#i have a whole backstory for them re: this video in my head
pencilscratchins · 1 year
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i have reached the part of the steddie hyperfixation where i make them domesticated men in their 50s. having a blast! (twitter) [ID in ALT text]
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b0bs0ndugnutt · 8 months
You're tags about early hiatus leading to calcified headcanons makes me think about why certain parts of the fandom are so against the idea of yang being butchier and cling to her beacon persona so hard. Odd to me beacon yang's whole thing was she was putting up a front to hide her insecurities, yet early fandom portrayed her as some femme fataleish fashionista that flirted with everyone and talked about her boobs nonstop. But even beacon yang was never like that, and now we have a yang that wears big butch boots and overalls and bomber jackets and likes to manspread and actually it's her gf that likes to get prettied up for their dates while yang watches with heart eyes from afar. Sorry for the essay, I just wonder why early fandom saw a show that telegraphed pretty well that it's about turning tropes on its head and decided "no I want the surface level version of these characters and any change or development that differs from it is bad"
I totally agree and ended up writing an essay in turn!
I think it’s especially annoying when fandom does that with Yang’s V1 “persona” in particular since (1) she got the least amount of development of the girls in V1 (we really don’t “meet” Yang til we get her backstory in Burning the Candle — hell we don’t even get an explanation of her semblance until Painting the Town) and (2) all the girls have grown and changed since we met them, so why are some folks SO stuck on early Yang? But I do think it taking so much longer to really “meet” Yang means there were huge chunks of time between the Yellow Trailer and V1 and then V1 and V2 where people filled her character in how they saw fit and have clung to that.
I think there are sort of two buckets. In the bad faith group are the weebs who saw big boobs and an empty vessel of a character they could project onto. To your point, the show told us from the get-go in her trailer and in her song that she was “more than meets the eye”, but the shonen-brained who are accustomed to fanservice and 2D female side characters saw Yang and assumed she was for Them (and feel betrayed that she isn’t and have made it everyone’s problem). I dont have a lot of patience for those types — they can go watch 99.9% of shonen anime if they want that (though I hope for their sake they expand their media diet…).
I have some more patience for the second bucket who just don’t really understand the lesbian experience and how it can be to re-contextualize your identity once you’ve figured yourself out. Because in some ways you only really “get it” if you’ve gone through it. Yang settling into herself is SO cool to me, because I was similar. In high school, I was pretty femme / assumed I was straight / etc. And even once I understood I liked girls, knowing your identity and integrating your identity are two different things. It’s so normal to me to see Yang “become” Yang as she has (from the way she dresses, her posture, the way she sits, her chivalry, etc) because I lived it. But I think it is lost on some people who just see her “dykeyness” as a retcon and not a development — so to them, I want to try to be patient because I realize what’s obvious to me comes from my lived experiences. (Again, the bad faith folks who wanted surface-level digestible anime waifus don’t get my patience here).
But to those coming at Yang in good faith, Yang coming into herself and getting more butch as time goes on (Yang was always going to be more than her first projection - they spelled it out) is no different than Weiss and Blake settling into their ‘true’ selves (and their color schemes have slowly come to match their aura/soul colors). It’s also a pretty common experience when sexuality is yet another thing piled on top of the identity crisis that is your late teens/early 20s.
I also find it a little silly that people glom onto V1 Yang as this flirty party girl because it’s not even supported by actual canon. Yang plays video games and is like a super-nerd about the table top game they play in V2, but none of those “I miss V1-3 Yang” types are like “why doesn’t she play video games and board games anymore? What a betrayal of her character”? Like why isn’t “gamer bro” Yang part of That fandom’s flanderization of her character? There’s more support in canon for that than her supposed puns…
Anyway, went off on a tangent there, but TLDR: Yang’s butch-ness is completely organic and part of her settling into herself, just as the other characters have settled into their true selves. I dont have time for the folks fueled by entitlement, but I can have time for the folks with empathy who might not have all the inputs to understand it but are willing to listen (and my inbox is open!).
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tanenigiri · 1 year
Episodes 6 and 7 of Our Dining Table have my favorite ever scenes in the manga (and that's not even considering that scene) so my opinion of the whole show was pretty much contingent on these two episodes.
And they knocked them out of the park.
(Stray thoughts and ramblings on Our Dining Table eps 6 and 7. Some light manga spoilers but nothing too revealing.)
Our Dining Table was one of the first manga I read, and by then I was very new to the concept of Christmas in Japan being a primarily romantic thing. So that whole scene about Minoru struggling to ask Yutaka about his Christmas plans flew over my head during my initial reading, but after re-reading it it made a lot more sense why Minoru was so on edge about it. I thought the show did this really well, and that added scene with Minoru and his manager in the ramen shop was a great way to contextualize it too.
We only see her for a single scene so let me just say: Ohata you will always be famous. (And her outfit looked so good??? We should've had a scene where Yutaka asked her for advice on which scarf to get.)
The whole "taking care of your sick loved one" trope is 50/50 for me as those scenes seem to be quite predictable, but I really like how Our Dining Table uses it as a catalyst for both Yutaka and Minoru to start truly opening up to each other. Sure, they've gotten very close over the past few months and I think both of them recognize by this point that their "friendship" is something special, but I found it very interesting that it's only by this scene - both in the manga and in the show - where they start digging deep into their issues and expressing why that friendship means a lot to them.
I've already said it in my previous two posts but it bears repeating: how they're handling Minoru's past in the show is such a step up from how it was in the manga. Minoru deciding to open up first so that Yutaka can be comfortable sharing his own past is so in-character and honestly makes that Christmas scene even more of a gut-punch than it already is.
And THEN we get that absolutely devastating scene with Tane and his dad, with the latter worrying about Yutaka dying. I feel like this scene was given a lot more weight in the show - mainly because I felt it gave the scene the space and time to play out - and I am still recovering from it. Very much a top 3 scene of the series for me.
(Also, shout out to the dad for getting the memo not once, but twice and letting Minoru get his much-deserved alone time with Yutaka. I'm sure he's making up for interrupting them in Episode 5.)
Cannot stress enough how fantastic the show's little plot additions have been, and the matching scarves as gifts is probably at the top of my list. I could go on and on about how it represents warmth and comfort and all that, but really I'm already screaming at the fact that they had the same idea on what to give each other.
I also want to point out how much I love that the very first shot of Episode 7 (after the opening credits) is Yutaka's dish rack with the washed bowl and utensils as it takes the viewer a second to realize that this was Minoru's doing. It's up there with the shoes in Episode 2 for me.
While I fell in love with the manga by like the first chapter, I think what cemented its grip on me was how they decided to gives us Yutaka's backstory in the style of Tane's drawings. That was definitely the scene I was most looking forward to in this entire series, and when I saw the Episode 7 preview at the end of Episode 6 with Yutaka just tearfully recounting his story to Minoru, I was worried that they were gonna do away with it. So you can imagine my reaction to not only seeing that Tane's drawings were kept, but that they also decided to animate a significant part of that backstory with the drawings. (All I'm gonna say is that I had to pause the video to calm down.)
Tane clinging to Yutaka like a koala was the best shot of the episode. It was a nice break from all the heavy emotions. And then Tane said sike and gave us that head patting scene and he really got us while our guard was down huh.
I really have nothing to say about the kiss as I'm not really a fan of dwelling on these kinds of scenes, but I will say that how understated it was fit with the tone of the show. If anything my only complaint was how I felt that scene was a bit dark (as in it lacked lighting haha not that it was grim).
Next episode is gonna be a rough and frustrating one I'm pretty sure, but I am curious on where they're gonna end it. There's one more scene I'm really looking forward to seeing but I think that's gonna come at like the finale.
I love this series so much. It's nothing flashy or groundbreaking but it takes pride in its simplicity and makes the most out of it. And I'm so glad more people are discovering it thanks to this show.
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Vampire patty vampire patty vampire patty vampire pa
Okay so all this is basically just my personal thoughts from knowledge osmosis of vampires in media, but I WILL say that some of this was particularly inspired by Thought Potato's video Vampire Biology Explained | The Science of Vampirism (not linking bc I don't know if links still bork stuff -- look it up if you wanna, it's a cool interpretation of vampires)
This once again became long, so read more time
A little backstory for her:
So Patty was not always a vampire -- she was attacked and turned when she was in medical school (haven't decided if by one vampire or a group), was found by someone else nearly bled out and promptly taken to a hospital. She was in a coma for a day or two, and when she woke up, she wasn't human anymore.
More importantly, she was hungry.
Patty sinks her teeth into the closet thing with blood in it before she can really register what's going on, whether it's living or dead -- and panics once she does, understandably!
She books it back to her shitty little apartment and just… takes some time to process.
It soon becomes very apparent to her that she can't just not drink blood, and so she changes her major from doctor to pathologist or however that works, idk I've never been to med school so she can be around a constant supply of it at all times without having to take it from a living person. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, or worse, force them to go what she's going through.
Also she's still kind of… alive? Maybe? Her heart's still beating and she has a pulse, but it's very slow. She doesn't know either and jokes about it on occasion ("technically I'm legally dead")
With that out of the way, I can now say whatever:
Patty covers up her bite scars with makeup. Does the same to the bodies she sucks the blood out of
In addition to the neck, other common biting spots are the shoulders, arms, and wrists
Patty uses both the top and bottom fangs when she feeds. It's more efficient!
