#im only 20 now so i guess it's still high time
mainfaggot · 8 months
i often get nostalgic for something i never had the chance to experience but only watched from afar, when i see teenage boys on public transport with dyed buzz cuts and skateboards
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slipper007 · 1 year
#vent post#to delete#every year is the same bullshit and im exhausted#it feels like nobody pays attention. then you just have to walk on eggshells and either get gaslit or protect their feelings. im so tired.#my mom bough me measuring cups. theyre heavy and metal and cut into my hands. I already have a set i bought years ago#she got tongs to match. a huge butter dish that's nothing near my style.#and she got me knee high chicken leg socks. she spent $20 on chicken leg socks that no one is going to wear.#i gave it some time and quietly asked if we could return/exchange and all i get is#oh you only like what your father got you i really struck out this year why don't you like it oh i guess I'll just return*everything* then#you know what maybe I do like what he got me more. we went to the store and talked about what we liked and didn't like and he remembered.#he didn't just click whatever *he* liked on Amazon and call it a day.#a heated blanket that only works in the car? don't lie to yourself and say you got it for me. you got it for your mother when she visits.#i know it makes me a privileged pos but im just so upset. year after year it goes the same way. i don't know why it still upsets me#i just want her to listen to me without making it about herself or making it my fault she got it wrong and that's never going to happen.#and im so tired of having to be on edge while im here#my parents came up with a game where if you win a game you get to pick and open a little tube that has money/coupon/etc#and I told them it was a bad idea and it made me uncomfortable and I didn't want to participate but they basically said suck it up#my brother proceeded to take the bag of tubes and steal some money. and he got caught. so my parents made a show of giving me what he stole#and now they keep trying to have us do the game except now my brother doesn't get to open tubes. and I just.#im uncomfortable#i don't want to take part#i don't want what he took#i don't want to keep being the fucking standard they hold him to. i don't want him to resent me. but what i want doesn't matter#and even better I got to listen to the no stealing don't make me fuck you up talk after he did it#because slapping him and threatening more violence is always the best course of action. definitely.#and I got to hear the different standards they hold both of us to. glad to know they've been lying to me about what they expect from me#my whole life they've told me that as long as I'm above a C I'm fine but I didn't believe it. now they're saying they've always expected As#thanks for finally being honest with me my senior year of undergrad. really helps to know for sure you've lied for 22 years.#i just.#agh
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 3 months
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second, never first
part seven | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - swearing, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol)
word count - 700+??
sitting next to chris during a scary movie when he is being set up with your best friend is wayy more terrifying than the conjuring let me tell you that. anna may be my best friend but i know what she i capable of and lets just say i cannot let her find out what is going on right now. for the first 30 minutes of the movie it was calm, mini jump scares here and there. each time there was a jump scare i would just jump and cover my eyes. but the movie got progressively scarier and thats how i ended up curled up next to chris with my knees up to my chest, hands over my eyes, head on his chest and his right arm on my back.
since matt and nick were sitting on a different couch i had no one else to turn to and i am a fucking pussy when it comes to scary movies. im a romance girl my favourite movies include kissing and heartfelt confessions not people in chair flipping upside down because of a demon taking over their body.
“are you sure your ok to finish this movie, we can turn it off.” chris whispers looking down at me, “uhhh” i say out loud. “its ok i can finish it.” i say looking at him as he chuckles and rubs my right shoulder.
if the situation was different i would be ecstatic to be cuddled up to chris right now but its wrong. i moved to sit up and chris removes his arm from me and grabs his water bottle off the coffee table and sips on it. the movie finally finishes and i let out the biggest sigh when its done.
“jesus y/n you look scared shitless it wasnt even that bad.” nick says. “dont think i didnt hear you audibly scream like 20 minutes ago.” i snap back. “ok” nick says sarcastically.
i grab my eyes from my purse and start my car, looking out the window to see if it actually started. “your leaving now?” chris asks. “well we have school tomorrow no?” i reply. “oh yeah” he says. “im gonna go grab a water from the fridge if thats ok.” i say “yep go ahead” chris says holding his hand out toward the hallway that leads to the kitchen. as im walking out i hear the boys mumbling.
“matt snap out of it.” i hear chris say in an annoyed tone as i walk back out to the living room. “im gonna take off now and hopefully am able to sleep tonight.” i smile. “ok thanks for coming” matt says, i smile at him and wave them off as i walk out.
later that night i got a text from chris
sunday 11:29pm
chris: be prepared for anna tomorrow
y/n: what are you talking about?????
chris: she completely blew up on me when i told her we had a movie night
y/n: did you tell her that your brothers were also included..
chris: yep
chris: she is still pissed
y/n: ok so i guess i will just go fuck myself
ring ring ring
i answer the face time with chris.
“chris what the fuck do you mean shes pissed, like jealous?” i exclaim. i knew this would fucking happen, anna is going to think me and chris are crossing her. “like i mean she thinks were hooking up and im using a movie night with my siblings to cover that up.” he states. “your fucking joking.” i say, “why the fuck doesnt she believe you i mean you guys are practically dating kissing every weekend and she thinks i want you because i set you two up?” i breathe. “ok kid calm down, she just needs reassurance from both of us.” he says shifting in his position on his bed. “you like her why would she believe you would want me in the first place.” i say.
“i dont know kid you tell me.”
thanks for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668 @alorsxsturn @w4nnabeurs @junnniiieee07 @waydasims @accio326 @bitchydragonparadise @matthewsturnioloswifey
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desire-mona · 2 months
siiiigh. todd autism headcanons because im projecting.
(using they/he/she pronouns for todd in this post. will explain but also if u dont agree i dont care, tw for alcoholism. time period is vague but autism hasnt existed as a legitimate medical diagnosis for all that long, so keep it in mind i guess.)
- cannot for the life of him stand welton's blankets. so itchy, just thin enough to not warm you up enough but still make you sweat, not long enough to cover your entire body. yes im making the blanket line in their poem about actual blankets, a boy needs to vent somewhere.
- beyond terrible temperature regulation, ALWAYS just a little too hot which is made worse by her sensory issues when it comes to wet fabric. constant slight agony and it never really goes away. theyre about 5 minutes away from crying about how uncomfortable they are at all times.
- had god awful handwriting until high school, like his teachers could BARELY read his handwriting it was Bad. OOOOOH OH MY GOD THERES A TRAIN GOING BY I CAN HEAR IT HONKING this is a really ironic thing to be pointing out rn but its sooooo worth mentioning. its still honking this is fun. 🚂. anyway. her parents made her spend an entire summer fixing her handwriting bc that was like the One thing her teachers criticised. its Fine now but their motor function simply doesn't deliver in the handwriting department.
- had a VERY INTENSE special interest in aquatic life + marine biology growing up, like read every book about any ocean animal in any library intense. his parents eventually forced him to abandon it because its "not a good career focus" but he still perks up when anyone mentions fish. once talked neils ear off about the biodiversity of coral reefs for roughly 2 hours, neil took her to an aquarium for their first date. rip todd anderson you wouldve loved spongebob squarepants.
- looooves pets, namely cats, but they have Too Sweaty hands all the time so any animal fur sticks onto their hands and just feels. so awful.
- had a brief period in his 20s where he was definitely an alcoholic, started as a social drinker but got too addicted to the feeling of not having to adhere to social conventions quite as hard, especially around other drunk ppl. eventually went sober after they realised they just Cant Stand the feeling of a hangover anymore. autistic ppl r more likely to develop a dependency on alcohol if we do start drinking. just btw.
- gets a Pretty Expansive vocabulary after actually starting to pursue literature. sometimes his family lightly teases him about using big words but it confuses the hell out of him. its just a word she thought would apply best!!
- soooooo obsessed with what other ppls idea of them is, both in an anxious way and out of genuine curiosity. would never ask ppl what they think of her bc she thinks thats 1) very broad 2) seems compliment fish-y and 3) just gonna lead to "i think ur great/ nice/ whatever filler compliment." but the dream is to sit someone (neil) down and just ask him every single question possible about how he perceives him.
- asks a billion clarifying questions about anything someone asks him to do, gets anxious about how many questions he's asking, tries to just figure it out, freaks out about the possibility of getting it wrong, ends up doing the thing perfectly. weekly occurrence.
- never fully grasped the appeal of religion (most definitely grew up catholic or christian or Something) just bc she could NOT let the lack of proof go. ALSO not an atheist bc the vastness of space scares them out of it. religious beliefs r a weird topic for them.
