#i know i know ouchie art
rosenroot · 11 months
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“Then they settled down to wait, for they knew it was the custom of Queen Helaena to bring her children to see their grandmother every evening before bed.”
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cry-ptidd · 20 days
Alucard is a boydad but vladcard is a total girldad. I can't explain it but that's the vibes they're giving off,,,,,
Peak characterization my dear anon
Alucard is a boydad stuck with a daughter
(it doesn't change at how he'd treat her if she was a son she still suffers either way)
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"Shut up"
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Fatherly disappointment followed by resignation (also him calling her an idiot for a minute straight)
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And ofc. These gems
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Peak boydad. He calls her 'sport'
Peak girldad Vlad
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He brags about her all the time. You never hear the end of it.
"Yeah, your kid went to Harvard? Cute. My daughter tho--"
He brings her everywhere, and is always there when she's struggling (somehow predicts it). A guy comes within a 20 mile radius of her and he whips out the shotgun. He cuts up apples and places it on her desk without a word and he compliments her hair and outfits and he let her paint his nails when she was little. The first person who made fun of him for having poorly painted sparkly nails got stabbed in the kidney.
Also, he already has a dad laugh.
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Overall, maybe Hellsing is actually about Boydad Alucard's journey to becoming a girldad
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cassiopeia141 · 18 days
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lycanthian · 6 months
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various doodles from the past week . my arm hurts so bad
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
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the married people ever actually
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hexados-on-a-string · 8 months
guess who fucked up their hands by playing too much bayonetta and rhythm games
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urtrickster · 4 months
the person on tiktok that made that mlp infection of spike and twilight staring at the broken moon and then also the same thing from twilight's pov i hope u know that u have me breaking down into tears into my food at 10pm on a saturday night
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lesbianyosano · 1 year
actually i think if someone just gave fukuchi some leftist theory to read none of this would be happening
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ishibishie · 2 years
everyone who follows pokemas stuff getting ready to riot at dena for another may alt and i’m sitting here like
so if hoenn villain arc is a thing and that means hoenn can you add that gay gym leader from 2005 that me and literally only 2 other people on this site care about....... for me pretty please mr. dena 😳 i know how much you like water pairs i know a guy
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Day 208! I was gonna do more faces but SOMEONE decided he needs cuddles right meow immediately, crawled up on my tiddies, and sunk his foot needles into my right bicep XD So, uh, I guess I'm done for today
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a5hrie7 · 1 year
O, thats a dark one i haven't heard of before, dang
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erisethsp · 1 year
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i saw a prompt on twitter of something along the lines of, “if your oc had a clone, what would it look like?” now haley has a modeling clay friend! (although more muddy and stringy than clayey) it was a fun exercise to make something more yucky looking for once!
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additional note: the thought of a clone of her existing IMMEDIATELY enrages haley, up to the point of waking her up in the middle of the night
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thenessa · 9 months
Knitting (and all crafts really) PSA:
It is not normal for it to hurt.
If you have pain while crafting, take a break, and if you still feel it, find some stretches (searching “knitting stretches” or whatever craft you’re doing will give you some great things to do!).
If there’s a pattern of pain occurring while you’re crafting, change the movements you are doing. There are loads of methods to get to the same results and different things work for different people.
(For knitting, some styles include English knitting or throwing (yarn in the right hand); a subset of that is flicking; Continental knitting (picking) is a style with yarn held in the left hand, and similar methods include Norwegian purling and Portuguese knitting. There are infinite personal variations but those are the big categories, so you have many many options.)
I’ve seen far too many people say that pain is normal and you should just keep going. NO. STOP IT. You’re not nobly suffering for your art, you’re risking setting yourself up for long-term pain and possibly needing surgery. I’ve been knitting since 2009 and have carpal tunnel from my barista days, so I know how this goes over time, and it’s a) constantly kind of ouchie and 2. has to be managed all the time: I held my phone too long? no knitting today! I typed at the wrong angle? Guess I’ll be recovering for a couple days.
Find a form that is comfortable for you and you’ll be able to craft longer and enjoy it more while you do.
*Please note: if you have physical disabilities and/or chronic illnesses, you know how to manage this and where your own pain thresholds are, and you know what it’s like to pay for having overdone it. I’m screeching more in the direction of people who aren’t used to managing that kind of thing. Carry on!
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can i ask advice ;; drawing wise ? how did you start to anatomy but also w stylization? did you bruteforce by studying every bone muscle etc in art school?
