#it could've been 2019 but i honestly don't remember
hydoutdubstep · 2 years
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art comparison post ft. birthday art i drew a friend (i think) 2 years apart c:
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I don't think enough fanders are aware of this little piece of evidence, so I'm going to post about it. (Also pardon my nearly 2 months long hiatus, been mentally shitty)
Ever wondered why Janus has that pink blemish around his eye?
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So, according to Joan in a past Livestream in late 2019, they confirmed that the pink was actually a scar. Yep. A scar. It makes sense since snakes and no other reptiles have that marking naturally. Apparently, it was added to make it more menacing and scary which honestly it did work at the time of his introduction, if you remember how scared people were of him then.
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Initially, they weren't going to explain why he has the scar, since it would have been "too intense" to do so. To be fair, at the time it would have been, but now, do we really care how intense it could've happened? Also, I feel it's a bit messed up to make people with scars out to be intimidating, especially since that scar must've been a traumatic experience. I do think that they should go back on their statement and confirm that scar canonically in an understandable, less insulting way.
Now like I said in a previous post, I know Joan isn't much apart of the team anymore however, some of Joan's influence has still carried on in recent canon. Not to mention that Joan literally created Janus as a character. Another thing Joan did mention in their statement was that the scar..has a connection to the next side which is Orange. Which got me thinking-
Does that mean that Orange will be scarred too? Or..did Orange do it to him? Honestly, it does make sense. If you look at the pink hue enough, it does resemble that of a burn scar. Orange has been associated with that of fire.🔥
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A character Janus has been connected to is Harvey Dent or Two Face due to Virgil's retort in Embarrassing Phases. According to the comics, Two Face is an ex lawyer who uses his studies in criminology and Law to commit his villainous crimes. He was chemically burned at a court trial, however some alternate versions suggest a more gruesome torture. And, it also happens to be on the same side of his body as Janus' scales and scar. This reference was made the episode right before SvS, where Janus was a lawyer. Definitely foreshadowing.
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Another connection is to that of Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender. We know Thomas loves this series and the character is notable here for having a very similar burn scar on the same eye. Coincidence? I think not!
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Now, if it is answered, was it truly Orange who did it? What if it was Remus? And was it on purpose or accident? With Remus, it's more likely to be an accident but Orange we have yet to know but it's more likely purposeful. Unless, Virgil caused it and that could be something he's guilty of but who knows. I just feel bad for Janus in the sense that his snake vision must already suck and then he was nearly blinded a second time? Damn man.
But yeah..that pink is a scar..from some injury..from someone...for some reason or motive. What do you think about this?
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agaypanic · 8 months
okok idk how unpopular these opinions are gonna be tbh
Malcolm in the Middle: i lowkey hate craig, i think he's creepy ESPECIALLY in earlier seasons. you'd think that after your MARRIED coworker tells you that she doesn't like you back and there's no way in hell that she'd ever be with you, YOUD TAKE A FUCKING HINT. also while it's on my mind, i remember writing a reese x reader where readers is basically allison in that episode where craig gives her and reese a ride to the concert but he ends up ruining their date, but anon asked for them all to have a good time together and it was SO hard to write! bc if i had paid for concert tickets (most likely really expensive) for me and my bf and my ride purposefully made me miss the concert because he had a "better" plan for "our" date, i would've blown up the car
Malcolm in the Middle: i honestly didn't like the series finale. the only endings i really agreed with were malcolm's and francis' (malcolm was totally meant to go to harvard by any means necessary, even if it meant working a million jobs between classes to cover that tuition. and although he's probably still a bit of a menace, i love that francis got his act together and got a steady job). i think reese deserved a better ending, i think he could've had a really good culinary career instead of being the janitor at his high school. and i know it was probably for a gag/twist ending but i don't like that they made lois pregnant again. GIVE THE WOMAN A BREAK!!
The Naturals: i've made tiktoks about this (which yall don't know about bc you dont know me outside of this platform teehee) but i hate the way lia treats cassie. sure she got kinda better at the VERY end of the SERIES (4 books). but imagine your mom has been missing and presumed murdered for YEARS and (spoliers for books 3-4 teehee) finally the police find her body but it's not actually her and then you find out your mom is actually alive and a captive/prophet for this murder cult AND THAT YOU HAVE A SISTER THAT WAS CONCEIVED INSIDE THAT CULT. NOW imagine that while you're going through all these events, some bitch keeps telling you to keep that shit to yourself bc other people in the group are having more pressing issues and that the group is at problem capacity. BITCH ALL OF YOU HAVE ISSUES, INSTEAD OF WORKING FOR THE FBI YOU SHOULD GO TO THERAPY
Charlie's Angels: im a really big fan of the 2000's charlies angels movies but was a bit disappointed when i watched the 2019 one. dont get me wrong, its good. i just kinda wished there was some more callbacks to the 2000s movies. like imagine my disappointment when the new charlie wasn't revealed to be dylan (which would've given her character a good ending bc dylan couldn't imagine herself leaving the angels, it would make SO much sense if she ended up heading the agency. even making her a bosley would've been good)
That 70s Show: this isn't really that unpopular but the last season honestly sucked. drew gooden made a pretty good video talking about it (i love drew gooden ugh). imo, moving to africa and then breaking up with donna made no sense for eric's character. especially after donna dropped out of college to stay in point place with him! hyde and jackie breaking up? horrible. jackie and fez getting together? why???? (also the timeline for that 70s show makes no sense at all. theres this channel that did a kinda indepth vid on it and tried pinpointing when the show actually would've ended based on the episodes (mainly the holiday episodes, i think making the holiday specials really screwed over the overall timeline))
i cant think of any more opinions teehee
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bebestay · 2 months
I think what upsets me the most about woojin posting about his departure and about everything is that it feels like he's using the SKZ name to draw up traffic and use them to promote himself. (Also please note that I could not stomach watching the video fully because I apparently have some unaddressed anger towards him that I should REALLY get sorted out.)
I honestly think he's releasing all of this to try and paint himself in a better light since he is now signed with an SM subsidiary and will likely be getting more opportunities to perform since he's no longer independent (?). Like this is damage control 101. However to do it 4 YEARS LATER AND PUBLICLY?! Like did you even talk to them or did you think this would be enough?
In my own eyes, I don't like him. Honest to the above when I say that I forgot he was even active. I stopped following him when instead of just denying his allegations, he used that post to promote his solo debut. Literally one line of "hey its not real" and three lines of "my debut's coming please continue waiting" in the same post. Then I just dropped my support of him altogether when he used those allegations and turned them into a documentary for his debut. Like it was punch after punch.
As someone who went through that dreaded period of October 2019 and saw how torn up the group was, it is an absolute dick move to do this. The boys and JYPE have already wiped their hands of woojin, but he seems to be clinging to that one thread with an iron grip cause it keeps him relevant. Do I hope he finds success? Yes because he's a very talented vocalist and performer. Do I want him to get the success by allowing the media to continuously connect him to his former group? No. Absolutely not. Like what use is it to go out to make your own name if you allow them to keep you attached to something you've said you want no part of. Do I hate him? No but I don't like him either.
Something I always see pointed out is that it seems like Woojin always wanted to be a soloist but knew it would be tougher to gain recognition as an unknown . So he accepted Chan's invite and the rest was history.
SKZ wanted to leave us with the good memories they had as 9. Chan even let him say goodbye one last time on Channie's Room before the month of radio silence. He wanted us to remember the good in him. Then everything happened and we got the re-recordings in 2020. They had officially changed their story and dropped him. District 9 became Bay 8. The lore was rewritten. The world was restarted.
Whatever bond the group had from pre to post survival show, it was gone after the first year. Sure they got along on camera, but that could've been just that. There are videos that I go back and watch, and I get this energy that he's not a friend but a coworker. Like, I can't imagine the pain that must have gone through Chan as he built this group, chose each one of them, and got hit with a big betrayal. He even apologized for woojin's departure! Something he shouldn't have had to do!
After woojin left, I saw a change in the group. The boys were more open and energetic with each other. They were happy, but also scared. A lot happened in a short amount of time with little time for recovery. Sure, they still find it tough to look back at that era with smiles but they know that they've grown from it and are even stronger than before. They've grown into their sound, finding a tone that fits their voices - a sound I fully believe would not fit woojin.
The eight of them have moved on and are thriving, but he still seems to be clinging to that one line of connection and it's starting to fray and give.
I won't forget what he did. I will not forgive.
That's all for now.
This is the last time I will talk about my feelings towards woojin and his history with Stray Kids.
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sunshinebree · 3 months
Dear Taylor (@taylorswift, @taylornation)
Tonight is the night before the Eras Tour Night 1 in Sydney Australia. I'll be in the crowd, for my first ever concert of yours, even though I've been a fan since the 'Debut' Era. I don't have much of an online presence although something has compelled me to write to you tonight.
I am feeling so blessed that I managed to get tickets last week. I tried at every release and had almost given up. Thankfully, I managed to get tickets and I know I'm going to have the best, most magical night ever.
At 15 years old, the first song I ever heard from you was Teardrops On My Guitar and I was immediately hooked. I remember the first time I heard it, driving in the car to Sydney. It was raining heavily, and such a movie-worthy moment, my head resting against the car window, crying to a song about loving someone you can't have. I felt that.
When Fearless came around, I was instantly hooked. Country music was my thing, and all of my favourite songs instantly became yours. Fearless, Love Story, The Way I Loved You. You made me not feel as alone in the world as I mostly felt. As a 16-17 year old, your songs were a staple in my everyday life. You made me feel like that.
