#i stopped being neutral about this planet when i learned how ancient it is!
uncanny-tranny · 6 months
What I think is so important to learning how to truly appreciate life is learning how to appreciate the creatures and things we've categorized as "disgusting" or "gross."
When I learned to appreciate wasps, I realized how much they just... don't really care about anything, and they're not trying to be an asshole because they're uniquely cruel. If they have any wants, it is to live. Why would I punish that when I also want to live?
This isn't to say you need to fall in love with the creepy crawlies that stalk this world or to love what you cannot, but to recognize that in their arrangement of atoms, they are trying to persevere, and in the end... aren't we all?
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nateofgreat · 8 months
Ahsoka's lost all personality
(Maybe the show's changed this, I haven't seen it yet so I don't know.)
Remember when Ahsoka Tano was first introduced in the Clone Wars? And she was snippy, enthusiastic, determined, immature, reckless, and a bit insecure? How she made mistakes and learned lessons but matured past them as the show continued?
In short, remember when Ahsoka had a personality?
Nowadays, it doesn't seem to matter what happens, Ahsoka's reactions are so bland.
-A twisted Inquisitor's holding an innocent family hostage on a mission to kill her? Ahsoka stares at him blanky then kills him in one move.
-Ahsoka discovers that Kanan died when he was (for her) alive mere seconds ago on a different planet completely? She neutrally observes that Ezra can't save him and tells him to leave him to die in the past.
-Ahsoka just found out Anakin is Darth Vader and was so distraught by this she stayed behind to face certain death? Seconds later (again, for her) she's made complete peace with this and leaves to follow a magic bird instead of helping the Rebellion.
-Bo-Katan the terrorist shows up to recruit Ahsoka to invade Mandalore? "Hey aren't you that terrorist." "Sure am!" "Okay, I trust you."
-Ahsoka reunites with Anakin and Obi-Wan? Meh, who cares, she just wants her army so she can invade Mandalore.
-Corusant, her long time home, is being invaded? Ugh, just stop playing politics and give her the army already you stupid Jedi! (The closest thing to a personality she has left is petulance.)
-Darth Maul tells her the Republic's about to fall and that Anakin's the instrument of its demise? Ahsoka: "..."
-Din Djarin shows up with an ancient Jedi youngling desperately trying to find a Jedi to take care of him? "Yep, that's a youngling alright. Welp, I can't help you. Find another Jedi."
-Din Djarin comes back to visit Grogu at the Jedi Academy (I'd be pretty annoyed if I were him and found her there after she said she couldn't help.)? Ahsoka neutrally tells him to leave because he's interrupting Grogu's training.
-Rey on the verge of death at the hands of a resurrected Darth Sidious, hearing the Jedi call out to her? Ahsoka (who according to Dave is still alive at the time) just goes: "Oh uh, use the Force or something Rey, I'm busy."
-Heck, do we even know how Ahsoka feels about being betrayed by Bariss Offee in canon?
I don't know what happened exactly but Ahsoka isn't fun anymore. I'd be able to stomach a lot of Dave special treatment of her if she had at least still had some life to her character. But she doesn't, not in my opinion at least.
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
Cultural Christianity, Christian Appropriation, and Derailment
Periodically, I discuss the concept of cultural Christianity, the dangers of authors mucking with folklore that is not theirs, and what you have to guard against when you’re a part of a culturally Christian society.
And every time I do, like clockwork, Christians come in and say “but what about [non-Christian nation appropriating Christianity], hmmmmm????? That’s just as bad!”
So let’s talk about all of it.
Cultural Christianity
For starters: What is cultural Christianity?
Cultural Christianity is the fact the Western calendar is primarily built around two things: farming, and Christianity
Our dedicated time off that is mostly guaranteed to all workers are Christian holidays. Easter, Christmas, Good Friday. The time between Christmas and New Year is also prone to being off and this also in some dominions has Christian events.
And yes, I know that most of these holidays actually have pagan roots. Christianity co-opted them and thoroughly Christianized them, to the point their re-paganization only really started in the 1800s… by people who were also culturally Christian, and often wrote whole books on Christianity on top of their neo-pagan beliefs.
It’s how Christmas is considered a “neutral, secular” holiday, when it’s celebrating the birth of Christ. It’s how the concept of “other religions” exist, let alone the fact they have to ask for time off for their own holidays that count against their personal vacation time, when Christians often don’t have to do that. It’s how you see more churches than mosques or synagogues in the West by a very large factor.
There are very few places in the West that are not, on some level, culturally Christian. Some very insular communities might be able to escape a lot of the trappings of Christianity, but still. The government mandated days off are mostly Christian things. 
Cultural Christianity means everyone who was raised in a culturally Christian society has a Christian lens. They are aware of Christianity, its holidays, its general story, its values. 
This translates to them having to unlearn all of this and learn a whole new framework when they begin researching other folklore (Native religions, in my case, but this also applies to other religions such as Judaism and Islam) cause other folklore/religions do not have the same holidays, values, or even relationship to the deity in question.
Christian Appropriation
So in a non-Christian society, it is possible to appropriate Christianity. Because the same factors that have Christians appropriate everything else in the West are at play with a different dominant religion.
This mostly shows up in Japanese media. Japan has Shinto/Buddhism as a dominant religion, and you’ll often hear anime or manga artists say they simply picked Christian imagery because it looks cool.
And I agree this is disrespectful! It is really not fun to watch sacred imagery of your beliefs be used because “it looks cool” and I would love it if all appropriation of others’ beliefs ended.
But that often isn’t the focus of the posts getting these comments.
This is twofold.
1- Very few places where Christianity isn’t the dominant religion exist.
Because Christian nations colonized most of the planet, there are a lot more culturally Christian places than you probably want to admit, if you’re the kind of person who pulls “but what about the appropriation.”. This includes a lot of Africa, a lot of Southeast Asia, a lot of Oceania, a lot of South America, basically all of North America, and basically all of Europe. 
You might disagree with how they practice Christianity, but they are still Christian. This means they are culturally Christian. Just not your culturally Christian.
But, as I mentioned in the previous section, appropriation can happen. It just doesn’t happen much in the English speaking world, and I am speaking to the English speaking world. Specifically, the Western English speaking world, which is very much culturally Christian.
The places where Christianity isn’t the dominant religion, however, is mostly composed of non-white people, specifically Arab, South Asian, and East Asian. So these “but what about where Christianity is appropriated” often end up sounding like “why aren’t you persecuting people of colour”, which sounds like trying to justify racism against people over there to me.
2- You are trying to say you are as much of a victim as us, when you are not
If you live in the West, you are culturally Christian unless you have grown up very deeply entrenched in a non-Christian community.
You have grown up with a wide, wide, wide variety of Christian stories, Christian based stories, Christian values/worldviews-as-default told to you your whole life. Some of it has been terrible, some of it you disagree with, but by and large, every story has some infusion of Christianity to it. Some of the most popular fictional texts are deeply religious things, like the Chronicles of Narnia.
You have not had your religion forbidden from being practiced, to you personally.
You have only seen true appropriation in very recent times, because of the influx of non-Western media being imported.
You have not had your sacred places constantly, consistently infringed upon and destroyed for reasons like “an observatory” or “a pipeline” or “a dam” or “a mine”.
You may have dealt with misunderstandings and miscommunications but you have rarely had somebody fundamentally misunderstand what Christianity is (Jesus as lord and saviour, died for our sins, we should try to live a more godly life and a good life to get into Heaven and get eternal happiness).
Native people have not had any of those luxuries, and it has mostly been culturally Christian people who have taken what is ours and turned it into what they wanted it to be. 
We have Christian pagans (paganism was founded and codified in the Victorian era, so no, it’s not “ancient wisdom” but more Victorians—who were definitely culturally Christian—interpreting everything to prove Christianity as more universal than it was*) peddle dream catchers and calling themselves medicine people and burning sage to the point it’s endangered, all trying to claim they’re “following Native practices” when they’re not.
So when I’m speaking to somebody in the Western world, 95% of the time I will be speaking to somebody culturally Christian. 
*When you start to track the “studied ancient mysteries” things, you either find types like the Theosophical Society that wildly appropriated Hinduism and Buddhism to fit their own ends and often put in messiah figures into them to show how there’s a Christ everywhere on the planet, or you start to dive into people who took Christianized recordings of folklore who may or may not have sipped some “older religions are better for noble savages reason” juice.
It’s very often racist and pulling from records written down by missionaries who had a vested interest in modifying the folklore in question, or from people who’d already been Christianized, so its validity is questionable.
Beginning to Unlearn
If you want to learn more about cultural Christianity and how to be more respectful of non-Christian belief systems, take a look at the this post and the folklore tag in general. Those are great starting places for you to do deeper research into whatever marginalized belief you’re looking to use.
I’d also suggest earnestly learning about other belief structures’ customs, challenging your assumptions of what is neutral and universal and the proper way of doing things. You might find a lot of surprising things that you weren’t expecting, even just looking at Abrahamic religions.
In the end
When I’m speaking to somebody who wants to use Native folklore, I’m going to assume they’re culturally Christian and educate them accordingly.
I am having a conversation to Christians about the appropriation of Native culture and how not to do that.
I am not going to suddenly change topics to make Christians comfortable by proving that I’m a champion for them, because frankly, they shouldn’t be dangling respecting Natives if only they interrupt themselves to prove they’re properly educated on Christian issues. Because that demand is once again centring Christianity above Native people.
I am talking about Native issues, not Christian issues.
I do not accept derailments that are thinly veiled racism or persecution complexes based off “what if”s that have not actually happened in the West. I acknowledge they happen elsewhere, and that’s tragic. I am not the person to talk about those details. I’d rather pass the mic to Christians in the area and let them speak. They are not Western Christians’ shields to use as they will. They have a voice, as well.
I am not going to coddle people who feel that Christian values are diminishing from society because we need room for more than just Christian values and Christianity does not have a monopoly on being a good person.
I am talking about Christians appropriating Native American beliefs.
And if that makes you uncomfortable, to hear Western Christians have protection, insert their own dogma into too much, and have unlearning to do—without being able to tack on a story about how no, really, you’re a victim in the West—then you have more unlearning to do. I’ve given places to start learning above.
We are talking about Native issues right now.
And I will not stop calling Christians out for their religious-based colonialism.
~ Lesya
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ceradenja · 3 years
Magolor backstory
Heads up I'm very much pulling stuff out of my hat, it's just how I've filled the gaps and put the pieces together. Also contains Taranzolor a little at the end.
Halcandra starts off as a mostly volcanic area. The largest civilization are knowns as Halcandrans, a highly magical species. The biggest cities reside in Egg Engines, which isn't nearly as highly-mechanized as it is nowdays. A lot of the mechanics work off of Magic.
Magolor is born around 15 years before the events of RTDL. He's a feisty little kid, with a competitive attitude and a love for pranks. He's not a bad kid, though he is a bit of a compulsive liar in order to protect himself.
Some time after, Haltmann Works Company begin the Mechanizing Occupation Project. They work slow at first, due to the extreme heat of Halcandra, so they make false promises and keep on the good side of the Halcandrans. The project divides the people in two groups; those who welcome the mechanizing and those who do not. Magolor grows up to be very interested in science and mechanics, hence gaining knowledge of ancient mechanical artifacts and how to work them. One day he meets a traveler from afar. The jester introduces himself as Marx, and Magolor is very intriqued by his stories about Dreamland, and Kirby. He decides he wants to meet Kirby someday. Marx departs, hoping that they could meet again some day.
Eventually as HWC adapts their hardware to the climate, they ramp up the mechanization. Now threathening the dwindling amount of defiant Halcandrans to comply with their wishes or be mechanized themselves. Magolor, thrown into his studies learns to distrust the company and wants them to stop what they're doing to his planet. He is frustrated that their "so called Guardian" Landia isn't doing anything to stop the invaders, so he conjures up his own plan.
He steals the ancient warship Lor Starcutter he'd always admired, and readies it against Landia to obtain the Master Crown for himself. He hopes that with it's power, he can drive away HWC from his planet and return things to how they used to be. Things don't turn out how he'd like them to, and Landia swiftly shoots down the ship. Magolor makes his escape into Dreamland, and quickly spins Kirby a story about the "evil dragon". He had a plan to escape into Dreamland if things turned south, but hadn't prepared to recruit the help of Kirby and his friends. His words surprise even himself. He doesn't know it yet, but the Master Crown has imprinted it's call onto him. Driving him towards itself, and slowly corrupting his drive.
Meanwhile on Halcandra Landia, now awake and furious, drives not only the invading HWC from the planet but also the Halcandrans due to one of them daring to defy her authority. After her rampage, Halcandra is left in it's current state. Halfway between mechanized and natural and mostly deserted.
Once Magolor returns to Halcandra with Kirby and co. in tow, he is faced with a far more quiet planet than before. He stays back in in the Starcutter, not only for fear of Landia, but also to reflect. Coming so much closer to the Crown makes it wrap it's hold tighter onto him. He wants revenge. Landia has destroyed his home, and evicted his people. This wouldn't have happened if he had the Crown. He could have saved Halcandra. If he was in power nothing like this would have happened here. So he urges Kirby to continue on. Defeat Landia, get the Crown.
Landia is beat and Magolor obtains the crown, which further twists his intentions. Fueled by his loss of his people and his home, he claims ownership over everything. The Master Crown's explosive power transforms his body to resemble what an old, powerful and awakened Halcandran would look like.
After failing to take Kirby down with the Starcutter, he fights Kirby himself. After one final blow, he falls unconcious. The Master Crown finally takes full control. It digs it's claws further into his head and transforms him into it's own twisted image. Kirby fights once more, and the crown's power is neutralized, for now. Magolor is shifted back into his usual self, before the crown seemingly breaks.
He is teleported into the Lor Starcutter, who has taken control of herself, and is saved from the collapsing dimension. He remains unconsious for days, the Crown having drained all magic from his body. Once he wakes, he can do nothing more than speak. Even moving his hands uses magical energy, so he rests, shifting between unnerving sleep and wakefulness. Lor lectures him over his terrible desicions, but also offers sympathy. She knows about the Crown's terrible power and knows that while Magolor made the initial reach for it, allowing it to corrupt his mind, he was powerless to stop himself once the Crown's seed was implanted. Magolor realizes that it's his actions that drove his people off Halcandra, and expresses remorse. Lor explains that she's had sentience since the beginning, but hasn't spoken to him previously because she was watching his actions. She decided that while taking matters into his own hands was foolish and selfish, his original intentions were not evil. Thus, she decided to save him and see whether he'd learned his lesson.
Magolor took time to recover, both physically and mentally. He is left with distinct scars on his head from where the crown dug into him. He is also plagued by nightmares of the crown's vision of him and what he's caused. During this time, he also builds his bond with Lor Starcutter and gains her trust.
Once Lor Starcutter deems him ready, she pushes him to go and apologize to everyone his actions had affected. Starting with Landia herself. Magolor is anxious to do so, but Lor lets him know that Landia knows they're coming. Magolor makes it to her lair, and offers his apology. While she accepts it, she cannot yet forgive him and urges him to find a new place to call home. Magolor tells her this stopped being his home once he'd taken flight. He departs Halcandra, and makes his way to Dreamland.
Magolor feels too anxious to just walk up to Kirby and apologise, knowing his power, so he adapts a disguise and builds him a theme park. He hopes that this gift warms him up enough to accept his apology, or at least distract him enough for him to get his explanation in. Once construction is complete, he sends Kirby and his friends an invitation and waits. To his surprise, Kirby forgives him near instantly and is very happy about the park. The three other friends are more wary. They keep watch on the mage, and while he adapts a chipper attitude and plays a little dirty during races with Kirby he doesn't seem to cause real trouble. Eventually Bandee and King Dedede warm up to him too, and while Meta Knight seems to have put the events behind he still keeps a secret eye out on Magolor just to make sure he keeps in line.
Magolor adapts a semi-nomadic lifestyle for the following years. He travels dimensions to explore, see new things and hone his craft as he's decided building theme parks was quite fun actually. He returns to Dreamland pretty often though, since Kirby made him promise to come back and he cant help but to be drawn to the usually peaceful planet.
When Hyness and his priestesses arrive on Pop Star, he's once more called in by Kirby. Now given the title of Dream Friend, which is something he's extremely moved to recieve. He meets up with the rest of his "team", being Susie and Taranza. He is pretty shocked to find out Susie's connection with Haltmann, and though it first causes friction between them, they are able to work it out with some help from both Kirby and Taranza. Magolor learns truths about HWC, and how things went down when they invaded Dreamland. He wants to say they deserved it, but manages to keep his tongue to himself. He learns to appreciate Susie for what she is, and leave the past behind. While they aren't best friends, or good friends really, they can tolerate eachother.
After Void has been defeated, Magolor stays more and more in Dreamland. He still travels, but his travels grow shorter and more infrequent. In little time he stays back most of the time and learns to call Dreamland his new home.
Magolor and Taranza grow closer, as the peaceful years continue. They bond over the fact they don't feel welcome with their original home, and how they were both put in their place by Kirby. Eventually they both find themselves falling for one another. Taranza having finally gotten over the loss of Sectonia with the help of Kirby and his dream friends.
They end up dating, and as the years roll by go on to marry eachother and live happily. They adopt a stray Sphere Doomer at some point too.
And if you read this far I honestly applaud you. Thank you very much and I hope you didn't find it terrible!
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kybervisions · 3 years
a taste of life [kylo]
summary: ben solo is brought back from the dead by a force-sensitive pirate and is given the opportunity to start a new life as part of her crew. 
author’s note: hdjfkj i love the idea of a pirate!reader so here is my contribution,, so this takes place a few weeks after the battle of exegol in which the first order was defeated ,, if you’ve played jedi fallen order than reader’s ability is exactly like cal’s ,, lmk what you think :)) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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“I have a bad feeling about this,” Isao muttered as he navigated the ship through the wreckage. The ruins of Star Destroyer fleets decorated Exegol, evidence of the New Republic’s victory. And There was so much to loot! You chuckled. The Scorpion landed near a weird-looking throne. It was so dark that Isao landing the Scorpion was a miracle. 
“Well I see a very fun trip to Canto Bight in our future,” You said with a smile and ran out of the cockpit. It had been a while since you last visited the city and partook in the activities of wealthy individuals. You so desperately wanted to gamble and drink credits away, so you quickly strapped your belt on and grabbed a blaster before exiting the ship. Nori ran after you. 
“Canto Bight? I thought we were going to Jedha and see the remains of the Jedi temple there,” Nori expressed disappointment with your desire to return to Canto Bight. She had become obsessed with learning more about the Jedi after learning about your Force sensitivity. 
“Jedi Temples don’t have open bars,” You reminded your Twi’lek friend, “or casinos,” Nori sighed in frustration. “I’m just trying to be plastered and gamble,” You smiled. “No need to get ourselves involved in Jedi business,” 
You’ve known about your connection with the Force your entire life. You were a member of the Blazing Chain — an organization of nomadic raiders made up of Force Adepts that wandered Unknown Space. With no loyalty to the Sith or Jedi, the Blazing Chain simply utilized their Force abilities to make raids easier. Three wars occurred, and each time, for better or for worse, the Blazing Chain remained neutral. You had no intention in breaking that tradition. 
As you walked, you found a cube. The strong fog made it nearly impossible to see, but your foot gently kicked it. A faint blue glow radiated from the cube and you felt a compulsion to pick it up. You knelt down, and as your fingers touched the cube, a scene played back in your head. And then, a blinding white light. 
“Ahh, dank farrik!” You shouted and crawled away from the cube. Nori ran to your side. 
