#i kind of want to evaporate to be so honest
ilostyou · 8 months
feeling like there is something like. inherently wrong with me or something 🤠
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skeilig · 2 years
to say the same thing that i've been saying for YEARS once again, mob and reigen's relationship is so bonkers crazy insane, like... here's mob, 14 years old, and reigen's been lying to him since he was 11. to reigen, it was a white lie, even a kindness. to mob, it was not so inconsequential -- it was proof that he was not alone in the world and that he could be okay as an adult. and of course mob believed him fully at first. why wouldn't he? but over the years, the cracks started to form. if things didn't quite add up, mob tried not to think about them. and reigen kept digging the hole deeper; he never thought it would go this far. now mob's 14 and the truth is seeping in around the edges of his consciousness but he refuses to speak it, even after the press conference, when reigen all but begs him to. reigen wants him to say it. i know you've been lying to me. just say it. but mob won't and reigen can't, and they settle back into this weird holding pattern for a while longer. when things finally bubble over for mob, this is at the heart of it. the repression, insecurity, anger, doubt -- mob learned a lot from his master, including: we don't talk about it. so reigen, finally, SHOUTING the truth at him -- it doesn't matter that mob already knew. there's power in the confession, reigen's humility to finally admit it, the vulnerability of saying it out loud instead of leaving it unspoken. it takes all the air out of the conflict, the tension almost immediately evaporates... mob just needed to hear it. to be shown that it was okay to be honest, vulnerable... then when he returns from his long-built-up confession to tsubomi, mob breaks down in tears but it doesn't destroy the city. he just cries and reigen awkwardly pats his back and it's okay.
anyway SCREAMS at the top of my lungs, i love mob psycho 100
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vikkirosko · 3 months
Hello! Can I request Angel Dust and Lucifer (and any other character if you want to) with fashion designer sinner S/o who is in love with their aesthetic and likes to make clothes for them. Reader likes making surprises for special days and they make some clothing peaces for them as a gift. + I can especially imagine Lucifer and reader together designing something with rubber ducks on it (I've wrote this request in the middle of the night so I'm sorry for any mistakes) Thank you!
Headcanons Designer
🕷 Angel Dust x sinner!Reader 💖
You met Angel when he was leaving the studio. You were dating Velvette that day and you had a big fight. However, all your bad mood evaporated when you saw him. You literally fell in love with his aesthetics and you came up with a huge number of designs that you could make inspired by his image. You immediately approached him and offered him a small job for a fee. Over time, your business relationship turned into a friendly one, and then into a romantic one
Angel was flattered that he was an inspiration to you. When you were working, he often kept you company. There was always soft music playing in your sewing workshop, it smelled nice, and no one came into your office without getting permission from you. Angel could relax, appreciate the sketch you showed him, or just spend time with you. He often hugged you from behind, watched your work with interest, and sometimes distracted you from work by kissing you and pulling you away from your desk
On special days, for example, when you successfully completed work on a collection of clothes, you gave Angel small gifts. It was a few pieces of clothing. It could have been a jacket, hat, gloves, shirt or something else. You always gave several items, trying to combine them in style and match the style that he liked. Angel liked your gifts and often wore them, especially when you invited him to the shows of your new collections
Angel liked you and he liked your relationship. You were passionate about your work, but you were kind, caring and attentive. You were genuinely worried about him and wanted to help him, but so far you haven't had that opportunity. But together you set out to come up with a plan to wrest his soul from the Valentino's clutches
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar x sinner!Reader 🐍
Lucifer rarely interacted with sinners, but you were, in a sense, an exception. Charlie introduced you to him. You were a fashion designer and his daughter liked the clothes you made. Lucifer, deciding to make a joke, said that he was also a designer of some kind and showed you a rubber duck that he had created. Charlie felt awkward, but to her surprise, you really liked the rubber duck, and moreover, you wanted to do something inspired by Lucifer and his creations
You really liked Lucifer's aesthetics, as you often told him. When you started dating, you often began to share with them the sketches that you did. Some of them were inspired by him and you were proud of how well they turned out. Lucifer was happy to help you by giving you honest feedback about your sketches
On one of your important dates, you said you had a surprise for him. This surprise turned out to be several pieces of clothing for him that you made yourself. You made them especially for Lucifer, and the main theme was the rubber ducks that he created. Lucifer was touched by your gift, and the cuter part of it was the little rubber duck costume
Lucifer enjoyed spending time with you. You were both creative people and shared with each other the different creations that you created. When he started living at the hotel, you were happy to offer your help, including making clothes for the hotel staff and maybe even starting to live there yourself. It was enough for Lucifer to just spend time with you, regardless of whether you were doing something for work or you were just relaxing together
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chouxsardine · 4 months
Warm Honey---Jake Kiszka x reader
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A short blurb where me imagining getting high with Jake and listening to classical music ended up turning into some jake-playing-guitar worship and stream of consciousness smut. I just feel it's so sexy when your partner can feel the effect they have on you, and I'd like to think Jake loves that. 18+ content below cut. Enjoy!
Warning: 18+! Minors DNI, Drug use (marijuana), sexual content, body worship (kind of)
🎧: Scriabin Sonata No.4 in F sharp major, Op.30
He is all that you can think of, all that you feel.
Whenever you smoke joint with Jake, you always like to describe your mind as being “in a stake of Jake”. He is not occupying the space as the subject. Instead, he wraps around it in an all-encompassing way. He exists as the warmth of a blanket, a scene from the rear view mirror, the tingling on your skin as the wetness from an open-mouthed kiss evaporates.
Jake is sitting on the floor with his back against the couch, you are lying down with your head on his lap. The air is damp, saturated with the earthy smell. Jake just lets out a puff of smoke. You look up and blink. The light of the floor lamp is hazy through the smoke like the moon halo. Rachmaninoff is playing at a low volume in the background. The title of the melody escapes you. It could be Symphony No.2 or something like that. You are too far gone to put any effort into trying to recall it. Life feels really good at this moment, and that’s all you want to focus on.
Jake’s hand is resting in your hair, occasionally scratching your scalp or swirling the soft strands near your hairline around his finger, sending buzzing shivers under your skin. You squirm a bit, reaching above to grab his hand in yours. The sensation of being in touch with human flesh clashes with your stupefying illusion. Suddenly, Jake’s hands become the most interesting thing in the world.
If Jake is sober enough to look down, he will find you staring at his hand intensely with dilated pupils. The skin around your eyes is tinted with a fluffy shade of pink. And you are staring with the fervent passion of a child looking into a kaleidoscope for the first time, stunned and in awe. His hands are warm. Nails always blunt and well-trimmed, receded tamely behind the finger tips. Veins visible under his skin, knuckles strong and sturdy. You hold up his hand higher to the ceiling, looking at the light seeping through the slits between his fingers as if he has magical powers.
His hands truly are magical. The way he makes his guitar whine and moan on stage. You close your eyes briefly, recalling the way his right hand firmly grasping the neck while the palm of his left hand resting on its rear body. Sometimes he does that devious thing where he pushes the guitar back and forth as if shaking someone’s shoulder, the intensity of it cushioned by their connection through the strap, thereby creating a tensile and magnetic stretch between them. Once, you asked him why he would do that; “it helps with the trills and echoes,” he said, flashing you a smirk. You don’t believe him for one bit. When his fingers slide across the fretboard in an elegantly frantic speed, you wonder why there aren’t sparks bursting out because it surely looks like swiftly striking the head of a match against the side of the box. And you love the way he does tremolo, oh, the dazzling movement of his fingers on the higher end of the fretboard, his ring finger and pinky curved, alternating so smoothly that it looks like he is tickling someone. Well, it surely tickles your heart. And your pussy, if you are being honest. That’s when you feel it. The wetness sneaks up on you slowly. Jake always turns you on at the flip of a switch, the blink of an eye. Normally, you are already soaked as your mind is preoccupied with the yearning for his mouth, his fingers, and his cock. However, the weed amplifies all senses. This time, you can almost feel the titillation trickling down your spine, like morning dew collected on rose petals.
Without much thought (not that you can form any coherent ones now anyway), you hold up his fingers, make them spider-walk across your belly before lowering them down into your panties.
Jake lets out an amusing humph. With all the sensory stimulation stealing his words, he’s not much of a talker when he’s high. Your communication during times like these are almost telepathic—you could tell from just a simple raise of his fingers that he wants another handful of chips, and he could tell just by the slightest turn of your head that you want another hit. He always jokes that you read each other between the lines. The reassuring silence weaves a velvet blanket that falls and lands on both of you in a floating manner.
