#i'll explain helena later
jungle-angel · 7 months
Two Boys and a History Class (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Normally you and Bob would leave Auggie with your in-laws, but since his mother is having surgery, you officially welcome him into the classroom family
Tagging: @bobfloydsbabe Helena I couldn't help myself with this one because the thought of Bob with a baby does things to me that I just can't explain (lol). I hope you're ok with me including Auggie in some of these and I apologize in advance, the baby fever is out of control at my end (lol).
Warnings: Mentions of a breeding kink, Bob popping off on a visiting teacher who's clearly beneath him etc.
"Alright, so does anybody have any clue as to what the most important part of Erik the Red's reign was?" Bob enquired.
"Not only was he an explorer but didn't he found the first settlement in Greenland?" Deshawn asked.
"You would be right my friend!" Bob declared proudly. "Erik the Red was indeed an explorer and did also found one of the first Viking colonies in Greenland...."
He was suddenly interrupted by the click of the door handle and the creaking of the classroom door before Mrs. Hess, the painting teacher, stuck her head in the door.
"Mr. Floyd might I borrow you for a minute?"
Bob signaled for the class to wait a minute before he followed Mrs. Hess out into the hallway. "I'm so sorry to bother you Bob," she apologized. "But your father came by with the baby."
"Is everything ok?"
"Oh yes," Mrs. Hess assured him. "Auggie's fine but he said that your mother's surgery was moved to later this afternoon and they won't allow him to take him."
"Shit," Bob hissed.
"My thoughts exactly," Mrs. Hess said. "Your wife said she's going to get him but I think she also asked about combining classes."
"Perfect timing," Bob said. "We do that every Friday afternoon."
"Wonderful!" Mrs. Hess said, breathing a sigh of relief. "I'll tell you right now too, if that detestable visiting teacher says anything to you or to (y/n) I'll have him shipped to my neck of the woods and see how he deals with the folks in Chatham County, Georgia."
Bob had to laugh. Just like Mrs. Reyes, no one dared to mess with Mrs. Hess. She was a Southern lady through and through and always had a good quip for anyone who got on her bad side. The high schoolers even had their own slogan for kids coming fresh out of the lower school......"don't mess with the Hess."
Bob waited patiently for you to come down the hall with baby Auggie. "Alright guys, it's looking like it's that hour!" Bob announced once he was back in the room. "And this time Mrs. Floyd brought a little guest this afternoon."
All of the students collectively gasped when they saw you walk in with the baby. Any time you brought Auggie in, the grew excited beyond words. Nobody in the entire school could resist his cuteness, let alone the fact that he looked so much like Bob.
"Everybody put the desks together," you announced, carefully picking Auggie up out of his carseat.
"You want me to take him sweetheart?" Bob asked you.
"Do you mind?" you asked Bob.
"It's not a problem at all," he told you. "We made him together and it means I help you shoulder the duty together."
"You're right," you told him. "But lest you forget mister, that part of the reason we made him was due to that fiery breeding kink you keep buried until we're home alone."
Bob chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Don't even start," you laughed, warning him. "Let's get back to business."
You and Bob wrangled together your students to continue the lesson while Bob kept Auggie safe and secure in the curve of his arm.
"Now in Mrs. Floyd's literature block," Bob continued, touching up his notes on the chalkboard. "We're at a point where the Fellowship has reached the woods of Lothlorien and left behind the mines of Moria. What sticks out to you guys most in this part? Any major themes? Elements? Justin."
"Um, I'd say the biggest one is kinda that darkness turning to light," Justin Daly answered. "I remember picturing the scene in the films where the mines were like really deep darkness and then you get to the woods where at night it's all brightly lit."
"That is an excellent point," Bob told him, adjusting Auggie so that the baby rested against his chest. "We come across alot of that throughout the books, but also vice versa, right?"
"Right!" the students responded.
A knock at the door suddenly had Bob rolling his eyes. "We're not to be disturbed!!" Bob announced loudly.
"Mr. Floyd, it's Mr. D'Nadi," answered the male voice on the other side of the door.
Bob groaned and rolled his eyes. All of the students fell quiet as Bob opened the door to find the pretentious visiting teacher from another school standing before him.
"You're not wearing dress slacks but jeans?" Mr. D'Nadi asked.
"In some cultures I'd be considered overdressed," Bob informed him.
"Yes well, I um.....I came to enquire about that proposal you're working on for the school?"
"Yes," Bob said flatly.
"I cannot stress enough that the proposal is what's able to allow your students to go on these field trips that you plan every year," D'Nadi explained rather sharply. "If you plan on taking these kids to Norway....."
"Already done," Bob told him.
"Mr. Floyd....."
"Listen dipshit," Bob interrupted. "We all know that you're only here as a visiting teacher......keyword there....visiting. You are merely here to observe and then go home. Under no circumstances were you to tell anybody in this school what to do or how to implement their lessons."
"Listen I know it's more responsibility but...."
"Do not lecture me on responsibility," Bob told him sharply. "As you can see, Mrs. Floyd and I take care of our students who are like our own family and if your observation skills were up to par, you'd see that we've got a baby to take care of as well. Now if you'll please remove yourself and your foot from the door, that'd be great."
"You do know that protocol doesn't allow you to bring your own children to work?" D'Nadi tried to tell him.
"Fire me," Bob told him before shutting the door right in D'Nadi's face before he could say anything else.
Bob pressed a soft little kiss to Auggie's cheek before turning back to the students who were trying not to giggle.
"Shall we keep going guys?" he asked them.
Both you and the students cheered and applauded Bob, without a doubt proving that he was the best history teacher in the entire school.
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ficreadergirl · 7 months
Welcome to my Sweetheart
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"Let's feed you love." you said as you set a plate of food in front of Gloria. She purred and started eating her breakfast. You watched her for a moment before getting your own breakfast. You were sitting at the table, eating when you heard a knock on your door. You wiped your mouth and went to open it. There was a man holding a giant bouquet of roses.
"These are for you miss." he said handing them to you. You looked at him confused before looking down at the roses.
"From?" you asked.
"From mr Barry Pierce." he replied. You stared at him for a second before looking back at the flowers. The man smiled at you before leaving. You saw a card attached to the flowers.
"Dear detective Y/n. I couldn't explain myself properly last night. So I wanted to talk to you about my offer if you'd like to listen. I hope these flowers will make up for the awkwardness of our meeting. -Barry" it said. You frowned and put the card down. You weren't sure what to think about all of this. Gloria jumped onto your lap and started cleaning herself.
"Who was that?" Helena asked walking into the room. She had just woken up. "Was it Dick?" she asked excitedly.
"No... it was someone else." you said putting the flowers down.
"Really? I thought he was trying to make up other night for you." she said with a smirk. "It was clear something happened Y/n. Don't try to deny it." she teased.
"Nothing happened Helena. Also flowers are not from him." you said rolling your eyes and trying to hide your blush.
"Then who sent them?" she asked curiously.
"Barry Pierce." you said looking down at the card. She was silent for a moment before speaking again.
"Is he a friend of you?" she asked carefully.
"No... he's just some guy I'll catch later." you said nonchalantly. "But he seems to be interested in me."
Helena felt worry creeping up inside her chest. "Y/n. You should be careful I think." she said seriously. You gave her a look.
"Why did you say that? You know him?"
She sighed and sat down next to you. "Not personally. But I heard couple of things about him. Bad things..." she trailed off.
"What kind of bad things? And how you know that?" you asked suspiciously.
"Well... Y/n... it's just... y'know I was working as barmaid." she explained. "And I met few people in there. They told me stories about him. He's not the guy you want to get involved with."
You looked away thinking about what she said. It made sense but at the same time... "I don't think you ever told me about your barmaid days Hell." you pointed out.
"That's because it wasn't important then." she replied defensively. "Look, Y/n... I'm just saying... be careful. Okay?"
"Okay." you said finally giving in. "Thanks for telling me."
"Anytime." she said with a small smile. You both continued eating breakfast in silence. After finishing, you decided to go to work early since you had some paperwork to do.
"I'll see you later then." you said giving Helena a small wave before leaving the flat.
You walked down the empty hallway towards your office, thinking about what Helena said about Barry. You didn't know much about him except for his interest in you which you found a bit creepy. You saw Dick was already there, going through some files. You didn't know how to start the conversation after what happened last night. You sat down in your chair quietly and started working on the pile of paperwork that was waiting for you.
"Hey, Y/n." Dick said after a while breaking the awkward silence. You looked up to see him leaning against the door frame.
"Hi, Dick." you replied trying to keep your voice neutral.
"Listen, about last night... I don't want you to think that it changes anything between us. We're still friends and partners." he said quickly. "I just got a little carried away."
You nodded slowly trying not to show any emotion on your face. You knew that he was right but it still hurt a little bit. "I know, Dick." you said softly. "We are friends and partners first."
