#idk how to lay
skylordhorus · 1 year
ah balls im wondering if ive maybe slipped a rib?? the last time i did my oblique exercise i felt like id probably overdone it, then i got that awful pain on the same side, and ive been noticing it clunking a lot round there- especially since the nurse prodded at me the other day
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pareris · 4 months
You know this scene?
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Ofc you do.
Now please look at Val's face:
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and at Vox's:
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Idk but yall but this is all the proof I need to say that these two were making out before this.
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escaping-peril12 · 19 days
I am absolutely manifesting that Katsuki catches Izuku as he begins falling to the ground 😭🧡💚
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happy mother's day lmfao
bonus (the girls are fightiiing):
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deerspherestudios · 6 months
Hi! Another question, if mychael encountered MC who does tarot reading, how would he react to an eerily acurate tarot reading of his past?
Hmm, I'm not super familiar with tarot readings but with the assumption that it's scarily accurate alluding to his past...
I think he'd feel called out and terrified.
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birdricks · 7 months
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uncomfortably me
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afterartist · 10 months
Drawing fanart so I can actively ignore the angst of th e latest episode
It took me longer then it should have but I was busy crying okay so shut
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New fave origin btw, sorry phantom but ur irrelevant to me now
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mmmmmmm post medical discharge ghost who’s struggling with the change, plus dealing with the injury that took him out of the service to begin with. he goes to all his appointments like clockwork, makes sure to keep himself fed and watered etc, but it’s all on autopilot. he isn’t really present in his own body anymore (unless it’s after a flashback or nightmare, when he’s TOO aware of the limits of his skin)
he’s spent so long just coasting on muscle memory, that when he finally gets taken out by a panic attack in the middle of physical therapy (or whatever the British equivalent of the VA is) it’s a fucking doozy
he can’t see, can’t hear, can’t feel anything but that raw buzzing emotion. he can’t fucking breathe, everything feels too tight and too loose and too much and not enough and he’s drowning
and then there’s something soft and warm under his hands. a warm wet feeling against his fingers (that doesn’t feel like blood for once). a weight leaning against his shins, a steady heart beating against his skin (that he knows isn’t his, because he can feel it racing behind his ribs). the weight doesn’t move, and slowly ghost finds himself settling back down to earth
when his vision clears enough, all he can see is a big bright yellow blob and the warmest brown eyes he’s ever seen. it’s a dog, a golden retriever, leaning all of their weight against ghost and staring at him with the most lovestruck expression he’s ever seen.
“looks like you made a new friend, ey pippa?”
ghost nearly leaps out of his skin at the voice. the dog’s tail thwacks against the ground and she wriggles with so much joy when she hears it
ghost looks up to see a man with the brightest blue eyes and a warm cheeky smile on his face leaning against the door frame. a leash is wrapped loosely around his wrist, the same color as the dog’s - pippa’s - collar.
ghost feels fully present in his body for the first time in what feels like years.
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lonewolf638 · 8 months
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the thing sam does where he leaves dean alone so dean can have that heart-to-heart moment. idk the way most of their friends are deans friends before they r sams
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tuxalfredo · 2 months
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if the quality is rough, it's tumblrs fault :/
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artkaninchenbau · 10 months
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An AWS comic
#My art#For the record I am not a medical professional and as far as I know AWS isn't even something you can be diagnosed with???#It's so hard to describe what the two sensory hallucinations really *FEEL* like#Like the time one... You know how a dramatic slow motion scene looks like in an anime?#It's like that but if you made it a 60 fps interpolated version of it#It is an absolutely bizarre feeling#Meanwhile the hyper awareness and everything feeling intense feels like how a fisheye lens shot in an anime feels#No I could not be bothered to try to figure out how to draw that for this comic#For the record I haven't actually had those visual hallucinations since I was a small small child#Hell I don't even think I had any hallucinations in my teens at all like#The sensory ones just kinda started happening again in the past 7 years or so?#Also the swelling sensation I've only had once so far. Usually I get the hyper awareness sensation#(Also sometimes I get this intense feeling of swaying when I go to bed but that might not be an AWS thing??)#(Like there's other things that could make you feel like you're rocking on a boat when laying down so I didn't include that)#No I have never talked to anyone about these hallucinations because for the longest time I didn't know what they were#And they are like. Harmless. Like I'm 100% aware they're just strange sensations but not real at all#They last max 15 minutes if even that long and they happen like super rarely#Only once have I had the hyper awareness be SO INTENSE it made me feel distressed#So like. It doesn't really affect my life at all? So why bother with it?#Also IDK if I could even go to a doctor and ask about AWS and have them know what that even is#And even if I could as far as I know there is no treatment for it so like. Whatever#As long as I don't start having distressing hallucinations or visual hallucination's I'll be fiiiiiine
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catmanbowser · 5 months
no one saw that post earlier lmao. Anyways. Back to silly. look at these idiots walking together
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sick of keke being shorter in his human form so have this..thing.
