#kosher cosplay
koshercosplay · 1 month
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people at the museum I work at often call me miss frizzle, so I figured this purim I'd really lean into it ✨️
chag purim sameach and stay curious! 🔬🌌🦖
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fromgoy2joy · 21 days
People in the process of conversion to Judaism have a rough time with labels.
You’re not a goy. Maybe, you could say, in the strictest definition you are- as in not initiated in bet the Beit Din or immersed in the mikveh. But not in the social sense of being on the outside of the community, seperated from all Jewish practices until the official moment of “you’re a Jew now!” No one’s going to knock challah away from your hands because you’re cosplaying.
No. You show up to shabbats. You’re at the minyans. You’re in the community and say the brachats. You keep kosher. And maybe you’re discriminated against for being apart of this world.
You’re basically a resident, working on all the citizenship paperwork. There’s a lot to do and you feel constantly behind. But sooner or later, you find yourself living a completely Jewish life. Without the official check mark.
And when people in the community try to explain your presence, they wave their hands and nearly glitch. “Uhhhhh she’s Jewish- not Jewish, no! But working on it!”
I wouldn’t take this away for the world. It’s a long good road at the start of a lifelong journey.
But for my Jews to be? I see you in our awkward phase. Let’s take our time- we’re getting there.
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gerardwolfboysfwart · 5 months
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Happy hanukkah / חג חנוכה שמח
This piece features my OC named Rebecca celebrating hanukkah by lighting a hanukkiah, shes a character in a crimefiction comic im writing atm :) hope people like her as much as i do
Alternate blurred background version under the cut :)
The earrings are pretty much a copy of the ones at the bottom of this post https://www.tumblr.com/koshercosplay/736101473248739328/its-time-for-my-yearly-chanukah-merchandise
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diabetesinsider · 6 months
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Hummus - no longer ho hum
Sometimes my fave hummus just feels ho hum, needs a pick me up so I reach for mix ins like sunflower seeds or seasonings to spice things up. Try this combination - see what you think...
1 - 10 oz. container basic hummus
1/2 t. smokey Spanish paprika
1/4 t. ground cumin
dash kosher salt
dash coarse ground black pepper
1/3 c. minced celery
Mix well, spread on toast or use romaine spears as dippers. Makes a great breakfast or a crazy quick pick up meal.
When I'm not quickly putting together a healthy meal for my family, I'm sewing cotton pocket aprons for my online shop - www.etsy.com/shop/topdrawerthreads .
Or, I'm putting the finishing touches on hand knit hats and scarves worked by me from upcycled recycled yarns for my other online shop - www.etsy.com/shop/topdraweryarns .
My daughter's have an online shop - www.etsy.com/shop/yesdesigns - where they design and sew cotton pocket knickers very suitable for leisure or cosplay or whatever you get up to.
My older daughter has an online shop - www.etsy.com/shop/wildwovenwomen - where she knits upcycled recycled yarns into cozy thick afghans and throws - just the thing to curl up into on a cold winter's eve.
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shojo · 3 months
I said something out loud to my mother the other day and I want/need it to be my anthem for this year so I'm putting it out into the world and manifesting and all that jazz:
"I focused on my career. I did it, I did the thing. I'm a tour guide, that's what I wanted, that's what I got. I did the girl-boss and I-don't-need-no-man-I'm-a-career-girl thing. Maybe now, this year, I can finally focus on something other than my career. Maybe this year I can focus on actually finding a good man."
I also have no idea where/how to truly start and I'm a very awkward turtle when it comes to dating because I've really only had one boyfriend in my life. A few others flitted by but either I wasn't ready/okay or they moved on.
And being around so many queer folk I sometimes ask myself if it's a man I really want and, well, yeah. I'm a boring cis girl who is super feminine and would very much like to be with someone masculine/male presenting. They need to be as close in age as possible because, unfortunately, I'm that millennial with a passion for nostalgia that won't quit. They also need to.. how do I describe it, um, not be a country boy? You know those boys that post pics on their dating profiles dressed in camo with a fish this big? And the next picture is them standing in front of a biiiig rock? Yeah, pass.
Give me the guy that brings his guitar to every party because he's the guy that plays guitar. Give me the guy who's into cooking and who's a bit of a foodie and uses kosher salt specifically because obviously it's better than regular table salt. Give me the guy who's not afraid to show his emotions and has his soft moments and knows that I'll be there when he's soft because for damn sure he'll be there for me. Give me the guy who's into role playing of all sorts, who will play pretend, who will cosplay, who will stay up all night talking about how we're gonna set up this sick ass photo shoot because he knows a guy with a good lighting rig.
I'm definitely rambling now and getting sleepy but I just wanted to get that off my chest. Slide into those DMs if you wanna chat with a crazy Disney lady~
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intotheroaringverse · 2 years
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Aviso: se você caiu aqui nesse post aleatoriamente, esse conto não é pra ser lido por você. No mais, peço desculpas a WG e a DV por ter metido os herdeiros de vocês nessas furadas.
