#i don’t know too much about what happened with the stranger things fandom i have not watched it but apparently it was bad
stormsandskies · 1 month
i think it’s so interesting watching people begin to get into and see fandom spaces more now that the internet exists. fandom spaces are really just that a space for people who are fans of something to discuss and show off their own fanwork, but as the internet has grown so have those spaces. and some spaces are really small but some are really big and that’s really what i want to talk about.
big fandom spaces are awesome because you can meet so many amazing people, however if you’ve ever been in a fandom space before you know there is that 1% of weirdos who most people really do not like. in a fandom space of 10,000 you’ll probably have about a hundred weirdos and those weirdos voices can often be a lot louder then the other 9,900 but when you’re in a fandom space with 100,000 people or 1 million people suddenly those one hundred voices become a lot louder and more noticeable, especially to those outside the fandom spaces. because of this, this is how the fandom is starting to be viewed. my best example of this is really Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift is possibly the biggest artist of our time, she has millions of fans and again with fan spaces there comes weirdos, there comes assholes. those are the voices that people hear not the others who in general have been perfectly lovely while interacting with them. you do not have to interact with the weirdos, hit “not interested” or block them or scroll away but you are not required to interact with them nor are you required to interact with a fandom space at all if you don’t want to. hell you do not have to even interact with the source of the fandom at all, I don’t like “Friends” so i don’t watch it, very easy really.
i think we saw a lot of this with Stranger Things as well when it got a really big fan space and a really big audience, people who had never had experience with fan spaces began their complaints about the fandom now some of it was normal fan things like cosplay of characters which happens in almost every fandom if they have characters to cosplay as (think ATLA, Critical Roll, literally any anime) but they were also declaring the whole fandom bad because of a few weirdos, because the weirdos voices were louder.
i’m not saying you have to enjoy the fandom or the fandoms source, but understand how to just block or ignore and move on is really important. and understanding the fandom is not all terrible people, it’s usually just a bunch of people connecting over a shared love of something. outwardly yelling about how much you hate Taylor Swift and swifties or yelling about how much you hate Stranger Things and their fans makes no sense. you don’t like it, don’t interact with it. the world is not perfect and neither are fan spaces or their sources, and they do not care that you do not like them.
let people live god dammit
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celestie0 · 11 days
hello, my lil smut for ch 10 enthusiasts!
i know most of you are here for porn without plot, with little to no care about the plot, but let me get something very straight to you: ellie has mentioned before that kickoff is a slow-burn, it’s in tags too (cue: go check them out).
you might be wondering what a slow burn is (i fully believe you have slow comprehension skills, it’s fine, i myself am dyslexic), but for your ease here’s a number of definitions of slow burn from google:
A slow burn is when the romantic attraction between characters builds slowly over the course of a novel or series.
— bookriot.com
If something is a slow burn, or if it happens on a slow burn, it develops slowly.
— collinsdictionary.com
The slow-burn genre in movies is typically characterized by deliberate pacing, restrained storytelling, and a gradual buildup of tension and suspense.
— collider.com
Slow burn love is a love that goes beyond the initial spark of attraction — it is, as the name suggests, a kind of love that requires time and attention, but that can also last.
— slice.ca
next time, i would suggest you all should use google to search for terms you do not understand the meaning of, or better yet when you do understand something (which i am sure you do), you must always consider it and the feelings of the writer before you send insensitive asks to them.
moving on, you all are in fact very horny and need to get laid instead of asking ellie or anyone to write you smut. ellie had specified multiple time that kickoff chapter 10 will not have any amount of smut in it. if you want to read smut jjk fandom is very horny there are at least 2000 smuts of gojo satoru on tumblr and ao3 alone, you should read those. very easy to find them.
anyways, here are the reasons why smut in chapter 10 of kickoff is bad idea:
reader is an introvert, she’s not weak, not insecure, she is an introvert. i am not saying introverts don’t hook up because they do so. but reader is not the kind to hook up the first chance she gets.
reader and gojo are not just two people who are lusting after one another, their feelings are both emotionally and sexually very strong for each other and they respect one another a little too much to jump in to fucking each other and ruining their relationship before it even begins. why will it be ruined? because they both have not bonded as much as you all would like to pretend they have.
it is one thing to have sex with a stranger or a friend you find attractive and not let it interfere with your relationship with a person than doing the same with someone you are interested in. when you like someone, there are emotions involved. there is a lot more that satoru and reader need to sort out before they should consider sex.
they want a long lasting relationship with each other, rushing into sex will hinder that, because when you rush into things you do not let them develop with the ease and smoothness that they would have had had unnecessary stress not influenced the they. for a relationship to be successful, the foundation needs to be strong. you do not build a foundation by fucking each other’s brains out but rather by doing other mature stuff like bonding through conversations and emotional and significant gestures.
remember when reader walked out of that washroom leaving satoru with blue balls? remember when satoru refused to touch her when reader when asked him to? yes, you are invalidating their entire personalities by asking them to fuck each other already.
they each have a personality, and neither falls in the bracket of fucking the person they want to spend their lives with without letting the relationship marinate enough to last.
they began fresh in chapter 9, where reader made it very clear that satoru needs to reassure her of his feelings. you are not reading the same fic that most readers are if you think they have been together for a long time now, because trust me the last 4 chapters have been anything but smooth sailing between them. if that is your definition of “been together for a long time”, maybe reconsider the relationships you have in your present lives because it requires revaluation.
when they established starting afresh, it meant they will rebuild their bond, which means that they will need to go back to square one and start to focus on one another in order to strengthen their bond and state their feelings in a more tangible manner.
when ellie wrote this fic, she created an outline of the plot, the events that would take place and their sequence; you expressing your disappointment will do nothing but demotivate her and it will definitely not make her write that smut for you.
this is ellie’s fic, and the plot in her fic does not allow her to write smut in chapter 10. done.
a bonus:
if you’re asking reader to make gojo jealous maybe consider the fact that they have indeed established semi-exclusivity, and in order to build the foundation of a relationship you need to act petty like pulling cheap stunts to make the other person jealous.
i need you to realise that kickoff is a rather realistic, non-toxic piece of fiction where two people who are into each other are not going to fuck before reassuring the other of their feelings.
wait patiently, and the good will come to you. if you can’t do so and would prefer to send ellie hate, send in passive aggressive messages to make her characters have sex, or give her backhanded compliments disguising your demand for the couple to fuck, you should:
use your creativity, your knowledge of english and write a smutty fic.
go ahead and read one of thousands of other gojo smut.
stay quiet and keep your opinion to yourself, kickoff is free for you. ellie is not your provider, she is sharing the fic with you. if you want her to do something that desperately, negotiate a commission.
anyways, kickoff has healed me.
some of you loudmouthed ones may not care about plot, just the smut, but most of us are here for the plot. we like the plot, we like knowing what’s going on in the lives of the characters. we enjoy their lives, we grieve their loses. let the experience be fun for us and ellie, and leave if you cannot behave in a civil manner.
the only things that’s acceptable of you readers are constructive criticism and love. if you don’t have either of it to give, kindly quieten yourself and close the tab. leaving the fic would be easier than being frustrated over it.
apologies for the mistakes, the ask was written and sent in absolute rage over a small fraction of you very insensitive people.
flowie, i could cry. seriously idk how you manage to know my own story more than i do LOOOL but i swear every time that you reflect so deeply on kickoff, it has me in awe and in tears because i just feel so seen by you. and thank you SO much for standing up n making these points, because they are points that i've really wanted to make but was just too scared to, and i feel so safe to see that you've written this out for me in my defense 😭😭😭
those definitions of slow burn had me tearing up so bad idk why sdfkjdshfklj i think because they take slow burn as more than just "oh two characters wait long time to fuck" and make it into something more, and honestly even i needed to have that put into perspective for me! thank you so much :'')
your understanding for my characters 😭😭 i just i canttskfksjdf. i totally agree 100% w all your points, and they completely align w the creative direction i want to take w my story. i KNOW that sex can be spontaneous, and doesn't always need to be goody goody and within the confines of a relationship. i have enjoyed so many stories where sex is wild n toxic n crazy, because i just think it fits the VIBE of that specific story.
but i've tried to show time n time again w kickoff characters specifically that they aren't as inclined to act on their libidos, at least not when they truly care about someone else AND when they're trying to look out for themselves (like the examples you brought up, w reader putting her foot down during the bathroom sex scene. or when gojo refused to touch reader in the hotel room bc he knew that she would regret it in the morning)
i knowww that readers have different perspectives on these scenes, and i LOVE that. there's absolutely no right or wrong way to interpret a scene, because stories are inherently subjective and are meant to be enjoyed that way. i have interpreted scenes in my own favorite stories very differently from maybe what the author had in mind, or what other readers had in mind. but what i find really upsetting about people expecting me to include smut prematurely is that it makes me feel like you're not really reading my story for what is is, and rather you want me to make it into something that YOU want, disregarding all of my other attempts to really try n show my readers who these characters are. if reader was spontaneous or if gojo was careless, and these traits were shown in the story, then maybe i could understand certain expectations, but i've tried to put thought into showing their personalities, and for certain readers to entirely gloss over it and move straight to "SEXSEXSEX" is really disheartening, n yes demotivating for me as well.
there's a difference between "oh my god it would've been so hot if they fucked in that bathroom, but i guess it makes sense why they didn't...can't wait for them to slut each other out eventually tho!!" and sending me a direct ask that just says "i am so disappointed you're not gonna make them fuck in the next chapter, even though you've spent the past two months working on it and it's 80 pgs long and you haven't even released it yet but i'm still going to be passive aggressive n find fault w it because! me want sex!! me want sex!!"
i think deeply about my stories because they are personal to me. it's like journaling essentially LOL. i've mentioned before that kickoff is an ode to a painful situationship i had my first year of college, and i've also mentioned that reader is based off of a very close friend of mine who i love very dearly n i feel so bad that she doesn't believe in herself at times, and i wanted to show her how much i'm rooting for her through my story. i figured, well if i'm going to write a story, might as well share it w others and i'm a horny bitch so of fucking course there's gonna be smut.
like it's a win win situation for everyone i think?? i get to write what i want, i get to share what i want, n i get to entertain my lovely lil readers, n we all get to interact w eachother n make cute lil headcanons n talk about our days, n then we move on w our lives until next time?? why can't it just be like this, lol. i think if some people just really toned down their entitlement, then the writing community as a whole would thrive.