Dick was about to say something else when your phone buzzed. You looked at the screen and groaned in annoyance. "I'll be back." you said getting up from your chair.
"What's wrong?" he asked concerned.
"It's nothing. I'll be right back. Don't forget what you were saying." you said rushing out of the room before he could ask anything else.
You walked down the hallway and answered the phone. "I'm busy--" you started but stopped when you heard the voice on the other end.
"Ms Y/n. You have to come here." Barry's voice was urgent. "I'm at my club. There was a shooting."
You froze for a moment. You decided he was telling true after hearing the panic in his voice. "I'm on my way." you said before hanging up. You went to your office but Dick wasn't there anymore. You took his car keys and rushed out of the building and headed to Barry's club.
When you arrived, the place was in chaos. Police officers and paramedics were everywhere. You parked your car and rushed inside to find Barry but he wasn't there. You spotted a familiar figure standing near the bar, her eyes were darting around the room.
"Babs?" you called out as you approached her. She turned around and her eyes widened when she saw you.
"Y/n! What are you doing here?" she asked clearly surprised.
"Barry called me. He said there was a shooting." you explained quickly. "What are you doing here?"
Babs hesitated for a moment before sighing. "I was... drinking. Dick has nothing but coffee in his apartment." she said with a weak smile. "I didn't expect this to happen."
You nodded understandingly and glanced around the room. "Did you see who did it?" you asked.
Babs shook her head. "No, but I heard gunshots and saw people running. I hid behind the bar." she said her voice shaking slightly. That shaky voice of her sounded fake to you but you decided to let it go.
"Okay. Did you give your statement yet?" you asked trying to keep your voice calm and professional.
"No, I haven't. But I was asked to wait." Babs replied.
"Okay. Are you okay by the way?" you asked.
"I'm fine. Just a bit shaken up." Babs said with a weak smile. You nodded and patted her shoulder reassuringly before heading to find Pierce.
As you searched the club, you couldn't help but feel uneasy. The air was thick with tension and fear. You finally found Barry sitting alone in a corner booth. His face was pale and he looked like he had seen a ghost. You didn't understand why he was so scared until you saw him. It was Nightwing.
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catohphm · 1 year
Happy holidays, Cato!
A holiday prompt for you!: Snowball fight!
[ellie-e-marcovitz ☺️]
Hi @ellie-e-marcovitz! Thanks for the prompt! It's been a few days but I managed to pull something together! I ended going an extra mile and worked it into a nice light-hearted story set in my friend and mutual @ariparri's wonderful Cardverse AU! This fic is set during Cato's childhood in the AU. It's been a fun time brainstorming and writing out this short story, so I hope all you guys enjoy it! 😊
Helena, Jacob, Olivia, and Alessandro Durazzo belong to another mutual and friend of mine, @helenadurazzo.
Snowballs Across the Stream
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Back in a simpler time, the Ace and Jack of Clubs were only just youngsters. Growing up in the upper class of the kingdom, they enjoyed their childhoods with little to no cares. Cato and Helena grew up together. They went to the same school and visited each other's houses with their parents.
One winter, Cato's mother and father, Reilly and Freddie, went away to attend the annual Passion Ball in the Kingdom of Hearts. They dropped off their sons, Cato and Alex, at the Durazzos' home before catching their train. Olivia and Alessandro Durazzo, Helena's parents, were longtime family friends of the Reeses. They were trusted to look after Cato and Alex while their mum and dad were away.
The morning after his parents departed, Cato sat at the Durazzos' dinner table, eating breakfast with them. Jacob and Alex had woken up and eaten early to hunt for the family's supper later in the day. Cato glanced up from his meal and frowned.
"What's the matter sweetie?" Olivia spoke up "You look sad."
"I asked Mum and Dad if I could go to the ball with them. They said no." Cato answered in a melancholic tone.
"I'm sure the ball would've been very fun for you, Cato. But mum and dad are adults. They're allowed to go away and have fun once in a while." Olivia explained. 
"Yeah. They told me that before they left. I have a hard time cause…" Cato paused for a second "I miss my mom and dad.'
Olivia nodded understandingly "I know it's hard. Me and Alessandro miss our kids when we have to be somewhere."
"That's right. We have to go to work everyday but that doesn't mean we love our Helena and Jacob any less." Alessandro added.
Helena, who was sitting beside Cato, looked at him and laid her hand on his shoulder. She nodded "We'll have fun together, Cato." He smiled and felt better.
"I have known your mum before you and Helena were born, sweetheart." Olivia told Cato. "We're part of your family too. Me, Alessandro and Helena."
"You're always welcome in our home, Cato. If you want to come over, just let your mum and dad know. Of course, we come to see you sometimes too."
Cato was happy. "It's much better here with you all."
After breakfast was over, Olivia pointed towards the window.
"The weather's clear and it's piled up with snow." She commented. 
Alessandro chuckled "Perhaps enough for a couple snowballs?"
An idea flew into his wife. "How about a snowball fight, Cato and Helena?" 
"Sure!" He said. "I can find a spot in the woods where we can play." Helena offered.
"Please don't forget to dress warmly, and be careful. It's cold out there!" Olivia told her daughter and Cato in a worried tone. "Actually, I'm giving both of you only 15 minutes before I come and get you both before one of you freezes. Is that okay?"
Both of the kids nodded and left the table to get ready.
Now layered up, Helena led Cato through the grounds of her parents' property looking for a place for them to throw snowballs. In a couple minutes, she found a small running stream in the woods with piles of snow. "We can throw snowballs here!" she said in an eager tone.
"I'll be set up across the stream." Cato said.
"Please don't run, Cato." Helena replied. 
Walking briskly, he took a moment to psych himself up before leaping across the water. "I'm good! You ready Helena?" 
"Ready when you are, Cato! You get the first throw!" She hollered back.
In a makeshift game of tennis, the kids were exchanging snowballs at each other, the stream taking the place of the net. The only thing different was that a hit, instead of a dodge, was a score.
Cato and Helena's game lasted around 10 minutes. The person who scored the most hits once the match was over won. They were both skilled at snowball fighting. When she landed her fourth snowball on Cato, he was knocked to the ground.
Helena jumped the stream and went to check if her best friend was alright. "You okay, Cato?"
He grinned and gave her a thumbs up. "I sure am. Just got knocked down, that's all." She was glad to hear this.
Olivia came up to the stream calling their names. "That's fifteen minutes! Time's up kids!"
"That's my mum!" Helena helped Cato up. She led him over the stream where they met Olivia. 
"I hope you both had fun. Who won?" She asked.
"I got him four times." Helena replied. "Three points on my side." Cato added. 
"So that makes Helena the winner." Olivia hugged her daughter. "Congratulations, dear!"
Their hug lasted for only two seconds before Helena turned to Cato and gave him a hug too. "You still did really good, Cato!" 
"It's okay to lose, sweetheart." Olivia chimed.
Cato replied "I'm just glad the snowball fight was fun!" Helena felt the same. "Me too."
"How about we go back inside and get warm, kids? I've got hot chocolate and cookies baking." Olivia said.
As they went with her, she and Helena whispered. Helena then told Cato "Since I won the game, my mum wants you to taste the cookies for her." He laughed "I'd be glad to!"
Olivia remarked "That sounds great! Let's go in and get comfy." Cato and Helena together shouted "Yeah!"
The three walked back to the Durazzo house, their arms huddled together for warmth.
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trixeraptops · 2 years
This is gonna be a long ass commentary piece as I finally stop procrastinating and I watch the SGE movie.
Buckle up prowlers and princexs and make sure to follow the rules. This line is headed to the school for good and evil.
Not even watching and the cover photo makes me excited. Is she wearing a crown of thorns? Slay. Love the font they used too
The orchestral music and the effects as the title rolls in... I understand what happy crying is now
I usually hate silent reading in movies but I think it was the right move here and the music is kinda eery but also ethereal. A balance of good and evil ♡
I love Rhians coat and the automatic way you can tell who is evil with their mannerisms
Non Canon compliance or a red herring?
Straight into decadence and a fancy ball after the intensity. This is such a beautiful interpretation of what I think is Sophie's dream.
I kinda wish they had stayed with this like in the book but also the fight was epic so I won't complain
SOPHIE IS SO PRETTY hate her dress love the actress LOVE THE GLASS SHOES
And the narrator saying how she sees herself mwah chefs kiss
Wait does Helena already live with them? That's not meant to happen til the 2nd book. But it does explain further why Sophie wants to leave Gavaldon so I'll let it pass
HER DRESS ONG I'm in love costume design is on point so far
Why is Helena, if it is Helena, blaming Sophie for throwing tomatoes her devil children did that
But then again the whole point of Sophie was she had a good life where she had a living family and was narcissistic and beauty obsessed and that's why she was evil even though her actions were 'good'
Ooh Aggie's turn!
