#if i cater my content to what people want instead of what i enjoy and not write long fics then i shouldn't call myself a writer at all
Hello there! I hope you’re having a great day.
I’m here with a question. It’s rather simple, but still it keeps me awake at noght.
How do you start a blog? I have a ton of drawings and concepts hoarded over the years, but my ass does NOT know how to start (and my social anxiety is kicking me hard). It’s okay if you choose not to reply. I wish you a pleasant day regardless.
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(I wanted to send you pictures to show you my appreciation, but I only found these instead. But I still mean my appreciation.)
Hello! I hope you have a great day as well! And thank you for the pictures :D it's deffo stored in my meme garden inside my folders.
Now, to answer your question, 'how do you start a blog?' Actually depends on what you want to do. Since you're asking me, I'd assume that you want to do an art blog (?). If that's the case, usually, just... post your drawings OvO... JUST KIDDING I know you're looking for a more comprehensive answer.
I'd say you don't need to care about the audience, but if you want to grow or ripe some engagements, then you need to know your audience.
My audience is mainly the Call of Duty fandom. I've done lots and lots of arts for the CoD fandom, especially during the start of my postings back in 2021. I did lots and lots of memes, funny comics, and I came up with my own OC, Jade. I drew A LOT, from her first meetings, her concept art, her involvement in the story, her own life outside of the CoD canon story, and more. I also did some Head Canons about the CoD canon characters. Back when I started, I was already blessed with the establishment of my own artstyle, so I'm fortunate enough to draw so many arts until now.
When you've drawn a lot, the audience/followers will 'label' you. It's just the way it is. I don't know how each individual labels me, but I'd imagine the general audience as a whole labels me as "the CoD artist who has an anime-esque style and posts about her OC Jade and funny ahh memes and comics, who never posts NSFW." Give your audience your own unique specialty and something different to offer.
Again, I don't know the purpose of why you'd like to start a blog, maybe just a hobby, just a place to pour your creativity in. However, personally, I'm an artist for hobby, but also an artist for my carreer. What I post every day adds to my own porfolio and for my potential clients to see, so that's why I need to grow it! I put a good amount of thoughts on what I draw, and also what the audience/my followers would like to see in my personal art style. From that, I started to make a masterlist of what I've done. My blog is my own gallery/museum, and masterlist is sort of like a guidebook for the visitors to navigate through my contents.
What I'm saying is, be yourself, be special, but also if you want to grow an audience, you kinda need cater to what the audience needs/wants to see! Make the people who sees your art become curious, and wants to know more about them. Post a lot, it'll take a long time until your audience grows, maybe months, maybe years, but hard work is always worth it in the end.
I don't know if this is the answer you seek, but again, do whatever you enjoy.
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fatuifucker · 2 years
kinda sad that sucker isn't doing as well as my other fics but it's to be expected since there's no demand for a nso au and I intend to cover darker topics for it, it's just disheartening that my headcanons do better when it doesn't take much effort and everyone can do it and my actual works don't do as good but that's just the reality of it
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yumeka-sxf · 1 month
I try to stay away from negative topics, but after hearing talk on social media yesterday and seeing this post from @such-a-downer, I just had to give my two cents about the complaints regarding yesterday's chapter being "another short mission" and that Endo is somehow being "lazy" or whatever.
I honestly don't understand this mentality of criticizing manga-ka, or any artists really, because they aren't delivering by whatever standards you personally think are appropriate. To me, it just seems like entitlement because Endo has no obligation to cater to any specific fan's wants. This is his story to tell the way he wants, and his characters to develop at the pace he deems fit. This isn't a business contract where we're paying him to deliver content we want every two weeks without fail. If I'm consuming the fruits of someone's creative labor for free, I certainly feel no right to complain if sometimes their content isn't what I wanted or expected. I'm fine with that because 1) I know it's what they (the creator) wanted/needed at the time, and 2) even if a particular chapter wasn't my cup of tea, I know other fellow fans out there somewhere are enjoying the heck out of it, and that's cool!
We also have to remember that SxF is basically a one-man show. If Endo is busy or sick or whatever, it's not like he can have someone fill in for him to write and draw the series. That's what a hiatus is for, that's what making a short chapter instead of a longer one is for...that's how artists should be treated so they don't get burned out and stressed. Plus, art shouldn't be rushed. Any artist knows that there are times when you have trouble coming up with ideas and maybe need a little extra time to develop a more complex section of the story. To immediately jump to conclusions that he's lazy or doesn't know what he's doing is ridiculous. Maybe he didn't feel good for a few days, maybe he's been busy with other SxF events, maybe he just needed more time to get a particular future arc developed, or maybe he just has basic IRL obligations to take care of like we all do...you don't know what's going on in his life, so don't make assumptions.
Another thing to keep in mind is that it's literally impossible to please every fan. One of the comments I read for example, someone was ready to drop the series because we haven't seen much of Yor in "a while." All I could think of was "didn't she just have a pretty big role only four chapters ago when they went to the ski resort?" Plus she was the star of chapter 91, which was less than ten chapters ago. So according to this person's standards, four chapters without seeing a particular character is "too long"? What if it was only three chapters, would that be acceptable? It's not right to push our own personal standards of a series' pacing as the "correct" way: some people want to see more of character X while someone else wants to see more of subplot Y, so should both complain that the manga-ka isn't doing right whenever they focus on something else? I'm not saying you shouldn't make criticisms of a manga-ka's work, but the criticisms should come from within the narrative itself, not superficial things like chapters focusing on subplots/characters you don't want to see or not having enough "plot-advancing" content when it's not a plot-focused series.
People who have read SxF up to this point should know the general flow of the chapters: mostly slice-of-life episodic, with more plot-heavy, intense arcs once in a while, like the cruise arc and bus arc. It's an ensemble series that spends most of its chapters focused on at least one of the Forgers, but occasionally other characters here and there. That's how the series has been for years and will likely continue to be. So if you keep complaining because you only like the dramatic story arcs and not the "nothing happens" episodic chapters, then maybe the series just isn't for you. It's totally fine if that's the case, but don't act like Endo is doing something wrong because he's not providing the particular thing you want in his story.
To summarize, Endo has no obligation to cater to particular fans' standards, just as we have no obligation to keep reading his work if we don't like it. But being a fan to me means respecting the creator's pace and vision even if it's not always what I personally want. I can find something to enjoy in every chapter because I'm a fan of SxF, not a fan of one particular aspect of it. But I also will not complain every time my tastes aren't being catered to and will simply occupy myself with other things while I wait. What's the big hurry, after all? I'm in no rush for SxF to wrap up its plot and I'm glad Endo isn't rushing either.
And that's all I'm gonna say about this topic, lol. On a happier note, I'm going to finally see Code White on Thursday! 😁 More to come later~
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cannedpickledpeaches · 3 months
Insert Your Name (1)
Mafia!Jade Leech x Mafia!Reader
Link to series masterlist!
Notes and TW: I wanted to write something that simultaneously includes some fun Jade moments as well as my own thoughts on some tropes. This series will have mentions of blood, violence, crime (kidnapping, attempted assassination, extortion), and harassment, as one might expect from a mafia AU. Please enjoy!
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You’ve known the truth for a while—that this world exists inside a story. This is a world that revolves around a nameless, faceless, flawless main character. This entire world around you exists to serve one purpose: to present trials to the main character until she eventually finds a happy ending with her one and only. This world is created for “(Y/N).”
You are Friend A. Friend A is a foolish girl who puts (Y/N) into a dangerous situation, involving her with the mafia. (Y/N) is saved by a tall, dark, and brooding man who turns out to be a mafia boss. They will face dangers in the underworld until all threats are eliminated, and then they will live out the rest of their lives in blissful peace as though they are good people. Friend A is never mentioned again after page two.
You are Friend A. You are aware of that.
So why don’t you break out of your role in this story? Why should you play your part instead of using this knowledge to change the flow of the plot?
Simply because the plot is beneficial to you.
You are Friend A. You are a core member of the Leech Mafia. When (Y/N) enters the mafia, her actions flick the first domino of a long chain of events, eventually leading to the prosperity of the Leech family and expanding their influence. Because no matter what, this story caters to (Y/N)’s livelihood.
And why should you interfere with something that will eventually pay out big for you?
There she is now, coming down the street with a smile. Her indistinct hair is in a messy bun that she always throws together in seconds. Her pants emphasize her incredibly tiny waist, and her eyes sparkle with the light of constellations when she sees you. A light blush dusts her cheeks even though she doesn’t wear makeup, and she passes all the people captivated by her on the sidewalk, oblivious to their stares, because she doesn’t believe in her innate beauty and charisma—the beauty and charisma that the story says she has.
“Oh, there you are!” Her voice, clear and sweet, rings out to you. You wave back, just as you are supposed to. “You said you wanted to get sweets from the bakery that just opened, right? I’m so excited. I love sweets! I saved up some money just for this.”
A dialogue line full of exposition. You nod and lead the way.
“Have you seen their Magicam posts? The cakes are so pretty.”
Her giggles chime like bells. “I think the strawberry one is the cutest!”
Your small talk has little to no substance. It exists only to pass the time. To be honest, you don’t mind. If this were any normal day, you would have enjoyed this. You would have visited that bakery with (Y/N), gone home with a strawberry tart, checked up on the ledgers for the mafia, and slept while fed and content. But today is the inciting incident of the story, and you have your part to play.