Being short in this case is v advantageous because she can just hold an arm above her head and let the blood drain into her mouth lol
She has claws too :>
She can still eat normal food, but her body doesn't get much from doing so
Patty's fangs are decently sized, but not as big as Streber's; his fangs are obviously fake and meant to be goofy, while hers are real and fully capable of piercing skin. It works with their personalities too, since Streber is very showy while Patty is more reserved. Also if she had fangs his size she'd just constantly be tearing up her face mask lol
Speaking of, she has to be careful when putting it on, but otherwise putting a hole through the mask is rarely an issue for her
The sun will not kill her, but it will give her a bad sunburn real quick
Also in general vampires are not weak to garlic (that's just a myth), but humorously Patty is naturally allergic to it and hates the smell of it, so combined with her heightened Vampire Senses™ even just being around garlic will make her feel sick
Her reflection is visible in modern day mirrors and cameras, but she's invisible in older (re: made/backed with silver) ones
If she goes a while without drinking blood, Patty becomes tired and delirious, escalating until she's mindlessly biting into both the dead and the living in search of food
This is actually how John and Jack found out she was a vampire, unfortunately. It'd been a few days since Patty was able to feed (low bodies in the morgue + kept being interrupted), so when she was alone with John she bit into his shoulder without thinking
Don't worry, he's fine! It takes a lot of lost blood before someone is even at risk of becoming a vampire, and hearing John yell snapped Patty back into lucidity. She still feels bad about it
Semi-related, but you can't turn a corpse into a vampire, it has to be alive
John for his part forgave her after the whole "good God vampires are real" thing wore off. His shoulder hurt for a few days tho
Jack offered himself up as a blood donor in case Patty ever needed it, but she really doesn't want to risk anything. She's... considered it, however
She can turn into a bat!! She has no idea how and she's not going to question it
She can't talk while in bat mode however, and is limited to screeches and cute bat noises
Said this to you already but putting it here for posterity: while in bat form Patty will sometimes perch on John's and Jack's heads. Jack's flattop is the perfect spot to lay down while John's hair is very fluffy and cozy
Yes, there's actually a difference in taste between live and dead blood! It's kinda like pizza right out of the oven vs cold pizza straight from the fridge
Patty tried to suck Bob's blood out of morbid curiosity, but immediately spit it out bc it tasted like pure salt and sugar. She wonders how he didn't die from heart failure years ago
When she's off-shift Patty wears a scarf over her mouth to hide her fangs -- the exception to this is in October, of course -- and passes it off as her being cold
Which, she is; she's a vampire after all, her body's naturally cold to the touch. Her scrubs help mask it, and in addition to the scarf she always wears long sleeves
Specifically inspired by those scenarios where Dexter gets back in his body and just hangs around the morgue (love those btw), he'll kill things and give them to Patty so she has fresher blood to drink. She really appreciates it :> (yes I took this idea from @exist101, it's great okay-)
*jazz hands* here ya go 🧛‍♀️
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autopotion · 2 years
I love seeing you guys final fantasy tactics-posting omg :,) glad to see that people still love this game
Anon I will be super honest I had no idea that I had anon questions even on at all so when I went into my inbox this was a huge surprise LMAO. A pleasant one though. I'm not really a BNF or anything, I kinda keep a low profile, so this is extremely sweet.
But yeah!! I'm not sure if you're new here (re: to my blog) but I'll give you the backstory anyway. FFT was a foundational game to me growing up. It also is among the games introduced me to video games as a whole; I actually grew up watching my mom and sister play it, and then my brother and I played together when we were a little older. All of us cite it as among our favorites, if not our very favorite. FFT is also one of the few media properties from my childhood that I haven't grown out of. In many ways I feel like I grew into it, as the text is quite dense for a video game and a lot of the finer points and politics flew over my head as a child (not the least because I was playing the PSX version, which I adore, but that translation is not exactly known for its clarity).
I got my spouse @officecyborg to play it when we first started dating, and she liked it all right then, but it wasn't until I replayed War of the Lions about a year and a half ago that she really latched onto it, which was delightful to me as a long time FFT lover with no real place to channel my interest (most of my close circle of nerdy friends haven't played it, and my siblings like it for different reasons than I do). We got really into Delita/Ovelia, which was a delight for the teenager in me who had been obsessed with them (and I guess I still am lol), and I maintain that Zoe has The Best And Most Correct Delita opinions. (Ovelia is my favorite. (: )
Over the course of April/May last year we also wrote in a feverish haze what we lovingly refer to as "the manifesto," AKA a series of interconnected Delita/Ovelia vignettes that frames their tumultuous relationship in a way that we feel reflects what we like most about them. I've yet to read a fic that really captures what I love about their dynamic, though a small handful come very close, so it's been an exciting project. We put it away for a while to focus on other things, but have since returned to it to clean it up, and plan to slowly post it to AO3. One of our favorite scenes from "the manifesto" is already up, actually, since we liked it enough to post on its own, and wanted to present it to the world just in case we abandon the project for other endeavors. You can read it here, if you want. (My spouse and I usually focus on writing our own original fiction that we hope to post as a mixed-media web serial, so "the manifesto" is an unusual side project that we happen to hold very dear.)
Also, if you like my spouse's funny and insightful FFT posts, please go through her #tactics blogging tag for more wonderful gems.
And if you're looking for more people who talk about FFT, I would be super surprised if you hadn't poked around @corpsebrigadier's blog, who is I think hands-down the most steadfastly encouraging FFT fan when it comes to reading, distributing, and creating FFT fan content. Also their cakes look amazing. @adalheidis has also created some of my favorite FFT fanart ever, though Lou is more chiefly a Tactics Ogre fanartist if you're into Tactics Ogre too, and also just creates really stunning art regularly, especially original stuff.
But yeah. My blog name is an FFT reference (the Chemist reaction ability) and so is my video game aesthetics blog, @zeltenniacastle (though unfortunately FFT shows up on that blog quite rarely, as not a lot of folks gif it or make edits of it). It's a very important game to me and probably my favorite game of all time. I used to replay it every summer, and started switching between the PSX version and War of the Lions as a comparison. I don't talk about it all the time, but it's always lying in wait, waiting for me to re-hyperfixate on it, lol.
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Kraken !!! Who your fave character In Dead By Daylight? For design I’m stuck between scream ( I like that’s he’s cape floats if that makes sense XD ) or the oni🤔( he got a cool design lol ) but I’m scared of scream and michael myers since their both fast and you can’t hear them! 😱🌺anon ( also hope your doing ok dearie and drinking plenty of water UWU )
OH 🌺 Anon, this is a phenomenal ask! DBD is one of my favorite horror games and has been for a few years now! Personally, I prefer to play Killer. I love the power 😈 Plus, most of my favorite characters are in that bracket.
The ones you like are all amazing, you truly have immaculate taste~! Ghostie is an INCREDIBLE Killer (I mean, he’s an OG for a reason). Super scary when you’re the survivor and you’ve gotta survive against a good Ghostface. I totally get you about the cape! He’s got an amazing character design. Great aesthetics 🖤🔪🩸 I’ve been scared shitless more than a few times by Myers’ stealthiness. He’s genuinely terrifying at times, but it’s so cute when you’ve got a chill Micheal and they do funny shenanigans with you & your team around the map.
~*• For Killers •*~
Gosh, I am so in love with Pyramid Head, Nemesis, and the Oni. They are just such powerhouses on the field and those are my fav characters to play & see get played by others! It’s no secret that I’ve had a MASSIVE crush on P-Head for more than a few years now 😳 He’s just…the perfect man (monster?). Strong, stubborn, absolutely shredded, doesn’t talk back, could slice me in half…🥴 yeah, he’s the best. Same goes for Nemesis, HE IS A TOTAL BADASS! I am so glad they chose him from RE [Resident Evil] over any of the other threats. He’s a phenomenal killer. AND THE ONI! I love how menacing he is! My favorite hunk 💖 Honorable mentions are Demogorgon & Trickster!
I also love Huntress & the Hag! The Huntress is 100% mommy; best milkers on the field (second to P-Head). IDK what it is about the Hag, but her backstory is super interesting to me. She is one of the only Killers that is genuinely scary to me & I love it. Her muck just makes her all the creepier (and, ya know, the fact that she’s a gremlin cannibal LOL). Also SADOKA OMG 😱 She is hella scary. Like, I came close to pissing myself when I first saw her in action! I’ve loved the Ring for awhile, so it is AMAZING to see one of your fav horror antagonists as a playable character in a video game. Honorable mentions are Spirit, Nurse, Pig, & Plague!
If I was given the chance to ask the DBD team to add one killer & one survivor to the game, I would get on my hands and knees to plead Ripley & the Xenomorph are included. Alien is my favorite franchise of all time (I wrote for many months & got an A for a History research essay about feminism in the Alien movies. It is my fav series LOL) and I CANNOT THINK OF ANYTHING SCARIER THAN THAT XENOMORPH. It is my favorite Killer of any series in the whole world, IT WOULD BE THE BEST KILLER. PLUS RIPLEY? THE SMARTEST AND BEST PROTECTOR?? A.K.A MISS GORGEOUS & TALENTED SIGOURNEY WEAVER HERSELF??? The most badass woman in all of film history?! Yeah, she’d be a kickass survivor. No debate needed. And they could add a spaceship-like map & make it all spookie! How fun would that be?
~*• For Survivors •*~
Ummm there aren’t really too many that catch my eye like the hunters do. However! Some of my favs to play are Jane, Cheryl, Jill, & Feng! CAUSE THE WOMEN OF THAT GAME ARE LEAGUES BETTER THAN THE MEN! I said what I said because it is true, I am not wrong 😚💖
DBD is awesome! Thank you for asking about my opinions! Love you, and I hope you have a great day! 😘💖
With Love,
Kraken 🐙
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lucemferto · 3 years
I re-watched the recent Tommy and Wilbur stream to see if I missed anything and honestly Tommy and Phil's relationship is even more confusing now. I still don't really get how people can say that the two don't know each other at all??
Tommy seems like he wants to impress Phil, which isn't that new of a thing since he made a few remarks about wanting Phil's approval during the Hotel arc (I also remember something about Tommy wanting Phil to tech him to ride a bike lol). There's also him not destroying the Egg because it hadn't hurt Phil, Techno and Tubbo, him screaming for Phil while in prison,, there's probably a lot of other examples but you get the point.
And then there's Phil who has shown in the past that he cares about Tommy at least a little, with the whole Friendship Emerald, checking up on him and Techno, giving him diamonds for his hotel, etc. Even this stream gives us a bit more, since later after Tommy leaves Phil talks with Ranboo about how he wishes Tommy would mature a bit more. I dunno about y'all but I don't think people normally wish for some random child that they don't know to mature??
