#i'm very proud that you're trying to put the effort in to help your friend
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Dear Quil, it's June. One of my friends has a really low self esteem and often hates herself and calls herself garbage. The thing is, she's actually really talented and clever and just well so brilliant that sometimes I wish I could be like her. But as hard as I try (I've been trying for months now) I can't get her to see that. You're good at this stuff, so what do you think I should do? How can I help my best friend?
Hey June! It's very kind of you to want to help your friend, but know that a big part of what she's going through is going to take a mental shift on her behalf--that's not to say you shouldn't try to help! Just that if you do everything you can and nothing helps, it doesn't mean that you didn't do enough or failed; it's not on you.
That being said, I have some ideas which I'll put under the cut that might help
I think something that might be beneficial to your friend is baby steps towards a more positive self-perception. If every time she calls herself trash it's countered with something like "no you're not! you're amazing!" it's not going to stick. Being garbage and being amazing are miles apart from each other, so trying to immediately replace one with the other is going to be dissonant and hard to accept.
There are two approaches to baby steps that I've found to be helpful: steadily working up to positive thoughts and complete extremes from the very beginning. Those sound contradictory but let me explain.
I said that going from garbage to amazing is hard because it's so different, so for a steady build up instead go from garbage to recycling. A small step up at a time. You could help her identify and point out the smaller things about her that are positive. Maybe she doesn't think she's the smartest person ever, but she's always so helpful when you need help spelling something. Maybe she doesn't think she's good enough at something, but she draws the neatest doodles on her papers. It's about finding the small things to start counteracting the negative thoughts, gradually finding bigger and bigger things.
The other is basically the exact opposite but also works. Go to the extremes, so extreme that it can't possibly be true but in a joking manner. Reward the smallest things with extreme compliments Things like saying "I'm the most graceful person to exist ever in all time" right after spilling water all over yourself. I put it in first person, but you can also give these kinds of compliments. Like when my dad was helping hammer a few nails in my bookshelf, he set a couple of the nails upside down first and I told him "that's exactly how you do that, you're a natural!" Because the compliments contradict what is happening it removes the awkwardness of trying to accept it but not wanting to because you know it's not accurate. But it gets them used to positive words used to describe them, and from there instead of building up, it starts to build down. Maybe she's not the most graceful person in the world, but you know what? She is light on her feet. When you go to the extremes, the reality doesn't seem as far fetched.
So that's the background or approach I think could help, but then comes the question of what you can do to put that in motion and be there for your friend. I think expressing to your friend how it makes you feel to see her talk about herself the way she does could be a good starting point. Ask her why she talks about herself the way she does, why she indulges those thoughts. That could be a good place to segue into changing thought patterns. All this sounds serious, which it is, but if you can find a way to kinda bring it up more naturally and light-hearted, go for it! There's no way to ensure that would happen, so I'm focusing more on the bones of the conversation that you can build on. The one stipulation I'd add to that is that if you can't find a good place to slip into that conversation after a while, don't keep waiting. Sometimes you'll find a good time, sometimes you gotta go for it and make the time.
You can use that conversation to start approaching the topic of changing something, nothing big, nothing major. Just baby steps--you could also make it into something you're both doing! You could express that you want to start challenging your own negative thoughts and ask her to do it with you for emotional support, that way you can both be there for each other. To be clear I'm not saying lie and coerce her into participating, just that sometimes its easier to do with a friend! Then it's not all about her and less uncomfortable, so it might make her more open to changing her thoughts.
The last thing I'd say is patience! When helping someone or yourself, patience is super super important. It is a process and it takes time. There are going to be setbacks. There are going to be days where you just want to shake some sense into her to get her to see how incredible she is. But you can't do that and you have to be consistent, you have to be patient. Think things through before you speak when you're struggling. Changing thoughts is a lot of repetition and kindness and patience and repetition. Things going slow doesn't mean it's not working. Being clear and rational and patient will be invaluable to the both of you.
This is the kind of approach I'd try to take in your situation. Of course you're welcome to completely ignore me or alter things to better fit your/your friends' needs. But essentially it all boils down to kindness, patience, and open communication. I wish I could be more specific, but everyone reacts to things differently so I think you'd better gauge how your friend would react than I would, and you can take what I've said and piece together which direction would work best for what you want.
Of course if anything is unclear or you'd like to ask further, please feel free to do so! I put a fair number of words here but I can also expand on anything to the best of my abilities if needed. I hope some of this is helpful and you can help your friend <33
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angelizs · 1 year
[Club Activities - part 2]
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Summary: Crowley keeps knocking at your door, quite literally, wanting to hear your club choice. You might as well get this over with.
Notes: gn!reader, humor, it's kinda long, reader is oblivious, mentions of minor injuries but in a funny way dw, it's the looong overdue pt2
Part: 1.0 / 2 (you're here!) / 2.5 (soon!)
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"So, have you decided?"
Crowley stands by the doorway. He looks completely normal, a pleasant smile plastered on his lips. You blink, sluggish, resisting the urge to slam the door on his face.
"It's five a.m. on a sunday."
"Yes, that's correct, good to see you're keeping up with the passage of time."
You feel there's a jab aimed at you for taking your time on choosing a club. Or on answering the door. In your defense, Grim was sleeping on top of you and you didn't want to disturb his sleep. Nor yours. You were hoping the Headmaster would just give up and leave you alone, but instead he only knocked louder. 
"Uh..." You take a bit to remember the first thing he said. "No, I still have some meetings to go to."
"Were the sports clubs not to your liking? I'm sure you'd do well in one, should you put your efforts on it."
"Nah, I'll pass."
"I see. Then, you'll tell me your decision by the end of the week, yes?"
"Since when did we agree on this." It was a question, but with your drowsy state it just fell flat.
"Since now, of course! I was very kind to let you take so much time to chose a club, but you must understand I'm under some pressure as well to make sure you'll have the best possible education here. We can't afford to lose too much time!"
You blink again, your brain still sleepy. "Oh. Alright."
Crowley claps his hands in an excited manner. "Wonderful! I'll be eagerly waiting for your decision, then!"
Only as you watch his retreating back getting farther away that it finally registers just what you agreed on. You groan, closing the door and leaning against it.
Well, nothing to do about it now. You should really get onto it, anyway. Still, your break will be missed.
Film Research Club (Vil, Ortho platonically)
You had finally left the sports clubs behind, time to try something new, like arts!
Since you've worked with Vil at the SDC, you were already used to his strict personality and thought you'd be able to handle yourself pretty well. You might not have that much experience with acting but you did know how to pretend everything was ok and your life wasn't falling apart, so you think you might have potential.
It was quite surprising to see Ortho there, but the sight of your friend's welcoming eyes and cheer made you feel relieved, relaxing amidst the Pomefiore students. They were intimidating, though in a different way the guys from the Spelldrive club were. The latter looked like they could easily beat you to a pulp, while the former looked like they'd give you a disgusted stare and call you a peasant in such a condescending tone you'd implode on spot. They were all very pretty as well, but you wouldn't let that make you self conscious since you knew no one could beat Vil anyway.
Speaking of, Vil himself comes to speak with you and explain about the club with a professional conduct as he says that Crowley had warned him of your special situation and that he'd let you help out, since they always needed extra hands on deck. You got hopeful at that, perhaps it was time for you to shine and discover a hiden talent of yours! These daydreams are soon crushed as Vil puts you on backstage duty and turns around, having something or other to talk about with the other members.
Well. That was... not what you were expecting. Ortho explains that in order to enter the club as an actor, you must audition beforehand and prove yourself worthy. That makes sense, you guess, so you accept it with grace. Backstage work might not be as exciting as being on the actual stage, but you had Ortho by your side to make sure things won't be too dull. And a side of you wants to make Vil proud of your work, so you suck it up and ask Ortho to lead the way.
Ortho shows you around the set you'll be working on for the day. It's one of Pomefiore's dorm ballrooms, and it's huge. You look in awe at everything, even though it's a bit plain in terms of furniture, it's quite detailed. In moments like this you remember Pomefiore's dorm is a castle, as you feel the royalty emanating from the ceiling, with it's luxurious chandeliers, to the walls, with it's intricate golden patterns, even at the floor, by it's quality.
He teaches you how to operate the lights and sound for a bit while the actors decide on what they'll film that day. You feel just the tiniest bit of jealousy at them, especially because Vil seems to be very focused on everything they say. Ortho must notice this (of course he would), and tries to cheer you up. After all, you're his friend! He doesn't want you to feel bored at the club when there are so many insteresting things to do!
You move from the more technical parts and go to the storage room, where they keep most of the props and extra accessories. You explore it, looking at everything but not touching, not wanting to get in trouble if you break anything on accident. As you're looking at an old mirror, Ortho picks up one of the pink cowboy hats and puts it on your head. It looks goofy, not matching with your uniform at all, and it makes you laugh.
You retaliate by putting a pirate hat full of colorful feathers that's way too big on him. It slides down and covers his eyes, making him look like a little kid trying on their sibling's clothes. Not to mention the feathers, that also clash with his body's design. You both laugh and go to different directions, trying to find more things to put on.
Ortho ends up with a vivid red sash wrapped around his waist and a wooden rod in hands, while you've got a pink feather scarf around your neck and a hollow steel rod in hands. You stare down at each other from your sides of the room, pretending you're on one of those western cowboy movies, even acting like it too. You drawl out something about the town not being big enough for the two of you. Ortho goes along, putting up the worst pirate accent with his robotic voice and telling you to prepared to be boarded.
Between giggles, the two of you meet at the middle, your rods clashing as if they were swords. You make exaggerated moviments that would be impratical in any fight while dropping the most cliche lines you can think of. Ortho dodges your attacks in slow motion and retributes with his own, making it seem more like some funny dance than a sword fight.
You were having so much fun you kind of forgot you were there to do a job. You're quickly reminded as the door suddenly opens and you, startled, let the steel rod slip from your hands mid attack and hit the wall with a loud clang. There stands Vil, hands on his hips as he stares at the two of you with one arched eyebrow, an unimpressed look on his face even after almost being hit right on it. You're not looking the most dignified, with your whole attire. Nor is Ortho, which helps you to not feel alone on the receiving end of Vil's judgment.
The three of you leave the props behind and return to the main area. More precisely, to the actors' dressing room part. It's not an actual separate room, but rather a space of the ballroom reserved for this. Most have put on their costumes and are adjusting the finer details, Vil instructs you to help them while he sets up the stage.
You try your best, but every actor sends you a glare as you approach them, making you turn on your heels and try another one. And another. And another. You're not feeling very helpful. How you wish you could just ignore it like Ortho does. The only thing you actually do is helping zip up some clothes when they can't reach their backs and do it themselves. You don't dare to touch their hair or you feel they'd explode you with their minds. There is one instance when you have to lace a guy into a corset, but you get a bit confused with all the laces. Maybe it's like tying a shoe? You pull on it with too much force at first, leading him to complain at you the entire time. In your defense, you've never done this before! You tie it up with a cute lace at the end to make up for it and scurry away before he could release more of his wrath upon you. You settle on following Ortho around like a lost puppy.
Finally, everyone finishes up and you move to the middle of the room, where the scene will be taking place. From what you gather, the movie they are making is about a royal family that's having their heir assume the throne, but there's a plot against him going behind the scenes. The main character seems to be corset guy, who still glares at you whenever you pass by his camp of vision, much to your (un)luck.
Ortho leads you to the first place he showed, since they'd start recording soon. You watch him work with the lights, turning them on dramatically as they start the scene and making it follow the main lead as he monologues about his woes of assuming such a big responsability and how he feels between the sea of people present. The actor does a good job, good enogh to appease Vil, who watches attentively near the camera. The thing is, he's trying to replicate a foreign accent and that, combined with his melodramatic lines, makes you have to stifle a laugh.
You try your best to stay quiet and pay attention to the story, but some of the lines and the way they dramatically deliver them sound so silly you can't help but giggle in your palm. Ortho looks at you inquisitively, tilting his head and trying to understand what you found so funny. You whisper an explanation to him, making him see the words in a different manner. As you laugh, he laughs along discretely, both of you having fun again.
Vil motions for you to keep your volume down, as to not disturb the actors and break their concentration, and you send him a thumbs up. Still, you keep on reacting, even mouthing their words with exaggerated facial expressions. Ortho seems much more interested in what you have to show than the lights, since he misses some of his cues and gets it later or sooner than intended. Which is also funny, since the confused looks on the background actors' faces are very entertaining. 
It comes to a point in which you're holding in your laughter so much you're a bit out of air, and you end up bumping into one of the controls, making the background music change suddenly, from a calm waltz to an action scenesque one. Your startled eyes meet Ortho's, and in true friendship fashion you both burst out laughing. Vil cuts the filming and strides up on you two, reprimanding you once again, and you feel like a guilty puppy being scolded by their owner. You must look like that too, since he sighs like an overworked mother and takes pity on you, deciding on something else for you to do and leave Ortho to do his job without distractions.
Vil gives you the role of an extra to play, just for you to have an idle conversation with the protagonist that won't last even five minutes. He shows you exactly how the scene should go, taking hold of your hand to conduct a dance and dropping casual chatter with you, looking you in the eyes, with a conduct that's so charming you're sure you feel your heart skip a beat (too bad it's just acting though). You feel like you can do that as well, so you hurry to change into one of the formal outfits and repeat the line Vil told you over and over again in your head, heart beating way too fast.
There is just one thing you didn't count on: you apparently have a bad case of stage fright. Or perhaps it's happening especifically because you know Vil will be watching you like a hawk. As you position yourself amidst the other extras, you feel your heartbeat accelerating and your hands start to sweat. You try to relax your tense shoulders and clear your throat, looking at the floor to steady yourself.
As your cue approaches, you move closer to the corset guy, whose attention snaps at you as soon as you enter his vision field. Even if his face looks polite, like a prince, you can feel the glare he's still sending your way, just on a more subdued level this time. You can also feel the stares of the others on your back and your tongue seems to have been tied. Your head comes up with a blank when you try to remember what Vil told you to say. Oh, this is not good. Why did this have to be so nerve wracking?
