rest-in-being · 10 months
Ignorance says, "My religion is the sole religion, my religion is the best." But when his heart is illuminated by the true knowledge, he knows that beyond all the battles of sects and of sectaries presides the one, indivisible, eternal and omnipresent Benediction.
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sheikhabdellatif · 2 years
Wer sind die echten #Awliyah mit #Sheikh #Abdellatif Teil 1
Was sind die #Anzeichen für einen #Wali einen Freund von #Allah? Jeder behauptet dass er Wali ullah ist obwohl er es nicht ist. Kategorien von angeblichen #Awliyah:
Hände küssen
Wissen alles
ziehen sich weiß an
großer Turban
auf Feuer laufen
gekochtes Wasser trinken
Glas essen und schlucken
man kann ihr #Urin trinken
Leute die mit #Frauen #Zina machen und sogar Männer die ihre Frauen dorthin bringen damit sie #Barakah von diesen #Shayateen bekommen.
die behaupten sie besitzen Ilm ul Ghaib
Leute die nicht den Weg der Sunnah befolgen
Leute die auf ihre #Gräber eine große Kuppel bauen und dann grüne Tücher darauf machen
Bei uns, #Ahlu #Sunnah #wal #Jamaat gibt es viele Anzeichen. Diese müssen mit #Quran und #Sunnah übereinstimmen. 2 Bedingungen: 1) Glaube und 2) Gottesfurcht
Ibn Hajar sagte: Wali ullah ist jemand der Allah kennt. Also die Eigenschaften von Allah swt und alles was er macht tut er mit #Ikhlas. Somit fällt es aus dass der #Jahil ein #Wali ist der noch #Biddah begeht #Augendienerei. Ein #echter #Wali folgt #Prophet #Muhammad saw
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gifsofstar · 1 month
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1.01 || 1.10
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jokeson-u · 1 year
my favorite part about the entire show is the fact that EVERYONE WAS WILLING TO KILL FOR SIMONE LMAOOO obviously star and carlotta? but she had alex, cotton, AND jahil who hardly knew her all ready to murder that man like. to the point that the mystery was WHIVH ONE OF THESE PEOPLE KILLED HIM TO PROTECT SIMONE. shit was so funny
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thebanalone · 2 years
My mom's friend was in Istanbul so I took them to go see her. She asked us how we could possibly fall in love with İstanbul after living in the West and honestly. How could you NOT?
And tbh yes. Toronto is my home. I get it.
But as a Muslim? The only places we should be that in love with are Makkah, Madina and Jerusalem.
And then comes anywhere else that brings you closer to Allah. And considering how many times a day I'm not only pray but praying in masjids AND getting time to sit down and read Qur'an? Ya sorry I'm in love with İstanbul. It makes my soul happy and that's all I need.
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stjunebug · 3 months
i think names shouldnt be so exact. like yes i am june but you can call me juniper you can call me junie you can call me juno or jupiter or junebug or joan or johnny or john or jane or jillian or jahil like. whatever bro
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
i'm sorry you aren't feeling well today. for the if they had a kid meme Dot and Jughead?
Thank you! Here you go!
Name: Theodora "Dora" Love Jones
Gender: Nonconforming - She/Her or They/Them
General Appearance: Die-hard defender of capes and witch cloaks as a kid, dresses kind of ethereal as she gets older, aunt Kippi fears she may have seen some pictures of her parents when they were younger and likes to copy them, she radiates a natural sort of beauty - just like her mom
Personality: Kinda dorky, very mystical, speaks in riddles (Jug starts to realize why his dad had such a hard time with him), inherently funny, way too clumsy for her own liking
Special Talents: Reading tarot cards (she learned from aunt Raven)
Who they like better: Dot
Who they take after more: Neither, Teddy!