In 2010, with Speak Now, you were still a staple in my everyday life. I was finishing school, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life. Your music was my escape. I didn't have many friends, I have always been awkward. Innocent was the track that spoke to me most. Even when everything felt dark, and lonely, your songs saved me. Sometimes, I imagined the lyrics were talking to me.And now that I'm '32, and still growing up now,' I still feel as though your songs are still talking to me.
With your foray into pop music with Red, my best friend started loving your music too. That made me so happy. It gave us another way to strengthen our friendship. We are the Lucky Ones. To have been blessed in this lifetime with your music.
I feel with every album release, your music spoke to me. 1989 came at a time where I was slowly falling in love. They were my Wildest Dreams, out of reach, but your music was there in the comfort of the middle of the night (and the walks and bus drives to work).
With Reputation, much like the albums earlier, I was easily able to relate to all of the music much like some songs were written about situations I had found myself in. Gorgeous especially, when I fell madly, crazily in love with someone who was already in a relationship and deluded myself into thinking I had a chance.
2019. Lover. I lost myself in these couple of years. The darkest I've ever been in my life, self hatred plaguing my entire self. Yet again, I relied on music to get me through this. Especially your music. In times of darkness, your music has always been there to get me through everything. Telling someone that I love them, and them actually making me feel that it WAS the worst thing they've ever heard? It was a whole season of a Cruel Summer.
When Folklore came around during COVID, it was definitely the Invisible String that brought me back to your music to start to heal. Illicit Affairs resonated with me so deeply, I honestly believe Folklore really helped me process my emotions more than anything else ever could. Every single track brings me back to a memory of trying to bring back that same joy and happiness that previous albums brought me. It did just that.
And then Evermore came out of nowhere, and just helped that process along. Champagne Problems, No Body No Crime, Coney Island... every song brought me a sense of familiarity and comfort. So much had changed from when I was the little girl crying to Teardrops on My Guitar but the fact that your music has helped me has never changed.
Midnights. Anti-Hero. I never like looking in the mirror, but I do look directly in the sunlight. You're On Your Own Kid. I always have been, especially when I needed someone. Would've Could've Should've... the song, that entirely summed up my twenties. Midnights made me laugh, made me cry, and this new, healed version of me used it as the soundtrack to getting better. It worked, and I'm so proud of that.
I'm sure you didn't want to read this long-winded post, I'm not even sure if you will. But I felt compelled to write it. Right now, I'm on my bed making friendship bracelets for the show tomorrow night. A few years ago, I didn't even want to be alive anymore. Now, I listen to your songs on repeat and use them to remember that it's okay to hurt, it's okay to love, it's okay to laugh. Life is worth living.
Taylor, I've had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.
I can't wait to see you tomorrow night. Thank you for everything you have done, without even knowing me. You've been there for me for all of my teenage and adult years.
With love always,
Instagram - breannamurphy92
Twitter / X - tysonskidd
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astrologycharts242 · 8 months
A brief introduction about me.
I learnt about astrology on Tumblr recently due to a viral post on twitter. I've been studying astrology for years now. I came across a birthday post in 2014 on Facebook and I was like I'm not a Libra. I always looked at astrology as something bogus until about late 2018 October or November. I stumbled across this YouTube channel called 13signsastrology and he explained a Virgo and I was like that's me for sure. I was deeply into spirituality, things like aliens, summerians at the time which was how I stumbled into his videos since he talked about it.
I would watch videos on astrology like planets through the houses for fun. Mainly in 2019 and 2020 because August 2019 I had joined a vocational institute that taught construction trades. It's like a trade school here in the Bahamas even for trades related to cosmetology. It's called The Bahamas technical and Vocational Institute. I was great in that school but I never got to start the construction trades. I had to do certain classes like maths and language. We had an entrepreneurship class for the final exam before COVID botched things we had to a business plan presentation to the class. I still have a copy of it
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Long story short I used to watch astrology videos on a daily. Then in 2020 COVID happened. I was in school debt. I was like I'm gonna get this summer job and pay it off. With COVID in 2020 starting right as I finished that spring semester nobody could've even left their houses. We even had to do classes through zoom online. Safe to say my time in trade school was done.
Around this time I would watch krs astrology videos I loved his sun in the 4th house video. It resonated with me for a reason. Then I came across joni patry videos. I used to watch tons of astrologers on YouTube but once I ran into krs videos. This was how I got introduced to vedic astrology specifically. Then I was like all of this square, trines and Lilith stuff I'm about to learn doesn't make sense.
I can't remember when or how. It had to have been at least around August 2020 I ended up on Reddit. I don't even remember how or what made me signed up. I barely knew what reddit was you would think I was drunk when I had signed up, because to this day I can't remember what specifically made me signed up. Out of curiosity with vedic astrology I would google and seeing a Reddit post is probably what intrigued me.
I ended up in the vedic astrology community spamming posts until I somehow got in contact with a vedic astrologer (self proclaimed,) through inbox. The question was about career. We had conversations about life not just with astrology. Unfortunately he couldn't read my chart due to a lack of not having a birth time. The only time I really used was 12:00am. Which was awful because I did that for everybody I didn't even care if someone had a birth time. I would read people's charts with a 12:00am time and act like it was their actual birth time. You can tell I was an amateur. I was like man but this krs video of sun in the 4th house resonated with me. I even used the wrong software people in the vedic astrology subreddit pointed out to me. Remember I was following this guy on YouTube about 13zodiacsigns so I used a software relating to that. This was when I realized something isn't right about that 13 stuff.
I live in the Bahamas where people are heavily christian indoctrinated. I went to the public hospital and it was a hassle trying to get my birth time. I honestly thought I was never gonna get it but when this guy said he needs my birth time to look at my chart. I was motivated than ever. At the hospital I went through hurdles. People asking what I need my birth time for??? Shoots the people that worked there and the patients asked lol I even got into an argument with an old man about religions. He had asked me quietly I told him astrology big mistake I went into a debate and he started getting all loud about witchcraft. I didn't got the time that day they only made me sign a paper for a request. Then they were like they would call about a week later. Before I even went to the hospital I was like should I get a new birth certificate but talking to the lady on the phone. She worked at the place that did the birth certificates and I was like you know what forget this I'll go to the hospital.
A week and a half came I was like no call. I know where this is going so I called. The person that worked in the department where I had to sign the paper or registration form. The same woman that gave me the papers answered. She was like the receptionist. She put me on the phone with her supervisor. The supervisor had answered it was beautiful her energy was on point, very calm as well. The supervisor (a female,) told me she wasn't busy and isn't doing anything. She looked it up I guess on a computer she gave me the time I asked her to repeat it again because the time was just crazy. I was happy as ever as well. My birth time is 12:06am.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
What was your reaction then and now to hickeygate?
I thought it made sense lmao, I was like "of course he did that". There's been a lot of times that Jimin got too close to Jungkook's neck, or caressed it, or even pretended to kiss it. He did seem to have a thing for it.
I honestly don't remember being shocked or surprised, not even about it being on the DVD. I thought it was hot and that was pretty much it. The first half of 2020 was not... encouraging at all, but second half of 2020 was probably the time I was thee most inclined to believe they were a thing. Still, in early 2019 I would've already told you that they'd probably kissed before, so the hickey was honestly just another "they've kissed". Not a confirmation of a stablished, exclusive relationship.
I am 1000% against the "theory" that they "wanted" to show it. I really believe they could've just not noticed or didn't think it would be that visible, not as corny jikookers like to believe that they got dressed that morning and said "hey let's show everyone the very sexual romantic hickey i gave you last night in our very sexual romantic night because I'm so tired of armys thinking we're not close and I want to scream you're mine and also to tip off our dear lovely jikookers on how we're #real" and then they floated off the apartment over a cloud of glitter with rainbows and unicorns behind them. Picture all that in humanlouvreart kind of drawings. None of that happened.
As it always happens with BTS tho, it would've been better to see it on real time and not a year later. By August 2021 when it was released, my ~feelings~ for jikook had already changed and I was on my way to detachment, honestly. Maybe I would've been more impressed if that clip had been released earlier.
As for my feelings on this present day, I still think it's hot. Also Jimin Very gay (umbrella term). But just like with everything else, it's simply a memory. I can't say I have any "reaction" about it nowadays. I was watching the clips that showed up on twitter from the shows they streamed on Youtube today, and all there's left for me when I see jikook it's just nostalgia. I watch the clips, the moments, and it feels like they happened in a different life, to someone else. As corny as I might sound, it doesn't even feel like this is "chapter two", it honestly feels like a whole different book.