Time passes slowly, seconds feels like hours as the protagonist waits expectantly for your words. Trying to not disappoint, you blurt out a joke improvisation line, like the ones you see on movies sometimes. Unfortunately, your sense of humor is vastly different from Pomefiore's students', and the joke falls so flat everyone has to take a moment to recover. You wish for the ground to swallow you as Vil yells a "Cut!" and the other actors look judgmentally in your way. Maybe if you close your eyes it will go away? You can still hear the other's whispering, and although you don't understand what exactly they're saying, you can only guess they're mocking you. Welp, guess it's time to become a hermit at ramshackle and never show your face at school ever again!
It takes only a minute, but as soon as Vil has recomposed himself he commands everyone to be quiet. You open your eyes again, gathering all your courage to see the disappointed look on his face, but you're surprised that's not what greets you. Instead, Vil's got a nasty glare that's sharp enough to cut a man, and it's not directed at you at all! Vil procceds to reprimand the rest of the cast for being so inelegant as to make fun of a begginer and even mocks their need to feel superior. You've never felt more grateful for him in your life, maybe you can still go to classes after that, since no one will dare to mess with you and risk his wrath.
As the others look ashamed for being yelled at by their leader, Vil pulls you aside and tells you that maybe it's better to try something else if your stage fright is going to affect your performance so much. He sounds strict as always, but he has an almost soft look in his eyes as he congratulates you for trying to overcome that fear and that you did well enough for someone with no experience. You feel a lot better after that and thank him sincerely, promising to give it your all at whatever other job you can do to help! He smiles at your enthusiasm and it's as if the clouds have parted ways for the sun to shine. (The other club members look amazed, as they've never seen such a soft smile on Vil's face before.)
He then asks you if you know how to work with a camera. If taking pics with Cater to post on Magicam counts then yes, you do have some experience with it. Vil says he's got the perfect job for you: being part of the camera crew and helping to film everything. You accept, after all, how hard can it be, really?
Apparently, a lot. Vil had just left out a little detail from this job: you'd be filming the aerial angle of this scene. Which meant using Kalim's magic carpet. As you recall, you're not the most adept at riding it, flashbacks from winter vacation entering in your mind. Still, you had promised Vil you'd help on this, and you weren't sure if he'd find you another thing to do or get your complaining the wrong way, so you decide to give it a try anyway.
You wobble on it, camera propped up on your shoulder and secured by a sling strap just in case you losen your hold on it. (Which is very likely). Surprisingly, you manage to get the carpet off the ground without many complications, so things are looking up (quite literally)! And then comes the part where you have to guide it and you're almost thrown out of a window with the force it makes a turn. Your grip on it tightens and you try to wrestle it into submission, with little success.
Things procced like this, you trying to learn how to drive the carpet while making turns on the air and holding on for your life. (And making sure the camera is safe. You don't want a repeat of the chandelier accident from the start of the year, so you're not taking any chances). Anything you might have tried to film is probably so shaky and blurry it isn't even usable, but you have more important matters to worry about.
That goes on until you make a particularly sharp turn, causing the carpet to lose control and go spiraling straight to the floor. Luckly, you manage to land on a convenientely placed couch (has that been there before?) and doesn't get much hurt. You're clutching the camera to your chest in a protective manner, so it isn't damaged either. At least, not much, but it isn't anything the Ignihyde guys can't fix.
Vil and Ortho are by your side in an instant, asking if you're alright. Vil extends his hand and pulls you up like a gentleman, fixing your hair softly. He's really close to your face and you can feel your heart beating faster, though you're not sure if it's due to that or the adrenaline of the fall. Ortho reassures you that not even him got the hang of piloting the carpet, as it seems to only actually obey Kalim, and that you did your best!
You really did try, so you can safely say you won't discover any hidden acting talent any time soon. Time to check out other clubs. 
(Ortho tells you to drop by another time at practice and watch the recording with him, since he had a lot of fun! Vil tells you that should you wish and work hard for it, you may have potential and he'd be willing to help you reach it. You agree, since it was very nice to visit and, most of all, to get to see Vil on his element like this. There's an added bonus of you not having ended up at the infirmary as well, which is enough to put the club on a positive light in your books. It's a bit sad that's the standard, but oh well, nothing to do about it.)
Science Club (Trey, Rook)
Alright, art may not be for you, but maybe science is! Or... whatever it is that they do in this club.
It's a bit intimidating since there are way too many people there, more than you've seen in any other club. What could they possibly be doing to attract this many people?
Rook, as observant as ever, notices you before you've even set foot inside the lab, coming close to greet you and ask if you were going to join them for the day. You relutanctly agree, staying close to his side as he leads you deeper into the room, opening the path. You make sure to not bump into anyone and cause an accident.
Trey is at one of the work tables at the back, sharing it with Rook. He sends a calming smile your way and explains that it's a club with a vast variety of activities, as long as they're not of the physical sort. You sigh in relief, listening to him reciting things such as plant cultivation and chemistry experiments. You already have to do those things on your regular classes, so you're confident in your ability of succeding for once. Rook adds that this flexibility in activity has attracted many people, creating a beauté diversity of members. (Trey explains that there's a lot of odd people as he side eyes Rook).
You sit with them, since you don't know anyone else. Rook goes on about the experiment he'll be doing this time, something that will leave a beautiful impact and stay on the mind of anyone looking. It sounds a lot like what happens when you partner up with Ace and Deuce at alchemy class, that is, stuff is about to be blown up. You scoot closer to Trey.
Taking pity on you, Trey reminds Rook that there's an ingredient missing, since they had used all from the lab's storage on their last class, and offers to get it at the botanical garden for him, inviting you to come along. You jump at the opportunity, agreeing and getting up to follow him. Rook thanks his generosity and explains that there's no way a gentleman like him would leave all the hard work onto the two of you, so he follows along. Trey looks a bit annoyed, but you only wanted to get out of being roped into a crazy experiment so you don't mind much, as long as you keep Rook away from any potential explosive plants.
The fresh air from the gardens is much better than the stuffy feeling from the crowded lab, and you take a deep breath to appreciate it. Trey takes you to the temperate zone, the path filled with beautiful flowers of all colors and scents. The sound of the little river below you only adds to the pleasant atmosphere, the sun rays warming up your skin and soul. It's wonderful. You'd like it if your club classes were to take place there. It might be enough to convince you to join, the nature so full of life energizing your mood, a smile blooming on your face.
You pass by an area that has thicker vegetation and stands out from the whole, attracting your curiosity, so you ask Trey what could be there. He warns you to not wander to that side of the garden, as there were carnivorous plants being cultivated by the third years. You wave him off, saying you had those back in your world and they were pretty harmless. Trey looks at you in doubt, but decides to not question it, aceptting your answer and going back to his search for the missing ingredient. 
Since you have no idea what you should be looking for, you leave the boys to it, deciding to observe the flowers instead. Distracted, you end up getting farther away from them, the flora enticing you and putting you under a spell, demanding your attention. It's not until you bump into a tall... something, that you realize how far you had gone. You lift up your head, wondering if you had bumped into a tree, only to find two open hinged lobes dripping with sap closing on your face.
A scream gets caught in your throat as you take in the gigantic carnivorous plant in front of you, that's only coming closer. You didn't know that when Trey had mentioned them, he didn't explain that they aren't like the one from your world at all. Not only were they huge, but also seemed ready to eat a human at any given chance.
You're pulled by someone behind you, falling into a secure chest and feeling strong arms embracing your waist as the plant's jaw's close into the air where you were just a second ago. The sigh you let out shakes your whole body and you let your weight be supported by your saviour. You find out his identity soon enough, as a familiar voice by your ear calls you chéri and asks if you were fine.
After thanking Rook, he guides you to the main area of the garden with a protective hand behind your back, making sure you wouldn't stumble into any more potential dangerous plants, as he goes on about how they were "the hunters of the natural world" and how "such danger has it's own alluring charm, non?" You don't catch the glint in his eyes as he asks the question, too busy trying to get your heart beat back into a normal rhythm. 
Trey scolds you lightly for ignoring his advice, but he seems busier trying to equilibrate the plants he harvested in his arms and glaring at Rook, probably for leaving him alone to do all the work. Rook stays unbothered, putting his hands on your shoulders and staying close as he directs you to the exit, his usual smile stamped on his face.
As you put the fresh ingredients near the others that Rook had selected earlier, you notice some strawberries in the mix. You shot a questioning stare at Trey, making him laugh and explain he took the chance to harvest some of his hand grown special strawberries. He takes some from your hands, brushing your fingers together before lifting them up to inspect closely. The strawberries are a beautiful shade of red, making you salivate only by looking at them. Trey has a contemplative expression as he murmurs he should use them as soon as possible in order to make the best use of their ripeness.
You suggest him to make a strawberry tart with them and offers your help, on the light price of getting to eat it as well. He smiles and agrees to your proposal, telling you to follow him to the kitchens. You do, happily so as you carry some of the strawberries in your arms, leaving Rook to take care of the potions experiment. Really, you feel like you've killed two birds with one stone, so you pat yourself on the back for doing a good job.
Back at the first month of classes, you remember cooking with Trey, Ace, Deuce and Grim, and how much fun you had, despite the circumstances. With the group reduced to two, it might be more toilsome, but you were confident it would be worth it.
Trey finds an extra apron for you, tying it himself to make sure it would stay in place. He gently explains the steps to prepare the ingredients, helping you whenever you didn't understand something. It was quite nice, seeing Trey look so in his element, an unconscious soft expression on his face, as if he was enjoying himself. It's domestic, even, how you dance around each other in the kitchen, passing bowls and cutlery back and forth. He is good humored as he recalls stories from the club, making you laugh whenever he bemoans Rook's experiments.
The stories he tells are very captivating, so much so that you don't look at the recipe book, doing the steps on automatic. Once or twice you almost spill what you were mixing or use too much force to cut something, but it's salvageable every time, so you don't comment on it. You leave the crust on the oven for a bit too much, but it's only slightly charred, so you're pretty sure it's still edible. One of the flour bags slips from your hands and falls on the sink, covering your face in flour powder. Trey helps you clean up, but he's laughing at you and your now white hair. It comes to the point in which you're mixing the crème pâtissière and you get too close to the stove, making the ends of your sleeves to catch on fire. Trey quickly puts it out and runs your arm under cold water. The crème ends up a bit too lumpy, since neither of you were stirring it for a while, but it's not too bad.
Alright, maybe you're not the best at cooking. Still, arranging the strawberries in a circle on top of the tart was pretty fun. The last thing left to do is to let it cool. You lick your lips thinking about eating it once it's ready. You're about to help Trey clean the mess you've made in the kitchen when Rook bursts through the door, looking excited. He tells you there's no time to explain and takes you by the hand, dragging you back to the laboratory. You send Trey your best regards and wish him luck in cleaning everything alone. He sends you a pitying look back.
You should wish yourself some luck as well, since the motive for Rook to have brought you to the lab was for you to help him with the new formula he thought for his experiment. He explains that the one he was trying didn't have it's desired effects, as you could clearly see from the scorch marks on the table you were sitting before. He says that for the new formula, he'll need help to get the ingredients prepared and handed over, since he couldn't stop stirring it until everything was added in. You don't know how he came up with this solution, and honestly? You don't want to know.
Having no other choice, you agree to help him. He reminds you to put your gloves and safety googles on before starting, making a comment on how your cute apron would do as your lab coat. After getting into place, you follow all of Rook's instructions, preparing and handing over the ingredients he asks for. You have no idea what it is that he's going for, as your potions classes are still on a basic and more theorical level, but you decide to trust that he, as your upperclassman, knows what he's doing.
Dread pools on your gut as you watch the ingredients going into the cauldron. There's a hissing sound and bubbles emerge from the deep purple concotion. You have no time to react as Rook thows his arm in front of you just in time for the explosion to take place. You grip onto the table tightly and manage to stay upright, thanking the Sevens for your safety googles. If it were not for them, your entire face would be covered in a sparkling purple powder, some getting into your hair as well. Rook laughs and tells you that you shine bright like the sun. You look on unamused. Trey appears, having heard the explosion, and sighs, clearly being too used to this happening. He tells you and Rook to clean up as he starts to clean your mess, bless him.
Rook takes you to the nearest bathroom available, both of you trying to wash the explosion's results off. It has stuck like glue, and you have to splash your face with the cold water over and over for it to go away. You think there's still some of it on your hair, but can't bring yourself to care much. The apron wasn't enough to cover your body, so your clothes weren't spared either. Rook doesn't comment on it, but you can see him looking at you funny by the corner of your eye.
As you enter the lab, you see that the students that stayed after the first explosion had left. Rook wonders out loud on why they didn't like the innovation of his experiment, sighing as he goes on about the beauty of curiosity. You and Trey exchange glances as you clean everything together. You feel like you stayed way past the club's scheduled time and your arms hurt from moping the floor. At least you get to share your wonky strawberry tart. It doesn't taste as good as Trey's usual ones do, but you like it. You can't decide if it was worth all the trouble though.
Grim laughs at you once you get back to Ramshackle, your face is itching for the rest of the day, there's some sparkles in your hair for the rest of the week, your slightly burnt arm won't stop aching, you sent your clothes' laundry bill for Rook to pay. As much as you respect scientific advances, you feel that being involved in the research isn't for you (nor the cooking). Time to check out other clubs.
(Rook keeps approaching you at the halls to update you on how he's thought of possible changes to make the potion work. Trey comments he liked having company in the kitchen and help for cleaning up for once. They aren't very subtle. You don't even have to agree to visit the club again another time, as Rook has already volunteered you as his lab assistant and Trey has gifted you a recipe book with markings on which recipes you'll try to bake next. Guess you have no other choice but to go back now.)
Pop Music Club (Cater, Kalim, Lilia)
And back to the arts you go. But this time, instead of performing, how about playing some music? Joining the school band might be fun!
You're surprised to only find three people in the club. All the others had a bunch of people, but in this one, once you enter the classroom you're met with three of your friends hanging out in a couch. Why was there a couch in this classroom in the first place!?
It's not just three random people, either. It's the chillest and most extroverted people of the school, the ones that got along with everyone and were very popular. They whip their head so fast to the direction of the door once you enter you get a little worried for their necks. They seem elated to have a visitor, so you suppose this won't be so bad, even if you don't feel confident enough to play an instrument in front of other people.