Wait are they not starting on the choosing day? It seems like everyone is going about their normal lives which is the exact opposite of what happens when the choice night happens. Idk what the proper term is for the kidnapping
Side note I wonder if Sophie is ever gonna read the story book she does in the beginning with the witch who had a bracelet of bones so that the connection between Ansdil and the witch is present (or was it Hester? Sure wasn't Dot)
I'm 6 minutes in btw. I'm never gonna finish at this rate lol
I love the design of Graves Hill
I love Agatha's design! And Callus too
I love that their first shot together is them separated by a road being jeered at four being weird. I hope it's echoed later in the movie it'd be such a good recurring theme of separation between good and evil and then they kiss and go home to connect them (at least in the book they kiss)
As much as I love it I do miss the idea of Sophie having to drag Agatha out of the house and having the small interaction with Radley that shows she isn't as good as she makes herself out to be
Wait Sophie ignored her mothers grave (book) and now she's reading at it (movie)? Why not just have a funeral scene instead? Though she is a (adorable) child in this scene so maybe it's different now that's she's grown? Or maybe they just nixed that detail?
Also Sophie made friends with Aggie as a good deed now its a genuine friendship? Or was 5-7 year old Sophie already plotting ahead?
I do like the first actual conversation further solidifying Sophie's emphasis on beauty trying to give Aggie a makeover.
The causul insults and the way the two are in synch is so good though, the chemistry of these actors is amazing! Can't wait for them to fight each other later
[Agatha chortles] idk why that's funny
I feel like book Sophie would be offended being called a prig but idk what that even means
Aggies social anxiety and everyone being mean to her
Omg this guy is threatening a child
Wait Sophie I can see as a major customer but Aggie denounces all things fairytale (except for her secret stash). Also don't the books come like every for years and the kids all line up to get a copy? What happened to that? This store should be empty
I spoke too soon Aggie is ridiculing her for reading kids books while holding an edgy story.
Sophie should 200% own Cinderella already are you joking? I get why they did it though they can't just info dump like in a book plus it's the og copy she's looking at
I feel like they could've done a flashback to explain the SGE. Everyone in Gavaldon knows it. They'd be stupid not to, they have a big event where bad kids join the choir and good ones cut off their hair and all the adults hold torches In a ring around the village. But if they are kids they wouldn't know
Love the insane asylum line from Aggie though
Why twenty years ago. This is a every 4 years deal. Wtf making it rare changes fucking everything
And only one girl? They're supposed to be in pairs! One good one evil
I feel like Sophie's letter could have been written to convince the school master to take her WITHOUT CHANGING THE ENTIRE FUCKING KIDNAPPING HOOK
They are supposed to be special because they are good and evil who are friends. Not because they're the only ones to be taken in a Fucking pair.
That kid that bites people is thereby going erased so how is Agatha going to realize the fairies and wolves are failed students? She gonna recognize Leonara who's she's never seen in her life?
I was so excited to see the Schoolmaster chase scene where Agatha jumps through fire to save Sophie but I don't that will happen
And the terrible home life justifies Sophie wanting to leave. Originally it was cause she thought she was better than everyone else but now it's cause she has a bad life. They haven't built up her "good but actually not a good" side at all.
I was so excited but everything's changed and not in a good way. Fucking Wishing Tree. They just did it cause it's easy not cause it's accurate.
I hope the rest of the movie is less... disappointing. It had so much potential just to slap me in the face with its utter ignorance of Canon.
I love Agathas emotional speech to get her to stay and Sophie betraying her that's the only close to evil thing she's done so far
Oh I love this chase scene this was what I was excited for
The castles are so cool I love them
Hahahaa Hort is such a creep now THAT is Canon compliant
These good girls omg, pretending their nice and calling Aggie an it in the same breath
Loving the costume design and I have a feeling I know who Beatrix and Kikyo are~
Can't wait to see the baddies
Sophie is finally showing her bad side and LADY LESSO IS SLAYYYYING
Still wish it was every 4 years like the books but I'm gonna have to let it slide if I want to make it through this
Wait they gotta Memorize everything on the first day? That's true evil. I love it but I do miss the snake basket maybe they'll have the uniform in one
Hahaha I love Agatha
Professor Dovey AHHHH She is a golden goddess
She comes off a bit condescending but also kind. But threatening jeez
Armour she says while hundreds of dresses come in. Also they're meant to have uniforms why is she getting a choice? Is this for casual wear?
Omg they look so out of place even in clothes that fit their school it's perfect.
The Evers chatting ever and then the school for evil chants kill you? Mood.
Why are they starting before the boys get there that's rude.
Ohh ok so instead of the theater moving the first year boys have to sword fight in front of the school. Much more practical ngl
Damn Tedros swung in on a rope, the drama
NO USE THE SWORD YOU DUMB DRAMATIC BITCH bringing fists to a sword fight smh
Yup Beatrix for sure who I thought she was, Kikyo currently uncomfirmed
School for Evil represent!
Ok I understand why he didn't use Excalibur fighting his own side for fun now
I hope the Cyclops wins but I know he won't unfortunately
I love the rose toss. If he hadn't looked back he wouldn't throw it to Agatha and now it's a set up for Sophie and Tedros's relationship
Ooh ok a Lil nice moment btwn Ted and Agatha I see you foreshadowing lovely
Who is this bitch please say it's not the Schoolmaster please say it's fucking Pollux or something
The dorm is so cool
Also what fucking dorm room locks from the outside? Or were those bitches holding the door?
Also who introduces their father with themself? This isn't a descendents fanfic
Your name is Dot but Sophie is weird
The Evil room has the perfect aesthetic
So it's cupids instead of gargoyles?
Demon cupids
I love the dynamic between Dovey and Lesso
I'm sorry is that blood? RAFAL
Bitch just threatened Aggie and poofed the fuck out
Wait where is the mirror in between the bridge
We got off on a rocky start but 42 minutes in and all is forgiven your my fate to the trial by tale tonight
'Something' acting like it wasn't a whole ass man dancing in blood
Shit is going fast
Oh no it is the schoolmaster :(
He's meant to be mysterious :((((
I wish they waited a bit for the Storian reveal but I get it, they've got a time limit can't be as drawn out as the book
The height difference kills me Aggie is so tall lmao
Wait everyone moved out of Aggies room why are their people in there? No one wanted to bunk with the witch?
Sophie is wearing a crown of twigs♡♡♡
The kiss list omg
Oh no red head isn't Tristan. That's disappointing. I bet he's the bite kids replacement
Why be revolting? None of them are they're all stunningly beautiful. Ig that's why the uglification class exists
Um I'm sorry I thought Anemone was the classic cone hat princess who taught animal communication? Nvm checked my book she is the beautification teacher I was thinking of Uma
This scene would've worked better with the original Aggie who never smiled instead of this one who smiled a fuck ton at the beginning. This scene makes no sense more that we've seen her smiling and know she can do it. Though maybe it's harder to smile on command?
Also Good is prejudiced against neurodivergents I can't tell you how many posts I've read of people having to practice smiling and facial expressions. It's the first day cut her some slack Anemone jeez
Also you give grades at the end Anemone. Prejudiced and rule breaker
HORT YOU BITCH but it was sweet that he said she'd always look beautiful to him we stan a creepy half wolf who loves women despite what they look like
Gregor is the fake Tristan! Is he replacing Kikyo or have we just not met her yet. Anyways be seems sweet
He wants to run a grocery store that's so cute
Why are they fighting on a hill? We saw that there was a courtyard they could use that is much flatter and safer
Sophie pulling bold moves, she's clearly never heard of consent jeez
Ooh nice moment btwn Tedros and Agatha it's Canon divergent but i like it alot better than hating each other until they recognize they're meant to be (she said condescendingly)
It's more like playful teasing than hatred. They're actually friends in this i love it
Why is Yuba's group only Evers it is meant to be the only mixed class other than lunch
Yuba is very different not only in height which I don't mind but in personality he's not as gruff and jaded
She's literally watching him fail Jesus she gonna have some trauma after that
Awww lady lesso doesn't have a class made of ice? Unfortuanate
Oh and now she teaches special powers? Bruv
Oh ew Hesters skin is pulsating gross
Oh Hort told her to watch out sweet
The demon is so cool though
Yeah Sophie call the squirrels to fight a demon
Wait but she called them with a scream she meant to sing to kill them
Oh the bees turned into Rafal
Also Lady Lesso X Rafal???
Oh this is so sad Hester baby :(
Also no spiffy professor Sader :(
Aggie babe middle of class ain't the time to bring up Gregor
What no Uma? Dovey stole her class smh
Shit her name is Kiko? Whyd I think it was Kikyo?
