#i do not want to get struck by lightning!! shocker i know
skrunksthatwunk · 29 days
pleeeeeease cancel classes cuzza the rain pleeeeeease please pleeeeeeease
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squidos-goodies · 2 years
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SO I WAS THINKING ABOUT LINK’S AWAKENING— *record screech* WOW that got a lot longer than i thought it would so it’s under the cut now
tl;dr what if link’s awakening is actually the wind fish’s attempts to bring legend back from the brink of death and marin is, one way or another, a personification of the healing that he does on koholint so remembering her also becomes remembering that he can survive anything and even heal from it enough to move forward.
okay so idk what most people’s headcanons for why the wind fish yoinked legend are but i always assumed it was because legend had just been STRUCK BY LIGHTNING and was either dying from that or actively drowning. and then i started thinking about how you start with three hearts in link’s awakening and, like every other zelda game, get more hearts, better armor so you take less damage, and just generally grow stronger. while that is basic game design, i also like the narrative idea of the fact that legend is on the brink of death and this world that the wind fish built is half reminder of everything he still wants to do/has to live for (more adventures and falling in love, hopefully) and half metaphysical allegory for his recovery to help his barely-conscious brain keep track of what’s going on. right now i’m thinking that the nightmares are also a legitimate threat to the wind fish, being a creature of dreams and all, so it really does turn out to be a mutually beneficial relationship where they save each other’s lives. under this interpretation, as legend helps save the wind fish and protect mabe village, he’s also strengthening his spirit like those silent realms in skyward sword (his is less murdery because he’s half-dead okay give the kid a break) so by the time he’s gathered all the instruments of the sirens, he’s actually grown and healed and is now ready to wake the wind fish and face the real world.
anyway, this whole lens of looking at LA through made me think of marin as either like the manifestation of legend’s love/sense of adventure/optimism/anything he’s at risk of losing if he gets too jaded or as some persona the wind fish has kicking around (a character it made up? someone else whose life it tried to save but couldn’t so it did the next best thing and let them live on in its dreams? who knows) whose sole purpose at this point is to help heal any strays the wind fish happens to pick up. either way, marin becomes a manifestation/personification of the healing legend needs to do to survive this and her request to remember him is in part also a request to remember that he survived this so he can survive anything. marin becomes a symbol of hope and courage and someone he can think back to in his darkest hour to inspire him to move forward and i liked that interpretation a lot!! (total shocker, i know) and then these drawings were born!!! their goodbye becomes incredibly bittersweet (but more sweet than bitter) as marin fulfills her purpose and legend is now finally strong enough to wake up and return to the real world again. if we go under the first interpretation of what marin is, legend is also waking up with the knowledge that marin will always be with him as long as he never loses that spark of joy (though option two has her living on in his memories and that’s how she exists in the wind fish anyway so she’s still kind of always with him).
anyway that was my needlessly long ramble about link’s awakening headcanons to help explain this art i made. have a lovely whatever-time-it-is-for-you, friends!
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emmettspeakz · 4 years
Legend of Korra fic - Asami POV
Asami is feeling conflicted on her relationship with Korra and asks Katara for some advice. 
“I’m sorry about your--arm shocker thing,” Korra was saying as she carried Asami into Katara’s healing tent.
“Korra! We need your help out here!”
“I’ll be right there, Mako!” Korra called.
She turned to her girlfriend.
“I’ll be fine, go.” Asami told her. 
Korra looked at Asami to the exit and back again.
“She’s in safe hands, Avatar Korra, I promise.” Katara assured her. 
Korra sighed. 
With a quick kiss on the cheek, Korra was darting through the tent flaps and away from Asami. 
“Let me take a look at that arm.” Katara said.
Asami moved toward Katara’s healing pool slowly, holding her right arm in her left hand. She winced as Katara lay her hands on the burns from her arm device that produced lightning, the last remains of her father’s old technology, now destroyed forever. She could remake it, but it wouldn’t ever be the same. Even so, Asami was grateful she was alive. 
“You look upset Asami. Are you alright?”
Asami looked surprised at the question.
Where to begin? Asami thought to herself. Her device was destroyed, she missed her father, but really what bothered her was the constant that was Korra. 
“I-it’s nothing.” Asami told her. 
But Asami could feel Katara’s watchful eye on her, even while concentrating on her healing hands that were delicately placed on her right arm. 
Master Katara was working on her arm, the least she could do was make small talk. 
Asami sighed.
“Katara, can I ask you a really personal question?”
It was Katara’s turn to look taken aback. Usually when her patients didn’t want to talk, she didn’t push it. But Asami did need the conversation. 
“Sure, anything. What’s on your mind?”
Asami hesitated a moment before speaking. 
“Wa-Was it hard, y’know, being with Avatar Aang?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean putting yourself at risk. having to miss out on romantic dates so she can save the world, having to endure his little fan clubs. I mean how did you deal with all that?”
Katara gave Asami a sly smile.
“This is about Korra, isn’t it?”
“What? How did you know?”
“When you are as old as I am, you pick up a few things. But also I noticed you accidentally called my husband “she”. Are you and Korra together?”
“Yes, we are.”