A dark alleyway is where these things always take place in stories. Four men smoking and muttering ominously to themselves lean against a brick wall, hidden in shadow. Their eyes follow your every step. You make sure to walk on the outside of the sidewalk so that (Y/N) passes by the alley. As expected, their hands shoot out and grab her arm.
“Hey, you there.” One of the thugs licks his chops. “Got a minute to spare, pretty thing?”
Generic “bad guy” dialogue. Of course, he’s talking to (Y/N). You don’t need to do anything yet except make sure the pieces are in place. A flutter of black fabric in the corner of your vision assures you that the main lead is ready and waiting.
“Get your hands off me!” (Y/N) struggles against his much stronger grip to no avail. The men pull us into the alleyway and corner us against a dumpster. Tasteful.
“Don’t be so harsh.” Another thug whose voice scrapes like glass shards to the ears grabs your shoulder. You don’t shrug him off. Right now, your role is to lay low and let the main character shine. “We just wanna show you a good time.”
“You can fuck right off! And don’t touch my friend.” (Y/N) shows off her generically headstrong personality now. She probably thinks that she should protect you. You are Friend A, without any special characteristics, a piece of cannon fodder that cannot do anything on your own. Even though (Y/N) doesn’t consciously think that way, this is how she perceives the world. She is not wrong for doing so—she’s being sweet, in the way that she is designed to be.
You don’t have anything to do while she shoots off her scathing remarks, so you take your time to observe the thugs. Just as the story you read describes, these men come from an easily identifiable rival mafia. All four have a tattoo of a handsaw on their bodies—the symbol of the Carpenter Mafia, the current major group in the Queendom of Roses. Common soldiers, no doubt. Not anyone of importance . . . yet.
Thug Number One brings your attention back to the conversation by yanking on your hair. It hurts a little. Irritating, but you can bear with it. (Y/N) looks outraged.
“How about this? Since you’re so determined to save your friend, I’ll let her go if you give yourself to us.” He continues with his harassment by grabbing your cheeks with his grimy fingers. You inhale deeply and immediately regret it due to the smell of his breath. Your mind urges you to refrain from giving him a nice fist to the face. Not just from his treatment of you, but also from his gross proposition to (Y/N). Despite your respective roles in this story, she is still your friend. Hearing him throw those slimy words at her leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
(Y/N) puts up a struggle. “I won’t give you anything!”
“Do you think you’re in a position to make demands?”
She hesitates, looking at you with conflicting emotions warring on her features. Takes a deep breath, just as the story says she would. Then, with a wavering voice and a tough façade, she agrees.
You take your cue to run from the alleyway, abandoning her the way Friend A is meant to do. You don’t have to worry. After all, the thugs won’t be able to do anything before the male lead steps in and saves her.
There isn’t much time to waste until you get an update on the story. You hail a taxi to a neighbourhood by the sea. You tip the driver handsomely, bid him a good day, then walk another block before arriving at a mansion. There’s nobody here to greet you except the security guards at the front gates.
You scan the trees. Looks like he’s in a good mood. When he’s upset, he doesn’t usually climb. He hasn’t noticed you yet—his back is turned, his head buried in a particularly thick patch of leaves, and you’re downwind.
He turns so suddenly that you’re worried he’ll get whiplash. A grin lights up his face, and without a single reservation, he jumps right off the tree and lands smoothly on your side of the fence surrounding one of the Leeches' many properties. The sun shines across his handsome, sharp features. Of course, the twin brother of the male lead must be gorgeous in accordance with the axioms that govern this world.
“Handfish, how was it? Did Jade meet her?” Even though you are Friend A in this story, to Floyd, you are just his friend. He hasn’t given you a generic nickname like the “minnows” that he calls the family’s soldiers and staff. To him, you are an individual who is interesting enough to grant a personal nickname. Even if that nickname is “Red Handfish.”
“Yeah, he did. I saw his blazer.” You think back to the black fabric you saw before entering the alley. “I bet he’s doing the whole ‘I can’t let you live’ conversation with her.”
In the story, one of the thugs reveals Jade’s identity as a mafia boss in front of (Y/N) before he passes out. How a common foot soldier of the Carpenter mafia can recognize Jade, whose face is kept classified from lower-ranked members of the underworld, is worrying enough to warrant investigation. This could simply be a result of poor writing from the original plot, but you are also an example of the original story’s loose ends. If someone like you, who was meant to disappear after page two, can still have any significance and will instead of vaporizing immediately after you left that alley, then you can’t be too careful.
“Bet he’s being real smooth with it.” Floyd cackles, his raspy laugh reminding you of a chain smoker after five consecutive packs. “She’s gonna fall for it hook, line, and sinker.”
“Of course. We’re talking about Jade.” Even under regular circumstances, he’s charming enough to lure any poor, unsuspecting fool to their demise. “They’re going to come here any minute now. Let’s go inside.”
You pass the security guards and enter the Leech property. A perfectly paved ground with colourful stones and not a weed in sight. A marble fountain surrounded by neat, rectangular hedges. And of course, the enormous white mansion with huge double doors, which in turn have proportionally huge fancy glass windows. For (Y/N) to have a “perfect” ending, the world must allow her to escape her current life of scrimping and saving by marrying her into a wealthy family.
“I wonder what the little minnow looks like.” Floyd hums, sauntering into the living room. “I bet she’d break easily if I squeezed real hard, huh?”
“Don’t do that.” The two of you sit on a velvet couch. Floyd’s long limbs sprawl out and take up the majority of the space. You settle on the far end. “And are you going to keep calling her a minnow?”
“Dunno, haven’t met her yet.”
“She’s very pretty. When you meet her, I’m sure you’ll get the feeling that there’s something special about her.”
The story emphasizes how much Floyd adores (Y/N). She is supposed to become a sort of mood stabilizer for him, keeping him consistently happy in her presence. You wonder if that will actually happen. Floyd can and will throw tantrums around people he holds dear. His mood that flips at the drop of the hat seems difficult to stabilize on just affection alone.
He shrugs non-committedly. Just as you’re about to suggest a nickname he could use, your phone buzzes.
Five minutes away. Jade’s text is short and to the point. You stand and stretch, getting ready to play Peeping Tom.
“Remember, don’t say anything about the original plot, okay?” Floyd’s unpredictable nature worries you. You know that your reminder won’t do much if Floyd decides it would be fun to spill the beans anyway, but you can’t help yourself.
“I know, I know.�� He frowns and waves you off. Laughing, you move to the room across the hall. He hates being told what to do, but he’s in a good mood right now. It won’t be a problem.
The front door creaks open. Through a crack in the door, you watch Jade carry (Y/N) in his arms like a princess and set her down on the couch. Smooth, easy, efficient, the way he likes to do everything. Even though you know he is acting, his movements, the soft look in his eyes, are almost believable to you. And you’ve known him for fifteen years. There’s an odd stirring in your chest. Guilt? Envy? You tamp it down.
For a fraction of a second, you swear you make eye contact with him. If he notices you, he doesn’t show it. He seems to redouble his efforts on acting sweet to (Y/N). It might just be your imagination.
Floyd pokes around at the two of them the way he always does when he’s curious about something new. His grating laugh fills the air while Jade bandages a scrape on her knee. Good, the scene is going exactly as described in the story. (Y/N)’s first colourful and memorable experience with her future family. Her new family must be fun, rich, kind to her, and love her unconditionally no matter the circumstances. Her new family has to be better in every way compared to her current one—a mother who passed away at childbirth and a scummy father who neglects her. For an author, these are simply lazy ways to give her a tragic backstory and simultaneously pretend her parents don’t exist for the rest of the story because they don’t add to the romance.
How horrible. How could a late mother and neglectful father not affect a person? How could they simply be written off as another thing the male lead “saves” her from? And for that matter, how can the author casually write in a scene where she is cornered by adult men who are physically far stronger than her, who harass her and make disgusting comments, just so she can meet the male lead? How can they just pretend that won’t lead to any trauma?
You know firsthand how (Y/N) lives her life, because despite the story labeling you as the disposable Friend A, you genuinely have been her friend for the past year. You’ve seen her live on plain rice porridge for days to cut grocery costs. You’ve seen her wear clothes until they are threads because she can’t afford to buy new ones. Oh, but isn’t it wonderful that she’s skinny and looks good in everything?
What a load of bullshit.
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alieinthemorning · 5 months
Tired of Me Yet? [Leona Kingscholar]
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Content: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Established Relationship, Happy Birthday Leona!
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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“Are you tired of him yet?”
You were in Heartslabyul’s lounge, studying for an upcoming exam with the help of Riddle, Trey and Cater (mainly Riddle and Trey).
Cater, who had been scrolling through Magicam, suddenly asked you that question.
“Tired of who?” You knew who he meant, but you decided to play dumb.
“Come on—you know who.” He slung an arm over your shoulder. “I was scrolling through your feed, and like, I see all these cute pictures of you, but none of your boo—”
You rolled your eyes. “You know that he doesn’t care for all that—”
“But what about you? Don’t you care?” He pushed. “I mean—you’re dating a prince!”
You sighed. “So doesn’t that mean that what I’m doing makes sense.”
He nodded. “Sure, sure—but he literally just posted an hour ago.” He shoved his phone on your nose.
The picture was candid, Leona was looking outward to the horizon. His face was relaxed, and his lips were slightly upturned.
You smiled.
“Cater, either get back to studying, or leave.” Riddle scolded him.
“My B, Riddle.” He shifted back into his seat.
