#lho draws
lhoandbehold · 6 months
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Sir, I don't think that's your jacket.
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necromosss · 5 months
Jujur gw suka banget sm gaya gambar lo ,,, so pretty ,, so dynamic ,,, i love that you draw gale a lot bc i love him too!!! Love love love all the mira/gale you draw!!! Always makes me punch the air and go "damn!! Thats too cute!!!!"
Ok love you <3<3
AAAA gila makasi banget lho :"3 so glad you like em!! Jujur gw gagitu sering gambar shippy stuff jd honestly?? Gw lemayan nervous buat ngepost WKKWKW tp seneng de kalo emg ternyata pada suka jg aaa thank you so much ya ;w; love u too anonnn <3
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mr-up-on-a-downer · 2 years
More than JFK. LHO got a mail order Carcano which is funny in itself. This is like living in the Vatican and making a pipe bomb out of incense and papal robes and clapping the Pope in terms of "he really shouldn't have been able to do this." What this means for Japanese society at large, I don't know. But even Dallas was more understandable. This was straight up nearly impossible and yet he did it
It really wasn’t that impossible tho, considering he killed him with relative ease.
Like if you live in a country where gun violence is so non existent that rank and file street cops don’t even carry a firearm and the criminal gangs are loath to use them because of the attention they could draw, you’re not going to be worried about getting shot. Combine that with how difficult it is to legally purchase and own a gun, and you’re going to have a nationwide mindset of “oh that can’t happen here,” which leaves people vulnerable regardless of who they are.
I mean it’s a home made gun the assassin used too, created from common and easily obtainable materials. They found more like that at his house.
So it’s not that it’s impossible, it only seems like that because no one would expect it. Abe probably advertised the speech weeks if not months in advance, which gave the shooter plenty of time to prepare. I doubt a lot of security precautions you’d see in the states, like metals detectors were put into place because why would anyone worry?
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halluprism · 2 years
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𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝'𝐯𝐞 𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐩𝐭.
About a year ago, a friend of mine (and huge Swiftie) challenged me to do sticker designs to some of her favorite songs and lyrics from Taylor. I decided to create three, for Marjorie, Champagne Problems and That's When respectively.
It was an amateur project: I used my home printer and some sticker paper I bought at a local store and cut the borders around myself.
She told me she trusted me completely and when I gave them to her, she was radiant. 💕
First photo is the final result, after drawing, quoting using Word, printing and cutting. The rest are the close ups of each design. Hope you enjoy them as much as she did. 👉🏻👈🏻
No ano passado, por volta desta altura, uma amiga minha (e grande Swiftie) desafiou-me a desenhar stickers com base nas letras das suas músicas favoritas da Taylor. Criei três: para Marjorie, Champagne Problems e That's When, respetivamente.
Foi um projeto amador: usei a impressora cá de casa e papel autocolante que comprei numa papelaria local, tendo cortado as bordas em redor manualmente.
Ela disse que confiava em mim e quando finalmente lhos entreguei, ficou radiante. 💕
A primeira foto é o resultado final, após desenhar, usar o Word para adicionar os excertos e cortar. As seguintes, os designs ao detalhe. Espero que gostem deles tanto quanto ela. 👉🏻👈🏻
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nickgerlich · 6 months
Clothes Encounters
What goes around, comes around. When I was a kid, we were still in the Spy v. Spy era, an artifact of the Cold War with the USSR. We didn’t trust them, and they didn’t trust us. You never really knew if your operatives had sold out to the other side. The story of Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who killed President Kennedy, was fresh in our minds. Prior to his misdeed, he had defected to the USSR, and then defected back to the US. If ever a person were shrouded in mystery, it was LHO.
Today, while we aren’t exactly best buddies with Russia and its President, Vladimir Putin, it seems we are more concerned with China. Our relationship with them has always been tenuous at best, and whereas not long ago we simply outsourced much of our manufacturing to them, they have now developed to the point that they are a formidable economic foe, not to mention political.
Thus, we find ourselves concerned about companies like TikTok (banned by 34 state governments), Temu and its ridiculously cheap bargains, and Shein, the fast-fashion giant. All were founded in China and maintain ties there, but all have US operations as well. I suspect those US operations are more smokescreen than anything, designed to deflect criticisms and concerns.
