#i hate living with ky family so fucking much
dream-launch · 2 years
I have no clue if I'm gonna like uni or not but at least I'll have my room and also I'll be in a different country to my family so will have freedom and also I get to see blackpink live and if that won't fix me I may just give up at life idk
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nepnepian · 6 months
Upon rewatching some Overture cutscenes, its made me realize just how close Paradigm was to getting a Ride the Lightning directly to the face when he suggested killing Dizzy. Like that is the love of his life that Paradigm keeps calling a weapon. Anyone would get agitated with that just by itself, I can only imagine how much rage Ky was physically holding back at the doctor's idea. Its also reminded me why the "Ky Kiske hates his family" bs that people insist on spreading around pisses me off as much as it does. This isn't a matter of lore being hidden in other sources, if you look in Overture in that scene, you can clearly tell Ky is not only seeing red at the idea of Dizzy being killed, but if Paradigm persisted, there is a good chance there would be hands being thrown. The part where Sin mentions that Ky could never look him in the eye is what I've seen most people cling to about him supposedly hating his family, but I have a counter argument. Think of who Ky Kiske is as a person, he's a man who values justice and protecting others at all costs, even if it would cost him his life. Now, I want you to remember why he's a king in the first place, the position was in the end forced upon him by the conclave to be their puppet of sorts. Ky is arguably one of the strongest people in this game's Canon, even SOL FUCKING BADGUY was afraid of him for a time. If Ky didn't have anything to lose, the conclave wouldn't have anything on him. Cuz what would they do? Use force? Against the man who was running the Holy Order since age 16? Talk to the P.W.A.B. and they can tell you how well that one worked for them. Even with Ky’s battle data in Robo-Ky it still paled to the original.
What makes this situation much different compared to the Bureau is that this time, Ky DID have something to lose. His family.
The conclave knew that Ky was a threat to them. The P.W.A.B. had no chance of truly stopping him at the time because Ky Kiske is a stubborn bastard that only had himself his entire life. Ky didn't have anything to lose before Dizzy and Sin graced his life. The conclave couldn't hope to silence him directly, so they went for the next best thing and held a metaphorical gun to his wife and child's heads. It no doubt killed Ky inside that Dizzy and Sin were being used as bargaining chips to a bunch of masked assholes that wanted to make sure he played nice and stayed in line. He finally had a chance to have a family, after being on his own for so long, only for the threat of it all being taken away looming over his head. Combine that with the general population still fearing Gears as intensely as when the Crusades were taking place, Ky most likely felt like he failed both Dizzy and Sin, as they were forced to live in hiding and Ky was powerless to do anything about it.
I realize I'm just theorizing on it, but given Ky’s character, it makes sense in my mind.
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yveltalreal · 3 months
Redoing this because Yveltals old one was shit.
Welcome to the rotumblr blog for the real actual god of death Yveltal! They/It/She/He pronouns. She enjoys Barbie media, baking, playing various video games I show him, listening to classical music like the old geezer (/aff) she is, and spending time with its family and friends. Do not call her a bacon bird or a murder chicken or anything like that, she doesn’t like it. Also you can ONLY call her Yveltal. If you are allowed to call her something else they will tell you. This is primarily their blog, I just live here.
I’m Maple, host of the Reaper System! I use He/She/They and we use She/They/It collectively! We’re Yveltal’s Chosens and frequent hijackers of this blog because we can’t be assed to make our own!! There’s me (#from m), Whirlybird (#whirlybirds musings), Circut (#circuits circus), Marble (#marble posting), and Acer (#acer speaks). We’re attending university at Naranja-Uva Academy and also are Paldea’s very own Dark Type gym leader (Fuck you, Iono! It’s my gym now!) You might also occasionally hear from my rotom, .ZIP, or my Ninetails, Glacier. I don’t think any of the others know how to use rotumblr.
some of the others in question are:
Pickle - Meowscarada (Service/Partner pkmn)
Dash - Cyclizar (We do a lot of racing)
Hephaestus - Houndoom/Lycanroc hybrid (Service/Partner pkmn)
Glacier - Chimeric Shiny Alolan Ninetails (Alpha)
Little - Shiny Scolipede
Bubblegum Bitch/Bibi - Shiny Lopunny (Freak)
Eepy - Zoroark
Tami - Absol (Basically my mom)
Biscuit - Hydreigon (General in the Deino Army)
En Passant - Kingambit
Wave - Wattrel (Like literally just a chick)
Sneeze - Houndour
Theres a couple others like the rest of my gym team and all of en passant's army and a few others. Also I USED to have a kilowattrel named storm but. lets not talk about him :D
Oh, also sometimes I turn into a houndoom for a little bit and it’s Zygarde’s fault apparently.
okay hi second pinned post yippe.
likes and follows come from @vibossvi
peliper mail, musharna mail, and magic anons are on if i think theyre funny enough/arent like annoying or really fucked up, and in this vein musharna malice (sending nightmares) is off. you can also send ic anon hate just dont be like. too over the top with it. i may smudge the rules if what you send is something im not particularly freaked out by and can figure out how theyd respond, but dont push it. if you aren't completely sure just like ask me with a dm or something, either here or over on discord if you already know it (im not giving it out just in case. if you know you know, and if you dont you dont.)
mod and characters are adults however reaper system does include a little in it and also im just generally not comfortable with nsfw?? i might make slur jokes or kys jokes so keep that in mind but i do tag them and thats p much the extent ill go.
while high stakes shit might be mentioned (i will tag it as high stakes) uhhh it probably wont be too much?? at least other than occasionally mentioning offhand highstakes events.
maple and yveltal primarily exist within a discord rp, meaning events, characters, lore, and places specific to that rp may be mentioned on this blog ans maple and yveltal will favour interactions with people from that rp as they will have already been friends/know eachother but i will try to interact with others as well as long as you dont contradict any of my lore too much!!
mod and character are both systems so please be normal about that. this means dont be systemphobic but also dont try to drag me into like discourse about endogenic systems.
homophobes/transphobes/racists/other bigots are not welcome. neither are pedophiles/maps/no-maps/pears or whatever the fuck you call yourselves. also general rule of dont be a freak /neg and just dont be an asshole. the amount of batshit anons i have that you people should not be sendinf a random guy roleplaying a bird on the internet is insane.
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transinclusionary · 2 years
Retarded nigger cunt. KYS
There is another ask like this that I will not post that also tells me to go back to Africa but it's too much even for this blog.
I remember a time when terfs tried to claim I was sending myself these asks. I do not believe you understand the impact and history of those words you used, nor any terfs. I know it is a hard to tell from this blog, but I try to be an incredibly understanding of the way I walk amongst this Earth. But true empathy comes at a cost of being fucking angry at people who refuse to try and understand others. I'm angry at radical feminists, conservatives, rapists, abusers, capitalism, the prison industrial complex, and more. I was as old as Travyon Martin was when he died. Everyday could very well be my last when I live next to towns where it was legal to kill people who looked like me after dark. And I still have to interact with white people everyday and know that I represent a whole group of people when I step outside. I have had high standards put on me from a young age when my mother told me that I was going to be the first one in my family to go to college. My father is the strongest man I know, he has been a soothing presence in my life. The first time and last time I've seen him cry was after the movie Queen and Slim. It was silent and he hung back from my mother and I. All I could feel in that moment and since was anger.
I am an angry person at the world and I have been since I was a child. I stress so much about being good to the people around me and being a positive influence in my loved one's lives. You all turned your hatred of oppression to perpetuating more oppression and continuing a long cycle of abuse that is against everything I stand for as a person. I find it abhorrent that arguing with terfs in the way I does warrants these asks. It's disgusting how oblivious most radical feminists are to their compatriots. And always, without fail, people say "well this isn't our community." It is! If radical feminism attracts hateful people, maybe radfems should consider that their movement inherently relies on willfull misunderstanding. I find radical feminism worse due to their proximity to trans people, which reduces the amount of safe spaces in an already unsafe world. When did the world go so wrong? Why can't you all understand that hatred only begets more hatred? If you would open your eyes you would see that the world is much bigger than your hatred. There are beautiful people in this world who could show you kindness you would not believe. But you have to be deserving of that relationship. If you send anonymous racist messages it will only harm you in the end. I'm upset yes, but this is everyday I deal with this stuff. But you my friend has a long life ahead of you for atoning for your actions. If not in this life, it'll be the next. Hatred doesn't come free. I hope the person who you love most talks to you tonight in the same way you spoke to me. Go to hell.
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ineffablesnakegender · 4 months
Hello every nyan /ref I guess I should do this sort of introduction/everything you could possibly need to know about me type post. Everything here is subject to change and I'll update it as needed
Our flag means death
Umbrella academy
The owl house
Sanders sides
Good omens
Doctor who
No sexual comments towards me, I'm 16 (even if you're a similar age to me just don't) hard boundary
No proshippers/comshippers/ darkshippers or whatever (no incest, no adult x child, no animal x human, just no illegal shit. I don't care why you do it. I'll block you anyway so just go ahead and block me now) HARD boundary
Shota/loli con people go fucking die KYS you won't be missed pedophile
Don't interact too much if you're an nsfw blog (again I'm 16) soft boundary
No bigots (Zionists, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, transphobes, ect) HARD boundary
Do NOT use my art for AI. (You can't anyway because I use a program that messes up your data 😝) hard boundary
If you're a super religious blog please leave me alone (I'm not interested in your religion, don't preach to me) soft boundary
If you support Dream, Wilbur, and literally anyone who has done similar shit to them. GTFO. We support victims on this blog (I'm not open to arguing about this simply block me before I block you) Hard boundary
Art request/commission info:
I always have art requests open but I don't promise to get to yours if you request anything.
I don't do animals or very complicated backgrounds for commissions just because I'm not very good at it.
My commission prices + examples vv
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If you think this is too expensive just know that I don't care and you don't have to commission me if you don't want to <3
I use cash app
Prices half on all art for holidays (this doesn't include birthdays)
Prices go up if you want the art in less than a week (depends on how fast you need it)
No NSFW. No hate art. No proship art. I have the right to refuse a commission or request if I'm uncomfortable making it. I do my research on characters, do not try to "trick me" or something I'm just going to block you
I require 50% upfront before I start on your commission. I will send updates throughout the process to get feedback, they will be plastered in watermarks for my safety. I will send the finished product with watermarks on it, only after you send the rest of the money will I give you the real image. The finished product will have one watermark in a place that will be hard to hide but does not interfere with the art
I don't need your business. This isn't my job. I will cancel your commission if you're rude, uncooperative, break my rules or boundaries, or are trying to rush me when you didn't pay for it to be quick. I'll tell you to stop once and you won't be given a second chance, you'll just be blocked and refunded
YouTubers I watch:
Thomas sanders
Moriah Elizabeth
Lovely Lor
Samantha Lux
Sam Collins
Safiya Nygaard
Personal info:
Pronouns: pretty much anything unless it's she her but my favorites are in my bio
Names: you can call me by my username if you want but my name is Aeron
Age: like I've said I'm 16
Other: I'm autistic, I have degenerative disc disease, my favorite animal is hognose snakes, I use xenogenders and I'm non-binary, I don't post very often, I'm always open to art requests and critiques, I want to go to law school, I'm Irish on both sides of my family and indigenous French Canadian (Metis!) on my mom's side (although I'm very disconnected from both cultures), I live in America currently but I plan on moving as soon as I can bc this place is a hell hole
User boxes:
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"...So I Married A Monster" *Chapter 1*
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[Yes I know it's absolutely inappropriate/irrelevant but this gif was too priceless not to use it, okay?]
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Chapter 2 is HERE!
So, I gotta shout out the anon who asked me to explore this idea from a one-shot I wrote. Which actually was a request from @word-scribbless, so really this was a team effort. LoL.
Alright so here's the sitch:
You're dating Rafael Barba, and you finally decide to introduce him to your kids. Everything's going fine, until he figures out your ex-husband "Billy Loomis" is actually William Lewis!
Chaos ensues.
Alright so I just decided to elaborate on the one shot, so I hope you enjoy this introduction.
Yes, I don't know why we're going back into the dark dark depths of angsty, dark storylines, but here we go. It's William Lewis once again, so you already know it's not going to be some fun fluff piece.
Plan your expectations accordingly.
Also, @storiesofsvu said they might read this one, so there's that. Eeep.
Obviously my lovelies are the best as well.
Tag List
You twirled your hair nervously, pacing back and forth in your living room. Rafael Barba, the man you were seeing, was on his way over, it was just a normal day. Except that it wasn’t. Today was the day you were going to introduce him to your kids. Something he wasn’t even aware you had.
You had your reservations about dating guys without kids, as it never really worked out. Men without kids didn’t tend to understand the problems that came along with it, like having to cancel plans at a moment’s notice if one of your kids got sick or something. But Rafael seemed like a really good man, and though he didn’t seem like the “I love kids” type, you had gotten to know him enough to know he came from a good family, and that he might be open to at least meeting yours. You hoped you were right.
Soon your doorbell was ringing, your toddler Kylie came bounding towards the door.
“I’ll get it!!!!” She squealed.
“Uh– No no, Kylie!” You intercepted her on her way to the door, snatching her up in your arms.
“Maggie!” You tried to call her softly, not wanting Rafael to hear you. Your eleven year old came strolling out of the living room while on her phone.
“What?” She barely looked up at you.
“Can you take her? Please?” You asked her sweetly, causing her to move her phone down from her face.
“Why? Who’s at the door?” She raised a skeptical eyebrow at you.
“Just…a friend,” You looked towards the front door nervously. Maggie noticed your hesitance, it finally made her forget about whatever she was doing on her phone.
“Who is it, mom?” She pressed.
“I’ll explain everything, okay?” You gave her a pleading look. “Just take her in the living room and I’ll be there in a minute,”
“…It’s a guy, isn’t it?” She crossed her arms in a sassy manner.