Anyways,,, I think its a bit weird (weird? not sure if that's the right word) that people are so very insistent that Tommy and Phil have no relationship. Is it because it could make him look like a shit dad? because if so, I hate to break it to you but mans literally murdered his son. Also Wilbur himself is a shit father and people still like him?? Idk
ooooo cc!Tommy and Phil you want to tell me how your characters know eachother ooooo
Yeah, it’s confusing from a character-perspective, definitely, but it’s also so expected.
I had hope that Tommy and Phil had something figured out for their relationship, especially in regards to what happened in Season 2, but in the back of my head I always expected them to just act like Tommy and Phil and not like the characters that went through the stuff they went through Tommy and Phil.
Like, Tommy’s modus operandi has always been to just play it like the streaming personas got dropped into this world and go full in on the intertext. He’s not gonna a do a backstory, where he feels the need to explain how he got here and how he knows everyone. His character’s not gonna join the amnesia-gang, if you catch my drift. They didn’t do that in Season 1 and Tommy’s still in that Season 1 “mode”.
And Phil just generally - based on his stream with Fundy - seems to kinda move away from where Season 2 drew the hard faction-lines; or at the very least softening stuff up. I don’t see him as the type of roleplayer, who’s like “Tommy! Why are you so friendly; we’re basically strangers. I just know you as the child that Wilbur collected one day”
Like I said in my video, he goes with the flow. If Tommy leans into the Season 1-way of character relationships then Phil is gonna go with him.
It really makes the characters weird, because their relationship essentially existed in a vacuum throughout Season 2. They have been completely unaffected by what their respective storylines implied about each other in a way.
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go-ldy · 3 years
Riverdale 5x01
Hello from Canada where Riverdale comes to me a day later. Here are my belated thoughts on the premiere!
The episode was enjoyable  but also weirdly anti-climatic? I think it’s because we have spent about 10 months speculating on the emotional fallout from 4x17 and the ramifications seemed so huge and massive and then onscreen, it was kind of like.... oh. But also of course it was. Riverdale has never been a show about huge emotional ramifications (aside from a few exceptions).
Varchie got much of the heavy emotional lifting and Cami was heartbreaking. And also completely gorgeous? Each scene she was in this episode was a look. Her singing Carry the Torch was painful but I am obsessed with the dress she was wearing, what a babe.
Veronica’s dedication to Archie and continuing to be Riverdale’s Best Girlfriend was just :(((((((( baby, come into my arms :((((((((
I still dunno if I really understand where Archie’s head is at re: Betty. It felt true to character that he would want to come to clean to Veronica about what happened. But is he feeling guilty because he loves Veronica and regretting what happened with Betty? Is he still feeling torn or confused about his feelings? Did he use Betty as a crutch or an excuse to keep from, in his mind, holding Veronica back? All three?
Betty’s look in Archie’s direction during Carry the Torch was so funny/awk, it was the look of someone who was like: “YOU JUST LEFT THIS LYING AROUND YOU FOOL.” the whole situation is awful but also, nobody throws a dirty look like B. Cooper.
Veronica was way more mature and understanding in the circumstances than I would be, and while it tracks, I also would not mind seeing her get mad? Girl, you can be mad about this.
I know that Hiram is overplayed, but  Mark Consuelos is such a delight. He just KNOWS what show he is on, you know? Him asking Archie to be deputy mayor (LMAOOOOOOOO WHAT) followed up by him lurking in shadows at the end and plotting Archie’s demise was incredible, A+ acting. 
lmao @ the Navy having one spot left and deciding the only way to determine who gets it is a boxing match between two teenagers. That’s how that works!!
Archie and that KO guy from Katy Keene having a sleepover and talking about their “girls” while Archie stared guiltily into space was so fucking funny. Normal teenage boy stuff, Riverdale nails it again.
To the surprise of nobody, Toni’s much promised “backstory” was very much “oh okay.” This Nana we have literally never met before or knew Toni had any connection with suddenly has the power to break up Choni because she hates Blossoms? Fine.
Bughead were such a delight in this episode!  Choni and Varchie are having these big emotional scenes and Bughead were delighting in making a snuff film lmao. Which got them NOTHING in the end! But boy did they have fun doing it, these absolute insufferable weirdos.
I loved that Betty had her father’s serial killer conditioning video in her back pocket in case the snuff film was revealed as a fake. Ruthless Betty Cooper is one of my favourites. Please come again any time, my love and light of my life.
The return of Jughead punching people because Betty. :))))))))))) A delight!!
Betty’s prom dress was indecent. I loved it.
I wanted more Betty and Jughead slow dancing and nuzzling each other at prom, how very dare the auteur take this from me, rude.
It did make me laugh that despite all the “adult” chaperones at prom, Betty and Jughead were the only ones who thought to take steps to stop the auteur’s snuff prom video. Typical adults of Riverdale stuff I guess.
I love that Riverdale, a town of a population of what? 15,000? 20,000?? is apparently big enough to have this entire underground rave/snuff film culture. Okay! Cool!! 
Are we buying JB’s excuse that she just happened to get invited to a snuff film rave or.....? 
Whoever re-created the Mr. Honey murder needed to have access to Jughead’s Killing Mr. Honey story which is... a small handful of people. And the auteur is probably not Alice.
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prettywarriors · 3 years
Fate The Winx Commentary
Good morning internet! Today is the drop of Winx: Riverdale edition! I sure hope you're ready for my aggressive and unnecessary commentary, because it is coming for you either way!
The netflix landing page lets us know:
Fate The Winx Saga
6 episodes, 48-53 minutes each
"Genres: Fantasy TV Shows, Teen TV Shows, Italian TV Shows"
"This show is: Emotional"
As mentioned elsewhere, my Winx knowledge is limited, so I will be coming into this fairly fresh and will try to be unbiased. As I have seen trailers, the keyword here is Try.
Episode 1
'To the Waters and the Wild'
CW: Animal Death, Swears, Implied Child Death, Blood, Implied Teen Sex, Burns, Weed, Fatphobia, Whatever the term pussie falls under
Episode 1 TL;DR: We meet everyone, learn their dynamics, have the basics of the magic system beat into us, meet our monsters, and name drop Harry Potter. Standard first episode stuff.
I do want it on record before we start that I got about halfway into the first season of Riverdale, and the first season of Netflix Sabrina. They were, well, bland and boring imo? I did get through a few seasons of Teen Wolf, but that's because it was capable of Fun and Jokes. My current expectations are a few unintentionally funny lines, maybe some almost decent magic effects, and because it's 2021, one whole gay character (I did hear one of the boys (there are boys?) is bi, but also an asshole so I'm hoping for some wlw)
TV-MA LANGUAGE AND SMOKING OH FUCKING BOY Almost full moon (waxing) in opening shot- I Will be tracking moon inconsistencies if it keeps showing up that is a pet peeve but hey look a bunch of sheep That's a good start (it's ominous though. don't hurt the sheep) Swears count: Feckin' 2 Mystical portal barrier. Oh yeah s5 of the magicians is on netflix now WELP THOSE ARE SHEEP GUTS RIGHT OUT THE GATE HUH For CW it's up a tree, and the dripping blood is a good warning of what's about to be seen :( oh and then the man who was looking for the sheep dies offscreen save for a spray of blood. THIS ISN'T YOUR CHILD'S WINX CLUB it seems to say. I assume. How much blood was in the original winx because this is already at least a full cup. (Also the monster noises for whatever was chasing the man (werewolf it was a werewolf trailers are bad guys) were not very good)
Opening credit scene is 5-6 different blooming elemental wings. They're pretty, but it's unclear if the last one is secret 6th member wings (because the second to last ones are fire which is the main character's element right?) so maybe we'll get a late 6th addition? (I am in I.T. please give me the most relatable character you cowards)
KIDS IN THE CORNER BY AMBER VAN DAY PLAYING I like where they shot this but that might just be european woods pretty. The opening location was nice and mossy save for the sheep blood Fancy big stone school establishing shots (it's nice, and huge) and we land on a red head who seems less than pleased to be here Courtyard shot of... whatever the name of the replacment plant girl is, holding a tray of various potted plants for an older man (father? first day of school send off maybe?) Aisha(?) walks by, not talking to anyone, Stella(?) is taking Magical!Selfies with at least 3 other girls, Musa(?) has a suitcase and headphones and smiles at a passing girl Oh boy a boy with a pocketknife doing little tricks with it! Nothing says edgy like an actual knife edge. Gonna take this moment to point out I have some level of face blindness and while the girls all look fairly different from one another, if there is more than one tall blonde white boy as I fear there may be, I WILL NOT be able to tell them apart. Not through maliciousness, just general incompetence, so anything I say about the boy characters (I want to say they're the knights to the girl's faeries? is that right? this whole thing smacks of gender) should be taken with a heap of salt I've come to accept tv just. displaying text messages on screen as a storytelling method. It's never my favorite but it just Is a modern story element. Also Bloom needs to meet stella at the alfea gates Alfea I presume is the school- does the name mean something? It sure feels like the word elf and therefore fae but I don't feel like googling anything this early in Oh look two more blondish tall white boys. Pocketknife was wearing something else i think, one guy has a brown jacket and pink shirt (bad combo), the other looks old even by tv highschool/college standards and his jacket has a jock vibe. Jock jacket also has an earring? Is this the bi character who is an asshole? From this one second of him, only in profile, I will assume yes, he is an asshole I like Bloom's backpack Pink shirt looks at Bloom from across the quad. I am already tired of this romance Cool he walks up to someone he has identified as lost, and is 'impressed with [her] confidence in the face of complete ignorance' COMING OUT OF THE GATE WITH A NEGG HUH PINKY He even states he wasn't offering help Then Why Are You Talking To Her Jackass Subs are going with the fairy spelling, and Bloom confirms she is a fairy and we confirm this is College. Unless this is a european thing where they call schools different things. I think that's just for public and private? And maybe just england? I'm American all they teach us is 1492-ww1 over and over for like. 10 years sorry Rest of the World 'What Realm are you from?' 'California' Speaking of ameri-centric, I'm gonna Guess that original Winx, the italian cartoon, didn't have their main character be from cali usa? I am presuming this is a side effect of making this property for a more global distribution than I'm guessing winx was originally conceived as back in the early 00s The Otherworld. I assume this is the fairy realm and whatnot? And the magic school. Seems to be located behind a magical barrier in the earth realm?? If that's right it seems weird if basically everyone who goes to the school is from the otherworld Pinky doubles down on his rudeness but in a Fun and Cute way because :/ and the Specialist hall is Very Pretty, oh and there's a fairy hall. Are specialists the boy...things? magi knights? bros of the blade? guys who wear those 'here come a special boy' sneakers from that one comic? Stella sees this conversation which is great because they drop the term mansplain. why would otherworlders know that term even??? Edgey(?) sees Pinky and they hug it out Stella knows Americans are the type to wander off so I guess there's a lot of inter-world connections?
