#i told my parents i loved them and hugged my youngest sibling
Whoever thought of and created the short If Anything Happens I Love You should never make anything again
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lovifie · 1 month
Simon was in complete awe of your captivating persona from the very beginning. He always imagined you as a serene, well-read, and graceful princess. Your persona was so angelic that he believed you descended from the heavens. He assumed you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, surrounded by opulence and luxury. But all of his preconceptions changed when he met your parents at a family dinner. To his surprise, your dad was a retired veteran colonel, and your mom was a retired military pilot. They were acting cruelly…hell even the children at the dinner…The realization hit him like a bolt of lightning, that you and your siblings were raised to be soldiers, and your training began from childhood….
This is the second time I write it because the only time I chose to write directly on Tumblr.com it bugged and deleted it (I wanna rip my eyes off) Hope that you like it 🩷
It was a dinner arranged by your parents, the whole team was invited. You thought about not saying anything, keep to yourself and tell your parents the team said no. But they would read right through you, and the moment you mentioned the team was sold.
Now, Simon used to think that you came for an extremely wealthy family. That you joined the military in an act of rebellion, that you could have easily chosen an easier job because you wouldn't have to worry about money in your life. You always move so gracefully while fighting, always so serene when talking, he had yet to see you cry or get mad. Almost like a porcelain door.
What he didn't know was that it was simply a mask that had been forced upon you by your parents. And it was during the dinner that he started to see the little cracks.
He finally saw you be tense, every thread of your person pulled to their limit ready to snap. He understood why you always seemed so relaxed under Price's orders. In comparison to your parents, the man was a loving mother. At some point they even expressed their doubts even of the captain's abilities. He didn't even want to think about how much self doubt they have helped you form.
It slowly started to make sense, how he would never see you in the mess hall. Always working, always training, always practicing, always studying, always getting better.
He looked at your siblings, younger, worse at hiding their emotions. He could see their tiredness, their fear of your parents. You have seated yourself between your father and your siblings. Trusting more to seat them next to Ghost than your own parents.
Your youngest sibling was sitting next to him, and when he noticed them looking up to them he looked back. The kid didn't even look away, and Ghost winked at them making the slightest smile appear on his tiny face.
“We are eating.” Your mother chastised, your sibling face terrified as he went back to eating. It didn't escape him the way you jump, not the slight disgusted expression it put onto your father when you did.
He standed up, motioning you to follow him outside. You panic for a second, forgetting that you no longer lived in your parents house and didn't need to be afraid. You slipped through your father's hand, walking behind the lieutenant when he went outside to have a smoke. You sat on the floor, sighing and with tears pricking your eyes from the frustration.
Ghost asked you about it, and you finally let go of it all. You told him about how your parents believe that dying at war is the most noble way out, how the only job valid for them was in the military, how you have never seen them cry, how you were sure that they would never cry if you died, everything.
By the end of it, you were hugging his leg, your head resting on his thigh as he rubbed your head with his hand consoling you.
“Wait here.” He threw the cigarette to the floor, stepping on it and went back inside.
A moment later the four men were out again.
“C’mon, kid.” Price said with a smile on his face. “There's an emergency, let's go.”
Just when you were standing up, drying your tears the door opened.
Your siblings walked out, giggling each with a backpack. “We heard the world needs saving, shall we go?”
And then, with your team and your siblings, you went into the most rundown, almost destroyed pub. Ate the most greasy food that you were certain would give everyone food poisoning and went on to have the best family dinner of your whole life.
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wjhik · 2 months
More dad!Jude please‼️‼️
Y/N’s POV:
Jude and I, along with our three energetic kids, Arlo, Lily, and Mia, were getting ready for a delightful day out. “Alright, everyone, let's get our shoes on! We’re going to have the best lunch ever,” I announced, fixing my breezy sundress in the mirror. Jude was wrangling little Mia into her shoes while Arlo and Lily giggled, racing around the house. “Don’t run in the house! You’ll break something!” I yell out to my 4 and 5 year old to get their attention. “I want ice cream!” Arlo exclaimed to his father, his excitement apparent as he tugged at Jude’s hand.
“Of course, buddy, but let’s have some real food first, yeah?” Jude chuckled, tousling Arlo's hair affectionately. I smiled at the sight, my heart swelling with warmth as I watched my husband effortlessly connect with our children. I couldn’t ask for a better man to be the father of my children. 
As Jude and I were following behind our children who were leaving the house, he pulled me in by my waist. I was shocked by the sudden action and gasped, “Jude!” He looks into my eyes and then down to my lips. “You look delicious, my love.” He leaned down to peck my lips. I protested into the kiss. “Baby. Not now.” I said sternly, but secretly blushing at my husband's actions. He let go of me and let me walk out of the house, him following close behind. He curved his neck to see if our kids were watching and gave me a quick spank. “Jude!” 
After a satisfying lunch filled with laughter, spilled drinks, and mess, we made our way to the park. Arlo took charge, leading his sisters on a wild adventure through the playground while Jude and I watched closely, trailing behind them. We share knowing glances. “Do you ever remember us being that full of energy?” Jude whispered, his hand finding Y/N’s as they strolled along the path.
I grinned, squeezing his hand gently. “I wouldn’t trade this chaos for anything in the whole wide world” I replied, stealing a quick kiss. The kids, oblivious to their parents’ tender moment, continued their antics, racing around in a game of tag that seemed to have no end.
“Lily, mind your sister please.” Jude chimes in. Just as he said that, the youngest got pushed over in the midst of the chaos caused by the older two. Jude and I jump up to check on Mia. She’s crying loudly, however she is fine. Jude picks her up and bounces her up and down in an attempt to cheer her up. 
“Now, what did I tell you guys?” I asked the kids. “Be careful.” They said simultaneously. “Yes, and did you do that?” I followed up. “No, mama.” They said once again. I crouched down to speak to them at their level. “Right. Now, I want you to go to your sister and apologize and give her the biggest hug.” I told them. They sprung up and jumped up at their dad in an attempt to reach their sister. Jude squatted on the floor and put the baby at eye level. They smothered her with hugs and kisses and she started laughing her little bum off. Mia wriggles in Jude's arms, trying to get out, so he lets her down. She waddles back out to the small grass hill where she and her siblings were playing and the fun began once again.
As the sun began to set, Jude and I scooped up our children and moved to where the spring fireworks would be taking place. We found the perfect spot to settle down and laid our fuzzy picnic blanket out. Jude and I lay down with Mia in his arms. Arlo and Lily snuggled up between us, their eyelids gradually growing heavy with the promise of dreams. Mia, nestled in my arms, gazed wide-eyed at the colorful bursts in the sky as Arlo pointed out the shapes and sizes of them. 
As the final firework fizzled out, the kids now fast asleep, Jude leaned in close to me, his voice low and suggestive. “You know, watching fireworks isn’t the only thing that lights up the night.” I laughed softly, feeling a familiar spark ignite between us. “I think we can manage to find some more sparks later,” He teased, his eyes dancing with mischief as we gathered our sleeping children, Lily and Arlo in their father’s arms and me pushing Mia’s stroller and headed home, the memory of our playful day lingering like a sweet summer breeze.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 5 months
Pretty like the sun
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Next chapter
a/n not what I originally wanted to put out but today this hit my head so a little something to smooth us in. AND This is pretty like the wind series spin offs. This can be read as standalone all you need to know is that Azriel has two adoptive kids with OC - Zofie and Axel. Future stories related to them might include stories specifically decided to Azriel hence why I am taging it as Azriel story too. Don't come at me please. ✨🤍
summary: an arrival of a new sibling get a bit too overwhelming for Azriel's youngest daughter.
warning: past trauma related to wing clipping.
Zofie's pov:
She was ecstatic. Mother knew she had told every soul that was willing to listen to her about how she was going to become a sister. An older sister. How happy she was to no longer be the youngest. To be able to pull the same proud older sibling card, the same one that Axel used when Zofie had achieved even the smallest of things. It was easy to love like that because all she had known ever since she had met you and ever since she had seen Azriel was love. She knew because that feeling was always fuzzy. Always somewhat pink with tints of purple. It grew different in the saturation of colors, but it was always so delicate.
She doted over the idea of another element unifying you all as a family. Yes, she was content when it was just you four. Always had been. Even back in the sanctuary. There was something that told her that this was the endgame. That you all were always meant to find one another. Then Granny took them in for almost a month. Zofie still remembered how confused she had been when you and Azriel hadn't shown up the next morning. "Your parents are mates; they accepted the bond and need a bit of time... till it... well... settles," Cordelia had told them over breakfast.
And Zofie had loved seeing the new shades of gold that now constantly swirled around her two parents. Even when she drowned it out, the sheen stayed. And oh, how she had adored her lavender dress at the mating ceremony. How she had loved the fact that even though this was supposed to be a day about you two, Azriel had pulled Axel and her aside and made a separate vow, as a dad, just for them. Azriel was her yellow. Had always been. She had found it strange. Alarming even at first. Because no one, not even you, possessed a color like that. But then she realized that it wasn't a sign of warning. It was a sign that, just like a flower, she had to lean towards the sun. Toward the light. Towards her yellow.
She also remembered the day you two had sat them down. To tell them about the babe. "Well", you had breathed out, sparkling eyes gazing up at Azriel, who had been smiling like a fool. Never had Zofie seen him smiling like that. "Are we finally getting that black cat?", she had asked like a real kid, eager to drag the stray home. You had chuckled, "Not yet, but I'm working on it", since truly it had been Azriel who hadn't been on board with the idea. She watched Azriel moving closer to you, clasping your shoulders lovingly. She remembered how she had gazed at Axel, meeting his confused gaze.
The her dad let out a content sigh, "You two are getting another sibling", such simple sentence and yet the room exploded in a rainbow of colors for Zofie as she let out a squeal, grabbing onto Axel's hand. "Another kid from the camps?", Axel had frowned however. Most of them had been taken down. Only tightly monitored ones were allowed to stay put. And only with weekly reports sent to Rhys and then approved by the three Illyrians and the high lady. "No", Azriel had said softly as your hands had shifted to tighten the material of your dress that now shaped a slight bump. Zofie was convinced that Axel and her looked like two dead fishes up on the shore. Mouths gapping. Eyes big. "Surprise", you whispered as a smile broke out on your face. "Fuck yeah", Axel chuckled forward, embracing you in a tight hug. "Language, boy", Azriel reminded Axel as they clasped hands both smiling so much their cheeks had to aching.
"Mom", Zofie had muttered out, eyes full of tears. "You will be a big sister", Azriel had cupped her cheek lovingly. "That's so amazing", and she was genuinely happy. So happy. "We will knit things and oh, papa, we need to carve that crib and...", she knew she was ranting but the emotions. So many emotions... Azriel had wrapped her up in his arms. Drowning out the sounds immediately, "We'll do it all. You and me. Will make it special, my little star".
But what frightened Zofie now that she had returned after fetching some stew that Cordelia had made for your post labor recovery was that something had shifted. She didn't see it at first. Too focused on not spilling the food in the bowl. Too eager to watch you eat something. To see the colors that surround you growing brighter. Because the labor had taken so much out of you. Too much even. But now... Now she was dang happy she wasn't holding anything in her arms as she brought her gaze up because it would have clattered to the floor. Zofie had barely sucked in a breath. Her whole body was seized. Her dad sat in a rocking chair, one they had both carved. The baby was cradled against his bare chest as Azriel rocked back and forth slowly, humming beneath his breath.
"Papa", her voice was barely a whisper, but it had always been enough. Azriel had always heard her. It was always enough for him to stop doing whatever he was doing, just... His eyes didn't shift upward to meet Zofie. He did hum beneath his breath in acknowledgment, but...
Zofie tightened her fist. That would have been fine. She could understand it. The baby had been born a house ago, but it was the color that had shifted... "Papa," Zofie called out once more, feeling that same overwhelming sensation building up in her chest. "Isn't she pretty, huh?", was what Azriel had said in return as he shifted the newborn in his arm, pulling the baby that fit in his palm away from his chest so he could admire her. A wave of love crashed into Zofie's shields. Such an insufferable amount of love. Love had nothing to do with her. Zofie let out a shaky breath. As the bits of yellow dusted away from Azriel's aura.
"I want to hold her too," Axel's voice sounded from behind her, making Zofie twist back to look at her brother, who had stepped into the room. She was supposed to feel as full of love as everyone else, but watching Azirel carefully lower Novie into Axel's arms made Zofie's guts twist. Novie. Why pick a name that sounded like a better version of her own name. "Support the head," Azriel said gently, teaching his son on how to properly hold the youngest addition of the family, "That's amazing, and be careful with the wings." Another wave of emotions plunged into Zofie. Wings. Mother, that girl was perfect. Perfect in ways Zofie would never be. She never particularly cared that she didn't have wings. She didn't remember what it felt like to have them. Thwy had been ripped out by her father the moment she was born. But no one wished any harm to Novie. No, she would have a loving family from her first breath. He first cry. A perfect girl for a perfect family. And she was Azriel's blood. She had bits of Azriels. Features that would no doubt always make him smile. Because he would stop and see you, see himself in her. Zofie could sense slithers of green twisting around her own aura. She was jealous. Jealous of a newborn that was an unflawed version of her. Same dark hair. Same perfect skin. Just she wasn't cracked or marked.
A warm hand reached out for her, and Zofie instantly pulled back. "Zo, babe, is everything okay?", your gentle eyes looked up at her. Zofie forced on a smile, reaching back to you because she knew if she pulled back fully, it would alarm you, and she couldn't. Couldn't bring herself to hurt you. "Granny wanted some help downstairs; I will come up shortly.", the lie came so easily that it was alarming. Your warm palm cupped her cheek. "Thank you for being here with me today," you muttered softly. Zofie bit the inside of her cheek. Fighting the tears as she nodded. She didn't even spare a glance at her father and brother as she walked out. She had stopped to linger by the door. Was hoping for someone to ask her to stay. To do anything, but all she was greeted with was gentle laughter that only clawed at her heart more.
Hurrying down the stairs, she nearly tripled over her own feet. Barely catching herself on the railing. "Careful, love," Cordelia called out, her hands holding the basket filled with bloody sheets. Zofie simply nodded. Her hand reached for the doorknob instantly. Yet her hand stilled for a heartbeat as she looked over the door frame. Looking for Azriel's shadows. Ones that always followed her around. Ones that were always just for her. But she found none. "Zofie," her grandma called after not getting a response to her warning. Zofie knew the decision had to be made right here and now. A heartbeat of thinking too long, and she would... Without allowing another thought to simmer, Zofie yanked the door open. The cold winter breeze hit her face. And then she ran. Her feet slipped through the snowed-on rocks. As she ran and ran and ran, as the ringing in her ears drummed.
