#i don't know why lance is sad but he is
mybrainproblems · 1 year
the thing is i'm hyperaware of the fact that i'm Weird About Andrew Dabb but it comes from a place of me realizing back in fall 2021 that i wanted to identify why exactly i didn't like him and deciding to do a close watch of his spn eps. and when i realized i was enjoying parts of it, i decided to see what i could turn up any of his non-spn work. (this is something i've always tended to do with creatives: tracking down older stuff for a more holistic view of their work.)
i was so stuck on how much i hated some parts of his writing (s7 dabb-loflin is horrendous) and couldn't get past that... then i found out independently that he was showrunning the upcoming netflix resi show (a franchise i both love and have complicated feelings about) which filled me with dread that the guy who co-wrote 07x22 would helm a show with a predominantly black cast -- especially with the ultimate villain, albert wesker, played by a black man (RIP lance reddick, you are dearly missed). i wanted to be optimistic but i was ready to be infuriated and was so nervous that i'd hate something i'd been looking forward to as some camp horror tv.
but then. oh. OH. it was everything i ever wanted from resi and never thought i could have. i could not conceive of a resi like this. a resi where women and poc are treated with empathy and as nuanced characters with interiority. where they are the central characters. the video games have their own issues but the movies are truly egregious when it comes to black characters. so to have a predominantly black cast (and a black female protag, no less!) and have them treated respectfully was amazing. this was a show that had heart and a somewhat diverse writer's room and bts crew (not saying it was perfect) and you could see that difference in how characters were treated and how the plot and direction was handled. (i think having female directors and producers in particular helped a lot.)
for those who have not seen the anderson/jovovich movies: there is always a token black character and they will always die by the halfway mark bc they make stupid decisions. it's non-stop tits and ass shots of jovovich (which feels super weird when the director is her husband). alice (jovovich) is an Action Girl who is frequently subjected to sexualized violence but unfortunately, i love the camp horror of it. it's complicated. the video games have their own issues with the portrayal of women and ada wong being DLC feels really shitty when she's so pivotal. women are largely either helpless or Strong Sexy Action Women.
like i really cannot express just how much 8 episodes of tv so wholly changed my opinion of a writer/showrunner bc it showed such growth. a showrunner is only one piece of the puzzle of a tv show but they are the ones guiding it and the ones who have substantial influence in the hiring and development/direction of the story.
it's like. i don't forgive dabb for 07x22 and the shit he wrote with loflin (or solo, tho he improved a lot without loflin), but to see how resi turned out and to read/watch interviews with him and the bts crew is like. oh, okay. i think this person gets it now. i don't think i can forgive and forget bc s7 makes my blood boil, but i can accept that growth has happened here and that's what we should want from people.
also i'm gonna say that when i look at how i am Weird About Dabb and take a step back, i can see that i'm about as weird about him as some folks are about other writers and actors from spn (and willing to acknowledge his faults). i just chose a weird writer to be Weird about.
sorry but i just have a lot of feelings about resi.
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delulujuls · 4 months
i'd give you the whole world if i only knew its price | ls18
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am i a lance's girlie? no. am i becoming a lance's girlie? dont look at me
he seems so sweet idk why people hate on him
summary: lance's love language is giving gifts and when it came to giving something in return he'll accept only one way
warnings: none
pairing: fem!bffreader x lance stroll
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The little girl sat on the curb, tears streaming down her rosy, tear-stained cheeks. In her tiny hands, she held her shattered helmet, unfit for further use. The girl wasn't crying because her father had scolded her for accidentally damaging the helmet. Instead, it was because, until she could find a replacement, she wouldn't be able to race with the other kids. That is, if there were any funds available for a new one.
Seeing the seven-year-old in tears, a slightly older boy, aware of the reason behind her distress, approached her with his newly purchased helmet in hand, crouching down in front of her.
"Here, you can have mine."
The girl stopped sobbing as he sat beside her, handing her the helmet, which she hesitantly accepted.
"I can't take it, my dad doesn't have any money left."
"You can take it, I always have two helmets with me."
The boy smiled at her, but uncertainty still lingered on her face. He glanced toward his father, who stood under one of the tents, observing the children a few meters away. Seeing the tearful face of the girl and the joyful expression on his son's face, he also smiled slightly and nodded.
"See?" he said, squeezing her hands that held the helmet. "My dad agreed. You can take it as a gift."
While her face was still wet from tears, her eyes no longer radiated sadness. Looking into the brown eyes of the boy, he nodded and he stood up, extending his hand.
"By the way, I'm Lance. Now, come on, it's about to start!"
"Please, Y/N, don't be like that."
The boy slumped onto the hotel bed, closely watching the girl's face on his phone screen.
"I'm sorry, Lance, but I can't."
She replied, her phone propped up against a coffee mug, engrossed in browsing job listings on her laptop.
"Why can't you just take it as a gift?"
Y/N scoffed and shook her head.
"Every month you give me some gift, Lance. Last month, as a 'gift,' you bought me a Birkin bag, and I don't even want to know how much it cost."
"You said your bag was falling apart, I wanted to make you happy."
She sighed and shifted her gaze to her phone. Lance looked at her attentively with his puppy eyes, visibly concerned. He wasn't seeing any problem here.
"The bag is gorgeous, and you have no idea how much joy you brought me," she said with grattitude in her voice. "But even a simple Target bag would make me happy, you know?"
"Yeah, probably. But this one is okay too, right?"
She laughed and shook her head.
"It's beautiful. Thank you very much."
Hearing her words, Lance breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing her smile, he did the same.
"So, if you want to repay me, let me fly you to Bahrain."
She lowered her gaze, and the smile faded from her face. Barely scraping by on bills and struggling to find a new job, spending her remaining money on plane tickets was the last thing on her mind. Even if, it could cover just one ticket.
"I can't afford to visit you, Lance."
"That's why let me take care of it. We haven't seen each other for so long, and I want to finally see you and start this season together," he said, looking at her worried face. Money meant nothing to him; he could send a private jet to pick her up, just to have her with him. "Please, Y/N."
She sighed and shook her head.
"I feel so embarrassed. I'll never be able to repay you for all of this."
"So, is it a yes? Can I book the tickets?"
He asked, hope in his voice, and a smile slowly crept back onto his face.
"Fine, but no more gifts this month, okay?"
"I'll try to meet that condition."
Lance and Y/N had been friends since the day he noticed her crying next to the carting track, holding her damaged helmet. They remained friends through all the years of go-karting, and their friendship persisted even when Y/N had to give up racing due to financial reasons.
At first, though she shudders at the thought even now, she hated Lance with every fiber of her being. It wasn't him she despised, but the obscene amounts of money his father had, providing him with everything he could dream of. Y/N was aware that Lance had both many fans and critics, so every time she came across unfavorable comments about him online, she felt embarrassed. After all, she used to cry and curse him every night, even though deep down, she didn't hate him; she just disliked the situation he was in, which she was not allowed to have.
Lance himself knew that without money, he would never have entered the serious world of motorsport. Numerous training sessions, expensive lessons, academy tests – Lance knew that money secured his current position, but talent couldn't be bought. He knew he could drive, and even the people who hated him online knew it too, disliking him simply because he succeeded. Being in Formula 1 cost the Canadian a lot, as he constantly felt like he didn't belong there. Even in the paddock, despite rarely facing personal comments, he knew many saw him as the boy with his daddy's big money. Lance often felt lonely, so he deeply appreciated every moment he could spend with Y/N. No one was as important to him as she was.
However, Y/N focused on being an ordinary teenager after giving up her motorsport career. She finished high school, got into college, even found a job and rented an apartment. Although her life didn't unfold exactly as she wanted, she stayed connected to motorsport through Lance, whom she supported as much as she could. Now things were getting complicated again as the season was about to begin, meaning she could only cheer for him from her couch. But for Lance, there were no such limitations. If he could solve a problem with money, he would. Furthermore, Lance found immense joy in showering Y/N with various gifts. Giving her presents was his love language, something that Y/N had no clue about.
"There she is."
Lance smiled at the sight of his friend, who stepped out of the taxi in front of one of the Bahrain hotels. She returned the smile, hugging him.
"I was talking about the bag, but it's nice to see you too," he teased, pointing to the Birkin she was holding, prompting her to playfully nudge him. Lance chuckled and embraced her, taking her suitcase and leading her inside the hotel.
"I hope the flight was okay and you're full of energy because we're going to a team dinner tonight."
"So, basically your dad is inviting us to dinner?"
She asked jokingly, looking at him as they entered the elevator.
"Technically, yes, my dad is inviting us to dinner."
Y/N laughed, "Well, Lawrence Stroll can't be refused."
Shortly afterward, they were on the right floor where both of them had their rooms. Lance handed her the key card and when she entered her room, she noticed a bouquet of roses and a small package on the bed.
Turning around, she saw him biting his lip, trying to hide his smile.
"Yes, yes, I know, we had a deal. But these roses were practically free and the little gift next to it is, let's say, a shared one."
He explained, putting aside her suitcase. She also placed her bag down and approached the bed, picking up the bouquet of white roses. She smelled one and smiled, feeling their pleasant fragrance. Lance smiled too.
"You're impossible, you know that?"
"Open the gift."
He encouraged her, leaning against the wall.
She smelled the flowers once more and put them aside, taking the small package wrapped in black ribbon. As she untied it and unwrapped the light-colored paper, she discovered the familiar shade of green. It was a long, satin dress with thin straps, in the characteristic color of Aston Martin. She smiled to herself.
"I guess this is for tonight's dinner?"
Lance nodded, "Do you like it?"
"It's beautiful," she ran her fingers over the fabric, "I hope you have a shirt in the same color."
He chuckled.
"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you."
Indeed, at the agreed-upon time, Lance showed up at her door, wearing a shirt in the same color, black jeans, and matching shoes. He smiled at the sight of his friend, who opened the door ready to go.
"You look gorgeous. The color suits you."
Y/N laughed and closed the door behind her.
"That's good because otherwise, I would have to wear the white dress I brought with me, and someone might think I'm supporting Haas."
Lance laughed at her words, pleased to spend these few days with his friend. Honestly, he only stopped feeling lonely when she was around or when they had the chance to talk on FaceTime. Of course, it wasn't the same as having her physically by his side.
The evening passed in a pleasant atmosphere and time flowed effortlessly. Lawrence invited everyone who had arrived with Aston Martin to Bahrain, so instead of reserving a specific number of tables, Lance's father rented the entire restaurant for the evening.
Celebrating the team's excellent work during the winter months, the tables were adorned with champagne and white wine. Y/N had forgotten how weak her head could be, so after two glasses of wine during dinner, a slight buzz started to occupy her mind. Apologizing to Lance under the pretext of going to the bathroom, she stepped outside, sitting on the balcony. Despite being February, Bahrain offered pleasant temperatures, and even after the dark, a warm breeze caressed her exposed arms.
"Here you are."
The girl jumped, hearing his voice.
"You weren't around for half an hour, and I had the waitress check if something happened to you in the bathroom."
"I needed some fresh air."
Y/N replied, smiling at him. She noticed Lance's steps were a bit unsteady and a blush adorned his cheeks. When he sat next to her, she giggled.
"I can't believe we got tipsy."
Lance chuckled and rubbed his face with his hands.
"I won't lie, I'm feeling a bit dizzy."
Still giggling, the girl rested her head on his shoulder. Lance wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his cheek on her head.
"I'm glad you came."
"I'm glad you invited me."
"I'd give you the whole world if I only knew its price."
Hearing his words, Y/N raised her head and looked at his face. His brown, gentle eyes gazed at her affectionately and a faint smile played on the corners of his lips. Lance tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, gently caressing her cheek with his thumb.
"I hate that I can't give you anything in return."
Lance smiled, "Actually, there's something you could give me in return."
The girl raised her eyebrows inquisitively.
"You could be my girlfriend."
Y/N blinked several times, unsure if her slightly intoxicated mind was playing tricks on her or if she understood Lance correctly.
"Do you want me to be your girlfriend?"
"Oh, God, you have no idea how much."
The girl smiled and, without saying a word, cupped his cheeks in her hands and kissed him. Lance hugged her even tighter, returning the kiss, feeling a burst of fireworks in his stomach. He could bring her joy with money, and she could do it in just one way.
"I love you, Lance."
With love.