Kalim jumps at you and envelops you in a big hug, a smile shining on his face as usual. Lilia pats you on the back, pushing you closer to the center of the room and welcoming you. Cater takes out his phone and takes a selfie with everyone, declaring it would go viral to have the cutest people of the school all together in one place and gushing over how many likes he'd get. They sure are a lively bunch.
Lilia plops you down on the couch, telling you to feel at home and winking. There's a center table with food containers in front of you, Kalim offers you a bite, explaining they made the snacks to bring to their club meetings, and Cater proposes to make it a culinary competition, in which you'd judge which one was the best. You were pretty sure you had left the cooking behind at the science club, what did it even had to do with music? Well, you weren't going to complain about getting free food!
Cater insists you try his first, a round tupperware with fried corn tortilla chips and guacamole in a dipping bowl at the center. It looks amazing, making your mouth water a bit. You take one of the chips, lightly lower it on the dip and take a bite. It's overall very good, the consistency and the crispness are wonderful, there's just one little problem: it's very spicy. Very spicy. Not the "oh no there's a tiny bit of spice in my otherwise bland food" type but the "my eyes are burning my thorat is burning my stomach is burning I'm going to burn from the inside out" type. And that's how you feel as you fan your face and drink the water Kalim brings you, though it only makes the burning worse, spreading it throughout your mouth and making your eyes water. Lilia appears upside down, hanging from the ceiling and scaring you, and offers you a glass of milk instead. You gratefully take it and chug it down as quick as you can.
Once you've calmed down, Lilia explains how he keeps milk around for Cater's food, that's way too spicy for his liking. Cater looks at you with puppy eyes, asking if you liked the chilli peppers he added to the recipe. You didn't, not really. It would be one thing to add some, sure, but it's like there's more pepper than anything else. You weakly smile at him and explain apologetically that it might not suit your tastes so much. Cater seems a bit down, but he only shrugs and jokingly says that not everyone can have good taste.
Kalim bounces up to you next, shoving his container in front of your face and telling you to try it. He proudly says he made it all without Jamil's help and that he hopes you'll like it. You look at the fried dumplings, remembering it's a sweet called awameh. It looks good as well, although a bit burnt, nothing that would stop you from eating it. You take one, getting surprised by how crunchy they ended up being, the sweetness exploding in your tongue. It would be very good, but you have the impression Kalim must have used the wrong measure of the ingredients. Yes, it was sweet, but it was way too sweet. Not only that, the sugar mixed with the cinnamon on the syrup also left you thirsty, as you downed another cup of water. It was like cinnamon was impregnated on your mouth, there was definetly too much.
While you accept your tongue will never be the same after the combo of strong flavours, Kalim reveals he tried to follow one of Jamil's mom's recipes for it, declaring it to be the best he's ever proved. He just got a bit confused when taking the measures for some ingredients, but he was proud of his work! You make a mental note to try to eat one of Jamil's awameh later, sure that it would taste delicious, and compliments Kalim on his efforts, suggesting gently to ask for help next time he has trouble with it.
The last one is Lilia, and you start dreading what might be hidden on his container. He seems preppy that someone will get to try his food, telling you that he's the one that cooks dinner at Diasomnia and how Silver and Sebek love his food. Cater and Kalim look at you with pity, shaking their heads. You've heard of Lilia's infamous cooking skills before, so you have to mentally prepare yourself before looking at what he prepared. It's... uh... something alright. Though it's unrecognizable, a dark glob that just looks sticky and burnt after the point. Your desperate look does nothing for Cater and Kalim to try to save you, as they look away furtively.
Aceppting your fate, you take one of the spoons Lilia brought and take the smallest bite possible while he stares at you attentively. It tastes foul, as expected, as if something had died in your mouth. You resist the urge to gag, trying to go for a smile and ending up with a grimace instead. It's horrible, there's no other way to describe it. All the rumors don't do it justice, it's way worse than what they say. You suspect you will get food poisoning later, as you down another glass of water. At least you're keeping yourself hydrated. Lilia seems to either not notice or pretend he didn't, as he keeps his cheery attitude and asks if you liked it. You nod weakly, hoping it would be enough for him to not force you to take another bite. He mercifully looks satisfied with the answer and you sigh with relief.
In the end you tell them you don't know which one was the best (you side eye Lilia's, thinking on how you knew which one was the worst at least). They don't look disappointed, content in having you prove their food as each munchs on their own snacks happily. You wonder how they manage to do it. Suddenly you miss Trey's baking and the wonky strawberry tart you've made.
As everyone sits together, Cater puts on some electropop song on the background that reminds you of the famous vocaloids from your world. You have an epiphany that Cater would listen to Hatsune Miku. You're not sure what to do with that information, staying quiet in shock as the other three talk between themselves. You remember him mentioning something like it when you went to do the SDC auditions, but you had other things to worry about and it must have slipped your mind. Once you've recomposed yourself, you ask what the food had to do with music, since the question had been burning in your mind for some time (not as much as your tongue burned tho).
They explain that the pop music club doen't really do much music, as the name suggests, they mostly just hang around to chat and chill. It has gotten them in a bit of trouble with the Headmaster, as they don't do anything that could actually be considered a club activity, causing him to have threatened to disband the club. Not to mention there's no new members for a while, no matter how much they try to attract more students. You consider joining this one just to spite Crowley. They clarify that they do play their instruments every once in a while to cover some song, but with their different music tastes they never reach an agreement on what to play most of the time.
You're curious on how they might sound as a band, sure it would be a chaotic but entertaining sight. You would ask to see this, if it was not for Cater excitedly declaring it's "gossiping time". They put on elevator music to play at the background and huddle close together, leaving a spot open for you to join their little circle, as if you were about to be in into the school's secrets. And that's exactly what happens, as the three of them seem to know about everyone and everything that goes on Night Raven College. There's so much drama you've never heard about, and you feel you know way too much about the lives of people you've never even met, but it's nice to create conspiracy theories about what would happen next in the soap opera that was other people's lives.
The topic changes to Magicam, since you were lowkey stalking the boy that had caused a ruckus in the cafeteria the past days. Cater likes his account's aesthetic, saying it passes the bad boy vibes he has, and whines about their club's magicam page. You weren't aware they even had one, so you ask to see it. It's... not what you were expecting. They might as well not have an account, since there are no photos other than their icon, which was the symbol of the club. Cater complains that they couldn't come to an agreement on how the page should look and were too lazy to try to work something out, so it has stayed like that for months.
Since you know how much he cares about this stuff, you offer your help! After all, it could be a lot of fun, and it'd feel as if you're the manager of the club. Cater lightens up with joy, throwing his arms around you and bringing you close to affectionately rub his cheeck on the top of your head, thanking you for being such a prestative underclassman. You enter your business mode, thinking on how you could go about this. It makes sense to promote the club doing something other than hanging out, so you tell them to pick up their instruments and pose.
You go around them and try many different angles. Kalim and Lilia have fun doing weird poses that makes very clear they aren't playing at all, but there's a charming genuine smile on their faces. Cater poses with his guitar like a professional, making captivating facial expressions that make even you swoon, only encouraging him to make different ones. He could be a model, you think, with how he knows all the right ways to smile at the camera and tilts his head just so to make him look cute and alluring at the same time, fingers skillfully positioned at the eletric guitar's chords, eyes lidded, hair messy deliberately, body facing forwards with confidence. He has everything to ace the rockstar persona, at least in looks.
You try taking some of them together as an unit, but none pleases you enough. There's something missing, but you can't quite put your finger on what. You give his cellphone back as you ponder about it. Cater looks through the photos, commenting how one looks "super cool~" and in the other he's "slaying". He decides it'd be a great moment to take advantage of his cuteness streak to take a photo with everyone together, yourself included. Cater drapes his arm around your shoulders and keeps you close to him, cheek coming to rest at your forehead. Kalim and Lilia make poses behind you two, laughing at how silly they look with all the filters Cater tries on. 
He ends up telling you to decide which photo looked better, as he couldn't chose just one, something like: "any photo with you would look cute, of course I can't chose!" You look through all of them, but only one gets your eyes, the only without a filter. Everyone looks genuinely happy, making your heart warm. Cater's is not looking at the camera itself, but slightly to the side, where you are, with such a soft expression you can't help but be endeared by it. It's him, not a forced smile and exaggerated pose, just Cater, happy. That's what the other pictures were missing. 
You show it to him, insisting it's the best and should be the first photo on the club's Magicam page. He pouts about the lack of filter, saying how the other ones look much cuter, but you explain that you like the real him much more than any filter, since nothing could ever come close to the real deal, no filter in the world could make him justice. You're very genuine with it too, since it's the truth. Cater stares at you, caught by surprise, and turns his face away from you, ears tinted pink, taking a minute to recompose himself, leaving you confused. Lilia looks on knowingly, smirking at him. You weren't alone in your confusion, as Kalim seemed to be just as clueless as you.
Your argument manages to convince him, though, as he soon comes up with an eye catching description and posts it, grumbling that you should be happy now. You are, actually, so you simply smile at him, giggling at his playful eye roll. Only after the picture was already posted and you entered on your own account that you notice your eyes were closed. You yelp and try to convince Cater to change it to another one, but he refuses, telling that you were the one that chose it so you should stick with it, sticking his tongue out at you in a childsh manner. You whine some more before giving up. Cater seemed really content with the choice, if the soft smile on his face as he glanced at it meant anything, so you let it be, resigning to your fate. You weren't even a member, so you hoped you wouldn't attract that much attention. (You really hoped Ace wouldn't find it, otherwise you'd never hear the end of it.)
He suddenly gets an idea to decorate the classroom to make it look more "magicamable", dragging Lilia with him to get the decorations. Lilia whispers something to him that makes him glance back at you with a red face, quickly scurrying away and leaving you and Kalim to look on in confusion. How weird, what had gotten into him? 
At that moment, the playlist shuffles, coming up with a song that has a very upkeep beat. Kalim jumps in excitement, saying that was his favorite song and he couldn't not dance to it. You can't help jumping your leg and moving your head to the beat, swaying to the contagious rhthym. Kalim notices and extends his hands in your direction, inviting you to dance with him. You know you're nowhere near his skill level and you'd look clumsy compared to his fluid moviments, but his earnestness convinces you to give it a try. You were sure he wouldn't make fun of you, so why not have a good time too?
Hand in hand, the two of you move together, not completly in sync, but in a rhythm that feels right, that's only yours. It's nice, seeing his content expression up close, foreheads almost touching, feet following the other's steps, hips swaying together. You spin once, laughing, he spins once, grinning wildly. You're lost in the trance of the hypnotizing beat of Kalim's heart.
The song gradually comes to a stop, making both of you calm down too. Kalim has one hand on your waist, the other still holding yours. You hold onto his shoulder, your noses touch, breaths coming in puffs, his eyes crinkle and it's warm, he's warm. Your chest follows his in it's rise and fall, your stomach does pirouettes, to the point you're dizzy, your cheeks feel hot. You start worrying you might have really gotten food poisoning from Lilia's cooking.
Before either of you say anything else, the sound of Cater's giggle burst your bubble, bringing you back to the real world. You whip your head to the door, watching as Lilia and Cater giggle deviously, Cater's fingers working fast on his cellphone's keyboard. You separate from Kalim's burning touch, your hands suddenly feeling cold, and stride up to them, demanding to look at what they found so funny. Lilia shows you, on his own phone, a videoclip of you and Kalim dancing together, nearing the end of the song. Your focus is initially on Kalim, as he glows, movements showing years of expertise, it's... beautiful. Then your gaze averts to yourself, and how, like you suspected, you were looking goofy near him, not matching the tempo at all.
You whine up at Cater again, asking him to delete the stories he posted, but he refuses, saying it was way too precious to miss. You lightly hit his chest and look up your lashes at him, pouting. His teasing expression falters, as if you were on the brink of convincing him. Lilia pulls you away and explains it was only on close friends anyway, so you needn't worry about the whole school seeing it. Kalim agrees that the video is very nice, beaming as he watches you two having fun. You sigh and give up, not having the heart to be a killjoy.
Lilia and Cater's hands are empty of any decorations, so you question them about it. Cater frowns exaggeratedly, drowning on dramatically on how they couldn't find any and how it was such a pity. Lilia covers his hand to hide a giggle, only making the action more obvious. Cater glares at him subtly. Kalim notices how the club's reserved time is almost coming to an end, deciding that to make a grand finale you should play an instrument, after all they should at least pretend they did something club related for you to report back to the Headmaster. And it'd be a lot of fun for you to play with them!
Lilia claps his hands together, agreeing it would be a most gleeful experience. He insists on teaching you how to play the bass, not wanting to hear whether you already knew how to or not. He gives you the instrument and shows how to hold it in the right way, trying to teach a few chords. It's a bit difficult to understand the confusing terms he uses, so he sighs and comes behind you, taking your hands in his and doing the movements, pressing his chest against your back, his deep voice right by your ear as he explains. You can't pay attention to it all, for some reason. You kind of feel dizzy again. Perhaps it's the food poisoning for real this time?
His fingers guide yours along the strings, gently pressing on the right spots, strumming the chords at the bridge. He murmurs the instructions, voice ressonating like the low pitch of the instrument, hot breath tickling your skin. You let him do as he pleases, dazed. The simple notes ring in your ears, lulling you into calmness, eyes closing as you let your sensations take the wheel, the frequency making your heart vibrate in your chest, as if dancing along, your head floating in the clouds.
It's all good and well until Lilia starts singing along. Or whatever it is that he calls "singing". In reality, he starts screaming some punk-rock lyrics right by your ear. Your heart jumps so quickly you swear you almost had an arrhythmia, your soul leaving your body for a second. Your eyes snap open so fast the lights from the classroom blind you and make black spots appear in your vision. You elbow Lilia in your surprise, thankfully making him stop trying to burst your eardrums. You get away, taking off the strap of the bass and giving it back to him. You think that's enough practicing for now.
Later on the day you confirm your food poisoning suspicions to be true. You've gained a new found respect for Sebek for enduring the poison Lilia calls cooking everyday and still managing to keep that impressive disposition of his. At least you helped the pop music club get more followers on magicam and spread their word out there. A bunch of people sign up to know the club, so you're all really happy! You felt like you've done a good job. (In the next week, the people arrive and see no sight of you, only of the dynamic trio. They don't show up again, leaving the members number back to it's original three.)