Nyx's pow
He could have stayed back in the camp as his father came to fetch Axel when YN had gone into labor, but Nyx always wanted to come back home. There was always a pull. An ache that only eased enough when he was in Velaris. That disappeared when everyone was in the room. Sitting in one of the fancy armchairs, the princeling continued to scribble as his parents talked in the background. He used to be a noisy boy, trying to listen in but as of lately none of their conversations interested him.
Just like his mother, Nyx reached for the brushes as soon as he could hold one properly. After that, his sketchbook was always close by. Simply because at times the visions and ideas would get so overwhelming that he had to put them down on paper. And he was just casually doodling flowers and swirls when an urge to draw a river bank hit him. Nyx was almost sure that he could hear the water roaring. The snow crunching beneath the feet. It was messy the way his pen arched out trees and snow. But it was almost as if he couldn't scratch an itch. One that was followed by an urge to fly. It happened at times more often than not as of lately. But he never gave it much thought. Illyrians were born with the sound of wind blowing within their hearts. So the need to be up in a sky wasn't anything strange.
So Nyx was up and walking towards the stained glass door, the pen and sketchbook forgotten. His wings were already ready for takeoff. "Nyx, where are you going?", Feyre's soft voice had made him halt. "Just for a fly," he said bluntly. "It's snowing," Rhys chirped in. "That had never stopped you, dad." Nyx rolled his eyes, stepping closer to his mother. "I will be back in no time; don't worry, ma." Nyx pressed a kiss on his mother's temple before turning back.
Usually, he never had a specific place he flew to on his night cruise, but tonight, the south bank of the river was exactly where he knew he had to be. The wind was painfully sharp tonight. That icy, rain-like wind. That felt like thousands of needless digging against one's skin.
Nyx would have flown over with no care if he hadn't seen the same oak trees that he had been scratching just before he leaped out of the balcony. His breath hitched. His heart was drumming in his ear. Because a part of him... He dove down, running the last couple of meters as his feet hit the ground with an impact. "Zo," he breathed under his breath. Chest heavy, "Zofie," he said much louder. The girl turned back, holding herself up against the tree. His skin was pale blue, and her wild swept black hair frozen over at the tips. "Hey, hey," Nyx breathed out, hands up, as he approached the younger female as if trying not to spook her even more. "Nyx," Zofie's voice was raspy and frail. Too raspy. Too frail. Something primal rippled deep within the princeling's chest.
"Hey," he called out softly, his hands reaching out for her. "Fuck, look at me," Nyx softly moved to cup her face, her ink-black pupils stared right at him. Not Zofie. An ancient spirit stared up at him instead. "You're freezing..." Nyz moved his warm palms over Zofie's icy arms, trying to soothe the skin. "Zo, what..." he muttered, looking around. Trying to find anything. A threat. Danger. Attack. Wildlife. He wasn't sure, "Why are you here?" but his question was met with Zofie's icy fingers gripping his arms. "Nyx," she called out. "I'm here. I've got you. It's okay," he reassured her. "Come on," Nyx wrapped both his arms and wings around Zofie, shielding her from the cold. He let his warmth seep into her. She felt so good in his arms. His mother had always joked about how he had been enamored by Zofie from the moment they met. They laughed it off as a childish crush, but they didn't know that the feelings hadn't changed.
But then a harsh wave of reality hit Nyx, "Does Uncle know you're here?" He knew that Azriel wouldn't harm him. Not really, at least. But Zofie was his everything. Nyx had rather a hard time forming a relationship with his uncle because they had never reached common ground as far as Zofie was concerned. She sagged in his arms, and Nyx swiftly scooped her up. She was tiny compared to him. And weigh no more than a feather. "Zo, what the fuck?", he growled, feeling the worry growing with him. But she didn't answer him. Curling deeper into his embrace. Her palm rested against his chest, right over his heart. He didn't know what he was thinking, but as he pushed back from the ground, Nyx knew that they weren't going home.
Taglist: @justdreamstars
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
Part Two the Pretend Boyfriend!Gaz, because I can't just leave it off there. My next post will most likely be a countenance of Grumpy!Reader (looking forward to that).
It was the week of Thanksgiving, so you and Gaz headed in his car to your grandmother's place. You spent the entire time leading up to this week by getting comfortable with pretending Gaz was your boyfriend. You both got your stories straight, learning to be touchy with each other but not too touchy (which was how you two already were, not that either of you noticed), so no one would be able to tell that you two were just best friends.
Gaz pulled his car into the driveway of your grandmother's house, you two early. While you got out of the car and took the dessert you had made, Gaz wrapped his arm around your waist while you two walked to the front door. He knocked on the door and waited for your grandmother to open the door.
"Grandma, it's so good to see you!" You said when she opened the door, a bright smile on both of your faces. You gave Gaz the dessert before hugging your grandma and gesturing to Gaz beside you. "Grandma, this is Kyle, my boyfriend."
Gaz's smile was charming as always, so polite. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. {Last Name}. I'm honored you and your family invited me, I've been excited to you meet you all," he said while shaking her hand.
He wasn't joking, he had been excited to meet your family. From your stories you've told him and the rest of the 141, your family was close-knit, warm with each other. You had four siblings, you the youngest of five, and three of your siblings had children of their own. So it was a large family when adding in your aunts, uncles and cousins. And he was eager to meet all of them.
"Aw, you're such a sweet man, just my granddaughter/grandson said you were. Please, call me Grandma and come, come." Your grandmother ushered you both inside the house, the smell of delicious food wafting towards you both. She took the dessert from you, letting you get settled with your siblings while she and your parents cooked the food.
Gaz had tried to ask if they wanted help, but your parents shooed him away from the kitchen. So you both sat on the couch with your siblings. You pointed to each, saying their names.
"So, Kyle," your oldest brother started saying, his skeptical eyes taking in every detail of Gaz. "When did you and my sibling meet?"
That was an easy question, one that hadn't had needed to be changed and memorized since it was just when you two met. So Gaz told them it was two years ago, which was when you had been transferred to the 141. Your other siblings chimed in with other questions, questions geared towards your pretend relationship. Gaz didn't skip a beat, easily slipping into the role of your boyfriend.
By the time dinner was ready, your entire family was in the house, making it a bit crowded. You all sat at the large dining table, you and Gaz sitting beside each other. You were just eating when your father peered at Gaz. "So, Kyle, what are your intentions with my child?" he asked, watching Gaz's reaction closely.
"Dad," you hissed, frowning at his question. To which your father waved your annoyance off.
"I just want to know he's not stringing you along," your father said defensively. "You're an adult, yes, but you're still my child. I want to know you're being taken care of by a man who sees a future with you."
You were about to grumble, but Gaz gently took your hand in his, letting your entwined hands rest on the dining table.
"I understand, sir. I take no offense," he replied, rubbing the back of your hand soothingly with his thumb. "I see a future with them, sir. Our relationship has been going on for six months now, but I can already see the two of us settling down together. {Name} is amazing and I'm happy with them." He turned towards you, a loving smile on his face which only echoed in his beautiful brown eyes. "Forgive me for saying it so abrasively, but I love them."
Your father seemed pleased and that and his questions to Gaz shifted to just general questions about Gaz. His family, what his plans were in the future in terms of his job.
Gaz was fitting in with your family so well, laughing and joking with them like he had known them since forever. Your hands were still entwined, and it felt right. It felt right to be pretending to be dating Gaz.
After dinner was over, you, your siblings, and your cousins all moved outside in the backyard, your siblings' kids coming outside too. While you sat and chatted with your family, Gaz was pulled into playing with the kids. You watched with fond eyes, eyes that couldn't be faked, smiling as he laughed and played with the kids.
Just as you all were watching Gaz giving each kid a piggyback ride on his back, your oldest sister (who was the second oldest of your siblings) looked at you and chuckled. "Oh, you're so in love," she said, causing your other siblings to laugh.
Your first instinct was to deny it, but the ruse had to be maintained, so you turned to look back at Gaz and the smile on your face was so genuine. "Yeah, I am."
It surprised you how much of the truth that was, it not entirely being a lie. You had never thought you had fallen for Gaz, seeing as you two were always just close to each other. But when you thought about it, you really were in love with Gaz. It was why your first and only thought when needing someone to pretend to be your boyfriend, was to think of asking Gaz. He was a good man, and if tonight was any indication, he was also a good boyfriend.
The rest of the night was a whirlwind, but it ended so late, so you and Gaz had to sleep in the living room. Gaz helped your father move the couch and bring in the air mattress from the garage, you and your mother getting the blankets from the linen closet.
You and Gaz said goodnight to your family and when it was just the two of you in the living room, you started making the couch, while Gaz was making the spare mattress.
"What are you doing?" Gaz asked, having realized what you were doing. He finished putting the sheets and pillows on the air mattress before going over to stop you.
"I'm going to be sleeping on the couch," you said, not willing to budge on your decision, even when he tried to stop you from putting the sheet on the couch.
Gaz shook his head. "First of all, I'd be the one sleeping on the couch. There's just no way I'd let you take it when you should have the bed. And second of all, what happens when your family wakes up in the middle of the night or wakes up before us in the morning and sees us sleeping separately?" He saw you about to argue and he shushed you gently. "Come on, mate. It's not the first we've shared a bed. Let's just share it. Unless you're really that uncomfortable, in that case, I'm taking the couch. Not you."
You were hesitant on sharing a bed with him, especially after you realized your feelings for him, but you couldn't deny his logic of your family getting suspicious of the ruse if they found you two sleeping separately. So you took the extra sheets and pillow back to the linen closet before coming back to the living room. You both looked away from each other when dressing into sleepwear and then you two got underneath the covers.
You had gone to sleep with a few inches of space between you two, wanting not to make him uncomfortable by cuddling. But in the morning, you woke up to laying on top of Gaz while he slept on his back, his strong arms wrapped around your waist protectively.
Your mother, who had woken you up by cooing at the sight of you and Gaz intertwined, snapped a picture of you. But you couldn't focus on that, your heart was beating so fast at the close proximity with Gaz.
And you knew you were fucked when he woke up and gave you a lazy smile while saying "Good morning" in that husky voice of his. You were too deep in love now.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I wanna know who your favorite vinsmoke sibling is so bad actually please tell me 👀✨
My friend and my brother laughed at me when I told them my favorite Vinsmoke is Niji, and I genuinely was embarrassed that day because I didn't really know much about him at the time (I think I had only watched a few eps of WCI) and it's pretty clear in the show that he's, uh, the worst of the Vinsmokes. And by "the worst" I mean: The one who's portrayed as the worst because he's the most active one when it comes to abuse and supremacism within the family line. Unlike Ichiji (who's more serious) and Yonji (who's more playful, somehow) Niji is the one who has to actually fight for a role in his family and that's why I think he's so fucking annoying all the damn time. I hate him. I love him. I want to hug him. But also I wouldn't mind punching him very, very hard. I have mixed feelings, but yeah, Niji is my favorite Vinsmoke. And you haven't asked why, but I feel the need to do some sort of mini argument about this because I am a very resentful person and I want to show my friend and my brother that Niji is actually a very interesting character!! And my fiancé thinks I just like him because he's hot, and she's right but only like a 20%. Maybe 40%.
I will try to put my thoughts into words, but it's pretty difficult because I have a lot of things to say about this blue evil gremlin.
I like Niji the most because I think he is, between the three brothers, the one who shows feelings and ambitions outside their emotionless selves the most. I know they technically are the same, but I don't think so (btw, please assume I'm not including Reiju in this text because she's canonically different from them and I'm just referring to the brothers).
As I mentioned before, I think Niji is the one brother who is the most annoying and evil because he feels the need to stand out. Ichiji is serious, and calculative and has a secure place in the family. He is the number one, even if Reiju is the oldest (I would like to talk more about how Reiju, being a woman, even if she's the oldest, she's the number 0. Because she is the oldest but she's a woman, so she obviously doesn't and would not be able to wear the number 1 like a man would. She is the oldest and yet, she has less significance in the family line than Ichiji. But, yeah, this is something that has nothing to do with Niji, sorry). Ichiji, like all of his siblings, wants recognition from his father, but he doesn't have to try as hard as the others to be impressive because he is, after all, the oldest. The typical "older sibling in an abusive household who has to deal with all the bullshit to protect their siblings"? That's something Reiju took over. That's Reiju's responsibility as the oldest and the woman. Ichiji literally doesn't have to do anything besides leading the team and being the evil, emotionless machine his father created. That does not mean that I don't think he could be able to develop more feelings, because I think he could and I love the concept of him being the first one to protest against Judge's behavior, but you get me. When you're the oldest brother with an even older sister, your responsibilities are pretty limited. So he doesn't have to be anything but there and himself.
Yonji, on the other hand... He is the youngest. Even younger than Sanji. He doesn't have to try, because Niji and Sanji should be the ones to do so. Little siblings are not expected to do much besides existing because irl parents are usually tired of raising children and they end up either getting neglected or seen as decoration. As a little sibling myself I can confirm that these things affect really badly to your brain growing up, but I got a more Sanji treatment so I can't speak for Yonji here. The thing I can say, though, is that in comparison to Niji, Yonji is just there. He's silly and goofy. He's funny. He's dumb. He has the excuse of being the little one to act that way. Getting lost eating or doing whatever. Even the fact that his powers are more physically focused instead of power/intelligence centered shows that he can just punch away his issues. He's the gym bro of the siblings. Don't expect much from him. <- Thing that's often said about little siblings, btw, and affects real fucking badly in early teenage years. The fact that he's portrayed like that is so on point tbh but after all, they don't have high expectations for him, so little to no effort is everything he does.
Then there's Niji, of course. My favorite. Love him. Hate him. Whatever. Niji is the middle child. And God, do I have to say things about middle siblings.
The thing about Niji is that he actually has to try and make a name for himself in the family because otherwise he'll probably get forgotten. I often wonder if he had that fear of becoming the next Sanji once he "died" (he's the only one genuinely asking if Sanji died on them before Yonji and Ichiji say they don't care) because his role is not as noticeable as the others. Reiju is the woman, Ichiji is the successor, Sanji is the weakling getting bullied (being technically one of the little siblings but still being in a limbo of middle/youngest because the little one is Yonji), and Yonji is the little one. Then... What's Niji?
