#i have a halo problem it's so true
ageless-aislynn · 2 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
I was tagged by the awesometastic @helix-studios117 Thanks so much! 😎👍
Last song:
Yeah, I was just watching my own vid, what can I say? 🥺🤷‍♀️ I was telling my dad earlier how I love how Halo 2 has very few barriers and thus lets you fly a lot of places you're not "supposed" to go in regular gameplay. Which made me think of this Halo 2 vid of mine and thus, I just listened to this awesome song by Foo Fighters. 🤷‍♀️😉
Watch my early Halo 2 utter lack of abilities in the gameplay parts of this vid and marvel at the fact that I somehow eventually managed to beat this game on Legendary, lol! I played like an absolute goober here but I did get better, what can I say? 🤣😋
Favorite Color: Dark red, dark green and dark purple
Last Film/Show: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (we're in the last few eps of season 7 now, almost done 😭)
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Sweet and savory; spicy has become my enemy as I've gotten older, sad to say 🫤
Relationship Status: I'm a dedicated free-range Aislynn 😇
Last Search: "Halo 3 Master Chief dog tags" I saw a pic someone had of them, thought they were cool and decided to see how much they were, just in case they were, like, super cheap and affordable. They were not. 😐😉
Current Obsession:
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This guy falling down the stairs behind Captain Keyes in Halo: Combat Evolved, lol!
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Master Chief (and Halo 4 Cortana), my beloveds
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Kai and season 1 Cortana, my beloveds
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Carter and Noble Team, my beloveds.
I have a LOT of beloveds. My fangirl heart is always overflowing, what can I say? 😇💖
Tagging the last 9 mutuals in my notifications because I can't remember who all I've seen tagged in this one. No pressure tags, as always, and if you'd like to do this one and I didn't happen to tag you, then you know what that means! *boops your nose politely* 😉💖
@officialnighttime @architectofimagination @jemmalynette @littletonpace @empresskadia @spartanxanthe @arbitraryimposition @coleishere @inthatfandom
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alipal97 · 3 months
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I'm an Idiot
Pairing: Luke Castellan x fem!reader
Summary: Luke has a dream about about his best friend y/n that leads to him ignoring her so she doesn't find out his true feelings
Warnings: angst, Luke being an idiot, smut 18+ only please, language, it's a LONG one but it's so worth it I promise
"Shit, Luke," y/n moaned out, her soft breathes fanning against Luke's scarred cheek, "right there."
Luke thrusted himself deeper, groaning out at the sensation and burying his face in the crook of her neck. "God's, y/n, you're so fucking tight."
Luke pushed in slowly once more, burying himself to the hilt. He was going painfully, torturously slow. Luke wanted nothing more than to fuck her senseless until all she could do was scream his name, but not if it meant hurting her so he held himself back from driving into her full force and taking her like he so desperately wanted to.
Y/n knew what he was doing and responded by wrapping her legs around his hips, pulling him in deeper. They gasped simultaneously at the new angle.
"Don't-", he stuttered, "Don't do that." He held her hips down to prevent her from moving again, gripping it so tightly he was sure it would leave a mark and the thought sent a pleasant shiver down his spine. He panted against her sweaty collarbone as he tried to regain his composure.
"You don't like it?" She whispered in his ear seductively, raising her hips up to meet his.
Of course he liked it. He fucking loved it, but it was testing the restraint that he was already in a losing battle with. If she continued to pull him in deeper like that he was sure to snap. Luke could feel her clenching around his cock and fuck it made him want more.
When he didn't answer, y/n leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Stop holding back, Luke. I want you to fuck me."
With a sly smirk, Luke pulled out of her before-
Luke startled slightly as his eyes opened to the early morning sun that filtered through the windows of the cabin. He could hear the birds chirping outside and the slight footfall of other campers making their way to breakfast.
He sighed in frustration and rubbed a hand down his face, only to freeze when he felt a body stirring against him. He slowly lowered his hand, his brown eyes falling to Y/n's sleeping form next to him. She was fully clothed with her back to him as her shoulders rose and fell with each even breath she took.
Luke had one arm wrapped around her waist while the other was trapped beneath her head. Her hair falling over his arm and onto her pillow in a perfect halo. For the daughter of Hades, she sure looked angelic in this moment.
He realized he must have fallen asleep during one of their late-night talks, given that he had woken up in her cabin rather than his own. Luke was honestly thankful for her company. His sleep was typically plagued by never-ending nightmares, but never when he slept with her tucked into his chest.
Noticing that she was still sound asleep, Luke decided to relax and enjoy a few more moments of rest before he would inevitably have to wake her for breakfast and break them out of their comfortable bubble. He closed his eyes and pulled her body closer to his, tucking his face into her hair that smelled faintly of her jasmine and coconut shampoo.
Unconsciously, Y/n snuggled back against him, pressing her body back against his. Her round ass pushed against the bulge in his pants that he hadn't realized had been rapidly growing since he woke from his dream. Luke grunted at the contact and swore under his breath quietly. Nightmares may not be a problem when sleeping with y/n, but for the last few months other dreams had started to become a bit of an issue.
Luke had had a crush on her since the first day she walked into camp four years prior, something Clarisse and Chris never hesitated to poke fun at him about. How could he not? She was gorgeous, funny, and fiercely protective of those she loved.
The two of them had always had a flirty sort of banter that probably went beyond the bounds of friendship, but he never really made a move, of course, fearing his feelings wouldn't be reciprocated and valuing their friendship too much to jeopardize it.
Just like he was about to if she woke up and felt his hard on nestled between her perfect thighs.
It was probably a dick move to leave before she woke up, but Luke would have to come up with an excuse later because there was no way he was going to be able to conceal what the dream of her panting and writhing beneath him had caused.
Ever so carefully, Luke shifted his weight toward the edge of the bed and slowly began to pull his arm out from under her head, freezing when she stirred in her sleep. He swore quietly under his breath and waited until she stopped moving before pulling his arm away from her completely.
He tiptoed his way to the door, the old hardwood floor groaning slightly beneath his weight as he walked. Luke reached the door and turned to take one last look at her sleeping form that was now nestled against the pillow beneath her head, soft snores emitting from her pink lips. He smiled to himself and closed the door quietly, bounding through the camp on his way to take a very cold shower to relieve him of his 'little' problem.
The sound of her front door clicking into place made Y/N stir against her black silk sheets before she woke entirely, noting the now empty bed beside her. She furrowed her brows as she sat up, noticing that Luke's shoes were gone and so was he.
It confused her, to say the least. Luke had never been one to sneak away before she had woken up, usually opting to wake her with whispers that sent tingles down her spine and butterflies to her belly.
Luke had been acting strangely the last few months, but he never hesitated to crawl into bed with her when she complained of insomnia or nightmares. Having him around while she slept had eased what normally plagued her, and she knew it did the same for him. She shrugged lightly to herself, figuring that he had camp counselor duties to attend to, and she would catch up with him later. Still, disappointment settled in her chest at not being able to wake up with his body wrapped around hers.
Y/n was a camp counselor herself, but since she was the only current daughter of Hades, she was more or less in charge of only herself when she wasn't training the younger campers. She rose from bed, tidying the cabin around her before throwing on a pair of spandex shorts and her Camp Half-Blood shirt to get ready for her daily training sessions after breakfast.
She made her way down to the pavilion by herself, basking in the warmth that spread over her tanned skin where the early morning sun broke through the trees. She could hear the rumble of conversation from the other campers who were already sat for breakfast as she drew closer.
Y/n made her way through the breakfast line, her eyes scanning the area for a familiar mop of dark curls as she piled strawberries and pancakes onto her plate. She turned to make her way to her usual spot, noting that Luke hadn't yet made an appearance there, which was odd since he had obviously left before her.
Y/n took her usual seat next to Clarisse, saving the spot to her left for Luke whenever he decided to show, with Chris, Travis, and Connor sitting opposite her.
"Hey," Chris greeted her around his mouth full of pancakes.
"Hey," she replied distractedly, her eyes still scanning the pavilion.
"Who are you looking for?" Clarisse asked, noting her odd behavior and trying to follow her wandering eyes.
"Luke, of course," Travis said with a smirk.
"Who else?" Connor added with a smirk identical to his twin brother's.
Y/n's face flushed a light shade of pink as she resigned herself to pushing the food around on her plate with her fork. She knew that her crush on her best friend was painfully obvious to everyone—well, except for the one person who truly mattered. It wasn't like she really tried to hide it, always saving him a seat on her left at meals and choosing Luke as her sparring partner or simply cuddling up next to him by their nightly campfires.
She was hopelessly in love with her dark-haired best friend, but she never attempted to make a move, fearing rejection or, worse yet, jeopardizing their friendship. Still, Y/N couldn't help but blush when he would wrap his arm around her innocently and tuck her into his side or become flustered when she caught a glimpse of his well-defined abs when he would lift his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow during sparring sessions. Needless to say, she had it bad.
"Hey guys," Percy greeted the small group of friends as he sat to Y/n's left, leaving an empty space for Luke. Annabeth took her seat across from him. "Where's Luke?"
All eyes at the table turned toward her, and she rolled her eyes in exasperation. "How would I know?" She speared a strawberry on her plate with a bit more force than necessary.
"Oh, I don't know," Chris shrugged his shoulders sarcastically. "Maybe it's because he spends more time in your bed than in his own these days." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, earning a smack to the head from Clarisse and a glare from Y/n.
"Speaking of the lover boy," Connor says, his eyes falling to Luke as he makes his way through the breakfast line.
Y/n tries her best to act nonchalant, fighting the urge to turn and look at him. Instead, she resigns herself to pushing the strawberries around on her plate.
When Luke finally makes his way to their usual table, he pauses, noting the empty spot left for him next to Y/N. He battles with himself silently as his feet carry him closer. He wants to sit next to her more than anything, but just the thought of her leg accidentally brushing his under the table causes his dick to twitch in his cargo pants. There was no way he would be able to hide a boner with this many people around. Normally, he had a bit more self control, but thay dream had really done him in.
He had been fortunate enough not to encounter any other campers on his way to the showers this morning to relieve himself. His hand had been wrapped around his length, stroking himself in a fast rhythm as he imagined y/n lips wrapped around him, quietly moaning out her name as he came in his fist.
Luke quietly groaned to himself as he rounded the table, feeling y/n's piercing eyes on him as he took a seat between Connor and Chris. Everyone at the table froze, forks hovering midair in confusion and disbelief at the strange behavior. Luke didn't even pay them any mind, trying his hardest to avoid your gaze that had sparked with what looked like disappointment, fearing that if he started blushing he would never stop.
"Okay," Clarisse said, drawing out the word and breaking the silence that had fallen over the group. "Cabin Twelve is throwing a party on Friday. Are you guys in?"
"We're always in," the Stoll twins spoke in unison. Y/n thought it was funny when they did it, but Luke always found it disturbing and creepy.
Luke was barely listening to his friends’ discussion as he pushed the food around on his plate. He was trying to avoid looking up, knowing that Y/N was across from him, trying to meet his gaze. He knew she had given up when she let out an almost inaudible sigh, and he suddenly felt guilty. He hated ignoring her, but it physically pained him not to hold her and draw her in for a kiss when she pouted her perfect pink lips at him. It was as if Aphrodite herself was trying to punish him.
"I don't know," Travis shrugged his shoulders, taking a sip from his cup. "I'll probably ask Silena to go with me. What about you?" He looked over at his half-brother, who was still staring down at his untouched food. "Luke?"
"Hmm?" He hummed, breaking out of his thoughts and looking up from his plate for the first time since he sat down.
"Are you bringing anyone to the party?" Travis asked again.
"Oh, um," Luke was at a loss for words. There was only one person he truly wanted to ask, but he knew she wouldn't see it as anything more than friendly. They had attended parties together in the past, but it seemed inappropriate to him now that he had come to the realization that he was in love with Y/N. "I don't really know. I haven't thought about it."
Connor, being Connor, decided to stir the pot a bit. He opened his mouth to say, "What about Laura from Cabin Ten? She has a pretty massive crush on you."
Luke shrugged and finally took a bite of his breakfast, not noticing the way y/n's eyes watched him anxiously. "Yeah, I guess so," he replied, a bit distractedly. It would seem weird if he didn't take anyone, but he couldn't take y/n without torturing himself to the brink of insanity. He still couldn't shake the image of her beneath him or the faint sounds of her breathy moans that echoed in his mind.
Y/n had decided that she had had enough. She slammed her silverware onto her plate, swiping it up, and marched her way over to the fire pit. She threw her offerings into the flames and made her way to her first activity of the day. Tears stung her eyes, and jealousy clawed at her chest as she marched past the table where her friends all sat, looking slightly concerned at her sudden outburst.
Luke's eyes trailed after her, watching her back until she disappeared over the hill. He sighed to himself and ran a hand through his curls. He had thought that if he kept a bit of distance his body and mind would relax a little but he was more tense than ever.
Clarisse kicked him under the table causing him to wince and rub at his now sore shin. "What the hell has gotten into you?" She shouted at him.
"Ouch, what are you talking about?" Luke glared at her as he continued to rub his sore leg.
"I'm talking about y/n," Clarisse said, her brows raising as if what she was getting at was obvious. It was, but Luke didn't want to admit what he was doing was stupid.
"What about her?"
It was Chris's turn to chime in. He turned to his half brother and said, "Since when don't you sit next to her at breakfast, and since when don't you two go to bonfires together?"
Luke groaned in irritation, his face growing hot. The last thing he wanted was for them to pry and find out the real reason he was ignoring his best friend. It was embarrassing the way he was dreaming about her, and jerking off to the thought of it like a fifteen year old who just discovered women exist.
"My world doesn't revolve around y/n." He grumbled.
Percy snorted from his spot across the table. "That's bullshit."
"Language!" Luke, Annabeth, and Clarisse all chastised him at once.
Clarisse turned away from the son of Poseidon and back to Luke. "He's right, though. You two are always flirting with each other, and it's painfully obvious. Do us all a favor and put us out of our misery. This tiptoeing around each other is disgusting."
"What Clar means to say," Chris said, shooting a look at the curly-haired girl who merely shrugged, "is why are you avoiding her? We all know you like her, so why are you holding back?"
"Because he's a chicken shit." Percy chimed in with a smirk.
"PERCY!" They all yelled and the blonde rolled his eyes.
"Oh, come on! I'm thirteen, for crying out loud!" he yelled back, slamming his hands on the table. They all ignored him and went back to their conversation at hand once more.
"All we're saying," Chris said, gathering his plate of offerings and standing up, "is that you two have been riding this line between something and nothing for too long. Man up and ask her to the party." And with that, he threw his offerings into the fire and walked off toward the rock wall.
Sparring practice was a bit more tense than usual that day, and it was obvious to everyone around them. When they had all chosen their partners, Y/n had been quick to ask James from Cabin Ten before Luke could even take a step in her direction. It caused a stir among the other campers who witnessed the out-of-character behavior, leading them all to wonder what had happened between the two counselors.
Usually, she would make her way to his side, joking about trying her best not to mess up his 'pretty face', but today she wasn't really in the mood to joke and be ignored by her best friend.
Luke sat frozen for a few seconds, utterly shocked that she had chosen someone over him. He guessed he deserved it for the way he had acted at breakfast, but it still stung knowing that she was angry with him. So, instead of standing there looking like an idiot, he grabbed Percy by the back of his shirt, pulling him away from where he was attempting to flirt with Annabeth. He left her to pair up with one of her siblings as he dragged Percy to a spot where he had a clear view of Y/n.
They began to spar, and while Luke was the best swordsman the camp had seen in over three hundred years, his head wasn't in it today. Percy disarmed him repeatedly while his eyes wandered over to Y/N. She was currently grabbing a drink of water while James stood at her side, whispering something that made her throw her head back and laugh.
She pulled at the hem of her orange tee, lifting it up to wipe the sweat from her face. Luke's grip tightened on his sword when he saw James's eyes lingering over the tattoo on her right hip. He made to step forward when Percy's hand on his arm made him freeze and look back at the younger boy.