Miss Dowling- is this teacher going to be like the pedo in riverdale who got *checks notes* killed off by one of multiple serial killers later on? Dowling is the headmistress, gotta keep the otherworld a secret from earthers, time and place for portal making. all standard fantasy stuff so far, nothing to make this stand out Stella has a gateway ring, and frankly isn't too nice? all the backgrounders clothing is Bland and very normal 7 realms of the otherworld, Solaria is where Alfea is, i like magic globe Incase you forgot this was a modern tale, people update their insta stories here. 'I was kindof bummed I didn't see a single pair of wings' YOU AND ME BOTH BLOOM 'We had wings in the past, transformation was lost, tinkerbell was an air fairy' This is either a cop out for your glittery cowardice, or a set up for the main girls re-finding transformation magic later. I did like the Tink bit Bloom is a fire fairy and the subtext of this conversation is that bloom's magic did Something bad. I hope it was burn down her old school's gym a la buffy movie I like miss Dowling but in the I wouldn't Be Surprised if you turned out to be Evil way, and I guess Alfea is a very privileged upper crust school. What types of college do normal fairies go to then huh? damn privileged fairies 'our students have gone on to do amazing things like re-discover long lost magics' We Get It. You will give me Wings, but Only If I'm Patient Dowling throws a jab at Bloom about power control, but I like her necklace so It's Fine
Bloom video calls her parents while unpacking in the dorm, which may have come pre-fit with a heck ton of board games? Love it. Or new plant girl brought them along with her many plants Stella has a fancy mirror and lots of jewelry and fashion photos and makeup, Musa has a laptop and apparently not much else, gotta get those establishing personalities down I guess 'Ladies of the Flies honey don't be sexist' Bloom's dad for feminist of the year (these jokes are bad but i guess we can call it a dad joke as justification) Asiha gives Bloom a look and saves her from the call with her parents- yay friendship step one achieved Blooms parents think she's in the alps because magic secrets and what not Aisha asks bloom if she's never read harry potter and I guess Bloom is a potterhead (that's the term right?). Is this self awareness that all magical school fantasy series have the same basic bricks?  Bloom is a ravenclaw sometimes slytherin, Aisha is a Gryffindor Stella is changing because she's the fashion one and has a fun pastel rainbow skirt, and uses magic to make a real aggressive lamp. She's also a mentor (maybe older than the others by a bit?) I am assuming Stella here is something along the lines of a diplomats daughter the way she talks about appearances. She better get down and dirty later on to show her growth about how some things are more important than looks yada yada Fairy magic powered by strong emotions, i am waiting for bloom's backstory to be movie x-men rogue style tragedy Terra! Which. Of course is the Plant Fairy's name. Stella is a little mean to her about the plants and she takes it with a smile and some subtle snark back using classic literature Oh that's fun Terra points out the name-plant thing, and name drops her cousin Flora. That's. The one they replaced with Terra right? Terra's dad works in the greenhouse at the school which explains earlier (and her mum is named rose) Stella is indeed a second year and Musa's eyes change for. Lie detecting magic? and loves her headphones (Overstimulation?) Aisha wants somewhere to swim and we cut to a 'pond' by specialist training. Assuming she wants to sim because she's a water fairy, why Don't they have a pool? also this pond looks. Unpleasant for swimming
Girl specialist! Does that mean we have boy fairies? Boys. Fighting. Talking about girls. All gingers are nuts. Thanks edgelord AMAZING SHAGS THOUGH 'I didn't realize your hand was a red-head' it's not truly edge if we don't talk about sex every 10 minutes Subtitles earlier only said boy 1 boy 2 but now pinky or edgy is Riv Edgy smokes weed, and pinky is a big brother figure to him, and the head? of the special boys doesn't like edgy. Me neither older guy Bit of swordplay, more girls, every specialist has black training outfits, very military Pinky is Sky who is son of Guy of Place. an important lad. without context this is meaningless to me There's a giggly boy who laughs at the idea of a war in the future and gets a talking to. I suspect this boy will be re-occurring enough to die- he has those tertiary character elements with his intro and such (and he's black so I am prepared for your standard racist murder choices) Burned Ones exist outside the barrier, which makes me wonder if dead shepard was in the otherworld? There was nothing establishing that he was in any type of Other place but :/ Oh look edgey is having a smoke cross the barrier while we learn about the creatures that live beyond it. Time to find out these creatures no one young has ever seen are still kicking Specialist leader had to kill his own pa after a burned one got him. They also. Used a shotgun when trying to fight it. Do specialists even have powers or are they just good with weapons? Edgey finds the shepards corpse. Mostly blood 'it's been 16 years since the last sighting' 'Rosalind killed all the burned ones' ahh magical creature genocide hey when is abarat 4 coming out. and is rosalind hot?
School, gossip, Aisha and Musa are snarking at Tera for thinking the guy died of natural causes because we need to have these characters not actually like each other to make it stand out when they do Aisha talks about how she eats a lot and if she didn't swim she'd be massive and we cut to the plus sized tera looking uncomfortable are we really doing this? Tera points out that Musa was ignoring her earlier and it's all just uncomfortable and not great character conflict (but I thought I saw Musa holding an honest to god ipod? it's blue but it could be a phone case. Her hand is in the way) tera and dad interaction is nice, i'm also convinced they couldn't afford more than 3 magic adults
Girl with braids and metal in her hair! There were witches in winx right? Like 3 minor antagonist girls? I assume this is one of them. Because she has alternative fashion and is therefore evil /s Beatrix. Names in this series leave something to be desired (that something is subtly. I get it, they're carry overs from a series for a younger audience, she-ra had the same issue, but i can still poke fun) Swear count: Arsehole 2 Bollocks 1 Shit 1 She's a weird ass kissing with clearly ulterior motives
Bloom is Studying and her notebook is just FAIRY MAGIC POWER = EMOTIONS LOVE FEAR? HARTED? FIRE FAIRY CONTROL? in case you weren't paying attention Oh a flashback already to the magic triggering event? Her mother had pointed out she's an introvert, and past!Bloom doesn't Party. She goes Antiquing and is a Weird Loner (her 'basic bitch' of a mom's words) Swear count: Bitch 1 Bad daughter count: 1 Bad mother count: 1 Magic glowy eyes for Bloom: 1
Bloom Hates Parties and asks Pinky I mean Sky where she can be Away from People and he fears he'll be Mansplaing to her to. vague that it's dangerous outside instead of saying 'hey there's monsters and someone was just killed by possible one of them stay in the barrier' Stella wants to talk to Sky because they have History. I did hear there was a love triangle between these three. I am bored and everyone at this party is a nosey bitch who is watching their tense conversation. Also Something? Happens when Stella gets upset [mystical warbling] Random magic effects in the (very pretty) forest Bloom is trying to practice her magic on her own, and to do that she's gotta look at sad teen pics. And look, her burnt bedroom from her first power usage The fire magic is pretty good. I think fire is like. the opposite of water when it comes to cg where it almost always looks pretty good, while I swear i've seen the actual ocean look like a shitty render Magic out of control, bloom can't control her emotions, Aisha can stop her with water magic which makes some nice steam Bloom is angry at aisha for saving her. So far 3 of the 5 girls are abrasive at best remember when people made characters likeable? Swear count: Shit 1 (but it doubles as the literal meaning because of flooded toilets) Swear count: Bitch 1 Ass 1 Taking away your teen's door is. Really shitty. Not almost burn down your house worthy but damn cheerleader mom I do not understand sleep shirts with buttons. That seems painful if you lie the wrong way? Her mom was seriously burnt by first magic usage that's a backstory Shit count +1 Main character aspect time: dormant fairy blood line? awfully strong magic for that. baby who died day after it was born and now she's here? ...I was going to say changeling thanks aisha A Barbaric practice loving hints at long term world lore Hell is a bad word for kids!! Cutting to headmistress and her secret passage after finding out bloom is secret pureblood? this really is a harry potter thing
edgelord offers giggly some booze, and says pussies twice because he's Edgey and does peer pressure Tera calls him out and knows he's a sad nerd in disguise not a 'badass' and he says she's 'three people in disguise' because fatphobia shit +1 arehole +1 tera. chokes out edgelord with a vine because she's had enough of this shit. good for her edgelord is Riv, and he lived
OBLIGATORY GOOGLE SEARCH FOR THE TERM CHANGELING REMEMBER BELLA'S VAMPIRE GOOGLE GOD I LOVE TEEN FANTASY AND THEIR INSTANCE ON GOOGLING COMMON FANTASY TERMS OH hey the lamp bloom brought with her is the one she was fixing at home that's a nice touch Stella bonds with Bloom about homesickness, and the takes a selfie Musa is a mind fairy. So she. Is a telepath with purple eye magic? Oh there's types of 'connections' Memory, thought (others but i am cut off from the lore) Stella did Something to someone who Talked To Her Man last year and now lent Bloom her teleportation ring to send her some because miss mentor really cares more about her shitty man then helping the girls she's in charge of First World- earth Old Cemetery? Very Sexy. and bloom sweetie don't leave a mystical gateway open, and how will you explain to your parents how you're back so fast Wait she's only 16? SO this really is some european college where that's a funny way of saying High School Fire guilt, bad feelings about life shattering revelations, better connection with mother. I gotta say I have low expectations of this show carrying the family connection through the rest of this. That conversation felt more like a Hey We Made These Movements Onto Other Stuff Now
Lighting choices are interesting, with green, orange and purple for creepy warehouse. THE Creepy Warehouse where she would sleep without her parent's knowledge wow right that GIRL DROPS THE DAMN RING AT THE FIRST SIGN OF burned one looked more alien than werewolf-y here Decent Horror movie looks, and dude stole her ring. Rude. Saved by the headmistress, and tera/aisha/musa are here to great her Stella can't be here though because she has to greet a half naked freshly showered sky because life is suffering and producers insist people like to see teens half naked (who. Who?) shit +1 and she dumped him. pity part of one and using it to try to get your bone on. HEY A SONG I KNOW. IT'S WHATSITCALLED FROM THE BAYONETTA COMMERCIALS WAY BACK WHEN. in for the kill la roux. I do wish netflix would either commit to telling you what song was playing or didn't tell you at all
Riv offers Beatrix a hit from his joint because what Is a Bad Kid hasn't changed in like 70 years Blowing pot smoke into someone's mouth isn't as sexy as ya'll seem to think it is Musa has cute sleep socks with little pom poms, and I love Tera's floral jammies Tera offers a bluetooth speaker so they can listen to music together Musa also calls out Tera's fake happiness this is the good shit character interaction i live for Musa Empath Mind Fairy 'somber indie music'
If you kill a burned one in the human world Something? Extra bad happens? So the headmistress knows Bloom's a changeling, and ohhh that's the last time a burned one was spotted. Is Rosalind the famed Monster Slayer the birth mother of Bloom? Tera text flirts with Giggly who IS NAMED DANE and has a thing for. Sky? Riv? I told you these boys all look the same to me so if it's a half naked pic on fairy insta i'm out of context clues. Crymeariv is the insta name that answers that. Is this the slow burn enemies to lover mlm i can't finish this sentence i don't care riv is a dick Stella and Sky are in a bed and she doesn't seem to have a top on so Implied sexy times? MYSTERIOUS HOODED AND ROBED FIGURE CROSSES THROUGH THE BARRIAR AND SHOOTS THE BURNED ONE WITH LIGHTNING MAGIC OH IT'S beatrix
alt-J – Adeline as an ending song
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vegalocity · 3 years
What would happen if Syntax actually did get cured of the venom? Would he still want to hang around Huntsman and Goliath or would he Think 'huh. Maybe having the people who KIDNAPPED ME around me and my family Probably isn't the best idea.' - Pixel Anon
Uhhhhhhhhhhh yeah I think the answer is Not Good Things Will Happen. I think the answer is ‘Y’all are down an integral clan member hope you didn’t have any plans that hinged on technology or science in general right now.’