“Maggie!” You pleaded.
“Ok fine…” She rolled her eyes and took Kylie from your arms. “Come on Ky, let’s go find a snack,”
“Thank you,” You kissed her head and ruffled Kylie’s hair as they walked towards the kitchen. You fixed your hair once more and swung the door open, revealing Rafael standing there holding flowers for you.
“Hey baby,” He kissed you softly while handing you the flowers. “I can’t believe I’ve never been to your house, it’s gorgeous,”
“Probably because we’re in New Jersey,” You teased him. You knew how much he hated Jersey, so the fact that he came all the way out here on his day off, really meant something.
“Probably,” He nodded with a teasing smile.
“So…there’s also another reason, I’ve never asked you here,” You ran your fingers through your hair as he entered your foyer.
“Oh?” He asked, curiously.
“I um, so– remember when I told you about my ex husband…?” Your voice trailed off.
“Yeah, that he was a real douche,” Rafael rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, but there’s a good thing about him,” Your eyes glanced over to where the girls had run off to.
“…Oh?” Rafael had a hint of worry in his voice.
“He’s a…” You looked down. “He’s a good dad,”
“….A good dad?” You heard Rafael’s voice shift an octave higher.
“Yes…” You forced yourself to look up at him. “In fact, he’s been keeping the girls all summer,”
“The girls?” He blinked, trying to wrap his head around it. “As in, multiple?”
“…Yes,” You bit your lip. “….You can run screaming now, it’s okay,”
“Ay, carino…” He put both hands on either of your face. “…Where are they?”
“Really?” You bit your lip with a relieved smile.
“Of course!” He kissed you and wiped a few tears that started dropping down your face as he spoke.
“…Okay, come with me,” You took his hand and let him into the kitchen. Maggie was handing Kylie a pudding cup and a juice box when you walked hand in hand with Rafael. Maggie gave him a side eye, while Kylie instantly bounded over with her snacks and a huge smile.
“Hi!!!!” She beamed at Rafael, sticking out her left hand which of course made the snacks fall out of her hand onto the floor. Maggie groaned in frustration as she ran over and picked up the snacks, now eyeing Rafael up and down.
“…Who’s this, mom?” She asked you, not taking an eye off Rafael. He didn’t seem phased at all, he just stuck out his hand to Kylie, since she addressed him first.
“Hi, I’m Rafael. And what’s your name?” He smiled warmly at her, making her eyes sparkle.
“I’m Kylie!” She shook Rafael’s hand furiously with a huge grin. Maggie snatched her up quickly, breaking their handshake.
“I’m Maggie,” She said curtly.
“Maggie,” You said through gritted teeth. “Be nice,”
“Oh it’s fine, carino,” He chuckled, smiling at Maggie. “I was protective of my mami when she’d bring strange men home too,”
“So you’re saying you’re a strange man?” Maggie smirked.
“Maggie!” You hissed.
“I guess you’ll have to figure that out yourself, chica,” He smirked back.
“…Guess we shall, amigo,” She narrowed her eyes, but quickly smiled. She liked this guy.
“Wow…I’m impressed,” you whispered to Rafael as the girls got more snacks for you and him.
“Thank you, mi amor,” He smiled before kissing you on the cheek. “And thank you, for trusting me enough with your kids,”
“Anytime,” You smiled warmly as you pulled him into a real kiss.
“Gross!!!!!” Kylie made a gagging sound before collapsing into giggles. This had gone better than you could have imagined.
After you and the kids all had snacks, you set up a movie for them to watch while you and Rafael went to your kitchen table to have coffee and talk more about the situation.
“So...I guess this is a stupid question, but why haven’t mentioned you had kids before this, carino?” Rafael ask while he sipped his coffee.
“Well..” You nervously stirred your coffee with your spoon. “I guess I was selfish,”
“Explain,” He pressed.
“Well I don’t typically start a first date with ‘hey by the way I have kids, so you might wanna run now’,” Your explanation caused him to chuckle in amusement.
“Yes I can see that,”
“And honestly by the second or third date, I don’t even like the guy anymore so it’s just pointless,” Your voice lowered even more as you started to allude to your feelings for him.
“...I see,” His chuckle turned into an amused smile. “And with me…?”
“With you...I wanted to introduce you,” You looked up to meet his eyes, hoping that would be enough explanation. His growing smile made it obvious it was.
“Well, I’m glad you did,” He put a hand over yours. “So I guess you want to keep me around, huh?”
“For now,” You teased him with a small giggle. He leaned over to give you a kiss, but your phone began going off. You looked down to see the screen:
“Oooh, one sec baby,” You grabbed the phone. “It’s my ex,”
Rafael nodded in understanding as you turned from him to have the conversation.
"Hey Billy, what’s up?” The mention of their father’s name caught Maggie’s attention.
“Is that daddy?!” She called across the room. “Tell him WICKED was so fun!!!!”
“Wicked?” You repeated into the phone with a sharp tone. “Billy...did you take them into the City?”
“Daddy lives in the City now,” Kylie added to the conversation.
“He WHAT?!” You stood up and moved away from Rafael as your voice raised. “Billy, when were you going to tell me you moved to New York City?”
“No, I think it is a pretty big fucking deal,” You growled into the phone.
“Swear jar!!” Kylie giggled.
“You know how I feel about the City,” You ignored her as you lectured your ex.
“...And how is that?” Rafael raised an eyebrow.
“Shut up, you know I love it,” You rolled your eyes at him. “I just don’t want my children--” You were cut off by Billy’s questioning.
“What? It’s nobody, Billy,” You saw the hurt in Rafael’s eyes when you called him a “nobody”. You walked back over and squeezed his hand.
“I don’t want to get into ‘the talk’ with my ex on the phone, baby,” You explained softly.
“Well I was pretty sure you introducing me to the kiddos was ‘the talk’, but clearly I was wrong,” He shook his head and stood up to go, but you squeezed his hand tighter preventing him from walking away.
“I’m sorry Billy, that was my boyfriend,” You gave Rafael a small smile, hoping for his approval. His grin back gave you all the approval you needed.
“...What?” Your brows furrowed. “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know I needed your permission to have a boyfriend, Billy,”
“No, he just met the girls today. In fact it wasn’t even like fifteen minutes ago--” Billy’s voice was rising, Rafael could hear obscenities through the phone.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business--” You bit your lip in nervousness.
You hated it when he got like this, he had quite the temper on him. It was one of the reasons you got divorced. That, and the fact that he was constantly absent from your lives for work. It was like raising the girls on your own anyway, so you figured you’d make it official.
Rafael noticed the fear in your voice, and he went into a protective mode. He grabbed the phone from you and spoke to Billy with an eerily calm voice.
“Listen Billy, I don’t know who you are, but I don’t appreciate you calling here and intimidating my girlfriend when we were having a perfectly nice day,”
“.....Barba?” A very familiar, terrifying voice came through the ear piece.
“E-Excuse me?” His voice wavered.
“Rafael Barba, is that you?” The voice half laughed; all of the color drained from Rafael’s face.
“...Lewis?” Rafael barely whispered, causing your eyebrows to furrow again.
“Loomis,” You told him, causing him to furrow his own eyebrows. “His last name is Loomis,” You clarified.
“You have some balls, detective,” His evil chuckle made Rafael’s blood run cold. “First you and the red headed bitch try and put me away, and now you’re fucking my wife?”
“She is NOT--” Rafael clenched his fists.
“You know what, as much as I enjoyed this trip down memory lane, I think I’d like to talk to my wife,” William quickly tried to avoid any more detection.
“Like hell you will--” Rafael started to growl, causing you to snap the phone out of his grasp.
“Um, Billy,” You gave Rafael an accusatory look as you spoke to your ex. “Can I call you back?”
“I don’t want that man near my kids,” Billy stated angrily.
“What?” You blinked in surprise. “Why?”
“He’s a bad man, Y/N,” William lied.
“W-What are you talking about?” You looked at Rafael cautiously.
“What is he saying?” Rafael questioned angrily. “Whatever he says, he’s lying,”
“No I’m not, he’s the one who’s lying to you sweetheart,” William quickly shut Rafael down as he heard his accusations through the phone.
“I-I have to go,” Your voice quivered as you hung up on Billy.
Your mind was racing. Who could you trust?
After you hung up, you just sat there for a second trying to process what had just happened. You didn’t have much time, as Rafael started throwing a million questions at you almost immediately.
“You were married to William Lewis?” He hissed. “Do you have any idea what that man did to me? My squad? My best friend?!”
You suddenly snapped to attention as the familiar feeling of being interrogated kicked in. “Dining room, NOW,” You grabbed his arm and pulled him into the other room, away from your children’s ear shot.
“What the FUCK are you talking about, Rafael?” You now raised your voice a bit. “I don’t know who the hell you’re talking about, but I married Billy Loomis, not this-- William Lewis,”
“Oh please,” Rafael scoffed with a dry laugh. “That’s barely an alias!”
“I’m sorry, are you insinuating I’m a moron?” You crossed your arms. “You think I’m that stupid not to know my husband is a...whatever you think he is?”
“He’s a MONSTER, Y/N!”
“What are you talking about?!” You tried keeping your voice below a roar, but this was getting to be a lot. “You just heard his voice, you don’t even know if it’s the same--”
“He knew my name,” Rafael simply said. “He knew who I was, and he taunted me about it,”
“He taunted you?” You laughed sarcastically. “How did he ‘taunt you’?”
“He’s rubbing in the fact that he escaped NYPD, and now he’s upset I’m fucking--” He paused at the offended look on your face. “...Dating, his ex wife,”
“Wow,” You exhaled exasperatedly. “Wow,”
“Look I’m sorry to be crass, but those are the words he used,” He put a hand to your face, but you stepped back. “Except he used wife,” He added.
“What are you talking about?”
“He still thinks you're his,” Rafael explained. “He thinks of women as things, as property. And he clearly thinks he still ‘owns’ you,”
“Look I-- I don’t know who you think Billy is,” You shook your head as you walked towards a cabinet full of family photos on display. You picked one up and handed it to Rafael: A family photo at the beach.
Billy’s arms were around you, his gorgeous smile at it’s full power. That smile was heart melting, you fell in love with it as soon as he had flashed it your way in a coffee shop. Maggie’s arms were around his neck, and Kylie was in your lap with her hands raised in glee. It was a few years ago, Kylie was a baby and Maggie was nine.
“But this man isn’t a monster,” You finished your thought. “He’s a kind, generous man. He’s a wonderful father, even if he wasn’t that great of a husband--”
Rafael’s eyes were wide and horrified as he saw Lewis’s arms around you, that sick evil grin looking at him as if he was taunting him through the frame. He snapped his head up when you mentioned him not being a great husband.
“Why do you say that?” He cut you off. “Did he hurt you?”
“What?” You laughed, as if thinking that Billy could ever be violent was the funniest thing in the world. “No, he never hurt me Rafael. That’s why I don’t understand--”
“Look, I don’t want to scare you Y/N,” Rafael put the photo down and put his hands on your shoulders. “But this…’Billy’, he isn’t who you think he is,”
“And who is he?” You gave him a curious look.
“He’s a…” He looked into the other room, making sure the girls weren’t listening. “He’s a serial killer and a rapist,”
“What?!” You yelled rather loudly, stepping out of his grip. “Alright, that’s it--” You started leading him to the door.
“W-What are you doing?” Rafael began to panic as you showed him out. “Y/N please, you have to listen to me--”
“No, I’m not going to sit here and listen to you say such vile things about the father of my children,” You narrowed your eyes.
“Why would I make this up?!” He cried, trying to stop you from shutting the door on his face.
“I-I don’t know,” You looked down, thinking about it. Why would he make up such terrible things about Billy? Then you thought about what Billy had said: Rafael was the bad man.
“Maybe because YOU’RE the monster,” You suddenly glared.
“W-What?” Rafael’s voice fell to a whisper, hurt tears came to his eyes.
“Billy said you were a bad man, maybe you’re trying to flip all of this on him. Maybe Billy was trying to warn me, and you’re trying to get to me first,” The more you said it out loud, the more it made sense to you.
“NO!!!!” He almost screamed, tears now dripping down his cheek. He tried desperately getting back into the house, causing you to put more pressure on the door to keep him out. You had never seen him this...unhinged, before.
“No, Y/N please,” He pleaded with you. “You have to listen to me. Please, for the love of God baby you HAVE to listen to me--”
“No, I don’t have to do anything Rafael,” Tears stung your own eyes.
“I-- I thought we had something,” Your heart was breaking as you spoke.
You had thought you were really falling for this man. This kind, sweet, amazing man. And now it was all unravelling, his true colors were coming out. You almost let this psychopath into your children’s lives.
“We did-- we DO!” He was shaking; he was so upset. “Why do you think I’m being so adamant about this? I-- I love you!”
“Shut up!” You barked at him. How dare he say that to you for the first time, at this of all times?
“You-- You need to leave, Rafael,” You pointed to the driveway. “And don’t come back. Don’t call me, don’t text me,” Your voice was stern but filled with tears.
“No,” Rafael barely whispered, his eyes filled to the brim with fresh tears. “Don’t do this, Y/N. Please don’t do this--”
“Look-- I’ll go,” He put his hands up in defeat and started to walk backwards off your porch. “But for the love of God-- PLEASE, just--- Just google the name ‘William Lewis’,”
“You’ll see I’m telling the truth, I swear you will,” He looked at you with serious eyes. He was really convinced of what he was saying to you. Your heart started winning over your head, but just for a moment. You had to think about your children’s safety, you couldn’t listen to the ramblings of a crazy man.
“I don’t need to do that Rafael, you’re clearly the psycho,” You snapped before slamming the door in his face. As soon as it was closed, you sank to the floor and pulled your knees to your chest as you silently sobbed, trying to not alert the girls about the chaos that had just erupted.
Why did this have to happen?
