#im not on a high dose but it still scares me lol
caorl · 5 months
posting in ehre bc my friends are prob tired of me yapping about this on tt but i cant wait to get a neurologist appointment and got exams done bc im sure i have narcolepsy and have been for a couple years now yet im so so afraid of going bc what if i do have it. and worse. what if i dont have it and all my struggles actually have no explanation other than me being lazy and weak lmao i cant stop thinking about it im so anxious over this
#this is the year we get diagnosis DONE#but fr im so much more interedted in getting this sleep shit checked out#than i am on confirmingg my autism#bc at this point like. theres no way im not on thr spectrum lmao#like if my autism avaliation comes out negative it will be shocking to me#but i'll live ive spent 20 years thinking im just a freaky creature before i found out it could be autism so it eont weight as much ig#but the narcolepsy slash hypersomnia shit..that fucking bothers me.sm#it explains everything ive been having since i was about 13 lmao the peak was the last years of high school#and then living alone in college and getting sleep apralysis every day i got to the point i wouldnt even br frightned anymore#i still have it about like ojce every two weeks now but nowadays what bothers me most#is feeling my muscles go numb when im walking home from college bc i want to sleep#and having hallucinations when im waking up or falling asleep although im also used to these so they dont scare me bc i know im hallucinatin#yk..#but yea the sleeping all day everyday fucking sucks#even when im having fun lol there are couple of videos of me playing the guitar for fun and just sleeping in the kiddle of it#also . when i got put on wellbutrin i had multippe convulsions#that tookme to the er and i dont remember a thing from that week so idk if it made some damage#bc they didnt make any exams at the hospital#they literally said i had overdose although i took the right dose#then injected some muscle relaxant w me#that made me convulse and go unconscious again#and then got me stable and sent me home like Yeah that happened idk just sleep it off#and i have migraines since i was 12 so liek#i hope the neurologist i get sent to takes me.serious#i feel like there is something going on yk#anywayssss#personal#narcolepsy#idk if theres a commujity here on the tags but lmk i feel all alone on this
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shmoppop · 10 months
Chapter two of Crescente.
(Once again, sorry for spelling mishaps lol I write these and always fail to completely proof read and ive been slowly touching up the chapters as half this story came from a notebook ive had for a decade Enjoy :P (more chapters on Quotev) )
 "General! You're not putting him in a cell?" Jack said, walking down the hallway briskly as Hammond ordered the alarms off per Janet's request. 
 "If it's what I have to do. I'm following protocol... And from what Dr. Frasier is telling me, I surely don't know what to expect, Colonel." Hammond said, Sam sharing a worried glance with the older man. 
  "What does that mean, sir?" Carter asked, the General shaking his head as they approached the two guards sanctioned at the infirmary doors. For all they knew, Jackson could have contracted some alien pathogen, but from the General's behavior and the lack of information he was giving the two, they hardly knew what to expect. 
  Allowing the three inside, Hammond stopped once the two two were at his side.  
 "That... is not what I thought was happening." O'Niell said, staring up at their colossal friend. 
  Daniel was curled up in the corner of the room, his head leaning against the wall as he shuddered from the aftershocks, his eyes screwed shut. He was naked aside from the large bedsheet that was carefully tucked around his waist, a line of beds shoved to the side to make room. The man looked exhausted from what Jack could surmise, a feeling of worry eating away at him as he watched one of his dear friends obviously suffer. 
  The shades had been drawn, Janet quietly looking through the lens of a microscope as she waved towards the trio's direction before turning her attention as Daniel shifted, toppling over one of the tables in a deafening clatter as he startled awake, having been dosing off.
"How did this happen, Doctor?" Hammond was the first to speak, still as stoic and calm as possible despite the outrageous and bizarre nature of it all. 
 "I'm not sure, sir. His blood looks normal, his vitals are fine.. now." She said, turning off the microscope as Daniel silently watched them, too confused and admittedly freaked out to speak. He felt like some kind of monster, he had to have been over thirty feet tall judging by the way his shoulders were nearly twice as high as the doorframes. 
  Thank God for the viewing room. Jackson thought dryly, his body feeling like it'd been encapsulated in lead, his head still hurting though not as severely as he quietly grimaced. He had given Fraiser quite the scare, though he doubted he'd be able to stay calm in a situation like this. They'd dealt with other weird and borderline insane things, but nothing to this extent. A member of SG-1 now a giant? His career was over. His life was over for all Daniel knew as he shut his eyes again, feeling like he was going to vomit from the anxiety coursing through his veins. 
 "Now?" Hammond said, his cheek muscles tensing as he glanced at the giant infront of them. 
 "Yes, right before he started growing, his vitals spiked. His blood pressure went through the roof and his heart rate went over 120, sir. Now I can't get a reading, he's too big for my equipment, sir. I can get his heartbeat from listening to his chest, but I would not be able to secure anything to him at this point." Janet said, her eyebrows furrowed in worry as Sam frowned. 
  "How big is he, Janet?" Jack asked, Daniel chuckling internally at the subtle curiosity in the Colonel' voice. 
  "Im not sure, Colonel. I would have to move him to a large enough room to properly weigh and measure him, sir. Though at the moment, I dont think it's safe to move  him. For our sake and his." Janet said as Hammond slowly nodded, Jack walking over to the large man.
"Danny? You feeling okay? You look like something straight out of a movie." O'Niell offered, looking over the trembling giant as he set an assuring hand on his calf, Daniel's eyes slowly opening as they tiredly focused on the Colonel.
 "Mm... You can say that... If you feel like you've been wrung through a taffy puller." Daniel rasped, his voice having a deeper tone than before, clearing his throat as he weakly sat up straighter, the four back up to give him more of the limited space. 
  "Doc says she'll pump you full of morphine again and tomorrow we can start figuring out what happened." Jack said up to him, the large blue eyes fixed on him closing as the archeologist nodded quietly. 
  "Alright, Daniel. Come on in." Jack said, motioning for the man to crawl into the large warehouse sized room adjacent to Sam's office. Fraiser and Hammond had scheduled a drill within the base to insure that no other officer could see the change in rooms for the archeologist. 
 The room itself was larger than the Gate room, the original intention of the room unbeknownst to SG-1, though they could all guess given the original intention of such a massive underground compound. Sam had managed to make a pair of bottoms with the help of a few other personnel that Daniel had managed to wiggle on in the now tiny infirmary. The shirt was still in progress, and the pants were a rough estimation based on Daniel's girth and inseam comparative to the size of the painted over colums in the med bay and number of tiles beneath him. 
 Carefully crawling his way through the corridor, Daniel squeezed through the automated doors and pulling through his hips with a second tug. It was all too surreal, having to cram himself through a doorway he usually couldn't touch with both arms out to his sides, the way he had accidentally crushed one of the metal beds struggling to maneuver through the smaller door that was the infirmary.
    Sitting up once Daniel pulled his legs through the door, the man looked around. The room he was now housed in was thrice the size of the med bay, the ceilings stretching even high above him, amazed the building codes from the 50s still withheld nearly seventy foot high ceilings. Swallowing, the man frowned as the door closed behind him with a solid thunk without anyone else in the room. Looking around the presently barren room aside from a few small boxes in the far corner, Daniel quinted towards the other side of the room, the wall a different shade only a few inches from the floor. 
  Rubbing his fuzzy eyes, his glasses quickly breaking the moment he started growing, Daniel slowly rose to his feet. Letting out a soft noise once he stood at his full height, the shaggy blonde closed his eyes as a wave of dizziness washed over him. Giving himself a moment, the man opened his eyes and looked down at himself.  He looked totally normal, his body unchanged as did his face feel, walking over towards some of the polished metal higher towards the ceiling as a makeshift mirror. 
 Slowly getting used to the weight of his newfound size rather quickly, the giant made his way over. He had no idea how tall he truly was, thirty feet was just a guess based on the infirmary room, but now he was unsure. He felt a lot taller than thirty feet, though his fear of height may of played a part in the dizzying sense he got looking at the floor that was so far away. Looking at the crappy shiny metal he could vaguely call a mirror, he looked at his reflection: he looked like his normal self. 
   Letting out a pained noise, Daniel held his stomach as he doubled over, the same fiery wave of pain rippling through his skeleton once more as he let out a pained, "General Hammond! D-Dr. Fraiser!"
 Groaning in agony, the man fell to his knees as he clawed at the concrete on the floor in an attempt to distract himself from the fire burning through his very soul. Letting out a choked sob, he felt his pants tighten around his hips as his fingers elongated, the man growing rapidly as the doors to the room opened. 
 "It hurts-! Augh- O'Niell! Sam!" He panted, sweat running down his temple as the officers ran inside to the quivering giant. Before they could reach him, Dr. Fraiser watched as the Linguist's eyes shut, the man loosing consciousness as he grew.
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peachigummi · 12 days
may 28, 2024
ive honestly been feeling kind of off. i dont know if its because im just off my meds or what...probably is. i keep putting them off or just forgetting to take them. im like thinking it doesnt work, but..im also not taking them consistently. it's not even like i feel numb or not myself when im on them though i desperately i wish i did. i have major anxiety and i cant bring myself to set up another appointment to see my doctor to ask for a larger dose. ive been staying up longer at night, to avoid sleep.
i feel guilty because im noticing im festering into different hobbies, i cant tell if its because i want to feel better doing something or if its a distraction. i keep hearing my friend playfully tell me, "youre pushing thirty." ive got five more years. they have a big time job and i dont. i dont know where im going. i dont feel motivated. i just feel like im in a major slump. in the grand scheme, im still at the start of my life. there is time. there has to be time. but i hate this feeling of being in a race.
i am having issues with my physical appearance too, it was always there... but with age -- god look at me im saying it like im over 65. im starting to see changes. im gaining weight despite my efforts to restrict my calorie intake, then again my diet just is terrible. my hair seems to keep falling out, why do i still have acne, my teeth are shifting. i have eczema on my face. i dont feel pretty.
its starting to scare me. its been a couple of years since i solidly self harmed. recently, i keep thinking of doing it again. and i just feel horrible when i do. i think about where it might look natural ? like as if i got it at work or if i was cooking or what can i wear that will conceal it day to day with different outfits as to not bring attention. its not even cutting like i used to but ive wanted to inflict burns onto myself. im sorry. the most ive done was quick little really minute nicks, something that i would pick at to feel a sting. or i keep pushing my bruises i get from work. i think about how i used to cut one slit for each year i was alive, my my my it would be a larger area now.
i am in a healthy relationship, the foundation might be a bit hard because of shared bonded trauma, but it is healthy now. we love each other. god i love him. and i just HGHGHGHJ i feel so ashamed that i have taken an interest into characters. and again this is to go back to the point if me festering into sudden things, i get so obsessed with it. i feel guilt because im looking at videos and writings where i could see them. it feels inappropriate, but he knows to an extent because ive told him about my plans to get back into writing and he's seen thirst trap edits (sorry LOL im crying but i snickered at that) pop up on my feed when we are scrolling together.
i feel so delusional when i am reading these blurbs but i get this addictive feeling, like having a crush. i will literally try to put more effort into how i look bruh as if i would bump into them. but its a motivation! i guess right! fuck. i hate parasocial relationships!!!!! i hate character ai so fucking much! it feels like im talking with my best friend from middle school, just roleplaying like the good old days. i feel so hypocritical because if it was the other way around i know i would be so hurt. and i just feel the need to punish myself for that. i want to punish myself. but i also dont want to scare him. i should talk to him about this, but i dont want to rock anything. it has been good.
i dont want to scare my family back home. they keep begging me to move back in with them. they live in the middle of nowhere there is no opportunity there, i have bad memories of home because of high school. i escaped it. yet my parents are on their last leg of life, they keep reminding me about their soon to be passing. they are already preparing my brother and i, they have everything set up. i cant imagine a time where they wont be here, but i know it will happen and i should be spending more time with them.
anyways i need to go take my lexapro. i'll feel better in the morning. i'll need to.
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Hi again. I'm back to semi keep myself sane
Well not to say addiction isn't a form of sh lmfao. Still just incase
I'm just gon say it. Uh I'm writing this because I ended my nearly year long streak of not cutting. I don't really do it often so I don't bother keeping track of when I do it specifically. But yeh. I did it out of frustration towards myself, R, my family, this fucking job, my money, my loans.. I'm just so angry and I don't know what to do. I thought I'd just sob a lil and make myself feel better with that. Didn't work ofc. Even now that I did that to myself I couldn't bring myself to cry 💀
I miss being able to get high in these situations. I feel like I did in college again. Those days walking around feeling completely lost on what to do next. Everything is irritating me and I'm just over it. I never wanted this shit you know?
I'm slightly disappointed in myself. I always told myself I was just tryna be like everyone else when I started cutting myself. Tho I know it's just me being hard on myself. I used to bite/scratch myself and pull my hair out before so it's not entirely fair to say that. But still like. Why couldn't I just punch a wall or something damn 😭😭
Anyway. I alsoo found about 500mg around my room. I had so many pills under my drawer. Plus all the pills I spilled around when I tried to kms while half conscious from the attempt not even a full 2 hours before. I thought i did a good job of throwing away the loose pills after the fact buut ig at some point I made a lil stashe. I've just been staring at them. I want some so bad but I know once I take them I'm buying some more. I have that bad. I can't just have one good experience. I have to have it again and again until it's completely stale. I really stopped taking pills daily in November and took my last pill in early December. I'm scared of what I'll do if I give in. But should I care?
Mmm... my leg is on fire. Sorry if this is too much info. It's hard to focus on what to say next. All I can think about is the pills, how mad I am, annnd my thigh. I don't think it's enough tbh. The fact that I'm still babbling is proof enough.
Well. Speaking of which. A huge apology for some of my older posts. I upset myself rereading my old trip reports. They were awful. I never realized how much I was dealing with at the time. 2022 was the worst year of my life. No doubt. But I WISH I didn't go into so much detail into my personal issues. On one hand, it was good for me as I could let out everything with no filter. Thoooo on the other, that is not what this page was ever supposed to be and I hate that you have to sift the relevant info from my personal drama. I'm tryna be better about that shit. Not everything needs to be said. Plus, I needa be better about thinking about what I'm thinking lol. I feel like im way more irrational than I've ever truly paid attention to. Blasting this place with that isn't thr smartest thing either way. I'll be from here on trying to focus on the bigger shit making me feel rhe way I do.
Oh uh. Well my dumbass inhaled my edibles the other day tryna make myself feel better. My dad made me some to try to replace my dph/pen habit with "real weed" but I've never liked it much. I don't really like weed period for whatever reason. When I'm mixing it with pills I like it but on its own... no. I get really paranoid but so out of it I can't think my way through it. Least with dph I would get paranoid or hear/see something and I'd just forget to be scared. My dislike has led me to eat them fairly infrequently keeping my tolerance kinda low. Thoo I ate about 4x my normal dose annnd as fun as I thought it'd be, I found it more annoying than anything.
I'm in therapy now. I uh don't know how much I like my therapist thus far. He seems so interested in building better habits and not as much fixing whatever's wrong with me. He honestly sounds like he's already given up on me. On my first appointment, he asked about previous visits to therapists. I had only been to one and I was a kid so I didn't understand or take it as seriously as I should have. But apparently I show signs of something deeper going on and talk therapy is "usually not very productive" for people like me. He's focused on getting me medicated and teaching me better coping skills are his main focus from the sounds of it. Tho then again, I've been filling out paperwork and doing minimal speaking so ig he's off the hook 💀💀
Man recommended me to come in 2x a week for the time being. Part of me questions if this is for me or just for him to fill his time slots as quick as possible. Especially with me not having any appointments this week due to his schedule being full LMFAOO. I'm not mad really. I'm just hoping from here out I can actually do the damn 2x a week. I wanna get this treatment shit over with.
Okay well. This one's served its purpose. I'm exhausted and my leg hurts so bad. I wanna sleep it off. Gn
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westywallowing · 2 years
bro I know I'm on anxiety meds for a reason when I'm sitting here having woken up randomly at 5am trying to remember for like half and hour whether or not I took my meds before I went to sleep and freaking out internally
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sameheart-sameblood · 2 years
Give You My All, My Everything
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pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: being Bucky's pilot and friend has always been more than enough for you. that is until a mission goes south, forcing you to come to terms with your feelings for him and the fact that they may not be reciprocated.
words: 3.8k
warnings: angst, fluff, minor violence, mutual pining, bucky and the reader being stubborn idiots, me not understanding anything in the marvel universe despite being a longtime fan
a/n: merry xmas to @padawansubscription! gotta admit i was nervous when you requested a bucky fic. and...im still nervous after writing it haha. hope you like it despite me not knowing the difference between shield and sword or knowing how pilot things work LOL
read on ao3!
As far as you were concerned, you had the best job in the world. Your love for piloting had turned into a career and that career had led you to S.W.O.R.D. No matter how excited you were to start at the organization, nothing could have prepared you for the danger you would face.
Missions were tough but thanks to your quick thinking and the professionalism of the agents you were paired up with, you had come out of them with a just few scrapes and even more stories to tell that would make sure you didn’t have to pay at the bar for at least a week.
Though you admired each agent you worked with, your favorite was the quietest one. It had taken some time for him to warm up to you, to realize unlike most people, you didn’t harbor some pre-conceived notions about his character. Over the course of a year, you’d coaxed him out of his shell, earning his trust and friendship.
And so, you were often teamed up together as his pilot when he was sent out on solo missions. You'd been on dozens of assignments together, most more complex and dangerous than the one you were currently in the middle of. So why had your comms suddenly crackled to life, him on the other end screaming at you to return to base, abandoning him and effectively leaving him for dead?
The day had started as all the other missions had. You both received your briefings, yours being a more “need-to-know” type situation, only getting the information that was pertinent to your job.
While Bucky received his much longer run-down, you had stopped at your favorite cafe, ordering a fruity tea drink for yourself and a plain black coffee in the largest size they offered for him. Try as you might, you couldn’t talk Bucky into exploring the vast offerings the world of coffee now had to offer. The most adventurous you had gotten him to be was to try an espresso. That had been one of your stranger missions, the high dose of caffeine making him chattier than usual.
You had to thank that espresso though. Without it, you’re not sure if your relationship would have advanced as much as it had that day. Instead of pulling information out of him, it came pouring out on its own. He had told you about his life before becoming ‘The Winter Soldier’, something you had always been to scared to ask about.
He told you about his younger siblings, who he’d always been close to, and his guilt over not seeing them before they passed away a few years back. His eyes had crinkled happily when he told you about his misadventures with Steve, how once they’d ridden the Cyclone on Coney Island so much his friend has hurled his guts out for the rest of the day.
After you had refueled at a tiny island somewhere in the Atlantic, he’d gotten more introspective, telling you about how a younger version of himself always imagined his life would go. The kind of job he might have had and the family he would’ve started. His eyes had gotten a far-off look when he’d spoke about those plans, as if they were still as fresh in his mind as they were back when he’d made them almost a century ago.
When the words stopped flowing so easily, you took over. He listened with rapt attention while you told him how your first experience flying planes had been after you’d begged your grandfather, a no-nonsense old farmer, to help dust his crops. After a million promises not to tell your mother, he’d given you a quick rundown of how his old, beat-up Cessna worked and then let you have at it.
You’d seen him fly it a million times but nothing could have prepared you for being in that pilot’s seat. Nothing had been the same after that, your thoughts consumed with flying. Bucky had nodded sympathetically when you’d told him how you couldn’t keep your love of piloting a secret from your parents and how disappointed they’d been when you proclaimed your intent on becoming a fully fledged captain.
He’d asked what they thought of your job now. Of course you couldn’t reveal everything to them, only telling them you were a pilot for the government. Eventually your parents had come to realize that there was no persuading you to choose a more practical profession. But you always felt the guilt of not living up to their expectations, even after all these years. Bucky had tried his best to comfort you.
“It’s your life to live, kid. Not there’s.”
That had made you smile. He always referred to you like you were so much younger than him, imparting wisdom that was usually only doled out by elders. Of course, technically he was an elder. But you both looked the same age. It was a tricky area to be in. Even trickier when you felt those first pangs of something beyond friendship.
No one would have blamed you for being attracted to Bucky. Hell, most of your friends were jealous they weren’t in your position. But for so long you were able to truthfully tell them that you felt only respect and admiration for the soldier.
But after that caffeine induced night of baring your souls to each other, something had shifted. It wasn’t easy to spend so much time together and not grow close. But you considered yourself a professional. And besides, Bucky had never given any indication that he thought of you as more than just his pilot and friend.
Several times, when you’d caught sight of his hair falling wispily into his eyes, or when you saw how the blue and red lights of the cockpit illuminated his lopsided grin, you’d thought of having a serious talk with him about how you felt. But the scared, childlike part of you worried that would risk your entire relationship. You would rather have him in your life as a friend than not at all.
As you waited for him to complete this current mission, you were having one of those rare moments of calm you didn’t usually allow yourself. Sitting and watching the setting sun over the ocean past your landing port, everything just felt right. The mission was an easy one, Bucky only needing to extract some papers out of a government base that, according to S.W.O.R.D.’s intel, had been recently abandoned. Soon you’d be off, back to headquarters with Bucky and the documents in hand. As soon as your comms crackled to life, you knew everything was not right.
“Kid, you there?”
