#i am refusing to make that purchase
toksidermy · 10 months
hey so i'm sober now, and i have emotions again! they are as follows:
depressed and crying for a whole day
super happy and energetic for two days
depressed for four days!!!!! also crying some more
maybe a happy day
the nice doctor lady who did my assessment for therapy asked me if i thought i might have bipolar, and i told her i don't know! i feel like i don't know enough about it to say. so i went on wikipedia and guess what i think I have now.
self-diagnosis is a fool's game though so that's why i'm waiting for this therapist. they will tell me, hopefully, what is the matter and then help me fix it. what i'm doing in the meantime is asking myself "is there anything i can do about what is bothering me right now" and if the answer is yes i do the thing that will help and if the answer is no i try my best to let it be. sometimes letting it be means eating a whole pint of ice cream and you know what, that's okay.
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nexus-nebulae · 9 months
i have just written the most strongly worded letter of my life
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thatrandombystander · 8 months
Just tallied up the total costs of all materials and equipment used in for my TriStamp Vash cosplay 😬😬😬 You guys get one guess each
Fortunately since I'm a slow crafter and it was made across six months, the actual spend per month cost isn't too bad. Some stuff like equipment, the wig cap, some materials can also be re-used across projects, so that's also good.
...Not that I'm particularly planning on being cost effective for the next project. Do you think big mechanical wings are going to be CHEAP to make? Dream on. My slow crafting will once again save my wallet in spreading out the costs :)
#the thing about me. is i am both stingy in some ways. and impulsive on bigger purchases in other ways.#eg 90% of my clothes is from second hand charity stores and i very rarely buy food while out and about#really only if i'm out at an event or with friends.#otherwise I just resist until i get home for the ultimately cheaper option of Food At Home.#like the days I forget to bring lunch to work and just sustain myself on the meagre offerings of biscuits and fruit available in the kitche#instead of buying from the many nearby options#and i refuse to replace electronics until they are BROKEN for real#shout out to my 5 year old phone that's got terrible battery life now#and my... 8? 8 year old headphones. babey when those break I will be upset.#BUT THEN IN OTHER WAYS?????#all my anime figurine purchases????? the expensive bedside table I got earlier this year????#some of my cosplay materials?????? why did i buy kinda expensive iron-on patches for the jacket without hesitation....#don't worry about it. i'm still good at saving money at least. very strict in setting a portion of my income aside#yes i am very lucky to be able to do that. i will continue to live with my beloved mother until uhhh the Australian housing/rental crisis#and cost of living crises improves. if that ever happens. or the situation otherwise changes i suppose.#anyway. cheers for reading my effusive ramblings in my tags. tumblr is my diary and I'm subjecting you to it.#ramblings of a bystander#a bystander makes cosplay
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oatbugs · 2 years
my parents are sooooo funny
#lmao#its like bc of their background back in our country one of their only ways of showing affection is money etc#instead of apologising or admitting they fucked up they buy smth for u . and also before i turned 18 they used to make like#rly massive purchases for me and i couldnt refuse or else theyd literally shout at me even tho we couldnt afford it#(my laptop is an example of this...like . i was saving up for it but they straight up bought it and then when i suggested to return it they#screamed at me and accused me of thinking we were poor. like ??? youre barely making rent king)#anyway rn its rly weird bc my parents Majorly Have Fucked Up and also i no longer view my father as a human person and sincerely hope#he dies (i have v good reason for this) but now they wanna spend some guilt money on me [they already did w the sweden thing but that was#mostly bc i needed to study and they needed to scream at each other in peace lmao]) but . basically they only#do this w stuff that isnt necessary for life. but when it comes to things like rent or food or shelter etc it never applies#and it confuses the hell out of me too bc they FORCEFULLY spend the money on me 99% of the time without my consent and hold it over me#for the rest of forever but its like. why do they fear me using the money for smth useful i dont get it#personal#i am soooo . uncomfortable omg...same w getting a job...it makes them so ANGRY if i have a job while living outside uni/over summer#like what is thisss what are u trying to achieve
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respectissexy · 1 year
If you are not on Twitter but are interested in what's going on with Elon Musk's Twitter, never fear, I am back as your Twitter Correspondent.
So, on Thursday, 4/20, Elon removed all the "legacy verified" blue checks. That means that if you are, say, Taylor Swift or the Pope, and you have a blue checkmark because you have proven you identity and want to avoid being impersonated, that check mark went away unless you paid the $8 to subscribe to Twitter Blue.
The assumption was clearly that, despite all their blustering, when push came to shove the power users would nut up and pay for it, if only to avoid their fans being scammed using their likeness.
That didn't happen. As of 4/21, only weirdo Elon stans had blue checks. Those stans immediately got mad, because they had intended to purchase access to an exclusive club, and all the cool kids left as soon as they arrived.
To make matters worse for Elon, several influential shitposters began posting about #BlockTheBlue, a movement to block all paid Twitter bluechecks, and some even released scripts that would automatically block all bluecheck accounts for you.
However, some people retained their blue checks who swore they hadn't paid for them -- in particular, Stephen King and LeBron James, who had tweeted that they would refuse to pay.
Elon admitted that he had paid for these users' blue checks out of his own pocket. Is he trolling? Is it a weird simp move? Hard to say.
Now, as of 4/22, a whole mess of famous people have bluechecks who aren't paying for them. This seems to be a move to confound the automated Block The Blue scripts. Lil Nas X is tweeting angrily about how he doesn't want his blue check. People are speculating that a new policy has been silently rolled out to automatically assign a blue check to every user with over 1 million followers. Several people have pointed out that this amounts to false endorsement, i.e. implying falsely that a notable person uses or endorses your product without their permission, which is a crime. Blue checks have been posthumously assigned to Anthony Bourdain and Terry Pratchett, whose estates my money is on to be the ones to actually sue.
dril, famous shitposter and Block The Blue promoter, keeps being assigned a blue check as an apparent punishment for crossing Elon, but you can lose your blue check by changing your display name. (It seems really wild to tie the blue check to the display name and not use the username, but it became necessary after the era where all those legacy verified folks unleashed their inner Jaboukie and changed their display names to Elon Musk. As recently as last month a legacy verified user with 100k followers got banned for impersonating JK Rowling apologizing to trans people.) So dril just keeps changing his display name every time they bluecheck him. Elon and dril have been engaged in this game of cat and mouse all day. The "Elon bans dril and we all throw trash at him like New Yorkers defending spiderman" meme will probably come to fruition today or tomorrow.
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came up with the script i wish i could yell at my parents while walking home. they've gotten so much worse in the last half year and i need to fucking escape !!!!!!!! it is not fucking healthy or sustainable to live like this, to be in this environment.