- suppresses a good chunk of his stims in public bc One total time someone looked at him weird while he was chewing on a sweatshirt string and he was like i gotta stop NOW. eventually develops tics and has to mask THOSE in public too. dear god someone let this girl unmask. also i started ticcing while writing that bc my body does this great thing where i only tic when im reminded of the concept of ticcing. its great and totally doesnt make me think im faking them (faking for who? dunno bc it usually happens when im alone)
- DOES in fact stim around neil bc NEIL STIMS TOO!!!!!!!! joyous day when they found THAT out! gets vocal stims of random lines from whatever play neil is practicing for. YEAA ART THOU THEEEEREE was a vocal stim for a solid week and a half which made neil VERY excited (autistic neil. how i love u autistic anderperry)
- velcro is The most evil vile disgusting material to ever grace this mortal realm. he hates it more than anything ever and i mean that fully. the feeling of BOTH sides, the noise, how easily it comes apart, she hates it all.
this is the gender part
never really viewed gender and gender roles as anything to adhere to beyond the fear of punishment if they dont. finds any social convention relating to gender to be Really dumb and meaningless, bc gender isn't (scientifically) real in any capacity, so why treat it like that? for the longest time just shrugged and said "eh, i guess im a boy" bc thats what she was used to being told, and didn't feel particularly drawn to agree OR disagree. eventually realised on a late night that Wait. i dont Actually care what i am. like yeah im a Male i guess but also im just me. my brain doesnt have a gender and i basically am my brain, right? and then never really thought about it again because that's genuinely how little he cares. adhering the most to canon with that mindset, she never really tells anyone (for obvious reasons on top of the overall apathy) and just lets the he/him happen to her but. in my dream world? agender they/he/she todd anderson. and this is MY blog so those are the pronouns im using from now on. i will forever love talking abt how autistic ppl very often view gender differently than allistic ppl, will forever love talking abt how autistic ppl are more likely to be trans. autism!!!
also yes that entire paragraph is just my view of gender, change the pronouns and the todd mentions and its just me. what of it.
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bapouro · 3 months
working at a badly funded and poorly run homeless hostel for over a year has taught me a lot but reassuringly solified my belief in compassion. we have some real dickheads here who have done terrible things (theyre in the minority) and witnessing that ive still never thought for a second that theyre undeserving of shelter, food, amneties and access to second chances. which is not anything someone should pat themselves on the back for but its really disappointing when some coworkers make comments like they dont.
the real problem seems to be that for our council, and society at large, as long as theyre not on the street and not in sight, thats as far as their issue with it seems to go. they want you off the street, but thats it. theres this insane cognitive dissonance where youre either a 'good' homeless person just in need of a leg up or a 'bad' homeless person who gets cycled around the system with little hope, as long as youre not in public view, as long as youre more or less kept alive. staffing is so important. ive worked two quite different places now but here the morale is so low. the turnaround is so high. support workers here are assigned about 20 clients per person when really you can only support around up to 5 responsibly. the building is full but we perpetually need staff in a place where nobody who genuinely wants to help without burning themselves out to do so will stay (not to mention they make £1 above minumum wage). you cant support people like that, and whats the point when these people feel set up to be put in stasis in this bad system. if you cant/dont work, you get housing benefits to pay the rent. if you do find work, your benefits are gone and all your money will go on the rent. the only ones who can seemingly successfully 'bootstrap' themselves out are the ones finding work in secret so nobody else can manipulate them and their new money, which has to be cash in hand to keep their benefits. youre going to feel stuck, if you feel stuck, you feel hopeless or lash out. lashing out at other people losing hope and staff losing the morale to properly help. we can tick off the boxes of basic rights and say theyve got what they need but beyond that, the support to a real quality of life does not feel like an objective in that system. some people will always be in this system, for whatever reason, they will have to have this proper support. they get treated as helpless and totally in a situation of their own making at the same time. its complex. its sad and infuriating. i wanted to write some of the thoughts ive experienced on it for a while. ive met all kinds of people. i wish there was more i could do but really its on structures a lot more powerful than me that are on the whole indifferent. but i guess thats the thing. i want to stay angry but im afforded that indifference. im lucky i dont have to be too anxious about falling into that system. it can be out of my sight, i dont want to let it out of mind. but for them, they cant have either.
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yelshin · 1 year
Tw: 3.3 SCARAMOUCHE LORE SPOILERS, used pronouns in 3rd POV: they/them/you, cursing , another day another ginger slander/J DONT ATTACK ME PLS一
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"ma'am are you sure you want a room this large-" "Did i stutter?" You send a threatening glare to the man while he nervously gulp "I-it cost 5,4000 (i def did not guess frfr) along with the items" You look over ur bank acc; feeling hesitant but still its for you best kitten right?
"fine, I'll take it." Just like that they start working on Kuni's new room which is pretty large for his size.. buy its okay atleast he got WAY TOO MUCH space to explore
"[Name] can you be fr right now?" Yoimiya sweatdrop while you're at the couch being proud parent that Kuni learned how to stand in 3 second "Yes Yoimiya I am being for real" you smiled before showering Kuni with your affection
"A LARGE ROOM JUST FOR A 3 SECOND STAND?? sigh this cat is very special yeah?" She also sat down beside you before noticing the amount of changes in your house
Before your house dont have toys around, a bowl at the floor, a sack of cat foods etc. 'thats a different breed there..'
Yoimiya looks over you who was busy pampering your kitten before asking the same question again "Are you sure you wanna pay that high just for...yk Kuni"
"He deserve everything in the world. If he got hurt i wont hesitate to hunt them^^"
"oh my fucking god."
"Kuni! Where are you, its time for bath!" You called out playing as if you dont see him at the very corner of your house; sulking
"there you are!" You pick him up before heading towards the bathroom and give him the most relaxing bath that no kitten could ever have(/j). Making a bubble bath you scoop some before putting it to his forehead as a hat... (ITS CUTE. FIGHT IF DISAGREE 👿)
You giggled before taking a picture of him having a bubble hat and grumpy looks and finish his bath and drying him up.
"Can i PLEASE bring him? I'll make sure he won't hurt anyone" You plead at your(girlfriends) friends to let them bring your kitten to your hangout "Cmon [Name]! We only hangout for like 3 times a week and we rarely spend time with each other!" Hu tao frowned but even you guys hangout yesterday it felt like a month to them
You frowned before looking at Kuni who's sleeping peacefully at his cat tree wiping small tears in the corner of your eyes "but look at him! He look so lonely if i left him alone yk.."
"Why not hire someone to babysit him?" You grinned at Ayaka's idea before contacting someone to take care of your little (demon) angel Kuni while you we're gone
"WHY ME?! OUT OF ALL PEOPLE WHY." Childe sobbed at the fact his life is gonna be in danger for the next 20 hrs of his life "Don't worry this is your chance to befriend with him! Im sure he wouldn't hurt you unlike last time^^" and just like that you left with your girlfriends while Childe look at Kuni who's now awake and preparing his evil plans to make Childe living in hell.
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Childe was chilling at the living room watching some movies on the TV until he heard a glass getting shattered on the floor. He look at the counter to see Kuni glaring at him before signaling him to put food at his container. Childe only rolls his eyes as he continues watching..which made your cat wanna scratch him again
"why should i give you food when you scratch me last time 😒"
It didn't take that long for Kuni to jump high and landed on Childe's stomach and Childe felt like his organs are getting destroyed.
"YOU LITTLE一" Kuni showed him his sharp nails meaning if Childe continue his words he wont hesitate to scratch him; damaging his face.
Childe gulp before going to the kitchen and put some cat food at Kuni's container "I wanna go home..." The ginger walked to the door and tried to open it but...
It was locked.
Childe felt the whole world is against him. He wanna get out of the house and leave Kuni alone! "What did i do to deserve this.."
"You not giving me food."
Childe flinch at the voice and look around to see a small person; with indigo hair and eyes. Childe was completely confused.
First Kuni is a little demon cat(for him) AND NOW HE'S HUMAN??
"the demon under your bed." Kuni answered grinning at the poor ginger "I KNEW IT! YOU LITTLE DEMON MAKING MY LIFE GO HELL!"
Kuni rolled his eyes and walk to the kitchen grabbing some sweets at the shelf ignoring Childe's presence. Childe grab his phone and instantly contacting you to tell that your kitten is officially now a human!
You felt your phone ring so you picked it up
"hello childe?"
