#jodie meadows
bookishlyread · 10 months
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Salt air, and the rust on your door:Listen to an audio book
- My Calamity Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows (narrator Sophie Amoss)
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JOMP BPC - October 13th - Purple Books
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
Seriously guys go read the Fallen Isles trilogy. It's really good, and it's refreshingly unique in YA fantasy.
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My spoiler free recommendation: Book one opens with the protagonist, Mira Minkoba, being led down into the worst prison in all the Fallen Isles to be locked away, far from her family, friends, and her beloved dragons. We quickly learn that she used to be a prominent political figurehead, but we still don't know why she's being locked up, or what crimes she committed. Throughout the book we see Mira trying to survive the physical turmoil and psychological torture she undergoes being held prisoner, while a series of flashbacks throughout the book reveal what happened that caused her to be locked up.
And over the next few books, Mira tries to save the world's dragons and stop fantasy Armageddon from happening. 🙃 So yes, it escalates very quickly from "survive fantasy prison" in book 1 to "survive the end of our world as we know it and try to save the dragons along the way" in the other books. And the books are THICK, if you're someone like me who loves reading long books.
The representation is very good--Mira's Black, obviously, and has either anxiety or OCD--and her growth is fantastic, the political intrigue is gripping, the love interest is an actual feminist unlike a certain bat from acotar and is a Black man who's allowed to be soft and shy, there's DRAGONS, the worldbuilding makes ACOTAR's look incredibly shoddy, the magic system is unique, the weaving of religion and culture and how the different religions everyone the main cast has affects their relationships with each other is a theme I thought the author explored very well, especially as their religion's prophecies about said fantasy Armageddon are coming true. If you want a "strong female character" who doesn't wave around a sword, but uses her wit, intelligence, connections, and charm to forge her own path, then this book series is for you.
It deserves wayyyy more hype, and it's an injustice that this series is so underrated.
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the-forest-library · 2 years
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this beauty arrived in the mail today
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Title: The Lady Janies
Author: Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2016
Genres: fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, romance, retelling
Blurb: At sixteen, Lady Jane Grey is about to be married off to a stranger and caught up in a conspiracy to rob her cousin, King Edward, of his throne...but those trifling problems aren’t for Jane to worry about. Jane gets to be Queen of England. Like that could go wrong.
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Former-President Donald Trump's allies and supporters paid the legal fees for multiple people who had provided testimony to the January 6 committee, including the former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, The New York Times reported.
Hutchinson eventually fired the lawyer who was paid for by a pro-Trump group, and went on to provide damning testimony about Trump, the report said. 
Two sources familiar with the Committee told The Times that they believe Hutchinson's decision to part ways with the lawyer — who had been recommended by Trump allies and paid for by a pro-Trump PAC — likely played a role in her decision to provide new evidence. 
Her previous attorney was Stefan Passantino, who worked as an ethics lawyer for the Trump White House, Reuters reported. Hutchinson provided the testimony about Trump's actions in taped interviews behind closed doors and on Tuesday in stunning testimony to the Committee after hiring a new lawyer, Jody Hunt.
According to two people familiar with the matter, Hutchinson had initially approached Trump's team for help with legal representation after being subpoenaed by the Committee. 
Insider has contacted Passatino, Hunt, and Trump's office for comment.
Hutchinson, a former aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, claimed that Trump sought to join protesters he knew were armed as they marched towards the Capitol on January 6, 2021, to delay Joe Biden's certification as president. 
According to the Times report, pro-Trump groups had fully or partially paid for the legal fees of dozens of January 6 Committee witnesses, including the former-White House advisor Stephen Miller, who provided testimony to the Committee behind closed doors in April. The Times did not identify other witnesses whose legal fees Trump allies allegedly helped pay for. 
In particular, Trump's Save America PAC has paid the legal fees of several former Trump officials who had testified to the Committee, while the American Conservative Union's "First Amendment Fund" has provided legal consultation for around a dozen witnesses or paid for their legal bills, The Times reported.
The reported arrangements raise concerns that Trump is seeking to influence witnesses in the investigation. The Committee has also shown messages from Trump allies to witnesses apparently warning them against testifying.
There are no laws against a third party paying for a witness' legal representation in a congressional inquiry, but the situation may raise some ethical concerns, according to the report. Witness tampering, however, is a federal crime.