Personal Headcanon: Dora wants to be a magician when she grows up, she was also named after her mom's cousin and best friend respectively
Face Claim: Maya Hawke
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nalza73 · 11 months
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𝕭ՑՑ 𝕶𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖍 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖑 🔞: Menjelang malam, aku bersama kawan baikku Zul sudah berlepas ke KL. Masa tu jam lebih kurang hampir 7.00 malam. Tujuan kami nak ke belakang panggung coliseum, hehehe nak jumpa mak nyah. Wuihhhh! lawa-lawa beb. Ada yg cam sofia jane pon ada nak habag bagi. Masa tu kami memang selalu lepak kat sana sebab ada sorang mak nyah tu member aku kat kampong. Dia ingat aku tak kenal. Dah dua tiga kali aku jumpa maka aku pon pura-pura tanya dia, akhirnya pecah rahsia dia.
Menjelang malam, aku bersama kawan baikku Zul sudah berlepas ke KL. Masa tu jam lebih kurang hampir 7.00 malam. Tujuan kami nak ke belakang panggung coliseum, hehehe nak jumpa mak nyah. Wuihhhh! lawa-lawa beb. Ada yg cam sofia jane pon ada nak habag bagi. Masa tu kami memang selalu lepak kat sana sebab ada sorang mak nyah tu member aku kat kampong. Dia ingat aku tak kenal. Dah dua tiga kali aku jumpa maka aku pon pura-pura tanya dia, akhirnya pecah rahsia dia.
Pas tu kami gi la pulak ke satu pub, emmmmm nama dia aku pon dah tak ingat sebab dah lama dah, entah ada lagi ke tak aku pon tak tao sebab dah lama tak gi sana. Tapi tempat dia kat Jln Raja Laut, bawah dia ada bus stand. Kat situ pon kami ade kenal la dua tiga orang yg kerja kat situ. Dia orang ni tinggal di Pekan Setapak di atas Kentucky tu…. sewa bilik je… satu bilik dua orang. Malam itu kami lepak pulak di pub tersebut sampai tutup sebab kami ada tujuan… hehehe nak ikut "kenalan" kami balik bilik.
"Zul! ko gi naik teksi la ye… Liza nak naik motor dengan aku la.. boleh la ek! Mau tak mau Zul terpaksa la naik teksi sama Ela. Masa naik motor tu terasa juga syoknya sebab… korang tentu paham kan! Liza ni yang paling aku syok kat dia kat mana korang tau! Haaaa kat bumper diaaa….. waoooooo lebarrrrr. Itu yang aku stim sangat tu.Sampai kat bilik Liza terus tukar baju tapi sebelum tu dia cakap kat aku jangan tengok aaa! Yelahhhh kataku, tapi sempat tengok gak sikit.. pheh! putihhhh. Tapi aku aku buat cam tak tengok la. Kontrol beb.
Tetiba je aku terperasan yang si Liza ni tabur sesuatu kat atas tilam yg sedia terbentang. Aku takut gak mana la tao kot-kot dia nak pekena aku ke. Lalu aku tanya dia apa tu. Dia cakap takde per cuma bunga manggar yg dia buat nak kasi wangi bilik. Wangi bilik? Naper? Bilik u bau busuk ke? tanya ku. Eh!tolong skit ek. Busuk tak main la… eh eh marah ke. Takkkkkk! jawab Liza. Hmmmm legaaaa… kalu tak tentu kena halau kuar bilik.tetiba Liza tanya aku… nak tidor sini ke?…naper? dah nak suruh balik ke tanya ku.. tak la… kalau nak tidur sini tukar la baju dan suar u tu.
Berdebar plak rasa hati bila dia cakap gitu.. tapi dalam hati punya la seronok tak terkata. You ada baju dan suar ganti ke.. Ada jawab dia selamba. Mana? tanyaku.. dia buka almari terus ambil spender dia dan dihulur kat aku. Huh u nak suruh I pakai spender u? Hehehehehhahahaha dia gelak besar! Ha tanya lagi…. mana la nak cari baju dan suar utk u pakai tapi u pakai ni je lah lalu dihulurnya kain batik kat aku…. mmmmm nak pakai ke tak nak ni… dalam pikir-pikir tu aku capai jugek la sebab nanti tak leh tidur kat situ plak, naya je.