You spent the rest of your time thinking about what exactly had Leona smiling like that.
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“Okay guys, I’m gonna go now—bye!” It was halfway through lunch, and knew Leona was getting impatient (and so were you, you wanted to see him now).
“You’re deliverin’ his food again?” Jack asked, scratching the back of his head. “Aren’t you tired of doing that for him?”
You frowned. “Is there an issue with me going to spend time with my partner?”
“No, I don’t mean like that. I just mean—”
You cut him off. “The issue is me bringing him the food. Okay, but why wasn’t it an issue when Ruggie did it?”
“Because Ruggie had a motive.” Epel, surprisingly, answered. “He’s got me caught up in that shi—stuff before, too.” He rolled his eyes, frowning bitterly.
“So, I have to have a motive to see my partner?”
“I think what they mean,” Ortho began, “is that they feel like you’re being used by Leona Kingscholar, and they don’t like that.”
Your frown lessened a bit. You guess you understood where they were coming from. Epel knew Leona from Magishift, and from what you’ve heard he could be pretty stringent. Jack knew him as his Dorm Leader, someone who had saved his bushy tail from getting jumped by 30 of his peers, but he did let him get beat on a bit before he stepped in (beat the lesson in his head literally). And Ortho mainly knew him from information gathered online, other students' words-of-mouth testimonies and his brother, Idia’s ramblings and tangents.
You held back a sigh, instead choosing to smile. “I get it. Thanks for worrying about me, but I’m fine—we’re fine.”
Yes, you were fine.
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“Alone again?” Your lips flattened at the question.
After your last exam of the day, you decided that you were going to treat yourself to the new drink at the Monstro Lounge.
Or, at least, you were attempting to.
Jade had been suspiciously waiting on you more than the rest of the customers, and you knew that this was for a reason other than good customer service because now Azul had decided to grace you with his presence.
“That Leona Kingscholar, I can’t believe that he would leave you here all by your lonesome…” He placed a hand over his chest. “Aren’t you tired of him, my dear?”
You stood, shoving the thaumarks against his chest. “The drink was wonderful.” You spit, stepping past him, and out the lounge.
You weren’t going to listen to his shit.
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“Yo! The party has arrived!” Ace called as he and Deuce entered Ramshackle. After the Halloween incident, Ace had basically bullied Crowley into giving him (and a few trusted others) a spare set of keys.
“Why is it so quiet…?” Deuce wondered as the two entered the common room.
“…with Leona…” Grim answered through a yawn.
Ace groaned, plopping down on the couch. “Lammee. We already had this planned out.”
“Maybe the Perfect forgot?” Deuce supplied. “We did just finish our back-to-back exams.”
“Nah, got a call from Leona…didn’t hear what he said, but …myrah rushed out the door before I could ask.” He rolled over on his back, pawing at his belly. “I’m used to it.”
“Used to it?” Ace raised a brow. “This happen often?”
“Yeah” He shrugged.
“Really? Are you really okay with that, Grim?” Deuce asked, peering over at Grim, whose face truly didn’t give anything away.
“You sure you’re okay with being left here alone so often?” Ace pushed, “Aren’t you tired of that?”
He shrugged. “My hench-human is happy, so I’m happy.” He paused, then smirked wide. “Plus, I was given the okay to eat whatever I wanted. Nyehhehe!”
Deuce sighed and shook his head, while Ace stood, nodding toward the door.
“Well come on then, you can crash with us tonight.” He smirked. “We might even be able to get Trey to make us some sweets.”
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“Tired of me yet?” Out of all the people to ask—
You were surprised that it took this long.
You sighed (you had been sighing a lot lately), a bit more huffy than you meant. “No.”
You were currently lounging in Leona’s room after dealing with Rook and Floyd, who had been lingering around the Savanaclaw Mirror. For some reason, the two were more susceptible to your words, so after a short exchange they vacated the area.
Leona, who was laying with his head in your lap (fighting off the rumble in his chest as your fingers carded through his hair), stared at you, but said nothing.
You closed your eyes, scared of looking past the surface of the chartreuse gaze. “Sorry, it’s just… I've been asked that a lot lately.”
“Oh? Small world…” His voice was flat, but your ears didn’t miss the way that it started off breathy. “Well, if that’s the case then—” He started to raise up, but you pushed him back down gently.
“I sent them straight, don't worry. Cater was confused about why we don’t have any pictures up on my Magicam, but I’m okay with that— I know how you don’t like taking pictures like that.
“Jack, Epel and Ortho—well mainly Jack— were worried that me taking food to you was like you were trying to take advantage of me. Like I had become your new Ruggie, but with more benefits.
“And then Azul.” Your lip curled, eyes snapping open. “Fuck him especially.”
“What did he say?” There was an obvious edge to his tone.
You rolled your eyes. “He didn’t say much, but ugh! It’s just the way that he talks—Seven, I wanna punch him.”
“Snrk!” The snort became full-blown laughter that had his chest rumbling. “You’re gonna punch the Cephalo-punk?”
“I just might, yeah.” You nodded at him.
He fell quiet again, gaze searching yours. Then the corners of his mouth dropped, and he sighed.
“There does need to be change.” He sat up, this time with no push back from you. He adjusted himself to face you full, then grabbed your hands. “Do you want pics of us on your Magicam? In general?”
You pursed your lips then nodded. “…I’d like that, yeah.”
“Okay, I can try to do that. I can also come and get my own lunch, but you best believe that I’ll be taking you back out with me.”
You bit your lip, trying to fight the growing smile. “Yeah, that’s fine—Oh! But what about Grim?” Leona raised a brow, so you continued. “I can’t just keep leaving him by himself. He’s basically a kid…”
At the mention of the word ‘kid’ his face scrunched up, he relented regardless. “Yeah, I get it. I guess I can come over there, and—”
“And spend the night? I mean we have been working on those guest rooms, and there’s plenty of them and I think it would be if you—”
Warm, supple lips pressed against your own, making you putty against it.
“Let’s go shopping this weekend for my stuff, alright?”
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“Tired of me yet?”
“After all these years?” You paused as you tapped a finger against your lips, the glint of the metal wrapped around it glittering in the morning sun. “Of course not. If anything, I yearn more for you.”
“You are so corny.” He said through a bubble of laughter.
You grabbed his face, gently pulling him to yours, and enveloped him in a kiss.
“Happy birthday, My King.”
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Please look at my reaction in the OG endnote
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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helloo just wanted to know your thoughts on the recent tik tok commentary on “booktok” about how literature is being “ruined because of spicy books” and authors who cater to tropes I definitely see both sides!
Caveat: I don't have tiktok. I don't spend a lot of time on bookstagram either. So while I'm vaguely aware of the discourse, assume I spend most of my time blissfully unaware of everything, under my rock, writing my own little things.
Spicy books:
As with everything, there is nuance to be had. I don't think there is anything wrong with spicy books. There is clearly an audience for them and it's great to have books that recognise this desire! Western society can be weirdly puritan about sex and anything that challenges that get points from me. I've enjoyed the spicy scenes myself when they happen to miraculously meet the very specific vibes I personally like.
However, I also don't think every book needs to or should be pressured to be spicy and I personally get annoyed when I feel like spice replaces adequate plot or character development (which is something I've come across a few times in the last few years). I don't say this in a 'every sex scene must only be there to develop plot/character' way! I say this in a, oh my god, why has the plot stopped for sex in every chapter instead way. In a 'you guys used to have interesting conversations! why are you doing this to me!?' way.
But, you know. I'm not typically the target audience for sex scenes. So I'd just not read another book by an author who did that and let other people enjoy it, if that's what they're looking for. I still feel that there are still plenty of other books in the world I can read.
Tropes have and always will be a tool in writing. It's not new that writers are using them, but I think it's just a trend at the moment to be particularly upfront about them (especially in the romance genre tbh). Specifically, I think this is a marketing trend not a writing trend.
(Does trad publishing like books that are easy to market? Obviously. It's a business.)
I don't inherently mind this, because book marketing is really hard and realistically a lot of people don't stop to engage with original content or long descriptions about original content. Especially not on social media. Tropes are an excellent shorthand for conveying information/vibes, and then people can get more information and decide for themselves if they want to engage with the story.
(In a way, to me this is like when people add 'it's queer!' when they make me a recommendation. Does it make me more likely to go and look at the thing? Yes. Is it the deciding factor on if I actually read/watch/like it. Nope. It's just a quick flag for me to consider it and make my own decision.)
Maybe there are people who are specifically just writing tropes without much more to it...but I haven't really seen it in the books I personally read. At least not any more than the usual.
Some great books I've read this year so far:
The Luminous Dead By Caitlin Starling
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Rolling in the Deep by Mira Grant
(They are all horror to some degree...I've been on a kick.)
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The Stranger 8
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Destroyer!Chris
Summary: A stranger buys the farmstead nearby and disturbs your sleepy village life.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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As Chris’ shadow lingers around the house, you find yourself restless. You can’t stay there. Especially not with your grandmother’s ranting and raving. She’s found your best dresses and wants to know which one to fix up. You leave her without an answer.
“You don’t needa bother with these on our date…” his words ring in your ears, nipping at the nape of your neck.
You set off to town, staying off the main roads, instead picking through the brush and the old trodden pathways amidst the trees. At first you have no destination but as the sun rises and the day casts down, your lack of sleep creases beneath your eyes.