You look up and find him looking down on you with a lopsided smile. So lackadaisical that it’s almost goofy but smug nonetheless. He quirks his eyebrows, and you put up a finger against your lips.
You’ve always known that Jake loves to watch. He gets so hard just by watching you getting yourself off, using all of his willpower not to come in his pants while somehow managed to take mental notes of your preference. He always looks down the moment your bodies connect, whether that’s him entering you or you sinking down on him. His mind is always blown by the way he disappears into you bit by bit and your malleability to adjust him. It’s almost like you were made for each other. The combination of the visual image and the physical sensation short-circuits his brain. The sigh and moans that escape him drive you crazy. Jake loves the process as much as he enjoys the maddening pleasure. And this time, with the weed delaying the need to fuck each other, you would like to let him experience that.
At first, it’s just his dry and warm palm covering your lower belly, his finger slotted between your fold, with his finger pad resting against your hood and finger tip grazing your clit. You feel he move, instinctively wanting to rub it.
“Nuh uh,” you tightens your grip, “I want you to feel it, babe.”
You are certain you are getting there. You can almost picture it, like honey slowly descending down the wall of a glass tube. It’s an agonizingly slow process, like a golden snake with malicious intent, twisting and turning its body; its expected sweetness drawing out the moisture of the mouth, causing one to salivate.
Ah. Here it comes.
Without meeting his gaze, you know that Jake feels it too. His fingers have long familiarized themselves as the hierarch of the territory which is your pussy. He has learned, through time and experience, the prelude of your arousal. Every respond is picked up by the tactile receptors on his finger pad and his muscle memory. Much like with his guitars, Jake is always caught in an affectionate paradox when it comes to your pussy—he walks this ground with confidence and pride over the possessiveness he has over it, albeit constantly carrying a veneration for its beauty and the sincere humbleness to learn and explore.
The previous friction has now transformed into a gentle rise of temperature and the coated slickness provided by your discharge. Your clit presses more firmly against his finger tips now that it starts to swell and throb.
“Damn, love, can almost feel your heartbeat.” Jake grunts, his words a bit slurred.
“That’s the point,” you arch your back, feeling vainglorious about your little trick, “my tell-tale heart. Feel what you do to me by simply existing?”
“Gosh, you’re gonna end me one day,” Jake tilts his head backwards, his eyes rolling back too, “but I wouldn’t want it any other way. And the epitaph would say, ‘gone doing what he loves’.”
You laugh, knowing that the filter between his brain and mouth has melted away now. Meanwhile, you are getting silkier and warmer by the second. Jake feels like he dips his finger into a jar of honey, the snugness of your walls trapped him there. He’s an insect preserved in a sea of saccharin, captivated by the moment as the waves wash over him again and again, reminding him that he is the reason why his girl is so turned on, he is the reason why this body lying against him coordinates all its nerves and cells to produce such an amazing response to his touch.
You can hear the clarinet playing in the symphony. If your memory serves you right, it won’t be long until the allegro vivace of the last movement kicks in. You look up at Jake’s face again. He swallows, his Adam’s Apple trembles in a way that makes you want to take a bite. With his eyes closed, his eyebrows pulling together, and his lips pursed, that man looks like he could be having an orgasm right there. It’s almost whimsical, given that he is the one who has his hand in your pants. You let out a low chuckle.
“What?” He cracks open an eye.
“You know they said weed slows people’s movement?” You quip, tapping your fingers provocatively over his, a sultry tone in your voice.
“Oh,” Jake’s eyes darkens, the familiar devious smile shine through his relaxed features.
“Now, those are fighting words, doll. You wanna test them out?”
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absynthe--minded · 1 year
Hello! Can I respectfully request the promised lecture and Powerpoint about Fingon/Maedhros? I'll be honest here... I just do not see it, and I truly do want to understand. There are other relationships in the Legendarium that I really do think Tolkien deliberately and unequivocally coded as queer, and I've used all those same examples you list to back up my arguments. And I do see the parallels with Luthien and Beren (just as Sam/Frodo has parallels with that). But otherwise, I don't see a lot of queer coding. Which is not to say that I think it's a bad ship, just that I don't really see much in the text to support it or see much indication that it's what Tolkien intended. I would love to be convinced, though! I swear I'm not trying to bash Russingon or provoke anything. It seems like you have put a lot of thought and research into this, and I'm honestly curious, because this is a ship that has always puzzled me a bit.
First, thank you for asking! It’s always a pleasure to talk about my boys and my OTP to end all OTPs
I want to start what’s probably going to be a long series of self-reblogs by saying something that’s going to be important in the long haul: there is a difference between “I personally interpret this in a way that enhances the story, and it’s canonically compliant” and “I think and will seriously argue that Russingon is supported canonically by things that explicitly exist to point toward it being more than friendship”. The line can get kind of fuzzy, but it does exist, and the foundation of any good queer analysis is recognizing that.
So before I get into Sarah Waters, Mary Renault, and what the British legal system has to do with any of this, I’m going to make three lists.
Stuff That Probably Doesn’t Mean Anything, But That Is Fun To Examine From A Shipping Perspective:
Maedhros wears a copper circlet, Fingon wears gold in his braids
Maedhros abdicated the throne in favor of Fingon entering the line of succession
Maedhros stepped into a position of military authority after Fingon took the throne, working closely with him specifically to attack Angband after the Bragollach
Fingon is stated by Tolkien himself to have never married nor had biological children, and Maedhros never married nor had biological children either
Stuff That Is Ambiguous In Intent, But Is More Significant Than The Above:
Fingon clearly still cared enough about Maedhros that despite probably not knowing whether or not he burned the ships, he set out to rescue him alone in a display of loyalty to the rival royal line that put his priorities firmly in the “this nér whom I love” camp. It’s worth noting that Maedhros’s family are the reason that his sister-in-law is dead, the reason many of his own people froze to death, and the reason his brother is dead. Maedhros’s rescue, and forgiving him, is more important to Fingon than any of that. Why?
Morgoth’s battle plan for the Nirnaeth Arnoediad (as relayed in the Grey Annals in The War of the Jewels) involved forcing Maedhros and Fingon apart and trying to take both of them down simultaneously. Fingon was of course ultimately killed by Balrogs, and Maedhros avoided being killed by allies-turned-spies, but the goal was to keep them apart and incapacitate them both. Why?
Maedhros’s mental stability, willingness to exist in a society, passion for fighting Morgoth, and desire to curtail his brothers’ worst impulses all evaporate after Fingon’s death and Fingon’s death specifically. Why?
Maedhros and Fingon maintain a relationship with each other that is significantly more important to their actions than similar relationships between Finwëan cousins. Aredhel is never recorded as prioritizing Celegorm to the same extent, and Finrod only goes on a hunting trip with Maedhros and Maglor after things between their families are patched up. Why are they different from others in this way?
Stuff That Actually Matters In Analysis:
Fingon and Maedhros, Beren and Lúthien, and Frodo and Sam all share very nearly the same story at a crucial point. All three feature a situation where a rescuing party feared the one they loved was dead, discovered they were actually held prisoner by Sauron, went alone into peril, and used a song to find who they searched for successfully. Both Maedhros and Beren lost a hand in the course of their journey. Frodo lost a finger, and Sam cut the hand from the orc whipping him. All three pairs were rescued by at least one of the great eagles. Sam and Frodo have on-page declarations of love. Beren and Lúthien are the self-inserts of the author and his wife. This connection is not accidental; the author explicitly compares Frodo and Sam to Beren and Lúthien on the Quest for the Silmaril in the text of The Two Towers. If Maedhros and Fingon are being linked thematically with the central romantic relationship of the Legendarium, there is a reason why.
The Grey Annals tells us that Fingon rescued Maedhros “and their love was renewed”. That’s a direct quote from the text, not an exaggeration. This is more canonical proof of love than we get for some married couples (notably Fëanor and Nerdanel, who are never stated to love one another in the text).
Laws and Customs Among the Eldar explicitly states that half-first-cousins are allowed to marry without it being considered incestuous, so long as their parents aren’t close. That seems like an extremely odd standard, until you remember that there is an unusually close pair of half-first-cousins whose parents don’t get along.
(Obligatory note: the published Silmarillion does state that Idril and Maeglin are too close to marry. The published Silmarillion’s treatment of Maeglin is also almost certainly invented by Christopher Tolkien - Maeglin in the drafts written by JRRT himself is wildly different than how he appears when Chris writes him. Tolkien himself avoided making any such statements about cousin marriage and Turgon opposed Maeglin marrying Idril because he didn’t think it was a love marriage.)
