#literary otps
wr1t3w1tm3 · 4 months
Look, I understand people are upset about the end of Will and Elizabeth's arcs in the original Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. I won't lie and say I didn't want to see some Will as the Dutchman's captain and some Pirate King Elizabeth BAMF on the high seas. I'm not even saying the writers are right... I'm just saying that the way they set up Will and Elizabeth's arc's, it makes sense.
They're tragic heroes: it's like John Proctor or Reverend Hale in the Crucible or Iron Man during the Infinity Saga or even Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus. They're heroes working towards a noble goal, but they either can't obtain it or when they can, it doesn't go according to plan, and they have to make some sacrifices.
For Elizabeth it's a little more obvious. She's the girl who's trapped in her social status. In the first movie, her corset, a very real symbol of her status, literally suffocates her. It nearly kills her. Only once she sees the world of piracy and gets swept up in that world and allows herself to be changed by it does she see any smattering of freedom. Her whole goal is to get freedom, for her people (Port Royal) and her love (Will) in CotBP, even at the price of her own freedom (agreeing to marry Norrington if he saved Will). In DMC it's for herself (literally), Will again, and her father. That whole movie she is constantly fighting to keep herself and Will out of prison and danger. In AWE, she's fighting for her own freedom at times, but she soon finds herself the harbinger of freedom for a new golden age of piracy against Cutler Beckett and the East India Trading Co, who in the Pirates universe are canonically slave runners. She is searching for freedom in a very wide scope.
For Will, it's a little less obvious. He is also striving for freedom, but often not his own. He fights to help free Elizabeth during CotBP, and in DMC he's literally fighting to keep his own freedom and win the freedom of Elizabeth. Even when that means turning in a (sort of) friend (Jack). When he meets his father in DMC, his mission of freedom for those he loves expands in two parallel directions, Bootstrap tells Elizabeth as much in the brig of the Dutchman in AWE. The director and writers of AWE made that very clear in Elizabeth and Will's direction. One of my biggest pet peeves with that movie is the lack of a relationship between Will and Elizabeth, but it does make sense. It demonstrates Will's dilemma. His search for freedom is much more tangible, and on a very narrow scope. It also demonstrates Elizabeth's dilemma, where she feels that the freedom Will craves for his father will separate them for good. So, she turns to piracy, because freedom is all she has left by act II of AWE.
Both are searching for freedom, but both are tied down by duty. Elizabeth becomes the Pirate King, Will the Captain of the Dutchman. Both bound by their own duty, although the only duty we see them both bound too tangibly is Will's. Isn't it ironic that in the end, the choice to kill Davy Jones isn't Will's? Sure, it was his intention, but Jack wrapped his hand around the knife and dropped the hand that felled the heart. Jack - the pirate - an embodiment of freedom for both characters in CotBP (he saves Elizabeth from her corset and is the inciting incident into Will beginning his quest for Elizabeth) is the one who chains them to Will's curse? Narratively, it makes sense. Elizabeth has just become the free-est we've seen her in any of the movies (and I will die on this hill) and Will's only just literally been freed from the clutches of the EICo. And even if you did argue that Elizabeth still had her freedom as Pirate King, it can be easily argued that she lost her freedom the day she decided to keep and raise Henry. Both of them end up chained by Will's curse - one to land, one to the sea. All on their search for freedom. And Jack, that symbol of freedom (or rather, a symbol of piracy that for both characters ends up being a symbol of freedom), is the one who chains them to land or sea.
Now I am all for Henry, I actually think he had some great potential pre-Deppo-osition trial, and I think it speaks to Elizabeth's character that she was willing to wait and stayed on land for her child (who she easily could've taken her anger out on, though that doesn't appear to be the case). It can even be argued she stayed on land for Will to, as he gave her his heart to guard, a very fragile heart that if stabbed, ended her husband (this is one of the final demonstrations of their mended relationship, but that's a different topic for another time). Will got a very short stick in this fight, but Elizabeth got an equally short, if not shorter stick. Chained to the sea, destined to see your wife a max of seven more days before her death, and the reverse true for Elizabeth, instead she is arguably forced by society to keep and raise the boy who reminds her of the husband she'll never be sure she'll see again.
That's why William and Elizabeth Turner - The Captain of the Flying Dutchman and the Pirate King - are tragic heroes. In striving for freedom, they became trapped by duties, obligations, and burdens that they didn't even get a say in. In the end, not every happy ending is a good ending. And while the original Pirates trilogy didn't have a happy ending, it had a good one, as far as the narrative was concerned (Do I like this ending? Yes. Personally, I think it works and it gives me that kind-of-icky-kind-of-satisfying pit in my stomach that Hocus Pocus did back when there wasn't a sequel. Maybe it's not the ending everyone wanted, but for the story being told, it's the right one).
Thanks for coming to my little rant! I used to love doing these literary analysis essays in English my junior and senior years of high school. Over analyzing media, especially film and tv, is something I quiet enjoy. Plus, I might do a foray into video essays one day, so I figured I could use some practice. This is something that's been bouncing around in my head since I first watched AWE. The original Pirates Trilogy is just so good at symbolism, I'll probably put more stuff out here eventually raving about it. For now though, this is it.
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fireinmywoods · 2 years
having binged all of the Palimpsest series and scrolled through your blog for a while, I have happily adopted the worldview that Jim and Bones clocked each other as 'the one person balls to the walls nuts enough to keep up with me' and mutually decided 'This Is My Project,' so thank you for that
Congratulations on your new and exceptionally valid worldview! It's a perennially entertaining paradigm to operate in, if you ask me.