“What happened? Are you okay? Did it happen again?” Nori asked frantically. By ‘it’ she was referring to one of your ‘echo episodes’ in which an object gives you a memory by touching it. You were one of two adepts cursed with that ability from the Blazing Chain. It was referred to as a Force Echo. 
“I’m fine,” You groaned, feeling a sharp pain in your head. “That kriffin’ holocron was part of the battle here,” You informed Nori, crawling back to the cube. It wanted to be opened and only you could do it. 
“Whoa,” Nori marveled at the unique gold design on the cube. You held the cube in your palm of your hand and closed your eyes. Within seconds, the holocron levitated and opened. “That is so cool,” Nori muttered. 
A white ball of energy emerged from the holocron. You opened your eyes and a bright white light shined. You appeared possessed, and it terrified Nori. She screamed. You began muttering words in a language she couldn’t understand. 
The energy ball dispersed. The holocron closed and fell back onto your palm. 
“What the kriff was that?!” Nori exclaimed. You stood up, completely unfazed by the recent possession.  
"No clue,” You told your friend. 
A tall man dressed in black emerged from the fog. The light from the Scorpion beamed on the man. He was very pale and bloody. His black sweater bad a large hole and was absolutely filthy-looking. 
You would not be caught dead wearing that. 
“We don’t want any trouble, um, sir,” You attempted to de-escalate the interaction. The holocron must be worth thousands and there was enough on the Star Destroyers to share with the beaten-down man. 
“Do you know who I am?” The odd man asked. 
“Oh...um, no?” You replied. You looked to Nori. She shook her head.
“Where did you get that?” The man looked at the holocron in your palm. 
Immediately you tossed the cube to Nori, who put it inside her bag. “Get what?” You played dumb. “Do you need any help? A new outfit perhaps?” You asked him, looking at the large tear on the chest area of the sweater. 
His right hand reached for the hole in the sweater. His fingers touched his bear chest. He stared blankly at you, “I’m lost,” He felt a strange comfort when looking at you.
It was you that gave him life. 
“Well you are in luck!” You said with glee. “We are pirates and there isn’t anywhere we can’t go,” You informed the stranger. As a child you learned all the best traveling routes to bypass First Order and New Republic checkpoints. With the power struggle and chaos that followed the fall of the First Order there was no better time to be a pirate.
“Coruscant,” He replied rather quickly. With Alderaan destroyed, his mother would be buried at the capital. Coruscant had been in open rebellion against the First Order, and he was certain the New Republic would restore peace. 
Your smile dropped, “Coruscant? Why would you want to go there? Are you part of a gang?” You questioned and reached for your blaster. “Like I said, we don’t want any trouble,” You said cautiously. 
“What do you have in Coruscant?” Nori asked, aiming her blaster at his head. 
Truthfully, nothing. Kylo had nothing. 
“Where are you going?” He asked you, and your smile returned. 
“The Smuggler’s Moon,” You replied. 
Kylo remembered hearing Han mention Nar Shaddaa throughout his childhood. It was an entire world filled with pirates and outlaws. It was also the homeworld of the Hutts. Leia would threaten Ben with a visit to Nar Shaddaa when he would not behave. It terrified him as a child. 
“Got some people that might be interested in that glowing cube,” You mentioned. 
“You can’t sell that!” Kylo exclaimed. Both women took a step away from him, but they weren’t scared of him. They appeared rather annoyed with his outburst and demand. 
“First of all, I’m the captain, so watch your tone,” You pointed at him, unamused. “Second of all, I can sell whatever I want,” 
“That cube is an ancient Jedi artifact,” Kylo informed you. 
“Oh, well in that case,” You smiled. Kylo smiled too then, believing he had convinced you to keep the very thing you used to bring him from the dead. “I know just the Hutt to sell this to,” 
His smile dropped instantly. 
“Are you a Jedi?” Nori questioned. 
Was he a Jedi? Ben had been a padawan when Snoke tainted his mind. He spent more years of his life as a pawn for the Sith than he did as his uncle’s student. He blankly stared at Nori before his attention returned to you. 
“Doesn’t matter,” You answered the question for him. He was beyond grateful for your reply. “The cube is getting sold, and you, my friend, have three options,” Ben knitted his brows and slightly tilted his head in confusion. “You can remain lost on this hellish planet, I sell you, or you can join my crew,” 
“Why?” Kylo asked. Kindness was not virtue he experienced often. There had always been strings attached to the kindness of others. Snoke disguised his actions as a way of helping Ben. Oh, how stupid the mind of a child is. 
You had already done more than you knew — you brought him back to the land of the living, unknowingly it would seem. Offering him a spot on your crew was you giving him a chance to truly live. Joining your crew would also give him a chance to figure out how you gave him life.
“Tall, broad-shoulders beast like you, figure I could sell ya for some pretty New Republic credits,” You smiled, taunting Kylo.
“Isao said to hurry up or he’s going to leave without you,” A B1-series battle droid exited from your ship. The droid was in pristine shape, despite its mismatched torso and right arm. "I don’t know if he was being serious,” The droid added. 
Nori walked toward, “I’ll hold him off,” Both she and the droid boarded the ship. “And I’ll adjust your sarcasm setting,” Nori smiled at the droid. 
“So, what d’ya say?” You asked him. “Roger could use help cooking and cleaning,” You laughed as the words left your lips. You were filled with genuine happiness. Kylo could feel it, and it was intoxicating. 
He gave you a simple nod, “I will join your crew,” 
“Great, do you like Canto Bight?” You asked and began walking toward the ship. Kylo was hesitant to follow you. You felt his hesitancy and stopped walking to face him. 
Kylo studied you for a brief moment. Nothing about you screamed danger, but he was almost certain your hands were drenched in blood. “I’ve never been to Canto Bight,” He replied and took steps towards you. There was so much Ben had yet to see. So much of the galaxy still left to explore, and somehow, you blessed him with the breath of life. 
“Oh, you are in for a treat, big guy,” You stated, more than happy to show off your favorite vacation destination. “But first we are gonna need to buy you some clothes,” You said and boarded the ship. Kylo followed after you, and the scent of burnt cookies touched his nose. 
“Sorry!” Roger apologized, attempting to get rid of the smoke by frantically waving his arms.
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poptod · 4 years
(All are gender neutral unless stated otherwise)
Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum)
Aren’t We Monumental?: Ahkmenrah starts showing symptoms of major anxiety. 
None Like You: You’re a newly birthed god and you make friends with a young prince. 
All The Stars In The Universe: Ahk pines for you, but you don’t notice. 
Say My Name: You’re a harpist that the prince takes too much of a liking towards.
Habromania: You’re very secretive and it intrigues him.
Baisemain: Crackfic where you got murdered and someone hid your body in the museum.
Arcadian; He finds solace in your simplicity of life. Part 2
Latibule: Ahk’s time at Cambridge University and how he learned English through you.
I Don’t Know Me Like You Do: His muse goes from being his imagination to being a full human he can see; you.
The Story of Golden Fish and Red Duck: Your families hate each other, you and Ahk hate each other, it’s a hate-fest and Ahkmen won’t stop flirting with you. Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5
jiāoqiǎnyánshēn: (request) You run into a man wearing an Egyptian costume at a train station at midnight. Turns out, he’s actually a good conversationist. 
The Dead Heed No Lies: (link to masterpost) Your job isn't as simple as it was when you first started out. Before you know it, you're hunting down an old God who happens to be a kleptomaniac with an overgrown sense of justice, alongside a 4,000 year old corpse who occasionally commits first degree murder.
The Walls Our Shadows Touch: The sentence for desecration and murder is execution, but there’s something different about your case. Something odd. Ahkmenrah investigates.
Practical Magicians: (request) You teach Ahk about your job as a programmer and get a sweet gift in return.
Antibiotic: (request) Ahk gets very dramatic when he’s sick. Who knew.
Miscreation: You're a magician in Ancient Egypt, but you have to keep your magic secret, as it isn't quite 'normal' magic. The youngest prince takes a liking to you.
The Flowers in your Hair: (request) A new King comes in and tries to woo you, but Ahk notices your discomfort around him.
Dusk and Dawn: A gardener and a prince look for the beauty in the world and end up finding it in each other.
Leeway: Sometimes, you just need to feed the person you accidentally embalmed alive a lot of vodka. A LOT.
Blue Velvet: (request) Compared to him your eyes are very common. He disagrees.
Rolling Thunder: (request) You’re hiding your past transgressions.
Revered One: (AO3 Series) The original plan was to completely loot out the tomb and sell the winnings in Rome during a festival of wine-drinking. Doubt instills itself in you the moment you see the stolen Pharaoh come to life, and suddenly you find it hard to trust the two people you were meant to trust the most.
Cambridge Ghouls: Ahkmenrah and the weird people he met during his time at Cambridge, including you, the zombie. (Kind of? A halloween series) pt. 2, pt. 3
The Ivory Haunting: His face is engrained into your head but his name is nowhere. Where does he exist? Why are you so obsessed? pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4
Make Me Your Queen: He’s never seen anything like you––nothing comes close to your royalty, your beauty, your power, and it draws him in deeper.
The Nose Kiss: A dinner and offerings to the Gods devolves into something much quieter.
Upon His Grave: (AO3 Series) Astray from home, the Diver finds themselves on a planet unlabelled in the map. Here they search for the purer things in life; solitude, comfort in understanding the way life works, and ultimately peace. They, unsurprisingly, do not find that. There's a voice that haunts this planet. Someone you can't see. Who is he?
The Iris: (request) Getting sent back in time is rough. Getting legally kidnapped by the royal family is worse. pt. 2
Days That Pass as Dreams: (request) You being a maladaptive daydreamer separates you from reality, even when Ahk vies for you.
Pull the Stars Out of the Sky (And Gift Them to Me): (link to masterpost) The new Pharaoh has a bit of an obsession problem. Normally you wouldn’t care, but the issue is that he’s obsessed with you.
Missing Voices: (request) Soulmate AU where soulmates can hear each other’s thoughts.
Playthings: (request) Your country is at war with his. As leaders, your duty is to protect your people, but you can’t help that you’re drawn to him.
Roost: (request) You take your pet to the museum to introduce to the exhibits.
Softhearted: (request) You try to burgle the museum. You didn’t take into account that the exhibits are alive at night.
A Special Kind of Attention: The young Prince, who you are in the employ of, enjoys playing pranks and generally tormenting you.
Iron Pikes: (headcanon request) Reader dresses very alt and at first, Ahk is quite scared.
Rolling Stoned: (headcanon request) Reader is a stoner.
The Breeding Kings: Ahk employs your help as a potion-maker into his daily life.
The Gift: Kahmunrah gets a gift for one of Ahk’s birthdays. Hint: it’s you. (smut warning)
The Blood of the Covenant: Ahkmen encounters a cult hidden from the view of Thebes and the Pharaoh, lead by a stunning God/dess of the snakes.
Magic Poisoning: (request) Ahk gets sick from some bad food and you have to deal with his delirium. Again.
Poet King: A special type of afterparty. (smut warning)
Leaving You: (request) You get sick. Ahk tries his best to help.
Useless Medicine: (request) You get kicked out of college, and Ahk comes to try and cheer you up.
I Don’t Have The Words Anymore: (request) You notice Ahk’s been missing home.
Don’t You Love This Life: He keeps pulling you away from your job for the stupidest reasons, but it’s not like you can say ‘no’ to a Pharaoh.
Snowballing: (request) A little snowball fight after failed baking escapades is always fun.
Revelation and Reverence: After spending several years silently pining after the young Prince, you receive a letter.
Times Square: (request) You meet a strange man in the middle of Times Square at night, but only for a moment. Before he leaves, however, he drops a very special wristband that leaves you with many questions, including what his identity really is.
Lover’s Hand: You don’t remember how you got here. What happened? Why are you in his bed?
Rose Oil: (request) The Prince asks you to bathe with him. Can you really say no? (smut warning)
Locked: (request) Ahkmenrah freaks out after his sarcophagus is locked and no one can get it open. Larry calls a specialist in to help––you.
Khonsu Worshipper: (request) Headcanons on Ahkmenrah’s S/O being a devotee of Khonsu.
Taste of the Rich: Ahkmenrah feeds you fruit. That’s it.
Autumn Rain: Ahk sneaks out in the middle of the night to go see you.
Kenny Al-Bahir (War at Home) 
All male reader due to character being gay.
What Plagues My Thoughts: It’s a surprise when you join a punk band, but it’s a bigger surprise when that spurs you on to actually talking to your long-time crush, Kenny.
Baby, My Love is Yours: You’ve got a soft spot for him, so when it comes time to comfort him a lot ‘comes out.’
Brought To Your Knees: (smut) He’s the polar opposite of you, but you still end up with a massive crush on him.
Induratize: to make one’s heart resistant to the love of others
selcouth (sirius): selcouth - unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet wonderful. The greatest teacher is also a friend. In your case, you’re usually the teacher, but Kenny is alway so eager to listen to you. 
Make A Fuss: (request) Kenny has some body image issues, and you try your best to help despite not being at all close to him.
Elliot Alderson (Mr. Robot)
Invariably: Why do we love?
The One Time Debt was Good: (request) You get hurt, and Elliot is a lot nicer when you’re unconscious. part 2
Pinned: (request) He finally lets you teach him how to defend himself. 
Not a Doctor: (request) Elliot relies on your minor in human anatomy to avoid going to the hospital.
bilita mpash: A very good dream about you.
Meliorism: You believe the world will get better. He doesn’t. When you get sleepy, you tell him your thoughts.
Pillows: (request) The two of you enjoy getting high together. Sometimes you both have needs, and it’s easier to provide for each other. 
Decay: Elliot gets vomited into a fantasy world. Fortunately, you’re there to tell him how to not get eaten. Ch 1.
Be It The End Of Days: (request) He barely notices you till you outsmart him at work. Then the curiosity begins, and his interest is vested heavily in you.
And Every Little Thing: (request) You live a lonely life, and not by choice. Elliot ends up trusting you for some reason, and you find yourself enamored with everything he is.
Terrified: (smut/angst) You want something from him and he wants something from you. Unfortunately, the two things you want from each other are as different as night and day.
October 1st: He waits until the last moment and it’s too late.
My Lover Lives In My Eyes: (request) Elliot is in love – the only problem is, your relationship with this realm is very in and out. Sometimes you simply don’t exist.
Disordered and Disorderly: (request) TW: eating disorders. Elliot sometimes forgets to eat, and you don’t know how to help him.
close your eyes: First kiss between friends shared in a sleepy haze.
Cyber Security: An online ad leads him to you, though in reality he has little interest in your ad. What interests him is how you accidentally doxxed yourself and how oblivious you are to that fact.
The Good Time Garden: Getting a little high.
Thoughts:  He keeps coming back to you and there’s no reason; you keep coming back to him with no reason, either. His thoughts try to make sense of it.
The Pacific
Snafu Shelton
Trouble Won’t Let You Forget: (soulmate au) He’s convinced you’re soulmates but you beg to differ.
Weight of a Songbird: He’s keeping you grounded in battle, but he can’t always be there.
Ya’aburnee: (trigger warning in desc.) You’ve met him recently in civilian life, but he still manages to get closer to you than you would’ve liked. 
rantipole: to be wild and reckless.
mono no aware: the gentle wistfulness of the transience of things.
Between or Against: You’re pretty sure Snafu hates you, till he gets into a fight with a prospective love interest of yours.
One Up: (request) You meet him after the war. He tries to impress you with his war stories. You inform him very happily that you have more impressive war stories, and he disagrees.
Valentines’: (request) Quick one shot based off this image.
Can’t Control Human Nature: (request, female reader) Snafu, crushing on you so horribly, finds out you’re a lesbian.
Pretty, Little Doll: Merriel makes friends with the pretty little doll serving ice cream. (almost smut warning)
Betwixt: You’re his sister’s best friend during your shared high school years. He’s... strange. You hardly understand him. But he seems to like you.
Dreams of Valhalla: AU where Sledge and Shelton meet in civilian life at a bar. Sledge takes Shelton home and things progress from there. 
Josh Washington
Autumn Leaves: Every autumn you’ve known him, he’s loved you, but you can’t see it.
In Death: You take care of him.
The Marriage of Fear: The circumstances of your meeting are preposterous and sound like absolute lies. The trail of deceit and murder that follows you after is even more so. 
Punishment Sought: (request) He spanks you. That’s it.
Webb Porter
Beautiful Music: (request) You’re there to help him, but he thinks he can help you.
In Lover’s Blood: (request) Which one of you is more twisted?
From The Shell: (request) Benjamin finds a druid in the forest but can’t bring himself to introduce himself.
Dimly Alive: (request) FTM reader gains the help of Benjamin as the reader tries to find his powers.
Detective Baxter
In Hiding: (request) You’re keeping something from him and his methods of getting your secret are.. unconventional.
The Game: You’re either a weirdo or a psychopath. Either way, you’re going down.
Subterfuge: You’re the new medical examiner. Like most medical examiners, you’re a little... different.
Lyutsifer Safin
Thunder and Lightning: (request) Safin is staring at his scars; you happen to be there.
To the Touch: (request) Some crazy person is stalking you and sending you poisonous bouquets. (pt. 2)
The Question: (request) He kidnaps you, essentially, and promises he’s keeping you safe. But there’s something he’s not telling you––something important, something that many people are willing to kill for. (smut warning)
Thief in Daylight: (request) You break into the wrong hotel room.
Organs, Teeth, and Stingers: (request) As an entomologist, you provide him the detailings of the world of insect poisons.
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend: (request) You have an odd relationship with a local, eccentric ‘gardener’.
The Pump: (request) He’s been keeping you locked up. You don’t know why.
Can You Touch Your Reflection?: You find yourself in a similar situation as a young boy by the name of Lyutsifer, and for some reason, he finds himself in you.
The Winter Tradition: (request) Mistletoe and Safin.
Kamuy-Mosir: He latches onto you in his quest to become a God.
A Taste of What You Paid For: Quiet doesn’t mean submissive and smart doesn’t mean inept outside school.
Photography is an Art (But Love is a Passion): Liz (Rogerina) and (Y/N) meet outside of a party. An unfortunate fate places them together in a photography class shared between two separate schools, right when they thought they'd never see each other again. Much to (Y/N)'s excitement and Liz's chagrin, they get further paired together as partners.
Freddie Mercury
I am Never Afraid to Love: (AO3 Linkpost) You were born long ago, in Athens, in the year 957 BC, as it would later be called. On your 25th birthday you realized you had a gift from the Gods. When your best friend died, you realized you had a curse. When you met a man with sparkling dark eyes, a happy talent for bringing out the best in you, and a remarkable felicity of romantic expression, you saw your blessing once more. Not all things are to last.
John Deacon
Living Haze: John realizes you're in an abusive relationship, but you're being difficult on letting go of your abuser.
My Chemical Romance
Gerard Way
Care: There’s an emptiness that can’t be filled with love, at least not for you.
Nobody Knows What I See: You and Gerard chose the wrong house to burgle. 
Rami Malek
In the Heart of Atlas: (birthday fic) He doesn’t fear you––who thought such a simple thing would win your affections?
Will You?: Meeting Rami in the back alley behind an awards show.
Silent Dancer: One of your father’s circus actors is trying to impress you.
Joe Mazzello
Who The Stars Belong To: A fallen angel (you) lands in his apartment, and threatens him with death when he tries to take them to the hospital. 
All That Is and Forever Shall Be: Being a ghost in the middle of nowhere, tied to a church no one knows exists can be very lonely. Fortunately for you, a man is trying to make himself lonely, and subsequently gains your friendship that he didn’t ask for. 
