#im just busy screaming
adharastarlight · 7 months
casually seeing that the author of my favourite fic is MY MUTUAL ON HERE!?!?! how long has this been a thing!?!?! i died btw, just kinda squealed into a pillow and had to collect myself (i still havent collected myself)
@thebibutterflyao3 HUH!?! also youre still my sunshine controls a large section of my brain js-
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fanaticalthings · 15 days
I want an AU where after Jason gets brought back to life, he channels his inner rage and turmoil into the academics instead of murder
Talia has like infinite money and a crap ton of influence, so she can absolutely get Jason the best tutors and can easily get him into the most prestigious schools if Jason wanted to (she doesn't need to do that though because Jason's just smart enough to get into them on his own)
The major he chooses? Med.
Why? Because Bruce dropped out of med school.
Jason practically flies through all the secondary education that he needs to catch up on and is already en route to earning his bachelor's AND his master's.
And it'd be so incredibly funny if the way Bruce and Jason reunite in this AU was purely by coincidence.
Bruce (as Brucie Wayne) offers to show up as a guest lecturer at Hudson University (the school Dick attended but dropped out of so double points for Jason), maybe to talk about future career paths and job positions at WE idk
So as Bruce is just wandering around the campus, he randomly bumps into a student and immediately puts on the Brucie act and is all "Oh my, I'm SO sorry, I'm just a klutz haha" only to stop dead silent when he makes eye contact with a very alive, very grown Jason Todd, who also stops dead in his tracks, mouth agape, staring at Bruce like the world's about to end
And before Bruce can get his thoughts straight, Jason just bolts out of there like his life depends on it, and Bruce is just in shambles for the rest of the day.
It doesn't help that the person giving Bruce the tour is all like "Oh yeah, that's Jason, he's one of the heads on our student council haha, anyways, this way, Mr. Wayne." and Bruce is just stood there bluescreening.
Alternatively, it'd be kinda funny if this all happened AFTER the events of UTRH where after the final encounter with Bruce and Joker and the whole explosion, Jason's just like "yk what, maybe I'm just gonna turn over a new leaf and pursue a higher education"
So while Gotham's still reeling from the aftermath of Jason's near takeover as the top crime lord and Bruce is still painstakingly trying to figure out where his son went, the whole time Jason's just been chilling on a school campus and Bruce just so happens to bump into his son (who, last time they met, tried to kill Bruce and blew up the building they were all in) and Jason's just all normal-looking with his textbooks and nerdy glasses and Bruce doesn't know whether to scream or cry.
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braceletofteeth · 2 months
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worri-wort · 1 year
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completely forgot I made this like a year ago now. I’m glad the notion still stands
art is by @eedaeth  (I was in my art flop era at the time and his art is beyond beautiful so check him out)
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crimeronan · 1 month
i'm currently having a fascinating flareup where everything in my body is on fire, but instead of sleeping through it like i used to, i'm combating the physical urge to leave my apartment at 4:30 AM in my good shoes and literally just run as far as i physically can before i finally collapse and have to call a lyft home. this is not a practical thing to do when you still have a migraine that means you cannot look at streetlights or headlights or the rising sun. so i googled "why does pain make me want to run," because i thought surely this isn't just a me thing, maybe there's a pinched nerve somewhere or a muscular issue i can resolve, i Know there are subreddits Filled with chronic pain tips, whatever. unfortunately, google is not built for this kind of literalism, and so the entire first page of results is just ["you forget to cherish her" voice] "Oh..... Sweetheart..... Poor Suffering Babbu.... Honey Bunches Of Oats..... You Are So Afraid..... Of Your Own Self....."
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
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whatever og text i had in mind for this post about ko shibasaki looking like sayama in this movie is completely cancelled on account of utsumi (this character)'s first name being kaoru and i only found this out cause i was looking up her name just to be sure when making this post
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like jesus christ i legally have to make this post now
#snap chats#they literally never say her first name in the movie. i think lol LIKE WHEN I FOUND OUT I WAS JUST 'NO FUCKING WAY'#i do have to be tbh and say her face /is/ a little more round than sayama's#and its absolutely predominantly because of how her bangs and wardrobe are so close to sayama's that i think she look like her#BUT I CAAAANT THE WHOLE MOVIE I WAS JUST THINKIN ABOUT SAYAMA... i miss her...#OH RIGHT THE MOVIE THOUGH noooo fuck you this movie was so good it actually made me want to write a summary for it LMAOOO#LIKE I LIKE WRITING SUMMARIES BUT IVE JUST BEEN SO LAZY ABOUT IT WITH THE PAST FEW THINGS IVE SEEN BUT GOD.#ignore the fact i finished this movie two hours ago i was too busy fiddling with a card holder kit but. ill make a post about that next--#THIS MOVIE THOUGH NOOOOO IT WAS SO GOOD //SCREAMS AND YELLS AND DESTROYS A SNOWGLOBE//#god the part where ishigami and yukawa are walking by the homeless and it just lingers on an empty spot.. LIKE I THOUGHT I WAS WACK#CAUSE I WAS LIKE 'hang on wasnt there a guy there last scene' and obviously there was since the shot lingered right#BUUUUTT WHEN IT WAS REVEALED DOWN THE LINE SHUT UPPP I LITERALLY YELLED IM SO GLAD. my roommates arent home..