ANWYASY sorry flowie i didn't really direclty respond to your words, kinda went on a rant here, but tbh i think you said everything i wanted to say :'') so thanks bb <33 LOVE YOU SO MUCH
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thatmooncake · 1 year
Obsessed with how Sun fits so much of himself into such a tiny space.
I mean first of all, literally.
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He’s gonna have to surgically detach his rays from that slide.
And then we have his living space, the Superstar daycare. Big at first but when it’s the only place you can seem to access while others get free roam of half the building or even get to go outside of it? TINY. The outside world is unfathomably HUGE in comparison. And everyone he comes into contact with has basically seen so much more of it than he has. And that must feel so impressive to him but at the same time so strange and …maybe somewhat limiting? Like no matter how hard he tries to relate or understand from his little corner, others have experienced things firsthand that he probably never has. Things he’s read to kids in storybooks and sang songs about but never seen up close.
And we know that in some sense he likes things to be just so. The barrels are aligned. The lights stay on. That’s the only way he feels safe. So I imagine his own limited perspective when he comes face to face with people from the outside world feels kind of scary to him in a way.
And despite the daycare being his domain, people encroach upon his space without warning, and he plays along. All of a sudden there are people and he must deal with them accordingly and he must act in a certain way no matter how he feels about it and how much stress he’s put under (for example, continuing on with playtime despite the whole situation with Moon, perhaps because he has to, or he wants to, or he has nothing else - maybe all of the above).
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^ Look at his little room! It makes me sad. I don’t know if Moon ripped up all the bots that are scattered over the floor or if Sun did or if someone else did but the fact is the place looks so depressing compared to most of the Glamrocks’ rooms it’s painful. Here we have two of the most neglected robots in the pizzaplex and they carry on like that doesn’t matter, but we know Sun knows that something is very wrong so even if this is the norm for him and even if he’s used to it, the more broken bits and pieces he encounters the more it must be killing him because every day when he’s done entertaining the kids or pretending someone’s going to show up that day (depending on if the daycare is closed or not) he goes back to a permanent reminder of just how messed up things have become.
And he seems SO HAPPY to see a stranger from outside of that little room. No matter how you look at that, it’s pretty sad. Is he faking his enthusiasm? What a frustrating and stressful situation that must be to be at the beck and call of someone you don’t genuinely want to be around and act like you’re their new best friend. Is he actually excited? What a stressful situation that must be too, only for any semblance of control you had to be abruptly torn from you as you’re forced to switch when the lights go out, clearly horrified by what’s going to happen all the while because you know it won’t be good for anyone.
Does it hurt when he switches? I’m fascinated by Sun’s relationship with Moon. It’s played in so many interesting ways by the fandom. Are they two separate people? Are they like roommates who share a body? Are they two aspects of the same AI? They’re so versatile and I love it. I love all the takes there are on their personalities. Sun? Silly, goofy, playful, ray of sunshine, bundle of nerves, parental, fiery, bossy, strict, the embodiment of anxiety, and so on. Moon? Prankster, gremlin, sleepy, calm, collected, grumpy, silly, catlike, etc. I love it when they get along and I love it when they don’t. I have so many feelings about them both and it’s less that I want to know the truth about them (if there is such a thing) and more I just like exploring every avenue because they’re just really fun and fascinating characters.
And THAT SYMBOLISM. Wow. The sun and moon themes give you so much to play around with. So many metaphors and so many things you can plaster the surfaces of your house or the background of your phone with that make you think of them. The moon’s phases. The way the sun sets earlier in the winter. Would Sun get tired more easily in the winter? Does Moon have a blue moon phase that makes him feel down at the drop of a hat? Because same, guys, same.
Not getting over these guys any time soon I guess.
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mhsdatgo · 4 months
Since GOT they’ve been using rape and abuse to humble or break a woman/Girl because they aren’t the “right” kind of woman. They don’t ride a dragon or yield a sword. They don’t fight against their period typical role in life that they were born and raised in. They’re not “A guys girl” or the “I don’t have any girl friends, they’re too much drama” types who prefer the company of men to women, who would rather train with a sword and not learn embroidery. They don’t have dialogue that vaguely sounds more 21st century than Middle Ages.
These women are seen as of less value than our little dragon riding, sword and fist fighting tomboys. So they need to be taught that if you had just been more like this or more like that you wouldn’t have been brutalized and abused. The things that were done to you by other people is all your fault and you deserved it.
This show/franchise is not even in the same room as feminism.
👏👏👏 Nothing more to add anon. No lie was told.
The sad thing is, this is not what I got from the books of asoiaf at all. Women's experience was never told in juxtaposition to others. There is no humbling or brutalizing other women as a "punishment" for not being better, more rebellious, or bolder than others. The books tell stories of suffering and that's it. The way shows and fandoms decide to try and force other characters into another one's story for the sole purpose of comparing them so they prove that stanning one means having a moral high ground over another character's stans is the most idiotic thing to ever have happened among fandoms, to say the least. Especially when the two characters in question don't even know each other.
Just look at the way Sansa and Dany are treated in the fandom. Have a shot for every time Sansa in King's Landing is called a tradwife as if this wasn't a girl in middle school trying to survive they're talking about, or for every time she's called jealous of Dany. Imagine if a stranger girl with three dragons cames knocking on your door demanding that you and all of your people and their mama bend the knee to her and you are the jealous one and the villain because you just... Don't? Also, you deserve to be threatened with death when you pose a reasonable question, and you need to take it and be better and shut up. Then you're a "girls' girl" deserving of respect, etc.
We want strong female characters to think for themselves, except when that "thinking for oneself" isn't the same thing as kissing the ground the fan favourite girl walks on.
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If only fandoms paid more mind to what makes a character likeable or unlikeable in their eyes BASED ON THE CHARACTER ITSELF, and not on their perspective on their faves, interacting with them would be way more fun. Books/shows like asoiaf/GOT or F&B/HotD aren't places where you just choose a character you like and that's it, she's an icon she's a legend and she is the moment. If it was, it would either be a story for kids or a hell for Mare Sues' fans. As long as you treat asoiaf characters like deities that can do no wrong and everyone else as villains in need of redemption, you should step back and read something else.
This is something that needs to be accepted even between writers and directors, btw. Just look at what F&B was turned into. Girlboss vs Girlfail. Blacks got the Girlboss, the virtuous rightful heir, good mother fine ruler, Greens' got the Girlfail, the rape enabler, the boy mom, the tradwife, you name it.
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No, it doesn't matter that the latter is doing everything she can possibly do. She was a piece of shit the moment she stopped toiling behind the former because everyone is meant to be like or kneel before girlboss with dragon. Only then are your ambitions respectable. If not, fuck you, you're nothing. Everything that happens to you is your fault. I'll be in the front seats cheering for when everything you love is ripped brutally from you.
Even when your grown-up son rapes a maid. Even when girlboss with dragon threatens to put your people to the torch because you won't bend the knee.
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TL;DR: There's no need to compare/stone certain female characters for being what they are instead of a completely different type. If all of them were tomboyish with swords or feminine with embroidery, it would be boring. You aren't better than anyone for having preferences. Also, learn how to blame men when they fuck up. It's great for the bowel.
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moondustpugh · 4 months
Is It Over Now?
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Fake dating your flatmate, Joe, should be a simple thing. It meant you get to help get his ex back, and it meant you get to stop your parents' nagging about bringing someone home for once. But what happens when fake dating turns into something unexpected? Now, what?
Author's Note: I'm sure you all remember this unfinished fic. I'm back in this new blog. I'm setting my boundaries. Anons are off in this blog. I'm here to have a good time and that means no hate or drama from the fandom. I'm simply here to enjoy my writing and share it with everyone. Please read this for more info.
Disclaimer: Mention of violence, 18+
Wordcount: 3.7K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
You knew going home for New Years was a terrible idea because when did you come home, and it ended up being a good quality time with your parents?
All weekend, all you heard was your mum nagging about every detail of what was wrong with your life. You sat there on the dining table as she cooked dinner for the four of you. Your dad watching some sports on the television, and your younger brother sitting next to you, giving you a “just tuned her out” look. As if you haven’t done that all your life. 
“Did you know my friend’s daughter lived with her boyfriend for two years in the same flat, and he stabbed her in her sleep?” Your mum gave you her wide eyes.
“Mum!” Your eyes widened, disbelief that she had told you that. “I don’t think it's appropriate to talk about this.”
“Well, I’m just saying!” Your mum shook her head, sliding the chicken in the oven. “If her own boyfriend had stabbed her, how sure are you that you’re safe with that flatmate of yours?”
You rolled your eyes, hearing your brother chuckle next to you. 
“Wait, is she okay though?” Your brother interrupted. 
“She’s fine. Good thing she was rushed to the hospital right away.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose as your brother and your mum talked back and forth about the incident that happened. Meanwhile, your dad was just shutting the three of you out. Your brother was your mum’s favorite, especially now that he went through a divorce. She had babied him even more. She would say she felt sorry for him for going through such a shitty and rough divorce. Your dad, however, loved to nag your brother just like what your mum does to you every time. He would tell him how he shouldn't have married too early. That he only knew her for a year and decided that he was in love when he wasn’t in the first place. 
“I’ve been with Joe for a year. He’s fine. He’s barely home anyway.” You argued back.
Your mum let out a loud scoff, wiping her hands on the kitchen towel as she started working on the mashed potatoes. 
“You only kept that flat because you keep spending your money on unnecessary things!” Your mum has now found a new excuse for her complaining. “That's why you can’t afford your own flat. I mean look at Sara… She and Abby just bought a new place, and they got married.”
Oh no.
Here comes the marriage subject. 
You knew she was slowly creeping that subject in this conversation. She always managed to find a way to bring it up, and you should have seen it coming already. You and Sara have been best friends since college, and she has grown pretty close with your family. She got engaged last year with Abby, whom she met at an art gallery three years ago, and they got married just a few months ago. Though, before all that, you and Sara were flatmates. She moved out a year ago after getting engaged and started living with Abby. You, on the other hand, had found—you thought— a perfect flatmate. 
Joseph Quinn from that famous Stranger Things show. He was looking for a flatmate—you didn’t know why since he could afford it himself— and you thought it was perfect since he was barely home, and you could have the flat all by yourself most of the time. He wasn't too much of a hassle most of the time, and he knew how to treat your own boundaries well. It was perfect. 
Atleast to you. 
“Hate to burst your bubble, mother, but a flat in London is very expensive these days. I haven't been spending my money on unnecessary things.” 