“I’m truly happy for the both of you. Just as I was happy when Kya came to me about her first girlfriend. Aang was always accepting of everyone, just as the monks taught him. The traditions of the North and South Poles were old when I was young, so I know what it took for her to tell me. She’s my child, of course I loved her and wanted the best for her. But I’m guessing that’s not what you’re telling me?”
“You’re right about that.”
“I could tell when you came in that there was something else eating at you besides the burn on your arm. I know what it’s like dating the Avatar. I will tell you now that dating Aang was never easy, but I don’t regret our relationship for a single moment. I loved him more than I can ever put into words, but I won’t lie that it was hard on both of us. When the person you love the most has to put the needs of others above even your relationship, it seems to put you at odds to the rest of the world. You feel like you’re being selfish when you just want them all to yourself. Our relationship did suffer at times. Aang really grew up before we started dating of course, but that didn’t make things any easier. He had a duty to the Air Nation, to me, but also to the world. There was no choice in the matter. The world had to come first and that was hard on both of us--”
“I see...” Asami looked toward the ground, her eyes filling with tears. She wasn’t ready to give that up. She loved Korra more than anyone she’d ever known. 
“But we never forgot what we meant to each other. The Avatar’s duty is to the world, yes, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room in her life for you. When he could, Aang would always make time for us. He couldn’t do so always, but when he could he would always be there for me and our kids. I’m sure Korra will do the same for you.”
Asami was struck by Sifu Katara’s honesty and she felt her heart brimming with hope and happiness. There was hope for her and Korra yet. 
“Thank you Master Katara.” Asami said without pause, wiping her tears away. 
Katara finished her work on Asami’s arm. 
“You should be fine now, but I would advise against using that device again anytime soon. Allow yourself time to heal and don’t go back out into battle for a while. I promised Korra I would keep you safe so if you try to get out of my tent I’m gonna have to stop you.”
Asami couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“Won’t be a problem.” She yawned, curling up beside the healing pool to sleep. 
(Ahhh my first fic in a LONNGGGG time, even if it’s a oneshot! Please send me some prompts/sentences from something cute and gay and I’ll do my best to write a fic on it soon. Any feedback on this is greatly appreciated! <3)
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luthien-t · 4 years
One-Shots Challenge! 1-150
I need to find a way to get out of my writers block so I can finish ‘Resurfaced Memories’ So pls help me out
I write for Marvel, Star Wars, just send me your character and the numbers! <3
Rules: Followers send a number to your ask and you write a drabble using that sentence/prompt in your piece.
Take the long way around
Can you shut up for five minutes, please???
He’s been gone for quite a while
I can’t see anything.
I heard a noise.
Scary movies are for chumps.
You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.
The floor is lava.
Where’s my food?
I bet you feel like an artist
Did you ever clean the attic?
Can I be of assistance?
Get out of the way before I murder you.
I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship
You’re breaking my heart, babe.
Cry me a river.
Build a bridge.
Get over it.
Another credit card?!
It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!
When’s the last time YOU cleaned the bathroom?
I don’t know why I married you.
Have you ever lied to me?
If I trip over one more of your shoes, I’m throwing them all away.
Aren’t you supposed to be the adult?
I’m stuck! Help me!
I swear, I’m not scared.
What do you think a cupholder is for?
You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?
Turn that sh*t off!!!!
When’s that last time we went on a date?
I thought you didn’t like cats?
The door’s locked.
Remember when you were a kid and you ______ (insert memory)
I’ll just tell your mom on you.
I thought you were nice.
I had a dream about you.
I work pretty hard around here, but you get all the credit
What color do you like better?
Am I your husband or your taxi service?
Take notes, sweetheart.
This is where you impress me, right?
Pick up lines only work when I’m drunk.
I can’t believe you didn’t remember
If that makes me a child, so be it.
I could beat you up, you know that right?
Would it kill you to help people?
I bet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.
But, I said I love you.
Is it just me or is cold as hell in here?
I’m not weird, you’re just basic.
Just sleep with one eye open, that’s all I’m saying
Take off your shirt.
Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?
Way to go, kid.
I found the candles, we’ll be alright.
We could get struck by lightning, but you want to kiss in the rain.
You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?
…or we could make out….
I said “I HAVE AN IDEA!”
Down the hall, second door on the left.
I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mom warned you.
Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.
Are you even human?
We’ll talk later.
I’m afraid.
I thought there was time.
Can you just leave me alone?
I’ll carry it.
We’re not ‘fine’.
Are you really taking his side right now?
I like proving you wrong.
Girls can’t drive, plain and simple.
Who are you?
I think you need stitches
Must be a coincidence
Can you be romantic for once?
This is your fault by the way.
Nothing bad is going to happen, baby, I promise.
Excuse me for falling in love with you.
I have fans. More fans than you to be exact.  
I paid for half and you ate three-quarters.
I knew you’d be mad.
If you die, I’m going to kill you.
You’ve never smoked anything in your life.
You gave me a black eye.
Stop looking at me like that, weirdo.
What if it sinks?
Birds can’t fly without wings.
Sorry I’m protective over the things I love.
That SOOO classifies as a date.
No backsies.
You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.
I never liked it, I lied.
Remember, we have to get up early tomorrow.
Are you trying to flirt? Because, you’re embarrassing yourself.
Remember when we were dating and you _____
Be brave, sweetheart.
I’m sorry, but that was adorable.
You don’t hate me, quit lying to yourself.