"Can you PLEASE speak slower?"
and after that the call ended, you just shrugged before continuing to eat your food
It took 30 mins to Childe to calm down before talking to Kuni who introduced himself as Scaramouche. "So like you can be a cat around [Name]...?" "Dumbhead i can turn into cat whenever i want, but for now ill stay hidden because I don't wanna be ended up on the streets again" Scaramouche frowned while Childe look at him with pure confusion
"You're lucky [Name] loves you so much that they bought you your OWN room" he sigh for the 69th time while Scaramouche sat back "i told you they're secretly Kylie Jenner"
"if your previous owners are kylie jenner then why did you ended up on a box?💀"
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Taglist: @thetwinkims @sunsethw4 @etherisy @kunikuzushicandegrademefr @Heiijoxz @eliciana @naritecs @kkazuyass @itztaki @makilovescofi
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pillow-anime-talk · 10 months
Hii for the prompt could you do 42 nsfw with leonardo luna from blue lock with she/her reader (maybe in a fwb situation) but whatever you write im sure it will be amazing💖
# tags: scenario; friends with benefits; roommates!au; study!au; kinda romance; smut; aged-down (20 y/o); nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual acitivities, high stamina, no foreplay, angry sex, a bit of fingering yourself, hair pulling, hickeys and bites, mention of crying
includes: female reader ft. leonardo luna {blue lock}
author’s note: ooo okay, my first bl request, very nice! 
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42. “… You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
The blueberry scent of the candle was in the air, and your favorite study playlist was playing in the background. The summer semester was slowly coming to an end and you had one last exam to write. Concentrated on drawing and highlighting important information on the book, you almost jumped and spilled peppermint tea on your notebook, swore under your breath. In each device, the sound of the bell and the beating of the fist on the wooden exit door spreads. Slowly you made your way towards the noise and when you saw your roommate on the other side you just rolled your eyes.
“… What happened this time? And why didn’t you remember the keys?” You opened the fair-haired man’s door wider, and he cursed only under his breath, temporarily walking towards the bathroom. “It’s nice to see you again too, Leo.” You locked the door and then you went back to your bedroom.
While you were studying, you heard dripping water all the time, and a few swear words, as well as a sound informing you that your friend had dropped something on the shower tray. You heard the sound of a hair dryer, water running in the sink and brushing teeth, and (at the end) the slam of a door as the twenty-year-old completed his evening routine. After a while, the door to the room opened, and Leonardo appeared on the threshold.
“We lost.” He grumbled sat down on your made-up bed and you sighed a little.
“I’m sorry about this?” You replied uncertainly, still focusing on your colorful notebooks. You definitely didn’t know anything about sports and you definitely didn’t know how to make other people feel better in crisis situations. “You won’t always win everything.” You replied and this time you looked at the young man, smiling slightly. “You always give your best, right? So I guess it’s okay.” His gaze was a bit tender, but also somewhat lustful.
Football was more than just a sporting hobby for your male friend; it was his biggest passion, his reason to live, his way of life, his future and his job. Just as for you the most important thing now was studying and taking care of your future through learning, so for your friend it was football, the field and the team.
You turned your head lighlty to the right as Leonardo began to touching the hem of his boxers and looked around the white room. You knew exactly where this was all leading up to. You’ve known him since the beginning of your studies, since you both started being roommates; his parents bought a two-room apartment in the city center and to relieve their costs a bit, they decided to rent one room. When looking for a place to study, Leonardo’s parents’ offer turned out to be the most favorable in terms of price and location. When you first met you were both single with no desire to start a relationship; you focused on college, he on sports. So you two entered into a relation focusing on sex. Thanks to this you knew when your roommate was feeling emotional, stressed, nervous and sad.
“… You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.” You laughed as you put down your pen and undid the first button of your sleep shirt. “Do you want something? Just say it, Leo.”
Without a word, the young man got up from his seat and walked over to you. His hands cupped your face in a confident way, and his lips landed on yours. The kiss was wet, a bit intrusive, fast, but at the same time full of emotions – especially the negative ones. He expressed nervousness, a desire to dominate, desperation, anger. You allowed the man to touch your body and face, and without a word you allowed him to move your body from the comfortable chair to the equally comfortable mattress on big bed.
Leonardo needed only a few moments to take off his loose boxers and then a few more seconds to take off your cute set of pajamas with penguins and polar bears. For a moment, he thought about commenting on your outfit, but instead, he just reached into the nearest cupboard for a pack of condoms. His cock was hard and dripping with the first juices, and you just touched your wet pussy, involuntarily inserting two fingers into her. A quick fingering relaxed your muscles and mind, adding some spice to the image of your naked body. The young footballer’s mind was focused on you.
Without a word, you spread your lower lips a bit more, allowing the man to enter your pussy in one smooth move. Lubricant wasn’t needed, you were wet enough.
Your sex has never been vanilla – quite the opposite. Leonardo didn’t look and wasn’t a romantic for whom positive emotions, plans for the future, candlelit dinners or charming kisses mixed with tender words mattered. The movements of his hips were hard, chaotic, and always touched the back wall of your uterus. Whenever you fucked you got the best orgasms and that was enough for you; you didn’t have to get flowers or kisses. Good sex made up for it all.
During the first hickey of the evening, you firmly grabbed the man by his still slightly damp blond hair. Your fingers tangled in the soft strands, and your neck was marked with more and more maroon and pink marks. The shivers on your body indicated the first spasms of pleasure, and the footballer entered your body with more and more force, clasping his hands tightly on your buttocks, hips or arms. Years of training, years of endurance training on the pitch, years of running after a black-white ball resulted in the possibility of having sex for long minutes, quarters of an hour and even hours.
Your sweaty forehead touched Leonardo’s equally sweaty neck; you only clenched your teeth tighter on his muscular nape and your fingernails on his athletic back. You felt pleasure spreading through your body, you felt amazing moisture between your legs, and your face was decorated with transparent tears.
“… It’s not over yet, Y/N.” He whispered into your ear, biting your earlobe lightly, and you nodded. Studying for exams could definitely wait.
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The Percy Jackson Saga
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What a saga! I´ve still yet to finish it (while writing this, but i´ll post it when I finish it), but it´s SO fun, such a light read.
My history with Percy Jackson series has MANY comes and goes and it intercepts with many characters of my life that definitely not align with the Percy Jackson books at ALL. Seriously, If by any chance you´re a pre-teen reading this and you seem to be a bully who reads percy jackson, why do you think percy has SUCH a bad time in the school?? Anyway, getting over the personal comment….
I was mainly attracted to it because the series has come out (watch it !! its definitely interesting) but the nostalgia has come back with a kick and I definitely relate to little Percy, Annabeth and Grover (none of them would love me calling them little, but they are kids!!! Give them a SECOND of peace please), a little misunderstood, a little lost, not only when I was a teenager, but now on my 20s I can def relate (in a sense) to this lost feeling.
I doubt it ever goes away, Hell (or Hades?), Its difficult even to the gods what is happening in the books!! Everyone has to make tough decisions every once in a while, sometimes is whether to have the literal sky to help the goddess Artemis to fight Atlas, sometimes is leaving a job!
And I definitely relate to the strand of white hair after going trough the stress. And yes, everyone has a difficult choice and sometimes some are tougher than others, (like cmon… my job change example its what Ive been going through but Im guessing that maybe having the sky on your back may be a lil more difficult) but difficult choices are difficult choices, and these books have helped me, at least, to get anxious over whether Percy was going to be able to save his mom, instead of me getting anxious of my life choices.
I´m sure that anybody reading this may be going through a tough time (I mean, not to wish that upon you, and if you say “nah thanks i´m good, having the best time of my life” great for you!!) and i definitely believe that these books may seem focused for children, and yes, the repetition of what happened the last books that appears in every book after the first one, it sure is annoying, but overall its a huge break for the brain! Its a nice reading, a nostalgic one, and a hug to the heart.
A good reminder that good friends are worth lifting the sky and more, that families may not be what we always expect, that blue food is DOPE, that what we see may not always be what it truly is, that friends are not always what they seem to be, and that enemies (or people who we are taught are “enemies”) may not always be enemies.
[Finally, as a last comment since I´ve finished reading now] Sometimes it is not only good but necessary to go back to your child-self. To embrace new experiences with the forgiveness of a mother, the strength of an adult, but also for the inner ability of a kid that's learning how to walk, to stand immediately back up and continue trying. Embrace your strength but also your weaknesses, continue always learning, get around people you would sacrifice yourself for. Remember that its good and also essential to rest (sometimes on a lost island surrounded by the daughter of Kronos that's actually good and leaves you with a bunch of questions), and never forget to get back home (or at give out a sign when you're well so that everyone around you knows that you´re fine, turning the light blue of the Empire State can be an example).
If you´re going through high school, read this.
If you´re a lil lost, read this.
If you´re pretty sure you may be a lost child to a Greek god, yeah sure, but also read this.
If you wanna learn more about greek myths! I mean they are not super explained sometimes, but they sure deserve a good google search afterwards, which is good brain food!
If you really like sloooooow burn romances, yeah maybe you may like this (super far from the actual trama of the story but its so TRUE how long Percy takes to realize y´know…the thing)
If you like cute Cyclops, who are NOT murder machines, read this!!