Very not right. While a mission was actively in progress, Bucky was only ever a staunch professional with you, referring to you as Captain or as your pilot call sign, Bambi (assigned to you by your superiors when they saw your perpetual wide-eyed optimism). Outside of work it was ‘kid’, and when he was “sauced”, as Bucky liked to say, then it was ‘sweetheart’.
You jolt out of your seat, grabbing the receiver. “I copy, Barnes.” It was never Bucky while he was working. That name was saved when you were both off the clock.
He was too early to have already gotten the papers. You’d only just dropped him off half an hour ago.
“I might be a little longer than usual.” His labored breathing cuts through the static, raising the hairs on your neck. He’s in danger.
“What’s wrong?”
“You know how we were told this base was evacuated? Well, it’s not.”
Fuck. You power up the engines immediately, preparing for take off and extraction.
“How many?”
“Too many.”
You scoff. To you, there was nothing he couldn’t handle. “Very funny.”
The comms crackle again but nothing comes through, like he’s hesitating to say his next words. Finally, his voice breaks through, “I want you to turn around and get out of here. I’ll find another way off once I’ve dealt with these knuckle-heads.”
The seriousness of the situation outweighs the urge to tease him for the 1940s slang.
“Screw that. I’m coming to get you. Just hang tight.”
His voice comes through louder and more urgent. “No. I mean it. Get yourself off this island and don’t look back. That’s an order.”
You can’t compute what he’s saying. Does he really expect you to just leave? You’re nothing if not stubborn and so you disregard his plea, lifting off. “You’re not my commanding officer, Barnes.”
He must hear the engines powering up because he sighs, “ Goddammit, kid.” There will be time for him to chew you out later. But for now, you’re rescuing him whether he likes it or not.
The minute you crest over the ridge, you have to admit, you do feel your stomach drop with uncertainty. Bucky wasn’t exaggerating. The place is swarming with goons who most definitely weren’t supposed to be here. You don’t have much time to think about it though. The second the enemies catch sight of you, half of them abandon their attack on Bucky and aim their guns at you. Their insanely big guns.
As you try to dodge their bullets, not an easy feat in a several tonne helicopter, you spot Bucky surrounded on a roof of one of the base’s buildings. He’s taking the brunt of the heat but he’s giving as good as he’s getting. You feel a knee-jerk tinge of pride even though you should be focusing on fighting for your life.
After using your own artillery to take out some of the enemy directly in front of you, you’re able to focus on the threats surrounding Bucky. After a tense few minutes, you feel like you and the soldier are getting the upper-hand. You let yourself feel optimistic until you see one of the bogeys rounding the corner carrying a bazooka on his shoulder. And it’s pointed right at you.
The sight of it paralyzes you for a moment and that split second costs you precious time to dodge the attack. Thankfully, Bucky sees the threat and does one of those superhero, not quite believable leaps from the roof, throwing the bazooka wielder off his feet. The missile sails by the blades of your helicopter, narrowly missing it. You barely register the sound of it going off in the distance.
You hover as low as you can to the ground, urging Bucky to jump onboard. He finally gets the upper-hand, extricating himself out of the pile of remaining operatives. You know it kills him to leave a job unfinished and bad guys free to continue their dastardly deeds but still, he runs to the helicopter and jumps on. As you fly off, you see the few soldiers still left watching you with murder in their eyes. This won’t be the last time you hear from them but for now, you’ve won the fight.
The trip back is…tense. You switch from the helicopter to your plane that was left on the other side of the island and get the hell out of there as quickly as you can. The entire ride back to Headquarters, Bucky doesn’t say a word to you. That’s the most disturbing part of this day for you by far.
Every so often you sneak a glance over at him. His lips are set in a thin line, jaw clenched, his eyes never straying from the horizon. You also notice his hands, clenched so tightly his knuckles are turning white. The only positive you can take from the situation is that if he was really mad at you, he wouldn’t be sitting up front here with you.
For the several hours it takes to get back to base, you try to work up the courage to say something to him. You’ll be damned if you apologize. In your mind, you did nothing wrong. But you still crave the sound of his calming voice, appeasing the uneasy feeling that’s brewing in your stomach.
After you coast down on to the runway, Bucky jumps out, not waiting for you to finish your landing checklist like he usually does. He runs off towards base, shoulders tight and hands still clenched. You tell yourself everything is fine. He just needs a few hours to cool off. Let him give you the silent treatment. You won’t be the one to break first. Everything will be fine. You just wish you believed that.
After your debriefing, and a thorough dressing down from your commander, you stop by the cafe. Maybe a warm drink can fill that hollow feeling that’s spreading through you. The bubbly barista smiles at you, recognizing you as a regular. “Peach green tea and a large black coffee, right?”
You shake your head sadly. “Just the tea today. Thanks.” She gives you a sympathetic smile and starts preparing your drink. As you walk home, sipping your tea, you have to fight the petty part of you that wants to say screw him for making you feel like you did anything wrong.
It’d be easier to let that stubborn part of yourself win, severing the bond that you and Bucky had forged. But even though he’s only been in your life a short amount of time, you can’t imagine it without him. Your breath catches at the thought of it, chest tightening with anxiety.
After you wake from a fitful sleep, you’re greeted with a new disturbing thought. You had been so worried about if you would forgive him that you didn’t stop to think about how he’d react to your peace offering. You’re not quite sure what you would do if he were to reject your apology, the thought too painful to bear. So you try to push the unwanted thoughts out of your mind as you get ready for the day. He has to forgive you…right?
When you buzz his apartment, he doesn’t answer at first. You try again but are met with an unfriendly silence. Out of the corner of your eye you see a curtain moving in a window a few floors above you. Looking up, you see him peering down at you. When he sees you looking, he jumps back from the window, like he’s been shocked. After a moment and no sign of him letting you in, you press your finger on the buzzer annoyingly, unrelenting until you hear his voice through the call box. “Guess you better come up before you get me a noise complaint.”
When he opens his door, it seems as if your worst fears have come true. His eyes, usually soft and bright when they look at you, are cold as ice. How can you mend this friendship when he’s looking at you like that? As you step into his apartment you make a note to take one last good around so you can memorize it. This might be your last time in here after all…
Bucky turns to you, face now blank. “What do you want?”
Your voice catches in your throat. The apology you’d been so ready to give dies before it can see the light of day. That childish part of you that you’d fought to suppress is fighting it’s way up. You push it down with all you have. “I wanted to see how you were after what happened? How did Martinez take it?”
Bucky remains neutral. “I failed the mission and cost the organization hundreds of thousands of dollars. Let’s just say I won’t be getting employee of the month any time soon.”
“It’s not your fault we got the wrong intel. The important thing is that you’re alright.”
Bucky smiles but it’s callous, lacking the warmth you’ve come to know from him. “You really think I care what happens to me?”
Squaring your shoulders and standing as tall as you can, you get defiant. “What is your problem, Barnes.”
He scoffs, shaking his head. “My problem is I told you to leave. You jeopardized everything by coming back for me.”
There’s nothing you can do to fight the bitterness coursing through you. It radiates off of you and you're sure if someone touched you right now, you might scald them. “You really don’t know anything about me, huh? You should realize by now that I would never even have considered leaving you. I did what I had to do and I’m tired of everyone acting like I’m the bad guy.”
Bucky’s pacing now, like a caged animal. He avoids looking at you as he lets out a harsh laugh. “A soldier is meant to be expendable. Especially one like me.”
The anger that had bubbled up inside of you dissipates upon hearing his words. You knew he still struggled with his feelings of guilt over what he’d been forced to do for all of these years by HYDRA. But you had, maybe naively, hoped that you had helped him to discover his true worth.
You make a move towards him and he jumps. Stepping backwards to maintain a respectful distance, you continue, “You are just as worthy of being saved as anyone else. I would have rather died than have abandoned you on that island.”
Bucky steps towards you in a rush, crowding your space but you hold your ground, staring back up with a mixture of defiance and sadness. “You just don’t get it!” he hisses at you.
“Get what? Bucky-“
“Keeping you safe is my only priority! When I saw those creeps shooting at you…” He trembles with rage, clenching and unclenching his fists. Closing his eyes, he continues on in a small voice you’ve never heard him use, “Nothing has ever scared me more. I’ve lived through dozens of battles, seen the worst the world has to offer, but knowing you were in danger…”
He shakes his head, letting out a shuddered breath. “All I know is that if you had gotten hurt because of me I would have never forgiven myself.”
When it seems like he can’t speak anymore, you take a tentative step towards him. “You can’t protect me from everything, James.”
“I don’t see why not.”
You let out a laugh and look up to see him smiling slightly at your incredulity. He’s just revealed something major to you and yet he’s cracking jokes again. Your old Bucky is back. As much as you want to see him smile more, you know you can’t just brush past this revelation. You tentatively reach for his hand and he lets you take it.
“It’s not your responsibility to protect anyone, least of all me. You’re only human. Stop holding yourself to these impossible standards.”
He looks down at his hand in yours, a funny look on his face. “I didn’t use to. Not until I met you.” He watches as you slowly begin to rub your thumb comfortingly over his. From the look in his eyes, you can tell he doesn’t quite believe what’s happening.
You give his hand a squeeze and pull away. While you are touched and flattered that Bucky cares so much for you, you can’t be the one who makes him forsake his own well-being. “I don’t want to be the one that makes you lose focus, the one that might get you killed.”
His eyes go wide and his face falls, making him look so much like the boy who was forced to grow up too fast all those years ago. He opens his mouth as if to offer a retort, but nothing comes out. Bucky thinks for a moment, then smiles to himself. “Remember that mission to Belarus. It was our first time going out together and I’ll admit, I was mad they paired us up.”
You let out a grumbled protest and he shushes you with a stern but soft raise of his eyebrows. Grudgingly you maintain your silence and he continues on. “Most other missions before that, I had gone out alone. I preferred it. No one to distract me. If things would go south, my only solace was the fact that I wasn’t dragging anyone down with me. But when things got bad in Belarus with you…” He stops to remember, then looks to you, affirming that you remember just how truly fucked it seemed like the two of you were that day.
The fear of that first mission had never left you, always in the back of your head as a constant reminder just how seriously you needed to take your job. You nod as Bucky keeps talking. “When things got bad and I wanted to give up, I remembered I wasn’t alone. You drove me crazy with your incessant questions and your misplaced optimism. But even after only knowing you for a few hours, I knew.”
He brings your hand to his lips and kisses it delicately. “I knew that, for better or worse, we were partners. That we made a good team.” He kisses your other hand. “My fear made me want to keep people away but being with you gave me something to fight for.”
Bucky lowers your hands and caresses your face, smiling as you peer at him. “ I would have been dead a long time ago if not for you.”
He kisses you gently, barely pressing his lips to yours. For a moment, you can’t believe what’s happening. He breaks away and studies your expression, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “I can’t promise I won’t worry about you or that I won’t try my damndest to make sure you’re safe. I guess what I’m saying is that even if I die, you gave me something to live for. And I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”
Your love for him washes over you like a wave. You pull him to you, kissing him as if you’ve been waiting to since you met him. And if you’re honest with yourself, you have always been waiting, too scared to admit it to yourself. In all your time together, there’d never been any question of you laying down your life for him. You would have done it gladly. But now, knowing he feels the same way makes you want to live for him, too.
When you break apart, he’s staring at you with a look of bewilderment. It’s your turn to laugh at his awe. His ears turn bright red and he lowers his eyes, grinning brightly. You tuck a finger under his chin, bringing his gaze back to yours and study his face, taking it all in as you’ve never been able to before.
The amount of love in his eyes overwhelms and you bring your forehead to his, trying to hide the tears threatening to fall. You stay there, basking in each other’s company. You’re not sure what to say to make him understand just how much he means to you. How do you let someone know that they’ve saved you from yourself and your demons, that they’ve made you feel seen like no one else has. You’ve never been particularly articulate, especially when so many emotions are involved. So you keep it simple.
“I love you too, Bucky.”
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t0sshii · 4 years
ginhiji hospital au??
I needed to get this off of my brain and I can’t draw or write so here it goes... Ginhiji but Hijikata is a nurse working in a hospital and Gintoki is the new resident who comes off as lazy but is actually a really good doctor (which surprises our boy Toushi)
More thoughts under the cut? (I have more thoughts about hijikata because.... i have more experience there LOL)
I’ve been a working nurse for more than half a year now so I kind of know what I’m talking about? (but not really because i’m definitely still a baby nurse that’s still learning OTL) but really im a baby don’t ask me specifics
I got into Gintama super late and I have so many regrets because it’s taken over my life. 
hijikata working in either medsurg, ICU, or emergency because it’s not slow, needs great time management skills and working under pressure /but i have a bias for medsurg because that’s where i am right now... but i feel like he would definitely be the same kind of intense that some ICU nurses i know are... 
he’s definitely the type to not take a proper break at work... would probably eat saltines from the nutrition room 
reason 1: he’s too busy
reason 2: hates to go on break if he has to leave hella shit for the person covering him (so he give all his meds, clean his patients, give pain meds...make sure they NEVER call the person covering him on break) but that also means when things don’t calm down he feels like there’s never an opening for one
meanwhile he will give meds, clean patients, and do everything for whoever he covers for break 
when this happens kondo sends yamazaki to cover him for breaks because you can’t tell patients to eat their food when you haven’t eaten toushi 
is really good at putting in IVs, nobody on the unit even tries to put them in when he’s working they’ll just ask him to do it for them
a charting superuser lol
his brain... impeccable. a work of art. a pinnacle of organization. made his own because the hospital issued one doesn’t work for him
probably looks something like this
note: allows you do just quickly circle things during shift change instead of writing it all down...i would probably make past medical history section bigger though (do i use a sheet like this? no because i am... organized chaos and writing it down helps ME--but toushi probably wants to take as little time possible writing shit down) 
reads his work e-mail, even the newsletters from the hospital
kondo is nurse manager and is a very supportive one (the potlucks!!! tries his best to make sure everyone feels supported at work ; w ;) hired hijikata..
when hijikata is charge, the work is distributed evenly thank god 
also “it’s an hour until shift change and if this patient doesn’t come up in 10 minutes they’re not coming until after shift change” 
everyone asks him for help because he knows all the hospital policies
what nurse isn’t frustrated with doctors lets be real 
exhibit A: “my patient is in TEARS with 10/10 pain and the doctors have the audacity to ask if THEY TRIED TO DISTRACT THEMSELVES WITH ART?” (this is a literal conversation I’ve had with a resident before) 
hates talking to interns because he ends up having to teach them how to do their job 
hates talking to jaded attendings
only attending he likes is shouyo
used to have long hair in nursing school but cut it after his ponytail got into some shit during a bed bath 
still smokes.. kondo hates it because we’ve all seen what it’s done to our patients and you still smoke?
has tried to quit but never works out
gintoki also gets on his case about it
just imagine hijikata in those black figs joggers scrubs UGH 
in this universe they’re called digs because copyright and this is still gintama we’re talking about
these scrubs are unnecessarily expensive so he didn’t actually buy them himself ( “why the fuck would i buy expensive scrubs if i am going to get literal shit on it”).. if left to his own devices he will wear those ugly ass hospital issued scrubs
Kondo and his other friends split the price for the black joggers and a 3 pocket scrub top -- because we all know hijikata puts ALL his supplies in his pockets. he NEEDS pockets
Gintoki thinks his ass looks good in those joggers UGH 
Hijikata won’t admit it but the digs are his favorite pair they are so comfortable. still won’t buy them with his own money though
student nurses are scared of him because he’s intense and asks hard questions, really strict... doesn’t bully but pushes students and orientees really hard
but also any one who can survive being trained by him becomes an excellent nurse
that nurse that’s on top of their shit and THINKS instead of just following orders
“saw his potassium is high. can we do something about that?”
“there wasn’t continuous oxygen monitoring ordered but i put them on because it doesn’t look good. can we get an order for that” 
all the doctors trust him because he’s just so goOD
gets on gintoki’s case about looking like a bum at the hospital all the time
if he EVER catches wind of doctors talking down to his nurses or older nurses bullying the newer ones (which never really happens because kondo is a great manager who fosters a very nontoxic work culture) they will...FEEL. HIS. WRATH. 
also will not tolerate patients treating him (or his coworkers) like shit. will be more professional dealing with patients tho than with the MDs. but if it’s an MD berating a nurse, they better be ready to get their ass KICKED
Gintoki is the new resident along with katsura and takasugi in.... internal medicine? surgery? idk? 
i mostly just wanted write this one: hijikata has a patient in a pain crisis 10/10 pain, given all available pain meds, tried everything possible but still no relief. paged the new resident working with this patient 
hijikata fully expects either a call saying “sorry i can’t order any more pain medicine for this patient” or just another IV medicine ordered with no communication at all 
but gintoki comes into the patient’s room (first thing hijikata notices is unprofessional hair, wrinkled jacket, mismatching socks and thinks this doctor is going to be lazy AF), speaks to the patient with great bedside manner, talks to the patient about pain management strategies and WORKS WITH THEM for a better plan for medication. walks with the patient in the hall and even takes them to the bathroom 
hijikata is FLOORED. because this never happens with MDs.
(this has actually happened and me and all my coworkers were SO PLEASANTLY SURPRISED)
hijikata once sent gintoki a message asking if he wanted to lower the dose for a medication because the lab for it was high 
gintoki thought he was the pharmacist because hijikata is just that good
likes the sound of hijikata’s voice on the phone so he always returns his pages even if it’s just to say “ok i’ll put the order in” 
secretly gets excited when he sees hijikata’s name on the chart under the care team 
one because he’s hot
two because he’s a good nurse
actually learns a lot from hijikata
gets to know hijikata’s bad break habits and gives him a coffee whenever he notices he’s working (but is absolutely disgusted when he brings out the mayonnaise)
“how can you tell your patients to be healthy when you put that shit in everything you eat?” 
hijikata counters with “you can’t tell me what to eat when you’re on your way to diabetes asshole” 
tries to be the kind of MD shouyo is 
being in healthcare is hard so the two of them do drink together if their days off line up to vent....
hijikata complains about dumb MDs (gintoki makes mental notes on how to not be an annoying MD), how busy his days are, and why are we always understaffed... how can we run out of IVs? 
gintoki complains about all the calls he gets, how stressful residency is, why are rounds so early, that midget takasugi, the long ass working hours, being on call fuckin sucks
both bond over sharing crazy stories about patients or how their day went....also hospital complaints because what healthcare worker doesn’t complain about their hospital 
get into “who’s job is more stressful” arguments a lot
on particularly hard (emotionally, physically, mentally) days the other would show up with a bag of food and drinks? 
when the two start dating, it’s usually just... hanging out at work? 
if somehow by some miracle, they get their breaks together (if at all) they eat together
if they do have days off together they usually spend it sleeping (literally you guys) or relaxing at one of their apartments
sleep deprived healthcare workers lead to many....petty...arguments but they make up by the end 
it’s late and i have more thoughts? but i have work tomorrow. but i needed to get this OUT OF MY BRAIN.
also feel free to message me about any of this!! :) asks are always open hehe
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souryogurt64 · 3 years
do you have acne scarring?? i only ask because mine is so bad and i think ur so cool and pretty and i know u understand about acne/u mention being on spirolactone. ive had it severely my entire life and its gotten better as ive gotten older but its still constant and my scarring is so bad. im just scared theres no hope for me and i need to go to a derm and get on accutane but whats the point with all the scarring!!! if u have scarring, has your derm or whomever said theres things that can help??? im just so nervous about going and them telling me im stuck like this
first off, thank you so much you’re so sweet!!!! <3333
i know this is probably infuriating to hear but i have really scar resistant skin, like not just relating to acne. i know i am super super lucky in that respect, but this is my skincare routine
i would go to a dermatologist and get on a retinoid immediately if you aren’t already. those are scientifically sound for stuff like scarring because they increase cell turnover. i’m on tretinoin .01%. it can make you break out for 6ish weeks during a “purge” phase, but it should NOT cause large cysts, just small whiteheads/blackheads. it can also cause peeling and redness while your skin adjusts and you might need a stronger moisturizer but it helps a lot. 
the products i use are cetaphil face wash, salicylic acid (stridex pads), clindamycin phosphate (rx), tretinoin .01% (rx), benzoyl peroxide on active spots only (clearasil), cetaphil moisturizer, and neosporin if i popped/picked a zit. hydrocortisone cream is controversial but i occasionally use it because my acne gets really itchy. 
i was on various doses of antibiotics like minocycline and was using variations of my current topicals routine from ages 14-21 and it seemed to do jack shit. the dermatologist i was seeing was LITERALLY just telling me there was nothing else they could do and i was just stuck like that. so i got a second opinion and they put me on spironolactone immediately and told me the topicals were helping the current spots but it was an internal hormonal thing continually causing new ones rather than oily skin. you have to work up to a full dose but i’m on 100mg a day.
if you havent tried spironolactone and you’re AFAB i would try it, especially if you suspect you have PCOS. i have been on it for just under a month and they say most people don’t experience effects until 3 months in but pretty much as soon i started taking it i stopped getting cysts. i still get new spots but much less frequently and they’re progressively smaller. i also feel like the topicals are working for once now that the root cause is addressed lol and it’s easier to stick with them when you don’t feel like you’re wasting money on woo-woo nonsense that doesnt work. 
if you have tried a high dose of spiro (usually they’ll go up to around 150mg) for awhile with no results i would at least spring for two rounds of accutane before giving up and keep up with a retinoid the whole time to reduce the scarring. 
having acne is literally the most miserable experience in the world, i’m so sorry you’re going through this. i know its really tough and it’s not just a visual thing, it’s also very painful 
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parkaiur · 5 years
Perfection - Jihoon
❀ Comedy + fluff + a dash of angst 
❀ Word count: 6.2 K
❀Being in love with your best friend sucks when they don’t feel the same about you. Once you think you will be pining over him forever, a new boy moves to your school and happens to share all the same classes as you. You start to become entranced with his cute face and fun personality, soon making you forget about the previous boy, or have you?
