girlysword · 7 years
I recently saw Doctor Strange, and just like with Ant Man, it was a good movie and I liked it, but I stand by my reasons for refusing to see it in theaters. 
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territorial-utopia · 6 years
opinions on marvel's ant man?? idk if you've ever seen marvel movies, but he has these lil disks that can grow and shrink thinks which I thought was really cool :0
Okay so lemme start off by saying that I’ve been a huge fan of Wasp for like 8 years now (and of course Ant-Man too because yo their stories are about 90% intertwined)
SO when they announced the Ant-Man movie I was hyped, until I heard of the changes the movie would include: it would tell the story of Scott Lang instead of Henry Pym, and my most beloved character ever, Janet Van Dyne, would be kicked out of the movie. That’s when the other Wasp fans reacted just like me and created the JanetVanCrime hashtag to let Marvel know how displeased they were with how Jan was being handled in the movie.
I’m telling this to set the premise of why I reacted so badly to the first Ant-Man movie. I could not stand it at all.
But Ant-Man and Wasp in general? Love those two to death. MCU however? No thank you. However only now I’m starting to warm up to it as it is confirmed that Janet will be in the next Ant-Man movie.
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agentem · 7 years
Re: Janet Van Crime and Michelle You all know Jan is a fave of mine. Particularly fun, club girl Jan. I was very upset she wasn't in "Antman" and posted a lot of #janetvancrime stuff. I do not apologize. I think our vocal support of Jan got her added to the cast of "Antman and the Wasp." Also, I believe the casting of Michelle Pfeiffer (who is still the gold standard Catwoman) shows the proper level of respect for a founding member of the Avengers. And if anyone says she's "too old" to be Wasp, I will punch you in the [appropriate genitals]. I mean it will probably be Evangeline Lilly in the suit but a girl can dream.
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thatgeekyveganass · 7 years
Antman and the Wasp: Some theories I randomly came up with
**Attention this contains spoilers from the Antman movie**
In Antman we saw that it is actually possible to return from the microverse to the real world. At the end of the movie Scott gets asked how he could make it back by Hank, since, you know, he lost Janet there. Scott replies he can’t remember. So what could be the possible reason for him to say that?
Hank said that the microverse is a strange place we barely know about. What if Scott can’t remember about what happened in there because no time is passing in the microverse? That would be a possible explanation.
Another explanation would be that Scott actually can remember but does not want to tell Hank about it. Why? Maybe because he does not want to give Hope (huehuehue) where there is none?
So, if my first theory is true, what would that mean for Janet van Dyne, Hank Pym’s lost wife?
Janet disappeared in the microverse when Hank and her tried to save the states from an atomic war. Since Janet is way younger than Hank in the comic books, that would mean she may have been around 30 years at that time. Why does that matter? You’ll see.
So if there is really no time passing in the microverse, what if Janet would be rescued from that place in the sequel? She would be younger than her daughter and that would be horrible for me to see. (She would be younger because Hope says in the movie by the time her mother died (1987) she was 7 years old, and since Antman actually takes place in 2015, she is 37 years old at that time.) Wouldn’t it be really strange if Janet would return from the microverse not remembering any of the time she spent in there and then seeing her aged family still being young herself?
What if my second theory is true?
If there is time passing in the microverse, Scott just had been lying and Janet would be rescued in the sequel, she would have aged and probably gone nuts because of loneliness. (Let’s just pretend she is not in need of any food or water in there haha) 
Meeting her family would still be strange. Her daughter and husband aged and her family sees an old psychologically damaged Janet (I bet her family would dislike this as least as much as i would dislike seeing this). 
So anyways, if Janet returns for the sequel, and i am pretty sure she will, no matter if young or old, without memory or gone nuts,
IF Janet returns for the second movie, that is definetly going to be hella weird.
As a huge comic book fan, Janet is my absolute favorite character and i am so angry they gave her a 10 seconds appearance in another hero’s movie. The only thing i hope for is Hope (what a sentence), since they can still make her the heroine i wanted to see onscreen. #JanetvanCrime
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despondentparamour · 9 years
Janet Van Dyne: I, the Wasp, was a founding member of the Avengers in the comics. I deserve an equally important role in the movies also.
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underthebluerain · 9 years
Ant-Man is interesting because he was one of the original Avengers, which I think people forget about.
Peyton Reed, director of Ant-Man (x)
Oh gee
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can you imagine
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seeing how an important character, a founding Avenger, no less
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is erased and ignored
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(while another character is meant to take up their role but is also pushed aside and not given the focus they should get)
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how frustrating right?
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thewickedbohemian · 9 years
Like or reblog if you want an MCU reboot decades down the road
With e.g. the only changes in the up-to-and-including-The-Avengers phase being that Ant-Man and Wasp are also Avengers (and however whoever’s in charge has to finagle the plot to make that happen, it would be cool if Wasp had something to do with their being called The Avengers like she did in the original comics canon).