“Maybe put that flatmate to use and get with him instead.” Your mum murmured under her breath, but you heard it loud and clear.
This woman was going to drive you nuts for the rest of the weekend. Was she that desperate that she was literally suggesting for you to get together with Joe? The woman was mad. 
“What?” Your mum gave you a look as if what she just said was not something so inappropriate. “You’re almost 30, and you don’t have a boyfriend nor have you brought anyone home at all.” 
You rolled your eyes, leaning back on your chair. You were 28 years old for fuck’s sake. She didn’t understand how hard it was to date someone out there these days. Besides, you liked your independence. You liked doing things on your own. You liked the way everything was in your life right now. You didn’t need to change that. 
“You two have been flatmates for over a year, and you’re telling me you two haven’t had sex?”
Good lord.
You got up from your chair, shaking your head. You couldn’t take anymore of this conversation with her. She needed to go get checked out or something because the woman was insane. Mental for sure. 
“Mum!” Your face was all scrunched up with the idea of you and Joe doing it. “I don’t like him like that! Also, just so you know, he has a girlfriend.”
“A girlfriend?” Your mum’s eyes widened. “And they don’t live together? That’s not going to last.”
“It’s his life, mum. Let him live the way he wants it to be.” You made your way towards the kitchen doorway. “Just like how you should let me live my own life.” You mumbled under your breath.
“Stop being so stiff and having an attitude with men all the time. That’s why no one asks you out.”
You sighed and paused in your tracks, turning to face your mum. You were ready for this conversation to be over.
“I’ll try.” You told her with a sarcastic hint in your voice before walking out of the kitchen, hearing your brother letting out a sigh. 
You knew he was frustrated for you too because he felt the same when it came to your father. Both of you dealt the same shit like this from your parents your whole lives. It wasn’t a surprise that the both of you were quick to move out of the house the moment you both graduated from secondary school. 
You flopped yourself on the sofa next to your dad, exhaling a sharp breath. The thought of you and Joe appeared in your mind, and you just couldn’t imagine it at all. You didn’t even know Joe well enough for you to like him like that. He was just your flatmate. A nice guy whenever he was around. That was all. 
“Mum bothering you?” Your dad interrupted your thoughts.
“Oh, you know, like always. She’s getting more and more inappropriate these days.” 
Your dad chuckled softly, taking a sip of his beer, his eyes were still laser focused on the game in front of him. 
“So, do you have a boyfriend at all?” 
You couldn’t help but let out a groan and threw your head back as soon as your dad mentioned that question. It was like you couldn’t get away from that subject at all in this house. You got up from the sofa and headed upstairs to your old room and stayed there until it was time for dinner. Your dad wasn’t as harsh as your mum when it came to conversations like these with you, but you were so sick of it. So sick of hearing the same question.
Why couldn’t anyone understand that you were fine being single? It wasn’t like you didn’t like being in a relationship. You were just bad at it, and you weren’t actively looking for one at the moment. You were too focused on your career, and why were they so adamant about you getting into a relationship when the both of them would fight all the time anyway? They couldn't even handle their own marriage well. Even now, they would argue in front of you or in front of their friends with no shame at all. It was stupid and ridiculous. 
How did they expect you to be in a relationship and deal with all that shit? 
It was all so terrifying.
You didn’t need that kind of shit in your life right now. You were perfectly fine being alone and just hanging out with your friends. You were fine meeting some man at the bar sometimes and maybe a little hookup but that was it. No strings attached after. Just a little bit of fun for a night. 
Coming home to your flat after that chaotic and terrible weekend at your parents’ house, you were so glad to be back in your own place. All you thought about the whole ride home on the train was how your bed was already calling you. You were ready to cuddle up in your fuzzy blanket, have some dinner and maybe a glass of wine, while finishing an episode of the show you were currently watching. 
Joe was in town for the next however many months. Who knows what his next schedule will be. You stopped keeping track of it since it would change all the time anyway. Though, you knew he was meeting his girlfriend, Ivy, tonight because he sent you a text when you were on the train that he left some dishes on the kitchen sink, but he would clean it up after his date with Ivy. 
Entering the flat, the place was dark and quiet. The only sound that you could hear was the heater automatically turning on every twenty minutes or so. Reaching for the light switch, you slapped it with your hand to turn on all the lights and made your way down the hall, dropping your duffel bag on the floor of your bedroom. You grabbed all your dirty clothes from your bag and threw it on the laundry basket before walking inside the shower to freshen up. Letting the hot water touch your skin, you exhaled sharply, letting your shoulders and mind relax. 
It was always like this.
You would find your whole body all tight and tense after visiting your parents’ house because of all the shit you have to deal with whenever you decide to come home. You didn’t even know why you would expect something else from them since it was always the same. You should have known. You couldn’t help but think about how you weren’t ever going back there again until Christmas because you couldn’t take anymore of hearing your parents’ nagging about the same thing all the time. 
Finally, pushing those thoughts away and reminding yourself that you were far far away from them now, you went to go make yourself some dinner and poured yourself a glass of white wine and settled onto the sofa. You figured maybe Joe wasn’t going to come home until later or better yet, he might stay over at Ivy’s place if he had too much to drink and couldn’t get away from her. 
You met Ivy a few times. She was tall and thin and an upcoming successful model. She was nice when you first met her but whenever she would come over after that, she would barely acknowledge you. It wasn’t like you really cared because it wasn’t any of your business. You did your own thing, and Joe did his. He never complained when, sometimes, you would bring a guy home, so why would you? 
During one of the nights that you and Joe would hang in your living room because you both ended up being bored on a weekend, he had mentioned that he and Ivy have been together for six months. From the conversation that you two had, it seemed like Joe really liked her. You couldn’t blame him though. She was pretty, confident, and a model. Who wouldn’t like her? 
So, after an hour of peace, you were sort of surprised when you heard his keys dangling on the other side of the front door as he unlocked it. It was only 9:30pm, and he usually doesn’t come home ‘til midnight or even at 2 am. Sometimes he doesn’t even come home at all. You heard the front door swung open and closed from down the hall as Joe’s heavy footsteps made the wooden floors creak. You drank your wine and looked over your shoulder to see him stumbling on his feet, walking towards you.
Was he drunk? This early?
Pausing the episode that you were watching, you got up from the sofa and walked over to where he was, helping him up on his feet. He was barely walking, and he was using the wall to lean onto it, so he wouldn’t fall flat on the floor.
“Are you okay?” You asked, taking his arm and wrapping it around your shoulder, helping him towards the sofa. 
Joe let out a sarcastic laugh and scoffed at the same time to the question you just asked. He flopped himself on the sofa and took a deep breath. He looked distressed. He could barely carry his head as he threw his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes. You wondered if something happened with Ivy. You wondered if they fought or if she said something to make him this upset.
“Ivy broke up with me.” Joe shook his head, his voice full of despair. 
You raised your brows in surprise, sitting next to him. You weren’t good at comforting someone, so you didn’t really know what to do or say. 
“Oh.” It was all you could manage. “I’m so sorry. Did she tell you why?”
It was a dumb question.
Of course, she would tell Joe why. Unless she was that cold hearted that she just told him it was over and left him like this. She wouldn’t do that, right? You just asked that stupid question because you didn’t know what else to say.
“She said because I wasn’t in town all the time, so she barely sees me and when I’m in town, I barely pay attention to her.” Joe fluttered his eyes open, straightened himself on the sofa and reached for your wine glass on the table, drinking the rest of it.
What Ivy said was such a lie though. 
How could she say that Joe barely paid attention to her when all Joe ever did was visit her whenever he was in town. In fact, he doesn’t even come home sometimes because he would stay over at her place, so what else did she want from him? 
“You know what makes it worse?” Joe scoffed again, shaking his head in disbelief. “She had to drag your name in the argument too.”
Your name? 
What do you have to do with all of this? What do you have to do with their relationship?
“What did she say?” You asked. 
Somehow, you sort of afraid of what Joe was going to answer.
“She’s jealous of you.” Joe replied. “Can you believe that? She’s jealous of you! She asked why I’m flatmates with you.”
That still didn’t make sense as to why she would be jealous of you. She knew you have been living in the same flat as Joe’s for a year now and all of a sudden, she was jealous? 
“Why would she be jealous of me?”
Joe shrugged, looking around his surroundings like he was looking for something. “I don’t know. She said something about you being smarter, prettier and better than her.”
What was in the air lately? Had people gone mad or something? First, your mum was saying all kinds of nonsense shit and now, Joe just told you Ivy was jealous of you? 
Jealous? Was she serious?
Ivy was literally a model. Every man would fall to their knees to have her, but she chose Joe over the rest of them. Not that Joe wasn’t attractive or anything. He was attractive, nice, and a good guy, but she could literally have anyone she wanted. Now, she was comparing herself to you? That was just ridiculous and honestly, sort of got you baffled over it. You weren’t even anything special at all for her to feel that way.
You couldn’t say all of that out loud though. Joe was already upset enough.
“I’m sorry.” You told him again, but Joe was too busy looking for something as his head snapped back and forth from side to side, his eyes scanning the room. “What are you looking for?”
“The rest of this.” Joe held up your empty wine glass. “Is it okay if you stay here and keep me company? Please?”
You nodded your head as you got up from the sofa to get the bottle of wine that you left in the kitchen and grabbed yourself another glass. You weren’t sure if it was a good idea to give Joe more alcohol but honestly, he probably needed it after tonight. Sitting back down next to him on the sofa, you poured the both of you some more wine, and you immediately took a sip of it, letting the liquid burn your throat and warm your stomach up.
“All her excuses were so stupid.” Joe drank his wine before continuing, “She knew how complicated my job could get, and I warned her about it, and she told me she could handle it. Now, she’s saying that she couldn’t?”
“I mean… if she knew about it, how come she’s acting like this was all new information she was just learning?” You turned to your side, fully facing Joe.
You brought your feet up and rested it underneath you to settle yourself on the sofa comfortably and continued to drink your wine. “You’re an actor. You are bound to travel to different countries, especially if it's a big part of your job.”
“Exactly! Thank you!” Joe threw his hand up in the air. “And bringing you in the conversation? Why would she be jealous of you? She had known all this time we’re just flatmates.”
You shrugged, “I don’t know. She seemed okay when I first met her. Then, she barely acknowledged me ever since.”
Joe scoffed, finishing his glass of wine before pouring himself more. You might want to take that bottle of wine from him soon because he might get even more drunk as he continues to vent over Ivy. 
