#i liked the change of gender of the prince because you know it is based on the fact that people don't take them seriously
artneverjudges · 5 months
could you possibly make a layout for the prince from the bullet train (the new movie) :] thank you!
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Joey King in Bullet Train (2022) as The Prince.
Please reblog + like if you use them
Please credit this account with the username (artneverjudges) wherever you use this edit.
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linberlyy · 5 months
Let's be honest: Criston's offense’s more than justified and well-reasoned. Another question is how much this very offense is, but everyone will judge this through their own internal compass. Let me explain Cole’s motivation and worldview, maybe I'll open someone's eyes.
Let’s simulate the situation: we have a son from a humble family (so low that his position was low even for an engagement), who, with sweat, blood, his skills and efforts, carved out a place for himself in the Kingsguard, taking into account that, thanks to the goodwill of a representative of the royal family, - who has a golden spoon in her mouth, we remember, was able to get a healthy assessment of her capabilities and skills without watered calculations.
- “I know what it’s like to fight for something that others don’t value.”
He owes his new position precisely to the favor of the princess, and we have no reason to refute Criston’s conscience, because BEFORE any traumatic and drastic changes/events, he manifests himself as a conscientious and devoted knight, with a clear worldview.
They spend a lot of time together, and already at Aegon’s name day we see that the level of trust between Rhaenyra and Criston is high, moreover, it is rapidly gaining momentum when she opens some part of her soul, shares things that can be called “personal”, laments his situation and outlines the problems he faces. Most notable:
— “My father is trying to sell me to Jason Lannister. I was named heir to the throne only to improve the position of Lord Casterly Rock.
— Should I kill him?”
This is literally a joke about killing the LORD that Criston makes in the presence of the princess, and it is remarkable that they both laugh without taking it seriously.
— “You can choose your own path, you are lucky. Many would gladly change places with you.
— “I am the princess of Dragonstone, but I am toothless.”
— “Once, not so long ago, you were able to write my name in the White Book. A position in the Kingsguard is the highest honor for the Cole family. I owe you everything. And I wouldn’t call it toothless.”
He provides her with sincere support, without greedy or hypocritical intent, and she accepts it with open arms.
The development of their relationship, on the initiative of the princess, follows immediately when, after some time, abandoned by Daemon (I condemn) in a brothel, she persuades Criston to have sex. Rhaenyra lures him into the room, plays with the helmet, kisses him, not allowing him to leave, and then tries to free the knight from his armor. Yes, Criston could more than experience romantic feelings towards his princess, but above all, it was a kind of admiration, sincere gratitude for what bestowed her favor on the rootless commoner. His representation of Rhaenyra may seem banal and naive, namely as “a poor princess, enslaved by her position,” we will note this in the future. But based on his pure motives, he faces a choice in which his feelings equally suffer, his vows and, of course, the wishes of his object of desire, in relation to whom Criston has never crossed the line before, are called into question. Many may underestimate the pressure that arises between the statuses and titles of total opposites, and only in the example of “maid - prince” do some realize the problematic nature of such a union, but not “princess - knight”. Please note: despite gender, it is still a class difference that breeds power with abuse. And, unfortunately, Cole cannot know and be sure that Rhaenyra’s need to get sex here and now has nothing to do with her love for him. He hesitantly follows the princess's lead, putting aside his white cloak.
Next we see and hear that Criston is ashamed of himself for violating his honor, neglecting his duty, although he listened to his heart, to his duty to Rhaenyra.
— “You occasionally confided in me... Over the years of acquaintance. And it seems to me that I know you. A little.
— “More than a little.”
Another imaginary confirmation in Christon’s eyes of reciprocity.
— “You have said many times how you despise your position. That you will be married off at the whim of your father, without thinking about the inclination of your heart. And this day has come."
He imbues her with the problem mentioned in the past; driven not only by his dilemma, but also by Rhaenyra's “confinement,” a literal shackle that equally binds and constrains them both.
— “I ask you to come with me. Away from all this, from the humiliations and burdens of your heritage. Let's leave all this and look at the world together. We will be free, nameless. We are free to go wherever we want, to love whoever we want. Will you marry me? Not for the crown. For love.
— “I’m the Crown, Ser Criston. Or I will be her. I can complain about my debt, but would I choose infamy in exchange for a barrel of oranges, or a ship to Asshai? It is my duty to marry a noble of a great house. But my marriage is not the end all be all. Ser Criston, Laenor and I have come to an understanding. I gave him the right to do what he wants. He granted me the same”.
— “Do you want to make me a whore?”
— “I want what started to continue.” You are my protector. My white knight”.
— “I made a vow, a vow of chastity. I have nothing but my white cloak, and I have stained it! I thought the wedding would cleanse him.”
Literally, Criston pours out not only his soul to Rhaenyra, but also to us, as viewers. He dictates the reality of his situation, assures that he can provide and protect the princess as much as possible. But, of course, for the blood of the dragon, for the heiress, for the father’s daughter, who was previously brought up in the conditions of “do you want it? Get it!” such a prospect is worthless. Naive of Cole? Yes, but not without reason.
After everything, he feels extremely vulnerable, as well as after a sincere confession to the Queen - which responds even more precariously and nervously to any conscience and confidence, despite her gratitude. Already at the wedding of Rhaenyra and Laenor, Cole, like a taut string, stands at the service, but restlessly and nervously looks at the princess.
— “I’m on duty, what’s your business?”
— “You don’t know me, Ser Criston, but this alliance is very important to both of us.”
— “If you have something to say, Ser Joffrey, speak.”
— “Ser Laenor is as dear to me as I know the princess is to you. We must swear to keep them and their secrets. We’re not in any danger yet... They are safe.”
Sounds like a threat to a pins and needles knight with a stained cloak and a sense of duty, don’t you think? Criston can only guess how Joffrey knows about his affair with the princess, and only one of the options may look convincing - Rhaenyra telling Laenor about this, who could notify his lover along the chain. Again, every possible inclination towards princess on his part is undermined when their secret is at stake. Yes, Criston succumbs to anger and panic, resentment and hopelessness, for which he commits a much more terrible act than calling a woman names. But even so, Cole feels guilt, boundless disappointment, and at the lynching he also feels remorse. He plans to voluntarily commit suicide and admits his every mistake. This scene is literally the rebirth of a knight in the rays of Alicent’s understanding and favor.
And as a result: people complain countless times and blame Criston for swearing towards Rhaenyra, for which he apologizes. Cool. Let's think critically and delve into the story and characters, and not spit hypocrisy.
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shadycomputerpolice · 5 months
The Role of Seperatism in Female Liberation
Yes, seperatism will not end patriarchy. I have never seen any seperatist make that claim so I wonder why anti-seperatists like to point that out like their lives depend on it. Also, no singular act, outside of killing all males, can achieve that.
And yes, seperatism is often an individual action. Just like anti-beauty: not shaving, not wearing make up and heels, etc but we still understand that those acts of resistance, even though individual, have value and contribute positively to women and girls' wellbeing.
What seperatism does claim is that it protects women and girls' wellbeing by denying males access to them.
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As seen in the images above, for [misogynistic] crimes to happen, all three elements: opportunity, desire and ability must be present and removing just one of them prevents crime. The images above apply to all crimes but since we are talking about female seperatism we can tailor it down to Gender Based Violence (GBV).
Seperatism is about preventing GBV by removing opportunity for harm. Individual seperatists can achieve personal safety in their homes while seperatist communities can achieve community wide safety. So when you claim seperatism is useless you are basically saying crime prevention efforts that focus on denying potential criminals the opportunity to commit crimes is useless. If that is your claim then you have to provide evidence of that.
Seperatists recognise that women cannot influence the ability and desire of males to harm females because behavioural change is self motivated so they focus on what they have control over which is the opportunity for harm.
Now are males, like all predators, going to seek new ways to gain opportunities to harm females, yes of course they are. Outside of GBV, criminals are always changing their strategies especially when their previous strategy becomes well known and people stop falling for it. Using cyber crime as an example because I am Nigerian (LOL), when people stopped falling for the destitute African Prince method, they changed to other methods like romance scams and blackmail. Criminals/Predators are always to seek new ways to catch their victims/prey which is the why the victims/prey must always be alert and aware of the criminals/predators methods so that they can protect themselves.
So yes, as long as men exist, they will be no feminist utopia where women and girls can exist without the threat of violence. We will always need to be on guard and strive to protect ourselves from them no matter the method they use.
Seperatism cannot save all women and girls in the world just like how crime prevention efforts in Ghana cannot save me in Nigeria and I shouldn't even be expecting it to because geography, language barrier, national laws, etc. What can be done is we adapt the methods used in Ghana to our local context and apply it to see results.
Seperatism is an elective individual and geographical community level action that has the potential to save all women and girls but nobody is kidnap unwilling people and hold them hostage.
And I know, someone is going to scream " VICTIM BLAMING" and to that I say, I don't care about being labelled a victim blamer. However, if you have another viable method for keeping women and girls safe, kindly put forward your idea so it can be evaluated. Please note if you suggest "educating men and boys", I will block you because I don't have the patience for that level of stupidity and delusion.
I always wondered why allegedly smart women will "but child brides in Afghanistan" as a counter to female seperatism. The wins of feminism activism will always be limited by geography. There is no feminist activism that will impact the lives of ALL women and girls. An individual's or organisation's target populatin will be limited by geography and unfortunately by resources. You can't help everybody applies in feminism too.
Imagine if someone said that about abortion rights in the US. "Fighting for abortion in America doesn't help child brides in Afghanistan". Most people can see how ridiculous and frankly insulting it is to bring up that issue.
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meowmeowriley · 4 months
Hi costume anon here!
How dare you so accurately call out my daddy issues and socially awkward arse 😖 (/j)! I would make a terrible Fire Lord but it’s good to know all those years of projection paid off, though now I’m head canoning Zuko as autistic (what have you done to me is this revenge?)
I personally want a Bloodborne tattoo oneday ngl though the outsiders mark is cool as fuck
I love your brain you have changed my view on the logistics (?) of how it would all go down!
Just imagine Ghost returning to systematically tear apart and destroy Dunwall like it was the Zaragoza cartel after he escapes to Karnaca and his family ended up paying the price for his “Treason”.