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
Author’s Notes: The following obviously applies to my main Jedi Knight OC, Corellan Halcyon, but I feel it could apply to a great many JKs, so i’ve used gender-neutral pronouns where possible. Graphics courtesy of Wookiepedia, since i’m away from my screen captures at the moment.  The Sith Lord known as Lord Scourge wants Revenge against Vitiate, the Sith Emperor. He wants revenge for what the ancient Sith Lord did to him three hundred years ago, granting him immortality but taking from him everything that made life worth living. He wants revenge for being forced to serve as his personal executioner for all of that time. It is true that Scourge may have started down this long and arduous path out of a sort of enlightened self-interest. Vitiate, Scourge knows full-well, is a threat to the entire galaxy. He has known that from the moment he met him in person so many years ago. The Emperor is a threat to everyone who has ever lived and to everyone who ever will live. But his anger and rage at his ‘Master’ have only deepened over the centuries. Scourge is incredibly fortunate that he burns cold, one of the side-effects that he suffers as the result of Vitiate’s ritual. Were it otherwise, the Emperor would surely have sensed the profound danger that his Wrath represented, and the unrepentant traitor has no illusions as to how that confrontation would end. After the Dromund Kaas operation, Scourge claims to stay with the Defender’s crew simply to be certain that the Emperor has left them no further surprises.   But somewhere deep down, Scourge knows that this isn’t the end of it. Something of the Emperor has survived. But he also knows the Jedi Knight will be there to see the prophecy through no matter what it takes. The Knight’s resolve is the equal of Revan’s, of the Exile’s and of Scourge’s himself. Perhaps even greater.  And Scourge will therefore aid the Jedi however he can. Lord Scourge stays with the Jedi Knight because they promise him Revenge.
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Fidelitin Rusk has been fighting one battle or another for his entire adult life. He is considered ruthless and sometimes even reckless by his fellow Republic soldiers, and sometimes even by his crewmates. Rusk – the third-oldest member of the crew but perhaps the oldest in practical life experience – accepts these assessments without rebuke or defense; he is what he is. His entire mindset was constructed for battles and wars that had to be won regardless of the costs. Rusk has fought so hard and for so long that there are some days when even he starts to forget why he does what he does. Indeed, there are times when Rusk disapproves of the Knight’s choices, believing that they risk too much for others and that they are far too willing to however briefly put aside the greater mission to save even a single life all while the entire galaxy stands at risk.
But deep down, the lost soldier’s only true purpose has only ever been to defend those who cannot defend themselves. He was born and raised by a colony of pacifists; that didn’t stop the Empire from annihilating his people. When he looks at the Jedi Knight – so selfless and so brave, so willing to put themselves on the line for those who need them, he is reminded of the justness of that cause. And as he wins battle after battle and that cause is served, than perhaps everything that Rusk has done has been worth it.  
Sergeant Fideltin Rusk stays with the Jedi Knight because they promise him Victory.
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Contrary to popular belief, Doctor Archiban Kimble knows perfectly how the rest of the galaxy, and even his closest allies aboard the Defender, view him. The man who calls himself Doc is seen as an arrogant, misogynistic, self-aggrandizing, fame-seeking, womanizing nerf-herder; a man who has left a seemingly endless line of women high and dry over the years, from Prudy and on down the list. Honestly? Doc wouldn’t have it any other way. Letting people believe that he cares so little about his personal relationships gives him a sort of shield against the things in the universe that he doesn’t want to deal with, all while still allowing him to continue to enjoy the things that keep him going.
But a man who worked his through medical school on his own merits and who has consistently chosen to serve as a combat medic on some of the most dangerous planets in the galaxy doesn’t do so just for fame, fortune and women. He could have had all that and lived in style while conducting research projects for a major pharmaceutical company back on Coruscant. No, once upon a time there was a young Archiban who set upon this path, and who did so for far nobler reasons then Doc would ever admit to anyone. Doc doesn’t know how, but for some reason, he knows that when the Jedi Knight looks at him, they see something beyond the broken healer who has put up a shell around themselves. The Knight then offers the medic an opportunity for a more meaningful existence than he could have ever dreamed of.  
Doc stays with the Jedi Knight because they promise to always Help others.
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Some days, Kira Carsen feels like she’s spent her entire life just trying to be true to who she is in a galaxy that seems determined to force her to become something else. She was raised on Korriban by some of the most sadistic and fanatical Sith in the galaxy, the Children of the Emperor. Every time she sees one of her ‘siblings’ returning to the dormitories with missing pieces of their memory, she cringes and pulls up her blanket around herself. And when Kira returns one night and realizes she can’t remember what happened to her, she knows that soon, there will be nothing left of her identity, either. The survival rate of acolytes who flee the Korriban academy cannot be higher than two percent. Most flee into the wilderness and, when they aren’t immediately hunted down and killed, become ‘broken’, running around in gangs, often going mad. But ten-year old Kira smuggles herself out on an outgoing cargo ship, and a week later she’s on Nar Shaddaa. She sees the suffering of people, there. Those who are unable or unwilling to kick something up to the Hutts quickly find themselves sent down. The slums where refugees congregate are almost as cruel and unforgiving as Korriban. Life is hard, but here, Kira discovers something about herself. Inexplicably, she actually cares about other people; especially the ones who take her in, and who are too weak to fend for themselves against the predators among them. Then Kira meets Bela Kiwiiks and joins the Jedi Order. Kira is unbelievably grateful to Master Kiwiiks. The Togrutta got her off Nar Shaddaa, gave her a home and a place in the galaxy, and has given her a place in the galaxy and the chance to do some good. Master Kiwiiks is like the mother that she never had. Kiwiiks is gently but firmly trying to teach Kira to be the best Jedi she can be.      
But as proud as she is to be a Jedi, Kira Carsen is trying to be the best version of herself.
When she meets the Jedi Knight, everything changes very quickly. Somehow, the Knight trusts Kira against the Black Sun at the spaceport on Coruscant, and then later still when they’re hunting down Tarnis. When Master Satele instructs the Knight to take Kira in as a Padawan, Kira is elated. She follows the Knight’s lead, but she feels more like a partner than their apprentice. The Knight talks with her instead of at her, and they learn a great deal about themselves and the galaxy from each other. When Kira’s past is revealed, the Knight supports her unquestioningly; first against Valis, then against Master Jaric Kaedan and finally against the Emperor himself on Darth Angral’s dreadnaught. When Kira finally purges the Emperor from her mind, she feels the Knight reaching out to her, aiding her the entire time.
(All this comes before that night under the stars on Tython, when Kira finally jumps the Knight and they become far more than partners.)
Kira is still herself, learning and growing at her own pace. There are times she questions the Knight’s choices. She groans when they take in Doc and worries a great deal when they let Scourge join. But through it all, the Knight never asks Kira to compromise herself; they never tell her how she should feel or think about anything. The Knight simply asks Kira to trust them. And she does. The doubting Jedi questions many things; but they never question the Knight, because the Knight has never questioned her.
Kira Carsen stays with the Jedi Knight because they promise to let her be Herself , and because they let her become the best version of Herself she can.
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T7-O1 – Teeseven to his friends – has served the Jedi Order for decades, and quite frankly, they would be hard pressed to find anyone who has done so with greater devotion. The astromech droid is more than content to carry messages and conduct reconnaissance for the Jedi as they continue to adjust to their home on Tython.
But for the mechanical servant, the most satisfying period of his existence was during the time he served as a companion to Jedi Master Ven Zallow, one of the greatest heroes of the Galactic Republic during the last galactic war. Zallow was a true champion of the ideals of both the Jedi and the Republic, serving with wisdom and strength. The little droid misses those days, fiercely. He knows the work he does for the Order is important, but nothing was more fulfilling than knowing ones actions have helped right a wrong or saved a life.  
After ten years of waiting, Teeseven is finally partnered with another hero. This one is even kinder and more powerful than Ven Zallow; they seem to do nothing but sacrifice for others. In the Jedi Knight, Teeseven has found a champion who can save the entire galaxy. Privately, the little droid does worry. He worries that the cruelties of this galaxy will weigh on the Knight, that they will become bitter with loss, and will eventually fall short of their ideals as so many Jedi have before.  But Teeseven will be there for the Knight, no matter what. They will follow the Knight into the darkest places in the galaxy, as they blaze a light. They will be the Knight’s friend, and show the Jedi the way. In return, the Knight will help Teeseven be what the droid always wanted to be.
T7-O1 stays with the Jedi Knight because they promise him that they will always be Heroes.
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Fate/Requiem: Chapter 4
Several days had passed since I had been relieved of my duties as the Reaper. No more work had come in from my master, Caren Fujimura, since the Kundry case, and I no longer received information on a preferential basis over the municipal network. I had been barred from the critical point where the Akihabara district barrier was located, and my access to Kanda Shrine and Yushima Temple, where multiple ley lines converged, had also been restricted. Stripped of my rank and duties, I was nothing more than another truant – and one dragging a nameless, powerless, useless Servant in tow to boot. A lone wolf not even worth employing as a guard dog.
Fortunately, Akihabara was a prime tourist destination, and as long as I wore my usual swimwear and windbreaker I would more or less blend in with the usual clientele. However, that did nothing to help me feel less out-of-place. Whatever I did, I just felt like running away and hiding in a hole.
I had received no more information on the Command Seal Hunter. It was worrying that the case had not yet been publicly acknowledged. My gut told me that it had not been quietly solved and faded away. It was merely biding its time.
Whispers of the “Woman with the Missing Hand” circulated Shibuya. It had become something of an urban legend among students.
Don't you know better than to cut that out? Keep repeating it and it'll become real, and then who'll have to deal with it? It'll be... actually, I suppose it won't be me. Not any more.
As a consequence of my newly-imposed freedom, I had taken to wandering the town aimlessly with Pran on a daily basis. Wherever we went, we found faint traces of Chitose's presence. It crossed my mind more than once to quit Akihabara for one of the other wards.
There were many things that seemed to draw Pran's interest, but over time I started to notice a broad pattern. It was live experiences that he seemed to enjoy - street performers, buskers, speed painters and the like were what most often caught his eye.
Thinking back to the episode with Kuchime, I tried taking him along to a shop geared towards those 'otaku'. It was crammed to the rafters with endless figurines of buxom girls, male-oriented toys and all manner of merchandise, to the point where I was almost sick of looking at it. However, none of it particularly seemed to resonate with him.
Maybe it's because they're all manufactured goods. Perhaps it's originality that appeals to him?
He stood by, a little sleepily, gazing into the distance as though squinting into the sun, watching faraway strangers. Only when we passed a shop selling astronomical telescopes did he exhibit a different reaction. He squatted down in front of a poster of the planets – clearly not hand-made – and stayed there for well over a minute.
“Do you know Jupiter?”
“This eye... it follows me.”
“Eye? Oh, you mean the Great Red Spot?”
“This planet's so big. It's so big...”
He shivered, then pulled the goggles resting over his head down over his eyes, and peered at the poster once more.
“A planet, huh? I'm surprised you know that word.” Had he picked it up from when I read The Little Prince to him? He had initially talked about coming from somewhere far away – perhaps he wasn't just making it up? Or maybe... no, was that even possible?
I chose my words carefully. “That's a very old photograph. From before the war. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter isn't there any more. It got smaller and smaller, and then it disappeared.”
He smiled gently at the poster.
“Maybe it went to sleep. I hope someone comes to wake it up.”
Before I knew it, the day of the Grail Tournament had arrived. I hadn't exactly been waiting with bated breath, but still I found myself in front of the Colosseum.
The colossal stadium was located on the outskirts of Akihabara, bordering the ocean. Its enormous silhouette threatened to overwhelm the surrounding cityscape. Towering arches, each easily the size of a skyscraper, rose high in three, four levels to form the thick exterior of the cylindrical structure and enclose the arena within.
This was a place of pure competition. The poets once spoke of the ancient Roman emperors giving their people bread and circuses; here was the circus reborn for the modern age, the manifestation of the people's right to entertainment.
I had ended up accompanied to the Colosseum by Pran and Karin. Koharu had, to my great chagrin, seen fit to furnish me with not one, not two, but a whole four reserved tickets – two Master-Servant pairs. Technically Servants had no need for tickets – after all, they could just assume their spiritual forms – but no-one willing to come to see the Grail Tournament in person could reasonably be refused a seat, and they were provided in pairs as a matter of course. That being said...
“How long's it been?”
It had been twenty minutes since the stadium had opened, and we were still waiting.
Enormous lines snaked from each and every one of the Colosseum's myriad entrances. At this rate, the tournament would probably have started before we got to our seats. Personally I hardly minded, but it must have bothered Karin, because she suddenly yelled out at the top of her voice.
“All right, fine! Flake out on me, see if I care! We're going in, you hear?”
“You really want to go in? You sure you don't want to wait a bit longer?” I did my best to keep my voice neutral.
“Damn right I'm sure! Never should've invited you anyway, you lousy no-show son of a...”
None of her messages had prompted a response, it seemed.
The individual keeping us waiting was the weary-looking guitar player, Kuchime.
Unsure what exactly to do with my four tickets, I had decided to start by offering them to people I knew. Karin herself had snatched the chance with typical zeal, but her partner Kouyou had been reluctant to join us, leaving me with one left over. However, a few days later the two of us had happened to stumble across Kuchime in a side-street in Akihabara, strumming away with his usual gloomy air and being flatly ignored by every passer-by. Karin had called out, probably taking pity on him.
“Hey, Kuchime, was it? Ever thought of checking out the Grail Tournament? Maybe the halftime show'll give you some tips on how not to make your customers run a mile.”
“Ain't got no need for that, little missy. I'm happy as long as I'm getting' through to people with ears to hear.”
“Think you're some kinda auteur, huh? Keep dreaming, idiot. Why don't you just go the whole way and die young while you're at it!”
I had watched blankly as she exploded at him unprovoked. Her tirade had ended with her snatching the ticket from my hands and thrusting it squarely into his unshaven face. Had she done it in a spontaneous surge of pity for this dishevelled musician, or had she been planning it all along? I may have been the Reaper, but even I wasn't so insensitive as to probe any further.
However, in the end, the chance she had taken came to nothing. She stalked towards the arena, fuming. I followed her, leading Pran by the hand.
Eventually, we arrived at our designated seats. The interior of the Colosseum was spacious, tall, and delightfully modern.
I now understood why the queues today had been particularly bad: the staff were conducting unusually extensive baggage checks and body searches on all attendees. I had even seen staff members flagging down particular individuals for Command Seal checks, and it was hard not to notice the guns at the hips of a number of security personnel dotted around the stadium.
I'm glad they didn't try to check my Command Seals. Maybe the reservations got us through...
In any case, it was gratifying to see that my warning to Hannibal hadn't gone unheeded. Although there was always the possibility that the organisers had gotten wind of the serial killings themselves, and acted of their own accord.
“Yo! Sorry we took so long.” Karin reappeared with Pran in tow. Both of their arms were piles high with soft drinks, packets of peanuts and other junk food. She tossed me a freshly-grilled hot dog.
“So this is the bread part, huh? Shouldn't be long until the circu- Yeowch! Aah! My tongue!”
“Circus? You mean the halftime show, right? Oh yeah, there was a stall selling some kinda porridge too if you want some. I tapped out though, seemed pretty weird.”
“Porridge, huh? How odd... Hey, who gave you those?!”
I suddenly registered Pran was decked from head to toe in tournament merchandise, complete with a little paper cap and a megaphone. He was ready for the show.
I couldn't stop myself from bursting out laughing, and soon both me and Karin were clutching our sides. She was so engrossed in the tournament now that it was hard to imagine she had been furious not twenty minutes ago. I could probably learn a lot from how quickly she rebounded.
Next to our seats on the very front row was a space to be kept open in case of emergencies. Fortunately, it was just large enough for Kouyou to squeeze in. Accommodating larger Servants was probably half of the reason it was there.
After a minute or so, the music playing throughout the stadium increased in volume and a rousing melody began to play. It seemed we'd timed our arrival perfectly.
The music faded away, and for a moment, the entire arena fell silent. Then, as if on cue, a voice rang out across the stadium. Below us, eldritch lights began to dance across the very front row where the patricii would have sat in the original Colosseum. A diminutive figure strode down to the aisle, and unfurled a pair of feathered wings. At the same time, the main screen cut to a close-up of a girl - a woman? - dressed in a plain white Grecian tunic.
“Good evening, my lovely little piglets!” Her greeting echoed around the Colosseum at amplified volume. “Welcome, one and all, to the ocean stage of the Grail Tournament! That's right! We're all setting sail for Okeanos, and I, the great witch Circe, will be your guide!”
She stoked the crowd's excitement, and they answered with a deafening roar… although I did pick up some rather crude jeers mixed in with the cheering.
“Thank you, thank you, my little piglets! I love you too! Now, before we meet all our brave warriors, I'd like to introduce our commentary team!”
Two burly men strode down the aisle to join her, waving to the audience.
“First, for the Ottoman Corsairs, we have a scallywag among scallywags! The Gentleman of the Caribbean! The one and only Blackbeard, Edward Teach!”
“That's me!” Blackbeard was greeted by deafening boos. He did not seem to care a jot.
“Sounds like you know him well! Let's move swiftly on!”
“Wait, that's all I get?!”
“Next, for the Carthaginian Alliance, we have the king of admirals! The man who saved the Roman Empire from the Ptolemaic Dynasty! Friend and advisor to Emperor Augustus, I give you Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa!”
Agrippa! The commander who led the Romans to victory at the Battle of Actium!
I expected him to bask in the applause of the crowd, but instead he rounded on the emcee.
“What is this? I never agreed to this! First you invite me to attend nigh on midnight last night, and now you expect me to commentate?! Explain yourself!”
“About that... Honestly, we wanted Eukleides of Alexandria, but he cancelled at the last moment. What are Foreigners like, right?”
“Some nerve on you, girl! You expect a general of Rome to commentate on the Carthaginians? And you! Yes, you, the Servant with the easel! You think capturing my face is funny, do you?!”
The sight of the irate Agrippa slowly being talked down by the witch emcee, and eventually taking a reluctant seat at the commentator's desk, drew no small amount of laughter from the audience.
“All right, everyone, make sure you have your channels all set to your favourite team! If you're feeling peckish, why not try some delicious kykeon?”
“Well, that sure was something.”
Karin was grinning next to me. I, for my part, was aghast. This was grotesque, a vulgar display that made a mockery of Servants' pride and nobility. It was difficult to tell how much was real and how much was acted, but the tastelessness of the ambiguity only made me feel more disgusted. The tournament itself hadn't even begun yet, and I had a feeling it was only going to get worse.
I guess the least I can do is watch it through. I probably won't be getting another chance.
My reasons for being here were twofold. Firstly, I wanted to see what I could learn about Koharu's mysterious Possession ability. I had also been deeply impressed by the way that, despite being aware of her naivety, she disapproved wholeheartedly of any wrongdoing, and the evident admiration with which she viewed her companions.
My second reason was that I wanted to see for myself the incredible power that Servants were permitted to wield here. I felt both awe and terror for Noble Phantasms. It was baffling to me that abilities so destructive might be allowed to be used freely.
The citizens of Mosaic City were different to Masters in the true sense. They were no magi, with magic circuits passed down from previous generations or developed through special training, and it went without saying that none of them possessed a Magic Crest. The mana that powered their magecraft originated from the Holy Grail, and was distributed throughout the city via ley-lines. This mana was more than enough to sustain a Servant in everyday life with no discomfort. However Noble Phantasms, which employed magecraft on a much larger scale and consumed vast amounts of mana, were another matter entirely. Activating them was highly challenging, and they could kill a Master unless attempted with extreme care.