It was pretty fun, all things considered. You didn't get hurt other than in your pride and your social image, so it's a win in your books. Still, you're not sure you could handle their energetic and chaotic personalities combined like this evey week and risk getting deaf or suffering stomach failure. Time to check out other clubs.
(Cater comments on how the photos you took together got the most likes, insisting you come over again for a photoshoot. Kalim says he's got new songs to dance with you and that he's asked Jamil to help him cook for the next club meeting. Lilia tells you that you still have to take some more bass lessons to get the hang of it. Well, you suppose you could pass by sometime to be in the know about what goes on at the school and to get to prove Jamil's cooking. And to enjoy your friend's company, of course!)
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corvennite · 7 months
headcanons w/fem! reader
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I'm writing a fic about it so stay tuned, these are just some ideas that popped up in my head.
cw: nsfw (smut), kinda enemies to ??, voyeur, fingering, female masturbation, phone sex, nude pics, possessive behavior (kinda toxic Abby lol), lesbian sex, p in v (strap on), degrading, edging, overstimulation, lots of teasing, rope bunny, gagging, senses depravation, ghosting. Let me know if I forgot something.
All right so for context, you and Abby do not get along very well since you both know each other, she always had been very stubborn and proud always thinking she's better than anyone (bc she is 🤭) and it got in her head mostly after she started her band. Your friends had always been supportive towards her since you were the only one with problems, they didn't mind much, always dealing and putting up with your attitude when she was mentioned or asked to go out with the group (which was a bit frequtently). Even if you both despised each other, more you than her, there was this oddly weird sexual tension between you two every time a word was exchanged. That's how I think she would be if somehow you managed to get closer to her.
⛧ I think she would be an extreme tease, always making jokes and playing around with you;
⛧ she'd put into effort to know your tastes, what you enjoy, favorite music (so she could learn and play), shows, moves, books, etc;
⛧ even if she jokes a lot with you and sometimes she can be a lil mean, she's the only one who can do it;
⛧ she would be a bit of an asshole with the people you go out/hook up with, since she's a bit jealous but would die first than admit it;
⛧ Abby would be overprotective towards you, any guy with a wrong mind and action be sure she would beat them to death without your knowledge;
⛧ she's a good listener, even if it doesn't look like she hears all your bullshit and puts up with it;
⛧ I think she would try to teach you a thing or two around the guitar, however, she would mock you a lot during it;
⛧ would always have you backstage or nearby during the shows;
⛧ asks your opinion (indirectly) on the songs and medleys;
⛧ probably made some demo music thinking about you;
⛧ would never say it but, she gets less nervous when you're around while she's on stage, when she can see you;
⛧ would treat you like a fan despite hour 'hate' towards her, is just her way to provoke you;
⛧ gives you one of the official band merchan before even start to sell it;
⛧ doesn't let any other band member be too close to you, they're her friends but she wants you all to herself;
⛧ she would be very troubled if you got lost around the shows so she always leave her guards keeping an eye on you;
⛧ she probably let you sign one of her guitars on a playful conversation you both had, she never took it off though;
⛧ gave you a necklace with one of her favorite guitar pick.
⛧ okay so, she would be always dominant at least at the beginning, never submitting for you, sometimes she would get a bit weak if you topped;
⛧ this woman is a guitarrist so she's very skilled with her fingers;
⛧ she would edge you for hours after a show, or even before, inside the dressing room or in the van while heading back;
⛧ her hands would be always over you, gripping around your waist, hips, thighs, ass and even teasing around nearby your clothed core;
⛧ her favorite thing to do is to go down on you while you're reading some lyrics you helped her out with, or, some she made to you (the dirtiest shit she wrote) without your knowledge;
⛧ Abby would definitely finger fuck you while she's recording a song, making some of your moans be the background of it;
⛧ she has a shameless polaroid of you only in her jacket and laced panties, her fingers around the sides pulling a bit down revealing your hip bone, she keeps on her wallet;
⛧ she makes you ride her thigh as she write new lyrics or talks to her manager thru the phone;
⛧ boot humping while she plays the guitar;
⛧ she has those collars around your neck with spikes and a metal circle to hold onto, she enjoys pulling it randomly;
⛧ Abby is a bit too shameless sometimes, if there's another person around the studio she doesn't mind, she touches your pussy until you're begging for her to stop and even so, she'll mock you and ask why you're whining out of no where;
⛧ whenever she's away on tour, she makes you take pics of your body and send to her, most of them with her jacket on or t-shirt;
⛧ she enjoys phone sex a lot, putting you on line making you touch yourself while she's needy for you or even turn into a video call where she can watch you play with your pussy;
⛧ when she gets jealous she gets real jealous, fuckin' you so hard with her 8 inch strap you can see stars, she doesn't care much if you're crying or if it's hurting, she'll take you bent over her desk;
⛧ Abby enjoys gagging you with your own panties, sometimes underwear she buys for you and rips it off afterwards;
⛧ makes you gag and almost pass out on her strap she proudly calls it her own cock;
⛧ despite enjoying the strap, she much more prefer to use her mouth and fingers, the tongue piercing making you see stars when it rubs against your clit;
⛧ she goes totally off fuckin you for the first time, the tension was too much and you were just so pretty with those tight clothes she couldn't resist, even if she hated you so much;
⛧ Abby wouldn't speak with you after your first time, leading into a fight you picked up being stubborn and then, you being all spread out with your eyes covered and her fingers edging you for hours;
⛧ she likes to tie you up, how pretty you look with red ropes around your wrists, thighs, ankles, chest, everywhere she can put them, she just loves it. maybe it will even be a cover of one of her new albums;
⛧ you're not the only girl in her life, a rockstar like herself has a couple share of groupies and even if she's over possessive with you, the same behavior coming from someone she could only toy with makes her kind mad;
⛧ she loves watching you touching yourself, she always makes you do it but then slaps your hand off when she sees you're ready to cum, the way you back arch and toes curl, how you look so beautiful trying to reach spots only she can get, she gets so damn turned on;
⛧ while fuckin, she will call you the most degrading names, it's not a lie, after all you are her little slut and shameless harlot, the doll she enjoys to break and the bitch who swore she hates her sooo damn much.
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blueberreads · 4 months
Aww OMG thank you so much 🥹💜
I'm so glad to see people are interested in our silly little game! I haven't posted updates for a while because, as we all know, stuff happened and I'm trying to help the fandom's effort over on Twitter. But I'm still working hard on the game! Actually, we're almost ready to start doing play tests with friends. I'm super proud of how it turned out and can't wait to release it!
Anyway, I was trying not to post anything that could spoil the game, but this is a very minor spoiler. So this one is for you:
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Fuck yeah, brother. Fly.
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joons · 3 months
This may be a prickly subject, and I'm sorry if so. But I'm trying to learn more about Elvis, and every time I bring him up to people I know, they try to tell me he was this terrible person, and point me toward Priscilla's book, the movie made on it, and the discourse. Idk if you've talked about it on here (I tried searching your blog but couldn't find anything on it). If you're willing, I'd love to hear your take on it so I can see a more nuanced view.
The film Priscilla was greenlit roughly a month after Priscilla herself was informed that she was close to becoming financially insolvent in 2022. With a business partner, Brigitte Kruse, who allegedly helped broker the film deal, she established a limited liability company called Priscilla Presley Partners that was supposed to use her image and likeness to create several lines of merchandise to coincide with the film's release. That business partner is now suing Priscilla because she did not have the rights to her image or likeness, or any ability to use the Presley name, because she had already sold all of those rights and was no longer considered in good standing with Graceland or Elvis Presley Enterprises. The entire business deal, then, according to the lawsuit, was built on her misrepresentation of how much her image was worth.
The deal between the two of them fell apart after Riley Keough, Lisa Marie's daughter and Priscilla's granddaughter, settled with Priscilla to give her a lump sum of $1 million from Lisa Marie's estate and yearly amounts of $100,000. Priscilla sued very shortly after Lisa Marie's death because she thought Lisa Marie's signature on a will had been forged because Priscilla was not included in it. All of the assets were supposed to go directly to Lisa Marie's son, Benjamin Keough, who died in 2020, and her three daughters, two of whom are still teenagers. Now, part of those assets have been claimed by Priscilla and her other son, Navarone, who has no connection to the Presley family and has stated he is glad Lisa died.
Four months before Lisa's death, Lisa wrote to Sofia Coppola and made it clear she had strong concerns about the Priscilla film and was suspicious of the intentions behind it:
"As his daughter, I don’t read this and see any of my father in this character. I don’t read this and see my mother’s perspective of my father. ... I will be forced to be in a position where I will have to openly say how I feel about the film and go against you, my mother and this film publicly."
Lisa was enormously grateful for efforts put into 2022's Elvis to find her father's soul and to restore his dignity in a world that often turns him and his family into a joke:
"You can feel and witness Baz’s pure love, care, and respect for my father throughout this beautiful film, and it is finally something that myself and my children and their children can be proud of forever."
It is such a strong and powerful statement, to see how much Lisa valued family, not just her father but her own children and their legacy, and how willing she was to speak up no matter what was going on in her personal life to say what was right. On this and many other things, Lisa and Priscilla's values have rarely been in alignment. A friend and EPE business associate, Joel Weinshanker, said of her, "Lisa couldn't be bought, she couldn't be pushed. If she felt that something wasn't in Elvis' best interest, it was never about money. And she really is the only Presley that you could say that about."
Priscilla, though, has adjusted her stories about her time with Elvis almost every time she discusses it. For a quick example, she said in her book, which was released in 1985, that Elvis insisted she do her hair and makeup a certain way, that he had control over her look and would get upset if she didn't dress how he wanted. But in an interview with Ladies' Home Journal in 1973, she said that she made a deliberate choice to attend makeup school so that she could learn how to style herself, and that it was her idea to wear big, black hair and big, black eyeliner. She said she was embarrassed for going overboard. She said, "I wish that Elvis had said something, but he must have liked it because he never commented." This lines up with recollections from Patti Parry, a platonic friend of Elvis' and a hairstylist, who said Priscilla always wanted Patti to do her hair in a "big boombah," but that Priscilla would then get upset when Elvis didn't notice or didn't like it.
These changes are impossible not to notice if you follow her for any length of time. At the film premiere, she said it felt just like watching her life and said she was consulted on everything, since she was an executive producer. After the film came out, she said she couldn't understand why Coppola had changed so much about the story and misrepresented events. In the '70s, she said she and Elvis lived almost totally separate lives, that she came and went as she pleased, and that she loved this freedom. Later, she said she felt completely stifled and trapped and never left the house, even though she had friends she went out with all the time. In 2019, she tweeted a forceful denial about a National Enquirer story: "This is the Enquirer folks... please don't believe everything you read. ... Never planned on being buried next to Elvis. What will they come up with next?" But part of her settlement demands in her lawsuit against Riley in 2023 asked "to be buried next to Elvis." This year, she said in two separate interviews that Lisa was with her when Elvis died and that Priscilla had to break the news to her, despite the fact that Lisa was at Graceland when it happened. She has said she gave Elvis the idea to wear belts on his jumpsuits, to have a lightning bolt as his logo, to sing "An American Trilogy," though none of that is true. She retells the story about forcing Elvis to burn all of his spiritual books to prove he loved her as an almost funny anecdote about debrainwashing him, while Elvis later said it was the worst thing he ever agreed to, a desperate attempt to make her happy by giving up the things he valued the most. (For the record, this is my opinion about their relationship on both sides: thinking they could change themselves and each other to make it work. It never did.)
Every secondhand Elvis account has to be treated lightly and only valued for its consistency with known facts and other witnesses. I try to give enormous benefit of the doubt to anyone in the Elvis world because they often only have partial knowledge of what Elvis may have been thinking at any given time, and there are numerous examples of people who were taken advantage of by unscrupulous journalists who changed the story they wanted to tell. But Priscilla's stories sometimes are not even consistent with her own statements, which makes them very poor options indeed to base anything on. However careful we are about noting potential biases and inaccuracies in other memoirs, we have to be triply, quadruply careful with anything in which Priscilla involves herself because she has a vested interest in generating discourse today in order to make money. Unfortunately, Priscilla has a habit of stifling other accounts or making sensationalized statements each time there is a possibility that she will lose some of the cachet that comes with being an Elvis Source—after Elvis' death, when she believed she was going to inherit his airplane and disinvited everyone that Vernon said could fly in it to his funeral; when she sued the parents of one of Elvis' ex-girlfriends after he died because he had allowed them to live rent-free in a house he bought for them; when she claimed that Elvis wanted to reunite with her before his death, despite the fact that he was engaged to someone else and told many people he couldn't see a reunion ever happening with her; before Vernon's death, when she convinced him to make her an executor of the Presley estate until Lisa came of age; after Lisa came of age, when she convinced Lisa to let her stay on as partner; when Lisa accused Priscilla of misspending Lisa's money, during which time anonymous sources cropped up to say Lisa was in debt and drug-addled; when Priscilla was removed from her position as an EPE spokesperson but kept collecting $900,000 a year from the company; when Lisa died, and Priscilla sued once she learned she wasn't in the will; when Priscilla was no longer associated with EPE and decided to do another adaptation of a book that she has since recanted parts of and has contradicted before and after its release.
When Priscilla thinks there is a threat to her image and position, she does new interviews and projects to muddy the waters and stir public interest, whether it is true or false, positive or negative, laudatory or defamatory. She gets corrected by Elvis' surviving family members, girlfriends, friends, and fans, but these stories do not get the same reach no matter how much they are backed by contemporaneous documents and witnesses, or how many resources there are to educate the public on how Elvis' and Priscilla's attitudes about marriage and relationships changed—along with the rest of society—between 1960 and 1970.
I think almost any single-source project is not going to advance our understanding of Elvis in any way because no one individual can speak for him, and we are kind of obligated to include all the context we can in order to appreciate his character, his successes and failures, flaws and virtues—and to treat both himself and those around him as fully three-dimensional people who have their own blind spots. Priscilla is far too aware of her own image, and far too willing to change it to suit the audience, to be particularly valuable here.