Oh Aggie is so pure I love her "I wish for home for all of us"
Oh the wish fish were a baby girl I'm gonna cry this is so sweet
Fuck Agatha just saw two deaths in what to or knowledge is a row
Oh Gregor is a birdie now ♡
Now they're enemies
Dovey is angry at the present but she showed it towards Aggie at first but I'm glad they got there now
Wait where is the White Wolf
Is she not going to kill him in this version
Oooh damn she yanked her extensions out (cut her hair)
Oh ngl she looks so fucking good with short hair
Omg shut up Rafal go away you vampiric creep
oh Teddy is actually nice to her after the punch in this version that's new and welcomed. Can't be meant to be if you want to her each other
Just like the Og Kiko is adorable
Oh ew the key pierces into them like a knife
Damnnnn Sophie looks like a baddie fucking slay queen
How'd she know what's going on she came in late
The costume dept killed this film
The arrow flies straight if you're pure? Homophobic smh lmao
Calm down Hort, possessive much?
Oof if Hester doesn't kill Sophie I think Beatrix will
Ayo Bea I thought Evers never attacked
Wait Trial by Tale is meant to be an annual school thing now its a test of true love? Stop ruining my school traditions movie :(
What's next no talent show?
I wish the relationships were more developed. But there is so much that happens in the book I really can't blame them
Wait do Nevers not get a Survival class? Wtf this is rigged!
Hell yeah Aggie the dove for the win!
Sophie help him you dumb bitch you have to have learned something. Use your talent!
Don't blame Aggie for saving Tedros's life while you were being a Fucking coward. All you had to do was throw a sword at him
Stop smiling Rafal your a creep
You tell her Aggie! Fuck her up with your words!
Wait did they lock her in room 66? Does that mean that they kicked out Dot Anadil and Hester?
I saw your brother Rafal your too old to be calling Sophie love
Oh my god there is no talent show :,(
Gross she just pulled out her tooth
Lesso is Leonora? Twist
I'm glad the skipped the part where Tristan tried to be Tedros and Kiko tried to be Beatrix but i miss the talent show it would've been so dramatic and I wish they have Aggie what I believe to be her iconic night blue gown with the gold
Instead she looks like Cinderella
Damn make up team did well
Sophie and Bakugo would get along "Shut up Aggie the protagonists are talking"
I love the drama of the blood magic
She drops a bomb and then dips like a Fucking badass
Ok I know I was complaining about the talent show being canceled but I love how Sophie showed her evil by turning the teachers to dolls
Oh I just realized Agatha and Tedros were kinda matching
I miss the cupid guy he was a bitch but he was so loyal to Sophie
The Never Ball, is just a bit off but that's why I love it. Oh to be a evil student dancing in an off kilter way with no one to judge and everyone dancing with me. The one social event I long to be at
They look so happy the Evil darlings
Oh so all that happened was their clothes turned white that's not very- SOPHIE IS NORMAL NOW
What will happen to the Evers their clothes will turn black
Yes that's what happened they also they have *gasp* cuts and scars! How atrocious and also offensive to people with scars
At least they didn't put a wig on the bald kid in evil
Hester look so pretty ♡♡♡
Wish we got to see more of Anadols rats we only saw them once :(
But then I would have been like ew rats
Hort is in sicko mode damn
shittt she's gonna kill the school master
Oh no he was pretending to his brother
Um excuse me evil doesn't have to be murder it can be forcing kids to memorize their schedule on the first day
Oh Aggie your so hopeful I love you and your optimism
Don't kiss her Rafal your such a creep ugh
Wonder if his face will crack and turn into a decrepit old man one well see when I unpause
Oh no he's killing children the blood is literally pouring out the school
Oh his face is cracking
Hell yes run to Aggie
Ooh killing Sophie meant that the csstles were put back nice
Ngl beatrix looks hella good in black
Goth girl supremacy
Tedros! Yessss struke the final blow King
Oof nvm lol
Oh shut Teddy's gonna die lmao
Hell yes we live we laugh we love
Rest in pieces Rafal
Id be crying if I wasn't so dehydrated rn
I mean rip Sophie but yay kiss
Oh who could've guessed true platonic loves kiss would have saved her? What a surprise she said roboticly
Oh is she gonna stay with Teddy, for real? NOPE
Girl power but also this time it was more of a choice then the og where it just kinda happened
Oh they're in their office clothes with the new hair
The road is repeated but this time their on the same side i told you it was power
They legit just used magic to make birds shit on their enemies lol
♡♡♡♡♡♡/5 went through some tough spots and I miss the little details but love some of the new additions and overall the movie was amazing surpassed my expectations
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The Beginning; Part Three
(Hours later, everyone has calmed down, and has read over everyone's stories within the book. However...)
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HELENA: I will admit to August and Alain having stories within this book being expected - the... Voice, it said as much. However...
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ISEUL: Why do Lennox and Jinhai have stories within this book... And why are they incomplete?
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OMNISCENT VOICE: Well fuck you, too, alright?! I've been BUSY! Let's see you try writing a route for a game that doesn't exist except in recordings!
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ISEUL: ...I do not know what any of those words mean, and I do not wish to know.
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ALTEA: More importantly... My story...
HELENA: You as well, then?
ALTEA: Yes... My story actually happened for me.
HELENA: As mine happened for me...
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REINER: As did mine...
SAERYS: And mine.
ISEUL: Mine as well.
(Silence falls over the group as they consider the implications of this)
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OMNISCENT VOICE: Alright, I think yall could go around and around about this, so I'll just tell you. First off, I brought you here. Second, you're here to answer questions from people on tumblr. Third, no, I won't explain what tumblr is. The end.
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ISEUL: Wait, what?!
SAERYS: You cannot just-!
Asks Are Now Open!!!
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agentbeeswrites · 2 years
I just watched the first episode and it's everything that I could have hoped for! For years, my bff and I have been saying that we want a comedy lawyer show with Jennifer Walters and that is exactly what we got.
Tatiana Maslany is amazing (of course). I'm so happy to see her in a show she gets to be funny in and not play 10+ characters. My favorite of the sestras in Orphan Black were Alison and Helena - especially when they had comedic moments.
There's a lot of jokes geared at Bruce. She totally calls him on all of his very obvious issues. He does talk about Tony a little too much, but I'll give him a pass.
The bathroom scene at the bar was great. Jen later explaining how she suppresses her anger every day just being a woman in society was spot on.
If you're not familiar with her character, she's a little like Deadpool in that she breaks the 4th wall and has a sharp sense of humor. Jen has similar powers to Bruce (not quite as powerful since he has nearly limitless strength based on his rage), but she's always herself. There is no second personality vying for control.
Sadly, since there is no Reed Richards in the MCU to discover "unstable molecules," her and Bruce have to rely on spandex to stretch with them so they don't pop clothes off.
If you watch it, make sure you watch the post credits scene for a hilarious moment she has with Bruce.
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earth489 · 1 year
Earth 489: Alda & Irwin Hall
Through the many life times Khufu and Chay-Era have lived, their union has brought about many generations of offspring. The latest of these Hawk children are Alda and Irwin Hall. Born from their latest incarnations, Carter Hall and Shiera Saunders, the twins were orphaned at a young age by Khufu and Chay-Era’s eternal murderer, Hath-Set. Before he could turn his attention to the young children, however, they were rescued by their uncle and aunt, Hank Hall and Dawn Granger. With no other family to go to, Hank and Dawn adopted the two children, raising them alongside their daughter Esme.
Although they survived the encounter, the trauma at having witnessed their parents death’s haunted them, and they were plagued by nightmares. One night, during such a nightmare, they were visited by Dream of the Endless, who claimed to have been, in a previous life, their nephew Daniel. His father had been the son of Khufu and Chay-Era’s reincarnations from the Golden Age of Heroes, the Thangarians Katar Hol and Shayera Thal, the original Hawkman and Hawkwoman. Having recognized their plight, as well as his connection to them, Dream offered to be an adviser to them on how to conquer their nightmares. The siblings accepted the offer, and were tasked with breaking the curse that had plagued their parents (and Dream’s grandparents) for thousands of years. With a goal in mind, equal in both reward and difficulty, Alda and Irwin located their parents old gear and suited up as the new Hawkgirl and Hawkman. They would later join the third iteration of the Justice Society, led by Helena Wayne.
Hawkman lore is… confusing. Reconciling everything into something coherent took some time, and even then I kind of cheated by just no addressing some things. Ultimately, Hawkman and Hawkgirl aren't too important to the general lore of this universe, so I can get away with it.
Carter Hall's familial connection to Hank (and Don) Hall is admittedly stolen from Earth 27, another (much more popular) fanmade DC continuity created by Roy Westerman. While I do have some issues with the continuity as a whole (which I won't get into bc I don't want to bash the dude's work), there are some individual ideas that I liked, and Carter's relationship to the Hall family is one of those. Also taken from Earth 27 is the Hall family being black. I didn't mention it in the bio because it didn't seem too important to the lore, but I felt it should be stated.
