#i know it's 31 billion to 1 odds at best but if they ever made a spydeair sectonia plush i would go absolutely bananas and order it instant
sortanonymous · 30 days
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Who could not love that face? Sectonia was so lucky to get someone with that face (until she, y'know, got corrupted by his literally royal f-up and up and died, but I digress)
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He do be rocking that scarf like nobody else
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So smol too
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He sees your every move
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And I do mean EVERY move (those yellow eyes feel so weird btw)
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Also the inside of the tags because why not at this point
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420hamlet · 1 year
Infinitis – Raúl Victoria III (#31)
n. the fatalistic disease of the brain that makes you actively conscious of the infinite possibilities in life.
The chances of you existing are feasibly impossible, according to math: the odds of dad meeting mom are 1 in 20,000 the odds of the DNA that makes you are 1 in 400,000,000,000,000,000, and these last odds have to be repeated every single generation all the way back up until we reach single-celled organisms making the odds 1 in 102,685,000 which is 1 in 10 followed by 2,685,000 zeros (the number of atoms in the universe is 10 and 80 zeros). Yet you are here, and that’s a miracle! You are a miracle!
My life is a miracle because out of all the possibilities in the universe I am alive. But we can see it the other way around: out of all the impossible possibilities, THIS is MY life? I know there were better lives out there! Out of all the countries, all the parents, all the bodies, all the minds, all the time periods, I am "lucky" to be in this one?
But infinitis, at least to me, is even worse. It’s the feeling of knowing the infinite possibilities there are. Knowing there are over 8 billion human lives to live right now, or that there have been around 117 billion human lives to live ever, and you only get to live one.
Even, and especially, if you're in love with life, how can you be content with experiencing just one?
The biggest mistake I ever made in my life was to fall in love with life itself. Now I hate how it is impossible to truly live life. How, in the afterlife, if someone asked me: "How was Earth?", like a dumb tourist I could only answer: "I don’t really know. I was there once, but I've never really been there".
I could travel to every country in this world, I could even travel to every city in the world, but I will never visit every little town, I will never live in all these places, and I will never experience what growing up in them feels like, what becomes of your mind being raised there. I could learn everything there is to know about the life of Shakespeare, I could even study and understand his genius, but I will never see the original Hamlet, I will never perform with the bard, and I will never know what it is to be him, to experience life through his mind. I could know everything there is to know about my friends, I could even know everything there is to know about my acquaintances, but I will never get to even meet every person alive, I will never even know about every person who ever lived, and I will never know what it feels to be them, not even my closest friends.
When you have infinitis, loving life, itself is a game of missing out. A game of enjoying this amazing party but hating that you could be in that other amazing party, of loving this movie you're repeating but hating that you're not watching the other you haven’t seen which is supposed to be fantastic, of adoring this incredible life you made for yourself but wondering what it would be like to live another one, not as yourself.
Alaska Young said it best: "there is so much to do: cigarettes to smoke, sex to have, swings to swing on. I'll have more time for reading when I'm old and boring". But I don’t want to wait to be old and boring to read, I want to read now, I want to smoke now, to have sex now, and to swing on swings now. I want everything everywhere all at once, NOW! But I can´t.
Life is a game of choices and, with infinitis, it’s a game of loving the wrong and right choices you have to make, all the time. Because a different choice would’ve been equally as right or wrong. The problem isn’t the choice you make, the problem is missing out. Even reading this, which took you three, five, or ten minutes? You could've read something way better in that time (maybe something written by my friends in this very profile). Worse yet, in the amount of time it took you to read this, you could've had sex (or eaten a hamburger, for my ace friends). Maybe it wouldn’t have been the best sex (or hamburger), but it would’ve been sex (or a burger). And even though I might be a great writer I will never pretend to be better than sex (or hamburgers).
Choose right, chose wrong, it doesn’t matter. With infinitis, the choice itself is the problem.
Infinite: limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate.
-itis: a disease or inflammation.
Disease: a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that has a known cause and a distinctive group of symptoms, signs, or anatomical changes.
840 words (420 x 2).
Instagram: @thevictoryville
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
all the odd numbers <3
Alllllllll the odd numbers? Okayyyyy then.
1. when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
It’s been a loooooong time since I’ve had cereal, but definitely more cereal, added milk as needed. The last thing I can handle is soggy cereal.
3. what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
I’m that asshole who dog-ears her book pages. Sorry not sorry.
5. are you self-conscious of your smile?
Not really.
7. do you name your plants?
Lol I’d have to keep plants to name plants. The closest I’ve gotten is when I was house-sitting for my sister and thought I murdered her strawberries last summer. Turns out, I didn’t.
9. do you like singing/humming to yourself?
Not really. I do most of my singing to myself in my head.
11. what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
Too many to count.
13. what’s something that made you smile today?
I bought these sour gummy snakes at the market today. Had them for brunch. Meal of champions.
15. go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
According to the great google and Arizona State University, there are more trees on earth (3 trillion) than there are stars in our galaxy (100-400 billion). That’s a lot.
17. what color do you really want to dye your hair?
Overtone, the hair dye company, has been advertising this color blend called Merlot, which is a mid between red and purple and it’s SO my vibe.
19. do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
I try to, but by the time I’m done with my day, I forget to journal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21. talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
answered here
23. what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
answered here
25. what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
answered here
27. what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
I don’t chew gum.
29. what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
My best friend does this nose crinkle thing that is adorable.
31. what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
I wish they would just FUCKING FIT. So I don’t wear socks unless I have to.
33. what’s your fave pastry?
Chocolate croissants. Hands down. 
35. do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I have the handwriting of a twelve year old boy, so stationary is wasted on me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
37. do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
I am blind to most messes. My closet is on the floor, pretty much.
39. what color do you wear the most?
Black. Hands down.
41. what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
Any book in the Sigma Series by James Rollins. I am trash for a good military thriller.
43. who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
Probably not since I was still working at the summer camp I grew up at, so, years ago, and probably with my campers.
45. do you trust your instincts a lot?
Yeah. My instincts are always right.
47. what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
I don’t do bananas. 
49. do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
Oh man, I used to LOVE buying CDs. The last record I bought was a vinyl of Haley’s Badlands when she did a club concert around the corner from where I live. It was SO much fun. Do I have a way to play said vinyl? No. 
51. think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
I recently got news about a person who I used to work with back in the ye olde. The song I’m thinking of is Fuck You Very Much by Lily Allen. So, uh, take from that what you will.
53. have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
Beetlejuice is one of the best movies of all time. I’ve actually never watched RHPS all the way through. And I’ve never seen Heathers or Pulp Fiction.
55. what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
Quit my job.
57. go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
Like I could conquer the damn world. And yes, I did sing along. Duh. And now I want to listen to Radio Gaga. So thanks for that.
59. what’s your favorite myth?
I’ve always been a huge fan of the story of Serenity and Endymion. Goes back to my Sailor Moon phase. As one does.
61. what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
I don’t think any of the gifts I’ve given, gag or not, are stupid. Even the socks I’ve given (and gotten).
63. are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
Not really. I like knowing where the books I go back to regularly are, but that’s really it. I used to be really organized about my music back when iTunes was a thing. Now I really just listen to music via YouTube.
65. is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
Yes, and that’s as far as I’m going to go on that nonsense. It’s been nine damn years. Ugh.
67. how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
SO FUCKING GOOD. Love days like that.
69. what are your favorite board games?
Uhhhhhh....I haven’t played board games in years. 
71. what’s your favorite kind of tea?
I used to drink green tea before I realized caffeine gave me serious anxiety.
73. what are some of your worst habits?
A great many things.
75. tell us about your pets!
My four-legged roommate Bishop. She’s the black cat I’ve always wanted and she’s the biggest, brattiest baby and she screams when she wants me to pay more attention to her. I am also the the aunt to four dog nieces, Belle (black lab mix), Raven (beagle mix), Ivy (miniature aussie), and Cora (husky/german shepherd mix), and two dog nephews, Sebastian (miniature schnhauzer) and Sven (husky/german shepherd mix). 
77. pink or yellow lemonade?
Pink when I’m feeling fancy. 
79. what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
Someone I know, two years ago, the day after he met me, snuck me a cookie from the leftovers after team meal. It’s been a problem ever since.
81. describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
They change colors, but most often, somewhere between fanfiction yellow, and the color of dead moss. And they’re the best.
83. what’s some of your favorite album art?
I don’t really have thoughts on album art? But I have my Halsey Badlands vinyl right in front of me and it’s pretty cool.
85. do you read comics? what are your faves?
Not often, but I have a giant pile of Power Rangers comics that I’ve been meaning to read through for like...ever.
87. what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
Blazing Saddles, Pacific Rim, Beetlejuice, Crazy Rich Asians
89. are you close to your parents?
Well that’s a complicated question. Let’s just leave it at that.
91. where do you plan on traveling this year?
Well I was supposed to go to Hawaii for a friend’s wedding this summer, but she pushed it back to 2022, which makes sense. Other than that, California at some point to see my grandparents because I haven’t seen them in over a year because of the pandemic.
93. what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
Either a ponytail or a messy bun. Sometimes I’ll wear it down, but it depends on which day I am between shampoos. My hair is, well, finicky at best.
95. what are your plans for this weekend?
I have a module for a course I’m taking that I need to watch and do the homework for. Maybe go up to my sister’s house once my niece gets back from her dance tournament
97. myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
MB is steeped in eugenics so, no thank you, and also I just don’t have time to take the quiz. I’m a Taurus, and damn straight am I a Taurus. And I’m a Slytherin, full stop (though apparently I’m also a Ravenclaw, which makes sense).
99. list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
marjorie by Taylor Swift, any song on Halsey’s Badlands album, The Pit by Silversun Pickups, Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy, and Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy, to name a few.
these are actually hella fucking cute y'all (except, you know, all the odds)
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feralhogs · 4 years
tumblr please actually make this a keep reading
55 interesting questions you should drop in someone’s inbox
1. If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?
2. What’s your favorite piece of clothing you’ve own/owned?
3. What hobbies would you get into if time and money wasn’t an issue?
4. What would your perfect room look like?
5. Do you play sports?
6. What fiction place would you love to go to?
7. What Job would you be terrible at?
8. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would it be?
9. What’s the most annoy habit other people have?
10. What skill would you like to master?
11. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?
12. What’s your favorite drink ?
13. What state or country would you never like to go back to?
14. What songs do you have completely memorized?
15. Are you usually early or late?
16. What takes up too much of your time?
17. What do you wish you knew more about?
18. What are some small things that make your day better?
19. What TV channel doesn’t exist but really should?
20. Who has impressed you the most with what they’ve accomplished?
21. What age do you wish you can permanently be?
22. What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch?
23. What would be your ideal way to spend you weekend?
24. What’s something in your life that’s considered a luxury?
25. Is there anything you’re too young/old for?
26. What’s your favorite genre book or movie?
27. How often do you people watch?
28. What’s the best single day on the calendar?
29. What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of?
30. Do you relax after a hard day?
31. What’s the best book or series you’ve ever read?
32. Where’s the farthest you’ve ever been from home?
33. What’s the most heart warming thing you’ve ever seen?
34. What’s the most annoying question that people ask you?
35. Would you give a 40 minute presentation with no preparation?
36. What’s something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
37. Would you rather go Hand Gliding or Whitewater rafting?
38. Dream car?
39. What’s something so many people are obsessed with and you just don’t understand why?
40. What are you most looking forward to in 10 years from now?
41. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but haven’t gotten to it?
42. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you all week?
43. How different was your life one year ago?
44. What/who would you rate 10/10?
45. What kind of art do you enjoy the most?
46. What do you hope never changes?
47. What movie title best describes your life?
48. What website do you visit most often?
49. What’s something you’re looking forward to this year?
50. What’s something you’d like to unlearn?
51. Where would you spend all your time if you could?
52. What age would you like to live to?
53. What’s something you’re most likely to become famous for?
54. What’s something you’re most likely to be arrested for?
55. What’s something you really want but can’t afford?
Lgbt+ ask game
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?
I’m even a little shaken by a questioning state right now but for a while I’ve felt the best fit is the androgynous label -- I read a description of it being the purple on a pink to blue scale, both at once but not specifically either one, and something else by itself. I’m also happy with a cryptic masculine grey area. My pronouns are he/him.
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?
During the Puberty 1.0 nightmare, I was basically living someone else’s life, and any attraction I felt wasn’t in relation to myself. I felt disconnected from my body and gender and everything too, and I felt a lot of social pressure to experience a certain type of attraction, fit into a certain role, et cetera, and none of these feelings existed in me at all, so I used to identify as ace. When I realized I was trans, I was too caught up in the, transition safely, my life is a lie, stopping dysphoria drama to focus on this, but I had an idea I might be a gay guy judging from my gay creative writing until I caught feelings for a girl and realized this wasn’t the first time that had happened. Some bi positivity and nonbinary rage later, I am reminded that gender is a joke.
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?
Yes of course A LOT. Starting with my parents, who do it aggressively and maliciously. And plenty from strangers and customers, mostly after hearing my voice pre-transition. It used to hurt terribly because I was dealing with so much other stuff at the time, and one little thing could be the last straw, so I used to react strongly and harshly, to people you express yourself to anyway. On T, I’ve been so much more chill and confident, and it’s less painful to accept that some people just don’t know any better, although that doesn’t change its effect.
Who was the first person you told, how did they react?
I don’t remember, I think it was a high school friend. I vaguely remember texting someone in a bathroom during a crying session at work. My high school friends were all warm and supportive.
Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?
It was scary as hell. I’m sure coming out (with your gender specifically) is scary by nature because it’s a huge truth to be telling that can really change how the people you love perceive you, for better or for worse, but for me, I’m also thinking with the dread and certainty that my family would be too conservative and potentially dangerous. Coming out to my family was one of the worst, most painful things I’ve ever been through -- being kicked out and laughed at, a lot of drama, confrontations, Bible readings and being ganged up on at odd hours, trying to comfort my mom who took it as her personal failure -- I was shaking with adrenaline 24/7. I think of the “I’ll suffer through anything as long as it has meaning” comment that was about angsty fanfics, but knowing the truth about myself was a source of unshakable strength and it felt refreshing and even triumphant to say, like I was giving myself permission to exist for the first time. I came out a bunch of times, though...
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?
My family reacted mostly badly, my sister is a little confused but has the spirit, and my friends have been wonderful.
What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?
It’s more of a gender thing, but I hate it when people imply that I shouldn’t be on T or are subtly trying to talk me out of it with their questions. After all the disrespectful as fuck bullshit I heard from my parents, I’m tired of this.
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
Zombie apocalypse denim? Gay Layers
Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?
I’m not really emotionally invested in these “ships” you cool kids are talking about. I like canon, age-appropriate ones.
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
I’ve never really worn makeup. I brazenly never bothered to growing up, and if it had an effect on me socially, I was too tuned out to care. My sister always wanted to do my hair and makeup, but I wasn’t interested and wouldn’t let her, much to her frustration. I wore some for a musical once though, and I had no idea what I was doing and it was extremely uncomfortable. I felt what I know now is dysphoria and ended up using the lipstick to draw. Another aspect to this is my family forbade it (or my dad made the decision for everyone), not that it made my sister feel less pressured to wear it, so maybe it was some female presentation I could easily get out of. For that reason, I don’t have super strong feelings about it. Not understanding it probably resulted in me feeling left out a lot among my peers.
Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?
Yes. Before my realization, it was a numb horror I wasn’t consciously aware of, ruining nice things growing up to the point where I feel like I missed out on being a teenager. I remember it as feeling nauseous while sitting in a corner, feeling like none of my clothes ever fit for some mysterious reason. Living with my family in the closet, it defined my life, and I was obsessed with my presentation. These days, it does not bother me on that level at all, except a minor freakout now and then if I get really wild and wear feminine clothes. Or I still feel it in more subtle ways, when I default to customer service voice, or when guys my age are twice my height and I look aaaall the way up at them and wonder what gender they see me as.