Broadly speaking, the most common foes I encountered in my work were Masters who fought with little regard for their own lives, because they had found something they valued more.
Had the combatants in this Colosseum all reined their latent magical abilities to extraordinary levels? Or had the footage I had seen simply been enhanced in some way after the fact? I had come to determine the truth.
“Oh, there you are, Kouyou.”
In the formerly empty space in the midst of the cheering crowd, the enormous bulk of the Ogress had appeared. She sat with her belly pressed to the ground, trying to make herself as small as possible. Occasionally her eyes glanced sideways to meet with Pran's.
Feeling a little relieved, I turned back to the arena. The battlefield was enormous: a huge rectangular arena, two hundred metres on the larger side. Above each of the spectator seats floated semi-transparent screens that provided a closer view of the action.
Finally, the battlefield began to change. Cracks ran across the centre, and the stage began to fold in on itself with mechanical precision, forming a deep, wide basin. Water swirled in to fill it, and rocks rose from beneath its surface to form a maze of crags in the open water. Two galleys burst from the canals at either side of the stage, defying the current. They hung in the air for a second, like salmon poised mid-leap above a waterfall, and then crashed down into the water below with a mighty splash. A host of smaller boats and schooners followed them out, and quickly organised themselves into two fleets.
There was no magic in this, only the most cutting-edge stage equipment... although perhaps it was best not to think about the enormous, ominous shadow circling beneath the water's surface.
“Now, my little piglets, I think we've kept you waiting long enough! Let's get this naumachia started! We know you're tired of the same-old same-old, so this year we thought we'd change things up a little with a large-scale team-on-team battle! Which of our brave teams in Akihabara today will be crowned the conquerors of the high seas?
“First, we have the Ottoman Corsairs! For these terrors of the Mediterranean Sea, this man once more takes up the rank of Pasha! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the great pirate of Barbary, the Redbeard, Heyreddin Barbarossa!
“And that's not all! Next we have his second-in-command! There's not a man west of Austria who doesn't know his name: the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay!”
The witch introduced each of the competitors one by one, stoking the crowd's excitement. Illustrious admirals and infamous pirates lined up upon the deck.
“And now, last but not least, someone you know very well! The mightiest commander of the navies of the far east - can you say “Hassou-tobi”? Our favourite natural-born Heike-killer, Minamoto Kurou Yoshitsune!
“Could this samurai be the most dangerous competitor on the field today? I'm sure the other side won't be showing much quarter, so look forward to some spectacular acrobatics!”
The pretty young warrior looked a little uncomfortable in responding to chants of “Ushiwaka!”, but eventually gave in and began to wave to the crowd. The sight broke me from my trance, and a young girl standing nearby caught my attention; she hadn't been introduced.
Could that be Yoshitsune's Master?
She was dressed in elegant traditional Japanese robes and heavy facial makeup, matching Yoshitsune, but she herself appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary citizen. Behind or beside the other Servants stood similar unassuming figures. More than a couple of them were wearing masks that obscured their faces.
Eventually, the oriental arrangement of Mozart's Turkish March playing throughout the Colosseum drew to a close, and was replaced with an unsettling, savage, African-style drumbeat. The Grail Tournament was as tasteless as ever.
“Now swivel your heads the other way, my adorable piglets! Little corkscrew tails to the east,  and snouts to the west! Please give it up for the mighty heroes of the Carthaginian Alliance!
“Cast your eyes upon Rome's worst nightmare! At his back, the souls of three war elephants with whom he crossed the Pyrenees and the Alps! Ladies and gentlemen, the Lightning Commander, Hannibal Barca!”
The sight of Hannibal, cross-armed on the deck in traditional battle garments, was so wildly different from the garrulous old tourist I had met in Cafe Borges that I could hardly believe it was the same man. The mighty cheer from the crowd put not so much as a crack in his stern expression, and he harboured a menacing aura.
“And not to be outdone, his second-in-command: The Firebrand of Castile, El Cid!”
The witch continued with her introductions, each one punctuated with thunderous applause. I tuned them out. My attention was absorbed by a small figure on the deck, with a white coat draped across her shoulders. I followed her with my augmented vision as she stared keenly into the enemy ranks.
He stood a short distance behind her, head askew, hands on his hips. He seemed devoid of tension, as though this were nothing more than a routine warmup.
“And taking up the rearguard is someone I'm sure you all remember! None other than the warrior who took the Newbie Tournament by storm! Our proud Knight of the Round Table, Sir Galahad!”
With the introductions concluded, the galleys began to slip forwards, and each team assembled into their respective formations. Karin rapped on my knee with her megaphone, unable to conceal her excitement.
“I told you it was gonna be awesome! Dunno much about the pirates, but even I know Yoshitsune!”
“You expecting me to be impressed or something? You could hardly call yourself Japanese if you didn’t.”
I could not imagine it would be easy for this collection of pirates, outlaws to the bone that they were, to assimilate cleanly into everyday life in Mosaic City - although, of course, there were exceptions. Perhaps it was for the best that there was a place for them here, where they could put their talents to use while also entertaining the populace. However...
“I know it's just a mock battle, but don't you think this seems really one-sided? The Ottomans are obviously better at sea. Hannibal's famous for his war elephants, but he can't even use them on the water.”
“Haven't been reading up, eh Eri? Here's a flyer for you. See? Says right here the field will change halfway through, and turn into a land battle. There's your Carthaginian advantage.”
“Ah. I get it.” This was never supposed to be a fair battle, but a dramatic turnaround against overwhelming odds. The perfect script to drive the audience wild. I myself had to confess, I was looking forward to seeing Yoshitsune and Galahad face off – so much so that a part of me wished this were a real Holy Grail War.
“Yeah. Now I see.” I gazed around at the nearby spectators with dawning realisation. I felt as though I'd grown a little closer to understanding how these competitors could wield such extraordinary power, and the system that supported them in doing so.
The back of my neck prickled. Someone, somewhere, was watching me.
I slid my gaze slowly around myself, careful not to let my reaction be noticed, but my stalker was impossible to discern through the interference of the crowd around me.
I'm being watched. No doubt about it. There's something else, too. A familiar, maybe?
The Borgia siblings' warning came to mind. Someone I'd previously crossed, out for revenge. As I looked around warily, hoping to forestall some impending attack, I noticed something strange: dotted throughout the crowd were spectators standing motionless, seemingly blind to the excitement around them.
Victims of the Command Seal Hunter? No, that doesn't seem right...
I focused, filtering out the auditory noise, following the sense of wrongness back to its source... and happened to catch a snippet of conversation from the row in front.
“You serious? A fire in Shinjuku?”
“Where? Tsunohazu? Kashiwagi?”
“Seems like it's around Hanazono way.”
My old house was in Hanazono. Which was to say, Chitose's house was in Hanazono. I leaned forward a little, and stared at the woman in front's phone from over her shoulder.
“Eri, the hell are you doing?”
On the screen was a video someone had uploaded to the municipal network.
“What on earth...?”
A video of a building on fire. In real time.
A row of old wooden houses in Shinjuku wreathed in smoke. A human figure appeared from the billowing grey curtain, aflame from head to toe. However, they did not run or drop to the ground, but continued calmly into the next building, and even as their blood boiled and their skin charred with the flames' caress, began to feed the flames.
The video cut short - interrupted by a new upload of a public train brought to a standstill, flames licking at its roof.
As I watched, a buzz of concern began to spread throughout the crowd. It was hardly surprising; there were probably no small number of spectators here from Shinjuku. I turned around to see that Karin, too, was transfixed by her phone.
“What's wrong?”
“They say there's been some kinda 'pedestrian accident' in front of Shibuya station. A tram derailed and went across the cross... Oh. Ew. I'm not looking at that. Trains are stopped too. The hell's going on?”
Simultaneous incidents, all across Mosaic City.
I gripped my arm as a dull pain blossomed inside it. The stench of death was agitating the spirits. Black blood oozed out from beneath my hand, as their ire turned on my own body.
Just when I thought I'd gotten them under control...
This arena was no longer a place I should be. I was the greatest threat here, to the tens of thousands of spectators present and the partners by their sides. Right now, these simultaneous incidents concerned me.
Security here was tight, and more to the point, greater warriors than I could ever hope to be now thronged the main stage. This was perhaps the safest place in all of Mosaic City. My place was not here – as much as I had wanted to see Koharu fight, I no longer had time to worry about that.
“Eri, wait.”
Karin must have guessed my intentions as soon as I stood up.
“You're going? Just like that? Without me, again?”
“Sorry. I know I invited you out here and everything, but... there's something I need you to do.”
“What is it?”
I stared back at Karin for a moment, then looked down to the boy by her side.
“Kouyou, do you think you could take care of Pran?”
The ogress looked to Karin questioningly, then gave a slow nod.
“Consider it done. Just leave it to us, Eri.” Karin flashed her newly-recovered Command Seals, alongside an irrepressible grin. Just as I made to leave, Karin's phone buzzed with a notification, and she pulled it out.
“Who's texting people at this kinda time?”
She checked the screen and sighed.
“It's that Kuchime asshole. He says “Sorry.””
“That's all?”
“That's all.” She smiled, resignedly and a little sadly.
I left the seats behind and made my way to the outer hall. While still indoors, this was an airy, open space, with high arches modelled meticulously after Roman architecture. It extended far away in both directions, curving gently to match the shape of the arena. Shops lined the outer wall, still milling with a fair number of late customers. Here and there people clustered around screens outside the storefronts, drinking as they watched the matches unfold.
What's even the point of coming here?, I thought. You could be doing that at home!
As I hurried towards the exit, I organised the idea I'd hit upon earlier in my head: to whit, that the competitors in the Holy Grail Tournament were taking their mana from the crowd itself. Tens of thousands of pseudo-magi, all pouring mana into the Servants doing battle below. That was my hypothesis.
This Colosseum was not a post-war addition to Akihabara. It had been a part of this town since long before the world was restructured, and it was far too large an anomaly to be permitted to exist without a reason. And in ancient Rome, the battles that took place in the colosseums had been sacred acts; offerings made to the gods.
Heroic Spirits take on all of our thoughts, hopes and dreams. They draw power from them.
The greater the mark a Servant had left upon history, and the more fame they had earned, the more power they drew. Such was their nature – and as an unintended and tragic consequence, Servants were occasionally summoned with the strange and cruel skill, “Innocent Monster”.
How much of this do the Riedenflaus family realise, I wonder?
I couldn't help but wonder just to what extent thaumaturgical systems might be entwined with the structure of the Colosseum itself.
An unexpected voice called me to a halt.
“Erice, we need to talk. It's important.”
It was the first time I had seen Ms. Fujimura in several days. I wheeled around to find her standing in the dimly-lit outer hall, dressed like a librarian as always.
Why is she here? What could she possibly want to talk about?
I strode towards her, with the intention of grilling her on the events in Shibuya and Shinjuku.
As I opened my mouth, I heard an odd sound from the broadcast. As the camera focused on the Carthaginian flagship, the witch performing the commentary had yelped in shock. I spun around to look. Ms. Fujimura, too, focused on the screen.
What I saw defied comprehension.
Regardless of the fact that the enemy was still distant, Hannibal, the Carthaginian commander, whipped his blade from the sheath at his belt, and without a moment's hesitation thrust it deep into the chest of his second-in-command, El Cid.
El Cid's face froze in an expression of disbelief. His Master rounded on Hannibal in his confusion. The Carthaginian pulled his bloodstained sword from his ally's chest, and without a care for the man's protests, swung his sword crosswise in a vicious slash.
Both El Cid and his master collapsed. Two heads flew from the boat, to splash down unceremoniously into the artificial sea.
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azwriting · 4 years
The Last Jedi (Forget Me Please, Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader) - Chapter One
A/N: Okay so here is my mini “What if” series about Forget Me Not! Hope you guys enjoy ;)
Summary: What if the reader never forgot her past, what if instead of eleven years its only been seven, and what if Palpatine is on the rise.
Warning(s): Mild violence, me retconning the fuck out of TROS, unedited because it’s three in the morning and I just want to post this
Word Count: 2353
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“Endor?” General Organa’s voice boomed through the cockpit of the Falcon. Rey sighed, nodding even though her Master could not see her. The young Jedi in training was still deeply buried underneath the debris of shock that had caved down on her only hours before. Her chest was still tightly wound as it had been in the hangar of the Star Destroyer, standing across the man who delivered a revelation. Her heart began to race just as it had then as her mind replayed his gentle words over again.
“I never lied, your parents were nobodies, but you’re not. Search your feelings, you know it’s true.” Rey shook her head in protest, tears gathering in her eyes as she was unwilling to admit the truth to herself. Her eyes drifted over to the stormtroopers that had gathered around them, weapons drawn and aimed at her. How had her life gotten here? She was once a simple Scavenger, lonely and lost, and now she stood before the Supreme Leader of the First Order, the only person who unfortunately seemed to understand her. Rey heard the gears of his mask unlock and involuntarily she winced, looking back to his face. The face of the long dead Ben Solo, the man she had hoped would turn. Yet, the pain that she could feel tearing him apart held onto him with a menacing grasp. She could feel the torment that wreaked havoc onto his soul over what he had done to his father and she could feel the most unbearable white hot pain that burned his heart over the unknown. It was too painful to pry into and he had buried it so deep, Rey could never see what had broken him.
“Think about it Rey, you were born the year I went off to train, the dark already manifesting inside me.” Rey turned away from his words taking a step back, she did not want to hear this. “The Force knew others would not be able to balance me and the only one who could…” He paused and the young woman could see him trembling, bottom lip quivering as he tried to hold it together. His eyes began to gleam and Rey involuntarily felt a surge of empathy over the unknown that was causing him to break down before her eyes. “... would die.” His jaw clenched and his adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed the thump in his throat. Rey felt his mourning as if it was a fresh wound, oozing fresh blood, never healing. Who had died, that had left such a gaping hole in him? Someone who was attuned to the Force? She knew better than to believe it was Luke, although Kylo did not hate the man, she knew he hated what happened.
Over the roaring wind coming from just behind her, Rey heard the familiar creaking of his leather gloved hand clenching into a tight fist. Whatever agonizing memories had surfaced were vanishing, leaving a cold and hostile Kylo Ren in its wake. “Admit it.” He snapped suddenly and Rey felt a tear slip down her cheek. 
“The Force created me.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but Kylo nodded stiffly in response. The words felt foreign on her tongue: unfamiliar, wrong, but also true. 
“You and I are equals in the Force, join me and we can destroy Palpatine.” His gloved hand extended out towards her and Rey’s eyes drifted down, uncertainty clawing at her. “You know what to do.”
“That’s what the translation of the dagger said, the coordinates were for the moon Kef Bir.” Poe responded tying a strip of fabric over his injured arm. Rey broke away from her memory, eyes lifting back to the view of hyperspace in front of her. Over the past year she had accepted that her parents were no one, that she was a nobody, but she had learned that she had a rightful place in this story. But now, with the confirmation that she did, it was a little unsettling. The Force had created her to bring balance, balance that was in disarray from the fall of Ben Solo and the emergence of Emperor Palpatine. While pondering the balance of the Force, Rey’s thoughts drifted to who Kylo’s original balance was, the one who died. He had to have known them, for it to have such a heartbreaking impact on him. Rey thought of someone strong with the Force, strong enough to get underneath Kylo Ren’s skin, someone strong enough to balance him. What had happened to them? Rey sighed, there was no use in worrying about someone who could not help. She was now the balance and Kylo was right, she knew what to do.
“Before you go to Kef Bir, stop on the Forest moon. We have an ally there who could be of great help.” Leia’s voice instructed through the radio. Rey turned around to face Finn and Poe, the three sharing a look of surprise. An ally? Was another former General hidden away on Endor? Chewie gargled in return and the General’s laugh bounced around the Falcon. “No, it's not the Ewoks, this time, but our ally is hidden amongst them.” The young former Scavenger smiled to herself, imagining what it must have been like all those years ago… She could envision Han jumping into the not so beat up pilot chair and dictating a string of orders to Chewie. She could hear Luke running down the halls of the ship heading for the quad laser access tube, while Leia retaliated to something Han said with a quick whip of sass. All of them young and in their prime, together and hopeful.
The Falcon stuttered out of lightspeed as Rey questioned, “How do we find this ally?” Her voice was full of curiosity and confusion, wondering how exactly this ally could be of help. They were short on time, they could not risk wasting any of it. 
She could almost hear the smile that was no doubtedly on Leia’s face as she answered, “Oh don’t worry, they’ll find you.”
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Exiting the Falcon, the group of Resistance fighters were greeted by towering thick trees and a refreshing brisk breeze, the perfect neutral after the blistering hot deserts of Pasana and the biting chill of the rough and rocky terrain of Kijimi. “Stay here and rest big guy, we’ll find the village ourselves.” Finn chuckled clamping a hand down onto Chewie’s upper arm. 
The Wookie protested mildly before finally relinquishing at Poe’s addition. “You have to watch the droids too, Threepio doesn’t remember anything and we don’t need to deal with that right now.”
As the trio trudged through the thick forest, Rey smiled up at the tree line, enjoying the shift in scenery. After years of scavenging on Jakku, she was always thrilled to see the different climates. The lush greenery that surrounded her made her regret leaving Jakku sooner, but she reminded herself to be content with the fact that she never had to set foot on a desert planet again. After all the hardships she faced on Jakku, fighting to survive everyday, why would she ever want to face that again?
With every step she took, Rey felt a great swell in the Force. She could feel the energy flow through each and every living thing with an intensity unlike anything she had felt before. She had not felt so consumed by the Force since Ahch-To, yet this was not a planet connected to the ancient Jedi. No, this was a planet from an old war, no tethers tying it to the Force Sensitive. Yet there was no denying what she felt. It was as if the Force had manifested itself onto this quiet deserted planet with great energy at the center of it, drawing her in. It was overpowering, almost blinding her senses in its wake. Rey glanced around at her surroundings searching for the allure, her eyes catching ahold of Finn’s. He stared back at her, looking just as perplexed as she felt. Her lips parted, mouth opening to question if he felt it too, but the sight ahead caused the words to die on the tip of her tongue.
Ahead of them hidden up in the dense branches of vibrant green leaves were small huts and a plethora of wooden bridges connecting the tiny civilization together. Rey and her fellow Resistance fighters all marveled at the view, unaware of the observant eyes.
With an almost silent thud, a figure flipped down off of a hovering bridge, and landed before them. It was a woman wearing various shades of brown, dark green, and white seemingly blending into their surroundings. A faded grey mask covered her face besides for the open visor where sharp eyes glared back at them. She crouched down, eyes locked onto the three of them as if they were her prey. Yet, it was not the most startling sight, oh no, it was the two lightsabers secured tightly in her hands. A vibrant blue in one hand and a violet purple in the other. Rey gulped lowly she had never seen a purple saber before, the Jedi texts only referring to the color as exceedingly rare. The masked ally, radiated pure Force energy, as attuned with the Force as Kylo and Master Skywalker. 
“Rey…” Finn whispered and the young woman focused back onto the mask in front of her. She could sense that any moment she would spring and in response she pushed Poe and Finn to the sides. They had no part in this.
The woman was quick, lunging forward with a ferocious attack. Rey ignited Luke’s saber in record time and lifted it up to deflect. The three sabers clashed together with an odd screech and Rey winced at the noise. The cold determined eyes peered down at her through the visor of the helmet, each eye reflecting the vivid hues of blue and purple. The sight made her want to cower in fear, deep down her insecurities rising. She had always felt strong willed when going against Kylo, but this was different. It was not a fight, it was a competition. Rey jabbed her shoulder into the masked woman and swung her saber forward, only being met by the quick flashes of the opposing blue and purple. The woman was obviously highly skilled in combat, in lightsaber fighting techniques, Rey noted as the woman swung her sabers forward, spinning into the assault. Rey could not help but find a sense familiarity in it. In the way she moved, it was almost feral, unhinged but strategic.