“I feel like you’re the only one who understands. I know we barely talk because I’m barely even home most of the time, but thank you.” 
Joe was genuine and sincere and even when he was all upset, you could see the sincerity in his eyes. That was the one thing that you noticed about Joe. His eyes never lie. You could always tell the difference if he was lying or if he was telling the truth. Though, he didn’t really need to thank you. You understood how important his career was because you felt the same when it came to yours. However, it didn’t mean that he stopped caring about Ivy. You could see how much he liked her. 
“You communicated with her about everything that came with your career when she started dating you. Maybe you should try and communicate with her again about all of this? You know… to give her reassurance.” 
“I tried.” Joe leaned back on the sofa and stared at the ceiling. “But she refused to believe me. She said she couldn’t handle it anymore.”
You pursed your lips and stared at your distressed flatmate for a moment, not really knowing what else to say or do. Joe picked the worst person to vent about his relationship problems because what did you even know about a relationship? Yeah, you have been in a couple of relationships, but you were terrible at it. That was why you never tried to be in one. It was better that way. But you couldn’t tell Joe that. It seemed like he really wanted to fix this and be with Ivy.
“I really liked her too.” Joe played with the empty glass in his hand. “I really thought we were going to last.” 
“I’m really sorry.”
You scolded yourself for saying that for about a millionth time tonight. As if your sorrys were going to help his situation. You just didn’t know what else to say or do, and you hated it. Hated the fact that you couldn’t comfort someone without feeling all cringey and uncomfortable. Giving Joe some affection was going to make it worse too.
You blamed your own mother for being so cold your whole life. Affection and comforting someone didn’t run well in your family. Though, you knew you mostly were just blaming your mother because you were still frustrated over the chaotic weekend that you had to deal with. 
What a start of a New Year for you and Joe, huh? 
Joe continued on to rant about Ivy, but you could tell he was just angry and frustrated with her. You could see it in his eyes that he still felt something for her. Of course, that wasn’t going to go away easily. Eventually, he had fallen asleep on the sofa. So tired from all the venting and so drunk from all the alcohol he drank that he just crashed.
You got up from the sofa quietly and grabbed the throw blanket, covering him up, so he was comfortable and warm. There was no way you were able to carry him back in his room. He was just going to have to be comfortable on the sofa. For a second, you studied Joe that was peacefully sleeping in front of you and thought how you sort of felt bad for him. You couldn’t really put the pieces together as to why Ivy would act like that, especially how she felt about you. You barely saw Joe around lately, and you thought Ivy felt the same way about him with the way she would act around him whenever she would come over. 
Laying on your bed that night, staring at your ceiling, you kept comparing yourself to Ivy. She was a model, you were just someone who worked at a biotech lab. She was much prettier and taller. You were short and not at all pretty—at least you thought so— compared to her. You were nowhere near famous or known by certain people when you walked down the street unlike Ivy and Joe. 
Closing your eyes and letting the subject go, you just hoped that maybe Joe would at least feel a little better tomorrow. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @bylermaxmayfield
(I can't remember anyone else who wanted to be in the taglist so please let me know if you want to be in it).
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appocalipse · 2 years
UNSPOKEN FEELINGS → steve harrington
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Words: 2,473
Warnings: none (?) spoilers for season 4 vol. 1, in case you haven’t watched it, i guess
Summary: The reader is Dustin’s older sister; she most likely wasn’t around for the events of season one and maybe even two, seeing as she used to live with her father out of town. But, once she moved back in and met Steve, they became friends and before she could notice it, she had grown much more complicated feelings for him. And after all the craziness they’ve been through with Vecna, maybe it’s time to find out if he feels the same....or if fate wanted Steve and Nancy together again.
A/N:  this is set after the events of season 4; since vol. 2 hasn’t been released yet, let’s pretend all is well and no one died in it. also, i wrote this at 3 am, so please bear with me lol
if you’d like, listen to this while reading.
Fate didn’t seem to like you very much.
There had been a thousand things happening at once; Vecna, the Upside Down, Joyce and her family moving out...and then there was your feelings towards Steve.
For a while, you thought it was stupid; your younger brother Dustin idolized the guy, and you ended up spending a great deal of time with him and Robin, so it was only natural to have a little crush on Steve Harrington. He was nice, good-looking, funny... But that innocent feeling grew. And grew. And then grew a little more.
And when he was dragged into the Watergate, you almost felt fisical pain thinking about living in a world without Steve. 
There was only one word that could describe that feeling: love. And now it was too late to ignore it.
Now that you were all back at the real world, Hawkins was holding some sort of festival — you were not sure why, but it was a small town kinda thing — and you and your friends were trying to have a normal moment after all the chaos you had just been through. The silly excuse to dress up and go out to dance was greatly appreciated, thank you very much.
During the last fight, your arm ended up broken; reason why you were now wearing a cast, but it didn’t really bother you all that much. It was a small price to pay. Max almost died; your arm would heal. 
But that night, when a smiling Steve asked you to dance, you suspected it was because he didn’t want you to feel left out because of your arm — it would obviously get in the way of a normal dancing stance. But Steve was sweet enough not to mind; he took your right hand in his (you ignored the butterflies in your stomach) and placed his other hand on your waist (ignoring, keep ignoring them,Y/N!), carefully avoiding to touch your left arm as you moved to the rhythm of whatever song was being played.
There was a nice, warm feeling building up inside of you....until he brought up Robin and Eddie's opinions on Nancy's actions. They were certain her feelings for Steve were coming back, judging by the way she wasted no second on risking her life for him, or staring at him whenever she thought no one was looking. Her relationship with Jonathan was also not in its best moment.
Maybe her feelings for Steve never really left. First love is a complicated thing.
“So...what do you think?” Steve asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but you caught a hint of tension in his voice. Of course he would ask for your advice; of course.
What the hell am I supposed to say?
Your brain doesn’t normally function half as well around Steve under normal circumstances, but now that you were literally in his arms...did he really expect some sort of plausible answer? 
“I don’t know...I think-” you began, but just as the words left your mouth, your eyes instinctively fell down on Nancy’s bright smile across the room and you stopped mid-sentence; she was wearing a beautiful blue dress, her hair carefully done up, and while you observed her talking to her brother, Mike, you suddenly realized that you couldn't possibly see a reason why Steve would not love her still. You had only been around her for the last few days and she had already managed to make you like her, care about her... hell, you could consider her a friend after all you had been through together, with Vecna and all that. You had actually come to admire her, no matter how hard you tried to dislike her at first, thanks to your unspoken feelings for Steve.
And of course they were right. Robin and Eddie, they were right. Deep down, you knew that Steve loved her back as well. He always did; he just didn’t know that, or didn’t want to acknowledge the fact out loud. Why else would all those dates of his never work out? Why else would he get so eager to protect her at all times?
Realization hit you in a moment...well, more like a second. And you knew. You knew that no matter the extent of your feelings for Steve, no matter how Dustin claimed there was evidence he liked you back, no matter all the sleepless nights you spent thinking what could happen if you confessed to him...you knew that it wasn't your place to stand between Steve and Nancy.
"I think she really, really cares about you, and you should...." you paused, feeling tears threatening to form as your mouth seemed to fail at getting the words out. Luckily, the music and the voices were more than enough to mask any sign of sadness in your voice. Steve, fortunately, wasn't looking at your face at that point; he didn’t seem to be looking at anything in particular. 
You cleared your throat and forced the words out. "She is right over there and this is the perfect opportunity for you to ask her to dance, Steve."
Over Steve's shoulder, you spotted Dustin eyeing you both dancing with hopeful eyes, moving his upper body absentmindedly to the rhythm of the music from his seat, a big smile appearing on his face as he caught you looking back at him, if only for a moment. You slowly shook your head no; his smile was quickly replaced by a confused expression, and you forced a smile of your own in a pathetic attempt to calm him down.
Steve looked at you right this instant, his expression showing something you couldn't quite read — surprise? Shock?
"Go ahead, ask her," you encouraged, keeping the same fake smile on your face and hoping it was enough to reassure him, cause it was most likely the best you could come up with at the moment. "I'll go...to the bathroom."
"But I'm-"
At this point, you both had stopped moving, and you decided to step back. It could have been your imagination, but you got the feeling that his hand seemed hesitant to let yours go until the last moment, when you were out of his reach and turned away.
You walked fast, moving carefully around all the couples on the dance floor; but, contrary to what you told him, your feet didn't get you towards the bathroom. The bathroom would have people in it. Happy people. And you would eventually have to get out of there and risk seeing Steve and Nancy making up and God knows what else on your way out.
No. You walked towards the exit, the doors that led to the hallways and to the back doors of the school, where no one would be.
You sat on the ground, seeing as there was nowhere else to sit, listening to the heavy rain that muffled most sounds coming from inside the building, and tried not to think too much over what you had just done. One could almost forget that there was a party going on at all; the storm was picking up fast, and sometimes a lonely thunder would paint the sky a shade of light blue.
At least the scenery fitted well with your current situation. 
When your face got wet though, the rain was not to blame. You were luckily sheltered from it in your little spot on the ground. But your heart? There was no way to shelter it from those feelings.
A lonely tear slid down your cheek; you looked up at the sky, absentmindedly, trying to justify to yourself why on God's green Earth you where crying over something like that.
You looked down at your own arm. It seemed stupid — petty, even — to be crying over something so little as an unrequited love after all the things you and your friends at Hawkins had been through...but you couldn't stop. And so you allowed yourself to cry, because...
Why should I not? After all I’ve been through, why can’t I have one normal emotion for a person my age, instead of fear, anger, or despair? 
You would eventually get over it.
Steve loved Nancy. Big Deal. You never expected him to love you back. Not really. It was hurting right now because you thought maybe, just maybe, after everything that went on with Vecna and all the pain you all had to endure, you'd be given a period of happiness and peace to make up for all the tragedy — perhaps the universe itself would grant such a blessing. But so be it. Maybe you could go back to living with your father, away from Hawkins for a time...
And that's when the doors slammed open once again, startling you, and through them Steve Harrington stepped out, his gentle brown eyes instantly finding the mess you were at the moment, sitting on the floor.
Boy, did the universe hate you.
You hurriedly wiped away your tears, desperately trying to hide the fact that you've been crying. Somewhere in your mind you registered the shock on his face becoming worry, and you looked straight ahead, thinking of ways this could go better than you making a fool out of yourself in front of him of all people.
Steve didn't say anything at first — he looked out of place, not sure where to put his own hands or where exactly to look at. You pressed your eyes closed, letting your head rest against the cold wall behind you, kinda wishing he would just disappear — maybe he was just your mind playing tricks on you...