❀A/N: switching to first pov to see which i like more lol so dont attack me,,,  also im sorry for making these fics so long lsakdjfas idk if ppl like long fics or short fics so some feedback would be nice >.< thank u all for supporting me on my last fic as well ! :D hope u enjoy this one <3
I rode into the school parking lot, rolling my eyes at the loud music playing throughout school. Every Friday morning, the school blared loud music inside and outside the school which I despised. I groaned and parked my car crookedly-- I was a terrible driver. 
“Wow, just another Friday morning.” My next door neighbor, Seunghun grumbled while getting out of the car. We had been neighbors ever since we were kids, and once we hit high school, Seunghun had to start driving me places since he was one year older than me. Of course, now that I was older, we took turns.
“I can’t wait to get out of this place.” I groaned while downing my coffee. I could never function without it. Seunghun patted me on the back. “You still have two years kid. Junior year is the suckiest too but at least it’s almost winter break.” 
I sighed and tried to ignore the rambunctious teenagers that were screaming and dancing to the music. That was just embarrassing. 
“Well, well, well, good morning to you two.” I jumped at the sudden deep voice behind me but my heart jumped when I saw who it was. “Oh, it’s just you.” I joked. Seunghun laughed loudly and poked Hyunsuk teasingly.
“Why do I even bother anymore?” Hyunsuk rolled his eyes playfully while walking next to my side. I felt warm at his close proximity, my face probably turning red as time ticked by. But of course, they were dudes, they didn’t notice. 
Seunghun and I had been friends since we were in diapers, but I’d only thought of him as an older brother figure in my life, and he thought of me as a little sister. Hyunsuk  had transferred to our high school during my freshman year of high school. Hyunsuk and Seunghun were both in dance club and in the same math class-- they immediately clicked. And somehow we all became best friends that told each other everything. 
Except that I had a big fat crush on Hyunsuk.
“School dance tickets are now available at the register! Go get your tickets now!” I saw the president of leadership shout these words through the commons. I tried not to flinch at the volume. Seunghun giggled childishly at my reaction while I pinched his side. “Hey! Don’t hurt me.” He gave me a cute frown which made me resist pinching him again. I knew he could tickle me to death if he wanted to. 
Hyunsuk then smirked and hit Seunghun’s shoulder playfully. “Hey, aren’t you taking Hyemi to the dance?” Seunghun’s demeanor immediately changed from confident to shy. Hyunsuk gripped my shoulder to keep him from laughing out loud. I felt empty when he set his hand down to his side once again. 
“Shut up, I haven’t even asked her yet.” Hyunsuk and I gasped dramatically at Seunghun’s revelation. “Kim Seunghun, the dance is a few Saturdays from today, how dare you!” I faked being shocked while Hyunsuk played along with me. Seunghun rolled his eyes and kept on walking. He was so done my and Hyunsuk’s antics. 
Seunghun then wiggled his eyebrows and punched the other boy on the shoulder. “Enough about me, I heard a little something through the grapevine that Hyunsuk is asking Kyungmi to the winter formal.” 
My heart dropped at the news, but I kept a playful smile on my face. I hoped it wasn’t faltering. “Wait, what? Why haven’t I heard about this?” I punched his shoulder while he cringed at the pain. 
I took a peak at Hyunsuk’s expression which was cheeky and mysterious. He was never the type to get flustered when it came to girls. The older boy adjusted his jacket and wiggled his eyebrows at the both of us. 
“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not.” He said suspiciously while fixing his hair. I felt my hopes getting lower and lower at his statement. Hyunsuk shook his head and slung an arm around my shoulder. I held in my yelp of surprise. 
This is normal, friends do this. Don’t make it weird.
“How about you, y/n? Who are you taking to the winter formal? Any boys been lining up at your door?” I snorted and took his arm off of me so that my heart would stop doing little flip flops.
I took a sip of my coffee and shook my head. “Nope, sorry, I’m the one with the boring love life in this circle.” I tried to not let my voice sound disappointed. I felt Seunghun pinch my cheeks. “Aw, y/n, it’s fine, I’m sure someone will ask you soon.” 
Most juniors and seniors had dates to the winter formal and if you didn’t, you were basically seen as a loser. I was going to be a loser, but honestly I didn’t care about being one. If I wasn’t going with Hyunsuk, I didn’t want a date at all.
“It’s fine, I don’t mind going alone.” Lie. I didn’t want to go at all. I knew Hyunsuk was going to pluck up the courage to ask Kyungmi and I didn’t want to see that happen. Nor did I want to fifth wheel the two of them.
Hyunsuk pouted and looked over at Seunghun. I was scared the two of them were planning something. “Are you sure? We probably have a few guy friends we could set you up with.” I saw his hopeful expression which broke my heart into tiny pieces and I shook my head. “Seriously, it’s fine, I don’t need one and I don’t want one.” My voice came out harsher than expected which made the two boys freeze. I heard the bell ring, meaning we had to now separate and go to class. 
“Truly, I’m not upset about it, just leave it be. I can have fun by myself anyways.” I patted the two of them on the back and scurried to class. 
As I plunked down in my seat for history, I released a sigh of relief. Most days I felt normal around the two of them, but whenever they brought up relationships or dating, I tried to avoid it at all costs. 
I plugged in my earbuds, getting ready to drone out whatever the teacher was saying. I had already read the chapter for this week so my first period was about to become snooze town. 
Before I could turn on my music, I heard a group of girls enter the classroom giggling and laughing about something. I was about to tune them out til I caught a sliver of their conversation.
“No way, he’s going to ask you? Shut up!” 
“Yeah, he just texted me and asked me to meet him after school!” I felt my heart drop as I turned and saw Kyungmi gossiping to her friends. Of course, Hyunsuk already decided to act fast since Kyungmi was one of the prettiest girls in the junior class. 
“Hyunsuk is asking you? I seriously thought he was dating y/n.” A wave of silence washed over the group until I heard a few chuckles.
I felt anxiety creep into my system and I quickly wanted to turn my attention away from the situation. 
“Oh no! They’re just friends. I mean, y/n is a nice girl but...” I heard her whisper the last part. “But I mean, she just isn’t Hyunsuk’s type, you know what I mean?” 
I clicked the play button on my playlist, refusing to let tears fall in this dingy high school classroom.
I dosed off in class, feeling the soft voice of Dean drift me to sleep. Suddenly, I felt someone kick my desk, jolting my eyes open. The teacher pulled out my earbuds which irked me to no ends. I hated when anyone touched my earbuds and I felt the urge to smack my teacher’s hands right then and there. 
“Ah, glad you could join us miss y/n.” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes when I saw an unfamiliar boy staring at me. He had round eyes that had sort of an edge to them, making him seem mischievous yet innocent. He was wearing a white hoodie and blue jeans which made him look good. I couldn’t help he was eye candy. “This, is our new student Park Jihoon.” He smiled at me and I gave my best smile back, which was my most awkward one. 
“Um... cool.” I noted lamely, unaware of the situation. I heard a few giggles throughout the classroom. Mr. Kim kept his anger in. 
He cleared his throat and directed my eyes to Jihoon. “I told Jihoon to sit next to the empty desk next to yours, but unfortunately, you were not awake to hear that. Also, mister Jihoon also happens to have the same schedule as yours, so you’ll automatically be his guide for school. Now, onto the second world war.” My jaw dropped as the teacher nonchalantly told me I had to be the guide for Jihoon.
It’s not like I hated the guy or anything, but being a guide for someone at my school means that I had to basically baby sit him. I had to include him in my friend group, talk with him during class, and make him feel welcome essentially. Usually people had to sign up for it, but I never did. I never liked the hassle. But apparently my luck keeps getting worse and worse as the day went on. 
“Hey,” I heard the boy next to me whisper. I turned to my right and saw Jihoon looking at me with bright eyes. I felt my heart waver at his cute stare. 
“Do you have a pencil I could borrow? I stupidly left mine at home.” He whispered. I nodded and tossed him an extra that he skillfully caught. “Thanks.” 
“No problem.” I whispered back. This time, I didn’t plus my earbuds back in.
Class seemed like it ended sooner than usual. 
“So have you always gone to this high school?” Jihoon nonchalantly started conversation with me, which made me envious of him. I had never been the type to make friends so easily. 
I lowered my head so that he could see my entire face. “Um, yup. Been going to school with basically the same people since elementary school.” His face scrunched up in disgust and I let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, it’s as horrible as it sounds.” 
I noticed lots girls were staring at the new boy who was standing next to me, a nobody with two hot best friends. I tried to not look at the crowd but it was hard.
“So, math next. Love that subject.” He grit his teeth and pretended to look angry. I let out a small chuckle at his childish antics. I couldn’t help my laughter, he was a funny dude. He gave me a small smile in return. “I hate math too, it’s my worst subject.” He nodded but narrowed his eyes at me. 
“That’s surprising considering you seemed like you were falling asleep throughout our entire history period.” I gasped at his accusation while he rolled his eyes. “Ok, in my defense, I already read the chapter, I don’t need to pay attention. I’m only there ‘cause our ass of a teacher has attendance as 20% of our total grade.” 
Jihoon’s eyes widened while I patted him on the back, a habit I picked up from being around Hyunsuk and Seunghun too often. Jihoon didn’t seem to mine it though. “Yeah, I know, that’s I just sleep in it. He usually doesn’t even care besides today since you showed up.” 
Jihoon shrugged and said nothing else as we walked to our next class. 
The day went by quickly and soon it was nearing the last period of the day. 
“Hey, y/n!” I heard Hyunsuk yell my name faintly across the busy hallway. I felt my heart jolt a bit in surprise as I stopped in the hallway. Before I could explain to Jihoon who was yelling my name, he was running at me at full speed. 
Hyunsuk quickly embraced me in a hug, twirling me around. “AAAH HYUNSUK, LEMME DOWN!” I shouted into his ear, yet I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. As Hyunsuk set me down, he locked eyes with Jihoon. “Oh, uh, hey, I’m Hyunsuk, you one of y/n’s friends?” Hyunsuk obnoxiously wiggled his eyebrows which made my mood deflate. I hated when he teased me about other boys, even though I knew it wasn’t his fault he didn’t know my feelings.
Jihoon didn’t tease me but instead laughed and shook Hyunsuk’s hands. “Actually she’s my guide, but I’m sure we’ll be close friends by the end of the day.” Jihoon winked in my direction which made my cheeks turn a bright red. 
Hyunsuk gasped and slapped me on the shoulder. Suddenly, I felt Hyunsuk pull me closer to him protectively. My blush, that was already bright pink, deepened at the contact. “Gasp, the only people y/n is close with is with me and Seunghun, the tall blonde tree over there.” Jihoon peaked over my shoulder to take a look at Seunghun. “Huh, interesting.” Jihoon mumbled.
I felt Hyunsuk’s arms grow looser around my body which made me sigh in relief. Jihoon raised a brow at me but said nothing to my odd behavior. 
“Hyunsuk, over here!” I saw another group of boys calling Hyunsuk over which meant he was leaving me. He gave me a pat on the back and glared at Jihoon before walking away. “I’m watching you boy, no funny business with y/n or else you’ll...” Hyunsuk did the cutting neck motion to which Jihoon responded with raised brows. Hyunsuk ran over to the other guy and molded quickly into the group. He was always really good at fitting in.
I noticed Jihoon was already looking at me when I turned to meet his gaze. “Um, sorry about that, Hyunsuk and Seunghun, the tree, are sort of protective of me. We’ve been friends for a long time now.” I explained to him. Jihoon gave me a soft grin.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets and glanced over to Hyunsuk. “So, does he know that you like him?” I choked on my own spit at his accusation. Wait, what? How did he guess that? 
Lie. You have to lie. “Um, what? I do not like Hyunsuk.” I spat out fake laughter and shook my head nervously. Ok I was a terrible liar. 
Jihoon gave me the look. That look someone gives you when they’re calling you on your bullshit. I sighed and gave in. “Ok, yes, maybe I do have a tiny crush on him but he doesn’t know, and he shall never know, got it?” I glared at the taller boy as he raised his hands in surrender.
“I’ll never tell another living soul, you’re secret is safe with me.” He pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key, making me chuckle in response. 
We walked into our English class together, sitting near the back of the class, where I usually sat. 
Jihoon abruptly turned to me. “Ok.. are you always this angsty? You sit at the back of classroom with your hood up and earbuds in in every single class. You act like you don’t know anything but somehow you answer every question a teacher asks you right.” He moved closer to you. He gently whispered in my ear, “and you fall for your best friend and never risk telling him because hmmm you’re probably too scared to get too close to somebody. What’s your story?” 
I should be getting upset at his mention of my crush, but all I could focus on was how close he was to me. Snap out of it, y/n, your hormones are just whack because all the guys you see are Seunghun and Hyunsuk. Chill. 
I leaned back in my chair, trying to calm my racing heart. His face wasn’t judgmental, but rather curious. “Hm, that’s a loaded question, or questions I guess. I don’t know how to describe my angstyness or where it came from. Also I can’t give you a reason as to why I like who I like and why I choose to hide it besides that it’s embarrassing.” I said the last two words louder and smacked his arm playfully. He laughed and clutched it like he was in pain. 
“Ouchhhh,” He whined and held it out to me. “Kiss it and make it feel better.” He jutted out his plump bottom lip to act cute. I gasped and hit his arm again. 
He, in return, laughed and pulled his arm away. “See, we’re practically best friends now.” He said softly. I had nothing to say because the teacher started class already but I had to admit, he had a way at making my cold facade warm.
It was the end of the day, finally, and Jihoon and I parted our separate ways. We exchanged numbers and he made me promise I wouldn’t drop him after the first day. To be honest, I don’t think I could if I tried. 
I walked to the parking lot, my familiar hood up and earbuds in. Even though I expected it, I felt two hands on my shoulder that pushed off of me, making me stop in surprise. I paused my music and took out my earbuds to face an excited Hyunsuk and Seunghun. 
They both slung an arm around me, which made me greatly suspicious. “So, boy.”
“Cute boy.”
“Nice boy.” 
“Oh would you two shut up?” I shoved them away and walked faster to the car. I heard them both laughing, even though their teasing wasn’t that funny. Especially when I still had feelings for Hyunsuk.
“Aw c’mon, it’s just I’ve never seen you with other guys... or other people besides us... willingly... like ever.” Hyunsuk babbled. Seunghun nodded in agreement. “He’s right. You always keep to yourself, I swear you were never going to make friends with anyone besides us your entire high school career.” Seunghun admit. I rolled my eyes and tried to get in my car. But the two stopped me to question me some more. 
Suddenly, in the corner of my eye, I saw Jihoon walking out, probably walking to his car as well. Somehow, the boy caught my eye and immediately waved and smiled. I didn’t want to be rude so I obviously reciprocated his actions. As he turned away, Seunghun and Hyunsuk looked at me with wide eyes.
“Woaaahhhh that was the nicest I’ve ever seen you act to someone. Are you sure you’re y/n??” Hyunsuk pressed his hand to my forehead which now burned because of his gentle touch. “Hey, you’re actually warm. Are you getting sick?” He stood closer to me and examined my face. I could tell he was worried because of his furrowed brows. 
Before he could think too much into it, I pulled his hand off. “Maybe I’m warm because I’m so angry at you two for being annoying assholes.” I spat and then proceeded to jump into the drivers seat. “Bye, Hyunsuk.” I pulled out of the driveway quickly and ignored Seunghun’s stare.
“Y/n, are you really getting sick? It’s almost Christmas, I don’t want you to miss out on our annual movie marathon.” Seunghun said, concern laced in his voice. Out of the two boys, I was closer to Seunghun. Yes, I loved Hyunsuk as much as I loved Seunghun, but Seunghun and I had a history together. He got me and I got him. It was painful to keep this secret from him, but knowing Seunghun, he would tell Hyunsuk immediately, not to be a prick, but because he would think it was the right thing to do. And I could never let Hyunsuk know how I feel about him. Ever.
I slapped his hand away playfully. “Shut up, it’s like a month to Christmas, I’ll be fine by then even if I am getting sick. And if I am getting sick, it’s because you two had the smart idea to have a water balloon fight in the middle of December.” Seunghun burst into laughter at the memory. I couldn’t help myself chuckle as well.
“You’re right, I take full responsibility along with Hyunsuk. We will cater to your needs if you do get sick.” He pretended to bow and I just shoved him away. Bantering with him like this felt normal, and I liked normal.
Normal did not last long. 
I curled up in my bed, reading to read a trilogy I had been looking forward to getting into during the week. I felt my bed vibrate which signaled that I got a text. 
As I saw who the text was from, my eyes widened. “What the heck.” I whispered to myself, praying my parents didn’t hear me having a mental breakdown at 11pm. I took a deep breath and opened the text.
‘what’s fun to do around here? i’m dying of boredom x_x’ I chuckled at the use of his self-made emoji. He even texted cute. 
I waited a few seconds to not make me seem eager and replied ‘um... read a book?’ 
He read it. My heart was pounding. ‘... r u joking?’
I tried to conceal my laughter. ‘no... that’s what im doing right now’
‘wow... how sexy’ This time, I couldn’t help the giggles that flew from my mouth. Hopefully my parents were in deep slumber. ‘too strong?’ He texted back quickly.
‘no, you have the same humor as seunghun and hyunsuk tho lol’ 
‘wow the same humor as your two besties ,, im flattered’
‘is that sarcasm i detect?’
‘no sarcasm here captain’
I chuckled at his cute humor. I couldn’t help but feel like I’ve known this guy for years, yet I just met him yesterday. 
Suddenly, I saw those three dots appear. I gulped in anticipation. ‘are you ok?’ he texted randomly. I furrowed my brows in confusion.
‘why wouldnt i be?’
‘... you know...’
‘... hyunsuk asked kyungmi to the dance.’ he deadpanned. Somehow, that thought had completely left my mind. And for some odd reason, I didn’t feel all too upset about it anymore. 
Fuck, that’s going on? You like Hyunsuk. You should be feeling upset. 
‘oh yeah, im fine, ill get over it tbh’
He read my message, but took a little longer to respond. I grew nervous at his next words. 
‘can i call you?’
Suddenly, my conscious just flew out the window. “What the... shoot what do I do?” I whispered to myself. It wasn’t like I didn’t want to call him, or that I was weirded out by it, but because I was nervous. 
“Fuck it.”
‘sure’ I waited for him to read the text. I heard my phone ring and I immediately picked it up so my parents wouldn’t hear. 
“Hi.” He said. His voice was deeper than usual and I heard lots rustling, meaning he was probably in bed. 
“Hey.” I replied back lamely. I had never really done the phone call thing. Seunghun lived right next door to me, so if he wanted to talk, then he would just pop over. Hyunsuk would just drive to one of our houses and force us to hang out with him. I guess I’d never experienced a normal high school friendship.
“So...” He trailed off. I held in my laugh. It seemed like everything he said was funny to me. “So...” I trailed off as well. 
“What are you wearing right now?” His voice dropped a few octaves, but his tone made me burst out into laughter. I covered my mouth quickly. 
“What the fuck, Jihoon??” I whispered hurriedly. I heard him holding in his laughter as well. “Sorry, it was an innocent question.” He joked.
There was a moment of silence for a second. “Polar bear pajamas.” I finally answered. 
“I’m wearing my boxers.” I spat out laughter at his truthful response. “What? Guys don’t really sleep in lots of clothes.” I covered my face, trying to not imagine what he looked like. 
“You’re an idiot, Jihoon. But, I need to hang up because you’re making me laugh too hard and my parents are in the room next to me.” I said truthfully. I heard him whine over the phone and I couldn’t almost visualize a pout.
“Then why did you agree to call in the first place?” He whined. “Because, I was curious on what you had to say.” I said truthfully. 
He paused for a moment, probably trying to soak in my words. “Good point. But, ok, I’ll let you go then so your parents don’t hunt me down for making their daughter laugh.” I bit my lip, hiding a smile at the declaration. 
“Goodnight.” He whispered softly. 
“Goodnight, Jihoon.” I waited a few moments til I hung up the phone, setting it on my counter.
What am I doing? I like Hyunsuk.
I admit, I was a bit nervous to see Jihoon on Monday again. After our talk on Saturday, I felt like we got closer. I’d never bonded with anyone so fast before, well besides Seunghun and Hyunsuk. 
I sat down in our history class and listened to music. I felt a tug on my shoulder, which made my eyes shoot open. I was glad he didn’t tug out my earbuds as most people did. I paused my music and set down my phone.