#you would never assume i go to a nice university if you saw the state of where i live#and its entirely bc of them they refuse to make any real purchases like a working oven or groceries they just want cigarettes#and nonsense from amazon and fast food that i cannot eat#the house smells like fucking smokes and trash bc they can't keep the space clean wven after you clean up#the car smells like smokes bc my dad smokes in the fucking car#and they smell like smoke and i cant breathe around them#they take off all the fucking time and leave me and my siblings to take care of ourselves (im the eldest theres children still!!)#they have no interest in my life bc its too much for their attention spans i begged them to read any articles i wrote bc i was so proud#and they just went hmm no i dont want to#they just.... they weren't great parents to begin with but they really did just fucking give up#my dad is absent emotionally and chooses to remain miserable & my mother is a teen sister that hates how her kids are more mature than her#it sucks it just fucking sucks and i need money to leave but its just impossible to save the funds while also funding my existence now#yeah im hating on smokers right now bc that alongside alcohol and gambling are fucking ruining my life and it's not even me doing any of it#I can't even drink and have fun bc i am reminded of my fucking family who get drunk and act horrible#I can't ever pick up a cigarette again either bc its like i just inhale the air in my house and its in me#i just fucking hate it so much their misery is ruining everything for all of us not just them#i dont fucking care if they want to make bad choices but leave your children alone you fucking freaks
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rboooks · 1 year
Alfred's Boy: Part 2
Bruce felt his blood pressure rise as Damian shoved another pair of swimming trucks into his cart. His youngest insisted that he needed something flattering, as his previous outfit was "functional but not attractive to the youth of today."
Damian had never cared that he wasn't up to the trends, but that was before Danny moved into the manor. Now he had to wait hours for Damian to find a satisfying outfit, knowing darn well its only because Danny mentioned he was interested in taking a dip in the inner pool.
The boy, technically being staff, felt it was essential to ask permission before taking a swim. Bruce had spent years telling Alfred he had free range over the manor, only to always have the man ask before doing anything. He hopes Danny won't develop the same habit.
He wanted the young man to feel at home with them.
His younger children- who honest to God forgot they even had a pool- had all scrambled to go swimming with Danny. Tim had practically thrown himself over the table to change from his WE suit into his swimming wear, Duke use his grappling hook to zoom up the stairs and Steph begged Cass to lend her a bikini.
Damian remained seated, despairing that his old swimming shorts had been bought by Dick the year previous. Dick had gotten him green shorts with little cats and dogs. Damian- who refused to even go near public pools- wore them to the family pool with no desire to purchase new ones since he saw no point in it.
And now he was paying the price for keeping childish wear. Personally, Bruce thought they were adorable and perfect for his fourteen-year-old son, but being two years younger than Danny gave him a terrible disadvantage, and Damian could not afford falling futher behind.
He just sat there, staring longingly at the retreating back of Alfred's assistant after telling him he had nothing to wear. Danny had told them he could join the rest another time before scurrying away to finish his cleaning of the right wing.
What else could Bruce do besides offering to take him to the nearest outlet mall and get him something nicer?
"Damian are you almost-"
"I am ready, father. Make haste to purchase our wears. Daniel must be finishing his duties, and I wish to get back." His son announced, yanking the cart out of Bruce's hand and practically running to the cashiers.
Bruce sighed.
It's not that he minded his son's crush on a boy or that it was Danny. It just felt like he shouldn't be encouraging his children to try and romance someone going through a lot.
Alfred had forbidden anyone from looking into Danny's background, and he had respected the request. There was a lot Bruce and Batman were willing to do but defying a direct order from Alfred was not one of them.
(Honesty, if Alfred ever turned evil, Bruce's contingency plan for him was simple: Die.)
Danny took his assistant butler job very seriously. Often wearing a neat and pressed suit, finishing his work in record time, well mannered and very intelligent but kept a distance from the family. Alfred also had a small wall of professionalism but he would crack a joke and be in their presence like a grandfather.
Danny only spoke when spoken to, tried to refrain from being notice and basically kept the reminder that while he liked them all he was always going to be a employee first and foremost.
Maybe it was due to his parents? Danny probably couldn't relax until he felt safe once more. Not for the first time, Bruce wondered what type of monsters the Fentons had to be to make a boy capable of discovering the Batcave without so much of a blink, flatter.
"Father!" Damian called impatiently, tapping his foot before the nervous-looking teen who what been attempting to ring him up.
The Wayne's made everyone nervous.
"Yes. Yes. Here put It on my card-" Damian snatched it out of his hand before Bruce even took it out completely from his wallet.
Suddenly his phone rings. Seeing that Damian could handle punching in the Pin, he accepted the call, not bothering to check the screen.
All his children have personalized ringtones, so only one person would cause Gun and Ships from the Hamilton musical to blare from his phone.
"Bruce!" Jason yells in a wheezing voice "Tim almost drowned!"
"Is he alright!?"
"He's fine!" Jason assures, voice breaking to manic cackling. "He's just really embarrassed. He forgot about the bruise on his back, so when he tried to do cannonballs with Danny, he cramped up. Danny had to help him out of the pool and then lectured him about jumping in the deep end because of peer pressure. He thinks Tim can't swim, Bruce!"
Bruce felt a headache building behind his eyes. "Jason-"
"Wait, wait, there's more! Do you know how Steph never wears bikinis because she is uncomfortable? Danny clocked that as soon as she walked in and offered her the old t-shirt he was wearing. Took it off right then and there, and do you know what Steph did!? She walked into a wall! A wall Bruce!"
"Duke hasn't stopped staring at Danny. I think his brain is in a permanent blue screen. I'm actually thinking he's-"
"Jason!" Bruce cut in which finally seemed to get his second oldest attention. Don't get him wrong, he was thrilled that Jason was spending so much time around the manor but the constant updates on his children tripping over themselves for Danny was not well for his heart. "I think you need to make sure your siblings give Danny some space. The poor chum might not be comfortable-"
"I'm not helping you stop Danny from finding true love, old man"
Bruce rolled his eyes as his son hung up. He can't wait for school to start up again. Danny will be homeschooled by his own request and Alfred's agreement but at least most of his kids will not be around him as often.
His phone started playing Sk8er Boy and he considered not answering. He really did but honestly his son probably needed him.
With a sigh he presses the accept call button "Tim-"
"He thinks I can't swim Bruce! He banned me from the pool!" Tim sobs and Bruce sees Damian perk up, happy Danny had put distance between one of his suitors ans himself.
Was it too late to ask Alfred if he was sure his contact Clockwork had no where else to foster Danny?
Being Batman on the night all his rouges broke out was easier then this.
( Part 1) (part 3)
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
If I had a cute pizza boy show up at my door, giving me free pizza with special 'sauce' for weeks on end I would either sneak a slip of paper with my number on it into the tip or try to invite him on a date, depending if I'm feeling confident or not -3-
I am a sucker for cute boys in a uniform what can I say?
Yan "Pizza Boy + Reader
If Brie had to pick something he disliked about visiting you - it would be taking your money.
"You really don't have to give me anything. Just doing what I love!"
One might call into question the fulfillment delivering pizza for a living may bring, but he wasn't lying. For the most part anyway. This job as fictitious as it was birthed the real feelings he had for you. If anyone should be paid it's you for putting up with his awkward attempts at small talk or when he nearly drops your food whenever your fingers touch. Taking your money felt like a bigger crime than everything he's done up to this point. He refuses to take it nine times out of ten-
Today you weren't giving him any chance to escape.
"I insist! You've been coming here for weeks, Brie. It's the least I can do for you."
No- Don't do that. How is he supposed to say no when you say his name like that? The day you ended up on a first name bases was the same day Brie's cheeks were sore for a full twenty-four hours for smiling so long.
"Take it. For me? You deserve it."
"Ha...." Brie sure of it now- You'll definitely be the death of him someday. "If it makes you happy. I can't thank you enough for your kindness."