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wingheadshellhead · 9 years
I have a silly questions: have marvel ever explained why they name the team as "Avengers" in comics? Do they always do missions related to avenge for something?
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agentem · 9 years
Keep seeing articles that reference Kevin Feige’s statement that Wasp has a big role in future MCU films.
... and for some reason it bums me out.
I’m sure Hope van Dyne is fine. I like Lilly in general. But to me, “Wasp” is Janet and I have to remind myself each time see the headline that he doesn’t mean Janet. So then I get sad.
And then I reprimanded myself. Because I am very critical of people who say Sam Wilson is not the real Captain America. You know? Different people can hold the title.
But I guess what bugs me is that Marvel would never decide to do a Captain America movie and kill off Steve Rogers in a few seconds, and skip directly to Buckycap or Samcap.
I only fell in love with Jan through Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. So it’s not like I’ve been a fan that long. But I still want to see *her* on the big screen, getting to save the day.
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starxis · 9 years
okay people, imma about to start a project it’s all for Jan and i’ll be giving off bits and pieces of the porcess as i go, because i need your help goddamit and this shit will take long to do :I
(This is important i need to get a list so i can get over this one part of the thing)
In for fighting for Jan and other female characters left out? yes, now first of all i don’t know that much about other chars, just everything ‘bout jan so tell me this: (names and stuff) how many female character have been shunned in the movies or acted tv-series?
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ibibibi · 9 years
ok, so i wasn’t gonna go see ant-man. like many others i was ready to rage-quit marvel over their treatment of jan van dyne (founding avenger! leader of the team! NAMED the fucking team, hello!) buuuuuuut a friend got me a ticket and i wanted to see my friends, so i went
given that i went in with such low expectations, i liked it a lot more then i thought it would. avoiding spoilers, but it was really funny, and it tied into the greater mcu universe way-WAY better then certain other recent marvel releases (*cough*ageofultron*cough*).
peggy carter cameo!
sam wilson cameo!
bucky barnes and steve rogers cameo!
regarding jan, i had been led to believe she was killed off in a lab accident to further hank pym’s man-pain, and i was fucking salty about it, because the motherfucking WASP deserves better treatment. this isn’t the case. the movie still kills her off in a fucking flashback (and i’m STILL salty about that) but she dies as the Wasp, as a hero (and in classic marvel fashion it’s been left open that she might actually be Not Dead. not holding my breath that they’ll explore that line, but if we’re grasping at straws, there’s one)
it’s still super shitty that a female superhero (an interesting one! with cool powers! that people know about! who has appeared in a recent marvel animated series! that little girls would really REALLY dig if given half the chance!) was not only denied a place in the mcu but KILLED OFF TO PREVENT HER FROM EVER APPEARING ON SCREEN FOR MORE THEN THIRTY SECONDS (we never even saw her FACE i’m so mad), plus her death, though heroic, STILL doesn’t serve much purpose story-wise but to further man-pain and create a wedge between pym and his daughter. i pretty much refuse to let marvel off the hook about that.
in other sexist tropes there was also everyone’s favorite “skilled woman trains average dude to do the job she’s way more qualified for yet isn’t allowed to do” topped off with “your father just wants to protect his little girl!” as if that makes it better and not more gross. plus i’m preeeeetty sure the only time two female characters speak to each other at all is when the four year old asks her mommy if daddy is a bad person.
so, yeah, it was a decent movie, prevented from being a truly great movie by marvel’s continued lackluster treatment of their female characters. to the shock of no one and the continued disappointment of many, i’m sure.
marvel. bro. i’m marvel af, bro, but you’re getting outstripped by fucking dc here, man, you gotta step it up.
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thesaddestavenger · 9 years
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Ant-Man is today!  Are you excited?!
More in the #janetvancrime tag.
Wasp Movie Comic
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literaryartisan · 9 years
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Comics were pretty inaccessible to me as a kid. As an adult, I don’t even know where to begin. So all my Marvel fandom stuff is movie based. And as a result, I only even know about The Wasp because of fandom which, given her importance as a founding member and leader of The Avengers, is simply a crime.
I just kinda made up a suit but apparently revamping the costume is canon so... Also I’mma be mad if Tumblr stretches this after all that work I did trying to get it to the right size to upload. Watercolors on a post-card sized piece of card!
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noble-fangirl · 9 years
I keep seeing posts from st-cky shippers trying to justify paying money to see Ant Man while still claiming to care about Jan as if Marvel or the box office is going to notice the difference whether they see the movie "begrudgingly" or not
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bansheecarol · 9 years
Quick everyone send something to marvel on Twitter abt there “motivation Monday” quote from Janet about her erasure in the MCU
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brightredbirdie · 9 years
marvelentertainment i see you ignoring questions about janet van dyne.
i see you.
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