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septembersghost · 2 years
you don't have to answer this if it's triggery but thinking about how easily we could've lost Taylor either bc she decided to retreat forever or worse things, how likely do you think it is she'll address that or even mention suicide on this album?
i think it's highly likely, to the point where we should be prepared for it. i'm not sure how directly she'll get into it, but it's something she's been alluding to since reputation, there are small glimpses of it on lover and she mentioned it in interviews, and then of course, death is a continuous theme on folklore/evermore. as much as those albums may be draped in metaphor and stories, many of the songs are also very personal and very much about her and her experiences, but even two years ago, i don't think she was ready to put that out there in quite as vulnerable a way. it was easier to dress in a little bit of fiction - i think so much about this is me trying, since i've been in the, "i didn't know if you'd care if i came back, i have a lot of regrets about that" moments myself. "pulled the car off the road to the lookout, could've followed my fears all the way down" is her way of exposing the depth of that despair there, and it recurs, specifically on hoax, "stood on the cliffside, screaming 'give me a reason.'" i've always agreed with the thought that "my sleepless night" refers to one particularly dark and specific moment, and hoax being an enigma and about several different situations was her safe outlet of addressing it there. it feels very possible to me that that sleepless night will be one of the upcoming tracks.
i've been remembering things she said and shared in 2019. it's been exactly six years today since this journal entry:
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and here are a couple of quotes that have stuck with me from lover press/speeches:
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there have been things she's referenced obliquely, and others i suspect she didn't feel ready to share with us at all until now. just the admission that she felt that and struggled with those dark thoughts felt huge to me every time, be it in interviews or lyrics, and it feels like a testament to her resilience that now she's feeling brave enough to go back over those events and create art about them. (and i don't think the whole album will be sad, of course! she mentioned joy and dreams along with sorrow and nightmares). there's a real sense of desperation in the album prologue, but also clarity and catharsis and intimacy.
what's remarkable to me is the journey that's gotten her here ("hell was the journey, but it brought me heaven"). she's been through so much, extreme ups and terrible downs, and the past few years alone have had tumult for her, including professional losses that were a blow, but she's managed to spin that into gold and reclamation. from the description, i don't know that this album would even exist without the process of the re-recordings. i think folklore and evermore were hugely restorative to her, despite the difficult circumstances for her and for the world as a whole that led to their creation. and honestly it seems like she's never been healthier and happier, and that in itself is why she can go back to such vulnerable places now. you can't confront certain things when you're in them. you can't talk about certain griefs when you're too directly immersed in them, when you're too fragile. she's worked so hard to heal and to get to this place, and i'm proud of her for it. step into the daylight, and sometimes the warmth and growth of that rising sun gives you the courage to blossom and to look back on the many midnights.
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janedoe-ing · 4 months
rating all the guys ive liked before ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀
~ *mr*n (darjah 1) = 8/10
tbh since its my first childhood crush so it was so cutesy and innocent type of love so im rating this high. never really talked to him pun actually, once had an encounter when i was pulling my stone heavy beg tarik onto this giant ass stairs when i was going home and he offered to help me!!! cute kan.... but he was holding another girl's hand also during that time so 😅😅 kinda soul crushing for a 7 y/o but hidup ni keras dik...... also his dad was a friend of my dad so... yeah....
visual purposes: normal boy, chinese looking, botak in a way there's some spikey hairs growing if that makes sense
~ first (darjah 3) = 9/10
rating him the HIGHEST bcs he was the best and the most painful one. i feel like i talked a lot abt him earlier when i made this account. we literally are so close and in sync with each other it's insane. i can definitely say he's my soulmate, not kidding. never met somebody so close to him until now. but hes an ick now thats for sure after stalking his account. his physicals is obviously different than when i knew him as this scrawny tall kid. his attitude might've changed too. never heard from him again since our mothers had an argument and decided to stop being friends with each other. that's the most devastating part of it, the fact that we never had the chance to say good bye or even articulate anything. i always wonder what we could've been if we never got separated. i have his socials, but i don't think i have the guts to actually text him and tell him who i am. he might not even remember who i was, and maybe i was just a girl who happen to be apart of his life, for a little while. but he was one of the biggest things that has ever happened to me. it's always has been like this. i was never apart of something much.
~ n*s**m (darjah 3) = 5/10
honestly i liked him for quite a short time and mostly bcs he was my ketua kelas and nothing more. he grew up to be annoying tho i remember him asking me details about my facial treatments but in a weird way. so it ICKED me. (this was back in 2019)
~ *n*q* (darjah 4) = 7/10
I GOT TASTE OK BABES FOR THIS ONE!!!!! HES TALL AS HELL!!!! archery kid, pengawas kantin, handsome among our batchmates, in the first tier of classes (one of the smartest classes) like ????????? a total snatch ok.... but hes annoying tho from what i could remember but in a normal way like how boys are at that age....
~ *mr*n (darjah 4) = 6/10
ok this is so funny bcs the guy above is his fucking bestfriend and i decided to like him after that LMAOO but to be fair i liked him bcs he liked me first so macam.... KJSFNJKFSJK visually that time hes normal-cute but now hes scarily hot like KJSBDJKBK but not hot HOT, its like 'oh hot' type of guy when ur friend asked u if he's hot or not.... and he's weirdly famous for some reason now... but anyways...
~ *q*l (darjah 5) = 4/10
i feel like this is more of a fling rather than a crush tbh bcs ??? i can't remember shit about him... boring.... other than he's tall as hell..... yikes..... he's 180++ now so imagine being tall at 11 y/o..... have the looks back in primary but now he's just meh. boring. next. unkept looking in a way??? like bro shaving exists!!!
~ *zz (darjah 6) = 1/10
wtf babi bcs wtf is this HAHAHHA THIS IS LIKE ONLY FOR A FEW DAYS KOT OR A WEEK AT MOST bcs i remember making jokes ABOUT him and sitting next him but thats all 😭 maybe that's what got me to the 'feelings' LMAO ITS SO FUNNY............
~ h**k*l (darjah 6 - form 2) = 5/10
prolly my first crush that has ever exceeded more than 3 months bcs ??? and the cringiest moments of us were when we were at our langkawi trip???? i was delusional as hell thinking im THAT bitch to kinda woo him abit but when i looked back at those pictures i looked like shit bro..... WHAT WAS I THINKING WEARING RED LEGGINGS WITH A LOW PONYTAIL AND A MATCHING WHITE BLOUSES WITH MY OTHER GANG MEMBERS.... WTF????? AND A BLUE KNAPSACK TOO?? THE HELL????? they said the devil wears prada but i would say that devil wears knapsacks ok!!!!!! #kingkylie era btw so i was smiling in a weird way, like in a way trying to do the 'duck lips' so..... funny..........
also it icks me A LOT when he started getting overly attentive at my number of followers.... like every time i tried to make a conversation he'll go 'oh dia kan budka hot ada 1k followers' like ??????????? the hell??????????? also that receding hairline and that big ass forehead deserves criminal time babes bcs wtf!
~ *p*n (form 2-4) = 2/10
caused me the most embarrassment and quite some pain (weirdly) bcs i took our situationship like a cinta monyet kind of era, so it shouldn't hurt as much but weirdly it caused me quite some pain and trauma...... maybe bcs i was cheated too!!!!!!!! his ugly ass GLOWED EVEN DOWN-ER!!!! thats what u get as kifarah babes for cheating on me!!!! also heard that he got cheated by his ex that he cheated on me with!! karma is my boyfriend!!!!!
most well known 'relationship' too among our batchmates and thinking about this back made me wanna stab myself 100 times and twist the knife around the wound bcs why was i SO STUPID.......... also he was VERY PUSHY in making us official like ??? chill ???? (obviously we didn't bcs i have commitment issues)
honestly idk wtf did i saw in him like ???? the visuals are obviously out, his personality is compensating for it i guess.... not so much after our 'break up' that's for sure 💀 he's an ick to the society now like i literally stalked his socials a few days ago bcs it happened to pass by my account and he started rt-ing things about sex and drugs and cigarettes in public like ????? make a fake account or something pls like i don't wanna know that you like to eat your girlfriend's ass....
personally, i would never handle that type of embarrassment and cringeyness and disrespect... so... that explains a lot.....
~ curly fries (form 4) = 2/10
tbh just a stupid camp crush and that's all... we exchanged shirts and ties and stuff but nothing more... also he's a fuckboy and kept getting uglier the more i see him.... also curly hair is not a good look on u babes personally so nope.............. i feel like i only 'liked' him for a month? BYE ok i just remembered we had called each other from public phones sial wtfffffff ok but thats all (other than the cringey moments from mfls that i still remember rn) 😭😭
~ ch*ng (form 4) = 2/10
more like a fling tbh maybe bcs i was bored, and tbh hes just a rebound... felt so bad for this but it is what it is KSJBDKJ but we kinda are each other's rebounds... so... that makes it equal... i guess.... also we met through auni, which makes this funnier bcs she literally tried to matchmake us like cupid or sumn 💀💀 i think it went for 3-4 months, and he BARELY tried to keep up so NOPEEEEE + hes not even my type other than tall so... YIKEs.... also... hes a kelantanese.... walking red flag who....
~ plushie (degree) = 5/10
ongoing pain tbh but we roll!!!!!11 hes so nice and etc but the thing is..... HES GAY SIAL.................. so obviously stopped liking him bcs why would i wait for somebody who won't even see me 😭😭 plus we're close so that makes it weirder.... and he didn't know abt me liking him, so basically he did all these things and shit and sending me mixed signals, and i have been delusional this whole time!!!!! good to know!!! time to move on!!!!!!!
0 notes
toweroftickles · 2 years
Mistoria - Tickle Torture
(Cats 2019 Fic)
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THEY’RE SO PRECIOUS; I’M SORRY ❤️❤️ I literally have to write shipping fics for them you don't understand
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Victoria was excited, but equally nervous.
Her bare feet slapped against the cobblestone road, still cool from a recent drizzle. She’d never gone running off to explore the Egyptian Theater with Mr. Mistoffelees alone before…the two of them often found it difficult to sneak away from the rest of their tribe.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“I…I found a way into the attic, under the part of the roof that’s still standing. None of the other Jellicles even know the Egyptian has one,” Misto explained, trying to keep it cool. “Come on!”