The Grey Annals also discusses one of the histories of the green elfstone that Aragorn receives from Galadriel as a wedding gift - in this draft, it was made by Fëanor, and Maedhros gave it to Fingon. When Aragorn receives it, it’s been set in a brooch in the form of an eagle. Here we have another thing that passed between Maedhros and Fingon that is explicitly linked to romantic relationships between two characters echoing Beren and Lúthien. This is once again not accidental.
Fingon’s harp is almost certainly a reference to the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, which also heavily inspired Lúthien pleading for Beren in Mandos. Yet again, we have deliberate intent by the author to position this relationship in a light that reflects romance above all else. You could even go further and point out that there are parallels between Thingol’s hostility toward Beren and Fëanor’s distrust and hatred of the Nolofinwëans. Túrin and Beleg, who get to kiss on the page, are also echoes of Russingon - early bliss marred by a kinslaying, a hopeless quest alone armed with a bow, an injury that results from freeing the captive party.
The fact of the matter is that none of this is accidental. Tolkien was deliberate in his worldbuilding, his parallels, his setups and his plot choices. There is a reason that Fingon and Maedhros are linked to so much romance, a reason that they are positioned on equal footing with other more clearly queercoded ships, a reason that it’s their relationship that shapes the First Age. When you accept that none of it happened accidentally, that allows you to broaden your scope, and look at Tolkien’s inspirations, his life, his friendships, cultural influences, and why he might have been so cagey about his M/M ships when they aren’t just important but vital to the text. (After all, Sam and Frodo’s happy ending comes after Sam’s time in heteronormativity, and Túrin and Beleg fall apart in a similar fashion.)
It’s just - it’s not crazy or insane or Shipper Goggles to say “these relationships matter, and the stories actually don’t make sense without them”. That’s all.
(Next time, if you like, we’re going to talk about historical fiction, and there will be lesbians.)
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kakushino · 6 months
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Akaza / Hakuji x GN! Reader
He can't stand seeing you get harassed.
Tags: fluff, modern AU
Word count: 0,6k
AN: Written as Christmas present for dear @mamayan - Merry Christmas!
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“Honestly…” you muttered under your breath as you gave Hakuji a bag of frozen bean sprouts. He winced as he pressed the bag against his swollen cheek. “I could have dodged that.”
“That was not the point. How could I stand by while you’re being threatened?” He scowled but quickly smoothed out his expression as the dull ache made itself known again. “That’s not who I am, and you know it.”
You did know that, more than anything.
You had started attending Soryuu School’s self-defense classes with your friend as a way to spend time together while also learning something useful. The course was filled with women, though some of them seemed to come only to ogle at your hot teacher - Hakuji. 
Soon after, your friend got too busy to go with you, but you stayed.
In an unexpected turn of events, you got to talking with Hakuji after classes, and you found him to be a kind man with whom you had a lot in common. A friendship bloomed between you in various warm shades of autumn, matching the season outside as you connected. Numbers were exchanged, you chatted, and gave each other baked goods, and before you knew it, it was nearly Christmas. You had to think hard what to give him for Christmas, so searching for inspiration at a local market seemed like the best idea in the end.
Running into him at the Christmas market was not something you thought would happen. It was lucky though, because a few of the market-goers were causing ruckus and tried to… flirt with you. Hakuji stepped in, and that was the story of how he got his cheek punched right before a police patrol intervened - not before getting in a few of his own hits in. 
“You still could have done something rather than - I don't know - take it?” You turned to retrieve a disinfectant in your first aid kit.
“If there were no officers, I would have broken more than just a few noses, believe me,” he told you through gritted teeth. To be honest, Hakuji himself did not know what caused him to have such strong feelings about this. 
Perhaps - there was something about you that reminded him of his late childhood sweetheart, Koyuki. She had died a few years ago unexpectedly, right before he was going to ask to marry her. 
“You’re lucky I live so close, otherwise you would have to fix yourself alone,” you grumbled as you took one of his hands in yours. His knuckles were a little bloody from punching one of the men. It had not been a fair fight, and of course Hakuji was not going to use his full skill range against helpless civilians, especially not in front of the police. The line between self defense and assault was a thin one. 
The warmth of his palms felt scorching against your colder hands - it was as if he was branding you with himself, the thought making blood rush to your cheeks as you cleaned the torn skin.
Hakuji couldn’t look at you while you worked. You were too close, and he was tempted to-
He did not want to start dating based on that ‘something’ resembling his old love. It would be a relationship doomed to crumble from the start. Yet he couldn’t deny being drawn to you, his student in self-defense class and... friend.
“Of course I’m grateful… Thank you, pipsquea- ow!” 
Excess alcohol dripped down his fingers, Hakuji fought not to clench his fist shut or flinch back. Grimace marred his pretty face even as the liquid evaporated, leaving behind a stinging sensation. Despite all this, he felt at home - safe and comfortable in your hands.
The nickname always made you huffy; it only pointed out how much weaker than him you were. He couldn’t help but like it though. He wanted to protect you and keep you happy.
Hakuji understood now. The only way you reminded him of Koyuki was what kind of feelings you evoked in him.
It was Love.
He was in trouble.
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dividers made by the amazing @benkeibear
network: @enchantedforest-network
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sublimecatgalaxy · 5 months
i have been living under your elliott masterlist for like the longest time... lol... i think it would make my little heart happy for something. atleast a short blurb would actually cure my depression 🥺
So sorry that this is a month and a half late bestie, I love you and I'm so sorry. This is a cutsie little blurb, I hope you like it, it's definitely themed for winter :D
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"You've never seen snow before?" I ask, covering Elliot's eyes with my hands as we make our way down the stairs of my childhood home, my mom and dad giggling at us from the kitchen.
We flew back to my hometown for the holiday's and I figured it would be as good of a time as ever for my parents to meet Elliot but also introduce Elliot to something he's never encountered before...
He's talked about it forever, wanting nothing but to go home with me during the winter time so I figured with our first anniversary coming up and the holidays, it would be so meaningful and romantic.
"Never. All the places I've ever lived- no snow." He huffs, trying to peak as I pry the door open, getting a glance for myself at how much snow has landed on the ground just over night. That's the funny thing about my hometown, grass one day, snow the next.
"That's so lame." I huff and position Elliot in the open door, his breath evaporating into the air as a cloud of warm puff.
"I know-" Mid sentence I take my hands away, allowing him to see the winter wonderland outside, his eyes immediately widening as the snow falls gracefully onto the thick blanket lining the ground. "Wow." He whispers, like a kid on Christmas with his jaw dropped, I wrap my arms around him with a proud smile. "This is kind of dope if I'm being honest."
"Wanna go out in it?"
"Yes, yes please." He immediately takes hold of my hand and pulls me outside with him, no shoes or anything, out into the snow as he laughs giddily. I take a step away from him, allowing him to soak it all it and I make quick work at forming a snowball in my hands before chucking it at the back of his head. "Okay, see now that's rude." He turns around with an offended look on his face, reaching out to me in a moments notice and before I can even process it, I'm laying in the snow, pajama's soaked to the core with freezing snow.
"That was so mean, I'm cold now!" I huff, giving him an exaggerated pout as he laughs, pulling me up into his arms as he engulfs me in a warm, but wet, hug.
"I can warm you up." He whispers and I giggle, head tipping back as my cheeks warm at both his joke and his touch.
"Just a friendly reminder that this is my childhood home and my parents are here." I mutter back, peaking past him and into my house as my parents watch us from the corner of their eyes.
"That's the fun in it."
"Stop it!" I shove him away with a giggle and he laughs, almost tipping backward and slipping on a patch of ice.
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akantonelli · 7 months
i think you know exactly what ship (🐨⛳️) i'm gonna send you a request of for the angry confession prompt thingy :D
- 🍁
(7 and/or 10 please, i think they work quite well together)
angry confession prompt
“What part of ‘I want you, and only you’ do you not understand?” 
“The part where you want me,” Oscar replied to Lando’s exasperated, almost angry tone with the same intonation. He’d held feelings for Lando since his karting days, when he’d seen the older as an inspiration (though there was less than two years between them). Those feelings - what he’d played off at the time as puppy love at most, and a crush on something of a celebrity - hadn’t faded. They’d followed him as he’d climbed through the junior ranks of the sport, and still hadn’t left him as he’d graduated to Formula 1, as Lando’s teammate of all things.
The fact that Lando wanted him didn’t feel real, the fact that he was telling him that after one of his worst recent performances only made it worse. This was just some kind of cruel, sick prank, and Oscar couldn’t let himself have hope. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” Lando asked, the anger slowly dissipating and being replaced with hurt. Oscar didn’t like it. He didn’t want to feel responsible for hurting Lando’s feelings, but he had to protect himself. There was a race tomorrow and points on the table, and he was starting from tenth - worse than he had in the Sprint. He needed to focus, he needed to be able to show the team that he wasn’t just a One Time Thing.