"I don't think that's a good idea. She already seems kind of irritated with you," Percy warned.
Luke scoffed, shaking his head, and walked over to where she was smiling with her hand placed gently on James's bicep. The sight made his blood boil, and he had the overwhelming urge to rip the boy's arm off.
"Hey," Luke said, directing all his attention to his best friend, who, at the moment, wouldn't even glance his way. "Can we talk?" When she continued to ignore him, he lowered his voice more and whispered, "Please?"
Y/n couldn't help herself; she lifted her gaze to his and nearly caved when she saw the pleading look in his eyes. But then she remembered how he had snuck out of her cabin that morning and proceeded to ignore her throughout breakfast. Y/n folded her arms over her chest and put on her best poker face.
"I'm a little busy right now."
"Oh, really?" Luke asked in a patronizing tone, crossing his own arms over his chest. Y/n had to try her best not to glance down at his bulging muscles. "Busy doing what, exactly?"
"Well, if you really want to know," she stepped closer to the blonde on her right, "I was just about to accept James's invitation to the party Friday night."
That was a total lie. Y/n had actually been about to turn the boy down and state that she probably just wouldn't go, but she figured if Luke could go with a date, then so could she. Maybe it would help her let go of her crush on Luke once and for all. She knew she deserved better than waiting around for the boy to come to his senses.
Luke scoffed, his face scrunching up with the action. "You're kidding me, right?"
This made Y/n angry. Luke had no right to be upset over her accepting a date to a party he didn't even want to attend with her.
"So what?" She took an angry step toward the curly-haired boy. "You can talk about asking Laura to the bonfire, but when I accept an offer from someone who's genuinely interested in me—"
Luke interrupted her. "You seriously think this guy," he gestured to James, "is seriously into you? Have you forgotten that he and his siblings sleep with people and then dump them just for entertainment?"
James stepped forward, trying to put himself between Luke and Y/n, something that irked the girl to her core. She didn't need anyone to defend her. "Hey, woah. You don't know shit about me, man, and you don't get to talk to her like that."
Luke's features darkened as he narrowed his eyes at the boy who was just a few inches shorter than him. "Back the fuck up and mind your business. She doesn't need you to be her knight in shining armor."
They were nose-to-nose now, exhibiting the typical dick-measuring contest, and Y/n had had enough. She pushed her way between the feuding boys (yes, boys), placing a hand on each of their chests. While James looked down at her with a smug grin, Luke refused to tear his gaze from the blonde, wanting nothing more than to wipe that smirk off his face.
Y/n tried to meet Luke's gaze, but he wasn't backing down. With a heavy sigh, she let her hand drop from his strong chest and backed away, though it physically ached to do so.
"Let's just go, James." And with that, she turned on her heel and walked away, with James right behind her. Subtly, he flipped Luke off behind his back.
The days leading up to Friday were awkward and tense for Luke, Y/N, and the friends who surrounded them. In the mornings, when Luke arrived for breakfast, Y/N would suddenly be in a rush to get to her lessons. At night, she would lock the windows and doors of her cabin, pretending not to hear Luke knocking and pleading with her to let him in and talk.
By the time Friday rolled around, Luke was absolutely miserable without his best friend, and he was kicking himself for being so stupid. He wouldn't have had any reason to be jealous if he had just come right out and told Y/N that he was in love with her the very day he had realized it himself.
Now, here he was, looking like an absolute idiot, all alone, leaning against a tree with a drink in his hand as he watched his best friend snuggle up next to James by the fire. She was laughing and smiling as he spoke, but never quite like she did when she was with him. Every once in a while, her eyes would catch Luke's, and it made his heart skip a beat in his chest until she would quickly avert her gaze and give her full attention to her date for the night.
"Where's your date?" A voice spoke from his right and he pulled his eyes away from Y/n to see Laura batting her eyelashes up at him.
Luke shrugged and took a long pull from his cup, the liquor burning his throat a bit on the way down. "Didn't bring one."
"That's odd since I overheard that you were going to ask me." Laura licked her pink-painted lips and smiled, placing a hand on his chest. "I was waiting for you to ask, but-"
Luke's attention was pulled away as his eyes landed on Y/n, who was walking away from the party and back toward the cabins. He didn't even give an explanation or say goodbye to the Aphrodite girl as he pushed past her to follow his best friend. He was almost certain he heard her call him an asshole but he really didn't care.
Luke followed behind Y/n all the way to the cabins, unsure if she was aware of his presence. He figured she probably did, since she had the instincts of a goddamn wildcat, but was probably still just ignoring him.
He was a few yards away when he watched her reach her cabin and go inside, and he didn't hesitate to walk up the front steps and knock. Now that everyone was at the party, he could possibly get her to talk to him without an audience.
Nerves settled in his chest as he raised his fist and rapped it against the dark wooden door, waiting on the edge of his figurative seat for her to open the door and face him. Luke listened closely to the shuffling on the other side of the door before he heard a sigh and then the click of a lock. For a moment, he thought that she had locked him out and turned with a heavy heart to make his way back to the Hermes cabin to wallow in his self-pity until her soft voice reached out to him.
"What do you want, Luke?" She sighed heavily as she stood in the doorway, the door partially blocking her chest.
By the way she was attempting to cover her chest, and the way Luke could see her bare shoulder and the strap of her bra, he guessed that she had been in the process of undressing and getting ready for bed. He was trying, and failing, not to let his eyes wander as he made his way back up to her door.
"Can we talk?" Luke asked quietly, his voice and eyes pleading with her to say yes.
She hesitated for a moment before nodding and opening the door for him to step through. He let his eyes wander over the expanse of the cabin that he had seen a million times before in an attempt to give her some semblance of privacy while she found something with which to cover up.
It wasn't until she cleared her throat from behind him that he turned, and his heart stopped in his chest. She stood there with her arms crossed and shoulders tense, now covered in a soft gray sweatshirt. His sweatshirt. She still wore the black jean skirt that she had been wearing at the party, and he saw her top and bra discarded on her dresser, meaning that she was completely bare underneath his sweatshirt. Luke felt his dick twitch in his pants and had to shake the thought from his mind before things got out of hand.
He took a shaky breath and ran a hand through his dark curls before he spoke. "Listen, y/n/n, I'm really sorry about being a complete dick the last few days and for ignoring you. I was just going through some stuff and I didn't want to upset you or lose you as a friend so I thought if I ignored you until I could figure out how to get over it, things would be better."
Y/n didn't say anything as she waited for him to continue.
"It turns out," he took a deep breath, "I can't get over it, and I don't think I want to."
"What are you talking about?" She took a few steps until the distance between them closed, and she cupped his face in her soft hands, forcing him to look at her. "Why would you even think you could lose me as a friend?" Her eyes darted between his, but his were focused solely on her lips.
"Because I don't want to be just friends with you," Luke whispered before he closed the distance between them, his lips grazing hers. "Tell me to stop."
Y/n shook her head and tangled her fingers in his dark curls. "I can't," she said. And then she pulled his lips down to crash against her own.
Luke reacted immediately, his hands falling to her waist, pulling her closer. The kiss was messy and uncoordinated, all teeth and tongues as they finally let themselves feel everything they had been holding back. When Luke swept his tongue along her lips, she moaned into his mouth and tugged his curls, eliciting a deep groan from Luke. Eventually, the two ran out of breath and had to pull back, their chests heaving from the lack of oxygen.
"Is this why you've been ignoring me?" she asked against his lips, wanting to taste his mouth on hers again, but not before she got her answer.
Luke smirked and shrugged. "Well, that and I've been having some pretty intense dreams."
Y/n pulled back, brows raised, and Luke's heart dropped for half a second before she smiled up at him through her long lashes. "About?"
Luke tightened his grip on her hips and dragged her closer and she gasped at the feeling of his hard length pressed against her hip. "Mind if I just show you?"
When she nodded, Luke didn't waist a second hoisting her up, her legs instantly snapping around his waist and his hands falling lower to cup her ass. He carried her to her bed, laying her down before kissing her with a bit more coordination than before. He slotted himself between her open thighs, rutting into her gently causing a breathy moan to fall from her perfect lips.
Y/n didn't waste any time ridding him of his shirt, throwing it down to the floor and allowed her hands and eyes to wander down the expanse of his toned chest and abdomen. It wasn't like she had never seen Luke shirtless before, having patched him up more times than she could count, but this seemed more personal like he was willing to let her see and have every part of him.
Luke's own hands wandered up the front of her sweatshirt that she had stolen from him so many months ago, travelling higher and higher until his hand came into contact with her bare breast. He took it in his hand, kneading and squeezing before rolling her soft nipple into a firm peak.
Y/n smirked and dropped her hands to pull the material over her head, growing more confident than ever as she watch Luke swallow, his Adam's apple bobbing with the motion. She leaned up ever so slightly and placed a soft kiss against his throat, causing him to groan and drop his head down to lay between her breasts, his soft curls tickling her sternum.
"The feeling is mutual." She whispered into the air between them, kicking herself for not coming up with anything better to say.
Luke lifted his head, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "'The feeling is mutual'? That's all?"
Y/n rolled her eyes and lifted her hips to push her core against the bulge straining in his pants. "Shut up and fuck me."
"Yes, ma'am." He smirked against her lips before dragging his body off the bed and standing at the edge.
Y/n looked confused before Luke quickly shed his pants, leaving him in just his black boxers, before he grabbed her under her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the bed. He kneeled on the floor, ridding her of her skirt and panties in one fluid motion. He nearly let out a moan at the sight of her glistening cunt and used two fingers to swipe through her folds.
"Did I do this?" Luke asked with a smug grin. When she didn't answer, he slapping her ass, making her jolt and throw her head back with a moan. So she likes it rough? Noted. "I asked you a question."
"Yes." She answered breathlessly, her fingers tangling in the sheets with anticipation.
Luke didn't say another word before he brought his tongue down to her weeping cunt and licked a stripe all the way up to her clit with a flat tongue. Luke groaned at the taste before diving back in for more. She tasted so sweet and heavenly and Luke was absolutely certain the next time he had ambrosia, it would taste like her.
Y/n's moans filled the empty air as Luke devoured her like a man starved, dipping his tongue into her hole before moving higher to suck harshly on her swollen clit. Luke moved one of his hands from her thighs to push two fingers into her, noting how tightly she squeezed his fingers. He curled them upwards ever so slightly, feeling her hands fly to his hair instantly and tug harshly. He moaned around her clit, sending vibrations throughout her whole body.
"Shit," y/n moaned as her back arched off the mattress, "Luke, I'm so close."
Luke pulled away from her, fingers still working in and out of her, bringing her closer to the edge by the second. "Let go, baby. Cum for me."
Between his tongue, his fingers, and the fact he had called her baby, y/n let herself go, cumming with Luke's name tumbling from her kiss-bitten lips over and over again. Luke continued to lap at her, enjoying the sweet and tangy taste of her release on his tongue, until she was squirming and all but pushing him away from the overstimulation.
He got the message and sat back on his heels, enjoying the sight of her post-orgasm, hands still fisting the sheets as she watched him lick his fingers clean. He moaned around the digits, teasing her until she physically couldn't take it anymore.
Y/n sat up and grabbed hold of his camp necklace, pulling him to lay between her open legs once more before smashing her lips to his, tasting herself on his tongue. Luke smiled into the kiss when she bit down on his bottom lip and tugged.
"I want you," she spoke against him breathlessly, "to fuck me."
Luke pulled back, placing his hands on either side of her head to support himself. "Who taught you patience?" He joked, but groaned when her hand snaked down to palm him over his boxers.
Luke got the message and decided that he was done teasing her, for now. He shed his boxers quickly and quickly aligned himself with her dripping cunt. He rubbed his tip through her folds, collecting her arousal before looking up at her, searching for any signs of hesitation.
He got his answer when y/n smiled up at him softly and pulled his forehead down to rest against hers. She angled her hips up and his tip slipped in, elicting a moan from the both of them. Luke moved slowly, pushing in deeper, inch by agonizing inch. His breath caught in his throat and his mouth hung open when he was fully seated within her.
"Are you okay?" Luke asked softly.
Y/n nodded and rolled her hips against his, letting him know it was okay to move. Luke captured her lips with his before pulling out and thrusting back into her.
"F-fuck." He groaned against her mouth, thrusting into her again. "You're so fucking tight." He trailed his lips down her jaw, leaving kisses all the way down her neck until he reached the soft spot just behind her ear. He bit down on the soft skin there.
He was going torturously slow and while she loved that he was being so sweet and gentle, there would be time for that later. Right now she just wanted him to take her and fuck her into oblivion. This had been a long time coming and she was done with the soft, hesitant actions.
"Luke." She whimpered against his ear, her breath sending shivers down his spine.
"Hmm?" He groaned, too consumed by the feeling of her heat sucking him in.
"Fuck me harder."
Luke pulled back, not sure he had heard her correctly. Maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. "What?"
Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist and spoke again. "Fuck. Me. Harder."
Luke didn't need to be told a third time once he was sure he wasn't imagining things. He grabbed her thigh and lifted it higher before driving into her. They both groaned at the new, deeper angle, sweaty chests heaving as they grew accustomed to the overwhelming sensation.
He set a new, harsher, faster pace, grinding his hips into hers to add to her pleasure. Y/n finally got what she wanted as he pounded into her already sensitive cunt. She bit her lip to try and contain her moans and Luke wasn't having it. On the off chance this was a one time thing, he wanted to hear just how good he was making her feel.
Luke pulled her lip from between her teeth, kissing her softly before saying, "Let me hear you. I want everyone in the whole camp to know how good I make you feel, that I'm the only one who can make you feel this good."
He pulled out and angled a particularly harsh thrust into her caused her to moan without a care for anyone that happened to pass by her cabin.
"Fuck, Luke, feels s-so good."
"That's it, baby, let them know who you belong to."
Y/n clenched around him and Luke could feel himself growing closer to the edge, but he would be damned if he didn't bring her to a second orgasm before he let himself go. He leaned back just enough to reach a hand between them, using his two middle fingers to rub at her bundle of nerves.
"Shit, just like that. I'm so close."
Luke would do just about anything to hear y/n praise him like that for the rest of his life. He could die tomorrow and he would be at peace with it now that he had heard the way his name sounded tumbling from his lips and the way her body reacted to his.
"Oh gods, I'm gonna—" with a hoarse cry, y/n reached her peak, clenching around Luke as her nails scratched at his back. She had probably drawn blood, but neither of them could find it in them to care at the moment.
Luke worked her through her orgasm, picking up his own pace as he chased his own high. With a few more calculated thrusts, Luke came with a low groan, biting down on the juncture between her shoulder and neck as he spilled inside her.
With a heavy sigh, Luke rolled off of her, reaching his arms out to pull her sweat soaked body into his. Y/n nuzzled her face into his neck and tangled her legs with his, breathing out a sigh of contentment.
Neither of them said a word until Luke finally caught his breath and asked, "So the feeling is mutual, huh?"
Luke's grin only grew when she slapped him on the chest. "Shut up."
"So if the feeling is so mutual," she glared at him, and he chuckled, holding his hands up in surrender. "Then why did you go to the party with James?"
Y/n sighed. "Well, my best friend, whom I really wanted to go with, was being a total dick."
Luke looked down at her apologetically. "So why didn't you tell him then?" he whispered.
"Because I've been in love with him since we were sixteen, but I didn't want to throw away our friendship in case he didnt like me back." She whispered back, finally laying it all out in the open.
"You know what I think?"
Y/n bit her lip nervously. "What do you think?"
Luke tilted her chin up to look at him, bringing his lips closer to hers as he said, "I think I'm an absolute moron for ever making you think that I don't love you the same way."
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munson-blurbs · 3 months
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The Boy is Mine (Bug's Version)
Part of @carolmunson's writing challenge! Thank you for spreading some love and joy in this community, and I hope this fic makes you smile.
Summary: A cozy night in with your sweet boyfriend who is a nuisance in the best way.
Warnings: allusions to smut, allusion to spitting, lewd jokes, basically just fluffy fluffness
WC: 1k
Poke poke.