Honestly I think you don’t even need to throw Minyi and Xiuying into that equation to make that the answer. Even if you assume Syntax was essentially just alone in the world before spiderfication if he got the spider limbs pulled off and the venom drained from his system, no matter WHAT his Backstory is i think he’d just book it, he’d be OUTTA THERE he is GONE. He’s running before the purple has fully faded from his skin.
And when you THROW IN the ladies, then… well even more so. He’s got Minyi in one arm, a duffel bag in the other and loading into the gd car headed for Xiuying’s cabin to lay low for awhile.
(this gets long so it's under the cut)
Like, most people like to assume that there was a sort of… adjustment period when he had just been spiderfied, usually the flavor of ‘someone (usually Huntsman) reminding him of how he is at his base a human, not a spider, not one of them, and the second he stops being useful is the second he’s only good for how he’ll taste’ and even if he wasn’t afraid of whoever it was in the moment, confident in his ability to manuver extra limbs that aren’t there anymore and speed that wasn’t there either, all the physical additions that being a Spider Demon had are suddenly gone and that threat about being the next meal for the clan suddenly feels a lot more real. Even IF the others had actually grown attached to him and Minyi and even Xiuying, the fact of the matter is if these people decided to kill them all he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.
Something I could see having kind of a ‘disney channel cartoon’ resolution in this setup is a thing idk if i’ve mentioned before involving Minyi or not. Bc Minyi, as i know i have mentioned, fucking HATES Spider Queen, and at first for awhile there she was very vocal about it, she hated that her dad was working for her, she hated that he wanted her approval, and most of all she hated that whenever she’d say any of that to him, he’d just sort of… not listen.
Even when even Minyi knows what she’s talking about is silly or irrational, she never really feels like Daddy isn’t listening. Even when she’s wrong and he has to explain to her what it was that was wrong, she still felt like he was listening to her as she talked. But not this. Never this. Minyi’s an observant child, her plotline hinges on it, so she knows when Adults tune her out, she knows when she’s being condescended to. And when Daddy tells her that of course he wants to stay Loyal to Spider Queen and she’s Really Cool Actually she can tell he wasn’t listening to a word she’d actually said. Because he never mentions forgiving her for stealing him, or that he knows it might look like she pushes him around but he knows he’s always in control of the situation, or anything that would actually ANSWER her questions or settle her worries. She just… might as well have stomped her foot and yelled like she was half her age.
And now that his head is clear he can look back on that and be… embarrassed? guilty? His daughter was warning him that whole time out of honest fear and concern that she only barely had the vocabulary and emotional complexity to understand And he brushed her off as if it was nothing. And to rub some salt into it now that his head is clear and the unrelenting force of the Spider demanding subserviance to the Queen is gone it’s obvious that his fucking six year old was right about his ‘boss’ being bad news. So of course he figures he owes Minyi an apology, but Minyi’s just happy that he’s listening to her again so it’s all okay in the end.
And if this is the Cyberhunt timeline then can I get an F in the chat for Huntsman? Bc he ain’t even getting a breakup scene, i don’t think he’d even get a letter outside of the ‘I’m leaving the clan and leaving the city with my family. Don’t try to find us’ that goes out to all of the clan (maybe even still implying that Syntax DOES still have that Spider amplification in him so it’s not just a flimsy ‘stay away’ from an equally flimsy human)
I could see Syntax as being pretty mad at himself for letting the relationship happen at all in that context. Like yeah, his brain was all scrambled up and he can’t ACTUALLY be held accountable for decisions made with the fact that he wasn’t really in his right mind for the whole thing, but it still happened. But now it’s over, and- and it was just some echo of venom that hadn’t quite metabolized yet that left a bitter taste in his mouth to acknowledge that those people weren’t really friends, that he wasn’t really-... His brain is still re-adjusting, he’ll be fine in time.
Minyi I don't think would quite get certain parts about this, in her mind, the big boss is always the bad guy and the other people around are just as scared of the big boss as the person they’re bullying. So to her only Spider Queen was the bad guy. So when Daddy turned back to normal and said that they weren’t safe from the bad guys anymore and needed to go stay at Auntie Xiuying’s cabin for awhile she’d thought that Uncle Huntsman and Uncle Goliath hadn’t come along simply because Uncle Goliath didn’t fit in the car. That they’d catch up with them soon. Because surely, they’d ALL be running away from the REAL bad guy together.
So, she figures they must have gotten lost and had to head back home. Thats not good, surely that means she needs to help them find their way here like how she helped Daddy find his way home. Auntie and Daddy were both too scared of Spider Queen finding them to contact her uncles, but Minyi knew how to evade that!
She knows Uncle Huntsman likes to hang out at their apartment because he loves Daddy (she’ll keep that to herself for now, grownups don’t believe in happily ever afters) so if she mails a letter to the apartment he might find it when he eventually comes over.
She knows Uncle Huntsman doesn’t like puzzles, but he’s good with them when its something important. So she makes a cipher and writes the letter in it, copies down the decoder, and chops it up into distinct shapes, seals it all up in a letter closes the envelope with a sticker on it, and slips it into the mailbox.
Eventually Huntsman does find the letter, written in childish scrawl, the puzzle to decode the letter, and the knowledge that theres only one child on this entire damn continent that would be this obnoxiously enigmatic about sending a fucking letter.
But whatever, he wasn’t gonna do anything except sit in the apartment surrounded by things left behind and feel sorry for himself--er, that is, scavenge for anything that could be used by the Queen and take advantage of the internal heating. So he may as well do something. So he puts together the decoder, she’d just sliced it into fourths. Then translated the letter.
“Hi Uncle Huntsman! If you’re reading this that means you unlocked my letter! Yay! I knew you could! So I know you and Uncle Goliath want to leave the bad lady’s clan too and I know you’re only not here because you guys got lost.” and she just… gave them the coordinates for the place her family was hiding away. (not REALLY hiding, it wouldn’t have taken much to track down the cabin’s whereabouts through Xiuying, but the secluded nature of the cabin may as well have been)
I guess… the way the story ends depends on how you want it to end. Because Huntsman has three options, but really only two. Does he accept defeat and burn the letter, or does he do something with the information he now has? Either way he’d be betraying the queen, but he doesn’t have it in him to turn in the coordinates of their lost clan member and his family. Not this time.
There’s this youtuber i like called Breadsword, he does movie analysis, and in his video about Millenium Actress he says something along the lines of ‘My favorite moment in a romance is somewhere in the last ten minutes, after we’ve followed our characters through the buildup, payoff, and premature destruction of what they had, as they go their separate ways and come to the conclusion that it wasn’t meant to last, one rejects it and takes flight in pursuit of the other... our dreams and our love are the only things truly worth running in the name of.
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loopy777 · 3 years
RE: WIPs game: do I even want to know what Dicebenders is is it another scam how many times are the Gaang gonna get arrested for scamming
No, this time it's me scamming people. XD The dice in question are the RPG Dungeons & Dragons kind.
For a while I was doing a screencap webcomic in the style of "DM of the Rings" and "Darths & Droids" with another creative fan named Captain Boomerang. I was the scriptwriter and selected the screenshots for each panel, and Capt-BA would assemble the comics and improve my scripts (a process that did frustrate me a little, as I felt locked out of the revision process, but I did like the results. I just felt like I wasn't holding up my end of the partnership a bit). I wrote a story bible explaining the characters and storytelling rules, planned out the adaptation of the entire AtLA premiere, and had less detailed plans for the rest of the series, but we only got 6 comics in before Capt-BA went on a trip and never returned to the internet. I did manage to re-establish contact with her long enough to get permission to continue the comic, but the problem is that I have no image-editing skills whatsoever.