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?
Trust me, I have heard truck loads of dumb shit and the winner is the Gay Agenda is R****a’s propaganda to weaken the integrity of North America. Considering what is happening over there, it was enragingly stupid.
What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
I feel like I can be myself around lgbt+ people. I don’t feel like I have to hide stuff or put on a show, and I’m not afraid because it’s familiar territory.
What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
Aside from obvious problems like TERFs, ace discourse. Ace people are part of the community if they want to be and that’s enough on that, my skin is already breaking out.
Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?
I finally went to a Pride event this year! I was surprised it was the first one I’d been to, then remembered my parents discouraged me from going anywhere, never mind to a gay where.
Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?
I can’t think of many people right now, but Leslie Feinberg seems awesome, and some quotes from Stone Butch Blues are very validating.
Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?
No. Technically I have been in one, but it was shitty and ridiculous, and basically platonic, and I don’t want it to count.
What is your favourite lgbt+ book?
I barely read… I read Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe in high school and it was honestly so precious.
Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?
Yes. I got kicked out (but then kicked back in again), had my stuff stolen and damaged, was verbally harassed… and I was indirectly fired by an employer, but We Will Never Know Why...
Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show?
Queer Eye! I don’t know of many though, and some important ones, I just haven’t watched.
Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?
My mutuals :D
Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?
I’m okay calling myself queer.
Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it?
No, but I did see some drag performances at the one (1) Pride event I went to, and they were jaw-dropping.
How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you?
I’m not sure what this question means, but I decide what fits right by what makes me feel the most alive and emotionally real and in the moment. What makes me feel the most attractive to be honest. There’s a post about dysphoria I saw going around, the things on it are basically what I use to figure things out.
Are you interested in having children? Why or why not?
I am actually! Not anytime soon, but I’m the responsible type for sure, and judging by the way I love growing plants and being around animals, I’m probably a nurturing person. I actually like kids too, lol, they’re just so high-energy.
What identity advice would you give your younger self?
You’re a boy. Go!
What do you think of gender roles in relationships?
I think people are going to have different ways of expressing themselves that make them happy, but… I don’t think they should infringe on basic human decency. When I hear “role” I think of acting a certain way because someone told you to, something I want to disagree with on the spot.
Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
People move out of my way on the sidewalk and take me seriously now. Privilege or self-confidence… I never want to forget what it used to be like, or get too entitled.
What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+?
That it’s simply living one’s reality. I think that trips up a lot of straight people -- that some people just come like this, and they don’t have to make it fit into their personal identity.
Why are proud to be lgbt+?
Because I worked hard to be alive and happy right now. I’m proud of choosing to get through those rough patches, take care of myself, heal, take walks, cook breakfast, learn healthy coping mechanisms, that was out of love for myself and a defiant conviction that I have a place in this world.
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yoshimickster · 6 years
RETURN OF THE RWBY MICKSTERECAPS-(Rwby Volume 6x01 “Argus Limited” spoilers)
HEY EVERYBLOODY-sorry I’m a day late, went to a punk show and got home around 2 AM-EITHER WEITHER-let’s get to the show!
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A niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice and snowy landscape, *SIGH* so peaceful-BUT SUDDENLY-
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0:28 First rule of Rwby, any scene that starts with a train is gon’ have SHIT GOIN’ DOWN YO!
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0:32 See that? Giant fluffy Manticore Grimm-BUT THAT FUCKER GETS SLASHED-
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0:38 I love the smell of Grimm dust *SNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFF* smells like victory-BUT THEN-
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0:45 A WILD WEISS APPEARS-all smilin’ and KICKIN’ ASS!
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BUMBLEBEE-fighting together with absolutely no awkward tension between the two of them at a-PFFT-HAHAHAHAHA-oh I couldn’t say that with a straight face, but seriously they’re in a better place than last season. ALSO-
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1:05  TEAM JNR-fashionably late as always, the sassy bitches.
And everybody just starst BLASTING THE SHIT OUT OF GRIMM-Ren sniping with knife guns, Jaune blocking with his shield, and Nora just doing her thing-ALSO-
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1:17 FIRST RENORA MOMENT OF THE SEASON-at least ONE section of the shippers will be sated...although I DO find it weird how the two haven’t kissed on screen  yet, I mean like why not? They are UNDOUBTEDLY a couple now, what they tryna hide? Its kinda like how in a lot of Shonen manga when NO official couple kisses on screen, just odd to me.
Everything’s going fine...well fine for battle standards-UNTIL-
Damn Miles has some pipes.
Everybah starts RUNNIN’ to the tunnel-BUT-
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WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWeiss gets suckerblasted by one of the manticore Grimm-IS THIS HER END?! 
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NOPE-almost girlfriend to the rescue! AND THEN-
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WOO-that was one god damn minute and a half, like seriously! After that triumphant scene I’m sure we won’t transition to something absolutely horrifyi-
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2:23 Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus Adam, you do NOT take getting dumped lightly do you? Ah well, at least he has that expensive chai-
2:32 *SLASH*
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DAMMIT ADAM-what’d that chair ever do to you? Could’ve at least sold it at a Pawn shop, got a couple hundred Lien I’m betting, absolutely wasteful, SHAME Adam-SHAME! 
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2:44 THE TRAIN STATION FROM AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER-but in the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuture! Nah it ain’t, but it TOTALLY looks like that right?
Qrow than gives a shameless recap-I MEAN-reads his own letter that he’s sending to General Ironwood(he probably wrote it drunk so I’m betting he was checking for spalling erors...don’t you JODGE me) which he ends with-
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3:43 “See you soon, bro”.
BUT THEN-a wild Ruby appears, utterly excited that her train’s coming up so she could get out of that god damned train station! I understand her antsyness, the wait can be a NIGHTMARE!
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Well that hall way has enough space, I’m sure Ruby can just saunter on over to the gift shop-
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...or use her semblance and dash on over there like a crazy person. One of these days your gonna HIT someone young lady-GAH!
Team...RWBY...OJNR...Ruby O’Junior, yeah let’s go with that, then has a short moment of shooting the shit.
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Heh, look at these two, fussing over gifts-PROTECT THESE SWEET BABY CHILDREN AT ALL COSTS! 
ALSO-a random Nora Beach fantasy!
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...that apparently leaked its way into reality. Oscar H. Pines, Nora is so thirsty to see Ren in a swimsuit she alters time and SPACE!
BUT-just when you thought everybody is completely happy about this-
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4:31 WEISS-casually reminds everyone how hard it was for her to escape her abusive father, and how this is hard for her-CONTINUITY!
After Ruby than gives the obligatory pep-talk-WE ARE INTRODUCED TO-
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-Dee and Dudley, two corrupt pro-huntsman who try to shake down Ruby O’Junior, one of whom is JUST 2 weeks from retirement.
They also condescendingly tell them they’ll give them extra protection if they pay them...did...did these idiots NOT watch the news?! THEY’RE PRACTICALLY A SUPERHERO TEAM!
AND NOW-the greatest Rwby Reaction pose of ALL time-
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THIS right here, THIS is art.
Qrow than shows up and GIVES THEM THE BUSINESS! No-one tries to shake down HIS kids! 
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Look at Dee’s dumbfounded ass face after talking back, this is Qrow fucking BRANWEN mother fucker! Now go lock that gate that Adam sneaked into!
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5:48 Oscar: I’m sure glad its our job saving the world and not theirs.
Jaune: Yeah, now if ONLY one of us didn’t hide a billion secrets from all of us because reasons.
Ozpin: Okay let me at him.
After that, everyone in Team Ruby O’Hara is READY to go, except for Blake which Weiss points out...in the best way possible-
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5:55 Weiss: Just waiting for Blake, as usual.
HAHA-she abandoned her team for months on end.
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6:02 Blake saying good-bye to her almost-ex-girlfriend Ilia, and its just SWEET.
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6:24 WHOA-that’s a little forward Ili-
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6:25 Ooooooooooh that was DIRTY Rooster Teeth, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID! DAH-but its still a cute good bye-ALSO-
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6:55 BEST BOY SUN WUKONG-here to say good bye as well!
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OH-and Neptune’s here too. Hi Neptune, still living under that idiotic lady killer facade?
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Neptune: OH...I didn’t know Ilia was gonna be here.
7:22 Blake: Wrong tree.
Sun: Yeah teaching him gaydar is one of many many MANY reasons I gotta rejoin my team.
The two than have a nice heart to heart about where they’re going in life, Sun needs to go back to Vacuo to be with his team he LITERALLY abandoned, Blake needs to save the world from a Maleficent cosplayer, they’re just passing ships in the night and it comes to a head...when Sun says this-
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7:55 Sun:I GO WHERE I’M NEEDED...and...you don’t need me anymore!
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Blake:...well when you say it like that it sound sad.
Aw man, sad Blake ears.
Sun(paraphrased): Despite everything I had a lot of fun but-
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-you’re with who you’re supposed to be with now.
Bumblebee shippers will interpret THAT how they want to and I. Do. Not. Blame. THEM!
Sun and Blake than finish off their good bye saying they’ll probably see it again(and by probably we know definitely because COME ON Michael Jones is one of the heavy hitters in Rooster Teeth). The good bye then ends-
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-with a cute Blacksun peck on the cheek. Feel conflicted about which ship for Blake is better yet? If not, you haven’t been watching this show so...what the hell are you reading this blog for? SHORT CUT TO-
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Neptune: I dunno man, it feels like your just letting her go.
Says the guy who can’t stick to one crush for more than five seconds. Notice how he didn’t say hi to Weiss? Because she’s logically MAD you blue haired Lothario!
AFTER THAT-there’s THIS little scene:
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Sun: Now that your leader’s back and hardened from battle, I’ve gotta focus all of my time on getting you boys ready for the wastelands.
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Anyone else think Neptune’s sigh might mean something more than just annoyance? I know Sun said his team was okay with the small hiatus, but what if they weren’t? Also maybe he was insulted by Sun implying that his team was just standing around without him, that while Sun was going on his adventure time standed still with them. Sun’s a good kid, and was mature enough to let Blake go once she got her real team back, but even to his own admittance he’s not the best leader. Just saying, food for thought.
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9:05 A nice snowy train where nothing bad is gonna happen. And INSIDE THE TRAIN-
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-a totally not-suspicious looking Maz Napata from Star Wars meets old lady Katara from Legend of Korra who will TOTALLY not interact with the main cast...totally. BUT-enough about that-BEHOLD-
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9:22 ALL of team Rwby sleeping in a bunkbed room like the good old days-HUZZAH! But all is not well AS THERE IS ALSO-
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SUPER AWKWARD TENSION BETWEEN YANG AND BLAKE! But nah, Yang tells Blake that while things are weird and it’ll take a while before things get back to normal, she glad she and her posse are back together which PROMPTS-
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THIS cuteness, which Whiterose shippers will interpret how they will.
Either way its TIME TO PLAY VIDEO GAM-
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DAMN that was a tough crash, it made Qrow lose his usually iron grip on booze! A THEN CUT TO-
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...the...beginning of the episode...yeah I don’t know why they wrote the story like this either, I guess to start the season with a bang in showing how team RWBY is back in sync but I dunno.
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But hey don’t worry, DEE AND DUDLEY are on the case, and I’m sure it TOTALLY doesn’t matter that Dee is two weeks from retirement!
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*GASP* I am truly shocked. You shall always be remembered Dee, as a creepy weirdo who tried shake down a bunch of highschoolers for money.
THEN fighting fighting fighting, AND THEN-Dundey remembers he’s a security officer in charge of a high tech train!
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I show four pictures here to point out that that WHOLE sequence took less than a MINUTE! Its like WE GET IT Rooster Teeth, you have an animation budget now! 
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It also activated the turrets which take out ALL four of these Grimm, which I’m SURE the boss Grimm won’t notic-
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12:46 Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhit it  noticed. It tells the lesser Grimm to attack the turrets and...oh god I found this by accident but it must be shared-
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And as to be expected knocking out the turrets didn’t JUST take out their defenses-
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But ALSO-put the passengers in danger. Its like, use the turrets some Grimm die but they’ll attack the train more, DON’T use the turrets and they’ll attack anyway with less dead grimm, its a total catch 22!
Obviously bad-ass Qrow Branwen realizes and gets his TOP GUY TO STOP DUNDY-
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...Oscar...desperate times I suppose.
Dundey like an idiot DOESN’T listen to the logical decision to turn off the glowing red fuck me spots for the Grimm to hit, and even MORE idiotically-
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...decides to hang from the SIDE of a train going into a tunnel....instead of finding a way to duck...how many good Huntsmen/Huntresses did Salem’s unnamed faction kill, because I can’t help thinking he and his late partner were scraped from the bottom of the barrel.
BACK in the train, everyone’s as completely calm as they possibly could be.
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14:19 Qrow: I SAID, turn those damn things OFF! *SLAM*
Seriously, in this situation Qrow is SUPER calm, I’d wanna kick his ass too.
Ruby then ACTUALLY calmly asks the guy to turn off the turrets(she’s got resolve of STEEL that one) AND THEY COME UP WITH A PLAN-to use a combo of Jaune’s Aura-booster powers and Ren’s emotion mask powers to mask the train. A plan that I’m sure will go off without ONE hit-
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15:32 Oscar: I’m afraid there’s one complication.
Son of a god damned bitch Oz, I SWEAR TO GOD!
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“The Grimm are also attracted...to this.”
Logically team Rugby O’Shaunnesy is as pissed at Oz as the fans for putting everyone in danger without telling them because he’s a mysterious wizard.
BUT-they gotta stay on task and kick Oscar in the nuts later, THEY MUST SAVE THE PYORPLES!
Sadly, they realize that they have to seperate the car with the passengers masked by Ren and Jaune, from the one with Team RWBY Qrow and a dumb old man in a child’s body. The two teams have to say good bye.
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Jaune: Only if you’ll promise you’ll meet us there.
Ruby: Promise.
Weiss: Just know it’ll probably take a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time for us to get there.
Qrow: I estimate about 12 to 14 epis-I MEAN days.
Team Bad-name-pun then SPRINGS INTO ACTION-getting all the passengers in the front car-
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-including this one bespectacled passenger who will in no way affect the plot in any way no and forever QUIT ASKING ABOUT IT!
Blake then cuts the cable cars-BUT SEES-
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GAH-stalker much? I can’t believe Adam followed them-OR DID HE-
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Is it actually Adam, or PTSD induced hallucination, FIND OUT NEXT EPISODE!
And what’s cool about the next sequence is that it needed NO explanation, you get it obviously from what you see.
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Rubes gets JUST enough of a signal from Nora-
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-so the MOMENT the Grimm land-
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-they start the maneuver.
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No real comment on here other than how I LOVE how the black and white color palette over-takes the colored train car.
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And dear GOD there are so many great Grimm-kills here, so many I’d be here ALL day cutting and pasting every single one so I’ll just put the boss take down-STEP ONE-
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Yang slides herself to the back-
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-Blake THROWS it to Yang-
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-tying that greasy Grimm in PLACE-WHICH WEISS CONTINUES-
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-with a classic “Freeze that fucker’s wings off attack”(with assistance from Ruby and Qrow of course for shattering said wings)-and then Uncle and Niece-
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-get they scythes in gear-
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BUT-the beast lets out ONE last fireball knocking them off track and....EVERYONE IS OKAY-incluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuding-
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-THIS LADY-whose name I’ve read is Maria Callavera! Turns out she WASN’T just a random side character, I couldn’t tell with how HEAVILY lampshaded it was!
AND THAT’S VOLUME 6 EP 1-a fantastic start to the season with AMAZING action and animation, and great story-progression. Minor criticism, I still feel they didn’t need to do a “Something hours earlier” thing with the train battle, they could’ve easily done the story in sequential order and it would have worked just as well if not better. BUT-I still loved it and I hope you did to. If you liked what you read, consider donating to my Paypal on my blog page, I’d appreciate it. SEE YA NEXT WEEK ON MICKSTERECAPS!