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babbushka · 3 years
Another Adventure
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Flip Zimmerman x Reader x Kylo Ren 
2.4k; NSFW (Threesome MMF, dom/sub undertones (dom!Kylo, dom!Flip), rough PIV, rough oral sex (M receiving), name-calling, gagging, begging, overstimulation, sloppy seconds/come sharing) 
Available on AO3
The evening was going wonderfully so far. Your friends and family were all gathered at the Organa-Solo house, bellies were filled with good food and warm drinks, Matt had played some tunes on the piano that had everyone dancing in the living room, laughter all around. The candles on the menorah are nearly halfway melted, marking the hours that have been passing with joy and love. Flip’s got you on his lap, the both of you tucked up on the couch together. He’s chewing on some gum, because Kylo doesn’t like anyone smoking in his house, and Flip respects that.
You can tell though, that he’s starting to get antsy, starting to get a little irritated just from the lack of nicotine that he’s so used to. You can tell by the way his grip on your body is tightening, one of his hands squeezing at your inner thigh – a simple motion to ground himself in the present.
He doesn’t realize, but that hand on your thigh keeps creeping further and further towards a very indecent place, and it’s been getting you wound up in your own right. You thought you could hold off, thought that you could wait until he brings you back home to beg for it, but his hand squeezes at you again, and it’s the last straw.
“Flip.” You turn to whisper in his ear, biting at your lip as your thighs discreetly try to rub together.
“Hmm?” Flip meets your gaze, totally unaware of your state. It isn’t until he really looks at you that he sees your pupils blown wide and dark with lust, your chest starting to heave from the harshness of your breathing.
“If you don’t fuck me in the next five minutes I think I might cry.” You nip lightly at his earlobe, and his jaw clenches down into a firm line that tells you you’re going to get exactly what you want.
Without preamble, he gives your back a nudge, and you get the hint to stand up and get off his lap. You know Kylo’s house well, you’ve spent so much time there after all, you know exactly where the guest bedroom is upstairs. No one notices as you silently slip away, hands already working at the buttons of your dress as soon as you’re out of the immediate line of sight.
Flip joins you in the guest bedroom only moments later, and you’re glad for his immediacy because you’re not so sure you could’ve waited another minute. His hands are on your face, grasping your cheeks and kissing you deeply, the gum spit out on his way to you.
“Let me see your tits, now.” He orders, and the tone of his voice goes straight to your dripping drooling pussy, soaking through your panties.
A shiver runs up your spine as you undo the front clasp of your bra, letting the cups fall away from your breasts so they’re on proud display through the open buttons of your bodice.
Flip immediately smooths his big palms over them and pinches and squeezes, your nipples so stiff and sensitive as he takes one into your mouth and sucks hard, making you moan.
“Jesus you’re a slut tonight, aren’t you?” Flip pulls away and turns you around, bending you over so you can brace yourself on the mattress. He pushes the skirt of your dress up, and tugs your panties to the side.
He unzips his trousers and tugs out his cock, gives it a couple strokes before rubbing the head of his cock through your sopping wet folds. You whine and press your hips back back back onto his cock, taking him easily, which was no easy feat. The sheets are fresh and well-made, he would hate to rumple them too much, so a quickie will have to do to get you satisfied long enough for him to take you home.
“Look how fuckin’ wet you are ketsl, I don’t even have to finger you for it.” Flip whistles low as he keeps one palm steady on your lower back, your knees pinching in as your cunt swallows him hungrily.
Your shoulders drop and you rest more fully on the mattress, sighing deeply as Flip bottoms out all the way inside you in only two thrusts. Hips squirming just a little to adjust to the girth of him, you can’t help but moan.
“I know, I know Flip please I want to get fucked so bad.” You whine, hands grabbing at the comforter and fisting it in twisting motions, your voice hiccupping around an, “Haven’t I been good all evening?”
“No, you’ve been a brat.” Flip lies, saying it only because that’s what you want to hear, that’s what’ll get you wet – and it works. Your pussy flutters around his cock as he starts to thrust, slow and deep at first, just getting you used to the feeling of the stretch, “You’ve been a very bad girl, ketsl. I shouldn’t give you my cock at all.”
“Please!” You drool into the comforter, thighs shaking, wanting more, wanting him to go faster rougher harder deeper, “Philly please, I – ”
“I know honey-bunny, I’ve got you, I’m right here.” Flip drapes himself over your back and kisses at your neck, sucks and bites on the spot where your throat meets your shoulder, teeth fitting perfectly as his hands grip your hips.
He begins to thrust in earnest then, pushing and pulling his cock in and out, in and out, all the way to the hilt on each shove of his cock against your walls, your pussy spasming and fluttering, so wet and tight and hot and velvety around him. Your eyes roll back into your head and you moan moan moan, muffled into the mattress where your face is pressed against it.
“Oh! Oh yes, yesyesyes right there!” You babble, pussy coating his cock with slick as he plows into you, makes the box spring squeak from the effort.
“Fuck this pussy’s good,” Flip grunts as he lets himself get lost in the feeling of your cunt, hands holding you steady, “I’ve got you, I’ll give you what you want.”
“Thank you! Ah – ah Flip, Flip, harder!” You beg, “Harder please!”
“Shh, we gotta be quiet, or else we’ll – ” Flip casts an anxious look to the door, because he swears for a second that he can hear footsteps out in the hall.
He’s too wrapped up in you to stop or pull out of you when the doorknob turns and the thing opens just wide enough for Kylo to slip into the room. He doesn’t look happy, and Flip doesn’t blame him. He also doesn’t stop fucking you, much to Kylo’s annoyance.
“Fuck you guys, you know that?” Kylo hisses, jabbing a thumb in the direction of the party down on the other level of the house, “We can hear you downstairs.”
You for your part, are just happy to see him, your other favorite mensch.
“H-hi Ky.” You beam up at him, blissed out of your mind already, voice trembling from the force of Flip’s cock thrusting in and out of you.
“Hey baby girl.” He settles himself up onto the bed and rests on his knees, pulling you up onto your hands so that he can kiss you sweetly, never one to actually get too angry with you.
“I told you ketsl, didn’t I tell you?” Flip tsks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and lightly smacks the back of your thigh, cock grinding as far into you as you can go, pitching your whole body forward.
Your mouth presses more firmly against Kylo’s from the motion, and he’s already grabbing and fondling at your breasts from where they bounce, hanging out of your dress bodice.
“Uhhh-hhuhh,” You agree, already making out with Kylo, mouth just happy to be put to work. You yelp a little though, when Flip grazes your gspot at the same time that one of his hands curls around your hip to rub at your clit, “Oh -- Flip!”
“C’mon, open up.” Kylo shakes his head, undoes the buckle of his belt and unzips his trousers, “We gotta gag that pretty mouth of yours with something, don’t we?”
“Make sure she can breathe.” Flip instructs, before leaning over you and caressing your jaw, your throat gently. “Are you comfortable? Neck okay?”
“Mmhmm,” You press a chaste kiss to his palm and give him a big hazy smile over your shoulder.
Kylo’s dick is pretty equal in size to Flip’s, maybe a little shorter but definitely just as thick and veiny. Your moans and sighs and hiccupping whines have Kylo rock hard, cock curving up towards his stomach, his cut head flushed a deep dark red.
“Good girl, be good and suck his cock.” Flip orders, making your pussy flutter around him as he slows down to a steady rhythm so you don’t accidentally choke on Kylo.
Your mouth drops open and your eyes are wide and wet, chest heaving in earnest now as Kylo guides his cock up to your lips. You kiss and suck and lick at his cock, tongue tracing over the veins and dipping into the slit before you wrap your lips around it and slowly start to take him further and further down your throat.
When Flip can’t wait any more, he picks up his pace one again, balls smacking against your ass loudly as he rubs at your clit and rails you, pushing you forward onto Kylo’s cock. Immediately, your noises are muffled, but the slick squelch of your bodies fills the air instead, steams up the windows and the mirror on the dresser, makes you all sweat in your clothes.
Your neck bulges out the hard line of his cock, deep-throating him as tears of pleasure and overwhelming lust spill down your cheeks. Your pussy throbs around Flip’s cock, and they work in tandem, when Flip pushes in, Kylo pulls out. Together they bring you closer closer closer to coming, your body trembling and shaking and jolting with pleasure in their capable hands.
“Such a spoiled princess, getting filled up from – oh fuck – from both ends.” Kylo grunts as he bottoms out, fucking your face slowly and carefully. He’s got one hand in your hair, holding your head as he rocks his hips back and forth.
“Oh she’s spoiled alright.” Flip agrees, making you whine and hum and moan around the dicks that are spearing into you, your body starting to seize up, clenching down hard as your pleasure builds and builds and builds, making Flip curse, “Who could say no to this – shit, ketsl do that again.”
“Hhhmmm,” You try, moaning low in your chest, the vibrations going straight up through Kylo’s cock and up into his spine, spreading through all his nerves as he pets your hair back, pets at your tear-streaked cheek.
Your eyes shut tight and you sob out your orgasm, whole body writhing, making both men still their hips immediately so you don’t get hurt. The crash of it has you nearly blacking out, and Kylo pulls out of your throat so you can gasp and gulp down air, your arms collapsing down underneath you.
“Can I come in her?” Kylo jerks himself off, his own body twitching and growing warm, stomach tensing and nerves singing, veins blazing.
“Just a minute, just let me – oh fuck, fuck – ” Flip blows his load in you, hot and thick, filling your cunt up as he continues to thrust into you, his finger still rubbing your clit, milking your orgasm for as much as he can. His other hand clamps down over your mouth so no one can hear you crying out little babbling whimpering sounds, and after a minute or two, Flip pulls away from your body, letting Kylo take his place,  “Okay, you better not get a fucking drop on her, this is a brand new dress.”
“I – I won’t, sir.” Kylo replies, his cock immediately nudging into your pussy and thrusting in and out, pushing and fucking Flip’s come deeper into you, until Kylo is coming too, adding his load to the mix.
Flip turns your face towards his and kisses you deeply, swallowing your pretty moans and cries as Kylo comes and comes in you. Flip rubs your stomach and praises you for taking them so well, but you’re too out of it to really notice, instead just kissing Flip sloppily and giving him a big dreamy smile and a breathy, “I love you guys.”
“Yeah you fuckin’ better.” Kylo grunts, pulling out of your pussy once he’s sure he’s done. He tucks your panties back into place, watches as the mess of come immediately begins to seep into the fabric there. It’s a good thing Kylo has a couple pairs of your underwear stashed in his bedroom, he’ll probably have to go get you one to last you through the rest of the party.
“Love you too ketsl.” Flip smiles at you warmly, tucking his cock back into his trousers, buttoning himself back up. “Can you stand?”
“In a second, fuck that was good.” You slur your words, and neither man is convinced, but you had a pretty good refractory period, and you’re already becoming more and more sharp as you ask Kylo, “We didn’t miss anything important, did we?”
“Nah, Ben and Matt are wrestling over the last bite of kugel.” Kylo kisses you, pulls you upright to snuggle against his chest, as Flip rubs your thigh – the thing that got you into this damn mess to begin with.
“Aw fuck, I wanted more kugel.” You groan, kissing each of your boys, smiling when they kiss each other.
“Well, tomorrow is another adventure.” Kylo says, standing up and holding out a hand for you to take as leverage.
Flip helps keep you steady with a strong arm around your waist, the three of you heading to the guest bathroom to clean up properly before rejoining the party. Despite coming so hard that you were seeing stars, you don’t look too disheveled – nothing some face wash and a hairbrush couldn’t fix.
And as you rejoin the festivities of the party, as Ben immediately starts yelling about how Hux was cheating at dreidel, as you notice Mattie eating the last bite of kugel, you give your boys a cheeky grin, thinking that you just can’t wait to see what you’ll get up to tomorrow night.
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we belong together - kylian mbappé and julian draxler fanfic
15| Home Truths
a/n: slightly smutty
july 2024| paris
"You have definitely got your looks from your father," Kylian grinned. He gently rocked the small baby; Isaiah Norman Mbappe was born three weeks ago, a healthy 7lb 8oz and already loved by so many people. The Frenchman placed a small kiss to his son's head, he didn't realise he could love somebody as much as he loved the tiny human in his arms. "Mummy will be home soon, I promise."
What was supposed to be a happy time for the new parents, was tarnished by the seemingly break-up of the couple. After the reveal of Molly and Kylian's affair, Rosalie fled to her parents' house, leaving her stranded fiancé and son alone. They hadn't spoken in two weeks; she would religiously video call to see her beautiful son, but there was no communication between the separated couple.
Kylian didn't know what to do. Of course, he missed the mother of his child, but he couldn't stop the growing anger building up inside of him. He was struggling to process how and why she had willingly left their newborn; as much as he loved Rosalie, he didn't know if there was any hope of continuing their engagement.
"Kylian," he turned around to face the owner of the voice. "How's the baby?"
"A handful but he's finally quiet now," he chuckled. He ushered Molly over to the couch and sat down next to her. "Do you want to hold him?"
He watched her eagerly nod, her cheeks turning a light pink. He widely grinned and placed little Isiah in the arms of his former lover. Molly tenderly traced a soft finger over his delicate cheeks. "He's beautiful Ky. You and Rosalie must be happy."
"It should have been you," Kylian interrupted. He pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek. He rested a hand on her thigh and gazed at his son, who's eyes were staring at the brunette. "He likes you," he whispered. "I meant what I said Moll, I wish it was you and I in this situation."
"Kylian, come on," Molly frowned. "I also meant what I said. Nothing is going to happen between us. I'll be your friend, but this thing we had, is over."
A week after Isaiah was born, Molly had gone to visit the happy couple unaware of the events that had happened. To say she was angry was a mere-understatement, it was the push she needed to finally end everything between the pair. Kylian hadn't taken it lightly, he was still completely in love with the brunette and wasn't willing to let her go so easily. It was when she mentioned about her growing relationship with Julian, their conversation reached boiling point. Hurtful things were said, things they both knew they didn't mean.