He becomes “the Outsiders Ghost” fully devoted to and for him people start whispering about what happened in Dunwall about how a dead man got revenge and how Rats and whale song swallowed an entire nation. Never anger the Outsiders lest his Ghost starts haunting you. (I love Spooky shit.)
Oh no! I made my friend rewatch DP That’s rough buddy (I regret nothing)
Speaking of DP, Gaz is a walking wifi modem and Soap is a portable power bank for his devices 😂 they stick to Ghost like glue on hot days you can not change my mind. The 141 would have the most terrifying reputation even though they’re all idiots.
Soap %100 has caused a black out and Gaz “accidentally” locked a general he didn’t like out of his house after he made Laswell and price mad.
Do you think Ghost would have to deal with the actual ghosts of soldiers would Soap and Gaz pick up on them too?
I can’t remember who said it but they head canoned Soap as lightning and ghost as rain and it changed something in my brain chemistry, good apart awe inspiring together (They were so right) and now I can’t get Sparky boom boom man out of my head I may need to rewatch atla.
Have a great day while I go off and try to regain my lost honour!
Hiiiiii Costume Anon! Thank you for gracing us with your presence!
Autistic!Zuko headcanon drop when friend? I wanna hear all his lil quirks and habits.
Thinking of FromSoft games, I've been thinking about an Ellen Ring AU. Idk if people would want it, but I just keep thinking about it. Ghost as the Tarnished, Soap as Ranni, Gaz as Melina. And it'd loosely follow my own playthrough of the games. Outside of Elden Ring, Bloodborn is my favorite of their games. It's so gooooodddd.
Even long after a believable lifespan has passed, rumors of The Outsider's Ghost doing his bidding circulate. Some believe it's an actual Ghost, others say he's The Outsider's lover that was granted eternity to be by his side. Either way, The Outsider and his Ghost are only mentioned in hushed whispers for fear of invoking their wrath.
DP AU, the 141 has a reputation for shit going sideways for their enemies before they're even on the base. Terrorists start resorting to defenses that don't rely on power or the internet because they see how effectively the 141 shuts that shit down. It doesn't help, their guerilla tactics don't effect Ghost. The team absolutely deals with the ghosts of fallen soldiers, but not as often as you'd think. They tend to stay where they died, or cross over, or go back to their families. Some though, will use their newfound deadness to be menaces, and those are the ones our boys deal with. Think Skulker or the Box Ghost, those types of problematic guys.
Duuuuude Sparky Boom Boom Man had such a cool bending ability. Personally I'd want to be a water bender, but fire bending is still the coolest form.
Good luck with your honor my (non gendered) Prince! Thanks again for humoring me 😁
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thatsgay-writes · 1 year
literally begging for a kit tanthalos x reader where reader is a princess who kit is engaged for an arranged marriage to instead of graydon and kit acts really rude towards them, and reader only finds out later that it’s because kit loves her and didn’t think she could ever be good enough for her?
This Takes Place Pre-Willow Series
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(Any Info I Have On Cashmere Is Literally From Google.) Not Proof Read
You sit at the head table next to your father in the Castle of Tir Asleen. You run through all the etiquette you’ve learned through the years in your head as you enjoy the meal in front of you and give an occasional polite smile as you make accidentally make eye contact with other people. Many people were staring at you and your father, not only had the announcement of your engagement to Princess Kit been a surprise to the people of Tir Asleen and Cashmere but seeing Cashmere royals outside their walls was rare as well. Speaking of Princess Kit, you had barely gotten the time to know her but you were already… interested to say the least. Being put into an arranged marriage wasn’t something you had on your bucket list but at least your fiancé was good looking and similar in age to you. Luckily for you, and you assume Kit, you had convinced your father to allow you to stay in Tir Asleen for some months before being wed. So at least you would get to know the person you were marrying, if Kit allowed. You had been staring at Kit, unceremoniously, for the past 15 minutes as she talks to another girl at the table. When there was a pause in their conversation, Kit turns towards you and you turn to your food.
"Y/n Jyranthi, the princess of Cashmere, last name is based off the Empire that Cashmere replaced." Kit tells Jade as the two of them turn back to look at you. You had already been looking at them and turn away and act like you were involved in the conversation with your father and Queen Sorsha. "I thought there was two of them." Jade wonders, as she notices the way Kit couldn't take her eyes off of you. "There is but no one has seen the other prince or princess ever, no one even knows the other siblings gender. The people of Cashmere rarely leave their kingdom. But that is the one I am to marry." Kit finally looks away from you to look at Jade. "Have you at least spoken to her yet?" "Yes, I curtsied like a real lady... and she did the same in return, gave me a small smile, and then sort of disappeared."
You put down your cutlery and look towards the Queen as she makes a speech about the reason for your family's visit and the feast that was spread before everyone. "Two hundred moons since the knights of Galladoorn vanquished Bavmorda's legions and freed Tir Asleen from its curse. And for two-hundred moons, we've maintained a civil alliance, governing with mutual consent, while preserving our autonomy. One realm, two separate kingdoms. Until now. In 6 moons, Princess Y/n of Cashmere will marry my daughter, Kit. Adding a new and harmonious alliance between Tir Asleen and Cashmere. Not only will this open a new route of trading but it will also assure a strengthened front against any foe we might face." You keep taking peaks at Kit's expression through out the speech and you can see her eyes widen at the announcement of 6 moons until you got married. Clearly, Queen Sorsha hadn't informed her of the change you fought so hard for.
Queen Sorsha raises her glass to finish her speech. "To the brides, may they rule wisely and justly, and defend our realm till that day when the true empress Elora Danan returns." You notice Kit staring at you out of the corner of your eye as you all stand and hold out your cups. You give her a polite smile but she just turns away in response.
You stand near the edge of the party as you watch a people dance together near the center of the room. One of them being Kit and her knight, Jade. You meet your fathers eyes from across the room and nod your head. You walk towards Kit and Jade, "I'm sorry to interupt but I was wondering if I could talk to Kit for a second." You can see Kit's eyes pleading with Jade to say no but you both knew Jade couldn't really deny you. "Of course." She says with a smile and shoots Kit a knowing look before heading towards the drink table. You slide in easy to where Jade had been standing and start to slow dance with Kit, making sure to leave an obvious gap between the two of you."
"So, umm, what do you think about all this?" You ask as you try and make conversation, now that you were close to Kit, it was a lot harder to think. "Well it's not ideal..." You grimace and nod your head at her words, not surprised. "But I thought we were supposed to get married tomorrow? Where did this 6 moons thing come from?" You shift nervously as she stares at you intently, like she trying to read your mind. "Well I figured if we were both forced into this marriage, it would be better to get to know one another first." You say with a small shrug. "Wow, I'm actually surprised my mother would agree to that." Kit says as she turns her head to look at her mother, who was standing with your dad, who were both staring at the two of you. "Yes well, it was the least I could do." Kit turns back to you with a little confusion in her eyes. "What do you mean?" "Well I just meant with Jade being enlisted into the Paladins, I wouldn't want her to just disappear over night from you. Besides this way we could get to know each other before being stuck together for the rest of our lives."
Kit barely hears the last sentence that leaves your lips. Jade's leaving Tir Asleen? Jade's leaving her? You can see the wheels in Kit's head turning. "Shit, she hasn't told you yet has she? Me and my big mouth... Don't worry though, she would return to be our personal knight once she finished her training." You try to alleviate her fears or whatever else was running through her head. But you could tell that the damage was done. "If you'll excuse me." Kit says but she gives you no time to response as she stomps off towards Jade, who you give an apologetic look as Kit starts to yell at her and make a scene.
Kit had not talked to you since the night of the feast. You had tried everything you could to get her attention but nothing seemed to work. So you stuck to yourself and either ended up at the stables or training with the knights, who would let you win. Today seemed like another day of isolation but you saw Jade and Kit heading out of the kingdom and you decided to follow. Maybe you should have said something, let them know you were following but Kit probably would have made you stay in the kingdom or decided not to go where ever they were going, so you followed them from a distance. There was a few hiccups here and there, where you would step on a twig or accidentally kick a rock but you always managed to hit the ground in time so they wouldn't see you.
Well, except this time. You dropped to the ground as fast as you could, heart hammering in your chest as you mentally cursed at yourself. You parents would be very disappointed in your stealth skill right now. You wait a couple seconds and when you don't hear anything you begin to slowly rise. "Who are you and why are you following us?" You hear Jade say with her very distinct accent, a blade pressed to the center of your back. "I was just wondering where you guys were going." You say with an even voice as you feel Jade take the blade away from your back. "Oh, princess, my apologies." She says as she offers you a hand up as you turn over. "It's fine, I clearly need to brush up on my stealth." You tell her as you give her a smile and dust yourself off. "What are you following us?" Kit asks, anger clear in her voice, as she glares at you. Arms crossed, unconsciously flexing her biceps, it was kind of hot. You shook yourself out of your stupor. "I just wanted to know where you guys were going."
"And you couldn't have just asked." Kit says accusatorily, getting in your face. "Kit-" Jade goes to stop her but you hold your hand up. "And what? You would have let me join you? Let me follow along? Pretend to at least tolerate my company?" You retort and get close enough to Kit that your noses are touching. "I begged my father and your mother for at least a chance to get to know you before we were both bound by marriage. Jyranthi don't beg, that is something that has been ingrained in my head since I was born. I lost some of my dignity fighting for 6 moons to get to know you and for what? The cold shoulder?" Kit doesn't respond and you decidedly ignore the way her eyes flick down to your lips and back up and how it made you feel. You let out a deep breath as you back away. "Never mind, this was clearly a mistake. If either of you need me I will be in the stables. Again. Like I have been for the past 2 moons." You shoot Jade a friendly smile as you walk away from the two and back to the Tir Asleen. Missing the clear slap on the back of the head Jade gives Kit and the forehead slap she gives to herself.
You wish you could say much has changed since your argument with the other princess, but that would be a lie. Other than the times Queen Sorsha forces Kit to take you to train with Jade and her, you haven't hung out with her sense. She did, however, send you the occasional smile as you passed in the halls and let you sit with her and Jade during dinners. But today was the last day she would be allowed to semi-ignore you, for tomorrow you to would be wed and your kingdoms united. Sorsha had tasked you with the job to retrieve Jade and Kit from their training, so they would have time to change and prepare for the feast for your father's arrival. Usually as you walk up the stony path, you can hear the sound of swords clashing against each other but today it was almost deathly silent... Almost.