As a result, Oscar just shrugged his shoulders and turned away. Getting into this wasn’t going to help his mindset.
“Oscar, look at me.”
His teammate spoke so gently, though, and it was impossible to deny his simple request. He was almost always looking at Lando with his stupidly lovesick eyes, and even if he was trying to protect himself he couldn’t help but soften as he turned back to look at him.
“Why wouldn’t I?” He repeated. The hurt was there again, but it didn’t seem like Lando was hurting for himself. It almost felt like he was hurting on Oscar’s behalf, and that almost felt worse. He didn’t want to be pitied.
“Not good enough, am I?” Oscar said matter-of-factly, giving Lando a half-arsed smile as he spoke. He didn’t want Lando to sympathise with him for his answer, but it was the honest answer. Lando was lightning - narrowing in on P4 in the Championship. He was consistent in his drives, with strong podium finishes almost every weekend since the upgrades had come to the car. Even when he qualified poorly he drove like hell during the race to make up for it. He was spectacular, he was everything Oscar had always hoped to be - and continued to hope to be. 
Oscar had done well in Qatar, but since then? All he’d had was excuses. He’d proven he could learn new circuits quickly, so why hadn’t he been doing that lately? Why had he been qualifying worse than his teammate? Why had his race pace and tyre management all but evaporated? 
“Oscar…” Lando said quietly, and Oscar forced his smile wider still. 
“You could have anyone in the world, Lando. Maybe raise your standards a bit?” 
The longer the conversation went on, the less and less it felt like a prank. Surely, by now, Lando would’ve admitted to it. Surely things were getting a little too personal for him to continue if there wasn’t some truth behind his words. Oscar licked his lips, taking in a deep breath through his nose, and he turned away from Lando again. He wasn’t saying anything - probably thinking about Oscar’s suggestion - and that felt like a good enough time to get out of the conversation. He needed to get away from Lando before his mind pointed out that maybe he’d fucked up the one shot he’d ever have with the guy. More importantly, he needed to get away from Lando before his emotions caught up with him. He’d admitted that he wasn’t good enough, and even if he wasn’t trying to shield himself from being on the wrong end of a prank he knew it was true. Saying it aloud hadn’t quite sunk in yet, but he could feel the dagger he’d plunged into his own chest starting to twist. Nausea hit him first, the telltale sign that insecurity was starting to eat him from the inside, and he had to get away.
Lando didn’t let him.
He tried to walk, but he felt a hand gripping at his wrist. There was no one here but them, and Oscar wasn’t sure if he liked it that way or not. People being around would’ve made Lando far less likely to intervene like this.
“I think you’re perfect, Osc,” Lando said. His voice was a whisper, but the emotion in his voice spoke volumes. There was so much care and love behind his words that he couldn’t deny that the feelings between them were requited any longer. Lando liked him - really liked him - and all Oscar wanted to do was run away. After a moment of silence, Lando spoke again.
“You didn’t say you didn’t like me back.”
“That’s not the point…”
“That’s exactly the point. It’s not for you to choose who I like, or for you to dictate my standards. I like you, Oscar. You’re a bloody talented racer, too, but that’s got nothing to do with it. I like you for your dry sense of humour and that cute bit of hair that sticks out all wavy. I like you for how hard you work, and how determined you are. I like you because no matter how shit of a weekend you have, you always bounce back with a smile. I hate the fact that you think you aren’t good enough for me, because you are universes out of my league. Forget me, you could have anyone in the world. I guess, part of me hopes that anyone might be me.”
The silence came back again, but this time Lando didn’t break it. Oscar was forced to bask in Lando’s kind words, letting them wash over him as they stood under the fluorescent lighting in the back of the garage that Lando had caught him in. Lando’s fingers were still wrapped around his wrist, and Oscar had a decision to make.
He could force Lando to drop his hand and walk away, cementing the fact that he didn’t believe he was worth Lando’s affections. Or he could take a risk, let his walls down a little bit, stop hiding behind his own insecurities and let Lando in.
It was difficult, and it seemed ludicrous. They were racers, they constantly took risks that could end up with their lives ending in a fraction of a second. The only risk here was that the relationship didn’t work out and things became a bit awkward. Despite the fact that it wasn’t life or death, it seemed so much more terrifying than deciding where to brake in the wet at Monaco.
Slowly, very slowly, Oscar flexed his fingers. As he moved them he twisted his arm to force Lando to let go of his wrist. 
There was a brief moment of dejected heartbreak on the other’s face, but as Oscar moved his hand to press his palm against Lando’s, their fingers intertwining, it was replaced quickly with a smile. Both their cheeks turned a deep shade of pink as Lando squeezed his hand tightly, and Oscar found that all of his insecurities had quietened down significantly. 
He could get used to this.
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b0r3dtod3ath · 13 days
hello! the usual necessity to request something for Andrey... anyway I was thinking about an fluff imagine about the reader being a tennis players and she takes her young sister to one of the tournaments, and the little girl is exploring the place and talking to other players and the reader gets kinda of scared because the little girl evaporated from her sight, and when she's searching for her she founds her with Rublev. Ps: this idea came from my little obsession with my favorites tennis players with children and I just saw some pictures of him with children and my heart melted. LOOK AT THIS MAN (love your work 🫶)
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an: I have to be honest, Nini carries my Rublo writings : ) All hail the queen 🙏 Thank you!
You shifted your grip on the tennis racket, concentrating on the upcoming training session. Your little sister, Lily, was bouncing with excitement, her big eyes wide as she took in everything around her. At just seven years old, this was her first experience with tennis, and you felt a mix of nerves and excitement at the thought sharing this part of your life with her.
"Now, stick close to me, alright?" you said, playing with her hair. She nodded eagerly, but you could tell by her eyes that her mind was already a million miles away.
As practice neared, you crouched down to get Lily's full attention. "I'm going to warm up a bit. Just stay right here, okay? I'll be back soon". You hoped she could sit in audience for not too long and not cause any problems.
Lily nodded again, already entranced by the players on the nearby courts. You went to the court, glancing back occasionally to ensure she sat near the court.
When you returned from your warm-up, your heart skipped a beat—Lily was gone. Panic went through you. You searched, calling her name, and asked everyone nearby, "Have you seen a little girl with brown hair and a bright pink dress?".
Your mind raced with worry, imagining all kinds of scenarios. You looked through the courts, food stands, and souvenir shops, desperately looking for her.
Just as you were about to alert security, you spotted a familiar figure in the distance. Andrey, was leaning down beside a bench, gesticulating and talking with a little girl who looked just like Lily. Relief flooded through you as you sprinted over.
"Andrey!" you called, breathless. He and Lily turned to face you.
"Y/N!" Lily shouted, running over to hug you. "I made a new friend! Look!" She pointed at Andrey, who smiled warmly at you.
"I found her wandering around," Andrey explained as he stood up. "She was asking a lot of questions about tennis".
"Thank you," you took a big breath and smiled softly at your sister "I was so worried”. 
Andrey chuckled reassuringly. "No problem at all. She's quite the little tennis fan”.
Lily beamed. "He told me all about his training and even showed me some cool tricks with the racket. And he gave me a tennis ball!".
You exhaled, finally calming down. "I'm glad you had fun, but next time, stay closer to me, okay? I was really scared when I couldn't find you”.
"I'm sorry," she said, glancing at her shoes. "I just wanted to see everything”.
Andrey squatted down to her level. "You need to stay with your sister, but you can always find me if you have more questions about tennis or are feeling bored, alright?"
Lily nodded excitedly. "Deal!"
As you turned away, Andrey nudged you with a grin. "Up for a small match today? As a practice? I have some time to kill, and it might be fun with Lily watching. We can teach her something".
You hesitated for a moment, surprised by his offer. "Really? That would be fantastic. Thank you".