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denu-rising · 7 years
1!! 2, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 20, 22, 30, 31, 36, 39, 41, 42, 43, 47, 49 (im so sorry whenever i send these i always send a billion numbers)
Oh my gosh,so many questions! Don’t apologise, this is awesome! Thank you so much!! =D
1:Who is your clan leader(s)? What are they like?
Myclan leader is Nana. ^^ She’s an absolute sweetheart, soft spoken andshy, who just wants to see the whole world smile. She doesn’t run theClan by herself, but with her trusted council and closest friends,Hobo and Cookie. Hobo’s more of an honorary clan leader, sincepersonality and behaviour-wise he very much resembles an excitedpupper. He has a pure heart and would follow Nana through anything.Cookie’s a lot more help thanks to her empathic ability, which allowsher to pick up on any troubles that may arise in the Clan.
2:Who’s in charge of food? Do you have dragons in charge of thedifferent factions (hunting/fishing/insect catching/harvesting)?
Idefinitely plan to have dragons assigned to these roles, yes! So far,Scarlet is the only one who does any of these, and she always comeshome with her bags full of food and her clothes full of mud (much tothe annoyance of her stylist boyfriend). Guava and Lychee sometimesbring back food from their many adventures. Sunflower is my gardener,and the main dragon in charge of the gardens and crops. She’sassisted by her husband, Watermelon, who functions as a walkingencyclopedia for all things Plant, as well as a pack mule. =P
8:Does your clan have any occultists?
Wehave magic users galore, but when it comes to finding new forms andmethods of magic, right now there’s only Fantasia (plus whoever endsup being her permamate). She’s my dream sorceress, practicing the‘dream magic’ that she discovered and continues to experiment with.You can read a bit about it in her bio, but I should really write somemore about it! To put it vaguely, dream magic is about bringing outsubconscious or hidden knowledge and making it visible.
9:Storytellers or librarians?
Doscribes counts? Because I do have those! Planned, at least. At themoment, Galaxia is my only scribe. She records Dom efforts andcollects badges. I haven’t really kept this up to date, though, andhave been considering dropping this, but she’ll still be a badgecollector with awesome stories to tell about her badges. Just not allbadges. The two other scribes I want will record (previous) clanmembers and notable events that happened, like clan renovations orMarva visiting each year.  And I need a fiction writer too. Thescribes also function as librarians and storytellers. ^^
13:What about musicians?
Alsoonly one so far! I have this nameless lady who’s quite the excellenttrumpet player. Can’t believe I forgot to add musicians to my list ofneeded clan roles, so thank you for the reminder, hehe. =P
14:Dragons involved in other arts? (Theatre, fine art, ect.)
Fiesta!This bright baby is my dancer. He looooves dancing! He teaches aweekly dance class at the familiar spa, and loves performing for themany celebrations my clan throws. When there’s no party planned ordance routine to learn, Fiesta’s often out visiting other Clans tomeet other dancers and dance with them. And Cassius will get upset ifI don’t mention him here, but he’s my pretty stylist and he’s supervain.
16:Who’s in charge of maintaining law and order? Any dragons that takeup the mantle of policing?
Toa degree, everyone is. If they witness something illegal or immoral,they’ll be sure to inform Nana, Hobo and Cookie. Any actual issuesare handled by those three, though they’ll call a clan meeting if thesituation calls for it. Overall, though, this Utopian little bunchdoesn’t have much need for actual police dragons. (They do have asort of prison hidden away in the garden, just in case, though.)There are at all times a couple dragons ‘policing’ the borders of thefloating islands, but that’s just to make sure no one and nothingfalls off and visitors are properly welcomed.
20:Which dragon has the oddest job in your lair?
Ina sense, I’d say Hobo, but that’s because he’s such an oddballhimself that being on the council is a very odd position for him. Imean, he very rarely speaks in full (short) sentences, struggles toget out words at all, and the others can have a hard timeunderstanding him. Fantasia has the oddest job in the sense that herdream magic involves a lot of tinctures and potions made from specialmushrooms and hallucinations. She’s high as a kite most of the time,because that’s her job. She loves her job.
22:Who, in your lore, is the oldest dragon in your lair? What about theyoungest?
It’sa toss-up between Cookie and Luna. Cookie is the actual oldestdragon, both date-of-birth and lore-wise. I tend to mostly followactual dragon birthdays to determine who’s oldest. Luna, however, isa ghost, and who knows how long she’s been dead before Fantasia foundher. She might be older than Cookie, she might even be ancient. Lunadied at a young age, though, so I don’t know. Is she old? Is sheyoung? Youngest would have to be the last hatchie to pop out of anegg, but since I don’t keep those, I suppose this lady’s the youngestaddition to the Clan right now, and I still have no clue as to whather personality or clan role will be. ^^;
30:Do you have siblings that live together in your lair?
YES!I love siblings so much. I had more at one point, but right now, Istill have Guava and Lychee (the first sibling pair I got). They doEVERYTHING together. They even share their boyfriends, taking turnsnesting with them. It’s a bit weird, but whatever floats their boat.^^ Then there’s Skittle and Jellybean. I don’t have any lore for themyet, but I love them. Lamia and her unnamed brother. Might actuallynot keep the brother, but Lamia’s my Shadow ambassador. Sprinkle andSmiley, from my very first dream dragon breeding project. (I got twogirls, because more genes came out and now I’m stuck deciding, so whynot both? Still waiting for the second male, who’ll be the brother ofthe first, to complete the two pairs.)
31:Any physically disabled or mentally ill dragons?
… Doesbeing dead count? 'Cause Luna’s dead, and it’s definitely a physicalstruggle when you can only materialise with a special, hard to makeelixer from Fantasia. But then, there’s also plenty of advantages tobeing dead, like never stubbing your toe or having to sleep, so Iguess it evens out. Guava and Lychee most definitely have ADHD, andwho even knows what the heck is wrong with Hobo… Overall, mentalillness, if present, isn’t something that’ll be clearly stated, like'this dragon has autism’. I struggle enough with my own mentalillnesses that I don’t want to explicitly mention it, though I candraw characteristics and personality traits from them. Also, I’d beway too anxious about accidentally upsetting or offending people. ^^;I have no objections to people giving any labels to my dragons,though! =P
36:Flight reps?
Yes,please! I have Lamia, my Shadow ambassador, and Spring is my Windpriest. I have Rose put down as a potential Ice ambassador andSunflare for Earth, but that’s it, really. I want Flight reps foreach Flight, but it’s super hard to think of what they should looklike if they have to match my lair theme. What would a Flightrepresentative look like if they needed to be XYZ with all colours in adifferent range?
39:Do you still have the first dragon you’ve ever bought?
Idon’t have the first dragon I ever bought anymore, but I do stillhave the first dragon I ever got. I got Cookie as a gift from mybrother. The week leading up to the reg window, he’d been showing meall sorts of dragons and I really loved Cookie, so I got her as agift. In a way, I’ve had her longer than my progens, even. =P
41:Who has the most tragic backstory?
Luna!I mean, she literally died and spent who knows how long all alonewandering Sornieth, unable to find any sort of peace or happiness.That said, backstories are the only real place I can add tragedy, sothere might be more tragic backstories popping up in the future. Likethe story of how Hobo became Hobo, which I’m still eternally mullingover.
42:Who is your edgiest dragon?
Idon’t have one, I think, but I want one! It’ll either be Lamia or myfuture Plague ambassador, because enforcing stereotypes, yeah! =P Ilove Shadow and Plague, but I don’t have much room in my lore foractual Shadow/Plague themes, so whatever edgy little runt thoseFlights can produce, they can just punt on over this way. That’llprobably be the backstory, anyway. =P
43:Do you have any dragons that broke the clan’s rules? What was thepunishment for that?
Well,hatchies can be quite a handful and they don’t always listen yet,but… No, not really, nothing major. Well, Cassius, greedy and vainas he can be, will sometimes steal pretty fabrics or shiny jewels,but that’s just because he’s too impatient to wait to sign anythingfor taking them. He’s had a slap on the wrist a couple times, but nowthey just let him, because he needs that stuff anyway for hisoutfits. Cassius gets a visit once a week to take stock of the stuffhe’s taken.
47:Professor/teacher dragons?
Alsostill unassigned. Yeah, I know, I need to work on my lore more. =PFiesta teaches a weekly dance class, and anyone can learn from anyoneduring the many arts-and-crafts sessions. I still need an officialhatchling caretaker/teacher. Bunnyfly supervises hatchling trips tothe familiar spa and teaches the young ones about familiars and howto maintain positive relations with familiars and beastclans.
49:Orphan dragons?
Nana,my progen. She just sort of came into being, no family or anything.Also my precious little Bunnyfly. He was found as an egg and taken inby a clan of buttersnakes, before his buttersnake mentor/fatherfigure/best friend decided to take him to Denutena’s Candyclan,because the other buttersnakes were getting increasingly anxiousabout living with a dragon, even one that looks like a bigger versionof them, and the buttersnake (he still needs a name) thought it wouldbe better for Bunnyfly to be around his own kind. They now run thefamiliar spa together. ^^
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callsignbaphomet · 7 years
1-60 for Jelani (i believe thats how u spell it omg im sorry im AWFUL w names)
Yeah, that's how you spell his name. I'm terrible with names as well, it's why I gotta keep repeating them or I'll forget lol1: What is your character's biggest fear?Migraine attacks. He gets them at random and after countless tests no one has any idea what sets them off or why. Besides the immeasurable amount of pain that can cause him to blackout, his blood pressure spikes and he gets really bad nosebleeds and what's worse is that after a migraine attack his night terrors and sleep paralysis act up even more which makes him freak out and often ends with him being sedated.After migraine attacks he's hit with some very heavy insomnia that can last a week and some odd days, which brings a whole new mess of problems and risks: the fast and erratic heartbeats, the schizophrenia-like symptoms, imbalance of hormones, memory loss, headaches, microsleeps, hallucinations and so on. The only thing that sorta helps is a chemically induced coma.2: What is your character's favorite memory?When he was a kid Loke and Alfr would always take him everywhere and would constantly play with him. Alfr was kind of like an older sibling to him. One time Loke and Alfr set out to take some supplies to another village which was a 4 day trip and they took Jelani with them. Just four days with his brother and his brother's boyfriend travelling by themselves.3: What is your character's least favorite memory?During a raid his paternal grandfather was gravely injured and as much as Jelani tried to help he still died in front of him.4: Does anyone have a crush on your character? Is your character aware of this?Currently Mason does. Jelani knows but he is not going to do anything about it. He's married.5: Describe your character's dream date.Something simple. Out to eat, find a nice and tranquil place to just talk until sunrise.6: What is your character's sexual orientation?Pansexual.7: How does your character feel about their name?What's not to like? He was named after his maternal grandfather, the name means "mighty" and it only helps to boost his already elevated ego. He probably woulda ended up being named Ragnvaldr but his dad insisted that his mom name him.8: Does your character hate anyone? Why?Lucian. Out of jealousy he turned the other celestial beings against Jelani and a whole drama started that ended in war and billions dead. TBH Jelani shoulda known better but he had a short temper back then.Hróarr. The man that killed his paternal grandfather. He became Hróarr One-Armed after Jelani and Loke crippled his arm to the point where it had to be cut off.Angelus' entire maternal family. Kinda obvious as to why.9: How does your character feel about religion?He doesn't care for it much in terms of being "really devote", not exactly his thing though he does respect it. However, he does not respect the concept of Christianity, he doesn't trust it. But he has no problem with Christians themselves as long as they don't come at him with "drop paganism it's wrong" or those that use it as an excuse for pushing forward hate.10: Would your character ever kill someone?That's practically his job. Most of the threats they face HAVE to be taken out. When he was younger he and his family were dedicated to wiping out related threats.11: How did your character meet their best friend?He was born lolJelani considers his older brother his best and closest friend.12: How would/does your character feel about roller coasters?He loves going on roller coasters! The scarier and faster and bigger the better!13: What would your character die for?His brother, husband, family and close friends.14: What is the cutest thing your character has ever done?He was too nervous to propose face to face so he grabbed Maya (Angelus' pet ferret), tied a ribbon around her neck with the ring on it and sent her to Angelus. He didn't exactly ask, Angelus kind of asked him if that's what he meant and in the shiest whisper he confirmed that that's what he meant.15: What music genre would your character listen to?Black metal, symphonic metal, death metal. Metal!16: What other fictional characters remind you of your character?I don't wanna compare any OC to other fictional characters. Sounds stupid but I really don't like that.17: Does your character have any irrational fears?Absolute darkness. Not like the night or just a dark hall. I mean absolute darkness where you can't even see your own hands in front of you.18: How would your character feel about having their life recorded?Pissed off. He likes his privacy.19: What is your character's deepest, darkest secret?Okay, tl;dr. When Morris, Loke, Jelani and Trevor got Angelus away from his abusers Angelus made Morris promise not to hurt them. Morris never did, only because he thought it would make Angelus' guilt and mental state worse.Skip to 2 centuries later and by sheer coincidence Angelus bumped into Lexington who was the most abusive towards him. Lexington just took him with him and tortured him. Why? Idk he's an abusive predator who hated his nephew more than anything else and the thought of Angelus still being alive and happy pissed him off.So after they found Angelus Jelani and Loke found out it was Lexington so Jelani went to find him. Spent a week torturing him and then killed him. He dropped what remained of Lexington at Angelus' grandmother's place and warned her that if anyone of them ever came near him again he'd personally kill her entire family in front of her and then turn her over to some Slayers.Angelus doesn't know Jelani did that. The only one who knows anything is Loke.20: What is the most surprising thing about your character?He sleeps with a nightlight on because of night terrors that he never outgrew.21: Is your character flexible?Physically? Personality wise? Not really for the first. Yeah for the second one.22: What is the worst thing your character has ever done?Started a war that ended in the deaths of millions of celestial beings, almost destroyed an empire, led to his and thousands of other's exile.23: Is your character morally gray or black or white?Gray. V E R Y gray.24: What prejudices does your character have?None. He and his brother were raised to treat others as they'd like to be treated, to treat everyone with respect, that prejudices are harmful and why, and to be honest if he had any prejudices he wouldn't have been accepted into the organization much less been made second in command or even eventually end up as first in command.25: Would you want to hang out with your character?YES!26: What is your favorite headcanon for your character?Wouldn't this make it canon? Lmao.Anyway, been playing with the idea that after his arc he begins to try to tap into his abilities which some include magic so he switches between male and female just for fun.27: What would be the worst way for your character to die?Dying knowing that his brother or husband or family or close friends were in danger but he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.28: What pet would your character like to have?He actually has a female ball python named Slinky.29: What would be your character's favorite food?Sushi.30: Would your character have any hobbies?Reading. He reads a lot. Also video games.31: What social media would your character use?Most likely Twitter and Instagram.32: What does your character look like?Cheapo rundown. Well built, very tall, long black straight hair that he's not really fond of since he feels it just sits there and looks dull as hell, blue eyes, really dark skin and has a strange mark on his lower left side that looks like a burn. It's a sigilbut he doesn't know that until his arc.33: In what ways is your character like you?Stubborn and competitive.34: What is cliche about your character?Metalhead that's really into satanic aesthetic and imagery just for the shock factor.35: What is unique about your character?I guess the fact that he is a Maker (god of all gods) of the primordial pantheon.36: Does anyone want to harm your character?So many enemies over the centuries. There's a lot of people that wanna kill 'im but Lucian NEEDS to if he plans on keeping the realm under his command.37: Do people have justified grudges against your character?Check the previous answer.38: What role does your character play in their story?He's one of the main characters.39: What would be your character's niche on Tumblr?He would probably last three minutes on Tumblr. See what a dumb mess it is and then deactivate.40: What would be your character's favorite school subject?History and science.41: Would your character want to have any children?He's thought about it but not really.42: What would be your character's dream career?He's been doing what he's been doing for so long that nothing else would be as satisfying or even worth it.43: What is your character insecure about?Not being good enough. Messing up so badly that it would cost someone their life.44: What is your character proud of?How much he has climbed within the organization. He was the top agent for centuries which landed him a place amongst the three leaders and not just any, once Morris steps down he'll leave the organization in Jelani's hands.45: What would your character change about themselves?He'd prefer to have his mother's hair. Most likely different eye color because he's had it up to here with comments like, "Oh, wow, that is so rare on someone like you."46: Would you want to trade places with your character?God, yes, you have no idea.47: What fandoms would your character be in?He wouldn't be in any fandom. He'd peak in a little bit every once in a while but he'd never go into it.48: How would your character type?On mobile he's pretty fast. Keyboard not fast but not slow either.49: How does your character stand politically?You know the side that's NOT xenophobic, racist and downright horrible unless you're a rich, straight, cisgender, white male? Yeah, that one.50: What is your favorite thing about your character?Despite the fact that he's so powerful and capable of taking care of himself in practically any scenario he still needs his older brother.51: What is your character's favorite animal?Otters.52: How would your character act in gym class?Would participate but wouldn't go all out.53: What clubs would your character join?Book club and anything to do with video games.54: What is the saddest thing about your character's life?I can't think of anything. He's one of my OCs that's had it relatively good.55: Would your character do the Ice Bucket Challenge?Why do something idiotic when you can just donate the money directly?56: What's one of your character's quirks?He's a bit of a neat freak, everything has to be clean and tidy in his apartment.57: How would your character feel about feminism?He IS one. Without it a lot of things wouldn't have happened to make life livable for many people, himself included.58: Is your character dorky or more athletic?More dorky.59: What is your least favorite thing about your character?His ego can be jarring.60: If you could title your character's life, what would you title it?Lol I couldn't think of anything.