You hear that? That’s the sound of my awesomeness.
She’s my daughter, I can read her diary.
That’s a fact, Jack.
Actually, I couldn’t care less.
I try my best.
Doesn’t make a difference to me anyways.
I’m glad you’re mine.
You look pretty good for your age.
You passed out for like an hour.
Delete it. Now.
You’re a jerk.
Are you high?
No, you’re MY bitch.
Ew ew ew. You’re so gross.
Spare change for the poor and lonely.
She’s 6, how can she scare you?
When’s the last time we ______
He’s spoiled rotten.
I can’t stay long.
There’s nothing we can do.
Do you ever stop smiling?
Step aside and watch a pro.
Never give him stuff like that!
You’re the one who left it laying around.
I’m a lucky girl. I’ll admit that.
Teach me how to play?
It’s called a prank.
Well, you’re a prick.
Good, I hope you feel bad.
You have cold, you’re not dying.
I have reasons. You wouldn’t get it.
I hope you have a cold shower.
You don’t mean that.
Sing to me, please.
Did you enjoy yourself last night?
Why do they behave for you?
Stop making your own rules.
Don’t open an umbrella in the house.
You know what happens when you assume things.
That’s open for discussion.
Oh, what a shocker, you have an excuse.
Be serious for two minutes, please.
I cheated.
What’s the biggest lie you ever told?
Pillows are over-rated.
Zombies aren’t real, I promise.
Are we lost or do you know where we are?
We started with one and now we have seven. You have no chill.
*Make up your own*
Happy Writing! Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!
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saveonesouls · 4 years
The Gods Aren’t Dead
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A/N: So thanks to @flairfatale​ I now have to write this little thing up, which is gonna be on AO3 too with their gifset here . I couldn’t help it because my creative mindset is back full swing and I’ve been writing and drawing nonstop for a while lol so here we are! I might make this a chapter thing? It will be interesting. For music for the feel I was getting-ish for each of them, here’s Athena and Ares’ songs! I’m finding good ones for Nemesis and Adonis for next chapter! ENJOY!
“I see you’ve taken on a nicer form than last time.” Ares’ lips curl into an amused smile.
“You’re one to talk. Now at least you can be called the Goddess of War and go toe to toe with Athena.”
Ares moved forward with her blonde hair swaying with the light wind that Adonis carried with her. “Like I would want to go and have a talk with her. She stared her blue eyes back into the brown ones that fell before her as her boots moved forward more and pressed against the rocks more into the dirt as they stood on a cliff, looking out to a town, a city. The sun was slowly falling from the sky and the moon slowly rising, the clouds were moving at it’s own pace, it’s own way as the two women stood their.
“So why did you choose this form this time around?”
“Huh?” Adonis turned her head to look at the blonde.
“What made you be female now? I’m curious.”
Adonis paused in thought. She never gave it much thought. She actually didn’t think she needed to answer something like that, if she was honest. In reality, she didn’t even know if a response was needed. Maybe Ares was teasing her, making her hesitate to insult her. After all, Ares was the one that attacked her, or him rather, a long while ago. Back in the old days.
“Adonis, it doesn’t have to have much thought. I’m just--”
“I felt better this way to give the idea of rebirth. Though I know my... beauty and desire role is still needed in some capacity.”
“To Aphrodite, you mean.”
Adonis sighed heavily. “I told you before, Ares. You won.” She turned her head as she pointed to Ares, revealing her hands from her dark cloak. “You can have her if she wishes to have you. She knows my eyes are for another and knows that this time around it is best she and I just... remain not romantically involved after the incident.”
“Which I apologized for.” Ares shrugged and they both fell into silence. It wasn’t until the feeling of a strong wind chill and a smell of what Adonis would only say as “olive” and Ares had turned and rolled her eyes. “Athena. So glad you could join us.”
The other grinned as she walked closer and hugged her the War Goddess. “Ares.” She then hugged Adonis and her grin grew. “Adonis. I see you’re fairing well.”
Adonis nodded. “Yes, I am. Living in this world has taught me a lot” Her eyes moved back towards the city below. “It’s why I called you two and one other.”
“Who?” Ares and Athena asked in unison.
The three looked over and there she was. Her red hair and all, the eyes dark like the many souls she’s taken, the many people she served justice, the souls the intimidated, put fear in, the ones that put fear in others of the evil deeds the brought about on the mortals.
“Nemesis...” Athena breathed.
“Lovely to see you all.” Nemesis walked closer and looked at Adonis and Ares with an almost shock but a new look took on her face. It was a mix of amusement and approval. “I see you two have changed. Trying a new look or something?”
“In a way.”
Ares and Adonis looked at each other and Nemesis just shrugged.
“Right, well. I’m here. What is this meeting about?”
“It’s not about dad is it? Because I swear--”
“No, Athena. It isn’t.” Adonis said and she let out a little huff. She was building courage to tell them, Athena could see it. Adonis wasn’t good at really telling things to others, especially to the likes of Athena and Ares, who to Adonis was more powerful than she was. Adonis looked up at the 3 sets of eyes looking at her and she spoke. “I think we should spend more time with the mortals.”
“What? Hell no!” Ares crossed her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow. “Why in Our Names would we do that? They are not ones we should meddle with. We have them bending to us, Adonis. We are their Gods, or... Goddess’ in our case. They barely deserve us being down here to help them.”