It’s still early. There aren’t many people out. You have a little change in your purse, enough for a tea. You enter the cafe, sweat speckled along your hairline and trickling beneath your cotton shirt.
You wait your turn and step aside as your drink is prepared. Your eyes fall on the cafe owner as she speaks with an older pair of women; one you know as well as anyone. Frigga Odinson. In the back of your mind, you know you shouldn’t listen but you latch onto the distraction from your dire thoughts.
As you do, the door opens and closes with a jingle. You glance over and your chest knots. Not him. You turn your head straight and try to look like you didn’t see him. You focus on the conversation ahead of you.
The women talk about a party. The owner agrees to cater then turns back to her work. You hear her asking another employee for help. You wonder if…
You step up, hoping to make yourself look busy in hope that he won’t bother you. You’re order is called and give a small wave as you approach.
“Um, sorry, er, to eavesdrop,” your voice shakes, caught in your throat. The woman leans in and you try to speak a little louder, “if you need some help, I could do some… stuff.”
“Oh, uh…” she sputters in surprise. Right, you don’t really have a prodigious resume.
“Just for the night?” You frown, “sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
“No, no, that’s nice,” she says gently, “you live with your grandmother, right? Up behind the ridge.”
You cringe, you suppose that’s how people would know you. “Yeah, we could use the money,” you confess.
“Sure, not many jobs to go around in Hammer Ford,” she say empathetically, “can you be here for one?”
“Uh,” your eyes round as you sense a shift. You glance over at Chris and find his gaze fixed on you. “Yeah, i’ll be here,” you quaver, “thank you so much.”
You turn back to her and find a stone in her eyes, slightly narrowed as she tilts her head, “you know what, we have a special on, how about you sit and have a scone?”
“Um…” you look down at the cup.
“You got a far way back, you should enjoy your latte,” she says as her eyes flit over towards the register.
“Okay,” you surrender uncertainly. If you leave, you’ll be all alone.
“You go sit down and I’ll bring you the scone,” she smiles. “If you stick around, we can chat a bit about tomorrow when it slows down.”
“Oh, yeah,” your heart flutters, “makes sense. Thank you so much.”
You take your cup and turn, nearly walking into someone else. You find your way to the corner and sit in a haze. Wow, you think you might have got yourself a job. Grandma will be so happy and maybe, just maybe, it’ll be a good excuse to get away from him.
You peek up at Chris as he stands at the counter. The owner hands him his coffee, her eyes narrowed at him. You can’t see his face as his back is to you. He takes a step back, caught in the woman’s glare. Do they know each other?
He leaves without a glance at you. You let out a sigh of relief but quickly choke on it as you watch him through the window. He tosses the full cup into the dirt and stomps on. He wasn’t there for coffee.
You stand in the kitchens of the Odinson B&B. It’s the economic life force of Hammer Ford, owned by the old wealth that founded the township. You peer around in awe of the sparkling silver utensils hung from racks against the wall and pots and pans that dangle from hooks. 
The hotel is lively once more with the noise of the gathering hordes. It’s a party, the cafe owner explained, and you’ll be heating up the food to serve. The low thrum has yet to reach a tantamount as you await your orders. You don’t do well with crowds, you only hope she doesn’t send you out there.
You stand quietly to the side as the cafe owner talks to Thor, the host of the get together. You’re not paying attention as your ears garble. When there’s too much going on, all sounds seem to blend together.
“Anyhoo,” he booms, “it is my party, I can’t be hiding by the ovens all night.”
Before you can react, he grabs your shoulders and kisses your cheek. You don’t react, terrified of the golden child of the first family of Hammer Ford. Katherine, another helper, sighs as she receives the same.
“He’s… loud,” you utter, trying to shake off the tinge of his touch.
“And so handsome,” Katherine babbles.
“Alright,” the cafe owner ignores your chagrin, “we have to get this plated. And trays in the oven.”
You’re eager and set to task. You need the distraction. You hadn’t been prepared for the chaos of the event and it’s only getting started. Music suddenly blasts from the other side of the wall and you steady your hands before you grab a tray from the cart.
“If you get your work done, you can go out there,” the owner says in exasperation as Katherine squees. You’ll be happy enough to stay back here.
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kallulily · 6 months
Also, thoughts on Polymar? (Louie/olimar/olimar's wife)
I enjoy Polymar!!!! While I personally have head-cannons that makes the ship not really work out in my aus. I do appreciate and admire the hustle of others who are into the ship! I love a simple solution to solve ship discourse being “x- character has two hands!” And I think a lot of the portrayal I see in the tags is very sweet. Kind. Heartwarming and just. FULL of good energy. It’s very inclusive and there’s a lot of possibility’s and potential for everyone’s story’s.
It’s also nice to see more love and thought catered to Olimars wife. As a character and as given more thought than “just his wife.” It’s something I ,as someone who enjoys louimar needs to keep in mind when I’m writing her. Divorce is very complex, and having characters break up can often lead to one character being the “bad guy” of the story. Which, if you are breaking up characters just so one can get together with someone else, it’s best to be aware of the tropes and what kind of message you are sharing without simply having olimars wife just be the abusive one/the one in the wrong. Even if there’s only so much canon information to go off of, thinking about making a character like olimars wife feel understandable but flawed is very important. Never been fond of others just labeling her as a “bitch” or something like that
ANYWAY that’s something I find nice with seeing people write/draw with polymar. It’s them exploring this character without needing to worry about that big topic of divorce if they wanted Louie to get involved. It’s exploring interests, communication with olimar and the wife. Acceptance and open mindedness…. It’s a feel good ship in my eyes.
But speaking of my own characterization of Louie and olimars wife (still deciding on her name) there are some hurdles. Being as Louie is… strictly monogamous and very gay.
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The divorced couple are both realizing they might not be straight. Balancing the kids and picking up their lives once again. They both felt much more open and started learning things about themselves.
Louie’s been crushing on Olimar for so damn long. But he just knew that a relationship with him was never going to happen, he was content with just being around him.
Until, he realized olimar in fact got a divorce. The weird man suddenly forgot how to walk. Louie’s doomed and the crush is HIGH in his mind.
And Louie is a selfish grabby clingy kind of guy, when he realizes there’s something he wants and it’s possible to get.
And if he gets it
NO way is Louie thinking about sharing his treasure
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Mans a greedy guy. And Olis wife, while she’s open. She can be quite catty and very competitive
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But instead they get along when Louie’s in a relationship with Olimar. She’s able to share many details about olimar to him while Louie occasionally gives her any hot gossip from their work. (Or dish recipes)
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k0droid · 22 days
at the family function - twisted wonderland headcanons
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A/N: Cleaning out my drafts :3
Content warnings!: - i'm black so i'll be going off of what happens at my family events - these are headcanons and not serious ones at that, pls dont get mad - these aren't in order (im forcing u to read lol)
Friendly reminder: I am black and searching for moots, specifically black but not exclusively <3
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Jack Howl: - the cousin that all the younger cousins want to see - doesn't really like children but still enjoys seeing his family
Lilia Vanrouge: - the grandpa who sits in the same spot every reunion - has told you the same story a million GAJILLION different stories - D1 instigator
Idia Shroud: - hides himself in the room farthest from all the commotion - brings his consoles to every get-together
Epel Felmier: - the cousin who lives 2hrs away - always asking those dumbass superstitious questions abt the city - brings fruits/veggies from his family farm
Rook Hunt: - creepy ass unc, NO BODY wanna play with him - genuinely a good guy once you get to know him - dont ask "how did u and auntie (vil) fall in meet?" because he's gonna give u the strangest love story ever
Silver Vanrouge: - adopted son of granpa - hes NEVER awake when u need him - eats, chats a bit, and joins idia so he can fall asleep - don't know if he's an uncle technically but he's family now so 🤷🏾‍♀️
Cater Diamond: - cousin who's always running errands for somebody, his sisters especially - has plates made for him because he's too busy - always a part of the conversation tho
Ace Trappola: - fun cousin!!! - takes the lil kids outside to play when asked
Malleus Draconia: - also adopted son of lilia - he doesn't leave his room often so they forget he's even there - when he does come down, everyone is like "unc, you've been here?!" - very awkward but enjoys the conversation and card games
Deuce Spade: - fun cousin #2!!!!! - usually on cousin-duty - was supposed to bring the plates but forgot
Jamil Viper: - the auntie in the kitchen - like cater, he's always busy doing something - the family member who asks abt school and expects a real answer
Vil Schoenheit: - amazing gorgeous kind respectable aunt married to some guy (rook) - she arrives an hour early to help trey cook and jamil set everything in place - kinda strict about the tidiness of everyone but becomes lax after eating (got the itis)
Azul Ashengrotto: - the cousin you'd get compared to ("why cant you be more like azul?") - everybody owes or owed him some money at some point - hides all his old photos somewhere in the house
Ortho Shroud: - the little cousin - begs idia to drive him to grandpappy lilia's
Sebek Zigvolt: - loud asf like u can hear his conversations clearly - also on cousin duty - tracks mud in the house and gets told off by jamil
Kalim Al-Asim: - the cousin with 511 siblings
Ruggie Bucchi: - helps in the kitchen so he'll be the first one to make some plates - afterwards ruggie eats on the porch in a rocking chair
Trey Clover: - main cook/chef - unc who's always getting roasted for his hairline (barber fucked him up)
Leona Kingscholar: - 50/50 unc, sometimes he'll be in a good mood and sometimes he wont - arrives on time and gets out of his car 20 mins later (he was sleep) - tells those kids "AYE YALL STOP ALL THAT RUNNIN AROUND" - sat with ruggie on the porch and he just randomly got up and started walking down the street - sometimes forced to eat at the kids table because he wont eat his own veggies at his grown age
Jade Leech: - brought the drinks - brought cards and dice to play with azul
Floyd Leech: - brought soda (in spite of Jade) - brought monopoly instead - he got bored in the middle of monopoly so he just started chasing people for entertainment
Riddle Rosehearts: - the one who organizes most of the reunions - was FURIOUS at deuce for forgetting to bring the plates but cater went out and bought them - got chased by Floyd and collared his ass
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ts was kinda ass, my bad, i just want likes and comments cuz i dont have many headcanons of my own
anyways u guys should totally ask me abt my twst ocs (not yuusona) so i can blab abt them <3/hj
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freyzrc · 1 year
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Day 98 I drew today's Inumaki out of spite. 🤣 rant under the cut
I rarely ever rant on Tumblr but I was kinda put off by it so.. Someone actually rb-ed one of my previous Inumaki post tagging 'he looks so weird without having his mouth covered' 'give his scarf back' and it pissed me off because the audacity of some people to consume free content on the internet and still try to dictate what others should draw is like ?? Sometimes I just don't understand why people can't just move on from a post instead of having to comment something rude when they don't like it. Just because something doesn't fit your taste, it does not give you the right to bring others down. If you want an Inumaki that caters to your own taste then by all means draw it yourself. Nobody's stopping you. I'm an artist and I am my own person. I don't draw to cater to a single person, I'll draw whatever I enjoy drawing. So here's another Inumaki without his face covered. ♥ Anyway I really do appreciate the love everyone has given to me on my art thus far, especially on the Inumaki ones. I am very grateful for all the cheers and kind words and I hope everyone continues to enjoy them as much as I enjoy drawing them! Remember to eat, have a good rest and a good day! ILY ♥
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effervescentdragon · 9 months
This is gonna be a rant bcs i havent done one in a while, it went feom too hot to too cold way too quickly, i havent fought with anyone in a while and im itching for it, and im sick an tired of certain things im seeing popping up recently despite there being many, many posts about it that summarize it all very succintly amd more eloquently than im about to, but fuck it im adding mine too.