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scarletpan-moved · 7 years
All adorable asks ✌🏻❤
Okay xD Thank you! 
Ask meme here -- Answers under the cut.
1. Have you met your soul mate?
I’m quite certain I have, yes
2. Favorite color when you were younger, and now?
Its changed over time. Super young me, I think it was pink and yellow, but that was what dad wanted me to like so perhaps that’s why? I hit upper elementary school and it shifted to pink-purple shades. In middle school and early high school it was black (hello edge lord) and now? Light pastel blues and lavenders ❤
3. Do you wear eye-shadow? What color?
Typically? No. When I do its usually just browns. Sometimes I’ll get creative, I’ve done rainbow, reds and blacks, but I prefer no eye-shadow. 
4. Are you in love right now?
Oh fuck yeah
5. In your opinion, is love at first sight real?
I think infatuation at first sight is real. Love develops when you get to know someone, their desires, passions, tics, likes and dislikes... Can infatuation at first sight turn into love? Yeah, of course. I’ve had it happen. But love at first sight? That intense burning passion that never leaves? No. 
6. Are you an optimist, realist, opportunist, or pessimist?
More of a realist I think, but I know I have both optimistic and pessimistic moments. 
7. First kiss details? (If you haven’t been kissed, reply how and if you would like to be.)
We were at play try outs. We had already gone, and were chilling behind a column in the cafeteria. I was leaning against it, he was in front of me. We were chatting, doing our thing. I always wore Rocket Dogs or Converse, so I was sliding a bit on the tile, but no big, yeah? 
Well, apparently me sliding made the perfect opportunity. He waited until I had slid down enough that he could actually reach my face, and then he kissed me. And promptly ran off afterwards, but hey he was a nerd so I wasn’t expecting a ‘moment’.
8. Do you own stickers, an stationary?
So. Many. Stickers. I don’t have official stationary, but I want it. I have a billion pens, three planners, stickers... I love this shit.
9. What’s your aesthetic?
Coffee, pastel purples, notebooks with notes written in nice handwriting. You know the tumblr-esque desk, with notebooks that are neat and have cute pastel pen in them accenting the black, with a cup of coffee and fairy lights? Add a cat in the desk chair and that’s me. 
10. Do you wear dresses, and skirts?
Sometimes? Not often, but if I could find dresses or skirts for my body type I may wear them more often. 
11. What is your hair like?
Short in the back and on the sides, longer on top with bangs. I typically part on the left with my bangs on the right. My hair is then and soft (when I get regular hair cuts), but gets greasy easily. 
12. Does time go by fast or slow to you?
It depends, really. If I’m waiting on it to go by, slow. But normally? Father fast. There’s never enough hours in the day. 
13. What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake up?
On Mondays and Wednesdays I go to bed around 12. On Tuesdays I go to bed closer to 1:30. On Thursdays and weekends I go to bed past midnight, typically closer to 3 (except Sundays which is typically earlier). 
I wake up at 7 on Mondays and Wednesdays, 5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and whenever the fuck I want (typically around noon) on weekends.
14. Favorite sweet food?
I really like icing, vanilla icing. Also those soft cookies that everyone hates? Those. But my very favorite has to be Robins Eggs, they’re a malted milk ball-esque Easter candy
15. Tea, coffee, or hot cocoa?
16. Space, Ocean, City, or Forest?
For what? I dunno, Forest but near a city?? 
17. Favorite game as a child?
Video game? Pokemon Stadium or Tanks (idk the actual name of it sue me) Bored game? Life. Game to play with kids? Hide and go seek
18. Comfort book?
Artemis Fowl, typically the first one.
19. Princess, Fairy, Mermaid, or Unicorn?
Fairy. I’ve always preferred Fairies to anything else.
20. Do you fall in love easily?
I become interested, infatuated, easily. I’ll feel a lust for someone, an emotional closeness to someone, an interest in someone. Do I feel love towards someone easily? No.
21. Favorite word?
22. Describe your life in 3 words.
Stressful, roller-coaster, colorful
23. Do you dance? Slow dance?
I don’t. I’d like to, but I haven’t before.
24. Do you wear fake nails, or paint your nails?
I’d like to, but my hands shake too much to do my own nails, and getting them done costs a lot. 
25. Has anyone ever confessed to you?
Confessed what? Love? Yes. I’m a listening ear who hears many things.
26. Do you lie?
I try not to. I’ve told white lies many times though. “Yes I’m too busy to skype”, “No I don’t like ___”, “Haha that tag’s not about you”, “No I’m not angry.”
My white lies are typically both to save face, and to prevent someone else’s feelings from being hurt.
27. What makes you smile?
Cute animals, funny YouTubers, my friends and partners, people being happy when I get them things. 
28. Have you ever cried in a book or movie?
Oh yes. Dude, have you ready Harry Potter? I know you have, Mikki. And I know you cried. 
29. When and who was your first crush?
First crush?? Shit.. Jacob Wyche, my first elementary school (grades K-2). 
30. Marriage or kids?
I’d love both. Not too many kids, and I’m debating on adoption being birth is a bit... frightening. 
31. Are you superstitious?
Somewhat, but not about the normal stuff. More about urban legends, the planet alignment... odd things I guess. 
32. Who’s your 3 am thought?
33. Do you like candy? What’s your favorite candy?
Oh hell yesMalted Milk Balls (Robins Eggs preferably), Candy Corn, Ferrero Rocher (fuck allergies eat candy), the mini M&Ms... I like candy.
34. Favorite holiday?
35. Favorite season?
Fall. It would probably be winter if we got snow here, but fall. 
36. Cat or dog person?
I adore both for different reasons. A well trained dog is probably my preference, but I don’t think I could really pick. 
37. Are you quiet or loud?
Quiet unless excited, I think
38. Favorite time period? (80′s, 60′s, etc.)
I like the aesthetic of the 50s, but that’s about it there
39. Favorite fashion fad that went away?
Hm... Fringe bangs? Billion-bracelets? Oh I know! Studded belts! 
40. The best dream/ worst nightmare you’ve ever had?
I don’t remember most of my dreams, and I don’t talk about my nightmares, so no
41. Worst fear as a kid?
Thunder and abandonment. 
44. Do you flirt?
Do I try? Yes. Do I succeed? No.
45. What’s your style?
“I’m poor and can’t afford my style” style But tbh I’d really like to have ‘kawaii goth’ type clothes, but I have neither the funds nor body for that. 
46. Do you blush?
Yes. So much. My face is like a glowing beacon. 
47. Do you feel everything, nothing, or you don’t know what to feel?
Between everything and nothing. I feel too much, but at times there’s this odd numbness. Like I know I should smile, but I have to force it. But also there’s time where a little thing happens and its devastating. So idk. 
48. Are you a crier? Do you smile?
I’m a major cry baby. I tear up at the littlest of thing. I don’t smile as much as I should, but that’s shifted some. I’m a bit self conscious about my smile though. 
49. First love?
First love? Yeah not gettin’ a name here
50. Last love?
@lukeriolc and @little-mx-rayne
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tialovestelevision · 7 years
Two good episodes, and one that was enjoyable enough even if it missed the mark it was aiming at. Now we start the final run toward the season finale. Will the Mayor get to Ascend? Will Faith be redeemed? 1. The Mayor is buying Faith presents. He’s manipulative and evil, but he’s yet to fail her. That makes him unique in her life. 2. And he bakes cookies. 3. I think I’ve seen that knife at the sketchy mall near where I work. It’s a lovely piece of ornamental violence. 4. Buffy and Angel are talking about their relationship rut. 5. “Let’s just get you to fifty.” “Liking that plan.” 6. The first two seasons’ opening sequence has a bit where there’s a screamy noise after the first bar of the song. It works better without it, but after watching forty-odd episodes with it, its absence is odd. 7. “Guest starring Kristine Sutherland.” 8. Northwestern University. I attended a summer program at a Northwestern University, and was born in a town where there was another Northwestern University. They’re all over, and make a great generic college name. 9. Joyce is pleased Buffy has choices, but Buffy has lost her choices because Faith turned. She has to stay at the Hellmouth. 10. Snyder is inspecting people’s lunches. 11. “Sounds like your mom’s in a state of denial.” “More like a continent.” 12. “I can’t believe you got into Oxford. That’s where they make Gileses.” 13. Xander is going to drive a car across the country. He can’t leave soon enough. 14. “And help us to lose you. Everyone’s a winner.” I’m with Cordy. 15. “You guys, don’t forget to breathe between insults.” 16. “Maybe you need a better nature.” I’m also with Willow 17. Wesley bad at interacting with humans. 18. Giles is disagreeing with Wesley because Wesley is always wrong. 19. Tiny tiny airplane delivering big big evil. 20. That plane is actually kinda adorable. 21. Demon with cowboy boots. 22. Faith shot the demon and is stealing the merchandise. 23. And now she’s going to cut his hand off with the sketchy mall knife. 24. Spy Slayer! 25. “I made him an offer he couldn’t survive.” The Mayor likes Faith’s sense of humor. 26. The Mayor kept Faith from opening the box. I think it was out of concern for her well-being. 27. Now Buffy knows what the box is. It’s a McGuffin. 28. She’s still using Mr. Pointy. 29. I love Willow’s dress. She gets the best clothes this season. 30. Cordy is having a bad day. Xander made it worse. 31. Buffy, Angel, and Willow are breaking into the Mayor’s office to steal the evil box so Willow, Giles, and Wesley can destroy it. Willow is the most important character to many of their plans now. 32. Oh, wait. Xander and Oz are going to destroy the box. 33. “Okay. Toad me.” 34. There’s a skylight that opens directly above where the box is. Even with magical defenses, that seems like a bad plan. 35. Shields down. 36. They’re sending Willow to leave by herself. That seems a bad plan. 37. Slayer Harness! 38. They forgot that alarms are a thing. 39. Well, that plan went all to Hell. 40. The vampires are chasing the van Giles and Wesley are in, and Angel and Buffy got away with the box. The Mayor is disappointed in his vampires, but not in his Slayer, because she caught Willow. Who Buffy and Angel shouldn’t have sent off on her own. 41. Oz broke the box-destroying spell. And Giles trusts Buffy to make the call. 42. Willow is in a room at City Hall. 43. Telekinetic staking! Nice, Willow. 44. The Mayor thinks Buffy’s going to storm in to save Willow. He would’ve been right, two years ago. She’s smarter than that, now. 45. Willow found the Mayor’s cabinet of evil. And his secret book stash, with the Books of Ascension. Which she’s readign instead of escaping. 46. Faith wants to stab Willow. The Mayor wants Willow unstabbed. 47. Huh. The Mayor talked about his marriage. 48. The Mayor has a point. He’s evil and an asshole, but he’s got a point. 49. Snyder just walked into something he shouldn’t have. 50. And now a cop has a spider on his face. This is going badly for him. Dissolve face-badly. 51. Now it’s on the Mayor. And another one got out of the box. Invulnerability just saved the Mayor. 52. Faith just saved Wesley. 53. Fifty billion evil face-dissolving spiders. 54. “You. All of you. Why couldn’t you be dealing drugs like normal people.” 55. Now Buffy has Faith’s sketchy mall knife. 56. Heh. Willow pulled pages out of the Books of Ascension. 57. Does Wesley exist to make Xander look better by comparison? 58. Willow wants to stay in Sunnydale and fight evil for college. That… makes sense. 59. Yep. Cordy has a job at the boutique where Xander thought she was feeding her ego. 60. “Probably the only lasting relationship he’s ever had is… with… evil.” Overall: That was good! It moved the plot along, Willow and Faith were portrayed well and Buffy and Angel fairly well as well. I really enjoyed the story being told there. It finally gave us a face-to-face between Buffy and the Mayor, and Faith saving, of all people, Wesley from the spider showed that human evil is much more complicated than demonic evil - an idea that the show toys with a lot but hasn’t yet really gotten into depth with (it failed it badly in the telepathy episode, for example, where the lunch lady was a fairly demonic sort of evil). I had a lot of fun watching this one. Looking forward to tomorrow night and the last leg of the season!
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gertrudejnieves · 4 years
Traffic Underdog Review – What You Will Learn Inside?
Traffic Underdog Review – 
REVEALED: New Hack Turns Stone-Cold Newbies Into Profit-Magnets In 50 Minutes! The Truth The Gurus Don’t Want You To Know About… 24/7 Traffic => 24/7 Commissions ==> 24 Hour Income System!
Traffic Underdog Review – Introduction
Robin Palmer is a traffic master who has made thousands online. now he is giving away a very exclusive series of hacks that work in the “REAL” world. Now, he’s not just saying it works, and that he’s earned thousands online. Now, he’s actually going to talk.
He is not only a sought-after Youtube ranking specialist, but has also collaborated with some of the top marketers, such as Willie Crawford, among others. The product is called traffic underdog.
He shares what you need to get real tangible results from his own experience that has made him rich over the years. The best thing to do is to model, clone his exact model, and make it yours. Let’s talk about the product.
Traffic Underdog Review – Product Overview
Product Name Traffic Underdog Product Creator Robin Palmer Launch Date & Time [2020-Jul-31] @ 09:00 EDT Price $7 One-time Bonus Yes, My Best Custom Bonuses Refund Period 30-Days Official Site https://trafficunderdog.com/ Product Type Traffic Training Skill All Levels Recommended Highly Recommended
Traffic Underdog Review – What Is Traffic Underdog?
Traffic underdog is a step-by – step video training that shows you exactly how traffic underdog works and how you can start using it to make money as early as 24 hours from now.
What you’re going to love about traffic underdog is that you don’t need a list or any prior experience to make money, and we’re going to show you dead easy steps to get big results extremely quick, against all odds.
Plus, this is really a method that anyone can use to get fast results even though you’ve never done a dime online before. This method was responsible for eliminating 9-5 workers over and over again!
When you’re looking for a way to snowball the results while working less … You need to see “Traffic Underdog.”
9 Total Score
This well-organized and beginner-friendly video series opens the door to the Affiliate and Digital Marketing world. The author will take you to a brand-new course full of fresh details about affiliates and how to get huge traffic that you’ve actually never heard of before. What you’re going to learn in the course are all tested methods that have worked for the creator himself for a long time and have changed his life. This is the result of years of experience combined with brand new , powerful hacks.