Uma reunião de Puckerman era a coisa mais normal na vida de qualquer um deles; quando se tem uma família daquele tamanho, invariavelmente acabariam esbarrando um no outro. Não era como se a ilha de Manhattan fosse grande o suficiente para que eles nunca ocupassem os mesmos espaços. Naquele dia, entretanto, era uma reunião, pelo menos, marcada. Por serem mais de 10 primos, a facilidade com que os aniversários aconteciam eram assustadora. Estavam ali para bater palmas para mais uma volta ao sol de Haneul - e comer a maior quantidade de kyungdan e cupcakes kosher que pudessem. Até ali, tudo dentro dos conformes.
O que não parecia se encaixar era porquê estavam separados dos outros primos, como se estivessem em uma ilha de castigo. Até perceberem que sim, estavam. A ilha do castigo do seu tio Moses.
— Ele não pode estar TÃO irritado com a gente até hoje — Nyx comentou, furando o seu cupcake com um palitinho de madeira, um leve bico surgindo. — Quer dizer, não é como se a gente tivesse ACABADO com o fim de semana dele de verdade...
— É uma sensação estranha, ninguém nunca esteve de fato irritado comigo — Sabrina balançou a cabeça, confusa demais, como se não conseguisse perceber onde errou.
— Sorte sua. Pra mim, o normal é ser ameaçado a cada 3 horas, que nem alimentação balanceada — acrescentou Zeke, sem se abalar, comendo o seu pedaço de bolo em paz, como se não estivesse tomando um gelo.
— Boa noite, exilados! Estão se divertindo? — Haneul chegou até eles perguntando, o sorriso cínico nos lábios, como boa causadora que era.
— Seu pai nos odeia? — Nyx perguntou, direto ao ponto.
— Cara, ele teve que ir em três prisões diferentes pra livrar a cara de vocês sem avisar os seus pais. Você esperava o quê? — Haneul rebateu, a mão na cintura e a cara de julgamento presente.
— Olhando por esse lado... — Sabrina comentou, olhando para cima e juntando os fatos.
— Dá nada. Não é como se fosse o fim do mundo — Zeke comentou, de boca cheia, recebendo a cara de desgosto das três meninas.
Sabrina sabia que tinha passado dos limites. Soube no momento quando a suspenderam pela cintura e a carregaram para fora do evento, as pernas se agitando no ar e os braços ainda tentando alcançar o pirata a sua frente, determinada a acertarseu rosto.
— Vamos contatar seus pais, Senhorita Puckerman — o guarda da convenção lhe avisou, a fazendo soltar um suspiro.
Eric estava ocupado naquela noite em um evento pela NFL, em Boston, enquanto a mãe estava gravando na Georgia um novo filme. Podia pedir ajuda a Julian, mas sabia que ele iria comprar sua briga e acabariam os dois em maus lençóis, o que seria muito ruim para eles quando juraram de dedinho aos pais que iriam se comportar na ausência deles. Então, tinha uma saída arriscada a recorrer, nesse caso.
— Meus pais não estão, mas pode ligar pro meu tio? Ele é meu responsável nesses casos.
Uma hora depois e Moses estava quase passando mal.
— E você achou de bom tom socar a cara do maluco ao invés de chamar os seguranças? — ele perguntou, sentindo a dor de cabeça.
— Ele tem idade pra ser meu tio e achou de boas dizer que eu era o sonho lolita dele. Quem tinha que ter bom senso era ele e não eu — rebateu, sem se abalar, tomando um suco de uva que tinha levado em sua mochila.
— Ele é um otário e eu mesmo desceria o soco nele. Mas eu sei que reagir com violência faz você parar em trending topic e ninguém quer saber se você estava certa ou não — passou as mãos no cabelo, olhando para Sabrina. — Então, o que mais aconteceu?
— Eu disse que meu cosplay de Yor não era da conta dele. Mas o chute no saco que ele iria levar, sim. E aí ele riu e eu chutei o saco dele, antes de tentar cair no soco.
Moses botou as mãos na cintura.
— Então você atacou ele fisicamente.
— Me defendi.
— Você... Okay. Eu vou ver o que faço. Não saia daqui.
Nyx não tinha ideia que a sexta-feira do seu tio tinha sido agitada quando pediu para chamar por ele diretamente da delegacia de polícia. Estava com as pernas e braços cruzados, a cabeça baixa e escondendo o rosto o máximo possível, até ouvir que seu responsável estava ali. Abriu um sorriso em direção a Moses, o saudando.
— Por que estou aqui em pleno sábado? — ele parecia cansado, mas Nyx apostava que era da idade mesmo.