Shein, the e-commerce darling during COVID, is now planning an IPO for the US. But before it does so, it must try to shake a slew of allegations centered on forced labor in its supply chains, labor violations, and stealing designs from independent creators. These are the kinds of things that will find Shein appearing in case studies and text book chapters for years to come. Ethics, anyone?
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Fast fashion, by definition, is not just quick, but also cheap. Companies routinely introduce new items every week, not so much to follow a trend, but to create one instead. Items may have a shelf life of as few as six weeks. The implicit message to customers is that, if you want to stay on the bleeding edge of fashion, you have to buy in early, and be prepared to keep buying as new items come out.
What people do with those now-it’s-in-now-it’s-not clothes is up to the customer. Quality is usually suspect, given the price. And, given that the garments are designed to have such a limited run, they don’t have to hold up to dozens of washings. Thus, last month’s hot item may languish in the back of a closet, be sold or donated, or, in some cases, thrown in the dumpster because it is already falling apart.
A quick look at the Shein website as well as their Amazon store quickly reveals their target market: young and female. Yes, they have some men’s clothing, but it’s kind of like going to a Lush store in the mall. You know, the one with all those overly fragrant bath soaps and personal care items that draws in women by the score. There is a tiny men’s section with shaving butters and the like, but you have to look for it. I bet they have those for the poor guys being dragged along for a day of shopping.
Technically, Shein is a DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) firm, a purely online retailer of its own wares. It has, however, dabbled with pop-up shops in large US cities. I wouldn’t be surprised if it expands on these, just like eyeglass maker Warby Parker has done with its shops. But I have my doubts they would start distributing through other retailers, primarily because those cheap prices don’t carry very high margins to begin with. Prices would have to go up to give various channel members a piece of the action, which would then defeat Shein’s primary advantage.
But back to ethics. These allegations are huge, and China, like other Asian nations, is rumored far and wide to have some of the worst working conditions on the planet. Never mind the fact that Americans can’t just fly to Beijing, rent a car, and pay a visit to these factories.
Then there’s the issue of intellectual property. If you’re busy churning out new items on a weekly basis, there’s a need for fresh takes on style. I could see a creative team having to work 24/7 to keep up with this treadmill.
Lastly, there are lingering concerns about US data, which Shein swears is kept here under lock and key. TikTok owner Byte Dance swears the same thing, but that didn’t stop those states from banning them on government-owned devices.
It’s enough to make me compare the current situation to that of my youth. While the case against Mr. Oswald ultimately found him to be the lone assassin, there are still lingering unresolved issues even now. We may never know the details of his behaviors and actions leading up to that tragic day in Dallas.
Shein has its work cut out for them. I am pretty certain we may never truly know all the ins and outs of this firm. The opaque curtain behind which it operates shields them, but will probably also lead to investor skepticism. And that’s a style that no one looks good in.
Dr “Count Me Out” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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turisiancom · 9 months