"What are you doing on the floor?"
Nope, you couldn’t be that lucky.
"Just go, please," normally, you would have a snarky comeback to his question, but right now you couldn't find it in yourself to answer in that way.
Steve took a deep, audible breath. You still didn't open your eyes.
But you felt it when he sat down next to you, careful not to bump into your broken arm, though it hardly hurt anymore.
"Steve, please."
"You were crying," it was not a question.
How cliche could you be? Although you'd never stopped to think about it, Steve was probably your best friend, you were in love with him, and now there was a hundred percent chance he had put two and two together and figured out why you were crying as well. 
And even so, you blurted out the first lie your tired mind could muster, because that’s how you could keep yourself from panicking completely. "My arm hurts."
What, obviously, didn’t convince him.
"Can we just talk tomorrow?"
"You're really rude, you know that?"
You finally looked at him. His eyes were already on you, and you struggled to think clearly with how close you two where... but then you grasped a new feeling inside you: anger, and you held on to it.
"Excuse me?"
You could stand the thought of being rejected. Everybody was rejected at least once in their life, and you were no stranger to the feeling; you just didn't want anyone to witness the aftermath of it firsthand, let alone the person who rejected you, and yet here he were, making the task of putting your feelings for him behind you incredibly difficult.
"We were dancing and you just stormed off mid-song,” he said, matter-of-factly. 
"I didn't storm off-" you felt exhasperation getting the better of you, messing up each and every thought you tried to put into words. "You asked me about....I told you to go and dance with her, so I got out of your-" 
"I was dancing with you!", great, now the screaming contest was about to begin.
"Yes, but you wanted to be dancing with her!"
"OH, so now you know everything I want?"
"I know the obvious!"
He scoffed, but when he spoke again, his tone was so calm and his voice was so low that you couldn’t tell if Steve was certain he wanted to be heard. "Oh no, you absolutely don't."
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You know, for someone really, really smart, sometimes you read it all wrong.”
A few seconds passed by without both of you saying anything; you looking at him, him looking down at the ground, mindlessly playing with a dry leaf he must have found nearby on the floor...and then it hit you. What he was implying. What he was trying to make you believe, that is. Was he really too kind to let someone down?
“Oh my God, no,” you let out a bitter chuckle, trying to get up, which proved to be more of an challenge with only one good arm available than you antecipated. “No, no, you're not doing this.”
Steve seemed to panic as he watched you moving to stand up, and he quickly grabbed your wrist  — the one that wasn't on a cast. “Wait, where are you going?”
For a second, you looked down at where he was holding you in place, stunned, then back at his face, catching Steve looking back at you with some sort of conflict passing behind his brown eyes. “Let go.”
And then he too got up, still nowhere near inclined to let go of your arm. 
“I can't.”
"What do you mean, you can't? Of course you can. Just let go of me and I’ll go home, and you can go back inside and we can pretend this never happened-", you tried to yank your wrist free, but Steve didn't let go; instead, he took a step closer...and suddenly you were close enough for a kiss, and all the butterflies came back, and there was this scene playing inside your head where one of you slowly leaned in and...
You stared down at your feet, feeling tears once again welling up in your eyes. "Please don't do this."
"Don't do what?" you weren't looking at his face, but he sounded genuinely confused, maybe even worried.
"Pretend you like me."
"I do like you."
"Not in that way," you took a step back, and this time around he let your arm go. The words began leaving your mouth even before your brain could register it. "Look, whatever it is that Dustin asked you to do, or whatever you feel you owe him, or me, you don't. It's not your fault I lo-"
You froze mid-sentence. And there it was, those words anyone smart dreaded to say to the wrong person, on the tip of your tongue...and the worst part was that you didn’t even knew you were about to say them until it was to late to act like it didnt happen. 
Steve was giving you a stunned look, uncertain, and when he shifted closer, you moved a step back. "Y/N-"
“I’ll just go home.”
A/N: part 2 is now OUT! Read here. ♥
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luvfae · 2 years
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summary: you’ve been denying the crush that you have on steve for weeks now, but tonight he finally gets you to admit it by making you jealous.
fandom: stranger things
parings: steve x f reader
warnings: swearing, smut, fingering, unprotected sex
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“Just admit it,” Steve said for what felt like the hundredth time that week.
“Admit what?” You asked, playing dumb as usual.
“Admit that you like me,” Steve replied, standing behind you as you grabbed a beer from the kitchen.
You spun around, bumping into his chest. “Excuse me,” you said, attempting to move past him.
Steve rested his hands either side of you on the kitchen bench, trapping you in front of him and you rolled your eyes.
“Tell me the truth and i’ll get out of your hair,” Steve said.
“I have told you the truth,” you shrugged, hands pushing on his chest. “It’s not my fault you can’t handle rejection.”
Steve chuckled. “No, I can’t handle liars, which is what you are,” Steve said. “Do you really think I believe that you don’t like me? We’ve been flirting for months, you go out of your way to visit me at work,” Steve said, his body pushing against yours. Your heart was racing in your chest.
“Thats just me being friendly,” you said.
“Friendly?” Steve scoffed. “So asking Robin if i’m still single like every week is just your way of being friendly?”
“That never happened,” you replied, cursing Robin for telling Steve about that. You finally pushed him off of you and walked away, ignoring him for majority of the night.
But it was almost like he was trying to get on your last nerves and make you admit to the feelings you had for him because when you finally sat down you and your eyes landed on Steve you saw red.
There he was dancing with Nancy, being all touchy feely with her, whispering in her ear. He looked up at you every now and again, wondering when you were finally going to snap. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction but you couldn’t handle watching him be so close with her any longer.
So you stood up, stalking over to him and snatching his wrist dragging him away from Nancy, who was giving him a knowing smile that you didn’t see. Too busy being pissed off too even acknowledge Nancy.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked once you pushed him inside of an empty bathroom, slamming the door behind you.
“You won. You want me to admit it? Fine. I like you Steve,” you said, glaring at him. “There? Happy? Can you stop torturing me now?”
“Sweetheart, the torturing has only just begun,” he replied, hands cupping your cheeks before he pushed his lips against yours.
You gasped, your eyes quickly fluttering shut, your hands moving to his chest, kissing him with just as much force. Steve backed you into the sink, his hands gripping at your waist as he hoisted you up onto the cold surface.
His fingers trailed up your skirt, goosebumps rising on your skin as he pushed your panties aside. He smirked, pulling away from the kiss.
“You’re already this wet?” He asked. You pursed your lips, looking up at him with big, innocent eyes. “And all because of me?”
“That’s what happens when you spend the entire night imagining what it’d be like to be fucked by you,” you replied, making him groan.
“If you wanted me to fuck you all you had to do was ask,” Steve teased, pushing a finger inside of your wet hole without warning. You gasped, your hand slapping around his wrist as he curled his fingers deep inside of you.
Your back arched into him, rolling your hips against his finger that was working magic against that spongy spot inside of you.
“Is this what you wanted?” Steve asked.
“No,” you answered, making his eyebrows knit together. “I want your dick shoved so far inside of me that I can hardly walk the next day,” you said.
Steve smirked down at you, pulling his now drenched finger out of your wet pussy. You frowned, feeling empty. “I can make that happen,” he said, nonchalantly as he brought his finger to his mouth, sucking your juices off of his skin.
You watched him as he unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants to his ankles. Steve rolled your skirt up your hips, hiking one of your legs up over his shoulder.
“Ready?” He asked and you nodded, giving him the green light. Steve pushed his hard cock inside of you and you couldn’t stop the deranged moan that escaped your lips. He bottomed out before he began thrusting his hips into yours.
“Fuck,” you moaned, looking down at the sight in between your thighs. Watching his cock moving in and out of your pussy only turned you on even more.
Steve hooked two fingers under your chin, making your look up at him. “Feel good?” He asked.
“Y-Yes,” you moaned out, eyes squinting shut, mouth opening ever so slightly as he gave you another and another and another.
“So fucking tight,” Steve groaned, one hand moving towards your clit, his fingers rubbing circles into your bud. “I’ve imagined this moment, but fuck, my fist doesn’t feel nearly as good as your pussy does.”
You moaned at his words, picturing him on his bed, touching himself over the thought of you.
“You can fuck me whenever you want, Steve. Just have to ask first,” you said, gasping loudly as he pounded into your harder. “Fuck!” You cried out.
“Gunna fuck you for the rest of your life, Y/N. No one else, only you,” Steve whispered in your ear, making you shiver. You nodded frantically as you felt that knot forming in your stomach, ready to snap any second. “You’ll be a cum drunk whore by the time i’m finished with you.”
His words pushed you over the edge and you came hard around his cock, your pussy pulsating against him. Your whole body spasmed.
“There you go,” he smirked. “Good girl, fuck- You’re pussy is gunna put me into cardiac arrest, feels so fucking good.”
You smiled up at him, drawing your bottom lip into your mouth, sinking your teeth into your soft skin. Steve groaned at the sight of you, a fucked out look on your face.
“Don’t look at me like that, sweetheart,” Steve said, his own orgasm chasing after him. You could tell he was close by the way his thrusts grew sloppy and the noises he was making, he was about to pull away and blow his load out onto your stomach when you dug your ankles into his back, keeping him inside of you. “Shit, Y/N, i’m about to-“ he cut himself off as he came deep inside of you, unable to hold back. “Cum,” he finished, panting hard.
You smiled, watching as he pulled away.
“You’re on the pill right? Cus I can’t-“
“Yes Steve,” you replied. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
He smirked, hands cupping your cheeks once again as he pulled you in for another kiss. You attempted to hop down from the counter when he held you in place.
“Not so fast, sweetheart,” he said, forcing your legs open. “You didn’t really think we were done yet? Did you?”
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© luvfae 2022
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red-balloon12 · 5 months
Everybody Hates Lila (And Why It’s Concerning Sometimes)
Lila Rossi is not a stranger in the Miraculous fandom. In fact I’d argue she’s more infamous than Gabriel in some cases. She’s despised by nearly everyone and while some reasons are more justifiable than others, she’s all around not a good person and a mid at best character.
But here’s my deal with it. The fandom hates this girl to I’d like to say an….unhealthy degree. Like the amount of salt this character gets is unmatched. And I feel like the causation of all of this salt doesn’t really live up to the response.