Tanpa buang masa aku salin pakai kain batik.. Hehehe pelik tol aku rasa sebab mana penah aku berkain batik. Lepas tu aku buat-buat baring kat tilam. Ada la dalam 10-15 minit aku kat situ tetiba je Liza datang dan terus baring sebelahku.Halamak sukanya aku. Mula-mula tu takut juga nak sentuh dia sebab aku ni mana la pernah tidur sebelah pompuan. Aku ni walaupon jahat jugak tapi teruna lagi tau.Konon nak simpan utk malam penentuan dgn pompuan yg bergelar bini aku nanti. Tapi aku rasa tak sempat dahhh.
Darah aku dah bergemuruh. Maklumlaaa jahil lagi. Aku jeling Liza yg berpakaian baju tidur bertali halus… naper jeling-jeling… tiba-tiba je Liza bersuara. Halamakkk dia nampak laa. Tak de per…. tengok je aku jawab selamba. Dia senyum.. senyum ada makna tuuuuuu. "Bang! Tutup lampu bang" aku bingkas bangun dan lap terus gelap lau berjalan semula ke tilam… aduihhhhhh! Naper? Liza terkejut. Abang tersepak kotak! Kotak hapa tu… heheheh Liza gelak beso lagi…. kotak kayu buat isi buku….. patut la keras sangatttt.tapi takpe.aku terus baring semula dan tangan ku bersilang atas badan Liza.. dia cakap, apa pegang-pegang ni.. aku tarik semula tangan. Dua tiga minit pas tu aku silang lagi tangan kat atas badan dia dan terkena pula buah dada dia. Hish! Apa ni! Dia bersuara lagi.
Alaa takkan tidur saja kut kataku berani. Sambil tu aku beranikan diri urut-urut kat lengan dia, badan dia, dia dia pulak. Ada can ni. Lalu aku rapatkan badanku dengan Liza. Hmm harum semerbak. Dipendekkan cerita dapat la aku romen-romen dengan Liza. Lalu aku cuba masukkan tanganku dalam baju tidur dia. Mmmmmm dapatttttt! Dapat pegang buah dada dia… halamakkk boleh tahan gak beso dia.. puting pon dah keras. Aku terus naik atas badan dia dan nyonyot buah dada dia dr luar baju. Habis basah baju Liza dek air liur aku. Hmmmmm basaaaaahhh baju Liza ni. Kalu camtu bukak la baju.. kataku.. lalu dia bangaun dan terus melurutkan baju dari tubuh monggel dia. Tapi aku tak nampak sebab gelap. Bila baring semula aku rasa dah ada per kat badan dia, tinggal kulit je.
Aku tanpa berlengah terus buang kain batik dan suar dalam yg aku pakai,juga tinggal kulit je hehe. Pas tu apa lagi bergomol sakan la kami dalam gelap tu. Tangan ku mencapai lurah di celah kelangkangnya… basahhhh. Tiba-tiba tok… tok…. tok…. pintu diketok dari luar. Halamakk! Aku punya la takut. Mana la tau pencegah maksiat pulak yang datang. Tak ke naya. Tapi Zul dan Ela yang sampai. Fuh! Lega. Kami terus sarungkan pakaian semula tapi aku tetap dengan kain batik.
Bila masok Zul dab Ela senyum je pandang aku dan kata kain batik dia aku pakai. Pinjam kataku. Ela senyum je lantas berkata "takper pakailah". Ela bentangkan tilam kat sebelah dinding. Jarak antara tilam dia dan tilam kami hanya hanya kurang 4 kaki je. Hishhh kalu buas nanti tersentuh plak dengan Ela dan Zul ni. Tapi tak pe lah. Malam tu Zul pon pakai kain batik cam aku. Punya la kelakar…. Lap… lampu ditutup semula dan aku beraksi semula… kami pon telanjang semula.
Malam ni aku nak cuba beraksi macam blue film punya. Selepas puas hisap dada.. perut pusat lalu aku turun ke celah kelangkang pula… Liza pulak selamba je buka kelangkangnya. Aku terus mula aksi yang terlalu asing bagiku. Habis ku jilat ku gigit dan ku kulum segala yang ada di situ. Liza pula cuba kontrol napas takut didengar dek kawan sebelah tapi ku pasti mereka tentu dengar punya. Ah! Lantak lah. Sampai lobang bontot Liza pon aku jilat dan korek. Hish stim tol.