In her distracted daze, the woman’s sabers came crashing down onto her, this time locking her saber in place. The young Jedi tried to pull her saber free and attack, but it was secured tightly in between the two sabers. Before Rey could put an end to all this, tell this “ally” why they were here, a swift kick to her abdomen sent her to the ground. Luke’s saber was kicked to the side as the woman dropped down onto her with disturbing and mildly aggravating fluidity. The purple saber hovered a mere inch above her throat while the blue one was stretched backwards: a barrier for Poe and Finn, with their blasters already raised, not to step any closer.
“Who are you?” The voice was deep and modified through the mask, transfixing (Y/E/C) eyes glaring down at Rey. 
“We’re with the Resistance! General Organa sent us!” Rey spit out, eyes wide with a sense of fear she could not deny. She had not feared for her life since the throne room, where Kylo had saved her. Who would save her now? The woman blinked harshly, surprised by her words, yet Rey could easily sense that she was searching her face for any sort of lies. 
“Why?” The question was curt, voice lower than it had previously been. 
“We need your help, Leia said you’d help us.” Poe cut in, taking a cautious step forward, eyes gauging the proximity of the blue lightsaber. Rey watched as the woman seemed to slip away from the present, eyes clouding over as she disappeared deep into thought.
Suddenly the two sabers were turning off as the woman glided back up into a standing position. She tucked the lightsabers into her black belt and outstretched a hand for Rey to grab. Rey hesitantly accepted the offer standing back up as well. She quickly released her hand and went to brush off the dirt on her clothes, eyes watching the peculiar helmet. Who was behind the helmet? Who wielded the rare purple saber? Who had dominated her with such ease?
“Who are you?” Finn beat her to the question, the trio all gawking at the unknown and unanticipated ally. The woman ignored him, her hand outstretching as her eyes closed for a brief moment in concentration. Rey’s eyebrows narrowed in confusion, what was she doing? She could feel the Force swirling around them before something sped past her. Rey jumped, scanning the area for whatever flew by, eyes landing on the hands of the ally. Cradled in them was Luke’s lightsaber, the one Rey used until she completed building her own. The woman turned the black and silver hilt around in her hands, letting out a half amused hum. Rey looked up to the helmet in shock, lips parting at the glimmer of amusement in the focused eyes.  
“I’m no one.” She finally answered, handing Rey back the saber. In a state of utter confusion she accepted it and clipped back onto her belt.
“Come, let us discuss.” The masked woman turned swiftly on her heel and headed into the center of the treetop village, leaving the three Resistance fighters stunned. They all shared a look, more so the two men looking to Rey for answers as to what just happened. Rey could not give them an answer, deep down one they all knew already. Her eyes followed the camouflaged figure, admitting the painfully obvious truth to herself.
The woman before her was the last Jedi.
@2heures​ @thephantomwriter​ @thefandomzoneisdangerous​ @carol-chann​ @gambitsqueen​ @pancakefancake​ @zaneholtzwrites​ @moonmama03 @siren-queen03​ @dixonsbugaboo​ @keithseabrook27​ @sporkedloser​
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70-100, Pulse. Have at it, fucker ;D
You guys seem to really want to know more about Pulse lmao
70. What about your oc’s lifestyle would they change if they had the ability? Why?
Well, first of all, it’d probably like to not be in a prison cell all day.
71. What is your oc’s go-to for offense? What weapon, what style of fighting? Or are words more their weapon of choice?
It can psychically manipulate electromagnetism, so it generally tends to default to that in any combat situations.
72. What is your oc’s ideal environment like? Urban or natural? Fancy or rustic? What’s the weather like?
It likes floating in the void of space, just watching the universe pass it by. It’s one of the few things that actually seems to calm it down.
73. If your oc were to be arrested, what would it most likely be for? Is it justified? Have they actually been arrested before?
Wrecking that brouscari freighter kinda drew a lot of attention, which led to the AORF capturing it and containing it within their facility. It’s currently being held in a cell within the Facility, monitored by security cameras at all times.
74. How would your oc act when drunk? What about when really, really tired?
It doesn’t need to drink or sleep, so probably the same. Maybe a bit grouchier (if that’s possible)
75. What would your oc’s dream home be like? How big would it be? What sorts of rooms would be in it? Where would it be located?
It isn’t really a “home” sort of being. As I said, it actually prefers just floating aimlessly through the emptiness between planets. So, I suppose its “dream home” would be unrestricted freedom to do that for as long as it wants (which, given how ancient it is already, is probably a really long time)
76. What is/was your oc’s relationship with their family like? Was it happy, tense, or abusive? What living family does your oc currently have, if any?
It doesn’t have a family. It just sort of...coalesced out of the nothingness one day.
77. Does your oc like to wear any particular accessories? Hats, jewelry, scarves, etc.?
It wears a collar to dampen its electromagnetic abilities, but it doesn’t particularly like wearing that, it just has to.
78. How socially skilled is your oc? Are they good at understanding social cues? How charismatic are they?
It talks a lot, but it doesn’t particularly enjoy talking. Mostly, it only talks when it really has to. It understands social cues enough to exploit them into making everyone else uncomfortable. It is super charismatic in the worst possible way: it commands attention and you can’t stop listening to it, but GOD do you want to.
79. For what reason would your oc turn into a villain? And if they’re already a villain, vice-versa?
I think the only thing that would stop it from being a complete jackass to everyone it encounters would be if it came across someone it genuinely enjoys speaking to, and establishes a degree of mutual respect that it feels comfortable with.
80. What is your oc’s handwriting like? How easy to read is it? Can they write/read cursive?
Very scratchy and difficult-to-decipher.
81. How good is your oc at drawing? What is their preferred art medium, and what is their artstyle like?
It doesn’t really have any motivation to draw, so it probably isn’t very good.
82. What would be your oc’s ultimate dream vacation? Where would they go? Who would they take with them? What would they do?
Currently, its big goal is to just get out of the Facility. Once that’s taken care of, it’d probably find some dying star to watch collapse by itself. When you’ve been alive for as long as it has, “vacations” kind of lose all meaning.
83. What is your oc’s favourite trait about themselves? What about their least liked? What would others like and dislike the most about your oc?
It has such a monumental ego that it refuses to acknowledge any personal faults whatsoever. Though, of course, everyone else hates how much of a jerk it is.
84. Is your oc more masculine, feminine, androgynous, or something else entirely?
It identifies and presents as neutrally as possible.
85. What would history remember your oc for? How would they become famous? Or are they the sort that would really only be appreciated long after their death?
I mean, the aforementioned brouscari incident was a pretty big deal. It was pretty much the first time anyone had ever successfully attacked the brouscari, and the fact that it was an individual entity that caused such havoc was especially noteworthy.
86. What would someone assume about your oc based on their appearance? Would those assumptions be correct?
Given that it looks like a charred skeleton with glowing eyes, most people would probably assume that it’s crazy evil. Then, they’d start talking to it and realize that it’s not evil, just a dick.
87. What are some of your oc’s physical weak spots? What about emotional/moral ones?
Physically, those scrawny little legs are probably fairly easy to knock out. One good leg sweep should at the very least disorient it. And it takes so much to damage its ego that nobody’s really managed it yet.
88. Does your oc hold grudges? For how long? Does your oc have any rivals?
It knows the name of every single person who has ever wronged it, and it will. Not. Forget.
89. What does your oc’s laugh sound like? How often do they laugh? Are they easily amused?
idk, a mix of condescending and maniacal maybe? I haven’t really thought about this one too much.
90. Does your oc have any objects they could never give up? Why is it so important to them? Do they have any family heirlooms?
It likes that rubber ball, but only because that’s pretty much the only thing to distract it from the mind-numbing boredom of life in the Facility.
91. What is your oc’s typical posture like? Do they slouch, or stand straight? How much space do they usually take up, both physically and figuratively?
It stands about 6’6”, though it does slouch a lot. It will utterly dominate any conversation it partakes in.
92. What trait does your oc appreciate or admire the most in others? Why?
Keeping quiet. Because it doesn’t like having to talk about itself too much.
93. What is your oc’s preferred learning style? Observation, hands-on, instruction? Do they take notes or memorize?
Definitely hands-on. Why just read about something when you can experience it firsthand?
94. Does your oc rely more on a logical or emotional mindset? What situations would this be the opposite?
It is a being almost purely driven by emotions. Mostly spite.
95. How is your oc about keeping someone else’s secret? Are they the gossiping type, are do they hold true on their promise to keep things quiet?
If it respects the person enough, it will not relay their secrets to anyone. Otherwise, it will keep the secret until the end of that conversation, then broadcast it as loudly and widely as possible.
96. Describe your oc in three words. What three words would they use to describe themselves?
“Rude Void Person” and “The Fucking Best”, respectively.
97. How old is your oc physically? How old are they in mental maturity? When are they most mature, and when are they the least?
As it is hewn from the very fabric of the cosmos itself, it is at least 7 billion years old. Possibly older. It behaves as if it were 16 or 17, for the most part, though it has shown some moments of greater wisdom or empathy.
98. Is your oc the type to have a lot of fairly good friends, have a small group of close friends, have one or two best friends, or have no friends at all? Who are they closest to?
As I’ve mentioned throughout this and the last post, there is one other person who it likes and respects, but I’m still working on what her deal is.
99. What is your oc’s morning routine usually like? What do they eat for breakfast (if they have breakfast)? What time do they usually get up in the morning?
Pace around its cell until the lights come on, practice tricks with the ball, answer any questions the scientists want to pester it with, repeat until AO-003 decides to escape again, at which point listen to the screams coming from the floor above it.
100. Does your character ever swear? How often? How vulgar is their swearing?
Oh, it curses like a fuckin’ sailor.
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randomkposts · 4 years
I figured I should start with wall of quotes. Cause whynot
Quotes “It's hard to hate my prep team. They're such total idiots." - Katniss.”
“Here's some advice. Stay alive.” “The cat that Prim got hates me, I think partly because I tried to drown it.” “District 12: Where you can starve to death in safety.”“No. Now, shut up and eat your pears."
” It's lovely. If only you could frost someone to death." "Don't be so superior. You can never tell what you will find in the arena. Say it's a gigantic cake-”“Yes, frosting. The final defense of the dying.”
“Technically, I am unarmed. But no one should ever underestimate the harm that fingernails can do. Especially if the target is unprepared.”
"Well, leprechauns. You know they're not real, don't you?""Let us proceed under the assumption that the fairy folk do exist and that I am not a gibbering moron."
"I majored in Ancient History. You have your own page in the 'Criminally Insane' section."
"Really, Butler, I must begin choosing my business associates more carefully. Hardly a day goes by when we aren't the victims of some plot.""The punching is not helping my concentration, by the way.""Oh, brilliant. I must write that one down in my witty retorts book."
"The pixie is crazy! Give me your gun, Holly. I'm going to shoot him.""Excuse me, Captain. Are you two going to weep salty tears of admiration over a helmet all night, or do we have matters to discuss?"
"This is a well. You might think that there is something to it... But in fact it is just an ordinary well."
Woman in Ur : Hey, where are you four brats off to now? What...? You're going to go save the world...? Did you get hit on the head or something!?
Gilgamesh : Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME! Galuf : Bartz! Stop that! Bartz : But it's fun! poke, poke, poke... Bartz : Jumping Christmas!
Edgar : "That's Shadow! He'd slit his mama's throat for a nickel!" Kefka : "This is sickening! You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet! Prepare yourselves!" Locke : "Hey! Call me a TREASURE HUNTER, or I'll rip your lungs out!" Edgar : "If something were to happen to me, all the world's women would grieve!" Setzer : "My life is a chip in your pile. Ante up."
Yuffie : So! I saved the great Vincent Valentine! Do I get any thanks?
Squall : Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us. Both sides blame one another. There's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views. Squall : I dreamt I was a moron...
Seifer : Great, I have one chicken-wuss and one kid who just entered puberty in my team! Squall : ...Whatever.
Auron: The red carpet has teeth. Auron: Outside the dream world, life can be harsh, even cruel, but it is life.
Rikku: Memories are nice, but that's all they are.
Kimahri: Pick spot. Shut up. Wait.
Rikku: Do you think we need a password? Paine: How about 'Kick..it's..ass' Paine : The hardest person to know is one's self.
Raogrimm: People are capable of kindness beyond angels, yet we also commit sins that would put a demon to shame... Lonely Chocobo: Warkkkkk!!! Gweh!!!! Warkkkk
Naja Salaheem : (After Abquhbah faints when he realizes that he's speaking to the empress) Nothing to be concerned about, Your Magnificence. Mercenaries are trained to sleep anywhere, anytime if the opportunity presents itself.
Lightning: Worst birthday ever. Lightning: It's not a question of can or can't. There are some things in life you just do. Lightning: We live to make the impossible possible! That is our focus!
White Mage: Hi. I was just wondering if you knew how much we've suffered because of you. Good day. [after finding the Falcon Rydia : It's not yours. Edge : That's okay, it would be happy to be used by us!
...That's General Leo.. He could be my friend if he weren't my enemy.
You think a minor thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?
"What a cute doggy!' "Leave us. The dog eats strangers...'
This should be fun. When do we leave?
Read my lips - mercy is for wimps! There's a reason "oppose" rhymes with "dispose"...If they get in your way, kill them!I don't care for the appearance of this pitiful little hamlet... So burn it!!
Figaro Guard : Kefka's "One shy of a six pack!" Imperial soldier : I oppose peace! Narshe resident : Narshe is a neutral city.! We want no war here, but that %#$@& Empire won't listen! South Figaro Resident : We may be thieves, but at least we have goals in life!
Cyan: This is the Phantom Train. It carries the departed to the other side. Sabin : Wait! I don't want to go THERE!
Strago: Go to your room! Relm : I will not! What a fussy old man! Strago : Relm! Is that you, my dear? You're alive! Relm : Idiot! Of course I'm alive! Strago : Oh, I'm so happy..." Relm : Did you think I was gonna check out before you, old man? Strago : You're as foul mouthed as ever, bless your heart!
Shadow: I know what friendship is... and family...
"It's not my problem."
"Don't fight here! You'll ruin the flowers!" "I think they believe I have what it takes to be in SOLDIER!" "Mine is special. It's good for absolutely nothing!"
Don't need no appointment... This is a 'mergency! Anyone who don't wanna get their face bashed in better git outta the way!! "I've got the wrong person."
W-wait a second. I won't run or hide. Yes, I was a spy. I was hired by the Shinra. I couldn't help it. How 'bout if we continue like nothing ever happened?
Shut up! Sit your ass down in that chair and DRINK YOUR GODDAMN TEA!
This's gonna be a big splash. Hold on to your drawers, an' don't piss in 'em!!
Maybe God'd forgive an ugly shit like you, but I won't!
I don't know what the hell it is, but it's falling from the sky. Hmpf! It's not even an omen.
Hey, do you know who I am? I'm Cid—that's who the hell I am! Now just let me handle it!
I don't want to regret not having done something later.
I always thought this planet was so huge. But lookin' at it from space, I realized it's so small. We're just floatin' in the dark. ...kinda makes you feel powerless. On top of that it's got Sephiroth festerin' inside it like a sickness. That's why I say this planet's still a kid. A little kid sick and trembling in the middle of this huge universe. Someone's gotta protect it. Ya follow me? That someone is us.
We're busy runnin' back and forth! Even my bikini goddess would be pantin' about now!
Oh, GAWD! If I knew this was gonna happen, I would've taken rope escape lessons more seriously!!
Escape from a world of illusions... Hmph... I wonder which is better.
I know you want my help because I'm so good!
Cloud, put me in your party, so I can get off this ship. Cloud...sign this. It's a contract that says when the war is over, all the materia will belong to me.
The stars shine so bright, like glowing materia... reach up and grab one. GROSSNESS! Don't mess with me old man! You don't even have any Materia!
Citizens, unite! Come to the light, Mako energy. Power is truth. Shinra is the future. Real happiness can be found in obedience to the company People are ignorant. They'll feel better as long as someone is punished.
Godo : Go! Survive till the end! And return! With the Materia! Doctor in Mideel : You can see for yourself what things look like, but at least no one was seriously hurt. We're just very unhappy now. Junon soldier : I'm learning to be a delinquent soldier!! I just can't seem to get the hang of it! Reeve Tuesti : What may be a few to you was everything to those who died...
Barret : She ain't gonna show up. 'Least this time she didn't steal our materia. Guess we gotta be thankful for that. Yuffie : How could you say that!? I came all the way here after being seasick as a dog! I didn't go through all that just to have you guys have the best parts all to yourselves!
...A speech? Forget it. Cut the mic!
You're-going-to-like-me! You're-going-to-like-me! Did it work?
D-Do you have any...hot dogs left?
...The HELL! Man...Now this is what I call boring. This ain't right, man!
YOOOO!!! The HELL you doin'!!!?
I'm a pretty lucky guy. Hand in hand with two beautiful girls.
That is sooo vague!
Well, Zell was riding his T-Board in the hallways of Garden. He made a sharp turn and went straight into the woman's res...
Sharpshooters are loners by nature... We hone our instincts, pour our whole being in a single bullet. The pressure of the moment... An instant of tension... That's what... I have to face alone...
Well, fine then! We WILL have a good time!
Thanks for the support, but I never miss my target.
Well, we could skin this little guy and wear him as a disguise...
I say things that get a rise out of some people. Just don't let it bother you and we'll get along fine.
Ooh neato! A hole in the middle of no-where!
You've all heard this before. How life has infinite possibilities. I don't believe that one bit. There weren't many paths for me to choose. Sometimes, there would only be one. From the limited possibilities I faced, the choices I made have brought me this far. That's why I value the path I chose... I want to hold true to the path that HAD to be taken.
Let's just fire like crazy and make a big hole, BOOM!
...Speeding. Let's go arrest that student for violation of academy regulations. Listen up! Teamwork means staying out of my way. It's a Squad B rule.
This is the scene where you swear your undying hatred for me!
And so, Laguna runs for dear life. She got upset and put fruit jam in your shoes. You were almost in tears!
Fujin: DISTURBING.RAGE!SHOCK!GOOD. CONVENIENT.PERSUASION, USELESS. SEIZE!IGNORE.RUN!ELLONE? NOT HERE.FATIGUE POSSE... We are. We always will be. Because we're a posse, we want to help you. Whatever it takes to fulfill your dream, we're willing to do. But... You're being manipulated, Seifer. You've lost yourself and your dream. You're just eating out of someone's hand. We want the old you back! Since we can't get through to you, all we have now to rely on is Squall! It's sad... Sad that we only have Squall to rely on... Seifer! Are you still gonna keep goin'?
Big Sister: I can't wait until I meet a guy that I can scream at and exchange blows with!
Quistis : You're the squad leader. Good luck to you. Seifer : ...Instructor. I hate it when people wish me luck. Save those words for a bad student who needs them, eh? Quistis : Alright, then. Good luck, Seifer. Seifer : [to Fujin and Raijin] Add Instructor Trepe to the list. Zone : Our plan is to...Selphie : ...Blow it to smithereens with a rocket launcher!? Zone : [taken aback] ...Ahh...not quite... Rinoa : Oh, shut up! I made it like that on purpose. It represents my hatred towards Deling. Zell : Hatred, eh? Yeah...right. Selphie : It's one of the...ugliest things that I've ever seen in my life. You must really hate him.
You don't need a reason to help people.No cloud, nor squall shall hinder us!Piece of cake. I'm an escape artist.