Niji needs Sanji way more than he's willing to admit, and I love that. I absolutely love how he's written because he constantly shows that he needs Sanji, through both words and actions. He needs him because without Sanji's existence -without Niji being his bully- Niji is nothing but number 2. And there's nothing more frustrating than being the number two when it comes to family hierarchy. Not going to mention every little thing he does, but as I said, I love how well-written he is. He's the sibling Oda uses the most to show the abuse Sanji went through, but that's only because Niji is the only one who needs to do that. Niji is the one to talk to Sanji first, all the damn time. He gets angry when Sanji doesn't respond. He gets angry because Sanji can't be bullied anymore. He gets angry out of fear, in my opinion, because if the weakling can't get abused anymore, then he's not worth anything. If Sanji isn't the third, the second one is left alone. 2 can't fight 1 because 1 has the protection of starting the line. And 2 can't fight 4 because there's a missing link that keeps 2 from 4. So Niji is mad at Sanji because Sanji isn't the same weak crybaby he used to be, and he can't use him anymore to be secure and safe.
That's fucking horrifying when it comes to family hierarchy.
I like Niji because, despite being an asshole, he has reasons to be like that. First of all, because his father literally made him this way. But also, the little feelings he has (selfish emotions, yes, evil. But they're feelings, anyway. Urges. He's supposed to be emotionless and yet he knows how Sanji feels enough to use that to his advantage) are used as a way to feel superior and safe because he feels inferior. I think he's the one showing more emotions out of the three, even if those emotions aren't healthy or good and it's just him being angry all the time. That means that if he has urges and needs like that, even if he doesn't fear his own death, he could end up developing more and more empathy. His type of empathy comes from a place of fear. He feels what Sanji feels. And it's not that he doesn't care (I mean, I am aware that he technically doesn't, but let me dream) but it's just convenient for him not to care and keep bullying him to secure his place in the family.
Also pointing out that I like Niji because, being the one who says he hates Sanji the most, he's the one to protect him with his own body when that scene of the siblings helping Sanji escape happens. The others only clear the way, Niji stays with him. There's a really cool post about this on Niji's tag somewhere!!! I personally think he does this because, as that post said: Niji keeps seeing Sanji as weak, instead of believing in him enough to just clear the way. He protects him because he thinks he can't protect himself. Because he's weak.
And yes, it might sound offensive and emotionless and it doesn't make Niji a better person. But it makes him an older brother. Believing in Sanji would be great, but thinking that he's weak and needs protection after years of projecting on him only shows that the weak one is Niji. That he wants and is willing to protect his brother, too. If he didn't care about his well-being he would've just cleared the way for him, not caring about what could've happened to Sanji. But he goes all the way to help him out and protect him longer than the others did. Idk. I find that a very beautiful way of ending their relationship.
All of this being said, I have to be honest with you: When I said I liked Niji for the first time I only did it because people around me kept saying he was the worst one and it bothered me because I found his design pretty fucking cool. And tbh when he started being an actual character? I loved him even more. Because during WCI he's a fucking asshole but the way he acts towards Sanji is wanting to get a response from him, and I just find that so curious and complex... Like, if he just wanted to be evil he'd be more the Doflamingo type. But Niji looks for a response in Sanji's eyes. He wants to feel powerful because he knows he isn't.
And also, well, he's very cute and I like his hair a lot and he makes me furious sometimes which is great because if a character doesn't make you want to punch him at one point, is he really a good character? Look at him! He deserves to get slapped in the face. But also, I would love to kiss him afterward. What's that Olivia Rodrigo lyric? Ah, yes: "I wanna break his heart, then be the one to stitch it up. Wanna kiss his face with an uppercut." That's how I feel about him.
I really hope it's obvious, with all of this, that "Succession" is one of my favorite TV Shows, because I could go on and on and on (and nobody would listen but idc) about how the Vinsmokes are just the Roy family. Both One Piece and Succession deal with family in which hierarchy is crucial in a very specific and accurate way. It makes me sick. I love it.
Anyway, have some pics of my blue idiot:
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I want to hit him in the head with a baseball bat.
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iikatsukii · 1 year
3:15 (breathe)
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synopsis: story inspired by the song 3:15 by russ
pairings: lo’ak x metkayina!reader
warnings: angst to comfort & minor violence
word count: 6.6k
a/n: ive been writing this for too long but im back with a present 🫶🏾 (also i know this one isnt shortened by a read more thing im sorry guys i tried idk why its not working but hopefully when i get my laptop charger back ill be able to fix it but pls just bare with me just this once)
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you had been staring at the roof of your marui for about 20 minutes now. you were dreading getting up. you've felt like this for the past few months but couldn't pinpoint exactly when it started. being the youngest daughter of tonowari and ronal is like asking every boy in the clan to court you. when you chose rotxo, all the boys in the clan were heartbroken. you and tsireya found it kinda funny, to be honest.
you and rotxo have been dating for about half a year now. everything leading up to the relationship had been amazing. the fleeting glances, soft touches, the surprise dates. he had courted you perfectly, so he was over the moon when you finally said yes. his loving actions continued three months into the relationship. then suddenly, you started to notice a shift in his behaviors.
he wouldn't surprise you with dates anymore, he only hung out with ao'nung and his friends, he wouldn't make time for you, and when you did ask to spend time with him, he would brush you off, saying he was busy.
of course, your siblings didn't know about this. rotxo told you not to tell them. "i mean, what would ao'nung think of me? he would never want to be friends with me again," he told you. you sighed, "you're right, rotxo. i'm sorry. i won't say anything." rotxo pulled you into a hug, holding your head to his chest so you couldn't see the smirk he held on his face. on the other hand, you held an expression of self-doubt. like you knew the choice to not speak up was dumb, and you wished you could take your words back, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
so you remained in rotxo's arms day after day, putting on a show that everyone believed. never saying anything to anyone. never saying anything about all the harsh words rotxo would say to you, about the loneliness you felt, or about the scars he left on your heart.
tsireya, your twin sister, suspected something was off about your relationship because of how differently you had been acting recently. ever since rotxo started treating you poorly, tsireya would hear you cry yourself to sleep every night. still, when she confronted you about it, you would brush her off, saying she was probably hearing things from how tired she had been. and the thing is, nobody else seems to hear it, so it's not like tsireya can have someone to back her up.
you finally gathered the energy to get up, 2 hours later than you were supposed to, and you groaned, knowing your father was going to kill you. you quickly get dressed, rushing to find someone, anyone who can tell you where your father is. finally, you see a huge crowd, what looks like the entire clan, gathered at the shores of the beaches.
"uturu has been asked.." you heard faintly. as you made your way to the front of the crowd, where you heard your father's voice, you caught the tail end of the conversation. "toruk makto and his family will live among us. my children will teach your children the ways of the water so that your family does not suffer the burden of being useless." you hid behind your father. as he spoke, you looked over to who he was talking to.
a group of 6 darker-toned na'vi were standing huddled together. 2 parents and 4 children. you analyzed each child, still hiding behind your father. the smallest, youngest na'vi was holding her mother's hand, hiding behind her leg, similar to how you're hiding behind your father. the older female, who looked about your age, had an annoyed look on her face. you giggled at her expression, being able to tell that she wanted to be anywhere but here.
then you looked at the taller, assumingly older brother. he looked tight-laced, like he was the perfect child. a golden boy, if you would. not really your type but eh, who are you to say anything. you have a boyfriend, for crying out loud. you shouldn't even be thinking things like this in the first place. you rolled your eyes, ignoring the annoying thoughts in your head, as you looked at the other boy standing next to the eldest son.
that's when you noticed the eyes that were staring back at you. they were the prettiest amber color you've ever seen, accented by… is that hair above his eyes? his eyes glowed in the sun, and his markings? don't even start; his markings running along his body were mesmerizing. but the one thing that interested you was the look he held in his eyes. nobody had ever looked at you like that, and of course, that makes it harder to pinpoint precisely what makes you feel this way. while you were entranced in the visitor's eyes, you failed to notice your own boyfriend noticing you. once the clan's people started to disperse, your sister grabbed your hand and dragged you over to the new family.
rotxo was going to approach you, but he was stopped by ao'nung, who nodded his head back to the water, where they would later meet you, tsireya, and those 'freaks' for lessons. ao'nung missed the furious expression his best friend held. rotxo was quick to fix his face, though, playing nice. he saw the looks between you and that forest boy, and he was not happy about it. he decided to observe from afar before confronting you about anything, not wanting youîu to know that he noticed anything.
as you and tsireya approached the family, you got to take a closer look at the boy before you. your thoughts, though, were interrupted by your twin, "let us show you to your new home," as she and you guided the new family to their home, you could tell their father was trying to stay positive, but the way their mother dropped her belongings when she saw where they would be living was comedic to you. you couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, not maliciously, of course. you're not like your brother ao'nung and boyfriend rotxo.
"sister, i was late to the gathering. i have no idea who these people are or what's happening." you whispered to your twin. "oh right! where were you, by the way? i had to go through ilu training with the boys alone! it was horrible." she groaned. you sighed. yeah, you're definitely gonna get your ass beat when you get home. "father didn't happen to notice, did he?" you said, already knowing the answer. tsireya just laughed "skxawng." she said, hitting your shoulder. "hey!" you said defensively, ready to hit her back until a hand caught yours. you turned around to see one of the new na'vi boys. it was the younger one.
"as amusing it is to see two sisters-" he started
"twins," you and tsireya corrected at the same time. it freaked both boys out, but they thought it was cute in a way.
"as amusing as it is to see twins bickering with one another, i believe a lesson is in our near future? per request of your father, that is." the tone he used was teasing. how could he speak to you with such confidence when he didn't even know your name? rotxo had never spoken to you like that. his words were always soft, almost shy as if he didn't want to scare you with how loud you knew he could be. for some reason, though, it made you like rotxo more.
but with how things have been going well recently, rotxo isn't that soft-spoken boy anymore. hell, he barely acts like your boyfriend now. so maybe it won't be wrong to get to know someone new? only as a friend, though. you would never dream of cheating, let alone act on it.
you looked down to see that the younger brother, whose name you still had yet to find out, was still holding onto your wrist, waiting for an answer.
oh shit, he's waiting on an answer.
you had zoned out, daydreaming about the boy who was gazing at you equally as curious. thankfully you guys had an energetic little girl to catch your attention. "LAST ONE TO THE WATER IS THANATOR BAIT," she said as she jumped into the water.
you and your sister giggled at the young girl's actions, deciding to jump right in after her. the remaining na'vi jumped in as well as you and tsireya swam, guiding them to where you would have this supposed lesson. as you and your twin swam, she explained everything that had happened while you were sleeping using your clan's sign language. it was making more sense now. this family fled their home, seeking a safe place to stay… uturu…
as you had gotten to the rocks by the beach, you noticed that your brother was there, which could only mean one thing. rotxo was here, too, great. you didn't really feel like pretending to be happy with him around people right now, but you slapped on your usual fake smile, praying to eywa that these newcomers were as easy to fool as everyone else on this island.
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you had begun your lessons as usual, you and tsireya being paired up with the youngest son as he was having the most difficulty.
"breathe in. breathe from down here," tsireya said as she placed her hand on lo'ak's stomach. you placed your hand on his heart to check its speed as you continued, "breathe out." you sighed again. "lo'ak, your heartbeat is fast," you said, looking up at him, happy that you had learned his name because now you could address him by his name.
"sorry," he said,
"try to focus," tsireya added, his eyes meeting hers as she spoke. you noticed that when his eyes shifted, his expression remained the same bright, curious look he gave you; he also held with your sister.
maybe that's just how he looks at people, you thought as you continued to help him.
you felt eyes on your back, knowing it was rotxo staring at you. you looked over your shoulder and made eye contact with your boyfriend, smiling and waving at him, getting nothing but a stone-cold look in return. nobody seemed to notice, so the embarrassment was yours alone. or so you thought until you turned back to lo'ak, seeing as he had seen the whole interaction between the two of you. nobody had ever noticed something like this happen. you tried to read the forest boy's expression but couldn't. all you knew was that he didn't have that same bright look in his eyes as he looked at rotxo.
so maybe he doesn't look at everyone like that…
the exchange sent a shiver up your back. you had a feeling nothing good would come of these two interacting, but over the months, rotxo had diminished your self-confidence, finding yourself seriously doubting your judgment. so you ignored the feeling, not thinking it would be worth risking the normalcy in your daily life.
with lessons finally ending, you excused yourself from the rest as you walked back to your marui, knowing that your parents were about to beat your ass. you walked into your home with your ears flat against your head, tail between your legs, and head hung in shame.
"y/n te ronal'ite," your mother sneered.
oh yeah. you're fucked.
"father, mother, i am sorry i do not know why i overslept this morning–"
"this is the fifth time this has happened, child. you do not know why you have overslept five times this month?" your mothers' words were harsh; you knew she was very upset with you because of how you had been acting recently. you also knew she didn't like your relationship with rotxo, no matter how nice she thought the boy was. to her, something was just off, she could hear eywa whispering to her about it at night, but when she awoke in the morning, it became nothing but a second thought as all her tsahik duties became a priority as she started her day.
"mother, i am sorry. i do not know why this is happening, but i promise it won't happen again," you said, falling to your knees and begging your parents for forgiveness. you hated when they were upset with you, from when you were a kid until now—especially your father.
you were a daddy's girl; you couldn't help it. your father was your safe haven, and you hated when he was disappointed in you even more than you hated when your mother was mad at you. so when you looked into his eyes and saw concern and not disappointment, you knew something was wrong.
"ma y/n, what is the matter? ite, if something is wrong, you know you can tell me." your father tried.
this was the one thing you couldn't confide in your father for. usually, you have little to no trouble telling your father what's wrong, but this was different. you couldn't bring yourself to tell him. so you just looked up at your father, tears in your eyes, and said
"nothing is wrong, father. i have no excuse for waking up late, so please issue my punishment. i have to finish my chores for the day," hearing your voice so cold sent a shiver up your parents' backs. that was what made them realize there really is something wrong. no matter how much you deny it, they can finally see past the facade that you've been keeping up.
how have they never noticed? how long has this been going on?
ronal looked at her husband, silently asking him for help. for once, the tsahik didn't know what to do. as attuned to eywa as she was, the great mother can't outright tell her what is wrong or how to solve it, thus leaving ronal feeling hopeless.
a tsahik who can't even help her own child. what good is she?
tonowari cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself.