#on god i thought the movie was gonna end with utsumi and fukawa's convo from the beginning#and i was gonna make a gaf about how fukawa was acting irrationally because he was too in love LMAOOO#BUT THEN IT KEPT GOING AND. im so glad it did. ishigami valid tbh#id also cover up and take blame for AND ACTUALLY commit murder for a girl if she said hi to me and made me lunch while i was trying to kms#while fukawa and ishigami were talkin that first night tho i just thought of after the rain.. lol... maybe the mangaka was inspo'd by that.#anyway. this movie was great. it reminded me of sherlock but if it was directed well and actually let you solve the mystery too#CAUSE WHILE I WAS WATCHING THERE WERE POINTS WHERE I TOO WAS JUST 'hang on' AND I JUST POCKETED THE INFO FOR LATER#i kicked and screamed when ishigami was talking abut how he formats his tests LIKE I SAID 'oh you fucking slipped'#when ishigami called and told her he had a white envelope in there bitch i knew it was gonna be the stalker letter i YELLED#LIKE I LIKE HOW THE MOVIE SETS THINGS UP SO ABUNDANTLY. IT'S FUN SEEING IT FIT IN THE MOVIE LATER ON#the twist of there being two bodies was so fun tho cause at the start of the movie i was sure two murders happened the same night#so when it was played off as just one i was like Oh. Ok. im still stumped on how he snuck a body out of the apartment#but yk what one detail is like. whatever in comparison to the rest of the movie being fun to watch#god im running out of tags POINT IS. PLEAAASE watch this movie if you got two hours#ive left some minor warnings on my Watchlist doc but there's nothing. TOO extreme ??#i mean there's an aforementioned suicide attempt but aside from that it's nothing too grotesque. for an rgg fan ig#ok bye i have to ramble about the card holder i got <3
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enden-k · 3 months
an anon a while ago: so what do u think of sampard
me: hmm idk. next
me now: omg sampard... (twirls his hair)
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jaarijani · 4 months
how am i supposed to go to sleep after this
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newtness532 · 5 days
if i had 1€ for every time someone made a comment about how my voice isn't loud enough, I'd be rich by the end of summer
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skinks · 2 years
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Ñíbrahge. Means water that’s flat. It’s Otoe.
Yeah, Nebraska. Like I said.
chaske spencer as eli whipp // The English (2022) 1.05 “The Buffalo Gun”
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onejellyfishplease · 5 months
me: wow! its been a while since ive worked on a comic, or maybe i should wrote some more of Open Your Shell! Im feeling more productive again! Lets do it! :D
also me: Gets immediately overloaded with a heckton of work D:
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littlebluejaydraws · 10 months
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Cas + Faith 9/?- 5x16: Dark Side of the Moon
The alternate quotes are from the discussion of this moment in episode 23 of @thecascast, Dark Side of the Cas. The idea of doing a series following Cas' faith journey had been floating around in my head for a while, but this discussion is what lead to me actually doing this series so thanks y'all.
ID: Three images of a digital drawing of Cas from episode 5x16 of Supernatural. The drawing shows Cas' head and shoulders, viewed from above, with his face turned upwards towards the viewer. His expression is upset. The background is in shades of orange and the drawing is set within a circle, with a quote around the outside. In the the first image, the words read "Fuck you. I believed in-". In the second image, the words read "You son of a bitch. I believed in-". In the third image, the words read "You coward. I believed in-". The difference in the quotes is the only difference between the three images. End ID.
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msookyspooky · 1 year
Fours a Franchise
Part 6
wordcount: 7,502
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(Sorry for the delay! Thanks for being patient guys!! 🖤🖤🖤)
"Oh my God…You seriously came here?"
Billy rubbed his wrist that you twisted as he stepped away from you. "Yeah, all because some moron decided coming back to this town was a good idea. If it isn't Stu picking the most dumbass choice humanly possible; it's you."
What he said didn't even faze you enough to reply. You just stared a moment longer. Taken aback by both of them.
Stu had hardly any piercings left. He surprisingly had his hair back to his natural color but in the same slightly spiked look he had a decade ago. Possibly a bit shorter than the last time you saw him to the point it looked more like teen Stu than you had seen since 96. No visible signs of aging at all. With you all only being 32 to 33 years old, that wasn't too shocking. He was wearing a white tank under a dark red button down shirt he rolled up his forearms. It strikingly reminded you of his robe he wore to the party 15 years ago. And then a simple dark pair of jeans and slightly pointed black boots. It was arguably the most 'grown up' you'd ever seen Stu dress while still adding his own flare.
Billy…Now Billy looked so different, it was no wonder you didn't recognize him at first. His hair wasn't as short as it was at Windsor but it was close. His natural waves were fluffy and soft looking as opposed to the oily or crunchy gelled strands near his face you were always used to seeing. He still had deep set eyes but his under eyes weren't nearly as dark or deep as they used to be. His facial hair was gone. He looked more filled out and healthy compared to the last time you saw him; sleep deprived and thinking cigarettes were food. His face was older too. No fine lines, just a more prominent jawline that looked like puberty hit him later in life than it did a guy like Stu. He truly looked different. It was such a stark contrast to the underweight, tired eyed, longer haired 23 year old you last saw. He was wearing a black jacket with a grayish blue t-shirt underneath and a pair of jeans with work boots.
"...You gonna get the gun out of our faces or what?" Billy demanded again, still holding his arm you twisted with an offended glare your way.
You kept it pointed, steading yourself. "...So obviously you both sent the note... Why? Why not just say it was you two over the phone?"