— Porque, como uma Clarington, aprendi que temos que gerenciar crises com os melhores profissionais da área, e quem melhor do que meu querido tio pra me tirar daqui sem que a imprensa e meus pais fiquem sabendo? — o discurso da garota estava na ponta da língua, o olhar astuto dela o encarando enquanto ele parecia repensar todas as escolhas de sua vida.
— O que você fez?
— Não é que eu tenha feito, exatamente... — começou a explicar, balançando as pernas nervosamente.
— O que você tentou fazer?
— Estão me acusando de falsidade ideológica por tentar comprar bebidas com RG falsa — colocou a mão no peito, fingindo estar ofendida. — Quando todo mundo sabe que beber um champagne na vida não é o fim do mundo.
— Você estava mesmo tentando comprar champagne?
Nyx bateu o seu salto umas duas vezes no chão, antes de encarar o tio, a contragosto.
— Não...
— Ótimo. Excelente. — Moses olhou para ela, balançando a cabeça. — Nyx, você é a embaixadora de uma marca de cosméticos...
— Eu sei! E por isso confio no senhor pra dar um jeito nisso — e sorriu com seu melhor sorriso de quem não vale nada.
O homem sentia que estava pagando caro por algo que nem ele pediu.
Zeke estava com um conjunto de moletom com a estampa da polícia de NY e grande demais para ele quando Moses surgiu. Era domingo a noite e o tio parecia exausto, mas exausto de verdade.
— O senhor parece que vai coringar a qualquer momento — o garoto comentou, sentado na sala de depoimentos.
— Tudo que eu queria era tomar uma cerveja e comer alguma coisa enquanto assistia jogo na televisão. Um pedido simples, pequeno, um sonho de um homem comum! — Moses estava puxando o cabelo estilo o Pica-Pau, surpreendendo muito Zeke porque o tio era vaidoso demais para se descabelar assim. — Me diz, Ezekiel Puckerman, como eu vim parar de um fim de semana tranquilo aqui, no fim da noite?
— Bem, eu liguei pedindo ajuda pro tio Seth e ele disse que iria ligar pro senhor porque o senhor manjava dessas coisas de resolver crimes dos outros — respondeu o menino, sem se abalar.
— Eu nem mesmo fui o primeiro da lista. Só melhora — Moses suspirou, apertando o ossinho entre os olhos e o nariz. — Vai, garoto, o que você fez?
— Então. Sabe quando os seus amigos dizem "duvido?" e você diz "então olha só" e faz algo estúpido? Foi tipo isso. Me desafiaram a correr só de cueca numa rua. — Então fez uma pausa, balançando a cabeça. — Só que era uma rua com uma igreja católica e estava acabando a missa.
— Ah, que ótimo! — Moses jogou as mãos para o alto, exausto.
— Então, não era nada... Mas aí as idosas chamaram a polícia e me prenderam por atentado ao pudor. Pelo menos eu tava de cueca, sabe!
— Deixa eu adivinhar: seus pais não fazem ideia que você está aqui — Moses sentenciou, o olhando de canto.
— Não... E eu espero que não saibam.
O tio quase infarta com a causalidade do moleque.
— Vou resolver isso. Fique aqui e não estrague nada.
— Fica de boas... Eu já tava até fazendo amizade na cadeia. Tinha um padre na minha cela. Ele foi preso por desobediência civil. Eu falei pra ele que a gente tinha muito em comum, se fosse olhar bem.
— Zeke... Cala a boca.
Haneul lambia a mistura de mel e arroz doce que escorria do kyungdan, pensativa.
— Quer saber? Não estraguem mais o fim de semana do homem e prometam nunca mais fazer merda. A gente sabe que não é verdade, mas ele vai fingir que acredita e vocês vão fingir que falam sério. Feito?
— Feito — os três concordaram.
— Vou ver o que posso fazer por vocês. Mas vão ficar me devendo essa, delinquentes.
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jewishtommycoolatta · 3 years
love the idea of cosplaying like out in the forest. imagine going for a walk and seeing benrey
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johnthestitcher · 5 years
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My ‘Kosher’ Wizard from the pre-blinging days - no gray in the beard, either! LOL! If it is a good weather-wise weekend, I will try to get a video of the finished costume, which I am hereby declaring FINISHED! (yeah, right)
[Yes, originally I used to wear a yarmulke (and I’m not Jewish) with this costume. Later on, I did make the ‘standard’ pointy wizard hat - and it used to make my head sweat something fierce! Now I have settled into wearing the pillbox wizard hat, which I enjoy a lot better.]
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sbnkalny · 6 years
CHUNK! Hey. Chaingun! The hell with respect! Gimme. C'mon. Gimme. Hoy. Hoy. I'm the boy packin' 80 pounds of heavenly joy! HHHSSSSSSSSSSS... Now this is GOOD! Big gun! Not THE big gun. But...