100% Newbie-friendly course
No experience, no hard work, no complicated methods
Untapped yet huge traffic source
Real life Case study included
30 day Refund policy available
Nothing to be worried. Everything looks good.
User Rating: Be the first one!
Traffic Underdog Review – What You Learn From This Training?
How to get started easily without wasting a dime out of your pocket
The step-by – step plan to take “Traffic Underdog” to a job-crushing online income quickly
Plus, you’ll learn some interesting methods to collect traffic on demand. These are tested money making hacks!
How the “Traffic Underdog” approach works and the quick tricks that we use to get 10x our results and income in less time
How to use “traffic underdog” to crank out $100 a day quick and fast! seriously, just follow the simple steps.
How to get started with “underdog traffic” right now, even if you’re a totally cold stone newbie with no technical skills (it’s so easy, you ‘re going to laugh all the way to the bank)
Why this is the real deal and why I would say this is what you need to get the best “Tangible” results
You’ll also have access to robin’s case studies-there ‘s no better way to get quick results than to check up on what someone else is doing. Robin used underdog traffic to bank thousands of dollars a month, when others were struggling (even during the recession)
Traffic Underdog Review – Do You Really Need This?
This is the strategy that can finally give you the results you needed. That’s because “Traffic underdog” shows just how the “Real affiliates” make big profits in a small amount of time. “Traffic underdog” was never meant to get out, but we just wanted to release a method that could help anyone build a full-time online income and the best part is that you can make money just like this without having a list or any special skills or experience. The best thing is that you don’t have to wait until next week to make money with traffic underdog. Once you get inside, you can start making money in 24 hours, but I’ve seen results even quicker.
If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the following, you need “Traffic Underdog”
You’re tried other methods in the past and they didn’t work they claimed – Traffic Underdog works for ANYONE that follows the simple steps inside
It seems like you’re working really hard to make money online but the money you’re making just doesn’t justify your effort – With Traffic Underdog you will get up and start fast
You’re tired of buying courses that promise to show you something new, but when you get inside, you realize it’s just more of the same – This method works out of the box and we can almost guarantee you haven’t seen anything like it.
You’re tired of waiting to get paid for your efforts – With Traffic Underdog, you’ll get paid as soon as humanly possible!
You want a method that you can scale up as big as you want – With Traffic Underdog you’ll be able to create that job replacing income faster than you thought was possible
Traffic Underdog Review – Any Upsells?
Front End: Traffic Underdog ($7 Onetime)
A basic but efficient program that shows you 10 different hacks of traffic that you can use together or as stand-alone methods. There are established methods that work in the real world of online marketing.
OTO 1: Private Label Rights ($197 Onetime)
You get the igniter + traffic underdog private label rights to do whatever you want with them. Those are high-quality courses based on the real results! It is a rare opportunity, and it certainly won’t be given again. It’s not “white label” rights, it’s a lot more … This is the whole thing: graphics, videos, all about it. You will hit your name on it as if it was your own product and retain 100% of your earnings. This is not just “reseller rights”, this is so much more.
OTO 2: Reseller Rights ($97 Onetime)
Get 100 percent commission bump-reseller rights to igniter + underdog traffic. It is a 2-in-1 super pack that you’ll have to win for years to come. You don’t have to set up anything, they will be doing the hard work for you, they will be doing the customer support, everything’s going to deal with on a silver plate for you to make a profit. Plus, you ‘re going to learn how to drive traffic.
OTO 3: Hall Of Fame ($47 Onetime)
With this upgrade, you’ll get loads of spillover traffic by being able to place your link inside the igniter & traffic area of the underdog members. The link is going to stay there forever. Double the benefits of other people sending thousands of visitors to Robin’s products.
OTO 4: Unlimited Traffic ($67 Onetime)
Put your pixels on my sales pages that get thousands of visitors and reap the rewards. This is one of the fastest ways to build a list “overnight”!
OTO 5: Traffic Acceleration Bundle ($37 Onetime)
With this upgrade, you get the “secret traffic acceleration bundle” that will help you supercharge your results fast!
Traffic Underdog Review – Any Bonuses?
“Gateway is a step-by – step training course that shows how you can tap into YouTube, a 1.8 BILLION user traffic source, without doing what anyone hates. Showing their faces to the camera and recording your voice!” Believe it or not, we’ve found out how you don’t have to show your face to the camera for the world to see. You don’t even need to show your face. Everything is covered in the training, no stone left unturned …
In a hurry, huh? Want to get results fast? This upgrade is good for you, though. With this upgrade, we ‘re showing you strategies that you can get results 10x faster than what’s learned in front-end training. Everything taught inside is based on results, not on theory.
“A series of 10 videos that teaches you how to rank videos at the top of YT and Google with an authority YouTube channel for promoting affiliate products, launch jacking or your own products.
“These bonuses have been responsible for over $62 000+ in commissions and can help any affiliate increase conversions tenfold.
An active community where I share my best traffic and income hacks EVERY week through easy digestable & interactive content such as Q & A’s, Webinar, Posts And Real Interaction With Myself (Robin Palmer)
Traffic Underdog Review – F.A.Q.
#1. This is the “real affiliates” form that is used now to make those of dollars every month!
#2. A strong & fast, and quick to adopt a system that actually uses less than 3% of people up to 10 times their online earnings.
It’s sure of that. We ‘re confident that you’ve never seen anything like this … Ever before! Not in this way , at least
Yeah, yeah. You don’t need anything but “Traffic Underdog” training to do that. No list, no previous skills, no experience … Something like that, man! We ‘re going to teach you what you need to learn to make money easily.
Step #1 – Unlock “Traffic Underdog” (Takes less than 5 minutes) Step #2 – Activate the Secrets Inside Step #3 – Sit Back As You Bank $100 In PROFIT Step #4 (Optional – Do This Only If You Want To Create A Job Crushing Online Income) – Rinse And Repeat To Make As Much Money As You Want Day After Day!
Traffic underdog provides one of the best free traffic training on the market. Free traffic methods taught in this course will give you results as quickly as in 24 hours!
I can’t make any promises under law. However, the potential is high. Within, we ‘re going to show you how to make $100 a day, and then scale it up as high as you want. Only follow up, do what Robin does, and you’re going to have the opportunity to get similar results *
It is possible to make money from our results as easily as on the same day. But, like I said, I can’t make any promises by law, but that being said, it’s a genuine and real business.
Yeah, when you change your mind for some reason, just let us know, and get your a refund. You’ve got a zero chance when you get ignite right now. Due to a variety of frauds, vendor only offer refunds on the front end items.
from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.com/traffic-underdog-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=traffic-underdog-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.tumblr.com/post/625231773352263680
0 notes
jerometbean · 4 years
Traffic Underdog Review – What You Will Learn Inside?
Traffic Underdog Review – 
REVEALED: New Hack Turns Stone-Cold Newbies Into Profit-Magnets In 50 Minutes! The Truth The Gurus Don’t Want You To Know About… 24/7 Traffic => 24/7 Commissions ==> 24 Hour Income System!
Traffic Underdog Review – Introduction
Robin Palmer is a traffic master who has made thousands online. now he is giving away a very exclusive series of hacks that work in the “REAL” world. Now, he’s not just saying it works, and that he’s earned thousands online. Now, he’s actually going to talk.
He is not only a sought-after Youtube ranking specialist, but has also collaborated with some of the top marketers, such as Willie Crawford, among others. The product is called traffic underdog.
He shares what you need to get real tangible results from his own experience that has made him rich over the years. The best thing to do is to model, clone his exact model, and make it yours. Let’s talk about the product.
Traffic Underdog Review – Product Overview
Product NameTraffic UnderdogProduct CreatorRobin PalmerLaunch Date & Time[2020-Jul-31] @ 09:00 EDTPrice$7 One-timeBonusYes, My Best Custom BonusesRefund Period30-DaysOfficial Sitehttps://trafficunderdog.com/Product TypeTraffic TrainingSkillAll LevelsRecommendedHighly Recommended
Traffic Underdog Review – What Is Traffic Underdog?
Traffic underdog is a step-by – step video training that shows you exactly how traffic underdog works and how you can start using it to make money as early as 24 hours from now.
What you’re going to love about traffic underdog is that you don’t need a list or any prior experience to make money, and we’re going to show you dead easy steps to get big results extremely quick, against all odds.
Plus, this is really a method that anyone can use to get fast results even though you’ve never done a dime online before. This method was responsible for eliminating 9-5 workers over and over again!
When you’re looking for a way to snowball the results while working less … You need to see “Traffic Underdog.”
9 Total Score
This well-organized and beginner-friendly video series opens the door to the Affiliate and Digital Marketing world. The author will take you to a brand-new course full of fresh details about affiliates and how to get huge traffic that you've actually never heard of before. What you're going to learn in the course are all tested methods that have worked for the creator himself for a long time and have changed his life. This is the result of years of experience combined with brand new , powerful hacks.
100% Newbie-friendly course
No experience, no hard work, no complicated methods
Untapped yet huge traffic source
Real life Case study included
30 day Refund policy available
Nothing to be worried. Everything looks good.
User Rating: Be the first one!
Traffic Underdog Review – What You Learn From This Training?
How to get started easily without wasting a dime out of your pocket
The step-by – step plan to take “Traffic Underdog” to a job-crushing online income quickly
Plus, you’ll learn some interesting methods to collect traffic on demand. These are tested money making hacks!
How the “Traffic Underdog” approach works and the quick tricks that we use to get 10x our results and income in less time
How to use “traffic underdog” to crank out $100 a day quick and fast! seriously, just follow the simple steps.
How to get started with “underdog traffic” right now, even if you’re a totally cold stone newbie with no technical skills (it’s so easy, you ‘re going to laugh all the way to the bank)
Why this is the real deal and why I would say this is what you need to get the best “Tangible” results
You’ll also have access to robin’s case studies-there ‘s no better way to get quick results than to check up on what someone else is doing. Robin used underdog traffic to bank thousands of dollars a month, when others were struggling (even during the recession)
Traffic Underdog Review – Do You Really Need This?
This is the strategy that can finally give you the results you needed. That’s because “Traffic underdog” shows just how the “Real affiliates” make big profits in a small amount of time. “Traffic underdog” was never meant to get out, but we just wanted to release a method that could help anyone build a full-time online income and the best part is that you can make money just like this without having a list or any special skills or experience. The best thing is that you don’t have to wait until next week to make money with traffic underdog. Once you get inside, you can start making money in 24 hours, but I’ve seen results even quicker.
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Traffic Underdog Review – Any Upsells?
Front End: Traffic Underdog ($7 Onetime)
A basic but efficient program that shows you 10 different hacks of traffic that you can use together or as stand-alone methods. There are established methods that work in the real world of online marketing.
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You get the igniter + traffic underdog private label rights to do whatever you want with them. Those are high-quality courses based on the real results! It is a rare opportunity, and it certainly won’t be given again. It’s not “white label” rights, it’s a lot more … This is the whole thing: graphics, videos, all about it. You will hit your name on it as if it was your own product and retain 100% of your earnings. This is not just “reseller rights”, this is so much more.
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Get 100 percent commission bump-reseller rights to igniter + underdog traffic. It is a 2-in-1 super pack that you’ll have to win for years to come. You don’t have to set up anything, they will be doing the hard work for you, they will be doing the customer support, everything’s going to deal with on a silver plate for you to make a profit. Plus, you ‘re going to learn how to drive traffic.
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With this upgrade, you’ll get loads of spillover traffic by being able to place your link inside the igniter & traffic area of the underdog members. The link is going to stay there forever. Double the benefits of other people sending thousands of visitors to Robin’s products.
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Traffic Underdog Review – Any Bonuses?
“Gateway is a step-by – step training course that shows how you can tap into YouTube, a 1.8 BILLION user traffic source, without doing what anyone hates. Showing their faces to the camera and recording your voice!” Believe it or not, we’ve found out how you don’t have to show your face to the camera for the world to see. You don’t even need to show your face. Everything is covered in the training, no stone left unturned …
In a hurry, huh? Want to get results fast? This upgrade is good for you, though. With this upgrade, we ‘re showing you strategies that you can get results 10x faster than what’s learned in front-end training. Everything taught inside is based on results, not on theory.
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An active community where I share my best traffic and income hacks EVERY week through easy digestable & interactive content such as Q & A’s, Webinar, Posts And Real Interaction With Myself (Robin Palmer)
Traffic Underdog Review – F.A.Q.
#1. This is the “real affiliates” form that is used now to make those of dollars every month!
#2. A strong & fast, and quick to adopt a system that actually uses less than 3% of people up to 10 times their online earnings.
It’s sure of that. We ‘re confident that you’ve never seen anything like this … Ever before! Not in this way , at least
Yeah, yeah. You don’t need anything but “Traffic Underdog” training to do that. No list, no previous skills, no experience … Something like that, man! We ‘re going to teach you what you need to learn to make money easily.
Step #1 – Unlock “Traffic Underdog” (Takes less than 5 minutes) Step #2 – Activate the Secrets Inside Step #3 – Sit Back As You Bank $100 In PROFIT Step #4 (Optional – Do This Only If You Want To Create A Job Crushing Online Income) – Rinse And Repeat To Make As Much Money As You Want Day After Day!
Traffic underdog provides one of the best free traffic training on the market. Free traffic methods taught in this course will give you results as quickly as in 24 hours!
I can’t make any promises under law. However, the potential is high. Within, we ‘re going to show you how to make $100 a day, and then scale it up as high as you want. Only follow up, do what Robin does, and you’re going to have the opportunity to get similar results *
It is possible to make money from our results as easily as on the same day. But, like I said, I can’t make any promises by law, but that being said, it’s a genuine and real business.
Yeah, when you change your mind for some reason, just let us know, and get your a refund. You’ve got a zero chance when you get ignite right now. Due to a variety of frauds, vendor only offer refunds on the front end items.
source https://spsreviews.com/traffic-underdog-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=traffic-underdog-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviewscom1.blogspot.com/2020/07/traffic-underdog-review-what-you-will.html
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mamashaysaid · 5 years
What I’ve Learned (About Me)...
I've cycled around the Sun for 30 years and here's what I learned about myself, so far……
1. You can only please yourself 100% but don't expect others to give the same that you would give yourself. We all have our own way of how we satisfy ourselves 100%, and no one can do that for you and it's not fair to expect them to. Appreciate their effort to try, anyway.
2. I really dislike when I'm interrupted or not listened to attentively. Looking at the phone during conversation is a big pet peeve. I value great communicators and communication skills, both noverbally and verbally.  I love words. Motivational words mostly. Honest words. Deep conversations about God and Life. I write it down when it touches my heart deeply. It sticks when it's in words. 
3. Some parents are really supportive, always willing to help with their kids and grandkids, and will do this throughout their entire lives. Some parents are just ‘eh’. Love them both. Parents can only love, as much as they have been taught, learned, or conditioned. 
4. 2 beers or 2 shots is my limit. If I'm not driving, 3 beers, 1 shot. This has been learned to an exact science. No more. No less.
5. I admire and respect an aesthetically fit body that is dressed in comfortable, but cute & modest clothing. I’ve been this way since birth and I will forever remain a “comfy as$ fashionista.” No jewelry is even necessary, but if so, gold it is.
6. It took me my whole LIFE to find out that BareMinerals BarePro Powder Foundation Camel 17 is my foundation color to a T. I’ve wasted, at least $300, over the years, trying to get answers (MUA opinions included).  
7. When something is out of sight for so long, you really do forget about it.
8. Wishing for someone else's peace and for them to find their love and passions in life, even if it doesn't involve you... is the greatest gift of forgiveness that you can give yourself, and to that person.
9. I hate public speaking PERIOD. I’ll never get used to it or like it, in any form. I will literally have an anxiety attack or do everything I can to avoid speaking in front of people because I sweat so bad and feel nauseous. I think it's because I've never accepted that type of attention from other people - other than from my parents. 