Kylian gazed at his son in his cot, then at Molly. "He's cute when he's asleep," she muttered. She felt the Frenchman's hands rest themselves on her waist, his breath etching closer to her neck. She twisted around and allowed them to be mouth to mouth. He pressed his lips onto hers with tenderness and passion, she wrapped her arms around his neck and allowed herself to deepen their kiss.
They kissed for a few minutes before she pulled away and rested her head against his. He traced a finger along her bottom lip and pecked her nose. "Why did that feel like a goodbye?"
"Because it was," Molly sighed. She kissed his cheek and collected her belongings, heading to the door. "It has to be," she wrapped her fingers around the handle and turned to face a star struck Kylian. "This is where our story ends; I love you, but I can't be with you. You are still my best friend and I will always be here for you, but that's as far as it goes. Goodbye Kylian."
july 2024| germany
The drive back to Julian's parents' house was silent. The German had taken a visit to his hometown for the weekend; making a quick stop at his family's house, he decided it was finally time to introduce them to the famous Molly Medina. But two hours into their trip, the couple were already arguing. Julian wasn't happy about the constant phone calls from Kylian, which made Molly angry that they were still arguing about a situation that had been solved.
"Can we go talk?" Julian leaned against the doorframe of the living room, gazing at the brunette, his eyes pleading. "I don't want to argue."
Molly sighed, she placed her laptop on the side table and turned to face the German. "It's your house," she blushed. She watched as he grabbed a hold of her wrist and pulled her upstairs. Julian sat down on the bed, he pulled Molly onto his lap, her legs straddling his waist. "I'm sorry. I know I'm a fuck-up, I hate hurting you. You deserve someone better."
He reached forward, placing a hand on her cheek. "Moll," he whispered, his eyes soft. "I don't want anybody else. I want you. I love you. Nothing is going to change that," he bit his lip. "I'm sorry I keep getting angry about Kylian, I just don't trust him."
"Do you trust me?" Molly spoke with a shaky voice, gazing at the handsome German from beneath her thick lashes. Julian felt his stomach warm. He didn't understand how after everything that had happened between them, he could only look at her with pure love and adoration. She softly pecked his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "I promise you it's over."
The footballer pushed the hair out of the brunette's eyes. "Of course, I trust you," he paused and bit his lip. "I don't want to be controlling and you can be friends with whoever you want, I'm just always going to be jealous and I apologise."
Molly pouted, then gazed at her hands that were now in her lap. "You don't have to apologise," she sniffled, licking her lips and tasting her warm tears. She observed as Julian tenderly traced a finger over her wet cheeks. How can you keep hurting someone who loves you as much as him? "Do you think we'll ever be able to get past this?"
"Yes," nodded Julian, gazing up at Molly. He offered her a charming smirk and pinched her cheek, lightly pecking her nose. "All I want is for you to be happy. Your happiness, is my happiness."
"How do you know for sure?"
"Because, mein engel: when two people really care about each other, they will always look for a way to make it work, no matter how hard it is," he gently smiled. It was clear that things between them would always be difficult moving forward; but no matter how often he thought of their future, the thought of a future where she wasn't in his life, was never an option. Julian picked up Molly's hand and intertwined their fingers, squeezing her hand. "As you see," he grinned, placing a quick kiss to her lips. "We belong together."
august 2024| paris
Hours later and the party was still going strong. It was the weekend before the start of the new Ligue 1 season and the club had thrown a get-together for the players and the staff; it was the first official outing for Julian and Molly, whilst Kylian was still estranged from Rosalie. His head was an absolute mess; he had a new-born baby to look after, a fiancé that didn't want to speak to him and a best friend that wasn't acting like a best friend should.
After Julian and Molly's discussion in Germany, she decided it was best to stay away from the Frenchman and she managed to do that with ease. But tonight, was the biggest test; they were both drinking, it was dark and Molly was wearing a skimpy number that even Julian was finding it hard to resist.
"Moll, you look..." his voice drifted off. "You look amazing, I'm so lucky."
"Thank you," she smiled. She playfully winked in his direction; she knew how much he wanted to reach out and touch and kiss her, but she was in a teasing mood tonight. "You look alright. I guess I'm kinda lucky to."
"Watch it," he growled. His hands had been in his lap, but as she moved closer, he moved one out. He purposefully brushed it against hers, intertwining their fingers. "Follow me."
Molly gasped as Julian's hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her upstairs and into a bedroom before slamming the door shut and locking it, instantly turning around and attaching their lips. He pulled away and whispered on her lips. "I know I said we should wait, but I need you. This dress needs to come off."
She obeyed and teasingly removed the red fabric from her body, listening to the German let out a soft moan. He groaned quietly against her skin as he placed kisses along her bare body, stopping once he reached her thighs. He removed his own clothes and watched as the brunette bit her lip and ran a hand through her hair. "Stop being a tease and fuck me."
Julian responded with urgency and pressed his body onto Molly's, the bulge in his boxers coming close to the heat between her thighs. She moaned and dipped her hands inside his boxers, softly stroking his length. She watched as he broke away, panting hot air and steadying his hands on either side of her body.
His eyes gazed into hers as she squeezed and dragged her hand along his length, feeling herself throbbing harder with every stroke. "Moll," Julian breathed. "Slow down." Molly bucked her hips forward, taking one of his hands and pressing it to her centre. He applied continuous pressure to the folds hidden behind her wet panties, earning a loud moan from the brunette.
"I need you," she moaned. Two fingers stroked and circled her folds before they slid inside of her, she began to move against him as he twisted his fingers expertly inside of her. "Julian, I'm..." he interrupted her, kissing her hard. Their hands moved in sync with each other, every stroke bringing them closer to their climax.
Her eyes widened as he cried out, releasing himself into her hand. She followed seconds later, wrapping her arms around his collapsed, sweaty body. He tenderly pecked her lips, removing himself from her tiny frame and quickly getting dressed, watching as she did the same.
Julian pulled Molly closer and wrapped his arms around her waist feeling the alcohol pulsating through his veins. He felt his heartbeat speed up, patiently watching the movements of the brunette. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and prepared himself for the words he was about to speak. Four years and two months after their first meeting, he knew it was finally time. "Mein Liebling," he started. "Marry me?"
september 2024| paris
Molly bit her lip. It was clear that what she was about to do was a big turning point in her life. Three weeks after the PSG party, she was finally ready to answer give an answer to Julian. The German had spent the past twenty-one days restless and emotional, unsure of the answer the love of his life would give him.
The pair hadn't spoken; he had questioned, her mother and sister (who wouldn't give anything away), Freddie and Ruby (who acted as if they didn't know) and Kylian, who was furious to find out about Julian's proposal. He had called Molly countless times and only received a few replies, those being about his son.
But here she stood, gazing into the tired eyes of the footballer, ready to reveal her heart. She was hoping he would like her response, she knew the major risk she was taking and she was hoping it would pay off. "Can you just put me out of my misery?" Julian half laughed, his eyes threatening to close. "I haven't slept in three weeks and Poch is not happy."
Molly giggled and placed herself on the couch, crossing her legs and resting her hands in her lap. "Sorry," she mumbled. She watched as Julian sat down next to her, keeping an agonizingly small distance between their bodies. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her frame and trace kisses over her skin.
"Do you remember when you took me to that park for my birthday and it was because it reminded you of a memory from our time of knowing each other?" she questioned. He nodded and smiled to himself, remembering that famous day. "Well here is my first memory; it was my first time at PSG and you helped me find a parking space, you smiled at me and my heart did a somersault."
Julian wore a confused gaze, wondering where Molly was going with this. He wasn't used to her wearing her heart on her sleeve, it was something he had been trying to a few years now. And it had finally worked. "I had never felt that emotion before and I was with Adam, supposedly in love," she continued. She moved closer and intertwined their fingers, placing a tender kiss to his cheek. "I had no clue that you would become who you are now, the most important person in my life."
He watched as a single tear fell down her cheek, he delicately wiped it away and pecked her nose. "Sometimes I can't believe how lucky I am that you chose me," Molly whispered. The tears started to fall rapidly down their cheeks, slight laughter from the pair when they realised how emotional they both had become.
Julian took a deep breath and started to speak. "We've been through so much together Moll, but I never want to be the guy holding you back," he smiled. "I want to be the one by your side and it won't always be easy, but I want to do whatever it takes to make this work," he paused and pecked her lips, pulling her in for a tight hug. He cupped her cheeks and stroked her cheek. "Because that is what you do when you love someone."
Molly was sure that this emotion would last forever. They had been through a lot over the past four years and they still always found a way back to each other, no matter what the hurdle was. Julian knew when they first ended things that they would reunite; he had never felt emotions like he did with Molly, every day their love grew to a new strength. "So, the answer to your question, is," she brightly grinned. She stood up and walked together, towards the window, wrapping her arms around the German. She put a hand on his cheek, slightly tilting it towards her. She closed her eyes to compose herself, ready to speak the one word she had been wanting to say for three weeks. She had only ever had one answer; no matter what lifetime, what country, it would always be the same...
a/n: so that is it - it's OVER!!! but don't worry i have an epilogue.
i just want to start by saying thank you for following me with these two books, i have enjoyed my time writing them and i am very happy you are all enjoying them.
thank you to each and every one of you who have liked, commented - i see all your comments and i love them all! <3
back to the story - now i know y'all were hoping for a kylian ending but i am sorry.. hey the book is a kylian/julian joint one ;-) but you never know... you know i like my surprises, so wait for the epilogue!
so the epilogue... it will have to be posted after i get back from my holiday, i might post something whilst i'm away. the epilogue will be a four-part story (followed with of course, instagram captions) this will fully round off the story and end it.
as always, thank you and i'll speak soon xxx
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
RECAP, in the last installment of Boyfriend Kylo, we bought a black pomeranian puppy named TOBY.
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“Fuck,” Kylo grunted in your ear. His lips pulled back to bare his teeth, thrusting wildly into your hot pussy. You had been aching for him when you woke up, crawling under the black sheets and sucking him into your mouth. Deepthroating his length as he woke up, since then he had fucked you twice. Now onto round three, both your collective cum dripping out of your abused heat.
Your left leg was hoisted up on his shoulder, opening your pussy up for him. Allowing him the thrust deep, knocking against your g-spot with his heavy tip. Kylo had his arms hooked underneath your back, cradling you to his sweaty chest. Folding you in half underneath his large form, from above his back was wide enough to engulf your entire form. You were moaning wildly, your right hand weakly holding onto his shoulder while he fucked you.
All the blood in your body had rushed to your pussy, clit throbbing as it was ground against his public hair. Both of you were sweaty, slipping up and down the sheets. Kylo had kicked off the covers, letting his bare legs breathe as he dug you into the mattress. You locked lips, moaning as his tongue slipped into your mouth. Giving you shallow thrusts while you sucked on his tongue. Kylo mumbled into you, “Such a good girl... so full of my cum.”
He pulled his mouth away, gazing at your kiss bitten lips and soft face. Brows pinched together in pleasure as he pounded, “Ky-y...more!”
“Yeah,” he groaned, “I’ll give you more, gonna full you up again. Make it spill out of your pretty pussy all day-,”
“What the-?”
“Kyyy-lo,” you whined, throwing your head to the right and out stretching your sweaty palm off the side of the bed. “Toby fell!”
“Why,” Kylo puffed, halting to a stop inside you, “Why is Toby in here?”
You giggled as the puppy lapped at your fingers, soft yips and whines falling from his throat. His big brown eyes stared at you, full of love and adoration for his master. It had been a week since you bought him, without permission, and Kylo still hadn’t given him away. You pulled your hand away lightly, giving Toby a big smile while you cooed at him, “Good morning baby boy! Did you sleep good?”
You smacked Kylos shoulder, Tobys slobber coating his skin. “Gross,” he flinched away, your pussy clenching around him instinctively. “Fuck-get him out of here!”
“Don’t ignore him!”
Kylos nostrils flared, clenching his jaw and he pushed himself off of you to glare down at the puppy. Who instantly cried out for his Dad, tail waggling so fast he fell over. “See! He loves his Daddy!”
“Do not call me that while I’m inside you,” Kylo growled at you, his tone clipped and tensed as he scooted away from you. You whined as he pulled out, your heat begging for him to be buried inside once more, “Where are you going?!”
“I’m not fucking you with that bug eyed rat watching,” Kylo yelled over his shoulder, locking himself into the bathroom.
You and Kylo had showered separately, he was ticked off at you for babying the puppy during your intimate moment this morning. So you were being punished for it now, you walked out of the bedroom. Clasping your earrings on as you whistled down the stairs, “Baby boy!” you whistled a few more times, “Toby boy, where are you hiding?”
You trotted down the stairs, heels clicking as you made it to the kitchen. You set down your purse, along with a dark red collar and leash for Toby. The tones matching your outfit, you walked around the island. Spying his food bowl still full from filling it earlier. “Bubba?”
Kylo grunted from the living room.
“Where’s Toby?”
You heard shifting from the couch, followed by a loud sigh, “I threw him over the balcony.”
“Kylo! Where is Toby?!”
“Calm down,” Kylo snapped, his hand shooting up from the couch. You stomped over to him, ready to scold him but your threats died on your tongue when you saw him. Kylo was laying flat on his back on your large sectional, a hand on his stomach and the other in the air signaling you. Curled on his chest, right between his pecs, was a snoring Toby.
His black fur blending in with Kylos long sleeve sweater, the two of them almost melding in with the furniture. Your bottom lip popped out, tears threatening your eyes as you whispered, “Bubba... he’s asleep on you!”
“Mhm,” Kylo hummed, his eyes shut as he waited for you to do something to startle Toby. “He just laid down while I was napping.”
“Yes,” his right eye popped open. A frown digging across his face, “I didn’t put him on me if that’s what you’re thinking.”