You know, at least in pverse, I feel like it took them both a minute to get to the This Is My Project stage, mostly because they were each too fucked up upon meeting to consider themselves capable of making a positive impact on anyone else. Arguably their starting point is something more along the lines of Wow, What A Mess. ...Well, I Guess I Probably Can't Fuck Him Up Any Worse. You know? Like, if someone hands me their pristine brand-new top-of-the-line phone without a case, I’m going to be on edge the entire time I’m holding it. But if it’s already got a cracked screen, a scratched-up case, maybe a mysterious bite mark or two - I mean, I’ve got questions, first of all, but that’s none of my business and the important thing is that short of throwing that bad boy into the sun my own careless handling ain’t gonna make a dent, so I can relax a little.
Jim is that phone when he walks onto that shuttle - just an Absolute Wreck of a human being. It is pure glorious serendipity that he ends up sitting next to a guy who is a completely different but equally intense flavor of Absolute Wreck, and even more incredible that those flavors happen to pair so naturally together. (Hey, you got your chocolate in my peanut butter abandonment issues in my caretaking fixation! Yeah, well, you got your anxiety and depression in my performative overconfidence and obsessive drive!)
They don’t know that last part right away, of course. But game recognizes game, and so each of them in their own way kind of shrugs into that initial stage of their relationship - like, yeah, what the hell, I guess there’s room for one more vagrant around the roaring trash barrel fire that is my existence. Set down your bindle of barely repressed trauma and make yourself comfortable.
Both Leonard and Jim are too blindered by self-hatred, at first, to have any aspirations of helping each other, let alone consider that they themselves might be helpable. It's only once they’ve started settling into their fixer-upper of a friendship - the cartoonishly ramshackle haunted house that is their combined dysfunction - that they start looking around and going, hmm...I mean, since I'm already here...
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notasapleasure · 2 years
Jo are you trying to make sense of the Tekke scene again even though you know it hurts your heart and makes you crazy?
Put Pawn in Frankincense DOWN and go back to work.
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I know I know it's so cliche and cheesy but idc... The not-together-yet couple where one says "I'm so happy I could kiss you" and then they DO ACTUALLY KISS always gets me. Goosebumps. Butterflies. I love it.
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About Time - Green Gables Fables #1.45
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Windmills by Blackmore’s Night is a perfect song for the tension between Geralt and Yennefer. Sounds like something Jaskier would write, too.
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ori-unavailable · 1 year
Crime and Hunger Falls AU: A Sciencemas Story
As the night of Sciencemas approached, Raskolnikov found himself trapped in a maelstrom of dark and twisted thoughts. He was consumed by a sense of despair and hopelessness, as if the very fabric of his being was tearing apart at the seams.
He longed for a sense of purpose and direction, for a reason to live and go on. But as he lay awake in his cramped and dingy apartment, staring at the ceiling and listening to the sound of his own breathing, he knew that there was no escape from the darkness that seemed to be consuming him.
And so, he turned to the only source of hope and inspiration he could find - the legend of Darwin Clause, the famous scientist and bringer of Sciencemas cheer. He had always been fascinated by this mysterious figure, and he hoped that, somehow, the magic of Sciencemas would be enough to lift him out of the abyss.
As the clock ticked closer to midnight, Raskolnikov heard a rustling sound and sat up with a start. Could it be Darwin Clause, evolving down the chimney and into his home? He tiptoed to the window and peered out into the night. And there, to his surprise, he saw a sight that took his breath away.
It was Darwin Clause, dressed in his red suit and white beard, looking just as he had always imagined. But this Darwin Clause was different than any he had ever seen. He had a pair of wings, not made of feathers, but of a shimmering, iridescent material that seemed to glow in the dark. As Raskolnikov watched in amazement, Darwin Clause evolved down the chimney and into the living room. He was carrying a large bag full of presents, which he placed under the tree with a smile.
"Hello there, my dear Raskolnikov," he said in a deep, friendly voice that sent shivers down Raskolnikov's spine. "I've brought you a special present this year - a gift that I hope will bring you the solace and enlightenment you seek."
Raskolnikov gasped as he reached into the bag and pulled out a book with a bright green cover. It was a field guide to the art of mind control, filled with secrets and techniques for manipulating the thoughts and behaviors of others.
Raskolnikov was overwhelmed by the promise of this gift. Could it be the key to unlocking the mysteries of his own broken psyche? Could it be the answer to the darkness that seemed to be consuming him?
He couldn't resist the temptation to delve into the book, and as he flipped through its pages, he found himself drawn in by the mysterious and intriguing details it contained. He read about the different techniques for manipulating the minds of others, from hypnosis to subliminal messaging to suggestion. He learned about the power of suggestion and how to use it to his advantage. And he marveled at the stories of famous hypnotists and mind control experts, who had used their powers to achieve incredible feats.
But as the night wore on, Raskolnikov couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this gift than met the eye. There was something sinister lurking beneath the surface, a malevolent energy that seemed to be feeding off of his own dark thoughts and desires.
And when he finally fell asleep, it was to the sound of Darwin Clause's haunting laughter, echoing in his ears.
But as the days passed and Sciencemas became a distant memory, Raskolnikov began to feel a creeping sense of unease. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Darwin Clause than met the eye. He seemed to know things that no one else did, and his powers seemed to go beyond mere scientific knowledge.