Setelah puas kat situ aku panjat semula ke atas dan tanpa disangka-sangka Liza berkata "nakkkk! dalam nada amat perlahan. Aku pon nak tapi aku takut. Tapi dek bisikan shaitan aku tewas juga. Lalu ku hunuskan senjata ku ke lembah gersang Liza…. ploop! Masukkkk. Lalu bermulalah aksi sorong tarik antara kami. Tetiba je lampu terpasang dan aku terkedu. Woi! Apa ni! Teriak ku dalam suara yang dikontrol. Malu gak beb. Aku tak tahan la kata Zul. Asyik dengar suara je tapi tak nampak. Naper ngan Ela tu. Ela datang bulan la kawann kata Zul. Alaaaa korang buat la aku nak tengok. Gila per kata ku. Tolong la aku nak tengok laaa. Tak tahan ni. Aku tanya Liza amacam? Liza angguk. OK?
Hish tak pernah dibuat dek orang ni. Tapi stim punya pasal aku buat jugak la. Ela dah hanyut dengan mimpinya. Mula-mula tu kekok jugak sebab masih malu tapi lama2 ok la.Aksi kami lebih bertenaga dan Liza bersuara agak kuat dengan bunyian yang menyetimkan.. emmmmmm arghhhhh…. dan macam-macam. Korang bayangkan sendirilah bunyi camna ek!. Masa aksi sorong tarik tu aku dah tak tahan lalu ku cabut batangku dan cengkam kuat-kuat… kontrolll…. pas tu aku dekatkan batangku pada mulut Liza dan dia terus cium dan membelai dengan penuh kasih sayang.
Beberapa ketika dia masukkan batangku kemulutnya dan dibuat aksi sorong tarik. Sementera itu lidahnya memainkan peranan. Hmm geliiiiiiiii! Dijilatnya kepala senjataku dan membuatkan aku lupa seketika dan hampir tak tertahan lagi. Lalu kutarik dari mulutnya dan terus ku benamkan ke dalam lubang nikmatnya. punggongnya bergerak-gerak dengan aksi ayunan yg maha sedap.
Selepas itu ku pusingkan Liza dan kubenamkan batangku dari arah belakang. Badan Liza tertunduk ke bawah… hanya bontotnya yang tinggi. Ku teruskan hayunan… plop plap bunyi yang terbit dari aksi sorong tarikku dek air yang melimpah dari lurah Liza. Ada la lebih kurang 10 minit ku buat begitu lalu tiba-tiba terasa tak tertahan lagi dan ku pancutkan ledakan maniku ke dalam rahim Liza.
Bergegar dan bergetar badan Liza menerima henjutan akhir itu. Aku tertiarap diatas badan Liza juga bergetar badanku melepaskan sisa-sisa mani ku. Dalam pada itu aku terpandang Zul dengan aksinya sorang diri.. lima pukul satu juga telah berakhir… habis badan Ela terkena pancutan maninya. Tapi Ela tetap hanyut. Pas tu aku senyum kat Zul yang juga membalas senyumanku.. senyum ada maknaaaa tu. Lepas itu kami lena hingga ke pagi.
Pagi tu aku dan Zul tak ke tempat kerja. Kami ponteng. Selepas tengahhari kami pon balik ke Kajang dan berjanji akan datang semula dua atau tiga malam kemudian. Demikianlah secebis kisah aku yang tak pernah terpikir untuk buat gitu sebelum malam pertama telah tewas di tangan pompuan yang bernama Liza. Ok lain kali jumpa lagi ek! Bye….
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andromedanisa · 7 months
Tentu, ini semua atas karunia Allaah..
Kita tahu sebuah kebenaran itu semua atas karunia Allaah. Kitapun tahu itu sebuah kesalahan, hal itupun atas karunia Allaah. Yang bisa mengetahui dan membedakan hal ini Haq dan bathil itu jelas juga atas karunia Allaah kan. Jadi bagian mana itu atas kemampuan diri kita? Atas cerdasnya logika dalam berpikir?
Terkadang orang yang cerdas sekalipun, belum tentu bisa membedakan mana yang benar dan mana yang salah. Oleh sebab itu ketika kita mengetahui sesuatu hal yang memang itu salah, dan hal itu benar. Maka kembalikan kepada diri sendiri, bahwasanya hal itu atas karunia Allaah.