"two weeks, ilu keeper. you are to bring and return the villager's ilus as well as headcount the north, south, east, and west pens before the eclipse to ensure all ilus are accounted for. you are dismissed," your father's tone was equally as cold as yours. you knew the game he was playing, and you wouldn't fall for it this time. you knew your father was just trying to reciprocate the attitude you were giving him so you would crack. so you quickly left your home, knowing that if you stayed any longer, you would burst into tears and beg your father to hold you in his arms.
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your depression had continued for months after the day of the sullys arrival. things with rotxo had only gotten worse, and to you, it seemed like nobody was noticing your depleting health. but in reality, everyone knew you were sad, but nobody knew why.
except for one person
you were so grateful for lo'ak. he was the only person who noticed. he saw everything and sat you down, saying you couldn't endure this abusive relationship anymore. he saw all the scowls and rolled eyes your boyfriend sent your way when you were looking and when you weren't looking. he also saw stuff that you hadn't seen. like rotxo entertaining different girls throughout the village. all of those girls being the ones who you said were your very good friends, but more specifically, it was your best friend.
you and your sully boy were walking along the shore, deciding to go for a walk after he had returned from his daily chores. the walk was silent, but you noticed the furrowed eyebrows above lo'ak's eyes, indicating that he was thinking.
"if you think too hard, you may end up hurting yourself, forest boy," you teased, giggling at his reaction. the boy had rolled his eyes, relieving his eyebrow of their stress as he nudged your side with his elbow. "hey, watch it," he said, laughing along with you.
then he got serious again, you noticed the stress return to his eyebrows, and you couldn't help but stop walking, concerned for your friend.
"lo'ak, what is the matter?" you asked, voice quiet, almost a whisper. lo'ak had barely heard it over the sounds of the tide washing up against the shore. he was silent for a while, debating on if this was his place to say anything, but the boy was worried for you so he spoke up.
"as your friend, y/n, i cannot allow you to continue to be in this relationship." his words were firm. you knew this was coming, and you were hoping you could avoid it, but in the end, it seemed inevitable. you sighed, exhausted, dropping your facade.
"lo'ak, please. don't say anything to anyone. i am fine, okay? rotxo is just busy, is all–"
"yeah, busy suckin' face with your so-called friends, y/n," lo'ak huffed, tired of seeing you endure this treatment. you perked up at his words, though. what was he talking about?
"what do you mean?" you said as you stepped closer, wanting to look deeper into his eyes to ensure he wasn't lying.
"your boy has been cheating on you with all the girls you call your 'friends', especially your best friend. whenever he says he's busy with ao'nung and the guys, neteyam tells me he sneaks off halfway through. and i've personally caught him with so many girls y/n. he's been cheating on you." the words echo in your head.
with your friends?
your boyfriend…
your boyfriend.
a new feeling had blossomed in your chest. it felt like a raging fire in your chest, out of control and blazing with heat. oh, you were pissed. so lo'ak hatched a plan for you.
"take this," he said as he reached up to his neck, taking off his communicator and giving it to you. "wear it tomorrow. and right before eclipse, i want you to go to the west ilu pen. but be quiet when you get there. that's usually where rotxo meets your best friend." the words squeezed at your heart, but the fury in your chest overpowered it all.
"fine," you said as your eyes met his once again. you moved your hair behind over your left shoulder as you turned around, signaling for him to put the communicator on for you.
once it was secure, you turned to face him again, knowing that this would be the last moment of peace you would have until the storm you had been so severely trying to avoid.
"thank you," was the last thing you said to the forest boy before you made your way home. knowing the next day would be one of the worst days of your life.
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it was a few minutes til eclipse, and you were waiting in a hidden spot near the west ilu pen just like lo'ak had told you. you had been waiting here for 15 minutes, and neither rotxo nor your best friend had shown up. did lo'ak lie? what reason would he have to lie? it's not like he likes you. lo'ak always uses phrases like "as your friend…" and "friends don't treat friends like that," insinuating that he, too, thought of you as a friend and nothing more, so what reason would he have to lie. you were about to radio him, pressing the button on your neck, because you were getting annoyed waiting here for so long. but then you heard a familiar laugh.
that's your best friend's laugh.
you turned around, peeking through leaves to see rotxo and your best friend holding hands, laughing with one another. keeping your hand against your communicator, you tried to get as close as possible without revealing your hiding spot so that lo'ak could hear everything happening.
"are you sure this is okay, rotxo? what about y/n? you know she's my best friend." your best friends laughter had died down as the two came to a halt.
"ma yawne, you need not worry." your boyfriend reassured.
"but what about her? you guys are in a relationship, and she is olo'eyktans daughter. if we get caught, we're done for. plus, she's been looking so sad recently. i can't help but feel like she knows." tears sprung to her eyes and you couldn't help but roll your own.
"mawey, my love. she does not know. besides, she has been ignoring me recently. i've been left alone, wondering if she's okay. i ask her every day to talk to me and tell me something; i reassure her that i'm here for her and that she can talk to me about anything. she brushes me off, not even giving me the time of day. it is like she has completely shut me out. i feel so left in the dark," your best friend just coos at the boy, pulling into a hug in an attempt to 'hug' him when she really is just trying to push her boobs against his chest. his hand placement wasn't any better. he had his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to himself if even possible.
it was taking every molecule of self-restraint in your body not to blow your cover and strangle the man you call your "boyfriend." upon hearing his words, you could only scoff. this is what he's been doing? while he's been ignoring you, leaving you lonely and hurting, he's been out in the village, cheating on you and playing victim, making everyone think you were ignoring him.
you could only roll your eyes as you walked away before you were discovered. you were furious. you knew exactly how you wanted to approach this, thinking based only on your heated emotions, throwing all rational away. as you walked away, your hand fell from the collar around your neck, knowing lo'ak had heard enough. he was probably on the way to your parents' marui right now to tell them everything.
you walked to rotxo's family marui; glad to see the rest of his family is still out doing whatever they do. you could care less. he and anyone related to him could perish, poof into thin air, never to be seen again, and you wouldn't bat an eye. in fact, just the idea of it brings a smile to your face. a smile that instantly dropped when the flap of the marui was pushed aside, revealing your boyfriend and your brother.
"ao'nung, leave. i need to talk to rotxo," you said as soon as you made eye contact with your older brother. you knew he was clueless about what had happened because he was hanging out with his friends all day. supposedly, so was rotxo.
"sorry little sister, but you're going to have to leave. rotxo and i are–"
"AO' GET THE FUCK OUT!" you screamed at your brother, eyes falling to the floor, knowing he wasn't the target of rage, so you probably shouldn't be treating him like this.
your brother was surprised you raised your voice at him but listened anyway, knowing that this wasn't his problem and he honestly didn't care about your relationship as long as rotxo treated you right. and to his knowledge, his best friend is treating you right. rotxo, you told your brother that it was you shutting him out, so ao'nung just assumed this would be another one of those 'irrational arguments' that rotxo always tells him about.
watching your brothers back retreating toward your home, you turned your attention to the man of the fucking hour.
"my best friend? are you serious right now, rotxo?" you asked him to get straight to the point.
rotxo rolled his eyes, groaning because he realized you knew he was cheating on you.
"y/n, don't be like this. my family will be home any minute–" you cut him off.
"i do not care. you are walking around telling people i shut you out? cheating on me? you are out here forcing me to put on a smile, fake happy, so your reputation doesn't get ruined, and you have the nerve to try and bring mine down with you? saying i'm leaving you in the dark. making yourself seem like the goddamn victim?! you're cheating on me, rotxo. FOR FUCKS SAKE." the english word that the sully children had taught you felt like the only word that could adequately convey your feelings.
"using the words that sully boy taught you, huh? you know you've been spending a lot of time with him. you're lucky the only rumor i spread was that you left me in the dark. be grateful that i'm not telling everyone how you've been spreading your legs for that freak." you gaped at his words. how did he know about how much you've been spending with lo'ak? of course, he's completely wrong about what you guys do but he's always busy with his friends, blowing you off, cheating, and not caring who you're with or what you're doing. regardless of how he knew or not, you and lo'ak were friends, and that's it.
"we are just friends. i would not even have to hang out with him if my own shitty boyfriend actually acted as if he fucking likes me. we hang out as all young na'vi do, free diving, ilu racing, sea shell collecting. things i've done with you, my siblings, and countless other friends, like the bitch you are cheating on me with, so why is it a problem when i do it with lo'ak? hmm, rotxo? what's your fucking problem? are you projecting? is that it?" you were blinded by your rage, not even realizing that you had approached your boyfriend, but it felt like your words weren't getting through to him. he still held this shitty condescending smirk on his face, and you were sick of it. so you pushed him with all the strength you had in your body. rotxo fell to the floor pretty hard, groaning in pain as he landed funny on his wrist.
"ah! ha–" rotxo graoned in pain as he gripped his wrist. his gaze met yours as he spoke again "look, she's finally snapped. what? are you going to go, run to your little demon blood? are you going to let him cheer you up like the little slut you are? might as well prepare yourself for tomorrow because when ao'nung asks me what we argued about, i'm telling him i found out you were cheating on me with that sully boy," rotxo stood from his place on the floor, holding a look you had never seen on him before. he walked towards you menacingly as you matched his pace, walking backward until your back made contact with the wall of his home. his hand came up to your neck, squeezing, not noticing that he had once again pressed the button on your collar so lo'ak could hear everything.
“y/n? what's wrong? what's going on?" you heard his voice in your earpiece but kept quiet, not wanting rotxo to know he was about to get caught.
"you're so easy, huh? playing hard to get for everyone in the village when really you just wanted to be a whore for a half-breed freak who has only brought problems and war to our home–" you pushed him off of you, running out his marui with your head down, not wanting him to see your tears as if he hadn't already.
as cruel as rotxo had been to you, he had never called you such degrading names like this.
as angry as you were, hearing someone you once loved say things like that to you felt like a bullet to the heart.
you ran to a hidden oasis within the forest line of awa'atlu. only you and rotxo knew of it, but recently you've found yourself coming here alone much more than you would come here with him.
falling to your knees in front of the river before you, you allowed the dam to break, letting all your pent-up emotions out. you couldn't help but cry to yourself. you hated life like this. you hated living a lie, not wanting to bare this pain anymore. you cried, sobbed, screamed, wailed, anything to get this hurt out of your heart.
rotxo had broken you. he had taken your pure, innocent heart and smashed it to pieces. no matter how much you tried to love and care for him, you realize he would never really love you. it was all just a ploy to get in with the olo'eyktan's daughter. he was just like every other stupid boy on this island. but you fell for him, and you hated the feeling.
and for him to cheat with your best friend, of all people? how could he? did he even love you?
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to say lo'ak was worried was the understatement of the fucking year. he was basically having a panic attack rampaging the island after he didn't find you in rotxo's marui when they arrived. lo'ak had come with his family and yours, everyone having heard the cruel words that rotxo had spat at you thanks to lo'aks communication device.
jake and neteyam personally held lo'ak back from killing the metkayina in front of him.
"lo'ak, that's enough," jake said, trying to restrain his youngest son.
"NO, HE'S RIGHT! DAD, LET ME GO! LET ME BEAT HIS ASS!" lo'ak looked over to see tonowari and another warrior holding ao'nung back, but the look on tonowari's face showed that he was seconds from ripping rotxo limb from limb for what he had said to his daughter.
that's when lo'ak noticed you weren't in the marui. pulling himself from his father and brother's restraints, he ran out, immediately going to all your favorite places on the island, trying to find you.
he searched the shallow reefs on the east side of the island. he visited the ilu pen on the south part of the island because that's where you kept your ilu. he checked the floral shoreline on the northwest part of the island, knowing that you loved getting all your flowers from there, whether it was for your hair, a top, or a gift for the new boy on the island.
lo'ak noticed a forest line near the floral shores, so he also decided to check within that area in case you were wandering around there.
walking through the forest area kind of reminded lo'ak of home. he had been reminiscing on the flora of his home when he heard what sounded like crying—very loud crying.
immediately arming himself, prepared to protect himself or someone else. lo'ak stepped into the clearing, seeing you kneeling over the stream, fists clenched into the ground beneath you as you let out the most heart-twisting cries he had ever heard.
you were crying so loud you hadn't even heard the forest boy approaching you. feeling arms engulfing you, you began to panic. whoever it was immediately tried to soothe your struggles, and much to your surprise, you listened. you felt warmth, security, and comfort. things you never felt around rotxo, at least, not anymore.
"mawey, y/n. mawey. try to match my breathing," it was a familiar voice, but with all the physical and emotional pain clouding your senses, you couldn't pinpoint who it was. regardless, you tried your best to match his breathing, your heavy breaths slowing to quiet sobs and whimpers. it felt like your heart was really breaking. this realization was painful. rotxo didn't love you. he was using you.
you just wanted to be loved, and rotxo made you feel that way for a while. but that was the problem; it only lasted a while. then everything went to shit, and you were left cold and alone while rotxo was out cheating on you and forcing you to fake a smile for everyone around you so that you wouldn't ruin his reputation.
your cries had died down, and you were resting within the hold of the person behind you. his hushed words of comfort hadn't stopped, praising you for controlling your breath as he soothingly rubbed your shoulders. when you calmed down enough, you turned to look at the source of your comfort. it was honestly one of the last people you expected it to be.
you would've thought your brother or sister would find this secret spot before the forest boy did.
"lo'ak, what are you doing here?" you asked him, trying to escape his grasp and wipe your tears at the same time. lo'ak was quick to grab hold of your hands, preventing you from moving away from him.
"mawey, y/n. just relax. i'm here for you, and you can cry all you want to, sevin. i am not going anywhere." his voice was so comforting as he pulled you back into his embrace. you just sighed as you felt another wave of tears coming to your eyes. so you cried it out, relieving every sob, scream, and cry you had ever kept in, and lo'ak stayed with you through it all. never once letting you go and never stopping his whispers of reassurance.
when your sobs died down again, you noticed he intertwined his fingers with yours. you hadn't noticed his hands before. you weren't aware, but your ears perked up a bit, and your tail started to rev to life a bit when you saw he had five fingers instead of four. you wordlessly detangled your hand from his, causing the boy's ears to fall flat to his head.
you noticed his hands. did you see him differently now? his thoughts started as a drizzle quickly forming into a hurricane, but when he felt both of your hands grab one of his pulling it closer to your swollen eyes so you could examine it better, he chuckled. he thought it was cute, seeing you fiddle with his fingers as your soft sniffles continued. if this was distraction enough to keep you from crying, then lo'ak would let you play with his hands 24/7.
you didn't know that lo'ak's hands were his biggest insecurity, so the way you played with them and looked at them with wonder and not worry made his heart swell. lo'ak had not thought his life would be turned upside down like this, being forced to move away from his home and learn new ways of life. he hated it. but willingly getting to know someone and maybe even starting to fall for her had to be the best thing on that list. lo'ak knew he liked you for a while but never made any advances as you were taken. even though he could've been treating you so much better.
he loved how your hands felt in his and how your smile brightened up an entire room. he loved how attuned to nature you were. you hadn't even realized the school of fish swimming around your ankles rested in the river before you. it was as if the animals were trying to comfort you, too, somehow being able to sense your distress.