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mellifluouaamor · 2 months
synopsis. his reaction to you asking him, “what if i suddenly disappeared one day?”
author's note. reader's relationship with the boys is up to your interpretation! but reader is implied to be orter's betrothed here c;
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as a blank look crosses his face, MASH almost drops the cream puff he was eating upon registering your question. he stops for a moment to think what exactly made you ask him that, but when he can't come up with any reason he decides to ask you a question of his own. "did something happen?"
when you don't answer him, he clenches a fist beside his head. someone must be threatening you - why else would you ask him that out of nowhere? "tell me his name. i'll punch the stuffing out of him so he doesn't bother you again."
mash is puzzled when you wave your hands around frantically, claiming that nobody is bothering you. "i was just curious!" you exclaim, "don't think about it too deeply. i just wanna know how you'd feel and what you'd do if it happens."
he hums thoughtfully as he continues eating his cream puff. the thought of you suddenly disappearing makes his chest feel heavy. losing you is like losing his pops - but ten times worse. he visibly deflates and stops eating, which worries you. when you place a hand on his shoulder, mash grabs that same hand and pulls you towards him.
"if you suddenly disappeared one day... i'll be sad. but i'll find you," he says, cupping your cheek which grows warm under his touch, "and i'll keep trying until i do."
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FINN would stare at you like you've just told the entire world his deepest and darkest secret. a few seconds pass, and the freckled first-year then clings to your sleeve as if he's a child about to be left behind by his mother. "wh-what? why would you ask that? where would you go? why would you go? is... is everything okay...?"
you could tell that he's becoming more anxious with every second that ticks by from the way he's clenching his fists against your robe. you reassure him that everything is okay and he relaxes a little, but he's still bothered by your question.
"then why are you asking me...?" he asks, trailing off. he's starting to think that you're actually hiding something from him and becomes jittery again. he grips your arm tightly, afraid that you'll disappear into thin air if he doesn't, and you wince; you swear that he's cutting off the blood circulation in your arm.
when you tell him that you're only asking for fun, that does little to ease his nerves. "but i can't get it out of my head! i'm scared- i don't want you to disappear without a trace!"
for the next few days, finn would become extra clingy and glue himself to your side whenever he can. lance and dot would cast judging looks his way, but he couldn't care less. as long as he's with you, there's no way you'd suddenly disappear, right?
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LANCE rolls his eyes at your question. "like that'll ever happen. you don't even know how to cast the transportation spell properly." despite his words, he's a bit concerned that something might be happening to you behind his back or you're sick, and you're not telling him about it.
"oh come on, you know that's not what i meant!" you exclaim, "just answer my question!" he lets out a quiet sigh. folding his arms over his chest, he stares straight ahead and thinks about what he'd do if you were suddenly gone from the academy one day.
"there's not much to do except to ask your friends and teachers where you went. if they don't know, then i'll search for you myself." there's a pause, and you tilt your head curiously as he looks down, his bangs casting a shadow over his eyes. "i'll keep looking until i find you." after that, lance doesn't talk to you for the rest of the day.
the following morning, your friends tell you that lance was borderline interrogating them about your private life last night, making you internally question his intentions. you can feel someone's gaze on your back as you go about your day, making you scared of the prospect of someone stalking you.
you also notice that lance has been overly attentive towards your activities over the course of the week, asking questions such as, "where's your next class? which friend are you going to sit with? what class do you have after that?"
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DOT doesn't think much about it at first and just laughs. "disappear? where are you even planning to go?" with a beam, he slings an arm over your shoulder. "don't think of going anywhere without me! wherever you go, i'll follow!"
you laugh along, unable to continue the conversation with how much of a cheery fellow he is.
later on, dot's mind would drift back to your question. he knits his eyebrows together, wondering why you would even ask him that. is someone bullying you? or maybe... he stands up abruptly and slams his hands on his desk, disrupting the class as he shouts, "I OFFENDED THEM WITHOUT KNOWING?!"
even when he's told to stand outside of the classroom until the class ends as punishment, he couldn't stop thinking about it. he's itching to barge into your classroom to ask you, but holds himself back from getting into further trouble.
during one of your breaks, dot would pull you aside and hold your shoulders firmly as he stares into your wide eyes. "look, i'm sorry for whatever i did. i'll apologise a thousand times if i have to," he says, and after a brief pause he adds, "just don't go anywhere i can't follow."
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RAYNE is immediately alarmed by your question, and he turns to face you with his usual frown deepening. he then grabs your arm to prevent you from leaving and asks, "what do you mean? spit it out. what happened?"
he won't let you go until you tell him everything. he doesn't even bother hiding the fact that he's worried, and the worst case scenario keeps surfacing in his mind. this is why he didn't want people knowing that you're close to him; you might be used against him, or even worse, hurt because of him.
"please, (y/n). tell me if something's wrong," he implores. he can't bear the thought you disappearing right before his eyes, and he really thinks that your life is in danger. even when you say that you're asking the question in a general sense, he's not about to take any chances.
rayne would ask max to look after you in his place and to keep tabs on your activities, as well as the people you'd frequently interact with. max thinks that he's overthinking but does it all anyway because he understands rayne's concern for your safety and well-being.
rayne would also make an effort to spend more time with you outside of classes so that he can guard you himself. you'll have to give him plenty of reassurance to convince him that nobody is out to get you.
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ABEL drops his doll; that's how shocked he feels when you asked him that haunting question. why would you ask him that, knowing that he had lost his mother when he was a child? do you want to torture him by disappearing without a single trace of your existence?
you immediately regret asking him that and try to apologise. before any words could leave your mouth, abel pulls you into a tight hug with one arm wrapped around your waist and the other around your shoulders. his gesture catches you off-guard, rendering you speechless.
"please don't," he whispers, "i feel the safest with you. if anyone or anything tries to take you from my side, i swear i'll take you back." without you, abel would truly be a lost child searching endlessly for the warmth that had left him.
the following day, you'd find abel and abyss as your scary dog privilege on campus.
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"... are you actually scared of me?" ABYSS gives you a melancholy smile as he asks you a question of his own. he had always dreaded the day that you would admit your fear of him because of his evil eye; although he knew that you would never leave him simply because of that, he still can't help but be scared of the slightest possibility that you might.
he slowly reaches for your face and gingerly cups your cheek, as if he's scared that you might reject him and pull away from his touch. he lets out the bated breath he didn't know he had been holding when you don't, and caresses the soft skin with his thumb.
"i know it's selfish of me to say this... but please don't leave me. you're all that i have, and life is only worth fighting for when you're there," he admits. abyss had a rough past where he was unloved even by his own parents, so when you approached him with a smile that shines like the light of dawn, he found himself unable to let go of your outstretched hand.
however, if the situation ever calls for it, he's willing to learn to let go. "if there ever comes a time when you're no longer by my side... then i'll accept it. but if anyone tries to take you against your will..." there's a pause as his left eye glints. "then i'll make sure that they're the ones who disappear."
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WIRTH lets out a loud laugh before leaning towards your face with a smirk. "And who would dare to take you away from me?" he'll gladly challenge anyone who attempts to do so, and he's confident that he'll win. "you've always been bad at hide and seek too, so how would you even hide from me?"
"just answer the damn question," you say with a huff, "it's not that deep. it's only a 'what if'." propping his chin on the palm of his hand, he mulls over what you had asked. if you disappeared because someone took you away...
"well, i'll simply find you and make the perpetrator suffer," he replies, "by the time i notice your disappearance, you wouldn't have gone far anyway." then, there's a long, awkward pause as wirth averts his gaze, like he wants to say something else but is reluctant to.
after a moment, he adds in a more serious tone, "if you need any protection, don't hesitate to find me. i promise i'll keep you safe." you can't help but feel a bit shy hearing those words come from him.
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CARPACCIO is eerily silent. he doesn't even look at you. he could only try to think of what his life would be like in your absence… and decides that he doesn't want to consider the possibility.
"disappear where?" he asks as he finally meets your nervous gaze, "would you disappear unwillingly? or of your own accord?" cupping his chin, he thinks about your question more thoroughly and tries to apply it in the different situations he could come up with.
"if you were taken against your will, then the most logical thing to do is rescue you," he answers, spinning his knife around his fingers, "and of course, i'll make sure that whoever kidnapped you will be in so much pain that they wish they're dead." a slight shiver went down your spine; you could actually see carpaccio doing that.
"but if you left on your own, then..." carpaccio trails off for a moment, unsure of how to vocalise his thoughts. "... i'd still find you, i guess. and try to figure out why you left."
carpaccio knows that the question you asked is merely hypothetical... but he can't stop himself from thinking that he may have done something to make you consider disappearing from his life. he'd try to figure out what instigated those thoughts of yours before finally asking you.
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"i have ways of looking for missing people. just finding you would be child's play," ORTER answers, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "is that all you'd like to discuss with me? please stop wasting my time with your nonsensical questions. if you're that unhappy with our engagement, take it up with my father."
he doesn't want to admit it, but he's actually thinking about your question far too much to the point that it's affecting his daily life. he gets visibly agitated whenever he's not in your presence, which doesn't go unnoticed by kaldo, who proceeds to tease him. "what got you so nervous, hm? worried that your future spouse won't be happy with you once you're married?"
if renatus happens to be passing by, he'd join in by saying, "he brought it upon himself. who asked him to be an ass fiance? i wouldn't be surprised if they plan on disappearing from his sight."
renatus' words would get orter thinking. after pondering your question more, he'd come to the conclusion that you feel neglected and are planning to leave him soon. the mere thought makes his chest feel painfully tight, and he'd drop whatever he's doing to search for you.
the longer he takes to find you, the more anxious he feels inside. the moment he sees you, he'd grab your shoulder and roughly turn you around to confirm that it's really you. you're surprised to see the dread on his countenance, which gradually dissipates once he's sure that he has found you.
there's a flash of guilt in his eyes, and as he gently takes your hand in his, he quietly says, "i'm sorry. please... don't ever leave my side."
(you can read kaldo's part here)
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adventuringblind · 1 month
Entitled To You (3.6K words)
Norstaptri x Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: An incident with Lance sends the boys into a frenzy. She just wants to do what she loves.
Warnings: Explicit depictions of r@pe, injury descriptions, panic attacks, Oscar plots a murder, Lando throws hands, Car crashes, Author doesn't know legal stuff, Head trauma and blood.
Notes: This one is a request from @Lily234566 I know this wasn't the original pairing but I was struggling to fit the Ferrari boys in there so I had to scale it back... I'm sorry and I hope you still like it! T_T
Side Note: Sorry to the Lance girlies reading this. AND obligatory message of I don't know these people and this is purely FICTION! HEAD THE TAGS! DONT LIKE THEN DONT READ!
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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“Max!” She peeks her head into his driver's room. The bright beaming smile she receives in return after their 1-2 nearly kills her. “They want me for a media thing, apparently.” HIs smile drops into a pout. The sad puppy eyes might convince her to stay. 
“Again? Don’t they know we have plans!
“No, and why would they care anyway?” She looks him up and down and whines because he’s standing in front of her with no shirt on. “Just - I’ll meet you guys back at the room. It’s something to do with being a female in F1… again.”
“I’m starting to think they have nothing else to talk about.” 
She shrugs as she walks out of the hospitality, waving to Christian on her way by. The goal is to get past the Mclaren garage without seeing Lando because otherwise she is not going to the interview. His pout is worse (better?) than Max’s. 
To her pleasant surprise, Laura is the one conducting the interview. “I’m sorry about this being last minute! They said they wanted you to do it with someone else next week and I offered to do it now.” 
The interview passes with ease and thankfully doesn’t take long at all. The banter in-between is also entertaining. 
She’s exhausted when they finish. Ready to go back to the hotel and fall into bed with her boys. Hopefully They’ve ordered food - and dessert. 
The paddock is nearly empty as she makes her way through. Maybe, had she been paying more attention and not focussed on her aching body, she would’ve caught on to the footsteps behind her. 
They are heavy, she assumes possibly a mechanic still packing up to continue on their way to the next circuit. That’s what she still thinks when the hand on her bicep yanks her around the corner. 
If she weren’t as exhausted, then fighting would’ve been a possibility. However, that seems out of the cards as he pins her against the nearest wall. Her forehead hitting the surface hard enough to make her dizzy. 
“Not so confident now, huh?” 
The fuck- “Lance? What are you?-” He slams her head again and cages her body against his own. She flails, only to be slammed again. “Would you stop doing that please?” 
“Not after that stupid stunt you pulled today on track.”
“You mean the one where you showed you don’t know what brakes are?-” Again, her head is sent into the hard surface. She can feel her nose starting to bleed. “Must you?!” She decided to shut up when he does it again and everything starts to go fuzzy. 