10. The goal in life is to raise a family with the man I love, doing what we love, and going wherever we want to go, while taking as many pictures as we can, to reflect on when we're old. Then, when we're so old, we'll catch up on all the good movies and shows.
11. I accomplished exactly what I set my goals to be when I was 20yrs old. I will always be proud of that. The odds were against our circumstances, to the point where I was scared of what our future would be. I have learning issues, mostly an attention deficit, and we as a family have special needs. The fact that I found a way to go around that & make it work, is a pure example of innovation and a mother’s determination to take care of her family. Thanking GOD for everything. 
12. My kids are teaching me that being different is really beautiful. Normal is not even normal. Normal, just like beauty,  is in the eye of the beholder. 
13. You can learn from anyone, and everyone has a story. You are never too young to teach, and never too old to learn.
14. Being YOU. Not caring what ppl think of you, is the most liberating feeling. I’m always rough around the edges, but I keep it smooth (like Shea Butta😉🤭). Let go of worrying what people think of you. People are mostly thinking of themselves anyway.
15. Sometimes I curse. I'm loud. I crack jokes all day, if you let me. I'm a chatty cathy, at times, BUT, I also know how to be professional and handle my business in the corporate world. It's called BALANCE. Let go of trying to be someone you're not. I act accordingly. Don't try to label me. You can't.
16. When I was 9, I dressed up for Halloween as a business woman wearing one of my mom’s suits, red lipstick, & a briefcase, and then I dressed my 1 year-old brother as a cute little girl and called him my daughter LOL. I knew back then, that I wanted to be a “businesswoman” of some sort, in a billion dollar industry, so I could be as fine as I wanted to be. It was a simple dream for a 9 year old who loved fashion. Nowadays, it has manifested into my Mondays through Fridays.🤣
17. I’d rather have my little family on a daily basis, driving me crazy some days, instead of people who only show up only when we’re accomplishing great things. I love my little family, and even if I never make another best friend again, I know I’ll always still have the love from my little family. 
18. Stay humble in everything you do. Even if you are a leader. People will appreciate you more when you're not trying to outdo them. Make everything team oriented.
19. You attract whatever kind of energy you put out there. You cannot outsmart the universe. What's meant to be will find its way. Be careful what you ask for. Have no doubt that it could really happen. 
20. I let go of all toxic relationships in my 20’s. Even if that meant cutting ties with family, breaking up my family with my ex, and losing friends that came with it. If he/she/or it did not bring me peace or made me cry, feel insecure, unworthy, or undeserving, or like an “inconvenience” -  I let it go. My 30’s will only accept people who truly give a fuck about me and mines, or not at all. I'm ok with either way, now. I’ve learned how to be alone, so now I can finally accept this. 
21. My great grandmother was right.... after everything has happened, & after losing the people you loved with all of your heart... life still has to go on. Even when it hurts… and it will continue to go on, with or without you.
22. Mental illness is real. The sooner you accept it, the faster you will heal from it, and in return, everyone who’s been affected, can heal too. Not every illness is visible.
23. My granny told me I should do what I love doing even if it's "just beads". I regret not seeing her in the hospital before she passed. Brandi too. Jas too. Nanny too. I regret missing their last moments and not being there for them as much as I could, and I think I will regret this for a long time. I have to work on that. 
24. Doing something without planning, literally anything, for me, is the only way I can do it. The only way for me to do things is to just do them.  Even if it’s sloppy, I'm notorious for saying “RIP that damn bandaid off already”. Too much planning, for me = procrastination. 
25. Stepping out of my comfort zone & choosing public speaking, working in a call center, & product specialty (as a trade), is literally the hardest thing I've ever attempted doing (aside from trying to make sales for the weight loss program in summer) .. but here we are, I'm doing it and from what people say, I’m actually good at what I do.
26. You cannot be mad at ppl for not thinking like you or having the same patience, or heart, or understanding like you. You are you, and they are them, and not everyone is going to mimic your style or CARE. This is why we are called individuals. What matters is ‘you like you’,  b/c you have to live with you forever. 
27. Generational curses are real. Sometimes, Karma can get to your kids. Sometimes, I think they got to mine.
28. God, Yahweh, the Tao, Nun, Allah, or whatever you want to call our Creator, is real. “Religion”, in itself, is man-made, and the churches are their “institutions”. It separates us, & sometimes (if not, most times), not for the better. The Tao is the END all, BE all. The Beginning and the End. If you want to get closer to God, try getting to know and understanding yourself. Start loving yourself. God is in you, and all around you. Therefore, you have all the power you need. I wish someone told me this earlier. 
30. I'm loyal to a fault. That is the Leo in me. If you didn’t learn by now, I am a TRUE LEO - pride and all that shii. BUT, I can be a great, supportive, selfless friend. I’ll come through for the rough and ugly, hold you down, not judge your a$s & still get abandoned. It hurts like hell every time. Being loyal like this, I’ve learned that people have their own agenda & you will never know what that is. Trust who you know. Who actually shows up. As much as I like words, screw dialogue, “when will you be here??” is what I would like to know. 31. THIS IS A BONUS LESSON I LEARNED - Be kind... but also….don't take any BullShiit. NONE WHATSOEVER or people will use that as a gateway to walk all over your as$. There's a thin line in the middle, and I spent the last 30yrs trying to learn when to cross it.
0 notes
newyorktheater · 5 years
Britney Spears, 20 years ago
Will Roland in Be More Chiil
Cast of Mean Girls
Andrew Barth Feldman in Dear Evan Hansen
Isabelle McCalla and Caitlin Kinnunen as high school girlfriends in The Prom
“I’m not a girl, not yet a woman…I’m in between,” Britney Spears sang some two decades ago, and it could almost be the new anthem (gender-adjusted) for Broadway. The opening of Be More Chill this week adds yet another to the New York stage shows that focus on teenage characters (mostly portrayed by non-teenage performers), many of which attract a large teenage audience. These include Dear Evan Hansen, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Mean Girls, and, yes, ok, Wicked. (The Prom has a dual focus; and the audience for, if not the characters in, Frozen skew younger.) Teen angst has made its way Off-Broadway as well, with Superhero.
Shows about teens and tweens are hardly new: 13, Bye Bye Birdie, Carrie, Hairspray, Matilda, Newsies, School of Rock, Spring Awakening come to mind. But we’re seeing a particular trend now, and not an especially welcome one. It’s of course a good thing to broaden the demographics of the Broadway audience, and at least one of these shows is widely viewed as of high quality.  Yet their focus is largely on angst and on stereotypes.  How accurate or fair are the depictions of teenagers in these shows?  Yes, high school may be a time when some people are trying out identities, and too many of them might like to assign reductive labels to their classmates or even to themselves.  But surely this is not the full picture, nor a constructive one. As I say in my review of Be More Chill, the actual high school students we see regularly in the news are  taking the lead in attacking such crucial  problems as climate change and gun control — problems that have stalemated adults.
Incidentally, “I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman,” along with “Baby One More Time,” Spear’s first pop single when she was 17 years old, are likely to be two of the 23 songs from her repertorie that will be in the new musical “Once Upon a One More Time” aiming for Broadway, announced today.  The book, thankfully, is not about teen angst. (For more details, see Week in NY Theater News, below.)
The Week in New York Theater Reviews
THE B-SIDE: “Negro Folklore from Texas State Prisons,” A Record Album Interpretation
In “The B-Side,” three men sing along with an album on a record-player —  or, as people prefer to say these days, a vinyl on the turntable. But there’s a reason why the Wooster Group’s encore presentation of its simple and odd hour-long piece, first performed at the Performing Garage in 2017, is filling St. Ann’s Warehouse every night. The album is “Negro Folklore from Texas State Prisons”…
Austin Scott as Alexander Hamilton and Carvens Lissaint as George Washington, the new cast members of “Hamilton” on Broadway.
  Hamilton on Broadway 2019: New Cast, New Clarity
I recently saw Hamilton again on Broadway, during a rare open captioned performance, and it was a revelation in several ways.
  I would love to see this show but there are not enough OC performances for those of us who want to attend. It’s nice to pat yourself on the back about access, but the reality is that an occasional Wednesday OC performance with limited tickets is not access. #captionallshows
— Dr. Petrified Tree Sap (@a_joy_martin) March 9, 2019
The Cake Review: “This is Us” writer on Christian baker’s Lesbian wedding dilemma
In “The Cake,” Debra Jo Rupp (the mother on “That 70s Show”) portrays Della, a Christian baker in North Carolina who refuses to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding. If the story is inspired by the Supreme Court case decided last year, Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, playwright Bekah Brunstetter, who is a writer for “This Is Us,” makes it personal in several ways…One of the future brides, Jen (Genevieve Angelson), is the daughter of Della’s best friend, who died five years ago. Della, who is childless, views Jen like a daughter…Bekah Brunstetter has told interviewers that she wrote “The Cake” as a way to explain her support for gay rights and same-sex marriage to her parents. Her father, Peter Brunstetter, is a Republican politician from North Carolina who supported an anti-gay state bill that defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
Be More Chill on Broadway
Somebody wrote “NYC Loves BMC” in chalk on the sidewalk outside Broadway’s Lyceum Theater, the new home of “Be More Chill,” the high energy, high decibel pop-rock musical that stars Will Roland as a self-proclaimed high school “loser” who swallows a pill containing a supercomputer and becomes cool. I tweeted a picture of the scrawled public love note; the tweet was retweeted nearly a hundred times. “Be More Chill” has some seriously devoted fans, most of whom seem to be 15 years old. It’s a thrill to see such teenaged enthusiasm for live theater.  I wish I could share more fully in their ardor for this show
  The Week in New York Theater News
The first annual Rave Theater Festival is asking for submissions. Artistic director @kendavenportplans roughly 20 plays, musicals, multimedia, and cross-disciplinary projects, as well as family shows, which will each receive up to five performances, August 9-25, 2019 at Clemente Sito Velez Cultural and Education Center on the Lower East Side.
Simpsons theme song composer Danny Elfman will make his Broadway debut by composing music for “Gary: The Sequel to Titus Andronicus.”
Twenty-three of Britney Spears’ songs will form the score for a new Broadway-aiming musical, “Once Upon a One More Time” with will have a try-out in Chicago from October to December of this year. “Once Upon A Time… Cinderella, Snow White, and the other fairytale princesses gather for their book club, when – oh, baby baby! – a rogue fairy godmother drops The Feminine Mystique into their corseted laps, spurring a royal revelation.” The Times reports that the run at the Chicago theater “had been set aside for “Don’t Stop ’Til You Get Enough,” a Michael Jackson jukebox musical that canceled its Chicago plans on the eve of an HBO documentary detailing abuse allegations against the pop star. That show’s producers say they are still hoping to come to Broadway.”
The Arts Are Good For You
Three articles that show that the arts are a good thing.
Article 1, by Isaac Kaplan in Artsy:  Arts Sector Contributed $763.6 Billion to U.S. Economy—More Than Agriculture or Transportation, New Data Shows
Article 2, by Tom Jacobs in Pacific Standard:  How arts can help struggling science students do better
A large study released last month found that Florida middle-school students who study music, theater, or visual art subsequently get higher overall grades than their peers.
Article 3 by Robert Ruffin in HowlRound (from 2018) We Need Theatre to Exist, and Maybe Research Can Prove Its Necessity
A new Broadway By The Year, musicals of 1943 and 1951, will be presented at Town Hall of March 25th, “created, written, hosted and directed” by Scott Siegel — for whom 2018 was not a great year, having gotten into a bad bicycle accident. Here is an article about his accident and his show in the Times, written right before the last Broadway By Year, last month.
Alexa’s new skill lets you scour Ticketmaster using your voice
  Robert Barry Fleming has been appointed artistic director of Actors Theater of Louisville, the theater that brings us the annual Humana Festival. He’s been an actor, director, choreographer, arts administrator (at Arena Stage and Cleveland PlayHouse), and championed or commissioned such shows as Dear Evan Hansen and Sweat.
Daryl_Roth – Producing with a Purpose. Theater producer for 31 yrs “Marvel action hero” – Paula Vogel. One of the few female producers on Broadway…she chooses work by women, LGBT folks, and people of color not usually seen as commercially viable
Daveed DIggs is back in New York, for the play White Noise at the Public Theater, and he’s happier to be here than last time.
The last few years I have had not a great relationship with New York, but this time feels really good. The Hamilton experience here was so intense, and it became a pretty stressful place for me to be. That was a show that, at the bottom of it, it’s a bunch of friends getting together and making rap songs. I was involved with that show for a long time because my friend wrote it and asked me to come along for the ride. Everything on the inside of it felt very small, and everything on the outside of it felt very big.
…I love performing in smaller houses. I think you get a different kind of connection there. I’m excited to be doing any play, period, after spending a couple years being in front of a camera. This is a very welcome return. You get a different kind of intimacy in a small space, and I think everybody gets to know each other a little better.
As much as I loved performing on Broadway, I don’t care if I ever do that again. I like telling stories in places where everyone is part of the storytelling.
Oskar Eustis and Suzan-Lori Parks chat with one another about their new collaboration as director and playwright, White Noise, It begins: Oskar Eustis doesn’t believe in giving audiences a heads-up. “When you have a trigger ­warning, you’re implying that people need to be protected from pain,” says Eustis, the artistic director of New York’s Public ­Theater. “I think real art says, ‘No, you don’t. What you need is the chance to face it.’”
If you’re working on a play– especially a new one– and you’re not checking in with your ushers on a regular basis during previews, you don’t actually know how it’s going.
— Evan Cabnet (@evancabnet) March 11, 2019
Thanks Broadway Twitter for having my back. Being a working parent in any profession is really challenging. I never want to disappoint audiences as I am beyond grateful to them, but the health of my family will always come before my job. Thanks to those who understand that 💛
— Laura Benanti (@LauraBenanti) March 11, 2019
.@FosseVerdonFX cast includes: Sam Rockwell as Bob Fosse & Michelle Williams as Gwen Verdon@kelli_barrett as Liza Minnelli@biancamarroquin as @Chita_Rivera +@BranUran as Dustin Hoffman @TheTylerHanes as Jerry Orbach@ethansaslater as @joelgrey Premieres on FX April 9th. pic.twitter.com/lvokxwZUFl
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) March 11, 2019
If you’re an aspiring playwright, this thread by @MikeLew4 might change your life. https://t.co/WouQGQXNUh
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) March 8, 2019
My favorite line: “Get that EXT/INT shit outta there! Dead giveaway your “play” is a pilot.”
Play Formatting PSA: In undergrad one of the 1st things Donald Margulies did was teach us proper play formatting. Which felt like a huge bummer. Shouldn’t it be story first? Who cares about formatting?! Don’t you see that l WILL CHANGE THE FORM, WITH THE POWER OF ART? 1
But now that I’ve done a ton of reading committees, I can see he was right. In the same way you wouldn’t show up to a job interview dressed wrong for the job, when I’m reading a ton of plays my first cut rejections boil down to, “Does this manuscript LOOK like a play or not?” 2/
And the most screwed up thing is that published plays don’t look like manuscript-form plays, so you can’t just learn by picking up an acting edition at the bookstore or your submission’ll look weird. To wit, a thread about formatting. ARE YOU EXCITED?? 3/
A full-length play is approx 100 pgs in length (50 pgs per act). Sure your length may vary. You may have a lean 75 pg straight-through-no-intermission piece or a 120 pg 2-act that “should read really really fast”
Now the formatting nitty gritty! *character names in all caps & centered *dialogue left-justified *in-dialogue stage directions like “(she exits)” should be in parentheses and italics *longer stage directions should be tabbed in and (optionally) italicized 10/
New scenes get their own line (i.e. “Scene 1”) – bolded and numbered *Get that EXT/INT shit outta there! Dead giveaway your “play” is a pilot. *Start a new pg for each scene *End the act on an all-caps “END OF ACT 1” “END OF PLAY” etc – and bold it too cuz that feels GREAT 11/
Teens Take Over Broadway (but is it real?). A Britney Spears Broadway musical? Hamilton Reconsidered. #Stageworthy News of the Week “I’m not a girl, not yet a woman...I'm in between,” Britney Spears sang some two decades ago, and it could almost be the new anthem (gender-adjusted) for Broadway. 2,063 more words
0 notes
endwhorl · 6 years
1. What is your darkest childhood memory?
I was 10, hanging out with my friends on the weekend; we had played a ball game that we’d just made up. We were tired so we all sat down in a circle to talk. They started talking about boys - cute boys, who was interested in who, who was dating who, etc.