And as he struggled to make sense of the darkness that seemed to be consuming him, he knew that he had to find a way to escape the clutches of Darwin Clause, before it was too late.
Raskolnikov knew that he had to be careful. He couldn't let Darwin Clause know that he was onto him. So he kept his suspicions to himself, pretending to be grateful for the gift and continuing his normal routine.
But as the days passed, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. Every time he turned a corner, he half-expected to see Darwin Clause's glowing eyes and sly grin, mocking him and his suspicions.
And so, Raskolnikov began to investigate. He scoured the internet, searching for any information he could find about Darwin Clause. And what he discovered sent a chill down his spine.
Darwin Clause was not a scientist at all, but a being from another dimension - a being known as Bill Cipher. He was a master of manipulation and deceit, and he had been using his powers to influence and control the minds of countless people throughout history.
Raskolnikov couldn't believe it. He had been duped by this malevolent being, and he knew that he had to find a way to stop him. But as he delved deeper into Bill Cipher's dark and twisted world, he realized that he was in over his head.
He was no match for a being like Bill Cipher, with his powers of manipulation and mind control. And as he struggled to come up with a plan, he knew that he was running out of time.
But he couldn't give up. He had to find a way to stop Bill Cipher and bring him to justice. And so, with a fierce determination, he set out to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.
It was a dangerous and grueling task, but Raskolnikov was determined to succeed. And finally, after months of hard work, he had gathered enough evidence to confront Bill Cipher and bring him down.
But as he stood before the malevolent being, armed with his knowledge and determination, he knew that this would be a battle unlike any he had ever faced. And as he braced himself for the fight of his life, he knew that the fate of the world hung in the balance.
Raskolnikov stood before Bill Cipher, his eyes blazing with determination and anger. He had come a long way to confront this malevolent being, and he was not about to back down now.
"I know what you are," he said, his voice trembling with rage. "I know what you've done. And I won't let you get away with it."
Bill Cipher laughed, a deep, booming sound that echoed through the empty room. "Oh, my dear Raskolnikov," he said, his voice dripping with false sympathy. "You have no idea what you're dealing with. I am a being of immense power and influence, and I won't be taken down by a mere mortal like you."
Raskolnikov's fists clenched at his sides, and he took a step forward, his eyes locked onto Bill Cipher's. "I won't let you get away with it," he repeated. "I'll do whatever it takes to bring you to justice."
Bill Cipher chuckled, his eyes glowing with a sinister light. "And what makes you think you have the power to do that?" he asked, his voice dripping with contempt. "You are nothing but a broken and pitiful creature, consumed by your own dark thoughts and desires. You have no hope of defeating me."
Raskolnikov's resolve faltered, and he took a step back, his eyes filled with doubt. Could it be true? Was he really no match for this malevolent being?
But before he could dwell on it any further, Bill Cipher stepped forward, a sly grin spreading across his face. "But I see that you are determined to stop me," he said, his voice dripping with false compassion. "So perhaps we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement."
Raskolnikov's eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms over his chest. "What do you mean?" he asked.
Bill Cipher chuckled, his eye sparkling with mischief. "I mean that I can offer you something that you want," he said, his voice velvet-smooth. "Something that will fulfill your every desire and bring you the solace and enlightenment you seek."
Raskolnikov's eyes narrowed, and he took a step back. "What are you talking about?" he questioned.
Bill Cipher chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I'm talking about the power to control your own destiny," he said, "The power to shape the world as you see fit. All you have to do is make a deal with me, and all of your dreams will come true."
Raskolnikov's heart raced, and he hesitated. Could it be true? Could he really have the power to control his own destiny? Could he really achieve his every desire?
But before he could dwell on it any further, Bill Cipher stepped forward, his eye glowing with a sinister light. "All you have to do is make a little. . . business arrangement.”
Raskolnikov knew that he should turn and run, that he should walk away from this deal and never look back. But the temptation was too great, and he found himself nodding. The action was instinctual, nearly out of his control.
"What do you want in return?" he asked, his voice laced with suspicion.
Bill Cipher chuckled, his eye sparkling with mischief. "Oh, nothing much," he said, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "Just a small favor, here and there. Nothing that will be too inconvenient for you."
Raskolnikov's heart raced, and he hesitated. He knew that he was making a mistake, that he was letting his own broken psyche and desperate desire for control cloud his judgment. But he couldn't resist the temptation, and he found himself nodding, his eyes locked onto Bill Cipher's.
"Deal," he said, his voice laced with determination.
Bill Cipher chuckled, his eyes glowing with a sinister light. "Very well," he said, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "Then let us seal our deal with a handshake."
Raskolnikov hesitated, his heart racing. He knew that he was making a mistake, that he was letting his own broken psyche and desperate desire for control cloud his judgment. But he couldn't resist the temptation, and he found himself reaching out to shake Bill Cipher's hand.
As their hands met, there was a flash of blue fire, and Raskolnikov felt a jolt of energy coursing through his veins. He knew that he had made a deal with the devil, that he had let his own broken psyche and desperate desire for control cloud his judgment.
And as he stood there, trembling with fear and regret, he knew that he had sealed his own fate. For he was Raskolnikov, and he had committed a crime against himself. And now, he would have to face his punishment.
But in that place there was another figure watching the exchange: Katniss Everdeen. She has pursued a deer deep into the woods and now stood, hidden by foliage with bow at the ready. As Bill Cipher teleported away with a manic cackle she sidled closer to the broken man sobbing on the floor.