Alda Hall is based on Alda Hall-Saunders from the Arrowverse comic "The (Ex) Legends of Tomorrow". In it, Alda was just an adorable child, but it was mentioned that in a possible future, she'd be a hero known as Hawkwoman, so I decided to go with that idea. As for Irwin, he's mostly an original character. I decided to give Alda a brother (whose name is taken from Hawk and Dove's dad, and therefore Carter's dad in 489) after discovering a character named Janet Hall, who's the granddaughter of Carter Hall from a story called "Batman & Superman: Generations". Janet is also the granddaughter of Bart Hawk, one of the Blackhawks, but since most of the Blackhawks are still in WWII times, I decided to make her the granddaughter of Zinda Blake instead. I'll explain more when I make a dedicated post for her.
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bracedfangirl · 4 years
I know I should be putting out the next Fatal Mistake AU chapter but-
School’s got me a little, and I can only put out snippets for a few more days, before I finish the end of the next chapter of it. So here I am with yet another teaser from the later part of the AU, introducing a very much unseen side of Morro
(Small clarification: For a reason the ninja and Morro will have to work together around 2 months after Lloyd dies. I’ll put it in a chapter too later, but if y’all want to know it just send an ask)
"So let me get this straight, Wu never told you anything about how souls and minds and all these things work?"
"Uh no..."
"Shit... Okay, then I guess we'll have to start with the basics… Soul types. There are 5 main ones, and each type has variations of it's own, and each type has a rarity and default traits. Trego, tria, geeda, keydro and sikol. Let's start with tregos. They're stable, possession suitable spirits, who are very common, and can heal their breaks and wounds. Aggressive and impatient most of the time."
Morro says while giving a subtle glare at Kai who tries to hide his offense without success.
"The red is the most aggressive, the intensity getting less in orange and yellow ones-"
"Well I bet Kai's one of these right?"
Jay totally fails changing the mood, but Morro seems to comply.
"You're spot on with that, he's the most hot headed red trego I've ever heard of."
"What Flamehead? I'm just stating a fact. Anyway, the next are trias who... really differ by variation but are the most common... Possession suitable, usually able to heal their wounds. There's orange white and malachite. Malachite is fairly aggressive and possessive, orange is more like a sane, calm but protective spirit and white... well white is pretty much a very chill, calm and gentle variation."
Jay cuts in again, seemingly oblivious to who he's talking to.
"Okay well they may be common but I didn't recognise any of us."
"You gotta be kidding me! Three of you are trias! Nya's the most vicious malachite I've ever seen! Being an orange is written on Cole's face, and since Zane has an artificial mind, there isn't even any other option."
"What? When was I vicious with you?"
Morro laughs lightly at Nya's protest, before taking up his annoying smug grin, that's been sickening Kai ever since he first saw it.
"Who said I know your personalities from meeting you enough times in person?"
That causes an awkward silence, the urge to break the deal with Morro and just kill him already rapidly growing in Kai.
"A broken soul and a pretty much nonexistent mind doesn't have secrets if you're a possesser ghost. The memories just show up on hit..."
Cole has to keep him down after that, his boiling hatred threatening to burst out of him.
"Anyway back to the original topic, the next are geedas. While you can possess a geeda, it's not the best choice... These guys have issues with emotional control, and often are panicky or anxious. Somewhat stable, but not the best at fixing themselves. There's blue grey and yellow, the grey being the absolute embodiment of anxiety."
Cole snorts, looking at Jay with mischevious eyes.
"I'm sensing Jay in this one."
"He's a yellow one, the second worst to deal with."
"What- rude!"
Zane's eyes light up, and he turns to Morro, words chosen way too carefully.
"What are you? I didn't really see any match yet."
"I'm a keydro, probably a yellow one... Mood swings and emotion control issues are let's say common, but at least mine is so much of a hostile type that you wouldn't ever get possessed. It wouldn't end well for that ghost. We're more of possesser spirits in general. There's grey and green too, but there's not much difference."
Nya isn't exactly subtle at voicing her opinion, voice venomous.
"That would explain why you're such an asshole."
Kai's uncertain, quiet voice suddenly rings out, grief clearly staining it.
"What about Lloyd?"
Morro freezes mid-turn at that, stalling for a few seconds before sighing and flopping down on the ground, eyes miles away. His voice is quiet, and Kai catches a slight emotion in it, something he never thought he'd hear from the ghost.
It's terror… fear…
"Black sikol... and trust me, that's not something you want to meet in pure form. Especially not in… his case... Sikols are... unusual and… rare. They have insane mental birth defects, completely missing whole emotions sometimes..."
"Mother of god-"
"Too unstable for possession, but you can't recognise them at all... they don't have a trait you can see to recognise them. They can't heal either… at all."
"So that's why the kid still had nightmares about Darkley's years later-"
"Yes… their wounds stay open for years, making them unpredictable and agressive… Very aggressive… They're vicious, and don't care about anything… sometimes not even their own lives… There's white, gold, grey and black and-"
Morro takes a few seconds to stabilize himself before somehow continuing in a more panicked manner.
"And black ones resemble demons more than humans… they take a dragon like shape and a… shadow like appearance, with glowing wounds and eyes... Fighting one isn't just unwise, but downright suicidal… It's like you picked a fight with a rabid dragon!"
It's in that moment that the question he's been wanting to ask for months explodes out of Kai, anger and pain soaking his voice.
"Then why didn't you stop? If it was unwise and dangerous why didn't you just let him go and try possess one of us? Why him?"
"Because he was the leader, and if I let him get home and tell you about me I won't have a second chance! It's just simple strategy Kai! Besides this way there's at least one person who knows how close he was to snapping permanently... an abandonment break blinding your soul's right eye isn't something you can ignore for long-"
"What's an abandonment break?"
"I said too much again didn’t I? *sigh* It's the most dangerous mental injury you can suffer from... Any break is dangerous, as it's the damage of an emotional core, and you can get it with emotional trauma. An abandonment break is when your love and trust cores get damaged, and the name comes from it being found mostly on people without parents... I've never known that it can appear over your eye until I've seen Lloyd's... It looked serious and like it has been there most of his life... I'm pretty sure it's from Darkley's."
The silence that follows Morro's last statement is so thick, they could cut it if they tried. Everyone is trying to understand the new information, still partially in denial.
"I've been taught how to possess, how to keep control and how to try to avoid sikols for decades, but never once did anyone mention that a 14 year old with the soul injuries of a 90 year old war veteran can exist, much less how he fights! He was weak but attacked in waves, and then it took a lot of force to keep him down... The-The only good thing that came out of this is that I completed the mission given to me and that I showed the world how weak it is. I don't think people should depend on just a person to protect them this much...There's simply no way Helena is doing this for fun, she probably feels like I took something from her and in return she's gonna mess with something she doesn't understand, and-and that will result in chaos! People who feel like they were exploited in their lives are agressive upon forced ressurrection! The problem isn't that Helena is planning to do something disrespectful and disgusting, it's because she's planning on unleashing something no one can control! That's why it's important to stop her. I doubt you'd be happy if someone woke you up at 1 am demanding you to save the world... Imagine how Lloyd will feel, waking up in his fucking rotten body!"
The silence after this is far less thick, Kai making an uneasy, seemingly forced statement.
"Then I suppose… we can work together… but only if you play fairly and by our rules."
"I never expected anything else."
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
I think I met/became friends with a social blind for like, the second time in my life. This is based on the following interactions we've had (me = so/sp probably, or sp/so):
Him: Why are you wearing a mask? You don't have to anymore.
Me: It's kind of a social signifier at this point. Like, if I wear a mask, some people might think I'm a bit over-cautious or strange. But I'd rather someone think I'm strange than make someone else uncomfortable, or be seen as anti-COVID safety. If enough people stop wearing them it'll stop being an effective social signifier, then I'll probably stop wearing mine too.
Him: (Laughs) I'm never wearing a mask again unless I have to.
Him: (telling a story about a tense run-in he had with a friend in a public place)
Me: That sounds like my worst nightmare.
Him: It wasn't actually that BAD. I didn't want to be friends at that point.
Me: No, just, the awkwardness of talking about that stuff in a public setting.
Him: I don't... feel social consequences. Like, I do not care what other people think of me.
Me: Oh. I feel social consequences.
Him: I know.
Me: (freaking out because I didn't fully explain a political view he seemed to strongly disagree with before he changed the subject)
Him: We can talk politics later! Right now we should work on x.
Me: I don't want to have offended you.
Him: That stuff never offends me. You would know if I was offended.