"Hope I see you soon-"
The implications of your words are lost to Brie as he aimlessly drifts off back in the direction of his car, tripping over a crack in the pavement he's step over many times before. His spirits remain high as he corrects himself and hopes into the vehicle. He was good on cash and it'd be crazy to spend money you gave him. Brie digs his wallet out of the glove compartment- He'll keep the bills in a separate compartment away from the rest of his money for good luck-
Something hits his foot. A small folded piece of paper nestled between the bills. A receipt you forgot maybe? His... His name is on it though. Next to a heart.
Brie snatches the paper off the floor.
"Buy something nice on the way home for me. Wish there was more I could do to repay you. How about dinner this Saturday?
Call me. XX"
Dinner? This Saturday? That almost sounds like...
"A date."
You. Him?? Brie reads the note aloud to make sure he read it correctly. He waves a hand in front of his eyes to check if they're working right. You, want to go out with him. On a date. He thought you were just being nice the last time you called him cute.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
The repeated hammering of his feet against the floor as he kicks his legs alerts dogs walking past his car with their owner. Brie waves bashfully as the dog walker from his side mirror. He brushes his hair out of his face, adjusting his posture as he places his hands on the wheel.
Brie drives over to the gas station nearest to him. He buys himself a bottle of iced tea with his tip money - assuring at least one dollar remains from his purchase to tape up in his car at a later date. He drinks from the bottle, taking smaller sips every other swallow to savior what was probably the best bottle of tea he'd ever had.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
"Haha yeah I'm doing just fine with my job search" *bursts into tears*
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bountycancelled · 9 months
opla sanji x reader
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in which sanji teaches you a few basic cooking skills, while you try to ignore how close to you he's standing
genre: delusional oneshot, pretty suggestive, gn! reader, my sanji/taz obsessed ass shining through the cracks
requested: nope, but they're open so feel free♡
a/n: I don't have anything to say besides I'm sorry.
this was all your fault.
you just had to open your mouth and spill the beans on the fact that you didn't know the first thing about cooking, which led you to the predicament that you were in now.
or was it Sanji's fault for offering to give you private lessons with a tone in his voice that could be mistaken as flirtatious and a wink your way (which in hindsight, you should've definitely refused) and for being a kind, flirty, witty, compassionate piece of work who could cook like a god, who you couldn't help but fall deeply in love with?
no matter whose fault it was, all you knew was that you weren't mentally prepared to spend alone time with Sanji in the kitchen, as you knew that this experience would only aid your feelings in flourishing.
but what you were or were not prepared to do didn't matter, because you were already in the kitchen, standing shoulder to shoulder with the man in question as you washed your hands and he looked at you with his typical honeyed gaze and a slight smile on his face.
"you look extra beautiful today my love, how am I supposed to focus on teaching when you look like that?" he questioned out loud in an airy voice. you shrugged as nonchalantly as you could, cringing internally because you had in fact, dressed with a little more thought today than most days, and the fact that he noticed made you want to bash your head against the counter until you saw blood. how much more obvious could you be?
"okay. so first, I'm gonna need you to dice up an onion for me, alright?" he stood behind you, watching over your shoulder as you peeled the onion and picked up the knife, and you could swear that his lack of distance was genuinely giving you respiratory problems.
"how would you like 'em, chef?" you asked sarcastically, missing the way his breathed hitched at the nickname.
"hmm... super fine." now, the logical side of you knew that vegetables could be chopped very finely, you weren't completely inept in the kitchen after all. buuuuut, the absolutely unsavable side of you, aided by the fact that you could legitimately feel his breath on the back of your neck as he spoke so so sweetly with that accent of his, believed that he wasn't just speaking about the onions.
you shook away those thoughts, and began cutting the onion. you could almost feel his correction before he corrected you, but you were definitely not prepared for his next actions. his hands held your own as he guided your knife movements, his front almost pressed against your back. he whispered praises in your ear, although you severely doubted that your subpar knife work was worth any compliments, but that didn't stop him. a "there you go." here, a "so so perfect" there, even a cheeky little "you're doing so good for me" just to make you squirm.
maybe it was his tone of voice, or his hands (which had now moved away from yours and found purchase slowly moving up and down your arms) or the fact that your hand was so shaky that you were sure you were gonna lose a finger at this point, but you had had enough.
you put the knife down, not bothering to finish cutting the onion, because he could cut his own damn onions if he so pleased, and spoke before your more timid nature could stop you.
"you didn't ask me here to teach me how to cook, did you?"
maybe you had misunderstood the situation? oh god, oh god, oh god. you readied yourself to apologise for making him uncomfortable before-
"am I that obvious?" you could almost hear his smile as he spoke seductively, his hands moving from your arms to you waist, gently caressing your frame.
"yes, you are. not that I mind." okay, this was not how you were expecting this lesson to go. but it was days like this that you daydreamt about in the comfort of your room.
"I know this is a bit forward, even for me but-" he cut himself off with a soft kiss to your neck, and you felt yourself shudder at the contact. "-I honestly can't resist you any longer-" another kiss, this time to your shoulder. "-would you give my the absolute pleasure to taste you, please?"
if you weren't already against the counter with Sanji behind you, your legs would've given out from under you on the spot. you nodded, not trusting anything coherent to come out of your mouth at that moment, but snapped out of your daze as a confused sound rang through the kitchen from the doorway.
"you busy Sanji? I'm kinda hungry right now." Luffy spoke with a certain normalcy, as if he hadn't just walked in on, well, whatever was about to happen to the two of you.
Sanji chuckled, placing one more kiss to the back of your neck before moving away from you, but not before whispering in your ear once more. "why don't you go to your room and relax for a bit, love? I'm still aching to taste you."
you were in for a ride today.
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kissitbttr · 4 months
your mafia!toji fic got me thinking so hard abt him😭😭 he’s deffo the type to just buy you sm stuff as an apology but when you don’t forgive him and sleep in a different bedroom mf will come into the room on his knees and beg for you to come to sleep 😩😩 imagine still saying no and him just flipping you onto his shoulders and carrying you to bed 🤭
oh you are absolutely correct!
“darling” toji softly calls you, letting out a tired sigh. “i said i was sorry. what am i supposed to do?”