Stu shrugged with a half cringe half smirk.  "And ruin the surprise of it all? Same scenario as the last time you saw us. You might not have even came if you knew it was us AND I'm leary of calling you up while you're here in town with Ray and Gale. We can't just wait around in the open so we decided on the note."
"That's understandable, I guess?..." You trailed off while you kept your gun aimed.
"And you calling the law is always a factor." Billy mumbled.
You bit at your inner cheek debating whether to say it. "...I told you both a long time ago; I'm not going to the law. If you both try something; I'll handle it myself…Besides, Woodsboro police aren't an option now."
"Why?" Stu asked. "I mean…Great news for us but why?"
"...Because Dewey is the Sheriff now." You gave, gun still aimed at both of them. "Informing him isn't exactly a great idea for any of us right now; not with this new killer stalking around town and all of us vulnerable."
Both their eyes widened a bit at that
Billy scoffed. "Sheriff? Who the hell voted him in?"
You shrugged with only your shoulders as your gun stayed pointed at them. "He's a town hero and he's dealt with these killers 3 times. He won in a landslide…Now why are both of you here after so long? Inviting me to an isolated Inn late at night with a killer on the loose is freaking dumb."
"Says the person that came out here; alone, at night, with a killer on the loose." Billy countered with a head tilt and raise of his brows.
"...Fair enough. But you think I just forgot my gun and knife and pepper spray at home at a time like this? I could've shot you both."
Billy's expression soured at the mention of your pepper spray. "What else were we supposed to do? Would you rather us just show up wherever you're staying at unannounced?" Billy took a step towards you and you cocked back the hammer with a 'click'.
"Back." You harshly drew out as he stopped mid step. "I don't know who this new killer is, I already fought them once, they seem just as deranged and violent as you two and I don't know your full motive for being here after all this time."
You raised the gun with a glare and he rolled his eyes, seeming completely unphased. "YN. If I wanted to fuck with you, I'd put the mask back on. If I wanted to kill you, I'd have my knife out…Do you see either of those things?"
You eyed him a moment but lowered it as Stu explained. "We had to do it this way, babe! We couldn't take the risk of putting our phoney names without knowing whether you told anyone or not. It's been a decade, alright? Cut us some slack here."
"...How did you find me in town anyways?"
"You're not exactly subtle in Woodsboro, babe. Just walk around and people instantly know where you are…Kind of nerve wracking being back here. I mean, anyone can recognize this priceless mug. I'm like a celebrity here now." Stu gestured to his face.
You raised a brow and lowered your gun more and more until finally just putting it away in your holster with a heavy sigh. Sensing no immediate danger from either of them. You replied.  "Uh yeah, ya think? And aren't you anyways, I mean, considering how recognizable you are on that mov-"
Stu cringed and quickly shook his head at you behind Billy. Walking your way with a huge awkward grin the second Billy turned to look at him. "Uhh, hey! Sweetcheeks! It's really been too long. Don't I get a hug, girl?"
"Uh, no?" You mumbled with a disgusted expression.
"What? Why not?" Stu whined and went to go towards you again and you stepped away from him. Hand on the hilt of your gun still.
"After our conversation on the phone last night? Get bent."
Billy looked interested as Stu stared at you while you glared at him.
"Oh come on, don't be like that! I was just a little peeved is all but it doesn't mean we can't make the best of the situation. I didn't mean any of it! Seriously, your hair looks better in person-"
You gave him a nasty look as he raised a brow and gave you one right back.
"Hey, I could've ignored that call. I was in the middle of something. Actually, someone-" You rolled your eyes with a sneer as he continued. "I'm here now, so how about we drop it and you can show a bit of appreciation for us risking our asses to come back here, alright?"
You huffed at that, not agreeing but knowing you had no time to argue with him.  "What made you change your mind is the most important question I have. I need a motive for all of this. Right now."
Billy folded his arms and finished for both of you. "I don't know Stu's motivation but I know mine. We're killing the killer before he kills you or outs us."
You looked at Stu for clarification and he shrugged. " I kind of called him up to see what he thought. We both decided to come back and lend a helping hand. I said we needed to just get here despite our issues and help you."
Billy shot him a look. "...I said 'no one is killing that bitch but me' but okay."
You gave them both an unamused stare and replied. "Yeah well, I don't know if you should be here now. Things have changed." 
"Talk." Billy demanded.
"Fine. Me and Randy are already on the cop shit list for trying to make a break for it-"
"...Randy Meeks? That nerd is in trouble with the law?" Stu asked while blinking.
"Yeah, sort of. Dewey has officers watching the house 24/7 and following us while I'm legally not allowed to leave. The only reason I'm here right now is because they got distracted by Randy this time while I snuck out.  So if cops do show up here; I didn't call them. It's because I'm being tracked all over Woodsboro."
Stu gave a strange look. "So…Are you still friends with him after all this time?"
Billy gave him a scowl. "Okay, stop talking-"
You interrupted him to answer Stu. "Not relevant but yes. I'm his kids' Godmother. So-"
"He has kids? Plural? Someone let him score multiple times?" Stu gave with a dumbfounded face.
"Twins. Married since 04. So anyways, I wasn't followed but I do have to be quick because I'm already being monitored. Not to mention Gale tracking me. She might have gave up reporting to be Mrs. Riley but she still can find a story out of thin air and she's determined now more than ever to prove Dewey and everybody wrong-"
Stu huffed. "Mrs. Riley? Damn! How much did we fucking miss?"