Two main points. Numero uno.
You are not entitled to fandom spaces being catered to you.
Ive seen younger fans do this all the time, and i could go very ad hominem about what i think of youmger generations and what kind of internet experiences and spaces they've been raised in, but i wont. I will say that predictive algorithms and that scourge on the web tiktok have done irreparable damage to a whole genrration that expects content to just be presented to them on silver plates without them having to move their thumbs even a bit to search for what they want, alongside erasing what little critical thinking and reading skills theyve already somewhat had.
But thats not the point of this rant. My main problem here is when someone comes into a space, lets take an example of a discord server, and then starts whining how "all these older people are here too".
Firstly, fuck off. And i say this most empathetically - if something is not to your liking, literally just leave. Fuck off. Nobody wants you here. Go find a place that caters to your needs better instead of expecting this already existing space to bow down amd change to suit your needs. Thats not hkw this works, not how life works, not how anything works. Your entitlement is unfounded, has no geounds, is childish and frankly extremely disgusting. Go make your own fucking space then, one that you can tailor to your needs instead of expecting the space to warp to suit you. You are nothing in this context, and you are entitled to nothing, except basic rules of polite conduct that ar3 expected of everyone by social contract of interacting with other people in a space.
Point numero dos.
Fuck your ageism and fuck your idiotic assumption that there is an arbitrary age when you should leave fandom because you're "too old" and "it's creepy".
The world is not restricted to the young. The world is not built for the young only. Joy is not restricted to the young. YOU ARE NOT BETTER B3CAUSE YOU'RE YOUNG. I would in fact argue the opposite, because obvious lack of life experience (especially when compounded with the fact that most of the experience most of you even have are limited to online spaces and not the actual outside world) shows itself in both your ignorance about the (fandom) history and with your conpletely misguided sense of entitlement i already spoke about.
What even is the age to be enrolled in fandom? Does life stop after 20? 25? 29? Or god forbid, *gasp*, thirty? Thats basically both feet in the grave, isn't it?
Do you even hear yourselves? Because unless you have forwknowledge or plan to die when you come to [insert arbitrary age here], you are still going to be living after that. Will that moment, that birthday be the time whrre you go "right. im too old now. i should erase all the joy ive gotten feom fandoms up until now b3cause im too old and fandoms and fandom spaces are only for young people, which i am not anymore. bye bye".
What the everloving fuck. Do you think young people are the onse who built fandoms? Do i have to drag out star trek spirk housewives? Do i have to reference diana duane? Do i have to dig through a million posts on this godforsaken website that tell you about communities of people of all ages coming together to enjoy things and make fandom spaces as wonderful as they are?
Do you think you can only enjoy life up until [insert arbitrary fucking age here]? Do you think life stops after 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, if you're lucky to live that long?
What the everloving fuck is wrong with you???
Instead of sending stupid 😭 emojis about people being older than your 18 years of age and still enjoying things, go read a bit on fandom history. Log off fucking predictive algorithm pages, stop scrolling, read a fucking book, go touch a cow, smoke or touch some grass, talk to actual fuking people and not just bemoan existence of older people in your tween echo chambers.
Get a fucking life, adapt, and/or leave the rest of us alone. The world does not revolve around you, and if you keep insisting it does, well. We older generations have no problem with blocking. We value ourselves too much to disrupt our joy with childish whinings of entitled assholes.
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elizabethh1125 · 9 months
{Take it off} König x (GN) reader~
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Hey guys! It’s honestly been way too long. Firstly, I want to apologize for taking such a long hiatus. Many things in my life have changed to be honest.
My age, my interests, my personal life, my job, my health and so my writing style unsurprisingly has also gone through a transformation of itself. Looking back on my old works I honestly cannot say I have read more than about three sentences before I can’t stand to look any more. It’s just so BAD. Not saying that my new shit is much better, but it’s a slow and steady uphill battle. But for some of my more consistent followers you might have also noticed the change of theme on my page. I will no longer just be catering to the community of five nights at Freddy’s. And I apologize to the folks who only stay on my page for that type of content but honestly, if I only made that type of content, I wouldn’t post here anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I still love five nights at Freddy’s and will be writing more content of that eventually (I’m sure if it lol.) but it’s just not my main focus at the moment I’m sure so for now I really want to branch out to some more games/characters that I’m enjoying in the moment so you guys get more variety and so can get some more people on my page who can enjoy my work.
For this first newer post I decided to take it easy since I haven’t really written anything for a while. And I feel like the longer fics that I write are the last motivation I have to finish. So another change will be that my fix will probably be shorter one shots/ two or three parts instead of a whole series. I may also end up doing a lot of headcannons or imagines to help with writer's block.
Cod MW/MW2 has been my current infatuation, so expect a few more posts of that. Buckle up children cause we are going for a ride!
This post is a short little sweet fic about seeing konigs face for the first time. It’s simple and it’s SFW so I hope you guys enjoy it.
Tags: sfw, fluff, complements, just good ol brain rot.
Fic below the cut.
It’s hard not to notice how hot it is.
The air conditioner on base wasn’t very good anyways, but you never noticed how significant it was until you no longer had any.
As you walked down the hall you could hear some of the newer recruits here at KorTac complaining. And to be honest, you couldn’t blame them. It was difficult to bite your tongue, but as a higher rank you had to pretend everything was alright despite the sweat parading down your neck and body. It was so sweltering even your eyes were dripping.
You brushed away as much as you could with your one free while you made your way towards your colonel’s office. Your captain had asked you to deliver a few documents as per usual, so you weren’t too bothered making the trip.
The colonel himself was an interesting character. And although you weren’t able to see the pleasure of him working out in the field, he was a usual participant in helping to train the troops. And oh boy, what a sight to behold.
Firstly the man is an absolute unit. He’s over a foot taller than you, (ignore that if ur a tall person xD)
He’s built like a tank, and works out with a giant black t-shirt on his head. He was always a sight to behold out on the training course, and most of all was a very kind and experienced leader. you definitely could understand how he earned his title. as quiet as he might pose himself to be, he was a skilled and brutal fighter.
And that’s why you're so intrigued as you strut to room 106. His room. You wonder how he’s faring with the heat, especially with that unusual getup of his. You even wondered if he would have it off. It’s unlikely, but the curiosity of what the colonel might look like under the mask had you that much more excited when you knocked on his door.
You heard a grunt of displeasure from behind the door, followed by a faint “come inside.”
You twisted the knob and pulled the door open revealing a pretty uneventful spectacle.
Colonel König sat behind his desk fiddling with some papers. The soft hum of a nearby fan could be heard in the background, and you noticed he was wearing the full getup- helmet and all.
He looked up to meet your eyes before ushering you further inside with a slight motion of his finger.
you find yourself trying hard not to stare as you hand him the paperwork.
“Captain said to give these to you. More files from the new recruits. He mentioned he would be out for the weekend so He said to let you know to give him a call to his personal cell if you needed anything in particular from him.” You relayed your message from the captain and was officially finished with your service.
A sigh fell from Königs lips before he spoke “Ah yes, I remember him intending to do such. Thank you Liefermädchen, have a hopefully cooler afternoon.” He noted before he looked back down to finish his work and you spun to exit the room.