"What do I do Jade?" You can hear Kit say as you reach the peak of the cliff and hide behind some rocks. "Literally anything other than what you have been doing these past 6 moons would be fine." Jade says with a slightly bored tone, like she has told Kit the same thing multiple time. "But does it even matter? Either way tomorrow we will get married and then we'll be like that for probably the rest of our lives." Jade just nods along as she lets Kit work things out in her head. "I mean she even said it herself, she begged our parents just to get to know me before we got married and for what? For her to figure out she is only going to marry an asshole?" Kit grunts as she throws a rock off the cliff. "Gods Jade, she just... she deserves someone better. Someone who shows her the interest and care she deserves from the beginning, not someone who realizes too late how much they care for her." Jade looks over at Kit with a shocked expression. "You're not saying what I think your saying... Are you?" Kit looks at Jade nervously and lets out a sad laugh. "I guess I am... huh... I love her, a lot more than I wanted or was going to allow myself to and I thought if I ignored her and pushed her away, maybe the feelings would go away. Maybe she would beg for our parents to reconsider. Maybe she could get them to change their minds and she could marry for love and not political reasons, like she deserves... But a too little, too late, am I right?"
Kit loves you? Kit is in love with you? Wow. You couldn't help the large smile that graced your face as you finally made your presence known. Kit and Jade both jump to their feet in shock and Kit with a bit of embarrassment. "How much of that did you hear? Didn't your parents tell you that it's rude to eavesdrop?" Kit says with a slight anger in her voice but you know it because she's trying to ignore and cover up everything you just heard. You don't give her a response and just walk up to her, caressing her face in your hands. Jade takes a couple steps back as she looks on with a smirk, she's never seen Kit so unsure or lost for words. "We should go right? I'm sure my mother sent you up here to--" You cut Kit off as you plant your lips on hers. Kit freezes at the sudden contact but quickly warms up to it and wraps her arms around your waist pulling you closer. You both break away as you run out of air and Kit wears a giant smile on her face and you match it with your own. You both go back in for another kiss when Jade clears her throat and the two of you jump apart. "As glad as I am that Kit has gotten her shit together. I am sure Queen Sorsha did actually send you up here to retrieve us?" Jade asks as you blush and nod your head while looking at the ground, missing the way Kit stares at you with complete adoration. Jade groans as she grabs hers and Kit's swords off the ground and starts walking down the cliff. "Great, I'm going to be a permanent third wheel now, aren't I?" Jade just says to the world and Kit blows a raspberry at her as the two of you follow behind her.
When you return to the castle, hand in hand with Kit, your father is already there and conversing with Queen Sorsha. Sorsha looks surprised to see you and Kit holding hand and blushing like young children but your father looks proud and happy for you. The feast that night was a blast and instead of sitting with your father at the main table, you smushed in next to Kit at hers. The two of you also danced the night away, making sure to include Jade as to not make her feel like a third wheel. Everything was perfect....
You just wished it had stayed that way.
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by-glass-and-waves · 8 months
So ofc notes will always change but I figured I can post some more notes about my 19th Century AU
Some stuff in progress and I don't know if they decent but yolo might as well share it with the world
It's primarily on the Bishops/Royal Family and has a little on the port town this is set in
(also can I say that tumblr formatting is going to make me lose my mind)
Royal Family
Prince of Chaos
Duke of Darkwood
supplier of flowers and lumber
has part of the coastline
was kind enough to take in Narinder as a gentleman in Darkwood so Narinder still gets the $ from the Royal Family's wallet
closest to Narinder after Shamura got super disappointed in the Prince of Death
likes to pay visits to Narinder and stuff
might cause rumors about their relationship or if shady stuff going on
Prince of Death
Duke of ??
The Lands Below? The Seven Circles? The Seven Rivers? The Seven…?
Which would have included the town nicknamed "The Gateway" (setting of the story)`
Port town at the mouth of a river
he lives in an estate slightly outside town
Split between Darkwood and Anura - maybe his county was absorbed after Narinder gave up his duties
kind of want his former land to surround the major river
now he lives as an upper class gentleman in Darkwood
conceals his identity/assuming the identity/presenting himself as someone else
Sir Amenthes
lives as a gentleman/high social class than a noble tbh that way he's not as obvs
I mean, not everyone should gonna recognize this guy
and if they do and are a threat, they'll be taken care of
Princess of Famine
Duchess of Anura
breadbasket of the Kingdom
lots of fields close to the rivers though
kind of like the river Nile or something
centrally located, aka easy access to other counties
mad festivals here too
the richest county in the Kingdom, because of the crop yield
illegal mushroom trade here
wonder if Heket plays a part in it or she knows and doesn't give a fuck
Sozo is definitely involved here
Prince of Famine
Duke of Anchordeep
supplier of fish
also art/weapons/etc with all the crystal and quarries around him
has most of the coastline
boy flaunts his wealth, dates everyone LOL
maybe he quickly freaks out about people trying to take advantage of him?
not sure, he needs some cowardice, unless I really do want everyone to be slightly more well adjusted
Sovereign of the Lands of the Old Faith
Their Majesty - make sure you keep that gender neutral goodness
Monarch of War and Wisdom
Regent of Silk Cradle
mountainous area, well defended
Capital located within Silk Cradle
likes to call Narinder back to the Capital often
tries to convince Narinder to return as Prince and take up his duties
Narinder's like nah
was super disappointed that Narinder dropped the Prince title but still loves him
allows him to remain incognito
supplier of textiles
Regarding injuries maybe
Shamura gets mad migraines
Kallamar goes deaf or mad tinnitus or some shit/vertigo struggles since ear problems
Heket is has severe asthma?? or speaking problems on occasion
Leshy can be v photosensitive outdoors, leading to him having to cover his eyes
Narinder, similar to other versions, he has trouble with fine motor function or limbs lock up, leading to him relying on others to do shit for him
also may have black markings around those parts
Shamura's head
Kallamar's ears
Heket's throat
Leshy's eyes
Narinder's hands/arms
so Narinder has to wear gloves
or he can blame it on like scars
Regarding the Crowns
badges of office
augments the magic of the Royal Family
can transform into different things
Purple Crown
Blue Earring
Yellow Necklace
Green… Ring? hm
Red Brooch
Halcyon Harbor/"The Gateway"
port town/city at the mouth of a major river
not sure if I should put as name to it?
Ratau and Ratoo's Shipping/Trading Company is located within, one of the major companies
Narinder is their investor/partner
Midas' Banks are based here
Forneus owns an inn
Rakshasha and the Missus work there
Ratau and Ratoo's Trading Company
successful trading/shipping company in town
Ratau (owner)
Ratoo (owner)
Narinder (investor/business partner)
Plimbo (ship captain)
the Knucklebones (sailors)
whoever else
Midas Royal Bank
owns the banks in the Kingdom
oh he is rolling in the $
Acheron Estate
Narinder's residence that he moves into at the start of the story
Narinder was wandering around, staying at different places, usually in cities or whatever, kind of just doing his own thing
did start investing in Ratau and Ratoo's Trading Company on recommendation of Midas? or Leshy?
wanted to stop being on the move for a while also because of the Trading Company
wanted to get more involved in it
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scriptlgbt · 2 years
i'm currently in the writing process of writing my first book. the main love interest is an androgynous non-binary heir. Considering it's a fantasy world, I chose to make it societally normalized. My biggest issue so far has been gender coded appearance descriptors and gendered titles (ie. prince/princess). I want this character to remain as impossible to misgender as possible. close friend's of mine who are non-binary said that oxymorons (ie. softly angular) are my best bet - (1)
(2) - as a cis writer, i thought i'd ask you on how to describe someone androgynous in writing without using gendered words/descriptors. I'm sorry if this may seem like an overbearing question, and please correct me if I had said anything misinformed or offensive. Thank you for your time.
Don’t worry about this being an “overbearing” question - it’s not at all. This blog specifically exists to answer questions like this. There are undoubtedly other people who wonder the same things but who either are afraid to ask (so don’t) or are rude about it. So asking a question respectfully, especially in a setting where you are specifically invited to ask questions, is the best option of those. At least when it comes to something where you need to know the answer for some reason, like in writing good representation.
To get to the actual advice though: I can’t actually tell what you mean by gender-coded appearance descriptors, so I’m going to try to cover what I can. If you’re worried about something like, “soft ringlets and bold eyeliner” skewing feminine (for example), I wouldn’t worry that much about it. Something that describes body parts that happen to be gender-coded by society (breasts or an Adam’s apple for example) will land a lot differently, however. They will likely read with a fetishy tone in most writing. (I’m sure describing these characteristics on a trans character *can* be done in an alright way, but I don’t advise it because of how difficult that would be to pull off.) But as for general descriptors, I wouldn’t worry too much about making sure the descriptions are perfectly even.
Androgyny tends to be perceived differently based on the birth assignment as well. This isn’t fair, but it’s something society does a lot. Ideas of masculinity bringing a DFAB person closer to androgynous, and vice versa, as though our birth assignments are inherently going to skew us one way or another and we need to take efforts in our presentation to counteract that. I found when I started presenting in a way where I was confident and assuming what I would want to wear after top surgery and being on testosterone for a long time, people started assuming I had a different birth assignment more often. I think some of this may be just that people tend to assume groups of people are the same and that I am most often with trans women. But I only think that’s some of it. I’ve sometimes gotten this assumption when I am on my own as well. (Someone once asked me how I’d deal with it as a nonbinary person after being on testosterone long enough to “start passing as a man” and I had to explain that I never really passed as a cis man. Maybe I’ve passed as DMAB, but not as a man. These are not at all the same things.)
Another thing: I get what you’re going for when you mean “as impossible to misgender as possible” but I think it’s also important just to keep in mind that people will find ways to misgender us no matter what. Being seen as myself doesn’t change that some people are going to want to undermine that by making up details in the absence of information. There’s no shortage of people on the internet who tried to hurl transmisogyny at me when I was pointing out transphobia, because their sole perception of transness was the kind that transphobes fearmonger about. So if you can’t get an audience who genders the character correctly, it’s not your fault. Pronouns are easy to get (w/ some variation) when you fundamentally believe that a person is who they are and that their pronouns are part of that. And/or when people practice enough. Don’t take this as a measure against your writing.