I started thinking… why do relate so much? Why do I want to join in? … Why am I afraid to join in?
Then everything hit me. My dad hates me - everyone else will hate me - I’ll hate me… because I feel the same. I like boys. I’ll never be happy after this. I’m not allowed to be.
2. What bad habit are you struggling to overcome?
Doubting myself so much. I’m smart and skillful and intuitive, but I doubt myself constantly. I’m easily gaslit  because of this constant self-doubt.
3. What smell or scent reminds you of your childhood home?
Coal, fire, smoke. We always had something to keep the house warm, even on the hottest days. It was like a strange ritual my parents had to do and they never paused to think hey, let’s not do this today.
4. What is your biggest regret?
Not living my life before I died.
5. Who was your childhood sweetheart?
They never knew I liked them; they probably didn’t even know I existed other than to make fun of me with their friends. I felt I deserved that so I didn’t try to find anyone else - anyone who reciprocated my feelings.
6. What do you fear losing the most?
Ironically, death is my biggest fear. Not so much death itself, but the suddenness, the unpredictability of it - you literally could die this very second in a billion different ways and that’s it, your story is over. You accomplished nothing? That’s all you’ll ever be, that nothing.
7. Is there a secret spot you like to retreat to? If there is, why that spot?
I like to go to a local cafe/bakery. It’s busy but not too crowded, not too empty, so I’m never that noticeable but I don’t get antsy from too many people. It’s the last place I spoke with my parents before dying. It’s a good memory, we said we loved each other before they went home and I went out to a bar. I guess it’s nostalgia, or mourning, but it’s my place.
8. Do you have a family member that's ever let you down? If so, how has that affected you?
Me. I let myself down. I let people take advantage of me; I let them hurt me; I let them use me, because I didn’t think I deserved better, and if someone who loves me is doing this to me surely I deserve it. I’m my own worst betrayer.
9. Are you afraid to be alone?
Physically? No. Alone is safety. Mentally? Hell yes. What if I outlive everyone I know? What if I’m ostracized and have to survive alone? What if I’m just constantly abandoned because I’m not worth sticking around for? Who even am I if I have no one who loves me? Being in my own company just reminds me of how much I hate myself.
10. Are you proud of who you are?
Actually… yes. I think I’m a very resilient person. Nothing other than death has taken me down; and a lot have tried. I’m kind when I don’t have to be, just because I want to be. I want people to feel unconditional love because I never had that. Even if they hurt me, I want them to know someone is there for them no matter what.
11. What keeps you up at night?
Mainly the fact that I hate sunlight.
12. What was your favorite stuffed animal or toy as a kid?
I had a little wooden toy soldier my dad got for me. He was in the army. It’s the only gift he’s given me that has any thought or meaning put into it - otherwise it was clothing or food, junk food which I loved as a kid, but when you’ve eaten it it’s gone. The toy meant something; one time, even if just for a day, my dad loved me and thought about me.
13. What was your worst injury ever?
Excluding the whole death thing…
My dad once caught me looking out the window at our neighbor - a really cute boy around my age. I was looking through the window because I wasn’t brave enough to talk to him in person, admit my feelings, but I was too weak to look away.
I didn’t notice my dad had walked in - I don’t know if he was there for minutes or miliseconds - until my face was smashed into the glass window. It shattered on impact, slicing my face up pretty good, miraculously avoiding my eyes. Most of the wounds were superficial, but I had a large one going across my nose. I never got taken to the doctor for it so it scarred.
My dad didn’t hit me again after that - in fact, he barely acknowledged my existence. I’m not sure which I preferred.
14. What was your bravest moment?
Probably just moving out. I was young, 16, but I knew I had to get out if I’d ever have any hope of happiness. I couch surfed while working until I had enough for my own place. It was tough but I had no choice - or rather I did, and I chose the one that required more work than passivity.
15. What is one thing you always carry with you?
That little wooden solider.
16. Who is one person you would never ever want to see again? Why?
My parents. They think I’m dead. If they see me, they know what it means. I don’t want to do that to them.
17. What, to you, is the worst way to die?
Trust me, they’re all bad.
18. You can bring one person back to life. Who would you choose and why?
… I’d like to say myself, but the truth is, probably not. Probably a grandparent or something, or the old family dog, just make my parents a bit happier.
19. Is it easy to admit when you've made a mistake?
Sure. Easier than arguing over it. Even if I didn’t make a mistake, apologizing is the easiest thing to end an argument that won’t change anything. I have no interest in wasting time.
20. Is it easy for you to forgive others? (Truly?)
Are they worth forgiving?
By that I mean - did they apologize sincerely? Do they know what they did wrong? Is there no suggestion they’ll do it again? If so, yes, it’s very easy.
… If not, I’ll probably forgive anyway, but try not to keep them in my life. They don’t deserve me.
21. You're on your death bed. Who do you want by your side?
… hah. Well, I can say who I don’t want… but the truth is, there’s no one I’d wish that on. Anyone that would have been with me, would have had the same fate. I’m glad I was alone.
22. Your childhood bully has grown up to be a philanthropist. Do you praise him and give to his cause? Or do you turn a shoulder to him and scoff?
Neither - I ignore him. Is he a better person? Good for him. Still not interested. I just don’t care.
23. Who would you want to raise your child if you die unexpectedly?
(boy am I glad this wasn’t an issue.)
Probably my neighbor, that boy. He’s sweet. I think he’d do a good job.
24. Do you suffer from a reoccurring nightmare? If so, what happens in it?
A few. The main one is my death, playing over and over. I also get recurrent nightmares of my death - but I’m the one killing me, and original me has turned into a baby, or a child, it’s different every time; sometimes it’s my parents, sometimes it’s a total stranger. They’re frustrating for sure, but I don’t pay much attention to them when I wake up. I already know what I’m scared of.
25. What do you notice first about a person?
Their scent. Certain people just… have that smell… you can’t get out of your mind, for hours or days or weeks, it’s all that person. You just want a taste…
26. Do you find it difficult to praise others?
Sometimes. It feels like being vulnerable, confessing appreciation to someone. I’m not sure why.
27. Which color do you feel looks best on you?
28. What's your drink of choice?
What do you think?
29. Which parent do you take after more?
Probably an even mix of both. My dad’s impulsiveness, rashness, anger; my mom’s over-analyzing, people-pleasing, introspectiveness. The combination somehow makes me nothing like either of them…
30. What quality about your parent do you admire? Abhor?
I admire that they’ve stayed together so long, and it seems to be out of love rather than obligation. Keeping a relationship healthy for that long is impressive.
I abhor their passive/aggressive behavior. Very childish.
31. Do you wish to be a loner? Or have a family one day?
I think family is out of the question for me, but I would like to find someone, someday, to spend my life with.
32. What odd habits or ticks do you have?
I play with my hair when nervous; I avoid eye contact with most people because I don’t want them to see me for who I am; when walking in groups I tend to straddle towards the end; when talking in groups I tend to be a wallflower.
33. Have you traveled to other lands? Or planets, even?
Not yet, but I’ve got plenty of time.
34. Do you feel a need to fix or repair problems that don't directly involve you?
No. I have enough to deal with already.
35. How do you view other races or cultures?
Everyone I’ve met so far has been equally tasty. (Even the stick-thin ones have their own unique flavour.)
36. Do you worry about what the future will bring?
Not specifically, no. I could probably handle it; how much worse can it get?
37. If your boss asked you to cheat on your invoice and bill your client for extra hours, would you do it?
Yes. I don’t care. I’ve never met this person, they’re nothing to me.
38. If a Boy Scout comes to your door selling popcorn, do you hide in the kitchen or buy popcorn?
Home delivery boy scouts…? Delicious.
39. How do they want to be seen by others?
Calm, unshakeable, smart, ready to throw hands if you bring it to him; caring but not to the point of vulnerability.
40. On what occasion do you lie?
Oh, I’ll lie about anything. You never know if it’s a lie or not, I’ll lie just for the fun even if I have nothing to hide. (Makes you question some of these answers, doesn’t it?)
0 notes
dinakaplan · 6 years
Why Your Gut Health Is More Important Than You Probably Think
Learn why your relationship with your gut and your gut health is more important for your health and well-being than you may realize.
By Ocean Robbins • Adapted from Ocean Robbins’ forthcoming book 31-Day Food Revolution (Grand Central Life & Style, February 5, 2019)
Deep in your gut, 40 trillion chemists are hard at work helping you digest your meals, making essential nutrients you can’t produce on your own, protecting you from disease, and even shaping which parts of your DNA manifest and which remain dormant.
These talented creatures are fungi, bacteria, and other single-celled organisms. And they are a bigger part of who you are than you have probably ever imagined!
While your body includes about 22,000 human genes, it also hosts as many as two trillion microbial genes that are technically not “you,” but rather benevolent guests working in exquisite harmony with your body. Some of these microbes flourish on your skin, but the vast majority take up residence in your digestive tract.
Study of the microbiome — the community of microorganisms living inside your body — could well be the most compelling frontier of health science.
The digestive process breaks down food and beverage particles so that your body can absorb the nutrients it wants and excrete the rest. Trillions of organisms join in the effort.
These microbes also play a critical role in shaping your appetite, allergies, metabolism, and neurological function. In fact, scientists have found that gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, all of which play a key role in determining your mood.
Studies suggest that your gut microbiota may factor into your risk of developing neuropsychiatric illnesses like schizophrenia, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
In other words, the bacteria living in your gut have a huge impact on the way you feel.
Which One Are You Feeding?
There’s an often-told story, reportedly from Cherokee folklore, about a Cherokee elder who is teaching his grandson about life.
“A fight is going on inside me,” he says to the boy. “It’s a terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil — he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, lies, false pride, and ego.
The other is good — he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, truth, and compassion. The same fight is going on inside you — and inside every other person, too.”
The grandson thinks for a minute and then asks, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee replies, “The one you feed.”
When it comes to the bacteria in your gut, every time you eat, you are feeding somebody. Unfortunately, the modern industrialized diet is all too often feeding the bad guys and, just as important, starving the good.
To put it simply, “bad” bacteria tend to feed on sugar and unhealthy fats (yes, I’m talking about you, junk food!). And the single most important nutrient that good bacteria need to thrive inside you is fiber.
When they have plenty of fiber, they can do their job — and your digestion, mental function, and even your mood reap the benefits.
It’s clear that fiber is critical to gut health. But less than 5% of Americans get the recommended 25 to 30 grams per day.
It’s estimated that our Paleolithic ancestors got an average of up to 100 grams per day. Compare that to the average Brit, who gets only 18 grams per day, and the average American, who gets even less — just 15.
Most of us are literally starving the good bacteria that would, if we only gave them the chance, be digesting our food and making the brain-boosting chemicals we need to thrive.
How to Nurture the Good Guys and Support Your Gut Health
We know that junk food, lack of fiber, glyphosate, antibiotics, and other toxins can compromise the bacteria upon which your digestion and brain health depend. Is there anything you can do about it?
Yes! There’s a lot you can do to nurture a healthy microbiome and to support a flourishing collection of beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract.
1) Don’t kill the good ones.
When you steer clear of unnecessary antibiotics, glyphosate, and environmental toxins, you help to create the conditions for microbial health. Organic food, anyone?
2) Don’t feed the bad ones.
A diverse population of health-promoting flora protects your gut from the less helpful strains. But not all flora are good for you. A diet high in sugar, unhealthy fat, and processed food can feed the very kinds of flora that will cause gas, discomfort, bloating, and chronic inflammation.
3) Feed the good ones.
Probiotics are the so-called “good” microorganisms inside your gastrointestinal tract. They aid in digestion and keep your tummy happy. Like all living things, probiotics must be fed in order to remain active and vibrant.
Prebiotics are the food that probiotics need to thrive. They’re a type of plant fiber that humans can’t digest and that take up residence inside your large intestine. The more of these prebiotics you feed to your probiotics, the more efficiently they’ll do good work inside you.
The simplest way to think of it is this: If you want to nurture good bacteria, eat lots of fiber. Whole plant foods — especially fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains — have the most.
As New York Times personal health columnist Jane Brody writes, “People interested in fostering a health-promoting array of gut microorganisms should consider shifting from a diet heavily based on meats, carbohydrates, and processed foods to one that emphasizes plants.”
If your probiotic bacteria were in charge of the menu, they’d want abundant sources of prebiotic fibers like inulin and oligofructose, as well as pectin, beta-glucans, glucomannan, cellulose, lignin, and fructooligosaccharides (FOS). If you don’t know how to pronounce these names, don’t worry. Luckily, you don’t need a degree in biochemistry to eat good food.
Some top superfoods that provide an abundance of the best microbe-fueling nutrients include gum arabic (sap from the acacia tree, often sold as the supplement acacia fiber), chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, baobab fruit, dandelion greens, garlic, leek, onion, asparagus, wheat bran, banana, jicama, apples, barley, oats, flaxseed, cocoa, burdock root, yacon root, and seaweed.
4) Eat the good ones.
The word probiotic comes from the Greek for “support of life.” The two main ways to consume probiotics are in dietary supplements and in fermented foods. Probiotics have been found to be helpful in treating irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, colitis, acne, and eczema.
But they don’t always work. A lot of people are taking probiotic supplements that are pretty much just a waste of money.
The challenge is that the vast majority of probiotic bacteria are active and effective in the lower portions of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, but to get there, they must survive the corrosive and highly acidic environment of your stomach.
When are the odds the best — on an empty stomach, or with a meal?
Researchers attempted to settle this question with a study reported in the journal Beneficial Microbes in 2011. (Yes, although it may never rival People magazine for newsstand popularity, that really is the name of a journal!)
The team built a fake digestive tract with a fake stomach and intestines, but complete with real saliva and digestive enzymes, acid, bile, and other digestive fluids. They put probiotic capsules into this stomach “empty” and with a variety of foods, and tested how many survived the trip.
What did they find? Probiotic bacteria had the highest rates of survival when provided within 30 minutes before or simultaneously with a meal or beverage that contained some fat.
This makes sense. Consuming probiotics with food provides a buffering system for the bacteria, helping to ensure safe passage through the digestive tract. But consuming them after a large meal could slow everybody down, making bacteria more likely to die in the corrosive stomach environment before reaching their intended new home in the lower intestine. So right before, or with, a meal that includes some fat seems the best way to go.
Which Probiotic Supplements Are Best?
There are thousands of probiotic products on the market, with each company or retailer telling you theirs is best.
The factors I look at in evaluating a probiotic supplement are:
Price. No one likes to waste money.
CFUs (Colony-forming units). This is the total count of all the bacteria in the probiotic. There’s a huge range, with brands offering anywhere from 1 billion to 100 billion CFUs per dose. The bigger the number, the more beneficial bacteria you get.
Strains. The total number of different types of bacteria in each probiotic varies greatly. Diversity is good. Every expert has a favorite combination, but the reality is that we know very little about how the various strains interact with the human body. A broad spectrum of different kinds is likely to give you the best odds of success.
Expiration date. Some probiotic supplements get so old that the bacteria are literally dead by the time they reach the consumer. Check expiration dates.
One probiotic supplement that’s also a food is a coconut water kefir made by inner-ēco. It’s a naturally effervescent and mildly sweet refrigerated product that provides 50 billion CFUs per tablespoon. I often take a tablespoon with breakfast or dinner. It has the added benefit of being delicious.