His fingers dip beneath the waistband of her fireproofs. The cold evening air hits her bare skin and she panics more than before. Her head is too cloudy to fully comprehend what’s happening. 
“I feel like I'm entitled to a bit of compensation after that stunt.” 
“You’re entitled to nothing. You took yourself out!” She hisses through gritted teeth. Still, Lance continues to get her clothes lower. And slams her head again harder - you know - because she wasn’t disoriented enough already.
“Would you shut up?” She doesn’t say anything this time. Her mouth feels numb and her ears are ringing. Her exposed lower half is met with the bare hands of someone she doesn't want touching her. 
It's - well - it hurts. He's groping at her thighs, ass, even her tits which she isn't sure how he's managing. His hands are everywhere they shouldn't be. 
And then nothing. 
A vague awareness of what's happening seeps through her veins and invades her senses. She tries to scream. Attempts despite the sheer pain of the snap of hips she didn't ask for. 
His finger beat her to it. A hand encloses around her throat and cuts off her oxygen. The black spots dance around her vision. She wants them to stop moving; they are making her dizzy. Or was she already dizzy? 
“See, it's not so bad. Don't you feel less guilty for ruining my race now?” No, she doesn't. She wasn't guilty before. 
She blacks out. 
Waking up with sore limbs and a killer headache is not how she pictured this night going. She tries to yell for help, but a mere creaky rasp escapes. 
When did she lose her voice? The thought makes her panic more. The sob she lets out hurts more than there is sound. 
Her face and hair is sticky. At least Lance had done her the courtesy of not finishing inside of her. 
Still - what the fuck even happened? The fragmented memory is trying to come back to her slowly. Each small piece remembered is another broken cry. 
She can't move. 
It's dark again. 
The anxiety between the three boys is certainly not something they are used to. Oscar can pinpoint the exact moment Lando started overthinking and Max had to bear hug him so he didn't pace a hole into the cement of the parking lot. 
The fourth seat in their car remains empty and their messages have gone unanswered. It's getting more concerning with each passing minute. 
“Max, she always responds.” 
“I know Lando.” 
“She always calls if she's going to be longer.” 
“Would you feel better if we went and looked around for her?” 
The Brit nods his head in a fashion that might give him whiplash. It's better seeing him feel helpful then sit helplessly. Though Oscar can't help but agree with Max's original point. that they should wait there at the car just in case since that's where they were supposed to meet. 
Granted, it's only been twenty minutes. It's still long enough to be murdered. 
They Methodically peer around corners and wave at the mechanics who give them skeptical looks. They were supposed to be out for post race celebrations by now. 
Oscar freezes when he sees it. The human shaped lump lying on the ground. He rushes over with long strides. The closer he gets, the more familiar the person on the ground becomes. 
“Max! Lando! I found her!” The other two boys come sprinting in his direction. He's on the ground trying to clear her hair from her face only for it to get stuck in the sticky substance coating her features. 
“What the fuck?” 
Her fireproofs are still on, but it's obvious what happened. The handprints on her neck, the blood trickling down the sides of her face. “We need to bring her to a hospital.” 
Max hoists her up in his arms. Mainly because Lando is on the brink of tears and struggling to breathe through his panic. He loves deeply and with his heart on his sleeve. Oscar just hopes he can keep the Brit calm until they find more help. 
“Can we at least clean her up?” Lando pleads with him. Big Hazel eyes brimming with tears. 
It's always a struggle to tell him no. “We can't, not if it can help us figure out who did it.” The tears start right after that. 
“So that’s what happened then? Someone really-” Oscar has to maneuver the puddle of tears that is his boyfriend into the passenger seat of their rental car. Max tosses him the keys, opting to be with her in the back and keep her comfortable. 
The tricky drive to emergency is more because Oscar is too far in his own thoughts to pay attention to the traffic lights. He can hear Max moving her around, attempting to put pressure where blood still flows freely. 
Oscar doesn’t bother with parking. He pulls off into some empty area and helps Max shoulder her weight inside the doors while Lando runs ahead to find help. 
It’s fast after that. They take her away and start patching her up while the three of them are forced to sit in the waiting room. Oscar and Lando are left to their own devices while Max paces about on the phone with Christian. 
He feels like a knife is being driven through his chest each time his mind tries to come up with what could’ve happened. Who would do something like this? Unfortunately, a lot of people. The question is more of who could’ve done it and gotten away. Someone with access to the paddock this late. Security, perhaps? Maybe even a sleazy mechanic? A driver wouldn’t make any sense… right?
“When will they let us see her?”
“When she wakes up, most likely.”
He’s not sure when he falls asleep. The exhaustion finally hit him like a truck despite his persistence. He’s awoken by Max’s constant shaking and aggressive whispering of his name. 
“-She’s asking for us.” 
He’s up faster than Lando when Jon threatens an ice bath. They follow the nurse down the halls with an uneasy anticipation. They creep inside the sterile room and find her staring at the wall. 
Lando doesn’t hesitate to move further into the room. Always having been more in touch with his emotions then the other two boys. “Hey love, can I come closer?” 
She looks at him. The bandages plastered over the sides of her head and around her face now visible to them. She returns Lando’s gaze with glassy eyes. It’s damn near shocking when she tries to pull things off her body in a desperate attempt to reach for Lando. 
Lando gets to her before she can get everything off, specifically the IV, and catch her arms. Oscar and Max finally pull themselves together and manage to get her to lay back down with some coaxing. 
She’s shaking violently. Her grip on Lando’s arm is sure to leave bruises. “Who - who f-found me?”  
“We did, schat. We got worried when you didn’t respond.” Max drags the two chairs in the room closer and pulls Oscar down into one.  Lando, against all odds, manages to wriggle his way into bed with her. 
“I know who it was. I - well - does anyone else know?” 
“Just Christian and us.” Oscar can feel the fight Max is putting up to not ask her more questions. The way he’s grounding himself with a hand on Oscars knee instead. 
“You don’t have to tell us.” He attempts to reassure. Maybe calm her mind by giving her an option. “Just know we’re here, alright?” 
“I don’t want it to be a big story. It’s already going to be since I can’t be in the car for the next four weeks. Oh fuck - everyone is gonna know-” Lando hushes her; gets her to somehow hold him tighter.
“Christian said it’s up to you, whatever happens.” Max nods at her encouragingly. “We go at your pace.” 
“They did a rape kit. They’ll know who it is. It was all over so it couldn’t have been hard to get DNA - oh fuck” 
Her heart rate picks up. The nurses rush in. They send her back to sleep. 
Max wants to know who it was who touched her. The rage simmering underneath her skin is almost too much to keep contained. 
On the more fortunate side, they were allowed to stay since she wouldn’t let go of Lando. Then when he did have to get up, they rotated. 
The doctors and nurses learned to approach her like she’s a scared animal. The heavy footsteps seem to set her off and there is now a sticky note on the door saying to tiptoe when entering. It’s endearing to see her doctors and nurses trying so hard not to startle her. But seeing as they’ve now had several incidents where she’s panicked, they are taking more caution. 
Oscar and Lando have meandered away in search of food. Max opted to stay put and made the promise to bring him back cheat foods. He’s too stressed to not eat something of comfort. 
Her physio is supposed to come by today with the stuff she left at the track and get an update from the doctors themselves instead of Max’s botched attempts at repeating back. It will also be nice to see her comfortable, as the one blanket that travels with her everywhere will also be dropped off. 
“Max?” He tightens his hold to show he’s listening. “It’s not fair… You, Lando, and Oscar make a mistake on track and nobody does that to you. I - It wasn’t my fault.” 
The thing is, Max is smarter than people give him credit for. The only incident on track was with Lance. An incident that was his own fault. “He’s at fault, not you. None of this is your fault.”
“They are going to say I was asking for it or something.” 
“In those fireproofs? The only ones asking for it are me and Oscar… for obvious reasons.” He chuckles proudly at his little self compliment. 
It also manages to get her to crack something of a half smile. “Are you complimenting your own ass?” 
“And what if I am?” 
She doesn’t eat anything despite it being sat in front of her. Soft foods are the only thing she’ll be eating. Her throat, albeit not as bad as it could've been (thank you F1), is still damaged and needs to rest as much as possible. 
They had to keep her for observation due to where the head wounds had been. It’s been a rough thirty-six hours, but they are managing.
Despite the hectic situation, Max has come to learn that the female lying in the hospital bed is a better person then the rest of them. Oscar was detailing a full proof murder plan while she was telling him not to make it a bigger deal then it is. To which Oscar politely put his ten step plan with four contingencies down and told her that it’s ‘what he had coming to him’. 
Max has not had to stop someone from assassinating a rival before, but Oscar seems like a reasonable guy. “Death is too good for him.” 
“Mm, you’re right, I’ll just make sure he doesn’t die then and can’t see my face.” 
“Or, we make his life a series of inconveniences! I feel like daddy’s money could get him good therapy. It can’t solve every minor problem.” Lando has a gleam in his eyes. 
Him and Oscar start pouring over ideas once more. The girl simply shakes her head and goes back to eyeing her pudding like it’s assaulted her. “I don’t want to leave here, Max.”
“Why not? I’d assume you want to go home? Sleep in a comfortable bed?”
“Out there, they can get to us. Here is safe.” 
He considers how to reassure her. Only, there is nothing he can think of. The truth is that outside of this hospital room, there is no guarantee they won’t run into trouble. 
“I can’t promise that we'll never have something bad happen again. But-” He looks to the McLaren duo brainstorming ways to make the Aston Martin garage regret existing. “We’ll be there for each other. We’re here for you. When you want us and when you need us, yes?” 
“Pinky swear?” She extends her pink to him. 
Max accepts and curls his pinks around hers. “Pinky swear.” 
It’s not fair really, that they had to leave to go do things. Lando would prefer he at least stayed with her so she isn’t alone. Alas, they are preparing for her discharge and he had to run around getting things together for their trip back to Monaco.
He comes back to a partially opened door and smiles at the other two boys being able to get back before him. Then again, as he gets closer he can hear the angry tone. One that Max uses when he’s pissed off about something. 
Lando panics and rushes inside. Only to be met with the sight of the last person he wants around right now. 
Now - he wouldn’t say he’s prone to violence. Lando prefers to keep the peace when it comes to conflict unless he’s trying to piss someone off on purpose to get a reaction. This is not one of those times. 
Lando’s knuckles collide with the Canadian’s jaw faster than he can fully become aware of what he’s doing. Lance stumbles backward and holds his jaw, glaring at Lando like he’s the one in the wrong here. 
“Get out!” 
“We were just talking-” 
“I said. Get. Out.” He’s seething. The thudding in his chest becoming louder with each second Lance remains in this room. 
He’s not prone to violence. 
Really, he’s not. 
Yet the second crack of knuckles into Lance's chin gives him some sick satisfaction. Isn’t there something about equilibrium? Can he pin this on restoring the balance or something? Regardless, he isn’t going to dent the fact that it feels good. 
The nurses come running and start asking questions. Max and Oscar have to drag Lando away kicking and screaming. 
Worse is when they try to tell him that there are pictures out on social media. Christian has been calling Max non-stop. Oscar has been dealing with Zak. Their relationship isn’t a secret and neither is their current location.  
“They're sending us a different car to see if we can’t get out discreetly.” 
“What happened with Lance, Lan? Are you alright?”
Everyone is panting. Their eyes trained on the door. “I punched him. I restored the equal-brey-um… thing.” 
“Yeah that!” 
He’s not sure how they get on the plane. He’s still amped up about the whole punching thing and running purely off adrenaline. 
They’ve been sitting in silence, mulling over their options. Creating statements they can put out. It’s hectic and they keep trashing them because nothing fits. 
The female has been apathetic. The last thing she wanted was for this to get out and now it has. Seemingly everything is flashing before her eyes. Her career will be gone soon enough, so what’s even the point? 
“Don’t post anything. We don’t have an obligation to confirm or deny the rumors. If anything, we can say that you were just driving me to the hospital and being good friends or whatever.” She won’t look at them. Still - Lando can hear how upset she is, the waiver in her voice. “I’m going to be kicked out anyway.” 
“Christian said-”
“Damn what Christian said! He knows this isn’t going to get any better and if I say who it was then Daddy’s Money is just going to pay his way through.” She's hyperventilating now. Her body collapses against her seat and Oscar makes an effort to get her to lean against him. “It’s not fair!”
lando Can’t help but share her feelings.