May 25, 2024
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chronicallyuniconic · 1 month
TW: ableism, disability hate/discrimination
TLDR: the government proposed changes to benefit rules for disabled people in the aim of "getting them back to work" this has sowed so much hate that the 'people' are attacking the disabled as if we're lazy or scrounging the system, using their status as a taxpayer for reasoning.
this fucking government and the humans we're sharing society with...i swear to God, it has dragged out SO much hate in the past couple weeks regarding people with disabilities who are out of work, disabled people who receive benefits like universal credit, personal independence payment, carers allowance and motability cars, and so on
they are directly attacking disabled people as if we're choosing not to work. as if we're lazy. as if we just don't want to. as if we're turning down jobs instead of taking them, as if we're stealing from the government & taxpayers (people who have a job)
because of this, it's brought all kinds of disgusting out on my twitter page (if you go looking, I'd advise a TW for ableist & direct abusive comments). it's brought out direct hate, for stating that its nobody's business, that we deserve to live, that we should have the freedom to buy what we choose with what we do receive.
met with comments like "the taxpayer is paying for you to buy shit" "you must be obese on 40 fags a day with 2 kids" "can't stop buying takeaways" "you're just fucking lazy" "what an entitled person saying freedom to buy" "you should have the bare minimum" amongst other degrading comments. as well as these, were a majority of misinformed people, who don't have a clue how the benefits system works. it isn't easy.
if it was easy, and you supposedly receive "thousands a month," wouldn't everyone be doing it?? that response is usually met with "cos I'm not stealing from the state" "cos I'm not lazy" "cos I go to work" nah, they just know, it isn't easy, and they're not getting anywhere with it.
I dare any of those fuckers that think like this, to quit their jobs & sign up to the system. I fucking dare you. how quickly your life will fall apart. good luck if you're paying a mortgage. good luck in general.
I never thought I would end up relying on benefits. I never wanted to rely on the government. and I still don't. I hate having to ask for help. I don't know anyone that doesn't. the government know they can't just do nothing for disabled people, it's part of the social circle. disability has existed in humans for as long as humans have existed.
it's frustrating. they don't know. they don't want to know. they don't try to know. they don't try to understand. they don't care. they roll their eyes when they're told it could be them any day. and when it is, they'll realise the actual living hell it is, to having to rely on a system because.. YOU ARE UNABLE TO WORK. what is it about that phrase that evaporates over their heads.
I WAS a taxpayer. but even if I wasn't, do they think those born with permanent disabilities, which definitively leave them unable to do anything, are lazy, or "sponging" or "could just look for a job" do they blame having to pay for them too? cos they won't admit it. they can't admit their true hate, but I see it, feel it, hear it. they'd rather us dead let's be damn honest.
I have a masters degree. I was in education from aged 3 to aged 25. but since diagnosed later with permanent disability(it was always there), it means nothing, I know that, I don't need to be told by anyone else. and the jobs and experience I had, also means nothing. many dont get to have the things I had, and I'm grateful I got to, because I understand with my whole heart, how hard it is as a disabled person, to achieve anything.
they tell you "just get a job" like we haven't considered that. like we've not all tried to find the job, that is accessible, can support your needs, has the working hours you can cope with. jobs like this don't exist for the majority. one day I am fine, the next 7 days I might be incapacitated. I might only be okay between the hours of 3am to 6am one day, and 3pm to 4pm the next. employers especially, do not care for that. at all. they cannot cope with the fluctuations of a disabled person. we are all absolutely individual, even with the same diagnoses. employers are not set up, supported or provided with the education, to allow disabled people into their business.
"if you can write, text, tweet, upload on your phone, then you can do a job" I'd love to attach a picture of my positioning and setup but honestly I'm past giving evidence to these asshats. they forget about text to speech, my screen scrolls with my eyes, screen reads back to me, there's a bunch of adaptability and accessibility they don't care or even know about.
so..even if we do find that one in a billion job, we have to get there. I can't do anything without someone driving me. I'm physically not able. but they don't care about that either.
work from home, they say. i don't tolerate screens well, migraines have been a huge fluctuating problem because of epilepsy. I can't sit up for very long at all, i am 90% bed and housebound, only really leaving my home for appointments. i cannot process a big influx of information anymore, my brain is like swiss cheese, I cannot read or take in the things that are important, in order for me to carry out my job. I rely on another person for the majority of my day.
any job we would find, would never allow us to rise through the ranks, to improve our standing and footing on the ladder, to ever experience a payrise or be treated like your non disabled peers.
it doesn't matter to them either, that the impact of the job can and usually does, affect the person's disability negatively. when your life only involves your job, it's not your life, is it?
it doesn't matter to them that the impact of working can lead many people to become so bad they can't work anymore. (hello, waves, me!!)
they expect you'll just get over that permanent problem. or you will work through it in a couple days. they don't understand constant symptoms, debilitating symptoms, twenty four hours a day symptoms. symptoms that incapacitate you. but they expect you to work through it anyway.
that's not how it works.
I was told "take up a hobby and get paid for it" why?? are you? are building lego and selling it? are you gaming on your computer and selling that? why should I use my fun time, my hobby, as an income. of which, the income would be so minimal, it would never cover rent, it would unlikely buy any food shopping at all, because ...it's a hobby. it's not my job. why would I sacrifice my hobbies, when you don't have to? my hobby, is also not my worth.
who's setting up the website and shop for my hobby? who's managing the orders? who's posting them? I made one hobby last week so have been unable to make 3 more hobbies, who's managing for that??
I hate this government for every hateful, spiteful, cold, calloused, manipulative, condescending, degrading, inhumane comment.
it's not even anger, it's like a complete state of fed up mixed with disappointment, lack of community on the issue, sadness of people's reactions, to disabled people.
I'd love for them to look my mother in law with stage 4 cancer, in the eyes and tell her to just get a job, after 38yrs of employment.
absolute cretins. the worst of humanity.
sorry it's so long, I am just 😪🥱😮‍💨😮‍💨
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satancopilotsmytardis · 3 months
Virginity kink?
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
To be honest, by the time I got halfway through writing this one I was ready to downgrade it to a Sure, but I was already halfway done.
Dabi never considered his sex life. To be fair, he doesn't have one to consider, but that was more of an absent-minded choice than anything else. He people had offered before, but sex was messy and he's broken in such specific ways. He has open wounds across eighty percent of his body that he already struggled to keep clean and healthy while he was on the streets that he didn't want to deal with any other complications. He ends up getting his dick pierced because he kept getting hit on in the piercing studio he went to and he was tired of making excuses that didn't work on the chicks there. So he said he was getting his cock pierced and got his ladder just so he would have a very good excuse for a good few months. He doesn't care if other criminals find out that he's not fucking around. It's none of their business in the first place, and in the second, he doesn't really have any shame attached to his virginity. He was in a coma throughout most of puberty and then took years just getting healthy enough that he didn't end up with a fresh infection every couple of months, or laid out completely by the constant agony of his shattered nerves every other day. 
And, on top of that all, he's never been interested in anyone. Not guys, girls, anyone in-between. Romantically, sexually, it's just a big ol' nothing for him. He can tell when people are conventionally attractive, sure, but that doesn't do anything for him. When he gets off, because he still does masturbate on his own, it's never to porn or fantasizing about anything. It's just stress relief, pain relief. Something he does in the shower as he tries to get rid of blood leaking from his seams or before bed when he just has to have something to let him sleep despite the pain. If it weren't for the fact he remembers being asked at school if he had a crush on anyone, or how Fuyumi and Natsuo both acted when they had their first crushes, he would believe those kinds of feelings got burned away on the mountain too. But no, he didn't understand it even back then. 
He understands it even less when, after everything goes tits up in Kamino, he finds himself gravitating towards Shigaraki more and more. Finds himself thinking he's not as gross as he used to. That he is kind of pretty when he starts to let his hair grow out, that his eyes are a beautiful shade of red when he deigns to take the hand from his face, that... he's a good leader now that he isn't being hamstrung by AFO or Kurogiri. The first time he ends up leaning against the shower wall in their new hideout with his knuckles between his teeth as he imagines what it would be like to have Shigaraki's gloved hand moving over his cock, and his voice raspy in his ear, and cums so hard he evaporates the water hitting his body, he knows that he's fucked. 
Dabi thinks he does a good job of hiding how badly he wants him, how worried he got over him during everything that happened in Deika. He doesn't feel an ounce of guilt completely ghosting the hero in favor of making sure that everything is perfect while Duster is recovering. It takes a month and a half for him to be healed and his prosthetics to be in place, but that's so little time compared to what it might be if they didn't have the mad doctor, so he's not complaining. 
Absolutely not complaining even though he doesn't really know how they went from talking in his office, to Dabi being in his lap, his mouth moving against his. His tongue is in his mouth and Dabi feels like he might melt. Suddenly understands why people are obsessed with kissing because it feels wonderful, and his whole body is getting hotter. He would give up breathing entirely if it meant he could have Shigaraki's mouth against his anytime he wants it for the rest of his life. 
But he's not going to get that as the other man catches him by his chin, holding him in place as he pulls back. Bright red eyes surrounded by soft loose waves of white, like blood on snow and Dabi feels breathless. "Dabi," 
He presses in again, and Tomura doesn't stop him, giving him another long, hot kiss before he gets both hands around his hips, pulling those closer, down harder into his lap and Dabi is the one pulling away with a gasp because it puts pressure against his crotch and he realizes that he's already half hard just from a few kisses. 