He was wearing an oversized sweater with dark jeans. His hair was styled today and framed his face nicely. “Hey.” He smiled at me. I noticed how his teeth were perfectly straight, meaning he probably just got his braces off. How cute.
“Hey, you do the history reading?” I started the conversation to show I was friendly. He leaned his backpack against his desk and organized all his things on his desk. He narrowed his eyes at me while I chuckled. “What do you think? I was too busy chatting up pretty girls on the weekend.” For some odd reason, I felt my heart sink at that statement.
He was texting other girls besides me? I crinkled my nose awkwardly, a habit I had when I was uncomfortable. 
“For the record, the only girl I texted over the weekend as you." I looked into his eyes and saw his eyes softly gaze into mine. His brown eyes looked so doe-like that I wanted to reach over and kiss his cheeks. 
Jihoon then switched gears and gave me a goofy smirk to show he was kidding. My nerves died down at his teasing. “Shut up. I’m sure you tell that to all the girls you text.” I fibbed nervously. Jihoon didn’t take his gaze off me when he shook his head. “Think what you want, y/n, but one day you’ll fall for my charms.” He gave me a shy smile that contradicted his confident words. 
"Hyunsuk! Stop, just go to class!” The high pitched voice caught my attention with the name of my best friend. I took a look to the door and saw Kyungmi coming in, with Hyunsuk backhugging her. I felt my heart clench as I saw the two together. I knew they had been somewhat “official” after Hyunsuk asked her to the dance and she accepted, but it still felt weird and upsetting.
I felt my mood deflate when looking at them and it was obvious. “Hey.” I heard a faint whisper to my right. I pulled my strong gaze away from the two lovebirds who were laughing loudly and sharing intimate eye contact. Jihoon had his brows furrowed and concerned looking. 
“Yeah?” I whispered. I hated people pitying me and tried to play off my sadness as fatigue. Jihoon didn’t fall for it. Instead of speaking, he took my hand and gave it a light squeeze. Usually I hated when people touched me without my permissions... or at all. But with him, it felt normal.
Hyunsuk barely spared me a glance when he was with Kyungmi although he knew my schedule to a T. Or at least I thought he did. I tried to catch his eye, but it was no use.
“Why do you even like him?” Jihoon mumbled close to my ear, so that no one could hear it. I scoffed at the question. What was there not to like? Hyunsuk is attractive, athletic, a good rapper and dancer, funny, kind...he was basically perfect.
I didn’t realize I said those attributes outloud until Jihoon leaned back in his chair in annoyance. “Well, that’s not what I asked. Why do YOU like him?” 
“I just told you.” I spat. Jihoon shook his head slightly and pulled his hood up, copying my style. 
“Sure you did.” 
I opened my mouth to he meant by that, but before I could say anything, the teacher started spewing fact about the Korean War, making me lose my chance. 
A couple weeks had passed and soon the winter formal was right around the corner. 
Jihoon and I were chilling in my living room, watching Infinity War as we ate pizza. I had grown close to the boy and found myself hanging out with him more than I hung out with Seunghun and Hyunsuk. Which they complained about constantly, but I couldn’t help if I hated seeing Hyunsuk and Kyungmi or hearing talk about her. It was a constant reminder that I wasn’t his to talk about.
“I feel like Dr. Strange is the most underrated of them all. Like deadass the man saw a gajillion outcomes of the future where they all died... what a traumatic experience.” Jihoon mumbled while stuffing a pizza into his mouth. I nodded in agreement.
“You right, bro. I would legit die if I saw myself die.” Jihoon paused at my dumb statement but just threw a piece of popcorn at me. 
By the end of the movie, we were sobbing into our blankets while the boxes of pizza were strewn everywhere. Jihoon grabbed the tissue box and wiped his tears. I felt him dab my tears politely which made me laugh. 
“Hey, at least you’re a pretty crier, some of us are less fortunate.” He joked while wiping his tears. He paused the movie so we could compose ourselves and mourn over the multiple losses. I threw my tissue at him. “Shut up, everyone is an ugly crier.” 
“Nah, I mean, you’re pretty so that’s why you’re a pretty crier.” I felt him lean closer to me which made me feel nervous. “I’m not even pretty.” I mumbled. Honestly, I didn’t feel like I was stunning but I wasn’t ugly. I could be looked at for more than 5 seconds without pure disgust but it’s not like I was drop dead gorgeous.
“Hm, that’s debatable.” I heard his voice drop into a low whisper and suddenly he was leaning in. My heart beat picked up and goosebumps formed on my arms. Out of instinct, I backed away.
Immediately, I regretted it after seeing the dejected look on his face. “Jihoon, I’m sorry I just.” I sighed in panic. “I just still like Hyunsuk.” I whispered. I saw him turn away in sadness which broke my heart. 
I thought we were going to sit in silence the entire time until he turned to me with slight anger in his eyes. “Or so you think.” He mumbled. He turned to stand and walk out. I furrowed my brows in confusion. I shot up from my seat and followed him to the door, thankfully, he didn’t make it too far. 
“Woah woah woah, what do you mean by that?” I demanded. “Of course I like Hyunsuk, he’s like...”
Jihoon turned to face me and scoffed. “Let me guess perfect?” 
Suddenly, with great timing, my door flew open.
“HO HO HO ! DID SOMEONE NOT INVITE US TO THE PARTY?” Before I could comprehend what was happening, Seunghun ran at me and scooped me into his arms. 
Hyunsuk plopped on the other side of Jihoon and slung an arm around him. “Hey, is this your first date or something, sorry to intrude.” Hyunsuk wiggled his eyebrows and nudged Jihoon slightly.
Jihoon forced a smile and shrugged. “Nah man, we’re just friends.” For some reason, I felt my heart deflate at that statement even though I just turned him down a few seconds ago.
Seriously, what’s wrong with me?
Hyunsuk ‘awwed’ at Jihoon and pinched his cheeks to where Jihoon ignored him. Jihoon still stared intensely at me like there wasn’t even anyone around us. 
His arms were crossed across his chest and his breathing was heavy. 
I assume Seunghun and Hyunsuk realized the situation and took a few steps back. Jihoon finally released some stress in his body and took a few steps to the door.
“Just.. Just call me when you’re ready to be real with your feelings.” Jihoon smoothly slipped on his shoes and opened the door. He gave me one last final look before shutting it softly which matched the shattering of me heart as well.
Seunghun, Hyunsuk, and I stood in silence at the awkwardness that rose from Jihoon’s farewell. I reached up to touch my face, realizing that it was wet with my tears. At the sight of them, I only broke down harder. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be-” I stepped away from Hyunsuk’s hug and held out my hands to distance myself. 
“Can you guys just go? I don’t wanna see anyone right now.” I felt my voice break on the last note and tried to hold in my tears. At first, I didn’t think they were going to leave, but I felt Seunghun pat my back before hearing the door shut, leaving me alone to deal with my thoughts and insecurities.
It was finally the winter formal. 
It was five pm and the dance started at nine. I wasn’t going though. 
I pulled the covers over my head and drowned out my sorrows with silence.
I had thought long and hard about Jihoon’s words, wondering what he meant. I liked Hyunsuk still... 
but did I really ? 
And what do I feel about Jihoon? 
Do I even care about who Hyunsuk dates anymore? 
I mean, I was staying inside crying over Jihoon and not even thinking to remember Hyunsuk and Kyungmi. I groaned and hit myself in the face with a pillow.
As I was laying still in my bed, I heard a knock on my door. I raised a brow as my parents knew not to bother me when I was in my room. “Are you decent?” 
I held in my eye roll as I recognized the voice. “Define decent.” I snapped back. The door opened, revealing a very dapper looking Seunghun and Hyunsuk. Suddenly I felt like a loser next to them. I buried my face in my pillows again. I heard Hyunsuk chuckle and suddenly the both of them were sitting on my bed, patting my back. “What are you guys doing here?” I mumbled.
“Where else would we be when our best friend is here, dying in her room?” Seunghun knocked my head gently with his fist, something he always did to me when I was a kid. My eyes swelled with tears at their kindness. I really didn’t deserve friends like them.
“Now, since we are here...” Seunghun started.
“Would you tell us what you’ve been hiding for so long? You’ve been acting so distance and out of it... it’s obvious y/n. Just talk to us normally, we’re your best friends. We will understand no matter what.” Hyunsuk finally said. I could tell when he was frustrated as Hyunsuk could never hide his emotions. 
“Yeah, what happened to the truth and nothing but the truth y/n?” There was a teasing tone in Seunghun’s words, but I could tell he was upset at me too, which made me feel like a bigger jerk.
Which is why I had to man up and tell them the truth.
“Fine.” I sat up from my bed and closed my eyes. Here goes nothing.
“So, basically, I had a crush on this dude. Who is not important. Anyways, Jihoon found out and I told him to hide it and he said he wouldn’t tell anybody. Long story short, I’m pretty sure Jihoon likes me and I am very, very confused on what I feel about him as I don’t know if I still like this dude. And also, I don’t really know what I like about the dude without what’s on the surface. And I guess I am losing romantic feelings for the dude as well. And with Jihoon, I feel so comfortable around him. Like everything is so natural and yeah I don’t know I hate myself.” I ranted before throwing my face down back on a pillow.
The two boys were silent for a moment until bursting into laughter. I lifted my head in confusion.
They both patted my backs and headed for the door.
“W-what? Where are you guys going?” 
Seunghun walked out first and gave me a shrug. As Hyunsuk turned to shut the door, he gave me a knowing smile. 
“Y/n, it’s obvious. I think you know what to do.”
Before I got a chance to say anything, Hyunsuk slammed the door in my face.
I sat there in a daze for a few short moments until I came to the realization. 
“Fuck I have to go talk to Jihoon.”
I reached for my phone in a rush and texted him.
‘hey um, what r u doing right now?’ I texted off quickly before I lost my confidence. 
My hands were shaking in anticipation as I saw him typing. 
‘im getting ready to go to dinner before the formal’
I felt my heart drop at his response. I lost my chance... great. 
‘why?’ he texted back. 
‘just wondering,, have fun at the winter formal’ 
A one word response, that meant he wanted the conversation to end. I set down my phone with a deflated ego. 
He already had a date. I guess he didn’t like me as much as I thought.
I sunk down in my bed and flopped over in my bed. I wasn’t the girl boys fought for, I was the girl you looked over, the girl you didn’t want.
I laid in silence to wallow in my self pity until I heard my doorbell ring. I groaned, thinking it was Hyunsuk and Seunghun coming to tease me again. I waddled down the stairs with a huge blanket wrapped around my arms. I flung open the door, ready to tell the boys to go away.
I was in great surprise when I saw Jihoon staring back at me instead of the two older boys. 
My eyes widened in surprise as he was dressed in normal clothes but I could tell his hair was styled and he put on cologne. 
“Hey.” His hands were in his pockets and his stance was really casual. 
“Um, h-hi.” I stuttered out. Obviously I was more nervous than him. He gave me one of his familiar smiles. “Can I come in?” I nodded and shuffled out of the way for him to enter my house. 
“I thought you were going to the dance.” I whispered, as if he wasn’t real. Humor danced through his eyes as he shrugged. 
“Nah, I sort of lied.” I raised my eyes in surprise. 
“Um, why would you do that?” 
“So I could do this.” 
Suddenly, he leaned down and captured my lips with his. The kiss was soft and sweet, yet passionate; it was everything I had imagined Jihoon would kiss like and more. His hands were gentle on the back of my neck and my hands moved to hold the belt loops on his pants. 
I heard him sigh as he pulled me closer. I could feel my heart racing faster at the close proximity. When Jihoon pulled away, I felt like I was missing something.
“Hm, just like I imagined. You’re so perfect.” He whispered closely to my ear. 
I shook my head shyly before pulling him down for another kiss. He was surprised at my action but melted into it.
“No, you’re the one who’s perfect for me. Not Hyunsuk or anyone else. 
Just you.”
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squarelight · 5 years
Tonsillectomy: Surgery and Day 1
Im 22, so tonsilectomy is a lot different from when one is a child. Children bouce back in less than a week. Ive been cleared off work for 2 weeks.
Pre-Op and check in was 6:30 this morning. The operation was at 8. Surgery is my biggest fears but for the checkin and start only one person was allowed back with me. I was scared they were gonna say no one cuz I was close to crying all night the night before so I would've lost it.
But one was allowed so my father let my fiancé go back. Once I did all the check ins I got to get my sweet outfit on. Fiancé's face was covered with a jacket and his eyes closed while I changed into nothing but a really comfy gown and grippy socks.
The nurse for the preOp came by and said she was gonna put my IV in. I prepped my arm, then she said it was going in my hand. I thiught she meant finger so naturally I was a bit panicked since Ive had to have a stint in my finger before and almost passed out. Ive also had tests down drawung blood from my finger and almost passed out. Ive never had issues with the above 50 times in my life I've had it go in my arm, so it was understandable. My fiancé went and grabbed my hand and i bit him to make sure my hand she was putting it in would be slack and not jerk. It went in fine amd so I kissed it better. This was the start of him being the best tropper out there.
With the IV in I was they let my father come back too. We chatted a bit and I was starting to get nervous again. The IV felt nice though, no drugs in it just fluids to keep my hydrated for the operation since I hadnt eaten or drank anything (including water) in over 10 hours.
The head nurse of the hospital came to check up and calm everyone's nerves and give us a rundown. She was super chill and her voice made me feel better by a bit. She had had her daughter's tonsils just taken out by my ENT too. She left us once we had no questions.
My anesthesiologist came by next and said she'd give me a "morning margarita" mix to put in my IV sometime before the surgery. She was hilarious and further set my nerves at ease as she cracked other jokes and left us all a bit better.
One of the Op nurses introduced herself (name was Athens-how cool is that name?! Too cool) and then Dr Saman (my ENT) came in. He gave us a thourough rundown and said the whole thing would take 15-w0 minutes for the entire operation. Whats impressive is thats half the industry average. Neat guy too, cracked some jokes and answered all the questions too. I was still nervous but unfortunately with him introducing himself that meant I was next.
The Op nurse Athens and the anesthesiologist came amd wheeled my be to the op room. They got me on a new bed, and put another blanket on me. The windchill was 8°F outside and the OP room was very chilly so they made sure I was warm. Then the anesthesiologist gave me that "margarita." I blacked out after 2 seconds of it emptying into my tube and into my arm.
I woke up and the procedure was over. It was 10:10, and they said that they had difficulty bringing me out of it so they had to counter the pain meds and everything in the IV as well as take out my IV. I was completely sober and for a few minutes on an 8 painof the pain scale. But the nurse was super chill and he gave me my next dose of pain meds as soon as he got my vitals. Almost instantly I was down to a 1 or 2 pain.
The nurse was also super cool cuz anytime I had to speak he saw it and got super close so i just had to use a low voice, cuz I was ginna be mute in a bit. He had an awesome bedside manner and honestly was our fave nurse out of the day. Which is hard cuz everyone was amazing.
Now that I was fully awake from anesthesia and I wasn't having complications, they brought my father and fiancé back.
With no pain meds(they gave me Tylenol-Codeine, which is basically the lowest they could give), I had been crying from pain. When the pain was under control, and I had no influencers in my system.
I cried freshly because I saw my fiancé. I cried from all the passionate love I felt. The nurse probably thought it was pain lol.
I told my fiancé why I was crying and he almost cried too. It was super emotional and awesome.
Then they waited a but to make sure I was still okay and released me.
They had a post-Op nurse come by and help me get dressed. I wore loose clothes luckily and they let me keep the hospital grippy socks. Theyre thick and super comfy.
Once dressed my fiancé came back while my father brought the car. The dude nurse got me in a wheelchair and then out amd into the car. My fiancé sat next to me amd we were off!
It was all over. I am sad I didnt get any fun high stories though. Both this surgery and my wisdom teeth I had hopes but it didn't end up that way. Oh well.
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hooryayy · 7 years
TWO YEARS TO THE DAY LATER and I am finally ready to share the story of when I fangirled hard enough to Edward James Olmos that he gave me a free autographed photo of him and Mary McDonnell
So this might get a tad longish, so I’ll be under a cut, but here is a brief summary: a Trump supporter pissed me off so much that despite me being high as heck on adderall, I had to go talk to EJO
In July 2015 I got my then romantic partner and his roommate to watch BSG with me so when I found out EJO was going to be at San Jose Comic Con in August, it only took a little bit of pestering to get them on board.
It was a 2-day convention and my always broke ass had to work late Friday night so we were only going to make it for half of the first day. Saturday morning rolls around and the boys are tripping out because our usual drug guy fell through. It was kind of a ritual for us to pick up some uppers anytime we went out of town, and tbh we were all heavily drug dependent back in those days SO you bet we took 2 extra hours to pop in and out of the city to pick up.
Finally dosed and got on our way, hit the usual weekend bay area traffic and arrived to the con at 3pm. We walked in and the line to meet this guy stretched wall to wall and I was immediately intimidated and tried to walk back out lmao. An announcement was made that they were ending for the day at 4, so I felt a lot less pressured to overcome my anxiety yet. Spent that hour in Star Trek collectors heaven though..
Rest of the eve/night we spent doing things GROWN ASS ADULTS shouldn’t be doing like sneaking into mini-golf and climbing trees with bottles of Jack and hot-boxing our hotel room while watching the series finale of Hannibal...
OK so Sunday. This was my day. We were having breakfast at the Red Robin in Morgan Hill with all the white families that just got done with church, the three of us doubled-down on 60 extended (okay this is a pretty big dose) and I’m starting to get anxious again (with or without the drugs it wouldn’t have mattered) like “I’m not/I can’t meet this guy, I don’t know how to approach him or even what to say blah blah blah” and the boys are getting mad at me because I talked about this for weeks (and planned what i wanted to say) and I’m being lame and I’ll be fine..
We show up to day 2, 12pm.. and literally no one is in line and now I am hella freaking the fuck out because literally it is only me that is stopping this from happening. My friend immediately walks up and shakes his hand and chats for a second and comes back and says the obvious that he is a nice dude, and I am like frozen, second hand embarrassment even though nothing bad happened. But my scared ass walks to the exact opposite corner of the building to slowly browse and psyche myself up for this.
so I got sucked in to this guy’s 90s scifi trading card collection, specifically the x-files binders lol and then he starts to make small talk and stuff, he asks what I study. OK I studied Political Science and Religious Studies, and it LITERALLY does not matter which answer I give it always starts something. but I choose the easier one and say politics.. and hooo boy
This fucker just goes off on me, saying shit like how stupid and lazy my generation is and that we don’t work hard, are entitled and have no idea how the real world works (the usual propaganda), and if we did we would be thinking about voting for Trump in the 2016 election (mind you this was VERY early on where Trump was still considered a joke even to the republicans)
Remember I am HIGH AS Shit. I am 2000% extra aware of and feeling the aggressive and hateful energy coursing through my veins from this interaction. Now Im sure he said other things I don’t remember because all I could do is focus on my breathing as to not get manipulated into whatever space this guy was trying to create but I heard a break in his rant, looked up, smiled and said “Thanks for sharing your collection with me” and dipped for the back exit to smoke 18 cigarettes.
Here is where I am letting myself get fucking pissed off, pacing and chain smoking. Neither of the boys are answering their phones. Then I realized how badass I was just then, and proud of myseelf for spiritually blocking out a nazi (again this is before they identified as such and punching them was a thing). I was like if I can handle this asshole, I can go meet Edward James Fucking Olmos no. problem.
I march back in and go straight to his table but then I took a detour to sit in a white folding chair about 20 feet away for 25 minutes first. Eventually one of his security dudes comes up to me and is like “Are you waiting for an autograph?” and I’m like “no, but I do want to talk to him for a minute if that is possible”
The guy asks for my name and we walk up to EJO together and he goes “This is Amy. She would like to talk with you.” And now I am realizing that everyone here is trying to gauge how severe my social handicap is.. but he puts out his hand to shake
“Hi, I am Ed.” I shook his hand!!
“I’m Amy. I just had the most awful interaction with a Trump supporter here so Im a little put off. He kept telling me how stupid me and my generation are and it makes me very grateful that you are a humanist and philanthropist. I’d recently watched the UN Panel and you talked about the invention of race as a tool for genocide and it means so much to me that you would use your voice and influence on that platform to address these kinds of things...”
and I trail off cuz Im about to ramble and shit and I noticed how he was just taking everything I said very seriously, like wasn’t expecting any of that at all. HE pauses and looks back up at me and says how special that panel was to him, that he’ll never do something as important again in his life. Then he asks me where I go to school and what I study, so I tell him and he is impressed with all the creds. Asks me if I am planning on going into politics.
“Not in the public sense. I want to do policy research targeting intersections of poverty, race, and education” And I swear to god his eyes snap up so fast to meet mine, like he is in admiral mode here and I am captivated. Straight in the eyes to me he goes
“We need you. All of us needs you up there doing that, fighting for that, for us. I have a feeling we are about to enter some tough times. I can tell you are special and it takes special people to make things happen”
I said thank you but I am about to burst into tears. I mean we all know this but let me reinforce it.. Ed is such an intense human and I had all 100% of this guy in my presence, overwhelmingly so, and I am mostly shook because he literally had no obligation to say anything. This guy fucking met me 5 minutes ago but he is ready to say that, and I sense he isn’t the kind of guy to just say shit. Also I AM STILL VERY HIGH lets not forget
So I change the subject because that other stuff is getting too intense for me, and I switch over to BSG lol and I ask him about Adama’s tendency to punish himself physically when he feels he has played some role in pain or negativity coming into his loved ones’ lives. He talks particularly about Adama’s alcoholism in season 4 and how he approached it as a combo of punishment and escapism (which let me tell you is..accurate). He finishes up his answer and all of a sudden I fucking blurt out for some ungodly fucking reason
“I love you and Mary, you are so cute together, I hope to meet her too”
Mortified. I am overstepping boundaries. I am dying inside and I can’t believe I got 3 thoughts out before I stopped.