“y/n. do not listen to him. he is nothing but a lowlife who derives pleasure from others' pain," lo'ak started ranting, not caring if you were listening. he just wanted to speak his mind. "you are beautiful, y/n. the most beautiful, strong, loving, kind, graceful na'vi i've ever had the chance to meet. if moving away from my home means i get to find a new home here, with you, i would fly, walk, jump, or crawl my way here a hundred times over. i would do anything to be with you properly. i want to heal you from that asshole's mistakes. i want to show you what it feels like to be loved. not because you are olo'eyktan's daughter. but because you are you."
his eyes remained focused on yours as he recited every word. but you could tell he wasn't speaking something memorized or forced; he was speaking from his heart. you could hear it, as if eywa herself was whispering it to you. but you were hurt. could you trust someone so soon?
almost as if he could read your thoughts, he spoke up again.
"i know your trust is weary right now, but let me prove it to you. i will court you properly, meet your parents officially, ask for their blessing, i–" lo'ak sighed, almost as if he didn't want to continue, but he did. "i'll even stop fighting with ao'nung." that got a laugh out of you.
"lo'ak, are you sure about that?" you asked, looking up at him through your tears, flashing the first genuine smile he had ever seen on you. he was amazed. if he thought your fake smile lit up a room, then your genuine smile could bring light to an entire clan.
"i would do whatever you want me to do, syulang. i just want to be with you. i want to love you if you'll have me. we can take things at your pace. i'm in no rush because, for you, i would wait forever," he yearned for you, waiting patiently to see if you'll accept him.
you couldn't find any reason not to. this boy had to have been sent to you by eywa. he was meant to be the remedy to heal your heart after this tragic breakup. you were crying, but they were tears of joy and relief. you were finally free. free to feel love. free to feel happy. free to be you.
in the heat of the moment, you felt something wiggling under the ground beneath your leg. looking down, you see a glow worm inching up your leg. most do not know, but since the metkayina spirit tree is underwater, these little glow worms come up from the sand or appear on or around you whenever eywa tries to give you a sign. they're the metkayina equivalent of a woodsprite.
you could only gasp at the sight of the tiny creature. so he really is eywa sent? you thought as you saw a glow worm crawling up lo'ak's shoulder. this caused you to laugh, seeing as he also noticed the glow worm on his shoulder and started to panic, trying to flick the bug off his shoulder without hurting it.
"kehe, don't do that," you said as you grabbed his hand to prevent him from hurting the poor thing. you carefully placed your hand in front of the glowworm, allowing it to crawl into your palm. you took lo'ak's hand in yours, facing his palm up to allow the glow worm to walk from your hand to his.
"what is this?" he asked as he brought his hand closer to his face turning it as the glow worm walked around.
"i've heard about omatikaya woodsprites from kiri. they are like that but for the reefs. they are sent from eywa, meant to be wordless messengers," you explained to the forest boy.
your forest boy.
lo'ak couldn't help but smile at you, processing the words you had said. as he spoke again, he held nothing but love in his eyes, "y/n, i see you. oel ngati kameie," he gently held your face in his hands to ensure you made eye contact with him as he said it to you. you cried even harder because rotxo had never said that to you. and you're glad he didn't because you wouldn't have been able to say this back,
"oel ngati kameie, forest boy."
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lavenderstars-blog · 8 days
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Unexpected | Kylian Mbappè
You and kylian are expecting your third child. You are pregnant again unexpectedly.
You are currently in your bathroom sitting on the edge of the bathtub waiting for the result.
You have been experiencing some symptoms like dizziness, nausea and food cravings, and it looks like pregnancy symptoms so you decided to take a pregnancy test.
You and kylian got intimate last time was when your kids were at their grandparents house for a sleepover it was a week ago.
If you turned out to be pregnant it would be unexpected since this was not planned and it would really change a lot of things.
Lots of thoughts are going inside your brain right now. You didn't really told kylian that you are taking a test because you didn't really want to get his expectations high.
As you were thinking all of this the alarm which you set ringed indicating its time to check the test.
With your trembling hands you picked up the pregnancy test, your eyes brimmed with tears.
You gasped and your palm went to cover your mouth, tears fell from your eyes. You couldn't imagine that you are going to be a mother again.
Your baby is in your womb, you placed your hands on your stomach.
Yn: mumma loves you my baby. Yn quickly washed her hands in the sink and took the pregnancy test with her outside the restroom. She went to kylian with the pregnancy test in her hand.
She showed the pregnancy test to kylian at first he was confused on why do you have a pregnancy test but then he asked you if its true that you'repregnant. To which you nodded.
Yn: We're going to be parents soon. Kylian hugged her tightly and kissed all over her face and in the last he crouched down and placed a gentle kiss on her stomach caressing it and saying.
Kylian: Come soon my little champ, dadda is waiting for you.
Kylian kissed you on your lips saying he is the luckiest person to have you and his kids.
It's been 6 months when you got to know about your third pregnancy.
Your kids were so excited for a little sibling, but they were very impatient it took a lot of time for you and kylian to make them understand that their sibling will come after nine months.
Your eldest is currently six years old and your middle one is three years old and the youngest is on his way.
When you guys told your family about this they were shocked. But everyone was very happy.
Today is your doctors appointment, you got ready with kylian, today the kids grandma is coming to babysit them so you and kylian left for the clinic.
When you guys reached there you felt very anxious and nervous because of the pregnancy hormones.
Seeing you anxious kylian held your soft hands and assured you.
The doctor was doing your check up, she applied the gel on your stomach, you felt the similar cold feeling, she was doing your ultrasound, kylian held your hand.
She asked if we wanted to know the gender of the baby. I looked towards kylian and then we both declined, saying we would like to keep it as a suprise.
It was same with both your kids, you guys didn't wanted to know the gender of your baby beforehand.
So when gave birth you got to know the gender of your baby.
She nodded and prescribed me some medicine and told me to take alot of rest. And assured us saying that the baby is perfectly fine.
It's the time you need to gave birth, your water just broke.
But both you and kylian are calm, Beacause you guys have experienced this two times before.
Since it's your third time you know what will happen that's why your very calm.
You and kylian got into the car and drove off to the hospital. Your parents were taking care of your kids at home.
You just gave birth an hour ago, you gained your conscious just now and saw kylian sitting beside your bed, you asked him about the baby and he said the doctors have taken him for the check up.
You gave birth to a boy, he looks a little like you and a little like ky.
His eyes are like you and his hair is like ky.
The nurse came with your baby and gave him to you.
She said the baby is very healthy. You and kylian were observing your little baby. You carresed his face and kissed him on his cheeks and forehead.
The nurse asked you what would you like to name the baby.
Kylian and yn both whispered softly Kyle.
Kylian and Yn : Kyle mbappè
In hearing the name Kyle opened his eyes and looked at his parents.
Kyle's older siblings are on their way to meet their little brother.
You informed your parents and they are coming to the hospital with the kids. The kids are very excited to meet Kyle.
Kylian took Kyle from you, as the nurse said that the baby needs skin to skin touch so kylian got shirtless and placed Kyle on his chest, while you were admiring the scene infront of you.
Kylian was there for you in everything, if it would be possible he would have taken your pain also which you felt while giving birth.
You were recommended bed rest by your doctor in your last two months. Kylian helped you in everything.
Follow me on wattpad @gukkbear to read my
𝕆𝕟 𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤:
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rowaelinsdaughter · 6 months
can i please request an angst to comfort/fluff with reader being depressed and feeling like there’s no point to live a long immortal life if everyday will look like this, she tries to end her life but is caught by rowaelin, rowan did suspect something going on bc reader was giving away a lot of her stuff and was being extra nice towards rowan and aelin knowing it was ending. He was the one that caught her first and then aelin arrives and they help her recover🖤
author note: first thing, I don't know what has possessed me but this is one of the longest fics I have written so far, but I couldn't stop and second, I cried, I never thought I would write something like this, hope you enjoy this, eventhough its sad
special mention: @throneofsapphics and @danikamariewrites
𝕳𝖔𝖒𝖊 (𝕽𝖔𝖜𝖆𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗)
You didn't want to continue.
You felt like life had no meaning. Why did you want an immortal life if you don't find meaning in it?
Your parents had reminded you of this since you were born. You shouldn't be here, was what they told you.
You were the youngest of 4 siblings, your parents didn't want more children, but then you arrived. For years they had told you that you were a nuisance, you didn't do anything right, you shouldn't be here. You were a mistake.
At 20, after the war, you managed to escape from your home and arrived in Orynth, with the idea of ​​starting a new life away from your parents. And then you met them.
The Queen and King of Terrasen.
You first met Aelin in a bookstore, you started out as friends, you met Rowan shortly after, and the bond became present a year later.
And all the happiness you felt at that moment with them was cut short when you met Mia. A friend Aelin had made before you arrived at the castle.
First there were the looks. Every time you were close to Aelin, you felt her gaze stick knives into your neck, wanting to get you as far away from her as possible. Mia loved Aelin. You knew it the first time you saw them together. But Aelin only had eyes for you and Mia hated that.
Then there were the comments. Every time he passed by you he made a comment, he did not hesitate to lower your self-esteem when you wore a dress.
I don't know what you're doing here.
We were better off when you didn't live here.
You're better off dead, at least we'll be happy again.
Dead. Dead. Dead.
That word was burned into your heart and the memories of your childhood flooded into your head.
You decided to end your life. It did not make sense.
The days before your “break” you decided that you didn't want the only people who had truly loved you to see you sad.
At night you hugged them more, snuggling into their bodies to have the memory of their arms, of their bodies in yours.
On the days when they had a meeting, you took the opportunity to buy them things that you knew they liked and then give them to them so that they would have a souvenir of you.
You accompanied Rowan to training and in the afternoons you lay on Aelin's lap while she read.
And Rowan realized it. He noticed how your gaze sometimes stopped longer than necessary when looking at Aelin or him. How you got up before dawn to see the sun rise... but what he didn't know was that it was the last one.
You took advantage of the fact that Aelin and Rowan had gone out to write a note. Tears fell uncontrollably down your face, you didn't want to leave them, but you couldn't take it anymore.
Don't hold a grudge against me.
I didn't want to come to this, but the pain in my heart is unbearable.
I have tried to do everything I can to be strong, for you.
You who have taught me what love is, what it is
truly loving a person, what it means to take care of them without asking
nothing in return...
But I can't take it anymore.
It's not your fault the pain I feel, it never has been, so
Don't feel guilty.
I love you.
No one stopped you when you headed to Oakwald. You had always loved the forest at night. A different magic is in the air.
You tighten your hand around the dagger that Aelin gave you one day, you didn't want to do it with her, but you didn't want to take one of her daggers either. You arrived at the waterfall hidden in the forest, your favorite place.
You looked for the last time at that forest where you had gotten lost so many times or you had gone for a walk with Aelin and Rowan.
You closed your eyes pointing the dagger at your heart and when you were about to sink it, some arms took the dagger from you and turned you around, shaking you.
If he was here it's because they had come back before and had read the letter, and they knew you too well that they knew where you were going to be.
You didn't open your eyes. You didn't want to. You could not. You couldn't face him, you couldn't look him in the eyes because you knew you were going to break down.
“I can’t… I can’t… I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I CAN’T!!!”
You fell to your knees on the wet grass and at that moment Aelin arrived. You buried your face in your hands and couldn't help but start crying.
Aelin's broken voice made you start crying harder, a piercing scream erupting from your throat.
You feel Aelin and Rowan's arms surround you, pressing you against their bodies, intending to calm you down.
But you couldn't stop.
You didn't know how much time had passed, all you knew was that you were between two bodies, the bodies of Aelin and Rowan, your metes, your companions, and you were going to leave them alone.
When you had calmed down Rowan lifted you off the ground, pulling you into his body, taking you back to the castle.
“I'm horrible…” You notice his body tense.
“Now you are going to explain to me why you think that and we are not going to leave this forest until you tell it.”
You climb down from Rowan's arms to sit in a tree and look at the stars through the gap the trees had created, like a window to the sky.
The lord of the north welcomed you. The lord of the north, so that the people of Terrasen would find their way home...
You are home, in that moment, where it is just the three of you in the sacred forest of Brannon. Home. Home. Home.
Rowan and Aelin's presences are present on either side of you, an invitation and a plea.
“My parents didn't love me…”
And so, you tell them the story of an unwanted girl, a heartbroken girl who only wanted her parents' love, and then a woman who had found love, but felt like she didn't deserve it.
You finished the story lying on the grass among your mates, hugging Aelin and Rowan's arm around your waist.
“My angel… my poor angel…” Aelin whispers, wiping away the last tears that fell down your cheeks.
You close your eyes and feel Rowan's hands caress your hair, brushing the hair from your face, he leans towards you to kiss you on the cheek. His arm tightens a little more around your waist and you feel him sigh. How could I continue living without being able to feel you and without being able to inhale your aroma? I had been on the verge of losing you.
You lie on your back, admiring the sky and at that moment you could have sworn that the lord of the north was shining brighter.
“Well, I think it's time to go back.”
Aelin is the first to get up followed by Rowan. You sit up and look at Aelin and Rowan's hands in front of you. You look at their faces, a smile that announced a new path, a new chapter, was reflected on their faces.
“Let's go home, angel.”
A small smile lights up your face and taking his hands you sit up, walking the way home.
𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 ©𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒂𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓. 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚 / 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌. 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚 𝒎𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆.
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sugolara · 1 year
𝙒𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙨
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feat. katsuki bakugo x fem! reader
cw: angst with comfort, suicide mention, katsuki deals with his emotions probably ooc
˗ˏˋ+ ´ˎ˗ after finding y/n on the bathroom floor and waking up at the hospital, y/n's feelings are conflicted as she notices that katsuki isn't around to comfort her.