She offered her hand to help him up. Raskolnikov, startled, jumped up and backpedaled until his back hit a tree. Katniss noticed that his eyes were that of a cornered beast: as a hunter, she knew well the desperate look in his eye, and she knew well to keep her distance.
After a short while Raskolnikov seemed to relax before sliding down the tree until he was sat, hunched over, on the damp forest floor. Katniss, still wary of the stranger, finally approached.
“Who are you? And what happened?”
As Raskolnikov began spinning her a tale of his descent into madness, courtesy of a certain dream demon, Katniss felt anger rise in her throat. She knew that she would work together with this strange man and do anything to stop the devious Bill Cipher.
Meanwhile, Bill watched the situation from the shadows. Katniss Everdeen, with her strong determination and heart of gold, was not one to be trifled with. He reflected on his manipulations of Raskolnikov and knew, without a doubt, that he would find a way to defeat the both of them. After all, he was a being of pure energy with no weakness. A couple mortals were no match for him.
He had offered Raskolnikov the power to control his own destiny, knowing that the temptation would be too great for him to resist. He whispered sweet lies in his ear, promising him the world if he would only do his bidding.
He had the pitiful thing was in the palm of his hand, even if Raskolnikov himself hadn’t realized it yet.
But Bill Cipher knew that he couldn't rely on Raskolnikov alone. He knew that he would have to deal with Katniss as well, if he wanted to bring them down.
And so, he began to play a different game. He would flatter and charm her, using his powers of persuasion and charisma to try and win her over. He would play on her sense of justice and her desire to do what was right, knowing that this would be the key to manipulating her.
He knew that he couldn't rely on winning her trust alone. He had to give her something in return, something that would make her feel like she was getting something out of the deal. And so, he planned to offer her power and influence over her home dimension, knowing that this would be a tempting proposition for someone like her.
And as he worked to manipulate her, he knew that he was getting closer to his goal. For he was Bill Cipher, the all-powerful triangle dream demon, and he was not one to be underestimated.
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genericpuff · 20 days
y'know something funny that just dawned on me regarding the "of course people use webtoons, they get access to a bigger audience unlike those SMALLER platforms" argument is that like
no one ever asks themselves if webtoon is the audience they actually want
like this might be a hot take but i'd rather a small audience of 100 mature readers who all have some semblance of literary analysis skills that allows them to engage with my work and comprehend it to the level I expect (if not beyond those expectations for the extra attentive, i.e. my favorite readers, the theorizers who I love dearly LOL)
than to have 50,000 teenagers who comment shit like GET UR HANDS OFF MY CINNAMON ROLL and OTP SHIP FTW and FIRST!!! and whatever other basic easy-to-upvote 10 character phrase they can mash out as fast as possible just to get top comment, and who resort to direct harassment for not shipping the characters they want (even the abusive ones because ofc), and who scroll so fast through the work that they don't even realize what they're reading and are asking "huh?? when did that happen??" after it literally just happened
and that's not a diss on teenagers as a whole, there's work out there that's catered to them and there are teens who don't behave like that, it's just my work isn't aimed at younger teens and especially not the audience of kids who are on webtoons
it's not the audience I want so why would I put up with the bullshit on Webtoons to get access to them?
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 9 days
I feel like many people misunderstand us, the unhinged, insufferable people with OTPs so. Here's a quick guide into the mind of an rabid buddie shipper.
I'm not clinging to buddie because I fail to see how awesome Buck's bi growth is. I AM BI!!! You think I don't get how awesome this bi character, this story arc, this bi representation is? Get out. Don't tell me, a bisexual how I should watch and experience a bisexual character. I drive my own brain, thanks.
And I know that it's possible to multi-ship. You don't need to tell me that!!
People need to understand that multi-shipping isn't some grand, epic personality trait that always comes with maturity, that the people who don't multiship are just wee dumb babies.
I may sound like I'm 14. I am not. I am very much not. I'm OLD. So old. And guess what that means? I know myself!!! That's maturity, too. And who I am... Is someone who falls hard, and obsessively.
I know I am just not built to be a multi-shipper. I have tried, sometimes. I have tried so hard. And realised, that's just not me. Multi-shipping is never as fun, and interesting or rewarding to me as focusing on my One True Pair. It just makes me feel suffocated, to attempt to like something I don't really find much joy in.
That doesn't mean that I hate the actors or characters who are "getting in the way" of my ship. Nope. I actually often adore the characters and actors, and the writing. I can also see and appreciate what some other character means for my OTP's growth.
Like in this case... Lou, playing Tommy? Not only do I love his acting choices (so funny, so skilled) but he also, he sounds like a lovely guy. I'm a fan!! Also, damn he's fine, I need a bucket for my drool.
And Tommy, the character...? I think the character is interesting - and don't get me started on "problematic", the shaming is futile. I am all in for fucked up, problematic characters. If you don't get why, you should really read some literary classics. Fucked up, problematic characters are art, they make you think, they broaden world-views. My best educators have been the monsters, and I will take this stand to my grave.
Demand for "unproblematic" is demand for censure, and censure is just another form of oppression. Want characters without flaws? Go watch Teletubbies. Ffs, even moomins have flaws. (Of course they do, Tove Jansson was a freaking amazing writer.)
Anyway. The point here is.