What About Fermented Foods?
Fermentation helps to preserve food and creates beneficial enzymes, B vitamins, and numerous strains of probiotics.
Natural fermentation has been shown to preserve nutrients and to break some foods down to a more digestible form.
The most studied is kimchi, a traditional Korean food made from fermenting salted cabbage with a variety of vegetables and spices (sometimes salted shrimp or anchovy is included, as well).
In addition to, or perhaps in part because of, its probiotic properties, studies have shown that kimchi can help fight cancer, obesity, effects of aging, and constipation while contributing to your immune system, skin health, and brain health.
Other popular fermented foods include sauerkraut, yogurt (which can be made from cow, soy, coconut, or almond milk), kefir, miso, natto (made by boiling and fermenting soybeans with bacteria), beet kvass (a fermented beet drink), vinegar, and kombucha.
Some fermented foods are used in condiments, while others make a tasty snack or topping. Remember not to cook them if you want to preserve the probiotics.
Keep in mind that some probiotic kefirs and yogurts come loaded with added sugar. Even if there are beneficial bacteria in these probiotics, the sugar will feed “bad” bacteria already in your gut. Always check labels for sugar content.
If you want to do your own fermentation, I recommend finding a good book or website to guide you. A book to consider is Fermented Vegetables by Christopher and Kirsten Shockey.
Some people using homemade fermented foods are experiencing great benefits.
Like Emily Iaconelli, for example. At the age of 17, after growing up on the modern industrialized diet, Emily developed irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and emergent arthritis. She suffered from massive bloating and chronic pain, and became resigned to a life of embarrassing pain and urgent bathroom runs.
After 20 years of misery, she joined a Food Revolution Network event I was hosting and decided to turn her kitchen upside down.
Emily began enjoying a whole-food, plant-powered diet that featured an abundance of fermented foods, such as kimchi, fermented vegetables, tempeh, homemade almond milk yogurt, and miso. Her fiber consumption went up dramatically, providing abundant nourishment for the probiotics now streaming into her body every day.
The journey was difficult. Emily had to squeeze in all her learning and food preparation while working full-time and raising a two-year-old daughter. But every step she took seemed to give her more energy and stamina, which fueled her actions as well as her determination.
Eventually, her irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and emergent arthritis all disappeared. And her daughter, now five, loves to cook and has decided that her favorite food is… broccoli!
Listen to Your Gut
True gut instincts can provide an essential source of wisdom, clarity, and discernment. Does your gut tighten when you confront danger, or soften in the presence of an epiphany?
Whatever your relationship is with your gut, and however clearly it does or doesn’t speak to you, I’d like to invite you to consider a possibility.
What if you didn’t think of your gut as being yours alone? What if you conceived of it as being home, also, to trillions of microbes that can tell you what’s good for you or let you know when you’re hungry (because they are)?
When you’re in a symbiotic relationship with the community of critters inside you, you can feel pride in feeding the good ones. You can feel gratitude for how they help you digest food, secrete brain-boosting neurotransmitters, and protect you from harm. And you can feel it’s your responsibility to protect and work in harmony with them for your own ultimate well-being along with theirs.
Editor’s note: This article was adapted from Ocean Robbins’ forthcoming book, 31-Day Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great, Transform Your World (Grand Central Life & Style, February 5, 2019). Order your advance copy here today!
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Does this help you understand gut health?
What is your experience with healing your gut or keeping your gut happy?
[Read More ...] https://foodrevolution.org/blog/gut-health/
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samiam03x · 6 years
97% of Customers Read Online Reviews. Here’s How to Make Sure Yours are in the Top 1%
When was the last time you tried a new restaurant without a recommendation?
If you’re like me, it’s probably been a while.
Everyone you’ve ever met is just naturally inclined to seek the opinion of others before trying something new.
On your own, you don’t know if that new ramen house down the street is any good, but your brother says he took a date there and had a great time.
That carries weight in your decision making as a consumer.
A staggering 97% of customers read online reviews before they buy. And almost half of those interviewed will only trust 4-stars or better.
So you should pay attention the quality of your business’s reviews.
The issue for you is that winning five-star reviews takes time.
To make matters worse, many businesses see social proof as being largely out of their control. Consumers “feel the way they feel” about your business, even if you do everything right.
But I don’t think we should accept that.
Everything you do as a business should be calculated and purposeful, so leaving such a vital element to chance is crazy.
There are methods that allow you to win more good reviews, faster, and with better results.
You just have to know where to look.
Where do you start? By knowing just how reviews work and how much they do impact your bottom line.
Here’s Why You Should Care
I’ve worked with business owners that didn’t care about online reviews, and it always bugged me.
You put so much money, sweat, and grit into something just to “not care” that someone says you can do better? No!
But even if you’re one of those that “doesn’t care,” there are data-driven conclusions that undeniably prove why reviews are important.
One of the best examples I’ve seen comes from a study published in the Wall Street Journal by some environmental researchers:
They were attempting to convince consumers to save money by using fans in the summer instead of air conditioning.
The most convincing argument? Social proof that their neighbors were already doing it.
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There so much more to consider.
Invesp found that consumers will actually spend more if your business is well-reviewed:
What else in your business provides a 31% increase in revenue that you can do today?
You could probably fire someone, but that’s not adding revenue, it’s just cutting cost. And you’ll probably regret it.
My point is: you don’t have many other avenues to see a hike in spending like that for your business other than 5-star reviews.
Or you can think of it in the negative.
Bad reviews are hurting your business and affecting your online performance. That dip you’ve seen in earnings over the last few years might be tied to how poorly you’re being reviewed.
A single negative review from a user could immediately drop your sales anywhere from 5-8%.
I’m not sure about you, but there have been plenty of times when I don’t think I could afford a dip like that.
Even if you don’t think it’s a big deal, a stall that big can severely dampen momentum and morale.
And what about your existing customers? Do they read reviews?
Actually, yes.
Positive rankings actually drive 18% higher loyalty and 21% higher purchase satisfaction from customers.
And when you’re spending 5 – 25 times more to win a new customer as opposed to retaining one, that 18% loyalty rate looks pretty good.
Plus higher satisfaction improves your odds of getting more positive reviews. That’s just simple math.
So at this point, I hope you’re convinced about the importance of online reviews. Because now we’re going to talk about how to make sure yours are in the top 1%.
Know Where to Position Yourself
There are plenty of reviewing sites on the web these days. But not all of them are created equal.
For example, Yellow Pages was the giant of directory listings in the last century.
But most people don’t look to them now as a trusted source when they’re researching an unknown business.
Focusing all of your efforts on an underserved source is just a waste of time.
You need to aim for reviews on the review sites that are going to convert. These sites should be well-known and make it easy to leave reviews.
So where do the most influential reviews occur?
In most cases, the Big 3 are Google, Facebook, and Yelp.
As you can see, these sites have a combined average just shy of 300 million visitors each month.
They’re also suitable for any business, which makes them one of the digital lifelines of many local businesses.
And while the statistics will always vary from business to business, a combined 83% of patrons of service-related industries relied on Google, Yelp, and Facebook.
If you’re not getting reviews on one of these sites, it’s most likely for one of two reasons. You’re either:
Not on the site at all.
Or you’ve made it difficult to find and review you.
The good news is that both of those issues are very easy to fix. Let’s start with Facebook.
Facebook Reviews
Facebook is an insanely popular site with over 2.2 billion users. Being well-liked on this platform isn’t something that’s optional for most businesses.
The catch is, no one is going to leave reviews if you make it hard to find.
Just like friction in a sales funnel, the momentum will die if your customer has to go on a long search for your reviews.
So don’t make it too difficult for your visitor to progress to the next step. Otherwise, by the time they get there, their enthusiasm is gone.
If they can click once, write a review, and then submit, the experience is relatively frictionless. But if they have to hunt through a page to find where to go, the misdirection will curb momentum.
That’s why the First Law of Sales Funnel Friction is visibility.
So here’s how to make sure your Facebook review options are easily accessible.
If you’re opting to allow reviews on Facebook, you’ll want to start by making sure your Review tab is activated and visible for your visitors.
You can opt out of getting Facebook reviews, but I highly recommend you allow it.
Many business owners don’t even know this feature can be turned on, or that it’s off in the first place. So you’ll want to double check.
Setting it up correctly provides a subtle proposition to anyone who visits your Facebook profile.
Go to your Page’s Settings tab, scroll down to the Edit Page section to where it says “Reviews,” and turn them on.
Once you’ve turned reviews on, you want to make sure that they’re visible to your Page’s visitors.
Not all of Facebook’s Pages are set up to display reviews, so you’ll need to look at your Template options.
Just above where you turned on your reviews, you’ll see an option to select your Template.
Look through the options to find one that suits the type of business you have. Or, just opt to go with the default “Business” version.
When you’ve picked a template, scroll down to make sure that reviews are supported:
You’re now set up to receive and display reviews on Facebook.
Now that you’re set up on Facebook let’s take a trip over to your Yelp page.
Failing to be on Yelp means you won’t be successful, especially if you’re a locally-based business.
If you want proof of Yelp’s success with local businesses, look no further than the laundry list of Case Studies on their website.
Yelp does require a little more of a hands-on approach than Facebook, though.
That’s because it weighs some reviews above others. Yelp is unique as it tries to always display the reviews that it deems “most helpful.”
While you may not agree that a one or two-star review could be helpful, Yelp has a fair process in place.
They weigh the overall history of the reviewer, the feedback left on each review (e.g., a like on a review) as well as the quality of the reviews you already have to determine how to incorporate each new review.
How does this work for you?
The simple answer is that you need to get as many high-quality reviews as possible. Doing so will bring all of those well-reviewed benefits we discussed earlier.
While you can’t directly ask for reviews on Yelp, as that breaks their terms of service agreement, you can ask people to “check you out on Yelp.” Any format of that works just so long as you don’t ask for a review.
So your best bet for positioning on Yelp is actually just personal pushing.
Set up your Yelp profile, claim your business, and display the sticker they send you in a prominent location.
Then when you’re interacting with customers and receive positive feedback, direct them toward Yelp.
You can even include the Yelp badge on your website or email signature. It will encourage new visitors to check out your reviews and possibly even remind them to review you themselves.
It’s one of the ways Yelp stands out as a useful reviewing and recommendation source against their competition.
Advertising doesn’t give you any extra benefits.
So instead, incentivize frequent reviewers to visit your business and leave favorable reviews.
Google offers a free business listing for all businesses known as Google My Business.
It complements your existing web presence by giving your business a home on Google while allowing customers to find you, read reviews, or leave them once they’ve visited.
To claim your business, you simply have to verify that you are the owner with Google.
Once you’re set up, you’ll start appearing in Google’s listings for your business category. Viewers will then be able to find you and leave reviews, just like with Facebook and Yelp.
Now that you’re everywhere you need to be to get reviews, let’s look at a few techniques that you can start implementing to win high-quality social proof quickly.
Tip #1: Just ask for a review
Many think it’s awkward to ask, but it’s really not.
Think about it like you’re asking a friend if you can borrow their toolbox for a project.
You wouldn’t just beat around the bush and hope that your friend understands subtle hints that you need to borrow their stuff. You’d just come right out and say it!
The same thing works for reviews. Any one-on-one format is an opportunity to find a way to ask for feedback.
Like email. Check out how Aaron’s Auto does it:
They send a personalized email that directly asks for feedback and provides the links. This makes it easy for the receiver to leave a review.
You can use a service like BirdEye that will make it easy for customers to submit their reviews. They’ll simply get an email asking how their experience was, and they’ll click a link to make it easy to review your product or service.
Of course, asking in person is just as good.
I see customers approach a business owner to let them know how good their product or service is all the time. Take those opportunities to ask if they’d be willing to leave feedback!
And it’s easy for them if your business is set up properly.
Take this example shared by Socially Sorted:
When Facebook prompted her to write a review, this was the response. Otherwise, she probably would have neglected leaving a review altogether.
But if you’re not set up as we mentioned earlier, then you’ll be missing out on positive reviews.
Bonus tip: Make sure you direct your customer to the most important reviewing sites.
Sometimes your payment processor or point-of-sale will allow you to receive feedback as well.
Use this information to improve, but then use it as an opportunity to piggyback on your positive experiences and push them to a more visible location.
Here’s an example from the popular POS Square:
All three provide good feedback but aren’t visible to the outside world. Thank your customer, and then push them toward a more visible platform.
Tip #2: Don’t freak out when you get a bad review
One of the worst things you could ever do as a business owner is attack a bad review.
It’s easy to get caught up in the emotions of a bad review. But don’t let them run your response.
If you respond negatively – or not at all, future customers and prospects will see your response and make a decision about your business off of it.
So always made sure to create a positive spin on a less-than-stellar review. Take this one for example:
Many shop owners would see that and immediately go to the barista, tell them what they did wrong, and then leave no response.
Instead, this business took the opportunity to explain their policy on sub-par beverages!
Now anyone who reads that review will know that if their drink isn’t what they wanted, they can get a new one.
The best part about this particular instance?
This review was initially a one-star review. Now it’s a two star.
Simply keeping your cool and responding with professional courtesy can raise a bad review to a not so bad one.
Plus, you can always use the opportunity to further explain your company policies and attention to customer service.
Tip #3: Optimize social proof on your website
You may have noticed that many sites these days are putting customer testimonials right on their homepage. There’s a good reason for that.
Social proof has long been used as a way to ease the minds of new customers. And that’s why it’s starting to pop up on more than just review sites.
These short statements on your site‘ from satisfied customers are a proven method to help your conversion rates.
Here’s an example from HubSpot of how you can leverage reviews on a landing page:
As you can see, they use a variety of clients that give feedback in their unique voice. It builds trust and pushes the reader to dig a little deeper into their product.
I highly recommend finding a way to take some of your reviews and sprinkle online testimonials throughout your website to help improve your conversion results and prompt further reviews.
Tip #4: Offer incentives to employees
It’s tempting as a business owner to provide a discount or a free item in exchange for a review.
That’s not always a good idea though.
There have been instances of businesses incentivizing customers that resulted in the FTC stepping in and laying down some hefty punishments for buying or falsifying reviews.
It’s also against a site like Yelp’s terms of service agreement, so you could lose your hard-earned reviews if you get caught.
But finding a way to incentivize your employees to ask is a good way to get more positive reviews.
Many employees take pride in their work but don’t always ask for a positive review. Training your team to ask, especially after a good experience, can give your business and employees valuable feedback.
Offer a prize or special perk to the employee with the most reviews and then watch the magic happen.
You might also notice that you can buy 5-star reviews from sites like Fiverr or Upwork.
While that may sound like a good idea, it can backfire in more ways than a government crackdown.
Buying all those reviews will likely make your real customers suspicious. And when an out-of-place detail gets noticed, you can say goodbye to your reputation.
Online reviews are a vital method of winning new business in every industry. They’re seen by almost everyone and play heavily into your success both offline and online.
In the ebb and flow of business, it can be difficult to always do everything that’s needed. But failing to prioritize online reviews is more costly than many realize.
Doing everything you can to win good reviews is in many ways just good business sense because the majority of consumers look to reviews before making their decision.
Prioritize your customer’s reviews on platforms like Facebook, Yelp, and Google. And take some time to make sure they’re set up so that it’s easy to review your business.
Then be active in your approach to winning more positive reviews. Get out there and ask when you interact with customers. Find the opportunity in negative feedback. Leverage your existing social proof to drive more customers to leave positive reviews. And make sure you’re training your team to help you acquire reviews on a daily basis.
Successful reviews may not happen overnight. Think of it like any other process in your business. It takes work to be in the top 1% of anything, but it sure feels good when you finally get there and start seeing the customers roll in from it.
What hacks do you use to get positive reviews for your business?
About the Author: Neil Patel is the cofounder of Neil Patel Digital.
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