Victoria felt a sense of elation and giggled at nothing, guided by the gentle clasp of fingers around her wrist.
The abandoned attic had long since fallen into disrepair. Shattered ceiling boards painted a dazzling puddle of white over the dust and furniture. Two former chairs, collapsed to splinters. One cabinet, an overturned lamp. A few worn books. A mattress, large enough for two human people, strewn with rain-stained sheets and a pillow…undoubtedly left over when the owners cleaned house.
Misto and Victoria were acting like lovesick puppies and could barely contain themselves…as soon as they reached the roof beams they clasped their hands to one another’s faces and passionately kissed, over and over again. Neither one of them, not even with their evolved senses, picked up the pair of shadows that followed behind them.
Victoria laid flat on her back on the old mattress, and Misto snuggled up against her, draping his right arm across her stomach. Her heart was pounding loud enough for a cat’s ears to pick up.
B-bmp. B-bmp.
Misto’s fingers grasped at nothing, tenderly, through the fur on her torso, until his knuckles glided over her midriff.
Victoria exhaled sharply through her nose and bit her lower lip in an excited smile as she lightly bucked against the mattress.
“Hn-Hn! Hee! No no, pl-hease don’t; I’m very ticklish,” she giggled.
Mr. Mistoffelees barely held in a laugh of his own.
“Just from that?” he asked, obviously delighted, continuing to rub her belly. “I didn’t know you were that bad.”
“Nnnn, it tihickles!” she squeaked. Her boyfriend could see all of her teeth when she flashed that dazzling grin. He nuzzled against her neck and purred at her. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so loved. If he’d wanted to keep cuddling her and caressing her sensitive tummy like that for another hour, she honestly might not have minded.
Then it all shattered.
“Oy! What’s goin’ on here?” a rough Cockney brogue called out from the rafters.
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The feline couple froze in abject horror at the realization that they weren’t alone. Their eyes shot up to the ceiling, and there, among the broken boards, was Mungojerrie, that scheming calico, dangling diagonally like an acrobatic belfry hunchback.
Victoria had to cover her mouth to keep from shrieking. She immediately retreated into as small a ball as her flexible body could form, desperately reaching out for any piece of fabric that could hide her. Misto, meanwhile, had his jaw hanging open but wasn't free to do much else. A deep red color stood out as it grew in a cloud above his nose. Even if he could've poofed them away easily, his wand had been left behind.
"Oh...h-hi, Mungo...we, um...I..."
“Looks to us like you two were foolin’ around up here in our secret lair,” another voice sounded. The two lovebirds whipped their heads around again and saw Rumpleteazer peeking out from behind the broken cabinet. Both of them. Victoria’s embarrassment was overwhelming.
“H-How many secret lairs do the two of you have anyway?!” Misto demanded, hoping to shield his anxiety.
“More than 5…” Mungojerrie began, touching down on the dusty floor.
“…less than 90,” finished his partner, following suit.
Well, that wasn’t helpful.
"So...you running off from the rest of us for a little fun, eh?" Jerrie pressed, again.
"N-no! No, we...mmm...." Victoria wasn't embarrassed by her and Misto's relationship...everyone knew...but frankly, the fewer details those annoying imps were privy to, the better.
“No, we’re just…" Misto interrupted her. "...um...having a tickle fight?”
He wasn’t sure what reaction he’d get, but the notorious pranksters seemed surprisingly excited by the idea. They laughed to themselves with the usual glint in their eyes. With one elegant leap and dive they somersaulted over to Victoria’s wrists and pulled them back, totally trapping her and exposing her torso.
“Oh, she’s ticklish, is she?” scoffed Teazer.
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“Go on then; let’s have some fun with her,” Mungojerrie offered with a smirk.
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The white cat gasped. Misto wasn’t normally one to embarrass or mess with the other Jellicles, least of all her, but the mood in the room teetered back and forth between anxiousness and intoxicating mischief, and he succumbed to the latter. Smiling excitedly, he grabbed at his girlfriend’s stomach.
“Hn-HEE! Hihih-Hih…Ah-Hn! Hmhm-Hmhm!” Victoria giggled through closed lips and scissor-kicked in Misto’s embrace, squirming as his fingertips spread far apart and slowly stroked down her belly. Her whole upper body trembled from the ticklish laughter bubbling up inside her, and she couldn’t wiggle away. It was actually kind of fun, she thought…at first.
“Aw, how precious,” Rumpleteazer taunted, tussling Victoria’s hair. “Hmm, that cute little tummy needs a raspberry.”
“Mmmf, Hmhm! *gasp* Haha-Hih! Oh n-ho, please d-hon’t, I can’t, Hmhm-Hm Hm!” Victoria snickered sweetly as her cheeks began to go pink. Her ears wiggled and her insides suddenly felt very warm. It was kind of weird, but deep down, the white cat secretly loved getting raspberries. But she was far too ticklish for them even at the best of times, and far too embarrassed for one right now.
Misto’s fingers continued to gently scratch the soft areas just above her hipbones, like the arms of an octopus, curling and uncurling, and it made her shudder. Smiling as warmly as he could, a gesture of reassurance meant to help her relax, her boyfriend knelt down to her soft, fuzzy belly and blew hard.
“HAAA-Heehee-Hihih! *gasp* MMHM, Hm-Hm Hm-Hm! *squeak* No, no, don’t!” Victoria scrambled to shield her fiercely-blushing face. Her ears drooped back in submission. Eventually Misto managed to pry her arms apart (the better to expose her pretty smile, he told her…words intended to come out smooth, but which kinda tripped and mangled themselves on their way out of his mouth) and pinned them to the bed. Relaxing, Victoria slooowwwwly took deep breaths. A single tear rested on her eyelash, which prompted a collective chuckle from her friends. The calicos were in their usual mischievous mood.
“Ha…you barely have to touch her,” Mungojerrie snarked.
“Wonder if she giggles like that when she and her magical boy-toy are…."
Misto’s face suddenly ran through every shade of the rainbow at once.
“Th-that’s none of your business!!!” he interjected, slightly louder than he meant to. Victoria was even more horrified, busy trying to bury her head in the discarded sheets.
“What? So you’re not gonna give us a little…gossip?” Teazer smirked and raised her eyebrow at Victoria as she circled the couple. “We all already know what you two get up to when you’re alone…”
Misto looked like he wanted to kill himself 9 times. The white kitten shook her head, but couldn’t bring herself to look either calico in the eye…until she felt Rumpleteazer’s fingers slowly tap-tap-tapping on the glass up the side of her left foot. She twitched.
“Hmmmm…iszat so…then I guess we’ll just have toooo…
….tickle it out of you!” the calico girl laughed and without warning seized Victoria’s ankle, and began to mercilessly scratch all over her bare white sole.
“Hmhm! Ah! Ah-Ha! Hn-Hn Heh! Ah Haha-Ha, Ha-Ha Ha!” Victoria couldn’t stop laughing. Her foot wiggled and flailed around like a ferret in a sack, but she couldn’t get free. “Hihih-Hee! Heehee-Ha! Heh-Heh Hm-Hm! Pleahease, Ha-Hih! I c-han’t have my feet touhuhouched!”
“Oh right, you ballerinas are all really sensitive down there,” Teazer mocked.
No sooner had she spoken than Victoria felt another pair of hands traveling up her arms (which were once again being held flat to the old mattress by Misto). Mungojerrie’s hands.
“NNNN, Hnhn! No no no no,” she giggled helplessly. With a sharp poke Mungo’s nimble digits burrowed themselves into the hollows of Victoria’s armpits, and she could no longer control herself.
“Ah-Ha-Ha, Ha-Ha Ha-Ha! *gasp* Hih! Hng-Heehee!” Every time Victoria made an effort to pull her body in one direction, Mungojerrie simply prodded the other. Meanwhile, Rumpleteazer was still tickling her foot, holding it still and scratching right underneath her wiggling toes. A small part of Victoria was almost enjoying it…all the affection, the nuzzling, the touching…the fingertips strumming up and down her body…but it was just too much.
“Hng! M-Misto, hehelp!”
“Heh-Heh! You want help? Ok, I’ll help.” Looking down at her, her boyfriend laughed and released his hold on her biceps, and her arms naturally retreated into her bosom (which only managed to trap Mungo’s squeezing fingers in her armpits). But instead of prying the other mischievous hands away, Misto joined in their fun, grabbing and probing all the most sensitive spots on Victoria’s sides and poking her quivery belly button. His long, black tail wrapped around her right leg and danced along her inner thigh. This mean playfulness was so unlike him…
“AHH Hih-Hih Hng! Ah-Heh Heh! *gasp* Ha-Ha!” Victoria laughed desperately. Even though her arms were no longer restrained, she felt far too weak to push the others away.
The white cat’s giggles had almost turned to desperate hiccups as her whole body trembled. Her already-demure voice was withering, becoming softer and softer. Tears dripped gently down her blushing cheeks.
“Pl-hease, I can’t; it t-hickles really ba-ha-had!”
“Heh! Come on, we’ve gotta let her go,” Misto wanted to keep touching her, but not if it made her miserable.
“Gah, you’re no fun,” scoffed Teazer.
“Not til she’s told us the truth!” Jerrie let out a mischievous cackle.
“Erm…please, you two?”
“……ugh, fine.”
Suddenly Teazer’s hands froze in place, and Victoria’s foot dropped down through the air to the soft mattress. Mungo’s fingers slid out from under her body (they’d begun prodding around the back of the white cat’s ribs), and Victoria’s limp wrist fell back against the bed, undisturbed, in sync with her weary sighs.