I am a mono-shipper. And I love slowburns, I love the romance of them, I get attached to ships. And I'm queer.
But where are the queer slowburns? I have been waiting for a slow-burn queer romance for so long. I CRAVE IT. Getting that, truly, would be queer history, a revolution.
And I see the potential for it in buddie!! The spark, the history, the journey. It has the potential to be the greatest queer slow-burn I've ever experienced.
You think I'd just abandon a ship like that, a slowburn like that, for some fast food, cooked up in what... Two episodes? Pffft. I invest. I am waiting for my roast to cook.
So yeah. I'm not going anywhere. I will watch, and let my freak flag fly, and I will have the time of my life. If buddie never becomes canon? Well so what. I can deal. It's not my first rodeo. Disappointment isn't actually deathly, you know. Trying to avoid disappointment kills hope, and enthusiasm. So yeah, I refuse to manage my expectations. I'm all in, and enjoying this mad ride.
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"Well, I'd still take you."
"You think so?"
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Which Classic Novel Should You Read Based on Your Fave Snape Pairing
Snily - Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (1847). Let's see, a low class and abused, brooding Byronic leading man? Check. Madly in love with a woman who ends up marrying a snobbish rich man who looks down on our hero? Check. Obsessed with her even decades after her death? Check, check, and check. Oh, and let's not forget that the child the woman has with her husband shares her eyes. Hm, suspicious.
Snames - Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded by Samuel Richardson (1740). So, as a fellow snames fan, let's be honest with ourselves: all of our fics can be boiled down to "I can change him." We want James to be despicable, inhuman, and cruel to Severus, and then we want James to realize how disgusting he is and grovel at Severus's feet, because we are all basic bitches. So basic that one of the earliest novels in the English language is basically this. Pamela originated this trope.
Snirius - Deep Water by Patricia Highsmith (1957). Snirius fans are unafraid of dark, toxic relationships and unhappy endings, and, well, here's a book for you! Deep Water is about as toxic as you can get. It's about a man who murders his wife's lovers.
Snucius - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw (1913). Alright, alright, so this isn't a novel, this is a play, but fans of this pairing definitely seem to be into the whole sugar daddy/"I can turn this feral street child into an elegant gentleman" kind of vibe, and this is what this play is all about. Audrey Hepburn is fantastic in the film adaptation My Fair Lady (1964).
Snupin - Bear by Marian Engle (1976). You Canadians are probably like, "What the fuck? Is my OTP a joke to you?" The answer is yes, but that's beside the point. Hear me out. The main character is an archivist who is very bad at relationships and kind of shuns society in general. Like our Snape. She ends up in the Canadian wilderness on an assignment going through a dead person's belongings. Also, this dead person kept a pet bear that our heroine now has to take care of. Our heroine begins to yearn for something wild, our pet bear is a literal bear, but also incredibly pathetic and docile just like Lupin. Anyway, the two fuck. Literally, she fucks a bear. THIS BOOK WON THE GOVERNOR GENERAL'S LITERARY AWARD. THAT'S LIKE CANADA'S PULITZER I THINK. None of you werewolf-fuckers should act shocked and dismayed by this. We all know how you really think Sirius's prank should have gone (in which instead of James rescuing Snape, Moony makes sweet sweet love to him).
Sorry, guys, no Snarry or Snamione. I don't really read those pairings so I can't give an accurate recommendation. But if you've got thoughts, add to this!
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lwh-writing · 1 year
I've been rewatching the Hunger Games movies with some friends, and I have many, many thoughts. I seriously need to reread these books because it's been years and Suzanne Collins is a literary genius, but I digress.
Anyway, there's a quote in Catching Fire where President Snow says "If head game maker Seneca Crane had any brains at all, he would've blown you to bits then and there." This is in reference to Katniss and Peeta almost eating the poison berries and getting out of the arena as co-Victors rather than them turning on each other, thus giving the rebels hope that they can stick it to the Capitol. It is Snow's belief that killing one and/or both of them would have solved the problem before it BECAME a problem.
But the thing is.... it really wouldn't have. If anything, it would have made the rebel problem worse.
Let's say Crane killed both Peeta and Katniss. For the first time in decades, the Hunger Games would have had no Victor. There would be no victory tour, no new kid to pimp out to the Capitol's highest bidders, and no new distraction until the next games roll around. And on top of that, it would have shown the entire world how little the Capitol actually cares about them. The game makers changed the rules halfway through to allow for two Victors, and then they took that away at the last second because two Victors emerging from the arena would have destroyed the very foundation of the Hunger Games. If Crane had truly shot down Katniss and Peeta, the fallout of the 74th Hunger Games would have been a wake-up call to both the Districts and the Capitol that Haymitch was 100% correct in saying that there are no winners of the Hunger Games, only survivors. The bright-eyed Capitols would have been forced to face the reality that the games were fundamentally unfair, and the Districts would have been shown that if even the Victors, the people guaranteed wealth and luxury weren't safe, that if their small beacons of hope could still be killed off without those in power batting an eye... then why even bother playing to the Capitol's tune in the first place? And the Rebels? They've got two new martyrs for their cause, and a newly discontent populous ready to fight for them.