You took a few steps but before you left you couldn’t contain your burning question… literally
“I’m sorry sir, but I just have to ask…” you squeak out as you flip back around to face him.
Konig looks up again from his work and this time you can tell he is intrigued just by his eyes. He brings his built arms up to his head and gives them a good stretch before crossing it behind his neck and placing one leg over the other.
“Alright, don’t leave me waiting. Shoot.” He’s now staring intensely at you, and you feel yourself begin to feel hyper aware of the sweat now dripping down your face from your hair and even your eyebrows. You’re sure glad you happened to choose to exclude makeup from your morning routine today. No doubt it would have melted off just standing here.
“Aren’t you hot under all of… well, that ?” You question as you wave your hand all over his makeshift sniper getup. “It is almost 40 degrees outside sir. And with no air conditioning to help alleviate things… well I can’t imagine you're quite comfortable.”
“I am aware of the situation we are under,” he remarks. Now uncomfortably shifting around in his seat, “ but I’m doing alright.” He fibs.
Your going to regret saying this later, but before you can stop it, it’s already squeezed itself between your lips,
You try to pretend you didn’t just say that to your Colonel, but the shock is clearly present on your face.
This causes the man to burst out into deep bounds of laughter, causing him to let his legs fall back into place and to unfold his arms to clutch his stomach with joy.
“You are a hilarious and very brave Herzblatt” he bellows as his laughter dies out. “ You have caught me in my fib.” He takes a moment to stand up and shrug his large shoulders under the shirt. “I am quite warm…”
“Then why not take it off? You pose to him.
“People come to my office often. To take it off, means to risk someone seeing my face.” He motions to himself as he speaks and you struggle to understand what he means.
“So? Why would that matter?” You retort.
“I’m not sure I feel quite comfortable with people knowing what I look like. Kindness has not been in my favor when people had the pleasure of looking at me without my mask.” He says, making you finally understand.
“Are you afraid people will target your looks?” You tilt your head as you move slightly closer to where the Colonel stands. How saddening that is to hear. You wonder what Konig has had to endure in the past, and your heart yearns to help him overcome his insecurity.
He looks to the floor, obviously ignoring your question,
You take this as your opportunity to breach the distance between the two of you. And the conversation suddenly feels like a mother confronting her mistreated child.
“You are the colonel of this base.” Without regard to overstepping you place your hand on Königs left shoulder. “ it wouldn’t matter if your face was so hideous it turned people into stone sir. People will respect you regardless, you are a leader here, and a leader doesn’t need to have a pretty face to still be respected. And anyways, your face probably is perfectly handsome anyways. I’ve never met an insecure ugly person.” The last two bits were a little overboard but you made your point regardless.
He smiles under his mask with your words to him. He couldn’t believe you were giving him a chance to feel a little better about himself, plus the idea of finally being able to strip himself of his personal sauna would make his job a little bit easier.
“I don’t suppose you would take it off just for a little while? I’m sure it would help cool you down.” (That was a lie) nothing would cool either of you down without air conditioning in this sweltering heat.
König pauses for a moment, and he contemplates what unveiling himself to you would mean to him. suddenly, it feels much worse that you would be the first to see him. He knows you probably wouldn’t judge, but something about it being you that just made him feel…Flustered.
He wanted to say no, but before he could protest you pushed at him again, this time trailing your hand to the bottom of his mask and tugging on it gently.
“Please. Just in front of me? I promise I’ll play nice.”
That last sentence made his head spin. Were you flirting with him?
No.. you can’t be? Can you?
His heart began to speed up to a pace so quick, he worried you might be able to hear it pounding in his chest.
“Okay.” He affirmed, unclamping his helmet and pulling the hood off to reveal his balaclava.
You felt the anticipation begin to boil inside of you as he brought his hand to his hood and firmly pulled it off of his head, not giving himself any time to process that he was revealing his face to you.
When he finished pulling his head out and tossed his balaclava to the side with the rest of his gear, you can’t help but feel your jaw drop.
He was stunning.
His hair was brown and curly, and falling to his shoulders. His face was chiseled, and covered with rough stubble. He adorned battle scars like medals and his lips looked so supple and soft.
You couldn’t imagine why he felt the need to coward himself away under a mask for so long. He was beautiful.
Your silence must have begun to worry him, as you noticed he had broken eye contact and was looking towards his balaclava.
You quickly realized that and gained his attention with a tap to his shoulder. You both had forgotten you were still sitting your hand there.
“So how do I look?” He questioned nervously. And your words couldn’t have been more perfect to him.
“I think the temperature of the room just shot up a million more degrees.”
For all my visual learners here is my favorite depiction of what I believe Konig looks like under his mask. Of course all credits to the artist! (NOT MY ART) Please go to their post and like it. Also I’m not posting the actual picture to my post to respect the artist’s wishes of no reposts. Just go to the link stinkies and I will see what I mean okay-byeIloveyou!
(Please read)
Should I do a part 2 where things get a little… spicy?
I very well might. The temptation is greatly building in me.
Anyways for now that is all. I hope you're enjoying my newer writing style and are not disappointed in my branch out to other fandoms. As always I very much appreciate any support I get. It makes my day when I see people comment or like my posts. It’s unfathomable to me that people actually read my shit writing- 💀
Oh and, Btw if you have requested any fics from me I will get into writing those hopefully soon. I know my hiatus looked quite gloomy and long, but I’m back for now. Me taking long breaks is honestly just how I am as a person. I always come back though. Life gets busy, and I’m an adult so other adults understand the struggles of juggling jobs, life and hobbies. Even if I am gone my fics are still here for you to enjoy. Rather If that’s ten days from now or ten years, I hope you’ll enjoy them just the same.
Thank you.
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gffa · 1 year
Is it just me or do most anidala shippers have fanonized their relationship in a way? Like whenever it's discussed by those who ship them there always talking about aus or disregarding canon (ie the Clovis Arc). And it always rubs me the one way because it's almost like they don't actually ship the canon version of anidala, but rather a fanon version they came up with because they don't like the fact that there relationship ends badly and is just generally an unhealthy relationship (idk if there relationship being unhealthy was intentional or not but it certainly looks like it)
I'm gonna say something that's going to make me sound supremely boring and I'm sorry that it won't be more interesting. 😂 But if Anidala shippers want to take the stance of the ship being softer than I might write it: Good for them! I hope they're living their best life. I say this as someone who has been reading a crapload of DC fic where I lean towards a softer take on the characters than someone else might, where you might say the exact same thing (details changed) about my interest in the characters' relationships, that I don't go for the canon version, but instead go for a version that's not as unhealthy. And you know what? Good for me, too! I am living my best life! I'm not trying to dismiss what you're saying, it's frustrating to run into views of characters that clash with our own, especially when it feels like there's something really interesting about what we're seeing in the canon that seems to get dismissed by others. I personally do enjoy a more dysfunctionally leading Anidala because I like bite in my character dynamics! But after seven years of this fandom constantly hounding me for liking the Jedi in ways that other people would say aren't "canon", I have decided that anyone who just wants to enjoy their thing, whether in a more fucked up way or in a softer way than I like, I wish them all the fun in the world, have a blast, you guys! I'm gonna have a blast over here, too. As long as the Anidala shippers aren't being assholes to people who have different views but are staying in their own lanes (and, let's be fair, there's always some assholes in any subset of Star Wars fandom, but none of those subsets are a monolith), then I don't have to read their posts if I'm not into their content, just like people don't have to read my posts if they don't like my take on the Jedi, you know? Let's all walk away from interpretations we don't like, let's all leave room for others to be invested in things they want to be invested in, because what they like isn't any of my business if I'm not also into it. I mean, let's be clear, I'll crab to friends about things I find personally frustrating, in the whole CATER TO ME, FANDOM!!!! tongue in cheek kind of way, but genuinely if someone is just doing their thing in their own corner and leaving me alone, especially if they're coming from a place of "I love this dynamic!" instead of "here's why the Jedi suck and let me throw in some shade at real life religions along the way", then I'm fine with that. And it's made me a lot happier on a personal level to just let some of that stuff go, you know?
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alieinthemorning · 10 months
Tired of Me Yet? | Leona Kingscholar
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Content: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Established Relationship, Happy Birthday Leona!
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don't forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
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“Are you tired of him yet?” 
You were in Heartslabyul’s lounge, studying for an upcoming exam with the help of Riddle, Trey and Cater (mainly Riddle and Trey). 
Cater, who had been scrolling through Magicam, suddenly asked you that question. 
“Tired of who?” You knew who he meant, but you decided to play dumb.
“Come on—you know who.” He slung a hand over your shoulder. “I was scrolling through your feed, and like, I see all these cute pictures of you, but none of your boo—”
You rolled your eyes. “You know that he doesn’t care for all that—”
“But what about you? Don’t you care?” He pushed. “I mean—you’re dating a prince!”
You sighed. “So doesn’t that mean that what I’m doing makes sense.” 
He nodded. “Sure, sure—but he literally just posted an hour ago.” He shoved his phone on your nose.
The picture was candid, Leona was looking outward to the horizon. His face was relaxed and his lips were slightly upturned. 
You smiled. 
“Cater, either get back to studying or leave.” Riddle scolded him. 
“My B, Riddle.” He shifted back into his seat. 
You spent the rest of your time thinking about what exactly had Leona smiling like that. 
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“Okay guys, I’m gonna go now—bye!” It was halfway through lunch and knew Leona was getting impatient (and so were you, you wanted to see him now).