Duster chuckles softly, pressing kisses along the staples over his cheek in a line until he's murmuring against the shell of his ear, "Oh, firefly, you're so sensitive. Like you've never been touched before." 
"Haven't," he murmurs back, getting his hand on either side of the other man's jaw to try and pull him back into a kiss. "Never wanted anyone else." 
He's not expecting to pull him back and find red eyes staring at him with naked shock and only then considers that maybe being untouched is a bad thing rather than a falsely 'pure' thing, or the neutral thing he's always seen it as. "Never?" 
Dabi shrugs weakly. "Never. No one else," he feels heat rise to his cheeks. They're making out, but that doesn't mean anything. He's seen plenty of people hookup without wanting anything else from each other. He just... wants more than that from Tomura, and he doesn't know how to ask for that without sounding like he's doing something ridiculous like offering up his virginity as some kind of prize. "...makes me feel the way you do." 
That gets a hand wrapping around the back of his neck and Tomura's mouth desperate against his, kissing him harder, deeper, but his other hand moves away from his hip, back more neutrally up to his waist. Kisses him until they're both breathless with it and then pulls back enough to speak, but Dabi cuts him off. 
"Don't care about it. We can fuck, want to fuck you. This can be whatever you want. Not some desperate virgin looking to be your boyfriend--" 
"What if I want you to be my boyfriend?" Pulls him impossibly closer, his voice intense and sincere. "Dabi, I've wanted you to be mine from the moment we met." 
"You tried to kill me when we met." He says pointedly, breathlessly. 
"My new crush just insulted me and I was being immature. Doesn't mean I didn't want you." 
Dabi pulls him back in this time, moving his hands to Tomura's tie, trying to get the knot loose because he wants him and he's never gotten to have the things he's wanted before. Thinks that's not going to change when Duster catches his hand and pulls him to a stop. "Come on, don't need romancing or waiting. Don't make a big deal out of it." 
"No, but you might like lube, firefly." And there is amusement in his voice. "And a bed is definitely going to make this more comfortable." Dabi pouts and Tomura presses a light kiss to his lips. "I won't make a big deal out of this, but I do want to show you the same courtesy that I normally do for my partners. Does that sound fair?" 
"...Okay." He relents. 
"Good boy. Now why don't we go back to my room and then I'll make you feel good, yeah?"
He gives another weak nod and lets himself be coaxed out of Tomura's lap.
Tomura still doesn't fuck him that night, but he does wrap his hand around both of their cocks and stroke while murmuring praise against Dabi's skin until he's trembling, and whimpering, and spilling all over both of their skin. But he does want to make sure Dabi actually knows what he's getting into as far as the logistics for anal and the other things he wants to do with him goes-- and there's so much Tomura wants to do. But he doesn't want to rush in with Dabi and have him get genuinely, seriously hurt physically or mentally given that Duster is apparently into 'harder' play than the average person. harder than any of the porn Dabi had ever tried to watch for certain. But smaller things, handjobs, blowjobs, eventually fingering him open and rubbing against his prostate until Dabi is sobbing and leaving puddles of cum and blood from his tears on the sheets, become activities they do a fair bit. Dabi learns and remembers to use his safe words when he needs them, learns what he likes and doesn't, how to ask for the things he wants, and... how to be in a relationship. 
He ends up liking that as much as the sex when they finally get to the full breadth of it. 
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Hi hi!! I’m here to request something with my bbg Vincent Sinclair! your thingy doesn’t exactly specify which slashers, so I think I’ll ask for Vincent and Michael Myers just so u have an idea u can write abt if you don’t know the other!!
Okay okay, so what about a reader with a bad attitude? So for Vince, I would assume that their relationship starts with the reader defending Vincent from Bo. Like, Bo just starts calling Vincent names (like the mean truck man he is >:[) and Vincent is just taking it, then the reader steps between the two twins and just starts BURNING Bo with every insult they have.
“Oh, he’s the freak? Well at least he knows how to keep his mouth shut and isn’t asking everyone with a *female anatomy* to *adult fun* every ten seconds.” or something vicious like that-
and Vincent is just dumbfounded that someone has the balls to speak up against Bo.
and for Michael, same thing, but the reader is just being so mean when he starts chasing them! Like, they try to hide behind a door and they make sure that Michael saw them, so when he opens the door, the reader just flips him off and kicks him away from the door really harshly-
or, just being really really hard to catch. Like if they climb somewhere high and he can’t get to them, the reader just sticks their tongue out and flips him off again with the snarkiest attitude!!
anyways, that’s all I gots for now! Feel free to ignore this lol, but if you don’t directly respond to this ask but do use the idea, I ask that u credit me!
u look lovely today, and I hope u have an amazing night/evening/morning/day!
First of all, for some reason I got no notification that somone requested anything and I have no clue how long it was sitting in my inbox. Second of all thats great idea cuz in most of fics reader is always very meow meow shy uwu bebi, which is sometimes annoying tbh, they should be rude sometimes. Requests open
Slashers with badass s/o
Vincen Sinclair
Bros used to this kind of treatment, name calling, mean words, yelling ect
This relationship started by s/o just simply asking Vincent if he's alright after Bo yelled at him
Any kind of affection makes him blush like teenager girl after watching twilight for first time
In his free time he will just hold s/o hand and walk behind them like lost puppy
Imagine: "yo vinc get over here you lazy ass" vincent:😰🏃 "well BO maybe if you stopped acting like such drama queen and get rid of this nasty ass attitude then MAYBE people will start helping you without fear of losing a limb or sanity?" 🧍🧍‍♂️
Tbh the only reason that Bo didn't commit murder on s/o is that vincent is actually very happy now and even that Bo is a horrible human being he doenst want his bro completely emo
Lack of ideas so im just going to put some mean words to Bo here
"Dont worry vincent, hes just jealous cuz he cant hold conversation with women for more than 4seconds without scaring them to death. litteraly"
"Aw baby dont be sad, just compare your hair routine with his. Im surprised hes not bald to be honest"
Live laugh love Vincent
"Nonono dont be upset, how about we draw together huh? Can you go pass me crayons from your workplace😇i totaly wont whoop your brother while you are away"
If s/o is just rude to Bo face, Vincent will be so so happy that they protect him but so so worried that s/o is about to evaporate due to Bo anger issues
"You calling him a freak? Better look who has stable relationship and lack of anger issues L bozo"
Also now Vince is 24/7 with her bcs not only shes great, protects him and provides comfort🥰
Micheal Myers
"AHAHAH looozer can't climb the ladder? Yo old as hell man go to retirement home"
S/o calling him granma to bully him
"Yo man stop begin such stalker or im going go call yo sister (in some versions laurie is his sister if u dont agree just ignore this part lol) and she gonna beat you up
Micheal spawning behind her, inside her house:🧍 "😨 yo sup Myers wacha got there? A a knife? Eee cool cool"🏃
"If you have such blood-lust go kill rats in my basement they keep stealing my food"
🧍 Myers emoji
Im sorry if its unfunny or boring I watched house of wax when it came out so like long time ago and I kinda forgor vincent and bo personalities. And Myers personality is basicly 🧑‍🦯old man
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flatoutin-eaurouge · 8 months
Brighter than the sun
Very much inspired by this and this 🥵
Pairing: Mika Häkkinen x Michael Schumacher
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Michael wiped his forehead in the blazing Brazilian sun as beads of sweat dribbled down his face. It wasn't even that warm in Interlagos. It was just that the sun had so much power that is evaporated the liquids straight out of your pores.
The waves of heat rose off the tarmac like flames above a grill, making the air above the track sizzle as it expanded and fought the colder air on its way above. The rays of ultraviolet were so strong that Michael put on the darkest sunglasses he could find. The techinical briefing was over - Thank God - because so was his will to stay in the garage any longer. He wanted nothing more than that to spent some alone-time on the Interlagos roof terrace, where he could turn his chagrin about working in the heat into resignation, becoming at peace with relaxing in the heat. Maybe have a Mojito or two, since he had finished driving for the day.
To be honest, the Brazilian sun made him a bit restless. It were on sunny days like this one when he missed Corinna most. He just wanted to relieve some tension after testing. He needed that tension, currently coiling in his stomach, to be freed from its cage before tomorrow's race, or else his Finnish opponent might run off with his trophy.
Mika... the man was in fact his favourite opponent. He never had any trouble with Mika. Mika was fun to share the podium with. Mika was kind and gratious. Mika this, Mika that... Mika occupied his mind way too often the last couple of years.