You leaned over Kylo, his eyes now focused on your cleavage. Slowly becoming clearer to him as you bent over his form, you pinched Kylos cheeks. Smooshing his lips together in a deep pout, “Well, both of you need to get up. We’re going shopping.”
“Wha da you mea shopping?” Kylo mumbled through your grip. Shaking his face away as he sat up, his left hand grabbing Toby so he wouldn’t tumble down. “Why is he coming with us?”
“Because he’s our baby.”
Kylo groaned, following you into the kitchen, still clutching Toby to his chest, “If you want a baby so bad I can give you a baby.”
You snorted, threading your arms through your pea coat before turning to your boys. Kylo glared at you while you clicked Tobys collar on, giving his a soft kiss to his furry forehead. You gazed up at Kylo, his eyes softening slightly at you.
“I don’t need a miniature Kylo,” you hummed, grabbed your purse and keys off the table. “Not yet.”
Kylo was pissed when you got down to the car, he had gotten you a gold Porsche for your birthday earlier in the year. It was brand new, leather interior and state of the art technology. Complete with a personalized license plate that read “Kitten”.
What threw him off was the car seat dog bed you had in the backseat, complete with little safety leashes and toys for Toby to chew on while in the car. All matching the colors of your outfit, and his collar. You had scooped Toby from Kylos arm once you got to the parking garage under the building. Giving him kisses while you clipped his harness to the seatbelt the store had educated you on.
“Why can’t he just go in the trunk? He’s a fucking dog!”
“Kylo!” you hissed, “I’m not letting him tumble around back there, especially with you driving.” You buckled yourself in the passenger seat and batted your eyelashes. Giving Kylo a big smile so he would get in and have a better attitude, if he was freaking out about the dog bed he was going to lose it when he saw Toby in your purse.
The first stop was Chanel, you were picking out gifts for various family members for the holidays. Wallets, scarves, purses, anything you liked was set on the glass counter. Stewing in the corner was your loving man, holding your purse.
With Toby in it.
The shop girls fawned all over the puppy, lifting him from your arms the moment you came in. They all knew who you were from how much time you spent at the store. So they were fine with him being inside, which set Kylo off further. “What do you think of this?” you held up a black purse.
Kylo spoke with a clipped tone, taking deep breaths as he watched you, “I hate it.”
“It’s ugly.”
You scrunched your forehead, walking over to Kylo with the purse, “But you liked the other one, what’s wrong with this one?”
“You asked my opinion,” Kylo growled, “And I hate it. I don’t want to buy it and have to carry a dog in it when it’s almost $500.”
“Are you gonna be nasty all day?”
Kylo crossed his arms, slightly squishing Toby as he readjusted, “Maybe.”
“Do I have to carry the bags all day?”
“Well,” Kylo placed a quick kiss to your forehead before he walked towards the couches, “Looks like Ill be in a bad mood today then.”
Kylo left you alone during the rest of the shopping trip, silently carrying the shopping bags, and Toby. He complained about having to carry him, saying that he had a leash and legs. Toby could at least walk next to him. But you just shook your head, “He’s scared of all the people on the street Kylo, just hold him for a little bit so he knows you love him.”
At the last store you were shopping at, you spied Kylo on the couch once again. Laying on his back, he had Toby suspended in the air with both his hands while he glared at him.
You tip toed over to see what he was doing, and perhaps to intervene in case he decided to chuck the dog like a football.
As you got closer you heard mumbling...
“I don’t see why your mom likes you so much.”
A heavy sigh.
“But you are cute,” he brought him down to his face, letting Toby kiss his nose. A soft chuckle came from his mouth, “Good boy.”
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angeldeposit · 2 years
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I posted 10,551 times in 2021
109 posts created (1%)
10442 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 95.8 posts.
I added 30 tags in 2021
#me - 10 posts
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#art - 2 posts
#ethan - 2 posts
#please - 2 posts
#blake - 2 posts
#i think she and twice fuck this monster - 1 posts
#she looks at his dick like 🤏 - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 81 characters
#the pandemic and our shitty president arent helping my financial situation either
My Top Posts in 2021
Don't talk to me... I'm not worthy.
But don't talk to anyone else. I'm the only one worthy of you.
3 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 06:37:32 GMT
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"Two systems, hundreds"; June 2021.
4 notes • Posted 2021-06-16 05:19:57 GMT
hi rob i see you're reblogging my stuff
how are you doing ?
6 notes • Posted 2021-11-22 02:08:31 GMT
i wanna kill you i wanna kiss you i hate intrusive thoughts i wanna HURT YOU i wanna hug you n cuddleeee i wanan kidnap you. i hate you you ruined my life you're so cute n smart you should kys i love you i want you forever get away die die die vanish from my lige marry me live w me i love you ilyyyy i wanna stab you you're a monster i wanna kiss you infinitely!
10 notes • Posted 2021-12-03 04:21:38 GMT
⚠️ hey please read this ⚠️
so, i don't have many followers but idk.. wanted to put this here just in case. as you may or may not know, my name is leo/lune. i am a brazilian DID system. i know things are rough for everyone right now, but... i firmly believe i have roughly one year left in this house. i live with my father, who is extremely abusive and hates me more than anything. he hates everything about me, and he is constantly sabotaging my relations and the possibility that i get a job. that is, of course, without mentioning the ongoing damage he does to my mental health. i am looking for a job, and there is one i am probably going to get, but it seems that it's gonna take a bit long. i need to move somewhere in one year max, before he kicks me out. even if he didn't do that i know i'd kms. he is extremely neglecting, he is violent and humiliates me publicly very often. he frequently prevents me from eating and manipulates everyone around me to think i'm insane and a liar. anyways, even if i do get the job and find somewhere to go, i NEED money to survive until then. he avoids spending money w me as much as he can, and i frequently have to pay for transportation + food + anything i need. our whole family is poor and it has not been easy. i can't move to my mother's because i'd lose everything including the possibility of getting this job — and that without mentioning she is just as rotten as he is. i'd appreciate it if you could reblog or help me with any amount. dollars have a really high value here in brazil so it really doesn't have to be anything much. my kofi is https://ko-fi.com/lunesystem. thank you very much for reading. 💖
28 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 05:47:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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idk-maybe-i-did-it · 3 years
Scars: Year five, Chapter one
Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, fighting, yelling,
“ Mummy?"
" Yes?"
" I wanna be a boy."
" Oh- dear are you sure?"
" Yeah, I don't like being a girl. Being a boy sounds better to me."
" Oh, Ok dear. What, what would you like your name to be? If you could make it a boys name."
" Ky." ____________________________
Who put the baby in charge
" The sofa then the stairwell my child."
It's already hard, To buy all the parts
" No no, you missed a spot."
Who put,
" yes ma'am..."
The world on my back and not in my hands,
" You're not done."
Just give me a chance,
" Yes ma'am..."
I listen to my momma, Listen to my dad,
" Sweep next or no bed again tonight."
Everybody answers shit I didn't ask,
" Yes madam."
Think I'm reaching my limit...
" Can I exhale, for a minute?"
" Not until your work is done." ____________________________
" Mum can Sirius and I go out to the field and play quidditch with the other kids for a bit before we leave for the station?"
" Yes James." ____________________________
" Mum do you have anymore of your homemade biscuits left? Dad made me skip again."
" Yes my child." ____________________________
" Okay Remus, this is the first time you'll be seeing your girlfriend. Wear something nice for a change please."
" Mare!" ____________________________
" Your clothes are hanging on you."
" Yeah well who's fault is that Frank?" ____________________________
Remus Lupin walked through platform 9 3/4, almost immediately spotting three of his best friends, James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. They all engulfed Remus in a hug that lasted for  what felt like a lifetime but had only been a minute.
Once they pulled apart, the group began to look around. " Where's Y/n at? Normally she's here before any of us."
James turned around, hands on his hips, and stared Remus and Sirius in their eyes, awkwardly saying, " I- I don't know... she never answered any of our letters so I don't know what happened either. Let's just, we should probably go put our stuff up before we go and finish looking for her."
Sirius glanced around at James and Remus toyed with a book in his hand.
" Okay fine. But the train leaves in ten so we'll have to be quick and thorough."
The group of boys set off to move their luggage into the Mauraders train compartment. Sirius could see the silhouette of a person through the doors glass and went to open the door, ready to kick somebody's ass out of their seat. But what he didn't expect was to see Y/n pulling one of Remus's sweaters on over her head when he opened the door.
Remus watched Y/n as she pulled on the sweater of his. He watched how it moved down the figure of her body and how it fit her a more than before, she had grown over the summer.
The girl looked as if the muscle had been stripped off her bones, she looked like Sirius had in third year.
" Y/n, uh- wha- What happened to you, over the summer? You didn't answer any of our letters or anything and you look so, stretched."
The girl stayed silent as she grabbed her things and stuffed them into a duffel bag, threw it into the corner seat and sat down beside it, arms crossed obviously ignoring James' question.
The boys stood and stared at her for a moment before Peter shuffled in and put his things up before he pulled a tin of his mother's homemade biscuits out and handed them to Y/n timidly. The girl finally sat up and accepted the tin. She opened it and pulled out a small handful of the biscuits and tried to give them back to Peter to which he said no to, making her put them back for herself.
She nodded her head up to the boy in a thankyou and he nodded back. ____________________________
Remus watched as Y/n walked back into the compartment after changing and saw how she sat back down, still not a word said from her. He watched as she sat, her legs propped up on the wall, her body sprawling on the seat under them. Her legs seemed longer and more sticklike.
She looked like Remus had up until their fourth year. ____________________________
When the train came to an end the girl still hadn't spoken a word or answered any of their questions.
Yet, as they walked out and entered the carriages Y/n had looked to both sides of it to check for something before she slumped back into her seat with a long exaggerated sigh. The girl moved her head to the side and crossed her arms, looking out the window. " Sorry I never answered your letters, um, my dad's a muggle so he didn't understand the whole concept of using owls to deliver letters."
Remus gaped at her attempt at a passing lie and Sirius scoffed, arms folded.
" Yeah fucking right Y/n. Cut the shit, what the hell happened to you that caused you to stay silent the whole summer?!"
Y/n, who usually flinched at such harshness filling somebody's voice, quickly moved forward and yanked Sirius's tie forward to pull him closer. By then she'd pulled him up to her, their faces close. The girl examined his facial expressions for a moment. Before she asked, her voice full of anger and coldness,
" I dun'know Sirius, why don't you try being locked up in a house in the middle of a mountain range for the whole of a GodDamned summer and see how much bloody human contact you get! I'll happily wait and see the outcome asshole."
As she finished off her sentence she shoved the boy back into his seat with such a force he was shocked.
The Y/n they knew had never been the violent type. ____________________
Y/n's antics had gotten slightly better after her outburst.
However she still acted like an ass.
But one with good intentions,
Most of the time. ____________________________
The boys began to notice that the girl was anger fueled.
With everything she did, they could see her motivation.
Pure, white-flamed rage.
But they had no clue as to what had sparked the fire behind her heart.
Funnily enough, she also spent more time doing schoolwork in the library with some Hufflepuff dickwad named Chad.
She also seemed to be drifting away from her friends as well. Spending less time with them at meals and more at the Hufflepuff table laughing and talking with Chad Williams. She stopped crashing in their dorm after pranks, stopped hanging around in the dorm with Remus after classes and in the mornings, she stopped singing into hairbrushes with Sirius at three o'clock on Saturdays and she stopped song-writing, drum-playing and guitar-strumming with James. She stopped eating snacks and having meaningful conversation with Peter in the kitchens at 2 A.M.
All her time was spent with the Hufflepuff dickwad Chad. Who by the way, was being toxic. In a very unnoticeable way to the outside person.
Of course Y/n didn't think so.
She merely thought that when he talked his arse off about all the people that he hated and how he seemed to trash talk the Mauraders during half their conversations that he was still upset about that prank from third year. She thought that when she defended her friends Chad was steering her in the correct direction by explaining to her all of their wrong-doings.
James, Sirius, Remus and Peter saw how he had been manipulating their friend and tried to show Y/n that.
Which brings us to the point below. ____________________________
James stood pacing the Mauraders dorm room as Sirius stood staring at Y/n's previous place by the door and Peter sat next Remus on his bed while the taller boy sat numb. Throughout all of their minds they shared the same thoughts.
The words that had came out of Y/n's mouth before she left the room in a fury and why things had to go down the way they did.
" Y/n just listen to us! We're trying to bloody help you, can't you see that or are you too blinded by whatever's fueling your fucking madman rampage to see what's right before your eyes?!?!"
" I don't fucking care James! You're being like everybody else in my life and trying to take away the things that make me happy! He makes me happy James, He understands me James, He Bloody Fucking Cares James!!"
" What about us then? What about all we've fucking been through? Are you just going to sit back and pretend like none of that happened Y/n?! All we've been through together, it used to be us Y/n. We used to be a team Y/n, We used to be your family Y/n, WE used to be Your GodDamned Family Y/n! Did we not care enough or did you decide that a bloody prick from Hufflepuff made you feel more at home than we did?! Did Mr. Charlie Chadington Williams remind you of poor mummy and dad or did we just stop being your family? Because I'd really like to know the answer to that L/n."
" James, you can't be taking this there. That's not what this is fucking about James!"
" Oh yeah, because it really is Y/n. You leave and go home for one bloody fucking summer and now suddenly you're this toxic person who's addicted to anger and rage, who turned her back on the people who had literally kept her alive through her recent life, WHO WATCHED HER BECAME A BLOODY JACKASS AND I'M STARTING TO RETHINK WHY WE EVEN TRY TO HELP YOU Y/N!"