She is next scheduled to appear at the Lexington (Kentucky) Comic & Toy Con.
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mediocre-artist · 8 months
Another fic of our favourite Gaunt <33 Was a gift for my friend after he passed a big test :D Super proud of him!!
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"Blast it," you hear Ominis mumble under his breath as he works to unbutton his dress shirt. Candles flicker about your shared dorm room, and you are trying your damnedest to stare at the glow's waltz and pointedly not at the very pretty, slowly stripping boy just a few feet over by his bed. You tended to enjoy the dances the flames created, but now nothing seemed more boring knowing what you were missing. Quietly, you grab the nearest book and flip inside, boring your gaze straight through a page about... the history of the troll and wizard relations. Ah. Riveting. (You'd rather watch paint dry. A full bucket of non-enchanted, muggle paint. That had to be more entertaining. The thought makes you snort.)
The sound of Ominis saying your name pulls you from your musing and you nearly turn to face him when you remember why you were looking away to begin with.
"Yes?" You reply, gluing your gaze to the crease where the pages are sewn and far too loudly flipping the parchment.
"If you aren't too busy pretending to read, I would greatly appreciate some assistance with this damned button," Ominis says, and it takes everything in you not to flounder at the passive (and admittedly true) accusation. Hot guilt and embarrassment claws layers beneath your skin as you attempt to swallow whole the nerves trying to smother your words.
"I wasn't—" you begin.
"Please. I'm blind, not stupid," he quips. "And now that we've officially established such, your help would be greatly appreciated." You try not to wallow in the molten searing of your cheeks as you finally turn to face him. The blond has dropped his hands from the troublesome button, expecting your help and knowing he'll receive it. He's not far undressed, in all honesty, and your effort to keep yourself from straying your gaze seems a bit silly now. You take one, two, three steps across the room to where he stands by his bed, and he raises his chin when he hears you stop before him. Hesitantly, you reach your hand up to the button that lies at the dip of his collarbone; it seems to have gotten tangled in a few loose loops of thread, and knowing Ominis, he doesn't want to risk accidentally pulling them further or popping the button off. You carefully push the button through the loops, freeing it from its net and allowing it to slip out through the buttonhole. Though the task is complete, you linger, taking in the sight of his face this close. You can see the sparkle in his veiled blue eyes, can count the beauty marks on his skin and silently swoon over the elegant curl of his long lashes. He's beautiful, you think.
Ominis clears his throat and you jump back, not missing the subtle smirk that flashes across his pink lips.
"I can still hear, you know. Quite well, in fact. You took your time drawing away," Ominis states factually, and you turn, yanking over the drawer of your clothes chest to pull out a more comfortable shirt. You toss it onto your bed and tug the one you're donning off, the rustle of fabric loud in your ears.
"Must you judge so harshly?" You ask, shedding your trousers to replace those, as well, kicking them off to the side before busying yourself with searching for a new pair.
Ominis is quiet for just a moment.
"I prefer the term observing."
"Uh-huh. Sounds like a load of it." You step into your trousers and tug them up, another silence falling between you, before you fall back onto the bed with a loud sigh. "Remind me to leave any room Peeves is in. Even if it's during class."
Ominis hides a small smile as he finishes dressing himself for bed as well, slipping under the covers. It's loud and the sound bounces around in your head, fabric against fabric. It puts warm, embarrassing thoughts in your brain.
"As if you're less the menace."
A grin tugs at your lips and you grin, sliding into your own bed.
"Very true... goodnight, Ominis."
You dream of blond boys with light, foggy eyes and a touch warm and sweet as spiced pumpkin juice.
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arammies · 1 year
pac: what's next in your romantic life ?
ू take a breath and focus on the question. then pick a pile that stands out the most to you. you may pick more than one pile. if nothing catches your attention, then there is simply no message for you here at the current moment.
ू many many thanks to my guides and your guides for helping with these messages :)
ू decks used; crystal unicorn tarot , typo multicolor daily affirmation cards
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from left to right; pile 1, pile 2, pile 3
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pile 1
[ eight of swords, nine of pentacles, affirmation take a moment out of your day just for you ]
your love life might be really stagnant right now and you're left here wondering and wondering when is the next thing going to happen? well buckle up my dear pile 1. because for your love life to start moving to the next phase, the change has to come from you. there's a message of sitting down with yourself and really be aware of what do you need and want in your love life (though i get the feeling that majority of you already did) and if you've done that, now's the time to put it into action! whatever it is you're thinking of trying, do it. putting yourself out there, going on dates, manifestation, etc. after all the reflecting, now's the time to do it! maybe you didn't think you had it in you but really you have it all right there within you. share your love, stand up for yourself, don't isolate yourself from the love life pile 1. i feel like whoever's on the other end of your relationship is waiting for you and misses you so dearly :( you've got this, pile 1! i'm rooting for you!
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pile 2
[ strength reversed, four of pentacles, affirmation sit in the sunshine for 10 mins ]
i feel like this is the already have something with other people(s) pile; whether that be relationship, situationship, courting etc. if you're single, don't worry, this pile is still for you. hello my lovely lovely pile 2. it seems that you've done all the necessary things to be done in your love life and now you have a solid foundation to stand on, congrats! you're probably just here thinking "and now what?" lmao. this is the time to venture yourself out there and enjoy the outside world :D if you've been thinking for signing up on a class or club, or going on a picnic, this is it! the cards are telling you these stuffs, as in spending quality time, will help strengthen your love life whether that be leading you to your s/o(s) for the singles or just greater bond for the non singles. but yes, go out there! it's kind of funny for the coupled ones, your guides are telling me you stay in home too often and they're just 'tsk tsk'ing you guys lmaoo anyway, go have fun!! and be safe pile 2, that's all i got for you :)
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pile 3
[ the star, ace of pentacles, affirmation phone a good friend today & check in ]
oh precious pile 3. my sweet and hardworking pile 3. so many good things are awaiting you and not just in your love life but in your general life as a whole as well. i am so so proud of you pile 3. the cards are telling you to hold your faith and do not lose hope, if you've been putting in the effort, they see you pile 3. a new cycle is coming and with it, comes tons of great things because you deserve them pile 3. you deserve to be loved just as you are. to be loved simply because you exist. keep doing what you're doing and many things will flourish in your love life. you'll get that happy ending pile 3. this is the confirmation that you're looking for. it's coming very very near so please hold on a little more. i love you pile 3 🥺 also the affirmation card states friend but i get the feeling that this "friend" is actually you yourself pile 3 so please take care of yourself lovelies.
extra; you might also feel attracted to pile 1
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reasonsmandy · 5 months
Is there something lost in the sky?
Billy Dunne x Fem!Reader
✧.* you're reading part two of — You Intrigue Me
✧.* requested by 2 anon — pleaseee, you intrigue me pt.2?? // I've been dying to read a part 2 of "intrigue me". Can you do a part 2?
✧.* summary — After years of work the day of your album release had finally arrived, and you couldn't wait to see everyone enjoying your creations. The night would be very pleasant if it weren't for the big question about the relationship between you and Billy constantly haunting your head.
✧.* warnings — none
✧.* word count — 1.8k
✧.* 🎤 — Billy Dunne's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I know I know, it took me long enough... I'm sorry! But I hope you like it :) Good reading.
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You take a deep breath, reaching out your hand for the door hesitating as his fingers slid across the wooden object. You had been waiting for this moment for months, but you couldn't count the nervousness that had been growing in your core ever since Teddy and you started preparing for your album's release day.
You had told the producer that your only requirement was to listen to the album before release with all the people important to this creative process. And the day had arrived, behind that door people were waiting for you to finally hear all the effort of years, it was impossible to control your nervousness and you were failing miserably in this attempt.
You could hear the murmuring behind the door, which made you rethink whether this had all been a great idea in the first place. You feel a hand grab your wrist, and you turn around, coming face to face with the long-haired man smiling small at you.
“You okay?” Billy questions, You feel relief when you see him there, as you always felt in his presence.
“Not sure, actually.” You confess, turning to him. “I forgot how intense this is.”
“When you see everyone there being proud of you, it goes away quickly.” He gets closer to you, and your heart races.
“I don't know if they'll be proud. No one's ever heard it finished except Teddy." You say, trying your best to feel his fingertips on your hands.
“I am, you can be sure of that.” He intertwines your fingers, reassuring you in a way that even if everything falls apart he will be there. “And besides, I'm very eager to see what you came up with.”
Four months had passed since the agreement made between you and the eldest Dunne, Since then the album 'Aurora' had been a huge success and the band had played several shows around the globe. Meanwhile, the two of you always kept in touch, through calls and of course meetings here and there, you weren't sure what exactly permeated your relationship, but with each meeting you fell more with him.
Billy Dunne was an enigma, you felt so understood next to him that it was impossible to describe, every lyric you put down on paper seemed to describe him and every chord he created was like the melodies in your head. You understood each other, and each time you removed the layer of protection that life had made you create to get to know each other, you saw yourself in each other, you connected with each other, you fell in love.
That part of you wanted to keep your feet on the ground, believe that you were just friends and that was it. But now, feeling him caress your hands in an attempt to reassure you, it was almost impossible not to explode with emotions.
“I hope you like it.” That's all you manage to say.
“I'm positive I will, now, come on, pretty girl.” He holds out his hand for you to take. “Let's celebrate your rock n roll record.”
He opens the door for you, and when everyone inside cheers for you he can't help but smile. Large hanging on the wall was your album, as the center of the entire attraction, Warren drummed on the table to increase the celebratory noise, Karen clapped her hands while another whistled for you.
Little by little, they came to greet you and congratulate you on your achievement. You welcomed everyone with gratitude and gradually got excited to see them all here. To your right was a makeshift stage, so you could perform some tracks of your choice, and the band that recorded with you was among the guests having fun at the event.
“Okay y'all, everyone gather here!” Teddy calls for everyone, and little by little they approach. "Now let's listen to one of the most creative albums I've ever been a part of, our dear Y/N created a masterpiece that takes us on a rollercoaster of emotions. And I'm sure we'll celebrate that when she's at the top of the rankings.”
“To Y/N!” Billy says, raising his glass in making a toast.
“To Y/N!” The others celebrate with him.
The album was placed on the record player, you were shaking with nervousness, anxiety and at the same time afraid of what others would think. Deciding to put your hands in your pockets to hide how uncomfortable you were with this favorable space of judgment, you remained with your gaze glued to the album rotating and rotating.
“This is unbelievable…” Billy whispers against your ear, resting his hand on your lower back. “I'm speechless, really.”
You just give him a simple, happy, satisfied smile. Closing your eyes, you listen to those melodies that you had imagined for several nights emanating from the record player, trying to concentrate on what mattered, your art.
At the end of the album, the silence turns into a chorus of applause, and you, without noticing, shed a few tears of emotion. That was it, your work had been done, and you had pleased everyone and most importantly yourself.
You go up on the improvised stage and take the microphone in your hands, drawing everyone's attention.
“I'd like to thank all of you, because if you're here right now you somehow inspired me to get here. I've spent years working on my first album, working on everything you guys saw today and I'm so so so happy with the result.” It was even funny how nervous you were, you stopped and took a deep breath. “I usually say that the lyrics of a song show facets of the soul of whoever creates it, and I showed many parts of myself today to you.”
Once again the crowd applauds, you can see Warren hit a plastic fork on his beer bottle getting a laugh from Daisy. Billy watched you without being able to contain the smile on his face.
“I wanted to invite Billy to sing this song with me." He is taken by surprise but takes the stage, watching you with a clear look of questioning. “He was with me when I wrote this one, and it's my favorite on the album so…”
“Told you!” Daisy whispers to Warren, who looks at her with a lost gaze clearly focused on a black woman leaning against a distant wall.
“Yeah yeah, listen I'll be right back” He says going towards the woman, leaving the redhead with a pair of rolled eyes.
Everyone in the place hears the beat of their drummer's drumsticks indicating that the music is about to start.
Singing with Billy Dunne was inexplicable, and for a moment you wished you were Daisy and experienced it every night. Your voices flew giving reason to the melody, he looked at you with smiling eyes, feeling his body being carried away by what you had created, and to be honest you loved it. He reaches out to hold your hand, intertwining your fingers so they're in the place you both always wanted to be.
You dance around the stage, feeling the adrenaline rush that comes to you as you sing, the older Dunne watching you with pride, happiness and desire emerging more and more as well. When you finish it doesn't take long to hear the audience instead of the instruments, you all thank them and enjoy the rest of the party.
It was late, you knew that because from the window of the room you were in you could see the quiet city, as if it was waiting for you in a certain way. And despite knowing it was time to leave, something still kept you there, as if you could hold today in your hands so it wouldn't slip away as the seconds passed.
“Is there something lost in the sky?” You jump in fright when Billy's voice is heard.
“Goodnesses! Why do you keep doing that?” You say, your hand on your chest feeling your heart gallop. It was common when he was around.
He shrugs. "I'm very proud of you, this was all amazing.”
You turn around, smiling genuinely. "I'm proud of myself too, it was all so intense that I just want to stop thinking."
“I understand." He lets out a muffled laugh, you remain silent before he breaks it again. "The deal is over…”
You feel your chest tighten, questions you had asked a few times like "Did everything we went through together only involve what was agreed upon?" danced in your head again.
“Yeah…” That's all you manage to say through the knot on your throat.
“Look Y/N.” He turns to you, his eyes are dark among the dark around you and you curse yourself when you think that this was the prettiest it ever looked. “I like you, I like how everything is easy and good by your side. I just feel understood, like you see me somehow”
You watch him say, your eyes telling him to continue.
“I like us, and I don't want it to end. I don't know how you see this between us or how you want to move forward from now on but I know I don't want to give up on the way life seems to be easy with you.”
You felt like you lost your breath for a few minutes, which seemed like hours, as you saw the breeze ruffle a few strands of the man's long hair in front of you. You smile, a smile that came from deep in your chest and the great honesty of your soul.
You simply kiss him, and feel him smile against your lips. Both of Dunne's arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer, trying to smell you and know every millimeter of your body. You feel the intensity of the kiss grow, and he pushes you lightly against the open window, making the breeze feel on your back.
You break the kiss to observe his face illuminated only by the light, his smile was big and his matched yours. You kiss his nose and then place a light kiss on his mouth.