“Ares, you’re being a bit unreasonable.” Athena said with a little sigh. “Let Adonis explain.”
“Explain?! Explain that we should live among the people who are savages? Who are the ones who are just as helpless as their animals to us? They are at our feet. We shouldn’t have to stoop to their level!”
“Ares.” Ares looked at Nemesis, who was staring back. “They are not like the animals. They are smarter, intelligent. It’s why we do help them because they seek guidance to become better than what they originally are. Without them, there is no us.” Ares scoffed and turned away from them. “Typical as always, Ares: Short temper, quick to assume, full of rage and anger, and always want to cause violence and bring chaos with the mortals.”
“I do NOT--” Ares turned but then stopped herself. She took a deep breath and clenched her jaw, her blond hair moving out of her face.
“Going to prove my point, Rage Prince? Or shall I call you Princess now?” Ares felt a fire in his belly as Nemesis spoke with a smirk. But Nemesis continued speak but now towards Adonis. “Adonis, if we are to live among them my question is also of curiosity: Why?”
“Simple. It’s something Ares made a point of.” Adonis gulped and looked at Ares before her eyes moved to Athena and Nemesis. “They rely too much on us and the times are changing. In the end, there might be a point where we will have to disappear, have them think--”
“--We are dead.” Athena stated, accidentally finishing Adonis’ statement. Adonis gave an almost hesitant nod before Athena stood straight more and nodded. “I understand now. But what of Zeus? Does he agree with this move? Have you told him yet?”
“I have and he agrees.”
That was a shocker to all of them, Ares especially. Their Father, Zeus, the God of the Thunder, Sky, and Lightning, and the Ruler of Gods, actually agreed to something like this. Their father took being the Ruler of the Gods very seriously. He even took it as a way to try to sleep with anything, which Ares wish he lowkey didn’t but at the same time? They had a gut feeling Zeus wouldn’t have minded other than the fact of ruling in “secret”. Then again, Adonis knew more than what she was letting on, but she wouldn’t say. Ares almost wanted to shake it out of her, but knew best not to with Nemesis and Athena there. Anything Ares would do, they’d defend Adonis. She was the most unloved God after all, her own Father said it to her in battle when she was in her original male form. It struck deep with her, but never said a word. Now, it came a time that even the most unloved had someone telling her she needed to hide out to make the people not rely on them.
Adonis knew this and that was what to happen. They couldn’t abandon the post completely, but they needed a way to “hide”.
Adonis turned to look at Nemesis. “Yes, Nemesis?”
“If we do this” Nemesis started, biting her bottom lip in thought a moment before speaking again. “We should do it the right way in the most logical way possible.” Then she looked at Athena.
Athena blinked and then looked at Ares. “War.” Athena said simply and that caused the blonde woman that was her now known sister to smirk heavily. Athena could see even the bright blue eyes go dark.
“Oh... this is going to be fun.”
Many years passed since that moment. Many years where they changed their name thousands of times. Yet now in this timeline they knew exactly what to call themselves.
Bayley. The lovely Adonis who was loved by all, was kind, gentle, and beautiful. The God of Rebirth, The God of Beauty and Desire who gave a change to being a Goddess, but still knew they all referred her as a God, which she didn’t mind. it’s who she was before and now she was reborn in a new way, a comfortable way.
Sasha. The War Strategist, the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena. The one who plans before doing everything and anything she puts her mind to. That included protecting those who were in need.
Becky. The Goddess of Revenge, Justice, Divine Retribution, Nemesis. The one who plots after being beat, who plots when evil deeds are had. The one who would go to bat for anyone despite getting a hard hit to the face and their nose being broken.
And last but not least, Charlotte. The God of War, the God who turned to being a Goddess for his own reasons, the God who was unloved by all, who was ruthless, who was violent, blood-driven, angry... Was destructive, full of chaos. The first to punch first and ask questions later. The other half of Athena, many would say, in times of war and battle.
The four stayed close, for their own reasons. One might say because in reality, they blended oddly well together. One might say because Ares couldn’t live without Athena being around to bail him out and Athena couldn’t live without Ares to fight her battles with people who treat her badly. They both couldn’t live without Nemesis swearing up a storm at other people telling them they better “watch out before justice gets to them and gives them what for” and they all couldn’t live without Adonis.
Adonis’ light in her was infectious. The light in her was warm, was needed, was kind. Athena was used to some kindness, but with Adonis they all felt kindness for once. For once, Ares felt a sort of love with friendship, with a relation with family. Despite Adonis and Ares’ past together with Aphrodite, Adonis moved passed that. And Nemesis? When Nemesis was boiling in anger over someone hurting her and being down on herself, Adonis was there with strawberries she grew in the garden and talking with Nemesis about her problems and helping her.
So, they lived in somewhat harmony and that...
That was enough for now.
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theflashfics · 5 years
Drabble Prompts
Here I’ve compiled a list of sentences and prompts for short little drabbles. When sending these in please no more than three (3) prompts per message, along with no more than two (2) characters (female and male) from The Flash. Can be NSFW, fluffy, or otherwise. Hope you enjoy!
Take the long way around.
Can you shut up for five minutes, please?
He’s been gone for quite a while.
I can’t see anything.
I heard a noise.
Scary movies are for chumps.
The floor is lava.