Some neutral-coded description ideas:
(Note: some of these may not be neutral-coded depending on setting, but I read them as such personally.)
describing mood/facial expression
mannerisms/the way they carry themself
tone of voice
the way they dress (do their shoes look comfortable? jeans look well-worn? shirt ironed? aesthetic choices?)
confidence, hesitancy, timidness, how this may change around different characters or in different settings
voice speed/volume/pacing
their body language in relation to others present
hair, complexion, other physical features (highly rec this masterpost by Writing With Color on describing various features)
interacting with some object or hobby that helps paint a picture of them (smacking gum, holding a skateboard, paint stains on an apron, boxing gloves hanging off their bike)
piercings (& jewelry), tattoos
the way the weather is interacting with them (wind making their hair blow into their face constantly, rain weighing down their velvet pantsuit, clumsy on the frozen sidewalk, twirling a parasol)
- mod nat
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mxescargot · 4 months
OC masterlist
misc/multiple universes
garv (fishboy)
prima (tropey good guy)
vindicta (tropey bad guy)
ursa (dark magic bounty hunter)
ari (light magic bounty hunter)
urban fantasy/superhero
premise: a timeline that diverges several years before ours where a significant minority of the population across the world contracted strange illnesses that led to various magical powers; focuses on the Eastern United States (aka what im familiar with). themes of disabled justice and solidarity.
micheal (he/they): friendly college kid who always puts others before himself, teleportation powers
jem (any pronouns): an old self-insert, shapeshifting powers
ayaan (he/they): kid with unique powers that mess with the fabric of reality, of particular interest to the villain
emilia (she/her): sociologist studying how superpowered people interact with a society built for non-superpowered people, recently gained fire/energy/plasma powers of her own in an accident
saiorse (any pronouns): software developer and emilia's spouse. he does not have superpowers
alison (he/him): evil CEO (maybe also politician?) looking to take advantage of superpowered people for his own gain. especially young, powerful superpowered people. i do not know how to write villains tbh
high fantasy: the world of An
premise: weird mix of some of the history i'm interested in, with a technological level of around the 1840s to 1860s? focuses on a governmental transition from absolute monarchy to parliamentary democracy and the greater inclusion of ethnic minorities in the political system and society as a whole. the people are sorta kemonomimi-hobbits with mammalian and insectoid features. also has eldritch shit going on in its magic system.
these are some of my oldest characters and have changed a lot, their original concept was a "five elements" thing and that still shows through.
the names are based on my conlang :> i didnt try to make the romanizations look pretty, just functional, so uhh ⟨v⟩ is a schwa and most letters correspond with IPA values but idk if thats accessible. here ill replace j with y and v with whatever letter looks best, you can see the mess of the "official" spellings in the tags. they dont exactly have a gender system like ours so pronouns are what i imagine they'd use if raised in our culture and language yk
baa'oni (they/she): activist reviving the long-suppressed/erased (idk what the right word is) life-related magic practices of their ancestors. name translates to "sundew"
lausa (she/her): noble who uses her position of power to help incite change, eventually becomes prime minister. romantically involved with baa’oni, causing suspicion and controversy. name translates to "shadower"
laanya (they/them): self insert. former water magic student reconnecting to it after trauma, also tries to get involved in activism. name translates to "river delta"
treyii (they/she/he): young and uncertain, pressure is put on him to achieve great things and they don't know where to belong. name translates to "sparks"
unnamed character referred to as "wind guy" (they/he): a vengeful prince with command over the weather.
star wars
premise: focuses on jedi fighting in the clone wars. i mostly made these characters in quarantine lol
aiya (they/xe): twi'lek anakin skywalker on a budget. padawan during the clone wars, becomes an inquisitor.
rakiss (she/they): mirialan; Aiya's fellow padawan and very close to xem. killed in O66
haalas (he/him): togruta; aiya's strict master, very loyal to the light side of the force itself and scared of losing another padawan to the dark side. survives O66, but is eventually killed by aiya, who blames him for rakiss's death.
malice (they/she/it): dathomiran zabrak who was the first padawan of haalas. left the order and turned to the dark side, but isn't with the Sith.
ekiv (she/her): rakiss's master, also a mirialan, and longtime friend of haalas. mom friend, but only because she's a people pleaser with massive gifted kid burnout. survives O66; assumes a new identity and learns how to heal.
hizta (any pronouns): tusken ex-bounty hunter who now runs a droid repair shop on coruscant. acquainted with aiya before and during the Clone Wars, aids the Rebellion.
penelope (she/they): human; old colleague of Hizta's. generally fairly cold and professional until you get to know them; actually very affectionate.
i also have some underdeveloped clone trooper OCs
hollow knight
cornu (they/them): HKsona. void-corrupted snail shaman capable of harnessing both soul and void magic.
unnamed fairyfly OC
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mejomonster · 10 months
Anon watching Love and Redemption here. OMG thank you so much for your incredibly thoughtful response. On the topic of misunderstandings, people get so heated and I was really looking for a more measured perspective so thanks for that. Also, your reply has me HYPE so I wanted to share some of my thoughts (I'm till ep 9 now)- I adore the romance but I also love the space this show gives to friendship. Minyan and Linglong being excited about reuniting w Sifeng and being just as hurt as Xuanji by his aloofness.
Xuanji and Sifeng both saving/protecting each other is just something I'm absolutely loving. Also, the inversion of gender roles- this was something that drew me towards the show, like Xuanji being on a traditional (male)hero's journey . But what you said about Sifeng's lover's curse being about purity/chastity and comparing Linglong and Jiang Cheng has my mind blown! I can't wait to see more tropes being turned upside down, already we had Sifeng defying the notion of all demons being Evil. Lastly, here's some spoilery speculation- Hao Chen definitely strikes as someone with an ulterior motive, he has some connection to Xuanji probably in their past life?
Is Sifeng the star of mosha maybe? I know some spoilers about him being a demon. Don't tell me though!
I see and appreciate you, life is just busy ToT
Okay so I'm not spoiling star of mosha but would LOVE to hear what you think once you find out -3-)/
I'm also curious how you feel about who the villain/s are and how those feelings change as it becomes more obvious who the villains are.
Also Mickey He, who was a hottie in Jade Palace Lock Heart, plays Sifengs sect leader legendary drama queen <3 which is a fun fact
I do love rhe friendships in this show. I feel the whole core friend group cares a lot for each other. If you've ever seen Good Omens, the friendships in that and the way of solving problems with love and desire to help also drew me to Love and Redemption.
Something you'll notice about this show and demons is... demons are used in this a lot like dixingren were used in Guardian. Which is very unlike the usual trope. The more demon situations play out in LaR, the more apparent it becomes they're not actually evil in any particular way, not any more than any human generally is, with some bad leaders just like some Sects have awful leaders, and then well. Extend that realization to the Heavenly Realm. This story does a lot to critique absolute power, following leadership blindly and what it means to figure out morality based on your own experiences and explorations versus just believing what you're told, and it does quite a job of using what you Expect each trope to function as/symbolize/get treated in this type of romance three lives xianxia story to comment on such things. Like. Sifeng is a demon. In this type show, like say Eternal Love, typically the demon is the second love interest who never gets the heroine. Who is inevitably corrupted or evil or pitiful and can never escape ultimately that he Is the demonic lesser "bad" one role. (Love Between Fairy and Devil actually also subverts this trope with the "demon" as the main love interest and hero, but it's definitely not the norm it is the exception and I love when this particular trope is changed like this). To extend this, in Eternal Love the "ultimate" bad guy is the Evil Demon King who wants revenge and to destroy the world. His princess and prince demon children might be better and have good intentions, but as his kids they get an extension of his bad ultimate fate. That can be contrasted to what Sifengs story will turn into later: how much does he bear suffering because humans dislike demons, Heavenly realm dislikes demons, despite whatever Sifeng has actually done (good or bad). In fact which demons even committed the kind of evils they're being punished for in LaR, and does LaR paint it as inevitable and acceptable pain they endure. Or as something that should NOT happen and is morally fucked up (like when Xuanji defends Sifeng and starts realizing how much she's been taught that is actually perpetuating harm and not helping innocents). In LaR when the star of mosha is revealed, the Evil Demon King from Eternal Love parallel, is the star equally painted as evil without a backstory? Is the star evil at all, does LaR paint the star as evil like Eternal Love would, or does LaR do something else with the star? Is it fair to assume just cayse the stars role is "evil demon king" that the star is actually evil, or was that just an assumption audiences were likely to make based on the usual tropes of these shows, an assumption that will be shattered and used differently. (There's so much this show does in terms of trope you expect versus how LaR will actually be using the character, which involves expecting the audience to Expect the usual trope outcome then instead LaR veers in a way different direction).
I absolutely love that Liu Xueyi was cast as Hao Chen. He does such a good fucking job and made me feel a Lot
A (minor) spoiler I am giving you is:
The show ends happy. I just wanted to put that out there because I know one never knows with a show like this
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bish-plz-haha · 10 months
I have many thoughts about GO(2) and I need to sort them all out (in no particular order) and I'm reading through tumblr and everything else and I got so many thoughts and theories I've seen that I absolutely love and I want to list them all (if I can find corresponding posts, I will link them—Sorry in advance for the amount of links in this post: read at your own will). So, without further ado:
There's a lot of theories out there about who Angel Crowley™️ might be but I think my money is on Lucifer. Perhaps Samael, maybe Raphael, but my heart says Lucifer. In a way, though, I kinda hope that we dont get his God Given name because, as a nonbinary/trans leaning person, it makes me happy that he chose a name for himself instead of living with his given name.
"Class-A surreptitious miracle." In which, its actually not surreptitious because, as much as they tried to make it the most fractional, insubstantial miracle, it was powerful enough to bring back the dead 25x over, and I think it definitely scared The Metatron (dick) enough to want to see to it personlly that they were separated- "a miracle only the mightiest of Archangels could have performed" Shax said (which also adds to the Lucifer theory to me tbh).