Poke poke poke.
Poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke poke–
“If you don’t stop,” you hiss without looking up from your chemistry notes, “we’re gonna have a problem.” 
Eddie pulls his forefinger back from where it’s pressed against your earlobe, his shit-eating grin morphing into a pitiful pout.
“But it’s date night,” he whines, resting his chin on your shoulder. “You promised me we could curl up and watch Monty Python after an hour, and it’s been…” he glances at the digital watch wrapped around his wrist, “...one hour and three minutes.”
“I’m still trying memorize–”
He snaps the small notebook shut and pulls you closer to him, effectively cutting you off. “And you will–after the movie.” Leaning back against the couch, he lines up his finger to once again prod at you. “C’mon, Sweetheart; we never get the place to ourselves on Friday nights.”
He’s right; his uncle has off on Friday nights and usually prefers to spend his free time relaxing at home, but he’s on a fishing trip this weekend with some of his old army buddies. 
“Okay, okay.” Truthfully, you are in dire need of a break; the formulas and lists of molecular compounds have all become meaningless squiggles right before your eyes. Your back hurts from being hunched over the snack table you’re using in lieu of a desk. Whatever ‘studying’ you do now will likely be unproductive, so you might as well snuggle up next to your boyfriend and enjoy a movie. “But only if I can study after. Some of us would prefer not to spend an entire decade in high school.”
Eddie throws his head back and laughs. You’re the only person who’s allowed to crack jokes about him being held back–twice–and you milk it for all it’s worth. “Aw, don’t be like that. That’s not even true. It’s only been six years. And I’m gonna graduate this time. So, ha.” He sticks out his tongue, making you giggle in turn. “But, fine. You can go back to your smart person mumbo-jumbo once we finish the movie and have sex.”
The last item on his agenda snags your attention as you swing your legs onto the cushion, its stuffing poking out from beneath its worn fabric. “Excuse me?” You cock a brow in disbelief.
“As compensation for the three minutes you spent neglecting me,” he explains with a shrug. “‘S only fair.”
“Sure. You usually only need three minutes anyway.” You lift your foot to dig it into his side, but he grabs it before you can tickle him, playfully bringing it towards his open mouth as though threatening to bite it. 
To be honest, you wouldn’t put it past him.
“Best three minutes of your goddamn life.” His smirk makes a triumphant reappearance as he stands up and pads over to the kitchen. The refrigerator light illuminates him in a bright glow, a juxtaposing halo on the man wearing a shirt with a cartoon devil plastered on the front. “Wayne took all of the beer with him, but we have Mountain Dew, some orange juice that I think is still good…oh, here it is!” He rummages through the top shelf and pulls out the last can of Diet Coke, the one he’d shoved towards the back so no one drank it before you could.
You shoot him a grateful smile that he returns easily. He plucks two mugs off of the wall, both of them gag gifts he’d given to his uncle, pouring Mountain Dew in one with Ask Me About My Nuts spelled out in bolts and screws and your soda in one with a three-dimensional pair of breasts jutting out from the body.
“I ran out of, like, nice cups,” he says sheepishly, likely referring to any container that didn’t allude to body parts. “Is this okay?”
Eddie sets the drinks down on the snack table, careful not to spill on your notebook. “Okay, pretty girl. C’mere.” He places a throw pillow on his lap and pats it, signaling that it’s time for you to assume the prime cuddling position. 
As soon as you rest your head, his hand finds its home on your upper arm. His thumb, calloused but gentle, makes gentle strokes that have both of your hearts beating slowly and in sync.
You roll over so you can see the stubble that’s starting to prickle along his cheeks, jawline, and under his chin. “You forgot about the movie. And the snacks.”
He groans, using his free palm to rub his nose in frustration. It’s one of the cutest habits he has, and part of you always wonders if he does it just to make you smile. 
“‘M too comfy to move,” he grumbles, peering down at you with a guilty expression. 
“Me, too,” you agree. “But…snacks.”
Eddie chuckles, stretching to grab something from his side of the sofa. “We’ve got this,” he says as he procures a half-eaten can of vanilla frosting. “I swear I just opened it last night. And we can just talk until we fall asleep, like we did when we first started dating.”
The memory floods your body with warmth. Even before the two of you became a couple, when you and Eddie were only friends, you would often stay up on the phone until your consciousness gave way. No conversation topic was off-limits; on one night when he’d been more than a bit tipsy, he’d divulged some of his more…private preferences. 
“So she spit in your mouth?”
“And you like that?” 
“Abso-fuckin-lutely, Sweetheart.”
Neither of you know where tonight will take you. Maybe you’ll become a familiar tangle of limbs, trading sloppy kisses and murmured sweet nothings. Maybe the sugar from the frosting will rejuvenate one of you enough to actually put the VHS in the player. Maybe you’ll just soak in each other’s softness, letting comfort envelop you until your eyelids become too heavy to keep up.
Wherever you go, you and Eddie will get there together.
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jinwoosungs · 1 month
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{ 157 }
headfirst for halos.
yandere!jinwoo sung x fem.reader
warnings + disclaimers: obsessive behavior; dark content; i do not condone this behavior in real life, but in fiction, anything goes.
notes: reading solo leveling and seeing how hard jinwoo goes to protect his family and those that he loves-
it’s not impossible for him to have some yandere tendencies. i’ll try to write this to the best of my abilities, even though this really isn’t my strong suit 。゚(TヮT)゚。 this will be written for the anon that wishes to see me write for yandere!jinwoo... so i hope this meets your expectations...
{ well, let’s go back to the middle of the day that starts it all | i can’t begin to let you know just what i’m feeling. }
there she is, the girl that stole my heart the moment i first laid eyes on her.
my breathing comes out as uneven gasps, and i was actively struggling to breathe at the mere sight of her. along with my labored breaths, my heart could be felt pumping quickly, racing as my palms began to sweat the more i looked at her-
an almost crazed expression paints my features, eyes never straying too far away from that lovely woman. from my viewpoint, i could see that she was simply enjoying her day with a book in hand, taking casual sips of her coffee while running her hands through her hair.
and oh, how i long to sit across from her! to simply bask in her radiance while listening to the gentle sweetness of her voice...
but not yet.
i cannot approach such a perfect goddess just yet.
i still have not reached my full potential.
so, i'll simply stand right here, hidden within the shadows with my hood pulled over my face. from this point onwards, i will never allow my goddess to leave my sights-
"wait for me, my love."
{ ... }
the day sung jinwoo had confessed his feelings for you was the day you had labeled as being the best in your life.
after your meeting with the association's chairman, jinwoo had waited for you all while donning an expensive, black suit. in his hands was a bouquet of red roses, signifying his true intentions as he gifted you the precious blooms with a single statement.
"i am deeply in love with you, please, tell me that you'll be mine."
you thought nothing of the sheer desperation heard in his voice, finding yourself becoming captivated by the mere sight of him. and truly, could anyone really blame you for being so starstruck at the sight of him?
here was this perfect specimen of a man, with features that could rival any idol, and a body that was sculpted to perfection thanks to the many battles he had faced. neat locks of ebony hair falls perfectly across his face, with his full lips tilted up in an unassuming smile (let's not forget that adorable blush, too!)
within seconds, you held the bouquet of roses close to your chest while accepting his confession.
and just a few moments later was when you found yourself immediately brought into jinwoo's embrace. a gasp escapes from your lips as it felt as though he were crushing you to his chest-
like he wanted to somehow meld your body together with his-
your slight cry of pain was what ultimately makes jinwoo let go of you, eyes glowing a startling purple hue while looking down at your arms to see the roses he had purchased for you ruined as the thorns managed to pierce through the skin of your arms.
you swore you could never forget the look of utter devastation seen within his eyes, his apologies being repeated over and over again before taking the broken bouquet and smashing it to the ground with his feet.
"no no no, this was supposed to be the perfect day! the roses were meant to convey my deep and passionate love for you, but it ended up hurting you- i need to get rid of it, need to get rid of anything that harms you-"
by the end of his panicked rants, you were the one that had to calm him down, promising that you could heal yourself and that such a minor injury was no problem at all. you could see the look of pure relief reflected in his gaze as he squeezes your body to his chest once more, embracing you while standing over a broken bouquet of roses.
despite how strange it was, you were truly staring at him through rose-colored lenses, thinking nothing of it.
now that you were together with him for roughly 6 months now, you began to notice tiny details pertaining to jinwoo and his behavior when it came to you.
for starters, you had only been dating for a month when he practically demanded that you move in with him, successfully convincing you to terminate your lease with your current apartment while seducing you with promises of financial stability and a large penthouse to share with him.
"sarang, i know that you're a capable healer, but your earnings are no match for mine! please, let me take care of you."
despite not even dating for a year, you moved in with him anyways, allowing jinwoo to further spoil you.
along with his constant presence, you realized one other detail-
now, jinwoo owned a journal of some sort, seeming to write in that thick notebook on a near daily basis.
during the times you had seen him before you began dating, jinwoo had never once kept a diary. he appeared calm, cool, and collected, with his status as korea's latest s-rank hunter putting him to nearly famous heights. due to his growing fame, you figured he had no time to do such a mundane task.
yet now, without fail, he would never cease writing so furiously within the journal, only slamming the pages shut and stopping when you would walk into the room. you had a sneaking suspicion he was writing about you, but each time you asked about it, he would simply harden his gaze and give you a scowl.
"with all due respect, this has nothing to do with you. am i not allowed the privacy to write down my own thoughts?"
his biting words nearly makes the tears stream down your face, your apologies coming out into broken syllables. upon realizing that he has hurt your feelings, jinwoo would push himself away from the table, leaving behind his journal before comforting you by taking you in his arms.
"i'm sorry, i'm so so so sorry, your monarch didn't mean to make you cry. forgive me, my love?"
being comforted by his warmth and blinded by the sheer love you still had for him, you merely nodded your head in response, accepting his kiss as the gesture erased all of your thoughts pertaining to his journal.
and that was how your days typically went with your boyfriend.
he would take you out on dates and spoil you with gifts-
each time you were scheduled to attend a raid, he would take over and finish each dungeon solely on his own without even giving you and your team a chance-
and when nightfall came (when jinwoo believed you had fallen asleep), he would continue to write (with a strange fervor) within the pages of his journal until the early hours of the morning.
it wasn't until now that you decided to do something about your growing curiosity.
jinwoo was currently away on what you could only deem as a 'business trip.' the american branch of the hunter's association had reached out to him, and he would be gone for roughly a week-
leaving you alone within the confines of the penthouse.
your eyes were staring blankly at the television screen, not really paying attention to the show that was currently being aired. instead, your heart was pounding with anxiety, trailing your eyes towards the bedroom.
within your shared master bedroom, you were aware of the desk jinwoo kept against the wall, being filled with various paperwork and checkbooks that kept track of his earnings as a hunter-
and settled inside the desk was a locked compartment that you were certain his journal was kept hidden. you always saw the key to the drawer somewhere close to his body as an extra precaution to make sure that you would never be able to read its contents while he was away.
but truly, you were nothing if you didn't have some tenacity.
clasped within your hands were two needles that were going to serve as your tools for picking the lock within jinwoo's desk (and you could only hope that whatever shadow soldier he had placed within your shadow wouldn't alert him.)
you knew of the risks that came with unlocking the drawer-
however, you could not stop yourself.
with a determined expression, you swiftly head towards your room, turning on the lights before marching towards jinwoo's desk. kneeling before it, you place the two, slender needles within the keyhole all while gently maneuvering it-
you bring the needles closer together within the keyhole-
then proceed to turn it around just a little bit more-
only to let out a surprised gasp upon hearing something click.
the two needles remain rooted in place when you managed to open the drawer, seeing jinwoo's diary settled within the deep confines of its space. as your hands lean down to grab it, the sudden memory of his ice cold gaze and voice dripping with fury stops you-
with all due respect, this has nothing to do with you.
your breathing comes out as labored, with your heart felt twisting just the tiniest bit in anxiety-
but sadly, your curiosity had won, taking over as you extracted the diary from the safety of the drawer before opening the cover to its first page-
making you regret it instantly.
for what lay before you was pure and utter darkness-
may 6, 16:41 she's mine. she's finally mine! the woman i have longed for- the woman who has saved me when i was a mere e-rank hunter accepted my flower and my love. now she is mine to hold. mine to love. mine to cherish for all eternity. my heart feel so happy, so free. today is truly the best day of my life. SHE'S FINALLY MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE....
june 7, 12:42 i asked my soulmate to move in with me today, yet felt ANNOYED at the slight hesitance in her gaze. she has no right to refuse me! here i am, spoiling her with everything she could possibly want and need, yet she still wants to live in a space AWAY FROM ME? unacceptable. i refuse to tolerate her defiance. if she loves me, she'll cut off her lease and be with me. only i can give her what she wants- ONLY I CAN GIVE HER WHAT SHE NEEDS. despite my anger that was felt mounting, i manage to calm down and speak to her with my normal tone, making sure that it was honey sweet while coaxing her, promising her that i will take care of her and provide her everything that she needs. and oh, i truly am so lucky! she agreed to move in with me by the end of the day. life cannot get any better than this.
june 9, 0250 i couldn't help myself- the moment she lay in my bed, i made love to her. i perfectly slotted myself between the softness of her thighs while basking in her warmth. i can feel myself getting harder at the memory. fuck, i need her. despite taking her for several hours, i can't get enough of her. i'll finish up this entry and place my hands between her slick sweetness- don't worry, i'll make sure she's awake and needy for me so that i can look back at this entry and smile at the memory. I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE I WILL FOREVER MARK HER AS MINE
august 18, 20:00 that damn hunter keeps bothering her again, shamelessly flirting with her while constantly begging her to heal him. i bet he wants her. i bet he has thoughts of fucking her. why else does he keep leading her hands toward his shoulder like that? and why are his eyes shining with lust for her like that? i'm going to have to teach him a lesson- after all, my love doesn't know any better, so there's no way i could ever punish her. it's my duty to protect her. to save her from all men that wish to use her- ah, he's here. i'll end my entry for now.
after reading those few entries, your head began to spin, recalling each of those days with perfect clarity. after those entries, jinwoo seemed to lose all coherent thoughts, spending the next hundred of pages detailing your every activity-
from how you slept-
to what you wore-
even going down to such minuscule details like what you had for your meals and what you were constantly doing marked by the hours-
and now, you had context for the sudden disappearance of the hunter you had healed all those months ago-
nausea was felt coursing through your veins as you shoved the journal away from you, running into the bathroom as you threw up the contents of your breakfast and lunch into the porcelain toilet. even when your stomach was emptied of its contents, you kept on dry heaving, trying to get rid of the sourness felt deep inside of you.
time passes seemingly in a sluggish manner, with you flushing the toilet before crawling out of the bathroom. when you tried to stand back to your full height, a wave of dizziness hits you-
but one thought still remains-
i need to get out of here!
those words were what ultimately pushes you forward, with your uneven breaths filling at the air as your feet pounded against the floors, about to reach the front door when a sudden shift was felt in the air.
"i knew that it was best for me to save my shadow exchange for moments like this."
a silent scream escapes from your parted lips when jinwoo suddenly appears before you. he simply holds your arms tightly within his hands, not even using his full strength when he manages to fully apprehend you.
tears stream down your face as you actively fought against him, but to no avail...
all you managed to do was further tire yourself out, slumping back down to the floors as jinwoo coos at you, using his full weight against you while bearing you down against the cold, hardwood floors.
"it's okay... it's okay... i'm not mad at you for reading my most private thoughts. in fact, i WANTED you to read them someday! that way, you will know the full extent of my pure love and devotion to you!"
your tears were trailing down your face in cascades now, the sobs wracking through your body with such visceral and potent fear that violent tremors began taking over your form from beneath him. yet still, jinwoo keep staring down at you with those glowing, violet gaze, never once looking away from you.