Where’s my food?
I’m an artist.
I didn’t know you spoke French.
Can I be of assistance?
Get out of the way before I murder you.
I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship.
You’re breaking my heart, babe.
Cry me a river, build a bridge, get over it.
It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!
If I trip over one more of your shoes, I’m throwing them all away.
I’m stuck! Help me!
I swear, I’m not scared.
What do you think a cupholder is for?
You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?
Are you familiar with the concept of personal space?
I thought you didn’t like cats?
I’ll just tell your mom on you.
What kind of… dream?
What colour do you like better?
Am I your husband or your taxi service?
Take notes, sweetheart.
This is where you impress me, right?
Pick up lines only work when I’m drunk.
If that makes me a child, so be it.
I could beat you up, you know that right?
Would it kill you to help people?
I bet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.
But, I said I love you.
Is it just me or is cold as hell in here?
Just sleep with one eye open, that’s all I’m saying.
Take off your shirt.
Way to go, kiddo.
I found the candles, we’ll be alright.
We could get struck by lightning, but you want to kiss in the rain.
You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?
…or we could make out….
Is cuddling an option?
I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mom warned you.
Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.
I’m afraid.
Can you just leave me alone?
We’re not ‘fine’.
Are you really taking his side right now?
I like proving you wrong.
Girls can’t drive, plain and simple.
I think you need stitches.
Must be a coincidence.
Can you be romantic for once?
This is your fault, by the way.
Nothing bad is going to happen, baby, I promise.
Excuse me for falling in love with you.
I knew you’d be mad.
If you die, I’m going to kill you.
You’ve never smoked anything in your life.
You gave me a black eye.
Sorry I’m protective over the things I love.
That SOOO classifies as a date.
No backsies.
You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.
I never liked it, I lied.
Are you trying to flirt? Because, you’re embarrassing yourself.
I’m sorry, but that was adorable.
You don’t hate me, quit lying to yourself.
You hear that? That’s the sound of my awesomeness.
Actually, I couldn’t care less.
I’m glad you’re mine.
You passed out for like an hour.
Delete it. Now.
You’re a jerk.
Are you high?
No, you’re MY bitch.
Spare change for the poor and lonely.
Step aside and watch a pro.
You’re the one who left it laying around.
I’m a lucky girl. I’ll admit that.
Teach me how to play?
Well, you’re a prick.
Good, I hope you feel bad.
That’s not what you said last night.
I have reasons. You wouldn’t get it.
Take a cold shower.
You don’t mean that.
Did you enjoy yourself last night?
You know what happens when you assume things.
Oh, what a shocker, you have an excuse.
Be serious for two minutes, please.
Pillows are over-rated.
Are we lost or do you know where we are?
We started with one and now we have seven. You have no chill.
This can be our dirty little secret.
Play with my hair and maybe I’ll consider forgiving you.
Prove it.
Come say that to my face.
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jrpneblog · 3 years
A happy ending to a football horror story.
Well thats the Championship season 2020-21 done for us and for most North End fans I might venture to suggest it has not come a moment too soon. The pain of falling away from a play off place the season before was still fresh in the minds of North End fans as a July finish to the previous season saw only a six week break before League action started again. It`s well documented what happened in the first quarter of the season - crap at home with some headline results away from home. However as the late Summer turned into Autumn things really didn`t get a lot better although we did put one or two wins together at home but only at the expense of some poor results away. Brighton knocked us out of the League Cup in round 3 after we had thrashed Mansfield at home in round one and won away at Derby in round two. 
Our form was very inconsistent and Alex Neil was struggling desperately to find a winning formula but it was clear to all that the magic had gone and the team were in decline. The 3-0 defeat at home to Blackburn would undoubtedly have seen the end of Neil if there had been crowds inside Deepdale but there weren`t and he ploughed on. A shocker of a defeat at Wycombe in the third round of the Cup was compounded when Neil came out and said we had just seen why some of the players in his much changed team were not getting many games for the first team. It was shocking man management in my opinion and it was something from which he never recovered. 
The inevitable happened, I suppose when Pearson left for Bournemouth and Ben Davies got a headline move to Anfield although he hasn`t trouble the statisticians much to date. Fisher was sold to Middlesbrough in a strange sort of move as North End brought in Seven replacements on loan eventually giving Cunningham and Evans contracts. The other five looked either inexperienced or short of match practice but some of them were to play a big part later on. February turned into March as the pressure grew and a defeat at Middlesbrough when down to 10 men left a shit or bust home game against Luton Town in the middle of March. It was bust for Alex Neil with a 1-0 defeat and his inevitable departure 24 hours later.
Little did we know at the time but a new unassuming hero was about to emerge from the shadows as Frankie McAvoy (Alex Neil`s assistant) was offered, and accepted, the role of interim head coach for the remaining eight games. When Neil was sacked North End had 44 points from 38 games and the general consensus was that 52 would be more than enough and it left McAvoy with the task of getting 8 points from eight games. It was a tough start with Norwich at home on Good Friday and then a trip to Swansea on Easter Monday. Most had written these games off and were hoping to get something from the Brentford game the following Saturday. 1st, 5th and 3rd in your first three games looked damned tough but when a Brad Potts deflected shot in added time nicked a point at home to Norwich on Good Friday there, finally was hope. Little did we know at the time that we didn't actually need any points from the final eight games as Wycombe finished third bottom with 43, astonishing. The draw against Norwich put some life back into the squad and another added time goal at Swansea courtesy of the Swansea Captain, Grimes, saw North End jubilant. However we came down to Earth with a real bump the following Saturday as Brentford went Nap with North End chasing the game two down. It was a harsh lesson for Frankie but one he took on board and four wins and a draw from the last five games saw North End finish the season with an incredible 61 points. McAvoy had taken seventeen points from his eight games in charge which is promotion form in anybody`s book.