Crowley knows how evil heaven actually is. But he doesn't give Aziraphale this information. I think in fear of hurting his angel. But this lack of information is what also helped Zira make his decision to go back to heaven. Which also leads me into saying that for his overall character arc through s1 & s2, this ending makes a lot of sense for Zira. Especially because he doesnt have all the information that Crowley has. If Crowley had told him what he knows, I think it might've been a different outcome.
Beelzebub is like, "hey, if you can find my husband (which no one knows until that ending [I've been crying for years]), I'll give you anything you want; you can be a prince run Hell" and Crowley is like, "no thanks, I got my husband, his bookshop and my car and plants. I'm happy thanks." (Which is kinda a lie).
Also, the way everyone refers to Beez so easily as They. I am so delighted that a large piece of media makes they/them pronouns a normal thing and not something that's like, overly questioned/talked about. Its just... normal.
Also, the ability to put almost any character in GO on the aro/ace spec and it's probably canon (I personally believe Crowley and Aziraphale are romantic beings with/for each other, but they're both Ace.)
I absolutely am ecstatic that love is love and no one questions that Zira did a "miracle" to make two women fall in love; especially in a series based upon Christianity. I didnt grow up with a religion really, but I love it. I have family that say their Christian's and dont like me so much anymore as I'm gender nonconforming. (Whoops! Not sorry.)
Michael Sheen is king of subtly and micro-expressions and I have seen a post that is talking about it and I would love for it to be true: if you watch, just after Crowley pulls away from the kiss, something changes in Aziraphale's expression, just for a split second, and I would love for it to be them switching places (again) and for Crowley to be going to Heaven and raising a little hell. (Though I know its PROBABLY not true, this theory has so much on it.)
I love how good omens 2 shows us the destruction miscommunication can cause. I think this is why in this day and age, so many people are divorcing. And this show shows it beautifully. Crowley and Aziraphale both say things the other takes in the completely wrong way. But also. I'm gonna cry for years about this divorce (its sadder than when my parents split)
Ty Tennant really showed up to set, said "watch this", basically eyefucked Aziraphale/Michael Sheen, and showed his father how to be a proper gay. And I love it.
Not to mention that Ty Tennant's Grandfather played his father, Job, while his father plays a "gay" demon "trying" to kill him.
"Our car" and "our bookshop".
I love how Nina and Maggie represent Crowley and Aziraphale. But it's not the way you think: it's so misleading. Nina at first glance is Crowley and Maggie is Aziraphale. But that is not true. Its actually the other way around. And here is a post explaining it more.
I'm loving that s1 we see Crowley as a nanny. And s2 brings us Crowley the shoemaker AND a midwife. Its... hilarious??
I love how Good Omens inserts the book, Good Omens, into series 2. Like, break the fourth wall why dont you?
Crowley hasn't fallen from grace as much as he wants people to believe. He lies, yes, but he does so much good. Barely does any "evil" on his own (that's all humans).
"I go along with hell/heaven as far as I can" is such a strong way to describe these two characters actions. Zira does what he thinks is morally right and Crowley just... does his thing. I think Aziraphale didnt want to though (as we see in the minisode of ep2) but after some thousand years, he became okay with it really. Or pretended to himself long enough to believe it himself. Crowley though doesnt give a fuck and doesn't really care if he really followed along in "Hell's plans".
That kiss is so devastating and full of desperation and everything on the side of it. It's also loving. But in the completely wrong way because its Crowley's last-ditch attempt to get Aziraphale to stay—to be with him. To be an Us.
Crackship! Crackship! Crackship! CRACKSHIP!!!!!
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alyjojo · 3 months
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March 🌞 2024 Monthly - Aquarius
Preshuffle: You expect a situation to turn out positively, expect a dream to come true and expect a relationship to get better - so it is, because you’re putting the work into it. Some of you have had a wake-up call or will that will stir your emotions & make you realize where you may have been distracted or not focused on what really matters to you - 10 Cups.
Meditation: Outside your door were vines, big loud drums, sounds of jungle music, like a movie ready in the middle of action scene or building up to one. Vibing Tarzan here. Hyping me up. Inside, it’s a bunch of mom animals with babies, all kinds, all of them nurturing, feeding, cuddling with these little cuties. The main one (you?), a gorilla 🦍 (vibing Tarzan like I said) said “we expect great things from them” and you held your baby up in the air. There was an unspoken “especially this one” coming from you, a sense of royalty or honor, and you were the leader, so this was like a prince/princess or the equivalent. Hierarchy. Placing them on a pedestal of sorts.
Main energy: 9 Swords & Ace of Pentacles rev
Oracles were flying out at me, painting the picture. Some of you could have children, I don’t really get that here, more like *you* are the little gorilla destined for great things. And I’m not getting a narcissistic vibe either, not yet anyway, but rather - The Star. You ⭐️ Your path, your purpose, the wholeass reason you came here to do this life thing. You’re afraid something is getting in your way of that. Love? Or parents, hierarchy, a marriage for someone. You’re in an energy of Discovery, which is awesome, but there’s this nagging feeling in you that you’ve missed something, or missed out on something. DESTINED for you, and you missed it. I’m telling you rn that’s not possible, that’s not how Spirit works. But your fear is there, it plays on your mind often, or there’s this feeling you can’t shake, that something is too late, too hard, too much drama, something you can’t do or have based on…money, time, the opportunity is gone, or was never there. You could’ve lost something, it was stolen, someone else broke it - feels like a material thing in that case. Inheritance & Lost, either this is regarding a dream or actual parents maybe hating your romantic partner / sexual preference / gender even, or something like that. You’re an Aquarius, of course they do. You feel like others are against you but you’d rather cooperate with them than argue. Independence at the bottom of the Oracle deck is important to highlight too - it’s about you but seems to not be about you. You’re afraid to make it about you.
What’s going on in March:
The Hierophant:
Could be a relationship with Sweetheart as an Oracle, for most it feels like a strict family dynamic. Religion most likely, and with Inheritance here, this would be something *everyone* does, believes in, if the whole family went to law school then you’re expected to. And you’re like “Maybe I just wanna be a pig farmer 🐷 leave me alone.” Essentially. Or you have to marry someone your race, the family religion, someone that fits, they obviously don’t know an Aquarius too well. You’re going to run in the other direction, your existence changes perspectives and you don’t even realize it. Someone here could have feelings for someone who is married, hoping they’ll be single, or someone wants that from you, you’re/they’re conflicted on what to do…it’s not likely to happen…9 Wands rev ends the reading, that’s giving up. I won’t stick with that story, if I see success I’ll let you know, but I’m just seeing a no. You don’t want that shit anyway, it’s bad karma.
For the majority this is some system of rules that is cruel to you - 5 Swords - or you are extremely bitter towards it for some reason or another. You want certain things and it doesn’t fit in some cookie cutter mold, this isn’t the way things are done - typically. Could be a sexual preference, Ace of Wands with 9 Cups at the bottom. Or a goal, a partner, a dream, something that excites you, what you want for your future. Parents may want you to have kids and you don’t want to, period. There’s a rebellious spirit in you that something/someone else has tried to control - and it hasn’t worked, because that’s who you are, like it or don’t. This could also be what you do for work, sex work is highlighted possibly, if that’s your thing then you’ve really pissed someone off with it. Family. The government? Maybe. Hope not. God? Or someone’s telling you that. I also see possible abortion here. Or simply the support of it. Someone is afraid they’ve angered God/family because they didn’t do things “the right way”.
8 Wands rev:
You probably haven’t said anything out loud, so this would be “if they knew” sort of thing between you & God right now. Some kind of “sin”, no story will be the same, but you’re quiet about it. You’re afraid of the wrath you’d get in response, and losing people. Friends, family, parents? In some cases you may be disowned altogether and you know it, you don’t want that. So you say nothing, and either pulled away from this thing if that’s possible, or you have pulled back from talking to this person/thing regarding anything other than work, cooperation, how are you? They don’t know personal stuff. If someone’s gay here, no one knows. Same for any other thing you feel like David vs. Goliath with. Spirit gave me that, I don’t Bible too much, but that’s what I was shown. Maybe that can give you some peace…Spirit knows everything, you’re supported. If you’ve stopped talking to people it could be because they try to guilt you or coerce you into seeing things their way, and it’s more like that’s not possible, but they are testing your ability to be nice or look the other way if they keep it up. Could be dealing with an earth sign/s or again just a conservative way of thinking/believing. You’re not subscribed to whatever this is.
The Star:
This is your dream, your path, the light after a storm, but you can’t see it because you’re trapped in 9 Swords. Playing things over and over again in your mind, worries, fears. For many this is about love or preference, it’s not something that’s going to fit in a mold, or you don’t fit in a mold. No matter what this is, you’re going to do what you want, but you’re terrified of losing people who matter to you. Parents. Some of you have parents that put extremely high expectations on you and you’re over here barely surviving like “stopppp”. Not a Princess. You don’t even want any of this shit, you just want to be away from it. While also not betraying or hurting anyone, you fear that too. There’s a new beginning you feel is meant for you, and you go back and forth on whether you take it or not. You want to. You may not with 9 Wands rev here, but you could. Or you could know someone in the family is already pissed at you and you don’t want to cross or “deal with” them, or you do but don’t have much faith in it.
2 Cups:
Romance, love, or a close connection with someone you care a lot about, these could be soul ties on some level - even family. This is what you want, unconditional love or support because it’s genuine, and reciprocated, no matter what kind of love this is. You’d like to move away from conflict and heal any connection that’s fallen out, whether they agree with you or not. You’re independent and also love people, especially your family. Some of them may have been cruel to you and you don’t see that getting better. If you feel a situation is doomed to failure, you may just leave it alone and give up on it. If it’s not THIS, bye. Care about you wayyy over here now.