Ketika kita mengetahui hal itu adalah salah dan kita mampu mencegahnya kepada orang lain lalu orang lain menerima hal itu. Tentu itu bukan karena hebatnya retrorika kita melainkan atas karunia Allaah yang telah memahamkan kepadanya perihal hal yang salah.
Dan kala ketika kita mencegahnya dengan mengatakan hal itu salah dan sebuah kebenaran namun dia tidak menerimanya maka cukup sudahi. Tidak perlu memaksanya untuk paham dengan mengatakan ia jahil, ia bodoh, ia keras, atau ia tidak mau menerima kebenaran. Nggak, nggak gitu konsepnya. Konsepnya adalah semua hal itu dikembalikan lagi bahwasanya semua hal yang terjadi atas karunia Allaah.
Maka berlapang-lapanglah kala pendapatmu tidak diterima. Maka doakanlah kala kebenaran yang kau sampaikan belum bisa sampai kepadanya. Sebab hanya Allaah yang memiliki kuasa kepada hati siapa yang Allaah kehendaki menerima sebuah petunjuk hidayah.
Ketika kebenaran telah kamu sampaikan dan itu tidak sampai kepadanya, maka kamu harus jua paham. Sehebat Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam saja tidak bisa memberikan hidayah kepada paman tercintanya, padahal retrorika terbaik ada pada Rasulullah, bahasa yang dipilih untuk disampaikan sudah pasti yang mudah dipahami dan disampaikan dengan penuh kelembutan. Namun kalaupun atas karunia Allaah maka seorang Nabi tercintapun tidak dapat memberikan hal itu.
Semuanya atas karunia Allaah. Jadi, jika pada hari ini kamu mengetahui mana hal yang benar dan yang salah. Sudahkah beryukur wahai diri telah Allaah tunjukkan jalan kebaikan itu ada pada dirimu dari banyaknya jutaan manusia di belahan bumi ini. Semua atas karunia Allaah, hal yang pada hari ini mungkin banyak orang menyepelekan atau bahkan lupa akan hal itu.
Dan atas karunia Allaah pun, tulisan ini terbit hari ini. Segala puji bagi Allaah, Rabb seluruh alam...:"))
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fluffy-appa · 6 days
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يَا أَبَتِ إِنِّي قَدْ جَاءنِي مِنَ الْعِلْمِ مَا لَمْ يَأْتِكَ فَاتَّبِعْنِي أَهْدِكَ صِرَاطًا سَوِيًّا﴿
Oh my father, I’ve received certain knowledge that you didn’t receive. Follow me, and I’ll guide you to a straight path.
He didn’t say: Oh father you’re jahil.
Instead, he said that he’s received knowledge which his father hasn’t received!
Source: Qisas al-Anbiya by Imam as-Sa'di (p. 45)
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milaalkhansah · 10 months
‘the way i see my self’
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Aku seseorang yang punya banyak karakter, Mas. aku memiliki banyak ‘wajah’ namun bukan dalam artian yang buruk. aku hanya berusaha menyesuaikan dengan siapa aku berbicara, dan di mana aku sedang berada. masing-masing dari karakter yang aku miliki tergantung dari seberapa besar pengaruh yang aku dapatkan dari lingkungan yang menempaku untuk membesarkan karakter itu.
dalam keluargaku, aku dikenal sebagai seseorang yang dingin. aku jarang tersenyum dan tertawa dengan lepas. aku seorang yang pendiam, jarang bercerita, dan juga seseorang yang galak. aku lebih senang menghabiskan waktu di dalam kamar seharian. karakter-karakter itu lahir dari hasil tempaan tempat yang kusebut rumah, dan juga bentukan dari pengalaman buruk yang kudapatkan saat remaja. namun, beberapa tahun ini, aku mencoba untuk perlahan mengubah itu semua. aku tak segalak dulu, emosiku lebih mampu kuredam dengan diam, aku juga mulai memperbaiki hubunganku dengan Mama, aku mulai berbagi cerita dengannya dan juga merespon ceritanya dengan banyak mimik wajah. aku berusaha berbenah, Mas...tetapi kautahu kan, kalau mengubah karakter yang telah menemani kita sejak belia itu tidak bisa dicapai dengan instan. semakin aku dewasa, aku belajar untuk memaafkan diriku, memaafkan Mama atas andil beliau membentuk banyak sifat yang tidak pernah aku inginkan ada dalam diriku, aku belajar memahami bahwa menjadi Mama pun tidak mudah sehingga belajar untuk berlapang dada, bahwa terlepas apa yang telah ia lakukan padaku di masa lalu, ia hanya seorang manusia biasa yang pasti punya salah.