" You bloody bastard... I never stopped seeing you guys as who you are. I stopped seeing people as they claim to be! And yeah James, I might've changed how I act but THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M TO BLAME! YEAH SURE JAMES, MY PARENTS WERE BLOODY SHIT PEOPLE AND THEY'RE TOXIC AS FUCK BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M BLOODY ATTRACTED TO PEOPLE LIKE THEM! I NEVER STOPPED CARING AND I NEVER FORGOT ABOUT THE SHIT WE'VE BEEN THROUGH I JUST LEARNED A FEW NEW THINGS! But if you're going to be like that then I'll just bloody leave so you don't get any of my 'toxic-ism' on your freshly bought clothing that mummy dearest ironed to perfection with her love and joy."
The four boys in the room came to wish that the girl had just yelled at them more instead of walking out of the room and most likely their lives as well.
James, Sirius, Remus and Peter sat in tenseness, their backs pressed against the door of their dorm side by side, for hours. James had lost count after the fifth. Until a knock sounded at the door.
Not a single one of them made a move to advance towards the door's handle.
Soon however, a voice reached out to them from the other side, a voice they knew all too well. Y/n's. But her voice was no longer filled with hate and fury, rage and passion.
It was filled with the sincerity of a person on their deathbed, her voice was low and full of guilt, sorrow and anguish. Remus noticed that it was the same tone of voice she had talked in when telling him about her parents and home life. They felt her knock again and they felt her slide down against the door like they'd done only mere hours ago.
" James was right... I was a prick to you all. You never deserved any of my toxic antics and I should've listened to you guys..."
They could feel the crack in her voice and the rigid truthfulness when she next spoke. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter had been previously crying and they could feel her body shudder through the wooden of the door separating them as her chest heaved with silent tears.
" I'm sorry, and you don't need to say it back. There was nothing you said that you should apologize for."
The four boys sat in silence as her words sunk into their brain, minds and skin.
" I get it if you want nothing to do with me anymore... I'll be leaving so you can sleep now."
James shoved the three other boys off of the door and opened it so fast afterwards that Y/n didn't even have a moment's notice before being engulfed into an embrace by James Potter himself that hurt her already bruised sides as he cried into her hair and held her body flush against his muscled one, in relief that his baby sister had returned home to him after all those months of being back at hers. ____________________________ __________________________ Drop a vote, drink some water, eat some food and remember You are Loved! ^ - ^
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dreamychick · 3 years
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Shit noticed on this go around in Goblet of Fire when I re read it as an adult.
Harry wore them but was not as excited for those socks Dobby made as he should have been. They sounded awesome. He made them by hand and was something he knew you loved Harry. Be more grateful.
We've said it before but. Fred and Angelina really go to the Ball together. Only for her to get married to George after Fred dies in the end. So. This moment means nothing.
All of the Champions either are or take a Quidditch player to the Ball.
And Fleur takes the Ravenclaw Captain. What the hell is up with that? Jocks united? Only Quidditch stars can go as champions? Jesus.
What are the fucking odds that Harry actually saw Rita skeeter bug and just didnt know it at the time? Like he actually was right next to her. In the WHOLE garden. She was just. Right there huh.
When they go off to Hogsmead before Ludo offers to help him with the egg they see Krum dive into the lake, he probably had the clue figured out at that point. That's why he was going in. To practice swimming in the lake itself right?
When Harry takes a bath to figure out the egg there is a Mermaid portrait in the room. There is a portrait in the bathroom. Portraits are alive. They can speak to you. This sentient mermaid can watch underage children bathe and that makes me uncomfortable thinking what other kinds of paintings are in other bathrooms.
Myrtle helps harry alot with his egg clue and hes pretty rude to her. I mean shes a bit of a pervert sure. But she does close her eyes when he goes in and out so shes not looking at anything she shouldnt. But when she just asks for him to visit he completly blows her off. Like what an ass.
After he gets stuck in the trick stair and almost gets caught the not Mad eye tells him he should be an Auror. He says "Interesting idea....he'd like to check how scarred the rest of them were before he chose it as a career."
And then he just.....chooses it as a career? Really?
Snape reads a whole gossip collum about a student out loud to the class just to humiliate him. And then moves him to sit in front of him to quietly intimidate him so noone else can hear him. Teacher of the fuckin year.
Sirius loves Harry so much he lives off rats to survive just to be near him just in case hes needed. Thats fucking love bitch.
Teenagers are bitches they really sent Hermione hate mail because of an article that she was being a two-timer on Harry. I'm not saying it's not realistic I'm just saying the teenagers are bitches.
Nifflers are fluffy black creatures with long snouts thank you for that description once again and for confirming that what I said all along was true. In what universe is that platypus looking thing a niffler? He is very cute but he's not a niffler.
Nothing electrical Works no computers nothing with electricity they say so does that mean that I wouldn't have a phone or an iPod or anyting? How the hell do I listen to my music when I'm studying do I have to learn how to Magic my iPod to work without electricity? Cuz that's going to be the first goddamn spell I learn.
We know how protective Mrs. Weasley is of harry because she thinks of him as another son but is she really the type to listen to gossip from someone like Rita Skeeter? Like she sent hermione an Easter basket basically out of spite of a tiny little Easter egg because she thought that Hermione was cheating on Harry like come on now Mrs. Weasley is like the nicest person ever she wouldn't do that. That just seems super out of character
I just realized again that when Krum takes Harry aside to ask if he and Hermione are together, Harry says he feels he and the 18 year old Proffessional Quidditch player are equals.
Krum is 18 years old. Hermione is 14. Im......not ok with that. Its only a 4 year age difference and theyre not doing anything like, sexual. But even so. Im still super not alright with that when you put it like that. Him being a student doesnt change the fact that hes a whole almost grown man and shes still just a child. Yikes. And this from someone who likes Krum.
When they're going to send their letter they meet up with Fred and George who are off to Blackmail or considering blackmail and George tells Ron that he's traveling down the road to become a prefect and Ron gets so offended and says that he's not and I just think that it's so funny because he ends up becoming one and that literally is all of the boys in the family became a prefect except for the twins
When Harry falls into the pensive you hear that Snape was a Voldemort supporter but he turned spy before Voldemort's downfall at Great personal risk. Wasn't the only reason he turned spy literally because he found out that Harry Potter's family was being targeted? So Snape was willingly a Death Eater like he made the choice to become a Death Eater that's not just oh I was a bullied kid you should feel bad for me this is like you're legitimately a Death Eater. Like my bro Death Eaters kill people and they torture them and they do a lot of not nice things. You can't use being bullied as an excuse for everything so you willingly became a Death Eater that was your choice and yes Dumbledore gave you a second chance that does not negate the fact that you made that choice in the first place and that you were a terrible person. And what are you doing with your second chance? You're still being a terrible person. You're not killing people, but you're psychologically torturing teenagers so.....
They saw Draco talking into his hands out the window. And isnt it convenient they always happen to be lopking out windows at exactly the right time to catch the things they need to catch?
Fleur is in love with Bill at first sight, and even oblivious Harry picked up on that. And yet another age gap. 5 years this time. Sigh. At least this one is graduating in a month. I guess thats better. (I do like them together. I honestly think they do have a cute love. But when you notice a pattern it starts being weird. Cuz then its tonks and Remus and that age gap is waaay more. Like the gaps just grow and Im just not cool with it.)
I was gonna wait to post this til I finished rereading. But. I stopped rereading and started other things and Im not going back for a while and ky notes are taking up space on my phone. And my phone is old. So here it is.
I still love Harry Potter. But when you reread it as an adult you do start to see things you never saw before.
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cowstiandior · 4 years
phew this rly is gonna be the first post I’ve made in like a year but. Like the others, time to pour my heart out I guess.
I’ve dealt with a lot of trauma. I’m still going through my trauma because every so often I learn things that I had no idea about whether it be because I blocked it out or just never thought about it in an abusive light. I guess, first thing’s first, to explain why a lot of this stuff impacted me in a huge way (not to say that it wouldn’t have otherwise, but.).
My biological father was emotionally and physically abusive. To me, to my sibling, to my mother and all his exe’s. He had mental illnesses that were left untreated like BPD, narcissism, and compulsive lying. When I was five, he tried to get me to believe that my mom was cheating on him with a friend of hers and that this guy was gonna steal her away. And I believed him and cried and screamed until my mom promised me that was the case. I only found out, in my late teens, that he was the one that had cheated. Constantly. Eventually they divorced and I moved with my mom to texas after the school year was finished because that gave her time to prepare a place to live for me. Unfortunately during that period where I still lived with my dad... he did a lot of things. And even though (apparently) my grandparents on my mother’s side tried to have me over as much as they could, there was still long amounts of times that I spent with my father.
He exposed me to a lot of shit I shouldn’t have been as a child. Movies with graphic violence and horror (I once had a panic attack when I lost a tooth because I thought that awful lady from darkness falls was gonna come and kill me), nudity and sex. Hell, anime that borderlined into straight up hentai. Only two years ago did I learn from my mother that she always thought my dad was sexually abusing me, but she never had the proof. And maybe she was right. Maybe he did, and I blocked some of it out. He showed me all that stuff, and I remember how he would cling to me in the bed he forced me to share with him and told me I was the only one that loved him and understood. He would buy and show me things I shouldn’t have been seeing and then told me not to tell my mother.
He once brought me over to one of his girlfriends and while I “slept” on the couch, he had sex with his gf right there in the living room just a foot away from where I was. He had only wait... what, five minutes? For me to fall asleep and didn’t even check if I had. I was facing the back of the couch so I couldn’t see anything, but I could hear all of it. I was too afraid to move or even breathe.
That on its own is a lot, but I’m sharing this to give some background into my feelings about this roleplay groups I was a part of over the years.
My first experience with rping was the alvin and the chipmunks oc community on yt. Which was a very niche thing on its own, but there were a LOT of people. It basically boiled down to us coloring over screencaps and fanart to make our ocs, make songs high-pitched and then vid our ocs using the pictures to the songs in wmm and pretending that was our ocs singing them. Some of us communicated via AIM to actually rp our ocs. At the time I was 11/12. I ended up rping with people much older than me, one of whom, the one I rped with the longest and had the greater attachment to, was 16. We rped smut with our ocs. I thought this was normal. They did it with others so why not me as well? They were popular and I was just starting out in the community, so if I did this, then I’d get more attention. And it worked. I got attention from people much older than me and I felt like I was a huge part of this community. All because one of my ocs fucked a more important person’s oc and they got together.
But eventually I fell out of it. I randomly found nondisney crossover videos on yt and began to watch them religiously. Like, really bad ones also made in wmm, but I thought they were so cool. This was way back before editors ever even dreamed of using AE to make seamless masks for their videos. I lefts the aatc group behind to try and make my own. I didn’t have much success until one of my videos blew up and I got a lot of subscribers. I still wasn’t part of what felt like a closely knit community, but I wanted to be. I made silly reaction videos of vidders getting jokingly ‘married’, I commented and liked others videos to try and get noticed by them. Because I was 13 and had no irl friends. 
Then ‘video rps’ began to be a thing. I instantly was enamored, and having experience in rping before, desperately joined. It was fun, at first! I started to connect with more people, they wanted to plot these stupid stuff ideas with me. Then the group decided to move to good ol’, fresh baby-faced tumblr. And I enjoyed that because, at the time, I thought I was a better writer than I was a vidder (news flash I wasn’t good at either of these things sdfkjdns). Somehow, after this move, I became really close with the mods. Both of whom were in the 20s while I was 14 (and just starting high school). One of them called me her ‘wifey’ and I went along with it and did the same. Because I liked the attention. I thought I was important even though, really, none of my characters except two were ever part of any large plots or got attention. They also talked about sexual things with me because my main oc was dating one of the mods’ oc. I remember them solely getting together because of ‘aphrodisiac dust’ too. 
And I’ll admit, I also kinda forced it on my side. The mod had her oc basically in a ‘love triangle’ between my and my friend meg’s ocs. Which is... honestly a Lot now that I think about it. She kept stringing us along, both me and meg being the same age too. So when I saw the oppurtunity of “hey my oc was forced to be really horny and if I get Jen’s oc to fuck mine, that would mean they’ll be together’! So that’s what I did. And it worked. And it was only way later once I really processed what I’d done that I felt like shit for what I did to meg. This adult had basically tried to get us to fight each other of this dumb fucking ship. Haha jokes on u jen, now they’re both lesbians and are dating.
Though before this, when my oc was dating another member’s, that ended... really badly when said member had her boyfriend raped by their other ocs. One the dash. With no warning. Not even telling me about that possibility. It made me feel sick. So I dropped them.
Anyways, yeah. In this rp group I was, once again, exposed to smut and sexual things by those that weren’t just older than me, but also adults. They tried to get me to turn on other people in the group. They were also homophobic which, at the time, had a huge impact on me since I was, even then, trying to figure out what and who I was.
Both mods were controlling, rude, and eventually, all of us decided to split off from them and move our ocs to a new but similar setting. This shift was lead by gansey, who became the new mod. I was also partially close to them, and given that at the time I thought they were a good writer and they were popular, I relished in that attention. I thought of them as an older sibling. But in the end they weren’t all that different from Jen and Usa, the previous mods.
Even back in TOW, Gansey had this strange fascination with cheating. Given that Jen’s oc and mine were dating, and gansey had this (understandable, at the time) hatred for her and Usa, they tried to get their main oc to be... really close with mine. Always close enough to cheating or being seen as romantic but never enough that they could apply plausible deniability to the situation. They even made this weird ‘au’ video of them together without talking to me about it. ...A lot of things were done without talking to me about it.
Their obsession with cheating even extended into TAR, where they kept hinting at one of their ocs being interest with another of mine despite Sonia being in a relationship with Shelly’s Archie. I thought, perhaps, that maybe they wanted it to become an open relationship or poly. And if they had talked about it with Shelly and I and we all agreed with it, that would have been fine. But such a thing was never brought up. When said character suddenly developed an evil demon personality, them trying to force their affection on Sonia became even more obvious. Only now the character had a proper ‘excuse’, being evil and whatnot.