“die” she replies nonchalantly, shoulders shrugging before grabbing a pillow and your favorite blanket off the bed,
he snickers, looking over at her with a raised eyebrow. “now, now that would be over dramatic don’t you think? won’t you miss me?”
he almost pisses his pants when she throws him a glare,
“okay. no jokes. got it” he put his hands up in surrender, feeling absolutely terrified at his baby being mad and speaking less than two words to him,
if anyone ever finds out that the most feared and notorious man in the city being tamed by his woman, he would never hear the end of it,
but she is scary. can you blame him?
toji looks over at the designer shoes and bags he just purchased a few hours ago, tucked neatly in the corner. untouched by her.
guess the apology gifts aren’t working,
“i didn’t know that she was coming, i haven’t even talked to her in years! never planned to anyway, you know i only got my eyes for my girl, right?”
she tries so hard not to roll her eyes,
toji had a meeting with one of the cartels at the club earlier that night. and of course, she always goes. it’s where he can always keep an eye on her and refuses to leave her at home all alone because he can’t risk that. also, because she’s his good luck charm. whenever she’s around, deals always goes well,
tonight was an exception though,
all was well until a certain person decided to crash. his old fling. one before he met his precious girlfriend. the red haired thought that it would be fun to press her fake ass tits against toji,
y/n was shocked to say at least. she didn’t say anything but her face spoke thousand words. toji could see that. throwing daggers at the bitch, corner of her lips quirk into a form of disgust.
and the worst part was? toji didn’t do anything about it! can you believe that asshole?!
something about being absolutely unprofessional if he was ever to push her off and it ticked y/n to the fucking bone so she decided to ignore him the rest of the night,
toji feels defeated when she chooses not to respond, simply just taking her stuff. he crouches lightly to look at her pretty face clearly. “baby… can you please look at me? I can’t stand seeing you mad. i’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you”
if it was any circumstances, sure she would melt and jump in his arms. but tonight is different. how could he?
she looks up at him and whisper “fuck. you” before turning around angrily and walk out of the door to go sleep on the guest room,
toji groans, the heel of his palms pressing against his eyes. she has always been so stubborn. too fucking stubborn. exactly why he had to get rejected seven times before she accepted his date.
what? he needed to get humbled, so she gave him that.
he contemplate for a while whether or not he should let her be or not. then he chooses the latter. it would probably be best if he let her cool off some steam for a while, he doesn’t want to do any more damage or make her feel more annoyed by his presence,
bet. not even ten minutes later, he feels like losing his mind without her here.
“fuck this shit” he mutters, getting up from the bed. rubbing his face furiously before stomping towards the other side of the room,
he walks in without knocking, ready to say what he needs to say again. yet he stops. heart clenching at the sight of his girl curled up in bed, back facing him.
“love?” he slowly walks over to her laying figure,
“go away” she speaks. now in a softer tone
“please” he begs, walking around the bed and catching a glimpse of her playing with her pink manicured hands. “sweetheart. I’m sorry” he repeats, going down to her eye level before letting his hand moves to rest on her bare thigh. he’s internally relieved when she doesn’t push him off,
he sighs when she’s not looking at him, seemingly only focused on the nails that she had gotten done a week ago.
“i should’ve pushed her off. shouldn’t let her touch me like that. hell, i shouldn’t even let her breathe near me. i know that” he realizes his mistake. “i didn’t even think about what my girl needed. i was being a horrible boyfriend”
no answer,
he sighs again, refusing to look away from her pretty eyes,
“i heard you the first time. leave. and close the door”
toji is taken aback. fuck. she really is mad at him.
“you don’t mean that”
“uhm, yes i do” she retorts in an obvious tone, sassily raising her eyebrow before scooting a bit further from him. she doesn’t realize this but it makes his heart break,
“princess, i swear-“
“go call that girl back to keep you company. let that fucking bitch sleep by your side” she mutters, looking at the tv instead of him,
he can’t take this anymore,
“you know what? that’s it” toji had enough, he will not be sleeping alone and neither will she. standing up on his feet, his hands reach out to circle around her ankles before tugging her body towards him causing her to yelp,
“toji! what the fuck are you doing-oh!” her voice gets cut off the moment he pulls her body up like she weighs nothing. throwing her over his shoulder. “put me down!” her fists start to hitting his back—as if they’re actually hurting him— legs swinging back and forth
“nope” he answers, keeping a firm grip around her waist before swatting her ass, locking the guest room behind him and walking back to their shared one. “you’re driving me crazy, woman—not saying that i hate it, but i’m pretty fucking beat tonight and we are going to sleep together. so stop fighting me”
she huffs, admitting defeat and letting him carry to the bed. “fuck you, toji”
he smirks at that. “oh i will, baby”
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ode2rin · 11 months
“you’re cheating.”
you accused firmly, your conviction unwavering. there was not even an ounce of doubt in your judgment. it seemed to be the only logical explanation for what was transpiring right before your eyes.
“i swear, baby, i am not,” reo pleaded, but you were having none of it. you clung to your accusation, refusing to back down.
there was simply no other way to interpret the situation.
unable to contain your incredulity any longer, you pointed directly at the perpetrator of your accusation— an unbelievably unfamiliar word that reo had placed on the scrabble board.
“phpht”, is he fucking serious? how were you supposed to even pronounce that?
scanning the jumble of letters on your own rack, you conceded defeat. “you’re cheating. i'm out,” you declared, playfully rising from your seat as if to emphasize your point.
reo stood up, facing you with protests laced with laughter, vehemently defending his outrageous choice of word. “i’m not cheating! i swear it's a real word. i'm not making it up!”
“who the hell comes up with that? phpht,” you scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest and arching an eyebrow. “and did i even pronounce it correctly?”
“google it, it’s a word.”
“sure it is,” you retorted, voice dripping with sarcasm. “i’m done with this game.”
reo sat and leaned back to his chair, seemingly unfazed by your antics. “may i remind you, love, that this was your idea?” he teased.
the worst idea, apparently. 
if you had known how insufferable your boyfriend could be when it came to board games, you would have scoured every genre available on netflix to find a movie you both could have enjoyed instead of suggesting this battle of wits that you were clearly losing.
“yeah, because i thought it would be fun,” you huffed, “but here you are, taking it so seriously as if we were in a competition for the title of best scrabble player of the year!”
reo let out a laugh at your outburst that turned into a boyish grin adorning his face, “what can i say, baby? i simply have a wide vocabulary,” he playfully boasted, clearly enjoying your annoyance. “besides, you’re into smart men. i like to remind you of that from time to time.” he even had the audacity to wink.
“show off.”
“only to you.”
“i’m still not playing this with you anymore,” you declared, rolling your eyes, yet unable to suppress the tugging smile forming on your lips.
“how about this one then?” reo proposed, placing another board game on the table, his eyes seeking your approval.
oh, hell no. 
approval is the last thing he is going to receive for his choice of game.
playing monopoly with a man who religiously checked the stock market every day at 7 am like clockwork? you weren't crazily in love enough to endure that (you are, just not tonight).
“and have you criticize every property purchase i make? nope, thank you very much.”
a mischievous grin once again danced on reo's lips. “you could just admit and tell me i'm good at everything, baby.”
“good at everything, you say?” you asked, a hint of teasing in your voice. “i’m pretty sure you suck at hiding your jealousy, especially when—”
“alright, let's play snakes & ladders instead,” reo interrupted, a playful surrender evident in his tone. “i’d even let you win.”
and sure enough, you both played snakes & ladders, in which you miraculously lost twice. perhaps luck had ceased favoring you after you earned yourself a boyfriend like reo. 
you couldn't bring yourself to complain about it, though. you were indeed lucky to have a man like him, even when he’s pulling up words unknown to anyone in a scrabble game.
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note. just a silly drabble because i miss him and i'm having the biggest writer's block rn. also, i swear that's a word don't make me defend myself here╰(‵□′)╯
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ageingfangirl2 · 5 months
I Take Care Of My Crew! Shanks x Reader SMUT!
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You think you're alone, but your captain knows your dirty little secret and how can you refuse him, especially when all Shanks wants to do is take care of his crew. Shanks x Reader (Female) SMUT!