Breathe in…breathe out.
It felt like all the tension just deflated out of her torso one gasp at a time, causing a hot shiver down her neck and across her shoulders.
“Are you ok?” came Misto’s laughing voice.
“Mmm…oh my god, I feel so warm…”
Victoria opened her eyes, and arranged above like the points of a triangle were her friends’ heads, all staring down at her.
"Well now we know how to mess with this pretty little one," Teazer laughed smugly.
“Are…are you worn out?”
“Hnhn! Nnnnnnn…Please...just give me a hug,” Victoria pretended to pout, with full-on puppy-dog eyes.
Feeling encouraged, Misto laid down next to her once again. He rubbed his head against her neck and nuzzled her shoulder…her fur felt so soft. She sighed, embracing him, her long legs pulling against the sheet on which they laid. It was nice, until four more arms suddenly wrapped around the both of them.
“No, not you!” Victoria giggled and playfully swatted at the calicos. They released their bear hug and stood up from the mattress.
“Hmph! Well, fine; if that’s the way you feel about it,” huffed Rumpleteazer.
“We know when we’re not wanted,” followed Jerrie with faux-bitterness dripping from his voice. The two disappeared just as fast as they had popped in, without another word…
...but not before brushing Misto’s foot with their tails and making him practically jump out of his skin. (A brief moment, but it made his girlfriend happy.)
As soon as they were out of sight Victoria pulled Misto down to her by his bow tie, both of them gleefully reenergized, and they promptly curled up together again. Mr. Mistoffelees put his hand around Victoria's shoulder and held her close.
“Really…are you ok?” asked the black cat. He seemed genuinely a bit concerned that he’d let the calicos take things too far.
“Of course,” Victoria reassured him. “I’m just a little tired. My face hurts from smiling!”
“I’m sorry…I-I didn’t mean to get carried away,” Misto stammered. His voice started out calm but became increasingly wavy as he talked. The shy magician was getting a bit flustered.
“Really, it’s ok…I don’t mind.”
“It’s just that, well, you’ve seemed down lately, and I…I like…”
Victoria’s ears perked up. Misto was playing with his hat.
“…I love seeing your smile.”
Of all the things that had happened in the last few minutes, surprisingly, this is what caused Victoria to blush the most. She turned her head, all sweet ear-to-ear grins, until he touched her chin and pulled her gaze back to his.
The two gently kissed one more time, before finally resting in a splash of moonlight.
That was enough excitement for one night.
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I think part of the reason I feel compelled to write fics about these two (Victoria especially) is because Francesca Hayward is such a sweetheart in real life and she has this little giggle that’s so adorable it makes my heart hurt ❤️ seriously
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Anyway, my sincerest apologies to all of you and may the lord have mercy on me.
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cash4bees · 2 years
How I'm doing
So I barely know people on this platform any more, and twitter is bad for long-form stuff and I also barely know anyone on there either. But I just want to get my thoughts in order on how I'm doing, and post them in my favorite defunct comedy diary platform. I promise, this isn't super duper sad times the whole way through, in case you want to give it a read it's actually quite happy.
I've had a rough go of it for around four years, going back further than the pandemic by a while. Graduating college essentially meant hacking away my social tethers that weren't online, and everyone I had easy access to through the internet was, in contrast, busy with their IRL stuff. I had to essentially scrape by on one or two social activities in a week from 2017 to 2019. I grew apart from friendships I valued because I felt every friendship drift away simultaneously. I remember that my therapist asked me to very simply rate my mood on given days out of a hundred and at about that time it was some of the absolute pits, barely reaching 30/100 on a good day. I had a roommate who's vibes spread to me and whose lack of cleanliness ethic put a lot of at-home burden on me, I had very little if any free time to myself, and all of my friends were either gone or still hanging out with each other at grad school an hour's drive away. I was lonelier than I'd ever been, and those rank among the saddest days of my life. I left tumblr entirely for a few months there, coinciding with the exodus in general, so there's not too many glimpses into my state of mind on this blog but trust me, it was bad.
The first big turnaround, late 2018, was joining a big discord server with some of the best friends I could've ended up making. If you're on that server (which is only one of my actual followers iirc, everyone else abandoned tumblr) you know how much you mean to me, and I'm grateful to you.
The second big turnaround was splitting up with my gf of several years who had moved in with me for 3 months. It wasn't all bad, but it would be a massive lie to say that the ease with which our close proximity fostered my partner's ongoing resentment of me wasn't a major factor in my lowest moods. It also left me with time to myself and more importantly, time with my friends who didn't live an hour away. It finally felt like I could have time to be myself, and to become myself. I think if you knew me then and now you can probably see a difference. I had a very brief and very healing relationship, only about two months, in the winter of 2019-2020. Low pressure, good fun, and with no resentment toward me building up at all. It was important for me to see a relationship work like that, the way it's intended. We held each other on a few great nights before parting ways with a smile on each of our faces. They weren't ready for anything longer-term with me and I was disappointed but able to accept that. Thanks, ####, I hope you're doing well wherever you are.
I met someone else just before lockdown, quite literally having the first date on leap day. He's not a partner because neither of us are looking for a partner in that sense, but he is a friend, and the best I could ask for. It's coming up on two years of friendship with each other and I honestly couldn't feel better about it. He's introduced me to new friends, people who so quickly became close to me that it felt like we were always going to be best friends. They're all a huge part of how I made it through quarantine.
That lasts for a whole two years, bringing us to now. I don't know what exactly flipped the switch: getting a pair of cats and feeling a need to get my life together for their sake, going fully remote and realizing I have the freedom I'd lost after graduation again, making friends with their lives together and being inspired by them, or some combination. I took a LOT of action.
I got back on medication for ADHD, allowing me to do stuff like type this post out. I earned a promotion at work after roughly two years of slogging through pandemic cutbacks and furlough. Most recently, and importantly, I made an offer on a house. Things are still up in the air but the momentum is unstoppable at this point. I am going to buy a house, and soon. No more doing dishes by hand in a 30 sqft kitchen in a one bedroom apartment in a silent suburb. No more driving on a highway to see friends in the city on the regular. Life is getting better by miles, not inches.
I want to thank everyone on here and elsewhere who's kept up with me and kept me going. Even the smallest things have helped, and if you took the time to read this, even the idea of you caring enough to do that keeps me going, accelerating even. I love you all and I hope I can pass some of that help you've given me back to you.
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zemeckis-fr · 2 years
[sappy thoughts ahead]
I've been sifting through my old work and found a hefty folder with dusty fr dragon art from 2018-2019. Honestly, not even bad. I'm even a little impressed with myself, but I lacked confidence and that hindered my progress. At the time I had @ everything handle if any remember, it was a terrible time for me. I went through so much stress and anxiety, uncertainty, grief and had a full on mental breakdowns multiple times a day.
The only thing I had going for me was fr and this hellsite :'D My little pixel dragons brought me so much joy. All of it made it so much easier for me.
I still remember how I decided to post a drawing of my scientist-coatl for the very first time and how supportive people were. That kept me going, I would draw just to forget about the real world. But anxiety got me even there, I was still insecure about my artwork and skills. Sketches I never finished because I despised my coloring, colored 'half-assed' pieces people loved but I didn't, a piece for a telephone that I was sooo nervous to submit I almost had a panic attack, cool thought out commission work I would lose sleep over and bigger pieces that I thought that I lacked skill to finish.
'A fool!' I tell you, 'a fool!'. But it was still a learning experience. And I don't think I could've gotten a better experience with any other site and community. It became my second home at the time. People wrote me supportive messages in dms even when I would mention something minor in tags and that meant a lot. It still does, I'm so grateful for them.
I guess I've been feeling down and kinda insecure recently and this gave me some perspective. Eye-opening discoveries! Introspective thoughts that you usually tell to your therapist. But I guess tumblr has always been my therapist. If you read this far, hey! Maybe I'll make some dragon art now we'll see.
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theangryjikooker · 3 years
Hi, it's the ~UGH~ anon (not sure I wanna be called that way but for now it'll do!) I'm sorry that you spend most of your time dealing with hateful anons so I thought I'd share an unpopular opinion since it's the point of your blog I believe.
IF jikook is/was dating, I think it happened in early 2019 and at the end of 2020 and that both times it didn't last more than a few months. And that little people knew. The other member's behavior to me make it very obvious. Hobi seems to know stuff we don't, possibly Taehyung as well, but the others' reactions to jikook are just too genuine to be an act. When yoongi said 'it looks like what a couple would do' when jikook talked about the fight in the rain, it's pretty clear he's not thinking they actually are one. When jimin wrote the letter to Jungkook to make him say he's his copycat and Jin was like 'I'm sure it's something touching', he's definitely doing a bad job at protecting the closeted couple if that's what he's supposed to do.
I know those are small details maybe but they're too telling to ignore, I remember how upset it made me at the time because I really wanted for jikook to be real and the members were blowing holes in my ship T_T' Now I'm fine with jikook being whatever they want to be and I can actually think back to all the little things that bothered me before and accept them for what they are. I think many shippers prefer to twist or ignore altogether things like this. (definitely not only jikookers because other ships have way more holes and they're still sailing apparently!)