TURISIAN.com - Jogja Trade Market (JTM) Fest, event keren abis nih guys. Sekaligus kabar asik banget nih buat kalian yang lagi di Jogja. Ada acara keren banget namanya Jogja Trade Market (JTM) Fest vol.5 2023 di Jogja Expo Center, loh! Tgl 17-21 Agustus 2023, kamu bisa nyicipin seruannya di sini. Tempatnya di Jl. Janti, Wonocatur, Banguntapan, Kabupaten Bantul. Pokoknya, jangan sampe ketinggalan, ya! Ada segudang aktivitas yang bakal bikin kamu betah berlama-lama. Ada fashion bazar yang pastinya keren banget. BACA JUGA: Bro dan Sis, Ada Paket Wisata Baru Museum Night Fun Walk di Jogja Nih.. Lalu, live music yang asyik abis, lucky draw biar makin kece, dan ada juga kontes foto serta video buat kamu yang suka eksis di sosmed. Nih, harganya juga oke banget. Cuma Rp 5.000,- buat masuk dari jam 10 pagi sampe 5 sore, atau Rp 20.000,- kalo mau stay sampai jam 10 malam. Kalau gue sih saranin, mendingan pas jam 5 sore sampe malem.Soal bakal ada hiburan yang bikin kamu bergoyang! Penampilan Musisi Band Yang suka musik juga bakal seneng banget, karena bakal ada penampilan dari musisi dan band keren. Seperti Tipe-X, Endank Soekamti, Jogja Hip Hop Foundation, Rebellion Rose, Serigala Malam, dan masih banyak lagi. BACA JUGA: TN Manusela Hadir di Jogja Expo Center, Promosikan Flora dan Fauna Pastinya bakal seru banget deh! Bukan cuma hiburan aja, tapi kamu juga bisa dapetin giveaway yang bikin kamu makin happy. Tiket masuk gratis setiap hari? Pasti dong! Plus, ada voucher senilai sampai Rp 3 juta. Voucher ini bisa  kamu dapetin dengan syarat tertentu di akun Instagram @jogjathriftmarket. Makin seru, kan? BACA JUGA: Yuk Jalan-jalan Seru ke Kampung Wisata Tamansari Jogja! Eh, buat kamu yang punya usaha dan mau jualan, juga bisa ikutan lho. Beli stan di sini, kamu bisa dapetin giveaway hingga Rp 4,5 juta. Lumayan banget kan? Yang hobi foto-foto dan bikin video, jangan sampe ketinggalan! Ada kontes foto dan video juga, bisa dapetin hadiah total sampai Rp 3 juta. Asyik kan? Nah, pemenangnya bakal diumumin tanggal 21 Agustus 2023. Jadi, jangan sampe kelewatan momen seru ini, ya! BACA JUGA: Gelar Budaya Yogyakarta Kapanewon Gamping 2023, Catat Tanggalnya Catet tanggalnya, siapin energimu, dan dateng ke Jogja Expo Center buat merasain serunya Jogja Trade Market (JTM) Fest vol.5 2023. Dijamin bakal puas deh, ada live music, bazar keren, makanan enak, dan kesempatan dapetin hadiah-hadiah seru. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Ajak temen-temenmu dan dateng bareng-bareng. Jangan sampai nyesel, guys! ***
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Hive Ganger
"You know... there are very few people I can respect in this shit world of ours. The hardworking Arbites, the Undying faith of the Priests, the Greed of the Nobles... all respectable. But you my friend, you and your little Cult to those fucking freaks? Well, I can't really respect you if your bending over for some alien freaks to fuck you ten ways to fucking Terra." The Ganger pulls their Lho-Stick from their mouth and extinguished it by jamming it into the Genestealer Cultist's eye and holding them still even as they scream.
"I've actually had to take time out of my FUCKING BUSY DAY to handle your little group of shitstains... I've had to use shit I've been holding onto for a long fucking time, just to clear out the visible parts of your damn Cult, now you will tell me where I can find the rest of your little friends or I can cut you apart piece by fucking piece and hang you in the streets as a warning... and if that dosen't work on threatening you, then I can say with certainty that the fact I have your wife and daughter in a cell just a few doors down from here, with two of my... well let's just call them my employees who have a taste for a certain act I personally find horrid and disgusting." The Ganger raises a eyebrow as the Cultist begins to shout at them before breaking into laughter.
"Oh by the God Emperor on his Throne of Gold, you thought I meant... oh God Emperor no, they are cannibals." And before the cultist can react the Ganger grabs them by the jaw and leans in as they whisper "If you don't fucking tell me what I want to know, all you'll have to remember your fucking family are the bones."
The Ganger nods as the Cultist begins rattling off different buildings and tunnels where the Cult would go to hide, the Ganger nodding along and as the Cultist stops they can only smirk as they say "Thank you for the information, Go to your family..." and before the Cultist can react, a Stubber Round tears through his skull from behind.
"Get the cleaners in here, send some of the boys to burn down the buildings to drive the Bug Fuckers into the tunnels, and then alert the PDF Commander and the Arbites Marshal about the bugs through the back channels and let them draw in the big fish for the major cleanup ops. Oh! And tell the Clinics all checkups for the next few months are being paid out of my pocket, along with treatments... I don't need those fuckers sneaking members into the Under Hive again after we drove them into the Tunnels."