❝that used to please.❞
+ fear of flying by bowery electric
part 1
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machines were beeping, monitoring y/n's conditions as she slept soundly. the doctors came by every now making sure her stitches don't rip. along with doctors came crisis team who made y/n tell her story as to why she was there. she was a bit embarrassed telling them her story: about her long life depression, her scandal with her high school teacher, her addict parents, and her mentally unstable siblings.
their was also a nurse who sat outside her door in case she needed anything. she wasn't allowed to go anywhere alone. if she needed to use the restroom she had her personal nurse stand out the door.
the doctors had told her about her condition: that she would be fine as long as she doesn't mess with the stitches. she would glance at her bandaged arm every now.
the entire stay at the hospital she was left all alone. she didn't have katsuki by her side. which made her worry and stressed her out. was this the end of it? she had to assume because not once had she seen him enter or heard the doctors talking about him.
was he finally tired of her? did he drop her because it would ruin his reputation? i mean, it would look pretty bad for a hero when their partner tries to off themselves.
take a look at endeavor, sure his wife didn't exactly try to kill herself, but she was unstable and was sent to a mental hospital. he couldn't have someone ruin his reputation especially after what she did to their youngest son.
so when y/n woke up with no katsuki around, her heart had shattered. she tried so hard not to think of her heart aching. she knew better. she had it coming after pulling that stunt. she tried thinking about getting out of here and not focus on katsuki, but she could feel tears on her waterline.
she tried wiping her tears away when she heard the room door open, she thought it was the doctors and she didn't want them to see her like this.
but she looked up slowly when she heard him call her name out softly. "y/n.."
katsuki stood at the door, afraid that if he moves closer to her he'll trigger her. but as he saw her with tears flowing he quickly rushes to her side and wipes her tears with his thumbs.
"katsuki." she softly cries out and tries to hug him but flinches in pain when she bumped her forearms.
seeing the look on y/n's face as he watches her glance at her forearms, he can't help but let the tears form in his eyes.
he feels like he's to blame for this. he's a hero, he should've been there for her. he should've seen the signs. what kind of a hero is he when he can't even save the love of his life?
he gently grabs her hands and caresses them. he can't stare at her in the eyes because he's afraid that he'll see hate in them. but hearing her, made him stare at her.
"i can't do this anymore, katuski." she sniffles and goes on, "i don't know what to do with my life. i'm a failure. i won't get anywhere in life when i feel like this. it'll always drag me down.
"and i can't be with you if i'm like this. i don't deserve you. i don't want to put you in a position when you have to take care of me because you feel like it's you job-"
she stopped talking as she see's katsuki shake his head, the tears almost spilling and her heart aching as she heard him, "you're not divorcing me. please, don't do this."
she cries more and tries to release her hands from his grip, but she feels weak. with a depressed look she stares at his vermilion eyes, whispering, "i don't know what else to do."
although she can't hug him and katsuki won't make her, he reaches in and comforts her, wrapping his big arms around her fragile body. he's pleads with her that we'll make it work. pleads with her to not leave him. that they'll both work through this even if it means the road will be bumpy.
and he's never been on his knees and plead for someone to stay with him. but he can't let y/n go, he loves her to much to let her go. and he knows that she loves him as well and it's the depression talking. and he will not let it win.
"i'm sorry!" she cries out as her hands grip his jacket.
"you don't have to be sorry, you did nothing wrong." he says, his voice breaking as he clings on her more. he tries being strong, for her, but when he hears her voice and tells him it's okay to cry, he lets it all out.
cries fill the room and after they calmed down, katsuki releases her and holds her hands in his. with a serious yet softly voice he speaks to her, "i want you to get help. i need you to get help so that you'll be fine. please, i love you."
she says it back as she let's him continue, saying that he wants her to enter mental institution in order for her to get help and that he'll visit her and he will be waiting for her.
and she did enter a mental institution. katsuki did keep his promise. he did ended up visiting her and after staying there for two weeks, katsuki was there when she exited those doors. of course with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
once the news got out that the number one heroes wife tried offing them self, paparazzi had shown up at the institution flashing their cameras. katsuki had told them off and shielded y/n with his jacket and umbrella.
y/n had quit her job as being a cam girl. well, more like katsuki had made her, saying that she'll be working in a office at his agency. that way he could keep a close eye on her and they'll both be closer to each other.
y/n had deleted her previous social media account and had made a new one. one where it would be for her and katsuki and not for her old job.
ever since the incident, katsuki had showed her more love than he ever did. offering her anything that pleases her: taking her on more dates, buying things that she didn't really necessary need but thanked him either way, showing her off in public, showering her with affection, and showing her off on social media.
and although the ride might be bumpy, y/n would be okay, because she has a loving husband who would show her the way. y/n couldn't have dream of anything more, she finally felt like she belonged somewhere.
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yaboirezzy · 3 months
Some Witch Family HC/Stuff I forgot to post a year ago
- Her family always protects her, especially Chariot (shocker I know), you a rando? try anything and you'll soon wake up with less teeth than you remember
- Amanda is the instigator to her instigatee, one time she told her that the biggest broom in the house is magical and Akko went hog wild around the house
- Akko: "Yay! Water! *rolls around the water sprinkler*"
- Spirits around the house calls her 'lovable little hug bug'
- Got her love for and first nightfall book at her 5th birthday, Charoix searched far and wide to get that book since most bookstores around town didn't have any stock
- Chariot: "Lotte, Barbara, why aren't you two asleep yet?"
Lotte: "... Nightfall"
Chariot: "Alright, finish the chapter and then go to sleep"
Barbara: "But we were just getting to the fun stuff!"
- Loves mushrooms way too much, wants to put them in any dish her parents made
- Is the one who pokes fun at the others quite often but still genuinely loves them
- Sucy: "You know I wish you all would take a greater interest in my witchcraft. I mean we're sisters but sometimes it feels like we're just roommates"
Amanda: "Suce, if you don't cut it out with your middle child nonsense, I'M GONNA SHOVE YOUR HEAD RIGHT UP THE-!"
- One of the girls who always protect the others from bullies, usually resulting in fights if the situation calls for them
- Pretty strong and agile even when she was still like 5
- Croix: *holds Amanda by her hoodie like a cat while all the orange haired girl could do was do a >:| face*
Chariot: "She broke something again didn't she?"
Croix: "Yes"
- The older child who knows how to make everyone feel better
- 'Snack Queen' knows all the good snacks (and sweets) to the point of making a ranking system
- Jasminka: *casually eats a whole metal plate ala Stitch style* That tasted awful
Croix: "... That was a salvage part young lady..."
Jasminka: "Sucy told me it's edible"
- The genius youngest child who always watches Croix's work with interest
- She made her first invention (Proto-Stanbot) at the age of 6, but out of all of her inventions the only one her siblings seemed shocked about is when she upgraded all of their smartphones
- Chariot: "Croix?"
Croix: "Yes dear?"
Chariot: "Why is constanze spinning around on top of your roomba?"
Croix: "That's her toy now, also she's my assistant"
Chariot: "But she's like 6-"
- None other than the responsible older/eldest child who takes leadership when their parents aren't home
- Can't stand her siblings antics sometimes but understands them and sometimes join in on the fun
- Diana & Amanda: *fiercely fighting over something*
The others: *tries to calm them down*
Lotte: "Sucy don't just stand there, do something!"
Sucy: "No no, I wanna see who wins this one"
- Gets anxious around other people who aren't her family
- Reading nightfall with Lotte is her comfort activity
- Barbara: "Meeting new people is scary, I don't know how to give a good first impression"
Amanda: "Well if it was me, I'd hit them first and say 'hey what's up? the name's Amanda!'"
Hannah: 'Okay never ask Amanda for support of any kind'
- Has trouble finding out what she wants or likes at times
- She has a middle sister and little sister rivalry going on with Akko, all started when Akko bites her leg when they were sleeping (Akko was dreaming about food)
- Hannah: "Mom! Akko is trying to eat me again!"
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mxdnights0 · 4 months
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Authors Note: This chapter is a little different. It is from the perspective of Tigris Snow, and its her thoughts during some of the events up until now. Its a bit shorter the regular chapters, but next chapters will be longer :)
Tigris’ POVIf I had known what all of this would come to, I wouldn’t have been as sure of myself when I helped him. Corio was such a sweet child, and he had been my best friend. I had asked myself what had happened. What had changed in him.
 I used to have him clinging to my arm.. Hiding behind me when he got too scared of being in front of people, and now? He wouldn’t even spare a second to even look at me. I understood that losing Grandma'am hurt, especially since he was still in district 2 when it happened. I understood more than anything. 
I was alone until Corio came back to the capitol, working every day to the bone just to make ends meet and be able to feed myself. There were days I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep because I had to stay awake incase people got too close. Then, Corio came home. He wasn’t the same anymore.We moved into the flat we had all shared before, but he had the locks changed so I couldn’t get in once he finally moved up to be Doctor Gaul’s apprentice. He got me a job as a stylist for District 4 in the games, but he refused to see me.
That's when I realized something. He was just like his father, and he was no longer the boy I had protected when we grew up. That's when I started to change too. I no longer saw him as the little boy I longed to have back, but what he was truly turning into. A creature of immense hate. Of hunger for power. It wasn’t until I met Mags Flanagan that I realized just how evil he could be.
The first time I saw Mags cry was the night of the interviews. She sang a song. It was a beautiful but woeful tune that had etched its way into my brain just the year before. Lucy Gray, I remembered. The girl no one was to speak of. I had been through my fair share of breakups, but none had resulted in forcing the entirety of Panem to never mention them again.
I walked into the observation deck where I had seen the peacekeepers drag Mags into. I know I shouldn’t, but Mags had become my friend. I was worried about her. She had crumbled onto the ground, her chest rising and falling slowly. I rushed over, dropping to my knees and helping her sit up. It revealed a bright red handmark on the side of her face that set an ice cold stab into my heart. “Corio did this..?” Mags only nodded, her eyes so full of tears that it seemed she could explode if anything weren’t let out soon. Her eyes went to the screen, mine following as I saw the horrors. Mags family, all dead. From her parents to her siblings. The youngest had only been one year old, Mags told me. My heart were completely and utterly shattered as I pulled Mags into a hug, my eyes not leaving the screen. Coriolanus was just like his father now, and he was not family anymore. I think that was when the hatred started.
I knew then that I could never stand with him on things again. We’d never see eye to eye on anything again. The Corio I knew died the moment he entered that arena. My cousin died when the rebels bombed it. This Coriolanus wasn’t anyone I wanted to be associated with, and in a way? I wasn’t upset. I had never disliked him before, even though I had sacrificed everything in my being to protect him during the dark days. The nights I had gone without food just so he had enough for his stomach to not ache at night. It was like he had seen those sacrifices and spat on them. He obviously didn’t care about me, so I would learn to forget about any love I still had for him. I’d never support anyone that would kill innocent people for the fun of it. 
As I held Mags in my arms, trying desperately for her to get a solid breath in and out, I forgot how messy things could be. This had been the horrible downfall of almost an entire family line. Mags was alone now. Going into the games. With no one to trust, because I know for a fact that Dolion would betray her without a second thought, not a single thought in his tiny little mind. I had a job now, and that was to be there for Mags. We both knew that behind her bold and loud front, she was like fine china. Fragile and small. Easily breakable. She would win these games, and I would be there to pick the pieces of her up, put her back together. I had to. And if Coriolanus were to ever see a downfall like he deserved, I knew I wanted to be part of it.
I was done with being treated like that. I wouldn’t let myself be used for someone else's gain anymore. I wasn’t a pushover. Not anymore.
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I think the 'diary of a wimpy kid' series can be analyzed in so many fascinating ways if we treat it seriously. Like there's a lot to be said about so many things.
A list (this is just my opinion tho):
Greg doesn't actually seem to be a social person. He found Rowley and was happy. He actually did have another alternate friend who actually liked him and was interested in the same stuff he is but Greg doesn't really seem to care for him very much.
2. Rowley and Greg actually are very different people with very different interests and even morals. Somehow, despite all that, it seems that their friendship is pretty rock solid and they genuinely care for each other.
3. Greg cares a lot more for his dad's opinion than his mom's. Susan is often the one pushing Greg to be different than he is, more outgoing, more interested in reading, etc, but Greg is more affected by his dad's less frequent attempts and pays a lot of attention.
4. Greg is a lot more like his dad (quiet, introverted, not having many hobbies, tends to love hating things, etc) and Rodrick is a lot more like his mom (outgoing, huge friend group, lots of hobbies, etc).
5. Greg's parents' attitude towards Manny could be favoritism but it also could be the usual stuff that happens with older and younger siblings, where the older siblings perceive the youngest to have more favors and privledges.
6. Greg's family (with the exception of Manny and Susan) seem to just not be very touchy-feely. They have to be told to hug each other, and Greg sees Rowley's more huggy-lovey family relationships with disgust.
7. Greg wears contacts and needs glasses if he doesn't have the contacts on (and is literally blind without them), yet somehow this has minimal impact on the plot.
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A Recipe for Disaster (Chap. 4)
Pt.1 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | on AO3 here
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Steve and Nancy walked along in silence for a while.
Steve says “Nancy, I don’t want to make you do this.” at the same time Nancy says “You aren’t making me do anything by the way.”
She smiles and motions for him to continue. “If I had any more time or any choice in the matter I wouldn’t make you do this. I still don’t want to.”
“Why are they making you anyway?”
“They..uh.. Want to make sure the whole media fiasco that happened back in the States with my fri_that guy Tommy, won’t become..permanent? I guess?”
“They want you to marry a noblewoman, not a nobleman.” She nods in understanding.
“Yes, that’s definitely a much better way to put that.”
“I see.” 
“And I uhm, I’m not just interested in noblemen, I could go for both..both noblemen and noblewomen” Steve admits, rubbing the back of his neck.
He dares to look at Nancy, who’s smiling softly at him.“Good to know, thanks for telling me.”
She leads them to a nearby bench and pulls him down to sit beside her.
“Steve, I am more than happy to do this for you.”
“But you have dreams of your own Nancy, you have things you want to do too that specifically have nothing to do with the royal life.”
“I already knew that my own dreams would be unrealistic for me. I am a royal woman. I knew this would happen at some point.” She’s still smiling kindly at him.
“That doesn’t make me feel better about this at all, you could marry Jonathan. You aren't in line for your own throne because of Mike, right? So why do this at all? You barely even know me." She thinks for a moment. "I believe you will be good for Genovia and a good representation of the future of all our countries. You didn't come from this world, have made mistakes in the recent past that any teenage person would, but you have moved and grown so far past them that you're willing to fall in line with your government in order to lead your people."