Is being aware you don’t feel social consequences at all more of a so-2nd playground thing, or is it so-blind? I sense more so-blind from him just based on the lack of concern he has for propriety compared to other so-2nds I’ve met, but also I’ve heard so-blinds generally aren't aware of the social ballpark in the first place, and might be less aware that they don't feel social consequences.
I'd say he's social-blind. Soc-blinds are 100% telling the truth when they say they don't care what randos think of them. Social-seconds use their reputation / casual friendships as a play zone and are aware of what's socially 'done' and what isn't, but don't take it too seriously.
Just for a lark, go to YouTube, find a video of Helena Bonham Carter, and watch her being interviewed -- that's what social-blind is like (she pays almost no attention to the audience, isn't really connected to the interviewer either, says things that are brow-raising, etc) for comparison. James Spader would be another comparison; he's off in his own little world most of the time, and doesn't even really make eye contact with his interviewer that much. No thought to "how am I coming across / being seen / being aware of the audience."
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millylotus · 2 years
New Baby Jitters
So in my GS Au Selina and Bruce are in an open relationship (I'll explain later) and later on into it they have Helena and Everyone is just kinda enamored by the baby because there have not been any babies in the family as a whole, that everyone got to meet.
Of course, Damian is kinda jealous of Helena because he doesn't want to be forgotten or replaced, so he calls up Talia and asks her what to do about it. (Cause I love good or at least trying to be a Good Mom Talia)
Talia tells him that he should try and hang around Helena and spend time with the baby, to warm up to her. Then to talk with Selina and Bruce about how he's feeling and to not bottle it up, cause that only really leads to disaster. (Jason's dislike of Tim for example in the early days).
So Damian Kidnaps baby Helena and takes her to the zoo to look at all the animals and later the pound to show her the cats. Mind you Helena is like one and Damian is 11, so to an outsider it looks like a big brother taking his little sister around town to play (so really fucking adorable).
Meanwhile, the Manor is in chaos looking for the two of them, they even go as far as calling the Supers so they can keep an ear out for them.
Then at like five in the afternoon Damian and Helena show up with a Maine Coon kitten named Freda. With many souvenirs from the zoo and all the needed supplies to take care of Freda.
After a light scolding for not warning them, the family is just glad that their babies are home safe.
That night Damian takes his chance and talks to Bruce and Selina, to talk about his worries. They reassure him that he won't be forgotten and Helena will never be able to replace him. He'll always be their baby.
Damian sleeps in their room that night. And thus the new baby is brought into the family :D
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grimm-the-6th · 2 years
My entry this month for @far-side-skies oc bird challenge
Little bit different this month as I already mentioned I hurt myself and can't draw. So this will be a fully written entry. Eventually I'll post art of this character but it'll probably be a little while.
Age: Physically 17
Terra: Xoam
Appearance: long red hair in low pigtails, teal blue trailing feathers. Blue eyes. Cat ears and tail. Can shapeshift into a griffin. 
The daughter of War and Death (Aka Arygyn and Hobo cat) has mostly been raised by Arygyn.
You wouldn't know it if you met her though as she definitely acts more like Hobo.
She is temperamental, strong willed, and mildly violent. She can be sweet and usually just wants to have fun but feels stifled by her overbearing father.
Background (there's a point to this early stuff I swear)
- Hobo cat is a reincarnating ex-deity
-- He must reincarnate 9 times and live 9 heroic lives to regain his divinity. 
-- He is always himself but never the same twice.
-- His third incarnation is female. 
-Arygyn keeps an eye on Hobo during this time (it's his fault hobo is an ex-deity to begin with)
--Hobo cat is rightfully pissed about this but still willing to talk to Arygyn.
--Hobo gets attacked by thugs and Arygyn saves her.
--She asks him to stay until she feels safe again 
---A few hours becomes a few days
---Things happen
--They have Helena about a year later
-Arygyn sticks around to help raise her.
-Helena is a very sickly child
--Spends a lot of days in bed
--Arygyn and Hobo get very worried when her sick days out number her good days.
--Arygyn asks the other deities for help
-(Bear with me and the weird lore) they are told that because Hobo is mortal and Arygyn is divine the duality of Helena's parentage is killing her.
--Fearing for their child's life Arygyn takes her to the pantheon (the home of the deities) 
--He has to leave Hobo behind 
--He also did this impulsively and didn't fully explain everything before taking Helena.
--She was 4 years old
--Hobo's 3rd incarnation ends two years later
-Taking Helena to the pantheon slows her aging significantly 
--Arygyn does his best to raise her with the help of the other deities. 
--He is paranoid and overbearing 
--- Afraid she could grow sick again at any time
-- Also he feels guilty about having to leave Hobo behind 
- Helena hates living in the pantheon. 
-- There is no one her age and she finds the spectacle of living with gods boring after a few years
-- Angsty teenage years
- She runs way back to the mortal plane when she is the equivalent of 17.
-- It's been roughly 40 years since Arygyn took her to the pantheon 
-Hobo is still in his fourth incarnation and not happy with Arygyn 
- Helena is searching for Hobo.
-- She's also just there to cause problems. 
- She stole Arygyn's staff and causes mayhem for both Cyclonia and the skyknights. 
-- She meets the storm hawks and while she has fun talking with them she also stands them on a terra for 'survival training'
-- She also stranded Dark Ace, Ravess, Snipe and a handful of talons on the terra as well.
--This child is basically chaos incarnate.
-- She watches both teams try to survive for a few weeks
-- Setting things up to where both parties run into each other and forced to work together rather than fight.
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jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Let's Give 'Em Names Part 2
Hello villain lovers! We are gathered here today to continue our search for the perfect names for these three poor DVR (Disney Villain Recruiter) girls real names!
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Last time, we found a great name for the cutiepie of the group, Pretty Scar. Now we're moving on to the blue fireball herself, Ms. Hades.
Let's get started!
2) Ms. Hades
I'll be honest, this search was difficult.
I wanted the name to sound elegant and beautiful, but still command respect.
So I tried to find minor characters in Greek mythology that could work for her, but none of them seemed to fit.
I didn't want her to be a major goddess, since she serves as Hades' minion. And I wanted her name to be reminiscent of her backstory that I thought of, that Hades created her from his own fire.
So I stuck with three themes: the darkness, death, and fire. All of which would be Greek names.
Also, as I was researching through the fandom, I noticed that a lot of people call Ms. Hades "Helena." I'm wasn't sure why, so I decided to add it to the list.
* Here are all the selected names:
'Celosia,' meaning "burning; "fire."
'Euphemia' (Effie), meaning "fair flame"
'Elektra,' meaning "shining sun."
'Thana,' meaning "death.'
'Mylene,' meaning "dark."
'Hadria,' meaning "dark one."
'Helena,' meaning "shining light."
* I'm gonna go over them one by one and explain what I thought about each name, and why they did and did not make the cut.
- 'Celosia' [See-low-zhuh] sounds very elegant, and is the Ancient Greek word for "burning." So I kept this one for "maybe." Fun fact: Celosia is a plant genus in the amaranth family, Amaranthaceae. And the word 'Celosia' refers to the flame-like flower heads.
- 'Euphemia' [Yuw-fee-meea]: An Old Greek name meaning "well spoken" and "well regarded," as well as meaning "fair flame." Not only is it very elegant, but it comes with the perfect nickname, "Effie." I love this name, I put it at the top of my YEEES! List.
- 'Elektra' [Eh-lehk-tra]: Another Greek name meaning "amber," "incandescent," and "shining sun." I like this one, but I'd put it in the "maybe" pile, since "Elektra" sounds too similar to electricity.
- 'Thana' [This one's pretty easy to say]: If you guys know your Greek gods, you would know Thanatos, the god of death. I like Thana, but it doesn't have the same spark as the others (pun not intended). So I'd put it at "maybe."
- 'Mylene' [Mee-len]: This one has a lot of meanings. "Sea of bitterness," "exalted one," "beloved one," "light," "torch," "light," "shining," etc. I'm leaving this one out, it's pretty, but for simplicity sake, I'm taking it off the list.
- 'Hadria' [Hay-dree-a: A Latin name meaning "person from Hadria," and "dark-haired." Leaving this one out too, it doesn't resonate with me as much as when I first found it.
- 'Helena' [He-le-na]: A Greek name meaning "shining one." For some reason, this has been the default name for Ms. Hades. I mean, I see it. It's pretty. But, in my opinion, unlike the rest of them, this one seems a bit too...modern? I don't know, it's just...an interesting choice.
So! I can't decide which one I like more. Let me know what you guys think.
I had a lot of fun with this list. I realized that there were not a whole lot of girl names that mean 'death.' But it was an interesting time looking through this.
Anyway, let me know what you all thought about my name list. Which one suits our lovely Ms. Hades?
I hope you guys enjoyed, and I'll see you all later! Byeee! 💗
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cryingin2d · 2 years
Make it make sense.