9 Wands rev:
This is heavy pressure, so much that you can’t carry it all, it’s too much. Too much on your mind, too much stacked against you. You have no choice but to drop this burden and leave it behind you. Other people’s expectations for the most part 💯 Healing a situation requires things you can’t give, you don’t believe in, you aren’t attracted to, whatever the thing. You’re put on this earth to follow your own call, which you can feel with this Star. Page of Wands at the bottom is a sense of excitement for your own journey, your own path, you’ve been waiting to take action towards what fills your own cup. Fk everyone else’s cup, it’s not your job to fill them, it’s theirs. Some of you need to chalk up a situation to “you tried”, that’s all you can do. You can’t change who you are or become who you’re not for someone else because that’s what they want. True love - loves you, that’s it. Black and White seems very important for those of you dating people “different” to what you’re expected to. Different color, culture, religion, whatever. Being different is a good thing, you may breed resentment from those trying to control you, all Aquas do, but you inspire more by just being yourself, something has to be left behind for you to be able to be who/what you want to be, even if it’s just fear. Fear of what other people think. There is no right way. Maybe you are meant for great things, but Spirit never said it was “their” things you had to be great at 😉 It’s your life, do what you want. If you think God hates you, why would Spirit be saying do what you want? Leave “failures” behind and go on to what makes you feel passionate, you already know something is aligned for you, The Star & Page of Wands both show you have a vision 🤍
Signs you may be dealing with:
Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius & Leo
Oracle: ✨
19 Unlimited Possibilities 🌈
When fall turns into winter, the leaves fall from the trees, the birds fly south, plants go dormant - some even die having lived the life they were meant to. Do we ever panic and wallow in the fear that this is it? There will never be another robin singing? There will never be another ripe tomato? No we don’t. Why? We know that after winter, spring will return, followed by the bounty of summer. It is so in your life. At any given time, there are unlimited possibilities for you and yours, many different paths to take, many different options available. Do not get bogged down into thinking in a linear fashion. Open your eyes and your heart, and feel the power your free will and choice brings to you. Make your life what it is meant to be.
Sweetheart ❤️
Pure - Unconditional Love - Beloved
Introvert 😶‍🌫️
Privacy - Separate - Online Community
Discovery 💡- Mercury Sagittarius
Inheritance 💸 - Saturn Scorpio
Loss 💀 - Saturn Pisces
We enter into March as:
Cool Lemonade 🍋
“My dreams got answered.”
There are times when chasing dreams leaves us winded and unhappy. If this gift has been given, it’s to remind you there is always a plan. If you fear you’ve been sidetracked from your right path, have faith you’ll be guided back to it. There is not always a complicated reason why things didn’t work out how you wanted them to, it may be simpler than you think. Are you sure your prayers weren’t answered? Or was it a reply you refused to hear? You will find total peace when you appreciate the gifts you have, rather than pining for what you lack. Sometimes, we all need to be reminded that the point of prayer isn’t to get what we want, but to ask to be of service. Cool Lemonade reminds us to only seek to be of service in our lives, closeness with Spirit must always be put before what we’d like to have.
What is to be learned in March:
Black and White 🖤🤍:
“Together we are stronger than alone.”
If Black & White calls you, then it represents a time of creating union out of that which seemingly should not work. It is changing old ways of thinking. Are you bold enough to take a risk? Do you dare to have the life the way you desire? Are you willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to have that desire? You may not be able to predict the outcome, but you can change it. State your opinion & step forward, the time is now. This could also indicate a brave undertaking of yours, the joining of two powerful forces for a higher good. A new trail lies ahead! Choose love 🤍
Black & White may be lucky colors 🖤🤍
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duskforged · 4 months
State of the Author: January 2024
Normally, I wouldn't do a thing like this. However, because I have not actually updated y'all on my WIPs in a while, I thought I might as well!
We'll start with the thing most of you followed me for: long-form fiction. And I call it that since all of these will be over 15k words (hopefully). There are three novels I'm currently focusing on.
Lodestar is currently stuck in a worldbuilding spiral, since it's a near-future humanity in space. While I do love sci-fi, science and math are not especially my forte. I hope to start drafting by the end of the summer, around September.
Vespertine has started on the first draft, though I'm also outlining still - something of a combined process. I am excited to share more of it with you, though it may be tough since most of it still lives in my head. Such is the woe of the artist.
Unto Summer Kings is in the first draft and currently hovering around 15k words! So far it's the longest I've gotten on a novel, and if I stay on track I could start my second draft by May, and begin beta reading by August.
I hesitate a little to touch on this one, just because. However, for the pure self indulgence I will. I have three major fanfics currently posted on my AO3, all of them multichaptered.
The Hanged Man is a Naruto SI!OC as Hatake Sakumo, immediately before his death. I currently have 8 chapters out and the main beats of the fic are fully outlined as of this month, which marks a major turning point in the fic's planning.
The Ever-Growing Gloaming is another self insert, this time into the events of Baldur's Gate 3. Vespere, the main character, whose name is subject to change, has been plucked from August 2023 and has not played the game since early access March 2023. Therefore they know less than you might expect.
Finally I have my Supernatural series, For Want of a Broken Nail (Broken Nail Verse). And I know what you're going to say, it's super meta to have a self insert in that fandom, you're writing SPN fanfic in 2024 what is wrong with you, etc etc. But the concept seized me full on by the balls and I already have the first 5 seasons outlined. Sorry, not sorry? No one is obligated to read it anyhow.
I also have a billion ideas on the backburner, ranging from fandoms like Game of Thrones and the MCU (for some reason) to Avatar: the Last Airbender and Star Wars. I'll post 'em when I post 'em!
Wolf in Shepherd's Clothing is a comic of humanity's first lycanthrope, taking place in ancient Mesopotamia, in what is modern day Iran. The main character, Lahar, is gender neutral/ambiguous. So far, I'm stuck in outlining and drafting but hopefully soonTM.
Witchboy (title wip) is a story I'm working on with my partner @fallenorpheus based on various YA novels we read growing up. So far we aren't super set on the story, but it's definitely about a boy who is (accidentally) a witch, his best friend, his adoring father, and his estranged mother.
Dame-Errant (title wip) is a story that, instead of in comic form, is a story that is illustration snapshots, accompanied by short story prose. It is about a butch knight, Dame Johana Talon, who is tasked by Queen Atossa to find her missing son, Prince Khosrow. Typical 'prince(ss) in the tower shenanigans' but then, politics. And boy does Jo hate politics.
I have other webcomic ideas (mtf vs bbeg accidentally breaking a prophecy, team of bipoc/minority characters getting thrown into a fantasy world for an adventure, etc) so feel free to ask.
I hesitate to touch on this, really, since it's not something that just anyone needs to know, but I've been struggling to find a good name for myself. Hesperos is a good name, but doesn't necessarily feel like 'me' these days. I do enjoy the h/e sounds... I've considered Ezra, but that's just the name of an OC and I'd rather not get quite that meta.
Ah well, sure it'll sort itself out eventually.
Anyway, thanks for reading! I know that's quite a lot for this one post to cover, but you stuck til the very end. Not sure when I'll start posting again in earnest but I hope sooner rather than later!
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
so, many months ago i sent an anonymous ask to @satanfemme requesting a matching butch flag to hys femme flag, and hys response was that hy didn't feel comfortable making it due to not being a butch hymself ─ but that i (or any other butch) could make one if we wanted to!! and that's exactly what i did. hopefully i remember to include all of the thoughts i wanted to put down.
to OP, assuming you see this: i'm going to copy your post format, as the point is for it to match and that the flag is based off of yours. if you are uncomfortable with anything or you would like me to change/delete something, please let me know and i will be happy to communicate effectively!! :)
^^ i'd also like to note that i acknowledge your blog is 18+. at the time of this post, i am 17. i hope that this sort of contact can be counted as an exception. i won't follow you, or interact with any of your other posts. but i'd still like to respect your wishes as best as i can. give me a heads-up if there's anything else i should be aware of, thanks.
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[ID: an image of a butch pride flag. the flag conists of three horizontal stripes: light purple, dark purple, and light blue. in the top left corner is a lemon-meringue colored heart.]
💜 butch pride flag 💜
meaning & design:
to start off, it was unintentional that the colors are slightly more muted than its femme counterpart. however, i decided i liked that because femmes (as far as i know) aren't typically seen as bold and bright, but rather shy and quiet. i wanted to give them that spotlight in this flag set by constrasting their warm palette with a cool one. i also wanted to portray butches as being smitten as we sit back and fondly adore femmes from the sideline. besides, the true nature of a butch/femme dynamic is private and intimate, and we can show our pride while still reserving the most of it for our lovers.
with that being said ─
"masculinity and gender non-conformity" should be self-explanatory. butchness is about challenging the expectations of womanhood especially, but any sense of expectations in a world ruled by gender roles. it also is built by its own unique characteristics of masculinity in such a queer and personal way. it is more obviously a "deviation from the norm" on the outside from femmeness, but that doesn't make it in any way more or less important to the identity.
"healing" derives from the original rainbow pride flag, and was something yet again inspired by the original post. my interpretation is that i've always heard, and now experienced for myself, how healing coming into one's true nature and fitting into the right body after realizing one is butch. the freedom of short or buzzcut hair, the comfort of casual clothes, and euphoria of the right hoodie or jacket, the embracing of a more masculine name, the honor of fulfilling a legacy, the music of a keychain jiggling in our pockets, the drilling sound of worker tools, etc. and anything else that butches throughout time and history have claimed makes them feel proud of themselves in ways that they never did before.
"protectiveness" refers to the role that butches play in our relationships. our story has collectively been built on our compatability with femmes, for whom we treat as a gentleman, knight, or otherwise a rank in loving servitude should. many of us aspire to be a prince rescuing our princess lovers from trouble, like in the fantasy books. it is a mutual agreement between us butches and our femmes that we look out for each other, and that's part of what defines who we are in this queer subculture.
lastly, the flower represents "passion." there is no butch who has ever lived without it. being butch requires the will to carry a reputation, a legacy, a love, a pride. otherwise, what's the point? this, and an eternal passion to exist for the eyes of femmes and the community of other butches. it's what makes the identity whole. it's one of the petals that make the flower pretty.
and here are the rest of the flag designs!! in order, top to bottom + left to right: female, male, lesbian/sapphic, gay, bi, alt bi, trans, bear, leather
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my-blessed-prince · 6 months
Writeblr Introduction
Hi! You most likely know me from my main blog @my-cursed-prince
I decided to make a second writeblr account for a different set of projects that are mostly less tragic. These projects are within a fairytale universe. They are naturally all satires, because, well it's still me <333
It's just these are silly funny satires, and not cry yourself to sleep at night satires. The actual definition of satire lmao.
I suppose if I have a wip that's not fairy tale and isn't We Lost Our Sunshine, I'll put it on here too. So far, I haven't fully developed or even halfway developed any of those wips.