Hey. If I ain't get no Respect!. C'mon I can Do it in my feet. Gimme a sec. Hoy. Hoy. Im an animal i'd be a Heavenly person today. Lipstick in my big gun is out there for the address of our knowledge are. But...
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koshercosplay · 2 months
hey. Any good easy to be tznuis Purim costume ideas? Love your blog.
YES I have many, you have come to the right place anon <3
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kuzco from the emperor's new groove is a good one, in that it's totally tznius without changing anything and is also INSTANTLY recognizable (and fun)
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terra from teen titans (besides being one of the characters of all time) is a good one that's pretty simple to adjust to being tznius. I don't feel comfortable in crop tops so I just,,, didn't wear one when I cosplayed her. slap on a flairy yellow skirt and you're good to go!
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princess leia! jewish icon! I cosplayed her to the renfaire a bunch of years ago and it was a blast
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I cosplayed her with shorts, but luz noceda from the owl house would be pretty easy, wear a long sleeve shirt and a denim skirt instead!
some other ideas:
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cruella deville is super easy, wear a black dress with a higher neckline!
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I've thought for YEARS that the thirteenth doctor's look would be a super simple tznius cosplay with a long swishy skirt since her pants are already so wide
hope some of these ideas help you anon! I currently do wear pants but I remember how difficult (and often annoying) it was to find good, recognizable, and fun cosplays that were still tznius.
happy cosplaying! ❤️
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astraltrickster · 3 years
Christmas is weird in my family
Background: I am ethnically Jewish, raised secular; as an adult I’m finding I’m settling into Jewish-Discordian religiously. Thus, my relationship to Christmas has always been...strange, and only gets stranger by the year - especially since I married An Enabler.
For as long as I’ve been old enough to understand it I’ve found it truly bizarre how secularized Christmas and other Christian holidays have become - my family assimilated to celebrating “Christmas” almost as soon as they were in the US, long before I was born, just to get in on The Aesthetic (and I can’t blame them, the lights are gorgeous). As an adult, reconnecting with my family’s religious background with a Discordian twist, continuing this celebration of Aesthetic Christmas feels satisfyingly mischievous, like going to the mall food court during a big sales event just to feast on the free samples.
Two and a half years ago I married another Discordian guy, who was also raised non-religious but with the free sample version of the Christian holidays. In addition, his birthday is in early January. So now we just have an extended holiday season spanning an entire month, from the start of Hanukkah through his birthday. Aesthetic Christmas is a special midpoint.
We are also developing some very...interesting traditions for it. For instance:
The family in-jokes that are...a reason we probably shouldn’t have kids lest they leak them without context and horrify their teachers and friends, ramp up tenfold - on this day in particular, there’s one about a statistical prophecy which I shall not repeat lest the entire internet fail to understand the Very Important And Personal Context
We acknowledge the origin of the “Christmas” tree as a tradition from Saturnalia...by decorating our pine trees with Mr. Saturn ornaments among the usual fare. It is not a proper midwinter tree without Mr. Saturn. We are vocal about this. (The planet Saturn is one we also like to include, but is less critical)
Usually we spend Christmas with my in-laws, who make the usual traditional “Christmas Food”. However, as I have discovered this year, when I’m in charge of the menu it turns out to fall into two categories: Chinese food (I jokingly ascribe this to “genetic memory”, but in reality I am well aware that my cravings for Chinese food this year just come from playing too much Genshin Impact), and foods that are kosher but seem like they Absolutely Should Not Be (though really, year-round, it is not a Jewish-Discordian kitchen if it’s not stocked with artificial “bacon” bits) (not by my standards anyway) (it is not Discordian if you are prescribing your standards to other people more than jokingly)
We work. Namely, we pick one of our potentially profitable hobbies, whichever one sounds the most fun at the moment, and we buckle the fuck down on it. This year, it’s cosplay. Next year, who knows? Come 2023 it will almost certainly be my stream - an extended Monday Mayhem? I can think of nothing more festive than getting attacked with Nerf darts, pelted with silly toys, and slimed for a dollar on Christmas! But it MUST be BOTH extremely fun AND at least potentially for a profit; this is to fly in the face of the American Capitalist idea that money is earned for suffering, not for effort and productivity, as well as the idea that the Christian holidays should be the ones we want off Because That’s What Everyone Does.
And, of course, we exchange gifts throughout the whole month, with Christmas being only one of The Big Days for them - notably, I like to assign the goofy-yet-practical ones to today (as a side note, goofy-yet-practical is an excellent Dad Gift category in general, for the many of you who are like me and have dads who never tell you what they want and insist they don’t need anything) - amazingly, despite not being really In On this part of our tradition as it develops, my in-laws got me the programmable robot unicorn on my wishlist, which I put there with the intent of “training” it to help me with cleaning. I’m overjoyed.