dalam hubungan pertemanan, seseorang mengenalku sebagai seseorang yang cuek, acuh tak acuh, judes, dan juga jutek. sebagian yang lain mengenalku sebagai seseorang yang ceria, ramah, teman yang menyenangkan dan juga penyayang, sangat peduli, konyol dan juga sedikit tengil dan jahil. semua itu adalah sifatku, tetapi balik lagi, tingkat dominannya tergantung dengan siapa aku berbicara, dan juga di mana aku berada.
di beberapa keadaan aku bisa membuka diri, bercerita banyak hal, dan juga bagaimana aku melalui hari.
di beberapa keadaan, aku berupaya mencukupkan diri. berperan hanya sebagai pendengar, tanpa menjelaskan bagaimana, dan siapa aku.
di banyak keadaan, aku lebih sering menutup diri. kembali masuk dalam cangkang, menikmati dunia yang hanya dipahami oleh diriku sendiri, tanpa mengizinkan seorang pun datang untuk mengetahui.
aku juga bukan orang yang percaya diri, Mas.
apa yang telah kulewati menanamkan pemikiran bahwa aku tak pernah cukup.
tak pernah cukup baik. tak pernah cukup layak. tak pernah cukup cantik. tak pernah cukup berhak. dan tak pernah cukup disayang.
aku juga seseorang yang lebih mampu untuk menyambut kesedihan, daripada kebahagiaan, karena sepanjang aku hidup, kesedihan dan penderitaan menjadi teman perjalananku.
kebahagiaan terasa asing, kesedihan terasa lebih mampu untuk kuterima dan juga lebih terasa nyata.
itu hanya sekian bagaimana aku memandang diriku sendiri, atas berbagai sifat yang kupunya saat ini dan kelak saat kita bertemu nanti. kuharap kau tak hanya mau menerima dan mencintai apa yang menjadi kelebihanku, tetapi juga bersedia menerima apa adanya aku dan juga masa lalu yang membentukku.
mau ya, Mas?
Surat ketiga, Minggu 9 Juli 2023
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chefboyar-zeee · 27 days
RoundTable - STAR
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How does the series use dual-focus narrative as a strategic storytelling tool beyond heteronormative romantic pairings? 
The show's emphasis on diverse characters, relationships, and experiences contributes to its rich and multifaceted portrayal of contemporary life in the music industry. In the pilot, the show opens with the main character, Star, staring at herself in a mirror designed to look like a backstage dressing room mirror, followed by a proud smirk as she gleefully exits the room, drags her hand across the velvet curtains, and lights come up as we hear audience uproar. Although the scene is hopeful and exciting, it’s accompanied by an unidentified narrator that’s saying how Star always thought she would be as big as her name, but she’s a complicated girl who is not a fan of rules or playing with others. More broadly, however, Star overall uses really clever and unique ways to include dual focus narrative.
"Star" features a diverse cast of characters from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and sexual orientations. By employing a dual-focus narrative, the show can delve into the individual experiences and struggles of each character, regardless of their romantic relationships. This allows for a more comprehensive exploration of diverse identities and perspectives.
While romantic relationships are present in the show, "Star" places a significant emphasis on the bonds of friendship and sisterhood between the main characters. The dual-focus narrative allows the show to explore the complexities of these relationships, including conflicts, loyalty, and support, without solely relying on romantic pairings to drive the story forward.
In addition to personal relationships, "Star" also explores the professional ambitions and aspirations of its characters. Like so clearly stated in Robynn Stilwell’s “Dual-Focus Strategy in a Serial Narrative,” the dual-focus narrative allows the show to depict the challenges and triumphs of pursuing careers in the music industry, including issues related to fame, success, and artistic integrity. I also think it’s important to note that although the name of the show is Star, after the shows protagonist, the dual focus highlight is in the show’s ability to keep the narrative relevant to all characters.
