#lee bennett
chibimochii · 1 year
First ever commission (1/3) for @wertzunge is done✨
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Thank you so much, I really did have fun making this- aaaand I may have gone a little overboard with details but oh well~ starting off my Ko-Fi with a bang!✨
Love some fluff between two babs 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
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"Ambrosius is a bad boyfriend because he lead the manhunt for Ballister."
Did you miss the part where Ambrosius stepped up to lead the search for Ballister because if he didn't, then someone else would and that person would not be kind to Ballister? Literally the moment before Ambrosius volunteered, Todd was declaring in front of the whole Institute about how, if he was given the charge of the hunt, he was going to "make it hurt" for Ballister when he captured him and there were people CHEERING for him.
Do you think this is the face of a man who is super stoked about the decision to lead the search for the love of his life?? Literally no one is more heartbroken and disappointed about Ambrosius' decision to lead the manhunt for Ballister than Ambrosius himself
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Ambrosius wanted to protect the man he loved and the only way he could do so was by spearheading his manhunt and arrest. That's the fucking tragedy of the situation.
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littlebitofdnd · 6 months
I think, in a world where Geoffery is alive, Tula still fucks Bennett, but the three of them get very polycule very quickly. We don't actually know Geoffery's personality but if he wanted to date Tula in her hoe phase, he woulda tapped Bennett, and thats that.
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emiko-matsui · 11 months
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chungledown-bimothy · 8 months
Bennett fully had an oh. moment when Tula healed him. Yeah okay I'm all in on this ship.
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mintytupperware · 7 months
the way ava rolled up to that war council meeting in the early a.m. and immediately started ribbing bennett was so funny. like, you wanna smooch her daughter? you’ve gotta pay the embarrassment toll lmao.
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thranduilofsmirkwood · 6 months
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rhea-ripley · 10 months
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NXT Great American Bash || July 30 - 2023
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erstwhile-punk-guerito · 11 months
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chibimochii · 1 year
May I humbly request lee Bennett ler Kaeya and ribs?? 👀
Of course you may!! ( i _ i )
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Because I was asked twice, the second one from the precious @italeean here we go~ this one was one of the cutest ideas and I almost died when drawing this ;-;
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I love these two, favorite four stars right here( ; ; )✨
I have so many soft headcanons of Kae just being a great role model/ older brother figure to Bennett… but I won’t get started,, because if I do I won’t be able to stop
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Broke: Ambrosius and Todd got into regular fistfights before the knighting ceremony because Todd kept being mean to Bal
Bespoke: Ambrosius and Todd got into regular fistfights AFTER the knighting ceremony because Todd was still mean to Bal and Bal was 100% of Ambrosius' impulse control, and he is not here so really who is going to stop Ambrosius from beating the shit out of the guy who keeps talking shit about his boyfriend and OKAY YEAH BAL MURDERED THE QUEEN BUT SO WHAT AMBROSIUS STILL HATES HIS COWORKERS MORE THAN HIS QUEEN-KILLING EX SHUT THAT DIRTY FUCKING MOUTH OF YOURS OR I SWEAR ON GLORETH-
Like picture Ambrosius- feeling hurt and confused and angry and betrayed by everything that went down (and maybe a bit at Bal too?) and he doesn't even know if Bal is still alive because he chopped off his entire fucking arm AND THEN stupid fucking Todd comes in and starts running his stupid fucking mouth again and Ambrosius SNAPS and just lays all his frustrations on him because he is a mess and punching this guy is the closest to therapy he is going to be getting in months to come
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mythorhuman · 1 year
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She was a Bennett witch. "Was" being the operative word here. Bonnie could barely remember being a normal teenage girl. Normal teenage girls don't entertain phone calls from immortal serial killers with a thirst for blood. Normal teenage girls run from dangerous men and keep their distance from such evil. Normal teenage girls aren't willing to make a deal with the devil for their own profit.
Unfortunately, Bonnie was not normal and her devil was Klaus Mikaelson. It's just another secret to keep from her friends. She's still a little hurt that her death went completely unnoticed. It's low risk, high reward. Strictly business. Nothing more, nothing less. And the lies she tells herself keep adding up.
Bonnie stared at the ceiling as she laid on the bed of her dorm. Instead of contemplating her existence in peace, her cell kept ringing. Whoever it was, kept calling every five minutes, and the ringing drove her crazy. What could her friends want? If it was an emergency, she was worthless. Without magic, what help would she be? It probably wasn't a friend. They wouldn’t care enough to check in on her. Her grimoire was almost useless to Bonnie, but she would never get rid of it. Magic was a part of her, even if she couldn't feel her connection to nature anymore. Why was her phone still ringing? Ugh, telemarketers are an everyday evil magic can't solve.