“I like us too, and you'll not get rid of me easily.” He laughs at your words and kisses you once again.
“I don't even want to.”
Footsteps in the hallway are heard, if you were paying attention you would know that it was two people for sure. Daisy stops abruptly in the doorway, her green eyes wide as she comes face to face with the scene you were staring. She stops Rojas as he walks, holding him with one arm and drawing his attention to the couple kissing in the room.
“Damn.” Rojas says under his breath. “Fuck, I lost fifty bucks!”
Daisy smiles victoriously, pulling Warren to leave you and Billy Dunne alone in your world.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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sissylittlefeather · 7 months
That Loved On Look:
A Tulsa McLean Story
A/N: I've said before how much I love Tulsa 😂. I just needed another fic for him, so I decided to write it! I hope you all enjoy this dirty little fantasy 😏. (I know some of these pics are just army Elvis, but Tulsa doesn't wear his dress uniform in the movie)
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, cussing, infidelity (reader is married), kissing, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, ejaculation
Word count: ~2.4K
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Your husband is a captain in the United States army and you've been proud of that fact for as long as it's been true. But recently he's been so wrapped up in his position that he hasn't had much time for you. Add to that the stress of being a mother to twin 2-year-olds and you're about ready to burst. Living in Germany hasn't been easy either. You don't have many friends here and you're starting to feel very lonely. You long for the companionship that a new acquaintance would bring. And you long for the male attention that used to come from your husband, before he became so invested in work. Still, you know he's busy for a reason, so you consider other ways to occupy your time. You throw yourself into planning the yearly Christmas party, making preparations and cleaning and getting everything ready.
On the night of the party, you hope your husband will notice the pretty red dress you've picked out just for the occasion. But he doesn't. He's too busy chatting up guests to acknowledge the effort you've put in with your perfectly coiffed hair and red lipstick. You sigh deeply and wander around the party making small talk.
This year, your husband did something unexpected and invited the enlisted men to the party. You're used to it being an officers-only event, so the addition of the young and virile men is a pleasant change.
You move through the crowd offering drinks and smiling in response to comments about the beauty of your home. You're fixing a drink for another officer's wife when you hear him behind you.
"That's a mighty pretty dress, ma'am."
You turn to face the young man and he blushes slightly.
"Thank you! What's your name, soldier?" He's unbelievably cute, with his blue eyes and dimple when he smiles.
"Tulsa. Tulsa McLean, ma'am." You smile up at him through your lashes and half-whisper,
"Please don't call me ma'am. It makes me feel old."
"Aw, honey, you're not old. In fact, I'd say you're the prettiest gal here." He gestures to the party and you look around at all the gorgeous young girls standing around.
"I'm flattered, but I'm sure you could find another girl that's closer to your age."
"Maybe, but she wouldn't be as pretty as you." He gives you a small wink and you feel the blood rush to your core. You clear your throat and try to get your bearings.
"You know my husband is the captain."
"I know that, ma'am- I mean, honey. It doesn't change the fact that you're the prettiest girl in the room. I hope you don't mind me sayin' so." He smiles again and it takes everything in you not to giggle like a teenager, which you most certainly are not. The way he called you 'honey' also has you melting where you stand.
A mild flirtation won't hurt, will it?
"Well, I appreciate you being so kind. Can I get you anything?" You smile brightly and abandon the drink you were making.
"Oh, no honey, I just wanted to talk to you a bit and see if you were as pretty up close as I thought you might be." The blush rises in your cheeks. You need him to stop, but also don't want him to. He leans in as close as he can without being obviously inappropriate and whispers.
"You are." When he winks again any resolve you had about rebuffing his advances disappears. You're guessing that there's some kind of bet or dare involved here, but the attention is so nice that you're not sure you care.
"Would you like to help me get some hors d'oeuvres out of the kitchen?" You bat your lashes and he nods, a grin spreading across his face. He follows you as you walk around the corner and through the door. There's a very low chance that anyone will come in here, so you walk to the counter and turn, leaning your back against it. He looks around for the hors d'oeuvres and realizes that you've brought him in here for something else. You curl your finger in a gesture for him to come over to you. He swallows deeply and approaches you, carefully putting one hand on the counter on either side of you, leaving very little space between you. You reach up and run your fingers under the lapel of his dress uniform.
"So what do you win?"
"I told you how I feel about that." You look up at him disapprovingly.
"Sorry, honey. But what do you mean win?"
"For getting me alone? I assume there's some kind of wager at stake here." He bites his bottom lip and looks away from you.
"You won't believe me if I tell you I just like you, will you?" He looks back into your face, eyes flicking down to your lips.
"No, I won't." You whisper as he leans in slowly. You're not sure what's gotten into you. You've never been unfaithful before and yet here you are about to let this handsome soldier kiss you. Would your husband even notice? You decide not to care just as his soft, pillowy lips land on yours gently.
Fireworks go off somewhere in your stomach and he pulls back a little before kissing you again. This time he lets his lips part yours and his tongue grazes yours lightly. When you still don't resist or tell him to stop, he boldly presses his body against yours and kisses you deeply with the full presence of his tongue in your mouth.
After a few seconds of this, you're wetter than you have been in years and you decide to throw caution to the wind and have a little fun.
"We need more privacy. Follow me, but do it nonchalantly. Like you just have to go to the bathroom too. Maybe stop and talk to someone for a bit."
"I don't wanna talk to anyone else." He practically whines, not ready to be parted from you. He holds his hand up to the side of your face and kisses you again, this time rolling his hips forward into you.
"Mmmm yeah, we need a door with a lock." You moan into his mouth. He presses his forehead to yours and nods. The energy between the two of you is electric and begging for release. He backs away from you, adjusting himself under his uniform.
"I'm following you, honey." You grab his lapel and pull him in for one more quick kiss before you head back out to the party, leaving him in the kitchen alone.
You make your way through the crowd, nodding and waving and talking to people as you go, trying to make it seem like nothing is out of the ordinary. At one point, your husband calls to you to introduce you to someone, so you make your way to his side. The conversation continues and you grow impatient. Tulsa makes eye contact from across the room, seemingly asking if you've changed your mind. You give him the slightest nod and he suppresses a grin. After that, you excuse yourself from the conversation and resume your path to the bathroom. You have two bathrooms available for party guests, so you make your way to the one that's further away from the people. It's bigger and more out of the way, so you're much less likely to be disturbed. You slip inside and close the door behind you. As you wait, you have a moment of panic that he's going to go to the other bathroom. Just when you're about ready to give up this ridiculous mission, there's a soft knock on the door.
You open the door, ready to act normal, in case it's not him, but it is. He wraps his arm around your waist and carries you backwards into the bathroom, closing it behind him, with his lips pressed to yours. He turns you around and pushes your body up against door, turning the lock and then placing one hand on your hip and the other tangled in your hair. You're a little surprised at his eagerness and start to wonder if maybe this isn't a bet. Maybe he really does just like you. He kisses down your neck to your shoulder, where he slips the strap of your dress down. You shift a little and he pulls back and looks at you.
"Am I moving too fast?"
"I'm just surprised you're so excited." He gives you a sheepish grin.
"You want the truth, honey?"
"Yes, please."
"I've seen you several times before and I've always thought you were beautiful. It's taken me a while to get up the courage to talk to you. But then I saw you tonight in this dress and I just had to say something." He looks down at you and you notice, for the first time, that he's looking at you with a little more than lust.
"It's really not a bet?"
"I promise."
You reach up and undo the buttons of his jacket, sliding it off his shoulders and laying it over the counter. He helps you with his tie and lays it on the counter too. His shirt is next and he unbuttons it and tosses it on top of his tie. That's when you notice his erection and he laughs quietly.
"Not a bet." He whispers, leaning in to kiss you softly on the lips again. His skin is hot against yours where there's contact and you suddenly need more of him touching you. He reaches around you and pulls the zipper of your dress down slowly. You shimmy so that the top of the dress falls forward off of you and he pushes it over your hips where it lands on the floor.
He looks at you wide-eyed for about thirty seconds before you come together wildly, the last of your clothing furiously flying around the room as he sets you up on the countertop, kissing down your body to your nipples and then on down to your center. He spreads your legs and ducks down until his face is buried in your pussy. You arch your back and moan softly as he licks and sucks your clit, lapping at you passionately. He looks up at you, blue eyes dark with lust and the view of him from the nose up drives you wild. You feel your orgasm coming on fast, so you run your fingers through his hair. He slides two fingers inside of you to pump in and out while he works his mouth on you. It doesn't take much longer for the pressure of your climax to be released as the waves crash over you and you pulse around his hand while he continues to lick you. For a younger man, he seems to know exactly what he's doing and you're not complaining. You haven't come like this in years.
He stands up, using one hand to wipe his face and the other to line his cock up with your wet entrance. He teases you for a bit before he kisses you and whispers in your ear.
"Are you ready for me?" Without another thought, you nod your head and he pushes into you slowly, filling you one inch at a time. He's bigger than you expected, so it takes you a second to adjust, but once you do, you groan together at the sensation. He grips your hips and begins to pound into you with more speed.
"Oh shit, honey, you feel good." He says quietly. For a moment you forgot that you need to be quiet, lost in the sensation of his cock hitting all the right places inside of you. He pulls you in to kiss him again as he continues to fuck you, not too fast and not too slow, but exactly how you need to be fucked.
After a few more minutes, he slides out of you and lifts you off the counter, turning you around to face the mirror. He enters you from behind and you watch his face as his eyes roll back while he slams into you.
"'M gettin' close, honey." He grunts, leaning forward to hold your body close to his, hands wandering over your breasts. He rubs circles on your clit until you feel yourself come undone again while his dick fills you so deeply. A few seconds later, he pulls out and pumps himself with his hand, coming hard and directing his release toward your ass. You feel the sticky warmth as it lands on you and watch his face in the mirror. He's beautiful when he comes and some part of you wishes this wouldn't be a one-time thing.
When he's finished, he gets some toilet paper to clean you up and then helps you back into your dress. You help him get his uniform back on, tying his tie for him and buttoning the buttons on his jacket.
"Can I see you again?" You look up at him surprised.
"That's probably not a good idea." You respond. He nods sadly and then kisses you softly on the forehead.
"If you're sure." You're not sure at all, but you need to be. You turn and look in the mirror to see just how fucked you look. You smooth your hair and find some lipstick. As you do, he snakes his arms around your waist from behind and sets his chin on your shoulder.
"Tulsa, what are you doing?"
"Just admiring the prettiest girl at the party." You can't help but smile as you turn to wipe your lipstick from his lips and neck.
"I'm not saying yes. I'm saying maybe." His eyes light up and he kisses your cheek. Then, he opens the bathroom door and carefully peers into the hallway. You leave first and make your way back into the party. You go back to making small talk. After about fifteen minutes, you feel eyes on you. You glance to the left and catch Tulsa watching you. He gives you a look that seems to say I've seen you naked and you have to work hard to suppress your smile. You look down at the drink you made yourself and sigh.
You'll definitely be seeing him again.
Happy Thanksgiving!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @ashtag6887 @your-nanas-house @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows
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pomplalamoose · 1 month
hii if its ok do you think you could write some headcanons for luke and a mute reader? :))
Hell yeah anon, it's absolutely more than okay! I adore your ask and I'm glad I managed to finish it in time to post today🫶🏻
May the Fourth be with you <33
🩵 patience and understanding 
• as the loving and open-minded person he is, Luke will always do his best to be patient and understanding, no matter the way you choose to communicate 
• during ANH and ESB he may find himself struggling with the first aspect (especially if he has a crush on you), though it's never your fault
• he's just so excited, so nervous, whenever he dares to approach you, it takes him a few moments until he's calm enough to focus on what you're saying 
• this delay, and may it only be short, frustrates him more than he cares to admit and more often than not leaves him a little embarrassed
• what ultimately counts though is that you can truly take your time around him without ever feeling pressured in any way
• he doesn't mind waiting if it takes you a little longer to form your sentences
🩵 respect 
• Luke absolutely respects your preferred way of communication 
• whether it is through writing, sign language, texting or using any other form of assistive technology, he puts in a lot of effort to keep up with you and to make sure anything you may need is available 
• he never wants for you to be limited by circumstances or feeling like you have to hold back just because he might not be able to fully grasp what you're trying to say otherwise 
🩵 active listening 
• he knows well what it's like to be ignored or not taken seriously so you can be a hundred percent sure that Luke will pay you his unwavering, full attention whenever you wish to share your thoughts, feelings, opinions, or just a stupid little joke 
• his eyes will be glued to you as he makes the greatest effort to understand and to engage and will be so unhappy if he doesn't catch on to what you're trying to bring across fast enough
• when he does, however, ANH Luke sometimes forgets you're not deaf (or alternatively if you are, can read lips), and, in the heat of the moment responds enthusiastically by signaling his opinions back to you even though you'd very well be able to understand him talk
• (not that he's particularly good at it in the beginning; big nods and lots of thumbs up are his best friends)
🩵 support and education 
• from his own experiences Luke knows how important the support and acceptance of friends and people close to you are
• thus he really wants for you to have an environment in which you can express yourself however you want to or can, without ever feeling afraid of judgement or ridicule 
• accordingly he's always more than happy to educate others about barriers in communication and on how to respectfully interact with a mute person (and specifically you if it's something you're comfortable with)
• he's your biggest fan and always focuses on your unique qualities rather than your "limitations"
🩵 encouragement
• because Luke tries his best to create a supportive environment for you, he's also very big on encouraging you to participate in conversations and other social interactions 
• not only because he really likes having you by his side whenever it's possible but also because he loves showing you off 
• he's just so proud of you, adores you so much, and wants everyone to see as well 
• after all how could he ever be responsible for making his friends miss the opportunity to get to know and cherish you as much as he does?