And thus, as another sort of “gift”, I figured I would open up a little about these developing traditions, just to share a little Aesthetic Christmas Cheer. Merry Chrysler and Happy Honda Days to you! ❤
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swampgh0stt · 4 years
hey guys, i’m still planning out my Sabo cosplay for May right??? it’s kosher to substitute his hat so it doesn’t look exactly the same right? 
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kynimdraws · 5 years
Hello! I was going back through some of your gijinka designs for some inspiration on a cosplay I'm working on, and I was wondering if it's alright by you for me to use a good chunk of the design elements from zach's samurott gijinka? I adore the design overall, but I wanted to be sure in case there were elements of the outfit that aren't kosher for someone who's white to wear! ;v;
Sure! Please send me pics when you do!!
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
This is a gigantic race now there's tons of people showing up in cosplay huge numbers of media the press they're going nuts instead they played the the tape from the movie and it's kind of an act it sounds exciting it's like popcorn and also some other stuff and they're looking at this house they get devastated we found the owner and pay them like a ton of money she says I can order a Sim house you're not going to run over there since we'll probably get him a brick s*** house. You said yeah so we're sending it down erected so let's make it real strong against someone else has a stupid idea is there a laughing and said I think I'll move so we'll replicate and put it there and also couldn't give a new place exciting near it sort of it's laughing it was telling him the brick s*** house we call it something that sounds like that tons of people want to know also it's a great time huge sales you did the radio thing and it was freaking out and getting them on his kosher or this you actually doing it well it'll be me it's my brother's stupid movie. Maybe that'll bring him out where is the brontosaurus. So sit back in this one driving around and people think it's actually BG said BG I think you fixed his truck up to look like his truck and so now you've done it again. Some of the loudspeakers say it that's his truck you fixed up to be his truck it is you she said it now you're good in his truck so still look at him. And it's on tons are at the race trying to see you the one from who made who the Stephen King movie is there it looks different it looks better with the same eyes and everything's very eerie is Gu and Oya one that's similar. It's huge and his is huge too it's bigger than the Kraken and usually do that kind of thing it's getting gigantic tires and big huge axles it's starting to rip a huge holes in the crowd and I send those takes a lot of force like a excavator people getting back is casting dirt all over the place a little guy in her as she came back and fired at him oh clapping around the macs this could take some dirt up not that much and they're doing tricks are similar can't quite have to though. We have some funky things but there's a flames go up it's about 50 ft they don't have a transformer one that's coming out here he comes he's pulling up it's a slow transformer but it's a robot it will and Bill he's going to be out of class so then there's down it's walking around it is up and it's walking and saying stuff let's go back down there's a huge amount of people filming this it's out it's a global race going on it's gigantic I said gigantic genre it's probably the only genre left they're all out there racing Corky's on the phone and they're trying to buy the big ones all of them they've got so many orders in that we can't seem to fill them now we're feeling them they're fired him out we've got 300 trillion non-illion non-illion out and we're building just as many now and that was from an hour ago most of them Corky's buying and he bought about that many times two of the small ones and Jason is now buying the small ones and Corky's not giving up the small ones cuz they say we're going to be small and big and it's a huge huge huge genre Jason just took a pink he sees all the guys out there all these trucks
His face is beaming in the windshield and he can't believe how many there are it's global they see him it's a gigantic race and really instant go to Gamera and so they have an entrance and it's ours and there's two of them and they're coming in spinning like we saw earlier, and they're playing the teenage mutant Ninja turtles song and now they're making the sound effects of the monster and our friend Zeus did as well and Hera and Poseidon and Goddess Wife and it is amazing there's so many people. Tons them we're calling for gear it's going to be a monstrous night
Thor Freya
Huge huge huge sales just enormous
Is pretty call out to the fake Dave stager the step aside with the real stage are fill in duplicate take over that's Preston says I have a nice shiny new large light bike it's high performance it's not the electric it's waiting for you to and one for your wives if I don't know where they are so you get the idea just wanted the truck stop it's not your gig
Zues Hera
We do have said what you're saying fear is not the way good Lord that's a lot of idiots yep it's going to be a lot of corn dogs eating way too many
We are impressive but his s*** is with pure gold those trucks are insane I've never seen anything like it looks like they're going to get up and walk away so massively violent he's throwing cars like their cardboard I want to see how the hell it works I don't think we're going to cuz here they go already we're going about 400 miles an hour and they're nowhere to be seen only little things of flame occasionally they're probably at lake all already and gone out the door
Tons of people are trying to figure out what they're doing
We rode and we rode road all day long no we're here too and they're gone they're so tire tracks nothing you just went up there and they probably got the rooms that we want and we doing. He says I won't be in them. And we started to say something this is kind of corny we're racing all these guys we don't know who they are where they went through their where they're from I don't know all that stuff so trying to figure out where they are and we can't so getting out of there start me jam packed and all these trucks are moving in pretty big ones too special and they got gear and they're going after camera and this is why it's a shell game so I'm going to get out of here the stupid place the dumb jokes those three of the dumbest jokes I've ever heard they're supposed to be intelligent with his routine is so rich I can't even drink it said Belgian chocolate hot chocolate so we put that out today I'm sure I'll see it somewhere