Now, alternatively, let's say Crane did nothing. Let's say he let Katniss and Peeta eat the berries and they both die in the arena by suicide. Well, that won't be as drastic as Crane shooting them down, but the results are still mostly the same. The 74th Hunger Games still has no Victor. There's no one left to play distraction and convince the people of Panem not to look behind the curtain and catch a whiff of its political rot. And it's still the two-Victor rule change and the immediate retraction of such that doomed their favorite star-crossed lovers. It's still a wake-up call to the Capitols and the Districts that the Hunger Games are unfair, and that those in charge are willing to change the rules at their discretion no matter how it affects the general public. The people are still pissed, and the rebels still have their two martyrs.
Well, okay, what if Crane only killed ONE of them. Let's say Crane sees what's happening and decides to shoot only Peeta or only Katniss, it doesn't matter which. The 74th Hunger Games has a clear Victor, but that doesn't help a thing. Once again, it's still the rule change and retraction that got one half of Panem's OTP killed. It's still a clear signal to the people that those pulling the strings don't care. There's still discontent in the Capitol and the Districts because the Capitols lament their failed romance, and the Districts just saw an almost-should-have-been Victor get shot down on live TV. Not to mention it shows that the games are rigged beyond belief when the game makers, quite literally, chose the Victor. The Rebellion still gets a martyr. And on top of that, they get a mouthpiece stirring up shit.
You cannot look me in the eye and tell me that if Peeta or Katniss walked out of that arena without the other, the one that survived would have taken that lying down, consequences be damned. You cannot tell me that Peeta "If it wasn't for the baby" Mellark wouldn't have been playing the press and the political scene like a fiddle and knocking down Snow's regime like a line of dominos. You cannot tell me that Katniss "Girl on Fire" Everdeen wouldn't have been itching to take a quiver of arrows and massacre all occupants of the Presidential Palace. A Peeta without Katniss or a Katniss without Peeta would have Snow's worst political nightmare, and if he killed them after the fact, then the riots in the streets would have only gotten worse.
Seneca Crane's fatal mistake wasn't letting Katniss and Peeta live; it was allowing the two Victor rule change to happen. The SECOND that happened, the foundation of the games-- the image of the sole Victor shining above the rest --was shattered. Nothing could have fixed that, not even the hasty second rule change later on. There was absolutely no situation where Snow and company walked away the winners. Absolutely none. And Crane choosing to let Katniss and Peeta live was honestly the best choice in a string of horrible choices that could have been made. And the fact that Snow doesn't see that highlights exactly how out of touch he is with the human element that drives people to do the things they do.
Note: edited to fix "Capital" into "Capitol"
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bace-jeleren · 5 months
Full tinfoil hat, unserious theory time, but:
Back, like, before War of the Spark, a lot of you probably remember but my big number one passionate otp was Nissa/Emmara. Like, full crack ship, I know, but that's why my blog image and header are still Like That. Anyway, there was this part in WAR, where Nissa almost goes to this meeting where Emmara is and my little shipper heart was all aflutter. Like "omg, my ship in the same room together ooooooo"- only for Nissa to completely back out. Made sense, but at the same time, total blue balls. Absolutely devastating.
But anyway, cut to the first episode of Murders at Karlov Manner we got, and Kaya is like "I wanna planeswalk, see how my good friend Tyvar is doing" and she pointedly doesn't mention Kaito at all. Meanwhile I'm foaming at the mouth like "NOT EVEN A NAME DROP ARE YOU KIDDING ME, I AM STARVING HERE!!!!"
Anyway, WotC is targeting me and my weirdo special interests specifically and are refusing to give me even a crumb of satisfaction- literary orgasm denial- and in this mentality ill block of text I will
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Wenclair is great as goth x pastels, sunshine x storm cloud, black cat x golden retriever, sun and moon life and death yin and yang etc etc etc-
Have y’all considered how perfectly their vibes encapsulate:
✨ao3 gf x wattpad gf✨
Headcanons below! This got super long sorry not sorry!
Enid is SO a trashy unapologetic wattpad writer who uses text to speech to throw together her surprisingly popular fanfics
Wednesday is a sophisticated ao3 user who secretly enjoys getting constructive criticism of her novels and other short stories that she posts there
Enid is the typa author to reply to EVERY comment with heartfelt messages and plenty of emojis
Wednesday is the typa author to never reply to comments but deep down enjoys the kudos and compliments
Enid is a oneshot funshot queen, meanwhile Wednesday has several multi-chapter works going on at the same time
Enid has a super spontaneous updating schedule where she’ll post when she posts
Wednesday updates her works every Wednesday (on the nose I know) and follows a STRICT schedule, she has never missed an update day not fer anything ever
Enid prolly has a cutesy username like ‘kittygotclaws’ or smth idk I dont go on wattpad
Wednesday goes by ‘DaysEnd’ on ao3 and REALLY it's quite on the nose
Everyone knows of Enid's wattpad acc bc she openly talks about it even on her blog, everytime a fic hits some sorta milestone she flexes it to the whole friend group like some sorta proud soccer mom
Wednesday is SUPER SECRETIVE about her ao3 acc, Thing is the only soul who knows of it bc he helps beta read
DaysEnd being a rising ao3 fan favorite amongst the Nevermore student body omg so true so slay of you Miss Addams (she tells Thing she does not care for such popularity but deep down revels in people actually appreciating her work, unlike some publishers out there)
They really like her strong imagery, plot twists, and her stories are pretty gore-heavy but the narration is quite compelling (seriously, she goes so in depth on random macabre shit like different types of murders, ways to cover up said murders, poisons and upkeep on daggers and all this dark shit etc etc that a popular comment she’ll get is ‘hey not to be rude but whats your search history like because how do you KNOW all this??’)