"you're mine..." he says your name in a bit of a drunken haze, "it doesn't matter how you feel about me now, because i'm never letting you go!"
crazed laughter echoes throughout the area, with jinwoo drowning out your sobs and cries for help by kissing your lips deeply-
in mere seconds, the rose-colored lens had finally shattered the moment you tasted something coppery and bitter from within his lips...
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a.n. - while re-reading solo leveling, the panel used as the preview of my story genuinely scared me, which was what further solidified mine and everyone else's belief in the yandere potential he had 😭
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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whatthedamnhelldude · 3 months
This maybe has been said and I missed it but in s2e6, I’m pretty sure Aziraphale thinks Crowley has been sucked back into Hell after escorting the humans out of the bookshop. From Aziraphale’s perspective, Crowley has left with the humans into the street and is surrounded by demons. He doesn’t return, and Aziraphale becomes desperate to stop the attacking demons - “desperate measures must be taken.” In 1941, Aziraphale says “I knew you’d come through for me - you always do.” Crowley tries to run from his problems, but he always comes through for Aziraphale. Aziraphale knows Crowley wouldn’t just leave him, unless something happened. In Scotland, we saw Crowley helping the humans and being sucked back into Hell as a result. When Crowley comes back from Heaven, Aziraphale says “you came back” and you can hear the relief in his voice. His expression and tone of voice when he says he “did the thing with the halo” reads as “I got desperate because you didn’t come rescue me and I assumed you were gone.” Aziraphale knows Crowley will always come through for him, so since he didn’t this time, something must have happened to him and the most logical in this instance would be that Hell took him. They never get to talk about how Crowley was actually in Heaven, so this assumption never gets addressed.
Why does this matter? The Final 15. Throughout the series, Aziraphale says, out loud to Crowley, that he is worried Hell is going to destroy Crowley. And it appears that that fear has come true at least a little bit, and at least one time, in Scotland. So if Aziraphale thinks that Crowley has been captured and tortured by Hell again, and someone told him “if you come work for me, I’ll make it so Crowley is never under Hell’s power ever again by reinstating him as an angel,” I have a hard time believing that Aziraphale would say no. The love of your eternal existence has been in danger for millions of years, and someone offers you a way to keep them safe? Right after you think they’ve suffered from that very danger? I would take that offer, too.
To be clear, I don’t think Crowley should have taken the offer. He’s been abused by both Heaven AND Hell, and they are both better off without them. I also think that, just like Crowley doesn’t quite say what’s on his mind - he doesn’t tell Aziraphale what he saw of Gabriel’s trial or that what he really wants isn’t to run away but to love Aziraphale openly as a couple - Aziraphale doesn’t quite say what’s on his mind either - he doesn’t care about either of them being angels but he does care about keeping them safe. I also want to be clear that I don’t think Aziraphale wants to be angels together in Heaven. I really think this boils down to keeping both of them safe and, bonus, they get to stay together.
Yes, they need to talk to each other and yes, some of Aziraphale’s comments were shitty (“you’re the bad guys.”). But I think the show is too well-written for all of Aziraphale’s character development to be thrown away and their long, long history completely forgotten in the last 15 minutes of episode 6. I think the world of Good Omens is too rich and deeply layered for that.
Let me know what you think!
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Anger Issues
When Owen first came to this new city, in this new and foreign country, he was full of hope. A fresh start in an unfamiliar land. It was an adventure! The world was his oyster, and the possibilities were endless! He had just finished university and had a degree in art history, which should make it easy for him to find work.
As it turns out, that was a lie.
For three long, grueling months, Owen tried everything to make a living in the big city. The truth was that his degree often wasn't recognized, and even when it was, he wasn't considered qualified to do the job, often without any obvious reason. The financial reserves he had were draining quickly and his hopes of finding good and fulfilling work in the new city were getting smaller and smaller every day.
"You need experience to get a job, and you can't get a job without experience". Owen never realized how true this saying was until he had stumbled into that very situation. Desperate to get out of it, he finally found an unpaid internship in a museum for ancient art. It was a really interesting field for Owen, but it turned out his tasks were mundane and not related to the exhibits at all. Instead, he was confined to a small office room to scan and sort invoices - a tedious job and hardly what Owen had studied for.
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So, one day, in his break, when he went through the exhibition as usual, a wooden figure caught his eye that was apparently brought here this morning. It depicted the torso of a man, showing a sculpted chest. The figure was cut off below the upper arms and above the legs. The face of the man was symmetrical and angelic, although frowning. Above the hair, it showed either a thick halo or some kind of hat.
Owen was inexplicably drawn towards the figure. It was well-preserved and Owen couldn't quite assign it a region or time period. Looking at the sign, Owen realized it had no information about this either. Clearly a curiosity!
Driven by his own desire for knowledge, Owen stepped closer, hoping to get a more detailed look. It was as if a faint whisper was coming from the grim statue, but that must have been his imagination. He reached out with his hand to touch the wooden surface, only to hesitate again. It was, of course, forbidden to touch the exhibits, but perhaps feeling the structure of the wood would help him understand the piece more.
As soon as he touched the surface, the whispers grew louder all of a sudden, and his fingers felt a slight jolt - but both sensations stopped immediately again.
Someone behind him was clearing his throat.
"Ahem. Owen. Do I need to remind you not to touch the exhibit?", Mr. Hastings, the director of the museum, said, looking sternly at Owen.
"Oh, no, Sir, I just thought... it might give me some better understanding..."
"Rules are rules." Mr. Hastings said, but he was smiling again.
Owen however felt a most unusual feeling bubbling up in him. At first, he didn't quite know where to put it, but it soon became very clear to him. He was angry! The rational part of his mind tried to understand why - there was no real reason. Mr. Hastings was right of course and judging by his smile, Owen really didn't have a problem. Regardless, he felt as if he had just been insulted the worst possible way. Before he could stop himself, he burst out:
"Do you know where you can put your precious rules? Fuck them! Fuck you! Fuck this whole place! You don't want me to do real work here?! Fine! I quit!"
Head steaming, Owen removed his museum badge from his jacket and threw it to the ground with such force that the plastic shattered. With another loud "Fuck you!", he ran off, leaving the befuddled Mr. Hastings behind, as well as the museum.
Only after he had walked a few blocks, Owens anger subsided somewhat. What has he been thinking? He should turn around and apologize at once!
Then again, it was an unpaid internship. Even though the way to quit this job hasn't been too professional, what was done was done - and perhaps for the better, too. He could focus on finding a better job now. There surely had to be something.
There wasn't. Owen had no better luck then before, but inexplicably, his tolerance for frustration had diminished. After the third denied application, Owen had become so angry that he actually punched a hole into the thin walls of his apartment. Alongside the anger, there had been some changes to Owen's body, as well: He seemed overall fitter and filled out his clothes better. He also found his libido increased somewhat. Where before he had jerked off perhaps once a week, he found himself hard now more and more often, and his hand was drawn to his cock even more.
Jerking off helped to cool the red hot anger somewhat that he found himself quite often in, so it was quickly becoming a daily thing. However, being constantly torn between being angry and being horny didn't leave much space for patience. His money was running dry, too, so, Owen finally accepted a job in a field that was far below his academic standards: He started a job as a fast-food cashier.
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The red "FST" uniform, as the fast food chain was called, was tight on Owen's chest, when he started his first work day. They had probably given him a smaller size, even though they said it was XL. Owen was already feeling angry about that obvious mistake, but he swallowed his anger and let himself be introduced to the cash register.
The system was overwhelmingly complex. It had like a hundred different buttons, and Owen quickly felt his head swimming. It shouldn't be so hard to understand a fast food cash register, but apparently, this one was extra complex. Just his luck!
At some point, he just nodded as the manager showed him the functions of the device. The introduction wasn't very long, only ten minutes, but Owen didn't understand a thing. You really needed a degree for that monstrosity! Still, he was expected to serve his first customer right away, pure insanity.
The first order was easy enough, a plain hamburger and a coke, and after searching the right buttons for a good two minutes, Owen managed to put in the order. However, the second customer wanted a milkshake, too, and that was the final straw. They really couldn't expect Owen to juggle such complex orders in his mind AND put them into the machine. Angrily, he shouted out in frustration and let his fist come down on the cash register with full force, again and again. Of course, the thin metal and plastic yielded to his rage and the machine broke.
This was the breaking point for Owen. Everything had gone wrong since he had moved to this fucking city. No job, no money, no nothing! He tried to wriggle out of the way-too-small uniform top but ended up ripping it apart instead.
The manager ran over and pulled him from behind.
"Stop that! Stop that right now!"
"You're going nowhere! You can't leave after what you've done!"
With an angry roar, the now half-naked Owen shoved the manager against the counter with full force and stormed off. He didn't care if the manager wanted to call the police, or sue him, or whatever.
As soon as he arrived at his shabby apartment, Owen took out his laptop and started looking for jobs. He didn't get very far, though. The computer was confusing, and Owen was still feeling angry from his last job. He finally managed to pull up his favorite porn site and started watching videos.
The normal porn he usually consumed didn't do a good job of calming him down today. He needed something rougher, something more primal. The female porn stars were too weak for the sex to be stimulating, he decided.
After clicking through a few more videos, he spied a thumbnail of two guys getting at it roughly. Brilliant. When there were only men involved, the sex would be much better. They wouldn't take shit from the girls, and they'd be strong. Much more satisfying.
Seeing two men having sex brought back his cock to full erection and soon enough, Owen splattered his cum all over his muscular torso.
As the post-nut-clarity set in, Owen realized he had a problem. He needed something to channel all that rage into before it destroyed his life entirely. After some research, he decided to join a Krav Maga club.
The raw brutality of the sport helped Owen to tune off the complicated world around him and made him feel happy for the first time in weeks. He trained often and hard, quickly stacking even more muscles on his already impressive frame. Of course, Owen wasn't clever enough to grasp the techniques of the sport, so he just substituted it by raw strength. A lot of kicks and hits found their way into his face, but he was healing quickly as well. Over the course of a few weeks however, the brutality left its marks in his face. His nose looked crooked as if it had been broken and his jaw looked manly, but not exactly beautiful.
Still, joining the club was the best decision he could have made. He met some new friends, who set him up with a new job as a warehouse worker. Carrying crates and heavy barrels from one place to another was the perfect job for Owen. He didn't need to understand what he was moving, nor did he have to do any paperwork (not that he would have been able to - Owen had his trouble with letters and numbers, which left him pretty much illiterate). He just needed to do what his manager said, and he was happy for it.
Besides the Krav Maga, he found another outlet for his anger issues. Since he couldn't afford his flat anymore, Owen moved in with a couple of garbage workers he met at the warehouse. As it turned out, they, too, were gay and enjoyed it quite a lot when Owen split their cheeks roughly, not holding back one bit.
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ro-is-struggling · 4 months
Halo, I would like to request james potter × slytherin!reader with this lyrics “Just because it won't come easily // Doesn't mean we shouldn't try” (Easily by Bruno Major) when you're a pureblood prince/princess, and you and james are secretly in love. But of course, there have plenty of problems along this journey. But in the end, you guys end up together. Massive angst in the beginning and fluff in the end. Thanks!
Hi beautiful💜 Thank you so much for participating in the celebration!! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to your request, but better late than never, I guess. This one came to me so quick I'm kinda pissed it took me so long to sit down and write it. No kidding, I wrote it in like 2 days wich is really fast for my overthinker ass lol I hope that you like it 💕
Easily || James Potter x Slytherin!Reader
Summary: Your social status and the expectations of your parents don't allow you to date someone like James, so you keep your relationship a secret. However, when he decides he can't go through with the act anymore, you find the courage to stand up to your family.
Warnings: angst, secret relationship, fluff, fem!reader, slytherin!reader
English is not my first language
Word count: 4000
This fic is part of my 600 followers celeration
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James watched you from his place at the Gryffindor table, sad eyes glued to your figure. You were with him again, chatting over breakfast as if you were best friends. James knew the boy's true intentions, the whole school did, but he could do nothing but stare with hatred at the way he 'accidentally' touched your arm.
There was nothing he wanted more than to run up to you, take you in his arms and kiss you in front of the whole Slytherin table so that everyone would know that you were his. But he knew he couldn't. The only thing that making your relationship public would do for you was bring you more pain and suffering. Your parents were very strict, pureblood wizard royalty who looked down on most of the wizarding community. They had a well-planned future for you, with everything and a partner included, and James was far from that ideal. He knew that you hated it, that you felt trapped in a life you didn't want and that you loved him above all else. That was the only thing that kept him sane when he had to see you sucking up to that slytherin boy your parents adored, knowing that you were only really you when you were with him. But lately it was getting hard for him.
It was hard for him to live on stolen moments, sneaking around the castle just so he could be with you for a little while. It was hard to pretend to be indifferent when he saw you walking through the corridors, holding hands with that guy like you really liked him. It was hard to love you in secret, knowing that your relationship was disapproved of by everyone you knew. James wanted to shout from the rooftops about how much he loved you and how happy he was with you, but he couldn't do more than whisper to his pillow every night about how much he wanted to be with you.
He had been wondering lately if all the pain was really worth it. He loved you, but that wasn't enough to help him bear the weight on his chest anymore. He wondered what was the point of holding on to something that hurt him so much for just a few minutes of happiness. You had no possible future, at least not a happy one. Maybe it was better to end things before it got any harder. Maybe the heartbreak of having to let you go now would save him a lot of pain in the future. Maybe it was time to face reality, put aside his desires and accept that his love was nothing more than a forbidden dream.
Doubts were going around in his mind at all times, not leaving him a second of peace for himself. At least that was until you appeared, your smile emerging in the darkness of the hallway as you ran into his arms. And as he held you close, all questions were silenced by the intense love he felt for you, heart beating hard against yours. All you had to do was kiss him and he fell, surrendered to the softness of your lips, loving the way you whispered his name and told him how much you missed him. 
For a moment, everything was right again. You were with him, where you belonged, and the world seemed to be a better place. It was a fantasy, a fictional world you created every time you snuck out at night to see each other, but it was your world at last. A bubble of happiness, away from the sad reality outside. There were no parents or social mandates, no expectations or hatreds to separate you, just you, James and the love you had for each other.
He allowed himself to indulge in the fantasy, losing himself in the softness of your lips and the warmth that your delicate touch awakened in his skin. But then he felt it. That guy’s perfume lingered on your skin, like a constant reminder that you weren't his —not really, not like James wanted you to be-and that you never would be.
"Wait, stop!" He murmured against your lips, lightly pushing your shoulders away from him. 
"What's wrong?" you frowned at him, confused by his sudden rejection. Did you do something wrong?
James looked at you for a moment, but remained silent, watching the concern in your eyes as he wondered if he really was about to voice his concerns. You tried to approach him again, stepping forward and placing a hand on his chest. But to your surprise he pulled back, giving your hand a light squeeze before removing it from his body. Then he let out a long sigh, closing his eyes for a moment as he prepared himself for what he was about to do.
"This... w-we... I can't do this anymore." James struggled to say, unsure of what were the right words to communicate what he was feeling.
"What do you mean?" You spoke cautiously, hoping he didn't mean what you thought he was getting at. 
"I can't keep hiding us, our love, what I feel for you... It's too hard, I can't do it anymore." Your eyes glistened with accumulated tears and James felt his heart break into a thousand pieces once again. He hated to be the cause of your pain, but he had to be honest with you. The situation surpassed you and the love you had for each other was no longer enough, not for him at least.
"I know it's hard, it always has been. But we can get through this, James. I know we can." You reached out once more and this time he didn't reject your touch. You cradled his cheek with your hand and he leaned into your touch, closing his eyes for a moment. "I love you, Jamie."
"I love you too, but I'm afraid that's not enough. Not anymore." 
When James opened his eyes, you saw tears in them. He was hurting as much as you were, so why was he doing this? From the very beginning you two knew that your relationship would not be easy. You warned him countless times, rejecting his advances over and over again to protect him. He had assured you that he didn't care, that he would put up with anything to be with you. His insistence was the only thing that persuaded you to accept his advances, thinking that he would really support you and fight for your love. But now that seemed to be nothing more than empty promises.