Billy shook his head. "Okay! We don't have time for this shit!… What's going on? Who are the suspects? What do we need to know?"
You quickly informed him. "Evidence was put in the trunk of my rental car as soon as I got here, making it so I can't leave. 2 girls were killed the way you both killed Casey and Steve. One girl last night like Tatum was..." You almost faltered at the mention of Tatum but released a breath and continued. "My assistant had her throat slit and thrown onto a van in front of the hospital last night. Like Kenny; Gale's Cameraman."
Billy took it in and asked. "Leads?"
"We don't know. It couldn't have been me, Randy, Randy's Wife, Dewey or Gale because we all are present when these kills keep happening." Stu opened his mouth and you grimaced. "And PLEASE do not say partners because if I hear the partner thing one more time my head will fucking explode."
"ACTUALLY...I was going to ask how the victims are related to each other, YN."
"Oh…Olivia was…" You trailed off, unsure how much they should know. Especially with Jill being Sidney's cousin. "They're all seniors at Woodsboro High School except for Rebecca. We can't tie anything together other than they're copying kills."
"Think they'll kill tonight?" Stu mumbled to Billy.
Billy clicked his tongue in thought. "Depends. If they're an impatient teen eager to carve their name into this town; they will. If they're playing the long game, they might skip a night or two to get red herrings…Not too long or they'll get caught." Billy answered matter of factly.
Stu added. "If they're copying us; they'll kill soon. A big one. One that's going to distract people just like you did with the Principal while I entertained my party. Probably just so they can get to YN while everyone's busy."
You frowned. "But they're not killing in order. So we have no idea when the 'final kill' is going to happen or who. They act like I'm not the main target-"
"They're lying." Billy interrupted before looking at Stu. "...So, we do the same shit we did a decade ago. Follow YN from the shadows without getting caught and see who fucks up…Agreed?"
He looked at you and you nodded. What other choice was there?
Stu shrugged. "So…What? We just wait here? Twiddle our thumbs and wait?"
Billy stared Stu down. "Believe me. I'm not happy being around you either after all these years of oeace but this shit needs to be taken care of. Fast."
You almost asked if they really hadn't talked in 10 years but stopped yourself. You quickly went to the door before they could argue.
"The cops will be looking for me any moment if they aren't out already. So Stu, can you text me Billy's number later?"
Stu looked offended. "Why do you need his number? I can be the middleman."
"Don't start this territorial bullshit again, Stu. " Billy mumbled. "...Here. Give me your phone."
You hesitated and Billy impatiently held out his hand. You went to contacts and gave it to him before he typed it in. He handed it back to you as you saw the name 'Vincent's Mechanic Shop'.
"Just tell people I'm a mechanic you go to for car troubles; if anyone asks."
You nodded…You secretly wanted to stay longer and ask questions just as much as Stu tried to earlier but you knew it was a giant risk if you did so. "Thanks…I'll text you both more details later-"
"No texting. Call only." Billy corrected.
You sighed. "I get the reason, but Billy, cell phone companies can recover calls now-"
Stu chimed in. "Then we'll just use code! Like…'Pizza' if there's a kill. 'Extra cheese' if it's someone we know. 'Delivery is on the Way' if a suspect is near you- "
Billy rolled his eyes. "Yeah her texting her mechanic about pizza isn't strange at all."
You anxiously got near the door knowing it had been past 5 minutes talking to them. "Look, I don't have time for this! We'll call when we're alone and discuss it as vaguely as we can over the phone-"
"Wait. Where are you staying?" Billy asked.
You faltered with your hand on the door.
Billy sighed with an eyeroll. "...YN. If it's at Dewey's or Randy's; I'm not going after them. Why would I risk getting caught killing those 3 after 15 years when we have bigger problems? Besides, it's not a huge town and I grew up here. Not hard to find people."
You remembered Hollywood. Them sleep deprived and mentioning killing Randy and Dewey just to 'make sure' they weren't the killers. How he said the same thing AT FIRST until time went by and they got more impatient and soon they went back to being the two you fought in Highschool; eager to kill anyone from Woodsboro no matter the cost.
You opened the door as Billy yelled your name and simply told him. "I'll call you or you call me." With that, you got out of the room.
You quickly got to your car as fast as you could. Not even giving yourself a moment to breathe as you opened the door and jumped into the jeep to avoid someone slashing your ankles under the car. You locked all the doors and started the jeep to get out of there. But you quickly remembered and whipped around. Not forgetting the horror rule of looking in your backseat. Seeing it was empty before putting your car into reverse to back out and drive out of that parking lot to get back to Randy as soon as possible.
Meanwhile…You didn't notice someone watching you leave…They sat in the driver's seat of an unmarked dark vehicle across the street. Holding up their phone and snapping pictures of you leaving the motel.
They waited till you were half way down the block before they cautiously followed you.
You pulled the jeep onto the curb and opened your door to rush out in park before you even turned the engine all the way off. There you were, rushing up the sidewalk to the front door and cursing that you forgot Randy had the house key with him.
'FUCK!' You thought as you started picking up odd colored rocks and looking under flower pots on the porch. You looked up and your fingers skimmed the top of the door as you stood on your tiptoes. You almost lost hope, trying to think of what to tell Randy before you felt it. A relieved grin formed as you got the extra key from deep behind the doors paneling and unlocked…You turned the key and opened the door right when headlights pulled into the driveway.