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gametech-horizon · 11 months
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thaiamulet-us · 11 months
Takrut Khunpaen Chom Talad Copper takrut size 6.5 cm. with in Kam Loka oil The Best Powerful Sexual Oil : (Nam Man Gam Lho Ga) A wonderful and powerful Oil for Boosts Sex Appeal - Attract and Stimulate sexual desire
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Takrut Khunpaen Chom Talad Copper takrut size 6.5 cm. with in Kam Loka oil The Best Powerful Sexual Oil : (Nam Man Gam Lho Ga) A wonderful and powerful Oil for Boosts Sex Appeal - Attract and Stimulate sexual desire
Takrut Khunpaen Chom Talad filled the mass powder. Which is the remaining powder from the Guru Loki Ruesi Nokket mixed with Yantra powder such as - Talisman surrounds the mind - Labyrinth surrounded by human hearts emphasizing in kindness surrounding people's hearts to gather love -Sorn Phra Lak was right and loved until death. It is a high-class charm that looks like a trapping animal. Arrow to go, must love, don't loosen, never forget - Salika with 3 golden tongues negotiate with the Prime Minister pleasant voice Hearing the sound of mesmerizing, delighted -Ka Jab Lak, Lom Nang Rak, and Elephant Taming Herd, these three will be a group of talisman for trapping love and trapping wealth. It's a snare to people's hearts. Great for the highly sales trader. It can be said that it attracts customers well. Takrut Khunpaen Chom Talad - The Magickal Amulet it can be used to conquer the heart of the person of your dreams, as this talisman can enhance your attraction and thus improve your love life drastically. However, A Magickal Oil  like this also has the ability to crush the heart of your adversary or foe, thereby paving the way to success. It removes any and all societal pressures, inhibitions, fears, or worries from both sides, Powerful Takrut Khunpaen Chom Talad It serves as a proponent of deep, powerful magnetism to draw them to you. The person will become fascinated with you, meaning that he or she cannot stop thinking of you, Whomever it is that you desire will be filled with insatiable lust, and a deep desire to experience you.   - This very powerful Takrut Khunpaen Chom Talad will lock your target person and cause them to become crazy over you. They will always be thinking of you and longing for your presence. - Make someone desire you constantly Give yourself a magnetic aura and increase your personal magnetism - Magically enchant your target for love or attraction purposes - Increase your personal magnetism and charismatic presence - Attract wealth and prosperity into your life without difficulty - You will soon be able to find and attract your soulmate - Prevent your partner or spouse from cheating on you - The oil will also facilitate the manifestation of a desired outcome to any intentions or wishes Read the full article
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lhoandbehold · 11 months
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Coming out of RQG fanart retirement for one last job because this meme awoke the Beast in me
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z-elziard · 2 years
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While this may seem short, the journey of being a child is never easy for any parent who goes through it. Bunda told me that morning when the two of them were sitting on a small foothold, in Grandpa's yard, on the side of a small village, on the edge of the Netherland city, Kampen. This is a relief, around the age of eighteen Elziard, went to his mother's hometown, where their grandparents and parents were.
 “Bun, Zidan dari dulu emang anaknya gak aktif-aktif banget, ya?” He asked, without looked at his mother, then took a sip of his drink.
 “Kenapa nanya gitu?”
 “Kayaknya enggak jago berbaur aja kayak anak lain.”
There was a brief pause between their conversation. Maybe Bunda were thinking. “Kalau kamu dikasih kesempatan sama Tuhan buat dilahirkan lagi, kamu pengen jadi anak yang kayak gimana?”
Not immediately answered, Zidan thought hard about this question. It might also be difficult because he doesn't know much about the games he wants to play with his friends.
 “Yang seneng aja Bun, enggak disuruh les ini atau itu, pengen main bareng-bareng temen yang lain, kayak anak-anak Indo.”
Bunda realized that this is something that her children rarely do when they are young, because of their family's constant nomadic situation, and it doesn't stop. This made it difficult for her child to adapt and Bunda did not try too hard to be close to her neighbors, so she relied on tutoring and only tutoring could help Zidan. At that time, he thought so.
 “Kamu pengen main apa aja emang sama temen kamu, Nak?”
 Bunda smiled. “Okay, kenapa kamu pengen main itu?”
 “Karena itu favorite kaum Zidan?” He was silent for a moment. “It's nice to be able to make strikes, get Kelereng into the circle, and make the Kelerengs ours.”
