannot have a band without a little (a lot) of drama. Like tf. I'll get more into their personal interactions in a different post.
UHM BUT YEAH this is something I want to talk about with other people and maybe even like roleplay out because how cuteness would that be??? Anyways. Peace and love on planet earth and 100000 kisses for people who read this far
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dermatophagiac · 7 months
im about to get very autistic about Sonic the Hedgehog (again) /pos
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ihaveab0y · 2 years
just , the idea of us just being in each others company not doing anything special except it is special because ur there <333333
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rachymarie · 3 days
Ok so my mind has been really "poppin off" with rampant "A-HA moments" a lot and so i need to get some of it out, ima just leave this here for y'alls consideration:
Since ADHD autistics have the convenience of using the term AuDHD, shall we get started on a term for autistic schizospec? I'll start:
Autischizospec - Schizotistic - Autizospec - Autistiphrenic - Autizoaffective - AuSchizospec - Schizospectistic
Idk trying to find something that rolls off the tongue more and isn't just a cocophany of excessive syllables, a tongue twister disaster lol
Yes I know this is a whole ass mess but that is how it feels having a long-ass illness/disorder name you're too dang fatigued (running on low RAM to fuel the whole ship that is the body and mind) to type out in its entire all the time. Help a sister out here lol
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falled-over · 9 months
since pepper was asking for it something that girls do that always makes me think 'cool gender' is not change their names despite it being historically masculine and re-defining the name through their identity and relationship to it.
#dylan mulvaney springs to mind. of course. along with some less famous examples.#shes a great example to give because a lot of things about her align with ideals of cishet feminine ideals and she could've changed her nam#to match. but chose to keep dylan. great gender moment#another thing that i always think is a cool gender is girls who understand femininity as non-necessary addition and arent afraid of#masculinity being a detractor in their appearance#this includes things like girls who talk openly about their dick or dont tuck or a girl i saw recently who rocked a full beard with#lashes a wig and a full beat#and donning a butch identity as a trans girl is always a 'cool gender' moment. especially if she feels little to no need to change much#about herself. the pressures to change yourself as even a cis woman are so high that cis women earn 'cool gender' points from other cis#women for openly combatting them by not performing. the same should be extended to trans sisters#i feel like the 'cool gender' moments most often live in autistic transmasc communities. who are more interested in the metaphysical.#(and there are less fun masculine compliments out there to give so cool gender exists to fill that hole)#but i agree with her. more trans girls and transfeminine people should be seen as people with 'cool genders'#not thinking of donning femininity when thinking of cool genders is indeed misogynistic. dare i say transmisogynistic#hope you guys enjoy me dickriding (so to speak) for the girls every few months. as pippa has pointed out to me many times its a core part o#who i am#what did she just send me hold on#'i prefer “niche enjoyer” to chaser actually'#(in response to me saying something about trans women being the niche in the lgbt im most drawn to. theres no way to say that without#it sounding weird. something something fetishisation often means genuine appreciation reads as predatory making uncomplicated love seem#impossible which further marginalises the fetishised community etc... im just chatting shit u get what i mean)#im like a platonic chaser. unless youre interested in doing something unlabelled with an emphasis on the psycho of psychosexual in the note#i would say that that role has already been filled but who is interested in upholding monogamy in this day and age
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i came across this article randomly, and !!! "Jodie Whittaker, as narrator in previously announced show Ready, Eddie, Go! (3+), based on books Eddie’s Stories, written by award winning-author, Nikki Saunders. The series sees loveable character Eddie who is autistic taken step-by-step through new experiences and situations such as a trip to the barbers, so when he encounters this in real life, he’s ready to go." AUTISM SHOW NARRATED BY JODIE ??????? 🥺🥺
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simptasia · 1 month
one time i saw somebody mockingly say "imagine a world where autism is the norm"
yeah dude it's called star trek
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ruthlesslistener · 7 months
"I didn't mean to trigger! We BOTH hurt each other!" And the trigger in question is... (squints eyes) "Being called a Pedophile over different headcanons" . You sound like a huge asshole right now, just saying. I'm not even the person who sent that ask lol.
Dude. Its just you who was wrong. Why you gotta make things about yourself again...
I'm not saying that what I did wasn't wrong, but it also wasn't intentional, was the thing, and I never meant to call anon themselves a pedophile. I was talking about the ideology and the very specific 'its okay because even if they're physically a child they're mentally an adult' talking point, operating off of the assumption that that was what the conversation was about as well as the fact that I assumed everyone would realize that just because you're regurgitating a talking point from a specific group doesn't mean that you are part of said group or believe in their beliefs. As it turns out, that wasn't what it was about at all, I was unclear that I do not in any way think that what you like in fiction is a solid indicator of who you are as a person, and that's where my error lay.