She stays holed up in the Redbull garage the next weekend. The appearance is hard, people want to ask her questions. Her boys had been caught in the middle of the riptide and haven’t come back to shore yet. 
At least she’s here. She’s trying her hardest to look stronger than she is. On the inside things are falling apart. 
The team knows to give her space and not ask about the ordeal. She takes refuge in Max’s room when things are too much and the other drivers keep their distance. 
They know it was one of them. She’d been adamant on not saying who it was, but it’s obvious there are sixteen who it could have been, given her partners insistence that none of them go near her garage for the time being.  
She just wants this whole thing to blow over. She wants to lay in bed with her lovers and not flinch when they go to touch her. 
She knows, however, that until she deals with things that healing can’t happen like it should. Or at least, that’s what her therapist says. The one she is now required to see. 
Things get worse when she’s back in the car. Her media duties are limited so she can focus on driving and ‘listening to her body’ as her physio likes to say. 
She can’t hear her body over the sound of her mind going staticy as Lance closes in on her. The catalyst for everything. She panics and ends up in the wall. Not the worst crash ever, but certainly hurts her pride more than it has already.
The thing is, it keeps happening. Even as she’s able to let her boys back in. As her podium finishes start to come back. Her fireproofs (which they’d gotten her all new ones) start to feel comfortable again and she doesn’t feel the need to be out of them the second the race is done. Still, Lance is using this to his advantage. 
Finally, after he almost killed her on track (again), she’s had enough.
The trial goes better than she thought it would. Despite the money differences, Lance won’t be able to race anymore. It’s not some grand spectacle either, just an announcement like usual. It’s more the closure she needed versus the publicized drama it could have been. 
She wins the next race. 
“If I ever see him again, it will be too soon.” 
“It’s been over a year now, Lan. I’m getting better.” There is a genuine smile on her face. The car awaits to take them back to the hotel. It was here that it happened. She almost considered not racing because of it.
“Lando got a taste of blood and now he’s feinding for it.” Max has a comforting hand around her waist. A grounding presence. 
“I mean, I never threw away my murder plot…” 
“You’re a genius Oscar!”
She shakes her head. It’s not like any of this has been easy. It never is. Still - her boys are here and they’ve been so patient. 
“There’s her smile.” They all beam at her. 
She smiles back.
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leclerc-s · 3 months
snow angel - track five
series masterlist // previous // next
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MAY 2023
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yuki tsunoda what's the saying?
lily muni he we ride at dawn!! yuki tsunoda yes, thank you, lily. WE RIDE AT DAWN FUCKERS!!
max verstappen i for one did not know norizz cheated on her with one of her friends.
pierre gasly WHO WAS IT RHEA?
rhea reynolds not important. mick schumacher her childhood best friend. rhea reynolds MICK?!
mick schumacher the people deserve to know the truth!
alex albon that is so much worse than just a friend.
esteban ocon i hope you destroy him with your new album.
mick schumacher oh it's bad.
lance stroll on a scale of multi-21 to abu dhabi 2021. how bad is it?
rhea reynolds probably abu dhabi 2021.
george russell a woman scorned is a man's worst nightmare. good for you.
daniel ricciardo that shit was awfully british of you russell george! george russell I AM BRITISH!
pierre gasly kika says she can't wait to hear you tear this man apart.
max verstappen she's coming for his weave. is that the saying?
rhea reynolds eh, it's an old one but it works.
charles leclerc i hope this resurfaces when rhea releases new music.
lily muni he by the way, where's our sneak peak??
mick schumacher i'm afraid you guys aren't ready for the album. it's so sad.
charles leclerc A WIN FOR THE SAD BITCHES (ME!)
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rheareynolds posted new stories
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"i bet you couldn't believe. when you realized i'm harder to forget than i was to leave"
he looks like he's hard at work but he's watching deadpool
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liked by taylorswift, gina_schumacher, vancityreynolds and others
rheareynolds to the person i can irrevocably be myself with, i love you. i'm sorry this is how the world found out.
tagged: mickschumacher
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📍mickschumacher ich liebe dich
↳ rheayreynolds ich liebe dich auch
user1 oh my god they're so cute.
user2 what the fuck- they're so adorable.
oscarpiastri oh thank god. i don't think i could handle another rumor that we were dating. i have a girlfriend.
↳ rheareynolds you'd be lucky to date me!
↳ oscarpiastri sure, we'll go with lucky
lancestroll and this is the part where everyone thanks me and lily because we're the reason those two are even together.
↳ user3 thank you for your service lance and lily
user4 it's literally black cat gf and golden retriever bf
arthur_leclerc oh good. i don't think i could handle keeping this a secret any longer.
↳ olliebearman because bigmouth leclerc is the reason i found out and i don't even know rhea!
vancityreynolds gross get this shit off my feed
↳ rheareynolds and to think just yesterday you were asking me "when can i see mick again?"
↳ vancityreynolds i have to deal with your pda in person what makes you think i want to see it on my instagram feed?
↳ mickschumacher that's a very valid answer.
↳ rheareynolds kiss ass
↳ mickschumacher it's why blake likes me more than you
user5 blake 🤝 mick 🤝 handing the reynolds craziness
maxverstappen1 orange just stormed out of the motorhome. he's heading for aston martin, nevermind he's coming for me.
↳ maxverstappen1 he's shouting for me to come outside. i will not.
↳ rheareynolds coward
↳ maxverstappen1 and you just couldn't wait until after miami?
charles_leclerc congrats but also could someone like, tell orange to stop causing a scene? this is very embarrassing.
↳ georgerussell63 he has found his way to the mercedes motorhome. we are in danger.
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liked by vancityreynolds, estebanocon, blakelively and others
mickschumacher the prettiest girl ever.
tagged: rheareynolds
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📍rheareynolds hey, i love you!
↳ mickschumacher hey, i love you too!
user6 this, this couple means everything to me.
francesca.cgomes aww mick, this is so adorable!
user7 i want someone to look at me the way rhea looks at mick
↳ user8 she genuinely looks so in love with him
pierregasly he's making the rest of us look bad.
↳ mickshumacher i have to humble all of you somehow.
user9 aww guys regina george found her forever.
vancityreynolds don't fuck this up schumacher. i know how to use a katana.
↳ mickschumacher that's not as threatening as you think it is. i saw you scream over a spider. but i wasn't planning on it.
user10 the picture of her with the tums is so funny. why did she even have them in the first place?
↳ user11 because she's rhea and she does random shit like this all the time.
blakelively so that's where ryan's tums went...
↳ rheareynolds it was an emergency blake! esteban needed them!
↳ estebanocon liar! you stole them for 'funsies'
user12 i never remember blake and ryan liking one of lando's posts about rhea.
↳ user13 or commenting, they must have known he was going to fuck up eventually.
↳ user12 or they just didn't like him for rhea.
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JUNE 2023
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, lilymhe, francesca.cgomes and others
rheareynolds snow angel THE ALBUM OUT 08/18 snow angel THE SINGLE OUT 06/09
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pierregasly 69? really
↳ rheareynolds i’m a comedian gasly.
user1 it’s literally the 8th! the single is out tomorrow!!
lilymhe his peace ends now
↳ rheareynolds babe he hasn’t known peace since bahrain 2022. you’ve made it your goal.
↳ lilymhe i would be a horrible best friend if i didn’t fulfill my duty
danielricciardo album of the year i fear
maxverstappen1 his peace is over. i will be playing this everyday until the end of the season
↳ user2 trust max to terrorize no wins with this album. we thank you for your service.
↳ maxverstappen1 glad to be of service 🫡
user3 oh i just know this album is going to hurt
yukitsunoda0511 will i find myself crying to this album?
↳ rheareynolds perhaps?
mickschumacher you killed it!
↳ rheareynolds i literally love you.
francesca.cgomes i fear she ate with this
oscarpiastri this post has reached the target. i repeat target has been reached.
↳ rheareynolds good. thank you for your service mr.pastry!
↳ user4 i love this duo so much
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charles leclerc i was so right in claiming snow angel.
lily muni he she went to the taylor swift school of heartbreaking track 5's because WHAT THE FUCK??
mick schumacher i warned you guys.
oscar piastri can't wait to play this song right next to his drivers room.
max verstappen CAN I FIGHT HIM?? LET ME FIGHT HIM??
george russell YOU ARE NOT WEAK! HE'S WEAK!
daniel ricciardo FUCK MEN! FUCK LANDO NORRIS!
george russell YOU ARE SO WORTHY! HE ISN'T!
lily muni he RHEA, BABY, WE LOVE YOU!
rhea reynolds aww, i'm glad you guys liked the song.
max verstappen what's stopping me from crashing into him in canada??
yuki tsunoda what's stopping me from biting his ankles?? pierre gasly what's stopping me from running him over with my car??
lance stroll there are tears in my eyes rhea. this isn't funny
esteban ocon i can confirm there are tears in his eyes. but they are also in mine.
charles leclerc i haven't been able to stop crying since i first heard it. arthur is worried.
mick schumacher it'll be even worse when you hear the album. i cried the first time.
mick schumacher and the second, and the third mick schumacher IT'S A SAD ALBUM!
max verstappen i will fight him. we are defending rhea's honor.
rhea reynolds no, max, it's okay. i'm over it, i promise.
lily muni he it's okay, i can fight him.
yuki tsunoda and me. he will never see me coming. rhea reynolds NO! NO FIGHTING! logan sargeant what about crashing into him?? rhea reynolds NO! oscar piastri slowly torturing him with the song?? rhea reynolds umm, i'll let you people do that one thing.
daniel ricciardo A WIN FOR US! A LOSS FOR NOBITCHES!
alex albon operation make norizz miserable starts now.
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taglist: @emilyval @ihateyougunthersteiner @lesliiieeeee @firetruckstuckley @33-81 @landonorizzz @yoremins @nikfigueiredo @badassturtle13 @cataf1 @silentreader128 @taylorsatl @alessioayla @greeneyesandsunshine @wisteriafence @mrscharlesleclerc @sesamepancakes @localwhoore @vettelsebastianvettel @Pinksstrawberry @yourbane @bborra @aandreea2005 @nichmeddar @asparklysoul @landossainz @scarletwidow3000 @cha-hot @ssararuffoni @cherry-piee @vroomvroommuppett @shineforever19 @kissesandmartinis @luckyladycreator2 @blushmimi @namgification @moonyzsworld @casperlikej @reader-22s-blog
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¡leclerc-s speaks! am i making lando too big of an asshole? oh who cares, it's a fanfiction.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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192 notes · View notes
russellsppttemplates · 4 months
“they were just being mean-“
“what’s their name, house address and parents name”
with dad!lance??
Cw: kids being mean, mentions ivf treatments consequent of fertility issues
You couldn't wait to get home to your family, so when your feet touched the wooden floor of the corridor, you couldn't believe it, thinking you were dreaming of this moment. But alas, the words coming out of your husband's mouth caught you off guard as he answered your daughter.
"They were just being mean-", Addalynn tried to reason as Margot looked between them two. "What's their name, house address and parents' names?", Lance asked just as you crossed the corner to find them in the living room.
"Hello, my loves. What's happening here?", you wondered, seeing Margot babble as she crawled to your feet, wanting your attention after being away from you and given that her father and sister seemed to be having a conversation of their own.
While you picked your youngest daughter up, Lance clarified, "Addy, sweetie, do you want to tell mummy?", he checked with her.
"Today, in one of the breaks at school, a boy and a girl came up to me - they're from the older classes - and said that you were very very sick and that's why me and Margot weren't supposed to be here, that we shouldn't be in here because you were sick", she shrugged, "then they started calling me names and I just ran away from them because I didn't want to give them any attention", she sniffled, the situation still getting to her.
"Oh, my love", you cooed, sitting next to her as you balanced Margot on your lap, "it's okay if what she said hurt you and made you sad, and it's okay to cry about it", you comforted, "but they were just being mean", she said, "they're always doing this to other kids, too", she admitted and as if you hadn't been already angry enough, that surely did it.
"Well, while I think it's a good idea to mention this to your teacher and see when they can speak with us, I don't think going up to their houses is a good one", you looked at Lance whose foot tapped incessantly on the floor.
"We love you, Addalynn - and you too, Margot-, so so so much", Lance said as he sat next to her, "mummy isn't very sick and you and Margot are our biggest blessings, okay? Don't let anyone else make you question or doubt that for a second, okay?", Lance assured as you had a big family hug.