"So you're just going to give up?" You asked, taking a few steps back as your sadness mixed with anger. James was supposed to be different, that's why you had opened your heart to him. "Just because it won't come easily doesn't mean we shouldn't try."
"But we did try and it's not working." James sighed, leaning against the wall with slumped shoulders. "I can't keep seeing you with him. I can't keep pretending that it doesn't kill me to see him being all over you, thinking that you're his. I can't stand to see the indifference in your eyes every time we're in public. It hurts too much."
“Do you think that it doesn’t hurt me?” 
Your voice broke. Tears rolled down your cheeks, unable to hold them back a second longer. James felt even worse. Every fiber in his body was screaming at him to run and hug you, to hold you close to him and never let you go. But he held back. This was a difficult but necessary conversation. He could no longer ignore his own pain —or yours.
"Do you think I like to be with him?" you continued, wiping your tears with the back of your hand. "Do you think I like ignoring you all day? You're the only good thing in my life, James."
"Then why do we keep hurting each other?" James said, almost whispering. There was a clear sadness in his voice that made the knot in your throat tighten. "Love is not supposed to hurt this much."
Your gaze softened as you noticed in his eyes just how deep James' pain was. A fresh wave of tears rolled down your eyes as you realized your mistake. All this time you had been asking so much of him, thinking he would be okay because you were. Your life was hell, but it all got better if you could just get five minutes alone with him. He was what made your days tolerable, he was the one who put a smile on your lips. James was the light at the end of the tunnel, a ray of hope for your future. But he didn't have your life, so your relationship probably didn't mean the same to you as it did to him.
James had wonderful parents who adored him and supported him in everything. He had friends who loved him and whom he could confide in. He wasn't lonely like you, he didn't need to cling to your love to feel a little happiness. He was happy with or without you because he had the freedom to make whatever he wanted with his life. Hiding and having to lie about his feelings probably hurt him more than it hurt you because James didn't have much to gain in your relationship. You were the one that would lose everything if he wasn't by your side. The suffering you were putting him through probably wasn't worth it to him, not in the same way it was to you.
You had been selfish. All this time you had thought only of yourself, how happy you were when James wrapped you in his arms, how easy it was to get out of bed in the morning knowing that at night you could be with him. James gave you a purpose, a glimmer of hope of escaping the perfectly planned future your parents had planned for you. But you offered him nothing but animosity and suffering that was only rewarded with a couple of hours of intimacy and happiness a day —if you were lucky. All this time you had been hurting him more than you knew, ignoring his pain for your happiness. And realizing that made you feel horribly bad about yourself.
"Maybe you're right." You spoke after a long silence. "Maybe it's better to stop this before it goes too far. We both knew it was just a dumb fantasy anyways." You let out a bitter chuckle, wiping away your tears as you took a step closer to James. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this. I never wanted to hurt you, James."
"I don't regret our relationship, we were just trying to make it work. And I don't regret my love for you, I... I just can't do this anymore."
"I love you," you murmured, reaching out to caress her cheek once more. You gave him a smile —trying to pretend you weren't falling apart on the inside—, but it quickly turned into a sad pout. "And that's why I have to let you go. I can't keep hurting you like this. I'm sorry, James. I truly am."
He rested his hand on yours, keeping you from removing it from his cheek. If this was your goodbye, James wanted to enjoy your touch at least for a little while longer, to remember the softness of your hands and the warmth of your skin against his body. He knew that what he would miss the most were your kisses and the sound of your laughter, but he had to get used to it. This was for the best.
"I love you too."
You shared a kiss, one last goodbye kiss. Your lips moved slowly over James', trying to drag out the moment as long as possible. You were going to miss his kisses, the taste of his mouth and the way his lips molded to yours, as if they had been specially created to fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. 
You didn't want the moment to end. You didn't want to face the cruel reality that would come as soon as he parted. You wanted to get lost in the sweet taste of his lips and make a refuge out of his warm embrace. But that was impossible. You had lost your chance with him and now you had nothing left to do but watch him go. It broke your heart, but it hurt more to know that it was your love that caused him pain. Hopefully James could heal now, forget about you, find someone who could make him happy. And you... that didn't matter. What mattered to you was that he was happy.
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Two weeks.
Only two weeks had passed and you were totally miserable without James by your side.
You were used to the pain of seeing him walk through the halls without being able to even give him a smile, but it had never felt like this. This time it was much more intense, visceral. A tug at your heart that paralyzed you every time you saw him laughing with another girl. It was the pain of knowing that his heart no longer belonged to you. The pain of his absence, of the lack of his soft touches and gentle words of love whispered in furtive encounters. You missed him and, no matter how hard you tried, it was impossible to hide it.
All your 'friends' knew something was wrong with you, but they didn't care enough to do anything about it. They would make a few teasing comments when they noticed your absence in a group conversation or ask you curiously what it was that you were staring at with such intensity —unaware that your eyes were fixed on James—, but nothing more than that. You were essentially a ghost, a shell of your former self. You moved about the castle and went about your routine as usual, but there was no real emotion behind the fake smile you forced yourself to put on in front of the others. Nothing made sense after losing James. 
You had given up on life completely. You had no more energy or motivation to keep fighting anymore, it was too hard. Maybe it was time for you to accept your fate, just like all the women in your family had done. Maybe you had to give up and face the cruel reality: you were not meant to be happy. It made sense, the one time you had pursued your own happiness, away from your parents' wishes, you ended up hurting the only person who had ever truly loved you.
James deserved someone so much better than you. He deserved to be with someone without having to hide, someone who didn't have to think twice before holding his hand or kissing him in public. He deserved someone who wasn't afraid to say he loved him and show it in front of a room full of people. And as much as it hurt, that wasn't you, so you had to give up and let him go. You had to accept that maybe the fact that things didn't go so easily for you was a sign, a message from destiny telling you that you shouldn't be together. 
It was the best thing for both of you, you knew that, but that didn't make things any easier. It hurt you to see James talking to Lily, flirting with her in a not-so-subtle way when you were only a couple of feet away. You knew that the best thing for him was to find someone else who could make him happy, but seeing him do exactly that broke your heart.
Why couldn't you be the one for him? Why couldn't you enjoy your love in public like everyone else? Why couldn't you hold his hand as you walked down the halls or kiss him without fearing what others would say? Why couldn't you be happy with him?
You realized then what a big mistake you were making.
You could do all those things with James. The only thing that was really holding you back was your family and the opinions of a bunch of people you didn't care about in the slightest. You were letting them influence you, believing the story that you couldn't be happy unless you followed the path they wanted you to follow. You were giving up your power, your autonomy and your future as your parents expected. You were letting them break your spirit and get away with it by giving up so easily.
Maybe that negative voice in your mind was right and James deserved better, but so did you. You deserved to be happy and have the chance to explore and discover your own destiny. And right now that happiness, that path you wanted to follow, included having James by your side. So you got up from your seat at the Slytherin table —ignoring the looks of confusion from your study group— and ran in search of that destiny.
Finding James wasn't difficult, he was chatting with his friends in the courtyard under the shade of a tree. Lily was with them, but you tried not to let that affect you, taking a deep breath before approaching them. The closer you got, the more you felt the stares of everyone around you. You were the Slytherin princess and everyone was well aware of your parents' position on blood purity. They also knew the opposite position of James, Sirius and most of the Gryffindors. There was no reason for you to be approaching them, so people couldn't take their eyes off you, mumbling under their breath as they watched you walk by.
But you didn't let that get to you. You were determined not to let it bother you ever again. People could talk all they wanted, your parents could get angry and your Slytherin friends could isolate you, none of that mattered to you anymore. All you cared about was James.
"Can we talk?" You cleared your throat both as a way to get noticed as well as to make sure your voice sounded loud and clear. 
Everyone looked at you with wide eyes full of surprise, not understanding what it was that someone like you could want to discuss with one of them. Knowing that James hadn't even told Sirius, who was like his brother, about you gave you a bittersweet feeling. On the one hand, it was nice that he had been so willing to keep your secret that he hadn't even mentioned it to his best friend. On the other hand, it made you feel bad to know how alone he had been in all this, and made you wonder if maybe there weren't other reasons why he hadn't told his friends. Maybe he was also afraid of them finding out he was in love with you. Maybe his friends hated you and wouldn't accept James going out with you. Maybe...
"Here?" James spoke, interrupting your thoughts. He looked around, noticing the many eyes glued to your back. "Are you sure?" he insisted, and you nodded. There was not going to be any more sneaking around.
James walked a couple of steps beside you, seeking to get a distance from his friends so that you could have a private conversation. However, when he tried to take advantage of a tree to hide from the prying eyes of the other Hogwarts students, you stopped him, opting to remain in plain sight. 
"What are you doing?" He said and you didn't have to ask him what he meant to understand that he was confused by your attitude. The rules had always been clear, no one could see you together because it would raise suspicions and could reach your parents' ears. So he wondered why you were suddenly approaching him to talk to him in a public space.
"I don't care if they see us together!" You spat without hesitation, deciding it was best to get straight to the point. "Not anymore."
"What?" The surprise was clear in James's expression —eyes widening and lips trembling as he spoke. He definitely wasn't expecting you to say that.
"I've been thinking a lot these past few days and I realized how wrong I was. I put you through so much, made you sacrifice everything for me and the moment you told me you had enough I just gave up."
"Y/n, it's okay, I-" He tried to say, but you interrupted him, taking a step towards him and taking one of his hands. James' eyes rested on your intertwined fingers for a moment, before returning to your face.
"Let me finish, this is important." you told him and he simply nodded. "It wasn't fair, the way I treated you. I isolated you and hurted you just because I was scared of my family, of what they might do to me. I made you sacrifice everything for me and when it was my time to do the same I just let you go instead... and that was wrong of me, and I'm here to make it right."
"Y/n, what are you saying?" James asked cautiously, waiting to hear from your own lips what he believed was what you were referring to —that which he had been waiting to hear since the day your relationship had ended.
"I'm saying that I'm sorry. I'm saying that I love you and that I want to fight for us if that still is what you want."
"A-are y-you sure?" It wasn't that James wasn't happy to hear you say that. It was literally a dream come true for him. But he didn't want to force you to do something you would later regret. He hadn't broken up with you to manipulate you, he had done it because he really needed a break. He didn't expect his decision to change your mind, even though he really wanted to. There was nothing in the world James wanted more than to be able to make his love public, but at the same time he didn't want to hurt you. And he knew that your relationship would only bring you trouble.
"I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life." you told him with a smile that made all his doubts and built up sadness disappear. "I want to be with you, Jamie. You are my happiness, and if my parents can't see that...well, that's their problem, not mine."
James smiled, taking a step toward you to close the distance between you. He reached out his hand with the intention of caressing your cheek, but stopped halfway, his eyes looking over your shoulder at the people watching you curiously. At his hesitation, you took his hand in yours and brought it up to your cheek, closing your eyes for a moment as you enjoyed feeling the warmth of his skin against yours once again.
"Can... can I kiss you?" James muttered, his voice an almost inaudible whisper. His eyes were focused on your lips, admiring them with need. He knew it would be best for you to go slowly, but he missed your lips so much that he couldn't contain the need to kiss them again.
James looked into your eyes one last time before closing the distance between you, bringing your lips together in a long awaited kiss. It was quick, his lips moving delicately over yours, but no less intense for that. It was just what you both needed at that moment, to feel each other's love, which remained as strong as the day you said goodbye. 
Neither of you cared about the looks of the others around you as you pulled away from the kiss. You were too happy for that. All you had to do was look into James' warm eyes and all your worries disappeared. You knew things wouldn't be easy and that you'd probably be hearing your parents' scolding in no time, but you were ready to face it. You could face anything if James promised to stay by your side.
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jesterwriting · 7 months
pairings: angel!sanji x gn!reader
word count: 1.5k words
contents: smut, divinity kink, blowjob (m receiving), pet names used for reader: little lamb and dove, reader calls sanji ‘my lord’
note: thought too hard about worshiping sanji and this happened. my first time writing for divinity kink so bear with me if it reads a little odd. if you have any questions as to why sanji’s angelic robes are so slutty its because i think itd be hot. enjoy my lovelies <33
playlist: your blood - aurora
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There was a shrine built in your bedroom, made for no one and inhabited by one. He found shelter within it, and while you could fault him for his bad taste, you were too fond to try.
It was a dusty old thing. Atop a small side table sat a goblet you filled with moon water daily. A stick of half-burnt sandalwood incense was beside the cup, accompanied by several clear quartzes you had for no reason other than finding them pretty. A cookbook was open to a page about risotto and a bit of ash from the incense stained the paper. You had read on how to make an altar for worship, but not what to do when something made its home there.
His name was Sanji, or at least that was what he told you to call him. His true name would cause your eardrums to rupture if you ever heard it, even if, apparently, it wasn’t much to brag about. Personally, you thought that if you had a name that held so much holiness within that it would make any mortal who heard it bleed from their eyes, you would be a bit of a braggart. Though, you supposed that was why Sanji was an angel and you weren’t.
You kneeled before his altar, hands clasped in prayer. While you knew all it took was the barest whisper of his name and he would appear, you wanted to show him how much he meant to you. Since the day he appeared, bathed in a heavenly glow, golden hair and blue eyes glimmering beneath his halo, your every wish was granted. Your food tasted divine, your days were kissed by the sun, and your dreams were always pure. To have earned the favor of someone so holy for nothing in return made you feel a little spoiled. Today, you decided that you would give Sanji a gift in return. Something only a human could give him.
“You called for me, my dove?” Sanji’s soft tenor echoed through your head, a choir of voices all singing together to form one. You shivered under the weight of it. Gentle, he brushed the tip of his index finger against your chin and tilted your head upwards until you met his eyes. “I told you once before, there is no need to prostrate yourself to make me appear. You have me at your beck and call.”
That was the problem. You wanted to worship him. To fall to your knees at the sight of him, to bask in his holy light, and give him the full weight of your attention. The attire he wore did wonders for your imagination. A pure white gown with a slit that ran from his leg all the way up to his hip, revealing golden bangles hanging along his thighs. His arms were adorned with jewels and chains, all of which ran together to create a harness across his chest. Oh, how you dreamed of pulling him towards you, fingers tangled within it, to press his holy lips against yours. Sanji’s wings fluttered behind him, a nervous gesture — it still surprised you that an angel was capable of feeling nervous of all things — and you felt your lips twitch.
Still on your knees, you shuffled closer to him until you rested your cheek against his thigh. You gazed up at him, the picture of innocence, and even then you could see the stirrings of lust darken Sanji’s expression. He wasn’t as pure as he made himself out to be. His eyes lingered on your bare skin and his fingers trailed across the small of your back when he passed you, more than once. Maybe that was why an angel found his way into your dingy little apartment. Heaven had no need for a pervert.
A shaking hand found its way into your hair.
“My lost little lamb,” Sanji murmured.
With a small breath, you lowered your head to place a chaste kiss to his knee. “And I need you to guide me.”
You felt him shiver above you, his hold on the back of your head tightening ever so slightly. Raising yourself high, you placed open mouthed kisses along the length of his thigh, your tongue running across the cool metal that decorated his skin.
Sanji groaned, his free hand going to cover his crotch. “Sweet, sinful dove, you have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
“I do. Let me worship you, my lord.” You muttered between kisses, growing closer and closer to his clothed heat. His cock was erect, barely hidden by the thin fabric that covered him. You looked up at Sanji from beneath your eyelashes to see that a beautiful pink blush covered his face, and a thin trail of blood trickled from his right nostril. His breathing hitched when he looked down at you.
With a sweet little smile, you pushed aside his gown to reveal his already weeping cock. It glowed with the same heavenly light as the rest of him, and you were certain that you found the holiest part of him right then and there. Your mouth watered at the sight. With your tongue, you trailed a wet line along the underside of his cock before you pressed a dainty kiss to the head. Sanji let out a chorus of moans that went straight to your core. You pressed your thighs together to get a little bit of relief from the insatiable heat.
His hand trailed from the back of your head to cup your cheek. “Look at you, so needy for me already. Come now, lamb, let me take care of you.”