I've been silent for the last weeks because i don't want to deal with how skam france dissappoints me again and again. Now with the one and only reason i started watching the whole skam series: Maya and Lola.
I read Shirley's apologies, and i couldn't help but notice the comparison she did with Maya and Lola to Tina and Bette's break up.
And, as a fan of both franchises myself. I'm gonna try and make you pals understand why this comparison is INCORRECT. So you can have more arguments.
I know a lot of you haven't even watch the show, but i thing that even if you aren't gonna watch it, use this information.
So if you are still watching TLW, just know that i'll be talking about seasons 1-5. Spoilers.
What is The L word?
TLW is a 2004's series created by Ilene Chaiken, that follows the life of a group of queer women and their relationships.
Who are Bette and Tina?
Tinna Kennard and Bette Porter are a couple in the show. In season 1 is mentioned that they were together for almost 7 years until then. They were a BIG DEAL in the show. Always a favorite, even when some awful things happened. They also have a child together, Angelica.
Bette alone is an interesting character. She's been an art dealer, a dean and almost a senator in TLW generation Q. But irrational and sometimes self centered, but we're gonna talk about it later.
Tina is... a case. Her character wasn't really developped on the show, out of being the lover of x. She's on the cinema bussiness, but that was one of the only things we got to know. Until at the end of season 6 we got to know some of her traumatic past on the tapes.
Bette and Tina Throught the series
They're a mess. The break up and got back together a lot of times, they got married at the end of season 6 and everyone was happy... Until we got to know in TLW Generation Q that they got divorced.
Here's when the problem starts.
Shirley said >This<
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"Like many viewers at the time, I was saddened by the end of the long-standing couple formed by Bette and TIne. But i never looked at this plotline or the showrunners (lesbians themselves) as homophobic or missrepresenting".
Now, im gonna explain you why this is incorrect.
Tibette did have Reasons to break up
As i said before. Tina in Bette were a mess as a couple. It was always open the option of them not being together at the end.
Some of these reasons are:
Cheating: On season 1, Bette cheated on TIna. On season 3, TIna cheated on Bette twice. Also, Bette cheated on Jodi, her lover on s4 and s5, WITH TINA.
Selfishness: The way Bette and Tina were selfish with each other was always an issue on the show. It got better with time when we talk about Bette. She went from just thinking about herself to (sometimes) thinking twice before hurting anyone else.
Impulsive decisions: On season 3 and 4, Tina and Bette fought over Angie's custody. Bette ended up kidnapping Angelica, and at the end it wasn't a big deal, Bette didn't get any punishment for it.
Some other things that happened that we can consider:
Bette cheated on Tina after she had a miscarriage, and tried to justify it saying that "she needed that" and Tina wasn't giving that to her.
On season 2, Bette called Tina while she was in new york to ask her if she could cheat on her (she didn't, tho).
Tina was still in love with Bette even when she was with Helena, even when she was with Henry, even when Bette was with Jodi.
When we compare Tibette to Mayla we have to think about something really big. Which, didn't ever happened. Maya and Lola had problems.
We were in front a relationship without communication. They talked about it, but never really had the talk, so talking about their unexistent communication is useless.
Maya runned at every sign of something bad happening. As an example, when she fought with lamif and stayed a whole episode at June's. Or, in season 7 when she left almost at the end while she was in a drama with Lola.
Lola is pictured as a clingy girlfriend, and Maya doesn't like that. But rather than talking to her, she told every problem she had with Lola, to June. A character we don't even know if it's gonna be there in season 10.
The point is, we can't compare a relationship with LACK OF COMMUNICATION, to a relationship with bumps throught the whole road. Mayla doesn't even have the same story as Tibette does. It is not correct to make a comparison, unless, you know... Shirley was really trying to make this an adult show. Now comparing a teen show to an adult show.
I hope you pals got it. I really love both shows and both ships. But we need to see some points without the fan lenses. I'm on the "this season was useless" side, and not happy with the comparison Shirley made. So i tried to make you pals get the point and be as informed as i can make you.
Hope you're having a great day, please stay safe.
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eattherichplease · 2 years
[Spoilers Severance - Season 1]
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So I have watched Severance (amazing) and I need to talk about it with someone or I'll go insane. And I refuse to go to reddit so here it comes.
[Spoilers Severance Season 1]
So, first of all, Lumon is the definition of "Too Big to Fail". They are modeled after one of those dystopic american corporations like Apple (ha), Microsoft, Amazon, Disney or Exxon that are just so big and so corrupt that their fall just can't happen without the whole country/system breaking before. They have senators in their pockets. They control the workforce with their alienation-machine, and thus the economy. They are the economy. They control every aspect of their workers lives. They are a propaganda machine, a religion, etc. They seem to be in control of at least one State, Mormon church style. Lumon is not going to go down so easy. I don't know how the marketing department at the Hail Kier Foundation is going to spin this chaos around, but they'll fix the mess and keep going with whatever they do, business as usual. -So Helly is going back to hell, no doubt. Mark and the rest too.
My only doubt is if they'll go back to the Backrooms as themselves, to be punished, etc, or if their memories will be modified/erased somehow, and to what extent. What I'll really like (well, like is not the word... let's say what I'll find interesting) is for them to be severed even more, their psyches sliced once again, to create a second "innie", that works half the workday.
Helena's daddy issues are biblical in scale. She is more than the typical spoiled CEO brat. She is royalty. She is more than royalty, she is the grandaughter of the Prophet, the daughter of the Chosen One, Savior of Humanity, etc. She's gonna be unshaken and inflexible. In season 2, we'll probably see her trying to fix (and eventually turn around in her favor) the mess that her "better-half" has made with her legacy. She will deal with her own psychological issues in a very healthy way -by punishing her alter-ego. And she will eventually break herself in the process. That's her arc, I think.
The situation with Mark is dire. He knows too much, both in and out. No break-room is gonna fix this. His sister and brother-in-law know too much too and are also going to be investigating further, for sure. They will eventually be abducted-disappeared/declared dead and severed.
Show was amazing. Perfect to explain the marxist concept of alienation, among other things. But we are talking characters and plot.
Don't know what else. May continue later. Need coffee.
Sorry for my english and please feel free to reblog, add whatever.
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Hmm... About COA Lore. I'll try to explain it as simple as I can :'D
It all started with Vera (as caged butterfly) who fell in love with a sailor (the speculation say it's Naib) but her feeling is unrequited, it's say that the sailor was dead, so Vera want to find a magic conch shell to 'revive' her beloved. The one who found the magic Shell is Leo (Pirate captain) and he fell in love with Vera. Leo give the shell to her, but Jack (stern mate) disliked it. So Leo and Jack are arguing about Leo being distracted from the pirate's real mission. To get Leo snapped to reality, Jack 'killed' Vera by drown her. Leo believe that Vera is dead, but actually Vera is still alive, but as other Vera's (Madam Coral) because of her magic shell that revive her. When vera finally realize everything, she needs to find that shell but it's already been used by herself without she even know. Back to Naib, unbecknown that Vera's sailor is still alive, but not really. Naib was 'revive' by the power of 'The evil eye' from Hastur, making him as 'Parasite' and 'Infected'. Also when the pirates finally find the treasure, they're also got infected by this 'Evil eye'. You can see EVERY coa skin has tentacles on them, because they're infected by it. Know that 'evil eye' can cause problem, the pirates hide it, but Jack found it and steal it. Making him also got infected much, and now he's transforming to be 'The Evil Eye Host' (COA2)
Now skip the time and let's go the the COA2 Lore, The snow steampunk city. This city is most likely got the power sources from 'powerful eye' aka 'The Evil Eye' and Jack is the one who had it. In here, out protag is Naib (and idk if he's the same as the wolf or not). Naib (Springhand) need to survive in this city to live, his dream is to become the soldier or colonel in the army. Later on, when Naib already in his teenage years (now Naib is in his 'Steam teen') he and his team (Servais, Helena, Vera, and Kurt) are going against Jack who want to dominate the city. You can say that all of them are lose, because they died from the cold and being ice, yes, the evil eye is the one who give the city 'warm power'. The 'Evil eye' is gone, but Joseph (Auctioneer) finds it. On the other hand, Aesop (Banker, he's the one who works in Jack's power sources) who knows that the city is now dead, he choose to go and find 'other job' (aka being 'Trickster', COA3)
Now skip time again and let's go to COA3 Lore, this Lore is about invention's museum. Joseph who found the 'Evil eye', gave it to Joker (Netherwalker) and Joker wants to use it as his greatest invention to rule the world. On the other hand, our protag, Tracy, is a new hired member to do the mission, steal the 'evil eye' from Joker. And yes, unfortunately, they're (Eli, Aesop,Kevin,Tracy, and Margareth) all died from the infection. Eli (surveyor) before he died, he send a message to Fiona (teleoperator) to help them, unfortunately everything is late. Fiona found the evil eyes, and she goes 'somewhere' with it. Now it's been many year, and it's a 'modern era' where Fiona gave the evil eye to Bane (Molten hound, COA4)
Now skip skip skip and let's go to COA4 Lore, the great race. In here, if you won the race, you will get the gift (aka being alive and doesn't have to repeat the race). There's 3 companies who fighting against each other. Btw, let's skip it again and let's say that Norton (Highway cavalier) saved Fiona (Reflective mirror) from Bane, and she's now with Norton and Mike (pumping tires), company. Demi (fueling agent) and Murro (repairman) are also with them. Also, at First, Norton doesn't care for anything except for winning but soon, his 'cold heart' melt and he doesn't care of he wins or not, as long as he's with his friends. 'Unfortunately', Norton finally won the race. And now, he can't do nothing except watching his friends died from being old (and yes, Norton now is 'immortal', that's the gift from winning the race) and idk who find the 'evil eye'.