Just two days after the final game at Forest, Frankie was offered the job and duly accepted with Paul Gallagher retiring from playing to take up a full time roll coaching with the first team. Add to this the evergreen Steve Thomson, now working under his third manager at Deepdale, and you have a good blend of youth and experience in the management team and no doubt Gally will be bringing some new ideas to the party. Nobody can predict what lies ahead and North End were sad to see the five loanees go back at the end of the season. Iversen had been outstanding, Van Den Berg and, latterly, Liam Lindsay had been very good. Jayson Molumby and Anthony Gordon had played their part over the season but didn't get much of a look in with McAvoy. I don`t think it was because he didn`t want to play them but I think he had just found a formation (3-4-1-2) and a group of players who fit in well with that particular style. He didn`t change it much when he was winning and fair play to him for that as it makes his record to date look outstanding in the Championship. 
There is no doubt that the club will need to bring players in and I`m not exaggerating when I think it could be as many as ten although probably half of those will be loan players. Whatever happens Funtime Frankie has cheered us up, finally, after 12 months or futile unimaginative football under the previous incumbent. This must also be a massive opportunity for the club to get its act right off the field with a Fan-zone, a much enhanced Match day experience and some imaginative ticket pricing to encourage the fans back to Deepdale. No doubt some would say, and I am one of them, that an U23 or reserve side would do us no harm at all and actually help players reach the first team sooner. We say this every season and it falls on deaf ears but after Covid I honestly think that the club must stop taking for granted its 8000+ season ticket holders as this pandemic may have changed the football landscape for good.
And finally this week:- the Football world mourns the loss of a young 9 year old boy, Jordan Banks, struck by lightning as he watched his friends training at the Spirit of Youth Junior Football Club at South Shore in Blackpool. My thoughts and prayers are with this young mans family and friends and this stark, million to one chance event just brings home how fickle life is. 
Stay safe, God Bless and God willing we will all be back again on the 7th of August as battle recommences for North End and our 61st attempt to get back to the Big Time. 
JR`s HIGH FIVES - Final Returns on 36 selections                                                 
SEASONS STATS                                
Returns  £237.25    Stake £180.00    percentage profit  + 31.8%                         
Predictions 36   won 21   lost 15
0 notes
Drabble Challenge!!
Alrighty! I’m starting a new drabble challenge.  Send me a prompt number and a Star Wars character (movie-verse only please), and I’ll try to write a short drabble on it. Please note that not all drabble requests will be done, but I’ll do my best to do as many as I can.  Prompts are under the cut!
1.      Take the long way around
2.      Can you shut up for five minutes, please???
3.      He’s been gone for quite a while
4.      I can’t see anything.
5.      I heard a noise.
6.      You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.
7.      The floor is lava.
8.      Where’s my food?
9.      Can I be of assistance?
10.   Get out of the way before I murder you.
11.   I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship
12.   You’re breaking my heart.
13.   Cry me a river.
14.   Get over it.
15.   It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!
16.   I don’t know why I married you.
17.   Have you ever lied to me?
18.   If I trip over one more of your shoes, I’m throwing them all away.
19.   Aren’t you supposed to be the adult?
20.   I’m stuck! Help me!
21.   I swear, I’m not scared.
22.   When’s that last time we went on a date?
23.   I thought you didn’t like cats?
24.   The door’s locked.
25.   Remember when you were a kid and you ______ (insert memory)
26.   I’ll just tell your mom on you.
27.   I thought you were nice.
28.   I had a dream about you.
29.   What color do you like better?
30.   Take notes, sweetheart.
31.   This is where you impress me, right?
32.   Pick up lines only work when I’m drunk.
33.   I can’t believe you didn’t remember
34.   If that makes me a child, so be it.
35.   I could beat you up, you know that right?
36.   Would it kill you to help people?
37.   I bet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.
38.   Is it just me or is cold as hell in here?
39.   Just sleep with one eye open, that’s all I’m saying
40.   Take off your shirt.
41.   Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?
42.   We could get struck by lightning, but you want to kiss in the rain.
43.   You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?
44.   I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mom warned you.
45.   Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.