If you have any questions about my canon OCs, continue to ask my main blog! If I answer an ask for this blog, it will be for one of my side projects. These side projects can include AUs that I put my main OCs in. Although, the focus of this blog rn is more fairytale oriented.
Here are the projects I've been slowly, but surely working on!
Prince Snow White
A fairy tale retelling of the Grimms Brothers Little Snow White! I decided to keep the story pretty much the same, except I switch everyone's gender! The land is ruled by women, because for them that's the only way it would be. I give men stereotypical feminine roles, that I mostly take inspiration from the 1950s in America.
Prince Snow White is trying to escape his evil stepfather, and he runs into seven dwarves (all women) who take him in at the price that he keeps house like the good little boy he is :)))
He befriends the local princess, Princess Carlota, who is a rambunctious girl that is always getting into different types of trouble. The two children have fun in the fairy tale of Snow White.
Cinderella Retelling: Rising Embers
Ngl, this is the least developed wip. This is very loosely based off of Cinderella, and honestly, it would probably be better if I made it more original instead of a retelling slkfjdklsljkfd. Essentially, the plot is that Elanor (Cinderella) is asexual. Okay, there's more plot than that, but that is the original idea. I have yet to write much for this one so things could change, but basically the idea is that Cinderella decides enough is enough. Hearing there is a ball, she gets involved in a gang of older ladies that help her prepare for the ball. She wants to buy her estate back from her evil stepmother, so the goal is to seduce a lord at the ball. Stealing his money, she would purchase her estate back and kick out her step mother.
Which is so much fun, when you're asexual and realize you know absolutely nothing about being seductive. Lucky for her, Prince Charming would fall for anyone with nice feet.
Things get more complicated, as Elanor accidentally 'seduces' Prince Charming, and in the same breath befriends his younger brother, Alexander.
Through the power of friendship and the sheer audacity, Elanor fights to get her estate back.
The satire here is asexuals feeling forced into relationships they don't want because allo-society said so.
Fairy Tale AU
This is where I put my canon OCs in a fairytale. I have not decided, but I may put these three wips in the same universe, with Prince Snow White's country as a neighboring one to Cinderella's.
This fairy tale is primarily about Verity, who lives in the same country as Ella and is actually friends with her. However, instead of her story centering around a prince, it's with a commoner--Lao.
Verity lives with her mother, who maltreats her and expects her to take care of Ray for her. (yes this is the wip that is a little more sad. BITE ME). Verity, who is getting older, wants to leave this arrangement and is seeking a way to move out with her little brother.
Unsure what to do and how to pursue work when she has a whole estate to keep, she seeks out Lao to court <3
(is Lao going to provide for her) (no ofc not. it's Lao. he'd rather sell his soul than let Verity think she's reliant on him)
Ray is a fourteen year old boy, who is growing increasingly concerned for his sister. He also has two friends, Min and Juni, that also concern him with their homelessness. Bestie is worried 24/7. The boy is on a mission to make sure his dumb friends and sister find a stable to place to live. Because he is Ray, he naturally takes all the worst routes with a smile on his face and a heart full of pride of how helpful he is.
Lastly! We have Min. Very similar story to Poisonous Medicine. He is fourteen and an alcoholic. He shares a corner with Juni, and they keep each other safe. Min has some secrets buried deep in his chest that he doesn't want anyone to know. Secrets that are slightly different than Poisonous Medicine.
Min and Juni are offered a place to stay from Lao. Lao frames it as the boys are doing him a favor. If they stay with them, Lee will stop pestering Lao about getting married and doing 'gross' things. They're 'chaperoning' (in lee's eyes) and they can help cover for Lao if needed. We have the boys being slowly welcomed into a family :)))
Ray's plot and Min's plot are side plots though, and the main plot is Verity's romance with Lao <333
Oh, and the satire for this one is the Christianity aspect. I poke fun at Christians, and I talk about the aspects I like and the way I wish things were (I.e. what if we were inclusive with our religions as a whole. what about that)
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
Can you talk about how Scott's dancing changed when VM moved to IAM from Canton?
I sure can!!
I’ve wanted to do a post for so long about more generally how they changed during the comeback bc I think it’s so fascinating. But I’ll focus on this part of it for now.
This is just my feelings and speculation and thoughts on what they’ve said so don’t take any of this as pure fact.
Comparing environments: Canton/MTL
I can only make presumptions on the training environment in Canton based on limited footage (I take the stupid show with about 15 grains of salt) but it just feels like there was less of a safe environment to explore and create- for them at least with the intimate nature of their chemistry and storytelling, it seemed very technical and competitive (in a way that wasn’t the most conductive for creative expression in the way MTL was). A number of things may have contributed to this; them being younger and growing up in that environment from juniors to seniors- so not being the top team when they arrived, (coming to MTL, even being away from comps 2 years it was like ‘the goats’ have arrived and they got to contribute immensely to that being a really positive and creative environment pushing everyone to be their best). The coaching style in Canton (they’ve said M+I were strict.. Russians so its on par), a lot of teams were training there but also it seems other skaters as well from other disciplines, their perspective through that 10-14 quad, T’s injuries,having to prioritise her health, etc. Also with different training environments often you don’t know that there is better or something that is better suited to you out there till you leave your current school, so I’m sure for a long time they were really happy and felt they were thriving.. until they weren’t and often you realise too late.. (they have kinda talked about that in their book. From Tessa.. it’s quite confronting to hear her say that she really didn’t want to go for the 2014 games at one point because she had lost almost all faith in Marina.. desperately want more info on all of that). With Marie and Patch now it was so obvious what a safe and nurturing little circle of trust they had with them (literally their circle of trust at every comp) and when Tessa says when they came back they wanted to be with people who truly loved them.. i think that shows. They could go out and do what they loved together and the people they would see immediately before and after they knew loved them, that would give him (both of them)…. that matters a lot when you are putting your heart on the line. TS do that for each other, but knowing they had people who would loved them no matter what supporting and encouraging their vulnerability would’ve meant everything to them, Scott getting very choked up at his hometown star speech talking to Patch about how much he had done for him.. i think that tells you everything about the role model and male confidant Scott needed and forget dance but just as a person he evolved so much.
Skating style and gender roles
With the comeback them moving away from more traditional in hold skating a bit as well as more traditional ice dance styles (ballroom) there was much more space for them to explore movement both together and apart in complementary to each other. He was always fabulous in that leading man role throughout.. really all their programs, probably Pink Floyd being an obvious exemption and to an extent Carmen (but largely still that male/female dynamic with a lot of in-hold partnering) but in their comeback programs (latch/prince) it wasn’t so much reliant on the fact they were male and female, they were just two people dancing, which allowed them to really explore how they can convey a relationship that isn’t constrained by gender identity for the necessity of the story. I’m sure it was scary for him, having always grown up dancing next to Tessa and being compared to her, the thing with traditional styles is you are dancing with each other, not so much next to each other, so now really choreographically and as adults exploring that.. still always dancing WITH each other but choreographically more separate-and not always unison moments. He just seemed more relaxed, I don’t want to say he was self conscious before the comeback but there was just a slight more stiffness in him in the canton days, where as comeback it felt as though he (both of them actually) were just freely moving. On the matter. Of gender roles, i don’t know if this was something they considered/discussed/wanted to explore in especially Latch, but I love watching it that way. Latch is so obviously their story- their actual story told as so emotionally raw with incredibly painful moments as well as jubilation. None of that in the abstract way they are telling it relies on the fact they are opposite genders- it is just about two humans who need each other and have gone through everything together. Only choreographically in the sense of lifts does it become occupationally obvious it is a man and a woman. Whether they ever did explore that (not literally exploring gender fluidity but unlike FF or MR or SFTD where the relationship they where portraying was a heterosexual one, the emotions in Latch are genderless).. anyway,, thats for another post.
Becoming the dancers they always wanted to be
In Canton, specifically after 2010 they’ve said they felt they had to be the team everyone wanted them to be but now in MTL they could just be themselves, their true, pure emotions were able to come through their movement rather than trying to fit a mould, which is ironic since IAM started developing a bit of a mould and style which makes it hard for teams to differentiate themselves- but even if VM were skating now I don’t think that would happen to them, they stood out no matter what even with compulsories.
Dance training
The way they have discussed their training in MTL it seams they weren’t doing as much ballet - i can’t recall them saying they did but i’m sure they did do some occasionally, instead they were working with Sam a lot with hip hop through their pro career pre-comeback and as they returned, during 2017/18 they worked with their ballroom person (Gigi?), then I’m sure there was some contemporary in there as well.. i know we all like to keep record of everything they’ve shared (on socials) and think thats exactly all that happens but theres A LOT that they didn’t share (how could they possibly share all of it) so just because we didn’t see stuff.. they worked 6 days a week about 11 months a year they can’t share everything so the record painted on social media is not a comprehensive one. I don’t know their full training schedule obviously but all these things would be in there and be essential to them. Then of course intense gym training, Pilates etc.. if they were doing less ballet, pilaties is essentially the next best thing- it works a lot of the same muscles and is specifically a form of exercise that lengthens your body which is what makes great dancers when they are so strong but their lines are to die for (literally ALL -BOTH their lines in Moulin Rogue at the Olys). (I wouldn’t be surprised if Scott ended up doing a lot of Pilates leading up to the olys with the way his lines were perfected).
(Sorry i’ve kinda been talking abut them more generally rather than just Scott but it’s so hard when they are so intwined with each other- i see them as one).