Lila is a liar who causes characters to act out of character very often. And not only that but she also is Marinette’s main rival now and is a jerk to her. She’s underutilized and her lies aren’t that convincing and yet the story wants to convince us she’s more important than she really is pre butterfly miraculous.
This is Lila’s character summed up. At the most I’d expect is frustration mixed in with mild dislike. Reasonable but not over the top. Instead though, I see SEVERAL people make so many salt fics and talk so much shit about her that I just have to sit down and say….y’all need to chill. You all seriously need to chill.
The fandom talks about this character like she’s the spawn of Satan, something we’ve been criticizing Astruc for doing with Chloe, all because she doesn’t have as many redeeming traits as her. Did we forget that they’re BOTH kids? Both of them still have room to improve on themselves.
And I’ll admit it, I was one of those people who kept on saying “Why demonize Chloe when we have Lila” but thinking on it now, neither of them deserves to have that fate. If we REALLY need a character to do the whole “people don’t change” thing, why not Gabriel?
It’s so much better to have this lesson taught to adults to not be like Gabriel, to accept change and loss and to be better. To teach how heavy the impact of a lost love can be and how old age isn’t an excuse to be “stuck in your ways”.
Plus the lesson works better for someone who’s older than for teenagers who’s literally at the stage of their lives where change is everything. And I’m not saying Lila needs to be redeemed or she isn’t allowed to be a villain. What I’m saying is that the over salting on her character, a character that can be easily fixed and patched up, is kinda dumb and kinda annoying to see…especially when some people do like Lila.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, don’t think I’ve forgotten what happened years ago with that one fan that claimed that they loved Lila. That’s what happens when you take salting on a character WAY too far. And I can say that it’s only gotten a little better.
I just don’t understand why people can’t spend their energy talking about how to make a character better instead of salting on them 24/7 and this goes for all of the characters in ML.
I’m gonna be in the minority when I say this but Lila doesn’t deserve to be salted in as much as she does. She deserves reevaluation and a true villain arc. The constant bashing and insulting her at any chance ain’t it.
But you wanna know the thing that frustrates me the most about the Lila salt? How she started getting salted on in the first place. Aka, her being another barrier to Adrienette.
If y’all don’t know already, I don’t like the lovesquare and even back then I didn’t like it. And when I started seeing people hate Lila for this reason, I got very annoyed. It’s the same reason as to why people hated Kagami and it’s a stupid reason (imo). At least the other reasons why she’s hated had some foundation and sense.
TLDR: Lila is a mess but she’s not a mess that’s beyond repair but the constant salting on her and her character isn’t going to do anything. (If you really wanna salt on someone, salt on the writers for making her writing so subpar)
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majaloveschris · 2 months
Nothing has happened really recently in regards to this but I wanted to critique something that happens within the fandom (not on your blog) and I think you would have some wise words to say about it.
It really bothers me when this ‘fandom’ insults/blames people in Chris’s life for decisions or actions that he himself has made. (Outside of the professional team that he employees) I find it takes the para-social relationship with him (which can already be alarming) much to far.
I don’t think anyone has the right to imply how anyone’s family members and close friends may interpret or feel about any particular situation especially if they aren’t in the public eye. Their loyalty and love is to Chris and strangers in the fandom are no equivalent to that.
It also applies to implying certain celebrity friends of his are bad friends or even bad people for ‘enabling’ him while suggesting other celebrity friends, that the ‘fandom’ it’s self may be more of a fan of are closer to him and have his interests at heart.
Chris has autonomy over himself. Chris knows what his family thinks of him and who his friends are. I’m not saying don’t hold him to a standard but we can’t pretend to know him better than people who he actually knows exists.
I get what you are saying.
Let's just take this whole Alba situation as an example, since I think the people you've mentioned criticize his family because of this situation.
Chris is a grownup. Has been for decades. He is able to make his own decisions. I understand that a lot of people don't like the fact that there are family members or friends who are willing to participate in this whole thing and play along. And that is what a lot of people think they do to get clout and attention. But we don't know anything about the situation. We don't know whether they want clout or just want to help someone they love. Whether they tried to tell him that this wasn't a good idea or not, but he was stubborn and thought he knew what was best for him. Whether he even asked them about this whole thing.
But at the same time, we also don't know if these people take advantage of him or not, and they only see the more roles, more money part. I obviously don't want to accuse anybody of anything since I don't know those people, but sometimes just because you call people your family or friends doesn't mean they want what's best for you. And you sometimes don't see that, only after the mistakes were made.
As you said, we don't really know much about these people; maybe they just want to help him out, or maybe they just want the advantages of everything. We don't know them, and that's one of the reasons why I don't really talk about his friends anymore. We don't see into these relationships. Maybe they want what's best for them, or maybe they don't. I can't take a side in this, because again, just because somebody is part of your family or friend group doesn't mean they want the best for you. We don't know what kind of people they are; that's why I don't feel comfortable talking about those relationships that much anymore.
But again, Chris is an adult who is capable of making his own decisions, and he has a team that is supposed to be great at what they are doing. If he was uncertain about this, that should've been a huge sign for him, and even if he was told by any family member or friend that this was a good idea (depending on how the situation was presented for them), it's his life and career, and he is the one who's been in the industry for 20 years. He should've known better, and his team should've too.
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goodstories08 · 1 year
One Too Many
Tyler Galpin X Male Reader
Request: No
Description: You were an angle, No literally! Not joking, your parents were both angels and so we’re you. Didn’t have many perks besides wings and a few magical abilities, but It did get you sent to Nevermore. Tyler was a normie or so he never understood much about what you were, all he new was that he liked you, and that he wanted to go too a party.
!!Warnings!! Mentions of Sexual Assault, Drinking, Blood, ⚠️Spoilers⚠️
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“Ohhh what’s up with Tyler,” Enid eagerly piped up as you stare into the coffee shop across the street. Tyler smiling at customers and making coffee. “I want to go,” Wednesday mumbled earning a nudge from Enid. “Why Wednesday? I wanna know what’s happening,” Enid whined. The buss back to Nevermore pulled up, Yoko waved bye before steeping through the doors. Wednesday followed but was stopped by Enid. “You know something Wednesday, I can tell when you do. Spill.” Enid’s claws came out to try and be threatening but Wednesday didn’t look fazed at all.
“Fine, while I was having an insufferable conversation with… Tyler,” Your interest was now spiked, her foot was tapping against the floor anxiously, “He gave me his number on my coffee cup, he asked if I could give it to you.”
Your wings widened causing a few normies to stare but you didn’t care, “What!????” Enid was also surprised she nudged Wednesday once more, “Do that again and I will hurt you.” She paused for a few seconds allowing you to cut in. “When the hell did he give you that Wednesday!?” She let out a breath of air, “Wednesday!?” She quickly turned and ran to the buss leaving You there. “Sry got to go, good luck Y/n,” Enid said before following Wednesday.
The buss left shortly after, your wings were fully out causing almost everyone around you to stare. You hit the trash can by flapping your wings. “The fuck,” you whispered before walking toward the coffee shop, you remembered to tuck your wings in before slipping inside. The sound of calm music played in the background of people talking and laughing together. You looked to Tyler who’s head was down as he wiped counters, “Hey stranger.”
His looked up from what he was doing, a bright smile on his face. “Hey, Didn’t know I’d be seeing you today, The usual?” I smiled but shook my head, “I came to talk.”
“Oh that can’t be good,” he said in a sarcastic voice. “Why did you not just give me your number, why did you send Wednesday to give it to me?” His cheeks flushed red as he poured your cup of coffee, “This one’s on me, and this time I’m giving you my number.” You picked up the cup to see his messily written number. “I’ll be sure to call,” you looked outside to see the buss was gone, “Shit!” Tyler tried to follow where you were looking, causing him to get close, “What?”
You turned and now your own cheeks turned red, “O-oh my bus just left.” He grinned and took his apron off, “Good thing my shift just ended, come one I’ll drive you.” Tyler grabbed your hand and led you to his car. You felt butterflies in your stomach, as you reached the car he quickly ran to open your door, “Wow, what a gentleman.”
The ride was short but it felt like it would never end, it was so awkward since the both of you didn’t really know what to say. As the car pulled up to the gates of Nevermore you went to open the door but Tyler grabbed your hand, you turned to him and he looked down before leaning in. His slightly chapped lips moved synch with yours, his hands caressed your cheek before you pulled back, out of breath. His hand still held you close, his breath hovered over your face causing your face to heat up.
“Heh, Thanks for this, and you know the coffee,” He giggled a bit before unlocking the car. “Oh and Y/n,” He called, catching your attention, “My friend was throwing a party, I kinda need a guest, you wana come?” You smile and nod, “Text the details, I’ll see you then.” You closed the car door and expanded your wings, with a few flaps you were already in the air and on your way back to your dorm.
The evening breeze felt comforting as it blew trough your wings, you technically weren’t supposed to be out right now but that was the one thing good about being able to fly. As you spotted Tyler’s car at the gate you began to descend. He watched you in awe as you landed in his arms, “Wow, your just… Wow.” His smile was contagious cause you were not smirking as well, you pulled him down by the collar and kissed him gently. “Come on we got a party to catch,” you say before getting in the car.
As the car drove through the suburbs you felt weird, not bad weird, but a new feeling. “I’ve never been to a normal house party, only seen them in the movies,” you say as the car pulled up to the loud and crowded house. “Don’t worry, they’ll love you.” He gave you a kiss before walking you inside.
The music was so loud you couldn’t even hear yourself talk and there were so many people that you could barely walk without hitting someone, it was amazing. “Hey Tyler,” Called a tall brunette guy, “And who is this?”
“My… Boyfriend Y/n,” you smiled at Tyler’s words, you were officially together. The tall guy seemed like he wanted to say something but decided not to. “Cool I’m Bradly, let party!”
The night was amazing, you made normie friends who may have not known what you were but that didn’t matter. You felt like a normal teen for once, and it was a great feeling. Currently you were playing a weird game called cup pong and somehow winning. Tyler was on the other team, since he bet he could beat you and you knew he wouldn’t.
You scored once more, Tyler drank the cup and stepped out to puke. Don’t judge, there was a lot of drinking. As your reached for another drink, Bradly took it out of your hand, giving you another one, but this one was different. As you drunk it you felt dizzy and fell into his open arms, “Come here, I won’t bite.” He dragged you up the stairs, you tried to fight it but you could barley hold your eyes open. He flung the door open and threw you on the bed. He pinned over you while unbuttoning his shirt.