After some comforting cuddles, you put Margot down for her nap while Addalynn worked on a puzzle, leaving you and Lance to have the proper adult conversation. You were typing away on your phone, fingers tapping the screen aggressively, "what are you doing, love? Careful with that", he chuckled.
"I'm giving her teacher a piece of her mind. It's not the first time I've heard about these two kids, Lauren's mother told me about them the other day and the teacher said she would sort it out and what? They just go after another kid, my kid!", you huffed as Lance recognised the mama bear instincts kicking in.
"I thought that we should have good, adult ideas", he teased, knowing you wouldn't take it to heart as he felt the same way, "I don't care, I'll go talk to the kids and their parents if I need to. No one is allowed to talk about that or in that way to my children", you argued.
"Are you okay?", he wondered. The topic was your own, and you had to live with it, so it's not like it caught you unprepared. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm not ashamed of it and certainly not ashamed of the family we've created, our family. Those kids, though, oh, I'm going to make sure their parents know what they are up to and if they're embarrassed or ashamed, sounds like a them problem, not ours".
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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moonkoiluv · 11 days
Do you ever think Lance gets insecure about being "too much"?
Too loud, too excited, too passionate, too - everything? People are constantly telling him to quiet down and relax, that he's being too much and just needs to stop. Eventually, he starts to quiet down and reel it in a bit but constantly feels sad he has to cover it up.
Then there's Keith who's haunted by the quiet. After his Dad died it was just always quiet. People didn't talk much around him, left him alone, kids didn't play with him. There was always just an uncomfortable quietness around him.
Now they're in space, trapped together in the castle of lions, which really isn't that big once you've been pacing for weeks, months.
Lance wanders off on his own after Pidge kicks him out of the lab and Hunk kicks him out of the kitchen. He walks for hours just talking to himself and being loud since there's no one around to see. No one to tell him he's too much.
Keith also wanders off on his own. Everyone on the castle-ship thinks he just likes to be quiet, so they usually leave him alone. Shiro is a bit of an exception, but there's only so much time he can spend with Keith before he needs to do something important for the war effort or whatever. So Keith wanders. He ends up stealing a pair of headphones from Pidge and listening to music while he walks, it's one of the only times he let's his guard down because it's the castle-ship. It's so big there's no one around to see him or judge him, he can just exist.
One day, Lance walks along, laughing to himself about some alien pun he made (that really isn't that funny). He decides to take a different turn today. Why not? After a while he hears something, a slight twang of an old country guitar and a deep voice. He goes to investigate because who would be out here and who would listen to that?
He rounds the corner, and there's Keith, headphones blaring, eyes closed, walking in time with the twang of the guitar. Lance hides back behind the wall, scared that Keith would see him.
Keith's completely in his own world, the voices of Jane Carter and Johnny Cash ringing in his ears. Jackson is a great song, he hums along every time it plays. One of Keith's favorites from his Dad's old records, it's a miracle that he could get it digitized and out here in space. He lets his eyes drift open as he rounds the corner, and suddenly, he's face to face with Lance.
"AHH- Lance, what the hell?!" He shouts, why was Lance out here? He's walked this hall a hundred times before and never heard the other boy.
"I didn't do anything! Don't yell at me mullet-" Lance leans into Keith's face with a scowl, "I have every right to be here is that a problem?"
Keith frowns for a second and pauses his music, his mood spoiled anyways. "No that's not a problem. You can be anywhere I don't care, just why here? No one ever walks here."
"I just decided to go for a stroll. What do you OWN this hallway?" Lance leans back but his face is still in a fixed frown. It seems that's the only face he ever gives Keith.
"No Lance I-" He sighs, "you were hiding around the corner. Why were you hiding?"
Lance stutters over his words for a second before answering, "I just heard something and thought the castle could be haunted again-"
Keith scowls, "Lance that-" he sighs again "nevermind." He puts the headphones around his neck, the phone in his pocket and turns to leave.
"WAIT!" Keith turns around, "what uh- what were you listening to? I didn't know you listened to anything other than the sounds of- of- ... emo-ness" he looks so proud of himself while Keith just rolls his eyes.
"Johnny Cash."
"Johnny who?"
Keith pauses for a second. Lance could make fun of him, laugh and leave him on his own again but Keith knew deep down the other boy wouldn't do that. Out of everyone, Lance was the only one who actively sought him out to talk. It may be mostly teasing and half-assed insults but it took away that heavy quiet.
So Keith hands over the headphones for Lance to listen. That's how it all starts. The next day they happen to bump into eachother again, Keith shows Lance a new song and Lance talks about the music he grew up with. Every day they have a routine, they bump into eachother and walk together.
Lance hops around from topic to topic, and Keith opens up about things a little bit at a time. Lance was never too much for Keith, and Lance took away that quiet.
They take walks every day together on the far end of the castle-ship while they're in space. Just to pass the time. No matter what the team sees or thinks, Lance and Keith are a lot closer than they know.
They're never too much for eachother, it's never too quiet or too loud. It's just right.
Note: this ended up being SO MUCH longer than I thought it'd be 😅 please let me know if you like this and want more cause I actually enjoyed writing this 👍
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rhey-007 · 6 months
Home is wherever I'm with You
Lance Stroll x best friend!reader
• | social media au
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Summary: You're too oblivious to see your best friend's clear signs of attraction towards you, until he confesses his feelings after your unfortunate pregnancy and break up.
Warnings/Tags: female reader, sudden pregnancy, breakup, best friends to lovers
A/N: Enjoy the las post of this year! And happy 2024! Hopefully it will be a better year 🫠🥳
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚🍂˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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liked by y/n._.l/n, estebanocon, logansargeant and 67,546 others
tagged: y/n._.l/n, estebanocon, logansargeant
•lance_stroll: someone got a little too drunk 🥂
•y/n._.l/n: I don't remember changing into my pj's 🧍‍♀️
→ •chloestroll: don't worry, he was too drunk to do that so I took care of you! 💞
→ •y/n._.l/n: thank you baby!
•estebanocon: I ain't partying with you anymore 💀 I woke up sleeping on top of Logan half naked...
→ •y/n._.l/n: you finally embraced your love for each other! How cute! 🥰
→ •estebanocon: -_-
→ •logansargeant: he almost crushed me...
→ •user1: we need to see this!
•user2: Yaaay! Another besties content! :3 ❤️‍🔥
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liked by lance_stroll, chloestroll and 35,645 others
tagged: lance_stroll
•y/n._.l/n: my best bubba 💪🤩
•lance_stroll: love you too! 🥰
→ •logansargeant: of course you do 😏
→ •lance_stroll: shut up
→ •user3: LANCE?! what does that mean???
→ •estebanocon: oh you know well what it means 😏
•user4: if it looks like just a friendship then I'm a tooth fairy 🧚
→ •user5: fr ain't no way they're just best friends
→ •user6: what do you mean? friends can act like that too 🤨
→ •user4: I think they also mean the way Lance looks at Y/N
→ •user6: which is?
→ •user4: full of love
→ •user6: ooooh
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liked by y/n._.l/n, chloestroll and 26,438 others
tagged: y/n._.l/n
•lance_stroll: my lil sis 💖
•user7: aaah I love their friendship 🥲🥹❤️‍🔥
→ •user8: we all do 😭
•user9: they are made for each other! when will they be together??? 😭
→ •user10: that's a fever dream... 🫠🥲
•chloestroll: my favorite sibling and dad's second fav child! 😍 (talking about Y/N ofc)
→ •lance_stroll: aha?! she ain't even related! >:(
→ •y/n._.l/n: stop being a whiny baby you knew that for a long time 🤭
•estebanocon: that ain't just friendship, you're not gonna fool no one
→ •user11: estie spitting FACTS 💥
→ •user12: •estebanocon spoliers maybe? when will they finally be together?
→ •estebanocon: idk you gotta ask Lance but hopefully soon >:(
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liked by bran_.don. and 2,685 others
tagged: bran_.don.
•y/n._.l/n: 🏕🌌🍃
•user13: why did you abandon Lance?! 😭
→ •y/n._.l/n: I didn't abandon him! :( he's still my bubba! 🥰
→ •user14: meanwhile Lance:
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→ •user15: poor Lancey getting replaced by some no name :'(
•user17: funny how her likes dropped the moment she started to date him lol bring Lance back!
→ •user18: I guess no one likes the new guy xD
→ •user17: also funny how Lance stopped liking her photos too
→ •user18: that's sad actually :(( poor Lancey 😭😣
•user20: fuck some random ass Brandon, come back to Lance 😭
•user21: why you date this stupid ass Brandon when you can have THE LANCE STROLL???
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liked by bran_.don. and 1,348 others
tagged: bran_.don.
•y/n._.l/n: trip time! 🤗🥰🌄
- (comments disabled)
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liked by bran_.don. and 12,685 others
tagged: bran_.don.
•y/n._.l/n: happy birthday to MEE!🤩🥳🔥
•user22: where Lancey at... :((
•user23: I hate how you forgot about Lance since Brandon appeared...
→ •user24: we all hate that ://
→ •y/n._.l/n: I didn't forget about him don't worry! He was just too busy to join us :((
→ •user24: too busy, yeah aint buying that, he probably didn't want to join and feel like a third wheel
→ •user25: why do I feel like it's actually true? 😭✋
→ •user24: cause it most probably is 😭😭😭
•chloestroll: happy birthday honey! 🥳💞
→ •y/n._.l/n: thank you dear! 💓
•user26: Lance didn't even comment a happy birthday as he usually would 🥲😢
→ •user27: tha man's heart is broken what do you expect???
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liked by y/n._.l/n and 124,648 others
tagged: y/n._.l/n
•lance_stroll: I've always loved you and I'm so so so happy to finally be your one and only 💖
I promise I'll never let the two of you down, I love you too much •y/n._.l/n 💞
•estebanocon: fucking finally! we told you you should've done that a long time ago but you never listen >:(
→ •logansargeant: exactly! >:(
→ •lance_stroll: 🙄
•user28: the two of you??? 🤨
→ •user29: that's suspicious... 🥸
→ •lance_stroll: sorry buddy should've helped me more >:(
→ •user30: not Scotty helping Lance pick up Y/N 😭✋
•fernandoalo_oficial: my boy finally got his princess 😍
→ •y/n._.l/n: •lance_stroll you heard that? I'm your princess 👸💅👑
→ •lance_stroll: of course you are baby 💞
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liked by lance_stroll and 115,467 others
tagged: lance_stroll
•y/n._.l/n: I couldn't wish for a better boyfriend and a dad to my child. You were the first one to help me in those hard time when that motherfucker chickened out (broke up with me when I told him I was pregnant ON MY BIRTHDAY) and I'm so grateful to have you. I love you •lance_stroll and I'm so sorry for not noticing your obvious signs and ignoring your feelings 💞
•lance_stroll: it's okay honey 💖
•user31: so this is what Lance meant! You're pregnant! Congratulations! 🥳💖✨
•estebanocon: congrats Y/N! Can't wait to meet the baby!
→ •logansargeant: we're gonna be the best uncles ever! Promise 🤞💖🔥
→ •y/n._.l/n: you better be! >:(
→ •lance_stroll: ain't no way I'm gonna let them near the baby ✋
→ •estebanocon: why not? :(
→ •y/n._.l/n: best auntie in the world! 😘
→ •chloestroll: of courseeeee 💅
•fernandoalo_oficial: my kids are getting kids... I'm so old... 🫠
→ •y/n._.l/n: you're not old pops! 😇
→ •user33: omg imagine Fernando and Lawrence as grandpas 😭
→ •user34: we HAVE to see it
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liked by lance_stroll and 167,546 others
tagged: lance_stroll
•y/n._.l/n: large and in charge 💪😎🦅
•lance_stroll: still the most beautiful person to grace the world! 😍😘💞
→ •logansargeant: and the most dangerous 💀
→ •y/n._.l/n: what you talking bout buu 🤭😊
→ •user35: would've love to see that 😂
→ •estebanocon: she's a cinammonroll that could actually kill you 🥶
•chloestroll: SLAY MAMA❗🔥 💅
→ •y/n._.l/n: now's your turn 😏👉👉
→ •scottyjames31: 🫥
→ •chloestroll: SCOTTY WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???