First, you must distinguish between two completely different concepts: gesture and anatomy. The stylization and dynamic you often see me doing with my dancing practice is "Gesture". This is an excellent tutorial by Proko about gestures. I practiced gestures very soon when I started drawing, simply because I wanted to draw dynamically, lucky for me it was the right thing to do. This was the main reason why I'm so fast at sketching.
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This is my gesture practice, 1 min, 2 min, and 5 min sketch. It's about the flow of the body and which direction each part is going, use "sharp and coherent lines". I practice until it becomes a "natural reflex", a habit when I look at people's interactions.
This below is something I drew 3 years ago (my anatomy was not good sorry), notice how I use many many coherent lines? At the thigh, shin, arm stretching,... all the bigger areas? That's the remaining of gestures.
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It goes without saying. Try to find the flow of gestures, even for the hair or clothes. Heh, I drew this 4 years ago, how nostalgic.
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You can see how I just create the flow with Lya's hair and body movement in the dancing pics too. Like with Kylar's pic her body is straight up one quite hard mass from head to toe. You know she's leaning forward, seemingly wanting to abandon Kylar with a "pathetic loser like you? With me?" attitude (ouchie sorry Kylar nation). While in Sydney's pic she seems much more relaxed and enjoys how her body parts seem to loosen and more in sync with Sydney's movements. Her hip and legs sway more, and her hair also sways back at Sydney's body, hinting that her moves are relatively close to his body. I don't think I have enough vocabulary to describe, gestures are always just "feelings" to me. If people see what I want to show, that's the success for me.
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I know many self-learners started by finding random tutorials that have muscle breakdown or box-like proportions to try and mimic. Mimic is good, drawing is mimicking and remembering what you saw, but without good gesture practice, many people tend to make anatomy very stiff.
Then, you start to apply anatomy to the gestures you've practiced. One way to do it is by learning about muscle position first, and then trying to apply it to a figure, or a model. This is my homework and it's HORRIBLY WRONG IN MANY WAYS. My teacher fixed it for me but I don't have the after with me right now, so take this as an example of how to do the apply thing, DO NOT USE IT AS MUSCLE REF it's very wrong.
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In my opinion bone structure is not strictly needed like muscles. Bones are for muscles to hang onto. You only need to remember some important "landmarks" like the collarbone, elbow joint, anterior pelvis, knee, and ankle,… to hang the important muscles to it. After you're familiar with muscles and gestures, you can start to stylize. Applying your knowledge to animated characters with cartoonish design is one great way. THESE HOMEWORKS OF MINE ARE STILL WRONG but ye hope you get the idea. I'm still struggling with anatomy.
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One of my all-time fav are AFK ARENA artists and what they do for the game. Aki as the main artist, Kuri Huang, and another artist I suddenly forgor the name as home screen illust. I recommend researching their works if you want a direction on how to stylize your character with great dynamic gestures and shapes.
As much as I hate to say this, I was particularly considered a failure, a stone-head, who couldn't be changed for the better when I was still in art school - uni. My chosen major was digital graphic design, not specified in drawing but in designing, that's one thing I regret. I traded 5 years of my youth for doing the things I don't want to do. That's why the moment I graduated, I immediately went and signed up for an advanced art class specified in drawing. I'd be lying if I said the uni didn't teach me anything about drawing. They did, but almost everything I learned during 5 years of uni was self-learning from outer sources. I encourage self-learning the most when I talk with younger artists. Proko is a very trusted source to learn from, go to their YouTube channel, and you might figure out something too.
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matamisin · 1 year
I am absolutely living for the Stardew art. I love that game so much and have over 600 hours of playtime in it. I did have a little bit of a request but feel free to ignore! Could you rate all of the potential spouses based on your personal interpretations?
Hiii!! Yes yes yes thank you for this ask- I planned to do quick portraits anyways! <3 <3
But let's start!!
[PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, reblogs welcome! >:3c)
Harvey: 10/10
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Handsome yes yes
Very sweet and loyal like bro LETS GO that's all I need
Doctor?? AKA he fixes up love interest who regularly gets into trouble? Endless possibilities BRO this is my favorite trope to write/draw about
HOWEVER HARVEY DOESN'T ACCEPT ANY INSURANCE HE JUST CHARGES OUR ASSES bro I'm trying to have a tender moment of almost dying and him worrying and then BOOM hands me my bill like "see you at home honey ily"
Overall he would treat us right yes
Animals LOVE his ass but he's awkward with them LOL
He's often a tired man due the clinic but he'll pull through to do things with the farmer when they're dating (like outings)
In the beginning when farmer is frequently getting hurt in the mines and being brought in hurt, he buys them a walkie-talkie. He's said multiple times that he doesn't recommend going in those dangerous places but learns that farmer's determined to keep going so he'll do what he can to make sure they can relay when they need help
He'll chime in on the walkie when he sees farmer going towards the mines and has them check things off a mental list (hi, this is Harvery- going to the mines? Do you have your weapon? How about food? You have your first-aid kit on you too right?)