“P-please stop,” you whispered but he ignored it while kissing your neck. Suddenly you heard the floorboards of the room creak, you opened your eyes and there was a large monster behind Bradly, it threw him against the wall and brutally mutilated him. “Wha- Wha,” You couldn’t speak as you felt yourself drift off more. The monster picked you up and ran.
After a while you finally opened your eyes, you lay in the middle of the forest, a naked Tyler laying over you covered in blood. “Tyler, Tyler wake up please,” you cried, his eyes slowly opening. He quickly got off you and tears formed in his eyes, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to did I hurt you.” You quickly leaped onto him and held him close, “Shhh, What ever this is, we’ll get through it together. I love you.” He pulled you down to kiss you, “Love you too.” You felt a cold breeze send a chill down your spine, “Now, let me fly you back to my room. I might be able to steal some close from my roommate.”
! I’m debating weather or not to turn this into a Wattpad book, so comment if I should I guess😅!
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mottlemoth · 2 years
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So I’ve been hiding a lot. I’m really sorry. Being back on Tumblr makes me feel like it’s fine to share some of this - I’m sorry if it’s weird to hear - I’m just having a tough time and I need to be honest.
Various things are happening to me in real life at the moment. It’s been one thing after another, and there’s more to come. Usually I turn to fandom for a support structure and an escape from stress, but I’m realising that sense of comfort has been missing from my life for a few weeks now.
I came to OFMD from a small rarepair with a very close and very supportive community. I absolutely wasn’t prepared for the kind of things I’ve experienced in the last few months on Twitter. The OFMD community there has a lot of problems right now, one of the most worrying being a lethal lack of awareness that fan writers are fans. We’re writing for fun, sharing our work for free. But we’re being ripped apart by people who’ve had years of practice at criticising showrunners for creative decisions they don’t approve of. The abuse is largely motivated by jealousy - any author who picks up too much kudos or appears on too many rec lists becomes the next target, and it’s usually cloaked under a false banner of social justice. It’s happening over and over again. It’s transparent and it’s exhausting, and the things being used to justify the abuse are so tenuous that I often can’t believe what my actual eyes are reading. I’ve been accused of misogyny for writing Edward ‘Shoot-The-People-Who-Teased-Me’ Teach as reacting emotionally, therefore “female-coding” him, therefore sexism. I don’t know how to cope in this kind of environment.
I’ve been through endless rounds of coaxing myself to try to relax - to forget about the paranoia and the toxicity, and shut up and get on with writing because I have a duty to finish this fic and everyone’s waiting for the next chapter and if I don’t hurry up and post it then I’ll get Tumblr messages saying “when can we expect the next chapter” and - suddenly I realise, wait. I’m not actually obliged to do any of this.
This is my hobby.
I am 100% allowed to stop doing this at any point I want to.
“But you have a duty to the people who’ve--”
Look, I get that this isn’t something anyone wants to hear, but... no. I don’t. I’m an exhausted thirty-something sitting in her pyjamas after work, having a cry because my hobby somehow turned into a full-time job on top of my already miserable full-time job. AO3 writers don’t have a duty to do what they’re doing. Fanworks are literally a gift of time and energy from a complete stranger. I’d love to be able to ignore the people being abusive towards writers, but I can’t. And, again - this is my hobby. I’m not obliged to ignore the abuse and just get on with the task. If I’m upset, I’m allowed to stop. (Let’s say I joined a knitting club. Let’s say some of the members were routinely vicious and awful to anyone who got “too good” at knitting, and none of the other members ever hit them with any consequences for their behaviour. I don’t have a duty to stick around at Toxic Knitting Club, even if I never finished that pair of socks I started. If the club cares about its own survival, then it needs to make the environment feel safe and welcoming. It can’t just expect people to ignore the nastiness.)
OP, I blanked your name and pfp from this message because I don’t want you to get grief. But I’ve searched for your username in my email inbox, and found that this is the first time you’ve ever spoken to me. You’ve never reached out to chat or be kind or make friends, but you’ve reached out to prod me when you think that I’m being tardy with delivery of your content. Chapters 1 to 43 appeared at least once a week, sometimes twice or even three times a week. Did it cross your mind that maybe there’s a reason why chapter 44 hasn’t dropped yet? Did you think, something must be wrong, maybe I should ask if they’re okay? No, you just came to bang on the vending machine. I’m sorry if this is an uncomfortable lesson to learn, but the writers in your fandom aren’t staff. We’re guests. Tonight, when I get home from work, I have the option to run a long bath, have a cry and play The Sims until I fall asleep, or the option to sit down at my desk and write something for you, even though I might get harassed and bullied for it. You haven’t tipped the scales in the direction you meant to.
I don’t know how to even begin concluding this post.
I’ve been struggling ever since I was dogpiled back in September. I feel very lonely and very tired. Twitter is an awful bloody website and it’s structured around division and argument. I’ve been feeling better since I came back to Tumblr. My breaks at work are now spent scrolling through pretty GIFs or cool meta or funny things about Izzy, rather than drama, and it’s helping. So... I don’t know, OP. Don’t start being like this here. I’m fighting so hard to find reasons to stay in OFMD. Life is rough at the minute, and I want to spend my free time feeling happy and safe with people who see me as a friend, not a vending machine. I’m doing everything a professional writer does, but for no pay, with no protection or support from a publisher, and I’m fitting it around a full-time job. That’s... well, that’s the situation. That’s the situation all your fan writers are in, however well they seem to be handling it. It’d be great if you could reflect on that.
TLDR; this is my hobby, and I work on my hobby when it feels fun.
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nhasablogg · 11 months
It's camp!
Fandom: Stranger Things
Characters: Steve, Robin
Anonymous said: Hi! Could you write one where Steve is messing with Robin so she straddles him and tickles his belly button? Maybe they’re at his house having a sleepover and he makes fun of her haircut?
Words: 920
Steve became suspicious when Robin didn’t want to take her hat off in the middle of july. “You’re gonna get heat stroke,” he told her, going back and forth between opening his window and slamming it shut upon realizing it was still too early in the evening for the air to have cooled down. “I’m serious, Robin, I don’t feel like driving you to the hospital if you collapse.”
She rolled her eyes, pulling the neon green thing lower down so that it covered her eyebrows. “It’s comfy.”
“It’s psychotic behavior. Did you shave your head or somethin’?” It was mostly a joke, but the way Robin tensed up made him gasp. “You didn’t.”
“I didn’t!” she was quick to reassure him, pulling a strand of hair out of the hat. “See? Hair.”
“So then what’s your deal?”
“I might’ve cut my hair myself?”
Steve waited for her to laugh and say she was joking, but no laughter came. “Robin, oh my god.”
“Listen,” she started, sitting up, legs crossed on Steve’s bed, where she was about to spend the night like many other nights. “I- it’s a gay thing.”
“Shorter hair? Like short short hair.”
“The hairdresser never wants to cut it as short as I want.”
Steve was beginning to see where this was going. “So you decided to take matters into your own hands.”
“Exactly. But-” She winced, grabbing her hat, but not pulling it off. “But I messed up.”
Steve rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You should’ve asked for help.”
“I know.”
Her voice sounded small, which was fucking terrifying to hear and Steve found himself reaching out to squeeze her knee. “I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
“Promise you won’t laugh if I show you?”
“‘Course not.”
“It’s getting hot.”
“Told you.”
She sighed and shoved the hat off, her hair a mess of tangles on top of her head. Steve waited for it to settle down enough before he said anything, only to promptly realize it wasn’t settling down at all. 
“Oh my god.”
“You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
“Woah, woah, am I laughing?” He wasn’t laughing, but that was mostly due to shock. “Robin, I- Did you try to cut layers?”
Robin nodded wordlessly and Steve mentally wondered how he could convince her to go get it fixed at a hairdresser. “It’s- nice. It’s camp.”
“Did Eddie teach you cultural words again?”
“It’s a good thing he did. I can definitely see the vision here.” He framed her face with his hands. “Way ahead of your time. A trendsetter.”
Robin snorted. “You’re making fun of me.”
“I’m not! It’s-” He waved his hands around, trying to think of a word. “Cool?” The way he’d said it, slightly high pitched, laced in a question, accidentally made way for a laugh which came out at the end, and he was already apologizing by the time Robin had tackled him.
“You’re so dead, Harrington!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s not funny, it’s just-”
“It looks bad. Just say it.”
“I’m sure we can get it fixed-” He had no time to say anything else as Robin’s fingers were worming their way under his arms, nimble and strong and unbearably ticklish. “Wait, wait, I’m only trying to he- stop!”
Straddling his hips, Robin and her ridiculous haircut hunched over him, her frown slowly smoothing out as he laughed and laughed and begged and laughed. She’d caught him off guard, okay? He could totally fight back otherwise. Probably.
“Oh-kay, no, not there, come on-”
Robin had this thing where she would zero in on a spot and not move away until Steve was a puddle beneath her. This time it just so happened to already be one of his worst spots, much worse than underarms which she’d only tortured for a minute. As Robin ignored him and tickled the edges of his belly button, shoving his flailing arms away easily, Steve felt he would pay for three of her haircuts if only she stopped.
It was a good thing they were alone, because Steve’s scream could surely be heard throughout the whole house. “Robin!”
“This is what you get,” she said, finally grinning at him which was at least a bit of a win for him. “I told you not to laugh.”
“I barely did- oh my god!”
His hands being free was nearly worse, as he came close to relief and then pulled right away from it. Robin was occupying one of her own hands purely with blocking his attempts, her other dancing around his belly, but mostly keeping close to his navel. His shirt was still pulled down, but it tickled too much nevertheless.
The first time she’d discovered this particular spot was a day he could never forget no matter how much he tried. The persistent pokes, over and over again, laughing when he jumped. Embarrassing, but also strangely nice to feel close enough that this could be happening. She’d discovered many spots since, but that memory was one of his strongest.
Also maybe because Robin kept bringing it up, making a very clear reference now as she was poking at his navel over and over. His whole body jerked with each poke, his laughter becoming choppy. He felt nearly as ridiculous as her haircut. Maybe he shouldn’t tell her that though. Although how much worse could this get if he did?
She stuck her hand under his shirt and Steve found out just how much worse it could get, all right.