If I could find comic-making software that I know would do what I want and be easy to use, I wouldn't mind dropping some money on it, but everything I've looked at is trying to do lots of things I don't need. I only want a way to import existing pictures into comic grids, and then easily add dialogue bubbles. That's it. But the stuff I've found is more about image-editing than comic assembly, and it takes me an hour to put together a dialogue bubble that looks good. So I have 3 scripts that were never produced, which along with the planning docs are what's in that WIP folder, and I don't ever see myself going beyond that.
Besides, someone else already managed to complete something like this, and while I'm not a fan, I don't need to be. At this point, Dicebenders is dead. I'm glad I tried it, and it's a shame it didn't work out, but I'm happy with the other projects I've done instead.
I am squatting on an empty Tumblr for it, though.
Anyway, to share something new, here's the first section of the Story Bible I wrote to make sure Capt-BA and I were on the same page in terms of characterization. The rest of the bible details the plotlines for full series.
Premise- A small group of players attempt to run a fantasy martial arts RPG that winds up essentially becoming the Avatar saga, or something very close. The main point of the series is comedy, based mostly on ridiculous links between Avatar and RPG's. Sometimes the humor will be in the vast difference between what happens in the comic, and what happens in the cartoon with the same screenshots. Other times, the funny will come from the unexpected ways they converge.
DM of the Rings- The original, and my personal favorite. It's a good showcase of how to run a single quest together, while using narrative jumps to skip to the good bits.
Darths & Droids- A similar project, this stands out from its predecessor in two main ways. The players and GM are more friendly with each other, and are more or less having fun with each other. There is also a running, coherent storyline in both the game and in the lives of the players.
Benders & Brawlers- This is actually an existing attempt to do Darths & Droids with Avatar. This is helpful as an example of what we DON'T want to do, retell the Avatar story in a completely straightforward manner, with RPG players behind the characters.
None of the characters will be given real names. The players shall always be referred to by their character names, although this can be done in a teasing, ironic manner. When the characters are speaking, their dialogue bubble must always be attached to an image of the character.
The Gamemaster- The GM is a female in her early teens. She is a geek, and a bit of a social outcast for it. Nevertheless, she's trying to make that work for her, although she's not quite mature enough to make it happen yet. She has just discovered RPG's, and in her enthusiasm has gone all out in starting her own campaign. The only problem is that she doesn't know how to recruit players, so she ropes her best friend and little brother into playing with her. This is the GM's first campaign, so she'll a little in over her head. She knows the mechanics of play, and what she's supposed to be doing as GM, but doesn't have the fine skill in crafting an engaging RPG experience. Still, she wants to do her best, is willing to learn, and has a positive attitude about the whole thing. The GM has a strong crush on the Sokka player, but the only way she can express it is by having all the female NPC's flirt with the Sokka character.
Katara- Female in early teens, and the GM's best friend. Katara's player was friends with the GM from when they were both in grammar school, so while they have grown up into wildly different personality types, they are fully loyal to each other. Katara is popular, and outgoing, and doesn't care or know about geek stuff at all. She's only playing the game because the GM begged her to. At first, Katara is clueless about RPG's, and frequently questions or ridicules the mechanics of the game. She never quite gets into the idea of role-playing, but quickly takes to the idea of meta-gaming. She'll have her character act like a righteous do-gooder, because completing missions and fighting bad guys earns XP. She hoards items that will boost her stats. She'll advocate abandoning a mission/plot if it doesn't pay out enough rewards. Katara's player also can tend towards trying to Mary Sue her character, but this is inconsistent and usually shot down by everyone else.
Aang- Male in junior high, and the GM's little brother. He plays simply because his sister has cajoled him into it, and there are hints that he's getting some kind of reward or payment for it. He abuses his position by forcing the GM to give him what he wants in the game, even if it breaks the rules- access to the restricted Airbender class, the ability to bend all four elements, overloaded stats, an Avatar State that protects him from dying, a magic super flying cow ride, etc. However, it's important to note that Aang's player isn't a jerk. He's just immature, and like all kids, just always goes for what he wants via the easiest path, and doesn't realize that he may be causing trouble or hurting feelings. He's enthusiastic about trying out this RPG thing, but he has trouble coming up with any action beyond attacking or retreating. He's also hyper aware that the GM and Katara are girls. He is too old for cootie concerns, but thinks that girls are fundamentally different creatures with their own incomprehensible concerns. Having a big sister, he doesn't find this a big deal, just part of life. Aang's player is too young to be a geek. He likes cartoons and sports and fantasy and school-dramas. He also tends to follow whatever his sister likes.
Sokka- Male in late teens. This guy is your quintessential RPG player. He has is own top-quality dice, he's played campaigns and systems of all kinds, and knows the tropes of the hobby cold. He's a huge geek for all things geeky, but roleplay is easily his favorite. He's a social outcast, but he's made friends among his fellow geeks, and thinks life is just fine. Sokka's player joins when he meets the GM at the comic/games shop they both frequent. The GM was buying some sourcebooks and material to support the fantasy martial arts game she's running, and Sokka noticed, asked about it, liked what he heard, and got permission to join the game. What Sokka doesn't realize, because he is a geek and neither has experience with it or realizes it's even possible, is that the GM is sweet on him. This manifests in the character Sokka's canon luck with the ladies, only kicked up a notch. *Every single* female NPC flirts with him, whether it's appropriate or not. Sometimes player Sokka notices and tries to roleplay it, and sometimes he's just plain confused. Sokka has a few quirks. His best set of dice are his Lucky Red Dice, which always roll high when he needs it, but have been tested and proven to be fair dice. He also mandates that every character he plays use a boomerang; he was turned into a geek by the first video game he ever played, a Legend of Zelda title, and his favorite weapon from those games are the boomerang. Each of his characters has a unique, named boomerang.
Zuko- The GM's favorite NPC. She created him to be a compelling, dramatic character, with a complicated back story, moral struggles, badass loner personality, angst about his existence, a darkly noble quality, and a cool scar. The GM intended Katara to get to know Zuko, for her to try to woo him away from the side of evil, and perhaps to even have a romance with him. The PC's, however, couldn't care less about him. To them, he's just another mini-boss, and the fact that most of his character development is happening "off screen" means they don't realize that he's recruitable. A frequent gag is Zuko delivering a stirring monologue while no one pays attention.
Iroh- Background NPC. The GM tries to use him to give (ignored) hints to the players.
Toph- (tentative) A male munchkin gamer who picked a long list of weaknesses in order to get superbending. Toph's player is a friend of Sokka's player, brought in after an "incident" with his old group, and causes some initial resentment in the group when tries to show the n00bs how its done. Cowing Toph's player is a major victory for the GM.
Momo- NPC, but maybe make him a talking sidekick who gives the players hints when the GM is really exasperated?
Azula- the GM's best favorite villain. Azula is the GM unleashed, letting her take out frustrations on the players in both combat and harsh taunting. Eventually the GM comes to like the character so much, she retcons mental health issues into the character's backstory, and has her pet NPC, Zuko, spare her.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Nevers Star Laura Donnelly Answers Burning Finale Questions
The following contains major spoilers for The Nevers episode 6.
The star of HBO sci-fi series The Nevers has never shied away from the fact that the show’s sixth episode would be a big one.
“Six is an extraordinary episode,” Donnelly (who plays Amalia True) told Den of Geek prior to the series premiere. “It provides a lot of the answers to the questions that the audience might have. It seemed like a very natural cut-off point.”
Whether episode 6, titled “True”, is a natural cut-off point remains to be seen. Due to the coronavirus pandemic suspending production, the show’s initial 10-episode first season order was shortened to six and “Part 2” (containing six more episodes for a total of 12) is set to arrive at a later date. It’s hard to argue though that episode 6 is anything but extraordinary. 
Read more
How HBO’s The Nevers Explores a Very Different Vision of Victorian Girl Power
By Lacy Baugher
“True” doesn’t merely provide some answers to long-running Nevers questions – it basically upends the premise of the entire show. It turns out that creator Joss Whedon’s initial vision for The Nevers wasn’t merely Victorian ladies with supernatural powers, but that of a much larger story about the human race on the edge of collapse and a dimension-hopping alien species intent on helping us.
Whedon departed the project during the production delay so when the show returns it will be up to new showrunner Philippa Goslett to shepherd this bold new vision. To get ready for that, Den of Geek spoke with Donnelly about the many revelations of episode 6 and what the future of The Nevers entails. 
For those looking for a more complete rundown of just what happened in this truly wild episode, check out our explainer over here. But here Donnelly does an admirable job of unwinding “True’s” many twists. 
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Den of Geek: I participated in the press day interviews before the season premiered. Now I’m wondering what was that press day experience like on your end? People ask you “So what’s your show about? What’s going on?” And then you just kind of have to sit back and lie!
Laura Donnelly: It’s the most frustrating thing ever. I wanted to go into some details but honestly it felt like I could say nothing without unraveling an entire six-episode arc. People would ask me “How did you research to get into the role?” I can’t say that I researched what it might be like to train in the army, what combat would be like with PTSD, things like that. So I’m left going, “Oh, I just read some books on what it’s like in Victorian times.” It made me sound like a really lame researcher. 
You mentioned back in those pre-air interviews that when you first had the meeting for this show, Joss gave you kind of the “whole picture.” Was this episode what that meeting was referring to? And what was your reaction like when you first heard it all?
Well, it was obviously then that I realized I was not dealing with Victorian X-Men. (That meeting) introduced the idea of having an entire backstory of somebody who has been through so much and then gets thrown into this situation and has to deal with it. I just knew that that was going to be such a deep dive into this character and that there was going to be so much to be able to explore with it. Then it was bringing in the elements of how the show is relevant to today, not just in an allegorical sense, but literally – how they are trying to go back in time to make sure that humans do better.