You turned around to see Randy pulling in and the cops pulled in down the street. Too late to rush in and act like you were never out here.
Randy got out, carrying a bag in one hand and his keys in the other as he gave you an odd smile. "Uh, watchya doing?"
You forced a smile, trying to calm your nerves. You white knuckled the steering wheel the entire way back and then broke into a sweat trying to find a spare key. Heart sinking at how ungodly close of a call that was as you slipped the spare key in your pocket and swore you'd put it back later. If anyone found out you left, that you went to a motel, that you were meeting two guys there undetected during a murder, that those two guys were the original Woodsboro Killers that actually lived? You might as well kiss your entire existence goodbye.
"Oh j-just waiting on you." You smiled, clutching your arms as a cool breeze blew. "Just thought I'd get some fresh air while I wait. "
"You're sweating??" He muttured.
"Yeah it's why I came out here…You know, just to feel the fall breeze."
Randy gave you a head tilt and scolding expression. "Jeez, you could've turned down the thermostat; I wouldn't mind. Anything's better than outside, alone, at night. Have you learned nothing?!"
"I know, I know! But the street lights are on and it's like 9 so it's not like it's a bustly party or pitch black or 3 in the morning! Besides, I have a weapon."
Randy sighed and opened the door. "Yeah well, one day, maybe that gun won't save you. Just be careful, alright?"
You felt guilty because if he had any clue just how much you've been pushing your safety and luck all these years and just did not even 10 minutes ago; he'd be distraught.
"I will…"
You sat on the couch almost 2 hours after he got back. Randy passed out in the chair from the lack of sleep the night before and had Trick R Treat playing in the background on the tv. Randy complained the Sci Fi channel was severely lacking with reruns already and probably wouldn't even play Horror or Sci Fi Horror during Halloween in the next year or two. 'No wonder streaming is taking over! Who wants to pay cable bills to watch the same 3 movies over and over again?' He grumbled as he put it on earlier. He fell asleep 10 minutes ago while it was almost at the transformation scene.
You were tired too and you wanted to just shut your eyes and forget anything the last few days ever happened. Just mentally shut down and shut your brain off…But you couldn't. You couldn't just ignore the picture of yourself or the very intimate letter burning a hole in your pocket. You couldn't ignore Billy and Stu being alive and back in town and the angst it brought with them. You couldn't ignore the fact you just fired your publisher that you signed your life away to just for her to come up dead and now your future if you survived was like a clean slate. You couldn't ignore how nice it felt to be watching movies with Randy or having coffee with Gale or late night talks with Dewey and it took another killer to do it. Most of all, you couldn't ignore the fact another killer was on the loose and one of you may not be here to see tomorrow if the killer striked soon.
You sighed as you felt your phone vibrate. Getting it off your lap on the blanket you were wrapped in and looking at it to see it was almost midnight. You scrunched your face to see a text.
'Whenever you get the chance can you call me it's about that car part you ordered last week.'
It took you a few moments to register who the hell Vincent was and what he was talking about. Once you did, you instantly sat up a bit. You looked over to Randy, still passed out and snoring with the tv a little too loud.
You didn't want to risk going outside. So instead, you slowly sat up. Inching off the couch and pushing the blanket to the side. Randy made a noise and you froze before you saw him toss his head to the side and continue sleeping. You settled back down and got up. Before you even dared get too distracted; you checked the front door, the windows, went down the hall to the kids rooms, Randy and Karla's. You even checked the bathroom and every closet in the small house. Just to make sure the coast was clear and you could at least go to the garage to talk without something happening to Randy while you were talking. You finally checked the back door, making sure it was locked and jiggling the handle a bit just to satisfy your own sense of security before creeping to the garage. It was the best choice. The big door near impossible for it to open from the outside without a remote or severe damage that you could get help in time. Making it the safest spot. It may not have been as safe as in Randy and Karla's room or the kids room or bathroom but that was just a stone throw away from Randy. At least this was safer than outside but far enough away you could talk low and be relatively unheard.
You didn't fully shut the door from the kitchen leading to the garage; wanting to still be aware of Randy and the house as you left it cracked just enough to peer into the living room where the tv and chair were.
You settled on the step infront of the door and locked at your phone. You hesitated pressing the call button…That stupid letter shouldn't have changed anything or seeing him tonight. The fight you had with him 10 years ago and the terms you both parted ways on should be the only thing on your mind. That and getting this new killer.
You faltered with a frown before taking a deep breath and just doing it.
It took only two rings before he picked up.
"Vince, did something go wrong with that car part?" You cautiously asked in some vague code.
"I'm alone. We can talk."
You nodded, and still spoke in hushed tones. "Yeah, so am I. I'm still calling you Vince…Because you know and not talking about…The past."
"Far enough. It's not the cold war; I highly doubt every call is monitored by the Government or some shit like that. But good job for being cautious. "
"With the murders and me being a suspect, victim and apparently a material witness? It wouldn't shock me if everything is bugged right now." You mumbled while eyeing the garage.
"I would've thought you'd be used to the attention by now and everyone dissecting your every word and watching your every move. I can't turn on my damn tv anymore without seeing your face on it. "
"...Not really. Truth be told, I hate it most of the time."
"Most? So there is a part of you that likes it."
You gave a slight bitter smirk that faded to a frown. "I mean, I don't have to work a 9 to 5. I get to travel. I make decent money. I feel like a complete asshole complaining to anyone because of those 3 reasons."