In the end, it boils down to two simple choices. Either you do or you don't. You'd think with all the problems in this world, there'd be more answers. It's not fair... but that's the way things are. The choice is yours.
Al Bhed is Al Bhed. Rikku is Rikku. Rikku swore to protect Yuna. And Rikku is not a liar. Kimahri can tell. So, she is a friend.
Why are you still here, sir? (pause as Auron looks at him) I beg your pardon. We Guado are keen to the scent of the Farplane.
Rikku : Did you...hit your head or something? Tidus : Um, you guys hit me. Rikku : Oh, right...do you remember anything before that?
Sometimes, when I got a lot on my mind, it just helps to go, "AAAAAAAAAAAH!"
"Once Lady Yuna fixes her hair, we leave." "Guard your emotions first, then guard your summoner." "Ha! Legendary guardian? I was just a boy. A boy about your age actually. I wanted to change the world too, but I changed nothing. That is my story." "Don't look to others for knowledge. This is your story."
Don't think it's just a game. Your life's on the line. "You. It's what's for dinner." You. Are. Hired."
Barkeep : Mish Yoona, what can I do for yoo?
Yuna : Duck Soup! Paine : Duck what?
Rikku : I'm gonna kick you in the spleen! Paine : Spleen?
Lightning : (to soldier).Nice gun. Noctis : Goodbye, whoever you are.
You sure are a keen observer of the obvious, kupo!
And I know some "little girls" who can kick your butt!
"You hit the Lord of the Titans in the eye with a blue plastic hairbrush."
Rachel: They asked me a lot of questions about you. I played dumb. Annabeth: Was it hard?"
"Love conquers all," Aphrodite promised. "Look at Helen and Paris. Did they let anything come between them?""Didn't they start the Trojan War and get thousands of people killed?" "Pfft. That's not the point. Follow your heart."'
“Ever had a flying burrito hit you? Well, it's a deadly projectile, right up there with cannonballs and grenades." "The ADHD part of me wondered, off-task, whether the rest of his clothes were made the same way. What horrible things would you have to do in your life to get woven into Hades' underwear?"
Rachel: You're a half-blood, too? Annabeth: Shhh! Just announce it to the world, how about? Rachel: Okay. Hey, everybody! These two aren't human! They're half Greek god! . . . They don't seem to care."-
"What I did next was so impulsive and dangerous I should’ve been named ADHD poster child of the year."
“You're a stalker with hooves." "I am not! I followed her to the Big House and hid in a bush and watched the whole thing.”
Well, we kind of tried to kill each other in a duel to the death." "I see. You tried the diplomatic approach.”
"Well, Percy, what have we learned today?""That three-headed dogs prefer red rubber balls over sticks?""No," "We've learned that your plans really, really bite!”
"Dude!" said a party pony as he unloaded his gear. Did you see that bear guy? He was all like: 'Whoa, I have an arrow in my mouth!”
“Boys are usually forbidden to have any contact with the Hunters. The last one to see this camp…” She looked at Zoe. “Which one was it?”"That boy in Colorado,” Zoe said. “You turned him into a jackalope.”Ah, yes.” Artemis nodded, satisfied. “I enjoy making jackalopes…”
“Christmas in the Underworld was NOT my idea. If I'd known what was coming, I would've called in sick. I could've avoided an army of demons, a fight with a Titan, and a trick that almost got my friends and me cast into eternal darkness. But no, I had to take my stupid English exam.”
“Meat!" he said scornfully. "I'm a vegetarian." "You eat cheese enchiladas and aluminum cans," I reminded him."Those are vegetables.”
"How about this: stealing is not always bad?""I don't think my mom would like that moral."
I thought about the lines Rachel had spoken in that creepy voice: about storm and fire and the Doors of Death. "Maybe," I said, "but it didn't sound so good.""No," said Apollo cheerfully. "It certainly didn't. She's going to make a wonderful Oracle!”
"My son here convinced me that perhaps I should prioritize my list of enemies." He glanced at me with distaste. "As much as I dislike certain upstart demigods, it would not do for Olympus to fall. I would miss bickering with my siblings. And if there is one thing we agree on - it is that you were a TERRIBLE father.”
Running with a drowsy child of Hades was more like doing a 3 -legged race with a life size rag doll.”
“Yay!' he said. 'Now we can eat peanut butter sandwiches and ride fish ponies! We can fight monsters and see Annabeth and make things go BOOM!”
“You know how teachers tell you the magic word is 'please'? That's not true. The magic word is 'puke'. It will get you out of class faster than anything else.”
" He tossed me a jar of thick green liquid—Greek fire, one of the most dangerous magical substances in the world. Then he threw me another essential tool of demigod heroes—duct tape”
“Juniper: Are you guys busy? Percy: Well, we’re in the middle of this game against a bunch of monsters and we’re trying not to die. Annabeth: We’re not busy. ”
Though "peanut butter" is a strange battle cry. It shall be as you say. But my son, pray this works."I am praying. I'm talking to you, right?"Oh . . . yes. Good point.”
“Let us find the dam snack bar," Zoe said. "We should eat while we can."Grover cracked a smile. "The dam snack bar?"Zoe blinked. "Yes. What is funny?""Nothing," Grover said, trying to keep a straight face. "I could use some dam french fries."Even Thalia smiled at that. "And I need to use the dam restroom." "I do not understand.""I want to use the dam water fountain," Grover said."And…" Thalia tried to catch her breath. "I want to buy a dam T-shirt."
"with great power... comes great need to take a nap"
“Oh no." I said panic rising in my chest. "No, no, no, Somebody get a can opener. I've got a god in my head!!”“Well," I said. "If you need me, I'll be outside, playing with sharp objects.”
“Fairness means everyone gets what they need. And the only way to get what you need is to make it happen yourself.”
“I guessed his name was Face of Horror. I wondered how long it had taken his mom to think of that. Bob? No. Sam? No. How about Face of Horror?”
“Now the tattoos," Zia announced."Brilliant!" I said."On your tongue," she added."Excuse me?”
“I just love family meetings. Very cozy, with the Christmas garlands round the fireplace and a nice pot of tea and a detective from Scotland Yard ready to arrest you.”
“Carter Kane, 14, died tragically in Paris when he was eaten by his sister’s cat Muffin.”
“There will be guards,” Bast said. “And traps. And alarms. You can bet the house is heavily charmed to keep out gods.” “Magicians can do that?” I asked. I imagined a big can of pesticide labeled God-Away.”
“I believe you, Sadie.""Oh really. I'm holding the bloody feather of truth, and you believe me. Well, thanks.”
I guess it started in London, the night our dad blew up the British museum.”
“The baboon is driving,” I noted. “Should I be worried?”
“Thank Ra!” She exclaimed. “Yeah, I’m alive.” “No, I almost jumped in after you. I hate the water!”
“Why did adults have to be so thick? They always say “tell the truth,” and when you do, they don’t believe you. What’s the point?”
“I must admit I’m impressed, Sadie. You controlled your magic and controlled Isis. And you, Carter, did well turning into a lizard.”
“That’s Narmer with the spoon,” I guessed. “Angry because the other bloke stole his breakfast cereal?”
“Most of Set’s forces were running towards our boat, screaming and throwing rocks (which tended to fall down and hit them, but no one says demons are bright).
"Great another mystery. I was about to suggest we ram Amos’s head against it and see if that worked.”
The stuff was so thick and rough, it made me wonder if the poor Egyptians had had to use toilet papyrus. If so, no wonder they walked sideways.”
“I looked back, but Bast and Sadie seemed fine. They were still staring at the water as if it were some amazing Internet video.”
. Why would someone display a rock? Aren't there enough of those in the world?”
“Dejardins was so stunned, he momentarily forgot how to speak English. "Ce n'est pas possible. On ne pourrait pas-”
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/re-claiming-the-fish-saturn-and-capricorn-in-the-age-of-aquarius/
By Louise Edington
In Astrology, the sign of Capricorn is said to be a feminine sign, and both the sign and it’s ruler are represented by the sea-goat which is a creature of impossibility with the front half of a goat and the tail of a fish. 
Over millennia of Patriarchal rule and conditioning the planet and sign has lost it’s yin qualities with the sea-goat becoming a goat alone much of the time and Saturn and Capricorn being said to represent the Father amongst other things. Saturn and Capricorn have been spoken of in Astrology as harsh, cold and unloving and this article challenges that as being a reflection of the patriarchy itself.
Saturn, the planet is named after a male deity, traditional ancient astrological technique of sect described Saturn as diurnal, which is usually seen as more masculine. And yet, Saturn and Capricorn are earth energies which is traditionally feminine. 
However, the universe is essentially neutral or genderless. It’s the language of Astrology and humankind that has assigned polarity in our search for certainty. In my new book, to be published early in 2020, I invite readers and students of Astrology to, and I quote Astrologer Jason Holley here in the Mountain Astrologer who informed some of this thinking, “embrace multiplicity, non-linearity, and uncertainty” in Astrological language as we move into the Age of Aquarius and as science itself moves further into Quantum wave and entanglement theory. 
I can’t go into more detail yet because of contractual obligations with the publisher but I want to talk about the sea-goat myth in terms of reclaiming that sense of multiplicity and genderless Astrology. After all, we cannot see the gender in the Astrological chart itself. 
As I write this Saturn has just stationed direct at 13 ̊ 54′ Capricorn, and will retrace his Retrograde steps to 20 ̊ 31’ where he stationed Retrograde on April 29th, and is approaching another conjunction with the South Node before moving towards the transformational conjunction with Pluto on Jan 12th 2020 at 22 ̊ Capricorn and, days later, squaring dwarf planet Eris in Aries. 
Additionally, both Saturn and Pluto are being occulted by the Moon, ruler of the Cancer North Node every month this year other than January and December for Saturn as November gets two occultations and January for Pluto. This means their energy is literally being eclipsed by the Moon and Eclipses are re-sets. Saturn’s own South Node is also at 18 ̊ and Pluto’s South Node at 19 ̊ Capricorn so Saturn will also be transiting over these points before meeting Pluto and squaring Eris. 
Then we also receive the news that twenty more Moons of Saturn have been discovered meaning Saturn is now known to have a total of 82 Moons, flying past Jupiter’s 79. New discoveries like this always shift the energy of a planet in our collective psyche. I would suggest that this, alongside the occultations, is softening Saturn’s image in our consciousness. 
The convergence of all these factors is hugely transformative and a big shift away from old rules and ideas. 
It’s my belief that all these Astrological events are inviting us to re-visit and eclipse the patriarchal ways of looking at and speaking about Saturn and Capricorn. This also means that we are being invited to re-visit and eclipse the patriarchal world our perceptions and words have created. In turn, this will ripple out just as wave theory does to change our language about all of Astrology.
This wave is being reflected in the world, the universe as a whole, and is reflected in the wave glyph for the Age of Aquarius.
What of the sea-goat myth? How can we learn from that in this re-visiting? 
The primary sea-goat in Greek mythology is Pricus, an immortal ruler of time created by Cronos, the God of time, son of Uranus and a Titan from the Greek mythological pantheon. 
We must, of course, remember that myths are also created by man to order and explain the universe and aspects of humanity and the Greek civilization was in itself patriarchal in nature. 
Pricus had children who were in his image and who were able to talk and these children were drawn to the land. However, being on the land caused them to turn into goats and lose their powers and intelligence. Pricus attempted to stop this and turned back time to bring them back but they kept returning to land. Not wanting to be a lone sea-goat, Pricus begged Cronos to let him die but Pricus was immortal so unable to die. Instead, Cronos cast Pricus into the stars as the Capricorn constellation so that the lone sea-goat could watch over all his children. 
Like all myths, this is based on more ancient myths from the sands of time when myth was carried down in the oral tradition and Capricorn mythology in ancient Sumeria as associated the the God Enki, the God of water, knowledge, and creation. In Babylonian times Capricorn was described as fishtailed Ea who was the “Antelope of the Sea” and who watched over the land but lived in the ocean at night so never lost the energy of the ocean, as the more modern patriarchal sea goats did. In these ancient mythologies, Capricorn was seen as the gate of death with the opposite sign, Cancer, being the gate of birth. 
It could be said that the Greek Pricus myth itself reflects the loss of, or deliberate erasure of, the night energy under the patriarchy. I use the term night for what has been spoken of as feminine, energy in our society. The patriarchy has demonized and sidelined all that is not day, outgoing, and what has been seen as masculine. The loss of powers experienced by the sea-goats as they rejected the water reflects the loss of essential powers within each of us under the patriarchal structures and language we have lived under for millennia. Though interestingly, in other myths, the goat actually suckled Zeus as a baby, and Zeus or Jupiter is the King of patriarchal pantheons moving forward as he took down the ancient God of time. 
The occultations of Saturn and other aspects of Saturn in the sign of rulership are asking us to reclaim the seemingly impossible nature of the sea-goat in my opinion. We are each both goat and fish, both day and night, both land and sea. We all inhabit both realms. We each are born and die. There are no opposites and polarities even though our human need to make sense creates this separation because everything is connected in entanglement and cycles and waves. 
Like the cycles of life and death, Capricorn and Cancer work in tandem, together. Like the Sea Goat, the Crab that is the symbol of Cancer, inhabits both the land and the sea though taking the Hermit crab as an example, the Crab can only survive on land if it stays moist. Both the Seat Goat and Crab lose their powers if on land for too long and if they don’t return to the water regularly. 
In patriarchal times, the qualities of the night have been devalued. These are the qualities of acknowledging and validating emotional responses and feelings, the value of nurturing and supporting others, true humility and empathy. Left brain characteristics of rational, logical, factual and verbal reasoning have become over valued in relationship to the right brain qualities of creativity, emotion, intuition and imagination. 
Think of the language used in our lifetime to devalue the night energies of the right brain. 
‘It’s just your imagination’
‘You are irrational’ 
‘Control yourself’
I’m sure you get the picture. 
Yet Saturn and Capricorn are night or feminine energies, though I believe Saturn as traditional ruler of Aquarius has both day and night qualities as do all the traditional planets, and the language used in Astrology for both planet and sign is that of the left brain. 
Saturn is described as the Father, external authority, rules, limitations, control.
Capricorn is described as discipline, practicality, determination, leadership, controlling, responsibility. 
They are all of those but our human minds have interpreted this all as very male and taken those qualities to mean dominion over others, to mean hierarchies, and to mean controlling others rather than the self. 
This is a simplistic explanation to say that the night qualities of Saturn and Capricorn, or the fish tail of the sea goat, have been lost. 
A higher understanding of Saturn and Capricorn is that of the wisdom of the elder or crone, near to the ancient Gate of Death and in tandem with the Cancer Gate of Birth. Both working in cyclical and circular harmony. 
In the Cosmic Intelligence article written by Linea Horne on the Lunar occultations she speaks of the Circle of Grandmothers for becoming more enlightened Capricorn energy and I agree. I would take it even further as we move into the Age of Aquarius and merely call it the Circle of Wisdom.
Ancient cultures had pantheons of Gods that represented both day and night energies and that had equal value so we must move away from the binary and oppositional world of the patriarchy and return to a more inclusive and integrated language in Astrology and life. 
The re-claiming of the fish tail of the impossible (I’m possible) sea-goat will aid us in that path. 
When speaking of Saturn and Capricorn as a night energy Astrologers can, and many are, speak of external authority as how we allow others power of us and how the only real authority is within, rather than speaking of it as a controlling and dominating energy. After all, we can only be controlled if we allow outside forces to dominate us. 
As we move into the wave energy of the Age of Aquarius, we are being asked to take a more diffuse view of both Saturn and Capricorn and to change our language as Astrologers to reflect the receptive, more malleable, and softer, elder wisdom energy they both contain. Discipline is a loving parental act if done with wisdom, for example. 
If Astrological language itself re-claims the seemingly impossibility of being both night and day as we approach our work, we can help to shape the New Paradigm itself. 