Gansey really did have this weird thing for cheating, ruining other people’s ships, and also dubcon/noncon. And again, Gansey was an adult while I was in high school. These things Just Kept Happening. And even though I thought we were close at the time, I never really was involved in any of their big plots (or really anyone’s) unless it involved some of these concepts.
Eventually I started to talk a lot with Meg because we were the same age and had similar interests. This led to me talking with Shelly more and then Bonnie, Kyle, and Morgan. And I’m so grateful for that. People I had been so afraid of contacting on my own to talk to or be friends because of my insecurity due to everything else became huge parts of my life. For once I felt genuinely included and not just someone to be used by others. We came up with fun plots, character connections, etc. At this point I had both them and friends in high school. I had a place I felt I belonged. I still do. I love them so much. They’re basically family to me.
Anyways, as I got older, it became apparent there was this rift in the rp group. People being purposely excluded because they weren’t seen as ‘good’ rpers, or just because someone who wasn’t ever really active in the rp group didn’t like the other. AKA Roman hating kyle which resulted in him being excluded despite his attempts time and time again to include others lol. Obviously over the years, there wasn’t much left for me in that group outside of my friends. It was barely active anymore and outside of it interactions had become toxic. So it was understandable when Kyle and Meg decided to leave. Funny how once that happened, they only then decided to have an ‘open forum’, with everyone who was normally quiet coming out of the woodworks to bash my friends when they were no longer there.
Some of us called them out after that and left. Though not before we found out that they’d (gansey and their inner circle) been developing another rp setting called FAR (presumably the setting they attempted when they told everyone they were gonna have a 100 time-skip to shake things up, which ended up not happening bc a lot of the group was like wtf) and also added someone to the discord server that most of us didn’t know. This person had been there for months and Gansey never told us despite them being their friend. This was very upsetting because at that point all of in this group had been together for 8 years. We shared personal stuff in that discord server. Things that I’m sure we wouldn’t want strangers seeing. So yeah, a lot of us were upset!
Then Gansey and their friends dogpiled kyle for understandably being mad about being excluded and alienated. Then they dared to have the gall to message me saying they were terrible and sorry and that they’d always be there to listen if I wanted to talk.
So I talked. And what happened after that? Nada. Nothing. They never replied. They weren’t willing to face the hypocrisy of what they’d done.
In the end they had just been another manipulative adult that had only used me when they needed to. That tried to have our characters be sexual when I was just a teen.
All of you were adults. You should have known better. I admired you guys only to have that admiration used to control me. Fuck all of you. Fuck you for the way you treated my friends. Fuck you for having contributed to my trauma on top of everything else I’d experienced. Fuck you, gansey, for your manipulative ‘apology’. Fuck you for your dumb fucking poetry you thought we’d never see, comparing us to corpses and you to sisyphus.
Boo Fucking Hoo. 
You were never really sorry at all. None of you were. You’re were just ashamed you got caught on all your bullshit.
I was boo boo the fool for thinking I actually meant anything to you guys.
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blkgirlcafe · 4 years
Home Pt. 6
Viktor Drago x Cyra (Black OFC)
Cyra (Ky-Ra) -Sun or throne
Kazimir (Kah-Zee-Meer) - Bringer or Announcer of peace
Viktor Drago is married to the love of his life, they have a 5 year old son. He is willing to do anything to keep them safe.
Warning: Kidnapping, abuse, mentions of child abuse
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Flashback 5
After that encounter they didn't speak for weeks, they caught each other looking at each other, but for the most part they didn't say anything. One night she came in late, just as he was about to leave, he decided to stay and do a few more around. She went from cardio to free weights and finally her sit ups. As she was doing sit ups, a guy approached her, towering over her. 
Viktor couldn't hear what he was saying but could see the panic on her face. The guy reached out to touch her hair, and Cyra tried to smack it away. Viktor abandoned the sparring bag, approaching her. 
“Dostatnʹo.” Viktor spoke (Enough)
“tse vasha poviya Drago?” the guy laughed. (This your whore Drago?)
“Zalysh yiyi, i ya poshkoduyu tebe.” (Leave her alone and I will spare you.)
Viktor knew his reputation, he had a reputation for being an animal. All he knew was violence and no one wanted to mess with that. He had very little regard for life, his own or others, and people were afraid of that. The guy walked away grumbling, leaving Cyra alone. 
“Thanks.” He helped her get up. Cyra dusted her hands on her pants, “Sorry for snapping on your a few weeks ago, I am just, I don't know.'' She gathered her stuff and started to walk out. 
“Wait!” he didn't mean to yell, “I will walk you home.”
She smiled at him, “You don't have to.”
“I want to, let me get my stuff.” Viktor scrambled to grab his gym bag, stuffing his sweaty clothes in it. He opened the door for her, taking her bag as she walked past. 
“No problem. I really am sorry I disappeared for two weeks, I didn't want Ivan to make me.”
“It's so weird to me you call him Ivan and not dad.” she shrugged. 
Viktor shrugged in response, it never occurred to him. 
“I miss home, I miss my brothers.” She said suddenly. The whole walk home, she talked about her home, about her family. Viktor listened intently, he had only left Europe once and that was to fight Creed. 
When they got to her apartment building he didn't want to leave her. 
“Wanna come up, we got leftovers?”
He looked both ways, afraid this was a trick, that Ivan would show up out of nowhere. He followed her up the stairs, the building was a tad bit better than where he lived. He couldn't deny the apartment was warmer in feeling this and Ivans.  Viktor left his bag by the door and sat on the small couch, 
“I will be right back.” She disappeared into one of the bedrooms, coming back a moment later in shorts and a t- shirt. Viktor tried his best not to stare at her but it wasn't working. 
“What are you looking at?” she asked him as she pulled food out of the fridge. 
“Nothing.” he mumbled. She fixed food, warming it up in the microwave. She walked over to him, pulling him off the couch. 
“You don't have to be shy around me.” she said softly. 
Viktor's eyes searched her face, before he bent down and kissed her. They both were surprised, she took a step back, her hand still on his. Viktor snatched his hand away, rushing to the door, grabbing his bag and leaving without saying goodbye. He passed Cyra’s roommate on the stairs as he rushed out.
“What the fuck was Drago doing here, are you okay?”
“Yeah. I was going to give him food but he kissed me and then ran away.”
“Word, bro is weird like leave him the fuck alone.”
“Stop he just, he just...trying.” 
“Yeah, trying to be weird. Anway, I'll eat his food.”
She grabbed the plate and sat down, Cyra looked out the window, he was already gone.
The fight was in a week, Viktor was stressed, he was barely eating, couldn't sleep. His trainer and manager were on his ass about the sudden change. Everyone wanted to know where Cyra was, why he had cheated. It pained him to lie, he would ever hurt her, or cheat on her. The sport gossip blogs picked it up, adding to his new persona of him being an boastful fighter. People came out the woodwork to, adding gas to the fire. His social media page had grew overnight, the comments ranged from accepts of his new identify to disbelief. 
Viktor has never acted like this, fame has gotten to his head.
Finally Big Nasty, you have earned it, show them how nasty you can get. 
The BDE is gold.
Cant belive he cheated on his wife, she fine as hell. 
Yo he gone wipe the floor with his oppoent. 
When he win there better be 50 bitches waiting for him in the back. 
His manager shook his head, looking through the post. They had companies wanting to sponsor them at the last moment, but Viktor said no. there was already enough attention on what was going on. He sipped the protein shake that was pushed in his head at some point. He had to make weight. 
Ivan walked into the office, wearing a smile, and Viktor just wanted to wipe it off his face. 
“Lets train.” he said to Vikor. 
Viktor wasnt in the mood to train, wasnt in the mood to be around Ivan. The more days that passed without his wife home the worst he got. 
“I wasnt asking you.”
Viktor stood and towered over his  father, “You are a guest in my home, you are not my trainer and you are not my manager, act accordingly.”
If looks could kill they both would be dead, his manager came between them, pushing Viktor out the room. 
“Why the fuck is he even here, I dont understand Vik, you can talk to me.”
Viktor just shook his head and went to his bedroom. He laid on the bed, pulling her pillow close, her scent very faint on it. Viktor ended up falling asleep, dreaming of his family. 
Cyra was just out of his reach, he wanted to pull her close but each time he moved forward she moved back. Just behind her was Kazi, he was holding a toy, reaching out for him. 
“Tata I want to come home.”
“Me too baby.” Cyra said.
“Baby I am sorry, I never wanted this to happen.” 
They both faded away, Viktor looked around, trying to find her and Kazi. They had to be here, he could sense them, he could smell them. 
Viktor woke with a start, drenched in sweat. He sat up, looking for his phone, hoping he didnt miss a call. There were no new notifications at all. He went to the bathroom, then down to the kitchen to find food, normally Cyra and Kazi would be down here, the kitchen and attached family room were their domain, Kazi toys were stored in the corner, Cyra bookcase took up a full wall. 
The patio door was open and small snatches of conversation floated in, it was Ivan talking to someone. 
“Chy dobre vony?” (Are they well?)
Viktor took a step back, moving light on his feet.
“Tak, vin lamayetʹsya, vin zaznaye nevdachi.” (Yes he is breaking, he will fail.)
Viktor heart was beating fast, was Ivan behind this, would he do this? But Viktor already knew the answer to that.
They let her and Kazi out once a day, they would spend hours outside. Sometimes one of the guys would play soccer with Kazi, sometimes it was just them. She never thought of screaming or trying to run away, not wanting to risk Kazi. They would simply kill her, they would make sure he suffered. 
Every few days she was able to speak to Viktor, she was allowed to call Trey, he stayed suspicious of everything. He wanted to see her, facetime her, touch her, anything. She kept the calls short, knowing her brother had the technology to find her. 
Kazi had stopped asking when Tata was coming to get them. She was told his fight was less than a week out, which means they would be fine if everything went according to plan. Viktor kept up his public appearance of being a badass, all the interviews he did he was prideful and boastful, which was unlike him. 
She just wanted to go home, get back to normal, whatever that would be after this. Kazi ran over to her, falling into her lap giggling. She was happy to see the smile on his face, he only smiled when he was out here. In the room he sat there, quiet, holding his toy. 
He stood up in front of her, putting his hands on her cheeks, giving her forehead a kiss. In that moment she broke down crying, because it was the same thing Viktor did to her. 
“Its okay mama.”
“I know baby. Mama sorry.” 
He didnt move, peppering her face in kisses until she started to giggle, she feel back, and they laid on the grass looking at the sky. 
She wondered what Vik was doing, if she knew her husband he was worrying. He didnt say much but boy could he worry. The backdoor opened and that was there cue to head back inside. She gave Kazi a kiss, picking him up.
Flashback # 6
Cyra avoided the gym for a few days but finally went back on Friday night. But there was no one there and that was rare. She approached the front desk, the girl behind her not even bothering to greet her.
“Where is everyone, this place is a ghost town?”
“Drago has a fight tonight, thought you would know that.” she rolled her eyes. 
Cyra was use to the attitude of most of the local people, she get it, she didnt belong. 
“No place for you.”
“I asked where, not your opinion.” Cyra gave the attitude back. 
The girl rolled her eyes again, popping her gum, before writing it down. 
“Starts at 9 Nehr.”
Cyra snatched the paper, knowing the slur that she was just called. 
She rushed home and convinced her roommate to go with her, they had a hour. Cyra changed into jeans and a tee, finding her bomber jacket to wear. They took a cab to the location. They got weird looks the whole time, or she got weird looks. They found a seat third row behind the opponent side. The fighters made there way to the ring and Viktor looked like nothing she remember. His normally shy and bashful expression was replaced with a look of hate and violence. 
The energy of the room was more than she could take, she wasnt use to this. People cheering for others to tear each other apart, people cheering for blood. The fight started, the first 3 rounds passing with hardly any damage. The 4th round his opponent got in a good hit, sending blood flying across the mat. Cyra stood, hands clenched in front of her. 
Her eyes met Vik and he was hit again, she realized that she was distracting him and sat back down. Viktor pushed off the ropes, standing up and getting back in stance. By the 7th round she could tell he was tired, his punches lacked the force from the earlier rounds. 
“End this and now!” Ivan shouted. 
Viktor straightened his back, delivering nasty punch after punch, even when his opponent leaned against him, Vik just pushed him off delivering a devastating uppercut that had his opponent on the ground. The ref counted and the bell rang, the fight over. Ivan bound into the ring, holding up his son arms in victory, you would have thought he made the final punch. 
The two exited the ring, Cyra pushed her way to the barrier that separated the crowd from the walkway. 
“Vik!” he turned to look at her, right eye already staring to close. He walked over, helping her and her roommate over the barrier so they could follow him. Ivan was to busy trying to find the sponsor for his payout to notice. 
Viktor led them to a small dressing room, her roommate waiting outside while she followed him in.
“You okay?” she asked stupidly. 
“I will be fine, what are you doing here?”
“Came to watch you fight, duh, also wondering why you ran after you kissed me.”
His head dropped,”I am sorry…”
Cyra didnt let him finish, standing on her tippy toes and kissing him back. His shoulder sagged almost in relief. 
Cyra bought her hands up to his cheeks, kissing him harder, wanting him to know it was okay, she wanted this too, whatever this was. 
“shcho tse?” (What is this?)
They both looked over, Ivan standing in the door, Anna standing behind Ivan. 
“I just came to congratulate him…”
“I am not talking to you girl. Lets go Viktor.”
“Dayte nam khvylynku, budʹ laska” Viktor spoke. (Give us a moment, please)
“No, lets go.” Ivan looked at her with disgust in his eyes. Viktor mumbled an apology before following Ivan out the door. 
“Damm what the hell was that?” Anna asked. 
“Nothing I guess.” 
That night all Viktor could think of was her. Usually when he won a fight, he floated high off of that for a few days, but even that didnt matter, she did. He snuck out knowing that Ivan was passed out drunk. 