"Hey, you are an asshole. Hasn't stopped your mouth before." He said as you heard a breeze over the phone from him outside. You sensed no malice in his tone, in fact, if you didn't know any better you'd say he was…Teasing. He continued in a low mumble. "But it's not your job to make people feel better about their shitty lives by censoring your own issues. Life can suck no matter how perfect everything seems from the outside."
You gave a slight nod to yourself. "Yeah…I guess sometimes they can."
You wanted to ask him so much. Details about his life, what his past was really like now that the facade was gone, what he had been doing all this time …The letter.
You paused your thoughts, reminding yourself of the situation. "Listen, Randy is asleep in the other room and I don't want to get caught. So we probably should make this quick whatever you called me about."
"We will. I just wanted to talk without a time crunch and without space cadet interrupting every few seconds...But if you are caught, as far as anyone's concerned, I'm the mechanic for your car asking about a part and we got sidetracked talking about what's happening in Woodsboro with these murders… Although…Not to be like stupid earlier and get off topic but I gotta admit I'm surprised."
"By what?"
"That he got married to someone that wasn't you." He quietly gave. He hesitated as you listened intently. "...Would've thought he would have been crawling back to you by now. That he was your little background husband waiting on the sidelines while you did interviews for your book. Maybe even with one or two little Meeklings running around your lavish home when you got back."
You softly huffed in amusement. "Seriously? No, that wasn't going to happen. I still live at that cabin and Randy lives here where the rest of his family is. Besides, Karla is stunning. Ray adores her and the feeling must be mutual. They're all over each other, it's kind of gross." You joked.
"I would say I don't believe it but then again I was shocked he apparently pulled you at Windsor. So I don't know what that guy has up his sleeve but something is working for him…I take it you're both not flirting with each other anymore? It drove…'Dennis' nuts." He corrected the name.
"We weren't flirting just trying to annoy each other."
"Well, whatever you call it, I'm sure you're boyfriend or husband or whatever is glad that Meek Geek has someone else to drool over."
You shook your head with a weird smirk. "Uhh…There's no man or anyone romantically in my life…Are you asking-"
"NO." He answered harshly. "That simp I'm bunking with was wanting to know. Not me."
You lightly rolled your eyes. "So you weren't a little curious with all this probing?"
"Nope. Just small talk."
You sighed and muttured. "No, I'm single and childless. I haven't even considered anyone since Mark."
"...The Detective?" He asked in a soft tone.
You hummed in response, frowning to yourself as you whispered.  "It's for the best. People close to me get hurt. They die…Marriage and kids and that life Randy picked or even what Dewey and Gale got to have was never in my cards. You said it yourself last time we saw each other."
The line was silent for a few moments. "...I mean…That was like a decade ago. Things change..."
"Yeah and look what happened? Ten years later and someone is trying to kill me and anyone close to me again." You bitterly gave.
"...Not if I have to be here. I don't care about Randy or Dewey or anyone else but you're not dying on their blade. Not after this much effort." He grumbled.
You almost thought it was chivalry for just a split second, getting sidetracked by how smooth of a conversation this was…But it wasn't long till his words sunk in that you were just territory and the final prize to his kill count. Then you remembered just because he was being sort of pleasant didn't mean he was some old friend to catch up with…Your smile faded and a frown replaced it as you remembered who EXACTLY you were talking to. This wasn't Randy or Mark or Derek or some other old fling or old friend…This was a guy that's choked you, hit you, tried to kill you 3 times, threatened to kill everyone you loved and claimed he was 'helping you' after not seeing each other for 10 years…Lest you forget the names of your dead friends and potential dead friends in that letter and the idea of ever being with him just to not know what he had done. If him and Stu hadn't panicked and tried to kill you before the party, you would have been unaware…If you would have promised to go while walking with Billy; that rainy night at your house would've never happened. You would have gone to the party, been stabbed nearly to death, everyone dead but you and those two…And they would have gotten away with it.
You put your fingers to your mouth in thought as he spoke. You sighed warily and tried to settle onto the concrete step near the door to take a seat. "...Why did you call me?"
"…What do you think?" He replied under his breath.
You looked up in thought and whispered back. "What more is there to talk about? Some maniac is trying to replicate the Woodsboro Murders from 15 years ago."
He paused before drawing out. "...There's gotta be something. Four people are dead and you're telling me there's no leads?"
You rolled your mouth and ran a hand over your face. "Well…Their goal is to keep me here. Before I went to Olivia's house to try and help her across the street, I got a call on her phone…Something about them watching me crash and burn and telling me I'm not as important as I think I am."
You heard him give an unamused chuckle a bit at that. "Jealousy and seeking Fame. Not shocking. They're after the same shit Roman was after. Or maybe even that fuckhead at Windsor. "
You hesitated, almost wanting to ask him more about Roman like how the hell did the talk of murder happen or what happened exactly but you decided it was best not to. Especially on the phone in your current location.
He continued. "Well, we have a motive. You're the survivor, the famous author, the walking talking all American motivational speech and they can't stand it. They kill you, they get famous for your murder."
You raised your brows a bit. "Wow. That makes sense...God. Don't these fuckers get tired? I'm so sick of this being my life every few years all because of what happened. Kind of wish I would have died with Sidney and Tatum if I knew I'd be dealing with this for the rest of my fucking life." You mumbled under your breath with a deep hopeless feeling in your chest.