As a matter of fact we saw someone delivered to your house down there in Saratoga still in the front stoop well watching it when it is says it's from Belgian now looks like it we want some of it so we're trying to order it it's kind of Belgium chocolate company now it's going to make it the way they used to instead of American is a grossing everyone out because stupid it's more chocolate less sugar so something's going over there looks like Jenna spending over smells and it's chocolate opens it up and goes yay out loud she's running inside and she's making it so she's real milk I'm going to have to wait a moment I'm online looking for it I found it as a note someone saying tons of men are buying it for women right now in a little email come see you and says I've got some bright news cuz I see it on my email doesn't chocolate so the way to your house someone really likes you it says who or it doesn't say who's here John and I'm not Jenna looks like she's tasting it she's going to move and she's looking up she's probably going to be a commercial yep
Jon's wife
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
okay. another long and mostly good day. The vast majority of it was good but I got slightly peeved at my family and of course particularly at my asshole (older) brother, but whatever. Jess’ alarm went off at 8, and we started getting dressed. I was doing my Ramona Flowers cosplay today, and I was pretty sure I was going to melt because the outfit was legit a hoodie and then another jacket over that, but I did my best to find ones that were described as lightweight. I was doing normal make up today so I ddi that and then we headed out. My house perpetually never has breakfast food, so we stopped at McDonalds for food and coffee, and then we were on our way. The ride there and back went pretty smoothly both days, nothing really crazy that would be an issue. We got there right around 10 when it opened, and there was quite a line to get past security and inside, so we had to wait outside and I was doing my best not to totally overheat lol. I set the metal detector off at the juvenile courthouse so many times that now whenever I walk through one and don’t set it off, it feels like an accomplishment honestly 😂 but we got in, Brandon wasn’t out yet so we browsed for a while mostly looking at funko pops, Jess wanted the ATOM of course and I was casually looking for Ramona since I know they have one and that would be cool to have. I’m also going to buy the Elektra from Daredevil pop at some point, just haven’t gotten around to it yet (and my stack of dark haired women that can kick your ass funko pops is getting quite tall lately). We also went back to the t-shirt place from yesterday and browsed for a bit, I resisted the temptation to buy more wonder woman shirts, partially because they were just in unisex sizes that I don’t like how they fit me. But I did get the “Nelson and Murdock: attorneys at law” shirt I wanted so that made me happy. It reminds me of my first year legal writing class which is all graded anonymously through your student ID number so our prof said we could make up a name to actually sign it with, and I ended up putting “Sara Lance, Assassins at Law” as opposed to attorneys at law and I felt very clever lol. I’m pretty sure I put the address as like 123 Comingforyou drive too. Good times. So then we made our way back to Brandon’s table as he had arrived, so we were good and waited in line, then talked to him of course, he noticed and complimented my cosplay immediately, a lot of people actually told me they liked it which I was pleased to hear because she has a lot of different outfits in the movie and it’s not like you’re gonna memorize every one, but I’m sure the wig with the rather distinctive larger pieces in the front helped. So we chatted with him and took some selfies, which thankfully look better than the ones from yesterday that were god awful. I told him I wanted to do a fighting photo op pose, so we were prepared for that. The photo op wasn’t till 1:30 though and we didn't have much else to be, and Brandon was kinda swamped so we couldn’t really just chill with him. So we walked around a bit more then ended up sitting in front of their main panel stage, and happened to watch the kids costume contest, which was sooooooo adorable, so many precious children. the one who takes the kid though was definitely this little boy who dressed as a transformer, with like, incredible detail and care, but the kicker is when he lays down HE CAN ACTUALLY TRANSFORM INTO A TRUCK and if that’s not the coolest idea ever I don’t know what is. So, unsurprisingly, he won, got some sort of star wars land speeder things, idk. That started at 12 and we wanted to be at the photo op at like 1 because they tended to start early. Brandon wasn’t at his table, so we talked to his handlers for a bit, who are both super nice and like, actual friends with Jess now lol, so we did that before going to the photo op, and unsurprisingly they started like 20 minutes before the scheduled time. We were sent to wait behind the photo set up and I’m standing there waiting and this guy in a fucking spider-man costume just like, walks past me and places himself on line and I really, really wanted to be like “hey asswipe, do you actually know how not to be a fucking moron??” but the small amount of common sense I do have decided that it wasn’t worth it so I just glared at him periodically. When I got into the photo op we kind of figured out our pose and then took the photo, and it came out super good, I’ll grab it and post it on here in a minute (well, when I’m done here). Once we had the photo we went back over to the table and shamelessly cut the line (wow I’m a hypocrite but like we have street cred here we can do that) to show Brandon the photo op, and he of course signed it without me even asking, and wrote a very funny message about the two characters, so that made me happy. Having done the rounds a lot and not really having much else to do we decided to say goodbye and head out, Brandon was leaving at 3 anyway so he could get back to Courtney and their son for Father’s Day (awwwwww). Saying goodbye is always hard and like, it’s hard to say when we might see him again since not a whole lot of stuff has been announced so far. I definitely did miss Courtney being there too. But anyway, we headed out and decided we needed some lunch, so I decided Jess needed to try authentic New York