The Red Force had docked on another island to restock, and while the rest of the crew decided to enjoy the pleasures the taverns had to offer, you stayed on the ship to indulge in a little alone time with a purchase from a shop on the island. It was difficult being the only girl on the crew, and it wasn't helped that the guys took every opportunity to flex their bodies while treating you like a little sister since you were the youngest officer. Your last vibrator had died a couple of months ago and it wasn't until this island you could buy a new one.
You had built up respect from the crew, but if they found your toy there would be no end to the teasing. So you had to keep quiet when the ship was on the open sea, but tonight you could enjoy the sweet sensation of pleasuring yourself. After a relaxing bath, you slip into one of your nightgowns and light a candle on your dresser. This vibrator was different to the other one and the lady said this one would rock your world because one end was a bullet while the other end had a clit sucker.
You climb onto your bed lying on top of the sheets and start to play with your nipples through the gown which were hard because of the ship being naturally cold. You move your other hand to push up the hem of the gown feeling cold touch your intimate area making you shiver. You start to gently rub your folds, moving up to your clit which you circle slowly. You had enough mental material and imagination to quickly become aroused.
'Let's see what you can do,' you say teasingly, picking up the vibrator and bringing the bullet end down to your clit, 'let's start with old faithful.'
You probably should have played around with the settings beforehand because your whole body jolts at even the first setting, 'oh shit!' you moan.
You throw your head back and close your eyes, holding the toy on your clit allowing the pulsating vibes to go through your body to the very core.
'Mmm...yes...' you moan loudly, biting your lip as you scroll through the different settings.
Pleasure ripples across your lower half as your thighs buck, but you still hold firm, feeling tension build, a little ashamed at how quickly you were brought to orgasm.
'HELL YES...' you gasp, opening your eyes, taking note of your messy bedsheets from where your other hand had been clenching and your body writhing.
A sudden knock on your door scares you, and your thighs close around the toy instinctively forgetting to turn it off. No one should be back yet, it was too early.
'Hello, who is it?' you call out, quickly trying to get under the sheets to give the illusion of heading to bed.
'It's me, can I come in?' Shanks answers back, and you mentally curse yourself, Shanks didn't know how to keep a secret. Why the hell had he come back to check on you?
'Err...' you pause, your hands fidgeting under the sheets to stop the vibrator.
He opens the door and strolls in holding a box under his arm, he looks you over and frowns, 'a little early for bed isn't it?'
You hum, biting your lip, 'felt tired captain.'
He puts the box next to the candle on the dresser and smirks, 'Why are you squirming under the sheets?'
Shanks had no boundaries, as he pulled back the sheets revealing the vibrator you'd managed to turn off fall from between your thighs, 'you don't understand how hurt I am right now,' he pouts while still smirking.
'Excuse me, how are you hurt?' you question, quickly sitting up in bed after pulling your gown back down.
Shanks casually picks up the vibrator, 'I'm a good captain who takes care of his crew's needs. You had a need and didn't come to me.'
You stare at your captain dumbfounded, 'Err you'd tell the guys and they'd tease me, no offence when it comes to sex and secrets you can't keep your lips shut captain.'
Shanks nods in acknowledgement, 'Maybe, but I've known about your toys for the last year. Some nights I was curious about noises coming from your room, and despite being a good hider I found your vibrator during a search.'
You were shocked by his admission. He didn't sound disgusted, in fact, the way he was eyeing up the toy told you he might be curious. He was your main source of material, and even right now your pussy clenched at the fact he'd caught you.
You take a deep breath and decide to be bold, 'Do you want to try it on me captain?'
He raises an eyebrow and gulps as you pull your gown back up showing off your soaked pussy in all its glory, 'are you sure? I thought this was something girls did alone.'
You shake your head and lie back, your eyes not leaving his as you tempt him towards you with your hand, 'I have a need captain, aren't you going to take care of it?'
His smirk reaches his ears as his eyes darken and he licks his lips, 'I didn't know you were this horny, it's always the quiet ones.'
He picks up the box on the dresser and places it by you on the bed. You watch him take off his boots before he gets onto the bed with you. You relax, 'I can't have sex with anyone on the crew so this is the next best thing.'
Shanks turns on the sucker end of the vibrator and scrolls through the settings, 'do you have a crew member you think about the most?' he asks teasingly, stopping on a random setting.
You nod, 'I do captain.'
He brings the sucker down towards your clit nudging your legs further apart, 'do tell, I'm curious.'
You shiver in anticipation, 'he has red hair, scars across one eye, and don't get me started on his perfect chest.'
The toy touches your clit and you curse loudly as it sticks to you, 'FUCK!'
If the bullet got you, the way this attacked your clit with so much pressure was enough to blow your mind.
Shanks sits back on his heels admiration and lust on his face, 'I'm flattered you chose your captain, you're not too bad on the eyes yourself.'
You clench the sheets on either side of you as you come undone, 'Mmn...so...good...'
You notice Shanks pick up the box and hold it in front of him, 'I take care of my crew's needs. I got you something, I don't think you've owned one of these before.'
While writhing you manage to watch him take off the lid and pull out a toy that has caught your eye in the shop but had intimidated you. It was a vibrating dildo, 'that looks big,' you gasp.
Shanks runs his hand down the length of the dildo, 'I'll tell you the real thing is better, but if you've actually thought about my dick inside you then this is a good place to start, stretch you out properly.'
Your eyes widen, was he suggesting he was bigger than the dildo, that thought alone pulled another orgasm from you, 'then stretch me out, captain.'
You spread your legs as far as they'll go, your juices slick enough to coat the dildo without much prep. Shanks grunts as he runs the tip of the dildo up and down your folds, 'turn off the vibrator,' he orders, 'the only noise I want to hear is you imagining getting off on my dick fucking you.'
With shaky hands you turn off the vibrator and remove it from your now sensitive clit, 'I'm ready captain.'
Shanks pushes the tip against your entrance that throbs around it before engulfing it, 'good girl,' he praises.
He slides the whole length inside you, your body betraying you as it eagerly stretches around it without much pain or protest.
'Are you comfortable?' he asks.
You nod, 'Yes captain.'
Your body should have been prepared after the vibrator power but the second Shanks turns on the dildo you're overcome with a sensation you haven't experienced before, with a dildo penetrating you instead of using your fingers.
'So good...SHIT!' you curse, back arching.
Shanks chuckles darkly, 'Close your eyes and think of me.'
You comply closing your eyes, and moan sharply as he pushes it in and out of you at varying speeds. It had been a good month since you had sex so you were a little tight, but your walls hugged the dildo leaving you at the mercy of your captain who was grunting and praising you. He was clearly getting off himself at the scene the two of you found yourselves in.
You let your imagination go wild as pleasure consumes every inch of your body, 'going to cum...' you mumble, words coming out of your lips between gasps and moans.
'Cum for me, cum for your captain,' Shanks commands, his voice firm like he was casually shouting orders at the crew.
You buck your hips and release around the dildo, breathing heavily as Shanks allows you to ride your high. You open your eyes and sigh contently, 'Thank you, captain.'
Shanks removes the dildo and pulls down your gown, 'Get yourself cleaned up and straight to bed young lady.'
You sit up and motion towards his obvious bulge, 'What about your needs captain?'
Shanks grins, 'I have plenty of material, don't you worry your pretty head. But the dildo comes with me.'