You shook your head before you wrapped your hand around his cock. Sanji bit his lip as his dick throbbed against your palm.
“No, my lord—” His cock pulsed again at the title, and you caught the drops of precum that dribbled from his cockhead with your thumb, smearing it along his length— “Tonight, I worship you. Tonight, I give thanks for all the prayers you have answered and the wishes you have granted. I want to show you the pleasures that only a human can give.”
Sanji’s eyes softened, even as he bit his lip from the slow strokes of his dick. “I could never deny you. Not now, not ever.”
With that, you took his divine cock between your lips. You swirled your tongue around the tip, swallowing the salty-sweet taste of his essence as it leaked into your mouth. He tasted like cinnamon, so unlike any other man you’d had before. Sanji groaned, fingers tangling in your hair.
“Yes, my dove, worship me just like that,” He said, rocking his hips forward and pushing himself further down your throat. You gagged, esophagus constricting around his dick, making Sanji throw his head back and cry out. It made you want to take him deeper. Before you could try, Sanji pulled himself out of your mouth, a string of saliva still connecting you to him. His pupils were blown wide with lust, almost blocking out the blue of his eyes entirely. “Are you alright? Was I too rough?”
“You were perfect,” You said before swallowing him whole.
Not expecting it, Sanji couldn’t help the moan that spilled from between his lips. It sounded heavenly, like music to your ears. You would never grow tired of Sanji’s beautiful noises, encouraging you to take him deeper. Spit dripped from your chin as you continued your sloppy ministrations, Sanji’s thighs twitching beside your head as he fought to keep from thrusting into your mouth.
“Yes… Oh, my lamb, where did you learn to do such dirty things, I can’t take much more,” Sanji babbled above you. “I don’t want this to end.”
His brow furrowed, nose wrinkled in concentration as he fought to keep from cumming. You tapped his hip, and looked up at him, pleading for him to finish with your eyes. Sanji was breathing heavily as he stared down at you, his cock disappearing between your lips.
“Y-You want my blessing, dove? Are you willing to take all of it?”
You nodded.
“Oh, may Heaven forgive me for this si- Ah!”
Sanji’s dick pulsed as he pumped hot ropes of cum down your throat. You swallowed every last drop while he rode out his orgasm, unable to keep from thrusting ever so slightly into your mouth. Playing with one of the golden bangles on his thigh, you removed yourself from him with a slick ‘pop!’ a coy smile playing on your lips.
“That’s my favorite method of prayer, you know,” You said.
Sanji let out a small breath of air, still trying to gather himself in the wake of his orgasm. “If I had known that, I would have begged you to pray to me months ago. For now, though…” Sanji trailed off, the heat in his gaze making you shiver. “I want to hear what sinful noises you’re capable of making, little lamb.”
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Heaven in hell
the plot is: you recall your memories from your hell life and understand that you don't need redemption, as being beside your dear friend is like being in heaven
tw: none (possibly grammar/spelling mistakes, i hope there are not a lot of them)
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You turned on the radio and opened your sketchbook. Sometimes you just looked through your sketches and drawings to trace the progress and to relive the moments that inspired you to draw. This sketchbook was the first thing you bought, when you found yourself in hell. Hell was extremely unpleasant, and you thought you could escape from it in your favourite hobby. You didn't like this place. It was... nauseous. So when you heard a commercial throuth the radio in show window about the hotel of redemption, the hotel that gave you opportunity to leave the stinking place, without hesitation you headed for it.
You didn't like hell, because you didn't really believe you deserved it. Well, you didn't also believed that you truly deserved to be in heaven. But you just didn't like that everyone and everything here was rude, aggressive, foul and filthy.
But somehow the hotel and its residents changed your mind. Now it was your home. You knew that there were good people in hell, and that hell had its nice places for strolls. There was something pleasant sometimes.
On the first page you saw a landscape. It was a view from the window from when you were alive. Longing and melancholy were seen in these blue and grey shades that was the sky. In hell the sky was always red, at noon and at night. And you hated it. At first. Now the crimson skies reminded you the eyes of someone dear. But you'd find his portrait later.
You turned the page and saw the first portraits. Charlie and Vaggie. These girls were your family now. Even in your living life you didn't face such care and love. They were like your sisters, sometimes you even felt yourself like their daughter, and you didn't mind. They were caring but strict, understanding and wise. They could always give an advice, and so could you. After all, Charlie and Vaggie had their problems too. It was nice to have somebody who was always ready to support you, to hear you out. You were grateful them for their kindness and tried to pay the same.
You looked at the portrait of Charlie. She placed her arms on the table and held an apple in her hands. She was smiling shyly. Her cheeks were rosy red and eyes were radiating happiness. Only now you understood that in this picture she looked like Girl with peaches, but with apples.
On the next page there was Vaggie. The first thought, when you saw her was "What a nose!" You liked her aquiline nose and already on your third day in the hotel you asked permission to draw her. Blushing, she permited. You drew her in profile from the side with her only eye.
Next page — another landscape, the view from the roof of the hotel.
A new song had started. You knew it rather well. It was the song Alastor taught you to dance to. And it was right on the roof from the drawing. You smiled at remembering.
He was so shocked, when you said you couldn't dance waltz. You thought you'd never seen him so dulled. It seemed that the whole world had ruined before his eyes. You chuckled remembering his astonishment.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
"You don't say so, darling!"
"But it's true!" You rubbed your neck and said, "Don't looked at me like this, Al! I feel ashamed."
"That's right, darling! You must be ashamed!"
You'd climbed onto the hotel's roof to draw the night view of hell. It was just fascinating. The little light spots of red, green and blue on the black shadow of the town with the foggy morron sky upon it. A red pentagram crossed the sky, its lines and angles repeated on the surface, deviding the Pride Ring into the discticts. A bright white sphere with halos and wings around it hung high in the sky — the heaven you once wanted to reach.
You brought Alastor's radio with you, because of some magic causes it could play absolutely everywhere, and you prefered to draw with the music. But it turned out that right very night Alastor also needed his radio. So he'd found you. But you didn't notice it until he commented on the music. And before you could come to your sense after the fright, Alastor extrended his hand to you and asked for a dance. But you refused, due to the fact you didn't know how to dance anything.
"C'mon, Al, stop staring at me like this, I really sorry! I can't... I can't dance with you." Until that moment you'd never regreted the lack of your skills in this type of activities.
Alastor still stared at you with his hand extending to you. You felt uncomfortable under his gaze.
"Al, I'm serious."
"And so am I." He straightened himself, turned around and walked to the other edge of the roof stopping in front of the iron railings.
His tone was frightening. You didn't hear smile in his voice, although you could perfectly see. You shook your head and returned to the drawing. Night wind tousled your hair, the sound of sirens came from below. How could it be? You didn't like this place, but peering at the horizon, breathing in the sulphur air and drawing the dark red lines of the town made you feel almost like you were at home. You glanced at the bright white ball in the sky. Do you really need it?
"Have you done, dear?"
You jumped up hearing the familiar static voice right beside you. You turned to face him and saw that Alastor was scrutinizing your work. You blushed as you didn't like it when somebody looked at your pictures before you finished them.
"My my, (Y/n)! You're talented one, aren't you?"
You blushed more at his sudden compliment. You never showed Aalstor your draws before, but hearing his praise made you wanted to show him more.
"Thank you," You said.
"Now my dear," He gave you his hand again, "Don't you think I'll leave a dear friend of mine in such a sad state when she's unable to even waltz?"
You looked up at him. Did he just call you friend? Well, in fact he was the first person you became close with in the hotel, but you never even dared to think about him like about a friend. You thought you were too small, too weak for him to find you endearing enough. But now...
"Are you sure?" You asked placing your hand in his palm.
Alastor chuckled, "Darling, I insist."
His right hand appeared on your shoulder-blade, and the left one held your palm tenderly.
"Just follow my steps," He said with a cunning smile.
You didn't have time to answer anything, the music changed, and he swirled you in dance. Without realizing it, you looked at his and your leg movements to follow him in the right way.
"Look at me, darling," He said in the tone sustaining no objection and he made you lift your head taking you by the chin.
Aalstor was much taller then you, and his steps were bigger. You hardly counted your steps and began to tiptoe to keep up with Alastor.
"Darling, we're waltzing and not running races." Despite his smile his tone was seriously. Like a strict teacher he couldn't stand any stupid tricks during the lesson.
You swallowed, "You're too fast, Al."
He hummed but slowed down.
He began quietly count the steps for you. He looked at you with a mocking sparkle in his eyes. You smiled at him and made a bigger step to be closer to him.
"I can handle it without your counting."
"Are you sure, sweetheart?"
You ignored how your heart missed a beat because of the new name and replied affirmatively.
"Well, if you say so." He said and accelerated.
The first waltz in your life was magical, and you even did it great. Alastor held you close and tight; you were swinging around the roof seeing only each other and nothing else; you heard only the music, your breath and your heartbeats. You were on cloud nine and suddenly thought that you didn't need Charlie to help you to redeem, you didn't need heaven. You were happy that very moment, in Alastor's arms and all you wanted was for the music to never end.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Since that day Alastor taught you dancing, and it showed up that you were a quiet talented dancer. Together you swinged to jazz or slowly waltzed around the same roof under the bright pink "Hazbin Hotel" sign. You found out that you enjoyed dancing as much as he did, something you thought would never happen. Every time he put his hands around your waist, or held your hands in his, or put his head on your shoulder during a slow dance, you felt yourself like in heaven.
The flashback faded away slowly just like the violins in the radio. You settled back and sighted. Every memory of dancing with him was like a precious pearl that you strung on a chain, and you didn't want to stop, until you'd make a long necklace like from the time where Alastor was from. And then you'd make a new one. And then another one, and another...
Turning the page, you saw figures of dancing couples and just lonely figures swirling in dance. You drew them to understand better the moves that Alastor taught you.
When you first appeared in the hotel you thought about writing a diary. You had so much experiences and you wanted to share them, at least with silent paper. But then you got acquainted with Alastor, you found out that you didn't want to share your feelings with anybody. These memories... They were so personal, so sprecious and dear, that you didn't want to share them even with paper. You didn't want to have artificial, insincere memories, and that's exactly what they would become if you write them down; they would turned into a tale, that wanted to be read, to be heard, to be retelled. But they were yours and his only. Nobody had the right to own them. So you refused the idea of starting a diary. Instead of this you filled the sketchbook with the precious moments you lived through.
You turned the page and saw unfinished portrait of Niffty. This little demon was just awful model. She was hyperactive and just couldn't stay in one place and one pose for more than two minutes. You couldn't blame her, but it was just a pity that this portrait had been painted for a week already.
A cheerful music sounded form the radio and you turned the next page. Suddenly the sound of trumpets began to be accompanied with the screams of suffering and distress. Usually they weren't heard during the day hours, but evidently this day was an exclusion. You were staring at the radio listening to the screams. Hm, how possible was it for you to be one of them? As it was said before, Alastor became your first friend, not only in the hotel, but in the whole hell. Some part of you was proud of yourself that you became friends with the Radio Demon himself, but the other part still couldn't believe that it was true and that he really cared about you.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
You woke up earlier than others and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You arrived in the hotel previous night very late, and only Charlie and Vaggie saw you. They promised to acquaint you with the residents in the morning.
You were sitting at the table waiting, when the kettle would boil, when someone entered the kitchen. You looked up and saw him. He froze in amusement looking at you.
You sat moveless. He looked like a vision, too beautiful to be true, and you didn't want to make any move fearing that he could disappear if you shake the air.
He had deep red eyes that glowed a little. A smile with big sharp teeth was terrifying but captivating somehow. He was extremely tall, about seven feet you thought, and slim, but his shoulders were wide and the posture straight. You couldn't take your eyes off the ears on the top of his head. They were red with black tips just like his hair, and very big. Between the ears you noticed little antlers, that were too cute to the owner of such fangs and claws.
He was the first to come to his senses. He came up to you, bent himself in waist and approached his hand to you saying,
"Good morning, darling. The name's Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you."
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Your first meeting wasn't something extraordinary; with other residents you got acquinted in the same kitchen an hour later. But Alastor was the only one who fascinated you so strong. Chating with the new acquaintances your thoughts constantly returned to him. And then your gaze fell on the red demon, and you saw that he was gazing at you, as if he never took his eyes off you.
In the beginning you didn't speak with each other too much, but you stared a lot. And you both did it openly. (which caused a lot of Angel's obscene jokes.) You were never the first to turn away, no matter how intently Alastor looked at you and how wide was his gleaming smile. So your staring contest ended only when somebody called you or Alastor, and then you sighed in relief, gladly that that strange tension, that strange game between you finally was over.
If the eyes were reflection of soul then his soul was the hell's sky, the blood of dead, the still beating heart, the rubies, the roses. They were the colour of your home.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
You were sitting in the library near the fireplace waiting for Alastor to come. The dinnertime had passed, and you knew, that after dining Alastor usually spent his evening in the library. You often sat there together, and you discussed the read books for hours, as your taste in literature was similar. You could do a deep analysis of the works, or you could laugh at the actions of the characters and sometimes even at the author’s message. But this time you were waiting for him not to share the opinions on another novel.
You heard the sound of opening and closing door and oncoming steps. Before Alastor appeared from the bookshelves you saw his long shadow creeping on the carpet. You moved the box of pastel, that was on the armchair, closer to your hip and pressed the album to your chest.
"Oh, what a surprise, my dear! I didn't expect to see you so early!" Exclaimed Alastor with an astonished smile. He was right, usually it was he the one who waited for you. When you came he could already read three big chapters of a book.
"Haha yeah," You said chuckling awkwardly.
"What book are you reading, dearest?" He asked sitting down in the armchair by your right in front of the fireplace. He crossed his legs and put a book on his lap. You didn't have time to see the cover. His gaze fell on your album. You swallowed. He won't say no, will he? At least your offer was somewhat adulatory, and it could flatter his vanity.
"Well," You began, "I'm here not to read with you." He cocked his eyebrow smiling at you without showing his teeth. "I want to offer you something."
"I'm all ears."
"Do you mind if I draw you?"
Silence. Only firewoods were crackling in the hearth.
"Hmmm," He said with the same smile and lowered his gaze in the opened book. Seriously? Is it all?
Before you let your anger turn into the words, still looking in the book, Alastor asked,
"Do you like this book, because the heroine is an artist too?"
Only now you recognized the cover and the author's name on the book. "The tennant of Wildfell Hall" by Anne Brontë. It was your favorite story of all the books by Brontë sisters. And you reread it when you firstly found this library. You recommended your friend to read it, but you were not sure that he'd do it, it was a romance after all.
"Oh, no! There are more important things to like this book," You said and Alastor slowly moved his glance at you. You knew he was going to ask you about the reasons, so you didn't give him time to even open his mouth, and continued, "So what about drawing?"
He returned his gaze at the pages again.
"You don't need to do anything," You exclaimed, "You can read the novel, and I will-"
"I know how you do your work, dear," He said. His gaze was already running along the lines from left to right. He started reading. "I agree."
Without asking twice, you opened the sketchbook and the box with pastel crayons.
There was something intimate in drawing someone you knew, especially someone you liked. You slowly but surely traced lines, denoting the body, furniture, clothes. Your movements were smooth and gentle, as if you were not painting his portrait, but touching him. Alastor sat cross-legged in the armchair with a straight posture, but his shoulders were relaxed; the opened book lay on his knee, one hand held it, the other one prepared to turn the page. His gaze slowly floated over the letters. Sometimes he frowned subtly, and sometimes his smile grew wider.
There were only two light sources: the fireplace and the standard lamp behind Alastor's armchair, and it was enough to make the picture warm and cozy. The honey firelight illuminated Alastor's face and hair, and you carefully traced thin coppery red lines where his hair shone. The shadow from his monocle fell on his cheekbone and looked like a tear. The shadow of his bang fell on his eyes, and you used a bright shade of ruby to capture the light of his eyes.
You carefully drew his hands, the hardest but most favorite part. You noticed that his hands were ungloved, but still black or even deep dark mahogany. The claws were red and sharp. The fingers were long and thin, very elegant. You industriously drew the knuckles trying to capture the elegance mixed with the strength.