That being said, jikook give off a ~~vibe~~, that is literally impossible to deny. And I think that the problem with some shippers is that they can't just appreciate the vibe for what it is. They don't want to be delulu, they don't want to just have the 'feeling' that jikook are a thing. So they have to make it make sense in a logical manner, I guess. But it's ok to just have a gut feeling. It's actually more trustworthy than interpretations of very incomplete facts. Theories are fine. Turning them into assumptions is not.
Anyway I could go on forever because I have a ton of things to say about both jikook and shippers but I'll stop there for now. See u later ;)
LOL, you can be a part of my darling anons tag. 🤗
Overwhelmingly, I receive more support than hate, which I'm thankful for, but the hate does sound a lot more excessive for the "crime" that I'm committing. C'est la vie!
Thank you for sharing your (unpopular?) opinion! It's an interesting takeaway for sure, and I don't really know what to think of it LOL. Which is a good thing, I suppose. I guess I'd say I probably don't agree with your opinion that they could've been dating on-and-off. I think one could argue that because they're such a tight-knit group, that they could overcome breakups (if that really was a thing), but I'm not totally convinced of that.
To me, at least, it'd be weird to show the kind of affection they have since then. People, in general, can become more comfortable with each other after a breakup, after they've resolved their issues, because they know each other so well and no longer have an ego or suppressed feelings involved. Sometimes, this allows couples to reconnect with a new perspective and can engage in a relationship stronger than when they first started dating. It's something that can definitely occur, but honestly? Jungkook and Jimin don't really strike me as the type of people who could break up and not have their heart on their sleeves for a long time, even in front of the camera. At the very least, I have a hard time believing they'd be able to engage with each other in the manner they do if they were dating and then broke up. (But it's worth noting that I'm saying this based on how I perceive them, and maybe they would be okay with it. I don't know, I'm not them.)
If there's an idea I'm willing to entertain short of Jikook dating one another, it's the idea that there is a silent agreement between them that exhibiting behavior akin to dating without actually dating is acceptable. That's not to say they're in a FWB situation because I don't think they're fucking each other in secret (personally don't even want to entertain that at all because that's a huge violation of boundaries). A flirtationship, if you will. Gay culture in Korea, as we all know, is still not on the same level as western culture, and that's the looming shadow in any K-pop ship narrative.
I don't know. Their interaction varies from one end of the spectrum to another--purely platonic to extremely questionable--which is why I'm firmly in the Schrödinger's Jikook camp. I'm coining it, it's officially a thing now on my blog, because that is the best way to describe how I feel about Jikook. 😂
Anyway, thank you for your submission! I really enjoyed what you had to say, and this was probably one of the "harder" asks I've received because I really had to think about it. I really love asks like these that make me think about my own stance on something. Feel free to chat anytime, anon!
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kamipyre · 2 years
NO shoutout to you for consistently having been such a wonderful writing partner and friend! honestly, i adore what you’ve done with suki, from the early concept to the finalized version. i still remember when you first told me about her, way back before you revamped her, when she still had a different name and slightly different interests ( didn’t she use to have a pet lizard JSDKSFJ it’s been soo long help ) . . i love how you managed to give her a quirk without making it feel overbearing or overdone. she can be silly at times, yet still has lots of emotional depth to her – which all of the best ace attorney characters are able to pull off. also, i’m so happy you finally seem to have found a comfortable spot in the rpc, be it within the aa rpc or the indie one. well! since it’s already valentines day where i am, i figured i’d send out some love. care you ♡ here’s to many more years of writing together!
@bloodxhound annnnnnd cyan makes me emotional 😭
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cyan wtf how i am supposed to respond to this??? 😭 we've been writing together for almost three years and it still boggles my mind how that's happened, where'd the time go, but also how you've stuck by my side thru all of it.... it means so much to me, how you're always game for whatever idea/character i throw your way and i've looked at some of my old character concepts and they are yikes JFKSLDJF ANYWAYS, i've always admired your writing and character development skills- it's inspiring really to see, how much thought you put into ray's character and his character arc and i love how we get to see him in different points of his life and to track his evolution!! honestly, i think writing with you is one of the best things that's happened to me on this hellsite...for one thing, i think it pushed me to not only get better at character developing but also it made me really want to improve my own writing skills!!
I CAN'T 🐝lieve u remembered that about suki's initial concept tho 😂 i think i originally had her with a snake...but those were interesting times back then, 2019 sjflks honestly i had her concept for so long, but until feb. 2021 i felt like i could never properly execute suki's concept....adding the burn scars and then giving her the origami quirk really helped solidify her as a character. it's actually funny you mention that, bc i felt like a lot of my character concepts back then were a bit too serious for my liking so for suki, i wanted to give her a characteristic that could be played around with without necessarily always having to relate back sad backstory... BUT ALSO I HAVE TO THANK YOU AS WELL!! without your encouragement, i don't think i could've set her backstory straight specifically with why the origami killer would have targeted her parents in particular 😂
and yes...it's definitely been a process with finding where i'd be most comfortable in the rpc. but when i was in hiatus, i do remember checking up on your blog every now and then just to see what you and ray were up to. that and i always had a thought in the back of my mind that if i ever came back, i'd definitely reach out to you and one of my favorite detectives again!! i absolutely adore all of the dynamics we have going on and i can't wait to see where they all go- again thank you so much for just, well everything and here's to many more years of writing and chaos!! care you very much ❤️
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
I doubt the fandom will ever reach a consensus on when jikook started dating unless they themselves tell us but 2019 seems so late 😭 the j tattoo happened in 2019 and without getting into what Jk intended for it to mean the placement still means it says jm when you read it which Jk is definitely aware of. So it seems like a big decision to "coincidentally" tattoo the initials of a newish boyfriend or someone you've only dated for a year don't that seem kinda fast.
Getting a bit more specific, I started thinking they were probably fooling around during the LY tour in 2018, the one that started in August some weeks after Malta. And getting a bit more delulu, I even think those feelings Jimin had during the tour that prompted him to start writing what later would become Promise, I think those feelings could've been related to his relationship with Jungkook.
Now bare with me while I try to explain the timing lmao.
While the tour was on going, long story short, I began thinking that they were really attracted to each other and possibly acting on that attraction. Aside from the attraction, it became even more clear how much they cared for each other and they seemed to spent lots of time together alone. But it was also, you know... concerts... It was a tour. They were doing shows. Maybe the flirting on stage isn't that serious and it's just the excitement of the moment. Maybe they're just really horny and they're just dudes being dudes. In short, for me it was kind of rushed and naive to come to conclusions just based on what I was seeing on stage. It kind of never stopped, tho. It even became more and more intense as the tour kept going. Then MMA 2018. I don't remember the date that the Harajuku candy party was posted (shamelessness etc is that why recently you like me more etc), but it was in mid to late 2018 and I've talked about how it was also a definitive moment for me, that just added up to what I was seeing in real time. I think "is that why recently you like me more" was extremely telling of the way JK might've been changing the way he viewed Jimin.
Then after the tour JK got his own apartment, which I also believe it could've been a major factor in them starting off whatever type of relationship they were starting off.
2019 started and they were still on the LY tour, up until April 7th. We're talking of 8 months of tour and they were still flirting and now they were sending kisses to each other on stage too 😭 it was during April that I was like, they can't be possibly doing this just for show and still mantain the same vibes they had half a year ago... By April 24th, when that "almost kiss" happened at the fact music awards, that actually was a moment after which I was 100% sure they had already kissed. I've talked about it a while ago, I mean this progression.
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This one was cut short but we all know Jungkook takes a couple of steps backwards.
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Maybe you disagree, but to me 2017 Jungkook doesn't look at all like someone who was used to Jimin's face being that close to his. 2018 is a bit more daring but he still steps back, and there were other changes in his personality that you'd have to consider. As for 2019 and 2020, all you need is a pair of eyes to see how different it is compared to the years before.
Obviously I'm not basing all my "beliefs" on 3 gifs, but just using them as an example because I really don't have like an explicit, clear-cut way of explaining why and how I started thinking they were more than friends. It was honestly just... time and seeing them subtly change their personalities and dynamics.
I was talking about how it seemed rushed to come to conclusions with just seeing them on concerts... 2019 was already going on and it was only in August or July 2019 that Memories 2018 was released, and I could finally see that they were the same on stage and off stage. So yeah, because Memories 2018 was released in 2019, it was only then that I was more sure that what I had seen in 2018, it wasn't just for the show and that they actually had that same vibe and energy to their interactions even backstage.
All the delayed content from 2018 AND the real time content from 2019, which was even crazier than the year before.
That's why I mentioned timing, because it's also a matter of bighit releasing content a year later and why I say that it was 2019 the year I really started considering that they could be a thing. It was something that had been on my mind since 2018 when the tour started, but it was just... vibes, I guess??? More actual, physical evidence of them spending lots of time together and stuff, that came a bit later.
For me, they started fooling around late 2018, got a bit more "serious" in 2019, tho not like married married.
It probably sounds really messy, because of my grammar and because of me trying to explain delayed content issues lol but I tried my best to explain it. If you don't understand something I don't mind explaining again.
I know 2018/9 it might seem late, but Jimin and Jungkook have in reality known each other since 2012... That means they already knew each other for 7 years before 2019. They had already lived together, too. It's not like they met in 2017 and then started dating in 2019 and he got his name tattooed and they moved in together in the span of a year... no. They didn't have to get to know each other in order to fall in love, they fell in love while getting to know each other all those years before 2018. There's love and commitment in friendships, too and they already loved each other and they already were part of each other's lives before possibly dating.