pizza (on the hierarchy of NY foods non-Yankees need to try while here is like 1) bagels 2) pizza 3) either carvel or friendly’s, 4) kosher delis 5) diners, and 6) normal delis). so I just googled mapped the nearest pizzeria and went there, because I know we can get fab pizza at any place there, and it was very fab! I love getting pizza whenever I’m here, so it was really a must. Jess very much enjoyed hers, even if she continues to talk about how Chicago deep dish is better, but I’m quite aware that’s more to antagonize me than an actual opinion at this point 😂 when we were walking out she was yelling like “DEEP DISH IS BETTER!!!” and I was like “careful, you can get shot for saying stuff like that here” and this random guy who was walking away from his car was like “I’ll get the gun” and we both basically died laughing. Drive home was fine, hit a bit of traffic but nothing bad. When we were right about to pass a Carvel I had the bright idea to ask if Jess wanted ice cream (because I always want ice cream, of course) and she said heck yeah so we pulled into the place. I got my favorite vanilla soft serve with chocolate crunches on the outside and in a waffle cone, Jess ended up order a combination of their three different types of sherbet that they made especially for her 😂 it was also funny because we were chatting a little with this lady standing next to us, whom we discovered was also from Chicago and was here visiting, lol. so that was good. Carvel doesn’t have a seating area or anything, so we just went back to the car to eat them, and damn, they tasted so good, but it took sooo long to finish them (and that was the “small” version), When we did finish I drove the rest of the way home, things were a bit busy with everyone prepping for father’s day dinner, one of our family friends was over and in charge of the steaks, so there was all that. We basically just chilled in my room until we got called for dinner, which was being held outside at the table on the patio, which is always nice. Dinner was pretty good, things were pretty solid, We broke before dessert and then rejoined a bit later, and while dessert was very lovely my asshole older brother started making asshole comments and like....objectively it was nothing, I know it was nothing, but it just makes me so damn mad when he says does things like laughing at me and then saying “oh please, Rachel would be a terrible lawyer for (specific area of law” and I really just wanted to get up and punch him and like.....I hate this so much because I so want to be at a point where stupid little things like that don’t get under my skin, but honestly the stupidest little jerk comments just trigger all these emotions in me because this, and much, much worse, happened for so many years, and when he does it now it’s like I’m right back there, living a life I desperately wanted to get out of any way possible- any way at all. Of course it only got worse from there, because we were talking about job shit and my parents were pulling more of this “well you’re just going to come to New York even though you’ve told us like 12 times on this trip that you want to stay in Illinois” and just like the fact that they really don’t seem to give a damn about how I feel about major decisions in my life and that’s really infuriating. And then of course the friend of my father’s came up in conversation and it was the guy who posted the creepy comment about “smiling” on my facebook photo and I said so, and then of course nobody took me serious at all, they’re all laughing and making fun of me for even being creeped out about this and it was surely not what he intended, and I mean, of course I held back that like 10 years ago when I was 16 he messaged me late at night a few times and asked me creepy invasive questions, so one damn comment of “smile” (which is bad enough tbh) meant a whole lot more than that. So I was kinda pissed over them still refusing to take anything I feel into account, they just laugh every time I get upset and mad and I really just want to fucking punch them and be told my feelings are valid for once in my fucking life, for fucking ONCE for one of them to be sorry for something they did to me, fucking tortured me, and the word “sorry” never came to their lips about it, and they think they never did anything wrong, and if I tried to bring it up I would only be mocked and shit on more, and I’m just like I’m done with this. However, within and in between all of this happening, my dad decided the best way to get me to stay in New York would be for them to basically adopt Jess (and I mean, he ain’t wrong) and move us both out here, like he's legit getting in contact with people who might know of teaching jobs because my dad is fucking wild okay. And there is currently at least one semi-viable lawyer position open on LI right now so I mean I’ll see what happens there. My parents seem to be of the opinion that I should stay in NY even if I don't have a job lined up because I’ll get one eventually but like, that’s the exact same situation as Chicago, except I have way more contacts there and dad’s contacts have been totally unsuccessful up to this point, Sigh. This is long, Guess I had a lot to say. After dessert we pretty much retreated to my room and spent the rest of the night in here, with my dad coming in two times setting up information about jobs for both of us, and like, I told Jess before we got here my parents were probably pay her rent if I asked them too, and they definitely proved that this weekend. We didn’t really do anything else before getting ready for bed, so that’s about it. I am super super tired and we fly out early tomorrow morning (not like 6 am thankfully, but 8:30 flight still means I have to get up at six, so I am officially ending this post here so I can actually shut my eyes before the do some involuntarily. Goodnight babes. Stay gorgeous,
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mindthump · 6 years
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The joy of cooking with a Boring Company Not-A-Flamethrower https://ift.tt/2JUkbPU
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You get to feel like Ellen Ripley and have s’mores afterward
Like so many other new owners of the Boring Company’s Not-A-Flamethrower, my first thought was a simple but crucial one: “Now, what am I going to do with this thing?” Ellen Ripley cosplay? Make some new wood look vintage? Bend metal into jewelry? But the most obvious answer is practically as old as human history: when you have fire, you cook. So, after cooking, I jotted down some recipes in case anyone else wants to try them.