• should you happen to feel overwhelmed, anxious or any other kind of discomfort though, he's by your side in an instant, ready to advocate for you or to see to your needs if necessary 
• (if it helps this is also something you can specifically ask him to do before going out and he'll make an effort to continously check in with you during the event)
🩵 boundaries and celebration 
• despite this eagerness however, Luke of course respects your boundaries, never meaning to pressure you into communicating/socializing/putting yourself out there when you're clearly not in the right headspace, feel uncomfortable doing so or are simply not having the best day
• to him it's just important that you know how proud he is of you no matter what, that he recognizes and celebrates your strengths and abilities on a bad day just as much as on a good one 
🩵 creativity 
• Luke is curious and eager to explore by nature and you'd have a really fun time together finding new alternative ways in which to communicate with each other
• whether it is through visual aids or gestures, he's invested in learning more and may even have ideas to create a completely different communication method, just for the two of you 
• he really likes the idea of specific small gestures, gazes or movements carrying a meaning for only him and you
• (it's not only very romantic but also super useful on literally every kind of mission)
• once he is confident in his abilities to use the Force for communication, he may introduce you to it too
• even better if you happen to be Force sensitive as well!
🩵 no conditions 
• ultimately being loved by Luke (it doesn't matter whether it's platonic or romantic) means to be offered his unconditional loyalty and support 
• he embraces you for who you are and stands by your side through thick and thin 
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iciatheguardess · 4 months
Hiiii it’s meeee elsie
conflicted Elsie
Look, you know as well as I do that I love TAOCC to freaking death
but like
I may have to partially step away from it after the current arcs are over.
these goofy goobers took over my life for the last three-ish months, and while I’ve had an amazing time, it’s…caused me to neglect other parts of my life, and restrict myself more than I should when it comes to how I am on this site. I’ve stated my intention to try and branch out multiple times but I never go through with it because I just…I have things to write here! I can’t! And yeah it’s fun but sometimes I get hurt even if people don’t mean to, like, I’ve gotten legitimately ill from this once or twice.
But I feel like even trying to step away a bit is somehow abandoning all of you or betraying your trusts. I want to stay friends with you guys, but my actual life and Irlsie has to come first most of the time, because I am not JUST Elsie, if that makes any sense. Elsewhere is and was always meant to be a sona for some interaction, maybe some friendos, but nothing this…involved, because I can’t put all of my social effort onto the internet because no matter what I do, the internet is not a completely genuine place, and I’ve accepted that. There are some parts of my personality I just don’t use. You don’t really ever see calm Elsie or mental illness Elsie or sappy Elsie, maybe once or twice, and that’s intentional. This is Writing Elsie’s blog, lol, but there’s other Elsie that needs to be allowed to exist outside of the internet, and I can’t neglect her or my actual life for the sake of this.
I honestly don’t know what to do here. I love these characters on a very personal level, and have poured my heart into them, and I don’t want to straight up leave them. Even only partially separating myself seems kinda pointless because I know what happens when someone gets really behind on the lore and has to be caught up on even just a day’s events to explain why Character A looks like this now or Character B is referencing this event, etc. etc.
But there’s a point where it’s not healthy anymore. Where things reach a place where I have to admit that this can’t be my entire life anymore. And I’m not entirely sure what on earth I should do about it…
If I do somewhat step back, it’ll probably be right after the vacation arc ends. i’m gonna pour my fluff loving heart and soul into that thing, don’t you worry. But you shouldn’t expect another dungeon or something like that from me unless I have a VERY good reason and a well formulated plan. Yes, I’ll probably still engage in shippery and fluff, as well as analysis, but mostly within the bounds of characters and dynamics we’ve already established, and not much farther than that. My one exception to the “after the vacation arc” rule would probably be Yelena’s arc, because of how long things in that section tend to take, for various reasons. Yelena’s arc is barely started, and stuff takes possibly days to move even a few hours in-universe. Sooooo….yeah, I wanna finish that, I’ve put too much work into it already to just stop it.
…dang this was only supposed to be a paragraph…
…pls halp, I have no idea what to do lol.
Ok. I've read over this a couple times.
First off, I'm talking to you as L here, and not Star. I am very, very proud of you for acknowledging this and understanding that this is getting unhealthy. I think it's very smart that you dont want to neglect your yourself irl and the fact you're saying this, and saying exactly what you'll be doing, I'm really proud of it.
To give you a clear answer, if it's going to help you irl then I think stepping back is smart. Especially from the trauma and angst, because that stuff hurts a LOT and it can be really, really detrimental and negatively affect irl things. What I DONT think is that it's betraying anyone. You need to be able to put yourself and your needs first in order to be your best self, and everyone understands that you can't be on tumblr 24/7 because, well, that's really really really really unhealthy and not good. I'm really glad you're telling me about this though so I, and everyone else who sees this, knows.
TAOCC is really great but there's a LOT of heavy things on here and with everything going on, it can be super weighing and really affect people irl. I can speak from experience because honestly, I'm in a similar situation. I won't speak much about that though. It's definitely addictive and can get really really unhealthy if you let it, and honestly it's not hard to let it.
I want you to do whatever you feel is best for you, no matter what that entails. Fei and Tails and Xeya and Kumo and so many others and I love you so much and do NOT want you neglecting yourself and your life irl for this- it's meant to be entertainment, not a lifestyle.
I think it's smart to finish Yelena's Arc before partially stepping back. And I think it's even smarter to not want to do another dungeon, because that whole thing was a massive angst-fest and I think it negatively affected people more than they care to admit. Shippery and fluff and minor things is a good boundary.
I'll wrap this up now, but again, I'm in full support of this decision because I want you to be at your best. You're right, you're not just Elsie. And it's not fair for you to only be Elsie when you're so much more than that. If stepping away from tumblr will help you take care of the other parts of your life that we aren't involved in or aware of, then please do so because no part of you and your life should be sacrificed for the sake of entertainment.
Again, I'm really, really proud of you for admitting this.
Please know we'll always support you and you're super important to all of us, so don't ever feel bad for putting your needs first. Irl things should always come first.
But no matter what always remember:
Everything I said is applicable for everyone else reading this too. Taocc is fantastic and we love it but it shouldn't completely take over your life. It's okay to take a break or step back fully if it means the best for your health and irl life. Please remember to take care of yourselves- and everything that Elsie talked about here is FANTASTIC self care. It may be hard, but it's also the best decision she can make for herself and may be the best decision for others too.
Alright- I think I covered everything. Don't ever feel like you're betraying us Elsie- it's not betrayal, it's self care. We'll still be here for you, always. Never forget that ❤️❤️❤️
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batllethinker · 1 year
Extra Lessons | w.mf + n.rv
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Pairing: Professor Wanda Maximoff + Student Natasha Romanov
Warnings: office sex, fingering, praise, degradation, large age gap (N-early twenties W-late thirties), unethical relationships
Summary: Natasha lets her grades slip so she can get some alone time with her favorite professor.
Natasha never knew that she would enjoy ethics classes as much as she did but thanks to professor. Maximoff she enjoyed the classes very much, always putting in extra effort on every assignment, hand always raised when a question was asked and it all was for the warmth flooding her stomach when she caught professor. Maximoff’s proud eyes and the praises she always received.
She wasn't even sure when her infatuation started, if it was on the first day when Ms. Maximoff walked into the classroom, adorning a maroon suit that fitted her just right or if it was when she had reviewed her first essay, when she had received a blinding smile and a praise that did unspeakable things to her.
Professor. Maximoff had started occupying her every thought after that, she had even started putting extra effort into her outfits, wearing shorter skirts, tighter shirts just in the hopes of Wanda bending her over her desk and taking her right then and there.
She had even pulled out her secret weapon, giving her professor those eyes that make everyone weak in the knees, lips pursing into a pout and she knew that it had worked when she saw how Wanda’s eyes darkened every time she did it.
Natasha had stopped putting in the effort towards her essays by the end of her semester and she knew that her professor was worried, maybe even disappointed so it didn't come as a surprise to her when she was asked to stay after class.
“Ms. Romanov, I'm not sure if you want the help but your grades are slipping and I would love to help you, give you extra lessons” her professor looked at her with the softest eyes and she almost felt bad for worrying her but her plan had obviously worked.
“Thank you, professor, I would really appreciate it. '' The smile she received in reply made it all worth it as her professor took a seat on the desk in front of her and leaned forward, giving the younger woman a perfect view down her cleavage.
“Great, is it okay if we take the lessons after the end of your day? We can figure out the fine print then, you know where my office is, right?” Natasha really tried to not stare and forced her eyes down to her desk instead, forgetting to answer in the process.
“Natasha?” she could practically hear the smile in Miss. Maximoff’s tone and froze, had she been caught?
“Yes, miss?” She then felt a hand under her chin, forcing her eyes up to meet the older woman's and it was then she saw the slight smirk on her face and she was sure that she was blushing by now.
“Do you know where my office is?” Of Course she does, she hadn't been there often but it was enough to fuel her fantasies.
“Yes, professor” Wanda nodded and smiled as she rose to stand up, Natasha followed her movements carefully and moved to stand up herself.
“Good, I’ll meet you there then” the student nodded and walked to the door, closely followed by Wanda.
“Goodbye ms. Romanov” Natasha smiled at her, already giddy at the prospect of having more alone time with her favorite teacher.
“Goodbye professor. Maximoff” she didn't even try to hide her giddiness when she met up with her friends who all gave her strange looks.
“What's up with you?” Bucky was the one to confront her.
“I have a study date” she saw everyone frown and she got it, who in their right mind would be excited to study?
“And that's a good thing, how?” Yelena was the one to ask this time, still visibly confused.
Natasha just smiled, “it's with ms.Maximoff” she saw how it clicked in everybody’s mind and some of them groaned.
“God you're whipped, seriously why are you risking your grades for her?” Sam frowned at his friend, he didn't really get it but he had also never met her.
“I'm not risking anything, I can get my grades up when I so please but for now, I'm taking (r: spending) my time with her” she saw how they all rolled their eyes but ignored them.
“Anyways I'm going to my next class, see you guys later?” She made her way to her last classes as the others bid her goodbye and all she wanted was for the day to be over so she could spend some time with her favorite professor.
The time passed amazingly fast and it wasn't long before she was standing outside her professor’s office, slightly out of breath from running as she knocked on the door.
Natasha’s breath was caught in her throat as soon as the door opened, Wanda’s long brown hair was pulled into a low ponytail and she had gotten rid of her suit jacket, there was an unnecessary amount of buttons undone on her shirt, giving her a perfect view of her chest.
“Good evening ms. Romanov” Professor. Maximoff’s tone seemed almost knowing but her smile showed nothing.
“Good evening, professor” she smiled back as the older woman moved aside to let her in, Natasha walked to the desk standing in front of the windows, bending over to set her bag down on the floor by one of the chairs, smiling to herself when she felt the others eyes on her.
She knew that her skirt was way too short and she was honestly surprised that she hadn't been dress coded, she also knew that her bending over would lead to her privates being exposed, something that she would be mindful of in most cases but it was something she counted on in this case.
“So, professor, where do we start?” she turned back around to meet Wanda’s now much darker eyes.
“Take a seat, ms. Romanov” Natasha could only nod as she took a seat on the chair next to her, legs crossing in front of her.
She could hear the clicking of her professor's heels as she circled the desk to sit on her chair, comfortably leaning back in her seat as she intently watched the younger woman.
“Do you want to tell me why your grades are slipping?” Right, she would have to come up with a believable excuse.
“I’ve just had a hard time focusing” Ms. Maximoff’s eyebrows raised and she nodded slowly, probably unsure on if to believe her or not.
“Really? Because I’ve talked to your other professors and your grades are at the top of the class, all classes except mine” She really shouldn't have thought that it would work but she wouldn't sell herself out this early.
“I'm sorry, miss, I’ll work on it” Wanda only gave her a short smile and moved to stand up, walking to stand behind her, her hands coming to rest on her shoulders.
“You know, I’ve noticed your eyes on me, lingering longer than necessary and those skirts, it's like you’re begging me to bend you over right here” Natasha’s whole body trembled with need and she did her best to contain her whine when those hands moved lower, gripping and squeezing at her chest.
“Just look at you, is this what you wanted? Your professor bending you over and fucking you like the little slut you are?” The younger woman couldn't contain her whines anymore, not when Wanda had pulled her shirt up, hands pinching and twisting at her nipples.
“Please, miss” she could hear a laugh right next to her ear and next thing she knew she was pulled up and bent over the desk, a hand roughly gripping her ass.
“Aww you're dripping already, did I do this to you?” two fingers were running over the wet spot on her panties, pressing down on her clit for a short moment but long enough for her hips to start chasing the feeling.
“And this skirt, I couldn't take my eyes off of you today” the older woman groaned out and her panties were suddenly ripped off of her, her gasp quickly turns into a moan when the same fingers run through her folds.
Wanda leans over her, pressing against her back and her other hand comes up to wrap around her throat. “Do you think you can keep quiet for me?”
The older woman had pulled her up against her front, Natasha’s head coming up to rest against her shoulder.
And really, she couldn't help the needy moan that left her when two fingers pushed into her and she wasn't surprised when the hand on her throat came up to clamp over her mouth, doing something to muffle the moans she lets out when Wanda starts a punishing pace.
“I need you to keep quiet for me” it's the way it's said right into her ear, her professor’s dark raspy voice filling her ears that makes everything so much more intense.
It's the way she can feel Wandas deep breaths against her neck, and the way she places kisses against it, harsh and possessive, surely leaving marks, she loves it, loves everything about the way Wanda fucks her.
Her hips start to privot back against the older woman, desperately trying to find her release, and she could feel Wanda grin against her throat before biting down and curling her fingers.
The moan she let out was nothing short of unholy, even with the slight muffle of her professor's hand it is still loud enough for the outside to hear.
“Shut up” it's hissed into her ear and she really tries to but it's simply impossible, every sensation of the older woman made it impossible for her to keep quiet.
She could feel herself clenching around Wanda’s fingers and she knew that her professor could tell with how she sped up the slightest bit and fucked her harder against the desk.
“Cum for me, doll” and how could she not obey? She could feel herself nod against Wanda’s hand, her movements becoming sloppy and desperate as she let herself cum with a scream.
Wanda worked her through her orgasm with soft kisses on her neck and cheeks, anywhere she could reach really and her sweet praises.
“You did so well for me, angel” her professor had pulled out of her before moving to her chair, carefully pulling Natasha with her and placing her onto her lap, a comforting hand running up and down her back and soft kisses left all over.
Natasha just cuddled further into her, resting her head against the crook of Wanda’s neck, craving her touch.
