#i am jobless
sanrikis · 5 months
impulsively bought an album from tiktok shop last night….. I HAVE TO STOP SPENDING MONEY IM LITERALLY BROKE 😭😭 i need to save up for the next enha tour 😓🤞
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kuchipark · 1 month
hey if you’re an employer from the future and i’m applying for a job and you happened to have stumbled across this account, i want you to know that this is NOT who you think it is. i am actually framing her and the person who you think owns this account does not own this account, so you can’t not hire this (probably really cool) person who’s applying for this (probably super duper boring in comparison) job. i have no connections or ties to her whatsoever, all i know is that she’s, like, totally awesome and *checks notes* a really motivated and reliable employee, at least from what i’ve heard. a lot of people are saying it so it’s prob true, just saying. you’d be at a real loss if you didn’t hire her. so. yeah.
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titanicrisings · 4 months
full time job as a william eklund apologist
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jessibbb · 5 months
Everything is bothering me!!!
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haedraulics · 1 month
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the most iconic "they don't know they're about to fundamentally change each other's lives" moment in yaoi history
young holmes/watson designs partly inspired by @contact-guy's incredible comic adaptation of canon which i am obsessed with!!
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weishenkun · 17 days
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kun : gimme your new album!
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
your jobless friend is out there walking 4km to a grocery store just bc that one has the best atmosphere
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getousatoruu · 1 day
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dykedvonte · 20 days
More Benny/main three chairmen HCs? 🥺
I like can't remember what I've already said so if some repeat pls don't be mad:
Tommy occasionally thinks of trying to branch out industry wise and maybe do a tour but he's paranoid about leaving Vegas
None of them really picked up chems before the Strip. It's not a taboo but getting body issues or withdrawal while having to wander around the Mojave wastes is not bueno.
Swank is well liked by the other casinos even if he doesn't care for them. He's always cordial mainly cause he's scared of being killed or cooked by the other two
Benny has very nice handwriting. He can mimic script but he can't read it.
Tommy practically lives in the theater due to how busy he always is and it's kinda treated as a separate establishment. House sends messages to him (not Ben or Swank) about its entertainers
Honestly, if Benny had told them sooner they may have helped him but at the same time they would've been pissed he's already back on his bullshit
Swank misses the old days the most and Tommy the least. His only complaint is the songs don't hit the same as they did with outside acoustics.
Swank, Tommy, and Benny have matching tattoos from the Boot Rider days that signified they were like a set scouting team (Pls don't ask of what I am still ironing that out)
Any ending where Benny is killed Swank mourns as I feel they were super close. Tommy isn't indifferent but he always half-joked Benny's ambition would lead him to an early grave.
That table at lunch where you can hear them talking super loud and it's all the juiciest gossip but they don't care cause it's not about them
Tallest is Swank shortest is Benny
They are loyal to the Chairmen and follow House's instructions but if House did catch Benny and want him brought in they would've helped him escape
Tommy lost his eye from a cazadore attack. I do not think I have to explain what happened (also a big reason he is least nostalgic)
Only Tommy is good at gambling, Benny bluffs too much and Swank never trusts his own hands
All their suits are gaudy and they only act like Benny's is the worst cause he has copies. Swank has an atrocious pinstripe suit and Tommy's is like chromatic. Eye sores, all of them
They are wary of House and Benny's relationship cause while Benny doesn't notice House's weird sentiments about him they do. It's little things about how Benny mentions House compares him to a son and successor and how much stress he puts the Tops under. They prefer House's silence to his usual "doting" just cause it's less weird and Benny seems more himself when he's not actively checking in with House
Benny trusts their judgement a lot more than he'd ever let on and a lot of his choices as the Head of the Chairmen come from taking their little comments into consideration
Uhh i hope this is adequate. I had to lock into NV head space sense I'm jumping around the games and franchise lore.
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vodid · 7 months
good morning! i am low on funds due to vet bills and gas, and will need more for future appts, special kitty food and new furniture. i do not plan on opening my store this month or for most of next month, so i need another way of making money
and so: rapid fire bust sketch commissions!
for $15 USD over on ko-fi, you can get a quick sketch of a tf character's bust! and for $10 USD more, you can get color on that bad boy for a total of $25 USD <3 <— this includes shading!
pls click on the link below to get yours! <3
i will only take one at a time and close entirely when i feel i've made enough or when i am tired. i'll post updates as i work so u know if i am still going or not (i'll be really annoying about opening up another slot lol)
donations (with no sketch in return) are also super duper welcome and appreciated! :)
aaand cat tax <3 from the vet's facebook :3c
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thank you!
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glossglamour · 3 months
good morning i thought house's name was house to parallel sherlock 'holmes' but apparently its also medical jargon used for a patient with 'history of use' as in drug use. well thats apt
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gio-cosmo · 3 months
The p3r dlc really has me walking around Tartarus with the Junes theme playing in the background. What a time to be alive.
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wildflowercryptid · 4 months
trying to job hunt makes me want to rip out my hair. they expect you to jump through 15 different hoops just to apply to something w/ dogshit pay & hours only to never even send you a rejection email.
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felizusnavidad · 3 months
gonna kill the minotaur now wish me luck
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marius-was-unhinged · 6 months
"young people don't want to work anymore"
where? i sent around 100 CV during last moths. a few people answered but they had the shittiest offers, maximum work for minimum wage, far from my city or in hours i couldn't even choose.
my bf doesn't understand why i consider working for a dr00g dealer but man, i need money and there is no other work where they want me
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edible-erasers · 7 months
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My new pfp :D
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