Meanwhile Enid mainly writes fanfics of her fav kpop bands and other OTPs that are often AUs or canon divergent heavy, sometimes she’ll pop off with the most hilarious fanfic that is pure CRACK
That being said, Enid’s works have some pretty damn good dialogue I just know it in my bones that she’s a character driven type of writer
Her emotional introspection is also? Surprisingly good?? Like damn when the feels hit they HIT, Enid is definitely the type to write the fluffest fluff, the angstiest angst, and the most cathartic hurt/comfort you’ll ever read if you make the conscious decision to look past her occasional grammatical errors and other typos
Wednesday’s original works, on the other hand, definitely aren't as much of a heartthrob, they’re probably more plot driven with less space for overly descriptive emotional scenes (both writing styles are valid as hell, mind you)
One day Enid discovers Wednesday’s secret ao3 and lives to tell the tale because deep down Miss Addams is a GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY
In exchange for keeping hush hush, Wednesday has to become Enid’s full-time beta reader for every. Single. Fic.
Wednesday HATES such drivel but agrees to such terms in order to keep her secret safe, much to Thing’s teasing delight over how soft she is for her fellow writer (“For producing such literary muck, she does not even deserve the privilege to tarnish such a title.” “I know what you are, Wednesday.” “What kind of threat is that?”)
I mean that being said, Wednesday gets low key invested in the sapphic otp fanfics Enid seems to have a penchant for writing when the fic isn’t kpop centered, her interest stems from uh nooooo reassooonnn noshutupThingthisdoesntmeananything-
When Enid brings up branching out to writing about OCs like Wednesday does-
Wednesday hates fandom terms like ‘OCs’ btw
-Wednesday encourages Enid to branch out in a very… Wednesdayish way
Like, she’s supportive but you gotta unpeel at least three layers of deflection and deadpanning to get to the real meaning
So yeah!! Enid branches out and starts writing silly little oneshots about various OCs, and if Wednesday notes that all of the stories revolve around gay characters, and if Thing notices how invested Wednesday gets in these silly little sapphics to point where he keeps commenting on it….
Andddd that’s the story of how Enid came back to the dorm with Thing being locked up in the drawer while Wednesday is burying her face in her pillow in what looks like a half-hearted attempt of suffocating herself
Anyways Wednesday’s repressed ass starts to ‘vent’ in her fanfics, if people start noticing DaysEnd incorporating more romance into their works no they don't stfu
It gets to the point where she ‘confesses’ to Enid by having Viper confesses to this new bubbly character that was recently introduced (“These feelings you have plagued me with, you make me sick,” said Viper, “And for my sake, I hope there is no cure.”)
Enid, with a lot I mean a metric fuckton of persuasion from Thing, eventually picks up on this and confesses back
Cue Wednesday beta reading Enid’s latest wattpad work and noticing how it’s about two polar opposite roomates who somehow make it work, and when the cheery one says to the gloomy one, “I also hope there’s no cure for the way I feel about you” it suddenly all clicks for Wednesday
Anyways fanfic gfs who slay together stay together <333
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silverbladexyz · 1 year
hello!!! I'd like to request some hcs for my believed Ayatsuji Yukito with a gn!reader who's not very good in things related to calculations, chem and all that but very well versed in creatives fields? like plays instruments, draws a lot and knows a lot of literary references :D thank u sm and have a nice day keke
Helloooooo!!! Reader is kind of like me; while calculations and chemistry and anything to do with maths is doable, I'm actually more of a creative person lmao.
The image used is not mine. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: None
Ayatsuji with a GN!S/O who is well versed in creative fields
Tumblr media
-Okay, well Ayatsuji teased you a lot at first about maths, science, just anything in that field which requires the left side of the brain
-Like he knows that he's smarter than most people, but he's never met a person who couldn't find the integral of 1/2x^2. Sometimes he wonders if he should get a tutor for you
-But one day you actually helped him solve a case, despite his impressions of you. Ayatsuji was ready to tear his hair out because he just couldn't get an impression of the perpetrator, but you actually managed to draw a very vivid and accurate picture of the perpetrator according to the witness's descriptions and clues
-This caused Ayatsuji to think twice of you. You'll find that after a little while, he would start asking you for your help on his cases. Your drawings were always accurate and never failed to help him catch the murderer. It wasn't long before he fell for your creative side
-When you two got into a relationship, he was curious about your creativeness, and often asked you about your hobbies. I feel like Ayatsuji is one to appreciate art and artistic talents, but he's never had that much time to admire art in general because of his occupation
-Play some pieces for him on your instruments! Doesn't matter if it's a Bach fugue or a nocturne by Chopin, Ayatsuji will love it, because he seems like the type to like classical music as it's more complex and fun to analyse. He likes listening to you play in silence, while sipping a coffee or gazing at the sunset. You even offered to teach him how to play your instruments, and he took you up on your offer, but he still prefers listening to you play
-I feel like Ayatsuji finds the trait of using literary references in appropriate places attractive. Like it makes the person seem more fancy and sophisticated, and he definitely likes people like that. So he might even have a battle of literary references with you sometimes just to see how much you knew actually he does that because he thinks your smexy when you’re saying them
-Also likes to look at your drawings when you’re done with them. Now he will actually critique them a bit, but he mostly praises you and tells you what a good job you’ve done. You drew him once and now Ayatsuji treasures that drawing forever
-Since you’re creative, Ayatsuji is so going to make dolls with you. Now you actually add some extra decorations and style to the dolls that you create, and it’s a fresh contrast to the usual dolls that are stored in his basement. He loves your creativeness when it comes to dolls, and he shows it to nobody else apart from himself
-Now he will actually try to teach you math, science, physics, just anything that needs logic to figure the answer out. While he will still tease you every now and then, he’ll be chill and find out how you learn the best. Also gives you breaks when he sees your brain about to explode from all the calculations
-Your strengths fit with his perfectly; him being logical and you being creative. With this mix, no criminal dares to go up against you two now. Talk about a soft power couple, am I right?