I'm also not the only one in the wrong here, because I kept repeatedly saying that I fucked up, that I was done with the conversation and didn't want to talk about that topic because it made me very uncomfortable, yet people still kept sending me asks about it and blowing off my very real distress about it. THAT'S where I'm not in the wrong, and that's why I pointed it out. I'm not making this about myself, I'm specifically pointing out that it was a two-way fight where both people were in error. And yes, by 'both people' I'm very much including me. Because I very much charged into the a china-shop conversation with all the subtlety and thought of a moose in rut (that's where I'm at fault), but also because people kept ignoring my explanations about it and jumping to conclusions/saying I was saying things that I very explicitly stated that I did not mean and was regretful for letting the error come about in the first place. THAT'S where I'm not at fault.
No, anon is not a pedophile and was not talking about pedophilic talking points. I also very much never called them that specifically, or did it with the intent to drag anyone who thinks like that under the umbrella of 'very real dangerous sexual predator'. I have zero desire to redtag people or use my apparent fame to drag people through the muck, or make them stop having headcanons different than my own. I made a poorly-phrased quip about something I thought was a nonissue on a website where people DO jump to absolute conclusions about a person's character based on what they like in completely fictional content and then got severely fucking turned around, which prompted me say more bullshit about something that wasn't even close to the case of what I was angry about.
I was in the wrong there and I fully admit it, but you also have to believe that I'm genuine when I say that it was a mistake and that I'm just as turned around about it as everyone else, because that's really all that I can do here.
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it is at times like these, when i am so exhausted that i feel like i’m never gonna move again but at the same time completely unable to sleep, that i am violently reminded of possibly the weirdest entry in my kinlist mr hezekiah wakely
it would concern me but then i see some of my friends’ kinlists and i feel a little better
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jackett-slut · 7 months
ok sorry if this sounds fucking insane. i need to write something out.
#vent. sort of.#okay. why do i have absolutely no clue what i want or like. like in life. career/job/college/life etc wise. no interests beyond casual.#and amateur level interests. which is fine but i don’t think i want them to go higher and therefore aren’t careers you know. i like them#for fun. but like all my friends have interests and things they’re studying or doing that i hear it and i’m like oh my god yeah that’s them#that’s perfect. that’s so them. of course. makes perfect sense. and they have the history of hobbies and interest in the topic to back that#choice up. but me? man i have fucking nothing. i feel like i have been in survival mode forever and i literally have not had the opportunit#or ability to develop myself and my interests or even my fucking STYLE or ANYTHING!!! it seems worthless FOR ME. WHY????????#that’s the survival mode talking. but like what am i supposed to do now. i feel like a fucking shell of a person. like the only thing that#passes through this brain is whatever my current hyperfixation is and whatever new hell/trauma/issue i’m dealing with in my life. that’s it#man i remember being a kid and having vibrancy and passion and interests. and it just left. maybe it left when my brother was born when i#was 10. maybe it left during any one of the traumautic experiences or abuse during my teenage years.#but then i wonder what my friends see. like do i have interests and likes in their eyes? i mean space has been My Thing to my friends for#years now but even my interest and love for that was a coping mechanism (escapism) and i’m not interested in the science beyond what i can#use to cope and mentally escape or use in my head as hope for escape.#MAN i feel like i’m so fucked. like i don’t know what the fuck to do. i don’t want to do anything. maybe i’m depressed?#i mean i know i do and have dealt with depression but i mean maybe that’s what this is from.#maybe i’m autistic? maybe adhd and maybe that’s why i have whims and phases that never stick? i don’t know.#maybe it’s from the dysphoria? maybe it’s like bc i can’t picture a future for myself bc of that? probably not cuz i have trans friends who#do indeed have solid interests and senses of self.#so. i don’t fucking know.#i don’t fucking know. i don’t know what to do. i feel like i’m falling behind and like i’ll never get out and i’ll never get my head into#my own real life and the present in order to figure out who i am and what i like and want. i’ve got NOTHING. HEAD. EMPTY. WHAT THE FUCK.#what the fuck. what do people do when they run up against this problem. i don’t know.#maybe this rn is just because i’m on my period. i don’t know. fuck.#maybe it’s dissociation. or like FROM my lifelong dissociation issues. hmm.#okay but THEN i’m like okay this is a really privileged problem to have like. i have a choice in what i want to do. which is nice. and i am#not even being rushed by my family. so like. then i feel even worse for feeling this way. fuck. maybe it’s fine maybe it’s all fine.#maybe this just happens sometimes and a person has no interests and it’s fine. i don’t fucking know. doesn’t seem to be that way for most#people but maybe. who knows#vent
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guinevereslancelot · 11 months
lazy girlies help me out: what is the easiest job you've ever had that one could get with an associate's or less
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eats-the-stars · 1 year
Consider Machines Over Customers
don’t know how useful this is, but for people who hate the customer interaction part of their jobs, like, if you think that is the worst part of your job, consider looking for a job that does not involve you interacting with customers. the hard part is that all the “basic job that you don’t need a college education to get” kind of jobs that I could think of to look for on job sites were like call center work and waitress and hotel staff and front desk work and retail and, you know, customer service positions. so I was searching job sites with those key words and did not know about a lot of other options. namely...machines. yes, that’s right. turns out there are so many machines out there and they all need people to operate them. there’s also warehouse stocking jobs but i haven’t tried one of those so I can’t endorse or diss them. BUT...I am working a machine operating job right now and I actually love machines. they are great. they also have yet to yell at me about an expired coupon. i mean, sometimes they do complain about thread breakage or refuse to read a positioning mark that is RIGHT THERE, but still...I love machines. I also do not have to see customers at all. like, I know the orders go to customers eventually, but I do not need to help them place the orders or receive the calls when their package does not arrive on time. I just need to fill the order and I’m done. whatever happens next is out of my hands. actually...the delivery workers might be another “customers are not my problem” option. they pick up orders from us and I think they just need to whip those at the front doors of customers, but they don’t actually need to talk to them.