46.   Are you even human?
47.   We’ll talk later.
48.   I’m afraid.
49.   I thought there was time.
50.   Can you just leave me alone?
51.   I’ll carry it.
52.   We’re not ‘fine’.
53.   Are you really taking his side right now?
54.   I like proving you wrong.
55.   I think you need stitches
56.   Must be a coincidence
57.   Can you be romantic for once?
58.   This is your fault by the way.
59.   Nothing bad is going to happen, I promise.
60.   Excuse me for falling in love with you.
61.   I paid for half and you ate three-quarters.
62.   I knew you’d be mad.
63.   If you die, I’m going to kill you.
64.   You gave me a black eye.
65.   Stop looking at me like that, weirdo.
66.   What if it sinks?
67.   Sorry, I’m protective of the things I love.
68.   That SOOO classifies as a date.
69.   You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.
70.   Remember, we have to get up early tomorrow.
71.   Are you trying to flirt? Because you’re embarrassing yourself.
72.   Remember when we were dating and you _____
73.   I’m sorry, but that was adorable.
74.   You don’t hate me, quit lying to yourself.
75.   Actually, I couldn’t care less.
76.   I try my best.
77.   Doesn’t make a difference to me anyways.
78.   I’m glad you’re mine.
79.   You passed out for like an hour.
80.   Delete it. Now.
81.   You’re a jerk.
82.   Ew ew ew. You’re so gross.
83.   I can’t stay long.
84.   There’s nothing we can do.
85.   Do you ever stop smiling?
86.   Step aside and watch a pro.
87.   Never give him stuff like that!
88.   You’re the one who left it laying around.
89.   It’s called a prank.
90.   Well, you’re a prick.
91.   Good, I hope you feel bad.
92.   You have a cold, you’re not dying.
93.   I have reasons. You wouldn’t get it.
94.   I hope you have a cold shower.
95.   You don’t mean that.
96.   Did you enjoy yourself last night?
97.   Why do they behave for you?
98.   Stop making your own rules.
99.   You know what happens when you assume things.
100.                    Oh, what a shocker, you have an excuse.
101.                    Be serious for two minutes, please.
102.                    Pillows are over-rated.
103.                    Are we lost or do you know where we are?
104.                    We started with one and now we have seven. You have no chill.
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sueboohscorner · 6 years
#TheFlash Season 4 Episode 9 "Therefore I Am" Recap and Review
The episode starts with a flashback to four years ago. Devoe is a professor teaching bored students. The Mechanic comes in at the end of the class and they’re honestly adorable. He has a blueprint for his “thinking cap” and he asks her to build it.
In the present, Barry and Joe are in Devoe’s house. He grew up in South Africa, him and his wife met at Oxford, and then he moved to Central City. They ask him about the bus metas. He says Mina was a colleague and that she was animated, but no more than those who truly consider teaching to be a colleague. He also has a samurai painting that they ask him about. Feudal Japan is one of his areas of expertise.
Back at S.T.A.R. labs, Barry is the only one who thinks he’s the bad guy. This is definitely the most annoying thing about the episode because BARRY IS RIGHT AND EVERYBODY THINKS HE’S CRAZY. GRRR. ARGH. The team is going to check it out, just to cover their bases.
Flashback Mechanic has built the cap, but they have no way to power it. Fortunately, Devoe is watching Harrison Wells make a speech about the particle accelerator, the perfect power source.
Barry’s in his class and asks him more questions after it. Devoe claims not to remember where he was during the particle accelerator explosion and he prefers Lyft to the bus. Barry grabs the mug off his desk.
Caitlin gets his DNA off of it. He’s not a meta. Everything everyone has found on him makes him seem entirely normal and they think Barry’s off his rocker. He asks Cisco to Vibe the mug and he sees them eating dinner.
Barry and Iris talk outside. She thinks he’s nervous because of the wedding. Out of all people, at least she should believe him, but she doesn’t. Also, Spiderman reference!
Flashback to the night of the particle accelerator explosion. The Mechanic asks a question during Thawne Wells’ speech. He’s a fan of Devoe because he’s from the future and already knows what he’s going to do.
They go outside after the speech and Devoe puts on the cap. He gets struck by lightning and passes out. He eventually wakes up and says that he feels “enlightened.”
Barry gets called to Singh’s office. The Devoes are filing a complaint against him. Singh tells him to lay off. Devoe gives Barry a look as he leaves.
Iris comes to visit him and sees that he has a Devoe board. Barry tells her that his wife is his sidekick. She begs him to let it go.
Flashback to Devoe working on equations. He tells the Mechanic that he knows everything. Then he starts shaking and collapses.
Barry finds the camera in the Samuroid head and then goes to the Devoe’s house WITHOUT THE FLASH SUIT OR ANY SUIT WHATSOEVER. That’s just asking to get caught Barry.
Flashback to Devoe in the hospital. He has some super aggressive form of ALS, which means I really can’t hate him now. He has a year to live. He explains after the doctor leaves that his mind is sucking power from his body. She promises not to abandon him.
Barry tells the team about the camera and shocker, they don’t believe him.
The Mechanic has pictures of Barry because of course she does.  Singh suspends him for two weeks.
Barry is brooding when Iris gets him and sees the restraining order they filed against him.  They end up talking about the future, because she still thinks this is about the wedding.
Flashback to Devoe in a wheelchair. He wants the Mechanic to let him die. She refuses to do so. She’s designed the chair. I ship them so much y’all.
Barry goes to see Devoe at the University. Instead of calling the police, he admits to everything. When Barry asks why, Devoe says he has nothing to fear from him. Pride goeth before the fall man.
Barry tells everyone about this and they apologize.
Cisco gives him the name The Thinker and Wally comes back.
He’s battled a starfish? This is most likely a reference to Starro, who is an alien psychic starfish.
In the Thinker Lab, Devoe admires them like one admires a determined primitive species. Then the Mechanic plugs him and it’s the creepiest thing. She takes off the top layer of his head and the wires attach themselves to his brain. Only in a universe where there are psychic starfish does that make sense.