And you must definitely read this if you like the water!! -Vera
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jka11072 · 2 months
Tw:3d block don’t report!
3dtwt > jka1107
⋆˚࿔ 30 days 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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H: 150cm Cw: 48 Ugw: 35
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150cm… it’s not really it makes me look so wide
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Hair loss and lack of attention :(
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I can’t stand the feeling of f@t on me
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Nope… I eat over my planed cals but not enough to call it a binge I think?
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My mom is suspicious and keeps telling me that I’m skinny?? I’m literally almost overweight lol
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I don’t have a set workout routine but I have a workout playlist and I just choose one most of them are like 10-20 mins haha… im trying to workout more tho :)
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Honestly only my mom used to call me fat :)
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Snacking haha…
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My old blog :)
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A lot lol… but usually whatever I have to eat in front of my family :( living with my family makes it so hard to st@rv3 for long
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I mean this is pr0@n@ so… but seriously I have no idea how to lose weight in a healthy way I just st@rv3 and wish for the best haha
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35kg and I hope to reach it by July!
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I stopped eating meat for a while but it really doesn’t help if you’re still eating the same cals plus I need the protein :)
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When I was 12 due to being fat shamed so much
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Cant say I feel like a w@nn@rexlc and I don’t binge or starve that hard?? I feel like I’m faking it honestly
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Carbs :)
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last week 🥲 I only had a slice of pizza but that was like 300cals😭
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⭐️ving 😃 but seriously low cal high volume is the best way to lose weight and not my sanity
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xs-s but I feel like sizes are getting bigger honestly
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If we’re counting from when I started then I’m technically at my lowest 🥲 but i remember being 45kg when I was 10 I gained mostly during puberty I’m trying to get back to it now only 3kg left :)
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I mean it’s a huge factor especially since im into K-pop and yknow how there standards are :) and it kinda triggers me in a good way? Like I feel that most of them are disordered and some of them actually admitted to it
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I don’t know honestly about calling it “pro”
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I’ve tried a couple of times and succeeded a few times but it’s so hard and sometimes I barely thr0w up half the food so it’s so not worth it
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Being skinnier than girls I’m jealous of :) and also wearing tiny clothes and looking cute
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honestly depends on my mood sometimes there could be tons of food but I won’t feel like eating and sometimes where the fridge is empty I get intense cravings 😭
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yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
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I guess thin, clear skin, tall ish, long healthy hair, good style, and of course personality matters
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I’m 18 i take programming engineering
same exact stats 🤩 I’m gonna km$ thanks
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weirdsht · 2 years
Imagine Cale falling for someone the opposite of him. They're poor, live alone, and have never told a lie. They have a shack in the woods with a garden and some animals, pretty much self-sustaining and living in peace. But, unlike him, they may look like an average person yet have the strength of ten men. They have a bad reputation, because they kinda fit the whole "evil witch that lives in the woods" vibe. And even though they're honest(blunt), they can't get a long with people. Just imagining their dynamic is hilarious and amazing.
1) i went overboard, 2) cale is ooc in some parts, me thinks, 3) messy asf. im sorry
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Cale's thought upon the first meeting is probably "oh wow they have my dream life"
except for the poor part. we all know Cale doesn't speak broke
s/o not being able to lie is good for him. he wont need to play the guessing game all the time unlike with other people
but at the same time he thinks they wont make it far in life with that
but not that it matters much. he has confidence he'll be able to protect them for they are one of his people
speaking of s/o becoming one of his people. i really think that's the only way for Cale to fall in love
the man is closed off so if you aren't in his circle you wont stand a chance
luckily for s/o Cale saw their strength and deemed that it would be beneficial
and the rest after that is history
now them as a couple!
one word: intimidating
they're that power couple everyone admires but are to scared to approach
how can you when you're dealing with a natural intimidating aura and a leader aura fueled by an ancient power purely for domination?
so when they look at each other and then proceed to whisper everyone doesn't know if they find the scene hot or scary
what they don't know is that s/o is actually super anxious
"Cale i think they're looking at me weirdly... I want to go home"
"if i ask one more golden plaque from hyung-nim you can use it to blind them"
"why are you asking for another one? dont you still have 20 more?"
"but thats for shopping with you and the kids"
yes Cale is the type to spoil their s/o openly, i will take this hc with me even after u get buried 6ft underground
as i said cale doesn't speak broke so ofc his s/o have to get the best of the best
meanwhile s/o likes to live a simple life
cue many arguments that occurs everyday while everyone else in the villa watch with popcorn
dont get me wrong, Cale admires their self-sustaining, simple life and he supports it
but he also thinks you can't be wealthy enough yknow
the more riches the better
thats cale's motto
meanwhile s/o is probably
the simpler the better
ofc we have the fact that if cale loves them then the whole fam will also love them as long as they dont have bad intentions
but the kids love them for
is it because of their natural affinity with animals? are they really just that good with kids? is it both?
Cale honestly doesn't want to think about it
all this man knows is that while they make look ethereal while interacting with kids and animals, it annoys the hell out of him when they go bother him early in the morning
the villa doesn't even have pets
most of the time its just random animals (specially birds) knocking on his bedroom window wanting to see his s/o early in the morning
but grumble as much as he want he wont rlly do about it when they see how happy they are playing with those annoying little things
moments like that makes Cale think how you dont get along with other people outside your circle much
but then again outside Cale's safe clutches is the filthy world of high society
and he knows how they dont like hearing the truth, something s/o always deliver, but instead prefer empty praises
oh well, Cale could care less about those greedy nobles. he also make sure to remind his s/o that they are trash and its not worth it getting along with them
cue more argument about how this is why Cale would probably die friendless
overall its safe to say they are intimidating in public and act like an old married couple in private
they may have different values and morals from Cale but he wouldn't trade them for anything
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 9 react
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since when did shinra have blue eyes though
actually i just looked up images of him but what fucking color are those?? blue?? gray?? brown??
shinra is benedict cumberbatch i guess
also shinra beating izaya at cards (and especially poker) is hilarious i need more of that
shinra please tell shizaya to kiss. do it for me
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shizuo and izaya agreeing with each other when it comes to preventing shinra from straight up killing them lets go!!!! plus shizuo asking if shinra cheated because izaya lost ashdkgjsdkjghdssd
izaya totally cheated and still lost he's so pathetic <33333
the way he says "then" after that though like. he was actually considering dissection and money laundering PFFF
yes eat lunch together i promise it wont go horribly wrong
they've really never done this in canon though?? maybe i just read too much fanfiction about it
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oh i guess they definitely havent done it before 😭
maybe this is a start. maybe they do it every day after this
izaya's cat face is so cute rhfhrgjhhjgh
only shizuo and izaya would be so baffled at the idea of eating lunch together help
like if these were ANY other people they'd be like oh sure why not! not these losers
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watch the entire chapter just be them stalling help
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THEY FINISH EACH OTHERS SENTENCES!! married couple behavior fr fr (<-delusional)
they havent argued once in this chapter yet so im taking everything i can get ok
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the only things that will get shizaya to be on the same wavelength are eating simon's food and being afraid of shinra
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THEY'RE SO CUTE!! the holy trio of malewives
i choose to believe that was both of them saying 'shinra shut up'
meals for the family man because they're going to start a family together (<-delusional but like. more than usual)
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i sense a food fight incoming
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oh yeah this is going on my twitter banner
cant believe we have two whole chapters of shizaya cooking together in the minidura manga. out of ten chapters. probably representative of how the mangaka was cooking fr
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izaya would be the one out of the two of them to make moe anime girl noises (my entire friend group)
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honestly how has shinra not gone insane from dealing with these two for the entirety of high school
scratch that he is insane my bad
it's like herding cats, not because they keep going in opposite directions, but because they keep fighting
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of course they disagree on food tastes too. someone's leaving this kitchen with a broken spine
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ive just stopped screenshotting and started posting entire pages because everything is gold
"are you that confident in your tongue" i bet you ten bucks that i could find that line in a shizaya smut fanfiction in less than 20 minutes
at least shinra's having fun
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married couple behavior for sure. who doesnt bicker while cooking together
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shizuo would be good at cooking if izaya wasn't provoking him 😭maybe. idk the milk drinker genes might hinder him actually
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for a moment there i thought they were going to have no food at all bgkjgsjsgdk
izaya and shizuo look so cute in the back thoughhhh look at themmm
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shinra. shinra why would you say that they're going to kill each other. shinra. SHINRA
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oh nvm i guess they were too tired to argue 😭being in forced proximity for this long is literally harder than chasing each other
wait whats that psychology term for it again. group. something. group goal SUBORDINATE GOAL thats it. a goal given to two opposing groups that forces them to cooperate and will usually eventually make them like each other more (it has never worked for shizaya. see the simon chapter) (also excuse the psychology terminology i have my final test in a month or so and this is the only way i can force myself to study)
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so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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shinra sitting between them pfft
izaya's cat face actually kills me every time
either the food is amazing or the food is dogshit and i dont know which one would be funnier
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ok thats better than either of those options
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this chapter has literally just been shizuo and izaya Going Through It
"everyone should get along like me and celty" is he saying shizaya should date. yes he is because i said so
also izaya moving even further away from shinra LMFAO he'd rather be in hitting range of shizuo than have to deal with shinra's celty shpeal
there's so many good reaction pictures with shizaya this chapter ill definitely be cutting them out to make into a banner at some point
im convinced this serves as a precious memory for both of them even if they dont realize it >:)
99999/10 chapter i enjoyed every second of it
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sineala · 1 year
Superheroes and Aging
Meta time! I was asked (on Patreon) to write meta about how Tony Stark might deal with feelings about aging and being surrounded by The Youth. I am reposting it here.