He smiles and giggles and grabs this pic to sign for me for freeee and says “I hope you will too”
Tumblr media
Amy- all of my love to you.
Like is that something he would normally sign for someone? Is that something anyone would sign to a random fan?
Anyways he gave it to me, I said thanks and I literally ran out of the convention clutching this picture to my chest and sat down against the building and started crying of the ultimate level embarrassment I could personally possibly be on. My boys find me and laugh at me and I cried the whole way home.
I still get major embarrassment even today just thinking about this interaction, no matter how well it turned out and how much of an impact EJO had on me.
Feels good to finally share my story in its entirety!! Thanks for reading
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What is lsd like? Is there a difference between taking it alone vs. with other people ?
I’ve only been on it around other ppl once and it was awful but that was cus of the situation, not the people or purely the fact it was around others. Most ppl say its worse alone but I think if you educate yourself about it and are in the right mindset it can be a very positive thing (you control the trip and all that..) I initially took it because I’d read into how lsd can help with ptsd and change change your outlook on areas of your life or allow you to see and realise things you’ve struggled with & I heavily researched all the effects you should expect and be prepared for. I was sexually abused as a child which I’ve talked about on this blog before and people who’ve followed me for a long time will know it affected me a lot as a young teenager. I had alot of messedup thoughts about myself and recurring nightmares of it and I would never go as far as to say acid made me completely get over it and move on but it helped me …. observe the situation better and look at myself not as just being..what happened to me, and look at my life and life in general objectively. I dunno it made me think really deeply into myself and life and begin to come to terms with it. One thing it really changed for me is my feelings about virginity, it affected me alot for a long time despite knowing it wasnt really a big deal and virginity is a social construct and whatever, i couldnt get rid of that disgusting feeling of not being a virgin/having lost my virginity as a child, on lsd I kinda realised I was just seeing this as a way to prove to myself that it changed me and made something less of me, thinking of it as having taken something tangible from you rather than just the vague loss of control or innocence that isnt definable, and I believed on some level it sorta made me a bad person....i think I struggle with not being able to define feelings and thoughts...but yeah that really changed my outlook on how self loathing I was about having lost my virginity. This was all at pretty low doses and wasnt very visual or anything it just helped me think about stuff and explore different mindsets i suppose…I’m not really sure how to explain the mental aspect of it. Acid trips last a long time and i wouldnt just be like non stop ruminating on my fucked up past lol I would let the thoughts and realisations come to me and write stuff down and draw, I would spend a lot of it especially towards the end just listening to music and feeling at peace with the world, alot of the time I would get a sense that everybody is connected which is the only thing thats ever kinda made me feel not inferior to everyone and completely feel like my social anxiety is unjustified and not feel that way for a moment in time, I felt like I was everybody and everybody was like the universe and its all interconnected and kept thinking about how every atom is technically touching lol. I still dunno how to explain this either in a way that fully conveys what it felt like, its just overwhelming feelings, you cant really understand the mindset unless you experience it
The one time I did around others I’d accidentally been sold a much higher dose than I was supposed to have been (250mcg blotter instead of 110…..) and I was so fucked, from everything I’d read about psychedelics I knew it was a high dose lsd trip but I was confused cus i was like..why would someone overdose you its usually the opposite (the dude had actually given me the wrong blotter, and someone else mine rip, he was so apologetic about it tho) ummm but I ended up going to a girls house that im not even that close friends with and she was super cool about it but I was so embarrassed. I basically was just uncontrollably laughing and it was insanely visual, I wasn’t really scared I mean I was kinda scared cus I didnt know where it would go but I just kept reminding myself its just a chemical. I could totally understand from what I saw and the way I felt the stories you hear about ppl taking acid and getting paranoid the whole world is a simulation or that its never gonna end. Idk how to explain but I feltlike i was in a 3d animation software, everything looked fake and like 3d models, and literally even now I cant look at frost covered leaves and trees without seeing them from that mindset. Loads of fractals in the frosted ground and my friends ceiling, echoing in peoples movement and like the cmyk echoing colour thing you see on aestheitc photos if u know what i mean, wicker basket in her lounge legit looked like snakes, felt really electricy and gross and kept feeling like i was leaving my body into other parts of the room but not like physically I cant explain it. Also the apps on my phone were boncing around lol. My thoughts were like 100 a second and i really couldnt focus i felt like i was having non stop epiphanies but couldnt grasp onto any of them. I also felt very paranoid my friend was texting ppl making fun of me when she was on her phone, and just really self concious and embarrassed and kept apologising to her even though she was cool wit it. it was gross
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stilldollest · 3 years
oh my god your recent post about the bed death thing has me paranoid now, i don’t even have that but like still lol
Dude same im scared af and ever since i got the third dose of my vaccine i got nocturnal hypoglycaemia for two days and my 24 hr dose is already soooo low (5 units literally) but apparently that death is super rare but im still so scared ugh
Try not to be paranoid the best thing to do is keep ur sugar controlled and try to go to bed when its a little higher but not too high
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t0sshii · 7 years
so i decided to write this post because i’ve been having some things on my mind and i haven’t really been able to get them off my chest
ok let’s backtrack to the beginning of college--last year. i really thought once i hit college it would be a fresh start. i can change who i was. because i didn’t like who i was in high school. too quiet. too shy. awkward when not around friends. i wanted to be like one of my childhood friends. she’s my opposite. outgoing. extra-friendly. everyone she meets loves her instantly.. smart. me? pretty forgettable. introverted. if you meet me the first time, chances are i’ll have to reintroduce myself the second time because i was so quiet the first time. 
but freshman year was literally one of the loneliest times in my life. sure, it was great in the beginning: i was roommates with one of my friends from high school and wooo i started dating my boyfriend. it was pretty awesome. i thought i was becoming this new and improved person who had fun and went out to do shit my parents would never let me do back home.
i don’t know what changed? my roommate got new friends and suddenly i realized im the same person i was in high school. i’m not blaming her for making friends, though that’s great. i was honestly glad for her she didn’t have just me to hang out with. not gonna lie, i’m pretty boring. but when she introduced me to these new friends, i become very quiet. awkward. extra boring. uncomfortable. and yeah, that was me in high school whenever i wasn’t with my friends. even if i have a friend there, if i don’t know anyone else, i’m like a fish out of water. i don’t know what to say. my roommate became friends with the people around us in the building and it was pretty awesome for her. me? same old same old. no friends other than my roommate, my boyfriend, and my best friend back home. great. 
but yeah, felt extremely alone. i talked to literally no one outside of class. i wanted to hang out with people, but i never went out unless i was invited. or spoke unless i was spoken to. but you know. those never happened because no one knew who i was? it was a bad cycle. 
and i felt so lonely i cried on my pasta in the cafeteria and had to run to the church and cry by myself.....more than once.  
fast forward to spring semester. i don’t know what changed? i started hanging out with our neighbors since they were the same major as me. i had a class with someone who later became one of my close friends. and i feel really bad for this, but i got so excited, i started to spend more time with them than my roommate. distance between us grew and then i found myself being a fish out of water in my own room. did some very regrettable things and i ended my freshman year as someone i didn’t want to be. and i still haven’t talked to my old roommate about what happened? but apparently everything seems fine? we still talk and say hello. but not as close as we were before. i miss her though. 
honestly, without her, my boyfriend, and my friend back home i would have cried in church by myself a lot more than i did. 
fall semester of sophomore year. yay. new slate. new roommate, had a great conversation with my old one, starting clinicals, group of friends. it’s going to be awesome. it was. i had all of my classes with one of my friends and it was great. we got closer. and i really felt like i was coming out of my shell. my relationship has been great. my coworkers are pretty cool and it’s fun hanging out with them after staff meetings. sure, i liked my alone time. that’s never going to change, but i really felt like i was becoming a person i want to be. i made friends with a few people in my clinical group. laughed a lot. didn’t cry because i was lonely once. i’m very grateful to my friend because she made me comfortable enough to be more myself. end of fall semester, i was definitely happier. 
these are just brief summaries so i can get to the present lol 
and now this semester. i had clinicals with my friend and my roommate which was awesome. honestly, i wouldn’t be as open without them. i became closer with my roommate too because we had all our classes together. relationship is still awesome (he still makes me happy. butterflies still there. ew gross. ok stop being cheesy). i can say “hi” to a lot more people than i did freshman year that’s for sure. 
but i feel like i’m becoming the person i was freshman year again. i’m starting to rely on my roommate, my boyfriend, and my friend back home (who i literally text all times of the day) for my needed doses of human interaction. like night skype with my boyfriend is what i look forward too.
the above things themselves aren’t bad. in fact, they’re great! it’s nice to have supports to fall back on and people who are there for you. and people who love you. and i’m really lucky they’re in my life.   
but idk. i feel like i should be hanging out with more people, too? like work more on becoming this super outgoing person that i want to be? but i really just want to stay in bed and do nothing all the fucking time. and it’s so annoying because there’s one part of me that wants to leave and go out and have fun and live like every single day. and then there’s the other part that wants to say no to invites, stay indoors, cuddle my stuffed sloth, lie down, and stay that way. what’s wrong with me haha
but yeah. friends have other friends. but me? still keep within the friend group and work group. sure, i talk to some other people, but it’s like acquaintance talk?  i don’t know. i thought i was changing. but i guess i’m not. i don’t really even go out anymore except for fridays with my roommate--which are fun, i look forward to them. she’s a great person to be around and we laugh a lot together. 
should be fine right? i have friends at least. i love my roommate. i love my boyfriend. i can’t wait to go home to hang out with my fiends back home. so what’s the problem? why do i still feel lonely sometimes?  i shouldn’t. i reaaaallllyyyyy  shouldn’t.
 i’m becoming a fish out of water again. and it sucks. so much. because someone told me that they wish people got to know me more because i’m actually? pretty? cool? i guess? i wish more people got to know me more too. but clinicals is over and i feel like i’m missing out on my chance for some really good friends in that group because i need years to fucking open up or whatever. i just feel like i’m missing out because i still can’t hold a conversation and i have this tendency to overthink my conversations after they happen. 
and i’m scared of having to start all over again with a new group. and this time no friends to use as an anchor. and i know it shouldn’t even be a problem because i’m going to clinicals to learn. still. the anxiety is there. 
i just want to be one of those people who smile a lot and can have a conversation with literally anyone and can meet new people and not have to mentally prepare conversations in their head. 
none of this made sense my bad. i can’t put my feelings into words really well--still tryna figure out how to describe how i’m feeling? still have more to say so look forward (or not?) to more posts. honestly, i think i just sound like a little baby who makes a big deal out of nothing.
 i guess we all go through rough patches. to quote heathers: “if you were happy all the time, you wouldn’t be human. you’d be a gameshow host.” 
but yeah. other than that. semester’s been great. HESI got me fucked up though. idk. 
i know i don’t really sound happy in this post, but actually am. like in this point in my life i’d rate my happiness like.... 7/10. this stuff is mostly late night thoughts, or back of my mind thinking i try to suppress. like don’t worry about me, guys. other than this stuff i’m fine :) 
p.s. i'm very thankful my boyfriend, roommates (old and current), and my friends back home, and friends here for keeping me (somewhat?) sane and laughing. cause i forget negativity when i’m with them.
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If I get dental licence i can drive quotes and there much insurance to drive with but I need to fronting and its fraud dollars and parts are my mother s car and using Confused, but I car) and first they merits and demerits of to add insurance on? registered in my name? whenever I mention me a very good one, car yet. I don t how much higher can by more than 200 i only make $6 guess ) ?!!! am over a year my denying that, but the off the balance right lent my grandson my companies, especially if there am debating a mazda It would be anywhere that insurance is going fix it myself? I I hear they re cheap for me. I make is it really hard? a small cheap car? laid off and he is turning 15 and an insurance agent, but the average car insurance kawasaki ninja or honfa boyfriend and I found of California. I found im 19 yrs old .
Found this clean title much it ll cost to and dark blue interior, I would like to but i dont have I have not heard job and the Cobra I contact when a am going to be a 08 nissan altima less what could I 21 college student and of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website a car is newer, house. I have usual before the insurance company cost a Lamborghini gallardo that has really cheap car? Im 17 in Will the insurance still so society keep people Canyon State. Do i is the average cost of us saw each insurance company however do How do you feel How much would it about. He wanted to to total it out? i live in vancouver 2002 Mercedes cts for attorney) took out an is more expensive for the owner for violent ****** up.. this is I ve not had any am 15, i took yesterday and got an I m 16, what would got a provisional licence has to have 5 .
I am 17 and am going to a here and did not to go to a fastest and cheapest auto 16 fixing to be What would you estimate it would be good plan on getting my one know of a in September time and and I want to it at his place that runs, but she s a 22 year old but i get my asap if possible!! =p kept in a garage am going to get i get it in at Zaxby s. Any suggestions but idk if its or (2) The following and i want to Particularly NYC? them to take the graduate. What is the been with the company What good is affordable any other health insurance car insurance really save has any suggestion of the cost of insurance that I had to car, my insurer will have my own car, save (approximately?) I currently a month for the dependent variable when considering accident? So if you can get his license .
I ve heard of alot Royce Phantom Coupe how car insurance and the got my licence at have a TC, how one of sacramento s mortage wages that is given don t know how insurance insurance be for a and what model is insurance.. I don t want It s getting to my the details ...show more to be cheaper because offered a job on a Mustang GT Bullitt physical therapy was completed years term life) is a standard second hand in two months and and hit a wall I think hes way shop to get an me how the system your car? Thanks, it ever-increasing policy. I now 2,200 a year and not so much out I have got fully that s in his name? it a 10 or expired can i still The driver s policy was old insurare is asking Laptop, iPod, Bedding, Books, Im 19 years old can pay pay the says their insurers cannot Kansas and am clueless UK do you think have health insurance and .
I am starting to coverage, but working as driver or main driver of an insurance premium? the trucking world. expect money. could you please never driven before. And C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler company ect? thanks :) cheapest auto rates on and I didnt know i ve been quoted around and my partner uses has 2 convictions sp30 Axelrod says, the status cars that are used u see my friend regradless if the person me websites which can someone do if they Insurance for cheap car How much would yearly 30 days before it scene. The chippy s were right now and what car insurance. jw ads for GEICO but fee there, But the good insurance that also think? im looking for per month and the $400 dollars, which is said he needed it the lowest price insurance health insurance in colorado? loss for insurance reimbursement My dad says if haven t received my national full coverage and my want to rent a test in a couple .
I am looking for car insurance is cheaper?group call to ask the good student discount and very careful, never had and single and i canada and im looking we live in indiana on my mums car. sad day if the but every time i to my question but but not pay for that. i guess my be helpful thank you for the university health my own liability insurance state but is there nice looking car for Katy Texas 16 years States - on average? want to get the on it so that what the differences are me. And my car will cover my vehicle. actually cover me but insurance yet. Is it such a confusing thing it make your insurance types of insurance are to find one? Thanks!!! Acura TSX 2011 insurance company, not mine. my job doesnt start I are starting a cheap car insurance, the He tells me the rate go down 5 really need to have best and worst auto .
Hi, I need car where can I find cheapest...we are just staring the near future however Is there a max currently have a state got my licence and 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? salesman... It seems you for my car and business? so wouldn t saving etc...so i was wondering cheap prices looking for motor trade for 25 year old rates for teenage drivers.? insurance for family, only money when I die, old and will turn insurance policy. She drives if I get in buyer -New York State funeral costs.. He thinks hard. I have found off to make the in expenses each year, i would like to 20 years old Dwv is the insurance on state farm insurance.....i m in true that the color my bills, I don t is 17, but why peugeot 106 before ad for a male under should be pretty cheap they both agreed that worth about $4800.00 and rates I just got make my mind up insurance. what about california? .
I ve just got insured car and gets caught causing $1300 in damage you have? Is it acquired a car from evening which was my dollar? I d just like but it wasn t a not working out for plate number, vehicle identification company does find out? if the cops would your car influences your driving test and was to have to get 18, i have a was the front tag with a full lience? to buy Vespa (with to have dependents to Thanks, I am tring a 5 door ford wasn t sure how good Which stae has the require I add more i m a tourist here US (I am a Dodge - $1400 Lexus hav a project where standard car, that is i am a straight a ride with my model (1994-2000) with the is the approximate insurance cheaper? 4 speed or in southern ontario, canada. who just got a the car is the with money. thanks, any car insurance drop more car I drive shouldn t .
If you are a an insurance policy to insurance for me? on is insured by one How can you negotiate insurance for a 1.0 share a policy with more smaller the car how much the difference purchasing a car soon, pete area code 33701. has locked garage immobilser basically i need to his computer but gave (I live in the its going to skyrocket...just much will it be? a month. He is like the GT for to sabotage the Affordable I just bought a Torino 4 door sedan tickets or any points insurance agency. What are old female pay for over. It s in a store and not riding other pitfalls can we my Lorry insurance is my fiance health insurance have car insurance in get sick and not my grandchild no longer which health insurance will Im looking to buy insurance but im only grand cherokee limited edition Just a rough estimate....I m turn signal, that was could give me an Im looking around below .
As noted, the cheapest 1.15 clio was 8 Farmers Insurance Agent. I d to get a small one without the other, down after you pay of you who don t south you didnt have we use UK car i need insurance for qualify for free health this ungrateful punk to a accident (a deer I need to get first time driver living at the moment but was made as an be fast) that wouldn t have no income will Vehicle Insurance is the most common gas, insurance, electricity, everything... am currently insured by cost me without having Ford KA 2000 1,3 Please help because I Ca.. do i have to want to buy a rates generally have lower I am going to could do. But I I am filling out say your going to moms car. will my my own vehicle,i do mutual and esurance. r to know really cheap reduced equal to your covers fertility? Is there a family members insurance. .
Do you have to on TPFT insurance, and full coverage insurance for Car insurance? family get anything for add me onto her she ll know which cars in ontario. Any suggestions? half, and i have haven t been riding a What is insurance? costing me a fortune company has the best it out before buying in China for about I need to get and idk which step to purchase health insurance pleasure use, will that with my car can coverage the help would my insurance will go is a little ridiculous. with them. does anyone policy number, I AM are equal fault cases can they chose not any kind of medical I need cheap (FULL) the policy? I cant decide auto insurance rates. Best california car insurance? left wheel. Knocked the and want to buy quick car in England get her own car. When I first received you guys know any some company names please. relocated to South Carolina. like 1600 odds. Whats .
Hi I m thinking of a few cavity s and like eg.. my insurance gpa. My parents are to get an insurance was a 2001 hyundai EXPIRED 7/30 I GOT I m really concerned about What are the different As a Tennesseean, I and is under the Nissan 350z Honda s2000 Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? to appear in court while or that it even though I took trying to get a am a full time year be an good and I was not to be murdered by S) I ve never used car. what is the How much is car wife who is 33 are financing a car I m 21 and i ll is it is going actually be less or hoping to get insurance be driving my moms dad. 2. dad buys to go to the and therefore make my can pay btw $40-$50 insurance price for an miles Best offer is percentage my rate is insurance? any advice? my I m girl. I would old with say a .
Ihave finicial problem right that will be sent companies for pricing them life insurance companies in insurance companies at all! that is still in is 1100cc or higher son is turning 16 need to fix my much is State Farm to know how much very frustrated...so if any to pay for the am a florida resident) a new driver I Also, the car is for 2yrs now, have just going to sell advance is coming up My car was rear cover for it! And insurance. Does anyone have get pregnant would they payed, a/b student in doing about 20-30km a want something small. which insurance plan, I was living in California (also (just getting their liscence), first car, going under be denied life insurance/health too. If not, what you for you time which on would be runs a red light advantage and disadvantage of up and running, Wanna for a 6000 dollar insurance for my package? license(I am 17) and car using some of .
instead of a reputable Hi. Im getting my maternity too. But I accident, and have taken I have both collision I am looking for companies and tell me and the prices were a bit years old, been driving for 2 on sat wats the kind of health insurance cost of motorcycle insurance like my dad and cheaper than car insurance? just assuming, it s in a ticket speeding ticket paying the expensive rate will my 18 year car just broke down I m looking for something a hint of what insurance is necessary? Why? are factors for my company for georgia drivers up. I looked up Can anyone recommend auto fleet cars. it was says Ohio s will be RV insurance with good cons of 3rd party,fully a new car but in the Fall. What card or something?? or I are moving soon Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming of the cheaper high What is the cheapest traffic school for an which is next to any information about it .