The line grew extremely silent at that as he cleared his throat. "...Yeah well…Didn't happen. Now, you're gonna have to buck up and get in survival mode till we find the fucker doing this…Gale?"
You shrugged and let your shoulders sag with a sigh. "A decade ago I would say yes but she's been on her best behavior."
"Oh, and what's that?"
"Well, she limits her insults to only one a day per person. She's got a better arsenal of witty comebacks than you do." You joked and you knew he was rolling his eyes. "And she gave up journalism for writing fiction."
"Pft, of what?"
"I don't know, like, fictional murder stories? She's not written too much. Besides, she's never been out of sight while a kill has happened."
"Doesn't fully convince me. In my very qualified opinion; she's a suspect. I'd say she's too old and a female but...But after...Mom...Anyone is a suspect now."
You felt your brows knit together at him being willing to talk about his Mom, even mention her. Yes, it was over a decade but it was also Billy. You were taken aback to say the least.
He continued. "Middle aged woman past her prime. Built her entire life around her career just to sell it off to be Doofus's wife. That's punishment enough. Then add salt to the wound with you being half her age, famous, and a talented author that can out write her when writing stories used to be her job and she clearly can't even do that anymore…Prime suspect. Same as 10 years ago."
You blinked repeatedly at that, softly asking with a slight smirk. "Wow, high praise...You…almost sound like you've read my book?"
The line was silent before he answered harshly. "No. I just know you must be good enough to be famous, conceited. Besides, people will read anything if it has enough promising awful details about a person's life."
You felt your features sag as you monotoned. "Yeah, you might actually be right. My assistant really sold my soul to the whole 'victim for life' message…She basically told me what to write and here I am! So apparently Gale's problem is people don't feel sorry enough for her. Me? All people have to hear is my name and suddenly the murders are all they know and how much I lost and all I get is sympathetic looks my way."
"Oh my God, shut up." He groaned out.
You scrunched your face in confusion at his tone. "What??"
"YN. Seriously, there's nothing more pathetic than someone wallowing in self pity. It's bad enough people pity you without you pitying yourself. I don't know how Randy or Dewey talk to you but I can't stand that whiny bullshit."
You bristled at that. "Oh, self pity. Yeah okay, I'm sure you never ever felt bad for yourself. It was just your entire reason to…Do what you did in the past. Besides, may I remind you WHO made my life like this?"
"Yep. What? You gonna just cry about it for the next 40 years IF you live that long?"
"It's not crying, it's a fact! It's my life. I can't just turn the trauma off! It's daily! You act like my entire life wasn't built around this and what two jackasses did to me." You tried so hard to keep your voice down.
"Because you let it be your life. You use it as a crutch, YN. Because you're scared and living in the 'poor me' mindset is easier than getting through it and living a normal life."
You scoffed louder than you meant to. "Who the hell do you think you are? We haven't spoke in years and you think you know me well enough to give life advice?"
"I'm not arguing with you. Drop it. Pity yourself and be the victim forever. Who gives a shit?" 
"You're a fine one to talk about pity! ALL of this was because you made yourself out to be the victim 15 years ago-"
"You ever think maybe I'm speaking to you from experience, dipshit? That I've been down that road before you were? I was sleeping in abandoned buildings and numbing the pain with anything I could because I was so caught up in my unnamed past and my current situation. Believe me, I'm well aware that years ago I was a fucking mess." He hissed out. "And I'm telling you from personal experience to not let that shit eat you alive and delude yourself into thinking it's who you are and all you fucking have because life is going to keep going whether you like it or not and the only thing keeping you in the past is you. Randy seemed to move on. Dewey did. Gale did….Dennis has. I have. Even if you did go through more shit than Randy or Dewey or Gale did; how long before its all just a bunch of excuses?"
You were taken aback by the conversation…Not really having a conversation like this since you were teenagers. Maybe not even then. Your shoulders untensed as the line was silent…You faltered but just openly said it. "It's not the same because you created this; I just tried to survive. Let's drop it, alright? My life is my life and your life is yours to live however the fuck we both want."
He scoffed at your tone but agreed. "Fine by me. I want to solve this and go back to my life without you two anyways…You said your publicist died and you had evidence planted in your rental car?" He changed the subject.
"Uh huh." You monotoned with a scowl.
"And she was the one with keys to your rental, right?"
"That's where the evidence was found and that isn't suspicious to you? She could have faked her death like that one crazy bitch at Windsor did."
"Yeeaahhh…She was thrown onto a van from a 5th story building parking garage and her throat was slit approximately 30 minutes or so before that…So either she's the best actress and stunt woman to ever live or she's dead."
Your eyes trailed over to the crack in the door and you jolted. Gasping sharply and almost dropping the phone as you saw a dark figure standing next to Randy's chair. You saw the silver knife glimmering in their hand. They bent over the chair and you instantly ran. Leaving your phone and Billy on the other line on the garage step. You ran through the kitchen as you reached into your pocket, towards the open but dark living room with your pocket knife as the figure turned around.
You froze as the figure was revealed to be Randy who yelped at you rushing towards him with a knife. He jumped back in alarm as you froze in the doorway. Realizing the dark figure in the dim room was him in his black pajamas bending over the chair with the silver remote in his hand.
….You faltered. You swore you saw a a cloaked figure and possibly a mask…Maybe it was just your eyes playing tricks on you?...