I have to say this has also been on my mind a lot. I will say it's a weird thing growing up being into comics and being a fan of the teenage X-Men because obviously they were the most relatable and then being as old as all the adult superheroes and now being older than all the adult superheroes, who have all been basically the same age for decades as the rest of us move on past them. At least they finally aged up the original crop of teenage heroes and have been replacing them with new ones.
So the thing about superheroes in Marvel Comics, as you probably know, is that they pretty much don't age. Initially, this wasn't really a thing Marvel worried about. It was the sixties and they'd made comics cool and profitable again and kids loved them and I'm pretty sure they weren't thinking that sixty years later people (grown adults, even!) would still be reading and loving and expanding on the universe they made. Because I think if that had been the case they'd have, say, fewer villains that really sound like someone thought of them in about thirty seconds at 5 pm on a Friday and then went home. Big Wheel, a guy who has a... big wheel. Swarm, a guy (I mean, he's not really... human) who is actually a group of bees. Nazi bees. Paste-Pot Pete. You know what I mean.
Anyway, at first Marvel heroes aged, because why wouldn't they? Despite what you would guess if you only watched adaptations, it only took, I think, a couple years for Peter Parker to grow up and leave high school. The original X-Men all stopped being teenagers. Time moved on. Then after about ten years Marvel figured out it was going to be a problem if their beloved heroes were too old to be superheroes and they more or less halted the aging process. And that's how we get the Marvel Sliding Timescale. Broadly stated, the Sliding Timescale is essentially "don't worry about it." Everything you are reading right now happens right now, the beginning (the FF getting their powers) happened about ten or fifteen years ago (I think right now it's closer to 15 and we're at four RL years = one comics year), and everything else that has ever happened in 616 -- because Marvel also doesn't believe in line-wide reboots -- is wedged in somewhere in the time between. As real time passes, the sliding timescale slides events closer and closer together because more events have now happened.
So the effect of this is that heroes don't age. I think this is actually most notable with child characters -- like, ask yourself how old Franklin and Valeria Richards are. Or don't. I think Dani Cage has been a toddler for about fifteen years now. So the founding Avengers started off in their early 20s, are now in their mid-30s, and are going to continue being in their mid-30s for the foreseeable future because Marvel doesn't want its heroes being over 40. I think there have been a couple IM issues where Tony has had "significant" birthdays that they carefully avoided putting a number on -- I think one was Bendis, and I know he had a surprise party in the Gillen issue with the adoption reveal. I want to say that maybe there was also a Fraction one? I'm not sure.
The time references have occasionally been lampshaded -- the most recent Iron Man issue as I write this (#6) has Tony asserting that he doesn't remember things by what year they happened in, but rather by what armor he had at the time. He goes on to tell a story of something that happened while he wore the Silver Centurion armor, throwing in an aside that the shoulder pads were fashionable then -- and, out of the armor, he is given his usual stylish perm; the artist has definitely been inspired by Bob Layton's later Iron Man work -- which for me has the disconcerting effect of making it sound like this is somehow taking place in the 80s and also not in the 80s at the same time. Because now they've invented an extra time for shoulder pads and perms to be fashionable and it's approximately 2015. Time is fake. No, actually. It is.
And building on that, I think the effect of that is that mostly they don't seem to have characters like Tony dealing with aging. He doesn't really seem to worry about it, probably because there can't be any narrative payoff if he's simply never allowed to age. (Steve gets it even more weirdly, because a lot of times fandom assumes the serum is just going to halt or slow aging -- as it does in people like Natasha who have serum variants -- but then in universes where significant time actually passes, like House of M, Steve is visibly older, and he definitely is meant to have the serum. Or Bullet Points, where Steve, minus the serum, is actually dealing with aging as he comes out of retirement for one last mission. Which kills him, because it turns out he probably was too old to do this safely. But then in 616 we're expected to believe that Steve can lose the serum and also be mostly combat-ready at age 95. Aaanyway.)
So what if Tony did worry about getting older? Based on how he interacts with the kids these days, I think mostly his worry actually wouldn't involve other people.
For all that intelligence in Marvel seems to be a single invariant and quantifiable statistic that can be accurately measured (which isn't the case in reality but work with me here) and that Tony is a genius but not The Smartest Genius in the Universe, he doesn't ever seem to display any ill will toward anyone ranking higher than him on the list -- say, Reed -- and he is in fact definitely willing to take on the younger geniuses, like Riri, as proteges, and he seems happy to mentor them. He doesn't seem to feel at all threatened by the idea that some of these people are definitely smarter than him -- say, Moon Girl -- and will someday succeed him. Or at least will if Marvel ever lets them age out, which again seems unlikely. Theoretically he also ought to be drawing on a lot more lived experience than Riri that he can use to advise her, but one of the bizarre things that Cantwell's run has left us with is Tony believing that giving the Mandarin's Rings to Riri to study with zero oversight is absolutely the right thing to do; Rhodey congratulates him on his great decision-making. I guess we'll see how that turns out.
(This is in contrast to a character like Doctor Doom, who clearly can't stand the idea that Reed might ever be smarter than him.)
Given that Tony is a character who often has execrable self-esteem, it actually seems a little odd that it doesn't bother him that he isn't the smartest, but it really doesn't seem to. He seems fine with that. He's enough of a genius to do what he needs to do, I guess, and that's good enough for him. Even in Cantwell's run, which was, uh, not a run I would call particularly in-character for Tony in many ways, the thing he decides to do with the Power Cosmic is make everyone in New York as smart as he is. I think this was a fairly poor storyline for a large number of reasons, but I think it does actually show that he has good intentions, in a sense -- he wants everyone else to benefit from the intelligence he has, the same way they can benefit from his philanthropy. He wants to give people the advantages he has. So he seems like someone who wouldn't resent the up-and-coming heroes and geniuses; he seems like he'd be honestly happy that there would be more people out there on his level.
I think, really, as long as he knows he's good to go, he knows he's good enough to do the things he wants to do -- even if sometimes he just hates himself as a human being -- and he probably looks around at all the kids and knows they have to train them up, because even if they're going to be good they're not as good as he currently is, just because they don't have the benefits of years of experience. I mean, maybe they could have some kind of superhero Registration or something. The joke he made to Steve at the end of Empyre wasn't entirely wrong.
(I feel like I should probably also read Young Avengers, for more on how the Avengers deal with The Youth, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.)
Since Tony often blames himself for, well, everything he can possibly blame himself for, including the deaths of people he feels he should have been able to save, I feel like his worries about aging would probably involve his ability to continually successfully be a superhero. We haven't really seen much of this worry since his Extremis/Bleeding Edge days but there was definitely a period of time where his main concern seemed to be the ability to compete with the people he's fighting -- and this seems like it might be where he's heading again in his confrontation with Feilong, who, I should point out, does actually attempt to make fun of him for being old. Tony doesn't seem to take it personally, but he does seem very upset that he's not on Feilong's level, technologically. So I think the thing that would bother Tony wouldn't be the idea that he couldn't keep up with the heroes, but rather that he couldn't keep up with the villains.
So, yeah, that's my take.
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chaos-grimlin · 1 year
Is there going to be another part of marked soon
Yes rn!! Sorry for not being active
Intro:No one truly knows what happened that night in Woodsboro, California. All the public knows was that two teenage boys, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, went crazy. That the boys killed with no motive, that it was a case of crazy and peer pressure. Sidney Prescott, the "girlfriend" of Billy Loomis,Y/n L/n, the girl both boys were deeply obsessed with, and Gale weathers, a news reporter, where 3 of 5 witnesses that were willing to talk and tell their sides of the story to the public while Dewy Riley, the deputy sheriff of woodsboro, and tennager Randy Meeks refused to talk to law enforcements at the time. All the stories told to law enforcement seem to differ from person to person, but...in this tale, we will focus on Y/n, the obsessions, side of the story...