-You two are Tsujimura’s OTP and she is already making all the wedding cards and organisation for your marriage with Ayatsuji already invite me please
@pixyys @pianotross @nekokinax @i-just-like-goats @xxelfmamaxx @yuugen-benni @yukitomybeloved @sariel626 @lakeside-paradise @arisu-chan4646  @catzlivedforbsd
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grishaverse-chaos · 1 month
The Darkling
why I like them: could have been SO GOOD in theory okay? I will never shut up about this because "character who everyone thinks is evil is actually just the victim of a smear campaign and some really bigoted propaganda" is SUCH a good character concept and I wish darkling fans were right about him because it would be so fucking cool and aesthetic
why I don't: he uh. he isn't that. he could have been so fucking iconic and instead he was just a vicious murderer. who grooms teenage girls.
favourite episode/scene: LOVE the bit where alina stabs his hand in s1e8. tbf that's more of a fav alina moment than anything else lmao, let me think... okay fr I love the "fine. make me your villain" scene bc it just really showcases who he is as a character and how he sees himself (hint: those two things are not the same)
favourite season/movie: imo he's better written in s1 of the show than in s2, idk though. and I do love his story in the kos duology lmao
favourite line: that one bit in rule of wolves where he says "everything I have done has been for ravka" because it's so clearly Not True and yet.... he clearly thinks it is.... so where does intent stop and impact begin...... it's deep okay
favourite outfit: purely for shits and giggles I'm going to say his black kefta in s2 where there's bits of gold bc I loveeee people being haunted by those they've wronged and I think alina haunting him really fits into that theme
otp: no thank you! in all honesty he prob could have been Fixed™ if he'd had a genuine relationship at an earlier age but he didn't so I refuse to inflict him on any other character. darkolai is interesting to consider though bc I feel like the ways they see themselves clash so heavily.... it's about self image and it's about villainy and law and justice and power and and and. they would Not be a good relationship but I think they should interact more for the Narrative
brotp: his sister ulla! they'd have such a fun sibling dynamic lmao I think it'd be sweet
headcanon: tbh I don't tend to think about him much beyond the big narrative stuff so I'm struggling to think of something that fits the genre of "headcanon".... but let's humanise him a little! I bet he reads really literary fiction and gets ever-so-slightly pretentious about it lmao
unpopular opinion: is it unpopular to say that despite his original good intentions he's a bit of a dickhead and not as smart as he thinks he is? in some corners of the fandom it totally is but idk
a wish: at this point there's not much more that could be done with his character beyond what's already been set up (him being mercy killed so he's not suffering in the thorn wood for all eternity) so I'm going to say that I hope his stans get better reading comprehension bc dear GOD some of the takes I see (posted in the alina tag btw I'm not deliberately seeking them out) are absolutely horrendous. is that too salty? perhaps. idc though it's my blog and darkling stans are free to block me if they don't like my takes
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: I swear if he goes NEAR alina genya or zoya again I will reach through the fourth wall to kill him myself. only half joking btw I'd be so pissed. imo they've all had the closure they need narratively and for him to seek them out again would be a dick move of the highest degree
5 words to best describe them: used to have good intentions. that might be cheating but idk if I can pick 5 random adjectives lmao
my nickname for them: I call him darkles sometimes (bc it's funny and also I think it'd piss him off if people called him that in-universe) also a lot of less positive nicknames ("that prick", "shithead" etc) but idk if that counts
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
/727218272178700288/ "only gay for you" does seem to be less common than it used to be, and i wonder if it's related to more cultural gay acceptance along with that more writers are openly queer (and also queer and have been out for a while, which is why i think coming-out-stories seem to be less popular than 10 yrs ago). i suspect a lot of it was wanting to write M/M or F/F but not wanting to specifically id a character as LGBTQ+, feeling weird about identifying them with "gay people"
The classic version from back in the zine days often seems to operate on the logic that this one relationship is Very Special And Different. These are people who not only have one OTP per fandom, but they often have one fandom total that they're in for multiple decades.
Not everyone wrote like that even back in the day, but there was a lot more of that long-term devotion to one thing and a lot more people felt the need to show why this particular thing was unique. It's very different from the mindset that you can just ship any characters from anything.
I think it's probably less related to thinking queer people are weird in some specific way and more to do with a general cultural vibe that queerness is rare and anomalous and thus requires explanation when it appears in fiction.
But it's also about fandom culture.
If you want to see how people thought about this in the early 90s:
When I look at fandom or BL in Asian languages, I see a similar progression of different waves of fandom culture that are probably partly a reaction to a glut of one type of take. "Yes, yes, we established that it makes sense to ship them/produce original BL. Moving on!" etc.
I'm sure it's not the exact same set of waves in every era or place, but there is a general tendency for fandom (or, indeed, a literary movement or a genre) to build on itself like this.
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