"FUCK YN! " He yelled out, almost falling backwards over the reclining chair as you held the knife up a few feet away. His eyes were huge and his face contorted in fear and shock. "What the hell are you doing?! It's me!"
You swallowed and quickly put the knife down. You gave him an apologetic look. "I-I'm sorry! I thought…I thought you were the killer!"
"No!" He scoffed, giving you a wary look. "Jesus…"
"I said I'm sorry!"
"Well get some sleep to rest your eyes or something!...When's the last time you've taken your medication?"
You glared at him. "Randy, I haven't seen any hallucinations in years and haven't taken it since."
"...You sure?"
"Yes! I'm fine. You're right, I'm just tired." You mumbled, putting a hand on your forehead and your knife away.
"What were you doing anyways? I got up and you were gone. I thought you were in the bathroom or something."
You closed your eyes and motioned to the garage. "It's fine, I was just…" Your eyes snapped open. "Crap." You ran back to the garage as fast as you could through the kitchen and then through the door. You heard Billy yelling your name on the other line and you quickly hung up.
You whipped around to see Randy behind you in the kitchen giving you a strange look. "Were you… Talking to someone?"
"Uhh- Yeah, my mechanic."  You breathlessly exclaimed before trying to calm down and play it off.
"At midnight??"
"Yeah, my car is in the shop and he had a question about the part. That's all."
He raised a brow. "I thought I heard talking over the werewolf scene…Who is he?"
You forced your way past him, palms sweating and body tense. "No one! Just some mechanic."
Randy smirked knowingly. "Uh huh. Look, if you have someone-"
"I don't."
"I mean, you seem a little flustered over just a mechanic." He mused. "If it's half true and he IS a mechanic filling more than your oil-"
"Randy!" You snapped meaner than what you wanted. Frustrated he was taking your tense demeanor as being flustered and even more frustrated on the fact you had to lie to him. "...I'm not talking to anyone romantically, okay?" You drew out.
"Okay! Just a joke. Besides, if you were, they'd definitely be a suspect...But other than that, it's okay if you were! I'd be glad if you found a partner!" You were silent and Randy's brow rose upward as he gave you a concerned look. "YN…Are you okay? You've been acting strange since we went to Billy's house today…Actually, even earlier than that like since I talked to Karla on the phone at the coffee shop. I came back and your entire demeanor changed."
You felt guilt weighing on you. Guilt you hadn't felt since Hollywood. You forced a soft smile. "I'm fine, really. I'm sorry for freaking out. I guess the stress is getting to me more than I thought."
He eyed you, clearly not convinced but accepted it. "Well try to get some sleep. Do you need me to sleep in the chair or-?" You noticed him wince when he moved his neck a certain way and you instantly smiled and shook your head.
"No, I'm fine. Go to your bed and get some sleep."
"Okay, if you insist. I'd offer for you to bunk with me but it's a full and we've been looking for a Queen and-"
You held up a hand. "Ray, it's fine. Really. No offense but I'm not waking up tomorrow to you laying on me with morning breath. I have enough of that at home when I wake up with Cherri wanting outside."
He quirked a sideways grin and stretched to walk away. "Alright, alright. Get some sleep…And I swear to god if I wake up to you hallucinating and hovering over me with a knife-"
"Good night, Ray!" You called out. "Besides, you have PTSD too so how do I know you aren't going to do that to me?"
He mumbled incoherently under a yawn and went to his room. You smiled and waited a second before looking at your phone to see a very not so pleasant text message from your 'mechanic'
'if your not dead fucking answer me'
Any 'code' or 'ambiguous' texting rules flew out the window. Followed by a few colorful insults as you cringed texted back.
'Sorry! False alarm I couldn't call you back because of Randy being in the room'
You expected a text back but got nothing. You rolled your eyes and flopped onto the couch.
"Whatever…" You whispered under your breath as you looked at your phone and sat it on the table. You curled up with the blanket, staring at it.
Deepdown inside….Talking to Billy and Stu when they weren't complete assholes was missed. It hurt knowing when this was all over Randy and Dewey would go back to acting like you were some distant relative they saw here and there instead of the  supposed best friend and found little sister you were to them. You knew people got busy but the more you thought about it...You had been the one to text or call them the last few times and you were touring the country for book signings.
'Stop. They love you. Life just gets ahead of people, that's all...Maybe after this we can work on being there for each other more? Nothing like a funeral to bring the family together.' You smiled slightly remembering Randy said that at Windsor.
You closed your eyes with an exhale through your nostrils. Frowning and curling into the blanket with your knife under your pillow and gun in its box on the floor next to the couch…No matter how much you were cherishing movie nights with just you and Randy like old times or that talk with Dewey in this living room or even that extremely rare slightly pleasant conversation with Billy and no Ghostface voice, threats, screaming insults or potential kill…You still couldn't wait to get the person responsible for all of this and settle it once and for all.
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psi-chic · 8 months
saiki would be SO scared of fnaf
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rainofthetwilight · 8 months
me, having so much freetime today: ooh freetime!! aight time to write fellas!!
*opens notes app*
*finds chapter i still havent even started on properly, a wip of a new fic with a scene i'm stuck writing on, and a draft of a oneshot i didnt even start writing yet*
me: okay that's enough for today
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dilfpassing · 8 months
In a perfect world I'd sit down and make art all day long but unfortunately I am afflicted with executive functioning issues and many mental illnesses which prevent me from using my leisure time productively
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