Marked (poly Billy Loomis and Stu Macher x reader)
Word count:1207
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Chapter 20- Fucking mask..
^^^Y/n P.O.V+ a one week time skip^^^
Ever since i was dismissed from the hospital, my mom and Dad said it was better if i stayed over at Dewy's and Tatums.
My parents were right, it wasnt safe for me to go back home..i dont think it ever will be okay or safe for me.
"Hey! Y/n you okay?" Tatum chirped out as she sat down next to me on the couch.
My eyes snapped to the left as i looked over at her. "Oh yeah im okay" i said as i rubbed my arm.
"Thats good, also Dewy said you'll be able to come to school tomorrow, but only if you want to" Tatum said as she looked at me, a smile pulling at the corners of her lips.
I paused for a second before i spoke again "yeah...i guess i can go" I muttered.
"Yay!" Tatum squealed out as she pulled me into a hug.
I hugged Tatum back then, we parted.
"Everyone will be so happy to know your okay" Tatum said.
"What do you mean? Our group already know im. At most half way okay" i said, cocking an eyebrow up at her.
"Oh everyone else at the school, teachers, students, staff members" Tatum named off.
"Why would they care" i whispered.
"Nothing like this has happened since Sidneys mom...so.. Every one is worried"
I took in a deep breath, rethinking my choice on going to school tomorrow. I just know everyone will bombard me with questions.
Tatum put her hand on my shoulder, once again pulling me out of my thoughts. "Hey it'll all be okay.."
~~~~the next day~~~~
Dewy parked his car infront of Woodsboro high.
"Bye you two" Dewy said, a smile forming on his lips.
"Bye" Tatum said, a sassy tone lacing her voice as she got out of the front seat and shut the door.
"Bye Dewy" I whispered as i opened the door.
After I shut it and went to walk off, Dewy stopped me.
"Y/n..if anything happens, if you get too stressed, ir anything, call me" he said as he handed me a crumbled piece of paper.
I looked down at the paper, seeing slopply written number on it. I smiled slightly and nodded " i will"
"Bye now, have a good day" Dewy said " you too" i replied.
Shortly after I turned on my heels and started walking to the school, seeing Tatum waiting by a tree for me.
Me and Tatum made it about halfway to the doors before Stu rushed up to us.
Stu, had a smile on his face.
"What are you smiling about Stu?" Tatum asked as Stu walked next to her.
"Well, today seems like a good day if you must know" Stu said sharply, yet his goofy tone still remaind.
Stu looked past Tatum and looked at me.
For a split second, i thought i saw the look of regret, or Fear, cross his features, but, as quickly as i saw it, it was gone..
"Oh your back!" Stu said quickly.
"Yeah..i am" i said as I averted eye contact with him.
"So your feeling better?" Stu asked.
All i did was shrug to his question.
From the corners of my eyes I saw Stu look at Tatum and whisper something to her.
I tried to hear what he said but i couldn't.
"Anyway! Lets go find Sid, Billy, and Randy" Tatum said, quickly averting thr topic away from what Stu said.
~~~~a few moments later~~~~
"Y/n you actually came!" Randy yelled out as soon as he saw me.
I felt a fuzzy feeling flutter inside my heart when I saw him.
Randy hopped up from his seat next to Billy and quickly rushed to me.
Randy engulfed me in a tight hug.
I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head onto his shoulder.
"I thought you wouldnt come today" Randy whispered into my ear.
"Well, im here" i said softly, but, from over Randy's shoulder, I saw Billy glaring at Randy.
If looks could kill, Randy would be 6 feet under.
The look he ran shivers down my spine, he looked like he was planning something, something bad...
Me and Randy soon pulled away from the hug after be planted a kiss on my cheek.
"Hey Y/n, long time no see" Sidney said with a soft smile.
"Yeah..its been a while"
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
Everyone at Woodsboro knew what happened, most were sympathetic, others decided to make school Y/ns own personal hell..
Everyone knew what costume the two hellish people wore the night Y/n was raped...
Y/n leaned up against her locker, letting a breathy laugh leave her parted lips as Randy told a random cheesy joke.
Everything was going okay, other then everyone, even teachers, constantly bringing it up..
Y/n knew they had good intentions, but she hated every bit of it..
Soon, the bell rang.
Y/n looked up at Randy and smiled, " I've got to go, bye!" Y/n said.
Y/n turned in the oppistie direction and started walking.
Y/n thought that everything was okay today, she wasnt sulking, sje wasn't feeling like she was the problem...
Everything was okay....
Untill she saw it....
That costume...
That goddamn costume...
Its black eyes locked onto hers.
Y/n felt every muscle in her body tighten, as her breath hitched in her throat.
The masked person rushed up to her..and that's when it happened..she felt like sje was transported back to the night...
When she ran through the street, desperately calling out for help as the masked man trailed behind her.
Y/n turned on her heels and started running.
In her mind, she was back there, running for her life..
The school floor turned into concrete, the lights were gone and replaced with dim moonlight.
Y/n didn't want it to happen again..
That was all that ran through her mind as she ran.
She heard the person's harsh foot steps behind her.
Tears filled her eyes as she took a left down the hall.
She didn't make it far before the person jumped on her.
A scream left Y/n throat as she squirmed and flailed her limbs around.
Soon, the person turned her to hwr back, and Y/n balled her fist up, and hit the person hard..
Y/n snapped out of the trance, she was back in school.. She was kn her back on the floor and the person who tackled her fumbled back and quickly ripped off the father death mask.
"MR. JONES" the princable screamed out as he came to the scene.
Alex Jones stood up, clutching his hand over his broken nose as the principle looked at him in pure disappointment, then he looked at Y/n, who was shaking and crying on the floor
Before the principal could say anything to her, she jumped to her feet and quickly ran off.
Little did anyone now, that Billy and Stu watched the whole thing..
Theu saw how much they had scared Y/n that night...at with that... They knew she'd be easier to use....
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
hiiii, did you read the articles that harry wants to "get settled" now that he is thirty with his girlfriend, and he even started looking for rings, what is your opinion about it, i mean im kinda scared
I saw the headlines but I didn’t bother reading or clicking that shit, it’s ridiculous. Let me start this by saying the entertainment industry as a whole is ridiculously ageist. Anon, welcome to the show.
So, it’s seen fairly often in tabloids and interviews and articles, women in their late 20’s/early 30’s and onwards, being pressured about settling down and getting married and having kids. Hell, women in their every day lives get pressured and asked about this constantly too. Slowly, the script is flipping as more and more people are choosing not to have kids, but the societal pressure is still there. Because that’s what women are good for, right? Can’t be dating around as a women, can’t be a slag, you have to settle down and give the public your offspring so they have something to coo about and you look even more successful. You are “complete”. You’re “normal”. You’ve done what women are meant to do.
So, we see it all the time with women, and we do occasionally see it with men. Which sucks, and no one should be under that public scrutiny and pressure about their personal lives. But, the term “settle down” in relation to male stars, is used particularly for, you guessed it, men who are “womanisers”. Why isn’t the headline “TR and Harry look to settle down”? Why is the headline “Harry Styles ready to settle down”? Because, not to mention he’s way more famous than her, but he’s also notorious for sleeping with any woman with a pulse (so they say).
So, this narrative being pushed gets way more traction, because if you use the first headline that they are both ready to settle down, it implies TR wasn’t ready to begin with. But she is. Because she’s almost 30 and needs to have some kids before her biological clock runs out. Duh. So she’s finally caught the lothario that is Harry Styles™️. What next?
Of course! Now that they’re speculated to be engaged, and that news dies down, there needs to be another little shock. Perhaps… a baby bump? Well, not one exactly, but maybe a photo of TR after she’s had a big bowl of pasta that they can sell to the tabloids. Because it sells. Harry not only “settling down” but also a potential baby Harry? The fans will go crazy. The public will click on that link. That’s how to sell a narrative. And a new album. And some tickets to a play.
Now, none of this is probably news to you. We’ve seen it all before. It happened with him and OW too. It’s the standard relationship timeline, and hey… didnt TR’s play just start on stage in NY from March 3rd - 31st? Isn’t that great timing for her name to be tied to Harry with a big story in the press! What a coincidence!
So anyway, when we had the whole Louis and E engagement stories, we had way different headlines than Harry. Even though louis was an “off the rails party boy”, we got headlines that didn’t mention settling down at all. And that’s because, apart from a very short stint of blonde girls occasionally piling up in his van after clubbing and an “accidental child with a one night stand”, he’s always been a long term relationship guy. Always going back to E. So, he doesn’t have that narrative like Harry does. But also, everyone wants a piece of harry. He’s in high demand right now, so isn’t TR so very lucky!