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What are the “inevitable” couplings within the series and how are they accentuated through “cinematic” similarities and contrasts? 
The "inevitable" couplings within the series "Star" are accentuated through cinematic techniques that highlight both similarities and contrasts between the characters. By utilizing visual storytelling elements such as framing, lighting, and editing, the series enhances the emotional depth and complexity of these relationships, contributing to the overall narrative richness of the show. There are notable relationships between important characters throughout the series’ run, however, for the sake of this, I will be discussing the more prominent relationships that align more closely with the inevitable and cinematic couplings. 
Alex Crane and Derek Jones share a deep connection rooted in their shared passion for music and their journey to overcome personal obstacles. Cinematically, their coupling is accentuated through sequences that showcase their musical collaborations, often featuring dynamic camera movements and editing techniques to emphasize their creative synergy. Additionally, contrasts in their backgrounds and personalities are explored, adding depth to their relationship dynamics.
Carlotta Brown and Jahil Rivera share a complex relationship that evolves throughout the series, blending elements of mentorship, friendship, and romantic tension. Their coupling is accentuated through cinematic parallels, such as shared close-up shots during moments of vulnerability and reflective lighting to convey the emotional depth of their connection. However, contrasts are also evident, particularly in scenes where they confront their conflicting priorities and loyalties.
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How does the series use musical numbers within and beyond the narrative world to replicate fairy tale, backstage, or folk musicals? 
They talk about resolution and situation when it comes to tv series musicals. How shows have situational reasons to perform and introduce songs into the overall plot/narrative. After television musicals picked up again after about 10 years with Glee, and that popular narrative of teen/young adult casts melted into the backstage musical, which set off the more recent trend of tv programs. The film does replicate a backstage musical. The vocal performances are set up in as performances for the characters, however, they break the fourth wall and go into somewhat of a music video. The camera angles follow the performers, engaging and looking into the camera, sometimes even fantasy sequences where the girls are imagining themselves on a bigger stage. In breaks of register from speaking - singing and walking to dancing, there’s a developed language that smooths those transitions either through a carefully cultivated “naturalism” or an escape into fantasy, or both. Musical numbers in Smash and Nashville slide along the continuum, while aspects like camerawork or performance style can increase, intensify, or even create narrative elements that do not necessarily exist “on the page”(Stilwell, 2019).
In addition to performing on stage, the characters in "Star" frequently use musical numbers to express their emotions, resolve conflicts, and navigate the challenges of the music industry. These backstage musical moments provide insight into the characters' inner thoughts and feelings, allowing viewers to connect with their struggles and triumphs on a deeper level. Through music, the series explores themes of ambition, rivalry, and redemption, mirroring the drama and intensity of backstage life in the entertainment industry.
#oxyfilmmusical #televisionmusical @theuncannyprofessoro
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gifsofstar · 29 days
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1.02 | "The Devil You Know" "They ain't gon' get hurt. They got you, flaws and all. But I do know you gotta tell them girls the truth. You gotta tell them about you and Mary. Y'all past. That's them girls Mama and I think you owe that to them. You gotta be honest. You need to tell them about Jahil, what he did to y'all, why you don't you like him. Ain't about Star. It's about you…bein' honest wit yourself. That's the only way you gon' get through all this."
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fake-protagonist · 2 months
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Selama ni kita baca surah yasin, punyalah sedaya upaya nak didengar merdu dengan tajwid yang betul. Macam nak berlumba ke mana, tapi pernah tak kita ambil sedikit masa untuk kaji dan semak balik makna di setiap ayat yang kita lantun?
Benarlah surah yasin itu jantung Al-Quran, kerana malam ni instead of membaca surah yasin dengan lancar, I took some time to re-read the actual meaning of every ayah. Like it was speaking to me, to remind me that, jahat mana aku ni, jahil mana aku dalam bab agama, jangan pernah tinggal solat.
Because why won’t you prostrate to Him? when He is the one who gives you life? the One whom you’ll be returning to?