You pout, 'why? I thought you got it for me.'
Shanks laughs as he gets up from the bed and picks up the dildo, 'If you want to use it you will do so in my presence, can't have you having too much fun on your own.'
Before you can argue, he bends down and kisses you softly on the forehead, this man was very confusing and always had ulterior motives. But he had rocked your world, so you'd let him off the hook for now, but you would get your hands on that dildo again.
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mavrintarou · 6 months
[Daddies in December] Haitani Ran
Out of all the Ran stories I've read, he is nothing like what I picture. So fair warning, my vision of Ran might be vulnerable, a little dirty, but hot as hell. This is super long, I spent all day yesterday and most of today on this.
Warning: angst, fluff & smut.
Haitani Ran knew he was a man of many things but being a father was not one of them.
His lifestyle did not have room for fatherhood.
No matter how many ways he looked at it, it would never work out.
It was in the best interest of him and Y/n to go their way regardless of Y/n’s protest of having hoped to make it work.
It will just not work.
She was never meant to mean something to him, let alone a child they both created by accident.
He could not deny the tiny joy he felt burning when he discovered her pregnancy but had to put out the flame immediately.
After ignoring calls and visits, Ran was left with the last resort.
It was in the heat of the moment when Y/n appeared at his club unexpectedly. Ran could see the shock in her eyes from across the room and he took the opportunity to whisper something into the woman beside him. She excitedly turned to him and he reached for her face, pressing his mouth to hers in a heated kiss.
It disgusted him to the core and the longest three seconds of his life. He pulled away and turned his heels, pulling the woman by her hand, and disappeared into the VIP hallway.
That was Y/n’s last straw.
Her calls and visits ceased.
No one and nothing would prepare him for a broken heart.
He was Haitani Ran, he had been shot at, stabbed, and beaten to almost death.
But the pain of Y/n erasing herself out of his life hurt more than all those things combined.
All he had left now was the memories they had in the past.
He felt no pain as his knuckles were busted and bloody from repeatedly plugging into the lifeless body he held by the collar.
He was just about to throw another blow when the man was saved by the ringing of the phone.
Releasing the man, Ran picked up his phone. “What?” he barked.
“She’s in labor.”
His thumb swiped over the image on his screen of the chubby sleeping infant.
A girl.
He was a father to a baby girl.
It took everything in him not to rush to the hospital she was at and burst into the room to pull them both into his arms.
Even though neither of them had spoken in months, Ran ensured she was taken care of from afar. It pissed him off that the money he sent her went untouched and knew Y/n purposedly refuses to use it to irk him.
The one thing she could not prevent him from doing was the man he hired to protect her and reporting back to him with her every move.
She had an ultrasound appointment today at 2:30. Results show that the gender of the baby is a girl.
At approximately 12:45 AM, she left for the nearest open convenience store and purchased a variety of snacks and junk food.
She had a breakdown watching Sailor Moon.
Ran flipped through the many photos he received from K. He didn’t know how the man was able to take some photos up close and as if he was there in person but he didn’t question the man’s skill. Ran paid him well and he expected nothing but the best.
He was still waiting to hear back from K about what Y/n had named his daughter.
His daughter.
Chuckling like a maniac, he reprimanded himself. What right did he have to claim her as his daughter when he abandoned them?
Ran quickly sat up and ignored the annoying voice in his head when he saw the three dots appear by K’s name.
K: she named your daughter Fuyumi. She has her mother’s last name.
Ran gave his message a thumbs up, acknowledging his message.
Why had he expected that Y/n would give their child his last name?
Reaching for his cigarettes, he was about to light one when he froze, remembering he quit because… he had not wanted to give his child and Y/n second-hand smoke.
Even if he was nowhere near them.
Grabbing the pack of cigarettes and lighter, he tossed it into the garbage.
Leaning back against his couch, he is once again, drowning in his own doing.
Mikey and Rindou have scolded him for making such a pathetic decision to end their relationship. He would never admit that hearing Mikey saying that he would never give up his woman regardless of his lifestyle.
But the damage was already done.
His phone dinged with another message.
Reaching over, he frowned when the notification was from K again, this time of an image.
He tapped on the image, waiting for it to load.
Ran sat up quickly, zooming in on the picture. His eyes scanned the document repeatedly.
For the first time, his heart warmed.
On the official documents of his daughter’s birth certificate, her middle name is listed as Haitani.
He didn’t realize he was smiling like a fool as he pressed down on the image with his thumb and hearted the photo.
His daughter was a splitting image of her mother and Ran thanked the Gods for it. The two things she inherited from him are his distinctive violet-hue eyes and blond hair. In some photos K sent her eyes sometimes changed, showing that she also inherited her mother’s blue eyes, sometimes a mixture of blue-violet.
Tapping the screen, he saved all these photos, adding them to the designated folder he created for his daughter.
His phone dinged and it was a message from Mikey, an image.
Ran’s eyes widened as he stood up abruptly, it was a photo of Mikey smiling broadly with his sixth-month-old daughter in his arms.
Mikey: She’s freaken cute, can I keep her?
Y/n didn’t fear Mikey as much as she should, considering he was a notorious gang leader many feared and the boss of your daughter’s father. She only met Mikey a few times and he treated her kindly.
Ran once said to her it was probably because she was the same age as his baby sister who passed away years ago.
She was surprised to see Mikey approach them at the park. Sensing fear from Mikey and his bodyguards, the other moms quickly gathered their children and took off.
Y/n pulled her daughter out of the baby swing and hugged her close. “Mikey.” She acknowledged, nodding her head at him.
He nodded in return, his eyes shifting to the baby in her arms. “Is she Ran’s?”
Y/n knew he knew the answer already, even if she did lie which she had no reason to, the color of her eyes and hair was a giveaway that she had Ran’s DNA running through her blood.
“Yes,” she answered quietly.
Mikey took a step closer and held out his arms, “is she picky? Can I hold her?”
“If you like, she is… a bit drooly.” Fuyumi stared at Mikey before he reached for her. She continued to stare at him, seeing a new face. “Her name is Fuyumi.” She wasn’t sure he heard her since he was having a staring contest with the baby.
“God!” Mikey snuggled her, “you’re so freaken cute. Thank goodness you look nothing like your dad.” He reached for his phone and looked at Y/n for approval, “can I send Ran a photo? So he knows what he’s missing out on?”
Y/n let out a hesitant laugh, “I’m sure Ran knows... he has someone following and protecting us and he sends Ran updates daily.”
“You know about K?” Mikey gasped, he looked at Fuyumi. “Do you know Uncle K?” He snaps a selfie with her. “Your dad is going to be so jealous that I got a photo with you before him.”
Y/n had a second change of heart but knew that Mikey had already sent the photo. She didn’t know how Ran would react.
Instantly, Mikey chuckled and looked at the baby in his arms, “that sounds awfully like your dad’s motorcycle…”
That’s when Y/n heard it, her head turning towards the sound of the roaring muffler. Sure enough, Ran’s motorcycle pulls up. Of course, he would know where Mikey is at all times in case he needed to get to Mikey at any time.
Y/n’s heart fluttered the moment he took off his helmet and their eyes connected even at a distance.
Ran stopped a few feet away from Mikey, eyes on his daughter. He swallowed the lump in his throat, unable to speak.