“You’re deliverin’ his food again?” Jack asked, scratching the back of his head. “Aren’t you tired of doing that for him?” 
You frowned. “Is there an issue with me going to spend time with my partner?” 
“No, I don’t mean like that. I just mean—” 
You cut him off. “The issue is me bringing him the food. Okay, but why wasn’t it an issue when Ruggie did it?”
“Because Ruggie had a motive.” Epel, surprisingly, answered. “He’s got me caught up on shi—stuff before.” He rolled his eyes, frowning bitterly. 
“So, I have to have a motive to see my partner?”
“I think what they mean,” Ortho began, “is that they feel like you’re being used by Leona Kingscholar and they don’t like that.”
Your frown lessened a bit. You guess you understood where they were coming from. Epel knew Leona from Magishift, and from what you’ve heard he could be pretty stringent. Jack knew him as his Dorm Leader, someone who had saved his bushy tail from getting jumped by 30 of his peers, but he did let him get beat on a bit before he stepped in (beat the lesson in his head literally). And Ortho mainly knew him from information gathered online, other students' words-of-mouth testimonies and his brother, Idia’s ramblings and tangents. 
You held back a sigh, instead choosing to smile. “I get it. Thanks for worrying about me, but I’m fine—we’re fine.” 
Yes, you were fine. 
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“Alone again?” Your lips flattened at the question. 
After your last exam of the day, you decided that you were going to treat yourself to the new drink at the Monstro Lounge.
Or at least you were attempting to. 
Jade had been suspiciously waiting on you more than the rest of the customers, and you knew that this was for some other reason than good customer service because now Azul had decided to grace you with his presence. 
“That Leona Kingscholar, I can’t believe that he would leave you here all by your lonesome…” He placed a hand over his chest. “Aren’t you tired of him, my dear?”
You stood, shoving the thaumarks against his chest. “The drink was wonderful.” You spit, stepping past him and out the lounge. 
You weren’t going to listen to his shit. 
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“Yo! The party has arrived!” Ace called as he and Deuce entered Ramshackle. After the Halloween incident, Ace had basically bullied Crowley into giving him (and a few trusted others) a spare set of keys.
“Why is it so quiet…?” Deuce wondered as the two entered the common room. 
“...with Leona…” Grim answered through a yawn. 
Ace groaned, plopping down on the couch. “Lammee. We already had this planned out.”
“Maybe the Perfect forgot?” Deuce supplied. “We did just finish our back-to-back exams.” 
“Nah, got a call from Leona…didn’t hear what he said, but …myrah rushed out the door before I could ask.”  He rolled over on his back, pawing at his belly. “I’m used to it.” 
“Used to it?” Ace raised a brow. “This happen often?” 
“Yeah” He shrugged. 
“Really? Are you really okay with that, Grim?” Deuce asked, peering over at Grim whose face truly didn’t give anything away.
“You sure you’re okay with being left here alone so often?” Ace pushed, “Aren’t you tired of that?”
He shrugged. “My hench-human is happy, so I’m happy.” He paused, then smirked wide. “Plus I was given the okay to eat whatever I wanted. Nyehhehe!” 
Deuce sighed and shook his head while Ace stood, nodding toward the door. 
“Well come on then, you can crash with us tonight.” He smirked. “We might even be able to get Trey to make us some sweets.”
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“Tired of me yet?” Out of all the people to ask—
You were surprised that it took this long. 
You sighed (you had been sighing a lot lately), a bit more huffy than you meant. “No.”
You were currently lounging in Leona’s room after dealing with Rook and Floyd who had been lingering around the Savanaclaw Mirror. For some reason the two were more susceptible to your words, so after a short exchange they vacated the area. 
Leona, who was laying with his head in your lap (fighting off the rumble in his chest as your fingers carded through his hair), stared at you, but said nothing. 
You closed your eyes, scared of looking past the surface of the chartreuse gaze. “Sorry, it’s just ...I've been asked that a lot lately.” 
“Oh? Small world…” His voice was flat, but your ears didn’t miss the way that it started off breathy. “Well, if that’s the case then—” He started to raise up, but you pushed him back down gently. 
“I sent them straight, don't worry. Cater was confused about why we don’t have any pictures up on my Magicam, but I’m okay with that— I know how you don’t like taking pictures like that.
“Jack, Epel and Ortho—well mainly Jack— was worried that me taking food to you was like you were trying to take advantage of me. Like I had become your new Ruggie, but with more benefits.
“And then Azul.” Your lip curled, eyes snapping open. “Fuck him especially.” 
“What did he say?” There was an obvious edge to his tone. 
You rolled your eyes. “He didn’t say much, but ugh! It’s just the way that he talks—oh I wanna punch him.”
“Snrk!” The snort became full blown laughter that had his chest rumbling. “You’re gonna punch, Cephalo-punk?”
“I just might, yeah.” You nodded at him.
He fell quiet again, gaze searching yours. Then the corners of his mouth dropped and he sighed. 
“There does need to be change.” He sat up, this time with no push back from you. He adjusted himself to face you full then grabbed your hands. “Do you want pics of us on your Magicam? In general?” 
You pursed your lips then nodded. “...I’d like that yeah.” 
“Okay I can try to do that. I can also come and get my own lunch, but you best believe that I’ll be taking you back out with me.” 
You bit your lip, trying to fight up the growing smile. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Oh! But what about Grim?” Leona raised a brow, so you continued. “I can’t just keep leaving him by himself. He’s basically a kid…”
At the mention of the word ‘kid’ his face scrunched up, he relented regardless. “Yeah, I get it. I guess I can come over there and—”
“And spend the night? I mean we have been working on those guest rooms and there’s plenty of them and I think it would be if you—” 
Warm, supple lips pressed against your own, making you putty against it. 
“Let’s go shopping this weekend for my stuff, alright?” 
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“Tired of me yet?”
“After all these years?” You paused as you tapped a finger against your lips, the glint of the metal wrapped around it glittering in the morning sun. “Of course not. If anything, I yearn more for you.” 
“You are so corny.” He said through a bubble of laughter.
You grabbed his face, gently pulling him to yours and enveloped him in a kiss. 
“Happy birthday, My King.”
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I didn't mean to tho. I meant to just keep this in the present, but King Leona bullied his way into this.
Anyway, ion where this is in the timeline (is there even a timeline), but this happened at some point ig lol
Uh anyway-anyway,
Happy birthday, stink!
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I GOT HIM I GOT HIM I GOT HIM AAAAAAAAA (I almost got all the standard Leona cards actually...)
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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bluravenite · 8 months
Can people please put content tags and warnings when they talk about regressed ghouls????
CW: mentions of trauma and abuse, fetishization of age regression, sexual abuse, parenting? Just complaining about people romanticizing age regression, trauma, abuse and treating other mental illness/disorders badly... Also very brief mentions of self harm and eating disorders...
Summary: I'm upset
I feel like people baby ghouls a lot, and while I understand that age reg and little space is a trauma coping mechanism, trust me.. I know... I also just feel like sometimes I open Tumblr to a bunch of people babying ghouls in ways that make me upset...
I think often the way people handle regressed ghouls is by treating them like dumb little babies, instead of the actual procedures that should take place to ensure someone who is regressed is emotionally and physically safe... It's not just about which toys they love playing with, or which sippy cup they use most, it's also not A GATEWAY FOR YOU TO WRITE AGE REGRESSION AS A SEXUAL FETISH, I understand that sometimes when you regress your body may still experience those feelings, but mentally???? It's not going to be safe or enjoyable, cannot consent properly either BECAUSE ITS UNDER A TRAUMA RESPONSE, and also??? It can be even more traumatic and DANGEROUS for a person HANDLING a regressed individual, to engage in sexual acts WITH A REGRESSED INDIVIDUAL
I get that Tumblr used headcanons as comfort, but if you're going to talk about traumatized ghouls experiencing age regression and instead of having people/other ghouls take care of them safely and properly, then I can't stop you but at least TAG THEM PROPERLY??? This goes to mentions of SH and EDS, should not be romanticized... Can it be talked about? Part of a story? Yes, just like it can be part of people's lives and needs to be discussed... But please just don't romanticize it... Don't make regressed ghouls engage in it too if you're not going to properly explain the content and the reasons why it's there.
I have my own way of dealing with small children, age regressed individuals (and littles)... It may not be correct, but it caters towards listening to the individual I am responsible for taking care of...
You don't know what they want or need, you need to talk to them and ask them how they're feeling, how you can help, what they would like, what is safest for them. Get them something of comfort, something for entertainment, and at all costs try to ensure their safety, even if you fail, you can talk them through calming down. I do understand that 1. Children can be difficult sometimes, it depends a lot on the kid... 2. Not all instances will have bad experiences or feelings involved, but sometimes they might, which is why you need to understand age regression is a trauma response... 3. You cannot treat children as dumb brainless babies, AND YOU SHOULD NOT TREAT AGE REGRESSED INDIVIDUALS HAVING TROUBLE PROCESSING EMOTIONS like CHILDREN.
My point being, just try to learn some gentle parenting. It doesn't always work, it doesn't always ensure everyone's safety... Yes you can still have your cute headcanons of things people enjoy and it does not have to be exclusive to age regression...