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bookaddict24-7 · 2 years
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(New Young Adult Releases Coming Out Today! (August 2nd, 2022)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First in a Series:
How to Date a Superhero (And Not Die Trying) by Cristina Fernandez
You, Me, & Our Heartstrings by Melissa See
Bloody Fool for Love by William Ritter
Dauntless by Elisa A. Bonnin
It Sounds Like This by Anna Meriano
What’s Coming to Me by Francesca Padilla
Bad At Love by Gabriela Martins 
The Stars Between Us by Cristin Terrill
Don’t Go to Sleep by Bryce Moore 
Sadie Starr’s Guiding to Starting Over by Miranda Luby
The Brink by Holden Sheppard
Wild is the Witch by Rachel Griffin
New Sequels: 
My Imaginary Mary (Mary #2) by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, & Jodi Meadows
The King Will Kill You (Kingdoms of Sand and Sky #3) by Sarah Henning
Happy reading!
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bibliophilecats · 2 years
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DNFed: When She Reigns by Jodi Meadows
Technically, I never even started this book. I loved the first instalment of the trilogy when I read it back in 2017 then bought the next two books when they came out but never got around to reading them. And now, I've apparently outgrown this story.
It makes me a little sad, because the story isn't bad, the main character is disabled, side characters are diverse, it has dragons! But I always found something more interesting to read and live's too short to hang on to it. And I can finally cross it off my #tbrbusterchallenge list after two (three?) years.
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the-final-sentence · 2 years
'I can only imagine,' she said.
Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows, from My Imaginary Mary
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
listen I know it's how their society worked with the reincarnation stuff but like can you imagine being pregnant and going to the hospital and giving birth and your newborn daughter is your former husband. and not only do you not freak out but that's expected to happen. like that just happens there and I'm. I'm not sure what I'd do in that situation
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brittanybwrites · 3 months
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After putting the first book of a series on hold, time to read about Lady Jane.
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JOMP BPC - May 7th - Favourite Sequel
I absolutely loved the direction Jodi Meadows took her Orphan Queen duology in the sequel 💕 such an underrated series with a fascinating magic system and excellent characters 🥰
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bookcoversonly · 3 months
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Title: As She Ascends | Author: Jodi Meadows | Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books (2018)
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the-forest-library · 2 years
EXCLUSIVE: Amazon Studios has greenlighted historical comedy series My Lady Jane for Prime Video, with Emily Bader (Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin), Edward Bluemel (Killing Eve) and Jordan Peters (Blue Story) set to star.
Rising American actress Bader will take on the titular role of Lady Jane. Based on the 2016 YA historical fiction novels, the series will follow an irreverent young Tudor woman who dreads her arranged marriage, only to be surprised when it results in a steamy romance, her being crowned Queen and a heroic mission to save the magical people persecuted by her political rivals. Taking short-lived British monarch Lady Jane Grey as its inspiration, the popular novel was penned by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand and Jodi Meadows.
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Title: Salvation Cycle
Author: Jodi Meadows
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2022
Genres: fiction, fantasy, paranormal, romance
Blurb: In the middle of nothingness is the continent of Salvation. Reality bends easily here - villages disappear; forests burn forever; pockets of inconsistent time are everywhere, their boundaries strung with yellow ribbon; the three kingdoms of Salvation have been at war for a thousand years. But the greatest threat is the Malice, an incursion from the demon plane slowly tearing its way through the world’s weakest seams...seams that, once split, will lead to the total unravelling of night and day, light and dark, life and death. Not that the human world takes much interest - of more concern is the upcoming marriage of Rune Highcrown, prince of Caberwill, and Johanne Fortuin, princess of Embria, the serpent bride, a girl of famous cunning, which offers a possible end to the ancient conflict. But Rune has noticed the growing darkness, and he is determined to summon mankind’s only defence: Nightrender, the hammer of the gods, an immortal warrior more weapon than girl. There is only one problem: the last time she was summoned, she slaughtered every royal in Salvation, and no one knows why. Will she save humanity from the Malice...or plunge it deeper into the fires of eternal war?
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authorunpublished · 5 months
Book Review: Dawn Breaker
Title: Dawnbreaker [Salvation Cycle 2] Author: Jodi Meadows Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Rating: 4 Stars Description/Synopsis: The thin membrane of magic separating the human and demonic planes has been destroyed. Nightrender, the immortal warrior of the gods, must find a way to rebuild it, but Hanne—the serpent girl, always too cunning to be trusted, too hungry for power—has become High Queen,…
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