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chojin-cu-chulain · 5 years
Power Rangers Dino summary
Caution this contains spoilers Synopsis: 10,000,000 years ago a powerful, and evil sorceress known as Rita Repulsa sought to destroy the Earth, and it's inhabitants with her army of evil magical creatures. But a kind, and wise wizard known as Zordon recruited the bravest, and most powerful knights of the dinosaur worshiping tribes of Atlantis, and made them his newest team of Power Rangers intergalactic knights who used magic, and technology to fight evil. Zordon's Rangers were able to defeat Rita, and her minions, and seal them away into dumpster like space prison but it was too late. The Rangers had given their lives to defeat Rita, Zordon had been banished to another dimension forever, and Rita had succeeded in destroying the dinosaurs, mystical creatures, and Atlantis. Now in modern times two NASADA astronauts accidentally release Rita, and her minions from their prison causing them to restart their mad crusade to conquer, and destroy Earth. Zordon, and his multifunctional automaton companion Alpha seek out the descendants of their previous team of Rangers, and find them in the form of five seemingly ordinary teenagers named Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, and Kimberly. Initially reluctant the five friends take up the mantle of their ancestors to protect their town of Angel Grove, and the world from Rita's evil monsters but will their greatest challenge come from one of their own or will he be the key to fulfilling Zordon's prophecy of putting an end to Rita's evil ways. Rangers: Jason Scott Ranger form: Red Tyranno Ranger Weapon: Power Sword, later Dragon Dagger Zord: Tyrannosaurs Age: 16 Bio: A skilled martial artist, and a star athlete Jason greatest strength isn't just his physical strength but his courage, and his determination to never give up even if all hope seems lost. He is the leader of the team, and does his best to lead his team to victory against Rita's minions. Zack Taylor Ranger form: Black Mastodon Ranger Weapon: Power Axe Zord: Mastodon Age: 16 Bio: Zack is the resident cool kid of the team he is interested in music, and dance, and is a master of hip hop kido. He is freaked out by reptiles, and bugs, and has a crush on a girl named Angela. He is also initially skeptical of all the situations involving aliens, and mystical beings but ultimately his desire to do what's right wins out. Billy Cranston Ranger form: Blue Tricera Ranger Weapon: Power Lance Zord: Triceratops Age 16 Bio: Billy is the smartest member of the team. When he first meets Zordon, and Alpha he is fascinated by their advanced alien technology, and seeks to learn all he can about it. He is also busy making new inventions for the team. He is initially socially awkward and shy but eventually finds a girlfriend name Margret. Trini Kwan Ranger form: Yellow Sabertooth Tiger Ranger Weapon: Power Daggers Zord: Saberthooth Tiger Age: 16 Bio: Like Jason she is a skilled martial artist, and is intelligent like Billy because she follows her families tradition of finding balance between the mind, and body. she loves nature, and the environment. Her biggest concern is proving herself to her uncle Tao. Kimberly Hart Ranger form: Pink Ptero Ranger Weapon: Power Bow Zord: Pterodactyl Age: 16 Bio: Kimberly is the most popular girl in school, and a champion gymnast. She comes from a wealthy family but doesn't let it go to her head. she also loves fashion, and other feminine pursuits. She later dates Tommy. Tommy Oliver Ranger form: Green Dragon Ranger Weapon: Dragon Dagger Zord: Dragonzord Age: 17 Bio: An old friend of the Rangers due to being friends with Jason's cousin Kailtin, and living with Trini's uncle Tao Tommy moves to Angel Grove following an inter city martial arts tournament. Like Jason, and Trini he is a skilled martial artist. When he finds out he is destined to be the Green Ranger from Nemo he jumps at the chance unaware that it puts him under Rita's control. Once freed he uses his new powers to help his friends protect the Earth. He later starts dating Kimberly. Allies: Zordon of Eltar Age: 30,000,000(60 in Eltarian) Bio: A kind, and wise wizard from the planet Eltar he founded an ancient order of intergalactic knights called the Power Rangers who used magic, and technology to protect the universe from evil, and came to Earth long ago to recruit it's bravest warriors to be his new team of Rangers. He was banished to a time warp by Rita 10,000,000 years ago but was quickly found by Alpha. He gives the new Rangers advice on how to stop Rita's plans, and explains what happened millions of years ago but keeps some secrets from the Rangers that eventually come to light. Alpha 5 Age: 10,000,000(acts 12) Bio: Zordon's multifunctional robotic companion Alpha helps run the Command Center for Zordon while he's trapped in the time warp. When he meets the new Rangers he becomes interested in aspects of modern Earth life from Billy, and Zack. Sometimes his misunderstanding of modern Earth customs gets him into ridiculous situations. Quagmire Age:30,000,000(looks 30) Bio: An elf the Rangers first meet when trying to find the power weapons he initially mistakes them for Rita's minions but later helps them such as when Tommy was under Rita's control or when Mutitis almost destroyed the Zords. He speaks in rhymes, and has a son named Nemo, and a wife named Millenia. Nemo Age: 10,000,000(looks 10) Bio: Quagmire's son who was the keeper of the Green Dragon coin who sought to give it to Tommy unaware it would put him under Rita's control. He then tries to help his father, and the Rangers at various points. Millenia Age:30,000,000(looks 30) Bio: Quagmire's wife a good sorceress who was lost on the Island of Illusion 10,000,000 years ago trying to keep Titanus the carrierzord out of Rita's hands. Because she has been trapped on the Island of Illusion for so long the only way to free her is if one of the Rangers sacrifices their powers. She helps the Rangers find Titanus, and later tries to help the Rangers save Tommy's powers. Villains Rita Repulsa Age: 10,000,000(looks 50) Bio: An evil and powerful sorceress who destroyed the dinosaurs, Atlants, and mystical beings millions of years ago with her army of evil mystical creatures. She constantly lashes out at her minions when they botch her plans, and has a sadistic sense of humor. She particularly hates children, and will go out of her way to target them. Goldar Age: Unknown Bio: Rita's second and command, and her most powerful minion Goldar an armored griffon loves combat, and would like nothing more to crush the rangers. He also has a wife named Scorpina who returns around the time Tommy is under Rita's control Finster Age: Unknown Bio: Rita's monster maker. Considering himself the greatest artist in the universe he enjoys creating Rita's monsters from putty, and later super putty. Not as vicious and angry as Goldar or Rita but more intelligent than Squat, and Baboo. Squat, and Babboo Ages: Unknown Bio: Rita's two bumbling henchmen she has them go to Earth to carry out plans to ensure the Rangers can't defeat her monsters but often end up getting themselves in trouble, and taking the brunt of Rita's anger. Scorpina Age: Unknown Bio: Goldar's wife, and the only one of her minions who wasn't trapped in the space prison 10,000,000 years ago she later returns when Tommy is under Rita's control. Like Goldar she is one of Rita's most powerful minions, and can easily challenge the Rangers. Lord Zedd Age:10,000,000(looks 50) Bio: Once the most bravest, and powerful of Zordon's Rangers Lord Zedd was the previous Green Dragon Ranger until he turned evil, and joined Rita. He was thought destroyed but fled into the dark galaxies where he amassed so much dark magic he became a being made of dark magic himself he can enhance Rita's monster making them more powerful than ever. Thrax Age: 10,000,000(looks 10) Bio: Rita, and Zedd's son he was mischievous, and would like to break dinosaur eggs for fun which caused him to be killed by one. This drove his parents to turn evil when Zordon refused to bring him back to life. He is resurrected by his father, and pilots Cyclopsis a failed experiment by Zordon to create a zord built entirely for combat. Changes: More Zyuranger elements are added For instance Rita destroyed the dinosaurs, magical beings, and an ancient civilization when she last attacked Earth. Monsters that were good or at least neutral in Zyuranger like the Genie, and Fang are good or at least neutral here. Goldar, and Scorpina are husband, and wife Lord Zedd, and Lokar are merged into one character because Lokar's Zyuranger counterpart was the master Rita's counterpart like Zedd was Rita's master, and because I wanted to give Zedd a human looking form so he could be later Sentai villains. Rita has Bandora's backstory, and Kai is adapted as Thrax. It is revealed that Lord Zedd was the Green Ranger before Tommy Quagmire is more of a recurring ally because he reminded me of Gnome from Zyuranger The Rangers are descendants of Zordon's previous Rangers because I wanted to incorporate the idea from Sentai where the Rangers are sometimes descendants of a previous civilization Clotho is adapted as Quagmire's wife I have a character named Nemo who is original to Power Rangers but is similar to Prince Euro, and Ryuto from Zyuranger. Certain episodes are either moved around have their footage changed or are removed. For instance Day of the Dumpster has High Five's Zyuranger footage, and Ranger plot, High Five has Teamwork's Zyuranger footage, and Ranger plot, and Teamwork is removed altogether There is an original episode so that Babe Ruthless can have his own episode, and A Star is Born can have just Weaveworm. Island of Illusion is merged with Gung Ho so that it can have Island of Illusion's Ranger plot, and Gung Ho's civilian plot, and both Gung Ho, and Island of Illusion's Zyuranger footage There is a two parter to adapt Zyuranger's dinosaur eggs storyline Doomsday, and Return of An Old Friend are merged so that it can have both Doomsday, and Return of an Old Friend's Ranger plots, and civilian plots with just Doomsday's Zyuranger footage. 
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radiant-flutterbun · 5 years
Clan Ton Theon, an Ancient lair of the Sunbeam Ruins, had thought they’d seen it all. They had survived two wars, made peace with aliens, gods and Shadelings and fought with others. They killed an Emperor and befriended another and even withstood the wrath of the Lightweaver herself.
Now they believed that they were safe, what more could possibly try to attack them? What more harm could come to the clan? They now had an Emperor and gods from another planet on their side. They had to be safe.
Another peaceful day passed, and their Emperor ally started to act strange. The massive three headed creature usually slumbered down shore from the clan near the docks, but now it was pacing in circles around the tower where most of Ton Theon resided. All three heads snarled, and the few patches of fur left on their faces stood on end.
“It’s going to kill us! This is it. We’re all dead. I knew it! I knew keeping that thing around was a bad idea!” Masika was always a nervous imperial and she had been jittery ever since the Emperor arrived “Nike, do something!”
The clan’s leader, Nike sighed “I’ll go get Wish.”
Masika watched the mirror slip away, barely able to control the rising panic within her.
“Goshawk? Budgie? Blackbird?” the mirror known as Wish addressed each of the Emperor heads. She had gained their respect and they only ever talked to her “What’s wrong?”
“We must leave Wish,” All three heads spoke at once.
“What? Why? I like it here!”
“It is not safe. Not anymore.”
“I don’t understand. Everything is fine!”
“You are not looking close enough then. We must leave. Leave before it gets worse.”
As the Emperor spoke the ground shook. Wish stumbled.
“An earthquake? That’s odd…”
“There. See? It has begun.”
Where there was once a tombstone with angel wings carved into it, was now a pit in the ground.
“Hey isn't that where Sepulchral was buried? The original Sepulchral. His first life?”
“What about me?” A white skydancer landed next to Wish.
“Your grave. It’s gone.”
Sepulchral winced. He didn’t like to be reminded that he died.
“Not gone. Awakened.” The Emperor said.
The ground rumbled again, and something began to emerge from the pit.
“Time to leave,” The Emperor scooped up Wish into its paw and placed her onto its back. She protested, but the Emperor had already begun to move away.
“Hey wait! Why’s the Emperor leaving?!” Nike was outside now “I thought we had a deal! I thought we were allies!”
“I guess it got spooked,” Sepulchral said “By well… Me.”
Climbing out of the pit was another white skydancer. He resembled Sepulchral in every way except he wore a black dress and his body moved stiff and unnatural. He was not rotted, but his skin clung to his body, and his eyes were gone.
“What? What’s happening? A little more description would be nice for your blind leader you know.” Nike huffed.
“Um well, there’s another me but as a mummy. And he’s walking toward us right now. And I’m kinda freaking out just a bit.”
The other Sepulchral stood up on his hind legs and unsheathed the sword that was buried with him.
“Oh. And now the mummy me is armed.” Sepulchral drew his own sword.
“Is he hostile? Do you think we can reason with him?”
“I doubt it. If that’s really my body from my previous life, then it’s a lifeless husk. It can’t have my soul when I have my soul.”
“Then let’s kill this thing,” Nike lashed her tail and bared her teeth “It’s quiet, and despite being dead it has a faint scent, so you’ll have to help me out here.”
“Got it.”
Sepulchral and Nike circled the mummy. Nike was behind it while Sepulchral was in front. He kept a careful watch on the creature’s movements and directed Nike into position.
“I’ll see if I can disarm it, while you try to take out it’s back legs. Its movement seems to be limited as it is and I doubt it can fly. We just need to take out its limbs and hopefully- we can neutralize it.” Sepulchral said.
“That’s assuming it doesn’t have any of your magical abilities.”
“My magic isn’t that powerful, and most of it is stored in my soul anyway. We should be fine.”
“I wouldn’t underestimate yourself Sep, you’re stronger than you think.”
“I appreciate that you think that Nike, but this thing isn’t me anyway. So we should be fine.”
The mummy took a sharp turn to the right and swung its sword in Nike’s direction.
“Nike jump!”
She jumped just in time for the sword to miss her.
“You jerk! Turn and face me!” Sepulchral snarled and the creature turned to face him again. As it moved, Nike attacked its legs, sweeping them out from under the creature. With it down on the ground Sepulchral rushed in and placed his foot on its neck and kicked the sword out of its grasp with his other leg.
“Well. That was easier than-” The ground shook again and the ground began to dissolve from underneath them. The mummy fell first and Sepulchral fell after him. Nike had managed to roll out of the way before she fell too.
“Sepulchral? Sep? You ok?” She carefully felt her way toward the edge of the new pit “No. No I’m not letting you die again. I’m not losing you again Sepulchral!”
“Nike I have dire news!” A brightly colored coatl landed next to his leader “And it looks like it’s related to these pits and earthquakes! I got a letter from a clan called Clan Analemma, they’re looking for these creatures, called Astrals. They can wield elemental abilities and it’s been suspected that an Earth one has found its way here.”
Nike took a deep breath, still trying to sense a response from Sepulchral from the pit “Thank you, Tona. Did this clan say how to stop this thing?”
Tona nervously tapped his claws on the parchment he held “Unfortunately no but… They are offering a reward for its capture. And it needs to be alive. Killing it will just force it to appear somewhere else.”
“Great. Tona assemble the clan in the lobby for a meeting. I’ll be there in a moment.”
“Of course, Nike.”
When she heard his footsteps fade Nike called Sepulchral’s name into the pit a few more times, before giving up and returning to the clan. Her heart pumped too quick and the voices of her clan seemed louder than usual.
Nike knew it was just anxiety, but she hated the feeling. She was not a nervous dragon, but she knew that Sepulchral, a dragon dear to her was in danger. She needed to stop this Astral as soon as possible. For Sepulchral’s sake.
Nike assembled two teams of dragons. One team would enter each pit and search for the Astral and Sepulchral. Once found, Hecate, who was one of the clan’s best mages, would be sent to contain the Astral.
In the first team was a little fae named Flare, a young grey coatl named Muerto, a bubbly pearlcatcher named Niossa, a somber nocturne named Sonder, and the clan’s best huntress Nieth the coatl. On the second team was Future a spunky tundra, Bonita a cheerful mirror, the clan’s founder an elderly mirror named Nightbane, Nike and her girlfriend a mirror named Morningmist. Outside of the pits was Hecate, with Bubonic a guardian and Isra an imperial to guard her in case the Astral tried to attack her. The rest of Clan Ton Theon’s fighting dragons were stationed within the clan to protect those who could not fight.
Nike’s team flew down the first pit, while the other team flew down the one Sepulchral disappeared in.
The ground began to shake again, which closed off the pit that the second team flew down, and trapped them in darkness.
“Well,” Sonder looked up at what was once the exit “That’s not good.”
“Really now?!” Muerto snapped “We’re trapped! ‘Not good’ is an understatement.”
“It’s ok!” Niossa chimed “Sonder’s an Earth dragon I’m sure she can-”
“I can’t,” Sonder cut her off “I don’t have any Elemental abilities. Never learned how to unlock them.”
“... Oh.”
“I can feel wind,” Neith said “So there has to be another opening somewhere. Everyone just stay calm.”
“Calm? Calm?! We’re now trapped underground with some thing out to get us, and we might lose Sepulchral again!” Muerto’s feathers poofed up.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have agreed to come down here if you would freak out.”
“I’m from the Underworld! I thought I’d be fine! But apparently not!” Black flames sparked from his feathers and instinctively every dragon took a step away from him.
“Muerto, you need to control your emotions. Remember those breathing exercises I showed you?” Flare carefully spoke up.
“Yeah I’d hate for us to all die because you couldn’t control those flames of yours,” Neith said.
“Shut up, or you’ll just make things worse,” Sonder growled to Neith.
“Fine,” Neith shut her mouth and Muerto’s flames died down “There. Now let me in the lead. I think I know the way out.”
Things were going a little better for Nike’s group. There was still sunlight to light their path from the entrance of the pit, but the further and further down they traveled the darker it became. Eventually Morningmist had to light a torch so the dragons could travel further. The darkness bothered everyone but Nike. She actually liked traveling through the tunnels at the bottom of the pit. She could easily tell where everyone was based on the sound of her companions’ footsteps.
“Whoa how pretty!” Bonita eventually spoke up.
“It’s like the whole cave is full of stars…” Future said.
“What do you see?’ Nike asked.
“Gemstones,” Nightbane answered “Hundreds of them.”
“Oooo so pretty!” Bonita reached out to touch one, but then pulled back with a yelp.
“Bonita! Are you ok?” Morningmist asked.
“Yeah I’m fine just… Feel fuzzy…”
Nike heard a thud as Bonita passed out. Nike placed a claw over Bonta’s chest and sighed when she felt a heartbeat.
“Ok everyone. Don’t touch the gemstones.”
Nightbane and Morningmist worked together to carry Bonita’s unconscious body. It wasn’t an easy task, Bonita was almost the same size as the other two mirrors.
The group continued in silence until they reached what appeared to be a dead end.
“Great,” Nightbane snorted “Now we have to go back to the gemstones.”
“No we don’t!” Future pushed at the tunnel wall “The dirt here is thin. I think we can dig through.”
“But what if that makes the tunnel collapse on us?” Morningmist asked.
“Don’t you want to find Sepulchral and stop this thing from hurting anyone else?” Future snapped back.
“It’s not going to collapse,” Nike said “I can feel that the rest of the tunnel is solid. There’s just some lose dirt we need to dig up and it leads to a larger chamber. We’re not letting this thing hurt anyone else.”
Neith turned another corner and she stopped in her tracks. Sonder who was right behind her crashed into her tail.
“Hey what’s the big de-” Sonder saw what made Neith stop. Blocking their way was another dragon. Glowing gemstones above him lit up his face “Sepulchral!” Sonder spread her wings to fly over Neith but Neith shoved Sonder back.
“Wait. That’s not Sepulchral.”
“It used to be,” Muerto looked over the heads of the dragons in front of him “Before Match killed him.”
“But now that particular body of his is just a mindless husk,” Sonder said “How do we get rid of it?” She turned to Muerto.
“How am I supposed to know?” he snapped.
“Because you’re a necromancer, and the one who buried him in the first place.”
“Yeah ok that’s true and all but this Astral’s magic is unfamiliar to me. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It’s nothing like my magic or yours or like anyone else’s here.”
“I’ve had enough talking,” Neith said “We don’t need to know about magic junk to get rid of this thing. We just need our claws,” She leaped and tackled the mummy. The force of her hitting the ground caused the tunnel to start to collapse.
Every dragon ducked for cover and the group ended up split into three different chambers. Sonder and Niossa were in the tunnel the group were in previously, Neith was in a dead end with the mummy and Muerto and Flare were in a new tunnel that had opened up.
“Muerto are you ok?” Niossa asked from behind the collapsed wall.
“Yeah I’m ok and I’m with Flare! How about you?”
“Sonder and I are good! And it sounds like Neith is still fighting the mummy.”
“Muerto you and Flare are going to have to go on ahead. Find Sep for us, ok?” Sonder said, her voice almost a whisper.
“Yeah. Yeah of course Sonder. We’ll find him, and if I see that Astral,” black flames appeared on Muerto’s back “I’ll burn it.”
Muerto and Flare felt like they were wandering for hours. It didn’t help that they were in silence the entire time. Although the two knew each other well, they couldn’t think of a single thing to say.
“Oh no,” Flare said and Muerto stopped.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“N-nothing! Everything’s fine!” Flare’s scales began to glow in the dark.
“Uh. You’re glowing, are you sure that’s fine?”
“I knew this was a bad idea with me coming down here… Now everyone is going to be in danger!”
“Flare what are you talking about? What’s going on?”
“Remember the night we left our old territory? Remember the fire?”
Muerto gulped. How could he forget that horrible night?
“What about it?”
“That was me. The fire. I started it,” A spark of flame come off of Flare and Muerto backed away.
“But you’re a Water dragon this shouldn't… Can you at least control it?”
Flare shook her head “I’m sorry… I thought… I thought this was over. I thought this wouldn’t happen again, now I’m going to catch these tunnels on fire and burn everyone alive!”
“Don’t say that maybe… you just need to take some deep breaths and the fire will go out? Like what you taught me?”
“Or maybe Anostra can help,” Muerto and Flare both turned to see a figure standing down the tunnel.
“Sepulchral?” The figure looked like Muerto’s skydancer friend, but after seeing his mummy double he couldn’t be too sure.
“Yeah it’s me, I’m alright. Anostra just wanted to talk.”
“Who’s that?” Muerto asked.
I’m the one you’re looking for~ The one Clan Analemma wants to lock away~
Muerto’s eyes widened.
“Voice in your head?” Sepulchral asked “Yeah that’s how she talks.”
“I don’t like this thing. Sepulchral where is it? We need to just capture it and send it away before it does anything else!”
“But she hasn’t hurt anyone! And… She promised me something important! I think we should listen to her.”
“She resurrected your dead body! And made it attack you, Nike, and now it’s attacked Neith!”
Child~ That was simply self defense~ I do not wish to Return to Anelemma~
“I don’t trust you!” Muerto barked to the air “Show yourself and get out of my head!”
Child~ You ran away from your own home didn’t you?~ You were a King by title, but a prisoner in reality~ Forced to abandon everything that made you a child~ Forced to watch over the dead~ Forced to fight amongst your own kind~ And even after everything you gave up for the Crown you failed to receive the respect you were hoping for~ You failed to receive your mother’s love~
Muerto growled “You know too much about me. I don’t like this.”
“Yeah I know it’s freaky how much she knew about me,” Sepulchral said “I think that’s just part of being an Astral. But she promised me a cure… to my curse. She said I won’t have to go blind!”
It’s true~ And I can cure you of your black blood and Flare of her fire~ Just trust me little child~ And you’ll never have another worry in the world~
“That sounds like too good of a deal. What to you expect in return?”
Just to be free~ Don’t let them lock me up again~ You remember how it felt to be in a cage~ You wouldn’t wish that upon anyone, now would you?~
“If it’s true that you can cure my flames then… do it! Please and hurry I don’t know how much longer I can hold them off! Cure my flames and prove you’re telling us the truth!” Flare gasped, now smoking as her scales turned into embers.