Fyi If you want to know the next COA skin, just look at the B-tier in each COA essence. The next COA will have Victor and Luca as the Surv. For Hunter, it could be Galatea, Robbie, or Burke.
So yeah, that's COA Lore. It's all about the 'Evil eye' and its infection. I'm sorry if it's super long :'D
Leaving this here for future reference, thank you.
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croatian-nt · 3 years
Livi podcast
The guests of the podcasts are Dominik Livaković and Marjan Mrmić(who is goalie coach)
Translation under the cut
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Host: Tell me a bit about your season in Dinamo. It was one of, if not the best season ever in Dinamo. What would you say, what happened? How did you guys become so good?
Livi: I guess there are more quality players now. And we worked well together and..yeah. I guess something just clicked
Marjan: He is being humble. Dominik had an excellent season and he knew how to stay calm in stressful situations and that calmed the rest of the team
Livi: *looks at the floor*
Host: was losing against Ferencvaros the turning point? What made you all be that much better after?
Livi: well I suppose it was important. I mean, I think I could almost say it was a good thing we lost so early on, considering the rest of the season
Host: I am not sure director of finances in dinamo agrees
Livi, laughing: well no, probably not but I think we brought it enough money later on
Host: you defended a penalty against Cluj. Well two actually. Was that harder to do or was watching Suba defending penalties during WC?
Livi: oh wow *laughs * that's-I mean you can't compare those two things. Completely different feelings. But I suppose there wasn't that much pressure put on me during those penalities because I didn't know they would be the last. But Suba is probably one of the best goalies Croatia ever had, if not the best. So I really don't think that's comparable
 Host: Alright, first card break. You need to choose between two things
Marjan: Nutmerg or dribble?
Livi: what?
Host: *repeats it *
Livi: *loading * oh! Nutmeg. *laughs * especially when it's Vida
Host: did that happen?
Domo: *yelling from the background * (I think he said "he didn't say that!" But it's not clear) *
Livi: *laughs * Anyway, next question
 Marjan: Meat or fish?
Livi: Hmm. Meat
 Marjan: Pizza or hamburger?
Livi: Pizza. Especially after a winning game
 Host: how did you start with your goalie career? Since most guys want to score a goal
Livi: well, I can't quite remember. I was attacker one day and goalie the next. I like the way goalies threw themselves to catch a ball I guess
 Host: are all goalies this calm? Or are you and Marjan exceptions?
Livi: I mean, there are some goalies that are crazy *laughs, shakes his head * but I am more of a calm type. Works better for me. Although there is that saying 'you are a goalie? You must be crazy' so you know
 Host: Second card break. It's who in the national team...?
Marjan: who takes the longest to get read in the nt?
Livi: oh, Vida
Marjan: Who runs the fastest?
Livi: Vida
Host: Vida, again?
Livi: *shrugs, laughing *
Livi: who has the most precise shoot?
Marjan: right now? Oršić
Host: Livi, would you agree as his teammate?
Livi: well yes, of course he is very good. But Vida is also very good, especially recently, he scored a lot
Marjan: who has the best hairstyle?
Livi: * laughs, covers his mouth*
Host: yeah, you can use Vida again here
Livi: yeah, yeah... Vida has the best hair
Livi: who has the best sense of humor?
Marjan: Vida
*all laugh, Domo yelling again from the background *
 Host: so your first, well second game, against England, what do you remember from it? Were you nervous?
Livi: yes, of course. When I read the list of names of their players...I certainly felt nervous. It has been...what? 5 years since then?
Host: 3, 4 years actually. Autumn in 2018?
Livi: Really?
 Host: who are players who you find most fun? The ones whose company you liked the most during WC?
*Livi, looking at Vida and laughing *
Host: EXCEPT for Vida
Livi: Then, there were also Šime, Dejan and Broz
 Host: except for not missing being on a bench, do you miss Suba in nt?
Livi, smiling: yes, I miss him. I miss him a lot. We have been on a coffee the other day, actually
Host: what would you say, how did you improve as a goalie? But please don't give me a generic answer like, experience
Livi: experience *laughs * I am kidding, I am kidding. But I have been working on playing with my foot a lot. That's what I concentrate on the most and I think I improved. Other goalie stuff well...you learn in every training
 Host: okay, new set of cards, but with one new rule. Who would you choose from nt but WITHOUT Domagoj Vida
Marjan: who would you choose as a singer in a band
Livi, laughing: who else am I supposed to choose? Who else?
Host: alright, alright. I'll give you that one
Marjan: who would you let babysit your kid for a few hours?
*Livi, laughing*
Host: no. No you can't
Livi: hmmm. Then I suppose either Kale or Vrsaljko. They have a lot of experience
Livi: who would you let choose your outfit
Marjan: hmmm. Dominik
Marjan: who would you choose as a co-driver on rallying?
Livi: oh, Šime for sure. When he presses accelator...he doesn't stop
  Host: so tell me, do you plan to stay in Dinamo forever? Or did you have some plans for future clubs?
Livi: I don't think much ahead. Everytime I do, it doesn't exactly end up that way. We'll see. I feel good in Dinamo right now. We have amazing results and I feel like home. Zadar is close, too
Host: Well then. Don't forget about out deal. If you sign up for Barcelona you have to go to every nt conference for the rest of your career
Livi: *laughs awkardly *
Host: I hope it still counts. I mean Ter Stengen isn't bad but I am holding onto your word about that
Livi: alright
 Host: Let's ask something more private. We know you are in a relationship and by recent covid regulations we are allowed to have bigger weddings again so...I am kidding, but in all seriousness did you think about starting a family?
Livi: well yes, of course I have. I mean, all the people I know that have children think of them as biggest blessing. I do want that, at some point
 Host: pets?
Livi, smiling again: yes, Cruz
Host: what breed is he?
Livi: pomsky. Do I really need to explain?
Host: ...a bit
Livi: * explains *He is wonderful. I mean he is mine, but...he is really wonderful. He makes you so happy, especially when you come home after being away...it's amazing
 Host: Helena used to do ice skating and according to Vida, you are the best dancer on the team. That means your first dance will be amazing
Livi: *laughs * I am not so sure about that. I think I'll need to practice a lot, even more than I did to learn how to defend a goal. But we'll see how that'll go. And I have to say that Vida lied. But maybe he is the best. He dances...really good
Host: he has a good sense for rhythm?
Livi: he rips shirts a lot
 Host: New card break. Favorites
Marjan, reading a question from the card: what's your favorite childhood moment?
Host: the one that isn't connected to football
Livi: not connected to fooball. Uff. I am not sure I remember. Hmmm
Host: that far away huh?
Livi: *laughs * yeah. I guess coming back from school and everything being alright(I am guessing he means grades wise)
Host: that moments were so rare huh?
 Marjan: Favorite series?
Livi: Game of Thrones
 Host: what's your hobbies, except for series? What so you do when you don't play football
Livi: well, I actually like to play basketball. I am from Zadar, after all. I started with basketball first actually, before switching to football
 Host: okay, I gotta ask. Why do goalies spit in their gloves?
Livi: well so the ball sticks to them better. So it doesn't fall out of our hands *rubs palms together * so they are...wet. *realizes what he said * but yeah uh. Mostly so you don't drop the ball
 Host: do you prefer long or short sleeved jersey? And how do you choose that?
Livi: I like long sleeved one better
Host: except when it's really hot?
Livi: yeah...when it's really hot I choose short sleeved undershit
 Host: Anyway, you guys told me not to make this too long considering there is a final of Europe league that you want to watch. Any preferences about who wins?
Livi: No, I think both teams are great. They have different qualities so, we'll see
Marjan: I think Manchester United will win. Longer tradition
Host: Either way, thank you guys for participating in today's podcast. And to everyoone who is watching, I hope you'll watch us tomorrow as well. Goodbye
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