I couldn’t believe that a mind or a show could hold that much. And I knew that I had to be a part of it. What blew me away about (episode) six was that I didn’t know the details, how the story would be told and everything. Now I just can’t believe that with this single hour of television, they managed to tell all of these separate stories with such beauty and nuance. And not just with a ton of exposition, but instead, showing these things in the most clear way possible and that you find out so much in such a short period of time. 
Definitely. The first chapter in this episode is really filled with futuristic sci-fi jargon and there is very, very little expository dialogue. Maybe this is a non-sequitur, but have you ever seen the movie Primer? It kind of reminded me of that in that sense.
It’s a time travel movie made by Shane Carruth a while back (Editor’s Note: 2004). And all of the dialogue is just complete jargon that only an expert in theoretical physics would understand for basically the whole runtime, but the audience is still able to pick up what’s happening for the most part. This episode just reminded me of that.
Yeah. I love it for that. I love it for the fact that it rewards intensive viewing. It’s not the show that you can watch while you’re scrolling on your phone. If you are willing to just buy into that, you realize that on first watch you get the important information: the Galanthi are an alien race that are here to help humanity from itself, and that Stripe is Amalia. Then everything after that the more passion you bring to watching it, the more you get out of it.
I finished my first re-watch right before this interview and I think I finally understand just now how and why Stripe got sent back in time by the Galanthi. Because things are too far gone now. The Galanthi are finally going to really help and their version of really helping is just “We’ve got to go back. Humanity needs a fresh start.”
Yeah! I loved that there were things that I realized from watching it that I hadn’t picked up in the reading of the script. When they suddenly realize that the portal is an exit one and not an entrance one, that makes Knitter (Ellora Torchia) in that moment lose all hope. But what you come to realize is that that is not a moment of despair actually. You realize that the reason that they had an exit portal was because they had a plan and they weren’t coming back. You see that with the Victorian artifacts in the room. In fact, this plan was brought together with the scientists. They were working on that together. That was only something that I caught from watching it.
What was it like watching Claudia Black play your character?
I thought she did a really, really beautiful job. It was strange for me because I wanted them to shoot that before I shot my Stripe stuff, so that I would have a lot more to go on to replicate when I first land in the asylum. But it just couldn’t work out that way and they had to shoot all of Claudia and the future stuff after I’d already shot in the asylum. I went in and watched a lot of their rehearsals and got some video footage of their rehearsals and stuff so I had a good idea of what it was that she was doing with that, but it was just amazing to watch the whole thing put together. It’s like the final piece of a puzzle that I didn’t even have any say in. I was just kind of glad really that it matched up to what I had in my head, because I’d been having to make a lot of guesses when it came to playing Stripe in the asylum. 
It occurs to me now that for five episodes you’ve been playing a woman with a North American accent doing an old-timey Victorian British accent. What was that process like?
It allowed a little freedom actually because, on her part, it’s a learned accent. I didn’t have to be hugely strict about the rules of what would be particularly Victorian. I allowed myself to bring a little more modernity to how she would phrase something. I kind of hoped that people would pick up on the idea that Amalia seemed, in some indistinguishable way, slightly anachronistic. I also then kind of hoped that there would even be the odd person going, “Oh, well her accent’s slipped there, she got it wrong there” or whatever, because I kind of felt once you then see episode six, they’d see why. 
When you think of the character in your head, what name comes to mind first: Molly, Zephyr, Amalia, or Stripe?
Amalia, actually, but the second one that would come would be Stripe. It’s funny, “Zephyr” is the last one I think of and I think that that is probably true of Amalia as well in that it is so far pushed down. It is so far into her past for so many different reasons. It would be too painful to have all of the implications that the Zephyr name carries in the forefront of her mind. In her soldier way of being, she just needs to constantly move forward. 
Again, back before the season premiered when I spoke to you and Ann (Skelly), my first question was about characters’ names and how they were a little odd. Perhaps that was a bit prescient because in the far flung future names are sacred. What was your impression of that concept and why do you think names have become sacred?
I wonder if it’s just the idea that it’s the only little bit of recognizable humanity left for them. I think that people will always find a way of making something sacred. You need what is sacred to you at times when things are most difficult. You’re looking at a human race that doesn’t even have real food. Everything is engineered and they can’t even breathe the air outside. The sacred can be very important in moments of deep, deep despair like that. A name is something that everybody can have, and a name is something that everybody can therefore keep for themselves.
At the same time, it also speaks to the idea that everybody then is involved in that war on one side or the other. It doesn’t seem to me that you’ve got the army and then you’ve got citizens. It seems to me like everybody at that point in humanity as they’re coming towards the end is on one side or the other and is fighting. That means that everybody is being called by their rank, and so Stripe is known as Stripe That also makes a name more sacred because it’s the part of you that isn’t involved in this war. It’s the last vestige of true humanity that you might have left.
Any updates on the production process for part 2? I believe last time you had yet to see any scripts. 
I’ve had lots of conversations with (new showrunner) Philippa Goslett and with Ilene (Landress), our producer but I have as yet not read a script. I’m just waiting, but I’m in prep. I know enough about the next couple of episodes to know what fights I need to learn and things like that.
I cannot imagine being in Philippa’s shoes right now. Showrunner changes happen all the time but this is one of the more unusual narrative circumstances to fall into, I think.
Absolutely. I mean, the show is wild, but I think that, whatever else happened, we were so fortunate that episode six became this very natural break point in the story for obvious reasons. So much has been wrapped up. I feel like the world is built and the characters are established, you know. It really could go pretty much anywhere from here and it just needs somebody’s brilliant imagination to do that.
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Now that the real plot behind the curtain was revealed, does the name “The Nevers” have any more added significance?
Not that I’m aware of, no. I think the only thing that I have to go on about the name is something that Joss said several years back about the idea that these people never should have existed. They’re anomalies or even the more pejorative term – abominations.
Do you think future seasons and storylines of the show will take things past Victorian England and inch closer to that dystopian present?
I mean, I would love for it to. It makes sense to me that it started in Victorian times because that was a key moment of change in so many different ways in how the world communicates. There are kind of several revolutions going on at once, technological being one of the main ones. But it would be really interesting then to see how that progresses, and the issues at hand get dealt with, depending on the social aspects of different countries or different decades. The key to all of that is can you find a really cool way of doing it? Because my head isn’t able to come up with that. Whatever keeps the storyline the most interesting, keeps the characters true to themselves, and doesn’t jump the shark, I’m well up for.
The Nevers season 1 part 2 is awaiting a release date at HBO.
The post The Nevers Star Laura Donnelly Answers Burning Finale Questions appeared first on Den of Geek.
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let's get those Multiples Of Four for the lihn asks
Thank Yoy here i gooo
4) Favorite exchange(s)?
i like the conversation when sheila stays behind with susannah while the latter gets changed into the uniform skirt or whichever costume piece lol and susannah is clearly like trying to Fit In as she would with the girls as a whole group re: just sheila but that's not really what sheila herself is about so it's not going anywhere at first. it was very funny when judith just smacks susannah's lunch tray straight down onto the floor rip. and of course i love kitty Addressing susannah leading into masochist
8) Favorite costume(s)?
hmm not great at noticing these details (especially the first time around and in non-hq footage lol) but i Did notice (and appreciate) how all the characters were costumed quite differently in a very Personal Style sort of way, v helpful to characterize them each and help distinguish them earlier on. i did like susannah's costumes a lot with the yellow / purple and patterns and vests and carefully styled hair and her post-timeskip look was fantastic as well
12) Favorite background moment(s)?
again i was pretty focused on the foreground stuff really lol and i don't really remember anything where i was noticing something happening only in the background. but a more Literal background moment, i too really enjoyed the silhouettes of the girls striking poses being projected onto the bg behind susannah at the beginning of the show, very effective and Dramatic
16) Underrated moment(s) in the show? 
i don't think i have a real answer re: what's Underrated mostly b/c i've already seen so much good analysis & appreciation from people about pretty much everything........so a vaguely tangential answer is about wishing it was just a Little more evident that Kitty And Dorothy Have Their Own Thing Going On, which like, yeah maybe it's easier to tell in person watching the show, but......and i Do like that kitty's connection to susannah is so clearly more general than their Relationships (or potential ones / wanting one) b/c of course susannah's dilemma around goes beyond Just the particular forbidden romance with this particular person
i also found judith's character like, nonzero engaging, which is just like i hadn't heard much about her  prior i don't think. not as though she's at all Likeable in the sense of like if you were in the show you would not like this character who is both a bully and a narc but it's still like, good for her eventually realizing the error of her ways even if it'd've been good to realize it Before miss asp made it clear she was only ever intending to use judith, and like, maybe if your snitching on a girl had indirectly led to her death you'd stop narcing on everyone instead of just setting up the same situation again. but at least she comes around and threatens francis and even her awfulness can be funnier than the awfulness of other characters who are being awful
20) Headcanon(s) for what happens before the show?
oof that's tricky since so much stuff in the show is unveiling ppl's Backstory / what's happened prior.....idk i was gonna say i wonder how kitty got makeup kits into nation but maybe they're allowed / it's allowed for her b/c her parents are paying so much. not very exciting
24) The Other One or Oh Well?
did have to confirm which one The Other One is but i guess that one lmfao i just have a great time with sheila going off on those verses and it's fun how it's this playful song about them bonding over being rejected.....the "and i guess i don't know how to feel about it" delivery is v funny. much respect and appreciation for Oh Well though of course
28) Something you like/have noticed about the show that you haven’t seen anyone else mention yet?
i'm not sure there Was much that i noticed that i hadn't heard about prior......tbh i think there were just a few Plot Points i hadn't already heard discussed but they weren't exactly Fun ones so i was like hm yeah i can see why ppl wouldn't necessarily specifically address this for kicks
32) If only one could happen, would you prefer a cast recording or an Off-Broadway run?
i agree w/ p much everyone, gotta love the increased availability of a cast recording.....will be around for more than a few weeks, will cost less to obtain the experience, and around here Who Knows what cast recordings will spark. love how plausible it is that lihn Will get a cast recording, here's hoping
36) Favorite song(s) off the Hits of Nation/character playlists?