→ •lance_stroll: •y/n._.l/n how is it that you always start other people's arguments? 🤔🤨
→ •y/n._.l/n: I'm an argument fairy 🤭🧚‍♀️
•user36: she still looks like a goddess! 🤩
✧・゚: * F1 NEWS
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liked by astonmaetinf1, chloestroll and 328,934 others
tagged: lance_stroll
•y/n._.l/n: she's here! Meet our little ray of sunshine Celia! 😸👶💥
•astonmartinf1: congratulations! 🎉 baby sized merch is already on it's way!
→ •y/n._.l/n: thank you, you didn't have to! 😅
→ •astonmartinf1: of course we had! Our future miss driver should know what team to choose from her early days!
→ •lance_stroll: ain't no way I'll let her drive, she'll become a supermodel like her mommy should
→ •y/n._.l/n: aww stawp it 🤭🤗💖
•chloestroll: I want to hold her again 😭
→ •scottyjames31: me too! 🥹
→ •lance_stroll: HELL NAH you almost dropped her 😡😤
→ •scottyjames31: I didn't 👀 it was Chloe...
→ •user37: not Scotty almost dropping Celia 😂😭
•fernandoalo_oficial: can't wait to meet the littlest Stroll! 💖💞
→ •y/n._.l/n: soon pops soon 🤗🤭
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liked by estebanocon, lance_stroll and 596,178 others
tagged: estebanocon
•logansargeant: best uncles on duty 💪😎
•user38: omg little Celia's gonna have the best childhood ever 🥺
→ •user39: I want to be her 😭
•user40: love how they just turn into those pookie bears while with Celia 🤭😳
→ •user41: have you seen those videos when they met her for the first time? They literally melted!
→ •user40: I did! That was so wholesome! 😍
•lance_stroll: please don't hold her like that anymore 🙏 Y/N almost got a heart attack
•y/n._.l/n: I'm gonna kill you when we're back >:(
→ •logansargeant: what why?! We didn't do anything! 🤣
•user42: datxnotxzteb Logan sitting in Celia's cradle 🤧
→ •estebanocon: fun fact: he cried when Lance and Y/N came back and it was time to leave
→ •logansargeant: YOU CRIED TOO >:(
→ •user43: not adult men crying cause their play date with their best friend's kid ended 😭🤚
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liked by logansargeant, lance_stroll, chloestroll and 785,935 others
tagged: logansargeant
•estebanocon: the cats are gone, the mice are playing 😁💖
•lance_stroll: that's actually funny xD
→ •logarnsargeant: daddy approved yaaay! 🤩💞
•user44: poor Celia 😭✋
→ •user45: what do you mean she seems to enjoy it! 😂
•user46: aaah she is so cute!
•user47: now I know why Lance didn't want Esteban and Logan near her XD
→ •user48: we should've predicted that 😂
•fernandoalo_oficial: told you to leave her with me 🧍‍♀️
→ •estebanocon: shut up you know nothing about fun
→ •y/n._.l/n: estie be nice to pops or I'll never leave my baby with you again
→ •estebanocon: sorry mami 😔
92 notes · View notes
When Lance arrived in his room, he felt half dead.
In the ambulance they gave him liquids and sugar, but it somehow still didn't feel enough.
His clothes were stuck to his back, damp with sweat even after the shower, his skin hot and irritated red.
He slowly moved towards the bathroom, lights still off. There, he turned them on on the dullest setting and sat on the edge of the tub as lukewarm water started to fill it. He painfully undressed himself, careful not to aggravate the strain between his shoulder blades.
When he carefully sat in the tub, he let out a tired groan. He laid his head on the edge, and closed his eyes against the lights and the pain. He must have lightly nodded off, because he was startled by the knocks on the door. Lance couldn't be bothered to actually answer, so he just waited for whoever was knocking to just go away. Soon the sound stopped, but suddenly the buzz of his phone started. He groaned again, but answered anyway.
"Mhhhh?" was the sound that came out of his mouth, too tired for any real effort.
“You okay?" Asked a concerned voice that made Lance freeze for a second.
"Lance?" asked the voice with even more concern.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright, Fernando. What about you? You ok?"
Fuck, this personal moment of isolation, intended to be spent licking his metaphorical wounds, of course this was the moment Fernando had to play the role of the worried teammate.
Ok, that wasn't fair to the older man. He always seemed genuine when interacting with Lance, playful and funny in some moments, serious and sharp in others. Lance couldn't be mad at him. He just wasn't in the mood for company. He didn't want any witness to his well deserved, in his humble opinion, pity party.
“You still there?" the same voice again and again and again.
"Yes sorry, just a bit distracted. You were saying?"
"Nothing important, the burns will heal. You don't sound alright, though"
"Yeah, not really, just soaking in the tub and waiting for the strength to dry and go to bed. I think I was actually napping before your call"
"That why you didn't answer the door?"
"Oh, it was you? Sorry, couldn't really get up"
When he was done talking, the only sound he could hear for a couple seconds was the breath coming from his phone.
"Fernando, are you sure you're ok?"
"You fell asleep...Lance, that's incredibly dangerous!"
If before Fernando's voice was an ok company, now Lance was starting to be irritated by it. He wasn't a child, he knew the risks of his own actions.
"Haven't you heard? Apparently I'm a danger to others, so why not be one to myself?"
Lance was greeted by silence, as the words he just said rang into his own ears. Before he could apologise, the Spanish man spoke.
"Lance what do you mean?"
Lance sagged in the tub, feeling more tired than ever.
"Nothing Fernando, it's nothing, just in a bad mood. Sorry"
"Lance, I know you. I have seen you frustrated and angry, this is not it. What's going on?" asked Fernando, and Lance couldn't take it anymore. Slowly, salty tears started to fall from his eyes. He tried to be as quiet as possible, but he couldn't really hide his sobs from the other man.
"Lance, it's ok. Just open the door. We don't have to talk, but I want...I don't want you to be alone."
"Why, so that I don't do anything stupid?" He tensed, drying his cheeks and furiously rubbing his eyes, starting to feel too many emotions all at once, sadness and frustration and anger and guilt and a sense of general pointlessness.
"Because you deserve to not be. You deserve whatever you need in this moment, a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to your struggles or simply someone close" his firm but gentle voice was starting to calm Lance.
Sighing, Lance relaxed his muscles.
"Give me two minutes."
"Take your time. I'll wait" And what was that supposed to mean? But Lance didn't have the brain power to ponder about it, so he hummed and hung up. He rose from the tub and, carefully stepping out, started to dry himself. When he was satisfied, he unplugged the tub, almost fixating on the water swirl, but he had clothes to put on and a complicated teammates situation to solve. He put on a simple pair of gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt, once again thankful for the AC that cooled the room down.
When he opened the door, Fernando was leaning on the opposite wall, calm and patient, black pajama pants and an unzipped hoodie on top of a simple black t-shirt. Lance really didn't know what to think, so he simply let him in.
Lance's bare feet sang because of the textured carpet, but his legs almost gave out, weighted by his tiredness, so he decided to sit on the couch as normally as possible, heavily leaning the small of his back on its arm and his head on the back of it, hunched over his raised knees. Normal, see?
"So..." he didn't want to feel awkward, but couldn't help himself. What do you say to a legend that is your teammate and is showing real (or deep faked) concern, who you have a totally-platonic-not-at-all-romantic crush on and were also deeply convinced that hung around only because paid or, even worse, forced to? Yeah, Lance didn't know either, so awkward silence it was.
"Have you drunk?" Right, because Lance was incapable of being responsible, ok then.
"Yes, I have. Now you can leave."
The rollercoaster of emotions was draining him after all that went down on the track. He just wanted to curl up in a ball on his bed, cry if he could find the strength, and then sleep. But the other man seemed to have other plans. He nodded, then went to the kitchen, taking off his hoodie and throwing it on the first chair available, and started filling up two glasses. When he returned, he sat on the other side of the couch and offered him one of them, whilst drinking the other.
Grabbing it, Lance had to grudgingly admit that he was thirsty, so he slowly drank without making eye contact. There had to be a limit to the awkward silence and the embarrassing situations, right? Wrong.
Soon after finishing his glass, Fernando slipped closer to Lance. The Canadian couldn't look at him, so he closed his eyes and rested his forehead on his right knee.
"Lance, I understand if you don't want to talk, really do. But I'd prefer if you allowed me to be here with you" his tone was so sickeningly sweet that it made something in Lance snap.
"And I'd rather pref..." he started angrily, but couldn't even finish the sentence because his eyes landed on the bandages on Fernando's right arm: they started just under his elbow, and disappeared beneath the short sleeve of his t-shirt.
"What the fuck happened?" asked Lance, suddenly panicking and unfurling from his previous position to gently take a hold of Fernando's hand, studying the bandages and carefully turning the arm to get a better look. He was so preoccupied with his scrutiny that he didn't notice how the other man was looking at him, expression soft and open, endeared by his cat-like teammate: prickly, fast mood changes, in need of some affection but too stubborn to ask for it or even accept it once freely given.
Fernando simply shrugged, without disturbing Lance's hold.
"The car wasn't properly sealed. I have some first degree burns, but nothing serious."
When Lance deemed the situation under control, he finally realised that he was holding Fernando's hand. He started blushing furiously, quickly releasing it, but when he tried to move his left hand away, that's when Fernando himself caught it and tightly gripped it, keeping him in place.
Lance met the older man's gaze, intense and sharp.
A few seconds passed, silence engulfing them.
With a tired sigh, Lance collapsed on the back of the couch, hand still held.
"Fernando, what do you want, honestly? Why are you here?"
"I already told you, I just don't want you to be alone. Because I'm old, and I'm selfish and I can't bear to see you hurt and alone."
These were words Lance had never expected to be directed to him, even less by Fernando. But he couldn't deny his presence was comforting. So he chose the path of least resistance: he leaned to his right and put his forehead on his teammate's left shoulder, trying to be delicate about it, but when a hand sneaked in his hair, starting massaging his skull, he completely melted.
"I can't talk, not right now. Tomorrow, if you're still interested..."
"I'll be here, just waiting for you. Now sleep, gatito"
As if been given his last order, Lance felt himself fall asleep without a care in the world, leaving an even more endeared Fernando to massage his back, watching him carefully and swearing to himself to be by his side for as long as possible.
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theroyalthrones · 5 months
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Behind the Scenes | Chateau de Bigaroux | Bigaroux, Lavande
beginning | previous | next
Transcript Under the Cut
CAROLINE D'ALAIRE ugh get out of my light. LAURIE ALAIRE You're sure enjoying yourself. Don't you think you've had enough? LAURIE ALAIRE You're burning CAROLINE D'ALAIRE Shit. CAROLINE D'ALAIRE [exasperated] You look like you've been hit by a truck. CAROLINE D'ALAIRE Why are you here, Laurie? CAROLINE D'ALAIRE I've made it clear that I don't want to see your face. LAURIE ALAIRE Look, Caroline. I'm sorry. I think I had too much to drink at the party. If I hadn't that wouldn't have ever happened!
CAROLINE D'ALAIRE You've got to stop blaming your mistakes on other things, Laurie. You've got to take accountability. CAROLINE D'ALAIRE I only asked for no drama! And you couldn't even hold it together for an hour. 5 LAURIE ALAIRE I know, Linny. I'm sorry. CAROLINE D'ALAIRE I'm not the only one you should apologize to. LAURIE ALAIRE He doesn't deserve it, Linny. CAROLINE D'ALAIRE LAURIE! You can't be serious. This needs to end soon, you're hurting the people around you. Flo was sad. 6 LAURIE ALAIRE God, she was? CAROLINE D'ALAIRE Of course, she loves us Laurie. And I'm sure she feels a bit responsible for it too. That's just the kind of person she is. CAROLINE D'ALAIRE You don't understand that your actions affect the people around you too. Apologize to her too. LAURIE ALAIRE Sighs Alright. 7 CAROLINE D'ALAIRE Before my wedding. LAURIE ALAIRE Ok. CAROLINE D'ALAIRE To Dorian as well, if I didn't make that clearer. LAURIE ALAIRE I Get it, Linny! I'm sorry. 8 CAROLINE D'ALAIRE You need me that badly, Laughs? Have you already made a mess of things without me? CAROLINE D'ALAIRE Clearly, i mean look at your face. Ugh, I'm not looking forward to that mass. 9 LAURIE ALAIRE groans You have no idea. CAROLINE D'ALAIRE I forgive you, Laurie. For now. The post isn't done just yet, the's leaving when he see's giselle. 12 LAURIE ALAIRE Giselle! 13 LAURIE ALAIRE (laughs) You're stalking me now? GISELLE DE LA VALLIERE … (startled) GISELLE DE LA VALLIERE (Awkward laugh) You're more like the creep following me. 14 LAURIE ALAIRE (these silent shots taken from the back) … GISELLE DE LA VALLIERE … LAURIE ALAIRE You look radiant as ever, sel. GISELLE DE LA VALLIERE Laurie, we shouldn't be talking. LAURIE ALAIRE But- 16 GISELLE DE LA VALLIERE No seriously, Lance! You've got more than one reason why you shouldn't be doing this! LAURIE ALAIRE And you've got none? GISELLE DE LA VALLIERE … I didn't say that. I won't do this with you, it's not- Laurie Kisses her, she pushes against it after a bit. Resting her head on his chest. LAURIE ALAIRE I've just… I miss what we had. Can't we try? GISELLE DE LA VALLIERE I can't- say no to you.