This man will be TENSE the whole day when he knows farmer is in the mines. He'll only ease up once he knows they're not in there anymore
Disclaimer: from here on most of what I write will be 100% from my head because I haven't married anyone else yet LMFAO
Sam: 10/10
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I interpret him as the golden retriever type- very hyper and friendly
That just makes him 1000% more loveable
Very good with kids cause of Vincent which is like YES
A little blunt sometimes but that's wassup
Doesn't eat the best (AKA I give him two pizzas every week. Hmm. So maybe that means I'M the problem lol)
Also doesn't really know a lot of cooking, but when he moves in farmer finds new-looking cookbooks tucked away in his spaces
I feel like he'd be the type to have a switch in attitude- he's v friendly UNTIL he has reason to distrust/not like someone and then he'll flip from bright to cold (especially if the person has bad intentions about somebody he cares about)
Doesn't realize farmer and him are dating he just thinks they’re hanging out a lot and just kissing as really good friends
When he does realize they’re dating he gets all flustered and red
Would let you win at Mario-Kart
Despite his goofiness, he knows how to be a gentleman. He's always keeping an eye on farmer and making sure they're okay. If they're out together, the moment the sun goes down his jacket is on farmer's shoulders. When it's raining and he wakes up late and sees that farmer has gone out of the house for the day, he'll get up quick and run around with an umbrella and a thermos of hot coffee until he finds farmer. He'll follow farmer around with the umbrella covering mostly farmer, so he gets pretty drenched.
Very vocal about his love
Shane: 10/10
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Ah the chicken man himself
ALSO GREAT WITH KIDS but in a different light- he's way more protective about them whereas Sam is more the laid-back and playful parent-figure (he throws his children into the air)
Recovering from his alcoholism and the habits that came with it (messiness and cluttery) but he's trying his best aww
Will rub his stubble on your face when he comes in for a hug ouchie
Even though he is not a dad- he just comes with dad stuff (dad outfits, dad jokes, EVERYTHING)
His chickens are protective of him so you must prove yourself worthy
(In my headcanons, Joja is kinda twisted) Will start to distance himself from Joja after farmer tells him of how they're trying to hurt the Junimos. He may eventually quit to work elsewhere, even though he doesn’t really know what Junimos are but something about farmer telling him about them seems sincere
He's very cuddly after getting to know him and dating. His love language happens to be physical touch and every touch makes him fall harder
This also means he gets a little sad when it's summer and too hot to cuddle that farmer turns around in their sleep. He gets pouty in the morning after until he gets a kiss LMAO
He'll frequently realize how messy he leaves his spaces, and will clean up. He tries to upkeep the cleanliness and manages it for a few days before it starts to get messy again. Sometimes it lasts a while, but sometimes it just slips his mind due to bad habits
Farmer pops into mind every time he has an urge to drink, and he'll shake it off and go do something else for them. He's DETERMINED to be the best person he can be for farmer
Alex: 10/10
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A little rough at first lol- his attitude is very icky in the beginning BUT he's cute 
Once you get through that exterior he practically does a 180- HE'S SO SWEET AND CARING and no longer uhhh icky
He would tackle things for you (can he help farmer out of the mines when they pass out in the game? If he does I'd like to think he just picks them up and BOOKS it for the exit knocking anything in his path down LMFAO)
Becomes pouty when he gets a little jealous
Again he's very sweet- he kisses Evelyn and George on the cheeks every morning before he leaves the house, he often thinks about his late mom and visits her grave with flowers from Pierre's and has a small picnic there
I feel he would be prone to dreams about his mom, waking up in a cold sweat and tears. After the 8-heart event he gets up and does something sweet like making a whole breakfast for Evelyn & George or giving Dusty some quality time with walks, playing, and a good treat
Will be extremely protective over farmer. Farmer gives him a heart attack every time they go to the mines or the skull cavern or even in the sewer like baby what are you doing WHY ARE YOU GOING INTO THE MANHOLE
The caves he can't follow farmer with because he knows he isn't trained to fight monsters like farmer is and might hold them back instead, but he'll wait outside or tell Harvey that farmer's in the mines instead
Doesn't come out with it but he needs a lot of reassurance due to abandonment issues. He gets a little clingy and touchy but a little shy. (reaching for farmer’s hand/just pinching onto a part of the farmer’s clothes and holding on)
Sebastian: 10/10
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This one might be rough cause I've never really felt much for him IM SORRY
Once farmer asks him out he's very unsure how to proceed. He'll call them things like dude and bro *with love*
It's literally like pulling teeth for him to call farmer honey just cause he's never been the affectionate type till now hehehe he'll try to say it and then drop to his knees like OTL and curl up (He'll get it eventually tho- this is just like the first few months LMFAO)
He has frogs right? He'll show you his frogs 
Your void chickens will love this emo boy they just vibe y'know?