Mental approach and comeback psychology
More than anything though their mindset they took into their comeback was the biggest thing. I know, that shouldn’t have much to do with how his dance ability/style changed.. but its incredibly important. That comeback trailer is incredible because its really them marking their return to the ID world: and under no uncertain terms will they do anything that doesn’t. 100% come from their hearts. “This time its going to be for Us”.. that is everything to me. That is such a powerful and liberating statement. They will only be dancing for themselves and each other. Once you let go of the idea that you ‘should’ do this for someone else or for some other reason that doesn’t align with your values, you dance lighter and with less tension. Thats why they thrived- because while they were dong this for each other, it wasn’t because they felt they ‘should’ be doing it. T’s injures in 2009/2010 essentially left her as having to keep fighting for Scott, she didn’t really have a choice- she didn’t give herself that choice, even though she wanted it just as much..there was a matter of having to do it despite the pain she was in. Now… one of the most powerful things about their partnership is they didn’t have to worry so much about wanting it for themselves, looking after themselves in that respect, because they are doing that whole heartedly for each other- they were protecting and nurturing each other’s dreams, so even on the hardest days.. when they may not have the power to do it for themselves, they will always do it for each other. 😭😭😭
Specific dance notes
I don’t know if he could’ve done Prince anytime before the comeback. I think he needed that freedom to shake off his exquisite ballroom/leading man/Fred Astire-esk persona he always had through all their previous competitive programs so he could really just groove and let go, while of course maintaining beautiful posture, charisma, and being the best partner in the world. Latch I would say some of his arm lines could’ve been better. I will forever be mad at him for always rolling the sleeves up on his costume because it made him look like he was wearing a boys’ ballet exam unitard with half sleeves. At the first two competitions i felt his arm lines were much better but it might have been the full length sleeves. He could’ve stretched though his hands a bit more, this was the same pre-comeback for a while he would often hold tension in his hands (go watch Valse Triste at 2007 worlds and MR olys and watch his beautiful balletic hand lines.. in between these times they sometimes got a bit unfinished) either in a tight almost fist position or sometimes too energised in a splade-finger/jazz hands position. Its very hard to see from a distance but its those small things i pick up on. This remained both throughout MR until really Nationals and then the olys his hands were STUNNING.. i don’t know what he did to fix it but omg just about any picture from the olys THAT MAN HAS THE EXTENSIONS OF A BALLERINA AND I LOVE HIM FOR THAT!! (Sometimes i thought i could see at the boards as he often did his lil bouncy squat warm up, Marie gently placing her hands on top of his and idk but i can just picture her working tirelessly with him getting to release the tension in his hands.. i like the thought of that so i’m gonna go with it). I also found he had a bit of tension in his posture through the comeback year that (almost) immediately went away by their return for the oly season. I put this down to an obvious change in his physicality- he became more broad and muscular in his back- before this he always had a more petite frame. Just that change and getting use to dancing with a different figure can take time- this may have contributed to his shaky twizzles in 16/17. It wasn’t anything bad but just between 16/17 and 17/18 it was something i noticed. His acting had always been exquisite.. really from Funny Face onwards. I will defend that program till my dying day it did wonders for both of them but especially him- where Carmen was T’s break out role Funny Face was his. From there on every heavily characterised program (Carmen, DALD, MR) he was spectacular. I love at GPF 2013 after the SD the besp uncles say ‘you could take him straight to HollyWood’ becuase he is so natural and genuine and never once distracts from Tessa. That kind of performance confidence he carried through every single program they ever did after that. Latch isn’t a program you would say is a “acting” heavy program.. but the emotion he exudes both through movement and expressively legitimately makes me cry. I can’t help myself i bring it up every time but the outside stuff he was dealing with that season.. I don’t know if he did or not but using that deep emotion in their performances.. inevitably, he is such a beautifully emotionally available person i’m sure it was there a bit, and although it was awful for him (and Tessa did such a wonderful job of looking after him), took Latch from a stunning, modern free dance to a heart achingly beautiful human experience playing out on an ice rink. That kind of connection with deep, real emotion i feel was his moment of release of any, even unconsciously self imposed constraints he had on himself as a dancer. He took that through next season to MR and… i mean he is undoubtably one of the most exquisite male performers (specifically dancers) i have ever seen.
So more and more, at this highest of high levels they reached by the end but were always at compared to the rest of the field since they won in 2010 (i will confidently argue watching worlds 2007, they have best performance and pure dance quality of any team there- doesn’t mean they should’ve won, but their burning talent was clear as day, they just had to wait for everyone else to realise it and the scoring to catch up to them), their technique they trained so hard for everyday and were never satisfied, that was brilliant, they are brilliant dancers. Specifically brilliant ice dancers- off ice is very different because their lower bodies are trained to do completely different coordination/steps on the ice. So no i would not be throwing them onstage with the Royal Ballet corps, but in their own right, in their own unique way they are incredible and the best in their SPORT. They both improved immensely through every stage of their career but for Scott especially, the sweet little darling just wanted to always do his best for his best friend and never let her down. He wanted to be the best partner he could for her. Dance was not something he trained specifically for at a young age like T had so that was his thing to work 10 times as hard at.. probably as he would say just to not look bad next to her, but in his own way became this stunning artist who had a way with expressing movement that moved you like nothing else.. i hope he knows how special he is in that respect.
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It was many hours later when the crown prince began to wake in earnest. Astennu had managed to find a comfortable position out of horn range and was peacefully dozing when he heard the distinct soft grunts of someone waking up. The grip around him loosened and he found dainty claw tipped fingers sleepily exploring his chest.
"Its about time you woke up. You can sleep like the dead if you wanted to huh?" Placing an awkward kiss to the top of Malleus forehead.
The fae prince sleepily rubbed at his eyes yawning big enough to show off his fangs before lazily flopping his arm over Astennu again. "What time is it?"
"We've already missed our first two classes." He retorted, finally able to reposition and reclaim his arm that was painfully tingling. "Don't worry, they think we are "sick".
"Missed? Why did you not wake me?" Shoving himself up from the bed to squint at the clock.
"Tried. I slapped you on the back pretty hard but you didn't budge."
"You just needed to rub at the base of my horns...wakes me up without fail."
"Well no one told me that! I knew he knew how to wake you..." thinking now of how suspicious that conversation with Lilia had been.
Malleus paused, looking puzzled. "Who did? Did you tell someone? I assumed we were still keeping this quiet. " Now looking positively miffed.
"Hey hey! I had to! I know you didn't want to miss class any more than I did, and I could only reach your phone so... I called the one person I was pretty sure already knew."
Malleus folded his arms and flopped back on his back with a scowl as Astennu laid awkwardly propped up on his side. "What did the old man do then?"
Astennu shook his head, a slight amused smirk on his face. "All he did was show up, say you looked cute, take a picture and left. After he called out for you of course." He explained. "It was either him or Crewel. Crewel figured out I was dating someone after me made me show him those wounds you left in my biceps."
"Your... ministrations were quite effective that day."
"Ministrations? That's the word you're going with?" He questioned amusedly. To which Malleus just shrugged. "He saw me wince when someone bumped into me. Figured out I was hiding an injury and made me show them to him. Then he made me tell him how they happened before he would apply a salve to them. It was that or he'd tell a nurse then the rest of the faculty would know."
"You told him about us?"
"Not specifically. I never mentioned you, just that my partner and I had had rather vigorous relations." Fortunately Malleus found the description of that exchange amusing.
After a few minutes passed Malleus scowl from earlier returned deepened. "His jokes about settling down and having offspring are only going to increase tenfold from here." He groaned, mind now back on Lilia.
"Well I'd be an awful disappointment as a mate." Astennu wiggling down to lay next to Malleus.
"Nonsense! You're a prince too after all! It would still be royalty marrying royalty. That would keep the stuffy bureaucrats and officials happy at least."
"Barely." Astennu reminded him. "Not like I was raised as a prince either." Grumbling.
"And If you're worried about procreation we can always see a... what do they call them now... oh yes a Gender Technician! Swap some parts around, have offspring, change them back!" Musing wistfully.
Frustration set in and Astennu let out a loud exaggerated sigh.
"What is it now Astennu?" Confused as to why the other was so bothered by his suggestion.
"That whole part is neither here nor there! It doesn't matter how we could have kids because I'm not good enough to have them with." Huffing out a breath again in his frustration.
"Astennu... Why do you say that?" Genuinly puzzled.
"Because I'm No one!" Flinging his arms in the air. "I'm just the son of an abandoned princess sixth in line for the throne of a minor country most of the world doesnt even know exists! I'm nothing."
For a few moments they laid there in silence, listening only to each other breathing.
"Why... do you say such cruel things about yourself? Do you truly believe those things?" Malleus responded softly, concern lacing his expression.
Astennu groaned. "No? A little, maybe. Its just... when I was a kid, and Mother still wanted her sisters to be in our life, they'd still meet up. Usually some home or gathering spot the MorningGlory's owned... And when she was out of earshot they would chat around me. Them, their retainers, those that they kept around them to look good. They never spoke to me directly, but always spoke so that I could hear them about how pointless my life was. How Mother was barely worth their effort, how they only did it because grandma Mirabex told them too... They made me feel so worthless. Guess it just never really left me."
Covering his face with frustration. "Besides they're right. I'm no one special. And absolutely not the person you should be considering building a life with. I mean... you're you. One of the most powerful and well known mages in the world. Descendant from THEE Thorn fairy! Gods Malleus, if you married me it would be a scandal. The things they'd say about you, the whispering and media crap." He growled frustratedly. "I'm sorry Mal... I'm just, I don't know why you chose me. I never did. Hell a year ago I hated you." Finally relaxing his arms to his sides.
Once more they lay in silence, Astennu stewing in his own melancholy. After a minute or so he felt fingers thread into his at his side.
"Astennu, I always knew you felt inadequate to be my partner, but I did not know just how badly." Malleus gripped the other's hand, squeezing it as he looked over at Astennu. "Do you... want to end this?" A tinge of worry and hurt in his voice.
"Gods... that's the worst part." He chuckled ruefully. "No. I don't want to end this. I know I should. For your reputation... and your future... I should end it. But I can't help but want to be selfish... I want to keep you. I don't want to give you up, even if its better for you."
"But would it be better for you?"
"Better for me doesn't matter Malleus... You're the future King. I'm just... along for the ride." Squeezing his hand back.
"You know... it is not selfish of you to want to stay with me, if that is what I wish too. If I did not see the potential for a future with you, I would not have advocated for it. Same for Lilia." Malleus sat up, to give his boyfriend a long and serious look. "I don't want to hear about you thinking you are unworthy. If we do not stay as a couple, than that is fine, but it will never be because you were not worthy of me."
"No. You are as worthy as any. Stop doubting yourself." Chastising him before laying back down and rubbing his thumb reassuringly over the others. "Now let us spend the rest of our 'Sick day' together.
"Might as well, we spent all night together anyway." Releasing one final deep sigh. It hadn't fixed everything, but at least they knew better where the other stood. Astennu felt only slightly less guilty about taking his future king out of the dating pool, but it was a start.
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