Anyway, if there’s rumours two folks are engaged, the breakup articles sell even better. It means it was a super serious shocking split as opposed to TR being another one of Harry’s flings and he wasn’t serious about her at all. Hence the engagement articles. And we saw that with Louis, although louis seems to address rumours a lot more than harry, for image/PR op reasons. Remember his “no, no, no!” In that interview when being asked about his engagement? Ahhh… good times.
So, we can probably expect a BUA soon, when TR’s play finishes, and Harry announces something. So hold on for me, anon!
I also have a theory, that Harry’s narrative is slowly moving towards settling down, because when he comes out with/without Louis, it’ll look more serious when they get together. It’s not going to be “harry experimenting with sexuality”. It’s gonna be “he’s serious, he’s been wanting to settle down for a while, this isn’t a phase”. Well… more along those lines anyway. Maybe not straight away. But yeah, so that’s also why I think there has been a couple of engagement jumpscares, and also his narrative shifting from sexy womaniser to wholesome loving and doting man who wants to settle down.
Anyway, if you got this far, thanks for reading! Always fun to talk about industry stuff. xx
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lovelyminako · 9 months
Update on Survivor Ye-jun
After uploading to the disc server, I've been getting suggestions to make him more balanced so his perk is changed up a bit.
Ye-jun can click on another survivor’s icon to make them Concealed. When a survivor is Concealed, it will raise their undetectability to 75%. Whenever the Concealed survivor avoids detection, Ye-jun gains a stack which gives him an extra 10 points of stamina. Ye-jun has a max of 5 stacks at a time and loses the stack once the stamina is used up but can regain it.
However, if the Concealed survivor does get detected, the detection stays for the Concealed survivor 15 seconds longer than usual. This ability can only be used on one survivor and cannot be transferred if the survivor dies and the perk disappears once Ye-jun dies.
(He now gets 10 stamina instead of 20.)
“No one is going to find you. Don’t worry.” - Ye-jun Im
Speed: 8/10
Stamina: 7/10
Stealth: 3/10
Composure: 3/10
Repair: 2/10
Healing: 7/10
(He now has 8/7 chase stats, 2 repair and 7 healing. People said he'd be too busted if he had high repair and high chase + good perk. So in compensation, his healing became higher. He also has his stamina lowered since his perk already helps him get stamina + his speed as well for more balance. So his stats are very similar to Nathan's now.)
“Run away!”
“5, 6, 7 and 8!”
“I wonder how Dae is doing…”
“I’m not an obsessive freak, don’t look at me like that.”
“You never know who is looking.”
“Can’t find them, now can you?”
(His memories have been severely changed so now his voicelines are changed to fit new aspects of him. He doesn't have many voicelines when picking up certain survivors bc he's now in the social ranks of Yeona of not being liked by the other survivors since the other survivors are convinced that Survivor!Ye-jun is the same as Killer!Ye-jun but is keeping up his facade to remain in his relationship with Dae-jung with a few exceptions.)
Picking Up Ally:
Dae-jung (Alternate Universe Skin)
[Ye-jun]: “Guess I’m going to have to be your knight in shining armour.”
[Dae-jung]: “Aren’t you always that though?”
[Ye-jun]: “Please, don’t go just yet.”
[Dae-jung]: “No need to worry, sweetie. I’m not going anywhere.”
[Ye-jun]: “I’m here now.”
[Dae-jung]: “And I couldn’t be happier.”
[Ye-jun]: “Hang in there, Dae-jung! I’ll get you back up!”
[Dae-jung]: “Oh… Thank you, I suppose.”
[Ye-jun]: “So, the whole you know…”
[Dae-jung]: “I’d rather not talk about it.”
[Yeona]: “Thanks, Ye-jun!”
[Ye-jun]: “No worries. We gotta move.”
[Ye-jun]: “Ooh… They got you good.”
[Yeona]: “Yeah… I’m fine though.”
[Ye-jun]: “You can still keep going, right?”
[Yeona]: “Of course!”
[Ye-jun]: “It’s not too suffering to be around her, right?”
[Eman]: “I’m used to it.”
[Ye-jun]: “Why don’t you say anything to him? Perhaps it’ll be just nice to just get the feelings out. It’ll be cathartic.”
[Aaaqil]: “Thanks, but I’m not too sure about that.”
[Ye-jun]: “Just so you know, I also know what it’s like to be in a forbidden relationship. If you need it, you got someone to talk to.”
[Crosby]: “Thank you! And I hope things work out for you!”
[Ye-jun]: “Just so you know, I also know what it’s like to be in a forbidden relationship. If you need it, you got someone to talk to.”
[Rayner]: “Much appreciated, friend.”
[Ye-jun]: “Safe to say I returned the favour.”
[Cora]: “I suppose so.”
[Ye-jun]: “You’ve got to teach me how you take hits like that.”
[Ye-jun]: “Hey, Dae’s other boyfriend.”
[Javier]: *insert response*
[Ye-jun]: “Don’t worry. You aren’t staying down.”
[Ye-jun]: “Hold still. I’ll help you up.”
[Ye-jun]: “Dae could probably teach me little more about this…”
Picked Up By Ally:
Dae-jung (Alternate Universe Skin)
[Dae-jung]: “Don’t worry, sweetie! I got you!”
[Ye-jun]: “Thanks, boo.”
[Dae-jung]: “Please don’t die on me, Ye-jun!”
[Ye-jun]: “I wouldn’t even dream of it, Dae.”
[Dae-jung]: “Oh god, that looks real bad.”
[Ye-jun]: “It doesn’t hurt much. Not when you’re here.”
[Ye-jun]: “Take your time. You don’t have to rush.”
[Dae-jung]: “Thanks, Ye-jun.”
[Dae-jung]: “It still feels weird to do this with you.”
[Ye-jun]: “I’d imagine.” 
[Dae-jung]: “It’s like looking into the past…”
[Ye-jun]: “I’m sorry.”
[Yeona]: “Ye-jun! I got you!“
[Ye-jun]: “You’re a life saver. Quite literally.”
[Yeona]: “When do you think they’ll start liking me?”
[Ye-jun]: “I don’t know. It’s probably happening sooner with you than me.”
[Yronica]: “You practically drool when you look at that boy.”
[Ye-jun]: “Gee, I could say the same for you with that green-haired girl.”
[Ye-jun]: “Hey, it’s you!”
[Cora]: “Hello again. Not doing so well, huh?”
Survivor Died:
Dae-jung (Alternate Universe Skin)
[Ye-jun]: “DAE!!! PLEASE, ANSWER ME!”
[Ye-jun]: “No… Don’t leave me! Please…!”
[Ye-jun]: “No, no…! I should’ve helped! I should’ve…!”
[Ye-jun]: “I swear when I see that guy…”
[Ye-jun]: “You son of…” 
Last Survivor:
[Ye-jun]: “There’s no one else?”
[Ye-jun]: “Time to get serious.”
[Ye-jun]: “Alright, I can do this no problem.”
The Idol
[Killer!Ye-jun]: “So you’re dating Dae-dae… You wouldn’t mind trading places, now would you?”
[Survivor!Ye-jun]: “You better not get close to him! I’m not afraid to throw hands!”
[Killer!Ye-jun]: “So it’s true that he does love me! I knew it! He’s just in denial!”
[Survivor!Ye-jun]: “He’s not loving you with that behaviour!”
[Survivor!Ye-jun]: “You’re sick in the head! What kind of monster are you?!”
[Killer!Ye-jun]: “You’re me and I am you. How come I am the monster?”
[Killer!Ye-jun]: “I don’t care if you’re me! I’ll get rid of anyone standing between me and Dae!”
[Survivor!Ye-jun]: “No one is standing between you two! He’s not with you because you messed up!”
The Showstopper
[Ye-jun]: “Fame has its drawbacks, you know!”
[Jules]: “Not that you’d know the joys. You were only in spotlight for a mere boy.”
[Ye-jun]: “Wh— That’s not true!”
The Ghost
[Kiara]: “You love to dance? I do too! You seem like my type of person!”
[Ye-jun]: “Then this is going to be fun!”
[Ye-jun]: “I can dance and sing for hours on end! This is nothing!”
[Ye-jun]: “Get ready to dance with me!”
Escaped Chase:
The Idol
[Ye-jun]: “What in the world did I become?”
[Ye-jun]: “Why did I do that? What happened with me?”
Ye-jun grew up in a well-off family that provided him with everything he could have ever needed. He knew he had it better than everyone else. He could have anything he wanted yet there was always this jealousy that existed inside of him. 