I don't think the tattoo is for Jimin, but it also seems kind of senseless to relate the JM tattoo with how long thye've probably been dating and saying that he wouldn't have done it after dating for a year when JK literally has the word ARMY in his hand. Has he ever dated or known or loved any army??? Do millions of people he doesn't actually know mean to him the same as Jimin? He also got matching tattoos with the 97 line and... has JK been dating any of those guys since 2015 or something?
There's also the fact that the transition from friendship to a relationship it almost never is a clean cut transition. It's not usually like, a kiss okay we're together now. Most times it's a kiss okay that was nice... what if we do it again... but what does it mean... it's just nice, and so on. And I imagine they must've started and ended the thing ten times before they actually decided to get together (IF), because of everything getting together would mean. Maybe Jungkook would be the type to say fuck it and get into a relationship just like that, but Jimin is not that type. Jimin probably thought about it so many times. As fearless as he might look, and is, to some extent, he also loves order and loves to be okay with the people around him. I don't think Jimin is an easy yes guy. Jimin is a man who cares, period. He cares too much about the things he cares about, and one of those things it's BTS.
There are also so many other factors to consider, like coming to terms with their own sexuality, which I think JK might have been a "late bloomer" in that matter, and the highly likely possibility that they both dated other people before getting together, and maybe here in the western it's "normal" for people to be sexually active at like, 16. Korea seems a bit more reserved in that sense, more conservative. Maybe I'm wrong, but from what I know, I don't get the feeling that 16 year old korean teens are having sex. So if they start getting into relationships and dating at around 20+ years old on average, and both Jimin and JK probably started by dating other people, then the timing just fits... I also don't think any of them are gay, Jimin might be, I'm like 50/50 on the possibilities of Jimin being gay or bi. Ever since I've known BTS I've always been 100% positive that JK is bi, tho. So I'd literally bet you my right arm that they dated women too.
Anyways, I hope this doesn't feel like I'm trying to convince you of aything, I'm just explaining why I think of this particular timing for their relationship. I know everyone has a different idea, and I don't mind.
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hoodharlow · 4 years
El Cumpleñero
AN: Fatass shout out to @aliencal​ and @hoodschick​ for letting me bounce ideas around, esp the last scene. And to my girl @d-oaks​ for editing as usual.
Request: 1 & 73 with Cal please? xxxxx “Stay here tonight.” “I missed you.”
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, smut, mentions of toxic relationships towards the end
Word Count: 3.5k words
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January 2019
“Here, you can borrow something. Again, I’m so sorry.” Calum stammered as he guided Claudia in his room. He’s mentally punching himself; the one chance he had to impress her, he blew it by splashing beer all over her dress.
“Don’t worry about it, Calum. It was a moment of celebration. It’s not everyday we beat Luke and Sierra at beer pong. Plus, I finally get to raid your closet.” She reassured him.  
Claudia grabbed his white dress shirt with the thin black lines and went into the bathroom. She rummaged in her bag until she found some safety pins to pin them inside his shirt, so it looks better fitted on her. The shirt stopped a bit after the curve of her ass. Her long black boots gave her extra oomph, and she decided to slip on her leather jacket to give more attention to her ass. 
Calum was left speechless when she walked out of the bathroom. Sure, he had imagined her in one of his shirts, but he was not prepared for the actual thing. He caught a peek of the black lace covering her breast. Also enjoying how the bottom hugged her ass perfectly. Wordlessly, they walked out of his room. 
Drake’s verse in SICKO MODE echoed through the house, reminding her that Michael was in charge of music.  He  had volunteered to be the party’s designated DJ in the group chat where they had planned Calum’s party.  Luke said he was just going to connect his phone to Spotify and see what played. 
Duke ran up to her, standing on his hind legs to get her attention. 
"Duquito! I missed you, babas." Claudia exclaimed. She picked him up and kissed all over his face. She started to baby talk to him. Duke rested his head on her shoulder, and Calum never felt more jealous of his dog.
“You saw him less than five minutes ago.” 
“I know, those are five minutes too long without my Duquito.”
Calum shook his head at her comment. He reached for her hand and guided them to where the rest of the boys were. 
Luke and Sierra gave each other a knowing look when they saw the pair approach them hand in hand. They both claimed that Calum and Claudia are dating, but Ashton knew that they weren’t. Calum confided in him that she broke up with her boyfriend of three years in September, and he didn’t think it was okay for him to make moves on her. 
Calum sat down on one of the seats with Claudia taking a seat on his lap. He casually rested his arm around her waist and played with the hem of his shirt as they talked to the group. It was a simple gesture, but Claudia couldn’t help thinking about how his fingers would feel in her or while he gripped her hips as he fucked into her. 
“I'm gonna get another drink,” Claudia told him as she slid off his lap.
Calum watched her beeline to the makeshift bar with Duke on her trail. He looked back at the group, and everyone stared at him. 
“What?” He said, taking a sip of his beer.
“You need to make a move. She fucking likes you. You have to be blind to not see it, Cal.” Sierra said. 
Before Calum was able to respond, Ashton beat him to it. “You've got to be kidding me. She actually showed up.”
All their heads turned to look at the one person Calum didn't want there.
“Hey you might want to slow down. You've taken like eight shots of Patrón.” Claudia suggested as Calum poured himself another shot and one for her, sliding it to her. He downed his without a second thought.
“Well, what would you do when you see your ex at your birthday party?” Calum asked, downing another shot.
“Well, I hid in my room, watched all the Barbie movies on Netflix and kept sending my niece to bring me food until it was time to cut the cake.” Claudia replied. She was still angry that Paco was invited to the party. It was supposed to be just a family thing, so she made up the excuse that she had a bunch of homework to avoid going downstairs. Instead, she wrapped herself up in her blanket and ate gelatina.
“You also Facetimed me, remember?” They FaceTimed for a good three hours after his show. 
“Oh, yeah.”
“Okay, fine.  I’m taking your advice and going to watch Barbie in my room. Let’s go.” He stood up, knocking down his chair. Duke, who had been napping on Claudia’s lap, jolted awake. She caught him before he fell to the ground.
“I didn’t say that! I was only telling you what I did.” Claudia giggled. Her phone buzzed, showing a picture of her dad. She cursed, sliding her phone open. “Hi, papi.”
“Is that your dad?” Calum asked, shoving his face on her phone. “Hi, Mr. Santos.” 
Calum took Claudia’s phone and started talking to her dad. She passed Duke to Calum's lap and went to the kitchen to the fridge and got out the cake. 
"You don't seem like the type Cal goes for." Calum's ex said from behind her, startling Claudia and nearly making her drop the cake.
"Excuse me?" Claudia asked, confused. She turned back, looking to see who she was talking to. No one else was within ear shot, so she was obviously talking to her.
"Nothing, just expected more I guess. I mean," she gestured to herself. She was light skin and beautiful, the opposite of Claudia. 
Claudia knew deep down Calum wouldn't go for someone like her. A brown and ordinary college student. "Um, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. If you'll excuse me."
Calum watched Claudia grab the cake and candles and headed to the yard. Luke met her halfway and took the cake off her hands. Calum turned back to his ex, who was rummaging through his fridge as if she was welcomed in his home.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Calum asked her.
“I was invited, duh” She said, rolling her eyes. 
Calum looked over his yard where Sierra and Claudia were clearing a table for the cake while they laughed at something Luke said. 
“She’s cute. Though you could've done better. She's a bit… simple."
"I think you should leave." Calum said.
His ex sauntered over to him, smirking. He recognized that smirk, it was the one she always plastered on her face when she preyed on someone or something. Calum took a step back and she followed by taking one towards him. She laid her hand on his chest, grabbing a fist full of his shirt.
"Oh shit, sorry. I, uh, Ashton asked me to get you. I'll tell him you're...busy." Claudia stammered from the entrance way. Calum noticed her cheeks slightly flushed, as she stepped back to the yard.
"You're right, I should go." His ex let go of his shirt and smoothed it out. "You should go cut your cake."
"Fuck off." Calum slid away from her. Her cackle echoed through his ears when he went to meet his friends. 
Claudia felt like she was in a telenovela, and she was the dumb protagonist that caught the person she loved with the person they needed to be with. She even did the dramatic running away scene. All she needed was Calum to go after her.
"Claudia,"Calum called her.
Chingada madre, she thought. She turned around and looked at him. 
"Look what you saw back there wasn't what—"
"You don't have to explain yourself to me. Again, I'm sorry for interrupting." She made her way to Sierra, throwing an arm around her whispering something in her ear earning a laugh. Claudia watched as some of the party goers joined them and sang to Calum. 
Calum solemnly walked over to friends. The rest of the band joined him and took pictures with him. They did some Charlie's Angels poses.
"Your turn Claudia." Ashton nudged her.
"Oh, no I'm fine. I'm not a picture person." She began.
"We took like a million selfies in the bathroom when I got here. What do you mean you hate pictures?" Sierra asked. 
"Here's Duke so it can be like a family picture." Ashton said. 
Calum caught the teasing tone. He quickly glared at him when he grabbed Duke. 
Claudia made her way over and near him. Duke squirmed in Calum's arms wanting to go with Claudia. She grabbed him and on instinct he laid his head on his chest. She felt Calum's arm wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to him. The picture was taken and Claudia quickly pulled away from Calum's grip. She went over to the bar and drank, downing  shot after shot after shot. She closed her eyes, letting the alcohol do its thing. 
A plate of cake landed in front of her. She looked up and met Ashton's hazel eyes. She poured herself another shot in disappointment that it wasn't Calum.