“Are you going to say hi to your daughter at all?” Mikey questioned, “I’ll take her if you don’t want her…” he smiled at Fuyumi, “I can be your da –“
“Mikey.” Ran snarl.
Mikey ignored his tone, continuing to talk to the baby. “As I was saying, I can be your daddy. I have blond hair – “
“We should get going,” Y/n intervenes, stepping forward to reach for her child. “It is almost time for her nap.” Y/n hugs her daughter close. She avoided looking at Ran as she muttered a goodbye, turning her heels towards the stroller.
She knew Ran was following them.
When she finally reached her apartment she whipped around to face him. Ran had his hands stuffed in his dress pants, looking handsome as ever in his black attire with his sleeves rolled up to his elbow. She cleared her throat and snapped, “you can go now.”
Instead of walking away, he walked towards her until he was in front of them. His eyes drop down to the sleeping baby in the stroller. “Can we talk?”
“No.” Y/n answered immediately. “I have nothing to say to you.”
“That’s fine, I have something to say to you though.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, “you had plenty of opportunities in the past to say something. It’s too late, excuse us.”
Ran was faster and blocked her from entering her apartment building. “We can do this the nice way, Y/n, or I can take you kicking and screaming, you pick.”
She flinched at his threat. Though he has never done anything to make her fear him that didn’t mean she didn’t harbor any fear for this man at all. She knew of some of the things he’s done and is responsible for, knew what he could do to anyone with the snap of his fingers.
Ran has only been in her apartment a handful of times. Most of the time, she was at his place.
Y/n was normally a clean and tidy person but her place was cluttered with toys and baby items.
He watched her carefully lift the baby out of the stroller, cooing gently and rocking her back to sleep but being disturbed, the baby began to fuss.
“It’s okay,” Y/n repeated quietly but the baby’s cry only increased. She looked at Ran before excusing herself, “let me go nurse her, I’ll be back.”
Ran nodded dumbfounded. His cheeks flushed as he imagined Y/n nursing their daughter, suckling from her tits just as he had once done.
Y/n returned with their daughter wide awake. Fuyumi stared intensely at Ran as he stood up from the couch and approached them. Being 6’2, he towered over the both of them put together. “She’s beautiful… like you.”
Ran was mesmerized staring into the same colored eyes as his own, his flesh, his DNA… his daughter.
Y/n cleared her throat, “talk.”
He had rehearsed what he would say to her the day he got the opportunity, and this was his one chance to explain himself with an ounce of hope that he could turn the tables. “I’m sorry,” he said genuinely. “I am sorry for my past actions, how it hurt not only you but our daughter as well.” He inhaled softly, “my actions hurt me too. But I can promise you, there has not been anyone. I had only kissed that woman that night to force you to end your connection with me and that was the stupidest decision I’ve ever made.”
“Yeah it was,” Y/n snapped, “I don’t need your apology now, neither does my daughter too.”
Her anger was expected, just as long as she didn’t hate him.
“I know you don’t need it, but I want to give it anyway. If you want to throw it away, that’s your decision.” He had to play his next card right. “Can –  I explain myself?”
She has never seen Ran vulnerable like this and she almost believes it’s genuine. “Fine, have a seat then,” she pointed to the spot he was sitting moments ago.
He listened obediently, watching her take a seat on the floor with their daughter. He wanted to sit near them but did not want to frustrate her. “It has always been you. As you know my job… my lifestyle isn’t exactly best fitted to become a father and I thought for the sake and safety of the both of you, it was the best decision to go our ways.” He placed both his palms on the coffee table. “That was another stupid decision and I regret it every single day. But there has never been anyone else, it’s only been you since the day I forced you to walk away.”
Y/n refused to make eye contact with him, only looking at her daughter and smiling at her.
Ran wasn’t sure she was even listening to him.
“Is that all?”
He shook his head, “no, I’ve been sending you money but you haven’t touched it and that made me frustrated so…” he swallowed the guilt. “I have someone secretly following you, he is tasked to protect you at all times, 24/7, and report to me about your daily activities… I’m sorry for invading your privacy and going behind your ba – “
“I know.”
“What?” his head snapped up, eyes wide as he stared into Y/n’s calm ones.
“I met him… K.”
His jaw dropped. “Mother fu –“ he stopped himself as his daughter turned her head to look at him right when he was about to swear. “I’m sorry, baby.” As if understanding him, she smiled brightly with a gummy smile. His heart nearly combusted.
“Don’t kill him,” Y/n looked at him with pleading eyes, “I caught him one day when I had pretended to have a stomachache. He was by my side instantly, confirming my suspicion. He didn’t reveal any information, but he answered my questions if I asked.” She looked away and reached for the toys her daughter was reaching for. “I had asked him not to tell you that I knew you assigned someone to watch over me. As much as I was hurt by you, it made me feel better knowing deep down, you cared even if it was a little bit.”
“So don’t kill him. He has become a friend to me.”
Ran wanted to kill him now knowing how close they’d become.
“Were you not curious how he was able to get such accurate details let alone photos of Fuyumi as if he was here in person?”
It all clicked in Ran’s head.
“I knew this guy was an expert at his job, just thought that this guy was just phenomenal at his job… only to discover he has become BFF with you.” His eyes drop to his daughter, “and my daughter too apparently.” He rests his elbow on his knees, covering his face. “God, I feel…” he sat up straight. “Y/n, I had all my shit planned out on what I want to tell you but I can’t remember sh – it. It. I can’t remember it now.” He stood up, walked around, and knelt before them, he grabbed Y/n by her shoulders. “Hit me all you want, be angry with me, and punish me for however long you want…” his hand shifts to cup her face. “Just don’t hate me and push me away.”
Y/n blinked dumbfoundedly, shocked at the Ran before her.
“I’ll do whatever you want, just… let me be part of your life again. And Yumi’s…” that was the name of his daughter’s photo album. “I may not have physically been there for you in the last months but K’s daily report made me feel as if I was. I will forever regret missing my daughter’s birth.”
Ran looked down when he felt something against his thigh. His daughter had pulled herself onto his lap. She looked up at him with curious eyes, almost admiring him. His gaze softened as he reached for her but froze, he looked up at Y/n, silently asking for permission.
“Yes, please…” Y/n had imagined if the day would come when Ran would hold their daughter.
Ran bit his lip, nervous, realizing he had never held a baby before, let alone been near one.
As if it was natural, he picked her up, holding her against his chest.
Y/n’s heart tightened watching them have a silent conversation. Ran’s smile softened as Fuyumi gently touched the Bonten insignia tattoo on his throat, her small fingers trying to grab at the design. A soft chuckle was elicited from Ran.
“You need to prove your worth to Yumi.”
Ran’s smile faded as he blinked at Y/n. “Yumi?” He repeated, “what… about you?”
Y/n broke eye contact, “you only need to work on your relationship with her.”
Ran visits his daughter almost every day and on the days that he could not, he would video-call her. He took pride in becoming one of her favorite humans. Her excitement when he walked through the door was all that Ran needed to make his day better.
“Hi Yumi!”
Hearing her father’s voice, the ten-month-old smiled brightly, flashing her solo tooth. She leaned against the coffee table, trying to reach for the TV controller that she loved more than her toys.
He picked up and spun her in the air, “did you have a good day?”