When he arrived on the roof terrace, he quickly took refuge underneath a large parasol. Here, on the tiled roof terrace it seemed even hotter than down at the paddock. The mercury in the thermometer almost burst from its glass casing. Michael really could do with a cold drink. To his dissapointment however the bar was closed.
While his eyes had been scanning the roof terrace for the opening sign of the bar, he had noticed he was not alone. He stared at the alluring sight for a moment and grinned. Nevermind a cold drink... he needed a cold shower.
Michael always thought Finns didn't enjoy the sun, seeing as they come from boreal areas. Although they did like saunas, which made Michael change his mind in an instant. Mika was sitting there with his eyes shut, race suit unzipped and draped around his waist, looking like Helios. His skin more tan than Michael thought the cool Finn would ever be able to pull off, his long blonde hair weaving in the wind, looking even more golden in the sunlight. Michael sighed in appreciation and was glad for the sunglasses, because they were dark enough to hide the way he was staring so blatantly.
He stood up and took a seat closer to Mika. He wondered if he too should unzip his race suit, but his fireproofs were still underneath and he didn't want to give his rival a show... or maybe... oh well let's see how this pans out. For now he just sat there being way too hot and bothered.
Mika still hadn't noticed him. Michael watched beads of sweat trickling from Mika's hair down his broad chest and ignored the heat pooling in his stomach.
It was only seconds later that Mika noticed him. "Hey, Michael." The Finn looked around the terrace for a moment, then smiled at him. "Isn't it crazy how - apart from the two of us - empty this terrace is? On such a beautiful day."
Michael swallowed. Yes, just the two of us. Like all the time. It was always the two of them... on the podium... wielding champagne. "Yes, Mika. A good place to unwind after testing."
Mika nodded. "How did your testing go?"
Michael grinned. He wondered whether Mika genuinely wanted to know or if he wanted to pry out some information on the Ferrari F300. "Wouldn't you like to know," he teased.
Mika smirked. "Ah you're not giving me anything! Are you scared of me, Michael?"
Michael looked into the blonde's ocean-blue eyes and swallowed. I am not scared of you. I am distracted by you! How dare you sit like that! With all that skin on display!  "Scared of you? No, scared of Jean and Ross. They will give me hell if I give away the secrets of the F300."
Mika chuckled. "I wasn't asking about the F300. I mean just driving in general, Michael. Lots of tyre deg I am sure. It's so warm out here!" He noticed Michael sweating in his race suit and wondered what was stopping him from undoing it the way all drivers did in the heat. "But you seem to be coping well with the heat?"
Michael blushed. He was glad the afternoon heat gave him reason to be red-faced. "Yes, I have never had any trouble with high temperatures. I do quite enjoy it to be honest."
Mika nodded. "Yeah me too. And like this it's very easy to cope with it."
Like this. Michael saw it as an invitation to look Mika up an down as the Finn was definitely talking about his state of dress. He swallowed audibly as his mouth went dry. Michael knew Mika was broad-shouldered, but the sturdy McLaren silver racing suit never gave anything away when it came to the contours of his muscled upper body.
He looked like this only six months after his near-fatal accident. How? He remembered Mika being all skin and bone after leaving the hospital. What did they give him for breakfast?
Michael nodded. "Yeah, probably." He noticed the skin on Mika's shoulders was slightly starting to turn red. "Uhm... did you?" he stammered. "Did you put on sunscreen?"
Mika blushed. "Yeah, I brought it with me but I couldn't reach everywhere." He searched his skin for the sun burns that had probably caught Michael's eyes, but couldn't find any. He reached into the plastic bag he brought along and grabbed his bottle of sunscreen.
"You know..." Michael bit his lip. "I don't mind putting it on you." He laughed nervously. "I will have your back..."
Mika smirked his crooked smile at Michael's little joke, partly because he thought it was funny and partly to loosen the tension between the two. Surely there shouldn't be any tension. Having someone else put sunscreen on your back was a necessity, right?
Michael blushed as he reached for the bottle Mika was offering him. He squeezed quite a good amount of the white moisture on his hand and walked to Mika, who was now standing in his shirtless glory.
As soon as his hand made contact wit Mika's skin the Finn jumped.
"Perkele, ko on kylma! That's cold!"
Michael grinned mischievously. He started slow, light touches gently massaging the sunscreen into Mika's skin. His natural instinct took over, and next thing he knew, he was working out the knots in his upper back. Digging his thumbs in Mika's back muscles, Michael started to knead the flesh between his fingers. He pretty much had to remind himself that he was putting sunscreen on Mika instead of lotion.
"Oh Michael, that's very kind of you! I think my physiotherapist missed a few knots."
Michael's face turned impossibly red. He was caught in the action. Luckily he was facing Mika's back side, so the Finn couldn't see his flustered face. He continued without lingering his hands on his skin for too long, but Mika's skin was so smooth and alluring.
He swiped those luscious long blonde locks to the side to rub his hands over his neck and broad shoulders. Then let his index finger run down Mika's spine, making the Finn shudder in delight.
Fuck. Michael forced himself to think about Corinna, in order to make whatever he was doing with Mika feel as platonic as possible.
Michael regretted the job was finished when the moisture on his hands started to dry up, but he didn't dare to squeeze another bit of sunscreen from the bottle.
When he handed back Mika his sunscreen, the Finn grabbed his wrist instead.
"I don't mind returning the favour."
Michael felt goosebumps appear on his skin. God, yes please. He swallowed and schooled his glee behind an impassive mask, trying to appear aloof.
"Well, why not?"
Michael started to work on his Ferrari red overalls with nimble fingers. Slowly unzipping the garment, giving his rival the show he was very hesitant about giving fifteen minutes earlier. His fireproofs were next and landed on the ground between them.
And just like he'd with Mika, the Finn was eating him up with his eyes, staring at his huge pecs. Look at them! Carefully picking out possibilities to touch one another like a well played-out game of chess. So this is what they end up like on a warm brilliant day in Brazil without their respective girlfriends around?
Michael felt tense in his shoulders, flustered with the way he knew Mika was staring. A heat crept up to his neck which was definitely not from the sun. His fingers were like butter as he dropped the bottle of sunscreen. 
Mika picked it up from the ground and uncapped the bottle.
Michael watched as the handsome Finn squeezed the sunscreen in his hands and started lathering them with the stuff.
"To make sure it's not cold on your skin. You didn't think of that with me, so actually I shouldn't be doing this." He grinned. "But unlike you, I am very thoughtful."
Michael shivered in anticipation and gasped when he felt Mika's large hands on his skin. His hands felt robust unlike Corinna's. An entire different but very welcome sensation.
Thoughtful as he was, Mika made sure to touch every square inch of skin within his reach. Swerving his hands over the dips and hills between his muscles... just to make sure he wouldn't burn right? His own hands had been lingering on Mika's skin to make sure he wouldn't burn right?
Michael bit his lip when Mika smoothed the cream all over his exposed skin, the sensation sparking a warmth in his core. He could feel Mika's close proximity and he "accidently" arched his back into the Finn, reveling in the sudden skin contact.
In a reflex, Mika grabbed him by the hips to steady him. Holding him there for a moment, while eyeing the German's shimmering shoulders, until he noticed the stains of white on Michael's red overalls.
"Oh vittu! I got sunscreen on your race suit."
Mika let go off him and walked to his plastic bag to look for a handkerchief. He rummaged through his things and walked back to Michael with the cleaning cloth of his sunglasses.
"Let me get that for you."
Michael mourned the fact that Mika's attention was now on his clothing instead of on his skin. He didn't hesitate and grabbed his rival's wrist, squeezing softly. Emerald greens staring at saphire blues.
"Leave it. It's okay."
And at that moment they were so close they could kiss. It came up in Michael's mind for a fraction of a second. To grab Mika by his blonde locks and yank him into a kiss. To hold him and touch his delectable body.
But before he knew it, the moment was over. Both of them creating a distance with flustered faces. Had they been thinking of the same thing?
"Thank you. We are well protected now," Mika coughed nervously with pink-tinged cheeks.
A nod from an equally flustered face.
A crooked smile.
Michael walked back to his chair with a white sunscreen stain the size of Mika's hand on his red overalls at hip height.
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cherryfennec · 4 months
Hello 👋
So I got a question how would an a AU of luigi and Mr L getting separated would work?, like during the final battle against dimentio and after defeating him not only saved luigi but they also find out that Mr L is also there
Hi! I'll be honest, I have no idea. The concept of Luigi and Mr.L being separated never particularly struck my fancy when it comes to prompts but I can see why people like it. While I personally enjoy characters overcoming their inner fears and flaws by themselves, characterising those shortcomings and making them impossible to ignore by turning them into a separate existing being? It does kinda sound pretty fun overall.