"You shouldn't let her rile you up. She does that all the time to piss Cal off." Ashton explained, stealing her shot.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She said, poking at the slice. She spent all morning baking the cake. It was red velvet with vanilla cream cheese buttercream. She got the "H" in Happy Birthday that she promptly smeared.
"Please, one moment both of you are oozing sexual tension and the next you can't even look at each other. His ex was something else quite honestly. In the time that they were together I never saw them act the way you both do. He's happy around you." Ashton patted her hand and went over to the boys. 
An hour so passed, and the party died down. It was just their little group now. Even Roy had left with a girl he had met. After helping pick up most of the Solo cups and bottles, Claudia wandered back to Calum's room to get her bag. She dumped her bag on his bed looking for her phone. Then she remembered Calum had it when he hijacked her call. 
The door opened making her jump. It was Duke and Calum. Duke trotted over to her wanting cuddles from her.
"Hey," they said simultaneously.
"Do you have my phone?" Claudia asked him. 
"Yeah, here." He dug in his pocket and pulled it out. 
"Thanks, I need to get a ride home." She said, checking the prices between Uber and Lyft. 
"Stay here tonight. It's late. I don't want you in a car with some stranger. I've read one too many articles about rideshare apps being the new way human traffickers kidnap young women." Calum said.
"Fine." She said, closing the app. He had a point, not to mention she had one too many drinks. 
"Okay, yeah. I'll drop you off in the morning."
"It's morning right now." She showed him her screen. It said 1:28 am.
"The reasonable morning, smart ass." He said, earning a giggle from her.
They made their way down when they bumped into Michael.
"We should get going. I'll come by and get the speakers tomorrow." Michael told them. 
"Just text me." Calum said. He lifted the arm he had around Claudia and fist bumped him. 
"We should get going too. Ash, you need a ride?" Luke asked him. 
Ashton glanced at the Calum and Claudia. "Yeah."
They made plans to meet up for a late lunch before bidding each other goodbye. Calum watched Claudia make her way to the kitchen and pull out a pizza box from the oven. She grabbed a paper towel and placed a few slices on it, sitting on the counter to munch on it.
“What?” She giggled when Calum approached her. Without thinking he grabbed her wrist and bit the slice she was eating. Claudia let out a dramatic gasp. “There’s plenty more in the box, why did you eat mine?” 
“Because I’m the birthday boy, and I can eat what I want,” he said. 
Claudia opened her legs, letting Calum take a step closer to her. 
“Well, actually it’s almost two in the morning. Your birthday ended a few hours ago.” She said matter of factly and took a generous bite of her pizza all the while turning  back to point at the time on the microwave. 
“Pretty girl, no one likes a smart ass.” Calum said, leaning closer to her. He caged her in with his body, not that she minded. 
Claudia took in his scent, bright and woody cologne mixed with  tequila. It was a comforting scent, as if she was at home. She looked up at Calum, and he glanced down to her lips. 
He met her eyes and pushed back some of her curls before cupping her face with one hand and using the other to balance himself on the counter. His hand landed on the napkin piled with pizza and slid. 
Claudia let out a snort. “Smooth, Cal.”
“I get a do-over. It’s my birthday.” Calum said candidly. 
“It’s not your—”
He cupped her face with both hands, which was what he needed to do in the first place, and kissed her. The kiss was slow, a test of  water, but urgency took over soon. Claudia’s hand twisted against his shirt. Their tongues battled for dominance, and Calum won. They kissed for what seemed ages until they needed to breathe.
They both pulled away, winded. 
“No one likes a smart ass, pretty girl.” Calum panted. 
Claudia rolled her eyes. Then she threw her arms around Calum, pulling him back to her and kissed him. Calum pushed himself against her legs to give him better access. His hands grabbed her ass and grinded her against his crotch. Claudia threw her neck back, revelling in how good Calum felt against her. She mentally gave herself a pat on the back for wearing full lace panties. 
Calum nipped and sucked down her neck to find her sweet spot. He barely caught her strangled moan when he nipped the spot between her jaw and neck. He repeated his actions, earning a louder moan from her. He smiled against her neck, wondering how she would sound when he makes her cum time after time.
“Bedroom,” Claudia moaned. 
The walk to Calum's room took seconds, but it was going to take longer to go inside of it. Claudia was pinned up against the wall next to his room. While they kissed, she impatiently unbuttoned the shirt revealing her black lace number. 
Calum was rendered speechless. He let go of her and kissed all the small tattoos sprinkled all over her tummy. He kneeled down when he got to the ones near her hips and stomach. He lowered the waistband of her panties and kissed the small 'wildflower' tattoo on her hip bone. 
"These look nice on you, pretty girl." Calum said, toying with the waistband of her panties. "But I think they'll look better on the floor."
"Guess, we won't know unless we see it." Claudia teased. 
With that Calum gripped the sides and tore her panties off . 
"No mames! Those were my SavageFenty chonis!" Claudia exclaimed. She had joined the Xtra VIP exclusively for those panties. 
"I'll get you a new pair." Calum shrugged as he gently pushed Claudia against the wall and tugged off her boots. He lifted one of her legs, placing it on his shoulder. Meeting Claudia's gaze, he licked his lips and kissed around her thighs. He adjusted her legs for better access to her. 
With one lick Claudia was ruined. She nearly toppled to the ground. Luckily the grip she had on Calum's curls helped her stay up. Her grip only tightened as Calum squeezed her ass as he continued to have her. He bent his arm to rub her clit. At first it felt strange to have fingers that weren't hers rubbing her clit, but she loved how Calum's felt. 
"Fuck! Calum!" She moaned. 
"Love your taste, pretty girl." He stated. 
Claudia felt a familiar tug in her stomach. Before she could process what was happening, she yelled out Calum's name pleasure. He continued to rub her clit until her high wore down. He gently dropped her leg and held on to her hips keeping her balance. 
Claudia had closed her eyes, trying to control her breathing. The last time she panted like this was when she had to run across Cal State Long Beach because she mixed up her Tuesday/Thursday classes with her Monday/Wednesday a few days ago.
"I'm sorry. I swear I wanted this. I just— I get it if you hate me and never wanna see me again. I'm gonna go." Claudia said. She wrapped the bed sheet around her chest and looked for her clothes.
Everything was going great. He had gone down on her again, and she gladly returned the favor. They made out some more. Then Calum reached for a condom. That was when shit hit the fan. Claudia pushed him away and called him by her ex's name.
"Claudia," Calum called her as she walked away. He quickly put on his boxers and went after her. He found her outside hugging her knees, crying. "Hey, what happened back there?"
Claudia wasn't with him. She was in the backseat of Paco's Honda Civic. She had driven down for Labor Day weekend because her Friday class was canceled, so she decided to go visit her family. She texted Paco if he wanted to go to Las Cuatro Milpas after work. After eating they went to Por Vida for an horchata latte. Claudia found a chafita version of Por Vida in Long Beach, but their horchata lattes were abysmal. 
They drove back to his place. His parents were in Mexico and his little sister was at her friend's house. They had house to themselves. Much for Claudia's dismay. 
The hangout started normal. They were in the living room watching some Fast and Furious marathon when Paco started to get handsy. Like Danny when he took Sandy to the drive-in theater. Claudia began to feel uncomfortable. 
"Paco, stop." She shrugged him off for the nth time within the hour she was there.
"Baby, you know you like it." He began to bite her neck and grope her breasts. 
"Paco, I said stop." She said pushing him off her.
He glared at her as he let her go. "I'm getting sick and tired of you acting like a fucking prude, Claudia. We've been together for three years. I should get something out of it."
"I'm starting to feel uncomfortable. Can you please take me home?" 
"You're unbelievable." 
"I'm just asking you for one thing."
"No, you're not. Sex is more than one thing. It's a lot deeper than that."
"You're full shit, Claudia, and I'm done."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that you can suck my dick one day, but the next you won't let me touch you. We're done, get out of my house."
"Paco, you can't do that to us. Was all the shit you went through with Danny, not worth us." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she spoke.
"You're not worth anything. The next fool that has to deal with your prude ass is just going to leave. I was doing you a favor for when we broke up eventually. No one wants a fucking a virgin." 
Calum placed a hand on her knee, startling Claudia. She blinked up at him, tears still free falling. He reached over and wiped away her tears. She pushed him away and began picking her up her clothes. 
“Did I do something wrong? If I did, I’m sorry.” Calum said.
"You're good, it's all me." She dismissed him. She turned back and saw the look on his face. His brows were furrowed and he was in deep thought. He was beating himself up. Claudia dropped her shoulders in defeat. "I’ve never had sex. Which was the real reason why my ex broke up with me, not the distance or whatever excuse he used to make me look bad. He said that no one wanted a virgin and that I'm not—"
Calum wrapped her up his arms. She tensed, but then relaxed. Claudia held on to him as she cried. She never told anyone the real story. She felt a bit embarrassed, but overall relieved that huge weight on her shoulders was gone.
"He's a selfish idiot." Calum said. He pushed back some of her hair and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry if I pressured you into something you aren't ready for."
"You didn't do anything wrong, except rip my SavageFenty panties." She began. "I felt safe with you. You made it seem like you care about me."
"I do, you know, care about you. I've had feelings for you for a while, to be honest." 
"I know, and I also like you too. You're the best." 
Claudia pulled his head down and kissed him. It was a reassuring kiss. It let them know what they mean for each other. They'll take things slow, and see where things go from here. 
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