seeing as i forgot these playlists exist, f, and i have never heard music i just checked for which songs i know i know off the top of my head lol. s/o to each of the girls having iko iko by the dixie cups on their playlists, guess that's some required listening
[susannah: l.e.s. artistes by santigold], [rat: one way or another by blondie, i got a rocket in my pocket by jimmie lloyd (which i've only partially heard b/c it plays in the bg of a The Iron Giant scene lmao so this only counts like 1/3 of the way)] [kitty: diamonds are a girl's best friend by marilyn monroe, la vie en rose by edith piaf, anthems for a seventeen year old girl by broken social scene] [ya-ya: sugar sugar by the archies] [miss asp: i THINK i've heard "straighten up and fly right" and "if i knew you were comin i'd've baked a cake" but i don't especially wanna look them up and confirm lmao. know "i'm proud to be an american" and "god bless the usa" lol ew. "comfortably numb" by pink floyd and "whatever will be will be" by doris day et al and "my heart will go on" by celine dion] [first of all interesting that francis and buzz share a playlist but i guess really all of the roles by The Guy are pretty functionally similar lol. accentuate the positive by perry cuomo, blowin in the wind by bob dylan, i Think i've heard hang on to your ego by the beach boys but i think i forget how it goes]
40) What does LIHN mean to you? 
hmm well classic iconis content around here with the shows celebrating misfit weirdos and him always trying to write a show about people who usually wouldn't get a show written about them and creating this material for an all-girl show with only one token The Guy and the Lead specifically being a black girl and there being a specifically trans role as well.....love how much people have been enjoying it even as it took me ages to get around to Consuming it myself, and it's been v cool for it to be so like, here's Totally New Material. even prior to me having actually seen it, it was also definitely nice to have This in the wake of august to interrupt the [lying facedown], and again it was fun to even secondhand have ppl having a great time w/ the show and getting to appreciate the Content and Analysis happening hell yea
44) Favorite non show/cabaret performance of a song?
oop i might've only seen the non-show video for "oh well" so guess it wins! fine by me
48) Favorite time Francis was wrong?
it's pretty classic / all-encompassing when he very strongly implies that susannah has no choice but to marry him / no Hope for her Future otherwise
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Relic - Re-Review #15
“Leonids again? I figured they’d be back one of theses days.”
Here we go again!
I adore this opening image of a family looking to the skies.It fits them so well for there are no reasons why they wouldn’t be watching a meteor shower considering their background.
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“A full on meteor shower and here you are starring at the moon. Not that I’m surprised. Your Father was the same way before he became an astronaut.”
“Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like for Neil Armstrong to land there a hundred years ago.”
“Don’t look at me, I’m not that old.”
I think I remember having a continuity/timeline debate when I first reviewed this - which I’m not going to do for now - you can re-read the original if you’re looking for it.
Grandma trying to serve the cookies haha!
And everyone else in the background just to prove that they exist still because they will not be the main focus of the episode.
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Does Scott actually have an ear piece? This question has been bugging me for a while...
“Base to Thunderbird Five. Everything alright up there, John?”
“I’m fine, but we may have a situation developing. According to my readings, this meteor shower is about to become a perfect storm. I’m showing multiple debris fields projected to hit the far side of the moon, right on top of Shadow Alpha One.”
“Dad’s old moon base?”
“Captain Taylor is still up there. If we don’t get up there soon, Dad’s best friend is history.”
Can I just ask, again... where has EOS disappeared to? Writers, please remember when you add in characters.
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“Thunderbirds are go! Sorry did you want to say that?”
“Forget it.”
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So much to say about this episode, there really is, what with all the backstory dynamics and the character interactions! We’ll get there at some point, I’m certain, even if I do have to mostly quote the episode.
Lee staying there even after the base was decommissioned makes perfect sense to me. It seems like exactly the sort of thing his character would be inclined to do - even before we knew retirement wasn’t really for him. He was Jeff’s best friend after all, has to be a certain level of madness there.
“What’s this guys story?”
“He and Dad were part of the original team that built the base. You may be too young to remember, Alan, but Captain Taylor used to assist International Rescue when we were first starting out.”
“And the stories he could tell about life in space were pretty wild! Even by dad’s standards. Taylor literally wrote the book on lunar survival.”
“Problem is, that book was written a long time ago.”
It makes perfect sense that Lee would have assisted IR in the beginning too - you couldn’t keep a secret like that from your best friend. Not to mention the boys would have been a little too young to jump straight into the business without some help.
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“Tell me again how simple the landing will be?”
“Urr, I miss Earth!”
That whole sequence was hilarious!
For some reason, the music was a surprise to me. I wouldn’t have had Captain Taylor down as a classics guy.
“You must have grown two feet since I last saw you.”
Scott’s six foot two, so he was probably just over four feet tall last time Lee saw him, so probably around 7-14 (according to children’s clothes manufacturers).
“And what do you make of our chances, Captain?”
“Hmm... 70-30.”
“Oh, 70-30... Which way?”
Um, Scott, really? Do you really need to ask that...
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It’s like playing a video game! They should have had Alan down there to help out! No seriously, Alan would have loved to be in Scott’s seat.
“I just can’t give up on it.”
“Look around you, Captain. Don’t you think Alfie’s given up on you? Why are you trying to keep it running.”
“Because it’s my home, Scott. This base is a part of me and I’m not ready to say goodbye just yet.”
It would be hypocritical to not understand that.
John working on an algorithm like that is awesome, although once again, EOS could have helped with that, no? Still, he’s very smart to be able to make something like that up so quickly.
“What did I tell you? There’s nothing this base can’t handle- no, no-”
Maybe Scott picked up that speaking too soon trait from Lee as opposed to Jeff, because he definitely doesn’t seem like the sort of man to rush ahead. Lee on the other hand. And it does seem that Scott and John remember him best, so...
Lee helping Scott! That is the sort of parental interaction we’ve been missing with Jeff gone - I mean we see Scott helping everyone else, but there are few people he’ll turn to so that was just a lovely moment to add in in my opinion.
He got John’s name on a second attempt! Well done, Lee!
But didn’t anyone ever teach Scott to leave things behind in an emergency? A jet pack of all things is not worth dying for. John made your chances of that very clear too.
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”Lose something?”
”Thanks Captain.”
“Don’t mention it. Your Father did the same for me once. Nice jet pack by the way. You know I designed that model.”
“Does it come in blue?”
I’m guessing not Scott if you have it in grey, but hey, good on him for asking.
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“Your dad always thought the flames were a little too much.”
“I like them. I like them a lot.”
Trust Scott to like them.
“I’ll drive.”
I love the way Lee just folded his arms and waited, like he knew.
“Let’s see... huh... uh, I don’t know what any of this does... You know what, on second thoughts, it’s your ride, Captain.”
And trust Captain Taylor to put a turbo onto lunar transport. it reminded me of Jeremiah Tuttle’s truck in ‘The Imposters’ (pictured right).
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“Get ready to turn left.”
“A Tracy boy back in command. It’s just like old times.”
“Turn right. Turn left.”
“Make up your mind, kid.”
“What does that stand for again?”
Take a guess, Taylor, you can’t go too far wrong!
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Nice way to pull off a rescue, with ejector seats.
“So long, Alfie. Thanks for all the memories.”
Rescue count: 20
Little story to finish off with. I love Captain Taylor’s stories;
“So, there we were: Lee Taylor and eff Tracy, facing down a solar flare two hundred metres wide! When all of a sudden your father got the idea to head for a nearby asteroid belt. I said, ‘Jeff what are you crazy? You’re nuts!’”
Well now we know where Alan got it from. Jeff really shouldn’t have been surprised that the kid could fly.
Let’s do a little name count as well. I think I did this before, but hey, it’s fun;
Spencer, Cecile, Jim,
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luoup · 3 years
Hawke is Hard of Hearing (+ how I play DA)
Backstory of Why Cloud Hawke Can’t Hear Shit – not how, that’s mostly addressed in the fics, but why.
I’ve talked about it before, but I am absolutely garbage at video games and play them really weirdly. I’m incredibly slow (both in mechanics/gameplay and in understanding/processing), my anxiety quadruples for no good reason even for things that shouldn’t be anxious-making, I get obsessive about finding and completing every single thing, I’m easily spooked and even more easily frustrated.  And I somehow lose all hand-eye coordination.  It’s really something.
Playing Dragon Age is a whole dang circus, for many reasons.  I play on J’s computer, partly because mine literally cannot support any games beyond like Morrowind-level of CPU-load, and partly because I need her to be physically next to me helping me through the game like a real-life Navi (side note, I play Zelda games with other friend R who also has to be my Navi.  Like I said, I’m really, really bad at this).  Once I get into it I can usually handle basic combat/dungeons/fetch-quests (I’m a big fan of all of these things) unless I get lost or something – but social interaction, like in real life, is terrifying and I basically need her to confirm that everything I say will get me the result I want.  I’m so freaking slow that I hate having to redo something, so this is especially important in DA.
Anyway.  After four years I finally finished Origins (I told you I was slow!), and at long last we could start II.  Issue was, there were other people around because we were at J’s family’s house, so in an attempt to be slightly less obnoxious, I had headphones on.  And subtitles, because my hearing isn’t great and I have awful auditory processing, so I never know what characters are saying without them anyway (or people in real life.  I’m not Hard of Hearing, but I really, really can’t hear well).  I had to keep one headphone slid off in order to also be able to hear J, resulting in only being able to hear the game audio through my left ear.  Re: bad hearing and worse auditory processing, did not help.  It wasn’t a big deal gameplay-wise, as I could read the screen and still know what was going on (although I had to constantly stop walking and turn the camera so I could read the printed text of the party banter).  But it did get into my head as I played, similar to the way the Warden never having speaking lines in Origins leading me to determining that my Warden Nadasa doesn’t talk.
And so I came to the conclusion that Cloud Hawke is Hard of Hearing, especially in her right ear (the one I wore no headphone on to be able to hear J).  It’s a little weird and very roundabout and totally irrelevant to actual story stuff, but I thought it might be interesting for readers to get a little background and also J thinks it’s hilarious. 
tl;dr: Hawke is HoH because I can’t hear or play video games properly.
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