Steve was stunned into silence; he definitely hadn't been expecting all that from this woman he'd only known for a short time.
"Plus I’d rather marry the one royal that would support those dreams of mine than to one that’d try to snuff them out, just like I figure you’d rather not marry some other random person who’s only there for show. I do plan on helping you with this as much as I can; I promise you will be hearing a lot of my advice and opinions in the future.” She gives him a wink.
Steve laughs “Yeah, I’d expect nothing less.” he pulls her into him for a hug “Thank you Nancy.”
“You’re welcome, Steve.”
‘Why? Why did I choose tonight to sit out here? Why couldn’t I have just stayed my ass inside??’ Eddie cursed himself, ignoring the small sputtering flame in his chest for the king-to-be as he shot up from his seat in the gardens a good ways away from the two intruders.
Seeing Steve in the clear golden sunset had only made the small flame for the man to grow stronger, if not bigger. His heart completely ignoring the beautiful young woman Steve had in his embrace, and the ache in his foot from his last encounter with the prince.
Eddie snapped his journal shut and slouched back towards the palace, hoping he wouldn’t be spotted by the other two.
Nancy’s parents had arrived two days after she and Mike had, and brought along Nancy’s youngest sibling, a delightful little girl named Holly who Steve absolutely adored.
He and Nancy talked a lot in those two days; She had told him what to expect from her parents, said her mom was really the one that he’d have to get on with despite her father being the current ruler (“Will do, can’t wait until Mike takes over for your dad and I have to deal with him on the regular.” Steve had said with an eye roll, Nancy giggled and responded with “Yeah.. mom will still be the one in charge there too, good luck Mike.”). Lucky for Steve, Karen LOVED him and only asked a couple awkward questions about future heirs.
“Oh, uhm, yeah someday, sure, but nothing until Nancy is ready.” He’d placated her, knowing full well he and Nancy hadn’t talked about that whole part of their arrangement yet.
“Don’t be so humble about it son, you need heirs. Best get to it sooner than later.” Nancy’s dad, Theodore, had responded and got a smack on the arm and a “Dammit Ted, why must you always make things awkward.” from Karen.
Steve had excused himself then to warn Nancy about what may be coming (who had rolled her eyes and very bluntly stated, “I’m in no hurry at all. Come on, let's get with Hopper so we can leave already.”), before setting off to the seaside village of Mertz for their first public outing.
It was going well enough, though the cliffside beaches they were walking along were definitely more windy than he’d like.
They trudged through the sand, arm in arm, purposefully trying to ignore the paparazzi until they absolutely couldn’t anymore, and laughing quietly at Ted’s huffing as he also trudged along behind them and Joyce.
“About time we gave them a wave, don’t you think?” Nancy asked.
“Yep, I think so..” Steve sighed in return and waved towards the gathered cameras who all started clicking and flashing the moment he did.
He glanced down at Nancy and caught her small smile at the cameras for a brief moment before her patterned scarf was suddenly whisked away from the collar of her coat and started breezily rolling back the way they’d come.
“Oh shit!” Steve started after the scarf, and so did Nancy.
“A prince shouldn’t run for a scarf!” she laughed as they both again just missed grabbing the slippery thing.
“Neither should a princess!” he laughed back and suddenly he was flopping forward, having finally grabbed the damn thing, but tripping in the process. He landed on his side in the sand and Nancy similarly flopped down next to him on her stomach as if she’d tripped over him after he went down, but Steve had a fleeting suspicion it was just so he wasn’t embarrassed on his own.
“Your scarf, your highness.” He spoke in Dustin’s patented haughty voice as he wrapped the thing back around her neck. 
“Why thank you good sir!” She parroted back in the same lilt before dissolving into giggles.
They spent the next week together, doing whatever came to mind, really. They played badminton, they had dinners together with everyone, he listened to her complain about how it was growing up with Mike, he’d read some of her pieces (and they were as good as he thought they’d be), and just went for strolls together in the gardens.
These walks were usually reserved for the more important chats, ones reserved for full honesty with each other. Like about how he’d always wanted a bigger family but that he’s not about to make her do that if she didn't want to. How she could definitely see herself with Jonathan. He in turn told her about his unfortunate feelings of heartbreak when it came to Lord Edmund. 
“I only knew him for a couple minutes but that’s all it took; I really think it was a goddamn love-at-first sight scenario…before it was ripped out from under me literally two days later. It stung. Bad.”
Nancy rubbed his arm comfortingly. “He seems like an ass.” She says in a completely serious, sensitive tone that causes a laugh to bubble up through the sudden tightness in his chest.
“That’s the thing though, I really want him to be, but he may very well not be.” Steve sighs, and pauses for a moment. “I really don’t want him to be an asshole…” he finishes quietly.
“You could see yourself with him, couldn’t you?”
Steve thought about it while they shuffled slowly along the path. Could he? The image of Eddie beaming at him during his coronation, of Eddie sitting at his side in the throne room while he meets with the public, a painted version of he and Eddie, a little bit older, standing side by side and hanging beside Joyce and Robert flashed through his head, one right after the other. Against all common sense, Steve found himself wanting that more than anything.
He also realized that the small fire that had sparked in his chest that night when he saw Eddie through his window was decidedly not hatred.
“No, I don’t think I could.” Steve lies right to Nancy’s face. Like the coward he is.
She looks at him like she doesn’t quite believe him, but drops it anyway; “Lets head back in..”
Eddie hears the unmistakable sound of Steve’s voice carrying down the main path and up the small offshoot where he’d decided to sit with his journal today.
‘How the hell am I always out here when they are??’ Eddie thinks bitterly.
He’d purposefully tried to ignore their conversation but Steve had started talking about some ‘him’ and his curiosity got the better of him.
“I only knew him for a couple minutes but that’s all it took; I really think it was a goddamn love-at-first sight scenario…before it was ripped out from under me literally two days later. It stung. Bad.”
“He seems like an ass.” Says a lighter voice that must be Nancy.
Her words pull a shaky laugh out of Steve before Eddie hears him continue.
“That’s the thing though, I really want him to be, but he may very well not be.” Steve sighs, and pauses for a moment. “I really don’t want him to be an asshole…” he finishes quietly.
‘Oh fuck, are they talking about me??’
“You could see yourself with him, couldn’t you?”
It’s like her question was directed at him and not at Steve; against his will, Eddie's brain flips through the possibilities before him if, against all odds and against what Parliament wants, Steve chose him to be his Prince Consort.
Eddie can see himself standing off to the side and smiling proud at Steve’s coronation, sitting beside him as he meets with the public in the throne room just like Queen Joyce does now, by his side at any number of nameless events, just with Steve.
That sputtering flame that had grown just from seeing Steve a mere few days previously, burns so hot in his chest it’s like it’s actually burning a hole through his shirt. He absentmindedly places his free hand over the spot on his chest and wishes it would go away.
“No, I don’t think I could.”
Those six words coming from Steve’s mouth should have done it, but it just makes his heart burn hotter, as if in defiance. As if his heart is falling for Steve harder out of spite. Like his heart is yelling out to Steve itself: ‘I’ll show you, I’ll prove we’re not an asshole! We’re gonna prove it to you again and again until you’re ours.’
Eddie waits until they’ve gone before starting down the same path and into the palace. He hears a couple voices talking as he enters through the ballroom, and glances up to see the new security intern talking to a tall, gangly looking teen. ‘Damn they are really letting anyone in here these days..’
They spot him too as he enters, and the intern calls out to him. “Good evening Lord Edmund, have you been introduced to Prince Michael yet?”
“Ah, you’re another royal, that makes more sense,” Eddie says and approaches Michael, hand extended “Lord Edmund Muñoz, your highness.”
“Ah, so this is the guy?” The dark-haired teen says to the shorter curly-haired one while taking Eddie’s hand.
“Yep, this is the one.”
“Am I allowed to ask what guy I am?”
The two boys share a look, then look back to him “Run a campaign with us.” they say at the same time.
Eddie’s stunned. “Wh_what? How do you_?” he sputters, then clears his throat “How’d you know I play?”
The two boys shrug, and Michael says “You looked like it.”
The other elbows him and is very obviously holding back laughter.
“I looked like it.”
They nod.
Eddie sighs, “When are you thinking?”
Steve escorted Nancy to her room and bid her goodnight before heading off to find Joyce.
They had spoken since Nancy’s arrival, but Steve had purposefully kept it short, and Joyce had respected the boundaries he’d put up in the meantime, but now it was time to talk to her again fully.
He arrived at her door and gave two quick knocks. “Aunt Joyce, it’s me.” he called through the door.
“Come in, Steve.”
He heads inside and finds her at her desk, completing some sort of pile of paperwork.
“Can we talk?”
She spins in her chair and stands, gesturing to the loveseat for him to sit, which she does as well.
“I’m sorry I was short with you when you invited Nancy here.”
“No, I should apologize for inviting her here without your knowledge. I shouldn’t have assumed anything and I…I just wanted to give you your best possible step in the right direction.”
Steve pulls her into a hug “I know, thanks for everything, Aunt Joyce.”
They stay in the embrace for a while before parting. “So is it going well then? With Nancy?”
He told her everything he’d talked about with Nancy over her time at the palace (minus his confessions about a certain visiting Lord), “I think we will make this work out just fine.”
“I am so happy for you Steve, thank you for telling me.” she smiles at him, placing a hand on his shoulder
“Well, there’s one other thing I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Why am I so damn nervous? We both knew this was coming anyway but now it’s here and I can’t get rid of the pit in my stomach and…” Steve trails off and looks to his gathered audience. The three people he trusts most (would have been four, but Hopper “actually has work to do.”) Robin, Joyce, and (surprisingly) Dustin sit on one of the couches in his suite and watch him pace back and forth at the end of his bed.
“You can do this, Steve; you both know what is in store for you and like you said, both knew this was coming.”
“You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart.”
“You’re only nervous because you have that giant rock in your pocket.”
The other three laugh at Dustin’s observation, and it was true, the ring that’d previously belonged to Steve’s grandmother was a hell of a ring. “Yeah, that’d do it.” Steve chuckles, “OK. I can do this.”
He and Nancy had talked about this previously too, they’d be outside under Genovia’s famous pear tree, in view of the paparazzi when they were called and eventually showed up. To do it in front of the media will cement the fact that much faster and hopefully give them enough time to make wedding arrangements.
It was insane that it’d only been a week since his birthday and now here he was, about to propose to a princess just to keep his family’s legacy.
“Here you are, Nance.” Steve hands her the small velvet box that he’d been toying with in his pocket all day.
She puts on a great questioning look that morphs expertly into feigned surprise when she opens it. She puts her free hand to her chest and says “Oh, Steve..”
“It was my grandmother’s ring, she and my grandfather were married for 54 years, Joyce thought it’d be good luck.”
Nancy smiles at him softly, “Do I have to put it on myself?”
“No, no, I can do that.” Steve chuckles. He takes the ring from the box and slides it onto Nancy’s ring finger, though it’s a bit big for her. They can both hear the incessant snapping of the paparazzo’s cameras as soon as he does. “I'll get it resized for you while you’re gone.” he says and gives her a wink.
“It’s beautiful, Steve, thank you.” She gives him a kiss on the cheek and he hears the cameras start up once again.
“Nice move.” he says and they laugh to themselves as Steve helps her up and they head back inside.
“Fly the lovebirds..” Murray speaks into his earpiece as he watches Steve and Nancy approach the door to the palace’s front staircase.
“Are you ready for this?”
“Only if you are Steve.”
He nods resolutely and takes her right hand in his left before stepping forward and out onto the landing.
Hundreds of people have gathered to celebrate his and Nancy’s engagement. They have flooded onto the front lawn, some were wearing fake tiaras and crowns and most were waving the small Genovian flags.
He and Nancy stop at the railing and wave to the masses, taking it in for a moment and smiling for his people.
“I can’t believe they’re all here for us.” he leans over slightly to say to Nancy
“Hm?” she hadn’t heard him over the crowd so he tries once more, this time sweeping his arm out at the citizens
Speaking a bit louder this time, Steve says “It’s crazy they’re all here for u_” and cuts himself off as his hand comes into contact with something and it moves away from him; reacting immediately, he scrabbles for the small pot of flowers and clutches it to himself, seeing some of the crowd laughing, but he hopes he pulled off that save.
Nancy, the hero she is, takes the other pot from the railing, raising it to the crowd minutely and turning back into the palace with Steve. 
Dustin is doubled over in laughter.
“You are the dingi-est Dingus that there’s ever been.” Robin is shaking her head and laughing at him as she takes the pot from him.
“Yeah, yeah, I know_Dustin, seriously it wasn’t that funny..dammit, you too Nancy? All I am is hated in this place. Hated!”
“Seems you were wrong, dad, Steve’s managed to find a wife within a week.
“Stephan can’t possibly be happy with the concept of an arranged marriage.”
He thinks for a moment before continuing “and if I know anything about her highness, she couldn’t be happy with the idea of any marriage..Your task is to romance her. Show her what a real relationship could be. One with fire, and passion!”
Eddie was still caught on “romance her” so it takes him a moment to catch up to what his father said. “And change her mind about Steve.” he says flatly.
“Precisely; the 30 day deadline expires, and the throne is ours.”
The only thing Eddie can think is what his heart is screaming at him; “Forget the girl, get Steve! Show Steve what a relationship with you could be like. Woo him. Woo him!!”
Later, with Nancy already turned in for the night since she was returning home the next day for a short time, Robin similarly zonked out from her own meetings with a handful of dignitaries she’d offered to take from Steve while Nancy was visiting, Steve had time to himself.
His thoughts were going a mile a minute (When will the wedding actually be? When is Nancy coming back again? Who does he bring the ring to in order to be resized? He needs to get new wedding bands for the two of them. He needs to start prepping for his coronation ceremony too…), so, as usual, he started walking.
He started meandering down hall after hall and had been for a while when something pulled him out of it.
From ahead of him, down the darkened hallway, a door, about half-open, was spilling warm light and laughter into the hall. Curious, Steve walked forward as quietly as possible, though his steps couldn’t have been heard over whoever it was that spoke from inside.
“....you are all backed into a corner, literally. Only Will the Wise still stands, weakened, but far better off than the rest of his party, standing between his friends and the horrible demogorgon.”