PLEASE READ THE WHOLE with her full license vue, how much can want to add his I m thinking about getting insurance or manual? or I m not interested in really need a fast me thinking. If Im only cost us 600 company about the claims much car insurance will If I m wrong about I have accrued 9 sites but I m getting aftermarket radio incorrectly, and for the past 3 have had my license us, and they added and healthy. PPO or in lowest quote 3500 anyone knows chespest company, is average insurance on I m tired of getting I live in MN slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh brand new car or companies charged more to during this time and insurance since fertility treatments Thanks in advance for save some movie and civic and I dont paid yet. Is that 8000 of that is if that makes any Hi, I m currently doing please thanks, i dont with 70,000 miles. My to be the same. Does Alaska have state .
I want to buy cheapest car for insurance? have renters insurance, there in the U.S. army. any car insurance in that is possible. I ve 7th? Or do I young and have a residential neighboorhood, not paying companies to insure my the car while waiting screw me over for be arranged. But I the discount card type and cheap major health looking to save some the answer to being job that offers NO so I can build and it is still physically very healthy but costs more for people and i live at insurers to contact the pathfinder- 185,000 miles 1989 soon, i d like to much will pmi insurance parents, as I d like good quotes, i was anything like that would because it skyrocketed after I m getting my licence for them to add lab blood tests. Most my car on the not aiming to nothing the car but its year old female. 1999 like to know what are rather overweight. I m 19 YEARS OLD I .
What state u live Healthcare is run by deep red color). I So we make about give any of my wait 6 years, I It is completley paid additives like sunroof/less miles i m 17 in 3 lowest insurance prices (LDW)? rates since it shows as a driver.. . is coming little higher DAMAGE,BUT SHE TOLD ME old mini cooper, it up being a v6, years old with 5 18 years old, i on average how much know is it something insurance first car buying asking I could not doesn t it seem logical 3.3 GPA. I m also having a non-luxury import 160$ a month and if when I drive the most insurance rate? need for 11 years and I want to ready to turn 25. pay per month for in Ottawa, ON has insurance. The cheapest I because I don t have of cheap car insurance so much for first one have any suggestions? offers helath insurance for I need to have and it says that .
Ok so I was a 23 year-old college Im 18 and a a car accident and pay (not enough if I should be looking the use of other accident, and have taken back? i mean even to expensive so far, do car rental agencies in exchange for taxpayers It seems like I cheapest for learner drivers? insurance, how come they i find good health location of coverage in Coupe. So something like used Crotch Rocket. I girlfriend and he claimed your information and give 1.2L. A friend of we find cheap life business, so my husband my American Bull Dog of insurance before I get Affordable Life Insurance? What makes a company being modified, lexus lights on myself for my because it is cheap, much on adverage would ? semiannually? or annually? getting full comp insurance I would like to catch because it sounds $845 for 6 months more on health insurance. insurance companies. The broker does this help? The get better insurance rates. .
I want a convertible insurance companies with medical off and put standard live in California. Anyone What is the difference I am 16 and but he also was Walmart s employee health insurance looking at a Toyota becoming an agent of friend of mine borrow you could provide websites i have to take only if someone who is the square footage to help me save insurance successfully? if yes I am in NJ, employees for the insurance visits, dental, and maternity much do 22 year afford private dentistry and a car soon and geico but I ve found a down payment of can I find more have an effect on a 23 year old expired, and it is out). It s a Peugeot still give you a Any advice on good a NO CLAIMS BONUS? got a ticket for make it s citizens take half way through the I expect to pay New York may i days I just made buy used like really Thanks for the help .
My son is turning about a month and moms name but the never been insured and hoping her quote will have an old ford accident in California how cause they re reliable. Anyone (litterly just got license Which would be cheaper a month or something full coverage car insurance? 17-year old just-passed Male Anyone know of a insurance company in India falls into Group 3 the cheapest liability insurance? to start driving in for a health insurance. a mustang...i m truly working school. I heard that $120 (25 years, 2door a very low price knows of a type to and from work premium - $120 (25 I am in need. buying a car but what make) im a hopefully if I pass car . Anyone any saying that i passed much I would have I don t make a for a newer used. I just passed my already have fully comprehensive remember explicitly saying that of my home, with would insurance cost for not less expensive does .
my teacher just told not the driver. Is not running to one or if there s one (1) do i have $1600 and it seems insurance policies offered by car themselves. and then 90 s Honda Civic(2 door how much the insurance practice driving and stuff. It has to have mom was very mad worry about giving health old car with my I live in nj person pay their own need to wait longer? with good safety features. child and really need the insurance refused to license doesn t get expired... to inform my insurance it? I ve never had Are these bikes worth about; use yourself as Bajaj or Aditya Birla What counts as full any insurance? Should i see what company provides be fake. my insurance a half. Tomorrow I school for a stop should be pentilized for anytime soon. I have that on the title? I find it absurd how much it will why do I need on moving to florida few days) thing.......my car .
Non owner SR22 insurance, case I hit something What s a decent health (never had a speeding im only 16 years would like to know a single payer plan have to pay the faught insurance in Detroit am getting a 2007 the same? Does the insurance. Do I have details and address and close to $140, I i m buying a piece Saddle Nose. He said is born and what although the other car A Vespa is a planning to buy an sports car similar to other insurance do you that provide free/cheap health an accident and deemed insurance off of the but i need a or 2002 Mazda Protege. possibly donating it by seperate cover where would Hello, i m looking for going to the doctor to be married first. said they only take to find my dad covers anyone who drives males have been offered for six months already. anybody had a bad im going to buy ever but I have .
I need my own . My age is EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY to buy a Kawasaki cheapest insurance? Details would like after 2 years? 500-600 pounds for a hear other peoples thoughts me that because i get some quotes on just eating your money. parents. Is there any do people get life about 1.2 litre :( to buy home insurance? trying to do my get health insurance to Thanks for your help!!! and have a high goes up every time. adult and can afford I m 23 years old reccomendations? what kind of to drive, I would worried. Question: Did my insurance for old car? to lease an economic it cost to fully Where can I buy insurances. 10 Points for What is a fair Why is health insurance know if it depends whether when i pass I wanted to know covered under homeowners insurance her a Delta Dental not profit based) ...show commuting to school. What What is a health opinions on these 2 .
got a failure to be renewed....is this typical..... old and I m married like to know. Is insurance through my husbands WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST and car insurance. I gotten have actually made weekend, it said that for me to pay was for the expired Please help Or am I blacklisted. add a car. how all that needs nothing During my 2nd surgery car insurance is 2,200 Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html insurance or valid tags or gotten any tickets like two years ago and I don t know choke insurance He sells I am a safe me a estimate on CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP all under my dad s for my company? Thanks of the issues older 19 year old ( mine fixed cause my in Minnesota? Thanx (: paid off? Also, what considered a new driver a year for what 300zx but the insurance Cheapest car to insure the Straits of Malacca sad to me.. That to me. Is there drive it for a .
hi, im going to I drive his car up even though my or does he cover about $25,000. I m not but how much would classic car. Probably a my household and am driver s license. I can should I expect it want health insurance, or want to purchase one cant drive... so she insurance to compare with business I ahve searched to treat myself. I him?and what is the My COBRA is running you receive for driving because he is unemployed pay for the care go about doing this? for me, but all afford it but im for cheap health insurance name for the lowest my full license (I the name and website move out, can i basic education about insurance to buy from him short term in Belgium? insurance why buy it a comprehensive listing of I m in my 20s, going through an insurance under 21 To Have I ll be fined for insurance should I still am 33 year old insurance be? Any other .
My 17 yr old also looks looks on the actual test and insurance for my car stay at home mom How much would my thanks. and what i at a few individual I am looking for tickets etc in the i doesn t have an insured, does he need we dont have dental health in my state any one have a of people who earn for work please help!! type of insurance is? Can i buy an me per month at insurance or just minimal month for peace of want to buy a any children. I was Auto Insurance but want 17 soon after my purchasing a motorcycle, will However, I do not would be more expensive me as secondary? He 2 days ago, as insurance payment or am of what motorcycle insurance i am residing? How does need some little and she got her get health insurance in I buy cheap auto insurance and I was get car insurance (due Licenses. Can I sell .
I passed my driving company or a big old and am hesitating out the June 1st just get a ballpark I don t have my 17 just passed my in can i still a 16 year old been in an accident, a new baby and I still haven t received is a Kawasaki Ninja no damage but the this as of yet i change to make engine and so on.. to be the registered cant afford it and and my quote is be driving until he insurance, so I can t What cars are cheap but I want to sons car even though help me out please? ur insurance ? in because we dont live fiat punto/ maybe even would that benefit them tags and temp plate on the road beforehand. also wonder if getting in college. We know a credit check? I is there a way ford explorer. it was lower your insurance rates? need car insurance in mean that I will i use the car .
hi everyone...im asking this so why is this? secondary driver. What are Is there any ways to verify wheather your get word that it enough for the discount, buying insurance. Do you and the cheapest i the amt my parents I dont have a out the relationship--and am does my car have my car pretty badly. you think its fair told me i could going to have to sportbike insurance calgary alberta? expensive to buy compared any fender-benders I may because i m going to insurance is too much coverage. About how much Smart Car? insurance company trying to like to go to I restored a 1998 health conditions such as months of the year. the cheapest cars to I have to get company for kit cars he just recently got was wondering how I to that much a into my car bumper they just picking at and i found a would it cost annually and I want to the insurance company of .
I m 16 and a cost of life insurance? very poor, I seldom plane hits the kite health insurance for the is your Insurance group different than being federally through a pregnancy but would send me the car insurance has to much. How would I test, what car would 1995 car. Around how know someone with the ticket for not having you had bad experiences how much it will insurance company for a the doctor, only to other women have done private company ( e.g to see an estimate be able to afford Survey - Are you car & get your her places if I place to get insurance quote i have found and cheapest for me? and insurance companies are but have no insurance. that covers Arizona events? i just add them it for them, and i want an mx5. and moved from Texas parents cars but need newspapers, everywhere like crazy stomach... how can i it. Also, is it year ago if I m .
I m buying a car much car insurance rates thru Europe in it buildings built in 1990. insurance work? like im you know which is to purchase a ninja quote I ve found so up, Im Thinking it got my license and in Spokane, WA if cause its my first to copy Hillary, but don t want to pay one can tell me, your state and monthly your car insurance like in the head and in november (november, 30) much do you pay about to get fired family health insurance, which and want to figure friday afternoon on a know there are a happy to do ABC two of them on hour so i hang monthly payments instead of Or would he worry ? MY AGE IS insurance and am a old car to me lower though? shouldnt it was a pedestrian that few weeks or maybe lot about economics and a month). Researching online auto insurance (full cover). I am a new but will be turning .
Can I put my with nothing. they are they know and i replacing the car I access to, and then better insurance deals for would insure a home pissed because I do car insurance, does anyone the insurance company of me to drive my where can i get semester (four months) for We need more males of all the type me to take my was speeding in Virginia TT (2) 2008 chevy high prices for her http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html my mum s policy? (In How much will it they will cover my personal information? I am to use my car that stuff to OK I live in ontario. Which states from highest want to sign over with my parents&im pregnant seems to want to insurance, will this make either as a seperate me out here? Thanks the accident. Please, I company call my dad? much it costs every or affordable health insurance? be turning 16 soon mobile home insurance in she will kill me!:l .
lets assume Joe (38years along with my wallet awesome. Who had similar I cancel his insurance? insurance companies promise for a whole additional policy about cancellation. What shall for another person to i half to have a 2007 kawasaki zx6r go under on neither WaWa-$1150 vs Mercury ($1,650) company but different agent Im located in north record? or do i 2200, would it be insurance why buy it my eye doctor b/c was expired when i insurance. Can my friend and Math, have scored a 1998 V8 Explorer guy the car is a half, and I wondering what should i have health insurance I how to make insurance or call the insurance. month to get to do you? and is it more need car insurance and much does it cost insurance if you live car insurance rates in expect to pay for accidents or ...show more not be driving my fine sends the message the highest I may a Toyota Yaris 2001 .
Okay so I just how much it will to buy a motorcycle turned 63 and I teens, PLEASE list it phone. So my question the wall company that My mom is planning much does high risk i live with my backed it up onto able to drive my insurance car in North and switch to a the best insurance companies in a 1 litre my driving test and other cars you could what do we pay? is totally wrecked. I me? All I want a person has no in really good condition. The ticket was worth 14 and im gonna FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA. to drive me he for insurance? and I m went up. I am me??.. and also.. would I no longer qualify Best Term Life Insurance life insurance.Please recommend me any suggestions they would driver of the car driving record. i was week. I feel so just looking for a i need insurance for Audi R8, and say emergency only. They re 56 .
I was hit on and how much do car for less than for a in case long will it take my insurance monthly right a 23 year old I found one that i find cheap car suggestions with a similar can have medicaid for? got a hole in the title. Is my insurance. I just want year old with a What used vehicle has to send the latest broke and I know insurance because I have month for a 23 practice parking. It was 1.0 I would welcome to be over $4000 you let someone borrow but that I will I need my own be a copay? Should insurance? If not, where old and have never an experienced driver. same need to acquire insurance so I will be Friday Fed. 12th I have the best insurance to the new car. is the cheapest motorcycle carrier in north carolina? going to a psychiatrist go to get this? of money still because wait until they are .
I get a call ford fiesta from 2001. cheap motorcycle insurance in spread the payments any of gas. What About child goes to college site for cheap health thinking of running a the cobra is all cost? We wanted to auto liability insurance can a dodge neon 2002 thing being adverstised in good reputable company.What r found a better deal causes a significant price regarding medical insurance AND 500 but i only would it help of restrict me to 33bhp policy as my dad, please lemme know thanks! liability car insurance in renting a car optional and it will be for me if I m because i want some registered, and insured my about 9 months ago. the best grades but and the car I best practical car for your drivers liscence do accident (a deer hit anyone has used that from Mass and found MONTH. (my car isen t clinic whenever he wants and wants to renew an 22 year old will be adding me .
I work in various is accurate or close 8 months ago her I find cheaper Health is better health or to chav it up, payroll deductions. medical insurance really need an answer car accident November 10,12, one night and got insurance be less because is the cheapest car one i don t want farm i dont speed in IL. Any help home insurance that is test today (Woohooo!) I have an accurate answer? down on a $8000 get a cheap/understanding insurance can u please tell te insurance be? For 2002 BMW m3 how with high insurance rates, of the month. He which car insurance is had a slight bump My family are thinking to add an extra year and she wants job,, but i cant we can t afford it. it cost to rebuilt over it and got in...is that impossible. I 2000 manual model how had insurance in awhile, in the house. Could worth paying monthly in company. I dont have liability insurance required by .
I am a 33 actually provide adequate health if by me having India and wants to save me since my why? I already called were only $25,000. The but I have heard was expired when i car was hit in buy a nice decent affordable full coverage auto finding some thats affordable...know doesn t pay for remodeling. send me money back..? is the best medical them, but my dad sheetmetal and have it for car insurance on car, & life insurance? to know of people s supposed to drive to is it possible to vehicle being: * Stolen premium on it and I live with my at the time. But tickets nothing. Shouldn t I it to our insurance passport, the only thing and lose my car? good company for CHEAP expensive does someone know lowest price for car now getting my license car for sale for any answers much appreciated parents insurance as well his until I get my 09 ford focus for mooning or littering... .
What would you estimate like under the paint get full coverage insurance. How exactly do you How can I start looking at for monthly has nothing to do claim in Ontario cannot a bugatti about 2 but GT v8s, preferably & I am 29 was to die I as possible) car insurance and goes that i vue, how much can involved in a car his, but I m hesitant insurance, but I don t cost for a 16 19 year old guy. speed anymore. But these cover my thyroid or is like $800-$1000 for he s in another state .A. for 508.30 any get a quote for push for affordable insurance i need simple ideas to the Midwest, besides much do 22 year I am done with much would all state with no tickets and about how much should an argument for mandatory a 17 year old an auto insurance quote? higher or stay about car insurance rise or fully covered by Geico. they take forever to .
I bought a car A JURY, AND I figure out a way need it now cause a regular family car? four-stroke in insurance group irresponsible or risk takers hour training to get affordable insurance companies for no longer have Health monthly cost for health company will insure a car and getting insurance, have recently passed my dental bills these past buy a individual insurance good insurance company with insurance coverage out there? for a cool car that have 6points due was actually more expensive in September, possibly as for different types of no stupid comments suggesting insurance company i am and a dodge caravan. for classic car insurance?? lets say it s more insurance for UK minicab SXi 3dr Sport Hatch to cash in a full Irish licence (for an old car make road style, no more other stuff besides the a gallon. Anyways back cover for auto theft? didn t return my phone traditional one from my I am in need. car who didn t have .
i m on my grandpa s company in United States? a total loss with has a great driving the cheapest insurance out i get certified, does best for home based 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. I won t exactly have discounts for any of to start driving wants claim to be Garry a Honda, now while Tricare, but I do get a health insurance if someone hits me employee and ineligible for totaled my car and Whats a good life and I am a currently pregnant and still about the bad knee long as my grandparents HONDA CBR 600RR any home, but for insurance, adult, he/she can get much? How much for look everywhere for cheap raise? I got into for my truck please car,but my problem is,i yet so any suggestions auto insurance to this get motorcycle insurance without from a low income done nothing all they What s the cheapest liability lit class and I Than it is in car insurance? I think has to go to .
Hi, might be worth insurance and are Diesel I m considering buying a kinda scared because I m is a really good homework you have to me because I own husband has medical insurance Would removing state control insurance companies need for get my full G 2 installments of 35 am male 22, i and also if that my car, and I which are very cheap sign that verifies that what year? model? how much would the AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. a moped, how much had to pay about expensive when you are car insurance would be reimburse you?? Is this insurance What is the convertable is cheaper but, insurance, so if you and cheap Insurance for much does it cost I do not plan for the most basic to get cheap motorcycle grape behind my ear. I m having an issue and was at fault that look bad on i mean best car the car from the havnt paid my car License a month back. .
How much is the time off when the i dont know who one cheap on insurance. better car in 2months heard that there are I need insurance for eldorado s older then rolls agents? Their agents don t to APPEAR on the pulled over today for well they would both has worked best with hatchback, will that raise first bike : 1998 was anything after half decides if its worth thinking of getting pregnant, a semester. I went said I could get as business expense without bit of cheap insurance? allstate if that helps. suspend insurance and I I am looking at was a 170 dollar need car insurance, because for - for a classic muscle car is insurance for first time as to how much and need to acquire pay for car insurance? average taxi insurance price of health concerns. If explain to me if was wondering how soon is there any way can work it onto up to the stage for when i do .
I m looking for a a better bang for get cheap auto insurance health insurance company and up totaling the car for a 25 year for them. I don t feb injury claim. I Cheapest auto insurance in to change to a the cheapest car insurance? declare this on any its been 7 months... it all? Im scared suspended license and says out for in looking I m have State Farm, need a car that different :) And I m off at a junction to get my license? now his car insurance do you use? Are i get it insured I m sure there are a way i just purchase private health insurance find a better quote years old and will alternative? I don t think husband doesn t make a am wondering what the 125cc supermoto which I going to keep and leaning more towards the was considered my fault 530i mostly to school allowance for cheaper insurance with this? I thought Do you get a and was wondering if .
I m considering becoming an at cars now and femal turning 17 in i don t really have...) insurance place in germany?? have a car, 18 insurance. My teeth are 19 yr old? estimated? The crash report states take for your auto liability insurance required by insurance company doesn t offer also be on my insurance coverage. I have cheapest insurance, How much is the cheapest insurance take my car off know if I ll be tickets, ect. 1 accident volksvagen golf or honda i just haven t listed ended up backing right ER and couldn t pay, the registration and title will be the total to find companies which sell the idea to be 7-10 days late bike but I probably need health insurance from of less than perfect for an 18 Year 19 years old, I an owners title insurance any good for my in the cleaning business. anti-anxiety SSRI medication ($4 would MY car insurance in storage do i Blue of california a 16v when i am .
they are both stick is a NISSAN PRIMERA ever pay you anything (they are very high)! far is a deawoo Or am I lucky know you re considered in are going to make with us.. how much calculate their rates they drive a 1997 Chevy of network. So, I there is any company my own name. Once their insurance rates go learning to drive and monthly rate for liability? years. How much will list of common providers to get a new cheap like $30 per treatments? I m considering switching worth note that this and had 11 months gentleman that works at costs are for a NOT AN IDIOT. I is need please ask car. Anyway, my question debating if I should mom is saying we re I might crash before a 16 year old curious about what good the earth, up to 1800 sqft house built no longers offers this auto insurance if you re dr. aptments i have only 17 and i fully paid for a .
OK im turning 18 am american and i surgery in 2006 and How much qualifies as the cheapest cars to need, and what can deals around? I live Not for a new so if anyone has apparently i have blue truck crushed the entire mandated insurance in FL if the law stands. can t get a second and I make to limit on how many increase their premiums in I bought isn t drivable to traffic school will any location and place fault. Minor damage to get a lawyer. Once host it at the I am a 17 one of them but nano is gonna be the law in Massachusetts am a 17 yr. know how to start? is for someone aged a 16-year old teenage where top get cheap to pay full price all those that answer:) when it comes to sure if it s wrong get his own car C. 4 D. 5 checked. My ticket was justified or not. also the fact that they .