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voyeurmunson · 21 days
I’m gonna be dramatic for a second because my mental health is in shambles and I don’t really care anymore. Feel free to ignore this post. 🖤
I’m constantly finding out that new stranger things writers have blocked me and I genuinely just don’t get it? I’ll see something I like and go to click on the person to follow them and I’m blocked. I just want to say there is one singular person on this app that I don’t “like” and they are not a writer and that’s simply for personal reasons. I’ve never once done anything or said anything to any of these people. I don’t know if it’s because of the weird divide there seems to be (I came in late to the tumblr game so I don’t know nor care about any of that drama) or if it’s because of the friends I’ve made (who I love and adore and wouldn’t change for the world) or the beautiful boy I happen to be dating (marry me). I genuinely have no idea. But I know I’ve never once been mean or rude or said anything to any of these people so I guess it’s all just weird to me. I don’t feel like a fandom should be that way. Or maybe they just don’t like my writing and that’s completely fine too but as a person (writing aside) I know I’ve never done anything to anyone on here so I’m not sure why that requires a block. I don’t and never have sent anon hate. I don’t write anything and never have written anything “minor coded”. I’ve never even written virgin reader (not that I wouldn’t necessarily. I’m just making a point.) I literally don’t even write high school smut because it personally gives me the ick. I’ve never had “beef” with anyone. I’ve never been a bitch to anyone. But ultimately if you don’t like me for no reason I guess there isn’t much I can do about it. This isn’t a “poor me” post. It’s just a “what the fuck?” post. But anyways, sorry for the long ass vent on a Friday morning.
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proxy303 · 1 month
So… Cin has faked being hospitalized for a “mental breakdown”.
Cin, when you read this (because I know for sure you will)…
You’re calling Goldey ableist for calling your incorrect views “delusions”.
And yet here you are faking having a serious issue to get out of a conflict. That’s actually ableist.
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And by the way, deleting your posts about it doesn’t make the fact that you did this go away. You can’t stop the signal. Once it’s on the Internet, it’s out there forever.
You used the lie of being hospitalized. To escape a conflict that you started.
How ironic, given that you ACTUALLY hospitalized someone by harassing them to the point of attempting to off themself. And you nearly did it to three other people.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
I don’t even have words for this.
And before you say I’m fakeclaiming you, before you say I’m being ableist or lying about you or whatever, I have solid evidence of your lies.
Your friend happened to out the fact that you faked it to us.
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Cin, if you didn’t want this to happen, maybe you shouldn’t have:
- Told several people to off themselves
- Threatened a friend of your own friend into blocking them
- DMed countless strangers and told them to block people
- Tried to control who’s allowed in what fandom
- Harassed a grooming victim BECAUSE THEY WERE GROOMED
And so much more that I have neither the time nor patience to put here.
And I finally understand why you want so much for people to block me and Goldey and the others.
It’s because you’re afraid.
We have actual evidence of you being a horrible person, and you’re afraid your friends will see it and turn on you. So you force your friends to block us so they’ll never find out.
Of course, that’s not the only thing you do to your friends. You also force them to delete things you don’t like, bother them for liking things that you don’t (including canon content), and block them for the slightest disagreement.
And you frequently engage in NSFW content involving Brittany Robinson’s characters on your many RP blogs. Did you know she actually said SPECIFICALLY that she doesn’t want people doing NSFW stuff with her characters?
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And what is it with you making all of the characters trans? Like. I get having representation and all that. I’m all for it. But… the way you draw them is almost always sexualized.
So there’s that too.
The point is, you can’t just be horrible to everyone around you, and then get all butthurt when they don’t just put up with your shit.
You can’t do horrible things to people and then get upset at them for responding to it.
You certainly can’t blame your hormones as an excuse for what you’ve done.
You want this to stop? Here’s what you can do.
1. APOLOGIZE. Give an actual apology, show actual remorse for what you did.
2. STOP. Stop posting about this (even vaguely), DMing people, talking about me and my friends behind our backs. Stop giving us shit to call you out for.
3. RESOLVE. Resolve the conflicts. Tell the people you told about us that you were lying (because you were). Admit any sort of responsibility for this instead of putting it on us for calling you out on the horrible shit you’ve done.
But no, you can’t take any responsibility because you’re afraid it’ll ruin your reputation among your friends. So I have a much easier option for you:
Leave our fandoms. Get off tumblr. Get a life in the real world, instead of spending every waking hour acting like you own this platform.
Things get out. The shit you’ve done is public.
People remember what you do to them.
People don’t just let you push them around.
Welcome to the real world.
Go ahead and come after me. My DMs are wide open, and despite all this shit I’ve never actually blocked anyone on this site. But just know that anything you say is forever. It’s permanent. You can’t take back words. So the choice is yours.
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fraddit · 1 year
For the choose violence ask game:
8. For 9-1-1, if you please.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
This one got away from me…
It’s not everyone, but I see it often enough to really be annoying. The premise that certain interactions with women that Eddie’s had over the seasons are proof that he’s not interested in women. Specifically, scenes like him rejecting the women hitting on him at the Saddle Ranch in s2, him being uncomfortable and trying to avert his gaze with the sleep driving woman in s6, and his reaction to Pepa’s ambush setup in s6, etc.
I know people are often joking, but I’ve also seen these moments touted as objective proof of him being not into women. And, to be clear, the offense I take over this isn’t about debating his sexuality. It’s about how such claims are based on a premise that I find very skeevy.
If Eddie’s canon behavior in these scenes is evidence that he’s not into women then logic dictates that the way to show that he is into women in these scenarios would be if he did the opposite behavior. So let’s explore that thought experiment.
Eddie is at work, trying to do his job, which in this case includes the serious business of trying to get a woman’s head safely out of a truck tailpipe. Drunk women are aggressively hitting on him. He’s not enjoying it. This is apparently proof of him not liking all women, instead of him not liking these particular women. The implication is that if he was interested in women, he’d be having the time of his life and getting all their numbers. However, if the genders were swapped in this scenario, nobody would ever claim that a woman not enjoying several drunk men hitting on her while she’s just trying to do her job is indication of anything other than that those men need to back off and leave her alone.
A woman unexpectedly crashes her car into Eddie’s place of work and when she gets out, she’s completely naked. Also this happened while she was sleeping. She’s now awake and understandably distressed. Eddie is reacting with shock and trying very hard not to look at her. This is apparently proof that he’s just so gay, he can’t stand to see the nude female form for even a moment. Even jokingly, this is gross. The implication here is that if he were into women, he’d be what? Excited that a naked women drove into his place of work with no warning? Ogling a women in a very distressing and vulnerable situation? Salivating at her like a cartoon wolf from a Tex Avery cartoon? If I were that woman, I would absolutely be wanting every single person in that room to be averting their gaze as much as possible. And I don’t know about other people, but personally, I’d be pretty uncomfortable encountering any naked person in a location and scenario where I wasn’t already expecting it. Just saying.
Eddie stressing about Pepa’s ambush date setup? I literally don’t know a single person in my life who would enjoy being invited somewhere under one pretense and then being unexpectedly introduced to a complete stranger for a date. Maybe every person I’ve ever met is a complete weirdo, but I doubt it. I think people generally don’t like high pressure surprises about their personal life. Like, I’m really trying to picture how any of the other characters would react to such a thing, and even Buck, who I think would likely be the best sport about it, would probably be pretty taken aback about the whole thing. But maybe I’m just too much of an introvert to see the vision.
Tl:dr the essential implication behind all of these, is that in any scenario, a man who is into women is expected to respond to all women in all situations with clear enthusiasm at minimum and desperate horniness at most and that’s, frankly, a gross, all men are pigs sort of outlook that I really do not vibe with at all. Like, it literally sounds like homophobic frat boy talk. “Bro, you didn’t want to hit that? What are you gay?”
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debb987 · 2 years
Author Note for fic - 2012 TMNT interpretation
This was kind of long for the Author Note of Chapter 3, so I’m placing it here instead. So, I don’t mean to do any bashing on “The Eldest Brother” fic, this is just some analysis / my interpretation  on the TMNT 2012 circumstances. 
Leo is a fan of Space Heroes, a series which often shows the captain “calming down” the junior by slapping him (uses physical violence as comedy relief). For someone that didn’t leave the sewers in fifteen years, they only have Splinter and the media to learn and imitate. He’s not being purposely mean, he just doesn’t know better.
Splinter struggles to separate Sensei role and Parent role. He often ends up mixing them up, which makes it hard for his sons to confide in him on certain things, so he is shown often giving the first step to help with what he sees his sons need. Like talking with Donnie in the Metal Head episode, with Leo about fighting unfairly to win, and Raph about ignoring the insults instead of letting them make him angry. This, of course, means that if he doesn’t notice something, the issue is not addressed or resolved. 
Mikey is the family baby (and has ADHD, you can pry this from my cold, dead hands) and that comes with: Babying, doubting his capabilities regardless of how many times he proves them wrong (he probably can’t stay still/be silent/ concentrate. Better be the bait instead of ambushing the enemy) considering him too distracted/childish to be trusted with dangerous or difficult stuff. The brothers’ default response for his ideas/opinions is, often, to dismiss them. Probably they don’t even realize how mean this can be at times, and even Splinter seems to think Mikey is childish/an airhead, so… yeah. Not resolved, at least at this point of time (S1 2012 series).
Donnie is expected to know everything, create anything, repair everything, to the point where he gets scolded when he doesn’t know something. “Why didn’t you tell me they had shields??” “Because I wanted us to fail. OBVIOUSLY I DIDN’T KNOW!” And although he has accepted the role and does so for his family, I think he’d not be too keen on working for others not close to him, hence the reluctance to make a Tphone for Rise!Raph, this stranger that claims to be another version of his brother but acts nothing like him. He’d probably not have this issue if it had been Rise!Mikey landing on their world. Too similar to be anything but the baby bro~
And 2012 Raph, much like his Rise!counterpart, prefers to turn difficult emotions into anger, and loves and wants to protect his family the best he can. He’s a little hothead and can be quick to  jump to conclusions, but that’s expected for most teens in general, if you ask me. Again, not resolved, at least at this point of time (S1 2012 series) but he does get some character growth later on from what I’ve been told. I haven’t watched anything after S1 2012.
Anyway, I usually don’t rant this much in the AN of my fics, but the TMNT fandom scares me (the 2012 vs 2018 discussions can get real mean), so I’d rather “justify” things here than go individually in the comments. Circumstances for each TMNT version are different… please don’t insult ppl if they like one version more than the other, and, is ok to be able to criticize the ‘flaws’ of each show and still like them. 
Welp, hope you enjoyed the read!(Or will enjoy it, if you happened to see this note before I publish Ch 3 haha) 
This is the link for anyone curious. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42638430/chapters/107105004#workskin
 See ya’ around~ dEBB987
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