I’m annoyed that everyone thought Barry was crazy, but it felt like a necessary step, so I’ll let it go. Otherwise great episode. Now let’s get to the crossover. What what!  8/10
0 notes
luthien-t · 4 years
One-shots Challenge! 1-150
Drabble Challenge! #1 - 150
Ive been meaning to do one like this so I can practice my writings more!! SO SEND SOME IF YOU WOULD LIKE! Please specify if you want it to be fluff or angst or anything really.
I write for Marvel, Star Wars, just send me your character and the numbers! <3
Rules: Followers send a number to your ask and you write a drabble using that sentence/prompt in your piece. 
Take the long way around
Can you shut up for five minutes, please???
He’s been gone for quite a while
I can’t see anything.
I heard a noise.
Scary movies are for chumps.
You’ve gone to the bathroom fifty times today.
The floor is lava.
Where’s my food?
I bet you feel like an artist
Did you ever clean the attic?
Can I be of assistance?
Get out of the way before I murder you.
I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship
You’re breaking my heart, babe.
Cry me a river.
Build a bridge.
Get over it.
Another credit card?!
It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!
When’s the last time YOU cleaned the bathroom?
I don’t know why I married you.
Have you ever lied to me?
If I trip over one more of your shoes, I’m throwing them all away.
Aren’t you supposed to be the adult?
I’m stuck! Help me!
I swear, I’m not scared.
What do you think a cupholder is for?
You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?
Turn that sh*t off!!!!
When’s that last time we went on a date?
I thought you didn’t like cats?
The door’s locked.
Remember when you were a kid and you ______ (insert memory)
I’ll just tell your mom on you.
I thought you were nice.
I had a dream about you.
I work pretty hard around here, but you get all the credit
What color do you like better?
Am I your husband or your taxi service?
Take notes, sweetheart.
This is where you impress me, right?
Pick up lines only work when I’m drunk.
I can’t believe you didn’t remember
If that makes me a child, so be it.
I could beat you up, you know that right?
Would it kill you to help people?
I bet you can’t go 24 hours without cussing.
But, I said I love you.
Is it just me or is cold as hell in here?
I’m not weird, you’re just basic.
Just sleep with one eye open, that’s all I’m saying
Take off your shirt.
Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash?
Way to go, kid.
I found the candles, we’ll be alright.
We could get struck by lightning, but you want to kiss in the rain.
You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong?
…or we could make out….
I said “I HAVE AN IDEA!”
Down the hall, second door on the left.
I warned you. He warned you. Your freaking mom warned you.
Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.
Are you even human?
We’ll talk later.
I’m afraid.
I thought there was time.
Can you just leave me alone?
I’ll carry it.
We’re not ‘fine’.
Are you really taking his side right now?
I like proving you wrong.
Girls can’t drive, plain and simple.
Who are you?
I think you need stitches
Must be a coincidence
Can you be romantic for once?
This is your fault by the way.
Nothing bad is going to happen, baby, I promise.
Excuse me for falling in love with you.
I have fans. More fans than you to be exact.  
I paid for half and you ate three-quarters.
I knew you’d be mad.
If you die, I’m going to kill you.
You’ve never smoked anything in your life.
You gave me a black eye.
Stop looking at me like that, weirdo.
What if it sinks?
Birds can’t fly without wings.
Sorry I’m protective over the things I love.
That SOOO classifies as a date.
No backsies.
You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.
I never liked it, I lied.
Remember, we have to get up early tomorrow.
Are you trying to flirt? Because, you’re embarrassing yourself.
Remember when we were dating and you _____
Be brave, sweetheart.
I’m sorry, but that was adorable.
You don’t hate me, quit lying to yourself.
You hear that? That’s the sound of my awesomeness.
She’s my daughter, I can read her diary.
That’s a fact, Jack.
Actually, I couldn’t care less.
I try my best.
Doesn’t make a difference to me anyways.
I’m glad you’re mine.
You look pretty good for your age.
You passed out for like an hour.
Delete it. Now.
You’re a jerk.
Are you high?
No, you’re MY bitch.
Ew ew ew. You’re so gross.
Spare change for the poor and lonely.
She’s 6, how can she scare you?
When’s the last time we ______
He’s spoiled rotten.
I can’t stay long.
There’s nothing we can do.
Do you ever stop smiling?
Step aside and watch a pro.
Never give him stuff like that!
You’re the one who left it laying around.
I’m a lucky girl. I’ll admit that.
Teach me how to play?
It’s called a prank.
Well, you’re a prick.
Good, I hope you feel bad.
You have cold, you’re not dying.
I have reasons. You wouldn’t get it.
I hope you have a cold shower.
You don’t mean that.
Sing to me, please.
Did you enjoy yourself last night?
Why do they behave for you?
Stop making your own rules.
Don’t open an umbrella in the house.
You know what happens when you assume things.
That’s open for discussion.
Oh, what a shocker, you have an excuse.
Be serious for two minutes, please.
I cheated.
What’s the biggest lie you ever told?
Pillows are over-rated.
Zombies aren’t real, I promise.
Are we lost or do you know where we are?
We started with one and now we have seven. You have no chill.
*Make up your own*
Happy Writing! Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!
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