She couldn't help but to leave kisses all over the older’s neck before biting down and surely leaving a mark.
Natasha could feel more than hear Wanda’s chuckle but didn't stop her ministrations until her whole neck was covered in marks.
And she knew that in the moment, she wouldn't have it any other way and could only hope that Wanda felt the same way.
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Not a request but a question because I'm trying to work out if I'm being silly and need to chill or if this is a thing other writers deal with. (Ignore if you don't want to answer of course)
Do you ever get really frustrated when you write something you're proud of/ actually really excited to write/ have put a lot into doesn't do well for one, but then a post you put a lot less into (Still effort ofc) or wanted to write way less does way better and it's even worse?
You're not alone in this feeling AT ALL. A lot of creators, including myself feel this often. The TLDR of what I'm about to say is: you're not being silly, but you do need to chill. Let's dive into what I mean by that! 💕
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A lot of creators, including myself put a lot of love into what we do. So of course we want the work we spend extra time and effort on to do better. Unfortunately, what happens a lot of the time is our original works, more heartfelt works, more polished stuff, etc. tend to go on the backburner compared to our memes, sketches, and sexual content. People online are drawn to instant serotonin. It's not that your more polished stuff isn't incredible, it's that they're just drawn to what requires less of an attention span.
Does this mean you should stop trying? NO!!! Do what makes you happy, but also realize that it may not always get the recognition it deserves. Being a creator in a modern age requires finding a balance of self-worth and chasing numbers. It's okay to research ways to extend your reach. Celebrate your growth and the posts that do well! But learn to make peace with the fact that sometimes the post is just not going to get as much of a response as you hope. Learn to celebrate what you've made for yourself.
I'm constantly fighting the urge to check my numbers. I also feel disappointed when something I post that I thought was really good doesn't get much attention. This isn't coming from someone who has all the answers and doesn't get bothered by numbers. This is coming from someone who struggles with that feeling all the time. It's a form of love. It's part of self-love. Love is a choice you make every day. Sometimes that choice can be harder than other days and that's okay.
Keep doing what you love. Keep striving to do well. But learn to let go. Learn not to put so much pressure on your posts. It's okay to repost them too! If the initial post didn't do well, just try posting it again! Try different things to grab attention! Sometimes it has nothing to do with the content and just with timing, algorithm, tags, etc.
The two things I've started doing to help combat that association of success with numbers are:
Find that one friend, mutual, family member, etc. who will always celebrate what you make, even if they may not fully understand it. Bless my mom, she doesn't understand 90% of what I make. I don't show her my writing, but I show her my art, my streaming, my music, etc. I'm very blessed to have her always there to be like "WOAH THAT'S NEAT". Find that person for you.
Do a little something nice for yourself after posting something you're proud of! It doesn't have to be anything huge. Just go get your favorite snack or maybe take a bubble bath. Just a little bite of serotonin to celebrate what you've done.
Ultimately, your feelings are super valid my dude. It's tough out there! And if you're anything like me, you care a lot about what you do. Of course, you want it to be seen. Keep doing what you love and find ways to grow without letting the numbers define the worth of what you make. You got this!
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princescribbler · 1 year
How did you learn to be OK liking diapers
I don't always know when to be brief and when to be overly explanatory. I'm guessing this is a time for verbosity, though. Why? Because of the huge subtext in your question. How to be ok with it; not how to be more turned on, how to get a specific kind of relationship... how to be ok with it. How to be ok, implying that you're not ok with your kinks, you're struggling emotionally likely to not just accept your kinks... but to accept yourself. Because spoiler alert: you are made up of a lot of things, and your kinks and fetishes are part of that.
So how did i hey to a point of self acceptance?
First, my process likely looks different than yours will. Let's acknowledge that. Self acceptance is a lifelong journey, and each of us treads our own paths. But put simply...I didn't accept my need for this stuff until I was in my late 20s or really into my early 30s. Plus, my journey involved family issues, recognizing issues with adhd, depression, anxiety, etc. I needed therapy, I needed friends, I needed a new life all before I could start my healing process... and hopefully you don't!
I had issues with acceptance. That's the key of this though: self acceptance and accepting your kinks. Accepting that you really don't have a lot of control over what turns you on, just how you interact with it. Acceptance and acknowledgement that me having a diaper fetish in no way, shape, or form negatively influences me as a human. I'm still me: I just sometimes get off in diapers.
So step 1: acceptance is key, and so is the very challenging task to recognize your value and qualities are not dependent on how socially acceptable those qualities are. Sure, SOME other people might judge, but not the quality ones.
Step 2: reconstruct my mental idea of what my kinks are. For example,I used to think i was deeply fucked up for wanting to wear diapers full time and unpotty train. Heck, I didn't even admit that to a therapist until I was nearly 30, almost a decade AFTER starting therapy... only to be told it wasn't a big deal. The therapist got to the heart of it very fast: she explained it as, roughly, "You want to become diaper dependent, yes because it is sexually exciting in some ways and a loss of autonomy and control, but also so you can justify your needs through physical, rather than emotional, justification". Mind fucking blown. My whole mental map had this idea at the core that I was a perverted sexual deviant... only to be reminded that we're all just trying to figure out why we feel and want what we feel. I'm just a bit more kinky about it than average. Add in a complete internal dialogue change (like accepting the term cute for my regressive mindset instead of it feeling 'fake', or embarrassing, or trying to be PROUD of my efforts to integrate kinky into my life in a healthy way, seeing progress and taking pride) and more change follows.
I found a whole new partnership: I can't promise I'd have made it this far in acceptance and self discovery without my partner, my love, my princess, and my sweetheart babygirl mommabyte, @giggle-byte . I found someone who fostered the good, helped me not obsess over the bad, and worked with me on gently repositioning my outlook and perspective. I think I've helped her in the same way, because support and encouragement are magical, awesome things.
This one can't be ignored: FIX THE OTHER STUFF. You might think your big issue is kink... and sometimes you're right, and sometimes you're wrong. I was fixated on kink as the source of Shame for me, of all my issues. Therapy and EMDR to cope with some trauma changed my outlook and I realized my core issues weren't that I was overly kinky or ashamed... it was that I was not taught healthy interactions with relationships, with kink, with family and I developed fragile and unhealthy attachments while repeating the negative patterns of behavior modeled for me by my family. And I got diagnosed, not just with depression and anxiety, but with adhd. And I started to treat it. I couldn't seem to get a good anti anxiety medication. I tried and failed about a half dozen antidepressants. And then I got help for adhd, and realized that in fact I had a severe developmental disorder, and am not just secretly lazy and useless like my entire self image taught me! Add in actually being better at focus, at my job, learning about my sexual and romantic needs while ACTUALLY GETTING THEM FILLED??? Fucking mind blowing!!!!!
So... to summarize so far, and the Key takeaways of my journey to accepting and being ok with diapers and my kinks; self acceptance, changing my internal dialogue, therapy, addressing underlying emotional and behavioral challenges, finding a romantic partner who accepted, supported, and nurtured my growth and safety, and then honestly working to develop better coping strategies and more positive self talk.
It's a lot! To be honest most folks don't struggle quite this hard, but hey, I'm special I guess. And my family did throw me out over kink. And I might've had a few complicating factors in there, lol... but the point is, being ok with diapers, and kink, and all of this stuff... it wasn't a single thing. And it wasn't a short term fix.
The only things I can advise for 'short-term' improvements are to help are changing your internal dialogue and seeking useful and peer reviewed research on how to cope with kinks and fetishism. And maybe getting a therapist... because that's kind of more key to my personal journey than I want to admit.
Good luck my friend and I wish you comfort, security, self acceptance, and a life of enjoying your kinks!
Good luck, bud, and as I try to tell everyone: stay happy, stay healthy, and stay kinky!!
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chibipsycho-v3 · 1 year
Hello Hello! It's me again!
Heehoo request time/lh
I'm feelin' very hurt/comfort cause anxiety is being a bitch like always. Same peeps from before btw!
Basically, just some general anxiety comfort will do. Whether that's headcanons or a oneshot or both like last time is up to you. But I would like to add a personal tidbit if that's fine.
How they would comfort their partner who's ashamed of how they feel.
I'm sorry if that's a bit too personal or if it's just oversharing in general, I just could use some comfort about that, y'know? Totally up to you if you want to answer this request or not friend.
Have a good rest of your day/night!
*hands together* I am sorry that this took so long to get to you I won't bore you with my RL But I wanted to get these just right before I posted them. I did these in a headcanon style this time, it was the format that flowed- for some reason?
Anyway I hope you feel better, friend. I have some similar struggles from time to time and while I can't rightfully say I know your pain, I feel for you and with you. So we can all sit here and get some comfort from some nice 'bots~
P03 comforting a partner who is ashamed with how they feel
Something is bothering you, P03 can tell. He's not very perceptive with mood changes in others, but he's been around you long enough to recognize it.
At first, he doesn't say anything. He figures if you wanted to talk about it, you would. He does soften his words around you, though.
P03 finally can't take it and he pulls you aside to ask you what the problem is. If someone's bothering you or something, he'd have a few choice words with-!
In the quiet of the backroom, away from prying eyes, you tell him. But once you tell him what's bothering you, his face can't quite settle between sad and upset.
He doesn't say anything quite yet, but- if you were okay with it- he would pull you close and hold you against himself.
He tries to come up with words, but- Oh, he's terrible at this. But you're not feeling good and he's gonna try his damnedest to relieve that feeling.
So P03 tries to offer the words he needed in the past. That he can see you're not feeling good. That you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. That he's proud of your efforts. It may take him a minute (this poor 'bot is awful at discussing emotions, especially his own) but he may even tell you a little about his past to show you're not alone.
Once you've calmed down a bit, he turns his attention to the factory- and calls an early shutdown for the day. His workers are understandably confused, but he tells them not to question it.
He's not going to just comfort and run, he's gonna stick close to you for the rest of the day.
You want to talk more about your problems? He's listening. You want to discuss something else? He's got plenty of subjects and things to distract you with. You want to cuddle? He'll find a blanket for you both. If you want something to eat or drink, he refuses to let you do it yourself and brings it to you.
He wouldn't put this effort out for just anyone, and if pressed by someone he'd deny he did it, but P03 does care about you.
"I don't want you to feel ashamed. I am proud of who you are. Tell that to the thoughts that are trying to scramble you up."
The Archivist comforting a partner who is ashamed with how they feel
The Archivist can tell your mood is off the moment that your demeanor changes. She says nothing in front of others, but as soon as the two of you are alone, she'd ask if you were feeling alright. She wants to give you a chance to talk on your own if you wish to.
If you do tell her what's bothering you, she gives you a look not of pity, but of sympathy. She'd offer a hug if you'd like it, and she squeezes your shoulders gently.
All of her files are set to the side for you. She wants you to feel better, but she doesn't want to overstep a boundary.
But first, your comfort is her priority. That file the Archivist built on you tells her all she needs to help you out. She'll get your favorite drink in your favorite spot with possibly even a playlist of some soothing music to help you de-stress. Any other comforts you need are easy enough for her to get her claw on.
If you need a distraction from your problem, she has no end to interesting subjects the two of you could talk about or things she could show you to take your mind off of things.
She doesn't want to goad you into telling her anything, but she insists that you can tell her anything; she's a really good listener, after all. If you want to be left in solitude, she'll let you calm down by yourself if that's what you need.
But if you want to talk, she's there to listen. The Archivist loves to listen to you, though to hear the hurt and shame in your words, see it in your face… It tugs at something in her circuits.
She'd do anything to make you feel differently, but of course it's never as simple as that. So she tries to understand your position. She might ask gentle questions about why you might feel this way or what she could do to help- but if those questions upset you, she would immediately backtrack.
Your state of mind is her top concern and she tries her best to be attentive and understand.
"You're my sweet partner, and nothing could ever make me ashamed of you. I wish I could change things for you… But I can stand by you through your troubles. Always."
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
Hi Brett! Thank you very much for continuing to give of yourself, your time, and your efforts. We sincerely appreciate everything you share with us and you! Could I please ask you how the trio would step in/helps/or at the very least, be present if in a person who is dealing with family stuff and getting tired… Not to pry or assume I/we know everything you’ve experience to date, but the things that you have shared with us so far had me nodding in solidarity because I’m trying to navigate similar stuff - esp. when it comes to my dad😞😓
Or, maybe they wouldn’t do anything because they’d find that too heavy or would think you’re exaggerating/not take it as seriously?. That’s been my experience so far
Hi my sweet friend. First, let me say that I understand what you're going through. I mean, based on everything you've written above anyway. And I'm sorry that you've had to experience something similar to myself - because it really fucking sucks. And it's not easy. But I commend you for standing strong. You're not alone, okay?
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As for how the Daddies in The Trio help you navigate things...I can safely say that, while each of them would have their own approach, they would also go at your pace. Out of Andy, Curtis, or Ari, there isn't one of them who would push you too far, too fast.
Your safety and mental health come first in their minds. And they would be there to listen without judgement and then hold you while you cried. If you decided at some point that you wanted to reconnect with your father then they would support that - but they would also put their foot down if they thought it was a bad idea. They would be cognizant of your trauma and not want you to overdo it.
And if you were to meet in person, they would absolutely be there. Even if it meant sitting in another booth or at another table so that you had some privacy. But first they would introduce themselves to make their presence known. Their message would be clear:
Attempt to mess with this woman and you'll have me to deal with, sir.
And the moment the encounter was over or you gave the agreed upon signal for a rescue, they would have you out of there immediately. They wouldn't force you to rehash your discussion either. Instead they would simply wait until you were ready to share. And if you needed to cry...
You could count on any one of them to let you curl up in their lap and simply let the tears flow. Because you're not alone. Not anymore.
Andy would rock you in his arms while you let the grief wash over you. Ari would whisper gentle affirmations and words of love as you sobbed. And Curtis would sweetly wipe your tears away with one hand while he rubbed your back with the other.
There would be no shortage or support of encouragement with any of these men. Each would be proud to be in your corner.
Hopefully that answers your question, my darling. Proud of you for being as strong as you are. And please don't ever hesitate to reach out if you need to talk. I'm not sure what kind of support system you have in place, but please count me in too. (But only if you want.)
Love, Britt
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