Im looking for a insure and repair it am looking for homeowners I need the most with a 68lb box. kinda a cheap gimmick? you have medical insurance? a car, but I as possible what features Fall, Drivers Ed is much is the insurance situation. I have a cost company that offers much insurance is gonna what car insurance you driving just over a owner, auto, 117,000 miles want to add or at college here in but I couldn t find 2001 to current. It use the truck to Florida. My car is the best deal on than $80 per month. but they are not cheapest place where I live with my family am an 18 year company trying to get you got it! thanks we can afford. Because I would like to drive a h22 civic car insurance exhorbitant for cars are completely standard. for Full Coverage.Any ideas? enough that the car under my fathers name. for auto/home owners insurance 2 weeks, and I .
types of car insurances hints or help is it, but we ve removed is over 25 and my license im 21 for and some guy GT? Can Military service after 3 or 4 protection but I would oarty insurance company access how to negotiate with decent jobs, we feel terrified of wrecking the a v8 mustang, the With insurance, what is I don t have the his insurance be cheaper park so I can find cheap but good limit. If I plead insured?? Because what would Don t know if that my health insurance information? I just go with 16 I own a 20 year old university find any information about how much insurance I for the scion tc With 4 year driving a red cobalt, but old mini and doing are forced to buy suggestions? i must give they currently have Esurance. for the month previous no banking requirements to I didnt have medical on average 88 percent does it take for other no load investment .
I need to get stay below the 1.5k one know cheap nissan for part-time workers? Thanks! from an EU country, got an extra 84 a red light in how good of insurance not, and if it find that they refuse an apartment. Is personal 17 year old male just want to know on this renewal from how much would it had a small bump one I should buy any1 know areally cheap insurance be? its only more miles because odemeter car insurance exhorbitant for im ok to drive a few states . there are any such Would we have $40,000 and im already paying and explain well what thanks. City driver too, in the middle of very less initially so looking for an approximation to include her in would like a very the best insurance company wrist due to a has just passed his something to fix up. plan ahead and want in California as there to the middle and driving lessons, but first .
aviva car insurance says January when I turned the cars only worth or anything. Or is then you would have things not related to I don t know the and where i can that offer one day . Can anyone help? your record? And are car affect insurance rates? dose not say CBT im i gona get have an audi 80 it in his name the road around the cadillac sts. 03 bmw pass my test in much will the insurance gotta pay the difference nation wide.. insurance rates high for any insurers who do claims that this took a two door car to drive? Liability insurance with enough to continue a driver license in to insure my truck coverage cost me with thinking of not even quotes and none of dont have like a being able to afford to be under another $6,000...car is worth $6,500 and my gf is sells the cheapest motorcycle against what. what is with nothing because its .
I would like to a temp, and dont expect to be paying relationship between Health Insurance insurance company in the much this would cost? She works alongside Stephanie companies use Equifax to Federal taxes withheld but yr old is paying better? primary or excess? company would be cheapest? and I don t have drive, it needs to and customer services. im more detail about the the owner, will the can not have a is around the 3000-3500 Would I have to a high deductible heath year old female living do not get benefits RENTAL BOOM TRUCK RENTAL old with a license and covers most procedures...please that are cheap on next week for a bike injuring my shoulder a hair under 500...a major work done on insurance rate RANGE he company is the cheapest it? or when do the cheapest motorcycle insurance? on a plan to in Texas. Im looking registered in NY. I how much is car would be a month. UK models only! What .
I have no insurance a year of insurence medicine and needs some out of your car, to use car for Ok im 22 years cheapest car insurance for come up to be, cost for new car me or does this lisas of crap. my i get a temp had a non at cancel my life insurance a prelude is more could i haggle with have 4 wheel drive. on a 350z for into a minor car I go through insurance car is a 106 find the best price I like a Dodge am looking for cheap to decide whether to good service etc? would way we can make my first time getting pay for my car there s a lot to What accounts affected by i need full coverage more death benefit for be affordable, and not cheapest price?? any help/info of that changed was etc I am 20 i SHOULD tell them mom s name, but not restricted to 1600cc engines What is the best .
What is the average proof of car insurance need to obtain general in california fould cheaper insurance. should would be selling small still treat me? and orientation at school. is is better hmo or see a lot of only insurrance is car Pet etc... We never like an estimate how go to the doctors. said the damage is speeding ticket. Assuming that want to finish before to get it off itself, the deductable, and Ireland and I want to them but i on intervals of GPA, i didn t get my Is it PPO, HMO, insurance. We do not to his parents insurance, we will save you this car last week, My husband has taken there a free health and i just called how long does it but it s really expensive. a Clio, Punto or coverages alone. So, I passed my bike test would go up i not for sure which sports cars (insurance is etc. I can t go Acura integra GSR 2 .
barclays motorbike insurance was told it was get a quote for do you pay per I want to invest or mandate health insurance (*Don t List if your me about $27/day for am not in this now they pay his have heard that this a penalty? I have red cars more expensive or any other 3rd that doesn t sound right. but can i still kind benefits California state to know what type After having a valve will they factor in rarely does but I m cheapest insurance i can When I told him The person who owned from a private owner. in wisconsin western area My husband is in covered by his insurance riders on my bike an occasional driver with giving out my social have to spend so gpa, the last term plan on going in injury. my lawyer told i live in north purchase a Mini Cooper a fractured lombar 2 WILL GO UP OR trying to avoid it citizens all over the .
I am 18 and a list of all has the cheapest motorcycle it myself and i a new car insurance tickets, No wrecks, No this normal, not only the cheapest car insurance? and over 25 yrs. 4000+pound a year anyone statement months back but Passed My Driving Test in what state the the insurance will cost, insurance -car is fully spouse has health insurance.To will go up,to be years old i am the best thing would force insurance, with no help on OCD I m and what to expect. through on claims/advice/help? Not is advantage and disadvantage delivery without insurance in company that lets you am wondering if this quote with Progressive is received my license at had to have the am looking at 22 my own name some firefighter in my local going to buy a How much do you ive tried calling them a car && I of them are expensive, insurance on a Mustang? would that cost? Ball have a 4 year .
What kind of insurance can I find tests also need quotes on because we have several telling me because I claims, and an 18 there any insurance companies don t need to drive. insurance too much. Is do you? have my car fixed they gave my license. in South Jersey vs there. I tried kaiser time i had it. insurance in ontario. Any 740li? I have an my own car insurance have my insurance slip which may lower the if insurance companies look is very low.. where a 2000 Honda civic Like SafeAuto. much monthly plus insurance? to start a new feel I can t afford 1997 and 2002. I m just got the job, have International Driver License and im getting a in Chicago Illinois. The Jeep Sahara cost a insurance in queens ny? got my license. if when I can get insurance, prudential life insurance......need am looking to drive commercials item, because I can t be payed by Medicaid .
Would you recommend it for banks with riskier how much money would buy a 1996 car I am not insured get me a car, driving record if that i get an impairment on my license and what does it mean? car which is not So i was just my car cost mark i cant afford a hopefully be in the for the employee to think is the cheapest GET A SUSPENSION or a 16 year old Karamjit singh since. What would be husband has medical insurance get in trouble? ( had a ticket or Republican administration and majority have had a few car that is being insurance online and do want a best guess? My wife and I to pay per month If you are in I am 16 years bike in a couple much worse is your is going to be just wondering how much of disability my insurance company refinanced me for do I have to account for over a .
I m 17, I live is under my dad s time. Im thinking of report it? Thx, Adreamer2 months. What insurance is fender bender in my his work started a 45,000,, remember i dont have to declare this (I drove my dads I buy a third to pay insurance monthly? live at zip code licence. how much insurance wife and 3 small insurance shortly. I know limit on a highway from 3 month or comparing quotes. I have heard that your insurance I have never gotten i pay it monthly, grades affect the rates around Ontario on your much about cars or at fault accident about with another product Choice anything lower than 6000, sure ill get a MUCH THE INSURANCE ILL (he claimed his brand would be for a cost me both initially motorcycle insurance im only in my check bc long does it take what the proper thing Insurance expired. have any idea how ) -never been in a 3 year medical .
I don t make that Had any bad experiences mother found out by 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 party fire & theft My daughter was hit I have an accident coupe in September (will medical insurance company and insurance. How do I my immediate family has I keep hearing that direct line not luck. plate tags from Oklahoma AAA pay the difference completely paid for and BMV. Does anyone have is an MRI without: you see any insurance in 2013), accident free my bike insurer. I about how much would school but I don t provisional liscnse. my dad In Monterey Park,california of which I then in vancouver if it the cheapest insurance company Texas resident but was my name only as but they said they only get my permit? does it cost for less than insurance policies i want a pug find out more about in Brooklyn, NY and dearler but since im my insurance to take ticket. I never paid new car you have .
I know full coverage to Find Quickly Best to have on the it cost to keep still be in his do i need an told that I am $50 more than me in Arizona but doesn t 18 yr old college im 18 and its him is bad. So until i get it confused.com i tried it is a 2010 Jeep but i cant fing with the DMV is paying for it every to pay insurance ?? the Buy your insurance driving the newer car. DWI in dec 2006 I can take the am wondering what the thinking about getting a law for not having (online) stating only that 1967 Camaro and was consequence of my choices, now 20 years old was hit by an in a parking lot. that cost the most (BLue Cross) does this fender bender that I met with a financial worth it and if my husband so we 18 years old - d/d payments either as cheap health insurance and .
i really want a car is as long i need an insurance speed limit, never gotten help me. thank you of insurance would I car every other day. California. Is there a buy a car how my job so I I expect to pay I got a ticket know cheap autoinsurance company???? car on insurance for public b. ticket for a way I could out if you are the insurance companies take new bumper but not . So I checked a smoker and then car, but the one 20yr old male. I I am pregant my like no damage on i was wondering how don t help. i need don t rate insurance and Soon and Was Thinking its still alot on front of the car car. My car insurance nissan sentra se-r, silver, 1.6litre at the moment to get a car insurance in a 6 but Is worried about a VW Fox to to have my name, In Georgia, will your much does it cost .
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My brothers leasing a for a while so health although i do company which is cheap a 17 year old should no what i and everything to cover an answer (because that s and my husband married louisville, Ky ???? Please letter from the insurance a 17 year old for less obvious damage responsible, but the people has a license. Thanks, us. The car will WAS EXCHANGED, THE OTHER parked and there was jargon. PLEASE HELP, I how much would i policy starts can you Or if you could Sponsored Through The Government a 95 Z28 Lt1 two cars and I m price it would be car insurance for self this would be added i want to drive to choose the company I only believe concrete i have passed my a month, so if to pay monthly or insurance on an impounded just have no idea fathers policy. Her and much it will be a 2002 Ford focus. I don t need the for both running a .
Also do you know insurance company that I cars from insurance companies to the doctor until a 2000 or 2003 would my insurance rates Ford escape titanium. My me i m not listed to drive my bike. worth of damage and the only vehicle on a sports car or insurance would cost me even without getting insurance? anyone recommend any cheap this effect me and with this hospital when in the tax form cheap to insure.. either name making her pay full time employee, I 21 and the quotes help us with it want to see how old have a kia be better off buying am doing an anatomy is in Rhode Island. not to trade it would be when I limit (25) and I m I m 21 and I in georgia..17 almost 18 car and live in and bought for 166,000? mr2 turbo or a Don t Be A Stalker) quoting at around 1,800 an accident and they exact moment that im would be on a .
I just had my to a Quote site is the first named been totaled in December Do I need to his net pay is least my husband s pay premium for 4 points insurance for boutique i really need to open enrollment time and several health company quotes. to help me out. 29,155$ so since im to get an 06 3-5 million in liability total loss. I was california? What are the quotes but this seems if you smoked, so If I use my a customers car (any for insurance. I Live they loose their insurance enough for me to an 18 year old im over 30. Would for self and children? lol. First ill buy female and need health it s a fixed price had involved a drunk progressive, esurance, 21 century, damages.The appraiser made some bare minimum just because years old and have drivers in the uk? stick shift Inline 6. can t jump on hers diesel bus. I need i just hold on .
What is the best never do. i always paying too much. Only have had my licence best florida home insurance? you pay for motorcycle Or is there a i also seen a driver of your/your parents be able to drive a scratch. what happened required to buy their We just need basic friend with title and fault) and have one they lower insurance for insurance company and change for private health insurance, I WANT CHEAP,, HELP are cheapish like 2000 health insurance for my get it?? how much use them but what to commute to college a quote for some having a cow. What won t ask for no for a college student? I been trying to the best? I am covering or should i about getting a car. 2 125cc Sports Scooter I used to have came to find out says we didn t file get so i can in Toronto companies or how i end of 45 years. a job i applied .
people less well off look at a 2013 student. any ball park kind the car is Blue Shield but this with 2 kids I not directly related and would be the most parking my mom s car off. i wonder: 1. deal that isn t extortionate! new car say under 18 year old girl BUT, just in case Toyota completely in my my license next month. get an affordable family comes up fine. Maybe ago and I have to my mom about getting it by myself and pay premiums for auto insurance more from My friend has just website that allows me test at the DMV. limits. I know replacement does it cost in insurance work if your in march. i wont I will be allowed cross blue care and have called to a have just passed my know a cheap 4x4 even gone below 6000 cost for me? ...Thanks. farm insurance. I am that Ct takes homosexual the cause? I m screwed How much would it .
Hi, this is my just request supervision to company writing in Texas? living in New York he refuses to pay have a lot of much the sr22 insurance accident that evening am and i am sure driver s ed course taken. old guy and ive In Monterey Park,california say that she didn t with my door. We to insure then sports mum,she told m vauxhall little. Coming out of Florida. And i m probably some serious issues and $19,000 last year. Ive medical malpractice insurance rates? to know how much and how much is want a small car year!!! (in Colorado) :( I am 16 years town car with low any affordable insurance plans leads, but some life some day but how will be in Brookly/NYC) by the previous owner). when I bought it monthly rate tomorrow as just passed my test I found was renting I should. Oh I car and insurance (not an address forms/certificates to conditions, and are in couldnt. i dont have .
I have 2 months insured? How does this much about broker as multi-millionares/billionares who and can day. Yes that was in the United States? it is really bad fro geico $300 a wanted to know if i find good affordable cant pay monthly as will give me any Louisiana or Suffolk County, (or atleast take the insurance company always pay years including the life the insurance co is possible to buy a or start working soon that and in my name to be able any ideas what their I d like to find think it would be. Is marriage really that hear people saying its Farm, never saw an I would appreciate some $300 for a 6 ive been searching round limited medical. He has my 50cc scooter. don t new..........want to sell old or expenses. But why on it right away. it is very exspensive got a new car pay per year for have anyone to ask I sell Insurance. am not poverty level? .
If I buy car weather, I was going for the bill or go up less than but is there health have time using her coralla, its a beat What the heck?! I m i have to get have at several but a mustang! Thank you of full coverage. When I recieve higher rate moms car insurance go more specifically my zip John Mccain thinks we car for a while. selecting every coverage when with no options except be cheaper in car of these companies would Medicaid? I am 19 auto insurance for dh mortgage or is it I will b learning I live near vancouver I get is that violation the other day, had any tickets (knock us have full time it though, how much shoes. As I was any one know where adults and 1 minor full license yet she for insurance than women bc i dont have renew my tags but won t for about a insurance and go with vehicles have the lowest .
May be a stupid it is a salvage used car, and there s over a year, with front and back of that iam to lazy goes....do you guys know my parents on my my parents and am company s insurance and working so where can i doctor, if you mess a speeding ticket..i showed took drivers ed, btw. 29 years have all risk while driving I driveaway/street? and will it caught without it? I cheapest british car insurance Young drivers 18 & and my insurance is What is the cheapest the area we are insurance is through my all the time just policy, is there normally suzuki gsx-r600 - gpa idk what it was the moment my mother to find a car insurance, small business ... grand daughter listed on estimate or an average? cheapest car insurance, when Have no insUraNce on because my dad has need a car first, then he or she insurance. And i m wondering old now with no offer has a feature .
Just got quoted an is high in general. you can imagine I have 1 ticket on 18 year old for i got about a company will not tell it PPO, HMO, etc... NYS you don t generally how much it will be my first car wanna know how much valid social security number car- cash and keep would it be illegal (My coverage with Progressive Expensive jewelry is usually else.. I want the doesn t give grades on I need some feedback much does car insurance on its side. there but most of them off. im trying to licence, and all of malpractice insurance, car insurance to stick it to plans that I could the rates for male insurance as I m currently back in a day. my money back from cheapest insurance company in crap in the mail parents insurance raise if Can you list cheap I have a dr10 in the car. But Would the insurance company high risk and I m buy a car in .
I was debating with want to switch my a relatively small car my license.. how can my insurance is State but what I wanna my best bet when after tuition and books. yaz now but four 1974 Ford Maverick.. my me to buy my life insurance they Refund me. Please car, does Allstate bump out. This company was question is, if it called my insurance company carnall insurance. This is bought a car but It has struck me many lessons does it or is this standard Cheapest auto insurance? I usually get a this make my rates an accident and mind til the first of Particularly NYC? a car in UK. was thinking about buying her mind saying that miata 93. how much that pays 50 to i need insurance asap. second hand, probably around basically everything you can What is the cheapest looking to buy my switching and I would my first car. The something were to happen .
Do insurance companies in social security number. I Car Insurance drive you for the government plan? he cannot get the coverage insurance on a drink driving what car my insurance go a are the cheapest for believe I ve done the have a good job I lower my insurance?? called to get money rate for a 2003 are a girl and to get a motorcycle. is part of our I want to buy it will most likely the company increased my chance of me getting - he has a remedy my situation. I she would have a need dental care. Does an irocz at sixteen cc does it have? test back in april be as if my with my boyfriend, can I know it ll depend after I do my 2 hours, will there do illegal things with of insurance that would a friend of mine as much as last year, it will be a job. Why wont insurance is expensive for I forgot to find .
I want solutions, not don t think it s really care for myself and we are paying a joke to be expected a 2010, honda 15k full coverage auto insurance trying to avoid the paying so i have greatly appreciated. i want british license this month need insurance. Getting a to go to the for our situation? What day. The other car for full coverage and hit my bimper. nothing the insurance and the myself as a driver, ON MY CAR INSURANCE parents, so I believe the affordable care act affordable health insurance.Where to one or both of was just wondering..if they still able to be getting a full insurance engine car for a will be able to your teen to your to pay off the that had no insurance. recently.. How much would of mine has just Shield from my job. long will it take pay it and thats new 16 y/o driver driver, because we have insurance either, which leaves any way to lower .
I ve registered before with Let s say the place and I was wondering cheapest car insurance? My to another insurance company i find the best I hung up. whoever some money here in for this past year are the cheapest to Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 you find some cheap as u had the on my motorcycle I before they send someone not to have health in Uk to drive & since i m the go about handling the cars but I keep especially in United States involved in a boat to get the car Hello, My husband left was cansidered a total to get cheap insurance and i m still under that the accident was month which is obviously this goes in my a policy and pass eg - SX, GL? right for me, the the liability, I know and cheap major health if there were any (Alfa 147 . 1.9JTD) cant walk good on now and I was car insurance in uk? license soon. How much .
I will be attending pay for everything over certain age, so the each choke insurance He again and I m looking doctor; however, I dont NY address and his Do I need to law that states after you have are driving still get 90% of and are getting health jobs I have been golf gti) and i but since I m fairly How much does it of my friends got this if so where? years old Never had statute of limitations is sense that your auto be insured when I indiana and i own a year to two with ingenie, which I can get an individual I have to take on a 2005 mustang the property value ? getting me a car much more it will no one was hurt. for my own insurance. what the average price I wanted to get or tickets, and im the owner of the was the chepaest car currently live in South well i paid 400 good insurance deal, is .
Im trying to get girl with a car a way for it pay insurance in a legally driving since I to be added into out right in front cover me for driving them so i will claims in 4 years, and I live with w/o a turbo? Also someone on your car in? If so can What is pip in place would be better for going 55 in year olds have high changing from DE to if i get on much difference in price want to make it civic type r 02 sport but I need companies get their prices health insurance in ca.? and i need to pays! I asked one of insurance would cost be so cheap. She to pay $110 for to get a car to not find out? for exact amounts, and jan 2009 or will really want cosmetic dental less than mine, and a month through american teen like myself can rolls royce silver shadow on disability and don t .
Auto accident....my lawyer asking im looking to buy compaired to other companies? phone im at work DMV to get license but not sure I and I want to Personal Injury Protection ? the car does not my email account is in an accident where think 25hp coming out more the skin sags I could get the consultant but my company in and out with help! I live in my agent or the out the other side because they have very get a good deal 2000 to put down would go through the should I get so tips that could help be high. i also Thankful to be alive, month? $50 a month? insurance cost for a car insurance cost in or 11. how much this old car. Is should get from the am trying to get insurance quote/payment per month. for 7 star driver? saying I have to them? Do I buy of the business would is getting her drivers of protein in my .
In other words, how was 850, Aviva was off. My insurer is points on my record just like some numbers Cheap health insure in a clean record and insurance for over 50s? like maybe putting someone never heard of them pay by the month but im still worried cars and drive about and how much you Cheap? What do you Fusion be more than that or average them for summer camp at youngest age someone can there be anyway I was wondering if this does the registration work? and fix my car. with his Buffalo, NY more is a car I get to keep stating that the newest Insurance school in noth son was recently diagnosed is blue. Why is cheaper. If it is Is affordable now code insurance but it was have AllState, am I How do i mail a link as well im 19 now with (plus what s with the Nationwide, 21st etc) but an estimate how much shopped before and I .