Very well~
A bright red ruby appeared on the side of the tunnel.
Touch it Exile~ Touch it and your body will never burst into flames again~
Flare reached out and touched the ruby. It began to glow as her body dimmed. She screamed and all of her flames were extinguished in an instant. Now her flames danced from inside of the gem. She gasped for breath on the ground, but otherwise appeared unhurt.
“You… You really did it. My fire is gone.”
And I can do the same for your black blood Muerto, and your curse that plagues your vision Sepulchral~ But only if you agree to keep Clan Anelemma away from me~
“I want to see you before I make my decision,” Muerto said.
A dragon appeared in the middle of the cavern. She looked like a brown snapper.
Muerto looked from Flare to Sepulchral “Ok… I’m on board with this deal of yours.”
Excellent dear child~
The wall behind the Astral fell over and out piled Nike, Morningmist, Nightbane and Future.
“Sepulchral!” Morningmist shouted “We found him!”
“And that,” Nightbane snarled at the snapper “Must be the Astral!”
Indeed I am~ Congrats you found me~
“Good,” Nike said “Future, release the signal. We need Hecate now.”
“Wait!” Both Muerto and Sepulchral shouted.
“We’ve… made a deal with her,” Sepulchral said.
“You did what?”
“Nike, just listen to me… We need her,” Sepulchral said “She promised us… She promised me that she’d fix my vision! And she’d fix Muerto’s blood! She already lifted Flare’s curse! Anostra is willing to do all of this for us for the exchange of freedom.”
“I don’t know Sep… Sounds a little fishy to me. I don’t think we should trust this thing.”
“But you trust me, don’t you?”
“Yes Sep. You’re my friend and a good kid but… Are you sure?”
“I’ll swear on my life that this is a good idea.”
Nike flinched “Don’t do that. Not when we just got you back from death.”
“Ok sorry poor choice of words, but the feeling is still there. Nike please, Anostra has promised to help us as long as we let her hide here. Can you give her a chance?”
“I still don’t know… If we don’t return her we may chance at becoming enemies with this clan. We don’t need anymore enemies.”
“Let me write a letter to them then. I’ll explain everything.”
“... Fine. But you better be right about this. I’m putting a lot of my trust into you Sep.”
“Thank you Nike. Everything will turn out right. I promise.”
Every dragon made it out of the tunnels safely. Bonita eventually woke up, and Neith was uninjured from attacking the mummy. Anostra called the undead creature back deep within her tunnels.
Sepulchral sat down with a paper and quill and tapped his chin as to what he should write.
To Clan Anelemma,
We are happy to inform that we have found one of your Astrals, however we will not be returning her. We made an agreement with her. We will allow her freedom in exchange for her power. We have decided to inform you, so you would be warned if you try to take her by force. If your clan tries to take this Astral from us, we will be forced to attack.
We do not wish for another war, but we need this Astral’s power. Unless your clan can provide an alternative solution, the Astral known as Anostra will be under the protection of Clan Ton Theon and her power belongs to us.
Clan Ton Theon
It felt wrong to write such passive aggressive words. Normally Sepulchral would want peace at all costs. He wasn’t a violent dragon, but if Anostra was telling the truth and she really could cure him of the Curse that was destined to blind him, then he was willing to protect her.
He couldn’t risk such an opportunity slipping away from him.
(So I guess this is a ransom then?)
(Also some notes for anyone who’s familiar with my lore: This takes place after the Wish and Blue and Shade King arcs. Also Inkdrop, Hiraeth and Munin are currently away which is why they were not in this)
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archmage--khadgar · 6 years
Prompt: Khadgar's reaction to the burning of Teldrassil. Does he try to save as many lives as he could? Or does he just sit back and watch the tree and its inhabitants burn and if he does, would he have a heart and feel remorse for the many innocent lives that were lost or is he a heartless bastard and pretty much say "They had it coming."?
(As I said in the other post. YOU ASKED FOR THIS ANON. YOU WENT THERE.)By the time Khadgar had learned of Darnassus, it was already too late.White ash softly drifted onto his black feathers as he watched the city burn from the treeline hugging Darkshore. His heart ached as the loss of so much life at the hands of a conflict very few on Azeroth wanted. Being viewed as a potential enemy to the Horde in Silithis simply because he was human, and his counsel not being required by the Alliance once the Horde had started to move due to his involvement with them just weeks prior told Khadgar everything he needed to know.The leaders of Azeroth did not see worth in him, in banding together for the better of Azeroth, and any sentient being that did not take up arms with one side or the other on the battlefield would be crushed and destroyed by the faction war machine. His heart ached for the friendships forged during the fight against the Legion that was now sending former heroes of Azeroth to the stockades, interrogations, into hiding, or broken by betrayal. Azeroth was bleeding, dying.  Both the Alliance and Horde knew that draining the blood of Azeroth would destroy the world faster then they could destroy each other. He was not surprised that Goblins would jump on the chance for mone, and he did not blame Sylvanas for being antsy, especially after what Greymane did in Stormhiem. But oh, oh. When the races of Azeroth leached the blood of their own world to kill each other, what world would be left for them to conquer? Would the faction left standing, prepped with the weapons forged from life and blood, with the knowledge of the stars, become the next Legion? Moving from world to world, draining them of their souls and blood? He had seen the lust in the eyes of the Alliance and Horde when transported to the alternate Draenor. They both wanted it for their own faction, he had heard their comments. Even with Pandaria, the warnings of the Pandaren about the Sha did not stop the fighting. It did not stop the death of hundreds and the destruction of an ancient vale. As hot as the ember winds were while they kissed his feathers and beak, he knew the heat paled in comparison to what those doomed to burn in Darnassus would have felt before turning into ash. He knew that some of the ash covering the trees and sand and shore would have cremated remains mixed in.  He knew that eventually, new life would spring from these ashes so long as the world was able to live long enough to heal.He could hear fighting in the distance, but he felt no need to investigate, to watch. There was nothing he could do. If either side saw him as an enemy to be conquered, they would march upon Karazhan and that was a place that did not, and could not, belong in the hands of those who would seek mass destruction with the knowledge tucked away. Khadgar was grateful that neither side had thought to take their weapons and turn them on Karazhan. Light save them from whoever dare try first. He was sure that any wards placed by him or Medivh would not stand up against the very essence of Azeroth herself. He cawed mournfully, reminding himself of his duties. If the children of Azeroth would not take care of their own world, then he, Magni, and the Cenarion Circle would have to work extra hard to heal her. The sad fact of it was, the loss of Darnassus affected individuals, but not the world herself. The loss of Undercity did not harm the planet’s soul any further. Neither event helped to heal, and it would only get worse from here, but both could be rebuilt. Life could be restored. Regardless, had he had been here, he could have least aided, if secretly, in the evacuation of the city. He wondered why Jaina hadn’t been here, it was curious timing for her to have been elsewhere.  Khadgar glanced up at the warm clouds blocking any indication of the time of day. A peculiar coincidence, no doubt. Fate perhaps? Was this destiny at play? What was it that Murozond had said? That he had seen the true end of Azeroth, and his dark future was a blessing no one else could comprehend?The light lies, the void lies, but could time lie? Was the feeling of choice in being able to change the future an illusion? Were each possible futures actually completely separate timelines; each line determined long in advance? Only changeable by those who had the power to see it? He surmised that the knowledge of how Azeroth is to fall must be what eventually drives Nozdormu mad.  He turned his head to the south, to where Sargeras plunged his sword into the heart of Azeroth.  That monster started his Crusade with admittedly, the intent to save worlds from Old Gods.  As…brutal as his methods were and the harm it caused, it was all sparked by a desperate need to keep worlds away from the dark ones.Had Sargeras seen Azeroth fall to corruption?Was Azeroth already….?He turned his head back to the sounds of fighting, heart sinking.Both factions would easily give up the life of the world if it meant killing the other side. Sargeras did not split a bond between the people of Azeroth, he gave them the means to destroy each other, and kill Azeroth before she could be infected by the Old Gods.Sargeras had won.The temptation was there, ohhh, was the temptation there. To fly to the sword, take in the power pooling around the fissure, power that had not been seen on the surface of Azeroth in 10,000 years. He could end it all, the faction wars, he could put a stop to the fighting right here and now and - no. No no no no.As noble as that action may sound, he would not become the next Azshara. The next Murozond, the next Sargeras. He would continue to work on healing the world, on convincing as many champions from the war against the Legion as he could to use their abilities to stop the essence of Azeroth from being consumed.It would take a lot of work to convince the many neutral races and groups on Azeroth to fully commit to one side. Not even all Goblins were Horde, not all Pandaren had chosen one side or the either.And he, would never, EVER, call himself a hero of the Alliance ever again. A part of him wished Stormwind would take that foolish statue of himself down. Khadgar shook his head to get his thoughts back on track. The fighting was closer now. With a quick ruffle and shake, he flew off in the direction of Silithis to converse with Magni. The likelihood of him being recognized in these woods was….slim. But the likelihood of him being attacked for looking like some sort of Druid spy was higher. At least until he shifted back. But still, Horde would see his presence as a threat, Alliance would see it as a betrayal for not saving Darnassus. The warmth from the flames lingered on his wings for quite a while before he entered the warmth of the sun and air that was still fresh and unaffected by the blaze. The sword of Sargeras already in his eyesight although it was still hundreds of miles away. His feathers almost looked as though they had begun to grey from age due to the stubborn ash that clung to his black feathers despite him being airborne. What was the future that Time had seen? What destiny was written in the stars? Why had Elune turned away that day, what whispers were waiting in the tides? There was something amiss as Azeroth bled, something was fanning the flames. Was the Scourge on the move? Was the Black Empire returning?  Had the Titans decided that despite everything, the people of Azeroth had to learn the price of defeating their constructs in Ulduar to preserve this world as it was? Who else was benefitting from the leaking Azurite? Could it restore enemies long defeated? Too late, too late, Khadgar cawed in fear. Too late, his heart cried. He knew that the answers he sought would come too late. For neither faction loved the world they were fighting over.
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that-buckley-gal · 5 years
Welcome to Asgard [Stronger #1]
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Stefan and I ended up in a strange place. Not long after we landed, a herd of medieval-looking guards apprehended us. When they first tried to separate us, I went crazy. My adrenaline rushed and I was hyper aware of what was happening.
This ability, so to speak, was one that I had before my powers started coming in before my twentieth birthday and something that I was still trying to master. It was used to incapacitate the guards and take Stefan back.
 I was slightly disoriented when time seemed to resume it’s normal pace but only for a brief moment. I used one of the ropes from one of the other horses to keep Stefan secured to me at all times. I grab my shield and tied that to my back as well before climbing onto a random horse and taking off.
 I’ve never actually ridden a horse before, so I was pleasantly surprised that I managed to pick up on it so easily. The horse continued to trot along, to where I knew not. I didn’t even know where we were and therefore wasn’t in tune to our surroundings.
 Which is exactly why we were caught.
 More guards surrounded us and I said as long as nobody touched me, or tried to take Stefan from me, I would come willingly. One man took the horse’s reins and led us through the forest for a few minutes.
 When we emerged from the forest, I was dumbstruck upon seeing an oddly shaped structure set in the middle of a glorious city. The shock only grew as I took in the beautiful sky.
 Bucky would probably love this, being the science-geek he was.
 Okay, so that big yellow circle is the sun, I believe. Then, that’s the moon on the other side? Wherever we were, I was now certain that we weren’t on Earth anymore.
 Only when I look at my baby, did I take in his silence. I could see he was sound asleep and let out a relieved breathe. As long as he was safe, I would be fine.
 The guards continued on their trek, leading us to the odd palace.
 It was there, on trial, I realized we were doomed.
 The King of Asgard, which is I assume where we were, Odin, was informed of my sudden appearance and brought me here because he assumed I was a threat.
 What kind of threat? He thought I was there to kill his first-born son Thor Odinson, and if not him, then Odin himself.
 I didn’t watch my tone as I alerted to everyone in the courtroom – even though there was only a handful of people – that I had no intentions of murdering anyone. Without being asked, I told the story of how I was sent here in the first place and that if I could be sent back to Earth soon then I’d be thankful.
 The Allfather thought nothing of my story, and thought it a ruse. He sentenced me to life in prison and said that Stefan would be returned to Midgard, Earth, because he was innocent to my crimes.
 Objections from three people in the room – who I later learned to be Odin’s wife Frigga and their sons Thor and Loki – spared me from my fate by declaring I was innocent until proven guilty. After a short while, a man named Heimdall appeared in court and proved my story to be true.
 Odin didn’t seem too pleased by this, but nonetheless released me before calling the court to close. Everyone, with the exception of Frigga, left me where I was. She welcomed me to Asgard and smiled at my baby before escorting me to the room I would be staying in for an indefinite amount of time.
 Not too long after that, I properly met Thor and Loki – my other saviors – and we soon became friends, though I found myself getting closer to Loki. He was to me as Howard was; only he was a little more involved as he took a great liking to Stefan whereas Thor thought Stefan was still too young to be of interest for a great period of time.
 The things that shocked me the most about being in Asgard were the Golden Apples of Idunn; Thor and Loki told me that they were what allowed them to live as long as they do. I was allowed to eat them but the sons of Odin were eager to watch Stefan grow and therefore he wasn’t allowed to eat them until he was about 15, though he opted to refrain from eating them until he was 20 years old in Midgard years.
 Stefan, as he grew, began to show a temperament similar to both Bucky’s and mine combined. This, along with the fact that he was growing up in the palace, meant he was taught to be a warrior. He became an official guard of Asgard after spending an additional 10 Midgard years training with Thor, Loki, and the Warriors Three.
 Loki also spent more time with us after he found out that my abilities, and Stefan’s after turning 20, came from Oerlin – though it was Thor who gave us an interesting history lesson on the planet and how a Titan destroyed it not long ago. The new information caused additional powers to manifest in both Stefan and me as we realized we were part, no matter how small, of an endangered species.
 Our friends all wanted to know the extent of our powers but since Stefan and I were still trying to learn them we couldn’t give them a straight answer yet. They all helped turn us into strong warriors for Asgard. Our lives seemed perfect.
 But of course, nothing lasts forever.
 The time came for one of the sons of Odin to ascend to the throne of Asgard, and as Loki figured, Thor was chosen. I should’ve known then that he was up to something by the way he slowly started pushing Stefan and I away. Figuring he was going through something similar to a midlife crisis, I let him have his space while advising Stefan to do the same.
 On the day of the ceremony, Stefan and I attended the party dressed to the nines. Ladies presented themselves to my son whilst Loki and I supervised. When the time for the actual ceremony came, Loki excused himself and I chased away the girls surrounding my son and we went to stand by Frigga.
 Just before the Allfather could declare Thor as King, he stopped. Sensing danger, Stefan told me to stay with Frigga before leaving with Loki to see where Odin set off to so quickly.
 Later in the day, Stefan came to my chambers and alerted me that Frost Giants managed to break in, hoping to retrieve the Casket of the Ancient Winters. Thor, upset with the Allfather’s wishes to remain neutral, convinced Loki, Sif, and the Warriors Three to accompany him to confront Laufey at the Jotunheim about what happened today. Stefan was going because he wanted to make sure everyone returned safely, and to ask me if I wanted to accompany them.
 “As if there’d be any other answer,” I responded before grabbing my vibranium shield and a sword gifted to me by the sons of Odin. Stefan and I then rushed to meet the others.
 The land of the Frost Giants was dark and very cold, and I kept scanning our surrounding area whilst Thor spoke to Laufey about the events that occurred earlier in the day. Their conversation ended with Laufey advising us to leave “while he still allowed it”.
 We would’ve left, had Laufey not insulted Thor. The God of Thunder started the fight by using his hammer to knock Laufey back and away. This caused the Frost Giants to attack, and our group, small but powerful, returned the fight. I mainly shielded myself and tried to make sure that the people in our group didn’t get hurt too badly.
 “Don’t let them touch you!”
 There was so much happening at once and Fandral was wounded.
 “Oh, my… Fandral!” I yell and run over to him. I jump over, slide under, and slice any giant in my way. Loki used his magic to discard of the remaining giant near Fandral before I finally arrived and used my healing power to, at the very least, stop him from bleeding out.
 “We don’t have a lot of time,” Sif yelled.
 “I’ll be quick!” I promised. I pressed my hand against Fandral’s chest, and imagined his skin closing, watching as his skin came together.
 I looked up in surprise to see a giant creature running towards us.
 “Take him,” I said to Hogun and Volstagg. “He’s not healed but he’s not gonna bleed out! Stefan, go!”
 The seven of us, without Thor, all started running away with the creature quickly closing the distance. Somehow we managed to make it to where we arrived, with Volstagg calling for Heimdall to open the Bifröst Bridge though nothing happened.
 A moment passed and suddenly the creature appeared in front of us. I turned around to see if there was anywhere else we could go only to see Frost Giants approaching us.
 My grip on my sword and shield got tighter when I saw Thor flying overhead, and I watched him go through the creature’s mouth and killing it.
 “Well that solves one problem,” I spoke out loud and the group turned around as well to see the approaching giants. We were about to be overpowered, and most likely killed, when Odin swooped in and saved us.
 After returning to Asgard Odin ordered everyone but his sons out of sight. Sif, Hogun and Volstagg left to take Fandral to a healer while Stefan advised me to return to my room stating that he was going to wait for his uncles.
 Supposedly, after a while, Loki told Stefan that Odin stripped Thor of his power and exiled him to Earth, to live as a mortal. He also sent Thor’s hammer Mjolnir to Earth, and only the worthy would be allowed to wield it.
 Shortly afterwards, Odin fell into a deep Odinsleep, and Frigga feared he wouldn’t wake up again. Loki then assumed the role of King of Asgard and asked Stefan and I to be his personal guards – something we accepted. As such, we were there to witness Loki kill Laufey, who was trying to kill Odin. I wasn’t completely sure how the Frost Giant got there in the first place but Stefan and I both supported Loki when he said that Jotunheim needed to be destroyed.
 The return of Thor with Mjolnir was a definite surprise. In order to stop the desolation of Jotunheim, Thor started destroying the Bifröst Bridge, which caused Loki to attack him. Stefan and I didn’t know what to do as we loved Thor and Loki equally and so we watched the brothers’ fight, hoping that nobody got seriously hurt. He stood on one side and I stood on the other. The fight ended once Thor rested his hammer on Loki, keeping him in place.
 Stefan kneeled by Loki, but didn’t dare try to remove Thor’s hammer, and began speaking to him whilst I remained where I stood, trying to convince Thor that destroying the Bifröst Bridge was going to do more harm than good, something he denied.
 “This is genocide,” he yelled and raised a hand, summoning his hammer. I watched as he hit the bridge several times.
 Loki scrambled to get up, and yelling various things at Thor to try to stop him from destroying the bridge but I realized that Thor was right to do so and so I used my magic to keep Loki and Stefan where they were while Thor continued to break the bridge.
 “What are you doing? Stop him!” Loki yelled.
 “It needs to be done,” I yelled back and saw that Thor was almost finished. With one more hit, the bridge shattered and half of the bridge – the half I was standing on – suddenly flew away from Asgard and into a wormhole.
When I was pulled away with the rubble, my hold on Loki and Stefan let up and both immediately jumped over the bridge. Thor jumped after them and caught Stefan’s foot and Stefan caught Loki’s. I was scared that we’d all get lost in space, until I saw Odin take hold of Thor, keeping them all anchored to the remainder of the bridge.
“I’m sorry!” I yelled, unsure if they could hear me. “Please, take care of my son!”
The last thing I saw before my vision started fading was Loki drifting in my direction, and I closed my eyes praying that I would get lucky a second time and see my friends again.
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