 “Terus, Engklek.” Zidan pauses, swallowing his saliva. “The players can start by drawing boxes and a half-circle. The boxes are drawn to be in a T shape with three horizontal boxes, one vertical box, and two horizontal boxes.”
 Zidan smiles. “We must-plays with our leg and cannot step on the line or out of the box. It must be fun, because if the player falls or step on the lines, then their turn ends.”
 “It must be fun. There is also a game like that here, we often play it in some celebration events.” Bunda commented with her eyes smile.
 “Ya, Bun, there are so many games I want to play and they are very popular, like Ular Tangga.” Imagined himself in childhood, playing with his friends, making several stairs with their small hands, and surrounding their friend in the middle. “I imagined and it was so much fun.”
Bunda did not respond so much but asked questions, to be interested in this chat. “Kalau Hide and Seek gimana?”
 “Suka, it's very challenging and also fun. I have to find a good place to win and hard to find.”
Bunda laughs. “Tapi, kalau susah dicari nanti diculik setan, lho.” Bunda teasing him.
“Hah, enggak lah, Bun, itumah kalo sompral!” Zidan shouted and mocked his Bunda.
“Bunda tau Water Gun?” Zidan looked at his Bunda who looked thoughtful. It must sound unfamiliar to her. “Itu Bun, mainan yang pake tembak-tembakan terus diisi air, Zidan pernah main itu sama Arsyad.” He explained while mention to their cousins from the father's line. “Permainan itu juga menarik banget, soalnya bisa bikin sebaju-baju basah.”
The morning chat ended by talking about the game Bentengan, which most young children had rarely talked about. However, times have changed, children are starting to not recognize the traditional game. This phenomenon occurs because of the rapid development of science and technology in Indonesia. Because of science and technology children are more interested in more interesting online games.
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awthredestim · 4 years
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Commission for @fernindt
”Oh glorious princess who raises the sun and raised Cut Agate to the dignity of Sainthood,” Redheart prayed absently, focussing on the small, rectangular packet between her hooves.  The servos of the Sister Hospitaler’s power armor whirred fitfully, mindlessly trying to keep up with the increasingly violent tremors wracking the earth pony’s frame.
It was always like this, after the battle.  Redheart gritted her teeth, focussing on her task.  The copper tang of blood and the stink of viscera hung heavy in the air of the medicae shelter, but she hardly noticed.
“We implore Your Divine Majesty by her intercession…Ah!”  With a grunt of satisfaction, the Sister Hospitaler’s prize came free— her last lho stick.  She’d have to make it count.  “…to give us health of mind, body, and soul.”
The lighter flared into life and soon Redheart was leaning back against some recently-delivered munitorum crates, blowing the acrid smoke through her nostrils as she felt the tension leave her.  Her eyes closed as she puffed contentedly on the burning cylinder, trying to draw out the experience.  The sporadic whirring of the power armor lessened, then ceased entirely.  “Free us from those things which hold us bound to this life—“
“Sister?  Sister Hospitaler!”
The shout nearly caused Redheart to bite her lho stick in half.  Her eyes opened, though she did not sit up.  “What.”
A breathless novice stood panting at the door to the shelter.  Fresh blood stained the gorget of her otherwise pristine power armor— somepony else’s blood, or else the filly would have been dead where she stood.  “It’s the— it’s…  It’s bad.  You’d better come quickly.”  
Redheart rolled of the crates, dropping the lho stick and grinding it into the floor with a single practiced motion.  She closed her eyes for a moment, drawing a ragged breath as she felt the shakes trying desperately to enervate her limbs once again.  “…and let our spirit, like hers, rise to join your heavenly corps.  Ave, Imperatrix.  Amen.”
Blue eyes snapped open once again, transfixing the frightened novice with their intensity.  Sister Redheart slung her medicae bag across her flanks.  “Well?  Don’t just stand there.  Let’s go.”
James, uploading a picture done in 2020 in the year 2020? Surely you jest!
It has been a bit since I last uploaded a WarHam Pones crossover picture, like...what, two weeks? Three? One? I don't know. It should be said that I love doing these crossovers and
can keep commissioning me to draw them until my fingers fall off. Besides there is a layer of delight in drawing Nurse Redheart as an absolute badass, taking a break after having dealt with a myriad of emergencies. That and hey, healthcare workers are absolute heroes in every emergency. I think that makes this piece rather timely.