Though the Boring Company has suggested crème brûlée as a natural use for its souped-up propane torch, I am not an especially sophisticated cook, I don’t own ramekins, and I have never successfully executed a water bath. So I kept it simple: steak and s’mores.
Before we begin, let’s talk safety. The most salient rule of cooking with an open flame, as far as I am concerned, is that you need to make sure your hair is tied back. Not only is setting your own hair on fire dangerous and embarrassing, but the smell of burnt hair will completely ruin the flavor of whatever it is you are trying to make. Also, you probably want to have a fire extinguisher on hand, just in case.
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A few thoughts on this particular cooking implement: igniting the Not-A-Flamethrower is a three-step process. First, you have to open the valve to the propane tank. Then, you need to press the button to ignite the pilot light. Then, you pull the trigger and continue squeezing for as long as you need the flames. In the case of the steak, condensation formed on the propane tank while I was searing, which is not uncommon when you work with propane. The liquid in the tank becomes vapor before passing into the Not-A-Flamethrower valve, which can draw heat from the surrounding air. How much condensation you’ll see depends on how much moisture is in the air and how quickly the fuel is used.
How far the Not-A-Flamethrower shoots depends, in part, on how far you open the propane valve. While we made some impressive fireballs — the biggest was about five feet — it’s possible to control the amount of flame you get by limiting how much fuel runs into the body of the device.
Now, to be clear: I’ve never made steak before because I don’t eat meat. But I figured it couldn’t possibly be that hard, especially since our producer, Felicia, did the hard part for me: she cooked the steak sous vide, then chilled it. I was just there to sear.
If you, too, own a flamethrower and want to expand your culinary horizons, explore a few handmade starter recipes below — and, as always, exercise extreme caution.
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Not-A-Flamethrower S’mores
chocolate bar
graham crackers
Step 1: Open the packaging on all your ingredients. Break the graham crackers in half, and place pieces of chocolate on one or both of the halves.
Step 2: Place the marshmallows on an empty grill. (You may wish to grease the grill first, so any escaping marshmallow goo is easier to remove. I did not do this because I was concerned that oil would change the taste of the s’mores.) Turn on your Not-A-Flamethrower, and give marshmallows a once-over. While placing the flame close to the marshmallow will get you a nice charred outside, you may want to step back and let the marshmallows cook more slowly to get the insides nice and gooey, before crisping up the exterior at the end.
Step 3: Using grill tongs, a fork, or another utensil, remove the marshmallows from the grill and place them on the graham cracker pieces with chocolate on them. This will soften the chocolate.
Step 4: Optionally, you can place graham cracker lids on your s’mores to create a sandwich.
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Not-A-Flamethrower Seared Steak
steak (we used a T-bone that was about 1 1⁄2 to 2 inches thick)
kosher salt
seasoning to taste (rosemary, thyme, garlic cloves, and shallots are popular, I hear)
Step 1: Sweet-talk someone into cooking the steak sous vide for you, using the salt, the seasoning, and — of course — the steak. This is considerably easier if you are Tom Sawyer or if the person you’re hoping will do the hard part is a video producer who wants to shoot a cool video. Ryan Sutton, Eater’s chief food critic and friend of The Verge, suggests chilling the steak after sous vide, so tell your friend.
Step 2: Place the steak on an empty grill. Turn on your Not-A-Flamethrower, and get in there. The steak is tougher than the marshmallow, but you’ll see a crust start to develop after several seconds of direct flames. The steak will begin to drip fat.
Step 3: Turn the steak over using tongs. Sear the other side.
Look, I’m an amateur cook, but even so, I’m not sure the Not-A-Flamethrower is the most effective method for getting the job done. A more focused flame or a hotter flame — like a kitchen torch — might be better on the steak, but I am told the sear was “surprisingly good” using this implement. Anyway, even though a Not-A-Flamethrower may not be the best tool for either recipe, it’s definitely the most badass. I have certainly never before pretended to be Ellen Ripley while I cooked.
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