So now with context knowing that this isn't my expertise, uhhhhhh I guess:
The Chaos Heart is beaten out of Luigi at Castle Bleck, while it evaporates it picks up on two contrasting personalities inside of our green man (one being the usual behaviour, second the persona, aka 'Mr L code', made by Nastasia and buried in the subconscious after visiting the Underwhere). Somewhat confused it splits Luigi into two and gives us the prompted situation.
Id assume Mario, Peach and Bowser would be shocked to see Mr. L becoming real, while Luigi would just be confused. Mr. L would be as well.
"Whos this guy and why does he look like me what??"
You can either turn this situation into one of comedic and kind of lighthearted nature or one with existential dread. Your choice. In either scenarios Mr L would probably stick with the reformed Team Bleck post game.
For the 'wholesome' part you could make it so Luigi tries to make Mr L be a better person and help overcome the issues he himself couldn't solve. It'd be like a friend that actually understands EXACTLY how you're feeling. Sounds rather comforting. Mr L could teach a thing or two about asserting dominance and style.
When it comes to the mentioned dread, you could make Mr L hate the idea he wasn't the og template. He'd be horrified of the thought that he shouldn't have existed, with the lingering question in his head being: 'What even is he???'. He'd either try to live his own life, create his own path and slowly accept the situation or turn into an active threat to Luigi, wanting the guy absolutely gone.
While it's not perfectly the scenario you mentioned I can recommend you maeries extra life au. It separates the two in an interesting way and the art style is very nice.
I have a recollection of there being a fic abt this or two but I can't seem to find them.
Like I mentioned before I don't really have any good ideas for this one. Sorry anon!
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blackjackkent · 4 months
Hope greets us on the way out the door of the Archive.
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The words are spilling out of her, vacillating wildly between low whispers and screaming. "Good news! You got what you came for - successful visit, great success, fantastic work! Bad news - so many things will be on fire when you step outside this room. YOU INCLUDED! That's okay though, right? It's Hell! You expected it to be hot!"
She leans forward and bellows up at him, "WORST NEWS RAPHAEL IS ON HIS WAY HOME AND OH BOY OH BOY HE IS SPITTING MAD!"
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Hector flinches back in spite of himself. None of this is unexpected, but Hope's panicked air is starting to become impossible not to absorb.
"But you planned for this," she goes on hastily, her fingers twitching. "I know you did. You have everything under control. IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DON'T PANIC EVEN WHEN YOUR EYES EVAPORATE FROM THE HEAT. Come to my prison, bring the Hammer, break my chains. And then we exit stage ANYWHICHWAY."
That is literally the only thing Hector wants to do right now. "I'll be there," he says firmly.
As promised, things outside are now considerably more... flamey.
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Everyone here is now hostile. Most of them (except the Hell Sphere) have reasonable health pools but fighting them causes them to explode and turn into a "Vengeful Hell Boar" which has even more health:
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So maybe we just make a break directly for the prisons and forget about the combat. DASH ACTIONS FOR EVERYONE! (Poor Jaheira is the only one in our group who can't doubledash so I gave her Karlach's Misty Step amulet so she can keep up. XD )
This was kind of a messy process to be honest. The locals apparently explode after a while and become monsters even if we don't attack them, and they do nasty conditions like "Infernal Hellfire" and "Hamstrung" which slowed progress considerably. And unfortunately this wasn't like the gith attack at the start of the act; we had to get everyone to the hatch, not just one person.
Made it eventually, though. I do have a short rest left to play with but ended up just having everyone chug health potions. If this is a back to back battle with the Spectator and then Raphael, though, this might get a little tense if we can't rest in between.
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"You really went and did it, didn't you?" says Hope eagerly, bursting into being next to the prison entrance. "HA HA HA HA HA-- the whole house is tumbling down, and Raphael's striding across the planes to come catch a mouse!" She waves her arms wildly. "Now swing that big beautiful Hammer, crack open my chains and let's get out of here! IT'S TIME TO FLY THIS COOP ON A HOPE AND A PRAYER!"
(A/N: Given Hector's character this could easily have been a very deliberate sort of pun about him specifically, which I love. XD )
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"Any advice when it comes to fighting Raphael?" Hector asks her.
"DON'T!" she snaps at once. Then, more quietly, "But if you must, make sure I'm with you. He makes mistakes when he's angry, and seeing me running free will make him as angry as an axe-head."
Are axeheads particularly angry? Hector wonders with bemusement. He glances over his shoulder at the others, waits for them all to nod their readiness. Then he takes a step forward and pulls open the prison door. "Let's do this."
Hector reflects privately that that sentence could really sum up his whole life lately.
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asshlyyyy · 2 years
Fall Treats (Elvis Headcanons)
I liked this one! This may seem like a stupid idea, but I liked how it turned out! Not to mention it’s just more information for the end fic at the end of the month! Part of me is scared to write it, while the other half is excited!
A few more headcanons this month, and hopefully I will start making better ones, that aren’t themed around a holiday or season. Let’s be honest though... that will not stop me for when winter comes. 
Kind of almost forgot that I was posting today... he...he...hehe... Anyways, new fic on Saturday I hope. It will be either Saturday or Sunday!
Pairing: Elvis/ Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Spelling and Grammatical Errors
Word Count: 824
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You pulled out the container that held all your recipes and searched for your favorite.
Pumpkin Pie... mmm yum.
You wouldn't call yourself a baker...
But you have been craving pumpkin pie for a long time now.
Well... for a couple of weeks since you received some fantastic news.
Not to mention, it would be a nice treat for Elvis.
He was currently away for a meeting, and you knew he was going to be hungry when he got back.
"Ah ha!" You exclaimed as you pulled out the recipe card.
"Okay... let's see here... The crust on one side, and filling on the other."
You had just gone shopping, so hopefully, you would have everything.
"Flour... salt and shortening." You read aloud as you searched for the products.
After you gather those ingredients you read the other side of the card.
"pumpkin.. obviously. Evaporated milk... still sounds weird. Eggs, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and salt. I already have salt out."
You still had no idea what evaporated milk was.
You gathered your ingredients and went back to the card.
There were only seven steps, so hopefully, you will be finished before Elvis got back.
You preheated the oven and got to work on the crust.
As much as some people didn't like the crust, it was the most important part of the pie.
So you got to work.
And boy did you snack the whole time also.
You may have been having a moment for pumpkin pie, but you counted wait.
You absolutely loved snacking, even more so now.
While everything was in the oven baking you made your way to the couch.
Where you took a nap because let's be honest... It's tiring making a whole ass pie.
Of course, you woke up when you heard that loud annoying egg timer you set.
Because lord knows you would have forgotten.
As you made your way over to the kitchen you saw someone standing there bringing the pie out and you let out a scream.
"Elvis! You scared me!" You held your hand close to your heart.
Elvis in return laughed and stood up.
Were you upset that he was back already?
Of course, you were.
You wanted to surprise him and you can't exactly do that when he ruins the surprise.
"'m sorry, sweetheart. Saw ya sleeping when I came in. Didn' want to wake you." He explained.
You let out a breath and walked over to him.
You wrapped your arms around him and let your heart rest.
"It's okay... just wanted to surprise you." You muttered against his chest.
"With pie?"
"That and... something else." You said softly and pulled away.
Elvis looked down at you confused.
"What's the something else?" Elvis asked as he looked down at you.
"Well... You know how I've been eating more? Just been... overly drained more?"
"I'm... pregnant..." you smiled softly.
It took Elvis a while to process what you said.
But when it hit him... it hit him.
"I- that- oh my god, sweetheart." He pulled you closed and kissed you.
"This is great news! I mean- I- we're gonna be parents!" You giggled at his reaction and smiled.
"We are," you said softly and ran your hands through his hair.
"Wait- and you made pumpkin pie? I mean- this is just the best day ever."
"Gotta wait a bit longer for the pie... sadly." You pointed out to him.
The two of you spent your time chatting.
He asked a bunch of questions.
Like when did you find out? Possible names and genders. How many were there?
If there was any question about the baby, he asked it.
It didn't annoy you either.
In fact, you found it quite cute.
Elvis was excited... and so were you.
You guys have talked about having a baby now for months.
Even before the two of you were married, you talked about how many kids you guys would have.
It was always between three and/or four.
You didn't want too little, and you didn't want too much.
You wanted the perfect amount.
Then you discussed the many ways Elvis would spoil them.
Because let's be honest... the man has a spending problem.
When the pie was cooled enough, the two of you dug in... and kept digging in.
In fact, you two finished the whole pie.
Which sucked, but you could always make more.
Fall baking will always hold a special place in your heart.
And this day just made it even more magical.
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