This one and another piece I'll be sharing sometime soon have both been a barrel of fun to work on. I might sound like a broken record at this point, but with how things are going out there I think I've underappreciated my job. I get to keep on working, staying home safe, nothing bad coming my way (yet). I'm really fortunate to have you guys. If it wasn't for you all, and for all the support you've given me over the years, none of this would be possible.
You guys rock. Thank you so much, honestly.
Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate and every single one I receive.
You can check the Making Of post right here!
Thank you!
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ralsart · 7 years
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monk poses? i dont normally post sketches, but I had alot of fun with these. watched a few different videos for reference XD totally wasnt going thru ip man scenes too.
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💡Questo disegno ha molteplici significati. Io lho interpretato come "un'idea che sboccia". La rosa rappresenta l'idea che prevale questo confine spaccandolo e che continua a crescere. Il triangolo può rappresentare la musica che anch'essi è arte. Il LAC rappresenta la sigla Liceo Artistico Cottini che sta coltivando questa idea facendoci superare questi confini.🌱 . . . . .#art #artist #artoftheday #artsy #beautiful #creative #draw #drawing #gallery #graphic #graphics #illustration #instaart #instaartist #instagood #masterpiece #paper #pen #pencil #photography #photooftheday #picture #sketch #sketchbook #TagsForLikes https://www.instagram.com/p/BxpD3GUoQ2p/?igshid=rd5bs8mgoxl1
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fainfaineant · 6 years
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I’ve been enjoying the patch, between working on things, so here’s a Lho Physaria I took a moment to draw for myself
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caputri · 7 years
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Kapan tepatnya terakhir kali kamu memanggil Mamah? hhe.. Saya sendiri sering sekali menyebut Mamah terutama di saat-saat unfavorable #lho. Iya, saat sakit, saat sedih, saat dijahilin temen, bahkan saat kesandung. Disaat bahagia kita bisa ingat siapapun, tapi disaat sedih kenapa tanpa sadar nama pertama yang kita sebut adalah Mamah? Mungkin karena Mamah adalah orang pertama yang selalu ada setiap saat, dari kita baru lahir, sampai kita dewasa. Kadang saya merasa betapa tidak bersyukurnya saya mempunyai Mamah di dekat saya. Pernahkah saya mengucapkan Terima Kasih setelah dari subuh Kakinya lemas membereskan rumah, mencuci pakaian saya, dan menyiapkan teh hangat untuk saya?. Pernahkah saya menghiraukan saat Mamah menunjukkan luka bakar di tangannya setelah memasakkan ayam goreng untuk saya? Selama ini saya mencium tangannya, menerima usapannya, tapi tidak pernah memperhatikan ada berapa goresan bekas pisau ditangannya, apakah tangan lembutnya telah berubah menjadi kasar karena apa yang Mamah lakukan untuk saya. Karena apa? Karena saya menganggap semua itu adalah tugasnya, kewajibannya sebagai orang tua, sebagai Ibu. Untuk merawat saya, untuk menyiapkan keperluan saya, untuk memasakkan makanan untuk saya. Saya lupa untuk berterimakasih, saya lupa untuk bersyukur, terlebih saya lupa untuk mengungkapkan itu ke Mamah. Bahwa saya berterimakasih, dan bersyukur atas apa yang telah Mamah lakukan untuk saya selama ini. Semua orang punya pilihan. bahkan untuk menjalankan kewajibannya atau tidak. Cara menjalankannya pun merupakan pilihan, apakah dengan penuh tanggung jawab atau tidak. Bertanggung jawab pun merupakan pilihan, apakah dengan senang hati atau tidak. Senang hati pun merupakan pilihan, apakah dengan tulus atau tidak. Untuk Mamah yang telah menjalankan kewajibannya dengan penuh tanggung jawab, dengan senang hati dan setulus-tulusnya, saya sangat berterimakasih telah membuat saya tumbuh dewasa dengan merasakan nilai-nilai itu. note: from your the most selfish troublemaker youngest daughter #mother #illustration #handdrawing#drawing
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