He shows his love through acts of service and gifts, finding out the things you love and bringing them to you
As awkward as he is, his true intentions are very evident when he starts to really try to reconnect with Robin and asking her for advice on most anything he hasn't much a clue about.
He wants to be able to properly feel like part of his family, because farmer tells him that he deserves to feel loved there too. He’ll have a difficult heart-to-heart with Robin, Demetrius, and Maru and over time the family dynamic starts to heal. Sebastian is eternally grateful for farmer and tells them about the relationship and they’re all overjoyed to have farmer as part of the family too
He WILL stop smoking if farmer ever raises concern for his well-being
He starts to come out of his shell more (in general) as he and farmer progress their relationship. He tries his best to be a great partner, and everyone can sense that his demeanor is a little bit brighter than before. He starts to not be as shy about PDA too
He has many hoodies for farmer to steal HOWEVER they're all the exact same pair HAHAHA
Elliott: 10/10
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I may also struggle with Elliott for similar reasons
Handsome right off the bat bro
But you'll never be able to be the one with the great hair in the relationship cause man he dominates in that
I see him as a gentle lover- very old-school romantic
He writes farmer love poems and songs often HE WILL SERENADE FARMER EVEN THOUGH HE'S ALREADY MOVED IN
Has pictures of farmer EVERYWHERE like his desk, in his books and notebooks, and has one of those accordion picture holders in his wallet of farmer and himself (and their child(ren) when time comes) He shows them off to the other villagers at the Saloon even tho they literally know farmer LMAOO
Has a very comforting vibe to him- he knows how to coddle farmer after they take a visit to the clinic
He'd let farmer use his favorite pen, trusting that it would return to him
Romantic gestures are EVERYWHERE. Songs, poems, so many pretty flowers in farmer's hair. 
I think he'd be the best cook out of everyone. Farmer wants to go out on a fancy date out of the village?? S'NOT GOOD ENOUGH- Elliott will change the whole decor of the kitchen and spend hours cooking and preparing for farmer to come home and then he plays all the roles (waiter, bus person, lover, etc) through the entire meal. But if farmer really actually wants to go out he'll go with it
Bachelorettes will be done in part 2 soon!
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milomilesmib · 10 months
I just realised something about Hunter and now I'm a wreck.
After "Hollow Mind", when Hunter goes to Hexside in the midst of an anxiety/panic attack when all the trauma of realising he's a grimwalker and his idol is evil and his life is a lie- and Flapjack was with him, probably trying to comfort him while he's panicking and crying about the sheer amount of trauma that he just gained-
Just. The image of Hunter panicking and Flapjack playfully tugging on his hair and chirping and trying to cheer him up because he doesn't like seeing Hunter sad but Hunter just won't move because he's so terrified and lost.
Flapjack was probably the one who brought him his old Emerald Entrails uniform in hopes to comfort him. At the start of "Labyrinth Runners" Flapjack is trying to get a sandwich out of the trash- probably for Hunter- so I'd bet Flapjack is the one who brought him the Hex mix and everything he needed to survive there.
And Hunter lived there alone for what could've been a few days or a week, the trauma fresh in his mind. How many mental breakdowns did he have? How many flashbacks and panic attacks and meltdowns, Flapjack trying to help cheer him up and calm him down for all of them. Probably a lot.
And he's described as looking "sickly" by Emira in "Labyrinth Runners" which could've been from restless sleep, his mental state, the quality of food he was getting (not great)- but also I know from personal experience dealing with that amount of trauma in that amount of time can make you look unwell.
And imagine- with the idea of Hunter becoming a student of Hexside- Hunter going back into that room where he spent days with Flapjack as his only comfort and just. Melting down as soon as he steps in. Because yeah, he wasn't well, but he was living in relative safety and calm with Flapjack and now Flapjack is gone and the amount of trauma he was feeling back then feels like nothing compared to what he feels by the end of the series.
Basically I'm crying over Hunter again. And I miss Flapjack.
Edit: y'all should see my self rb to see the art that triggered this post because it's so ouchies
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