You were sitting in cozy silence for several hours. You were drawing the most handsome man of all you'd seen, while he was reading the book you recommend him. You felt the warmth coming not only from the fireplace, but also from your own heart and soul. The calm and relaxed smile of Alastor made you feel peacefully; the crackling of the firewoods and the rustle of pages made the place homey.
The warm red shades of pastel began to end. Your fingertips were the same colour as Alastor's ones. Although you'd been here for more than three hours already, the fire was still bright and warm. You stopped colouring and looked at your model.
Alastor was looking at you from drooping eyelids resting his head on the fist and softly smiling.
For some time you were looking at each other. Then Alastor stood up and slowly came to your seat stopping from you left. He leaned over and looked at the drawing over your shoulder. Your cheeks almost touched and you felt the warmth of his skin. You could hardly control your own breathing. You felt the urge to breath deeper, but you was afraid, that Alastor would find something strange in your behavior, so you tried to make small breaths, and you were almost suffocating. The heart was beating wildly, and you were sure that Alastor could hear it because of his giant ears.
"Am I really that handsome?" He asked still staying in the same pose. You felt his blazing gaze on you. You knew how he was grinning this moment without looking at him.
"You are," You answered honestly. Why should you lie or make up something?
You closed your eyes and were waiting for jibes or maybe even something worse, but your expectations were not met.
You felt warm and soft lips on your cheek. You opned your mouth in astonishment but kept on your eyes closed. His kiss was gentle, weightless and lasted only for a second, but it burnt deep your skin to the very soul.
"Thank you, dearest," He whispered in your skin, and you felt how every letter touched you. The goosebumps still ran on your body even after he left.
* ☽ ・ 。゚・ ☾ *
Turning the page, you saw another portrait of him. Alstor didn't pose for this one, it was drawn just from your head. He was standing half-turned in profile slightly throwing his head back. He was looking directly at you from half drooping lids. Corners of his lips curled in a cunning smile. It was an elaborate pencil drawing that you really liked.
It was last work in your sketchbook. There still were no portraits of Angel and Sir Pentious. You wanted to draw Vaggie one more time and you wanted to draw her with Charlie. Of course you wanted to picture more landscapes and especially you wanted to draw the woods from Alastor's room. He once invited you in his room, and you were captivated with the magic forest. It was your favorite place in hell.
You were the one of the few who believed in Charlie's idea. You believed that a sinner could be forgiven, be redeemed and go to heaven. And honestly, you wouldn't be mind to spend your eternity in heaven with your friends. You believed you all had a chance. You knew it.
But you also knew there was a man who would never go to heaven. He just didn't need it. Alastor didn't need forgiveness or absolution. And in fact you didn’t need it either, because he was everything you need. Whatever the angels and seraphim, the rulers of hell, or even God himself offered you, you would never refuse him. While he was there dancing with you, making you laugh, cooking your favorite dish for you; while he allowed you to study his soul and mind, and he studied yours; while he jealously guarded you letting everyone know that you were his friend; as long as you were together nothing would make you leave hell, the place where he belonged to.
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invitation for deernner: @noraunor
i was very sad and tried to cheer myself up by writing... something /ᐠ - ˕ -マ
furthermooore the next fic i'll post is the second part of doll demon story, so stay tuned~
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thebearer · 9 months
part one of the best friend au blurb series with lip gallagher. i figured the meeting would be a good place to start :)
"Hey, can you hear me?" You pressed your phone to your ear, your free hand plugging your ear so you could hear your friend on the other line.
The dorm was packed, people spilling out into the hallway, booze spilling over cups. Costumes of all kinds passing by you, the bass rattling the walls as the Halloween party was in full swing. It was your first, and your only- you'd decided. You wanted the true college experience as any eager freshman would. You just didn't know you'd be doing it alone.
Your friends had bailed, ditching you for a frat party instead. One all the way across campus. You supposed you could go, fight the frigid cold alone in your tiny angel costume, but you decided against it. Sitting on the couch in some room instead, where a guy was gaming at his computer.
"Yo," You looked up, a mess of curls and blue eyes standing above you, red solo cup in his hand. "You, uh, you with Ron?"
"Who?" You asked, brow raised over the music.
The boy jerked his head over to the guy gaming. You shook your head. "You a friend of Amanda's? She's... I don't know where she is, honestly."
"No, I, uh," You stood, cheeks tinging with embarrassed heat. "'m sorry. I just... I needed a second, and this was... Well, no one was having sex in here, so I just... This is your room, isn't it? I-I'm sorry. I'll leave, I just-" You rambled.
"Hey, no, it's-it's fine. I get it." The guy said, smiling at you softly. "It's a fuckin' zoo out there."
"Yeah." You nodded, eyes cutting to the open door, where people stumbled by.
"I'm, uh, I'm Lip by the way." The boy said, blue eyes blinking up at you. You mumbled your own name back, eyes cutting around the room.
"I can... I can shut the door if you want me to? If it's too much." Lip offered, eyes scanning your frame. Your tiny, white dress that hugged you in the right place. The tiny, feather halo that was tilted in your hair.
"No, you don't have to. It's your room. I don't-" You muttered, nervously toying with the strap to your wings.
Lip shrugged, nonchalant, so effortlessly cool. "Nah, no problem, really. I'll leave it unlocked. I, uh, I have to finish my Quantum Computing paper anyways."
"Quantum? What's your major?" You gawked lightly.
Lip grinned, pressing the door shut, the noise dulled. Your ears rang lightly. "Uh, robotic engineering? I think." Lip shrugged. "I haven't decided yet. Figure I got a coupla years."
"You're a sophomore?" You guessed, watching him sit at his desk across from you.
"Freshman." Lip smiled. "What about you, angel?"
You rolled your eyes, hoping it hid your blush. "I'm a freshman, too. First semester."
"Yeah? What're you majoring in?" Lip leaned back in his chair.
"Elementary ed." You mumbled. "Not as great as what you're doin', but I'm not good with math."
"Yeah, but it's important." Lip shrugged. "Lot more important than my shit."
"Doubt that." You muttered, taking a seat back on the couch. Your phone buzzed, a half-ass apology from your roommate about ditching.
"Boyfriend?" Lip asked, nodding at your phone.
"Roommate." You scoffed. "She ditched me. When to the Kappa Sig party instead. Didn't tell me until I was here."
"Ah, that's shitty."
"Tell me about it." You rolled your eyes. "That's why I was in here, by the way. I'm not just like some freak who sneaks in people's rooms during parties. I just... I didn't know anyone out there."
"It's cool." Lip shrugged. "I'm usually here at these things if you ever are. Kinda... have to be, I guess." He pointed to the closed door. You grinned. "If you ever need someone to hang with."
"Thanks." You mutter. "I can leave, though, so you can do your homework. It was cool to meet you. I just... I don't wanna bother you. Sounds like important stuff."
"Nah, I'll finish it later." Lip shrugged. "So, you, uh, from here?"
It was the start, born in the small dorm room, chatting over loud music that eventually fizzled out a little after three am. You and Lip swapping stories, laughing over shitty roommate tales, and mutual complaints about the school. A friendship blossomed, sprung from an unexpected meeting between the two of you. The start of something neither one of you were prepared for.
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darksekiryuuteiz · 8 months
I have to share this thought or imma gonna explode, English isn't my first language so bear with me
Genshin Sagau right?
Imposter Au right?
But what if, just hear me out, WHAT IF
The reader, the creator, was from another universe/game.
Let me explain.
(From halo) Spartan!reader fall in Genshin with their armor and all.
They're alone and all that, so they start searching around and while walking in the shadows they see from a distance someone with their own face being worshiped like a god by all the characters.
So they step up to see to discover why the fuck this person is being worshiped and has their face.
Everyone is shocked upon seeing this person, that freaking tall and has an armor no one has ever seen and why do they feel both drawn to them by their aura but at the same time intimidated?
The imposter (the real one) notices this and orders, out of fear, for someone to attack them.
So the acolytes do just that...
The problem?
Reader is absolutely fast, they just see a blur everytime they move, and when someone manages to attack them, let's say, with a hydro attack...
Their power shield fucking protects them from the attack, redirecting it and they didn't even flinch or move a single step so everyone is, yet again, shocked.
The reader, tired of the imposter bullshit moves even faster until they are Infront of the imposter, who cowers in fear, they pick them up and pull out their magnum and they shot the imposter right in the head, killing them in a flash and revealing they weren't the creator.
Everyone stands there shocked and horrified until they connect the dots and...
This person with this armor MUST be their creator, their aura and moves and everything just reveals it.
So now you have a confused Spartan!reader being worshiped and being prayed on and receiving apologies and stuff from the acolytes.
Ooooor on the other hand...
(from Warframe) Tenno!reader who somehow ended up here in teyvat, in their drifter or operator form and they're exploring around teyvat and all that stuff. Maybe they even befriend the Traveler (for this imma gonna use Lumine cause I love her)
They get captured and jugged at Fontaine, their sentence being death, obviously because HoW dArE ThEy To StOlE tHe CrEaToRs FaCe?
So they get executed by a sword on the chest. Lumine being second judged for protecting the imposter and everyone is looking dissatisfied and disappointed at her while she and paimon are trying to explain that they're the real creator but no one listens
So everyone at first cheers on until they see the gold blood start to fall to the floor, then all the characters are like What have we done?! And stuff.
The imposter is laughing like crazy because they won! Yay!
Tenno!reader wakes up and pulls the swords out of their chest and throws it away.
Everyone is like, shocked and even more when they see their wound heal.
So they transform into their Warframe, let's say... Excalibur umbra.
They unsheathe their sword and activate the Exalted blade, surprising everyone by their power, before they move as fast as the wind towards the guards around them (none being any character) using Slash dash and stuff showing their power.
Finally, they are covered in blood and get to the imposter, who tries to fight them but nothing comes out of it because with a quick movement they decapitated them, showing their red blood and proving even further they're the true creator (thing they don't know they are)
Finally, they clean all the blood that feel upon themselves and walk towards Lumine and paimon, helping them to get on their feet, before the reader picks up Lumine I'm their arms and starts to walk away, ignoring all the characters who try to plead for forgiveness
The just start to sprint away with the traveler in their arms, paimon following them.
The characters (specially the archons) search for them for a few days until they find a place with the creators aura all over, so they enter and see Tenno!reader is sleeping in that weird the tenno sleep, alongside si Lumine who's sleeping peacefully.
When they approach reader is quick to shoot their head up and stand up, placing their hand on their swords should any of them try something.
But they don't, hurt because the creator saw them as a threat, they all kneel down and beg for forgiveness once again.
Tenno reader does not say anything but let's them be, as long as they don't cause them trouble they're free to do whatever they want.
So now you have all the acolytes being jealous of Lumine who's treated by the creator as she was a dear friend, them helping her search for clues to find Aether.
Also I can imagine the archons following the trio (reader, Lumine and paimon) around, looking to win the creator's favor.
Tenno!reader wouldn't engage in conversation, only nodding, shaking or shrugging as a response to questions, until one day, when Lumine was feeling down upon not finding her brother, creator readers kneels down besides her and offering a reassuring hand they speak.
And everyone hears their voice and in a instant they are (more) over the heels for their creator, because their voice is soothing and beautiful.
They then only speak to Lumine.
And so the drill goes like that, the acolytes trying to win readers attention but they are too focused on helping Lumine and finding a way back home, to the lotus/margulis.
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tgmsunmontue · 4 months
You need to learn how to fall 4/10
Hangster (and IceMav) - Bradley is too tall to be a naval aviator and instead becomes a sky diver, specialising in spin recovery. He is a civilian contractor to the Air Force and Navy to teach pilots how to survive parachute spins from ejections. A more in-depth version of this post.
PROLOGUE 2003-2006 2007-2010
2011-2015 – The later years
                He’s approached about doing his doctorate and he does a double-take, reading through the email again. They’ll pay him a stipend, as well as his study costs, and his travel to a variety of free fall simulators around the world in order to carry out research. It seems too good to be true, so he reads through it carefully. And then again. It’s specifically for military freefall (MFF), which includes both high altitude low opening (HALO) and high altitude high opening (HAHO) operations. They’re versatile techniques used by Special Forces and Bradley is already familiar with the Free Fall Analysis and Simulation Tool (FAST). He’d be building on the work already undertaken, further developing understanding of dynamics of MFF and spin recovery.
                Holy shit.
                He prints it off the email and contract that came as an attachment and takes it to show Ice and Mav, wants them to look it over incase he’s missed something. Is quiet while they read through it, Ice reading over Mav’s shoulder.
                “Do you want to go back and study?”
                “I hadn’t thought about it to be honest. But this would be so cool…”
                “It’s not here, but sounds like they’re flexible around location. And would pay for your travel and accommodation. This is a very generous offer…” Ice says, and his eyes are narrowed and he looks suspicious; Bradley knows then that he’s going to find a catch. He knew it was going to be too good to be true.
                “Your name needs to stay on the research. Any papers they publish in the future, they need to reference you by your name, not the funder of the study. Add a clause that states until you have, say, twenty publications, you remain a key contributor.”
                Bradley hadn’t thought that was a big deal, but he shrugs, guesses Ice knows better than him.
                “That’s assuming you want to go into research and doing this for something other than just… for the fun of it?” Ice says, his tone shifting and Bradley realizes that he was maybe reading it as if he himself was going to do it and why would Ice want to be involved… It’s then that he realizes that he could potentially save lives with research. Knowing how to fall out of plane, work a chute, get out of a spin fast, land. Those are all skills that you can learn, that’s he’s learnt, is busy perfecting and practicing as much as he can.
                “Yeah. This would be great to do too.”
…             …             …
                Tom stares at the press release, the word CONFIDENTIAL stamped through as a watermark. His hands shake a little before he catches it and stills them. He can marry Maverick. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is being repealed. After tomorrow his proposal of a year and a half ago could actually mean a wedding. He doesn’t want a wedding, not really. What he wants is to be married to Pete, and not have his career suffer for it. Although he’s definitely decided to fuck off and leave the Navy if they have a problem with him and his life with Pete. There are some things more important than the Navy, and while it may have taken him a few years to realize it, his cancer had been a good reminder. He pushes back from his desk and goes to find the man in question, of course in the garage tinkering on the one bike Tom lets him keep at the house. If he didn’t place limits their place would resemble a junkyard.
                “I love you…” he says, and it’s quiet words and Pete immediately looks to him, grinning and abandoning whatever it is he’s working on, wiping his hands on a rag and stepping in close.
                “I love you too… what brought this on? Empty house?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, like Bradley being away somehow offers more freedom when he has a completely separate
                “Hmm,” he hums, noncommittal. “If we could get married tomorrow what would you want?”
                “Uh… what do you mean?”
                “Lots of people? Us in our dress whites? Flowers? Big sit-down meal?” Tom asks, thinking about the weddings he’s been to.
                “Uh… what? What’s wrong? Why are you asking me this? Ice? Tom…?”
                He realizes then that Pete thinks that maybe the cancer is back and he shakes his head.
                “I’m perfectly healthy, and I’ll prove it to you later. Just let me dream…”
                “What would you want?”
                “Just us and Bradley, maybe Slider and his family. Quiet and not a big fuss.”
                “Yeah, that sounds perfect.”
…             …             …
                His first time in a free fall simulator is fun for the novelty aspect. It’s nothing like actual skydiving but the amount of data they can collect is immense, and he gets to try out some risky moves he wouldn’t actually ever attempt in the air. It’s exhilarating when some of them pay off and sobering when they don’t. Working with people who find skydiving as exhilarating and as interesting as he does is a separate thrill and results in his first long-term serious relationship. She’s whip-crack smart, challenges his ideas and best of all she gets on with both Mav and Ice. When they end things after nearly three years they remain friends.
…             …             …
                Pete watches Bradley walk across the stage to accept his doctorate and claps until his hands are red and painful. Grins at Ice, brushes his fingers over the platinum band on Ice’s ring finger in his silent way of saying I love you.