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shelbgrey · 11 months
I was wondering if you could write a Seeley Booth x reader fic possibly with friends to lovers or just let the vibes take you. Thank you :)
Friends to Lovers Headcanons:
Paring: Seeley Booth x Sweets!Reader, Sister!Reader X Brother!Lance Sweets.
Summary: headcanons about the evolving relationship of Agent Seeley Booth and Dr. Y/n Sweets.
A/n: hope you don't mind it being in headcanon form, if you want a short story you can message me with the details or send in another ask for the inbox, I'm all ears :)
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You two start off at 'right person wrong time'. You didn't really know how to deal with a relationship, nor did you have good ones in the past. Then Seeley had his eyes fixated on Temperance Brennan.
You two obviously had feelings for each other, you just didn't realize it, so you started off as friends. Your the older Sister of Lance Sweets and it took a while for him to gain your trust. You were too busy always worrying about your brother and you didn't really like how Seeley treated him at first.
He calls you Lady Sweets and prefers your comapany above all others. He kinda wormed his way into your heart.
“are you always like this?” you asked half annoyed.
“what are you talking about, I'm a joy to be around”
It started off as jokes to break the ice and soon you relized how much you two had in common.
After a couple of cases that tested both of your trust and patience, you guys were well on your way to calling yourselves best friends.
Then it got to the point that he was the only person you felt safe with.
“I'd die for you.. Ya know?” he told you after he almost lost you. “right back at you”
With that you guys usually open up to each other, mostly about people you have a 'crush' on or wouldn't minde getting in bed with, this of course was just a cover up.
But what took you guys longer to open up about was your home lives and his time in the army. Seeley trusts you with everything, even is own life so it was only a matter of time before he opened up about it.
He talked about his time as a snipper and how he lost the people closest to him during that time.
You'd tell about the awful foster homes you and Lance got sent to and how you always had to protect him. Lance was too young to remember, but you took most of the beating for him.
You started crying when you told him the stories, that was the first time he's ever seen you cry. He didn't care just held you in his arms with zero judgment.
When he started having feelings for Temperance Brennan, you were crushed but still supported him. At the time you didn't know why you felt so angry and sad, but you kept between yourself and your Shrink brother.
“I'm NOT in love with Seeley Booth, I love you Lance but please stay out of my love life”
You also hated how much pain she caused him, you had huge respect for Temperance and even consider her one of your closest friends, but Seeley just couldn't get the hint she wasn't ready for a relationship.
And sometimes Temperance doesn't realize what she's saying... To literal and honest that girl.
You hated seeing him so upset. “honey, she's not good enough for you anyway”
The more he hung around with you and the more cases you went on together, the more he realized you may be ✨the one✨... But he's not quite sure, with you, Bones, and work he's not sure what to do and it bugs him big time.
Everyone around you knew what was going on, they saw the way he looked at you and vic versa.
“two genius both in love with this same guy” Hodgins said.
“Brennan isn't in love with Seeley” Cam sighed shaking her head. “my money is on Y/n”
“I have to take Brennan's side on this one” Angela sighed, you don't turn your back on a best friend so you don't blame her.
You always felt a pit of jealously when Brennan was around. You either got incucure about your intelligence or if she was around Seeley, you got shy about your looks. She of course doesn't know and in the end she's a good friend.
But no matter what Seeley thinks your the most beautifulest and smartest person he's ever met. Your an Angel in his eyes.
When things got a little too cosy with Bones and Seeley you spilt your guts out to your little brother. “I'm in love with Seeley Booth”
Lance nodded, not shocked at all. “yeah..”
“what do you mean 'yeah'?”
Lance sighed with a soft smile. “it's obvious... On both sides even, don't you see the way he looks at you?”
You kept that conversation on repeat for about a week and then you and Seeley had a case together. It was easy and you of course solved it.
You were quiet the rest of the night trying to figure out how to tell him. “you okay? your really quiet tonight”
You took a deep breath and looked into those brown eyes you loved so much, so gentle and kind but could be blazing with anger in the next. You loved how much emotion they held.
“I lo... I'm just tired” yup... You chicken out, but don't worry new years rolled around pretty fast and your brother was getting tired of you being scared.
It just started off as a simple new years party, you and Seeley stuck close together and just had a good time, your almost confession didn't even cross your mind. But you couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked, in black dress shirt and leather jacket.
Then the count down started... The 5,4, 3, 2,
And just before one showed up Lance dropped the bomb shell “y/n is in love with Booth”.
All your friends looked at you and all you wanted to do was Shrink into your skin. “happy new year” you said sarcastically and blew your party thingy.
You left without another word, you didn't get to far because Seeley grabed your wrist stopping you.
You sighed and turned around. “wha-”
He pressed his lips to yours in a passionate kiss, it held years of built up tension and emotion was poured into that kiss.
“I love you too” he said, resting his forehead on yours.
Your relationship grew stronger than ever and there was so much weight being lifted from you guys.
You were always kinda touchy-Feely with each other, but now since your his girl he can't keep his hands off of you.
With you, he's like a big teddy bear.
He's super over protective, more than usual now, if you thought over protective best friend was just wait for over protective boyfriend.
He knows you can take care of yourself and he knows your a total badass, but he just wants to keep you safe...let your man's arms be your safe place.
He loves you and would do anything for you.
I think starting off as friends is what made your relationship strong and unbreakable, you love each other through the good and the bad.
“it was worth the wait” he said.
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sapphickittykatherine · 11 months
this is all just my personal view ofc, and i have been known to be wrong about things but, looking for a merwaincelot fic that gets their dynamic right is like searching for a needle in a haystack 😭😭😭 why does no one get them like i do?? being so incredibly intelligent is lonely fr :/ gwaine and lance trying to seduce merlin to join their relationship or have a threesome with them is incorrect. i am deeply sorry. the positions are the wrong way around. gwaine and merlin are far more likely to be fwb or dating (in a way that involves sex) than gwaine and lance 😶 merlin is not a shy, oblivious little bby - he's an unhinged feral wilddeoren (rat) boy - but you know who is??? lance! they try their hardest to seduce him and he either doesn't notice or thinks there's no way they'd flirt with him and he must be mistaken so he ignores it. merlin and gwaine are dropping terribly unsubtle hints that they both like him romantically left and right, but the man manages to misread them somehow. lance is repressed and shy and has cripplingly low self-esteem and merlin and gwaine would eat him alive, sorry :/ he would be the shy one being backed into a corner unexpectedly by two men with nefarious motives, not merlin! he is utterly unaware of how attractive he is bc he hates himself. to be fair, merlin kinda hates himself too, as does gwaine, but not in the same way. they're a sad trio okay but lance is pathetic and a subby little bitch and would never initiate i don't make the rules
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silentreigns · 10 months
Dutch GP 2023 Reflection
I don't know who Mercedes's strategists were for this race but they need to reevaluate EVERYTHING. I knew they were on some bs when the race started Lewis was on mediums and 19 other drivers were on softs? Like don't piss off!
The only reason why Mercedes were able to finish with some points is because of Lewis's skill. Going from 13th to 6th is something is commendable. But we know Lewis rarely complains and I doubt that he's going to say anything about the team that could be seen as negative
I don't think anybody predicted that Pierre would get a podium since he started 12th. But Alpine got the strategy right. Considering everything Alpine has gone through, they definitely needed this podium. Pierre celebrations are always great.
I feel bad for Zhou because he was 2nd at the beginning of the race. Was in the points for a long time. Then he DNF'ed because they didn't bring out the red flag sooner so he aqua-planed. If he for real loses his seat after this season imma be salty. Someone should lose their seat in that team and it ain't him 🤥
Ferrari just keeps making Charles look dumb. Charles called for Inters at the best time. The pit wall wanted him to stay out (idiots). Charles goes into the pits anyway, and the Inters weren't ready. If Ferrari pit him at the right time, he definitely would have been in the top 5 for a while. Then they kept rubbing salt on our wounds having him stay out when he was being overtaken by everyone. When I saw George on hards overtake him I knew it was a wrap
Speaking of George, what the FUCK was Mercedes doing putting him on hards? Hards aren't suited for this track, and he was like the only driver on the grid who went on them. He also had a snap with his car and was driving on the grass for like 2 seconds. Don't know how he survived that at all. And that moment also made me nervous because Lewis was directly behind him on that turn. Then he DNF'ed on like the last couple of laps in a points scoring position. What a disaster 😭
Yuki started p17 due to impeding Lewis in quali. So i wasn't expecting much. But then he ran P5-P8 for a significant part of the race. He managed to keep Lando behind all those laps. But then AlphaTauri didn't pit him sooner, and he was on old softs for a long time. But when he was aggressively defending I was very proud. But then he got a 5 second penalty for (???) and finished last. Yuki and Charles are the most unluckiest drivers on the grid
Lando went from P2 to P7. It really doesn't matter what happens in a race, he finds a way to finish P7. I don't know whether to laugh or cry for him.
I'm so happy Alex finished in the points. That makes Williams P7 in the constructors which is HUGE. I feel like Williams can cook at Monza too so I am excited to see how the next race goes
Sad for Logan, he got lapped after 8 laps then crashed into a wall. You made us Americans proud though like compared to where he started in the beginning he has grown a lot. Even though on paper it doesn't look that way🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
Lance had 7 pitstops and somehow ended exactly where he started in P11. I am not a conspiracy theorist but why is Lance always on a drastically different strategy than Fernando? I don't get it all, and I don't think the team is deliberately sabotaging him either.
Alonso is back to looking like how he was at the beginning of the season. But I need Aston Martin to make bigger gains because he looks like the only person who has a chance at stopping RedBull this season
Overall, this is like my second favorite race this season. Silverstone is still my favorite, and I don't see that race getting dethroned this season
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cateyeswrites · 12 days
The feeling of Falling, a feeling I thought was set in stone.
(Ambiguous partner for Lance) One late night Hunk and Lance chat
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It’s late when Lance answers Hunk's video call, he still has a mountain of students' assignments to finish grading but he could always get them done at home or in the morning if he came to school early enough. Sometimes it felt surreal to Lance that he had his life, that he had, speaking with his friends and former paladins didn't make it feel any more real. 
He had been talking to Hunk about intergalactic laws that made it hard for him and Shay to adopt different alien kids that weren't Balmera when the conversation shifted to him. 
"And how is teaching going?" Hunk asked, "Are you still enjoying it?" 
He shrugs a small laugh slipping out, "Let's just say I kind of understand why Iverson was the dick he was to me" he chuckles sadly as that nagging feeling in his chest appears. 
"Lance," Hunk says his name softly, eyes no longer shining with happiness. “ We have talked about it, what he did, the way he treated you, that is not how you treat a kid.” Hunk said, “Or am I wrong? Do you ever try to speak to your students like that? Do you make them feel small and insecure?” 
Lance shrinks into himself, he knows that he would never speak to a kid the way Iverson did to him-  the unnecessary cruelty that man inflicted on Lance, the way he made him feel so sad and lonely not only that but for many years Lance truly thought he had been a useless asset, a seventh wheel, some spare thing that the rest of the team had to deal with him and God was it hard to deal with those feelings but more than anything it had been so much worse to confront his teammates about the way they had made him feel, specially Pidge. 
Pidge and he had been close at the beginning, they were part of the garrison trio with Hunk, they had been friends for a while back then but then after the revelation that she was a girl and Shiro disappearing, she did a 180 and had almost made it her mission to make Lance feel like an idiot and now as an adult he could understand that she was going through her own hell and dealing with her own demons, losing both her brother and father, looking through them in space but it most definitely didn't allow her to speak to him in a way it made him want to never speak again or how every time they interacted he wanted to hide. 