In annoyance, she reached over and answered the phone, unable to hide the irritation in her voice. "Bonnie Bennett," she spat out as a greeting.
"Glad to hear you're alive, love." Oh, shit. She knew that she shouldn't have bothered picking up the phone. She finally had a person to blame. "Bennett witches are exceptionally resilient," the voice responded, and Bonnie could hear him grinning.
"Klaus, how did you get this number?" she growled in aggravation. "Why are you calling me?"
"Does a man need a reason to call his old ally?" his smug voice questioned. Bonnie noted that he was avoiding the question. How childish for a man that is one thousand years old.
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rotteneldritchhorror · 5 months
the celebration for the idea that Tula could get laid PLUS the description of *why* he was “sizing her up” in that way??? Absolutely amazing
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valiantphantomangel · 1 month
Ahh more people need to write for TVD!!!!
Could you please do Stefan x Human!Reader where they are newly dating and he finds out reader is ticklish by accident? (Reader can know he’s a vampire and maybe set in Season 1?)
Thank you! Have a nice day/night 💕
A/n: thank you so much for this request!! This was so much fun to write and I hope you enjoy.
I present to you tooth rotting fluffiness and my first ever vampire diaries fic.
The cutest
Deciding to date a vampire was probably the weirdest, craziest and the most unpredictable decision that you ever made.
But it also was the best one ever.
You have had a crush on him ever since you saw him at school when Bonnie was talking about him having a 'hot back' which she wasn't wrong about at all. Soon after you guys spoke a few times in the hallway or in the mystic grill, you figured out that he and his brother Damon were vampires.
Well it wasn't that hard to figure out after you heard about all those 'animal attacks' and the tragic passing of Mr Tanner.
Anyway moving on, you had always had this distaste for Elena, especially when it became clear that she was playing both of the brothers against each other by playing the victim, not much after that did Stefan and Damon figure out that all doppelgangers were the same and they both lost interest in Elena.
While Damon decided to stop dating for a while, His brother realised that he had feelings for you. Something that you returned immediately after he asked you out.
And yeah, that's my sappy love story so to say. Or at least that's what I call it.
Right now you were making some breakfast for you and your boyfriend (although he of course didn't need the food but he loved your cooking) at the Boarding House when you heard a gust of wind behind you and arms wrapping around your waist.
You let out a squeal which resulted in a deep chuckle coming from behind "Didn't know you were ticklish sweetheart" you could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
"Stefan don't you dare, or i won't give you food" you warned him as you felt his arms tighten around you.
"Lair, you always want to eat your cooking" He said with a laugh.
"You love my cooking"
"Yes i most definitely do" he said before sneaking his arm around you to turn off the gas and then suddenly tasered your sides.
"STEFAN"!!! You screeched before falling back into him.
He guides you down on the ground and immediately sits on your legs, squeezing your hips "Right when I thought you couldn't get more adorable I find this out, why would you keep this from me?" He asked with faux offense as he spidered up and down your sides.
"Because I knew you were going to do something like thiHIHIHIHI" you erupted in giggles as your back arched off the ground.
"Oh your physic now too?" Stefan teased as he slowly brought his hands to your armpits.
"Shuthihihi upHAGHHAH"!!! Your loud belly laughter came out as he wiggles his hands in your armpits.
He full out laughed with you as he continued his ticklish attack until your laughter turned silent and your face became red.
"You really are the best girlfriend I could ask for" Stefan said with a sweet smile as he pushed a stray hair behind your ear and helped you to your feet.
"You're the best boyfriend I could've asked for" you smiled with a light blush which reached up your neck before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"You two are disgustingly cute together" you heard Damon grumble behind you as he stole one of the pancakes that you were making before and race up to his room.
"Damnit Damon you ruined the sweet moment and stop stealing my food"!!! You yelled after him.
The only response you got back was a laugh.
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islandoforder · 7 months
look i know i’m behind but i think ava was on the money - bennett and tula would be cute like he’s rugged and polite and cute and powerful and fiercesome and also real nice to her
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chungledown-bimothy · 8 months
Of the million reasons I already ship Bennett and Tula with my entire heart, the narrative of Tula going from being stressed out by her mother taking care of her to letting herself love and be loved is so goddamn delicious.
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