                “Our son is a doctor of skydiving…”
                “No. He has a doctorate in physics. There is a difference.”
                “Doctor of skydiving sounds cooler…”
PROLOGUE TAKE 2 - 2016 onwards (NEXT PART)
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fuckmyskywalker · 4 months
18+ Dead dove do not eat. Eroguro. Blood. Suicide idealization. Implied dubcon.
Woah... Anakin?
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"Anakin… it hurts."
"Good. That's how it should be."
You try to fight, to push him away— but the pain numbs your arms. Anakin sinks the blade further, piercing your skin repeatedly.
"You said you'd die for me… didn't you?" He whispers, stroking your face. Something sick awakens in your chest mixed with the gushing blood, something— something twisted. "You did. You promised me."
He is right. You did. How could you be so cowards? If your love for Anakin is as true as you swore, then you shouldn't have a problem with all this... and being honest, you don't. Pain is momentary, his love will last forever. Anakin pulls the dagger out, yanking it and groaning under his breath in response to the wet noise of the blood pooling down your bodies. Your head is going dizzy, everything is spinning... and all you can think of is him. How everything goes blurry around him— as if the angels were casting a bright halo around the man you love with all your soul.
"Do it," He urges you, lifting your weak hand and helping you wrap your fingers around the handle of the knife. "Please— darling. Do it for me." He lets go, giving you the autonomy you never imagined existed.
Anakin's cold hands trace the skin of stomach, tracing the open wound and smearing the blood. You smile, you can read the utter happiness in his face… that's all you ever wanted
"Will I be alright?" Your trembling hands bring the tip of the blade closer to the side of your neck.
"Yes, I promise," Anakin nods, unfastening the belts and knots of your pants. "I love you."
"I love you."
Then everything disappears. Except Anakin.
He will always stay.
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larryatendoftheday · 5 months
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This year I craved stories that transported me somewhere else. So in addition to my usual weakness for angst, I sought out fics with surprising plots and excellent world-building. These were the ones that really stuck with me. Thank you to these creators and to everyone who shares art or writing or creates fic rec lists. You have been and will continue to be a fantastic gift to so many. Thank you <3
Note: The fics in this list were published in many different years. They are not in a particular order. The main pairing is Louis/Harry unless otherwise noted.
Party Lines by nonsensedarling @absoloutenonsense Explicit | 25k | Phone Sex Operator
Several of my all time favorite fics are phone sex operator AUs, and this fic is an iconic addition because Louis isn’t even actually a phone sex operator. He’s pretending, and he gets attached. Full of sexy, sweet, and funny dialogue and the appropriate amount of suffering and uncertainty, this fic will transport you to an excellent alternate universe.
War Of Hearts by BoosBabycakes @boosbabycakes28 Explicit | 80 k | Enemies to Lovers / Non-traditional ABO
I live for a well-executed enemies to lovers arc, and this is it. Believable, sweet, funny, angsty, and oh so satisfying to read. Alpha Harry doesn’t fit his gender’s stereotypes, especially in private. His arch-nemesis Louis knocks on his dorm-room door in the middle of a pampering self-care night and sees the side of Harry that he keeps hidden. What follows is a fantastic gAyBO story about repressing, exploring, and accepting your true self. There is a strong cast of OT5 and related people that keep you laughing and believing. Honestly, I need to re-read this right now.
Men of Steel, Men of Power by Stria (Asia117) @nooradeservedbetter Explicit | 58k | Political Revolution / ABO
Get ready to be absolutely consumed by this parallel universe and the angst-ridden reality of Louis, pretend alpha and head of security, and Harry, feminine alpha and new-hire. There is enjoyable intrigue, mystery, crying, sex, political philosophizing, and some spy movie shit as Louis attempts to right wrongs and push back against those in power. OT5 pop up in surprising and satisfying ways. However, perhaps most notable to me was the attention to detail in how Louis deals with pretending to be a gender he is not. (Perhaps don’t read while in your gender dysphoria feels but do read to feel seen.)
what's left of my halo's black by LiveLaughLoveLarry @loveislarryislove Explicit | 22k | Friends with Benefits / Angst
If you love pain, this fic is for you. A heartbroken and emotionally damaged Louis manages his problems—such as being a wedding planner and the impact of his abusive ex--by secretly fucking his coworker Harry. It turns out this doesn’t actually solve his problems, though, and new issues emerge from what was supposed to be a simple friends-with-benefits arrangement.
turn me up by turnyourankle  Explicit | 3k | Hanky Code PWP | Louis/Luke Malak
I found this while searching for @1dhankyfest content, and I love it. There’s something about unabashed gay sex culture that revives my soul.
Paint Me In A Million Dreams by green_feelings @greenfeelings Mature | 112k | Fake Dating / Enemies to Lovers
Hollywood actor Harry Styles is gutted when the man he can’t stand gets the Scorsese role he wanted. It gets worse when their teams conspire to set them up in a fake relationship to promote the film. I read this fic in the first days of 2023, so the details are a bit blurry in my memory. I know I loved the enemies to lovers arc, the strong Ziam subplot, and Harry obsessing over his unavailable crush (which isn’t Louis). In my comment, I wrote, “My heart absolutely ached with the pining and angst, and the sexual tension was so palpable.”
Gonna Dream of How You ... by therogueskimo Explicit | 4k | PWP / Canon-compliant
This canon-based fic was so steamy and tender. Photos of Louis performing in a tanktop get Harry going. What follows is some long-distance edging and fun. It features soft Dom Louis and desperate Harry and just really hits all the right notes in my opinion.
Almost Misheard by tommokat @tommokat Teen and Up | 4k | Friends to Lovers / ABO
This is a comfort fic. It’s got hilarious fluff about best friends who realize what their inner alpha and omega knew all along. (The rest of the gang might be in on the secret too.) I’m almost amazed by fics that manage to pull me in with believable characters and storylines without any angst, and this one delivers on every front. You’ll be grinning the whole time.
Coax the Cold by MediaWhore @mediawhorefics Mature | 86k | Mermaid / Historical AU
Professor Tomlinson is fascinated by the occult. When a circus advertises a unique sea creature, he decides to go undercover as a janitor to get close. He plans to write the paper that will finally prove he was right about the existence of fantastical creatures. This author expertly builds the world of this fic – 1800s Britain, academia, and freak shows. I loved the believable cast of characters (OT5 and more!) and the stakes that are set, including the horrid antagonists.
fondre ton absence by scrunchyharry @scrunchyharry Teen and Up| 41k | Amnesia / Historical AU
Harry and Louis childhood best friends who grew up and discovered love together in a quiet village. Harry manages asthma and chronic illness that often leaves him homebound with his books, but Louis always keeps him company. Their simple life is turned upside down when Louis is drafted in WWI and does not return home. Then, when Harry finally finds him, Louis doesn’t remember anything. This story was a tearjerker but so beautifully written. I adored that portions of the story were told in letters and that Harry often referred to literary works. Bonus: This fic has amazing visuals by whenthebodiesspeak.
be a good boy, Harry by stretchmybones Explicit | 1k | PWP / Pet play
Harry wants to play, but Louis is busy watching football, so he asks Harry to wait. I haven’t stopped thinking about this domestic and sexy little slice of life since I read it in January of 2023. My comment said “simple and perfect,” and I still agree.
The Heart's Home by homosociallyyours @homosociallyyours Teen and Up | 10k | Squiddry
Someone wrote the Music for a Sushi Restaurant fic of my dreams. Half-man, half-squid, with the voice of an angel, Harry is quite the catch. Louis, an exhausted and lonely restaurant employee, is tasked with keeping an eye on the special find. This story was so entertaining and sweet. It filled me up with good vibes and left me happier than I started.  
I always include my favorite fic that I published that year at the end of these lists. I didn’t publish much, but I really enjoyed this one.
In His Rightful Place by larryatendoftheday @larryatendoftheday Explicit | 2.7k | PWP
Harry reunites with Louis and gets to reclaim his role as the person who fucks his boyfriend best.
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markeronacomputer · 2 months
Abstracted Heart, Mind and Soul
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Art I kinda pushed out of an AU/concept that I need someone to write for me because I have too many WIPs.
I call this the “Abstraction AU” (unrelated to the Amazing Digital Circus, but does share some similarities), and here’s how it works:
The Basics
Inspired by Core Suppressions from Lobotomy Corporation
Basically, whenever one of the three undergoes extreme stress, they “Abstract” into one of these forms
The Headspace basically stops working the way it’s supposed to until the transformation is reversed: the way it’s affected depends on who’s Abstracting
The transformation only wears off once the side passes out: which sounds like it would result in a big boss fight or something
BUT, luckily for them, since Abstracting is basically letting out all your emotions and strength and fighting with all you’ve got, it is EXHAUSTING
so once it’s happened they’re typically not conscious for any more than an hour
Contrary to what you might guess at first, the side is still “themselves” while Abstracting: it’s just difficult to tell since the stress that causes the transformation also makes them act irrational and overly violent
Despite this, post-transformation, the side typically doesn’t have memories of what happened during the fight… until a few hours after waking up
It can happen to the same person more than once, but to Abstract for the first time you have to be pushed PARTICULARLY far
After that it gets a bit easier for it to happen again, like you’ve given into your inner monster
To further emphasise that, they all get “battle scars” from their first time Abstracting that stay with them for the rest of their lives
And to go into what the first time abstracting was like for each individual:
Abstraction is usually caused by intense stress.
While this is still true in Heart’s case, since being emotional is his job description, he needs to be pushed further than the others in order to Abstract
(because if that wasn’t the case, he would Abstract all the time)
Anyways, his first time probably came after days on end of extreme trauma
Specifically, trauma that neither Mind nor Soul did anything to try and stop
He likely Abstracted out of view from the others, and they didn’t even notice until Soul was like “wait why isn’t my trident working”
As Heart is… the heart of the Headspace, when he Abstracts, magic stops working there
His design was obviously based off of biblically accurate angels, as well as a Beholder from DND but without eyes so it would look like a heart
You’d think he’d be biased towards Mind while like that, but no- he goes after Soul.
He expected Mind to ignore him, but Soul? It’s his job to make sure things are alright with him, so why’d he just abandon him?
Even without the benefit of the Trident, though, I imagine Abstracted Heart wouldn’t be all too difficult for them to take down if they really tried their best, so he goes down rather quickly
After he wakes up, his head’s basically just in one big blur for a while until the memories start to come back
Then he just starts shaking and hugging them while constantly muttering apologies (even though he still has EVERY RIGHT to be mad)
”Battle scars” take the form of purple(-er) wings, fangs and a halo
Mind’s is a pretty different case
While his was also caused by days of repeated trauma, as Abstractions tend to be, his problem is that he kept trying to bottle it up and only started to show even the tiniest cracks just before the transformation
(after all, I don’t think they’d take a chance like that again after what happened with Heart)
He likely Abstracted right in front of Heart and Soul
His design was based off of UFOs, obviously, as well as a brain and spine. The eyelashes are meant to look like the sun’s rays
When he Abstracts, all laws of physics in the Headspace basically stop working and the place gets even weirder than normal
Despite having the advantage of Soul’s trident this time, taking him down is a lot harder since he’s metal: the key is to tire him out
When he wakes up after the fact, he’s even more of an asshole than usual, but mainly because he’s still tired and stressed
He gets all quiet once the memories start to come back to him though, like he feels bad about attacking them so violently but doesn’t really know how to express it
”Battle scars” take the form of rhombus-shaped pupils and back spikes
If you’re a time loop fan, then Soul Abstracting is typically what restarts the loop
He was designed to be the most humanoid to show that he was the closest to Whole, with three heads because… you know why
When he Abstracts, he fuses with his trident, the Headspace becomes black and white, and starts slowly to fall apart
Heart and Mind do not stand a CHANCE in this fight, hence why his Abstraction is inevitably what restarts the loop
However, if by some chance they lasted long enough for things to go back to normal, I imagine Soul would be… surprisingly nice after going back to normal
It’s like finally letting it all out made him calm down a bit. He’s still pretty awkward around them, but better than you might think
Even when the memories come back, sure he kinda shuts himself in for a bit and avoids talking about it, but he’s not as closed off as Mind is
Battle scars take the form of his right eye becoming normal (as in not identical to his left eye as seen in the art), and the left side of his face being covered in black (to match his face in his Abstracted form)
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maleyanderecafe · 7 months
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The Yandere Angel is obsessed with a good-natured succubus (Oneshot)
Created by: aironiro
Genre: Smut
This one was really difficult to word properly and I'm not really sure why. It's not because of the angel and demon words that I don't know it's just kind of weirdly translated. That might be on my end because I finished this one while I was still sick. Hopefully it makes enough sense that it's still enjoyable though, I did like the backstory that the yandere had in this one. It's pretty interesting. If you are interested in a sequel, please donate to kofi.com/lovesicktranslation to fund it.
The story starts out with Lilith being recognized by her fellow succubus, Meribel, who hasn't seen her since the French Revolution. Meribel talks about how there's a corrupted angel attacking people, including the reaper, Yvette. While talking, Meribel is threatened by Cyril, the corrupted angel she was talking about, and Lilith is able to shoo her away. We see that Cyril has been chasing after Lilith for a while, to the point of attacking other Reaper. Cyril asks to have sex with Lilith, which she accepts because she it's kind of her nature, but is basically overwhelmed by it, something that she is confused and horrified by as Cyril ravishes her body. She passes out and recalls her first encounter with him, having gone to an orphanage to corrupt a priest, only to meet Cyril as a child. Cyril seems to be bullied at the orphanage, and Lilith defends him from spirits that want to take his pure soul away. She talks to him a bit, about how she's actually quite fond of humans. She remarks that because his soul is so pure, he will likely become an angel, and that the two will never meet again, and that even if they did, she would eat him. Lilith ends up waking up at her human friend Akari's place after having passed out. She's worried that Cyril might attack Akari and gets a note from Cyril on where to meet. Cyril upon meeting Lilith again, apologizes for what he's done, and states that he wants to be corrupted so that he can be with Lilith again. The two have sex again, and apparently the reason why Lilith feels so good while having sex with Cyril is because it's a taste of true love (?) something that succubus don't taste as they usually charm the people they're targeting. After all that, Lilith takes a liking to Cyril, even planning to allow him to meet and sort of make sure that he doesn't cause any problems.
I'm not super used to oneshot yandere smut splitting up the actual sex part into two sections, but this one does do that and it kept on throwing me for a loop while I was translating. Personally, I think the idea of a succubus feeling intense pleasure when they are actually loved seems kind of stupid, since I feel like there are people who do fall in love at first sight, so a succubus should be used to that type of feeling, or at least have experienced it once before. The lore of the angels and devils aren't made that clear in this story, which might be because this is part of a second series, with the first one introducing Togo and Akari. I guess it doesn't really need to be because it's a smut, but it does leave a lot to be desired. The most interesting part for me is the backstory, since we do get to see how and why Cyril became so obsessed with tracking her down, even if there is seemingly a weird age gap between them since I believe Lilith would have been around 200 years old when meeting Cyril who died at age 14 according to the end profiles (which is never mentioned at all in the story but alright).
Cyril as a yandere is pretty obsessive, having basically ignored the orders of god so much that his halo and wings ended up getting corrupted just so that he could track down Lilith, and even ended up attacking and wounding Yvette (who supposedly is difficult to kill) and nearly hurting Meribel had Lilith not stepped into saving him. He also seemed to have kept his virginity up to this point. I mean I am sort of glad they have a reason to why Cyril a virgin is able to make Lilith a succubus feel good, but it's still pretty stupid in my opinion. I still don't really get why Lilith ends up keeping Cyril at the end, but I guess it's better than letting a yandere angel run around for a bit. Always cool to see a yandere angel though since that's not something you'd normally see in this scenario. Yandere demons seem to be more common and for good reason.
Anyways, hopefully you enjoy this oneshot. The artwork in it is pretty loose so I could get away with the cleaning easier. The fonts kind of irked me because the original Chinese I was basing it off of uses way too many different fonts.
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