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twomanyfandomshelp · 2 months
I watched Scott’s Real Life video first because he and Joel are the main two I watch, which is ironic because of their ongoing in-game feud and very different personalities, video styles, general vibes, etc., but I digress.
My first thought when I saw the title was “Yay, another life series!” My second thought, upon seeing Joel standing in the circle, was “Oh my gosh, Joel, three SMPs at the same time? Why does he do this to himself?” Then, after watching for a bit, I was like, “Okay, never mind, this an April Fools video, still fun though.” And then I proceeded to enjoy the silliness and binge everybody else’s videos.
Let me tell you, watching Martyn’s video before Scar’s and hearing Scar yell that he’d fallen out of his wheelchair, I was really worried, and I immediately searched for Scar’s video to make sure he was okay. I’m glad he’s alright, I bet that was scary.
On another note, do y’all consider Cleo’s win cannon? Cause I do! Go Cleo, she deserved this.
I’m kinda sad it wasn’t Joel or Jimmy though, I got really excited when I realized how well Jimmy was doing. He got, what, 7th place? The canary curse has officially been broken!
This post has gotten way longer than I intended. Oh well.
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drenched-in-sunlight · 10 months
i like ghostflower (hell I draw fanarts for them) but I’ve decided I like the version of them in my head more and will just stay away from the fandom in general cuz I’ve seen some discussion and they just make me go “what on earth are y’all on” 💀💀💀💀
#“miles will immediately forgive gwen when he sees she’s gathered a whole team to save him WHAT#he’ll save himself first then befriend Miles G. and Miles G. will start hissing like the cats when that team comes and Miles looks upset#like I firmly believe miles will only talk to Hobie and Margo after all that cuz they r the two that stand by his side thru whole that#like that take is so insane when Hobie is the reason Miles can run away in the first place and Margo risks everything to allow Miles leaving#AND HE KNOWS#u don’t even need a scale to see who Miles will associate with safety and protection more after atsv#also “miles keep getting up after he’s beaten down cuz that what Gwen told him to do in itsv is ALSO insane cuz WHAT#the thing she said when she and others were berating and crowding Miles for not knowing how to be Spider-Man just FEW DAYS after he’s bitten#??????#THAT THING????#not his mom’s words or his uncle’s or idk THAT’S HOW HE IS???#*walk in the tag* *walk out immediately*#u don’t have to make them the only person in each other’s life to prop the ship up especially in this case cuz it makes no sense 😭#actually the first point srl piss me off cuz that team was only possible in the first place cuz of Hobie and Margo and Miles laying#the groundwork by just being a sweetheart he is#charming and inspiring ppl so ofc these kids will rally behind him and team up to save him#ykno LIKE IN THE COMIC TOO???#ppl just have to take the only thing I don’t like in the movie (miles suddenly obsessed over Gwen when they didn’t even interact that much#in itsv) and magnify it x100 in fandom#if she ain’t a gremlin girl that is trying her best to regain Miles’ trust but it’s a slow process and Miles needs space and time first then#I don’t want it
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samberrybay · 11 months
This is such a cute and funny panel because children in the future gonna make Cale try to crawl in between them. Like am sure these four are the type to:
On, Hong and Raon: take the biggest part of the bed and still clinge to Cale's side
Cale: sleeps on the smallest part of the bed that have been left
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