just...the main point is that I spent a long time stuck thinking that all the “non-career” jobs I could get required customer interaction. unless you were, like, a cook in the back or stocking jobs, and i can’t cook or lift that much. so my advice is...just try getting creative with the keywords you plug into job sites. I hit on my current job by pure chance, no idea why it showed up when I was typing in stuff like “front desk” and “call center representative.” If you want machine stuff, try typing in “manufacturing” or “assembly” or “operator” or “production.” I am mostly just throwing this out there into the void in case it helps anyone. I spent way too long doing customer service and hating how draining it was and how much I would dread going to work. but now I am shocked that I actually do not mind going to work. it is tiring, but only physically, and otherwise actually enjoyable. so...consider machines over customers.
#job stuff#i don't think most ppl are generally aware of these kinds of jobs#especially since whenever i mention that i'm an industrial embroidery machine operator#people tend to have no idea what that means or what i do#i literally needed no experience or education either. i think these type of jobs have a lot of entry level positions#and they did train me to do it and there's nothing that would require college education#i am not saying this is true for all jobs like this but i did spot some similar jobs on Indeed#usually it looks like they just require high school education#some look like they're more high end than others and give benefits but might require prior experience#if you wanted one of the nicer higher paying jobs that say 'prefer 3 years of manufacturing experience'#i feel like you could easily do a few years of a lower-paying 'no prior experience necessary' jobs like the one i have#and then upgrade once you've got the experience#also this may or may not be a factor in how much i am enjoying my new job but i am very autistic#so a job that focuses on attention to detail and sorting and matching and also colors and lots of repetition...#yeah it's like they made this job just for me as a treat#and i'm not saying your jam is definitely machines. just that i really love them but i never thought they were an option#for like your average person who did not get some kind of welding certification or engineering degree or something#because i did not do any of that. they just let me touch the machines right away#i'm not even good at math this feels like a sin#but i love these machines way more than i've ever enjoyed a customer interaction#so i highly recommend trying to look for more 'obscure' jobs that you didn't hear about during school job fairs#also some other jobs i did know about w/no customer interaction but have not personally tried#are data entry clerk and transcriptionist#also i love animals so i looked for jobs where i work with animals but no dice for me#i don't really want to work at a doggy daycare that's too high energy and lots of cleaning but i did consider it#my friend was a dog groomer for a while but that is also not my jam#oh and a lot of teaching assistant/teaching positions don't actually require an education#they seem to be always hurting for staff#my sister is an aide at an elementary school and she didn't go to school for that#hmm...janitorial jobs. landscaping. delivery
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lindwurmkai · 1 year
I wish I could opt out of posts telling me I am supposedly some kind of Intuitive Misogyny Understander because I "grew up as a girl" or some shit
Like get the fuck out of my house tbh
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piplupod · 9 months
also i just found eraser shavings in my ear HFSHDGDSJKL
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Sometimes I think about how the person who got me in to Genshin Impact basically said “You should play Genshin, I feel like you would be a Beidou main” and my spiteful ass was like “you know nothing about me I’ll main who I want” and started playing and within a week I got Beidou and she hasn’t left my first spot since
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im literally crying I was using a site to help me schedule a doctors appointment and I didnt even think to look at the websites name or anything, it literally says “For Autistic Adults: Making Appointments” I feel so called out rn
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