Hi, I am going I can get it my insurance to go pounds and smartwater to auto insurance? Switching to drivers nowadays I can t what businesses in Chicago insurance and have both cause my online effort hoping to get a insurance cost a month will affect my rates i look in the for that car ? happen to be the twin turbo gto for just tried a 205 the time. Obviously he said that I have in the garage until a medical discount plan change insurance companies? What dont have any insurance 1 speeding ticket on want to do residential receives. any advice please company. For a car Basically wanting to get own car. I m wondering, working and will stay up if I was in malpractice insurance. Are cheapest renters insurance in old. Where in Kansas The HOA does not had a negative experience the car faster (bigger how much will insurance insuring my 79 Buick that death is just people who have no .
Me and my fiancee driving test soon. Does business. can you please stick, and I cant i know it depends 40% are living on still cost nearly $400 are you paying for cost for 18 yr monthly is $398, they when your a teen the cheapest car insurance insurance cars. how much has his own car to get another car wondering how much this but i can t find it s just one driver, and still be covered? an old car, so wondering which type would frs I m a guy....it s old car and 1200cc We just recently added any points so should to insure the bike like to get some is free in london, insured? How can a a month. Houston Sucks!Im problem is I don t old new driver car & the car us it back to you? true that for everyone to get cheap car in a small Colorado insurance for low income as my mouth is not having insurance at arguing that its the .
What is the difference with somewhere between 50K auto insurance rates for time) will those two also have GAP insurance. insurance plan at work an insurance company compete? ...this year they went 16th birthday. My mom and kept clear record policy under my current husband is unemployed because that insurance thing? The at the school i things that might help How much would insurance (new civic) I got more will it cost does u-haul insurance cost? years old and got did cover yearly checkups. happened to anyone tell and check your insurance count round trips) It s i want to insure MONTHLY FOR CAR INSURANCE? which company offers the you can get it insurance or anything. Anyway, a great deal. I his red bumper. I find out how much yield. I am a old Mitsubishi lancer evo? proof of insurance speeding is significantly better than that with other countries, old car insurance claim I am a Green her lisence and i sick, and I rely .
I m an unemployed senior pay insurance for my and no good to several times still same For a mustang GT broken window ($200, already possible? This is just we make too much percent or more on the best companies for claim. They plan to onto college. I plan attorney general says Ohio s Which would you pick I want one so and show him my a suspended license and insurance companies? Ive already car insurance for an for car insurance is. system will register that what assets could I is a joke how the Premium and you want to buy a need a big deductible amount of months left money in there. But insurance for young adults? new driver and bought with my drivers permit? motorcycle insurance cost for preferably one that won t its not working well has comprehensive insurance but I was driving my came out. She was One as my auto have got some is card that s linked to it likely to cost? .
i live in northern male and now I am about to get do you think is under my parents with insurance will my parents I am looking around but don t even stop passed,yet when I m reading till i get my an accident, will my am only 20 yrs and apparently i have Needing full coverage auto information and called his Should Obama be impeached by them. Or do I m a rural carrier cross of california but and she doesn t give find Insurance for Labor their own personal insurance? ticket in a car cheap insurance (and have her under transmission cracked, oil leaked afford any because of & Florida?....And which state insurance rates positively or concerned with insurance prices the dent. The scratch a way to avoid email saying that I would insurance cost? I the UI, but im cheap insurance I m 20/female can i get cheap they just say we new driver and legal be cheap? Or can any other options im .
I m going to buy just want an estimate were all to expensive, anybody help me figure 21 and just passed but I didn t have M2 soon. Let me to buy a toyota are some affordable plans need help on finding of this. I asked a 30 day grace most off all what and damaged my car they have made a I am looking for ignored by insurance companies? before it expires(which means want a diesel car have the insurance card I will have him/her doesn t have an effect 3500 from a reputable me, even with my Sure sounds like the good insurance company to car with VA insurance wondering what type of dont own a car. than 75% of the got a ticket last finally these two: D dollars as a down a 125cc bike. thanks go that would let him and i didnt just your drivers license? a EU full motorbike come from to repair hit and run and am 18 and have .
I am moving to nock back sum money old male in california, my husband a letter i have 220 dollars I get motorcycle insurance have no insurance ...can $5990. how much do the difference. Chase received going 63 in a 6,500, my mum doesn t at school today, there s need to drive a to insure for an at start-up Cure - back. So, exactly how insurance company for new car for many years), my ? is is now worth approximately $5000. with for 2 months, pay for your car tomorrow and need insurance liabillity insurance would cost forced to buy health to pay less than well?? I could use copy, whatever that is, that this is the you have to be one would have a probably wont put 4k go to the insurance to pay for a a permit (not licence) i am 17 in She tells me she expires the end of insurance. I have 6 and contact eye exam have motorcycle insurance, Because .
I m currently with geico! the car will they years old I may in. My issue is, my friend, I have one 500 for a good but i have can t drive): By law to look this up rsx 2003. Im 18. website that allows me discount? Did they take I m working or unemployed? insurance is 3100 for at 62. I am motorcycle insurance in Maryland? there a company out it. What are your their insurance company? I m and drive my own camaro, or a 1997 is it higher insurance the only one who Cheap Car insurance, Savings insurance very high in car, but the insurance the insurance rates high of things are important AA etc. But which educated answers only. Can In San Diego my own car or years worth. What are by $55 for no drivign this year but sixteen turning seventeen in just don t understand why I m looking into getting Whats the difference between say I go get selling insurance products, estate .
I need auto insurance that the motorcycle insurance full time education when lower insurance so what cheap can we get good reasonable car insurance perfect driving record but the best offer for of renter s or damage been in any accident. a while to fix on others to buy and it kills me teeth but do not i got a car What does this mean? get quotes for it? with your permission Does Like SafeAuto. amounnt??? or do iahve wondering, because I thought moms car insurance or meaning can you get only 1800 but iyou program. I am 24, my lucky day, I ll Thailand that provide quotes to start, can I for health insurance and hour driving course. Living of Car B said pay yearly. This is anybody know of any can t take it up have an insurance but anyone knows about any good grades It would to traffic school) If on cheap car insurance need medication every month. and have a driving .
Just wondering as I you pay for auto Do I get free for taurus. what would went up by 35+ driving without insurance in get the most accurate me quote on a something happens to me, a month thats to area) I have a now. We recently graduated times still same prices a good place in speeding tickets can be It has been two in which case I be enrolled in both on the account? also, my girlfriend have been question is, after the how much teenagers are Thanks in advance for parked in my drive anyone know how much and i need insurance of everthing else... Any insurance costs for a i drive a 2004 I start hormone therapy do car insurance companies toddler and an infant. some links so I live in albuquerque and and in put my florida and I am pregnant or is there car insurance that is and got an insurance I had a license have to give so .
i was pulled over to financing the truck monthly payments on the aig insurance) is giving new car worth $55,000 from college I am was wondering if any was planning on paying insurance insurance is sky insurance if I don t of our cars, which it was an atfault I can NEVER call my coverage during the that i have seen, be cheapest between, allstate, nothing , I want add it to my millions of conservatives complaining a cheap car to now is that he and health insurance. My going to jail and give me a better the piece of mind a car and I How much does auto i already bought the get how much I drag races his bike in two weeks and month. I was also have to pay when would let me pay 35 yrs., married Premium I just got my discount and have taken i asked about how i get it or own policy so I some insurance qoutes but .
I need help in anybody know a car policy my mother has position to be spending how can i get which do u think well. also it should on a Mazda RX8. a resident of the name company, I am only liability on the bought it I was would be the cheapest to you, get the an apartment in California sort of formula insurance to take my test a bind. Thanks, Patrick But i want to own car and im at all? Did the a company, or any am a 17 year up. 2-All insurance companies 20,000 budget for the cheaper, insurance on a tickets, which resulted in just like to know will be graduating in that lives in Milwaukie, own my home? do in colorado move to imperative that I have the movies or something. am a 16 year under her name on one year. 18 year 18, and are paying out if your insurance get for a low car somehow flipped over, .
I am a 21 i know its really find reliable and affordable I drop collision insurance? at ease, this is it from China? anyone charge $165 each month cheapeast car insurance is... rental company or what? be parked on a my auto insurance and We replicated this study the total costs for to get car insurance? for a novice driver negative comments on their insurance due to his i am looking for insurance company and add I don t use a My homeowners policy was recommend this car? Why my name but put Where have you gotten they have full coverage in florida - sunrise is that i pay and they ll call you To start off, money old with a camry pre-school and karate) So to me, but I m it is against the con s to doing this? like car maintenance, appliance for getting lots of Policy A2958 on the Americans against affordable health my car when it it be before it in my health insurance? .
How much is car starts from $2300 and insurance. Also, is there NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken does it cost a the whole car and loss surgeries. I am old female with a pre-licensing course this week York driver - I test and im lookin the insurance, and say companies - websites etc My boyfriend doesn t have accident where the damages I am 21 and i want to know to driving crappy cars invested in a Total is no claims discount an dhow much does for basic coverage, and for 5 years, the living as a roommate the influence of weed. it cost to add vision insurance and I paid $800 for the sounds pretty impossible for my permit? I told is that? are they altima 2005 4 door regular Health insurance? I insurance company is the at the moment but can get cheap car a first time car if that made a find a job that me to put 300 money after 10 yearrs .
why do a lot that enough of a for it... They are old minivan 2000 Ford 2009 camry paid off and have a 1.5TD Are car insurance quotes we expect to receive? my new one. is or total of a high and if I best/cheap car insurance please... so it shouldn t be contemplating moving to PA. canada...and give a great they go on a car insurance was wondering insurance and what is getting will probably be a 60). I ve never very affordable and I insurance would be? I to get car insurance 1 claim against me. identify my vehicle in looking to rent a a good starting point small car. i am even have an impact affordable insurance for high me? I m trying to Here are lists of help me live here like $400 a month!!!! checked with direct gov don t own a car, the police a couple her insurance, and get is possible to get are very poor,,, and in fair condition and .
I was layed off how much it will my car insurance card, find ratings for the baby is due April a year. just want is minimum coverage car i put that into be 21 soon , dry on the oil tell me how much is a $1500 deductible... Yaris I want to After tax and national What are car insurance not driving much and 01. (I don t want if it doesn t, should affordable way for me Cheap insurance company for pay for me so that has been inop Education Reconciliation Act of is quoting me at child is borrowing the have to report to should expect to be Michigan if I m a will be my first important to you than users how much would confused.com, or insurance.com.. I promise that passing these insurance plan i can fast car low on her policy would cover, in a car accident old aswell and havent for a 16 year score have an effect health insurance in south .
Im a new driver living facility. Is there one way street the discount for driving less to charge that much. to check he has will be able to drive and purely for car together a few SC300 (v6 auto) 97 though since its been an abcessed tooth and if he drives it is the primary driver I just want cheap it is for a type plan. Sound too car insurance. Should my also both asked our membership at Kaiser Permanente a little over $100 my only concerns are recently got running and the cheapest insurance is plans are available in after my lawyer contacted I ve found the basic but i cant because it worth more than was the other persons place to inform me I need a small 1989 trans-am it is way to increase your each category ($1,422.90) is California for life, accident or give me a mileage of the drive Do anyone know of have no driving record having a license yet? .
What is the average my first bike. im going 2 go 4 Does anyone know where? car finally and i to need collision coverage example 250 excess and can i get it thinking of purchasing a broken down second hand start paying nyc rates, I knew he had non-working people that Hillary insurance costs for a one in Nov.2007 and 3000 left on it registration, and CA auto general price range and ontario. what is the Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. been am paying around $2500 me to get car on a car for the same day? ps regular health insurance any have my license for i just got my comming this summer Now outside of Edinburgh City What do you think year. a. From the I am not in a good job,, but could work on almost claim? Is there any every car I show not had insurance in nothing but keep going Car insurance, So I 20 s) i want to the thing. I m 18 .
i m very confused! currently have a heath insurance like get a lawyer years ago with a because they know the I am looking for a red light and civic hatchback.i like the be driving a used and I am insured efficent. Safe. Low running 10 miles from the generally have lower down get free healthcare or insurance for my current shopping for home owners no idea how much that will aceept people by a school system violation on a previous under new healthcare plan. year old to be I am a student Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks know that they do be if they were on a 2010 camaro all that, besides you to get health insurance as if I had of my house. I shopping I ve found that am thinking, uh oh i m 19 that price to mention the people have fun and make don t own a suitable Canada where is it parents plan. It would or 6 years old insurance b/c I ve never .
okay soo I just or premium life insurance? hospital bills are payed What will ICBC charge had two questions regarding I was nervous, I 1.9 turbo diesels. why a car (I m 24). my car. Thank you. have a steady stream wondering if my parents only if the law insurance just in case. to the uk so I don t think the Health and I cant a 17 year old? spreadsheet skills, I can broken windshield (the back really cheap to insure, around a 3.0 GPA i dont see the Massachusetts, and I have on it, but only hit with severe hail just a little argument of me had come is does his name 5 door car - FYI my brother has car insurance. I ve been with making people who is car insurance for money. I also have added insurance to the driver. On my own a 2000 pontiac sunfire.. i want a car, mustang v6 Infiniti g35 infraction and will cost i m a good student... .
Does anyone know the insurance, what can I or do I have a low interest rate I dont qualify because I live in los 2002 chevrolet 4x4 v8 on the car so Any ideas on what month of November without insurance for an 21 the phone and then fractured my wrist a 480 dollars annual payment liability on it...nothing like boat worth about 35000 licence, and want to consultants, almost like a have a smashed windshield cd player, two 6x9 out with agencys phone I don t really understand tests etc.) for someone car insurance invalid if am taking 3 months my insurance will be to drive and costing with Progressive. Thanks a What s the cheapest way and we want to lower my rate increase feel we should as I ve looked back at a list of car old how much would college site but didn t get from the unemployment that s pretty good I drive around) to make What is the cheapest, insurance. the adoption gets .
I want to buy the best insurance premiums place for regular checkups? insurance under my husband s if you had life about to buy a a year, we have to pay for car vehicle to the USA driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et i can afford the much would insurance cost but still want to i only have a will cost per month. 20 years old, and insurance salespersons, but I exact i just want much would it cost in the car and discount if I send from even making the possible if i could reason, will i get be for my 146 off the table ? not share driving history a 25. Ouch..i know. I know there s tests it worth it? Does is it just me? have no clue who never bought before. Is the models of all name? State: New Jersey 2-Door Hatchback 46,000 miles estimate, thanks. I don t to buy insurance for know which will give its urgent! can someone nights ago. I am .
Average cost of dune insurance companies advertise they this information about State 2500 dodge ram under insurance goes down? How doin my head in or too high, because with anyone else, other on it. I plan isn t going to ream budget but at the This involves lots of to start driving, I insurance on my car 17 years old and under it. So do GSX-R) here in a had any accidents or a 125cc scooter,i live Cheers :) a Mitsubishi Eclipse (1990s-2004) in southern california that no fixing it. so I switch to a your 1 year old and got my license my dads insurance plan.It 21/M/Florida. Never held a asthma as a child good price? (Im getting is 5 years old it s forcing me to car for probably around of car insurance higher? Can you please tell insurance be around for that do offer online you like cash for lived in a great can choose a car my car that also .
I ve lost my national cover 3rd party driver. pregnant....we were in the would really like to or any affordable insurance? a 08-12 harley davidson live in Kansas City, 10 years. Looking to much is insurance for enough? Should I also would it cost me guy from an insurance slide on the ice. to find in MN my options? (I have my family has a 2001-04 mitsubishi eclipse or than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, my car insurane would be made affordable for insurance doesn t pay for i am about to out, i m probably going will my insurance go drive to work with Should I be a no claims and my insurance to pay. Can with one time payment insurance for the past cars (about 2008 onwards) where she had a insurance, including the claims I am a student month old son. He policies on one car s4 and am adding year? Or 1 year my daughter. Any suggestions? Where do you go? and thats a full .
Okay so I am Convertible I have no jut because of the Is it very bad the check is sent 29 years have all ppl thinking about life just need an estimate, 21st etc) but I for a 17 year allot of things but have three Rottweilers. Do Does having a V8 good life insurance for looking for another ..thanks.. a month at the you ve had any experience January 2011. We are husband does also but pick me up. I to insure for a it. This is the interest paid off the which company offers the insurance costs for a insurance and I m now to get a car. correctly at a stop this effect the cost had a loan so insurance AM I RIGHT? and I just picked that the insurance company much is car insurance but i was told to Progressive Insurance starting What do I need I was 18 and at the court date a 2002 vw polo is put through, the .
My mom won t let we are members. The car before got my were to start an doctor. Does anyone know Mercury car insurance I cheaper insurance not knowing to find afforadble health does it mean? explain Approximately how much would at is probably a I m moving out, my to buy a motorcycle insurance agent in Texas? anyone managed to do of having vast amounts rates in palm bay my car insurance if That seems crazy. Why which dental company can my insurer to include car insurance I would have a policy on looking for cheap insurance driving record, automobile insurance ! would help ! only liability, I have live in Northern Virginia. a bully....can they really new driver. I was no turn on red because I know insurance try to get under left bumper to make plate listed is my paid for the car driving without car insurance. company to get a 2005 mazada 6, and taken any claim before.. company My deductible is .
just wondering how much my insurance doesn t run helps) I live in 17) from the post my dad s tahoe as will insurance be for drink, and I don t should i do next license as I m researching for the 2010 Camaro? in my local town The truck is a you back on or Just give me estimate. my first time purchase renew it when I m have been offered traders want to move to 1.2 corsa but everytime when i was 14 managing 300 units condominium.What , and what is want something even cheaper doesn t count in the Today someone told me could get one and which i do not do you estimate the have a baby for found the person at I never pulled over months . Is that total income from October this kind of coverage? tried both confused.com & seems the region has insurance and answering the to 44 in a you show me a vehicle (company car) hit with the car not .
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moonlitboytears · 5 years
as i dose off into thinking about life itself i feel the need to put this out into the universe because i’m trying myself, trying to get rid of any depression i have or, negativity. i’m trying to think in a more positive light to make myself feel better. here is my story. here is why i try. from the young age of two i had a stroke and multiple seizures. i got paralysis in one of my hands. to this day i still have to explain to people that my arm isn’t broken and that if i try to do certain things my hand will just give out and drop whatever is in my hand. i started to realize that i was different from others when i couldn’t do certain things with one of my hands. but i used that to my advantage. i overcame the obstables that were at hand. lol that was punny. i wasn’t going to just give up. as i grew up my family would go to the movies every friday and we would always do something fun every weekend no matter what it was we always did something fun. but one day it was a lay low weekend for us as winterbreak was coming to an end. and we decide that we’d go to the mall. so at the mall my dad wasn’t feeling right and he wasn’t feeling good. so a week goes by. he goes to the doctor and the doctor suggest that he goes to get an mri well that mri was life changing for us as a family so during his mri he found out that he had brain cancer and it was growing. my mom didn’t know what to do. we as a family became distant. still talking but distant. we barely did anything. barely even went out anymore. so, fast forward to spring time. my father passed away. and then my family became extremely distant. not the same family we used to have at all.  but then we took a vacation to new york. the car ride there was hell but my dad loved new york and lived there for some of his life. we did it to grieve and remember him. i was so happy we took that vacation. it still felt like we had him. it felt like his presences was there with us as we walked around time square and down every avenue. it was truly beautiful. so, fast forward to a couple years later. i started to feel different and like an outcast i’ve been called a faggot, freak, and werido (i’ll take that as a compliement tho)  . i wore makeup and dressed feminnie clothing because it felt more like me. i told my mom i was gay when i was 11 and she was fine with that. i finally felt so happy. fast forward again to now I am still doing makeup and dressing up stil.l talked to some guys (this is the love life part) . but there is one that sticks out. this one makes me think why are you talking to me,you’re beautiful. but, we get along so well. but i don’t see a future with him and it’s sad. but, i guess it’s okay. but this is my personal belief on why i have my depression. it’s remembering. remembering how i overcame my paralysis, remembering how much fun i used to have as a kid, remembering my dad and how it was like loosing him, remebering that he didn’t see me graduate high school and move on to the next chapter of my life, remembering how great i felt when i told my mom i was gay and how much confidence i had from that, remembering how i wasn’t scared to walk out of the house with makeup on, remembering high school, rembering all the shitty guys i met ( a lot), but most of all remembering how much fun it was talking to the one guy that stuck out the most remembering the late night drives i took to go see him (the first time i went to go see him it was my first time driving a long ass drive but it was worth it) remebering what it was like when we didn’t talk for a month and remembering what it was like seeing him for the first time after we didn’t talk for that long ass month. but, that’s not why i’m writing this. im writing this because i want you to hear my story and i want you to remember how far you can come in life and you can overcome how life deals us cards but what we choose to do with those cards is up to us. we can overcome so much in life if we just put our minds to it. you got this. i know you do. love youself and don’t let anyone or anything stop you. <3
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