Because of this, as a kid, Ye-jun was the most stuck-up and spoilt brat you could’ve ever laid your eyes on. He whined whenever another kid had something he wanted, whether it was a toy or candy. Although people weren’t that surprised of his behaviour considering his upbringing, he still got scolded on it. And Ye-jun began to understand that this behaviour was wrong.
As Ye-jun grew up, he became nicer. He tried to be polite to others and treat others respectfully. But even still, there was always that jealous and envious feeling inside himself. To have, to own. Ye-jun recognised these feelings and never understood them. He already had everything and the best of everything at that, why did he want more?
Ye-jun tried to ask teachers and other adults on what he should do with these feelings and Ye-jun gained a suggestion to instead give and be generous instead of feeling jealous. So Ye-jun followed it. Whenever he got a jealous thought about someone, he would instead try to do something nice for them, whether it was helping out with their homework or buying them a snack.
Students loved this and everyone soon knew him as a helpful person. Although it kept the feelings low and controllable, it did still exist within Ye-jun. But the feelings came at an all-time high when he met someone.
Dae-jung Pak.
He was also someone known to be a social butterfly and he just could click with others so naturally. He was so likeable, so genuine, so optimistic, so caring… But for some reason, Ye-jun wasn’t jealous of him. He didn’t want anything he had, materialistic or otherwise.
But he did want him. He wanted him bad. And that want spilled onto others. Whenever Dae-jung talked with others and acted like his normal, cheerful self, Ye-jun gained this insatiable feeling that he wanted that person to go away. He didn’t want anyone else to have him. But Ye-jun hated it. He hated the feeling. So he only did what was the natural instinct. Giving.
He tried to helpful to Dae-jung’s friends and even to Dae-jung himself, although he helped out Dae-jung because he genuinely felt like helping him out. Eventually, he soon became a part of Dae-jung’s social circle and they were practically inseparable. And although he had feelings for Dae-jung and knew it, he was never sure if he could ever confess. What if he’d just ruin everything between them? He didn’t want that. So he kept his feelings, like he always did.
One day, Dae-jung was thinking about auditioning to be an idol and all his friends encouraged him to try out, including Ye-jun. Dae-jung listened to them and he ended up getting in. But when he found out, Ye-jun soon realised that Dae-jung would never have any time with him to do his idol business. And selfish as it was, Ye-jun didn’t want that so he tried to audition as well, in a desperate attempt to stay with Dae-jung.
To his surprise, he got in. And soon, the two were going to be idols together.
After years of training, their group, STAR*STRUCK, made its debut and they became big. People loved them. Ye-jun and Dae-jung were soon big stars alongside their two other members Byung-ho and Han-gyeol. They were doing fan-meetups, making albums, even getting presents and letters from their fanbase. Although he shouldn’t been happier than anything, his jealous feelings raged at the fans and even his band members.
Why should they be around Dae-jung? Why should they be around someone who’s so selfless? He’s so kind and gentle, what gives them the right? Why should he share?
But Ye-jun didn’t want to feel that way. He knew he shouldn’t feel this way. They had a right; they could talk to Dae-jung. Ye-jun could only feel disgusted at himself.
However, after months of their debut, a miracle happened. Dae-jung pulled Ye-jun aside one day and confessed of how he was in love with him. Ye-jun felt euphoric. He couldn’t believe it. He accepted Dae-jung’s feelings with glee.
Ever since then, Ye-jun and Dae-jung have been secretly dating. They didn’t tell anyone about it, not even their trusted members. They didn’t want to take even the slightest chance that they could be exposed. 
One day, they decided to have their first date. Of course, they first made it seem like they wanted the entire group there. But secretly, they planned it on a day where both Byung-ho and Han-gyeol were busy. They soon both went to a private spot on a hill. Just a simple romantic dinner for the two of them.
But when they woke up the morning after, they couldn’t have been expecting what came. They both woke up to a racket going on within the dorm their group shared. 
Their manager came in, revealing that their date had gotten out and how everyone was talking about it. They were soon swiftly fired for breaking their contract. Dae-jung and Ye-jun soon started to feel melancholic about what was in store for the future as Han-gyeol and Byung-ho left them to process everything.
As the two held each other for comfort, a white mist filled the room. And when Byung-ho and Han-gyeol went to check up on the both of them, there was no sign of them. Nothing that showed they left or were hiding, like they disappeared into thin air.
(He's now updated to harbour the same feelings as his killer counterpart but he has the self control and moral compass to never enact on his feelings. However, his murderous tendencies do not exist at all.)
(This now exists bc two of the alt universe backstories have come out and it has shown that the people are the same as their other selves but an event happened differently which made them go down a different road. So in this case it's that Ye-jun recognised his jealous behaviour early on and tried to combat it which prevents him from murdering his band members and dating Dae.)
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bentosandbox · 10 months
I think that majority of players don’t even know that chen is one of the main character in game that it’s sad. I see a lot of people complaining about her appearing in stories after reunion arc even though her screen time is already a lot less than amiya and kaltsit… I think yj already forgot about the main characters concept lmao but her getting new outfit at different region is cool i guess but why are those outfits so weird- (sorry this is just my personally ranting…
true! before I go on my own ramble everyone else can scroll down to the bottom for (unconfirmed??) ten thousand mountains lore/trivia
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i have a feeling this image is somehow related to your ask LMFAO...
actually... have they mentioned the whole 'kaltsit = past, chen = present, and amiya = future' thing outside of CN or did i dream this i feel like they said it somewhere...i can kind of see how people would think amiya is the only protag seeing as there are people who unironically think the doc is the (sole/main) protag and chen/kal acting so antagonistic early on probably didnt help lol
2. yea its sad but as always if chen has 1 morbillion fans i am one of them if she has one im that 1 fan etc drinking their salty tears 🫡🫡🫡
3. uhhh went on a little costume design ramble sorry. my outfits copium is basically telling myself she's really getting the 'dad who does not really understand fashion buying(designing) clothes for child' treatment anime-style (like what can i say other than point to the night and day difference of dossoles chummer e2 fit vs the ice cream collab fit)
i have my personal nitpicks for every outfit but (looks at gavial2 summer skin) a 8.8 is so much better than a...nvm i'll refrain from grading. but for all the nits i pick i think they still pass the baseline of costume design because of the storytelling they do
base chen: cop who likes to yolo a bit too much, leave that one button undone so roll up her sleeves, give her gloves, give her a walkie talkie/earpiece etc, e2 makes that jacket even bigger and has that yummy rhodes teal
CNY skin: still of the opinion/hc that its the dress fumizuki mentioned which is why she looks like shes wearing it grudgingly, it has shorts though at least !!
chummer: shes (trying to be) on a holungday so bring back her epic tourist c cap and make her existing recognizable jacket more summer-y, also the duck heart emoji
victorian arc: cop sideclass(?) to sheriff detective or something, embracing her cringe but free era by leaving her collars up now has the sense to tuck in her shirt and wear actual pants, better coverage against the elements etc etc thank terra nevermind the fact theyre so tight fitting this is just like khr also she looks flatter in the animated PV smile i'm reminded of a wb comment that went sth like 'why are you dressing like this when youre already 30' on this fit and shes not explicitly 30 etc etc but i really like the 'chuuni(cringe but free) at 30' vibe
yumen: passing-by traveler with the cape!!! 👍👍👍👍👍👍 i really like how it looks in the cg lol with the thinner/darker stripes on the outside, ngl no fucking idea what that green box is but i appreciate chen still having a little green and yellow on her outfit, the shortness of the dress? bothered me at first but ive come to the terms that chen is a shorts enjoyer so
10k mountains: youxia-core with the hat and cape👍👍👍👍👍👍 and keeps the plastic part from chummer jacket as well as the checkers (i think they were zips but you know, the black and white alternating…lol remember how her current thing is supposedly dealing with the reality of being grey or whatever as little sense as that makes. we are in full hc territory here but its so much better than adding another 20 belts) the heels dont exist to me though
like idk it's not even a high bar honestly just nail down the role/silhouettes first before adding your morbillion belts/fanservice 😭 looking at a certain bunch of characters anyway this is why swire has the best track record for outfits 1/? ill stop here before i start tambling about her summer drip
anyway everyone should look at this Canon(as in camera brand not the other meaning) ad ft. real cormorant im convinced they got the designs from HG early because they dropped a photoshoot ~bout a week after the 4anni livestream and they got the 2hu-style sleeves right that you can never see unless you look at the sprite sheet, uh
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wait what's this on the back
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oh its from a poem wait whys that so famili
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just going to link some translations/explainers of the poem i think but you can also look up '涼州詞 王之渙 + english translation' or something for more there's quite a few
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