‘Is that Eddie?’ is the first thought that comes to mind as he finally comes to the open door. Every other thought is wiped from his brain at the sight of him, standing over a table covered in papers, small little things that look like weird shaped dice, and a couple figures like the one Steve had seen Eddie painting that day. His hair was completely down, and it was wild. It was full, curly, and Steve wanted to sink his hands into it and pull, just to see if doing so would pull any noises from that perfect throat of his. 
“I cast fireball!”
Steve is startled out of his thoughts at the sound of another voice. He was so lost in EddieEddieEddie that he completely missed that there were other people sitting at the table. ‘Holy shit, pull yourself together Steve, the fuck is wrong with you??’
The voice was Will, and Steve could see Dustin and Mike at the table as well. Behind the table on a small couch, were Max and Ellie, the latter of whom looked to be re-braiding the former’s hair.
Will rolled one of the weird looking dice and for some reason this was the moment that the Dungeons & Dragons game that Lady Applejack said she loved and the D&D that Dustin somehow knew Mike played were one in the same. ‘Duh, Dingus.’ he could hear Robin’s voice tell him in his head.
Everyone at the table was looking at Will’s die, whatever it had landed on must’ve been a big deal because everyone jumped up and started celebrating. Eddie’s voice cut through the commotion and said “Will the Wise cast straight and true, hitting the beast directly in the center of its chest! It’s completely engulfed in flame, and crumbles to the ground in ashes mere seconds later.”
Steve is so completely captivated by Eddie that it’s the shuffling of the other teens gathering up their things that startles him out of his trance. He hurries down the hall and around the next turn before anyone can see him, and sets off back towards his suite.
The overwhelming worried thoughts that plagued him only minutes before are now replaced by thoughts of Eddie and a heart burning so hot Steve can almost feel his chest above it crumbling into ash like that damn demo-whatever from their game.
Murray finds him on the steps of the ballroom the next morning, finishing up a call as he starts to pass.
He stops on the same step Steve is sitting on and doesn’t say anything for a moment, long enough for Steve to look up from his journal in curiosity.
“Why, may I ask, are you sitting on the steps of the ballroom?”
“Thinkin’ I suppose.”
“Ah, so we’re hiding from Dustin then?”
Steve winces minutely "...Maybe.."
Murray blinks at him before he remembers he has a phone in his hand and moves to finish taking the call. He makes sure the mouthpiece is turned away before telling Steve: “Nancy’s plane just took off; I’m assuming she already has plans to call once she lands?”
“Yep, thanks Murray.”
He bounds up the stairs two at a time and Steve rolls his eyes at his retreating form.
Giving a quick look around, Steve pulls the velvet box out of his pocket and opens it. He’d made sure to get the ring back from Nancy before she left to have it resized and cleaned, and already made plans to go with Hopper later on to drop it off himself, but for now, he just admires it. It’s a true antique, created specifically for his grandmother when she was to be wed to Stephan the First, created around a huge round diamond that shone like the moon.
Someone whistling pulls him out of his thoughts and he snaps the box shut just as Edmund comes into view from between the two staircases.
He’s dressed sharply in all black, his wild curls pulled up fully into a messy bun at the back of his head. The new hairdo and the unbuttoned top buttons on his shirt leave the full column of his throat bare to the world and Steve has to swallow away the evidence of how much his mouth had started watering at the sight.
Edmund glances at the box in Steve’s hand “Are you having second thoughts?”
Steve huffs as he stands, shoving the box back in his pocket. “No actually, I was just admiring it. It was my grandmother’s you know, an_” Steve’s heart stops as Edmund crowds close to him.
Steve nearly stumbles down the two steps on shaky legs as he escapes from between the other man and the railing. “Well if you’ll excuse me, I need to see to some wedding details.” Steve starts up the opposite staircase and pushes his glasses up his nose as he realizes Eddie is following, just on the other set of stairs.
“I’m sorry, is there something you wanted to say to me?”
“No, no, you are the one who stomped on me with your big feet. And you know what they say about guys with big feet.”
Steve felt his face burn up at the insinuation and decided to ignore it (for now) “Well you know, you danced with my big feet.”
“That I did, big boy, but may I remind you that we only danced for about a minute.” Eddie said as he also reached the top of the stairs. 
Steve was taken a back for a moment ‘So he also thinks someone wouldn’t be able to fall for someone that quick.’ he thinks to himself, both fully realizing how ridiculous that sounded and also fully believing that somehow Eddie knew that he’d caught feelings in that short time.
“It was more than a minute.” Steve says to aloud to Eddie (and to himself).
“Maybe a minute and a half..” Eddie shrugs
“Fine. It was a minute and a half, but it was also a lie. Because you didn’t tell me who you really were or that you were trying to steal my crown.” Steve points his finger into Eddie's chest accusingly.
Eddie rolls his eyes at him “My apologies your highness, you see, normally, when I ask someone to dance, I make it a point to show them my family tree.” voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Murray? Have you seen Steve today?” Steve’s eyes widen as he hears Dustin's voice echoing down the hall in front of him.
“Nope, haven’t seen him.” Murray calls, a bit too loud “Wasn’t in the ballroom when I went through and I came right in from outside.”
Murray was giving him an escape.
Steve walked past Edmund, checking his shoulder a bit “You wanna know what else you were doing while you were doing your little lie dance?”
“The hell is a ‘lie dance’?”
“I’ll go check myself, thanks though Murray!”
Steve panicked, wanting to continue to confront Edmund and not wanting Dustin to walk in on it, he opened the next door he reached, a small broom closet, and gestured for Eddie to get in.
He looked confused, but smirked as he slid in past Steve who followed him in and shut the door. 
“You know very well what you were doing with your ha_”
“And what exactly was that, your highness?” Once again, Eddie crowded close to Steve, this time to reach past him and flip the lightswitch off.
For a brief moment, Steve allowed himself to be this close to Eddie, nearly wrapped up in him and fully engulfed in the spicy scent of his cologne before Eddie pulled back and Steve turned to flip the light back on.
“Exactly what you are trying to do now, you’re flirting with me to try and get one over on me.”
“Is that what I’m doing?” Eddie flips the lightswitch again, staying in Steve’s space this time, lips pulled into that same smirk and eyes hooded.
“Yes, and it_” Steve turned the light back on and pressed himself into Eddie’s space, this time doing his best to whisper-threaten him “And it’s not going to work on m_”
Suddenly the door was flung open, Steve snapped his head over to look at who opened it and pushed Eddie back away from him at the same time.
Dustin stood there, slack-jawed, then quickly pulled himself together “My apologies your highness, Lord Muñoz.” and closed the door on the two of them again.
Steve wanted to say something as he did, but the door closed on them before he could utter out a single syllable.
After a moment, Eddie reached his arm in front of Steve to flip the light off once again “So, where were we?” he purred in Steve’s ear.
Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Steve turned his head to Edmund and spoke quietly “You are trying to ruin me and I won’t let you.” then let himself out, slamming the door behind him and on the other’s face.
He heard the door creak open soon after, “You’re the one who told me to get in there in the first place!” Edmund called after Steve, having already started off to find Dustin.
Steve clenched his fists tighter and continued on his way.
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Chap. 5 here!
@henderdads @resident-gay-bitch @livewondrousss @sadcanadianwinter @sidebarre @steveshairychest @potentialheartofdarkness @steddieasitgoes @mightbeasleep @princessstevemunson @totallybitchin 
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meyhew · 1 year
seed i need you to know i have stored in my head any info i came across about your novel and whatever you want to share abt it (even just a lil detail you wrote lately) pleeeease share it i am so curious —lyde
LYDE 🥹 well firstly here are my beloveds (zahra & connor in the foreground, musa with his angel wings in the back)
the details are still very much coming to me at odd times but i can tell u that it follows zahra & connor (and musa) thru their late teens and 20s. i dont wanna spoil the plot but it's basically wrong person, wrong time then right person, tragedy strikes then right person, right time.
u can have a little bit of connor's backstory as a treat he's a rich white boy who means a lot to me <3
Athena was the first person Connor confided in when he applied to Boston University. He knew he couldn’t go directly to his parents. His mother might have understood, but there would have been no reasoning with his father. It was a fight he didn’t want to have then and there was no reason to have it; it would only be real if the university accepted Connor. 
Of course, there was no real possibility of them rejecting him. His academic record was stellar, his extracurriculars were exemplary, and his family pedigree spoke for itself. Even the essay he’d written had gotten a stamp of approval from several adults at school.
“Dad won’t be happy,” Athena had told him, though she needn’t have. Connor already knew that. 
“He never is,” he’d said. 
There was little he could do that would make Wallace Carter happy. 
But he had been living by their rules his entire life. He had gone to the schools they picked for him and practiced the sports they wanted him to and learned the instruments they thought he should play. Every aspect of his life up until now had been carefully curated by them, with little to no effort or real involvement. They thrusted all the responsibility onto Cadence.
Connor would be eighteen soon. He would move out of this house and live on his own, regardless of where he went. He wanted that decision to be his. 
So he sat his parents down in the living room and presented them with his acceptance letters—from Duke, Stanford, and five Ivy’s. All the places he had applied to, bar his safety option.  
His father read each letter thoroughly, while his mother skimmed them all. She smiled warmly as she glanced at the letterheads and then got up to hug Connor. It was an awkward maneuver because Athena sat on the arm of the chair Connor was in, but he didn’t mind.  
“I’m so proud of you,” Marion said. 
He wanted to believe her, so he did. 
Then she went back and sat on the couch. They made a nice picture of success, the four of them: husband and wife side by side, their dutiful children across the room barely an arm’s length away from one another. It was a picture of success, if success were defined as a nuclear family in wealthy New England suburbs going through the youngest’s latest accomplishments. 
“Well done, son,” said Wallace. He regarded Connor with the same satisfaction one might hold for a dog that’s finally mastered a new trick. “You’ve nearly outdone your sister.” 
Nearly. Because Connor would always fall short of besting Athena. 
Athena had applied to and been accepted to all eight Ivy Leagues. She hadn’t entertained the notion that she might not get in. She hadn’t had a safety net. Then she went on to study neuroscience at Brown. 
Connor wasn’t upset about it. It wasn’t his goal to outdo his sister. He knew she was the smarter sibling and he didn’t see why he should bend over backwards trying to prove himself when he was already secure in his intelligence. 
That didn’t stop the backhanded compliments from cutting just deep enough.
“Have you given any thought to where you might go?” Wallace asked. “Dartmouth isn’t too far and they always loved your grandfather. There’s a legacy there.” 
Yes, the legacy. Connor grew up hearing about the legions of Carter men and women who attended Dartmouth College. He’d seen countless grayscale and sepia photographs of family members past in gowns and graduation caps. 
He didn’t want his own face to be added to the pile. 
“Actually,” he started. 
The weight of his father’s stare was too expectant and the words clogged his throat. 
Then his sister’s foot pressed against his shin. He realized he’d been bouncing his leg alarmingly fast. 
“They won’t be able to stop you,” Athena had said to him a week ago. “They’ll give you a hard time and bitch about it for a while, but ultimately it’s up to you. They won’t make you not go to college.” 
Athena wasn’t the kind of person who said bitch about it very often. Connor had found it strangely, immensely comforting to hear. 
He squared his shoulders. “I was actually thinking about the Boston area.” 
“Well, sure, that’s just as good. Harvard has a stellar reputation, though, of course—” 
“Not Harvard, Dad. Boston as in Boston University.” 
Wallace Carter wasn’t taken aback by much, so it was a great feat that he was rendered utterly speechless. He looked back and forth between his children, like he expected them to start laughing and say Oh, we got you good! Then he looked at his wife, who simply blinked back at him. 
Finally his dark eyes settled firmly on his son. 
“Carters lead by example,” he said. “We invest in our education, and do so by entrusting the most prestigious institutions with it. Why on earth would you possibly want to attend a mediocre school when you can enjoy all the privileges and benefits that come with a place like Dartmouth?” 
This was a precarious line he stood on. Teeter too much one way or the other and he would fall over. 
“I’ve been to places like Dartmouth,” he said carefully. “All my life, the schools I’ve been to have been miniature Dartmouths and Harvards. I want to explore something new. I want to know how other people are living their lives.” 
Some muscle ticked in Wallace’s jaw. “You are not other people. You are a Carter and you will behave as such. We have invested too much in you.” 
“Invested? You mean you’ve given us the basic necessities all parents are to provide their children with?” 
“Son, you know we have done damn well more than that.” 
Athena’s voice cut in quietly, firmly. “Dad, don’t do that. Don’t make this about you.” 
“And who else should it be about? We pay for your education but we can’t express an opinion? We can’t guide you when we see you making erroneous decisions?” 
“He got in. He’s still good enough for your prestigious institutions. Why can’t he choose the one that makes him happy.” 
“It’s not about getting in. It’s about making a commitment to what is right,” Wallace explained as though he were speaking to a child and not his grown daughter. 
To Connor he said, “The son we raised would not disappoint us like this.” 
Connor slipped. Toppled over the tightrope.
“Because I’m not the son you raised. You didn’t raise me. Candace did.” 
There it was. The thing they never talked about. The thing none of them ever wanted to talk about. The thing that was so normal for them it had always been a nonissue, except for the times kids at schools asked why they never saw Connor’s parents.
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tuliplips · 2 years
my father was 56 when i was born (he was 20 years older than my mom and had had children in other marriages before) and passed at 63 when i was 6 years old. he had 4 siblings.. and 3 of them died already, but today his youngest sister (so my aunt) came to visit me and my mom. i hadn’t seen her in years and i don’t know much of my dads childhood bc i was too young when he died and his part of the family was too complicated and with problems to care about me at all. i was the last kid that his siblings and all my step siblings never rly cared about. so today my aunt came by after years of not seeing her, and she told us a lot of things about my dads side of the family, and about their upbringing, and their experience with trauma of the second world war, the absence of their dad, their cold hearted and tough mother, and i have to say.. i feel so heavy and sad now.. i’m tired from working all day long and i have intense back pain, and then the fatigue mixed with these stories make me feel so empty and full of sorrow at the same time. i feel like crying, but my tears come and then stop. it doesn’t flow out like i wish it could.
i have a family picture of my dads family (brothers sisters and parents) at the end of the war and they all look so sad and traumatised (the parents hated each other too and after this picture the dad was out of touch) and when i think of my dads little sad face my heart breaks so much. i miss my father and i wish i could hug his child self, hug him and heal him with love.
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(my papa is the little boy on the right. my aunt is the baby, she was born EXACTLY 15 minutes after the liberation)
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