“Do you not see the bruise on the left side of her forehead?”
At Y/n’s words, Ran’s eyes widen seeing the new battle wound. “What did you fight today?”
“The TV stand and lost.”
“Losing is not in your blood, Yumi,” Ran scolded softly.
It was rare that Y/n would call him.
Especially when it was 3 AM.
“Ran, Yumi is running a fever and won’t go down. I – I need you to take us to the hospital.”
He was already pulling his pants on, “I’m on my way.”
Everything was a blur. He reached the hospital and barked for the nurses to look at his daughter. She was immediately taken away from Y/n’s arms and taken into a restricted area.
At that moment, Y/n turned to Ran, his arms wrapped tightly around her body. “It’ll be okay, she’ll be okay.”
Two days in the hospital passed by before they could finally head home. Yumi’s cheerful personality had fully returned.
During that time in the hospital, Ran stayed right beside them, only leaving to change and shower and would return. The first night, Yumi struggled and only slept well in the arms of her dad.
The image of Ran sleeping in the recliner with Yumi snoozing against his chest would forever be itched in Y/n’s mind.
“Home sweet home,” Ran sang, walking into the apartment. “Do you miss your toys?”
Y/n smiled, setting down their belongings. “Can you keep her busy while I put this stuff away?”
“Go for it,” Ran answered softly with a smile.
She returned fifteen minutes later and found that Ran had put Yumi down for her nap. She cuddles in the crook of Ran’s long arms.
Feeling her presence, he looked up and smiled and whispered, “she was playing when I noticed her head started to bob and she almost rolled over.”
Y/n smiled and whispered, “do you want to put her down?”
Slowly, Ran followed her to the nursery and set her down easily. When he turned around, Y/n was already gone from the room.
He found her in the living room, seated on the couch with her face covered in her hands. “Y/n?” When she looked up, her tear-streaked face had Ran kneeling in front of her in seconds. “What’s wrong? Why – why are crying?”
She surprised him when her arms wrapped around his neck, “I don’t know what to do without you.”
Ran sighed, relaxing in her embrace. He wrapped his arms around her waist. “It’s the same for me too, I don’t know what to do without you or Yumi.”
After a long pause, he couldn’t believe his ears when he heard her ask, “will you come back to us?”
He pulled away from her and gazed into her glossy eyes, he smiled, “I think the real question is, will you come back to me?” He has already stolen the heart of his daughter, he just needs to earn her heart this time around.
She choked back a sob and wiped her tears, smiling. “Yes, I’ll come back to you.” She cups his face before pressing her lips against his. “I hated you but I love you too much.”
“You can hate me just as long as you love me more,” he kissed her passionately, nipping her lip. “God, I love you too. I missed you so much… I never want to be apart from you or Yumi again…”
“I won’t let you go, there’s no turning back.”
“Done, I’m yours. Just as you are mine, forever.”
They stumbled into her bedroom, quickly shredding their clothes.
“Ran,” Y/n gasped, feeling him thrust into her. “God – I missed you…”
“I missed you too,” he murmured, slowly thrusting into her.
In silence, they both exchange soft gasps and moans, reminding one another why it’ll never work out with anyone else.
Their lips crashed against each other, making up for the lost time as their body continued to move in sync.
“Ran,” Y/n’s nails dug into his shoulder, “I’m so close… please… please let me cum…”
His lips pressed against her throat, teeth grazing against the skin. “Same – cum Y/n…”
Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and her arms tightened around his neck, “ah – ha… Ran!”
His hips tremble as he cums, filling her womb.
Ran buried his face in the valley of her breasts, “I – I’m sorry… I forgot a condom…” It was Y/n’s laughter that he lifted his head, blinking at her in confusion.
She runs a hand through his lilac-streaked hair, “if you impregnate me again, please just be with me this time around.”
He tugs her wrist and presses a kiss to her palm. “Promise.”
E/n: Sweet daddy Ran is something else.
>>> @queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
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WIBTA for giving away a concert ticket?
About a month ago, my best friend (29 F) of 15 years and I (28 X) worked together to buy concert tickets for our favorite band, Twenty One Pilots. In the general confusion of both of us trying to snap up decent seats, we both ended up buying two tickets each for a total of four. The pairs of seats are very far away from each other and the ones she bought are a shit view, which is why I insisted on still buying the ones I had in my cart.
Shortly after the purchases (literally same day) my friend decided to gift the two tickets she purchased to a couple of our friends as birthday gifts and promised to pay me back for the second ticket I bought. I wasn't going to ask her for the money, she just knows she's in a better financial position than I am and we got the best seats we could afford.
About a week later, we got into a fight that has snowballed into something massive. I fully admit to saying something pretty horrible that she took a lot of offense to (I know I am the asshole in this fight. That's not what my question is about). She has since stopped talking to me completely and told a mutual friend that the friendship might not be salvageable. Frankly, I think this is an over reaction because she’s not giving me a chance to apologize and never explained to me why she was upset. She claims I broke her boundaries without ever stating she had a boundary. It really hurts me that she is blaming this fight on her perception that I have unrequited romantic feelings for her, which my girlfriend is also upset and angered by. Of course I love my girlfriend romantically and my best friend platonically. But she won't hear me out and is twisting the facts to make me sound even worse to our mutual friends. But it is her prerogative if she wants to throw away our friendship. She doesn't owe me a chance to apologize or reconcile, no matter how I feel about it. I am making peace with that, slowly.
However, she never sent me money for the concert ticket. The date is months away, but I don't know if she'll want to reconcile in time for it. If I were her, I would be pissed about paying a shit ton of money for tickets and not be able to go. I have no clue if she would revoke her gift to one of our friends or not in order to go, she's not the kind of person to go back on generosity. She was my best friend because she's an amazing person, but right now, I don't want to sit next to her at a concert I payed to see. The way I see it, I have a ticket to give to whoever I want now that she refuses to be my friend.
I don't know if things will change before the concert. I know I'm a jerk for how I ruined this friendship, but would it be insult to injury to potentially prevent her from going to see TØP because of it?
WIBTA for giving away the ticket I initially bought for her?
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rottenpumpkin13 · 26 days
What's the worse fashion trend AGSZC followed?
• Shinra had a period where they tried to make Sephiroth (purposely) appealing to teenage girls, but this was unfortunately during Midgar's emo craze. Sephiroth had several photoshoots done where he wore heavy eyeliner. This wasn't sustainable as a daily look because Sephiroth was a developing teenager who ended up sweaty and with raccoon eyes after every assignment.
• The only reason Angeal stopped wearing Hawaiian shirts is because Genesis refused to be seen in public with him.
• Genesis claims to be too original and one-of-a-kind to follow trends. "If anything, I am the trend." Which means that if you mention the deep end of his emo phase—complete with heavy eyeliner to match Sephiroth's at the time—he will deny it.
• ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Zack: Hey, has anyone seen my jorts?
Sephiroth: Genesis found them in your closet, had a nervous breakdown, saged the apartment to, quote, "banish the entity that possessed you to purchase them" and then burned your jorts in a fit of rage.
Zack: .......
• ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Cloud: My ponytail phase is the worst fashion trend I've ever followed.
Zack: You mean the chocobo hair is supposed to be an improvement? Hahaha
Zack: .....haha?
Zack: Please don't murder me.
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