He ended up at her apartment, knocking softly, Sarah answering the door. 
“Ugh you again, its like 3am, little late for a bootycall. Wait here.”
When Cyra saw him, she stopped. Viktor thought she looked gorgeous, in just a tshirt, curly hair everywhere. 
“Vik what are you doing here?”
“I came to apologize for Ivan, he doesn't have a reason to be mean to you.”
“You dont have to apologize for other people Vik.”
“I like you, I’ve never done this before, I dont know what to do.”
She smiled up at him, “You like me?”
“Yes a lot, you make me happy.”
She bounced over to him, hugging him around his middle, he winced from the pain, his ribs still sore. 
“Sorry, you make me happy to Vik. Come.”
She pulled him into her bedroom, the light was flicked off but he could still see the touches of her. The makeup on the vanity, clothes slung over the back of a chair, a picture on her bedside. 
“I swear to god yall better not fuck, these walls are thin as fuck, I can hear giantgtor breathing.”
“Don’t mind her, can you stay?”
Viktor shook his head quickly, not caring that he would have to face the consequences tomorrow. He pushed his sweats down, leaving him in boxers and tshirts and got into bed, she snuggled up to him, trying her best not to touch his bruises. 
“Its fine, I am use to pain.”
“You shouldn't be Vik.” She kissed the underside of his chin, settling into a comfortable silence. 
Viktor got no sleep that night, he stayed up all night watching her sleep, she never left his side. Her scent stayed with him even as Ivan chewed him out the next morning and made him change gyms.
24 hours before a match 
It was time for the weight in and conference, Viktor always hated these. They obsessively tracked his weight the days leading up, to heavy or light and there was no fight, he had to stay in his weight class. He dropped a lot of weight since all this started, how could he eat without know if his wife and child were. 
After he head the phone call between Ivan and who he assumed was Andriy, he knew that they would be okay, it was all a plan to get him to fold. Viktor would bet his life that both Ivan and Andriy had big money bet on this fight and they needed him to fold so they could get paid. 
All the extra shit was just so he would be embarrass. He thought of he quote that Ivan had always told him when he was growing up, “A fool tells you what he will do, a boaster will tell you what they have done, The wise man does it and says nothing.” He never saw the need to be prideful. It just wasnt his way. 
“You ready?” his manager ask him. 
“Yes.” usually Cyra was here with him, behind the scene, being his cheerleader. He didnt need the huge entourage, the flashy clothes of jewelry, just her. Kazi would be with one of her brothers, watching from home.He wasnt allowed to watch the fights, but the weight ins no problem. All Viktor had on were boxing shorts, he followed his manager to the stage. Dozens of specters watched, cameras out, mics pointed toward the stage. 
The announcer did the usual bout, introducing them. They weighed in, their weight checked before they took their respective seats, this was the part he hated, the interview. 
Drago where is your wife, does she plan to support you even thought you cheated?
She will not be in attendance. 
Why the sudden change, you did a complete 180 on us.
People change.
Needless to say fans are loving the new attitude, they think you earned the right to be boastful.
They are right, I haven't lost a fight in 5 years, I dont have anything else to prove. 
For the most part he kept his answers short, keeping up the facade like he was supposed to.
Finally they were done and Viktor along with his manager and trainer went back to his room, that same room he would prep in tomorrow for the fight. Win or lose he was going home with 2 million dollars. If he won he was looking at 10 million, tack on what he would make from sponsorship it would be a nice purse. 
“Viktor you look dead, I dont believe anything you said on that stage. Man what is going on?”
“Nothing.” he got dress and quickly. 
With Ivan not here he asked to use his trainer phone, he went into the bathroom. 
“Who dis?” Trey answered the phone. 
“I dont have much time, I know who has Cyra and I think my dad is on it. Come by the house tonight.”
“Aigh bruh, Imma be there, but my sis and Kazi better be okay or I will make good on my promise.”
He hung up, deleting the call log. When he came out the restroom still no sign of Ivan, he gave his trainer back his phone and left, wanting to go home.
Both her and Kazi watched the weight in, Kazi was quiet as he watched his tata on stage talking. Cyra hated seeing him like this, he looked awful, not his normal self. His eyes were dark, the same darkness she saw when she met him in the Ukraine. 
He weighted in as normal, did the interview and rushed off of stage. She just wanted to reach out and comfort him. The day before a match she was always by his side, they needed each other in that way. They kept each other grounded.
After watching the weight in, she and Kazi had dinner. But Cyra wasnt hungry at all. They were given a bathroom run, allowed to take a shower, and her kazi sharing the shower to save time. Once back in their room they laid together while Kazi told her a story, like most children he had the most active imagination ever. 
She wanted to tell him that tomorrow they would go home, that everything would be okay. But she didnt, know sure she could handle the disappointment if something went wrong.
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remminold · 3 years
I've been cleaning out the note app on my phone, where I put my random ass thoughts, and here are some of my favorite things I've wrote:
Whoever does that is a chode and a bastard and deserves to have their spine climbed like a fucking ladder to remove their brain stem
being in the grace of god doesn’t mean he won’t fucking kill you
I yearn for the days of which I could only hope to ponder why the gods were so afraid of the creation they had made. Now I see the void of creation like the one's before me and am horrified by what stares back into my being. For God's hold no soul, but the void needs not a tether to damn you to the oblivion of your own misgivings.
And honestly, death is a darling companion to the lonely
Soemtimes the body has a hokey pokey and it turns itself around and it be like that
*in response to how do you feel?* Horny mostly, I fear not death nor pain, only the blinding sensation of existance
Realized I can't sensor S*gmund Fr*ud out loud
Bedding continuous
Are you afraid of change or are you afraid that they will be able to see you at your most vulnerable
It's not about policy, it's about being able to ignore the political climate because it won't effect your standard of living
No man has that much conviction without sucking a lil dick
Never thought I'd write about our 16th president Abraham Lincoln while listening to a lesbian shout in my ears about kinky sex, but like it was a vibe
Just 😲 found out 🧐💭 that kys🖤⛓️🔪 doesn't mean🙅‍♂️👎 kissing you soon 😘💋 all of those🕑🕝🕣 hate comments😡💢 had me thinking 🤔💭 they loved me💞💞 but really they all👭👬👫 hated me🤬🤬
Spiritually I am a family dollar store, physically I am nothing but a sack of uncooperative meat
Of course, what kinda bastardized scone would I be if I didn't
I set my past selves alight and warm myself in their flames
Any man can become God, but many find the sacrifice is not worth the gain
As a writer I love all of these, as a person with existence, I'm slightly ashamed of the creations I've made.
Feel free to take what you will of my crop, but prepared to live with what you create.
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kyliexc · 4 years
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BUENAAAASSSSSSSSSS ! soy yo , mini from da 6ix , again . coming at you with my original kid . she’s changed just a bit , but still pretty much a god damn  M E S S .  and bad bunny’s vete came on shuffle soOoOooOoooOOOOOOOOOOOOO LEGGO !
chicago’s very own Kylie Castillo has been spotted on madison avenue driving a BMW X5 , welcome ! your resemblance to Becky G is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty second birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re impulsive , but being loyal might help you . i think being a Aries explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be a bottle of patron, late night partying and 20grams of weed . 
hit the mfng like button for plots bc I WILL mssge u or else
Full Name: kylie valentina castillo
Nickname(s): ky, kyky, k, kybby
Age: 22
Height: 5 ft
Date of Birth: April 15th 1997
Zodiac sign: aries
Hogwarts house: slythindor (slytherin + gryffindor)
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: american
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic-catholic
Tattoos: a peach on her ass, #2 tramp stamp and canon becky g tattoos
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
Accent: american with a hint of spanish
kylie castillo is the third born child from alejandro and lupe castillo ! alejandro was a renowned soccer player from jalisco, mexico . he played for the mexican national team AND for Barcelona FC . lupe castillo is also from jalisco , mexico , but she attended school in spain where she began as a seamstress for a small vintage boutique before going off on her own to start her own exclusive brand that made it big - as in , only those who could really afford the clothing could wear it . lupe is owner to ROSARIO . lupe and alejandro met in spain , but ultimately moved to chicago to settle down with their kids since kylie’s paternal grandparents lived there.
Kylie was born in Chicago , Illinois , but throughout her childhood , she bounced between Chicago, Los Angeles , and Barcelona ! 
kylie took after her dad , immediately falling in love with soccer since she was little . it wasn’t like the castillos pushed her into it , she found the sport herself . kylie , along with her siblings were a sports family in general . most of her siblings got into some sport growing up , whether they took it seriously or not was up to them , but kylie definitely did. 
kylie and her dad are really close for the fact that he basically coached her throughout her entire athletic career . kylie is very competitive because of this , and super into keeping herself fit . she sees a goal , she wants it , and she’ll do anything to get it . her jersey is #3 !
besides soccer , she really loves to sing and it came out of nowhere but it was due to all the family parties she has . often an acoustic guitar would be brought out and everyone , including kylie would be singing along to vincente fernandez - heck , you know the castillos hired a mariachi band to be part of these gatherings . 
ky spent a lot of time with her grandparents who would ALWAYS be blasting old mariachi / love songs , singing at the top of their lungs to each other , and from this kylie enjoyed what music did for her . performing was just another thing that came easy to her . the stage , whether it be an actual stage or just a small little space where she was surrounded by family , it was home to her , and she was never afraid . the one place where she could vocally express herself is through her lyrics . ky and her cousins often would write down song lyrics , pretend to perform for thousands of people - but it wasn’t something she ever thought she’d do . it was just for fun , and she took up extra curriculars besides soccer that related to it . i . e dance , acting , etc. 
yet , that was something else , her eyes were on the prize , and that was soccer . sort of . 
kylie had everything set for her to continue playing soccer after high school , to eventually make it onto the US Women’s Soccer team - yet she deadass started to slowly give it all up at the beginning of her 4th year of high school , hanging with the stoner kids , practicing less , putting less effort. she eventually found the underground rap scene -  she loved soccer , but it was time for something else , especially when her dad was mad at her , the field didn’t feel like home like the stage did .
on soundcloud , and youtube , kylie lent her vocals to some guys she met , being on their tracks . her sound was unique because she sang and rapped in both spanish and english . she was earning a name online , her followers going up and tbh , she wasn’t trying but it came to her and when she saw the numbers rise , and her name get out there a bit . she rlly started working on that part of her life . 
A MESS ?! * TW : abortion , drugs , etc .
in high school , she met giovanni ho ho hoe narciso . they were friends for a long time until finally , they started dating . definitely one of the reasons, but not the main reason why she also didn’t care about the sport as much - but kylie’s dad blamed gio a lot fo kylie not playing soccer . so her dad didn’t like gio , and to make matters worse , he didn’t like gio’s dad . so it was a HOT MESS . kylie ultimately had to choose between her family and gio , and when she said yes to marrying gio , she chose gio .  
18 years old and she ran off to marry gio - except that didn’t happen . 
she woke up one morning , he was gone and she couldn’t get a hold of him anymore . ky really didn’t have a choice besides going back to her family , and BET her dad was all ‘i told you so’ 
she couldn’t contact gio but YOU BET she ended up finding him eventually to get in the lasdt mfng word but that conversation ended up with her just being hurt , and it was the last time she really saw gio . he moved on , whether she believed it or not , he did .
so fast forward not long after that meeting . kylie found out she’s pregnant . obviously , it was gio’s . and she had two choices , keep it or get rid of it . 
without telling anyone , except her best friend , kylie got an abortion . which , no one knows , not even her family , not even gio .
        ***again , not many people know this ? but the                  one above is a secret too ?? she’s just full of          secrets. JKFDHDFKG
from 20 - 21 , kylie moved out , hopping from place to place within chicago . but she definitely went off grid . not caring for social media , not contacting her parents . 
kylie went into a strip club and at first it was for jokes , but when she got on the pole - she was actually good ?? JDKHGDKFJHDFKJH so the manager offered her a job and well , bitch took it . so she did that for a year , hanging with the wrong crowd, drinking every day , smoking weed which is a staple for her , but she started to do blow - which is .. not a staple for her . it was a dangerous year for kylie .
but doing blow , and selling it for awhile while working the pole gave her the connections she needed to meet rich guys with status in the music industry. 
so eventually , her EP made it in the hands of a producer for sony music latin . 
so she left the pole and started being featured with big time Latin names 
think cardi b’s start up and yeah , she definitely drugged men and stole from them while doing this too DKJGFHDKFJ
kylie’s back bitches ! as in people already knew her but she’s been M.I.A for a year , so she’s back and ppl are like wtf KDJGHDKFJGHSFKDJ and she lives in New York now
currently she’s working on her first album release.
besides the mess , she’s a GOD DAMN GOOD TIME. if you ever need to get drunk and party. kylie is your girl . if you need to get fucked up, you better have her on speed dial.
kylie’s the bitch with the bottle of patron , serving tequila shots , and then dancing on top of tables.
highkey always ready for a fight . she doesn’t care where she is , she will always SWING. don’t play games thinking she’s gonna back down from a fight bc she won’t. if u want a fight , ky will give u one KJDHGKSFJDHGKSDJGH talk shit get hit is her motto and i hate her for it
she has a black cat named mijo
her friends and family are the loves of her life . literally , if you mean something to her , there’s nothing she won’t do for you . she will ADORE YOU
if ur her enemy .... that’s fun too. :)
confident AF
she’s an all around bitch i hate her , but she’s a mess , and she’s funny , and she’s too much sometimes .
too stubborn for her own good all the time bc she thinks she’s always right. 
she’s also really goofy when she wants to be
has a hell of a good work ethic , will get shit done when it needs to be done . is definitely the pushy friend to encourage others to do the same.
she loves assholes.
her lito, lita, ita, tito {grandparents} are her favourite people ever
will cuss you out in spanish and english
hella hot tempered and uhm...
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