I have spent entire summers volunteering with special needs and disabled kids, as well as having my own mental issues and disorders and I'm just tired of seeing people treat a lot of them like they're toys to play with and sexualize... And since I know I can't stop anyone from doing that, AT LEAST FOR SATAN'S BELOVED COCK, USE TAGS
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Matters of the Heart
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Pairing: Best friend! Yeonjun x gn. reader
Genre: Fluff; Angst; Maybe eventual smut (I'm not sure about this, but if my bestie wants it, I might add I lmao)
Content Warnings: University au!; mutual pining; our main leads being stupid; I haven't planned smut for this one, but it might well turn suggestive
Word Count: 1.96k words 
Mellow speaks: The first part is here!!! I honestly can't believe I came up with this idea in a dream lol. I'm enjoying writing it, so I hope you guys look forward to more parts!! 
Tagging: @sweethyuka @yedamology @enhacolor @axartia @hyunsuksmygod @yogurteume @duolingofanaccount @zurimochi @yogurteume @blahbluhblahbluh @yeonyeonyeonjun @yjs6x @silent--cry (this one's for you my love)
(Taglist is open!! Send in an ask/dm to be added, or simply comment under this post!)
You're back at last, and despite having had been away for months on end, it seems that the campus you had come to adore over your years as a student hasn't changed one bit during your absence. No, it's still the same, buzzing with people both known and new, some roaming across the gravel and others seated at the benches. The fro-yo shop at the left-hand corner catering to a whole line of of expectant customers, and the sound of Kai's voice, slightly off-note on purpose to "attract listeners" (his own words, not Taehyun's) filtering through the speakers and telling you it's time for the radio's afternoon show. Yeah, everything's the same, and boy are you glad to be back.
Don't get this twisted though. You were more than grateful for the opportunity of going to Australia for the exchange programme, and you're even more grateful as you think back to all the interesting stuff you learned and all the sweet memories you made during your stay. But that doesn't mean you didn't miss being back home in Seoul, didn't miss your weekly trips to the fro-yo counter just to get a student discount. Didn't miss seeing Beomgyu being weird in class, or didn't miss sipping on your latte with Taehyun while judging Soobin as he tried to ask his crush out (something he finally did manage to do while you were away, much to your dismay). 
And most of all, it definitely doesn't mean you didn't miss a certain someone, because you did. You did miss him, much more than you'd care to admit. The late-night and early morning video calls weren't nearly enough to fill the void that having to navigate your days without him had left inside your heart, and it's no lie that right now, you're counting down the minutes till you can meet him again. That's the thought you have in mind when Kai's voice breaks you out of it, a giggle to be heard from the tiny intercoms spread throughout the balconies and roofs of the buildings.
"You're favorite boy Kai is back!," his high-pitched tone carrying through the air as a groan from Taehyun follows soon after, their wordless banter making you let out a chuckle. "Some things never change," you mutter to yourself, tuning in to the news segment just so you know all the juice before stepping back into college life. But what you hear instead is nothing short of a scream of excitement, a gasp slipping past your lips at the suddenness. 
"Now as you all know, our lovely Y/N, the heart of our campus, has come back from her trip to Australia. And as her best friend, I think it's my duty to-," Kai says all to happily, only to be cut off by Taehyun's panicked voice as he says something that makes you raise your eyebrows in surprise. "I'm sorry for that Yeonjun. Everyone knows Y/N's your best friend, Kai was just being stupid. Ignore him,"his words bleed through, the mention of a particular name making your ears perk up. 
Yeonjun. Choi Yeonjun, the clueless campus heartthrob and your best friend since first year of college. Despite being a year elder to you, his annoyingly adorable ways did help him wiggle into your life, and eventually, your heart. You hadn't planned for it to happen, but how could you not melt when he was always popping up by your side at random times, just to "steal you away" and take you to his spot, the small room on the rooftop which he claimed to have discovered. How could you not melt when he was always there to stop people from waking you up when you fell asleep in the library, threatening to blast them off to space if they ruined your nap.
Yet, all you had thought of it was a simple crush, confident that it would go away when you left for your programme. But as your eyes scan the grounds and halls for any signs of his mop of hair (which you know from all the selfies is blue now), you're not so sure anymore. Because how can you be when the past few months, the only thing that's been keeping the homesickness at bay has been his constant words of encouragement, his efforts to sneak in a "Good morning" and "Good night" every day without fail, despite it not being an obligation. 
Yeonjun has been nothing but supportive of your effort to broaden your horizons, and he's been telling you the same thing over every text message and through every video call, day in and day out. He didn't need to put it into words, it was plenty evident from the way he told you he said "I miss you" but never lingered on that thought too long, afraid of making you change your mind. And if you had expected the softness in your heart to go away as the skyline of South Korea had receded into the distance, his actions and gentle sure did prove you wrong. 
That's why, here you are now, letting your feet carry you through the corridors of the university, your eyes peeking into every nook and cranny in the hopes of discovering the person you're searching for. Your best friend, after all, is the person you want to meet first  "He was supposed to meet me near the archway," you mutter to yourself, shaking your head a little as you continue down the halls, turning up no luck in the cafeteria or even the dance room, the two places you know he loves the most. Except......
"Of course!," are your words at the very next moment, your hand flying to your forehead as you think of the one place he can be. Before you know it, you're jogging, your feet slapping against the hard ground as you make your way towards the gymnasium hall. Why, you ask? Because in case you've forgotten, that's the building whose top floor happens to be the home to the radio room, the place where you had, quite literally, run into a wall during your freshman year, on your way for an interview.  
The wall in question, rather obviously, was the toned chest of none other than Yeonjun, the hottie who was notorious for being absolutely in the dark about how he made head turns and hearts ache with a simple smile of his. That was your first meeting with him, but by no means did it become your last, the stars aligning in a way to orchestrate meeting after meeting. Soon enough, he was your co-host on the morning show, the sleepy expression on his face as he walked into the station with a boba in hand making your cheeks flush every morning. 
To put it short, it was bit too adorable for you to handle. His hair a little messy from the shower, and his cheeks still puffed-up from the late-night snacking, something he had told you quite early on was his favorite pastime. And that wasn't all he had told you either, his witty oneliners and quirky, completely random thoughts always managing to catch you off-guard as you got ready for another "Wakey wakey" over your mic. But your chemistry with him was undeniable, the Y/NJun duo quickly becoming a fan-favorite. And with that, blossomed the beginning of a beautiful friendship with the man you had affectionately come to call "Jjun." 
The rest, as they say, is history, your mind swimming with memories that threaten to make you smile and weep at the same time. "He must be in there," you think to yourself, turning the last corner between you and the gymnasium. But the very next moment, you're suddenly stopping, skidding your feet against the gravel as you let out a gasp. It takes you a minute to process the sight in front of you, your eyes scanning over the giant blue and pink banner that welcomes you back. 
That's not all that's waiting for you though, because right under the banner, stands a whole group of people, the figures of most of them rather easily discernable as they face away from you. That is, until one of them, one with a fading blue haircolor, starts to turn around, the smile that you've missed so much finally greeting you in the face. And then, you're running again, actually dashing this time, your form throwing itself at Yeonjun as your arms get wrapped around his shoulders, his own snaking around your waist. 
Next thing you know, he's lifting you up, laughs to be heard from everywhere around you as he spins you, his own laughter rumbling through his chest. It's in that moment that you notice the tears that are now streaming down your cheeks, the months of being away from him hitting you like a truck. Everything fades away into the wind, only Yeonjun and you being left behind, at least in your mind's eye. It's just the two of you, perfect like always, not needing anyone else.
When he puts you down, it's like you can't being yourself to tear your gaze away from his eyes, his head bent slightly as he looks down at you with the softest expression on his face. "Hi," is all you can say, finding yourself at a loss for words the longer you stare at him. It's hard to fathom that he's finally there, finally in front of you, and not just waving at you through a screen. This moment is perfect, and you don't want it to break. Ever. 
Except it does, a giant Soobin lurching in to steal you away, hugging you super tight and crying about how he missed you. It's not like you can bring yourself to be mad at him though, because you did miss him too. After that, it's an slew of hugs and kisses and shouts of "Welcome back." The kisses, of course, are from Beomgyu, your eyes voluntarily flicking over to the eldest among you to gauge his reaction. 
But he's not there, making your scrunch your brows in confusion for just a second until Taehyun pulls you to the side, complaining about everyone, especially Kai. And all you can do is laugh at that, your heart warming at getting back all the things you missed so dearly. It's mid-laughter that you hear Yeonjun's voice cut through the air, your head turning towards the sound as yet another gasp slips past your lips. A huge cake, bearing your face, is what greets you, a grinning Yeonjun looking at you expectantly. 
"Surprise," he whispers, smile widening as your eyes move from the cake to him and back. After what feels like an eternity, you finally manage to squeak out a "I- Jjun-," only to be cut off by a feminine voice. "It's so nice to meet you at last, Y/N," a girl comes into view, his voice warm and his smile friendly. But she's someone you don't recognize, aside from the fact that she seems a couple years younger. "I've heard so much about you from everyone, especially Yeonjun," she quips, sticking a hand out for you to shake.
But you only look at her in confusion, your face morphing into one of perplexity when she links her arm with Yeonjun. "Your Yeonjun," your mind says, though he's not really yours to keep. Not yet, anyway. Seeing you zoning out, your best friend is quick to spill out an introduction. "Y/N, meet Sara, a freshman and my-," he begins, but it's the girl next to him who completes the sentence, saying something that you're not sure you hear correctly.
"His girlfriend." 
Girlfriend. Yeonjun has a girlfriend. That's when it all comes crashing down. 
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