He wishes he could have talked to Allura about it too, even in the short time they were together they never really talked about intimate things like his feelings and his experience in space or… the time he died. He didn't regret, saving Allura but till this day sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night frightened, surrounded by darkness and the feeling of falling. 
“No,” he whispered and shook his head, “Of course not.” he sighed and wrapped his arms around himself. 
Hunk gives him a small smile, “Have I ever told you how grateful I am for your sister?” he says as he picks up a picture on his desk.
“Huh?” he reacts confused, “Rachel?” he asks, he knew Hunk had asked for Rachel’s help once or twice for diplomatic reasons when dealing with other planets' governments.
Hunk snorts, “ NO, Veronica,” he says putting down the photo, at the new angle Lance could see it was a picture of his family and Hunk at his engagement party.
“Oh? No, I don't think we have ever talked about it.” 
“When Allura died, no one knew how to help you or truly even really speak to you.” Hunk admits with some regret but there is also some acceptance like he had enough time to make peace with it. “What we went through, being kids fighting in a war changed us, and maybe not for the better but it did nonetheless.” He states, “But the way Allura and space change you Lance, it frightened me.” 
Lance froze not knowing how to react to this admission. 
“I had known you for so long but after coming back to earth you had shut yourself and now that years have gone through I can admit that maybe I could have done better on my end but I was also a kid.” he admits with a small smile, “ I had this fear that you were ready to give up and that Allura dying was the last straw, that you would lose everything that made lance, my best friend.” Hunk whispers and there is a sniffle and he can see Hunk whip some tears away. “ No one knew how to talk you through your grief and then you started speaking about the farm and Alluras life and message and what Allura wanted and what you wanted for her memory” 
Lance can't do more than just stare at his hands hearing about this. 
“ I rarely heard about you,” Hunk says and Lance nods feeling the tears build up in his eyes. “ About what you wanted to do”
“But one day on one of our group calls, you talked about Veronica and how she had told you about becoming a pilot teacher and all the help that was needed at the garrison and I saw it for a moment I saw the spark of the boy who found the Blue lion,” Hunk stops and takes a breath. “ Then you got the job and Lance…” He pauses again, “ It was like you were back.” 
Lance remembers he remembers very well how Veronica was the only one who didn't tip-toe around him and his emotions. How she one day burst into his room and ripped his sheets away from him and yelled at him, crying, feeling scared because even tho he wasn't dead she felt like she had lost her brother. That day he got up and spent the whole day at the garrison helping out, by accident meeting the new cadets. It had been love at first sight. He laughs thinking about Allura and his supposed love for her, yeah not even his spouse could rival his love for his job and the kids. 
Lance tries to say something but it gets stuck in his throat and gives Hunk a teary smile, hunk gives him one back, and they stay in silence for a bit when he feels his phone vibrate and there is a new message 
1 new text message 
Hey I know is a late night at the school but the kids are asking for you.
1 new text message 
And I miss you 
1 new text message 
And they are asking for your cooking. 
He snorts and wipes his eyes with his sleeve.
The sound catches hunks attention, “ Everything okay?” he asks but he has a huge smile on his face having a suspicion of who was texting him. 
“Yeah yeah dude,” he answers with a bright smile and a more cheerful tone.
“ Your other job?” Hunk jokes, amusement, and endearment in his tone. 
“Well you know what they say,” he shrugged, “ Being a dad is a full-time job even when you already have a full-time job,” he says packing some stuff in his bag, to him seems like he had done enough work for today and honestly the only thing he wanted was going home and be with his family. 
His kids and his spouse.
Hunk laughs and observes Lance getting ready to leave, he smiles proudly at his best friend. 
“You know Hunk,” he says looking at his best friend leaving on the desk, “I'm also grateful for my sister,” he says. “If it wasn't for her who knows where I would be,” 
Hunk decides to avoid thinking of that, “ I don't know buddy but you are here, you are happy and that is the most important thing.” 
“ Yeah, you are right,” he says, “ I'll see you, buddy, I expect you to come over soon, I miss you,” he says honestly. 
“I will try my best to be home soon,” he replies, “ Love you, buddy,” 
“ Love ya, buddy,” he answers and hangs up the call.
After he presses the button, he stays there thinking, where would he be if Veronica hadn't dragged his ass out of his grief? Would he be happy? Would he be alone? No partner and no kids? Would he have a purpose or a career? 
He shakes his head and smiles even when some tears make it out and go down his cheeks. ‘
He is happy, very happy. He has proved everyone who doubted him wrong. 
He is very successful as a teacher and earth's best snipper, he is the favorite teacher and sometimes the favorite parent. 
He is no seventh wheel, he was voltrons blue paladin. 
He breathes in calming his urge to cry and looks down at his phone with a picture of his kids. 
And if he feels a very cool sensation surround him almost as if blue was there again with him, hugging him. That's just a bonus to how good he feels after his conversation with Hunk.
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fingerless-glovez · 6 months
College au part 2
• Majoring in political science and government
• Genuinely interested in politics, just isn't as intense about it as Roc
• Wants to be friends with people but Roc said "no"
• Not like most people want to be real friends to him anyway, especially not in his course
• Is currently being pressured to accept a political marriage, but would rather marry for love (sap)
• Jasper is the only one who understands
• Majoring in botany
• Attends all of his classes virtually
• Has a mushroom farm in his room
• He sings to them to help them grow. Aquia is sworn to secrecy about it
• Has Lou wrapped around his finger
• Found a snake in the bushes, named it Linos, and it is now his pet. Lou was unsuccessful in convincing him to put Linos back outside
• Is this grounds for expulsion? Yes. Does Lou expel him? Nope. Why? Because Dia is why
• Majoring in human resources services
• Wants to create more positive workplaces, especially for women
• The only mentally stable person in this goddamn school
• Student council president (thanks, chirp!)
• Ya gurl beat out both Guy and Toa, who were competing for the position and tied for runners-up
• Probably helps that she had the power of baked goods (and Grayson's supervision) on her side
• Majoring in botany
• Works at a flower shop
• Poor boy just wants to make friends and study plants but everyone just wants to use him to get in with Guy
• Lack of familial affection go brrr
• Roc doesn't give a shit about his younger sons
• Guy is always busy and has no interest in Aquia's life
• Rahm is too busy trying to make Aquia Roc's successor to notice that he clearly doesn't want to be in politics and loves his brother too much to take his dreams
• Zev is the only one who keeps in regular contact with him, but he's more interested in telling him all about his problems with class, homework, girls, y'know, typical high school stuff. He also asks a lot about how Guy is doing before taking any interest in Aquia
• Fluent in Floriography (language of the flowers)
• Tends to the garden on the school roof at night
• Rio runs into him up there and notices how well cared for the flowers look, and also that Aquia is really sad. They are now gardening buddies
• "Majoring" in hospitality
• Isn't actually here to further a career. Roc sent him with Guy as a spy to make sure no one is plotting to sabotage either Guy or the family as a whole
• Works at the same bar as Lance
• NOT a r**ist, and he does NOT do that shit he did in his consort route
• He just listens in on conversations while making drinks (that have NOT been drugged or spiked in any way) and serving people
• He's that one asshole that corrects people's grammar when they text him
• If you don't text like you're writing a government document he will copy your message and correct it
Violet: is anyone free on saturday. i accidentally bought an extra movie ticket and mc fenn and sherry said there all gonna be busy
Jasper: *Is anyone free on Saturday? I've accidentally bought an extra movie ticket, and MC, Fenn and Sherry said they're all going to be busy.
Jasper: I'll be available on Saturday. What movie are we seeing?
Violet: Die.
• May or may not be fucking Guy and Fenn on the side, who knows
• Majoring in fashion design
• Doesn't care for the designs you would see at a Met Gala and knows how to create things that are good looking and practical but also unique
• Also makes her own accessories
• MC is her usual model
• Met Fenn in high school
• Apparently the guy she'd been dating was two-timing her with Fenn. She was super mad at him at first, but Fenn offered to help dish out some revenge
• He's her wingman and shoulder to cry on when she gets rejected
• Regular at Lance and Jasper's bar
• She dated Jasper for a while until realized he was using a fake identity to spy on her and her friends, and she's hated his guts ever since
• The only reason she still talks to him is because they're in the same friend group as the other valets
• If Jasper corrects her grammar in the group chat one more time, she's stealing his glasses and replacing his normal pens with invisible ink pens. Then we’ll see how good his grammar is
• Majoring in hospitality
• Works part-time at his family's hotel
• He and Lynt have been best friends since childhood because their fathers are also friends and business partners
• He used to "help" Lynt with all his school work (did most of it for him). He can't really do that anymore since they’re in different majors
• Gets Lynt out of bed every morning. And makes dinner every night. And cleans the dorm. And does the dishes...
• Okay, Lynt does eventually start picking up the slack when he realizes the ungodly amount of work Tino does
• This boy has not had a full night's sleep since the 3RD GRADE
• Like bro do you need to cram every single night?
• Half the time he passes out at his desk studying. Sometimes he'll fall asleep in a common room or something, and someone has to take him back to his room
• It is because of this that Lynt has taken special interest in researching insomnia
• Has to be dragged out by the valets to take a break from doing literally everything all the time
Tino: "B-But I have to study for my skills test-"
Knight: "You mean your skills test that's 3 months away and you've been cramming for since you started the course? Dude, you need a life and you're coming to the arcade with us."
• Definitely got shoved into his locker in high school
• That's what he gets for trying to mind his own business and not bother anyone in a fucking high school
• Headmaster of the academy
• Has a Ph.D in education
• Is fully aware that he has several politicians' children in his school and that he's being spied on
• Guess what? He's spying on them, too
• He's part of a political party called Iritium and is gathering information on his competition through their children
• Guy, Toa, and Lance's rooms are bugged with microphones. He knows Christoph is living with Lance, but to avoid raising suspicion, he doesn't do anything about it yet
• He's still debating whether or not to bug Aquia's room because Dia is his roommate and he'd rather not invade his privacy
• Prank wars are common at the academy, but he has reigned as prank king since his own school years and he refuses to be dethroned
• Has two doves in his office, Phinney and Nix
• There have been many occasions where someone would pass by his office and see him having a full conversation with them
• He once argued with Phinney while MC sat right across from him. He lost
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
Episode 48 - Role Plays (Part 1)
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Joris is such a backstabber for forgetting all about Choupata in the span of two years.
Imagine being a Lady Gaga fan and switching to being a swiftie because you move from one city to another and can watch her concerts more often... 😭
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The things he is about to do in this ep physically pain him, but to him, lying to Joris is better than disappointing him.
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This has haunted me for a long time. Why exactly did he need to be at the Ecaflip temple?
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Is he fulfilling his Dubiously Canon Lance Dur Comic cleaning duties or something??
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I feel you, Luis. I don't like bodyswap/disguise plots either.
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Presented to you without comment.
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They are playing War/Battle, which is a card game typically played by two people, and often times, played by children.
Joris says "Bataille >:3" so cutely... And this implies that Kerubim plays cards with Joris.... I think I hauve covid.
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He does act like he just came back from a day long Cleaning Duty that he promised to keep doing for the rest of his shitty life during the Lance Dur comic in exchange for Ecaflip saving him from Cire Momore.
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Food moment: Joris has multicoloured, presumably fruit, cereal, while Kerubim has an unidentified fucking bowl of vague fish meat and Bones.
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Kerubim's food tastes scare me.
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This is a newspaper asset we've seen many times before.
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Luis is confirmed to have running water, and not a litter box. I wonder if they have a shower or a bath? Not for Kerubim's usage, of course, but for Joris.
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Man, I hope this won't lead to any trust issues on Joris's part in the future. Perhaps even anxiety or resentment. Haha.
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I really wish there was more content with Joris and Crocosec. Croco is such a good uncle to him.
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Joris and Crocosec: [Incoherent sobbing]
...kill him, Simone. Please.
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I'm glad he admits his fault, here.
...I really do like to think that this was him cleaning up after Ecaflip's shitty party, in return for Eca's saving him from Cire Momore in the Lance Dur comic.
That comic doesn't entirely jibe with me, but it's funny, and fits really well at times ��� especially here.
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The gobball says "CH(unholy fusion between O and U)N". No, I don't know what this means either.
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Aaand Crocosec is sad, despite being happy just seconds ago. Maybe he liked being a dad. Man.
Part 2 of this liveblog will be, just like with Episode 46 - The Hacienda's Fever, me addressing, like, a single line from the episode, and then going wild with a character analysis.
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