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insvnitx · 1 year
Ibn Al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
“Do not make the dog (arrogant jahil) important by responding to it everytime it barks at you. Leave it in delight with it's barking.”
[al-Sawā'iq al-Mursalah | 3/1158]
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demonlordclayman · 5 months
One question that I will come back to again and again is simply this:
Where is Clayman's Revenge going, broadly? Why is this the story Fuze wants to tell?
Obviously I can only speculate - I am not the author. And I don't really have strong answers yet.
I think a big motif through the story so far is a compare and contrast to Rimuru and his friends. Clayman falls because he doesn't confide in and listen to his friends though arguably this is out of his control with the influence set by Kondo. However, Revenge sets the stage that he's been doing a bad job of relying on them even prior to Kondo's influence.
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(chapter 1 of Clayman's Revenge)
The difference in the main timeline for Revenge is that he's started listening to them and including them. One of the covers even explicitly compares him and his army to Rimuru!
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(chapter 11, full disclosure, this is a fan translation screen cap. The official English apparently didn't feel like translating those words, they're just missing entirely, but I see them in the Japanese raws!)
So I don't think this theme is very subtle. Clayman and his forces are growing stronger because of him earning trust and giving trust, and growing as a person. And my expectation is that this will lead to a better outcome for him. What that means for the world is pretty interesting though, especially with Chloe/Chronoa/the Hero looping through time the way they are.
It's also worth mentioning that Clayman himself is...oblivious to the reasons as to why his people are stronger.
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(Chapter 12)
He has no idea why things are going better than in the past, so clearly he's still got a lot to learn on this journey. That being said, we can also see this growth has taken root and it isn't just an act.
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I don't have the impression he would have called them "friends" in the original timeline, for one, and he's clearly actually upset about this. And, as I brought up in my thoughts on chapter 20, he keeps buying things for people (Eva with the necklace and Raine with the ambergris) even if there's not a good reason.
So that brings up another thing - what will happen with the encounter with Kondo? Clayman doesn't remember it. He has no idea he's been under someone else's control in both of the prior timelines.
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my best guess at this point is that by this time, he will have a new reputation, and someone else will realize something is a wrong - a friend. Maybe multiple friends. I suppose the whole thing could be avoided, but the idea of someone noticing the difference and caring enough to do something really aligns with the idea of friendship and the benefits it brings. So I think that's more like.
That being said, I'm still wondering why Clayman. Clayman gets so little development in the novels (and other adaptations) - he's this villain that's propped up just to fall really hard (it frustrates me just how hard - the claim is made repeatedly of how smart he is and we don't see that in the main timeline at all). The Moderate Jesters do have an important role to play as Yuuki's subordinates in the main plot, so does it have to do with this family unit as much as with Clayman's growth? I still wonder what the outcome of this is going to be.
There's also the fact I can't dismiss that Clayman's soul has been inside of Rimuru this entire time in the main plot. I'm not sure I agree with the idea I've seen put forth that this is something Rimuru is doing to him - teaching him a lesson while he's inside his stomach. It would require knowledge that neither he nor Clayman (or Raphael/Ciel) have to simulate all of this so I just don't see it. That, and his soul is used to heal Tear (in 19? I think it was book 19).
Actually, by the end of book 20, Clayman's family has been absolutely devastated. Footman has been taken over by Jahil. Laplace and Yuuki both are MIA (I don't believe either of them are dead). Tear and Kagali are. Alright ish.
But wait. Let's go back to that Footman thing. Do we know when Jahil was implanted into Footman? I'm not sure we do. Is Jahil already spying on Clayman in Clayman's Revenge? And also why would Feldway put him in place to spy on Clayman specifically anyway...hm. I guess the real target may have been Kazalim, but...I'm not sure. This feels like something I'd like to come back to when we have more information.
Let's just close the lid on that though - the second I start thinking about what might change in the main timeline I realize I need a separate post probably, that's an entire can of worms.
To bring it back to the point, I love the world building we're getting and the character development we're getting for Clayman and the people around him. I would, frankly, read the shit out of a slice of life Clayman manga so I have no complaints. But I think there are bigger things afoot here, and I'm eager to see where this is going despite my lack of answers currently!
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